le dolturt)ikq. (OOttMBU DKMOCniT, BTAnorTTIK NORTH, Mid CO LOMBIAN, Consolidated.) Ixncil Wceklr, every Friday MnrnlnH, nt BLOOMSnUltd, COU'MMA CO , I'd., at two tiottAtui per year. To mibwrlbcrs out of tho county tho terms sro strictly In advance lNo paper discontinued except nt tho option of Uie publishers, until nil nrrcnrngcg nro paid, but lontf continued credits will not bo given. Alt papers ncnt nut of tho Hinto or to distant pent omccs must be paid forln advance, unless a resnon Bible person In Columbia county assumes to pay tho snbscrlptlon duo on demand. , rosrAtiK Is no longer exacted from subscribers In tho county. JOB PRINTING. The Jobbing Departmcntof tho Colombian Is very completo, and our .lob lTlntlnit will compare favor ably with that of t he largo cities. All work dono on short notice, neatly and at moderate prices. -vrs of oVsifiq 1M Ono Inch...,. ,. 13 00 Two Inches sea Threo Inches.,,,, 4 CO Four Inches Boo Quarter column., 6 ro llalf column 10 00 One column sooo DM t'JW 400 BOO 700 800 1400 25 60 ill (SCO 600 700 900 1000 1700 SOOO M tsoo 800 11 00 IHtO 19 00 !00 BO 00 IT t00 1900 18 (H SOOO S3 00 Ml 00 100 00 Yearly advertisement! navahlo quarterly. Tran sient nurcmscmcniH must mi immiur wiwhiiuki cd except where parties liavo account, Lcftnl advertisements two dollars per Inch for threo Insertion, and at that .rato for additional. Insertions without referenco to length. Executor's, Administrator's, and Auditor's notices mire tioiinrs. aiuavuu piuuiu, nuwtmo.in.u. Transient or Local notices, ten cent s n lino, rciru- lar advertisements halt rates. 1 ' i 'bITTENBIkI)EB, nVbn. BLOOMSBTJltG, PA., FRIDAY, JULY 7, 1882. THE COLUMBIAN, VOL. XVI.NO -J7 OOLUMIIIA DKMOOKAT, VOL. XLVt, NO ID Cards tho 'lluslness Dlrcotory1 column, one dollar car for each line. Mm THE AILEY, ANKS & glDDLE WATCHES Are without exception the best in the market at the prices at which they are offered. They arc all guaranteed satisfactory. In writing for information, it is suggested that inquirers state either the kind of watch desired or about the price they wish to pay. Full particulars sent on request. BAILEY, BANKS & BIDDLE, Twelfth and Chestnut Sts., Philadelphia. Rupture ITS RELIEF ana CURB as CERTAIN as day FOLLOWS itj by Br. J A. SBBRUAU'5 U3TII0D With safety from tho dangers of strangulation and without the Injury trusses Inflict. Thoie wlsulotr proof bhould send Hi cunis tor his book; containing likenesses of bad cases before and after cure, alto endorsements of professional gentlemen, Ministers, Merchants, Farmers and others who have been cured. Trusses and rupture sooner or later nlTect tho nervous and mental aystums, bring oa orgaslo diseases, lmpotcncy, destroy energy and social aeslrcs. maklnr thn young ola and tin olduatlea. OlUces, Ml .llroadway, N. Y., 802 Walnut St., I'hlla. Days for consultation, oacu week-N'ew Terlt, Mondays, Tuesdays, Saturdays; I'hlla. Wednesdays, Thunsdajs and Fridays, aurlng Deceintw, after that every other week-. April Hi -4w WANTED. SALESMEN. To unvftu for the lale of our Nunervl ( Block. Unequalled facllltlM. Halarr and! fintiRCH mild. SOJncronf FmltundOrnal IzniiuUl rrpos, Kiirutw, hohc, etc. Jun, so, im. FOR SALE. Tho following properties from $300 TO $12,000 Variously located In ULOOMSHUKG nml other pluces, nltonling cheap homes or prof. Itftblo investment. A Frame Dwelling; In good condition. A 8PKCIAL BARGAIN. Several Small FRAME DWELLINGS. Desirable cheap homes or good investments. A number of Better Fiiamk Dwei.i.inos Pl.EASAKTLY I.OO.VTEI). -BRICK DWELLINGS - from CHEAP to BEST at various locations. BUILDIHO LOTS on nearly all streets at va rious prices. CoNTitACTs JIade to IUni.i) FRAME OR BRICK BUILDINGS of any description, to bo done promptly and satisfactorily. FARMS VOXi SALE In Bloom, Benton, Fishlngcreelc, Hemlock, Madison, Milllin, Montour, Jackson Pine, Catawissa nml Centre townships. The nbovo at all prices and embracing land for Farming, Grazing, Trucking and Tobac co Raising. Also several cood TIMBER TRACTS and SAW MIIXS. Aio HrsiNKsH Locations with trade estab. lislicd, Including a Woolen Mill, in Good Condition and Location, Carriago Manufactory, Coal Yard, Limo Stono Quarries, and Kilns. All tho abovo can bo bought at fair prices and on reasonable terms. For particulars, apply to JOHN A. FUNSTON, PAUL K WHIT. "lEOH DALE FURNACES, FOR SALE I Tho BlootnsburK iron Company ofTer for sale at a low prtce,thelr furnaces and all their real estato and mining rights In Columbia and Snyder coun ties, 1'cnn'a., with or without their chartered rights. Also, such parts of their stock, and other ' personal property as purchasers may desire. For further Information apply to C, It. l'AXTON, I'res't. Junoo.tt llloomsburr, I'n DJIINIHTHATOK'S NOTICE. B3T1TK Or WIIXUM MOWIHY UBCEASIO, Letters of Administration on the ostate of Wil liam Moivery.late of catawissa tw'p.,Columbla co. l'enna, deceased, have been granted by the llegls ter of said county to Margaret Bowers admin istratrix. All persons having claims ugulnst the ostato oftbo decedent are requested to presen' them for settlement, und thosu Indebted to tlu ostate to make payment to tho undersigned ad ministratrix without delay, HlliWK, M AlitlAUHT I10WEIIS. Attorney. Administratrix. Juno U 'W catawissa. u ditou,sn6 tTce. " XiTATt Or I.l VILLI MIMAIIII, HTK OK TUK TOWN OK BI)U11SUI'IIII, UKCKAStU. Notice Is hereby glveu.lhattho underilgned. an pointed an auditor to distribute balani o U the funds in the hands of John (1, 1'rerzo, administra tor ut said Uecedeut, as showu by his tlnal accouut. to the pu ties entitled thereto; will attend to the duties of blj appointment at the otllcu ui C. O. Uarkley In Bloomsburs, on Monday July iltli, is. at leu o'clock luthe forenoon, for tho pur pose of hlsappolutuieut. Allpersou9 hatlngelulmk Uon said fuua urn requeued 10 muku the iiamu beroro thesa'.d auditor urbofoiover debarred from coining lu 011 Bald fund. JOIINM.CLAHK, Juno 30 .4w Auditor, I'DITOlt'S NOl'IOE. BSTATK OK 011VI1.LK IUIUIISOM, PCCKA8IIII, The undersigned auditor appointed by tUu ( r phnn's Court of Columtla county, to makudUtrl butlun of the fund lu the hands of the aJmr, on a p. pears by the Hnal account, ll perform Ihu duties of his nnpolutmeiit st his olllco In Blooms burg, oa Saturday, JulyiW, U81, at ten o'clock In the?prcaoon, when and where all persons Inter ested must appear and provo their claims or bo debarred from any share of said fund, I., li. WALLKIt, Auditor, Juuoso-iw UDlTOll'S REI'OKT OF CENTRAIJA SCHOOL DISTRICT For the year ending June 19, nil. DAVID WALSH. Collector In account wUnCcrira. 11a school District. Dll. To amount of duplicate It'TO Jl " balance duo from last audit.... ss 24 Cll. By amount paid troasurer 1S4 6 ' Unseated land tax ret'd W Com. 35 11) " Exonerations 70 7s 5 per cent commlsMon on lw Si M 4 uaianco duo dibtnct loss o MM il Qeorga Troutmac, Treasurer, In account with Centralla School District. DH. To amt received from collector... 1S40 t9 ' " state appropriation m w " " received from Kreeie & Eyerly for It. Curlcy 104 81 " " received frem Jus- Dalley treasurer 1871 is 34 " balancoduou.'rroutman.treas OS lies o Cll. By amt of orders redeemed 1417 83 ' " paid Oct. , '81 on J. (J. Torrey Judgment vs. tvntralli School iHst lto oa Ily 2 per cent commission on 25 51 33 IINASCIAL STaTBMKNT. Dll. To amt of order outstanding last rcnort 440 8) To amt of orders Issued ilurlsg year lMf vt WOT 4 Cll. Ily amt of orders redeemed 1417 S3 " " " still outstanding... tw S4 UKCAriTULATION." sain 4 I.HDIL1TIK3. Amt of bonded Indebtedness last report "37 is Amount of Interest on same it tl Less amt p Id on J. 0. Torrey Judg 150 00 Balance on bonded Indebtedness en 41 791 41 Amt 01 oraers sun ouutnnaiDg... 690 14 . 1111 05 ASSETS. Amt due by li. Curley 1K70 7 u " " ' Jos. llellieyisw M ' " " I)..WttUll w u Llablll ties more thunaesetH 414 ts llll 5 We, the andlton fer tho Borough of Centralis, have examined the above accouuu and llnd them to 10 correct as staled. THOMAS IIUHI'IIY. II. J CUItllAN. V Auditors. j. 1: W. IIILHY, Juno 3D ism -rum:- READY-MIXED AND PASTE, LEAD PAINTS H- c()jiiiim:i with PURE LINSEED OIL, AN II FINE COLORS, NO UNPLEASANT ODOR. Satisfaction Guaranteed OH MONEY REFUNDED. DELIVERED FflEE OF FREIGHT Where wo have no agent. fcSyOrilers nml inquiiicH by Mull or 'lelqiliono rtci'ivo rid wit uttuniioii -ADimiSHH.- MontourWhite Leafl'Zinc&ColorWorks RUPERT, PA. WM. E, B. DAVIES, Muy v4 .ma SUP'T. JAMIiH ltKiMr, Tonsorlal Artist, f.$Su lhl! 011 "ttl"1 una'f KXCIIANO llorUI and has ah ntmnl a wiith',.,,, ,t BAItuau anoi'. Ho respectfuuy HOlleiti the pitronago of bis old customers and of the punito generally, (slyu.'w-tf AGENTS WANTED to supply the wide demand for tho authentic uv iunt of the "OtimT THAUKDY" (murder of tUtUold, (Extraordinary Trial and Flnm Exccutiou of Quitoau Low I'rlce. Qulclc Bales. Ilk Terms. No time to lose. Address Uvbdadd Haas., W Chestnut st,, I'hlla. d JunoH 4w. MNNEGER'S J88S. 14spffl:nUruVonr.C0NSUMPTI0N cnitls. Orders from medical men for this wonderful cure come In from all oer tho country. rrice periciuemu. con oe tei.i uv express to any mortir. II. C. ItNNEMKltiu., Uoxsis Wllllamspoit, l'f a june tu, in . Mil In tht wrM Muni t tt fr th euri f DcrefvU, flm, Roll., Ttlttr, KM Serf i. bort r.j II, Mmurui Piift, rtttrrh im irrtin, rmm Ctmpuut, and t Plooi , 1 dlictir. U fall. All rlrntihtt ml ' coatr; itort kttpm tell It. ft. T, Arlirrt Ai:.Vr M'ANTtill. t?A to lilO per Mnnlh. ir i ornn, injure. j. u, MiCURIY A; Co., l1li.ladcli.hla, Ti AGENTS Wanted .fcR';4S,.ll!f 1ht:S 1 in t.rlcej ttllinr (, nvrtlt-I f when Mbrrttt termi. M. I h h 0 0 h: h Q I 7AHMEUS AND THUESIlEltS WISH- lug H purrlu-o tlrst e.asu article! of Threshers and Separators, aIro mm tnrl tivn.linrk 'I'tmiil lintv,,, ThroHberBiiUd bunkers, will do well to 1 u(l 011 or auurcsH J, M, I1UI.M1MKII, l.fi'hlfti r.,nl. 1111 work wairaDted' feud for price llt and iTuiuo uu. 4u u.iut uacmucs aru ianU' ftctured tor this bccilou of the country, June lu, 3. m. Q It. & W. J. I1UOKALEW, A'lTOHNUVS-AT-LAW. lll.ooum'i:o, I'l, omco on Jlalu street, 1st door below court Houe. 1BHH mm Osborn's Family l'alnts ready for uso arc the most convenient nrticlo of the Ulml, all similes anil colors, put wi in J, J anil pint cans. Wo ftirtilsli a can of paint ami brush for 25 ccnls. Saxollno Petroleum Jdlv, ueil forlmrnH scalils anil Kores of every kinili it Is cooil anil cheap. Saxollno Poinnilo for the hair, highly perfumed, 2.1 conK alycerino Lotion. To Indies and children or any person with a lino sensitive skin and whoso complexion Is nITecleil by the w-cnthcr causing redness, roiiclmcss and chapping this Lotion Is invaluable An excellent ap plication to the face after shaving. Lnrgo bottles 25 and t0 cents. Our Block of Hair and Toothbrushes has been replenished and contains some good bargains. Wo carry a complete and well soli cled stock, und competent persons at e always In attendance, to supply the wauls of our pat rons. Wo study to pleae, and believe we can supply you with evervlhing in our lino economically, satisfactorily anil in a manner calculated to induce to join in the verdict, that our store is Me place lo trade. Hoping to sue many leaders of tho Coi.umman at our place of business shortly and soliciting a share of your esteemed patronage, wo re main Very Truly Yours N. J. Hendershott. ORPHANS' COURT SALE OV VAMJ.MlLi: By vlrtuoof ;an order of iho Orpli'ins" Court of Columbia co'iuty Iho underMgncd guardian of lletlhen Orange, a minor child of William Orange, late of Catawissa township, deceased, will cxpo.o to publta sale ou tho premises In Catawlss town ship on SATURDAY, JULY 22, 1882 at ten o'clock a. m. tho follow log described lands: Tnicr No 3. Tlio undMd'd one half luterest In all that certain lot of ground Mtuato In tho town ship of Catawissa bounded and detcrlie'd as fol ljws to win Bounded on tlm East by land of Yettcr Estate nnd land of Cotlmiin Estate, on thn West by land of Daniel KrelKh, and ou the Houth by .N'orth street of Boberts addition to tb Town of CatawUsa, contalnlnc Unco tens, moiu or less. TiucT No 4. Tho undivided Ono half part of all that certain lot of yrom d Mtuato In tho Township of catawissa bounded us follons: Beginning at a white oak, comer of land formerly of Thomas tills, thence by same South 2 degrees West, six. teen ana eight-tenths juicbes to a post, thence by land of Lewis Yetttr South Mxly-sevcn digues Bast thirty-four perches, thence N'ortU tweuty two degrees West tweuty-ulua and slx-tonths perches to an oak, llunco Noith five d.isrecs East twenty-elslit perches to;a hickory, thsnco by laud south twcnty-nlco and one-half degrees West thirty-one porches. t J tbojplaco of Begin nlng. CouUilnlng thice aeies aijd one hundred nnd Ufty-ilve pjrehes mare or losi. Thact No 5. The undivided one half Interest of all that certain lot of gr oucd, Mluatu In the towu' bhlp tf catawlssi, Beginning ut u whllo oak eor. nor of above tiact No. i, nnd thenco by same North twcnty-ulno and one-half degrees Cast thirty-one perches lo u hickory .ithenco by land of West twelve nud ouo half pereboi to a stouo heap, thence Mouth thirty-one degrees, West one perch to land of Mojer ettate, thence by same South elghty-oua degrees, Bast tveuty-tivo and oi.o halt perches to place of beglunlng,,contalnlug two acres anJ llfleuu p rches morj or less, TitAcr No. 0 '1 bo undl Ided one halt luterest In all that certain lot of ground situate la Catawissa township bounded as foloivs: Beglunlng ut a slots nud from thence by laud ctKrefgh South eighty una ono hull decrees, liast six erehes to a por, thence by same North thirty and one half, degrees fast or.o perch to post, thenco by Bame south seventy-nlii uil uao half a;recs Bast ten torches to u post, tt,cuco North thirty and one half d.-grees. fast thirty-six perc es to stone lu 1 no ot luid or louu Hitter, thenco by said lino North etghty-ulue degrees, West U enty and eUht-tentl. peiehes to post, thenco by landot srepnou naiay, south twoo and ono half degrees west thirteen perches to a pine, thenco by same South thirty-two degrees, Wcm twenty percbes to piai'e uf beginnlng-ccualulng three ncr sand ntty-8lx perches more or lees Tkiims or sit.K Ono third Iho pmclm-ie rroney to remain lutbo land, tbc Interest to bo paid to tho widow of William Orange, deceased, annually. Ten per coat, of tho ono fourth of the balance of pur chose money to bo paid at t o -tilkln? doun of the propel ty, tho ono-fourth of tho balance less the ten per reut. at the connrm;t!on of;tho talo and tho remaining threo-fourlha of the bal.nco In ono year theieatter, with luterest from eoanr- matlon nlst, w. II. kiuwh, CLINTON KI.LIS, Attorney (Juardl.nii. IIANOE OF XA.Mi:. Notlco Is hereby given, that In pursuaneo ot the netlllou of JetHlu . Msher tt oianeeilli.. In im- couuty of Coliimblu, (a daughter of William KIUir aim iteveccu nu wm- oi ice samii place), men in Ike court otcemmou I'lrasof uld ceur.ty. at l"eb. luarv Term. lv. thusald court ill.l on thmum ilayi.f Juue. 1SS, order tnd de.reo that the name of ih'i suld Jessl" s. t'ls'ier b- changed toJesslu S Couner. .md directed that notice or the said de. ereo should bo published for four succesliti wee ks in me --uoiu'udiiu new-paper pun isneu at W.M.KlllCKIIAUM, Prot. o. M. qvKK, neputy, July o, iw i LUMBER YAR Tho Undersigned havo Opened' a LIB Ylll IN Ci NNKCl'ION WITH TIIEIll MBROAKTILB BUSINESS and propotc to deal In ALL KINDS OF LUKim the iimiiEsTrntitENT imuces win J!K PAID, nnd wo will sell nt the LOWEST PRICKS. All persons having LrilBER TO SULL, ami tlioso dealrliig lo purchase should WiMt am Yard: And CoiiHtilt our Prices. beroro 8EI.MNG tir ISL'YINO elsmvliert'. LIMjEY & SLEPPY, Oranjycville, Pxi. Wanamaker's. We'll try the experiment awhile of giving you a little more spe cific news about goods, Wc know well, if we can get such news to you promptly, that it will be acceptable. You can write or come. White muslin dresses at about three-quarters value. A few are shown in the window of 1 301 Chestnut, each one marked with its price. Very many more are within. The materials are nainsooks, linonsd'lnde, mullsandSwisses. Some are very plainly made with little or no trimming be yond some deft handling of the material itself; and some are elaborate enough. The ex treme prices are $3.50 and 60. An excellent plain dress is sold for 5 ; neat and well made. Lowpriccscan almost always be put upon such goods a little late in the season. It's rather early now ; but profitable mak ing appears to be over already. Just now you have the double advantage of many suchdresses to choose from and low prices. livl 1 1 30 j Chcidiiutttrci't. Ready-made dresses of a black-and-vhitc striped fabric that looks like summer silk, but is silk-an .1-cotton. For general wear thy will ba found quite food enough; better indeed than summer-silk. Well made and substantial ; but the chief virtue h in the price, $10. 1301 and 1S03 Clicil;iut ttrect, tccoad floor. Black grenadines have been one of the most distinguished features of our trade for two months past. We have had the fmest in the world, and all grades down to the poorest that we care to keep; and a wonderful variety of patterns. Figured grenadines that brought $2 lately are selling at $1. And this may be taken as a general indication of what we are doing in grenadines. Ncxt-cutcr circle, eoutli entrance to malu building. r An extraordinary debeige, extraordinary in quality and width, we are selling at 50 cents ; 47 inches. No lady who can use debeige will be inclined lo pass it ; for it is worth twice the money. J he melanges at 40 to 60 cents a'e worth a half more, just about. There are four qualities, and somewhere about fifty color-effects. fc'eeonJ circle, boutheoit from center. If dress-goods are lower than they were elsewhere we don't say they arc. Advertisements say they are; but there is a cer tain shyness in those same ad vertisements, which makes them not very impressive. If dress goods are lower elsewhere in our city, the fall is due to the singular spectacle here of three great classes of the most fash-ionabledress-goodsat a fraction of theirvalue: French melanges, small checks and small-check stripes of wool and silk-and-wool, and black lainage. We mention these three, be cause they stand out from the rest of the stock, conspicuous in two ways; they are fashionable, peculiarly so ; and they are at half, two-thirds or three-quarters' value. Third anil Jjurth elrcles, south from center. Sash ribbon, satin-and-gros-grain, 7-inch, of value $1.15 for 75 cents; all colors. We refer to a particular sort, of which we have three thousand yards. Black moire, 7-inch sash, 90 cents. Block sash at $1 we arc out of part of the time; but we re ceive some every morning. Do not confound this quality with that sold at 65 cents elsewhere. Outer circle, by loutUeniraueot o main building. Silk mitts, ordered from the makers a year ago, include a wider range in the colors than ever before: black, 50 cents to 4.50; white, cream, ecru, terra cotta, cardinal, etc., 75 cents to $7. Wistcf .'.roade, IT.a C!ietnut leventh counter. John Wanamkhu. riieMnut. Thirteenth nn 1 Mnrki t itiwU uii.l Ciiy-I.uil i')U..U', I'luLtdulpliIa, l HAimiAN KKI'IISSENTS TUK KOLLOWINU AMERICAN 1NSUHAN0E COMPANIES Lycoming ot Muncy reunylrauta. North American ot Philadelphia, I'o. Krunklln of l'enusjlvanln ot 11 Farmers of York, l'a. Hanover of Now York. Manhattan ot New York, onico ou Market Street, No, 5, Moom&hurir. The Columbian. bloomurgTpa., FRIDAY, JULY 7tli, 1882 Millard Tubus of tho Mountain Echo has been nppolnti;tl postmaster ut Bhlckshtnny. .8!), 000 was the Inst monthly pay of the Jackson & Woodln Manufacturing Co. of Hcrwlck. Tho truck laying on tho N. & Y. II, It. It. was completed from Catawissa toNnntl- coko on July llrd. The Wllllamsport Urtnlfait ThbU tht week will contain a portrait of Judge Elwcll. Mr. Henry Merman & Mary Wnsley mem bers of this yoar'.s class at tho Norm nl School received positions as teachers In Shenandoah. Wo nro Indebted to It. D. Darlington of Itupert for tine catalogue of excursion routes on Philadelphia aiid'ltcadlng it. H. for 1883. D. M. Kinter caught over two hundred trout ou Juno 30th, near Elijah Hess'. Guests of lirown's Hotel enjoyed part of them, the rest of them Geo. A. Clark bought. Tho attention of farmers is culled to the advertisement of Messrs Dniigh ifc Sons, In another column. Tho reputation of their Phosphate Is world-wide. Send for Cir cular. Tho county commissioners were trying a lawn mower on Wednesday evening. They propose purchasing one for keeping tho lawn In nlcu condition In front of tho Court House. The new fountain which tho senior class had erected on tho Normal school grounds, Is very beautiful. Tho statuary is of terra cotta and is called "Tho Threo Fishers." T. h. Gimton furnished It for tho class. A cold rain commenced on Monday even ing and continued during the greater part of the following two days. The basket picnic to bo held in Oak Grove on July 4th was postponed ou ac count of tho Incessant rain. IloAiiniNa.-Afew boarders can be accom datcel at Mrs. W. H. Jacoby's on Centre street, one-half sepiaro below Main. Wc publish only a half sheet this week, but make up for it by a supplement con tnltilng a full account of Guiteau's execution. Many papers throughout tho State do not issue at all on the week of the Fourth. Miss Hannah Itublu, Miss Ida Hnrkncss and Miss Hatty E-Itoblns, late graduates of tho Normal School have received posi tions as teachers in tho schools of Wilkes liarre. Tho Treasurer of Moomsburg Statu Nor mal School will pay tho interest due to .March 1st 1882 on the Bonds, upon pre sentation of lionds. H. J. Clark Treasurer nt II. J. Clark A Son's store. A pure wldtu rat was caught In a wire trap at the residence of h. N. Moyer, in thU place. It is about two-thirds grown, bus pink eyes and looks very pretty. Its mate has also been seen. Mr. Moyer has tho rat in n cage and will endeavorito tame It. The Winona Fire Company spent tho Fourth in Lock Haven and had h very pleasant lime. The band accompanied them and both musicians and fireman were highly complimented ou their excellent music and lino uppeurance. Full particu lars next week. A joint conference of the I.uzerne nnd Lackawanna Hoard of commissioners will meet at.Scranton on Friday fomoon to ef- feet n settlement in regard to the indebted ness of nearly $200,000 of the County of l.u.crno before the division of that county. Asparagus is said to bo good for rheu matism, strawberries somu say are a sover eign remedy for dyspepsia, nnd green peas are prescribed for eruptions. Fortunately for people in moderate circumstances beef stenk does not possess ono medicinal epial ily. Main & Co'b show on July 4th did not draw much of a crowd. The continuous cold rain was too much even for tho anxious circus goer. Ono of the athletes.Mr. Shed- man of Wllllamsport while leaping over live horses fell under the last ono and was trodden upon by the horse two of his ribs wero broken besides sustaining many bruises. If you want a copy of tho History of Columbia County now is the time to sub scribe. It will bo it book of about flOO pages, und will cost $2.50 in cloth binding, 3.00 half morocco, nnd ifil.EO full sheen, and will bu ready for delivery sometime next fall. Send your naino to tho Coi.tiM wax odlce, liloomsburg, Pa. A few weeks ago wo mentioned that the wlnlergreon distillers were to be subjected o severe internal revenue taxation. Wo havo since received the better news from Con- gressinan Koltz that the authorities at Was ington wero Induced to reconsider, and that the Industry of distilling wlntergreen and birch oil wll' not bo Interfered with. Qiibon J)finntmt SKINNY MEN', "Wells' Health Itenewer" restores healtl: and vigor, cures Dyspepsia, Impotence, exual Debility, if 1 Just received a i.ow lot of Elgin, Walt hum, Springfield and other make of watches iu open and hunting cases, warranted from two to llvo years. Also sliver plated teaspoons ono dollar a set, table spoons two dollars a set, nt I, Heriiliurd'd Jewelry Store. 0 O.tf Some portion of the rebuilt wlin of r tho Hospital at this place is reculvinir n last coat of piasiering. On tho rear portion of main or centre building tho bricklayers progiesklng rapidly. Tho lower of tho first story Is up and ou some portions the sceoni ine worn is neing pusiieu forward rapl anil the probabilities are that before Idly tho coming winter sets iu at ono least of tho female wuril buildings and transepts will bo finished ready for oecupancv. Thl its is very desirable, as the friends of fenml patients In the counties embraced within the Danville Hospital district, who aro ob liged to place them iu Iho State Institution, eiesiro to iiuvo them lu ono In tho lie elgh borhood of their home where thev enn Ult them instead of seudlmr them olT to Ihu Warren or llarrlsburg asylums. jAmr On Friday Juno UOth, Eugcno Dodson, placed n ladder on r declining tin roof of a cramla, at Mr. Pursers, to paint the house, the ladder slipped and threw Dodson to the ground lie was consldcrbly bliilsed but not seriously. After lie had gone homo John Zimmerman placed tho ladder In the sumo position nnd began painting In n moment ho was thrown to tho ground and ts seriously Injured, his ono leg wag paralyzed. TcaclicrH Appointed. At a meeting of tho llonrd of School Di rectors held on Friday evening of Inst week, the following teachers were cho3cti! Principal, H. W". Ilucklngltnmj Assistant, '. 11. Miller. Tllllil) HTIIKET. Itoom No. 2, Evn Itupert, Assistant Han nah Urcecej Itoom No. 0, Sarah Vnnnattn, Assistant, Dora A. Starr; Itoom No. 4, 'lorence Wirt, Assistant, Gcorgle Pursell. FIFTH BTltltKT. Itoom No. 1, Amelia Armstrong! Itoom 3, Miss C. IJ. Wclllver, Assistant Charles W. Jones; Itoom No. 8, Wm. H. Hrookn, Assistant Lulu Potter, Itoom No. Mnry Unungst, Assistant Mary' Peuniau. The salary of tho Principal was fixed nt i05 a month, Assistant if 40. No. 1, Fifth street, if 45. Principals in other rooms SEW, sslstnnts, if 30. Schools will bo opened the first Jlonday in September. Newspapers, and not public speakers, says nn exchange, really fight tho battles of parties, nud lu the pending canvass in Pennsylvania the Journalists of tho parties lilch havo candidates lu tho field nrc now earnestly at work. It Is also a fact that tho otirnallsU of neither party receive tho re- ignition or reward which they deserve, u fact for which in most part they aru to blame, for as n rule the nowspnper men do not assist themselves for their ownlnterests half as zealously us they contend for tho nnts and wishes of others. Aliuut Rose IIiihIich. Pull your roses, or rather cut them Irom tho stalk, us soon ns Ihcy havo reached their full of bloom, and do not cut them too near tho branch on which they appear. Every full blown rose taken from the stalk helps tho growing buds. To allow a rose to remain and reach an overbloom, until Its rankness causes it to drop oIT leaf by leaf, Is withdrawing vigor from remaining buds. Pluck or cut your roses, and enjoy them ns personal parlor or dining room adornments. A Clever Trick. A ono nnned pensioner who bus been going the rounds of Luzerne county for some months past, called upon n dealer In old clothes iu Wilkes Barre, one day last week, and told a pitiful tale to tho dealer. lie pensioner said that lie desired to go to Hazlcton to sec his relatives, and not hav ing any money or clothes to go there he pulled out u pension Toucher and said he would pay for n suit if tho dealer in old clothes would let him have n suit and give him the balance. Tho clothier, thinking that tlte U. S. pension warrant was as good as gold, gave the man a suit and returned Im the balance iu tolid cash. The cloth icr sent ids voucher to W'nshlncton, Iclllnc the pension ofitccrs lo remit forthwith. Hut instead of gelling ids voucher cashed written note was enclosed stating that tho money had been paid. Tho clothier then had tho pensioner arrested and brought before Alderman Itooney, who sent him to jail in default of iffiOO ball. The pensioner was taken out of Jail on riday on u wilt of habeas corpus and brought before Judge Rice, who allowed tho prisoner to go scot free on his own recognizance. According to this ruling the clothier will whistle a long time ere ho els his money. ItccdH Recorded. The following deeds have been recorded since those last published: Henry Longer to Lewis Hakcr, lleaver. It. A. Schweppenheiser, treasurer, to Charles C. Itoads, Heaver. C. P. Waller and wife to H. C. & I. W. Hnrtman, liloomsburg. Iheodore F. Conner to Samuel J. Conner, Centre. Mayberry G. Hughes to George Washing ton Adams, Locust. A. C. McIIenry to J, 11. Luubuch, ISeuton. Isaiah M. HInes nnd wife to Isaiah Hower Berwick. Emanuel Frantz and wife to Peter Bower, Berwick. Peter Bower nnd wife to Isaiah Bower, Berwick, Thornton A. Smith nud wife, et. nl- to Conrad Kramer, Madison. Isaac Kliugerman and wife to Jacob Kllngerman, Beaver. Isaiah John und wife to Harriet C. John, Catawissa. 3Iary McMannman to Win. A. Marr, Conyngham. Wm, A. Marr to Bernard Bresslin, Con- yngham. Catherine Piter's, heir to Mnllndn Kelcb- ncr, Milllin. H. F Clark & George S. Gilbert to John It. Boyer, Catawissa. Daniel It. Hosier and wife to Joshua I Thomas, Jackson. Tho Summer number of Strawbrldge & Clothier's Quarterly Just received, furnishes the ladies with many well-Illustrated ar. tides ou subjects of luterest to them ; sucli as, fashion, homo art, and domestic ecouo my. Besides tho usual gossip on fashion which Is supplemented later on Iu tlio book by hundreds ot illustrations, there aro lu structlve urtlelcs telling how things should bo dono. "How to Shop," treats of uu art that all ladles practice; "Dress Making" will bo read with profit! "House Furnish' lug" gives much practical tulviso (hat Is worth following; nnd reasonable ''Hints ou Bathing" are given. Iu addition to which may bo learned, how to make dress caps, how various articles are embroidered, how to bu well-dressed, mid how to statu glass. From the "C.iro of Children knowledge may bo gained that Is of great use in emergencies. The serio-comic "Tale of a Trunk," Is worth listening to ; and ihu full page of Illustrations should bo cure fully eXHinlned so that nonool tho "points' of the artist bo overlooked. Tlio "Kettle- Drum Hacqult," Is an easy and melodious pleco of instrumental music that will provo a permanent addition to tho class to which It belongs. Tlio frontispiece represents pair of lovers In a lane, nnd will bu pleasant' ly suggestive to all. Strawbrldgo Clothier's Quarterly, I published at fifty cents a year, by Straw bridge and Clothier, Eighth and Market Streets, Philadelphia. A copy ot this fashion magazine slioul d Tlte I-'nriucrH and tlic Literary Revolution. A recent Issue of the "American Agri culturist" contains some Insinuations re flecting upon tho character of tho Useful Knowledge Publishing Company, or New York. They aro insinuations only, no di rect allegations being made. Their only foundation is malice and fear, on the part of tlio Agriculturist publishers. Tho average cost of books published by The Useful Knowledge Publishing Company, lu proportion to their real vnluo Is less than ono fifth of tlio average cost of the agricul tural books published by tho Orange Jitdd Co. Within less than threo years tho "Literary Revolution" gave the American people over ono million dollars' worth of the choicest books tho country has ever scent more In bulk nud In real valuo than Judd lias given them for llvo million dol lars. No class Is abused more nbomluably by tho book publishers than tlio fanners. I was a fanner boy before I was n publisher, nnd know something of both sides. Twenty five years ago I was n barefooted boy, driving nn ox- breaking team through tlio hnzel-brush and praric grass of Iowa, nnd reading Grlmshaw's "England, and "New York Tribuno" between times by the fire light nt night, nnd I got there a little too much of "Useful Knowledge" nnd of strength to allow baseless slander to over throw tlio enterprise to which I have given my life. Judd shall realize his fear that tho Userul Knowledge Publishing Com wlll publish agricultural books as well as other books, nnd It will not chargo ifl.CO Tor n book Hint does not cost 15 cents to mnnuracturc. In response to pressing and almost distressing calls from all over the country, from farmers, farmers' boys and teachers, It will also enter the field of school-book publishing presently, and wo shall see what will become of tho high prices of tho rich nnd grasping publishers iu that Held. The Useful Knowledge Pub llshlng Company docs what Judd, and no other of tho old-llno publishers do, It sends Us books to any part of United States, and nllows privilege of examination before payment Is required. It supplies Us agents with copies of its clieap and beautiful publications for distribution among their customers, for examination nt their leisure, and nllows tho return of any books not wanted. Specimen pages of Us publica tions, catalogues, nnd terms to club agents, booksellers, and canvassers will bo sent frco upon request. Address the Useful Knowledge Publishing Company, 18 Vesoy St., New York. John B. Alden, Business Agent. Pens, pencils, pen holders, Ink, rubb ere, mucilage in great variety at tlio Couimhian store. MARRIAGES. BitiNK IriiEit Near New Columbus, on the 25th of June, 18S2, by the Itev. B. F. Keller, Mr. "William Brink of Jackson township, Columbia county, to Miss Julia A. Ipher, of Fairmount township, uzorno county, Pa. LOCAL NOTICES. Canton and Renfrew Dress Glnshams lOcts h yard at Clark it Son's. New lot just In. Why pay 13J and 15cts? C. C. Marr pays 20c for butter and eggs. Corn, oats, timothy and clover seed. Hour, meat, fish, also sperm, sweet, castor. choice and No. 1 nent's-foot, whale, linseed, machine, vacuum headlight, and cod liver oils, ready mixed paint In one and two lounii tin cans, aim uy tne quart nun gai on, different colors; choice nnd No. 1 nnd ! furniture and coach varnish, iu small or large quantities, white lend, putty, gluss, all sizes, hay rope and pulleys, for sale at Il.l.i t? 1... C-ll.. , 1 IIU QUUUl, run IS llJUIlg. JUUUlU--il Farmers dealliu: ut W. B Allen's can be accommodated with stabling, apr. 7-tf. Calves, lambs, larije sholes, fat sheep. corn, oats, rye, hay, oak and hemlock baric and wool wanted at Light Street, by Silas oung. juno iu u-w Linen Ulsters. Parasols. Hoop Skirts. 'aiders, Fans occ at Clark oc Son's. Go to AV. E. Geddls. for ireneral col. lection of green bouse and beuding plants. upi i -j m Lumber, lots of it for sale. Pino boards 2. 14. ami 10 feet Ion 2. phio plank 12. 14 and 10 feet lone:, hemlock board 12. 14 nnd lit feet long hemlock plank 12, 14, 10 and 18 feet long, joisls 12, 14, 10 and 18 icet long, -"vi runs 1.', 11, iu ami ih ieet long, Shingle Inth, ceiling lath, shingles No. 1, 2, and !!. Pickets and siding at Lightstreet by Silas Young. miiy iu-j 111 s iood clears as enn bo found In town are kept at W. B. Allen's East end gro cery. nprn i-u Bareralns In Black and Colored Dress Silks. Come see Chirk t Son's. Hutterick's July patterns at C. 0. Marr's In the absence of John Wolf, farmers wnntiiiir fai in machinery will please call at W. B. Allen's. april 7-tf Tlio Pittsburi; Dyo Company havo ap pointed William It. Hlii'Tosc. West street. second door from Third, as their agent Tor mis county uruers can no sent to 111s re sidence, and will lie promptly attended to. Good work guaranteed. 2w Flour and feed can always bo had at Allen's East end grocery. nprll 7-tf 0. C. Slarr wants butter, ecirs. lard. side. shoulder and Hum. W. B. Allen has Just opened a lot of new goods, embracing lino groceries, glass ware, painted china, queenswure, Ac. All of the best, and ut thu lowest prices. apill7-tf I, don't 0, how C. 0. Marr can sell cali coes for 5c. A HA1T1ST MISlSTKli'S KXl'KIUKNTK. I am u Baptist Minister, and before I even thoimht of beinii a clertrvman. I irrad. uated In medicine, but left a lucratlvo practice tor my present profession, 40 years ago. I was for many years a suirerer from quinsy! "Thomas's Eclectrlo Oil cuied mo." 1 was aiso irouuicii witn Hoarseness, nun 1 nonius' i-.ciectrlc uu always relieved we. My wife and child hnd iliphthciia, and "Thomas' Eclectrlo Oil cured them," and if taken in time it will cure seven times out of ten, 1 am confident it is a euro for tlio most obslluato cold or cough, and If any ono will take u small tenspoon and half till It with thu Oil, and then place tho end of tho spoon In ono nostril and draw tho Oil out ot the spoon into tlio head by sinf. ting us hard as they can, until tho Oil rails over into thu throat, and practice that twice a week, I don't care how oll'enslvo their head may be, It will clean It out and cure their catarrh. For deafness nud earache it has dono wonders to my certain knowledge. It is tlio only mediclno dubbed patent inetl Ictno that I havo ever felt like recommend ing, nnd 1 um very anxious to see It lu every place, ror I tell you that I would not bo without It lu my liouso loraii) consider ation. I am now Buffering with a putn like rheumatism In mv right limb, und nothing Hit. E. V Ciiask. Corry, Pa. 1 jnMligaMr, bo In the hands of all our lady lenders-