THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBUIlGr, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. The Columbian. bloomsburgTpa., FUIUAY, JUNE llOril, 1882. Correct nnllrimrt Time Tabic. Trains on the t'nlladolphla It. II. leave liupcrt as follows i MOUTH. SOUTH. isa.m. H4Ja.m. 4 oe p. m. P. m. Trslos on tho 1). h. & W. II. It. learo llloomsburg as follows: north. sooth. I 3 n. in. b )U a. m. 10 58 a. m. II 43 a. m. o 81 p. m. . P- m. Tho 1145 train south connccta with tho l'hlla. delphla A ItcadtDg at liupcrt, aad with the Northern Central at Northumberland. The 8:85 a. in tralnconnocta at Northumberland with !JJ train on Pennsylvania road roachlni Miliadeiphla attain p. in. , , Tho ll:lt train connects with 1'hlUdelphla and Heading roal at Kupert at 11:50 reaching Phila delphia at :0O p. m. . . , , Tlio U:4J truln connects with rannsylrsnU roal at Northumberland at 1:45 reaching 1'hlladcN phla at 1:95 p. m. ... , , Tho 4:si p m. train connects with Pennsylvania road nt Northumberland at 8:05 p. m. and reaches l'hlladolphla at !:55 a. m. I'CTHOIIUl. J. D. llodluc, "Ban., of JIalnvlllo was lu town Tuesday. Miss Hollo Caldwell of Danville, In visit. Ing Jllss Ada Harlman. Miss Illchnrt of West I'lttston and Miss Denn of Danville, nro the gnosis of Miss Atinlo niul Idrv Meridian!. llcv. Joseph A. Itusscll and wlfo were In town this week. Mr. Ilusscll wns rector of the Episcopal clmrcli twenty yeurs ago, nnd 1ms many old friends here. Ho la now In living Topeka, Kansas. Mr. nnd Mrs. A. It. Church of Ashland, Mr. anil Mrs. Harvey Slcklcr of TnnUlinn. nock, and Miss Nellie Coolcy of Wilkes llarre, wcru among the strangers who at. tended the commencement exercises. Judge, nnd Mrs. Klwcll, nnd son Charles will spend July In Wisconsin visiting rein tlvcs. M. L. Snyder Ksri., of Sunhury Is In town visiting friends, nnd attending the exercises of commencement week. Itev. Kclley of Stewcrtvlllc, N. J. former ly pastor of the Lutheran Church at Espy, wns visiting friends In this section during the past week. William Neal nnd family, Col. McClure nnd wife, Miss Ella McKlnney, Miss Leach and n number of others, making a party of fifteen, went to William Cole's at the foot of Norlh Mountain on Wednesday to spend two weeks. Lock Haven will have u big celebration on tho Fourth. Mnthlas Kindt lost his valuable stallion, John, on the 13th of June, from lung fever. There were forty-four deaths from yellow fever nt Havana last week. New styles of calling cards and card type just received at the Coi.u.mhun olllce. There is to be a general advance of wages all along tho line in thu Luzerne region, and the coal miners urc happy. The M. E. Sunday school, Aflon, Pa. will hold a festival on next Saturday even ing, July 8th- The annual election of officers of Winona Fire Company will take place next Mon day evening. A full attendance is desired. C. A. Prentiss while at work on u lathe accidentally got his linger In the cogs and hud pait of It torn off. The band wns out serenading last Mon flay evening and favored a number of families with their line music. Bloomsburg is to have some excitement on the Fourth after all. Main's circus will be here. Pens, pencils, pen holders, ink, rubbers, mucilage in great variety at the Comimwan store. We learn that A. C. Smith Esq., will soon go to Scrnnton to practice law per manently. H. E. Smith Esq., will con tinue his practice here. The lady friends of the llloomsburg Cornet Hand will have a festival at Evans' Hall this Friday and Saturday evenings. Patronize them. The sociable given by the young ladle's Guild of St. Paul's P. E. Church, at the Rectory on Thursday and Friday evenings last week cleared about twcnty-llve dollars. The gold mining fever has reached Har- rlsburg and several capitalists have enlisted with Dr. Smith in the prospecting enter prise now progressing on South mountain There will bu a festival in the Grove near Ucnlon on July -lth, for the benefit of the Uculon band. Other bands have been In vited and are expecteil to be present. A general good time Is nnllclpated. The picnic season has come. Last Fri day the members of the Presbyterian Church held one at Rupert, and on Satur day;the Model s chool of the Normal enjoy ed themselves in Harlon's woods, A party of young men, students of Cornell college, rcccutl) started lu an open boat from somu point on the Susquehanna above the York State line, their destination being Harrisburg. In the suit of Captain Hrockway by his assignee against Senator Huckalew, on nrbltrution on Monday and Tuesday at the Court House, after a full trial on the merits an award wns made in favor of the De fendant for 47.tt0. All tho coupons remaining on Normal School bonds will bo paid upon presenta tion to tho Trensurer nt tho store of Clark & Bon. H. J. Ci.aiik, Treasurer. Tlio Department of Public Instruction has stricken from tho provisional certificate tho figures 4 and 0. Superintendents nro therefore no longer asked to license teach ers who pass a poor examination. llcv. J. II. Grlcr of Danvlllo preached tho llaccnlaurcitc sermon before tho class of 1882 at the Opera Houso on Sunday morn Ing, n very largo congregation being pres ent. Revs. D. J. Waller Br., Donahue, Mitchell nnd Prof Currnn assisted In tho cxerelsc9. Mr. Grlcr prenchod In tho Pres. bylcrinn Church In tho evening. Within tho last few weeks thirty Hun garlnns, and Poles suffering from scurvy In its worst form as well as pneumonia, have been admitted to tho Luzerne county hospital. The disease Is ascribed to the almost exclusive use of salt meat by and the unclean habits of the Imported labor crs about tho mines. On Friday and Saturday evenings last week there was an abundance of festival In town. The Methodist congregation held one In Stern it's building and cleared about $75,00, and tho Reform congregation had ono at Evans' Hall, making about 480.00. Smokers must now lay In a sufficient supply of cigars on Saturday to last over Sunday, Constable Woodward last week notified nil persons dealing in tobacco that tho law would bu enforced against those who sell on Sunday. Samuel Seybcrt, an old resident of this countv. dronned dead at Ids daughter's In Orange township Friday last. He was np parently In good health, except that he had been allllcted with rheumatism. Tho f u ncral took place at Light Street, tho burial being at Orangevlllo on Saturday. Tho monthly Gospel Temperance meeting will bo held on Tuesday evening July 4th lu tho Evangelical Church on Fourth street commencing nt 8 o'clock, Tho subject of Temperance lu our Sabbath schools will be discussed. All Sabbath tchool teachers and olllccrs are earnestly requested to be present. Tho ofllco of tho Register and Recorder has been newly papered nnd painted nnd presents a greatly improved appearance. Mr. Sterner takes a good deal of pride in having a neat nnd clean ofllco, nnd these Improvements wero mado by tho com missloners at his solicitation nnd on the recommendation of tho grand Jury. They were badly needed. Just received a new lot of Elgin, Walt hnm, Springfield nnd other make of watches In open nnd hunting enses, wnrrnnted from two to five years. Also silver plated teaspoons one dollar a net, table spoons two dollars n set, at L. Ilcrnhnrd's Jewelry Store. I) 0-tf Tho Espy Hotel, kept by that popular landlord, Jacob Miller, has just been undergoing thorough repairs. It has been newly papered, painted inside and out, shutters have been put on the windows nnd n veranda built to the front. The houso is well kept nnd deserves the reputation that Mr, Miller has made for it. The property belongs to John Appleman nnd William Shaffer, who have made the Im provements. Col, L. L. Tate, tho veteran editor of the Lycoming Cliromtlc completed his seventy- second year last Friday, and is still in the enjoyment of good health, nnd the mental vigor that lias charactciized him as an able editor for many years. Wo hope he may continue to wear tho editorial harness for years to come. Hero Is what tho Colonel says of the occasion : "Three scorc-and-tcn, with two years additional, Is a long time, and yet It seems comparatively a mere 'span in the flight of time.' During the above named period, we have spent a few months over half a century In tlio editorial harness, and established nnd conducted eleven Demo cratic newspnpcis, the last and best being the beautiful Lycomlug Chromelt." The town council held n special meeting on .Monday night and decided Anally not to take water for fire protection, A rcsolu Hon was offered providing that the matter be referred to the court, but this waB voted down, the President of the council remarking that they had been In court once and had got the worst of it, by the importation of a Judge from another dis trict "under a cloak." Just what he meant we cannot say, but it sounds very much like an Insult to the Judge of tills county as well ns to the one who was call ed here to preside in the injuction suit. Having got justice oncu the President of the council evidently fears he will get It again, If ho goes into court. Communicated. Mr. J. Freas Conner, a life long resident of tills county, having recently bold his farms In Centre township, the one known as the Conner homestead to his brother George and the Hill farm to G. W. Crcve llng, brought his family to llloomsburg with the intention to retire from active life and educate Ids children. After visiting ids brother and sister in Trenton, N. J. and spending some time In the cilie, Jfew York and Philadelphia, he returned to llloomsburg and taking with him his bon Thomas who had just disposed of ids stock of groceries to F. S. Kinports, Mr. Conner took a trip West visiting sever al states and finally purchasing two tracts of land about two and a half miles from Holton, Jackson county, Kansas, the one a cultivated farm of 100 acres Improved and stocked, and the other a prairie tract of the bame size. Returning about tlireo weeks ngo ho made haste to dispose of his personalty and prepare to remove with his family to their ew Home, un iiiesuny oi una wcet, une 27th, the family and friends met in reunion at Mrs. llunnah Conner's on East treet, and the married sons, Thomas, Isnac, and William, deciding not to accompany their parents at present, It was thought beat to marry a daughter before starting. Accordingly nt ten o'clock tho oldest daughter Emma, was joined in holy wed lock with James kclclmer. oldest son or Aaron Kelchuer of Fowlersvllle, Rev. Stuart Mitchell olllclatlng. At llt45 A. M. Mr. and Mrs. Couner, their two sons, John and Andreas, their two daughters, Hannah und Millie and Mr. and Mrs. Keleliner took the South bound train for the West via Harrisburg, Fort AVnyno and Kaunas City, Ordinarily but forty.elght hours nro re quired to run from Harrisburg to Holton consequently if nothing happens, the rising sun on Friday morning will shine upon our Columbia county neighbors In their new home In'JackBon county, Kansas, more than fifteen hundred miles distant. Wishing them a pleasant trip and hoping they may find the country they have adopted, more pleasant even than anticipated, we wait to hear from them trusting they may meet with nbumtnut success and return to visit us ere long. Mr. and Mrs. Ivclchner we are Informed expect to return in about four or six weeks, IIIIlroVUIIIt!lttH. Jeremiah Hess is enlarging ami much lui proving his house on East street. The plasterers are at work at Mrs. Parcel's house on Market street. David Stroup's double houses on Fourth street are ready for the plasterers. Pnluteis are busy in ornamenting tho steeide of the M. E, Church, Tho roof I finished. Property holders on Fourth street laying pavements. Rev. D. J. Waller has removed his- barn from Fifth street. M. F, Eyerly hail a new tin roor put on his dwelling on Market street. Ry referring to time table nt head of local column may be found tho changes In tue L. & 1). R. It. ar.d their connections with other roads. An Important change in the connection with tho Wllllaiusport iiccoin modatlou at Northumberland takes you to Philadelphia at SiM In the morning Instead of 8 o'clock ns heretofore. John l'ishcr, a boy about fifteen years of age, whilo coupling cars lu a mine Plymouth fell under the cars and was In slnntly killed on Friday last. Tho car ran over tho centre of his body crushing Idm to dentil. He was a son of Jacob Fisher this place. Crccutiitclr Convention, The Convention of the National Green back party of this county met In conven tion nt Espy on the 24th lnst. J. 11. Hold, son Esq, presided, nnd J. O. Bylvls was chosen secretary. Tho following ticket was nominated: For Legislature, John Hamp ton, of Roaring Creek and Clark Merrill of Greenwood, Sheriff, Douglass Mcgarglc, of Orange, Coroner, Samuel McKamoy, of Scott. Congressional conferees, J. M. llower nnd J. C. Bylvls. Bcnntorinl con ferees, H. O. Rower nnd Robert Howell. Robert Howell wns elected chairman of county committee. After transacting somo other Important business the convention adjourned. I'ourtli ofjuly. A celebration nnd basket picnic will be held by the citizens of llloomsburg nnd surrounding country on next Tuesday, July 4th nt Oak Grove, Fifth street. Mr. Jerry Snltzcr will furnish organ and piano, and enlivening music will bo given. The citizens nro requested to meet on Market Square at 10 n. m. and march to tho grove headed by the Espy Cornet Hand. The ex crclses at the grove will consist of reading of tho Declaration of Independence, music by Saltzcr's Glee Club nnd the Espy Cor. net Hnnd, Hervy E. Smith, Esq-, will bo the orator of the day. In the evening there will be n bnloon ascension and flro works under the supervision of Thomas Webb. lluriclary. Henry Klcim's grocery on East street was entered last Tuesday night by some pel son or persons unknown, and a show case containing cigars and some other articles was stolen, six dollars lu money were taken from the drawer. The entrance was effected through the window. This was a very bold robbery as tho family llvi in the same building, and owing to the heat tho upper windows were probably open In that ns well ns the neighboring houses. The show case was ti small one, but largo enough to be unhandy for n burglar to carry around with him. It was locked, and was probably carried to somo convenient snot and broken open. The country Is full of thieves, nnd too much care cannot be exercised In making all the doors and windows secure nt night. nt of Looking Tliroujrli u Tvleucujie. Large crowds were observed last week gathered around a Telescope man nt the corner of Eighth nnd Market Streets. Our reporter stopped to usertaiti the cause of so much excitement, paid Ills nve cents for look and discovered across the face of the moon at which thu "scope" wus pointed "Rest things for a Cold Dr. Hull's Cong Syrup." Ho just concluded that Dp Hull wns a high old advertiser, and that Hull's Cough Syrup wus the best thing out. Some onu hud stuck a strip with tliosu words ac ross the end of thu glass. (i'it'WtjjAta Hi 5fWer.) CutnwiHHit I.ocnln. Strawberries of a line quality are plenty nnd cheap. Samuel Frederick is building a new house on Main street. Charles Krug of your town is the contractor. Daniel Helwig, an old and respected cltl zen of tills town, died on Monday after a protracted illness. The construction train on thcN. &W. H. R. R. makes frequent trips through our town. The Lutheran congregation arc erecting commodious parsonage near their Church on the hill. An elfoi t is being made to have a display of lire works here on the evening of the 'ourth. The shower on TueBduy made the street prlnkler happy it saved him .the trouble of collecting his fees. It is rumored that thu P. & R. It. R. Co., Intend to erect another round house here soon. At present they only have shelter for about half of their engines. Mlinili ItelllH. 1'he hail storm which passed through this section on the 13th inst. did considera ble damage to the fruit and grain. G. H. Swank of Hazlcton spent a short vacation at home recently. The cherries which are generally so veiy plenty, especially lu the hilly parts of this township, will be an unusually small crop this year. Jacob Penebecker an aged gentlemen of this place Is believed to be at the point of death. Miss Mary Griger of Maluvllle is spend ing a few days on a visit at tills place and Hetlerville. Several teams hare been employed on the railroad to distribute sills, receiving us pay forty cents per hour. Mr. S. M. Heller the agent for the Johu- ston reaper will be sadly disappointed, as will tliosu who madu purchases of him also, since the reaper factory at Hioekport, N. Y., has been burned. Tho festival at Smith's hollow was a sue- cess. Another will take placo on isnlurilay evening for the benefit of the Mlllllii band, several bands will bu present. All are cordially invited. Rev. McCutchcon preached in Catawissa on Sunday to nil tliu puipit :or uev. Deimer who Is ill. H. W. Sterner, formerly of this place and is a graduate of the Millersvllle Slate Normal school has come on a visit to this placo with his newly married wife. "IIUCHITAIIU." Quick, complete cure, all annoying Kid ney, Illaililer and urinary Diseases. ti Druggists, 'I'll v rc(it IiitL-riiatloiinl Hliow. .Main's Mammoth International Culllss. cum will pitch its tents lu llloomsmirg Tuesday July Fourth, giving two enter. talninents, at 1 and 7J P. M. This grand amusement aggregation is now on its fourth year of successful business and is every where received with larger audiences at curb successive visit. Its entertainments are new and original in many features, presenting a variety which cannot fail to delight all, while having nothing to offend the most fastidious. The especially notable features are; A school of trained horses, ponies and dogs; Dcnler's funniest of all funny Huinpty Duinpty troupes; a royal troupe of English gymnasts, Including thu Herculean Fisher Brothers, lu their feats af dexterity and strength; Young Victor, the Uoneless Wonder, Prof. Wilton, the Ainer- can Hlondiu; Pettit and White, comedians and song and dance men, a whole minstrel bhow lu themselves; Mens, and Miuhiino D'Alma, In their thrilling feals upon thu high trapeze; John D'Alma, the moderi Hercules, who will at each exhibition lift with his teeth a cask containing forty two gallons of water; Sam Lang and Miss Dolly Bliarpu in their German character acts and Miss Sliarpe in her charming Sklpplu Rope Jig; Rctlow and Alton, Kings of the Double Horizontal Har; Prof, Dougherty'i Silver Cornet Huud, anil a score of othe attractions which go to make up the best aggregation of talent now on the road, Tho public will llnd everything exactly as ad vertlsed, nnd will see a SO cent show for 25 cents. Grand free exhibition of tight rone walkini; by little Maud D'Alma. ore vious to the opening of t,lio afternoon per formauce. No gorgeous street exhibition Is advertised and none Is given, the baud only making a parade. For particulars reud the advertisement elsewhere, and sv bills, lithographs, pictorials, Ac,, so freely distributed by the company. Recollect th free rope ascension and grand display fireworks. Commencement 'Week, The exercises of the week nt tho Normal school began on Monday evening with an entertainment by the Model school, The largo hall was crowded with spectators. Everything passed olf pleasantly, and tho entire performance Indicated that great labor had been done by the tenchers In the preparation of thu programme. The only drawback for tho audleiica wns the common one In tho Normal hall of not being to hear distinctly, though the chil dren spoke ns loud ns they could. Thu programme wns ns follows i Call Mo not Hack, piano duct, Lottie Kuhn, Prof, Kilos t Work of the Hrowntes, pantomime, Model school; Tripping through the daisies, piano duct, Mary Thomson, Prof. Ulles. Rondo, piano duct,, Annie Ent, Prof. Nlles ; Gift of tho Fairy Queen, Model school Tho sparrows aro calling, vocal duct, Lottie Kuhn, Vida Miller i Bohemian girl, trio., piano, violin, vlollncello, Miss Stiles, Dora and Prof. Nlles Lord Malapert of .Moonshiners Cnstle, Model school) Fun and frolic, piano duct, Helen John, Alice Hrockway j Rolling hoop, piano duet, Annie Ent, Eva Rawlins: March, Model school ; The night before the battle, vocal quartette, Misses Hutchinson and Tyrrell. Messrs, Wells nnd Dllley. On Tuesday the examination of under graduates was continued, nnd in the evening unothcr large gathering of people listened to nn address by Hon. II. 11. Payne of Kingston whose subject was "Personal Power." This lecture wns open to the public, though it was for the literary societies of thu school. Mr. Paynu Is an able writer and a pleasant speaker, and ho treated his subject in his usual happy man ner. On Wednesday afternoon nt three o'clock the Class Day exercises took place on the campus. The entire programme was an Interesting one nnd was well carried out. The order of the exercises was as follows s Piano solo, Miss Nellie Mofllt; Pres. address, Miss Lilian Hrownj History, E. Gertrude LnShcllc j Music, The Moonlight Dance, Misses Ayres, Reagan, Tyrrell, and Vnughan, Messrs. Dllley und Moore ; Class oration, The Men for the Times, James W. Dllley ; Class poem, Miss Jen nie Tyrrell; Music, Instrumental duet, Misses Rogers, Reagan; PropheW, Miss Ida Harkness; Essay, "The advantages our Country affords to Women," Miss Jennie Heliniiu ; Chorus, Away, Away, Hy the Class; Presentation of Gifts, Hannah Rubin ; Presentation of Memorial, Hy the President ; Class song, Hy the Class. The presentation of gifts to the mem hers of the Class, hy Miss Hannah Rubin, was something new for the Normal Class (lavs, and was full of humor, which wns especially enjoyed by the Class. The gift presented to the school Is a very nndsomu one, and quite as acceptable as anything that could have been given. It is a fountain for the campus, and consists of n centre niece of three children, two of whom arc drawing in a fish net while the third is standing with a basket of fish on Ids head and the water jets play gracefully over the whole group. The exercises of commencement began on Thursday morning at 9.150 o'clock when io following programme wns gone i n the presence of a large audience. Prayer, Rev. John Donahue; Music, (Grand March from Tannhauser) Wagner, Kate Davids, Mary R. Currnn, Dora A. Nlles and Nellie M. Low; Snlutatoiy, Carrie Rodgers; Essay, Girls of the Past und resent, M. Hurnette Stiles; Essay, If We lant Lllies.iWe will Gather Lilies, Lillian Hrown ; Essay, The Work of the Teacher, Helen M. Gossler, Oration, We are (ho Architects of Our Own Fortunes, James Dllley; Music, Vocal Quartette. The 'Isherman nnd His Child. White. Louisa G. Hutchison, Jennie Tyrrell, O. H. Wells, W. Dllley; Essay, Ruins of Time, Stella Sickler; Essay, Power of Early Impres hlons, Hattle Robbins; Essay, Mere Knowl- dge will not make successful tcticliing.Jen- ie Tyrrell; Essay, keeping up appearances, Emiline Fttherolf; Music, Piano Solo, olhiceo Hrillhrnl, Rohm, M. Hurnette Stiles; Essay, Woman's Place lu Politics, Jzzie M. Church; Essay, The value of Self-Rellance, E. Gertrude LaShelh; Essay, lie Thought Element lu Education, Nellie L. Mollllt; Oration, The Past nnd Future of Our Schools, Henry Hlennan; Music, Vocal Solo Angel's Serenade, Hruga, .ousln G. Hutchison; Essay, The Women for Thu Times, Hannah Rubin; Essay, The Power of Temptation, NomM. Finney; Sssay, Intluence of n Good Mother, Jennie Hclmnn; Essay, Let Their He Light, May Reagan; Music, National Medley, Piano: rene Philips; Violin, .Maude Dreisbaeh, Mary Monroe, Dora Nlles; Claiinet: Hairy Jshleman; Violiucello: Prof. Nlles. COSFKIMMXU OF UKIIMXH. Music, Rigoleltu. Arranged by Theo. Thomas, Piano: M. Burnelte Stiles, Kate . Davids; Violin: Dora Nlles; Violiucello, rof. Nlles; Valedictory, Mary L. Music, Choius. From Faust; Heneillcllon. At the close of these exercises the Alum. lit Association held Its animal meeting lu the Chapel, and after somo literary pio. ductlous, and the transaction of business they adjourned to thu Exchange Hotel to enjoy the Alumni dinner. Here a splendid banquet awaited them, and all did ample uslice lo it. Neat bills of fare were placed at every plate, and the tables under thu supervision or .ills. Tnlios were urranged with exquisite taste. The Menu mbraced nil the delicacies of the season. When llie rattling of dishes hnd ceased Prof. Waller railed the company to order, and a number of toasts weie proposed, and responses made by dlfTeient ones, after which the meeting adjourned. r... ..l It..., .,1... .....I win, little, iiiuuuiv II lilt iiuvi'i mm, fl..... -I li.l. ........... - i .... .ii.ii , iiiviii, iisii, nisi biii-iiii, Dwni, urinuu, choice nnd No. 1 iieat's.foot, whnlc. linseed. machine, vacuum headlight, and cod liver on, ready mixed paint in one niul two imunu un cans, nnu oy uio ounri ami cai loil, different colors: choice and No, 1 nnd 2 furniture nnd coach varnish, In small or large quantities, wiiito lend, putty, glass, I'erHonnl I To Men Only 1 Voltaic Holt Co., Marshall, Michigan, will send Dr .Dyo's Celebrated Electro-Voltnlc licit nnd Electric, Appliances on trial for thirty days to men (young or old) who nro mulcted with Nervous Debility, Lost Vital. ily, nnd manhood, nnd kindred troubles, IlllUU IIUIIIHHIU HIIIV iUllll, limit, 1111193, I . . .... . . nil sizes, liny rope and pulleys, for sale nt gimruntceing speedy relief nnd complete Jiigiil uueci, uy nuns iouiik. lunolU-41 I restoration oi jicaltu and manly viuor. Address ns nbovc. N. 11. No risk Is In. etirred, ns thirty dnys' trial Is allowed. it Street, by Silas Young, juno 10-lt . . enllug nt VY. II Allen's can be WALL PAPER. Fanners ilcnlliie: nt W. H Alien's can accommodated with stabling, nor. 7-1 f, Oct. 28. '81-ly Calves, lambs, lame stiotes. fat sheen. corn, oats, rye, hay. oak nnd hemlock bark and wool wanted nt Light Blreet, by Silas loung. jiiuciuu.w Hefore buvlmr vour black or colored silk dresses do not fall to sco Clark & Son. You can get ti per cent, off for cash at W. Hnrtmnn's, on dry goods. ALL GKABES, ALL PRICES. Osborn's Family Paints rcadv for usu nro uiu most convenient nrucie oi tue kiiui, nu similes nnd colors, put up in j, J nnd pint enns. Wo furnish a enn of paint nnd brush for S3 cents. SEED BUCKWHEAT! York state Seed buckwheat for salo by C. II. Sopor, of Valley township, Montour county, near ueyers distillery. Je 10-3 w I. W. Hartman lias decided to run his discount sales up to 1st of August on dry goous. While dress goods, laces, embroideries, lies, collars, gloves, Ac., at Clark is Hon's. Go to W. E. (leddls, for ceneral lection of green bouse and bedding plants. npl 7-'Jm Lumber, lots of It for sale. Pine boards 13, 14, ami 1(1 feet long, pine plank IS, 14 and 1(1 feet long, hemlock boards Vi. 14 n.,.t in r....i i....1n1. 1. in 1.1 in and 1 feet long, Joists la, 14, 10 nnd 18 bottles 2,' nnd 60 cents, leei long, i:xi rails vj, 14, lu ami is lect long. Shingle lath, ceiling lath, shingles io. 1, v, ami 11. ricKcis nmt siding 111 i.igiilstreel by lias loung. may 10-2 111 As irood clears ns can be found In town are kept at W. It. Allen's East end gro. eery. nprll 7-tf Flags by the single, by the dozen, by the Hundred nt 1. . llnrtmairs. .a. Snxollne Petroleum Jelly, used for hums scalds and sores of every kind; it Is good nnd cheap. Saxollnu roinnde for tlio linir, highly perfumed, 2.1 cents. Glvcerlno Lotion. To ladles nnd children or anv ncrson with n line sensitive skin nnd whose complexion is ulfcctcd by the weather causing redness, roughness nnd chapping tills Lotion is invaluable. An excellent ap plication to the face after shaving. Large Our Slock of llnlr and Tooth brushes has been replenished and contains somu good uargains. SO5- i..l1 In the absence of John Wolf, farmers wauling farm machinery will please call at v. 11. Alien s. apin 1-11 Hammocks at I. W. Rartman's. Hour and feed can always be bad at Allen's East end grocery. aprll 7-tf Best American dress ginghams 10 ets. per yd., former price 15 cents, best prints 7 cts. per yd., with n full stock of domestic goods at UlaTK it bon s. I. W. Hnrtmnn's the 4th of July. store will be closed on W. B. Allen has just opened a lot of new goods, embracing lino groceries, glass ware, painted clilna, queenswnre, Occ. All of the best, and nt the lowest prices. nprll 7-tf OP lsmoMsimitc; suhool district Por llifjeiir I'lnlliiu .I111111 I, ISSi. M. C. WOODW VltD, COIXKCTOH. 1 nun v JI.W1 2S To sin't of Jupllcito .SSI 'si t une 10 To sure Dal ou utipllcite IStu-'Sl Gs is Cll. Iiv nm't exonerated on duplicate 'ol-'S'i $51 40 Hy nm't CMmeratcd on duplicate 'SO-St 0 S') Ily am't tax returned to Co. Coin. 0 ao Iiy error In of .1. I', rustln s 0 Ily er.i.r In tax of S. llldlemau 3 tin Ily ma t pilil Treasurer 6Jou no Hy II i)crceutcomintsilonouc3fSM 13; 9.' Uyuiii'tduedlstundupllcue'so'Sl r.cs as 'si 'SJ III) S3 JI0I1 w O. T. WILSON, THKASUItEli. D. To ain't from rormcr Treasurer $I1U sj " ' Collector r..'iiiw ToStito npproprUlloa 131 40 To tiin'i from County Treasurer l ss " '. Daniel Yocutn S !J " " ' Edward Ivy 9 S3 J7i91 41 (In. Ily nm't of orders redeemed &ti M counons paid (lesi state ttu) 4ii ts) II) oomls a deemed lwo in liv'l insurer's com cn f tolo 1.5 U0 ?.'J Ily bul lu Tieasurir's bands .131 it llUILDINO FUND ACCOUNT UK. To ain't of tax let led lor building purposei 14..1 r.i Toum't ironi former Treasurer 33J a -,$ t491 47 fit. -JISUS7 Uy coupons paid turn Ily liouds ii'ueelned lixiu In) Ily ain't paid H.irrH, sale Welsh lllll lot 'i M Hy nm't paid liron'n sal Welsli lllll lot 1 Ml Ily Treasurer's commission its 54 Ily Collector'.! commission i'J 'jo Iiy til due from colleulois lis) vn Ily bid lu Tieasli.mdi 13'J Kl We carry n eoninlete and well selected stock, and competent persons nrenlways in nttendnnce to suimlv the wants of our nat rons. We study to please, nnd believe we can supply you with everything in our line economically, satisfactorily and In a manner calculated to induce to join in the verdict, that our store is We place to trade. Hoping to see many readers of tho Comimhian at our placo of business shortly and soliciting a sliarc ot your esteemed patronage, wo re main Very Truly Yours N. J. Hendershott. READY-MIXED AND PASTE, LEAD M co.miiinkh WITH PURE LINSEED Oil. VND FIHSTB COLORS, HO UNPLEASANT ODOR. Satisfaction Guaranteed ou MONEY REFUNDED. DELIVERED FilEE OF FREIGHT AVbeie we have no agent. tts-jrOi'ders nnd inquiries bv .Mail or Telephone, receive i'iiomit attention. -AnilllUHH. MoolonrWhitBLeafl.Zinc&CclorWoris RUPERT, PA. WINDOW CURTAINS FIXTUKES OF ALL KINDS. -::- BALANCE SPRING FIXTURES WAKUA1TJES FOR 5 YEARS. WM. E, B, DAVIES, May 'its .nm SUP'T. BUSINESS NOTICES. -::- SUIIOOI. l'I'NU ACCOUNT. I)K. To am'l I ivleil rot school purposes wwi is " " clue rroin Iiinncr collector tn 11 ' treasurer tj ut " htito appropriation ain't from county 'l rcisurer " " Daniel yociim " " " KilirarJ Ivy C11. Ily ain't panl in toacliera zjumors aUvirtlitnif 11 nl opera lluunn " ' Montour Sctiool Ult .. 11 ,1 secretary Mr mips ' " coal and wood " ' ' audit ,ri " " " colltvtorseoin " " " exonerations " returned w County Com " ' rep tiring, cleanings c., buil'ltim. Mr ain't nippUrs for to.liooU i'C, 11 TroaiurerH commission Ily urn t dm (ro.u Collector 'SI Nl 1 " SO t ' " lii Treasurers hand I3J -I') 1M 5 9 n I) S3 y.ti i wj'j 9;; -too 00 (4 511 IO IKI li on ir.u m 31 eo Ion us si u.i us III 'M & so sat tiS ti'J ..HI S3 .1.0 as OCj .is It'l nt IUY FKVF.1!. Mr. A. I.. Avery, Pharmacist, Newark, N. J. lliivins been severely ulllicted for eleven yeurs with Hay lever, after trying almost tvei vlliing without iwnil, I gave up all hopes of belntr cured, when I purchased of you a box of Kly's Cream Halm. To my surprise, after a few applications, I was entirely relieved, 11. Watson Harris, l.eller carrier aii, 14, iew i:u Newark-, .1. I have been a Hay Fever sufferer for three years, and have ntfen heard hlv's n '. . ........ 1 uream iiaim spoueu 01 in tne miniest lerins, nut 11111 not uiKu inucu stock 111 11 iiceause of the many nuaek medicines. A friend persuaded me to try the Iliilin, and with the most wonderful success. This recom mendation you can use for the benefit of I Hay Fever sufferers. T, S. Geer, Syra. euse, iN. . I'rice ou cenis. Apply into nostrils witli little linger. LOWEST PRICES GUARANTEED t Ti.T SH STATEMENT OK WINDS OUTSTANDING! .HI.Ni: 1, ItSJ. Those who are much In the hot sun should avoid drinking large quantities of cold waten it Is better to take small draughts at frequent Intervals, If some of the cold water is poured upon the temples, the temperature of the body will be rapidly reduced, and with better effect upon the Hyxtem than If taken Internally. A light, white hat Is far morn comfortable than a black, heavy one, and If it has a wet cloth, or even a fresh cabbage leaf placed in the crown, It will be all tho more rool and com. fortable, A white hnuderelilef tied loosely about the neck will protect it from the burn ing huh. A balli at night is very refreshing, but should not bo prolonged. DEATHS. SuviiKiir.--On Junu 2U, Btrcet, Samuel 11. Heybcrl, I months and 0 days. 1882, in Light aged (11 years, LOCAL NOTICES. For lawns, bccrsiickcrs or dress ginghams go to Lutz & Sloan's. l'araiols, Bon's. fans and hosiery at Clark & Now Is tho time to get fans and parasols at l,ut. & Sloan's, More bleak and colored dress silks cheap as ever ut Clark & Sou's, For white goods or embroideries go to I.utz iV Sloan's. No. 43. Iliad Issued to I. If, hcuooiioYer d ..0 Oct, 'Si Inleiibtduo No. 41. lu nd Usued to Vrms Brown, duo Oct. t, 'SI Interest due Nu. 45 lload IssueJ lo Pica ltimvn,due uct. 1 'St. IlilCfbtllll) No. 4ii llond IsiUHl to Silas Cunm r duo 1 el, I kl, Intel cstdUB No. 41. llond Issued to DouKlas IIUKhus, due Oct, I, 'SJ. Iiileipstdiio No 4S. iioud IssUfUto DotigUs II mi Ilea, duo Oct, I 's:i. Interest dua Nn 49. llond Issue I lo Silas Conner, due Oct 1 M Interest uuo No. Ml. llond Issued to 1'rtas l.ruvrn. (lilt; uci 1 'si liitciistduo llond Issued to hi las Conner, iniooci .'S4 luterestduo No. ft. llond Usued lo Sllss coimcr.dut) Oct. 1 'SI Interest duo No si. llond Issued to l'roas 1 rown. uu.'Oct. 1 'hi Interest due No, S4, llond Issued to Silas Conner auo oct, 1 'S3 Interest duo No. M. Iluudlsjuod loHIUs Conner, nuo Oct, I M Intel rut duo No. M, llond Usiitd lo Mojer llr s, dm July I, 'mi, Intcii'stdue No 11. Houd Issued top mid str up, duo July 1 M Interest duo No. 54. llond ladled to Creasy Drown, duo July I 'bit Inlensl dun No. f.o llond IsMKd to creasy ,v Hrown, due July 1 'ss Interest duo . No M llond Issued to l.uztttu Cieusy. dio July 1 'Sil liilciisl duo Mi ti. iioud lsticd in l.turlta creasy, duo July I 'M Hit' nstdue. No. Si, llond Issued to luvld Mroup, due July 1 'si intiresidue No Ci. honl Ismcd to Ji II lironn, due Jul)' 1 'si InUn etduo Np. M. liond Issued to Creasy x I'.rowii.diic July I 'ST Interest auo No cr. f.und Issmd to It. B mown, uue July 1 'si Inttl st Uuo N.i. eo. llond Issued to J. J liruwer. due July I 'Si Inteiut duo No. til llond Issued toll, v'. hmltli, ilurJuly 1 ;i Interest Uuo At-SKI'H, Cash dur lain Collector Cusliduu from Trcusurcr 1'iiu Hum (., W, lives u lot SKINNY MUM, ''Wells' Health Ilenewcr" restores health and vigor, cures Dyspepsia, Impotence, exual IK-blUty, 1 children's linen dusteis at Ladles' and Chirk i; Son's. More buntings null's veilings anil black silks at Lut. and Sloan's, 100 00 VlHI (0 II 01 KM Oil II Oi Mill 00 1'. 50 SOU (HI I 50 Uuo 00 I 50 to 1 no J'i 50 sou 00 11 OJ 500 III It 5J 500 00 t SJ 200 (Kl It 00 5m) Ml 12 60 5ou no 12 M 500 00 1'i 50 tOfl HI Vi 50 VM 00 II 00 1W1 00 5 50 100 00 2 50 10O Oil Ml 50) HO H 50 600 ru 1H 50 'M 00 5 DO 1U) 00 t 50 ICO 14 5 00 riniMiT no BUiisriuniox. Insist upon oblalniiii:FlorestonsColo2ne. 11 is lire-eiul.uenlly superior lu prcmuncti. ee ami lieu iiencacy 01 ii'iigrunci. ill 00 ill OU "I III! COMMOIllllSK." Jos. L. Foole, the Commodore. I'-it-dii. III. says Thomas' Iieleetrlc Oil cured him of sciatica with one implication, t 1010112b v applli d. It also cured him of a severe cold and cough. He thinks It a very valuable 518 50 remedy, and will never be without it. AXSWKIt THIS UUKrillOX. Why do so many people we see around us, seem to prefer to suiter nnd be made miserable by Indigestion, Constipation. Dizziness, Loss of Appetite, Coining un of 6IS 60 the Food. Yellow Skin, when for 75 ets.. we will sell them Shlloh's Vitaller, guaran-1 teed to cure tlieni. Sold by J, II. Kin. pons. may n-eow Dvsnensia. heart-burn, nausea. Indices. tlon, etc., aie always relieved by Iirowu's iron itiucrs. - - 'AM. TDK H.lJt 'III AT D'l.KSII IS 1IKIII TO," Arising from Impurity of the blood, torpid liver, irieguiar iiowcis, iiisorucreii Kidneys, ciu,, run uu saiciy ami specuuy cured oy iiiiruoeii iiioiiu Hitlers rrieo lyi.uu, -::- ill U0 512 S 211 00 512 511 100 (4) I 50 512 50 Hllll.Oll's OATA1I1III JIH.MM1Y. A iiuirve. 612 to ions cure for Catarrh. Dlnlitheria. Canker mouth, and Head Ache. Willi each bottle 512 to mere is an ingenious nasal injector lor tlie more sueccssiui treatment 01 lliese com- itlnlttla ii'Ill,,tl ,,vl..ii 1 1. !.... RI1,... 211 (111 II iihiiijii, (aim, viiiiilvi 1 uev uurm, - W..I.I I... I II I. K ""in 1 j u. ii, jwujiuiis, muj ij.eihv, SIIIIOH'S COXnllMl'l'ION t'ltUK. Thin Is bevond fiticsthm llm most kiipclss. I fill Cough Medicine we luive ever sold, a few doses Invariably euro the worst cases of Cough, Croup, and Hroncldtis, while its' woudeiful success in the curu of Consump. nun is wiiiioiu a parallel in tue History 01 medicine. Since its Hist discovery It has been sold on a guaraiilce, a test which no other medicine can stand. If vnu have a Cough wo earnestly ask you to try it. I'rice lu cis, aim iyi,uu. 11 your i.uiil's aro sore. Chest, or Hack, Lame, uso Shlloh's l'orous riaster, nice y.i els, sold by J, II, Kin. lot is, may 0 cow t'Aiii'D colons iikaioiii:i). Faded or gray hair iiradiially recovers Its yiiiiiuiiu coior ami lusueliy the use 01 far- ker's Hair llalsani, an elegant dressing, aiimiicii lor lis purity nun rich periiime. GEORGE A, CLARK. 105 50 102 60 IM 60 612 .'0 102 60 BOOK STORE, 102 50 IS'U 00 .cm ouutandlni; oidtr Nu. 104 Actual ludebti aui'ss U. Y. KAIIII. hccietsry. 11315 91 311 43 V 0 10 tl9"s4 1 30 1940 04 !MI po a, KNOllll. 1'resldcut, 'I lie utidcrblt'iii d AinUlors liavliisr examined mo auove alliums aid blatimeiit with tho luniU'is Muiftonudtiyllie 'ireasunr nod tlio ouuiv w, in. 1 ui.ii u'nuio lucrioi If the lady who reads this card when 111 want of Spool Cotton will nsk for the "O. N. TV' II. W. lll'CKINtlllAM, r. I', KI.1NK, 1 J- Auditors. she will obtain tho very best thread made. Ask for Chuk's 4,0. N. T." t'ttou and see that you get It, For sale by all lending dealers, fob 3 -cm t is-