THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. Suggestions to Tanners. (Tilbiino & Vormcr.J c. . , Uooi Duainaok. i'lioro is linrdlyJ nny plant ttint M$s stagnant' wntor. Somo thing, like thu crntibcrry for In tancu, llko witter, but it xuiBt not bo fltngnunt, tlioro mint bo a full to allow for draliitigo. For field crop, fruit trow, nml mien thlngiS tnero must bo drninngo. How (juickly n grain field tells tlio tnlo of good or poor drainage. Tlio yellow patches tell whero tho water lies longer than it ohould. It pays nlways to provldo proper outleta ot water. Potatoes will thrive in a moist season, but tlio water must drain off quickly! A heavy rain will do little damage to a wheat Held if provision is made for tho prompt re moval of tho surplus water, whilo a modorato rainfall upon undrained laud, which is already too wet will causo tho destruction of many of tlio lilanU, and largely rcduco tho possible yield of tho crop. Whilo thorough drainago is much better than miy make shift which can bo invented, it is much better to adont tho vcrv imperfect plan recommended nbovo than it is to mako no provision for tho protection of the cron irom iniiirv by an excess of mois ture in tho soil. It is better to set fruit trees on mounds, whero tho around is low, rather than run tho risk of under drawing. ok Hoot Cnors. Wo think tho timo is coming when fanners will bo surprised thai tlioy nave so long overlooked the ijreat valito ot root crons for winter feeding on eattle, 'PL rn n rrt ttmlfiAtt r t Invmnra ttntlilM , , V""""-"" 0 " a' dav'siSlournev of nnv OHO who nj?vcr' JKofr iany root crop, Jmtj turnips Probably;, the juo-atensily .?ri .-...l.fS.T., ' ,i-mTfft HUUUlikllU ..Ml. S.W.JV jr.v fitablo root crop for us to raise, is somo of tho varities of beet, somo of which erow very large, and yiold 800 to 1.000 ushels to the acre, if tho land is well manured and thoroughly tilled. The best way to crow them is to let them follow somo deeply worked, highly m.....t,1 o., m tl.nrnii.tMsr rrnml .......... v.. ....v. ...u.u..b..v inn.f sinttim mi tin tiifinnrn thr voni- I ",UUI W.. .W "w J I I. ..T rpi, ... I ,l.o iiuuwwh.jb.wu, -ft ... ,1.. ft,. A ai.I.Ik riHt I ofton't liiilaguo. o¬ coltuA. t I'lio I carrot is also easily raised. There is nothing but tho cultivation a corn crop would rcquiro needed, and in deep ground the yield of this root is very heavy. Tho feeding of roots with dry iecu in wiutcr is uigniy uuiicuuiui tu cattle. FATrKNiso llous. Tlio following experiment in fattening hogs is related 111 nn Iowa paper "An Iowa larmer put up twenty-. year-old Logs for fattening, and for tho first twenty days fed them on shelled corn, ot wuicli tlioy ato eighty-throe bushels. During this period they gained 837 pounds, or upwards of ten pounds to tho uuslici ol corn, lie men fed the same hogs for fourteen days 011 dry corn meal ; during which timo they cousumed forty-seven bushels and gained 535 pounds, or 11 J pounds to the buaiiel.tV-Lne samoeihoo.s noxt-ieci ioiiueeii uays on cprnnnoar anil watur mixed, consumed 55 J- bushels of:corn and gained 731 pounds, or 13 ponnds of pork to tho bushel. Ho then fed them fourteen days on corn ,meal nook ed, aud after consuming forty live bush els of tho cooked meal tho hogs gained 799 pounds, or very nearly fifteen pounds of pork to tho bushel of meal. Tub l'RomAiir.K Pio. Among tho many kinds of pigs recommended, we do not often find tho name of 0110 of Mipesi) "".4" 18,t"u tcq(eite, pig. There'is 110 breed like it, and it we want a pig that will pay to keep wo must get that kind. The quiet pig is always a fat pig, and however healthy tho pig, and however good its appetite, if it is restless and uneasy, it will always be a hard Keeper. Look in any - .. ... i . -it pen 01 iaiieuing pigs aim you win nlways find ono restless and squealing pig tho poorest ot the lot. Tlio rest less pig is also a great rooter, and m most farmers nro fruit growersTis'well, they do not want their orchards torn up and tho roots broken and destroyed. Tho fruit grower has two objects in view in keeping pigs ; of tlieso the most important is tho eating of all wormy and prematurely fallen fruit, and tho destruction of nil insects con tained in them ; the other is the making 01 a reasonable proht on tho growing and fattening of tho pig for market, and to linn tho quiet, peeccable, non- rooting pig is indispensible. . I . t ! I !V!1I ,i Pntan It is important to destroy tho first brood of potato beetles". Tlio brood comes from tho ground in early spring, ana uio Deeties soon lay their orange- ooiorcii eggs in clusters on tlio under suio oi potato leaves. 1 neso eggs are readily found bv tui'iiiiitr im llm full. ago with a hoo hniidle, and picked off anil destroyed, it this is omitted, thu larvai, or "grubs ' soon hatch out, and begin their rapid destruction. Poison in some form must now bo used. Tlio two leading insecticides, aro Paris green and Loudon purple, ltotli aro arsenic comuourids. Tho "green" is a ' manufactured article while tho "purplo is a by-product or refuse-compound from tho die factories and therefore . . . mi i cneapcr. meso suunances aro used in either dry or wet. In tho former they aro mixed with SO or iiO times their bulk of flour or plaster, nnd dusted or sifted on best whilo tho dew is on, or soon after a rain, that tho wet foliage may retain tho substance. In tho wet method, which is now irenerallv pre ferred, tho poison is stirred in water a largqlablospoonful or so to tho pail- ful-innd applied through a sprinkler, stirring in vory ijequcnuy as it does notjdissolvu. Tho bugs havo been "In most potato Krowinir reiiions so lonir that a full discussion of tho subject is utineecessnry. It is important to ro- meinber that these nrsenio compounds .1 : i .. i ...... mu iii-mu puiauu-., mm 10 uu useu Willi great caution. Any "green or "pur plo it is fortunate that they have marked colors in tho house, should bo put whero no ouu can use them by inisiuKe, and out, ot ruacn ot oiuidrcn. A tnerlcun'A nrtculturlti:' " . ( A Remedy for Potato Bugs, Tho Troy Jreit tells of a fanner who has tried a remedy for potato bugs ...t.l. .. . 1 T .. ...I.... 1 wiin success i "iiu prouueeu n num ber of boards and placed hero and there among his potatoes, and on these boards jverojilaccd a few raw potatoes sliced. jgA't noon tho first' day of thu experiment lie and his hired man found every piece of potato covered with bugs. Tho men killed this crop and nt night another crop was killed, though not so large, and m n week's tlmo not a bug was to bo seen, nml tils trouulo with buns after that was comparatively small. In tho Spring ho saves Is the best tlmo to attend to thu bugs, as a Spring bug breeds from 800 to .100 during tho season. Ho thinks it would bo a good plan to dip tho pieces of po tatoes in Paris green, as it would save tlio work of killing them." THE DAVIS. $1,000 REWARD. ONE THOUSAND (1,000) DOLLARS PREMIUM otlered to A 1 rmvonn that will ilo nUKKATA llAmt, OK WORK on ANY OTHER MACHINE. THATTUE NEW DAVIS VERTICAL FEED Will do without basting. I. win mnka uMb hnm on sheets, kc, hem all manner ot bias woolen good9,ns soft mcrlnp.crape. nr crorain dinicult to hem on other machines. It makes a more elastic swell than any oilier ma- chlno. It will turn n Bumo time iirLin mm a hum. sew braid on tho rlgntsldo and stitch on trimming at ono operation n win ilnfelllnir bias or straight, cither on cot ton or wooicn gooua. It will fell across scams on any coons. t mm hiniin Tirnsti or Skirt and sew on facInZi ol fherwlffiw without iliowlnBSUtchesiWndilreM n!XA with tha.s&tna. material, eltliei'.Bcallqpa. Bblls;il:tstliiu um 8ffi!&.$ satin or.sim.tromxtoi. incaes 10 widtn.without basting. It will irathcr with or without Bowing on, It will eather between two nieces and sew on at thosamo tlmo. it will mako arufllo nnd stitch a pillowslip tho racing at tue same lime. It will shirr any kind or goods. i.i . 1 i n , iMmlnrt i.Htinr with nr without sowinir it on. it will mako plaited trlmmlnjr ciuier scallapcd Or Siraigut. auu bC H"'b u T,ui mttko knlte plaiting, . , . . . . HAL'raBll. Uen i AUOUl, ninnm.nurir. Pa swsiww- - D, S& hi60' H i 1 1 1 Summer Complaints At this season, various diseases of tho bowels aro prevalent, and many tins are lost throueh lack of knowledco of a safo and miro remedy. PcnuY Davis' Pain cillery, Clwlera, Cholera Morbux, Summer Complaint, etc., and is perfectly wic. Head the following: llAiNnmnnE, ?. Y.March , 1S81. , I'ritTiT Tltvth' I'ais KiLt.r.n ntir fmh to afford inttant rtUif for crauij) RUtl jiniu in tTmtomach. Utrf,l ll JiL'lii'llii NlCIIOLVILLR, N. Y.. IV u a, VAX, Tim rtfii htmt tnral Iclni I fcllfUtf at InV llVhCTltPTY. choicra morbui.aud cramps lu tbo PtoinurU. H&vo Ubod It lyr i turn, and It it r ovory time. Moin'OONA, Iowa, Mnrch 12, li$U T Imvrt imil rnnr 1'itn Kn.i.Kn in reero cases of cramji, oollo.nml cholera morbun.aiiU It tme ulmont iupUnt iolle(. I U. Oaldwi ll. UAllNLSVILLE, UA., rt'U. V Yia my tanilb'. Have utttl it lmrny tlnitH for bowel ifttntiUlnt. it.ttteutHt-ura: Would not ft'dtftlB w-ltbout a bottle iu thehousa ,J. II. Ivie. tttco, Mk.,Jeu. sa, im. If-. Th,i.i...n.ul 1.iu ITitTru fnr ttritlvA ycr. 'It in $ursami tfmM. f40'inorDCrJ Bbouia ui:ow it to bo out of tlio family. Onuda,N.Y.,1VIi. iwj.1 We bc(?an nsln-f it oir thirty yenr- oro, aud ft 1wav frivc a rflirf. Winlkl hnnl V liars to ko to bed w ithout a Ix.ttlo in the honm. f!nvviviinnn K ft. "l'tb. '21. lyl! Nearly every f auiily m thi ftrUuii U cin n boulo In tho hou.K.. ln. K, fouTOK. CnErKLti.IUir.wini I'iiukmh Tib. 8. ISM. Tlmvnknnw.i I'Kimv DiVlri1 l'AIN KlI.l.LUulinutt from thodiiy llwa introdiu.iHl.iuut utter 1 earn of obHcnatlon mul uo I rtnril iU ireecuuu in tuy llOUBthoId &4 UU ititfhjwu'ite tieetatttu. 1 n. I'OTTtll, I). O. blMIBUI, UuitrosoN.TiiKNl.KNd. I had iccn BGvcmi davH ttuiitrinif pcu-rei dlkfrntflft; iriou ; SI J10NTAr.UKrtT.,ljJUUPi,J-HU. DurluKarcaideuwot twcuty-thrcojuarHlu India I havo irlvHii It hi lniinv tOM't of dlarrhiL'u. dVHen tery, aud cholcru. aud no cr Lncw it to fall to kIio TCUcf. 11. CLAItlIXJ No family can bafely ho without thin invaluable remedy, lu price brings it within tho reach ot all. For salo by all druggists at 25c, 50c. nd $1.00 per bottle. PEKRY DAVIS & SOX, Proprietors, Providence, B. I. TRUTHS Tlie Wood is the foundation of life, it circulates through every part of lite body, and unless it is pure and rich, good health is impossible. If; disease, has entered thej system tlicliiyii'Surc'andiluicJcvaytodriTC ! t it I out is to purify and enrich the ! Mood. : ' J " 'HI These simple facts arc well known, and the highest medical authorities agree that nothing but iron will restore the blood to its natural condition; and also that all the iron preparations hitherto made blacken the teeth, cause head ache, and are otherwise injurious. IIrown'sIron Hitters will thor oughly and quickly assimilate witli the blood, purifying and strengthen ing it, and thus drive disease from any .art of the system, and it will not blacken the teeth, cause head ache or constipation, and is posi tively net injurious. SaWd'hli "Cliil Ji 17 K. Euuw Si., lijltlmore, MJ, l'eli. ii, i89o. Cents; Upon the rccimimciula. lion uf a fricuJ 1 tried IIkohn's Ikon Hirrvxs as a tonic and rc iterative tvx my daughter, lioru 1 wa thoroughly convinced was waktiuc away with Consumption. Having loit three daughters by the UrrlMe disease, under the care of imliicnt lhblciani, 1 wjs loth to helievu that anything coulJ arrest the progress ol the disease, but, to my ureal surprise, before iny daugh ter had taVen one bottle of IIkown's I hum 111 runs, she began to mend and now h tjulte restored to former health. A Itflti daughter began to show signs of Consumption, and ' . when tva physician was consulted l.e quickly laid "Tonics were re. . tiuired i'iand when Informed that titv elder lister was tatting Hkowh's IttuN'HirtftM, responded "that Is, a gSod ionic, take It." " Aikjkam rimLrS. IIkown's Iron HivrKRS effectual ly cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion and Weakness, ami renders the greatest relief aud benefit to persons suffering front such wasting diseases as Con sumption, Kidney Complaints, etc. CATARRH Blya' Cream Balm ssSSSSSH r.ucviiuuiiy woaitova rivilsHtlii) nasal nassanes ot rin.. .' UTSl Catarrlial virus, caus- ffAM OKftiM lnir healthy nocretloos a.T.irfc r-.atn" s nvs innarnmnLion rrotocts ttio mem brane from additional Dlctcly ho:tU tlio torei and rcswroH tl.u naii&e of .taste and amen, 'luujuweiat re uua9ru rontixeu uy fuw amiltcntlona. tliorougu treatment will curecatnrrli, hay fever &U ineouaiea for COM3 In tlto head AtrrcHui.M 10 iibo. ap- HAY-FEVERKfoTi iy uy iuo iittia linger iioinoatriis. ui receipt or tiny cents will mill a package for salo uj isii urillfKlluit KLV'8 CI1KAM UALM CO., OSWCgO, N. Y. ann i w'ukk fit a day at homo easily made spf a costlv outnt free, Auureaa 'ihuk & io. march si -ly Augusta, amine. cbR i- csnriper day at home Hamples worth i ipu 10 iPsaUfruu, Address KrimtoNfi Co- Tort. M inarch 31, y V aRM CDLOS'iin I THE WHITE SEWING MACHINE WhereM. tho world renowned reputation ot tho White ko,wing Machino lnauccs many unscrupulous conipwlltors lo resort to all kinds of mean tricks to Injure Its reputation, wo bes to caution an intending purcnasers noi 10 White Machine oxcopt from Its rcculir autUorlrctl (loiters, who will tie ausiainca oy mo louonmir wurr.inijf. IV B niKKtNT TI1K NATURAL WEAK OV THE White Shuttle Sewii Made, pr.ATRNmillEU mill FAMILY PUIll'O- BK3, ANDIIKHEllYAIlUKKTOKKKl'TIIKSAMK IN HEPAIK FOIITHK TKHM OK 1'IVU YICA1W rltOM Tina date. riiKi; ur uh.miuis. This warrnntr excepts tho broauiiKO of needles bobbins and shuttles. Thin wnrrAtif v will not bo sustained linlC.'H tho plato or number abovo riven corresponds with tho number on tho shuttle f ce slMo. llewaro of de faced or alterod numborn WlllTJi DKW'INO MAoniNE CO. Iho "WHITE" ShuttloSoTring Machine Has orxatix oArinrr than any other famllv Sow ini Machine for dolne evory variety ot worlr. J, BALT3KU. Oeneral Atreat, u.o jouburrf, ra. Oct. 1. What a first class article will do when sold at the low est possible price. Farmers will boom bo in the midst of tlio liny Harvest anil will have an op- p6rtutiity to examine, tlio lasting effect of-BAUGH'S' TWENTY-FIVE DOIi LAE PHOSPHATE for Grass. A good I'hospliato will not lose its effect on llio Wheat, but will be seen in tho crops' which follow it. You willtlo well to engage of tho dealer n supply for fall seeding this enables him to send in his ordircary which U n great advantago in maim faoturini;. -There nro several thousand tons already booked for fall delivery. BAUGH "& SONS, QO South Dolawnro Avo Philadelpliia. June riToOctavcB.ono3-5S.tallocd9,i"(;MS(o), including A'uli-JJiias, Ocuio C'oiipfcr, Stool, .Hook and Music, lu Solid lllaclt. Walnut Cum J Xfto 1'amuut llcctliuven Oryatt 27 Stops, 10 Sets Reeds, $90. Boon to advaneo to f 125. Order now. Komltby Bank Draft, 1'ust OHlco "Order, or ltcglstered Letter. Uoxud and shlpjictl r.'ltbout a lloment'a Delay, calalotiuo Free. Auurcsacr can upon Jj-DANIEL F, liEATFY.Washington, Kew Jersej.-?" June o-lmi Dauchy 8c Oo'a. Advt's. 0m A 1 11 UUU uuiiru 111 JUUI LUUUV . iUOi! sf-or ladies, uusinesj. AQ.iress r W. ZlUdLlilt ic CO., llox 81, f hlladelphla, l'a. UUO0V-4W U lll.'rzi:i.'S now st) lo 175 ornan. Hold on the lcatullrnirnt plan, l!et oruan In existence for tho inco ana terms. Auurcsse-, w. ni.i.iu., r.auusi .OWn, U JUUUI-Sff 1? O sTb Fer week can be made In any locality. jf tfFometiung rniirciy new rcr agents. ouintfree. O, W lNtllt.MlAM & Co. Uoaton, Mas June w a SOUTH Don't locate beforn seclns our James ltlver Mcttlement. lllus. cnUloBiie free J. 1'. MAMCHA Clareiuoul, Hurry Co., Vu, u .iuno it 4tv Ache POSITIVELY CURED UY Benson's Capcine Porous Plasters. Ueaiom W'Uy lltey nve Viefevted to AH Other Vorous VUstrv or l'.xteiual IWlueiUeis lint. Bocaun they poors all the merit of the treustuenhiB porwie planter, ut.d contain In ad illtloti therclu the newly dhiioviwl powerful and acthovreitablucoiiibhintlimMhlch acts with In creanod rubefttclent, ttlmulstlui;, Ktlatho aud counter Irritant effect!. Second. Because they aroaRcmiliiepliirmcceiillculiiren. oration, aud no recognized by tho prnfesalon, 'llilrtl. Jlccauio they ore tiu only pl.irl.ia that relievo palu at once. l'onrth. liccaiiiw they will K)ililvely euro diseases which other rerued les still not even rellove, I if Hi. Bocaaio over r.Ctn) p!i) alclaus snd druegl.ts h tve voluutarlly Uetldcd that they nro uirior to all other plasters or inedlclusa fur cxtertiul use, Nlxtli. Ilecinio tho inauufai'ttirera havo rccelvM the only inidile ever given fur porous plssleri, Benson's Capcine Porous Easier! SEABURY & JOHNSON, Manufm tunnj C'lii New York. ANUHH itlt.1ll.llV ATIMMT. I'nroliSctj; MEAD'S Medicated CUHNtinJ BUNION tUSTCR. Nov i '61 Oy Fancifllltih Top, as above. ONLY $30. Tru Oaasw zs Built o tihi Old Itu, Back Cares Scrofula, Erysipelas, Pimples and Faco Grubs, Blotches, Tlolls, Tumors, 'ot ter, Humors, Salt Jllioum, Scald Head, Sores, Morcwid Disoasos, Fomalo "Weakness mid Irregularities, Dizziness, Loss of Appetite, Juandice, Affections ot the Liver, Indi gestion, Biliousness, Dyspep sia and Gonoral Debility. A course of Ic ftlncvt flitters will ssttsfjr the mu.1 skcltl si (list It Is the t. reatfst lltoorl rurtlier on esnh. Bold ty in. itl. Ino dealers esery- lirrf . llirectlons In eleven Istifuaesi rittcit, Itjoo. FOSTER, MILBUiM 4 CO., Prop't, Buffit'e, N.Y. SIS s CRESCENT PLUG. ThU lir.inrl nt Tobacco I lion crti hut a short tlmo on tho market, Is nlroaily thu favorite wltli many chewers. Made from delected leaf and with tho heat 8 tveetcnln It Is n. capital article and specially suited to tho l'onnajivanla taste. For Bale by all dealers. Send f jr sample to tho manufacturers. (!. A..I.l'KStlN ifc Co., l'l'tcrnliiirK, Vu Juno it -4w r f r r Per week can bo made In any locality. jUuU .somclhln off entirely new ror ngenia. so INUltAIIAM co., Ilosion, Juno9-4vr oiitntfree. u. w , Nam. STESUSZIIS I send for our sclcf t list of looal now naners. (leo. 1' ltowell Co., 10 Hprticost.N.Y Juno -lw r - J -i ciillls lliric to lxTllnc n... i. nun itiiinni tin. itnllillniM. Interest spint Annual. Noihlnir ever been lost. 3!th j'ear ot residence and mh In the business, nest 01 reiereilul-s t-l'UU 1UI iiaiuouiuia ii juuua.u monovtoloan, N. It. Costs advanced, Interest kept up, and principal Btiarauiecu in casu ui lurceiusure, D. F. B. JOHNSON Mogotlalor of Kortgase Loans, ST. PAUL,1I1MM miyistw r To Kervou: Sufferers Tho Gat European uosoay. Da. j, n, stMrsox's ei-kcifio iikuicinh. nr. . t. n. siinDaon's Socclllo Medicine Is a nosl tlvo euro for overwork of body or br.iln or excess ot any klul, such as weakness and all diseases re sulting from Nervous Debility, Irrltablllly.Mental Aniecy. L.aniruor. Linssuuue.irt'iirt-asiuu ui opiriui ana tuncuonai neraueincnis oi iuo uurvuus sys- tein generally, i-ains in iuo uulk or oiue, W5a oi memory, itc mature old atre uidd seases Ihut lead to consmpt- ion, insanity sun early crave or both. No matter now shattered tho 'stem may bo nun fxersHi-n uf nnv Kino, is nuortcourf:o of this medicine will restore tlm lost ltinctlons nnd pro cure health and happlncswbero before was do- sponuency ana r;ioom. 't uo cpeciuo .neaicino is uu' Int? lifted with wonderful success. iMtnphlcts sent free to an. write ror inem nnu pel. full tiartrleular. Trice, SpeclfJo Jl.oo per packuse.or six packages ror win uo sent, uy muii uu receipt ui monu. Address all orders, J. 11. SIMPSON'S MEDlCINl CO. N03. lot and liKSMaln street, Buffalo, N. Y. For sale by J. II. KINI'OHTD, llloomshurfc', Va. fob 2lS2-ly The Backus Water Motor. IS THE MOST Economical Power Known -l'-on- D1UVINQ LIGHT MACHINERY. It takes but Utile room. Itnover cots out of rop.tlr. It can not blow up, . ' It r.eedo no fuel Itt.cedsnoenelnccr. Thcrolsnodelty! no tiling up; no ashes to clean nw.iy; no extra Insurance to pay; no repair in? necessary; no coal bills to pay, and It Is always ready for U3". It Is Invaluablo for blowing Church organs for ninuluif Priming Tresses, Sesvmi; Machines. Turn ins Lathes, Scroll Saws.Orlnd Stones ColTec Mills, SausuKo Machines, Feed Cutters, Corn Mills, Leva tors, etc. Four horso power at 40 pounds pret sure of It Is noiseless, neat, compact, steady, nnd above all IT 13 VERY CHEAP. Send for circular to tho Ilackus Water Motor Co., Newark, N. J., statins mimo of paper you saw ad- vcvttsfmeut In. Price, f is lo jsoo. ssroai. When you do you Spring Sh If you come in person, The trains from the different branches of the rcnnsylvania Railroad come to the new IJroad Street Station, which is within one block of our store ; you walk directly through the new City Hall to our Market Street front. If you come by Philadelphia and Reading Railroad, nny horse car on Thirteenth Street will bring you directly from the Callowhill Street Depot to our door. If you come through Camden, N.J., any horse car on Market Street, except the red ones, will bring you direct. We have provided new and spacious reading and toilet rooms for the free use of visitors. If you order by letter Departments of goods have been so enlarged nnd improved that our stock, unquestionably the most comprehensive in the United States, is better than ever. We send without charge, or nny obligation to purchase, samples of the new Dress Goods, Silks, etc. We give prices of our entire slock in our new Catalogue for Spring and Summer, which is mailed free to all who send us address on postal card. Hundreds of orders arc filled daily, and goods sent by mail mul express to every State and Territory, with full privilege of return and refund of money if they do not suit. John Wanamaker, PHILADELPHIA. Chestnut, Market ami Thirteenth mrccls, and City Hall Square, MB Wmm BLOOMSBURG, PA. fKSI ii! iff ill BLOOMSBURG SIXTH NORMAL SCHOOL DISTKIOT. Bloomsburg, Columbia County, Pennsylvania. Rev. D. J. WALLER, Jr., Ph. D., Principal. TiiiHHiitinrit.. nnntni-esent constituted, olfcra tho very best facilities for Professional and Classical learning. llulldlncs spacious, Inviting and commodious! completely heated by stoam, well ventilated, lighted i sprin.i,- wnicr i.ocaiion ncaunuu, aim l-ui ui hvm. i mw,.-. t.v,.-. .vuw., ... Expentcs moderate. Fifty cents n week deduction to nil epectlnn to teach, courses or siuuy prcsuriueu uy mu oiusu i I. Model School. II. Prcparntoiy. III. I. Atliimct Coursen: Academic. II. Commercial. III. Course in Muntc. Ir. Coarno in mi.. s.-in;n,.tni... unin.itlnt. nml flnnrnrin nrn t'lfnll'kNmdVAT.. nnrl aniitntirn i..n.iitnii... followlEBCorTespondliiKDegreosi Master ot the rsormai Ueri-incaier. luoirisillllllllivilin, bikiivu uy ThnpnnrRn nr NT.un v nreacrioeti uy iuo Miaio isuuerai. aim uiuojiununc nnu u asi cni courses nrn nor. Tiw,strntni',.niiirnaniiiffhnrnnlerot clttzcnshtD. InKlnlelll Rent and cniclent Teachers for her Schools. To this end It solicits yonnir persons ot (rood abilities and (food purposes, Ihoso who desire to I Improve their time and students. To all such It promises old In developing their powers, and nCundant opportunities for well paid taunr rsill'r Il-USIIIK'IUUI. rur vtsiuiuuurisuuivcH; n. . ...iv... 1ION.W1I.I.1A.U i:i.Vi:i,l I'retlilant Ilonrd of Trimtcr. F. 1. UtLLMYKR, Secretary. OJt). I, '41.- GUNS OF EVERY KIND CHEAPER THAN EVER. Ill Hen, Shut Ouiift, Itovolvvra, Atinnuul Xtuu, l'lAlittif Taeklo, Hcitien, Nets, Kuivng, Haznrtt, Hkatcs, Ilaminocks, etc Xiirgc IlhiHtnitod Cntnloeue ntl'l!. GREAT WESTERN GUN WORKS, 1'ITTSUVltail, l'A. WANTED I ladles uml aeiitlcinen. to enuaee with us to sell several L'ncfiil llonxeliolil ArllelPN. l'rrslitw lnrire. Labor lis llirlil. XxcIiinIvsi tcrritsiry irlsen. No competl' Hon. Terms liberal. Circulars FltEE. Address, Honltt Manurael'g Co., llos HUH, l'ittiburglt, l'a. NEW OURE FOR AND ALL TROUBLESOME VERMIN. PiisV, (jure. cIchmIt nnd e lien p. SArople Piicktce, Toit t i.J, 3il cU. AflKSTH WANTCh, AiUrciri, OT. XX. T ohtiNtoii, IMttibut-ffli. r. USIGAL INSTRUMENTS of nil kinds for salo vory chonp. Catalogues froo. Address, RICHARD HULL & CO.. Box 868. l'lttsburgh, Pa. A print -em .T.H.J. ftfjrsawectln your own town Terms and t out- vUOfitfrce. Address II. IUllkt & Co. rornana, Maine. march 31 -ly Morphine CURED lnOto20 DAYS. THOUSANDS of rrfprencp. frmii rrsons curei. N VssrXntU!una. Ur. J.STKl'lIE.SIS, Lcbmioii, 0- Apill21-3m r.ut STAiVD.inU fAT&si&a nnnn mm tit i iTrnn iimmiBSM t1 uuu r un rbaiuo for produtluffflowcrsand vluorous crowtu it hits Jno ciiual. II us stood the test for yoars, and nlways does ull clalmeit for it. Is eDeclal- a .y adapted for housn plants T on.! .ii-l..,iliii tflvlnir n ! lmaltuy urowth and abund- H j ( )ver 10 '.eon packages sold Sill In 1SS1. Awarded tho medal ifj at tho mechanics' fair In lloston. Put uu lu pa:katres at 10 and us cents each. For salontTHK COI.U.MI1I IN OFFICU. ADVE'.'.TliHltS by addressing HEO. I'. UOWKLL t O'J., lOMprucu tt Now Voik. can loarn tho ej set. cost ot any prop ised lino of Anvmi'liSINO in .vmerlcin Newspapers, swioo-pago ramjihlot, 2jC. OUT THIS UT! ACCNTO CJ t ' er ?r; ?; i nnr? WEEK. MAKE i J iSs-Vfl Wo have stoi cs In 1 5 leadlntr Cltloa, from which uiir mftuts cbttiu their .upi hesir.ihtli. Uur I'Mi torlet a .a I'rlnriiml (lllli e mo ut Ciii', I'. i. r-M I tor our ?.esv C utiiluiilie ind ti-ri-1 j iiT'ims AdvitcH ' 1 1 J nii"l 9 3l2LncknwannnAvo I'JJ: M: LusSLL scrahton, pa. March 3-ly RsxiiixBiuncsmBraKeMEiEswssmex. oppsng Dry floods, '.adieu', Gentlemen's and Children's Wear and Housekeeping ApiHilutnientii. anM M)WBM AGENTS A POTATO BUGS "it i iiiTi ii STATE BIOHMAL S0H00L .,, Students admitted at any hleraenlary. IV, Ulnftsicnl. Kloincntss Master of tho Helonces i Master of the muummnw mu i.u.smui i 1 11311,19. Tho times demand It. It Is ono of ton nrimn nhioiu CAUTION. GET THE BEST, STROMA COMPETITION In the manufacture of Organs is sale of cheap goods, made from i i r-., ii.nj. uirtny to uugus vigiiua liihu siiu tence. without any merit whatever, except to be ottered cheap, and then when purchased found to be ' 1 1 n 1.11 . then, reader, If you o-aiemplai: consider it your only safeguard to select an instrument bearing the namc3 of first class, wholly responsible makers. A good assort ment ot styles of the celebrated the new rooms oi the Umy ilutnonzga Agent for the Ea tery Orgaua in Columbia years irom the mimutiicturers Junem.'&o-tl PIAITOS, FINN INLAID WENCH WALNUT CASK OMAN, 0.ST0PS, $90 CASH. Kilty TciiuH, Siitltifiictloii Giinraiitccil. iJA.aonsr's rpinsra waaE rooms, MUSIC TIALL BLOCK, WIIilIDS-DAllIin, FA Juno Will MID IM THE ltlGHT PLACE TO GET A SPRING OR IS AT DAVID LOWENBEBC MEKCHAWT TAILOR. AT IIWS1I EXAMINE THE IfttVV ' V r1ll '. u iiiiu n uu no DU BUSINESS AND DRESS SUITS HANDSOME PATTERNS. PERFECT FITS, AN IMMEN.SE STOCK OF SIFZEllNrGJ- C3-OOIDS ON by gas, and furnlshod with a bountiful supply of tlmo. ltooins reserved when desired. Art. V. 1 Classics, tirnauates In tho other Courses recolvo inrnrinrtn innan nr nnenpur. nmieffes. nr ttiia Miinni in hnin tn Rtini ir.. hv furnish- resulting in the production and inferior materials. I refer partic- .n.. ir ... into uuiiLiuiiiuij spunking dear at any price. Will you not Buying an Organ Estey Organs can now be seen at County. A guarantee for five accompanies every Jstey Organ. Bloomsburg, Fa. ID si-l v !; A MTE OF SUMMER SUIT TH36S- Fllgl: FINEST STOCK OF I 'II I I fl HA I. r. I i ' v uiimiwi i) u ji c '1 I P.I flTMMd ;iiiuu. HAND. RAIL ROAD TIME TABLE PENNSYLVANIA KAIijROAD. 1'IIIL AUKLl'HIA A KHI 15 It. It. DIVISION. WINTEU TIME TABLE. On and after Monday. Dec. 19. lBSl.tho trains nn thoriiliadolphla Krlo ltallroad Division will run as follows I WKSTWAltU. Itrlo Mall loavos riilladolphtlk 11 65 p m " 11 Ilarrlsburir 4 85 a in 11 minbury cioats " " Wllliamsport 8 40 a in Ick Iiavon 10 a in ' " ltenovo 11 on am " " Kane. Mpm ' arrive nt Krlo Hi nm ttiagora Express loaves 1'hlladclphta s co a m uiiiiauiirif jxioprn " sunbury i to p m " Wllliamsport s S3 pin " I-ock Haven 4 to p m " " ltenovo C 45 pm " " Kano lotiSpm Fast Lino leaves l'liilndelrlila it so p m " Harrlsburg a 05 p ra ' " Hunbury sispm " " Wllliamsport riopra 11 arrlvo at Lock Haven 8 10 p m EASTWAltD. Lock Haven Express leaves Lock Iiavon 7 co a ra NVIlllamsDort 9 03 a ni " sunbury " arrivo at Harrlsburg " " Philadelphia Fast Lino leaves canandalgua " ' Watklns " Elmlra " " Wllliamsport ' " Hunbury " arrives at Ilarrlsourir " l'hlladclphla Day Express leaves Kano " " ltenovo " " Ixick Haven " Wllliamsport lo to a in 1159 pm r 16p in 7 05 p m 8 40 pm u 30 p in U is n in 1 8'la in 8 is am 7 0oam aooam 10 03 a m 11 isam m is p m 3 so p m 7 ospm 11 83 a m 4iopm 9 no p m 1010 pm 11 80 p m 1 05 a m sooam 7 oo am urnTe at. jtarrisourir Philadelphia Krlo Kano Erlo Mall leaves " ltenovo " Lock Haven " Wllliamsport " sunbury arrives at Ilarrlsburg " Philadelphia Krlo Mall west and Lock Haven Kxuress East I make close connections at Northumberland with L. & II. It. 11. trains for Wllkcsbarro and Bcranton, Krlo Mall West. Niagara Eicnrcsa West and Fast Lino West mako closo connection nt Wllliamsport with N. c. It. W. trains north. Nlairara Kxnrcss West nnd Dav Exnress East mako closo connection at Lock Haven with l). K. V it. n. trains. Krlo Mall Cast and West connect at Krlo with trains on L. H. tc M. . It. It. ; at Uorry with ll. I'.i: W. 11. It.: at Kmnorlum with 11. N. Y.tV. It. It. and at Driftwood with A. v. it, it. Parlor cars will run between Philadelphia nnd WHlamsport on Nlarjaru Hxpress west, and Day Kiprctis ast. Bleeping cars on all night trains. General Supt. NOKTIIERN COMPANY. OENTJML HAILWAY On and after KYibruarv loili.issi.trnlin will leave Sunbury as follows: NOKTIIWAltD. Northern Express a.m. .arrive Elmlra 12.30 pm Arrive at i;annnuaigua a.vo p. ni. " ltochcster 4.40 " " Nlarrara. S 45 Niagara Express 1.30 p. m. arrive lilmlra 0.03 p m urns o uauanuais;ua h.hd " " ltochcster 0 4.1 " 14 Nlapuru 19. r.0 a m Fast lino 5.13 p m arrlvo Klmlrn lo.vo p m svaiKins li.iu pm SOUTHWARD. southern Express 1.S2 a.m. arrlvo Harrtsu'g 8.15 nm ainvo l nnaaeipma i.ou " " Now York ,85 " " Daltlmoro 7,to " Washington a m Lock Haven Ex 10.30 a ra arrlvo llarrlsb't; lu.te pm umivu i uiiaueiiJuiis o.uu p m " New York 8.45 " BalUmoro 6.21 " W&Ahlncrtnn a 4T Day Exprcail.50 p m arrlvo Harrlsburi; 8.s p ra l'uuuuciuuiu l.uo " " Now York 10.00 " " Ilaltlraoro 7.00 " Washlnirlnn S.17 Erlo Mall 1,05 a. tn. arrlvo Harrlsbure; 3. 00 a. ta " I'uuauuipuiss i.uo " Now York 9.S5 " " lialtlmore 7.00 " Washlntrton 8.M WOOD, (lencral l'assensor Aifent. PltANK THOMSON, General ManaRtr. TVTTTT A IM?! T1TT A . T T. 1 T-vT XT1 T" k T akuangement of PASSENGBB 1 mn a tmo , -""""' ssuvs;uisk:i i 111, loot, TRAINS LKWK TIUPXRT AS P0LI.0WB(80NDAY xxoxrrkP. For Now York.Phlladclphla.Kcadlne.rottsvlllo Tnmaqua, ic, 11,45 a. m For Catawlssa, 11,43 a. tn. 4 to and 7,20 p, m. For Wllliamsport, c,16 S,60 a. m. and 4,00 p. m. TRAINS FOR HUUT LEATR AS FOLLOWS, (S0NDAT tSCKI'TKD.) Leave Now York, via. Tamanend 8.45 a. ra. and via. Uound lirook Ilouto 7,43 a. m.. Leave rhlladolpula, 0,45 a. m. Loavo Headlnt,', 11,55 a. m., rottsvlllo, 1,50 p. m andTamaqua, 1,95 p. m. Leave C.tawlsaa, 0,10 8,40 a. m. and 4,00 p. m. Leave Wllliamsport ,9,45 a.m,5,W) p. m. and 4,30 p. iu I'ossenifers to and from New York, via. Tama nend and to and from Philadelphia co throueh without change ot cars. J. E. WUUTTGN, Oonoral Maniurer. 0. 0. HANCOCK, General Passenger and Ticket Agent. Jan.lo.lS8l-tf. DELAWARE, LACKAWANNA AND WESTKlt.N llAILUOAD. BLOOMSBURG DIVISION. NOKTH. STATIONS. .. ..Bcranton.... lielicvue. . ....Taylorvllle.. SOUTH p.m. p.m. a.m. a.m. p.m. p.m. V 15 8 OK 0 JU 0 43 9 so 9 45 9 VI 9 ti 1 10 8 13 0 19 6 24 II 03 8 66 8 43 3 !M 3 11 3 0J I 53 i 60 0 37 9 30 0 21 U 19 9 14 2 20 2 21 2 34 9 89 2 44 ...Lackawanna., a 82 0 40 si 45 II 60 1! 51 0 63 7 02 7 10 7 17 7 22 7 10 7 37 8 00 8 28 8 60 9 00 9 10 1 00 8 03 8 OV 8 18 8 25 8 30 U 37 8 65 9 02 9 01 0 19 I'lttston.,.. ,. West Tltta ton 8 42 10 03 8 S7 Wyoming.... Mnltby Bennett Kingston.... Klntrston.... .Flymoutn Juno ....l'lymoutli... Avondalo ... Nantlcoko.. 1U 08 9 (5 tii 9 00 11 30 9 01 10 18 10 18 10 20 10 34 10 42 10 BS 2 64 2 fit 3 02 t Oli 9 04 8 63 8 47 8 8'J 2 113 8 10 8 07 i H 2 11 2 04 1 61 l :a 1 111 8 10 3 18 3 33 3 45 3 61 3 57 4 07 4 12 4 20 4 27 4 83 4 39 4 60 5 19 0 !S 00 7 45 Uunlock'a crock 8 23 ..Hntcksninny. ..Illck'a Fcrrv. 7 33 8 17 11 07 11 13 11 20 7 SO 1 00 8 12 8 00 7 BC 7 62 7 41 7 8S 7 33 7 20 T 11 Beach Haven. 7 80 l'i (3 -Berwick.. 7 13 12 39 7 09 12 V3 7 C5 12 21 67 12 12 ft CI 12 00 0 45 11 63 0 37 11 43 ..uriar Creek. Willow OrOTO. ..Liino mage., , Earn- 111 .llloomsburg.. ......Kunert 11 45 11 6) 11 65 12 18 Catawl'a Ilriago S IS II OS uanviuo.... Ctiulasky... Camorou.., ft 10 10 DO 0 UI 10 43 0 45 10 23 6 43 Noriuumoerrd 12 45 a.m. p.m. a..m. p.m. p.m. a.m. . . . w V- HAI.ST3AT), SUOt. Superintendent's onico, Bcranton. Fot. 1st, issy. HAffi BAsXSAM. B sdggmhi. . This .lona.,, Ae-.!,,, N II i'ttk-IKj ly tluj uhali.icLsedit,tonny atlXln, cn tic. :ouiu cr iu tupcfiur rlcaiilinrst and puiiiy. It COIIt.linS ULltrrlAl. oulytlwUcetcnUlciil to iho sculp and liais aiidaluayi Rettoret the Youthful Color to Grey or Faded Hair i-arkcri nair ualMin Is lincly pcifumcd ad is warranted to prcs tut falling U tlio and lo ts. move dandruff and itching. 1 Iiscox & Co , N,Y. SOc, snj 1 1 slwi, .1,r. lu ilrors 4 nsdUls... PARKER'S GIN A Superlative Health and Strtnoih Reitnrs r. If you sua a incdianic or farmer, worn out with over work, or a moihcr I un iIok n Ly family or houso. hold uutieitry l'AitKaa'a (Jinulk Tcnic, If youronla)tr, minUttr cr lusincst man luusud by mental stramoranxiouscarcs, do not tok IntoikatingnlmulaiiU.butusol'arksr'iCingerToiiic Ifyoiihavo Consiimptioii, Dsspenia, Hheuma. Ism, Kidney Complaints, oranydisorderoflholungi, tomach.losiels, Lloodcr nenci,l'jnKii'GiKORa Ionic willcmeyou. ItlsihelircatcstHloodruiiner And the Bett and Surest Cough Cure Ever Used. If you arc wasting away fromnte, dissipation or any disease or weaknesa and renuiro a stimulant tako Oinoib i Ionic at once Itwilllnvljorale andluild you up from the fust dose but mil never Intoxicate. It lus laved liundisdi of lives) It may save yours. CAUTION l-Rrm sll lul.lllol.i.l'.il.r'.oioirt TiU Is coipoi.4 c-l lb. Ull r.m.J!.) .Mils lb. wf.iU,.niiniUrilr dlff.rHil fruiii tr,ii.ti.L)l if .Us. B.oi fur sIrcuUr U HUcox4Co.,N. y, (0c, i H iUi,i.lalU)mfi. OntAT f AVISO BUTINO. POLLAR SIZE. Ill rich and lasting fraciance hat made thii delightful perfume exceedingly popular. Titer Is nothing like It. Insist upon having 1'lokui. TON Colocmi and look for ilgnature of ea ttttj l&tUs. A&r dnirvl.1 r dwltf U wt fiiuwp Wr.UBgAMXO BUTINU 11c. SIHE. wmm Marcus, '2 ly,