The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, June 23, 1882, Image 3

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The Columbian.
FRIDAY, JUNE 23rd, 1882.
Correct ltnllroml Time Tiililo.
Trains on tho ruiladclplila & It. It. leavo lturcrt
(19 follows t
a isa. m.
4 08 p. m.
Trlns on the 1). I.. K W,
na follows i
I w a.m.
!o M n. m.
U 45 a. m.
o i. in.
It. It. Icuro Dloomsburg
8 : a, m.
It 49 a, in.
o 61 n. in.
Tlin 11 43 train nnuth cnnnfMn with thn Phiti.
1 vi p. m
itclntila k itcadlnir at import, ana Willi iho
Northern Central at Northumberland.
A. W. Dickson of Berwick was In town
on Tuesdny.
Hev. Jolm Hewitt la stopping In town
with Col. J. 0. Freeze.
Dr. A. I. Stoddnrt, of Omngevllle, wns
In town on Tuesday,
Miss Emma Wilson of Wilkes Hnrrc, Is
visiting nt Peter Hllltncycr's.
Mrs. Hnrolil Hogers of Allentown Is
spending n few weeks with her parents.
Miss l.Tnlh of Wilkes lhirru is visiting
her friend Miss Annie Husseit on Fourth
Mrs. Dr. I). W. Conner of Wilkes Ilane,
Is spending a few days In town with her
Henry llupcrt stnrt-jd for Three ltlvers,
Mich. Inst Tuesday, where lie Intends mak
ing his home.
Messrs. llupcrt, Glover, Plait, Kocnlg
mid Drumheller of Hnzlcton, spent Sun.
day In town.
K. 11. Drinker 1ms recovered from his
recent rheumatic attack Biilllclcntly to at
tend to buslncs. He Is In Scriiuton to-day,
A. H. llacon of Wilkes liarrc, whs in
town again this week. His large trade In
pianos lu this section brings him here very
Mr. James E. Huttcr, third vlce-Prest-dent
of tho New York Central railroad,
nml Mr. Stephen Phillips, both of How
York city, are tho guests of Mr. Lloyd Pax
ton ut Rupert.
There will he a boat regatta on the river
nt Plymouth on the Fourth of July.
New styles of culling cards and card
typo just received at the Comjmiuan olllce.
Frank S. Kinports had it telephone put
in ids store this week.
They say chickens arc cheaper than
meat, try them at F. S. Kiuport's grocery.
About five thousand people attended the
show at Catawlssn on Tuesday afternoon,
mid nearly as many in tho evening.
Mary, wife of John Allstatt, formerly a
resident of this town, died on the 10th
inst, lu Eric.
An Indian boy from tho Carlisle school
Is now at Light Street where lie will spend
tho summer.
The new fountain in N. J. Hendcrshott's
show window attracts much attention ami
li greatly admired.
Pens, pencils, pen holders, ink, rubbers,
mucilage in great variety at the Coi.umhiax
HoAimiNO. A few boarders can lie nc
commodated nt Mrs. W. II. Jacoby's on
Centre street, one-half square below Main.
It is repotted that Uerwick Is to have a
colllu manufactory and boot nml shoo fac
tory lu a short time.
Next Sunday will be "Children's Day"
lu the Evangelical Church. Services cum.
mencing ut 2J o'clock.
The Grand Army of Pennsylvania is ar
ranging to tlx n day In September to be
called "Grand Army D.iy."
Go to W. II, Yetter for good cabbage
plants, he has 100,000, $1.00 to 1.25 per
1000, 15 cents per 100.
Hon. H. 11. Paynu will deliver the annual
address before the literary societies at the
State Normal school, on Tuesday evening,
the 27th.
The commencement exercises at Lewis
town Academy took phico on the 20th inst.
Prof. W. II. Schuyler will please accept
our thanks for an Invitation to be present.
Mr. John F. Ward, tho original "Hlg.
gins," In the drama of "Dr. Clyde," has
taken up ids summer residence at the
Parrish House, in Plymouth.
J. G. Ilamsdcll, 111!) Chestnut St., Phil
ndelplila,wlll mall any of our lady readers a
copy of thclntcst "-Metropolitan Fashions,"
gratis, on receipt of address.
The Philadelphia nnd Rending Coal and
Iron Company pays annually 81(1,000 for
taxes in Schuylkill and Northumberland
It is generally conceded that Genera'
Manager Frank Thompson will succeed
Mr. A. J. Cassatl us First Vice President of
tho Pcnnylvnnla Railroad Company,
Geo. 11. Markle, Jr., has purchased tho
Hnzlcton Collin nnd Casket Works, belong
ing to the Into L. W. Drake, for 80,000,
nnd Is now i mining tho business to its full
est capacity.
Mr. E. 1). Ikishlluo Is among the speak,
crs who will address tho reunion and bus.
kct picnic of the students of tho Columbus
Academy to bo held nt New Columbus to-
A scml.weckly paper, Issued in tho Inter.
est of advertisers, has made Its appearnnco
at Nanticoke. Washington L. Noble is the
editor. The paper Is called tho NantlcoUo
Threo prisoners escaped from tho Wy
oinlng county jail nt Tunkhnnuock last
week. One of them has broken jnil twice
before. Their names aro Charles Wall,
Dennis Wall Jr. and Frank Ilrlggs.
Tho ladles of tho Reformed chinch will
havo n strawberry and Ico crenm festival
lu Evans' Hall tills Friday and Saturday
evenings, Tho patronage of tho public Is
respectfully solicited.
John Tucker, tho pollto porter at tho
Vnnklrk House, Northumberland, and for
merly of tho Exchange Hotel of this town
Is radiant now In a now suit of bluo will
brass buttons. No doubt ho looks like it
major general.
During the pnrado of llarrctt & Co's
mcnngerlo ut Catawlssn tho telephone of
tho Husquohanna Hotel was connected
with tho telephone exchange, at Blooms
burg so that tho music could bu distinct
ly heard at tho latter place.
The convention of tho P. E. Church held
nt Mnuch Chunk last week, decided to
select nu assistant bishop. After two
bullots were taken without uu agreement
between tho clergy and laity, tho election
wns postponed until next October when
the convention will meet nt Reading,
Rov, L. Calmer, Judge hrlckbaum and
Gcorgo h. Elwell were lu nttendnnco from
this county,
James Hcllly has been making some lin.
provcmciits on his residence, In tho way of
n new Iron fence nnd tin roof.
Rev. J. W. Smith, the new pastor of tho
Hnptlst church, will bring his family to
llloomshurg this week.
Tho Cnlllcplnn Society nt the Normnl has
purchased a handsomo walnut book case
for thqlr library, through W. J. Corrcll &
The literary society discussed this (pics.
Hon on Thursday evening at Tlnglcy's hall,
Hetolml that minority representation Is tho
true principle of government,
Prof. Wilbur wns called nwny last week
to see his father who wns very 111 with
pneumonia. Ho returned on Saturday,
leaving his father In an Improving con.
On Saturday night lightning struck tho
barn of Ebcnczcr Morgan, nt Wniiamie,
Luzerno county, instant'y killed 11 vo cows,
without setting lire to the structure or do
lug other damage.
An entertainment will bo given ntltrond.
way Hall, Nnntlcoke, this evening for the
benefit of the widow of the late Lieutennnt
Hates. It will he under the management
of John F. Ward.
A severe hrll storm panned over llloonis
burg on Friday afternoon of last week. It
came In a direction from North to South
and took lu a section about twelve or fifteen
hundred feet wide. The stones were very
largo and fell with groat force.
Tho Catawlssn circuit of tho M. E.
Church will have a 4th of July celebration
nenr Slabtown, at the meeting house grove.
At the same time will be served general
refreshments for the benefit of the parson
age fund.
The trustees of the West Chester State
Normal School havo chosen Mr. J. P.
Welsh, who graduates this year nt Lafay
ette College, to fill tho position of teacher
of "English Grammar, Composition and
Literature" In that Institution.
Fakm Fon Sam:. An ndjourncd sale of
a farm containing about 00 acres, situate
lu Ml. Pleataiil township, belonging to the
estate of T. J. Vandersllce, deceased, will
be ollered for saloon Thursday, June 20,
at one o'clock p. m.
ICnorr Ss Wlnterstecn will erect on the
roof of their building n flnu ling stall thirty,
five feet high. It is made from a Norway
pine that stood lu tho William Mclvdvy
lot, and which was brought from Muncy
many years ago and planted by Mrs. Wil
liam McKclvy.
Just received a i.ew lot of Elgin, Wnlt-
ham, Springfield and othermakc of watches
in open and hunting cases, warranted from
two to live years.)
Also silver plated teaspoons oue dollar a
set, table spoons two dollars a set, at L.
Ilemhard's Jewelry Store. 0 0-tf
L. V. Houscl, whose paper, the Milton
Daily Aravf, has attracted nunc attention of
late for its peculiar utterances, is in jail
here on a charge of insanity, having been
arrested twice during tho present week.
His friends nt Milton havo been written to.
llarrhbunj Pittriot.
It is reported bj sonic fnrincrs that the
black birds nre unusually destructive to the
oung com this spring. This is attributed
to the fart of tho season being late before the
corn made its appearance above tho ground,
ml when It did these birds hadtheiryoiiug
to feed as well as themselves-
According to thu Fourth Annual report
of the Young Men's Christian Association
of Uerwick, during the lift seven months
of 1881, 1317 volumes were Issued. The
nuuibvr of volumes circulated during tho
live months of 1882, up to the !)lst of -May,
has been 2187 or an average of n00 per
-. o
Alderman Cranlleld, tax collector of
Seraulon, who was short nearly .!,000 in
the settlement of his duplicate for Slate
and county taxes from which amount ex
onerations and uncollected taxes were to
be deducted has left the clt nod it is not
known whether he has committed suicide
or gone to Ireland to get help from his
If you want n copy of tho History of
Columbia County now U the time to sub
scribe. It will be a book of ubout (iOO
pages, and will cost $2.50 lu cloth binding,
$11.00 half nioi orco, and $H.G0 full sheep,
and will bo ready for delivery sometime
next fall. Send your name to the Colum-
iiiak olllce, Isloonisuiirg, 1'a.
Wo acknowledge tho corn Mr. Uemllium,
The article on Triennial assessments in
:ist week's Issue was a mistake. The
ruth is thu article was clipped from another
paper merely as a memorandum, witlitlio
intention of examining the question, but
n tho absence of the editor who clipped It
It was inserted in the paper, supposing it
was intended for publication.
At a special court held at Wilkes llarro
on Tuesday neiore judge r.iweu, tne
motion for a now trial In the libel cn-.o of
W. W. Scranton against A. A. Cluwc, ed
itor of tho Scranton Time; was argued nnd
the mutlon refused. This leaves the ver-
diet of $1,411, standing against Chase, and
If not paid ho will have to go to jail.
Chairman ISogcrt has completed arrange-
incuts with the Pennsylvania, the itcadlu
and l.i.hich Valley Railroads for half.faro
tickets for delegates to tho Dcmoeratlu
State Convention. Those entitled to tho
commutation In fares can upon application
to Mr. Hoccit leeeive orders to the local
agents, which will secure them.
Col. A. H. Stead of Wllllanisport, com
inandliig tho Twelfth Regiment of State
Militia, while on his way home last Satur
day night about 12 o'clock, wns assaulted
by three disguised men, who jumped out
of an- alley. They knocked him down and
kicked lilm until he became unconscious,
There was no attempt at robbery anil thu
Colonel thinks It was done by some onu
whom hu had sentenced, hu being nu alder
man. His injuries were not serious.
Ask somo men for an advertisement, and
they will answer i "I don't believe In ad
vertising. Nobody reads your paper
Hut let the sauiu man bu caught kissing
his neighbor's wife or trying to hold up a
street light, and his tone changes Immeill
ntely i and If a newspaper olllcu Is In thv
garret of n seven story building ho will
climb to tho lop and beg thu editor to keep
thu nlfair nut of tho paper, as alt of his
acquaintances In thu seven counties would
get on to it.
The best butter churn in tho market nt
F. S. Kiuport's grocery.
Tho Agricultural Society held a meeting
last Saturday. Tho Fair will lie held
October 11th, 12th, ltfth nml Mill. Thu
fair grounds weru let to I), O. Caufinau for
threo mouths, who will use them us u pine
to break and train horses, The Society
has purchased thu vacant lot In front of
tho grounds, formerly owned by Ell liar
ton, Wo aro not Informed what amount
was agreed to bo paid, Frcas Fowler,
William Shatter nnd Thomas Webb wei
appointed delegates to go to tho State col
lego at Hellefonte, C entru county, to elect
trustees of that Institution,
On Tuesday last, tho 20th of June, tho
great combination shows of Uarrctt Ss Co.
appeared In Catawlssn. People had como
from nil sections to seo tho grand street
parade nor wcro they disappointed In
tlits. Tho display of chariots and cages
was much more than Is usually seen, and
the horses were tho finest perhaps ever seen
with nny show. Tho managers mako
great efforts to bring every department of
their show up to the highest standard.
Mr, Willis Cobb the press agent Is n per.
feet gentleman In every respect nnd wins
hosts of friends wherever lie goes, His
nlm is to mnko every one comfortnble, nnd
prevent If possible nil rowdyism in or
about the mnsslvo tents.
This Is but the second year for this vnst
combination, nnd this is Its first trip
through Pennsylvania. They nre giving
satisfaction wherever they exhibit mid
should they return ngnln will bu well paid
for their work In bringing their show to so
high a standard.
The Town council and tho water com.
pany cannot agree on terms for n public
water supply, nnd for that reason tho
plugs have been cut olt from the mains
and the town Is now nt the mercy of the
flames. The water company nsks $1,000
a year for live years, nnd the council has
offered 800 for one year. There Is not
so much difference between them but what
the matter can lie adjusted, and the law
provides nn ensy remedy. Where nny
tax payer thinks thnt tho town Is paying
too much for water he can nppenl to tho
court by n bill In equity nnd the whole
subject can ho brought up, and after a
full hearing the court can leduce the
charges or dismiss the bill. It has no
power to incrensu the price. I he water
company lias expressed its willingness to
submit the case lu this manner, and the
council ought to meet them half way. The
present condition of things Is not only
perilous for all property owners, but it is
Injuilous to tho prosperity of our town.
No capitalists will invest here and very
few new-comers mny bo expected to innke
this their home so long as the fire prolec-
ion is cut off.
The following card wns published by the
county commissioners In last week's Issues
of the Jlepublican and Sentinel.
To Tiir. Pcot'i.K of Columbia Corsrv.
Justice demands that we the undersigned
answer the calumny cast upon our motives,
n tho last lasuu of the Cblumbmn, because
wo honestly decldcd,after u careful consid
eration of all the facts and circumstances
that tho county would bo better served, In
the shortest time, with better woiktiinu
ship and material, nnd get tho most for tho
money, under the bid of H. F. Hawko nnd
Co. in building tho proposed addition to the
Court House, than from nny other bid,
although several hundred dollars above
others. So far as wo acted lu the case, wo
did as we believed then and now, purely
for the best interests of county, with
out oiler of or consent to favor, and
whether or not the building will be erected
by tho present board is a question for
further and grnvcconsider.-itioii.
Ciiaui.ks Rkiciiaiit, "I
.Iosiiua Fettkuman', Con
15. F. Edoai:, J
June 13th, 1882
Wo admit without hesitation all the state
ments made In this card, except one, and
that Is that the Coix'mman contained nny-
thing like calumny. The definition of this
word is "the false accusation of a crime or
offense, knowingly or maliciously niadu or
eporled, to the injury of another; false
representation of facts reproachful to
another, made by design, and with knowl
edge of its falsehood." We defy any onu
to point out lu the any accusa
tion of crime or offense, false or otherwise;
nnyuc representation of the facts that were
cproachful to the commissioners. 1 hey
nlsunderstand us entirely when they ac
cuse us of attempting to e.ilumuiato them.
Wc have no fight with the county conimis-
loners, but when their actions shall not bu
such as meets tho approval of the people
the Col.l'MlilAX will never hesitate to criti
cise. Wc believe that they acted honestly,
but at tho samo time hastily, and as soon
us the tine condition of things wns presented
to their view, they at onco abandoned their
position, and now statu publicly
thnt owing to opposition from various
sources they will do nothing towards an
addition to the Court House. So far
ns the reason given in their card for
awarding the contract to Hawko & Co , is
concerned, wo belluve that it should be
taken for the truth, and that all suspicion
of dishonest motives on their part should
bo cast aside.
Is tho name of a new post olllce, just
established at what has been known ns
Willow Vale, In tills county. The naniu
wns changed nt tho request of tho post
ofiicu mithoiltlcs, Hon. Mr. hlotz hns
very promptly looked after the case, and
has again proved himself to bo an atten
tive and elllcleut member.
llucUlitirii Ileum.
Mr. J. C. Grimes, county Superintendent
held his examination here on Saturday.
Miss Trella Farnsworth of Pino Summit
is visiting friends here. Trella is u welcome
visitor lu this community.
inong those on the sick list at present
wo aro sorry to name -Miss isiancii suoe-
maker, Miss Alice Pooley, .Messrs. Charles
rerwllllger, C. Kauster and Levi Wright.
Children's day was appropriately observ-
lu the M. E. Church.
A number of persons who wero engaged
on the Plpo Lino have returned.
llitckhorn ut present Is very quiet, per
haps when tho festival mania icuclies us
the Saturday evenings at least will be more
lively. Any thing for a change.
Why can't wo have a Telephone, or at
least let lite band play.
AlXIIlt 1'ilCH.
An liiBUrunco Company gives thu fol
lowing practical suggestions on appplying
water on fires. "Firemen would do well
to bear lu mind that one gallon of water at
thu bottom of a lire will do more to quench
it than ten gallons at thu top, "Play low
li tho true motto for the firemen, To play
on the root of a house on tire Is to wastu
water ; bo sine to play low ; get the water
near the tiro and then you need not pour
on a river. A few gallons ut tho bottom of
n tiro will ilso In clouds of steam when thu
tiro Is rising, and quench It. A gill of water
thrown Into thu bottom of a gratu equals a
quart thrown on top. For a similar reason
water on thu windward sldu Is inoro effect
Ivu than on the leeward. Tho hlg blau
on thu leeward looks fearful, but It cannot
bo elfected by playing on Hint sldo. Throw
waler In tho bed of coals under tho rctoit
that Is sucking tliem nnd It will go out,
that is to say, play at the bottom of thu
windward sldo of n llru and you take thu
speediest way to quench thu whole leeward
side, thu blaze Included.
This advice would no doubt, be very
valuable to our firemen If they had any.
thing to light tire with, but as the town at
present has no water for llro protection nil
this talk about where to throw it to do thu
most good Is of llttlu value,
Quick, complete cure, nil annoying Kid'
ncy, Dlndder nnd Urinary Diseases, 51
There wns quite nn excitement in town
on Tuesday over tho sinking of tho first
crib of the new railroad bridge. A largo
number of people wcro on tho wharves nnd
bniiks watching the operation. The stono
used to sink the cilb were procured ntllluc
lllll. The diver, rind In Ids gum suit and
helmet of glittering copper, was tho object
of ndmtrntlon of ."all the small boys, and
they wcro on hand In force. Tho largo stono
for building tho piers has not been con.
trncted for ns yet, although there Is some
talk of getting them from near Lowlstown.
After considerable work tho crib was sunk
to Its proper position, It fitting on tho bot
tom perfectly. Sunbury Jkmocral.
Canned goods sold very
Kiuport's grocery store.
cheap nt F. H
Tho closing exercises of the Ornngovlllo
Academy will bo held on Friday nnd Sat
unlay, Juno 30th nnd July 1st. The pro
gramme is ns follows i
Friday, Examination of Senior Class.
Friday evening nt half past seven, Annl.
vetsary address by Prof. W. 11. Owen, A.
M., of Lafayette College, delivered In the
Union Chinch.
Saturday at ten o'clock, the Graduating
Class will deliver orations nnd receive their
Saturday afternoon the Alumni will
spend in social reunion at the homo of the
Saturday evening nt half past seven, the
Alumni will hold Interesting public ex
crctses In the chinch, consisting of ora
tions, essays, declamations and music,
Mmicli Chunk.
Mauch Chunk Is well named the "Switz
erland of Ameilcn." It Is nestled down In
u nlley nnd on- nil sides high peaks lift
their heads In the air, wanting nothing but
snow caps on their crowns to make one be
llcvo he Is lenlly among the Alps. It Is
hard to see why n town should havo been
laid out In such a location, but when we
remember that this was one of the first
points where coal was discovered, and that
there Is no place near, that ollered any
better location wc can better understand It.
Every body who goes to Mnuch Chunk
lakes a ride over the famous "Swltch.Rack"
railroad. Starting from the hotel in n
coacli drawn by four horses you are carried
up to East Mnuch Chunk, a distance of
only a half mile, and there wait for the
train. Soon it appears in sight running nt
a rapid rate, and ns it approaches the sta
tion it halts suddenly. The "train" consists
of one car, with seats extending across the
whole width, and n roof overhead, the sides
and ends being open. The engineer is
vomi2 man who sits by the lirnke, nnd
starts and stops the car. There is no en
gine, no motive power, not even a mule,
no smoke, no dust, no bent. Tho car runs
entirely by gravity. Leaving the station
wo move olT, gradually increasing the
speed, until wo havo reached n velocity of
twenty-live miles an hour. Soon wo turn
n sharp curve and find ourselves looking
up an inclined plane twenty-three hundred
feet long, and as wo were told fifteen hun
dred feet hluli. Up this plane the car Is
drawn by a truck which is provided wltl
numerous arrangements to prevent nccl
dents. At the top of the piano we nre on
Mount Pisgah. Hern n mngiilllclent view-
Is afforded. On both sides wo look down
on the valleys beneath, where towns are
scattered hero and there, the river winds in
and out among the hills, and the railroads
Intersect each oilier in all directions.
Starling from this point we begin tho de
scent, and running for nine miles, we come
to the foot of another plane and are again
hoisted to the top of a mountain, and Unci
ourselves In u little village called Summit
Hill. Hero we stop for twenty minutes,
and aro conducted by small boys who oiler
themselves as guides, a short distance to
the burning mine. Smoku issued from thu
surface of tho ground, anil we wero told
that the lire had been burning for forty
years, and every effort to extinguish It has
died. Coal was first discovered at this
point in 1707 but nothing much was done
with it until about 1812, when they began
to quarry it. In 182 1 the railroad over
which wo came back to Mnuch Chunk, was
dd out, being onu of tlie first In tho
country. A nine mile inn, and a most
lellghlful ride, brought us to the starting
point, where thu coach awaited us and we
eturned to the hotel. Tho Episcopal
Church of Mauch Chunk is one of the
handsomest In the State. Thu widow of
Asa Packer has just presented the puiish
with a grand building containing a chapel,
Sunday school room, library eve. There is
n line new town hall, and several excellent
lotels. The Mauch Chunk Dmoetut ow ned
ly Judge Hairy E. Packer, and edited by
R. W. Itrodhead, an ablo journalist, is the
leading paper of the county. Court wns lu
session last week, and on Wednesday
morning wo dropped in for a few moments.
Judge Dreher was on the Ueueh. He is
oue of the prominent Common Pleas Judges
of tho State.
Mauch Chunk Is a summer resort that Is
visited bv largu numbers of city people,
and we know of no more pleasant place to
spend a few weeks than in this town among
the mountains.
Cluircli 1'cKtivals in Hciihoii.
For church fairs mid festivals there an
two principal seasons. The oyster season
reaches Its height at midwinter. The straw.
berry season begins about the present time,
but was this year n,littlci'ctnided by thu kite-
iiess of the opening spilng. Iho oyster and
the strawberry are the representative ele.
incuts of aid to church citturpilsca needing
cash and to Iho exhausted tieasuiies of be
nevolent societies. Roth oyster and btny
stimulate beneficent endeavor, promote
cheerfulness and encourage tociiibllily.
Exactly what the good women of the
churches would do without these helps to
ecclesiastical ellkiuiicy Is not known.
These and other eatable luxuries nro util
ized to their utmost capacity lo raise money
for devotional purposes ut home and for
missionary effort abroad, If a few hundred
dolhus am needed to put a nuw roof on thu
chinch or to send a missionary to the Goog.
nbaloo Islanders a fair or festival Is an.
noiinced, The oysters or the strawberry,
according lo season, crowns the festive
board with its liisclousuess, Even It thu
oyster float solitary lu n weak stow of water
and milk, and thu crushed strawberry
peeps humbly from between flattened lay.
ers of shotleiied cake, they aro yet present
and that lu u manner pleasantly combiii.
lug thilft with cuteipiise. Sales yield
apothecaries' profit. On a small Invest,
nient in bivalve and berry amazing pecuni
ary results aro produced, Thu company is
dismissed! the .dishes are washed; thu
weary women cease from their toll ami go
homo ; tho treasurer counts the cash ami
nil nro happy over the aggregation of
wealth produced by this simple means,
Rut simple as It scciiu to give a straw
berry or oyster festival, there Is u great
deal of labor in It for thu good women who
prepare the enteitalniiient and wait upon
thu guests. If they wero to charge for
their services nt tho ordinary prices paid
for days' wink It Is by no means certain
that festivals anil fairs would nlwnys re
sult In n money profit, however great thu
pleasuiu derived from cmrylng them on,
It is easy to seu tlieso excellent slstcis uru
thus tho largest contributors to the cause
which U ufreshed.Not In money, for It
Is not nlwnys the case thnt they havo mon
ey to give. Hut they give of their licnllh
and life, which nro more than money. If
It be suggested to them thnt the taking up
of subscription to raise tho needed money
would be an ensler nnd more practlcnl wny
to accomplish the cnu In view, they would
simply Bay that tho suggostlor knows
nothing about It and Hint money cannot
with nny ccrtnluty bo raised In thnt way,
i ct, when wo look at what people can
do when they havo n mind to do It, tho
taking of n subscription does not seem ns
hopelessly Impracticable ns It first appears.
In Arlington, Mass,, Is n church which
needed six thousand dollars. This Is not
a rich man's church. Tho congregation
s composed chlclly of persons of moderate
means. It wns determined to try to raise
thu money without tho nld of oyster,
strawberry, picnic or festival. To ench
person in tho church, whether man,
woman or child, an envelope was given
with the request to lnclosu In It such
donation ns could bo given with a willing
heart. To the astonishment of all con
ccrncd tho opening of tho cnvolopcs dis
closed a total of more than n hundred
dollnrs over and above what had been ask.
cd for. In this case the giving was nil
solid generosity. When festivals and pic
nics are given, and money passes across
the counter for knlck.knncks nnd eatables,
there Is more barifidu than benevolence,
moi c craft than charity.
Yet perhnps the festivals aro needed.
Ileyond dispute It Is pleasant to sec a coin,
pany of comely ladles dishing out refresh-
ments, call It benevolence or anything
else wo please. Then; aro somo thought
less, or possibly covetous persons who
will neither drop money Into tho hat nor
enclose It In an envelope. For them the
oyster festival and the strawberry fair have
their mission' Ex.
'Wells' Health Rencwer" restores henlth
nnd vigor, cures Dyspepsia, Impotence,
Sexual Debility. 81
Rest calico prints 7 cts, lawns 10 cts,
best domestic dress ginghams 10 cts, and
you win unit many oilier dress goods at
cost and below, ladles hats, bonnets, fiow.
ers oco., at Clark & Son's.
Goods for the 4th of July, Grand Army
of the Republic suits, beautiful lleht ens
..i i.i... it.-i.. t iL ..... ...
Bwiiuiu suns, uwuuy 1115m uuiureu pains in
Spring llottom and Sarah Uernhart styles,
white vests, dusters, etc., at D. Loweuberg's
ino popular ciotmer.
Ladles' muslin
W. Hartman's.
underwear at cost at I.
Corn, oats, timothy nnd clover seed,
Hour, meat, llsh, nlso sperm, sweet, castor,
choice and No. 1 nenl's-foot, whale, linseed.
machine, vacuum headlight, and cod liver
ons, reaoy mixed paint tn one nml two
pound tin enns, and by the quart and cal
Ion, different colors; choice and No. 1 and
2 furniture and coach varnish, in small or
largo quantities, white lead, nuttv. elnss.
all sizes, hay rope and pulleys, for salu at
j.igm oueei, ny onus loung. juncili-4t
tanners dealing at W. 11 Allen's can be
accommodated with stabling, npr. 7-tf.
C. C. Marr is paying 20cts for Eggs.
A fine line of summer hats, beautiful
light bats, the latest sliado of huts, hand,
some light Derbys, at D. Loweuberg's.
W. II. Yetter lias reduced his cabbace
plants from $1.00 to SI. 25 per 1000. Has
nearly three acres finest you ever saw, 15
cents per 100, nlso celery nnd tomato plants.
Rest bargains In the county In lace col
lara at I. W, Hartman's.
Calves, lambs, large shotes, fat sheep,
corn, oats, rye, nay, oalc and lienilocU tiarli
nnd wool wanted at Light Street, by Silas
1 Oil!!''.
If you want n good black dress silk for
a little money go to Lutz ite Sloan's.
105 in the shade coats utl). LowenbergV.
York state Seed buckwheat for sale bv
C. H. Sopor, of Valley township, Montour
county, near lie er's distillery.
jo 10.3 w
celebrated linen cuffs nnd collnrs can only
be bought at D. Loweuberg's.
Go to W. E. Geddls, for general col
lection of green house and bedding plants.
apl 7-'Jm
More now silks in black or colors, prices
conect. Clark 0v Sou's.
Rear In mind the only placu in llloonis.
burg that you can hiiy Sweet Orr's overalls
and saeipiu coats is at D. Loweuberg's,
Great llargalns at C, W. Low's in Orar.e
ville as bu Is selling out Ids entire stock of
goods amounting to about six thousand
dollars nt cost. april 14 tf
Lilley A: Sloppy, Orangeville, are pay
ing from 10 to 1J cents for Spring chickens.
id p
Hurtnian's, ft per cent, olt for cash.
White waists, ready made, and white
goods of different styles great variety at
Clark it Son's.
A new lot of bunting
and other dress goods
Lutz it Sloan's.
;s, nun's veilings
just received tit
Lilley it Sloppy, Orangeville, will pay
highest market price for all kinds of grain,
(', C. Marr'a biitlerlck pattern trade iias
ueai ly doubled this spring.
Parasols and ladles' neck wear and the
largest lino of fancy goods, Clark it Son's,
Lumber, lots of it for sale. Pino boards
12, 11, and 10 feet long, l'ino plank 1
11 and 10 feet lonir. hemlock boards 12. 14
and 10 feet long hemlock plank 12, 14, 10
and 18 feet long, joists 12, 14, 10 ami 18
feet long, 2x4 rails 12. 14, II) and 18 feet
long. Shingle lath, celling lath, shingles
No. 1, 2, and !l, Pickets and siding ut
i.igiiistreet uy suas oung,
may 19-2 in
Lilley it Sloppy, Orangeville, want llvu
tons of wool nml live hundred bushels of
rye for which they will pay the highest
inaruet prices.
llnnd-onio dress goods nt O. C, Marr's
trout B cents and up.
Swiss ami Hamburg trimmings, thu best
for tho money at Clark it Son's.
As good cigars us can bu found In town
nru kept at W. R. Allen's East end gro
eery. nprii 7-tt
In tho absence of John Wolf, farmers
wauling farm inachlneiy will please call nt
w 11 v n... ...,..n 1 it
ii. .titLii r. .linn f-ii
O. C. Mnrr Is
wry cheap,
selling nil kinds of good
Henihpiarters for thu
it Son's.
best corsets, Clark
I. W. Haitmau'ri 5 per cent, sales hav
been good this month, Go nnd get n bar
Lutz it Sloan havo a fuw summer silk
yet at less than city prices.
Flour and feed can always
Allen's East end grocery.
bo had
nprll 7-tf
lawns at O. O. Marr's for
Go this month to I, W. lliirtimut's for
goods ut o per cent, discount.
lor einbrnldeilcs, white goods or lace
cut talus go to I.utz it Sloan's,
W. li, Allen hns Just opened a lot of new
goons, emuraciiig lino groceries, class
ware, painted china, ipieensware, itc. All
of the best, unit nt thu lowest prices.
nprll 7-tf
P. P. Mnrr is selling dries ginghams for
lu cents.
I'crHoiuit t To Men Only t
Voltaic licit Co., .Marshall, .Michigan, will
send Dr .Dye's Celebrated Elcctro-Voltnlc
Hells nnd Electric Appliances on trial for
thirty days to men (young or old) who nro
nffllcted with Nervous Debility, Lost Vital-
Ity, and mnnhood, nnd kindred troubles,
guaranteeing speedy relief and complete
restoration of henlth nnd manly vigor.
Address ns nbove. N. l).--No risk Is In
curred, ns thirty days' trial Is allowed.
Oct. 28. '81-ly
Osborn's Family Paints ready for uso nro
the most convenient article of tho kind, nil
shades nnd colors, put up In , J and pint
cans. Wc furnish a can of paint nnd brush
for 25 cents.
Saxollnu Petroleum Jelly, used for burns
senilis nnd sores of every kind; It Is good
nnd cheap. Snxolino Pomade for the lialr,
highly perfumed, 25 cents.
Glycerine Lotion. To ladles and children
or any person with a fine sensitive skin nml
whoso complexion is affected by tho weather
causing redness, roughness and chapping
this Lotion Is invaluable. An excellent ap
plicntion to the face after shaving. Large
bottles 25 and CO cents.
Our Slock of Hair nnd Tootli brushes has
been replenished nnd contains some good
Wo carry a complete and well selected
stock, and competent persons nre always in
nttendnnco to supply tho wnnts of our put
rons. Wo study to please, and believe wt
can supply you with everything in our line
economically, satisfactorily and Inn manner
calculated to induce to join in tho verdict,
that our storo is the place to trade. Hoping
to seo many renders of thu Coi.umiiiax nt
our placo of business shortly nnd soliciting
u share of your esteemed patronage, wo re
main Very Truly Yours
N. J. Henclershott.
-I'll nr.-
Satisfaction Guaranteed
Where we havo no agent.
luarUrders and inquiries bv -Mail or
Telephone receive i' attention.
MontonrWhite Leafl.Zinc &ColorWoris
WM. E. B. DAVIES, - - SUP'T.
May to .cm
More universally recommended than nnv
proprietary medicino made. A sure und
reliable tonic, llrown's Iron Hitters,
Is universal; it nlfects nil the human fami
ly, nil animals, and may bo even found In
patent medicines. Some aro drastic, and
tho patient is obliged to sutler pains worso
than the disease: but in cases of obstinate
constipation, dyspepsia, there is no remedy
so .((, so gentle in us eiiects, and yet so
itlsfactory, as liuniocK Jitooil miters.
Price 1.00.
AN Kxruus sccci:ss.
It has been proved by the most reliable
testimony that Thomas' Ecleetric Oil Is nu
utire success in curing tuu most uiveter-
ute cases of rheumatism, neuralgia, lame
back, and wounds of every description.
ruiiMir so hunsiirurioN,
Insist upon obtalniiii: Florestous Cologne.
ft is prceml-ncutry superior lu prcniancn-
ce and ncn delicacy ot iriigrnuce.
Wo have a speedy and positive euro for
catarrh, diptherla, canker mouth and
headache, in Shlloh's Catarrh Itemedy, A
uusui iniecior iree wuu cacn uotiic. uso
it if you desire health and sweet breath.
nice ou cents. &oiu uy j. 11. ivinports.
may 12-eow,
Is It not worth tho small price of 7fi cents
to free yourself of every symptom of these
distressing complaints, if you think so cull
ut our storo and get a bottlo of Shlloh's
Itallzer, every Imttlo lias a printed irtinr.
untee on It, uso accordingly und If It does
you no good It will cost you nothing. Sold
by J, II. Kinports,
may u-eow.
Oil, WHAT A fOL'dlll
Will you heed the wariiinir. Tho sltrnal
perhaps of the sure approach of that more
terrinie disetisu consumption, ask your
selves if you can afford for thu sake of
savine: 00 cts., to run thu risk and do uotli
Ing tor It, Wo know from experience that
billion's L'uru win euro your couch. It
never fails. This explains why more than
a Mil on bottles weru so hi tho past vear,
It relieves Croup, and Whooping ('ouch, at
once. .Mothers do not bo without It. For
lame back, side, or chest, uso Shilob
Poms Plaster. Sold by J. II. Kinports.
may 12-eow,
fapki) counts i:ksioiii:ii,
Faded or gray hair gradually recovers its
yoiiiiiiui color ami lustre ny tne uso 01 t'av
ker's Hair Halsiim, an elegant dressing,
admired for its purity ami rich perfume.
If thu lady who rends this card when 1
want of Spool Cotton will nsk
for thu
"O. N.
ehu will obtain tho very best thread made,
Ask for Clark's "Q. N. T." Cotton
seo thnt you get It.
For sale by nil leading dealers.
3b a -cm
Paiikeii LooKAirr At the residence
thu bride's parents In Jackson townshli
by Hev, P. W. Cooper, Mr. Wertimm Pur.
ker, to -Miss Maggie Lockiut.
Adams Smith At the homo of tho
bride, Uerwick, Pn Juno 1.1th 1882 by
Hev, N. 11, Smith assisted by ltev. W. W.
F.vnns, A. M., Mr. Louis J. Adums, M, 1),
of Uvniisvllle, Pa,, to Miss Clara V- Smith,
AfcX ttltAlES,
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