THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. jll'BITTENBijMDBB, S4lUrs' BLOOMSBuiG, PA. -FRIDAY, JUNE 9th, 1882. A Shameful History. Tlio imbllo has lone been nwfiro of tho lnctilcienoy of tlio American navy, nnd morfillv certain tnnt mucn insnon esty has been attached to tho Navy Do pnrtmcnt, uui iow win uo pruinuuu w In nm tho extont of tho oraanlzed sys tem of fraud and barofacod robbery as disclosed by tho information furnished In answer to Mr. uowm a resolution calling for exact details of the condi tion of tho service Tlio names of slxfy- ' 1 1 1 ... At.A.tnl nt.,1 tl.n "'' ni-llm1.1i. m irrnfit. TlMinn 1 r n!-!n.. in ,'1. Pi""- " ' I UeiMlUIIIl'ia Ulliuillliy uvuiuiiu vu.u w (a .IArt.1 I .. 1 i ., m ! l.-l Tho sunronio court has ruled in a oaso from Morristown that borough or. dinanccs prolubitlng tho erecting wobden buildings arc inoperative of NEWS ITEMS, POLITICAL ANHOIINOEMENTB. ' (ill toirsofwi whoso simes Ma announced it thli JgXEaUTOltS' SALE. -OF i-. ii , . , 1 ' tan persons wnoso Ramos are annouBcea im ta. , F,;E UoitihoSyer Us bwn m- VALUABLE REAL ESTATE "make them efficient to cngago In bat tlo with an enemy of tho samo goneral classification" would require $22,524, Ml. Uichteon of those steamers could not bo rcnairod under a year : some of them would need two years for over liaulinrr. and fifteen mo reported not Senator Mitchell lias ionised to pay worth rcpiuriiiff. Tlio dilapidated con tho campaign aisosstnont laid by tho dition in which our war vossols aro republican congressional committee shown is dcplorabta enough, but when in tins no nnncnra to nraouco wnni no it is known tnat mis uistrracoiui con- 4J , preaclics. dition ot tno navy is owing to uio iaoi I mat tno appropriations nu uwih mm nnnlicil. and that this system of plun nondent Republicans will bo held at der was carried on under tho admims- rittsbnrff on next Tuesday. Senator tratlon of a Secretary who is now Stowart, joi. uun, uoi. aiciuicnaei aim i ciiairman oi tno onitxcssiuiiai cimr Maior Merrick aro tho sneakers mittco which controls all other advano . , ., r . . lor tho occasion. en ol monoy lor tno uoparunoni, tno peoplo liavo a right to uo lnuignant. Wt. n !(,. U a fliot TWoou a an Ulirilltr tUO CHIIll VCirS Mr. IVOUUHOIl busily engaged just now, in trying to was Spcrotary of the Navy, according keep himself out of tho penitentiary! to tlio report of the committee of the w - a . . r .1 lit. i iiniun it i ifit in er laitiiiiiiiiiiiif. j fall in assisting Cameron to conduct singlo instanco shows how tlio monoy the campnicn in ihtfl state. wmbiwuu l" UkM Gcortro Lear, chairman of tho liar- figures, $835,000 ; her engines and ma- risburc Convention, addressed a letter chinory, 8704,000, in tno time oi war i-" n I (.Kinnn 'Inn n f ffrnfrn T f ffiur f IT riI!TlirH to Thomas uooper, on .iiino a, in 1 , . Bb ,b r T. 7l A ...t.i.,i. i. t onii tr. i, .inin. on the hull sinco siio was built to Oc- crntoatn meet apaln on.Tuno21st is null tobcr 18, 1881, is reported at $814,000, nntt,snnT,i.i n rinmrAn nCFnlr of winch Secretary Kobeson spent m D. S. Elliott, a delegate to tho liar- "l,of Pal n K'nn"0!1; ficViiirir Ifonnlilinnn nnnvnntiAn. f mm I . . - - . 1 . ' ' i """"'to . 1"-. . " "'. liedlord tnectin &tato uommuuo ior tno sist oi tins . g. . . - ,)erulea on bcr in month, to nominate a oanaiaato ior . h u inao,lincry $1,390, Congressman at-largo. Ho claims that L , - .. nf .1.5. of that body ended when .,, b. s,,,:,, ';!, inatcd for CtiilgrCsi by4 tho Dctuocrats of OurabcrlautVboilnty. Do not bo deceived. Insist on hav ing tho genuino Hrown's Iron Bitters, tho Browu.phcmical Co.,. and take nothing else Mr James Mitchell, of 'Clearfield,' last wcok ran thu largest raft down to "Marietta that ever went out of tho West Branch river, it being 340 feet long and contained 13,303 feet of lum ber. HOW WOMCN I.BARH. Women everywhere tiso Parker's Ginger Tonic, becauso they havo learn ed by experienco that it overcomes do spondenoy, indigestion, weakness in tho back and kidnoys, and other troubles of tho sex. Home Journal. Tho amount of capital invested in Philadelphia enterprises, according to tho official census returns, is $170,'195, 191. Tlio total amount of hands em ployed is 173,802. Tho tents at Mountain Grovo cami)- tnpurtntneoot end In accordance with tho 41 tcetionicontttncd In tbelMt rrlll tnd tesUmont ef Joseph robe, Utool C'cntro township, Cotum kU county, docc&ied, tbe undcrtlgncd,wlll expos to piblle tiOe on tho ptomlsen, ouch ce InCen tre nd Mimit townships, on ron BiiBniri'. We are are nothorlMd to unnosne the sune t JOHHMOUIUYot llonrlnjoteet townihlp, u candidate for tlio offlco of iherlS, aubject to the ctto;oftt8DfflOcrMtoooiiiHronTention.- ' vK and FRIDAY, Democrats or uoiumoiaooumraii UMonicootSUBlUFF. iubJeot to tli Mttonoi tho County ContonUon to be htld tho aecond Tucedar ln'Auput, 1 reapoctfullx atk tho anpport ot the Democratic party, and It nemtnatod I will perform tho dullce of Uio offlce with ndelltr. J08BPII O. 8WABK. Mifflin TowMblp. tho functions i is years I ri"" if"! ' ZLX 81,080,000. leaving only $300,000 for What a muddlo they aro getting into. repairs on hull and machinery during tho whole remaining period ; yet tho Tminnann linn linon in np.tivo service There is great excitement in the oil aim03t tho whole tirao sinco Mr. Itobo- recions, over tno new wens mat aro flowine at a rate heretofore unheard of. One well gives 1,500 barrels a day and another one 900, and tlio oil is running awav for lack of tankage. For tho last son left tho Navv Department, and should liavo nocded proportionately costly repairs year by year- Man v of tho ships liavo been repaired at a cost of ouo half and two-thirds 1. , l-.-l .1.. ill u live years tno supply nas excecueu tno , . . . , . t, and aro nQW uttcr. iitiumuu, uuu ih Uu.u.wu m , worthless except for scrap iron. Yet storage tauKB unuinp warns ot w,yw,. ... . rememVred that, while un ooo uarre s arc ueia m tneso ecepucics. fl Robeson as Secretary of War tho Tho .result has been to send tho P,1C0 Department was a mere nest for plun- ot oil down to a very low ngure. , . ; nnnnWioan nartv stood bv wv.j 1 IT him and voted him extra millions to VOn IllPniMHTATlVB. Wo aro autborliod to announco tho aaiieef MAI1LON 1IAML1N, of CaUwlnea, H a candldata for rnombcr of tho iLeglslaturo, anbjcci to tho ac tion ot tho Democratic Countr CanrenUon. We are autborliod to announoa Um name at I9AAO A, DBWITT, of Oroenwood, as a c&ndldato for llcprcscntatlvo In the t.etflture. Bubject to Ibo rules of tho Dcmocratlo party. Wo aro authorlied to announce tbe name of ISAAC aiUDONa.of Benton, as a candidate for Itcprosontat'TO In tho Legislator. Subject to tno rules of tho Democratic part?. Wo aro authorlied to announce me mame oi SON, ot Centralla as a canaiaaui ot the Legislature, aubjact to the action of the Dcmocratlo county Convention. Wo aro authorlied to announce tail OEU, CIIAULBS M. DLAKBK, ot Bearer township, lsacandlaato for Representatlre In tho Uglsla turo, subject to the acUon of the Dcmoeratla County ConTontlon. He will not trarcl to solicit rot. MARKET JLEP0RTS. BLOOMBUUIIQ MARKET. meeting ground aro being painted in vtilliam buy two colore, which will add grcatoly to tor member ot their appearance Tho camp-meeting sessions aro to bo oxtondod to ton days, instead of ono week, as has been tho custom. tiunbury Gazette. HEARTILY UECOMMKNPEP. Don't condemn a cood thing becauso you havo been deceived by worthless nostrums. Parker's Ginger Tonic lias cured many in this section, of kidney and nervous disorders, and we recom mend it heartily to such sufferers. iVcics. Tho Stalwart State convention at Harrisburg noglccted to pass a rcsolu- f11uTteJ7f0;,,,",;;: V1UU Ul UlUlinB IU Vll.lliua u. uuuvuu I JCffgS for his services to tho party, and yet thero could not havo been a Stalwart Drioa Apples convention and a Stalwart ticket nomi- ",5 shoulders' nated if it had not boon for Guitcau chicicena.... .,) littln Imllnt Stnliff.irt Tlnniib. t.JJSi'nT'.""'."" i: rotof,.l n.7M! fin. Uaypcrton IIUi.ll.ii.iu uiiuunuiui. -""V " HrMini etlte. Wheat per bvuhel. Hro " Corn, " oata '. " . ., Flour per uarroi 1.8l to l.i .u i.oa .90 .it it .04 l.t .OS 11 .10 .08 .11 ,ia Miss Lydia Woodward, daughter of tholato Ohicf Justico Woodward of Wilkes Harro was married last week to Col. E. II. Ilancook, of Philadelphia. They will mako their homes m l'hila-dclphia. PniliADELrillA MARKETS. COnitBCTRD WIBKLT. FLoun. MlnnesetA extras .... rennsyUanta family Westorn - . Bye nip 1 1 w Wm. MnCnrtncv. 88 Llovd Street, Wheat TJ..1 TJ V nil nr,A unrninnH liU I ? ankle. His employer, II. Anderson, 94 Main Street, procured somo Thomas' Eclectrio Oil, and ho says that a fow applications enabled him to go to work as usual. oats . IClorersoed.. Timothy...- ..... $ M X co a u . . 4 76 H I W 4 tS 3 I 01 1 per buah. I ca GO per bush, to a is IT 60 " " t o eJt'cts. porlb. of William' Tl, rtnndiflnnv nf TTnn. r.liarlna R. . 0 I SPOtu IS thO Orator at LalayettO tJOl Buckalcwfor Concrcss has been ro- er:-r.-Tr " at tllelr commencement, this coived with trreat favor bv tho peoplo PF "."V n , month. Tho exercises commenco on distnet. It docs not suit somo of tho .VJ . . rLn;Ain M. "28th. politicians who hayo an eye on tho of- g d cspenditurc8.-i'tiai pitfs year, and wo take it lhat witli U'hia Jieoor(L such a man as Air. liuckaiew in the Tlin Sunilau News Dealer, will mako its appearenco next Sunday with BLOOMSBURG SCHOOL DISTRICT J""'-1 Clgtlb pages unu uuiuinuu luus hi ua enlarged lorm. Hon. Robert P. Allen, JUNE 29 and 30, 1082. Three koo.1 farmi, or tracts of land, as follows t Tho 1st. and lad. will be sold on Thursday, com mencing with the trst at 10 o'clock and tho second at 1 o'clock. ..Tin nrst Is situated In Centre town Mp, near Lime Bldgc,along tho rlrcr road lead. Ing from llloomsburg to Berwick, occupt cd by F hUtlp IIcss, and containing 118 ACRES. MORE OR LESS of tho best bottom land. In a vory high atato of culil atlon, whereon are erected large and con Tcntcstfarm buildings conslHlnr of a large farm dwolllng, with a good well ot cold water at tho door, anotner dwelling ot smaller dimensions sultablo for a tenant house, near a largo and never ff lllnir sprlnir ot water connected with rt good spring houso. A good orcn bouse stands noar tho farm dwolllng ; also & smoke house, a laigo barn and a new wagon shed, hay sli-J and corn crib combined, a, good largo log pen con Tenlnt,v arranged. This place is well supplied with all kinds of fruit. Including an apple orcua rd composed ot choice and ito tries, In good con dition and yielding largely every season. Hie rwcond tract Is also situated In Centre, township, near I J mo Iildge, occupied by John shuman. containing NINETY AGUES OF LAND, more or lois, whereon aro erected a largo now barn, new hay sheds, corn cribs and horso stable, with water at tho door, a good largo form UwelUng.convcnlently arranged with a largo sum mer house with a good wcU of cold water at tho door oven-house and all nccosiary out buildings.- This farm Is supplied with fruit nnd the land Li bottom In tho very best stato of cultivation The srd and lost track will bo sold on 1'KIDAY the SOth, commencing at 9 o'clock. It Is situated In Mifflin township near Minilnvllle occupied by William Uoetllng and contains 101 acres ot land more or less la a high state of cultivation whereon aro erected a largo barn with tho appropriate) heds, a good wagon houso andcorn crlbs.bog pen cblekcn house, a oood largo framo dwelling, sum' mer houso, with good never hMlug water at Ui door, out-bulldlngs, etc, un this placo l.i some very flno timber land and frull of every deicrlr, tlon. Possession of Ibo nboro to bo given to tho pur ehater or purchasers thereof April 1st, 1633, Deeds to o at the ezpeneo ot tho purchasers and will be executed and delivered when the final purchnio oney shall be paid or securad by Bond and ilort gage. All grain In tho grouidand all personal property reserved TBUKH OP BALB. Ton per cent, ot one-fourth of tho purchase money to bo paid at tho striking down of tho property j the ono-fourth less tho ten percent botore taking possession on April 1st, 's&, one halt the balanco with Interest on tho amount remaining unpaid I'om April 1st, iss3, to bo paid on April lbt 19S1. Tho balanco with Inter est to be paid on April lat 1SSS. No tlmoer shall bo cut except for tho uso and Improvement of tho farms, until, at lcatt, one-halt ot Uio purehaso money shall be paid or secured as aforesaid. JOHN WOLP, MTEl'lIKN I'OUB, executors, UDITOH'S NOTICK. K3T1TK OF ClTniniNH LAZARUS, niCXASRD. Tho undersigned auditor annotnted brtbeOr. ? bans' Court of Columbia county, on exception to ho account of John Lazarus, administrator of Catharine Lazarus deccased.wili perform tho duties ot his appointment at his onico In liloomsburg, on -iiiursuar, judd wan, isai, in, icn ociocjcs. re. when and whero all persons Interested mar attend If they seo proper. JUIlfl In. Ul.Allli, Kay 11 -4w Auditor. UDlTOlt'8 NOTICE. nSTATR Pl W I Ml AM I.AZAttL'D, llKCKiBSP, Tho undcrslcncd auditor annotated br the Or. phans' court ot Columbia County, on oxeeptlon to tho account or J. a, l.tzarus, admlolstratora of William liizarus.dcceased. will ncrform Uio dutleB of his appointment at bis onice in liloomsburg, on Tlmrsday, Juno 9ind, issi, at ten o'clock a. m. wucn ana wnoro au parties interested may aitcnu It they seo proper. O. M, UliAIIII, mayl.4w Auditor. Far tlio year cudlnsJaa 1,1182. M. C. WOODWARD, COLLBCTOIl. SHERIFF'S SALE. The Labor Strikes. field thero will be but small demand for tho averacro candidate. It is to bo hoped that there will bo no contest for tho position, in Columbia county. A Washington correspondent says that .Don Uameroc nnd .Logan havo quarreled. Tho occasion was on tho question of tho retirement of Ueneral tho country from Pitteburg to the Mis To ain't ot duplicate 18S1-2J To am't bal on duplicate 1S80-11 Cv By am't exoserated on duplloaU '81-'6i By am't exonerated on duplicate By am't tax returned to Co. Com. By error In tax of J. P. TusUn By error In tax of 8. Bldieman uy am i. puu ikmuisi I UWTOHS' NOTICK. tv . . IRaTATH Or JOHN BOSTON, DRCkASKD. The undcrslirned Auditor nnnnlnleil bv tlin Or. phans' court of Columbia county to rtlstrlbuto t Unas in tho hands of o. r.. Chimin nnn ot the ml. mlnlstrators of John Uoston, deccasod, will sit at uio umto in iiiuumsuurg uo raiuraay, tiuiyBiu, ISS3. to perform tho duties or his nnnnlntmnnt. when and whero all persons Interested must attend and present their claims or bo debarred from any sharo ot said fund' V. V. BILLMEYKK. Juno J -4w Auditor, N OTICU. or Arri.tCATioM for ciiakter of in tsnoxd roxroR An on ron ms sorri.v of water to Tins rcsMc. Notlc-o Is hcrebv clven that an nnnllcntlnn will bo mads on tho sixteenth day nf June, A. 1). iosi, 10 inn uovornor ot 1 no Ktato ot rcnnsyivania, un der tho Act ot Assembly of tho commonwealth, entitled, "A n Act to provldo tor tho Incorporation and regulation of certain corporations," approved uio mil asy ot April, a. u. is.4, nnu supplements thereto, for charter ot an intended corporation, to be called "Tho Cattawlssa Water Company" tho character nnd object whereof Is for the raising anu introducing into wo town oi uatawissa, in tho county of Columbia, and sld state, (In which town said company Is to bo located) a sumclcnt supply of pure water to tho public, and for that nirposo to navo power to proviae, ercci ana main aln all works and machinery ncccssarv nnd tiron- cr for raising nnd Introducing said wator as afore said: and further, to provide, erect and maintain uu iuuHr Luiiiuings, eisicriis, reservoirs, pipes and conduits for tho reception and convcynuca ot water In said town; and further, to liavo, hold and enjoy all tho rights, bonents and privileges of tho said Aci of Assembly nnd Its sutplements relat ing lo water companies. W. II. RIIAWN, Catawlssa, May 23-41, Solicitor 161 IS t U 94 uo B 04 OM0 00 O. T. WIL60H, TRIA1UKHR. "BCOnDPAII)A." Quick, complete cure, nil annoying Kid ney, madder ami urinary uiseascs. i. A uruggisis. iwinercentcommlaalononMHW 1ST BI Tho wheat crop will bo exceedingly By.m'tduodi.t on duplicate w m w larco tins year. In Michigan tis said Tho present labor strike, oxtonding tbe crop will exceed that of tho excep- to fully ono hundrod thousand men in a ""u'Jr," ' ulnrrln nlinnnpl of industrv. is tho most "uu uuol"-'CT- Tosuto aDDroortatlon ... ..... " . . ..I r m. .. A .Un arn11n,f nm1 TltnnnliA I n-nointfmm f!niintr Treasnref rcmarKuuiti oi un mu lumiv iauur uis i Vr J ; n Daniel Yocum turbances of tho past. While it covers uougias at, xnow iiavt-n, oiiut'cucut, Kdwani ivy the Western part of this Stato and all ior mo muruur ua uciiuic .c, Cjli ueuti ijusiiiuiii;u uuiii jiiuu Aom uu uu-1 nr.m'tnrorflcrareaecmea . i . r t . .. t .i.n nnaa rvr n inrni in nnan I - luuuuui vw- aisnilMil, im luigu iiuu ,uuumuvo vfi , , , , .1 1 1 . 1 1 1 t I SUtlO lax) eastern Pennsylvania and PhiladelDhia of 18 death tho wholo trial, which has By bonds redeimcd . To am't from former Treasurer uouecior $1114 19 ttoeoe TM 44 19S 90 i XS 95 6505 88 Hnnnfn milifnrv nnmTnittnn. nrirl nfl lin is T'J. : - T I UUhLUlll a Kiiiioyimiii u a. iiiuiutiuuia . . , I zr ,l.,m rmAA a nephow of bherraan s by mamajic all r nt. r.rfofited bv it. althourrh thev occupied several weeks, aviu nave to oe f ' fek! m Tfiisurer'a hands t f n t 1 .1.-1 . ' o. . I I " ins lnuuenco uas ueun turown in tno aro embraced in tho Bamo organization repeaieu, doughty generals tavor. A coupio ot tijat uas taken issues with employees. a citizens meeting was held in weeks ago tho military committpo held Another exceptional feature of tho WilliamsDOrt on Saturday last to con- hundred eider the question of repairing of Third 494 60 1000 09 140 89 Ml 41 a meeting at Cameron s house. Dur- ctrike that raoro than ono ing tho discussion which ensued Uamer- thousand men declino labor at tho 1 A.t. I'll f A I . on opposuu iuu uiu. vrosstug over io Wages thoy received when tho iron tho latter's seat, and shaking his head market was better than it is now, whilo iiko an angry ouu, Imogen oxciaimcu, thousands of other laborers arodis "1 thought you were and Fourth streets. A resolution was offered that if tho citizens living on Third and Fourth streets would raise sn 4Viitl n nmnnnt rtf nvuntian nnd m 1 w I aiiiu LII11U lUU milUUll V VJ. VAMWHUVI uva a man ot your riinrrrod from Gmulovment becauae de- (u - I O it' , I 0' 4IUUHIV4 W4UU W WW WHHUV w BUILDING FUND ACCOUNT. 1 IK- To am't ot tax levied tor building purposes To am't from former Treasurer By Ttrtuo ot a writ ot Ft. l'u. Issued out ot tho Court of Common I'loosof Columbia county and to me directed, will bo exposed to public saloat the Court House, in Bloomsburg, ronnsylvanla, at two o'clock, p. in. on SATUKDAY, JULY 1, 1832. The following desci tb sd real estate situated In Locust township, Columbia county.l'cnn'a., oa the property of David Stlne, bounded and described as fallows to-wlt: Beginning nt a white oak and running thence by land ot Jaeob Fetterman's heirs, north (.eight and a fourtu degrees, west $7041 98 forty and six-tent perches to a tuck oak, thence by land of Qeorgo Fetterman, sr., norm sixty-seven degress, east lorty and six-tenth perches to stones, thence by tho tame south eight and a fourth degrees, oast forty and six-tenth perches to stones In the Bear Oap road, thenoo along the same and by Iaad ot John Being south slxty-soven IT(1 4t flogroos, westrorty ana sixiuicnms perouesio tno place OI Degmnmg, containing ieu uurea ui land moro or less, on which are erected a frame storo house, frame dweUlng house, log barn, lco houso and other out-bulldlugj. Seized token In execution at the suit ot Michael Bttno Sr., against David Stlno and to bo sold as tho property ol Michael suno Br. B. It. Isain, Att'y. June-tH U.U.BNT, Bherlll. Da. -Jl f49l 47 What a first class article will do when sold at the low est possible price. Farmers will mioii be in tho midst of the Nay Harvest nnd will havo an op portunity to examine tho lasting effect of BATCH'S TWENTY-FIVE DOL LAR PHOSPHATE for Grass. A good Phosphate will not lose its effect on tho Wheat, but will bo seen in the crops which follow it. You will do well to engago of tho dealer a 6iipply for fall seeding thia enables him to send in his order curly which is a great advanlago in manu facturing. Theru aro several thousand tons already booked for fall delivery. BAUCH & SONS, 20 South Delaware Ave . REMEMBER That You June Philadelphia. are invited to visit OAK HALL, S. E. Cor. 6th & Market Sts. Philadelphia. We offer the Best, Largest and Cheapest stock of Clothing for Men and Boys in the United States. Our original system of and a Guarantee perfect IE protection. Hi rminona nald By bonds rodeomed Cx. -1 1114 81 By am't paid IlarrU, sale Welsh UllllUl By am't paid Brown sale Wobm I! m lot word ni never allow youin the future to clining business compels the reduction them in taxes, then tho councel should gyld'Ect Of labor. It IS, indeed, an anomalous naa m, nnlinnrmn t.hnt tho streett bo W.M4SAromeiieciors condition of affairs, when the Pittsburg repaired. Tho resolution was lost, and ironworkers striko for increased wages, henco tbe streets will not bo repaired. and tho Pennsylvania Kailroad Cora- Tho expence of popairmg is put at pany, tho unerring barometer of trado 45,000. mako an agreement in committee onlv to break it in open session. I shall fight Sherman with all the energy of mr nnnl TKft fotll ttyill nnmn nit nrvriin HIJ DlUle JL 11U kiil (Tali WUIU I UJjUlU a1) unfinished business and a large sized row will probably ensuo before tho matter shall bo finely settled. Don is reported to havo said that ho did not propose to havo Sherman retired ; to which Logan said that ho (Cameron) "might boss tho small fry politicians of Pennsylvania, but tho sort of thing was played out in Washington ; that Sher man had long sinco passed tho ago fix ed in tho bill and ought to bo on the re tired list now. It is very probable, however, that Cameron will carry his point and havo an exception mado in Sherman's favor. Tho southern demo crats, particulary Butler and Hampton, dislike Phil. Sheridan intensely, and as ho would bo mado commander in-chief of tho army in tho event of Sherman's retirement, it is safo to asiiume that enough votes from that party will bo cast in Sherman's favor to mako his en forced retirement impossible. and business prosperity, lias reduced its labor roll to the number of many hundreds on tlio line west of Pittsburg, and many hundreds on tho lino between Pittsburg and Philadelphia. Tlicso anomalous tacts are not in accidental conflict. Thoy go to tho very marrow of tho issue, and will, at tho end, be controllitg factors in solving tho grave problem that now vexes employers and THE COURT HOUSE. Tho Commissioners of Columbia county on Tuesday last, as slated else where, awarded tho contract for build. ing an addition to tho Court House, to Hawko ifc Co. of Danville. This linn no doubt includes experienced builders, but as thero were five other bidders, all of them lower than Hawko, and all of them practical builders, it does pot an pear why tho contract was awarded to tho highest. It cannot bo because lie offered better security than the other bidders, for after ho had secured tho contract ho was looking around town for some ono to go on his bond. At tlio first letting for tho now jail in 1877 tho contract was awarded to Charles Krug at S50,07i'.,although J. It. Dichm it Co. of Pottsvillo bid S 11,07.'), and the reason given by tlio Commissioners was that Diohm's bondsmen wcro all out of tho county. The present board of commissioners let tho Court Houso to a party who lives out of the county without askinir who ia offered as securi tv. Tho lettintr of tho iail nt S10.000 more than tho lowest bid was followed by an uprising of thu people, and in a suit in court tho commissioners wcro ' enioined from carrviiiL' out their action In tho opinion filed in that caso Judge IMwell saysi "Uio goneral government in tho letting of its contracts has adopt ed tho lowest bidder principle. As ho foro stated, it is tho statutory rulo in sovcral of tho largest and most wealthy counties of tho Stato. It is tho safeU for tho publio, as well as for tho char acter ot tho olllcors to whom aro en trusted tho public interests', and there foro oiiL'lit lo uo ndoiitod. And auain. "In order to tho oxorciso of a sound discretion it was tho duty of tho Commissioners to Have mado mien inquiry as was necessary to put them in possession of tho facts in regard to Uio lowest bidder for this work." In tho faco of tho facts of thu case, and tho law as laid down by tho Court, are tho tax payers willing to permit thia repetition ot Uio jail jou to uo carried out I By bal In Treas hands M l lie 28 M to vo ISO 20 159 bit ' 814 67 KccpltiRr n iioom. A look Into tho girl's room will give ono an Idea of what kind of a woman slio will probably become. A girl who keeps her clothes hung up neatly, whoso room Is clean always, will bo very apt to mako a good wife nnd a successful woman. Order and neatness aro essential to our comfort SOUOOL FUND ACCOUNT. Da. To am't leyled for school purposes 6004 (8 duo from former coUector 673 u treasurer tao 7 ' Stato approprlaUon M 40 am't from county Treasurer l s i ,. Daniel Yocu M Kdwardlry , C. Br am't paid lo teacher f 44tf K ,, ljAnttors it adrertlalncr runt opera Ilousa Kentour School dial secretary employed. as well as that of others about m. A girl It is evident tkat tho presont striko who throws down Her things nnywiiero cannot last long, its largo proportions win uo uungs in nsiovouiy, rau-n-m y. aro tho best cuaranteo acainst a tiro- a gin wno uoes not mono nor ucu unu tractcd struggle, and tho end will be, after dinner anil sho should always mako as it always has bocu, tho attainment It herself rather than to hnve a servant do of justico or approximate justico bo- It nnd throws her dress or bonnet down tween tho disputants. If our present on a chair, will mako a poor wiro in nlno dcclitiini: markets and diminished de- cases out of ten. If all tho world could mand lor tlio products of our striking could see how a girl keeps her dressing- industries shall continue, thero will bo room, many unhappy marriages would uo increaso of waccs, and intelligent be avoided. Always bo as tidy about your leaders in tho labor movement will person and your room as If all your speedily so understand it. If business friends could always sco you. Get Into shall exhibit signs of revival and in- the habit of order and neatness, and It creased demand lor iron, employers win mmn av in llfo nforwnrds. .,,., . -. i win yioiu anu nay mo increased rates depression shall como: Tnnrr tiattj tittbit a ntJC! FOR SALE ! for maps coal and woed auditors collector com exoneratlona ' rctnrnod to County Com repairing, cleaning Si o., buildings. . , By am't supplies for schools 4c., By Treasurers commission By am't due from collector 'si ' in Treasurer's kands 409 oo U tt is oo 21 oo 150 V0 tl CO 100 09 s oe M TI ei to i ) 931 43 W 91 111 M I at Ml S3 151 M -$iti7 m until another depression shall como i but is thero any reasonable prospect of business improving and demand in creasing! Every intelligent and dis passionate observer of tlio currents of trade, mnst confess his fears that the products of our industries aro moro likely to bo cheaper than dearer for somo timo to como ; and if such appre hensions shall bo realized, tho labor striko will simply doplcto tho treasuries ottho labor organisations nntu they aro exhausted, and then the present or reduced wages will bo accepted. In short, tho striko will bo successful if there shall bo a permanent demand for iron at prices which will warrant tho increased wages demanded, and it must bo unsuccessful under all other circumstances. It is creditable to tho labor organl zations of tho country generally, and especially thoso'in Pennsylvania, that they havo scrupulously maintained law and order in their dispute with employ, ers. In Milwaukoe thoy have degrad cd themselves and forfoited publio sym pathy by turbtilenco and violence, but in Pennsylvania and Maryland thero has been no shado of lawlessness. As long as labor shall mako its isuuo for increased wages within tho law, none can complain of its action. Whether wiso or unwise, it is tho exercise of an unquestioned right ; but whenever it assumes to limit tho rights of others who may ohooso to contract for them selves, or to retort to violenoo in any form, it becomes its own worst enemy nnd tho enemy of publio and private safety. Thero are evident signs of a peaceful issue in this section of tho country. It may bo delayed for weeks, but the prudent expressions heard from those who can speak responsibly for both sides givo reasonable hope of peaceful und inirhaps cordial deter mination of tho dispute, l'hila. Times. Tbe Bloomsburg Iroa Company otter for sale at a lo prleo.tbelr furnaces and all tbelr real cetate and mining rights la Columbia and Snyder ooua. ties, I'enn'a., with or without their chartered rlgbta. Also, such parts of their stock, and other persenal property as purchasers may desire. Tor further Information apply to c. It. I'AXTON, rres't J aae -It Bloomsburg, Pa. GANS VlToOctaves, eno 3S Beta IteedA, Xtghi Slopi, Including Sub-Hat c, OeJav Coupler, Stool, took and Mutl, In Solid Slack Walaal Cn ViifiiJ Utah Tott. tin uboefl. ONLY $30. Toil Oman n Built tu Om Rax 77,0 i'amout linttetm Orgmn 27 Stops, 10 Sots Roods, $50. Roou to ad racco to 1 125, Ordtrnow. Itemltby OankVratl, 1'oit Offlco Order, or Bglur4 Lotur, Voxel and ahlpd without a atoment'i polar. Catalogue Fr. Address or call upon DAHiaf, BEAUY.Waslunelon, Hew Jert7i Juno -lnv STATBMBKT OV BOJJD8 OUT8TASDIKQ JUNB1, lt-81. NO. 4S. Bond issued I. a. Sehoonover due Oct. 1 't Interest duo .... Mo. 4. Bond Issued to treas Brown, due Oct. 1, ' f ntnroflr.rilin Mo. 49. Bond lasued to Press Brown, due Oct, 1 '88. Interestdue No. 49. Bond Issued to SUas Conner.duo Oct. 1 tl. Interest duo Ho. 4T. BondlMued to Douglas Hughes, duo Oct. 1, 'S3. Interest duo NO. 43. UOna 1BSUHU ui uuugiu llujhes, due ocui 'S3. Intoreitduo No, 49. Bond issue to Silas Conner, due Oct 1 ' Interest one He. M. Bond lued U ffreas Brown, due oe l "4 Interestdue No. 91. Bond Issued to SUas 1 1 - rfH.IU, I 1U Iritorestduo No. St. Bond tesaed to BUas conner.due Oct. 1 'M Intorestduo Ne 3.1. Bond l.wued to Preas Brown, oueoct. I w Interest due No. 34, Bond Issued t Silas Corner' due Oct. l 'M Ieterestduo Ne. M. Bond Issued lo BUas coaner, due Oct. l,t !ntrriftt due No. 34. Bond lsiued to Mo)or Urn., die July 1,'M. Iniereet.due No. 97. Bond Issued to David stroup, due July I k Interest due Mo. M. Bond issued to Creasy a lirown, due July 1 '84 Interest due No. b. Bond Issued to Creasy- ft Brown, due July 1 K IntflrBBt duo No. to. Bond lsseed to Luzetta Creasy, due July 1 'e InUirest due No. 41. Hon bwued i Lutotta Creasy, due July I 'si Inureui due No. 4), Bond lteued to Dartd stroup, due July 1 'at Intoroeldue Ne. ei. Bond Issued to l I urown, auujuu i -si Intoreitdue No. tu. Bond lsauod to Creasy Brown.due July I "!7 Intorettdue No. . Bond lasuid to V. U lirown, due July l 'II Iniertmduo No. 94. Bond Ueuod toJ, I lltua. .Ilia Iiilw 1 Interest duo No. ! Bond lasued to It. W, sin th.duuJu r l 'it Interest duo ASSETS. Cash duo from CoUector t'asb duo from Treasurer uuo from v, w, ktss or lot Lou outstanding order No. 1M aciuat inaeDiidnete B. V , ZAItlt. uucreiery, 100 oo oo $ lot M too n 11 ot ill oe xoo 00 11 N ill W 300 00 12 do 9111 re 800 m I W 897 ( BOO 04 7 w aei 101 00 II W (II u M 00 II N 111 M too i U t IU M oo eo III 99 lit M it oo en tOO 04 12 94 9I 99 luo eo KM 919 M 900 99 II H lit 39 COO 90 18 3U llti 90 00 00 11 00 811 VO 100 00 9 30 I9 ) vq eo li su let w 100 04 i 30 193 39 900 AO U 30 IU 39 300 00 II II 118 A9 too 00 3 00 VC 00 100 CO 141 IW ton ou 9 ou w oo loo oo V W 10i 99 Tbas ue S18)5 l 311 4) vo oo 11941 14 1 U 1914 at 3PXJBIjIC SALE Ol' VALUABLE Real Estate I Tho subscriber executors ottho Jaat tUI of Thomas J. Vandcrslloo deceased, will oflcr at pub lic salo on the premlsos In Mount l'lcosant town ship, Columbia county, Pa on SATUEDAY, JUNE 17th, 1882 at 10 o'clock, a, m the following real otato, to wlt: Bounded on the north by lands of John Wanlch, BUas Drcbelbls and others,on the cast by lands ot John Kressler and Samuel Shaffer, on tbo south by lands ot Samuel .Shatfor and Bernhard Stohner, and on the west by Little Fishing Creek containing about Ninety Acres, slxty-nvo ot which arc cleared and In good state ot cultivation, and on which arc erected a Frame Dwelling House. bank ;barn and tonant houso. rouscsslon siren on the first day ot A prll, 1843. ALSO, MONDAY, JUNE 19th, 1882. At 4 o o'clock a. ra., we will sell at publlct outcry on the premises In riao township, Columbia Co., Pa,, the following raluaoie iraeti ot timoer mno, to-wlt . TRACT No. 1. Adjoining lands 0 f II. W. & W D. rarker, Bamuil Kckmaa, Valentine Welllver and olhors, oontalnlng about x2o ACRES. THACT No. a. Adjolnlag lands of Valentine Welllrer, ssmuol Uckinan and Esther fives, con taining THIRTY AORBS more or less. Theso tracta are well timbered with nlno and hemlock timber. THUMB OF SALB. Ten per cent, ot ono-tourth ot tbo purchase money shall bo pild at tho striking down ot tlio property! the one-iourtu loss tno ten por cent. In thlrty'dars after salo, and Iho balance in one year thereafter, with Interest on tlio same rrem the first day of April, A, u. 15. O.M VANDBK8LICH.I JOHN KIdTLUlt, fBxccuto.a. Jane UO. Messrs. Bailey, Banks & BIDDLE Are enabled, by the magnitude of their business and its great facilities of both purchase and manu facture, to offer the very finest quality of Diamonds and other Gems, Gold Jewelry, American and Foreign Watches, Sterling Silver and Plated Wares, French and English Clocks, and ObjedU of Interior Decoration, of Bronze, Bisque and Porcelain, at the lowest possible prices. Articles selected as appropriate Wedding Gifts are an essential feature of the Spring importa tions, now just arriving. Goods sent on approval for selection. CHESTNUT AND TWELFTH STS., Philadelphia. ' jUDITOR'S NOTICE. Columbia County, s. Amonc tho records of tho Court of Common Plena of Columbia County It Is, Inter alia, thus contained: in tno matter oi mo pro-1 Ana now .May ism, cecils arising from tho salo ! 183 J. on molloa ot IS, ot tberoal estate of A. M .11 Little, It. Bucking. Itupcrt. J nam sq., appointed auditor to make attribution ot the proceeds aris ing from the salo ot tho reul estate ot A. M. Itnpert. Br nu Couht, In Dursuanca of Uio duties ot his aPDOlntmcnt the undersigned will meet all parties lntcre-tod In the distribution ot tho abovo fuLd at his offlco in Bloomsburg, on maty, tno itn .day ouuiy. a u. lfcez, ai. icuo ciock in me rorenouu.ub wmuu time and nlaco all Dcrsons havlntr claims acalnst said fund must appear and present tho same, or bo debarred from coming in on said fund. It. ltLUlliaUUAM, myl5-4' Auditor, UDITOR'S NOTICE, STATE Or rU011ii 9TACIU009I, USCSA9I0, Notloo Is hereby given that tho undcrslgnod Auditor annotated on executions and to moke dis tribution of tho fund in tuo handa ot the Trustee to make sale of the real catato of tho said decc dentothepartlen entitled thereto, will attend at hts office In Bloomsburg, on Tuesday, Juno it, one o'clock In the afternoon for the purpose ot bis appointment. All persons havlnir claims unnn Mid fund aro reauosied to mako the same before the said auditor, or bo forever debarred rrom coming m on aaia mna, CIIAULBS (1. 1UI1KLEY, Mtyll.Jt Auditor L'OITOIVS NOTICE. STATI07 BINUIH WINTlnlTBIM, UHCBA8UD. The undersigned auditor appointed by the'ir pban's Court ot Columbia county, to mako distri bution among heirs and legatees, ot the amount decrood to be In the handa of the executor ot said decedent, v ment at the ( hurtf. on Tuesday. thainmnun. whcin nnd whero all Demons Inter feted must appear and proYO their claims or bo deuarroa from any euaru ui nam muu. C. V. I'KACOCK, may ID -tw Auditor, ue in tue uanaa oi me execuior oi nam will perform tho duties of his appoint sofllco ot u. It. Ikelor llsn,, In Blooms lesday, Juneiuth, 19U3, at Un o'clock In A DMINISTRATOH'B NOTICE. WTATi OT JACOB S. U13S B1CSA91D, Loturs of administration on the oBtate of Jacob U. Ileus, lata ot Hugarloat township Columbia countr. a'eceasod, have uoen granted by the lipo-utiir of Bald countr to tho unaors irncd admiu uiTAtnr. All Demons havlnir claims airalnst the estate ot said docedentaro requested to urCBcnt theia for sotlioment ana moso inaeuiea tu tuo estate to mako payment to thu undersigned au luiniairawr wiiuuuv ut'i)r,. ., , Attorney, coutral rott onico, may HO-w Administrator, H. KNOHIt, i'resiaent. Tho undtrsKrnfd Aiidltara lit loir eiamlned the above accounts and BUteiaeul with tho Touchers as presented by tbe Treasurer Bad Uio same correct and approve thereof. II. W, BUCKINaiUlU THOtf. WKUB, I-Auditors. I'.I'.KLINB, ) DMlNISTiUTOK'H NOTICE, EeTATH Of JACOB BAKSH, SBCB19B0, letters of Administration on tho ostato of Jacob Baker, lato of nearor lowusmp, toiumuia county, 1 uuua. uuuattauu, uuvo uuvu ki uuivu u utu ivuf 13' ti,r n Bald county to Charles Baker admtn. Utrator. All persons having claims against tho estate of the decedent aro requested lo present them for eetuement, and tboso Indebted to tho ustato to make payment to tno unaersignea ad ministratorwuuoui aoiay, C1IA1ILKS IIAKEH, May 8 'Bj-ow Beaver Valley, jyj-EItCANTUiE APPIIAISE.MENT. Lut of Dealers of Columbia County. I hereby certify that the following list of deal ers taken, retm ncd and classified by me In accor dance with the several acts of Assembly, in and ior mo year its? is correct, to tuu ucai ui my knowieago ana oeuer. Jlusmess. Ulims. uur. BEAVEU TOWNSHIP, Drlosbach, O I l'rey. J raul Illndcrltter. John Michael, I-cvl Shuman, o A Khuinan, 1' II Shuman, T J Everett, H F Edson, J K IIcss, Hiram Mcllenry, J J Mcllcnry, II & A Adams, H K uower, n n llcrscr. It Buckingham, U A llarnard, ( M Storo Hotel Storo Hotel BENTON. Storo Hotel Storo ii BBUWICK. Oen. storo ltestaurant Stoves, eta Tobacco Cigars Cloth 1 g, otc. Hardwaro Boots & Shot's (len'I. store Buttner. Max llrubaker, (! W Bradford, T 11 Bowman Crispin lirtosbacb.B V (agt) Organs, How'g m u ucu l, niuru u 14 14 a 14 14 14 B 13 II S ia 14 13 13 5 11 Dickson. A II Davenport, (i U Harness Hardwaro 14 Dlstlehurst. v L Furniture 14 Dietrich .l ll htatloncry 14 Fritz A W lllllards Fruntz, Casper Butcher 11 Fowler, 0 1) Furnlturo 1 1 Freas, uro's. ocn'l storo ll Freas. Bra's. Lumber Dealers 13 Heller, H K Billiards nouher w u uouioctioni ry 14 llovkman II M 14 Jackson A Woodlu M. O (len'I Store 4 Jackson, r u & (.o Butcher it Keller, J ouu l' Bottler r Utile, II II Drugs 14 Loab. M A Clot him' 14 updyUe IIcss UeuT Storo 1:1 lteagun & Jlct'roa Drugs H sayzl'o storo ll Vannattu, JK Jeweler ll BLOOMSBUJta. Alcxitider & Woodhouso Tobacconist! 14 Allen. Win 11 (Irocerv Drawer, it ll Stoves etc. Brown, Jane It Hotel liuimeyer, I'oter 4: Co (lon'l orocery Buudy, B 0 (Ireen Grocery litooiuuurif iruu vu ueu iotero Bernhard. Wwls Brower, J J corell, W J & Co Clark, OA clerk, H J Son aadiuan. B creasy, p A Caldwell, J K , Decker. juw,u oeuuer, r Jeweler Carpets Furnlturo Book Storo (len'I Storo Furnlturo storo Confectionery Boots & Bhoes Ulwellfi Ulltcnbondcr Stationery UYaiis, v tf viutuuig liver. J K Htilro Funston.J A Co Itoal Estate onica (llimore, w u (11, ton, J,L (illinore, F dross, h (lllmoro. W II Oallgnan.OO (illmore, win dross, I'oter aigor, Wm Harman llosscrt llartinau, I W llartman, II U llarlman Uro's llolmea & schuylcr llendershott, U J Jicoby, K Jocoby, O A Jacoby, H A Klnporc, J II ivt'smur, u u Billiards ltestaurant Clothing ltestaurant Stoves etc Bottler Bottler Hotel coal (len'I store carpets Orocery Hardwaro Drugs cia oysters 4: FUh Ooal (irrcery Liquor storo Druirselo Hoots & shoes Keller, Jacob Wuoiesalo Notions s 6 14 6 11 6 5 6 14 10 14 14 11 14 11 14 11 14 14 11 $700 7 00 SO 00 700 700 7110 (000 1000 700 90 00 10 00 700 10 00 10 00 JJOO 7 00 700 7O0 700 700 15 00 7 0) 10 00 7 00 7 00 700 40 OO 7 00 7 00 15 00 10 00 40 00 7110 700 SO 00 700 50 00 700 700 10 00 7 00 7 00 700 7 00 700 7 OO 50 00 10 00 700 10 00 7 00 TOO 10 ( 10 Oi 15 00 700 700 7 mil 700 700 7(i0 7 00 7 00 1U00 40 00 VOW U)0O 7 00 80 00 7 00 to 00 50 00 Ml 00 Il)0 VI Oil TOO 7 00 1500 T 00 Toe 7 oo lion Too Too 19 00 Klelm, O A Drugs 14 Kltlm, Hoary Orocery 14 KInport, F s " 14 Kuhn & Mart. Butcher 14 Lowcnbcrir. David ClotbluL' 13 LockarJ, O M J K Coal 14 " " ocn'l store McKclvt . I W " Marr, C O Storo 14 Miller, (i W Oraln Doalcr 14 Miller, I K Store u McKlnncy. W C Billiards Moycr Bros' Wholesale rawnl medicines Moyer Bros' Drugs Neal, c w s in o uoiu Lutz Sloan Gen'l store Bobbins C B Liquor Store ltabb Wm Grocery ltunyan, I. Co Hardwaro lllchart, Wm 0 Flour Feed niece, cuaries uuicucr Itellly, James BUltards ltawllngs, K A Butcner stohner, Bernard ltestaurant stroup, David Orocery Nharpless, ll F Merchandise Solleder, A Boot and Shoo Findings Savage, o E Jeweler saiizer, ierry urguus .-tiucuiues Singer MTg Oo. Hewing Machines Shlvc, Slinou o Agricultural Imp'ts Vannattu. ll F (agt) Faper Tubbs, W It Hotel wuson,J li lioot uoo unuings Wilson, 8 A Confectionery Webb, Thomas Tobacconist wnary. L It stoves etc Wolf, John Agricultural Imp'ts Yetter, W II (agt) Sewing Machines IIRIARCKBBK. Eaton A W Stor J Hostler, (l w Wilkinson, W N Bottler CATAWISS. Blbby, James Augustus Coal Ucrkuelmer. Wm uestaurant Baldy, Stephen oen'l storo catawlssa Paper Co coal Cleaver, A B sioves etc Dleiner, 8 B oen'l Storo Fortner.B P Son storo Frederick, 1) B Tobacconists Giran, David Co Coal (lunther, Wm Butcher uiibert Kline Oen'l store llartman Henries Furntture Hays, Charles Clothing llolllngshead, David Hotel Harder, o F Lumber Harder, T E Furniture John, Wm stoves Klstler, Hester Hotel Knlttle.J B coal Kostenbuudur, O L Co Hotel Manhart, Oeor.o Boots eto Mccoy, John confectionery usman. a r ituks Philadelphia Beading coal Iron Co (U ju umnuui ugij uuui Itlnard, s I) Uhawn. J K Oysters etc lleltsnyder. a W Co storo Ithawn, 8 B Stoves eto bharplcss.j K Sons Gcn'l Store Swank, M A Store seesholtz, 1 11 11 Smith, J M Hardware eto Truckcnmlller Keller Books eto Truckeumlllcr A ltestaurant " lltlllaids Whitman, LO store Yetter, Albert Billiards OENT1IALIA. Black, D O Oroco'y Brennan, Michael store Conner, Mrs. Johanna LlquorStore curry, I) F HoU-l Collins, Thomas ltestaurant Davis, U W Drugs Former, A B Btovea do Farrall, Itobert ltestaurant 11 rant J J Goldvvorthy, James 14 14 13 13 14 13 14 14 14 5 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 5 14 14 14 14 14 14 It 14 b 14 S 14 14 14 14 14 10 It 14 VI 14 9 Harfey.MrsE Irvln Bros' Uehler, H 8 Keller. D E Lanahau, Andrew Murpny.u it Millard, oil Morau, John Michael, II W Mtlllngum, .1 T Morris, A McFaddon, Edward remer, wm Itlley. LA Co Staudenmoycr, J loiter, josepn Hotel Billiards btoro Church, A II Herbert, Wm Kline, John L Kehres, Daniel Monroe, Mary Butcher Sioves eto Orocery Store (lent Storo Boots etc orocery Drugs (ireen uroccry ltestaurant llOUil ocn'l store Confectlonory Canned Fruits eto CONY.NUHAV. Ueu'l store storo Hotel , ltestaurant CENTHE. Brobst, Thomas Fowler, Tuyler oi Bro Co Mann, u H Sponsler, Jacob Whltmliof Krwlno Wagner, Edward Grocery Grain coal storo Hotel btoro 14 14 19 e a 14 14 S s 5 14 14 14 14 14 14 13 14 14 14 14 6 9 4 14 11 13 14 0 0 5 14 13 14 & 11 14 14 71)0 700 700 700 10 00 T 00 S3 00 60 OU 700 700 709 40 DO 5010 TOO 7 00 10 00 moo 7 00 1000 7 00 7 00 40 OO 700 eioo TOO TOO 7 00 7 00 700 7 00 7 00 7 00 50 00 7 00 7 00 700 TOO TOO T 00 7 00 700 M W 7 CO iOOO 15 00 7 00 700 10 00 700 700 7 tO TOO U SO 7 00 700 CO CO 7 00 10(10 700 60 00 700 50 00 10 00 700 7 00 7 00 7 00 700 7 00 TOJ )00 700 700 1150 700 iMOO 30 OO 700 ro oo 7 0) 700 1)00 611 OJ 80 00 7 00 700 10 00 10 00 60 OU Si) CO 700 TOO T 00 TOO TOO TOO 10 00 700 TOO 7 00 TOJ iMOO 60 00 SO 00 TOO 700 10 00 T W 60 OO 60 00 WOO TOO lu 01 TOO 60 00 700 700 TOO FISUINGCRBBK. Storo 14 14 14 14 Ammerrann, JM Hun Savago " Hosier, W N " Howoli, G M " Meyers, C B I'atont Medicines Mcllenry M Bro Storo Mcllenty,J;F " FRANKLIN, Ocorgo Silas Son Storo GRBBNWOOD. Derr, A J Storo Black, D D storo and Furniture Eves, WUsjnM " Kvcs, C W " lives Bills Bro Oen'l Storo Hess, Wm F storo Henrlo, Hannah " Ilazeldlno. Samuel Hotel Mlllvllle orange Dealer In merchandise 4 Masters, wm Oon'i Storo 11 Welllver. J B storo 14 ltohrsbuig Orange Dealer In merchandise 14 14 14 14 14 13 14 14 11 14 14 5 EVCS, V 1- Furnlturo HEMLOCK, Dlotrlck, C 11 Harris. D W Vanllow, A 11 Hlrlcman, II II Cherlngton, T I' Daniel, L u Knorr, Daniel searbone, M stlno, David Yeager, w Yeager, Jacob Yodcr, Aaron Yocutn Bro Gmgles, Wm Kreamer.O Smith, A K DUdlne. Wea'oy Hotel Storo , JACKSON, Store LOCUST. Hotel storo Hotel Store Hotel Store Restaurant storo MADISON. Gen'l Storo Hotel MAIN. Store Bodlne, J 11 iiiauoo, u a Campbell, UJ (agt) " Longenberger, Jeremiah Hotel Rlchart, Charles storo Yelter, u It Hotel MIFFLIN, Furniture Storo Bernlnger.R J creasy, N B Co netier, J u Hess, A W Hotel Millard Ilartzel Hardwaro ripher. J N Storo schweppenhclscr Snyder store Snyder, A W storo 14 6 14 14 a 14 6 14 14 ft 14 e 14 13 13 0 S 14 14 14 6 14 6 14 14 14 B 14 14 14 14 700 700 TOO TOO 16 00 TOO TOO TOO TOO 10 00 TOO T 00 1160 TOO T 00 60 00 1(0 19 60 TOD TOO ri Jl' Bands MOUNT PLEASANT. Store MONTOUR. Hosler.a II store Uacock, B T Hotel I'axton Harman Merchandise ORANOE. Ficckcnstlne, a s store llagenbuch, Samuel Hotel storo Hicks, D W IX)W, o w Ltlley sieppy Meara, O Stewart, A II Sloan, 1) K Sou Smith, (I N UnaDgst Emandus Fowler. J H Lyons, It w Parker, () ll liriAViiMnnnniiL- storo Butcher Gen'l btoro ,, Stoves etc Hotel HNB. DlstUlory Store Coleman. Charles t-oie, uzekiei uif, um ii Crevellng, 11 ( Crawford. J L Crevellng, (I w HUUAltLOAF. Hotel Storo BC01T. Butchor Notions eto (len'I store store Dletterleli. W II Forey the Rockefeller Oen'l stuns ..unvii, a i a tore jieacock, Harvey X lleck, Theodore Hotel Miller, Jacob MUnes, Waples store Mporehead Hartor (len'I Btoro Wurkbelser, J U worman, Samuel A " Wolt, John (agl) Young, bllos oen'l store An arjDeal will hA ii,n .,ih., n , Ii..lb82 . betwwin the hours of a. in. and 4 d?iu. where all tarlleswho may feeUggfleveu br tho above classification may appear and be heard 14 9 14 14 S 14 14 14 14 13 13 14 fi 14 14 tl 14 14 14 14 14 13 14 13 14 14 9 6 U 13 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 IU 50 00 TOO TOO TOO 60 00 TOO 60 00 TOO TOO 60 00 T 00 $0 00 T W 1000 1010 60 00 60 00 TOO T 700 90 09 709 60 1 9 700 7 00 TOO 69 00 T 00 TOO TOO 7 04 TOO TOD 90 00 TOO TOO 60 00 TOO TOO TOO T 00 10 00 10 0 III) 60 00 S3 00 T OO TOO TOO 6000 700 TOO TOO TOO TOO 10IO 7 00 10 00 TOO TOO. 90 00 60 00 TOO 10U3 no 7 CO TOO TOO TOO TOO TOO mod May loth, 1MJ. Wll.I. MANNINd Mercanuto Appraiser.