The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, May 26, 1882, Image 3
THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG-, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. The Columbian. BLOOMSBUEG, PA., Fill DAY, MAY 20, 1882. Correct Ititllrond Time Tabic. Tralni on tho 1'ullr.delphlft .V It. It. leavo Kurort ni follows i NORTH. Rootn. o I8ii. m. " 45 a. m, 4 uo 11. in. 4' P. m, Trilns on tho D. I., ft VV. II. It. lo.vo Uloomsburg a.1 follows I N0HT1I. BOOTH. T 88 a, m. i)l in. la u p. m, H 45 a. m. ninn in. 4 '21 1). TO. Tho 11 41 train Boutli connects with tho I'Ulla. do nhla Heading at uupert, ana wun ine Northern Central at Northumberland. Hereafter wo shall go to press nbout tlireo hours earlier oil 'lliurstlnys, than lins been our custom, In order that nil malls can be mnilu In the nfernoon. All matter Tor Insertion must be handed in on Wednesday, nnd nil communications must bo mailed In time to reach us Tuesday night, or Wednesday morning nt the latest. No matter for publication will he received on Thursday except in very urgent cases. l'crrtoiiul. CO. Uarkley, Ksq., went to Philadelphia on Thursday. Kouert und Hugh HucUlnglmm are In Shenandoah visiting their sister, Mrs. Dr. Hlddlc. K. it. l)i Inker Is in Philadelphia this week attending n meeting of the stockhold ers of the Itloomsburg Iron Company. He will visit New York. K. i:. Godfrey left on Tuesday to return to his home in Missouri. He lias resided here several years for his health, and has been greatly Improved. Ills gentlemanly bearing made him many friends. Mr. nnd Mrs. Harrj Dlrkenblne are resltl Inn in Council Muffs, Iowa, where Mr. Dlrkenblne Is engaged in the erection of water works. Mrs. 1'ursel and Mrs. "vViducr of Kimcoc, Canada, urc vWitiug Mrs. M. 0. Sloan. Mrs. George McKclvy of Mtllersburg.hns been spending a few days with her parents in tills town. Wastci). A situation by n young man as book-keeper in a first class establish ment, best of references, address W. A. C. Itupert, l'n. The Ciitawissii Item expects to occupy its new building about the first of August. Wanikii. A harness-maker, also an active young man to learn the trade. Call or address H. H. Gimmes, Mlllvllle, Pa. The courts havo decided that it is unlaw ful to swear through a telephone. All kinds of paper, pencils, pens, Ink und envelopes at the Columbian store. Sheriff Kiit took Mrs. Gross to the eastern penitentiary last week Tuesday. Tho largest stock of straw hats ever opened in liioonisbmg, at David I.owcn berg's. Call and see. Tho Plymouth Hecord says that Morris K. Michel will open a new music storcin that place. The largest stock of straw hats ever opened in liloonisburg, nt David Lowen berg's. Call and see. t The liloonisburg Journal lias been en larged and improved in appearance. It is meeting with deserved success. Fishingcreck water has been turned oil nt the street plugs, but soda water has been turned on at the drug stores. A. It. liacon, through his agent J. Snltzer has placed a "Weber Piano in the homo of I. S. ICuhn. The Weber takes the lead in pianos. The Pennsylvania Editorial Association will visit Washington, Mount Vernon and other places of note on tho fith and Oth of June ne.t. Christian Stohuer, son of Darnnrd Stoli nei, died on Friday morning last, aed twcnty.nliie years. He was buried on Sun day afternoon. Moyer Uros. have put in a night bell at their drug store, and arc prepared to 1111 prescriptions at all hours of the night. may 10- !i w Llghtstreet was connected with the tele phune exchange on Wednesday. Silas Young has an instrument at his store, and J. W. Iloll'man has one at his mill. Orange villo will be connected next. Mary, wife of V. Harman of Catawlssa, died nt that place on Monday, aged 23 years. She was iv daughter of Douglas Hughes of this town. The funeral was held on Wednesday afternoon. The I.uzerne couits havo granted live hundred and fifty licenses out of live hun dred and scventy-llvo applications, und a few arc held under advisement. riijmoulh lleconl. Chief Justice Wilson, of Ontario, has decided that shaving is "not n work of necessity or mercy." The same point was decided in our court severnl years ago. "Last Friday 1!. P. Savage brought to town forty eight fine trout caught by Hcv. D. ICintner near Kzcklel Cole's place, The trout season lias well begun but the cold weather somewhat Injures the success of the fisherman. Pens, pencils, pen holders, Ink, rubbers, mucllagu in great variety at the Coi.umihan store. The liloonisburg Literary Society meets in N. S. Tlngley's hall. Tho subject for discussion this week was "Iltnohtd, that no one should bo executed on circumstantial evidence." The exumlmitlon for teachers In our public schools of this place will be held in Third Street School Huildlng by county Superlntendant Grimes, on Saturday June 10, 1882, commencing at 0 A. M. The Lutheran congregation will soon commence to repair their Church. Tho building will lie painted lusldu nnd out, tho front entrance made more accessible; and inside remodeled so as to prepare: for placing a plpo organ. Northumberland county will soon Intro (luce carpet-weaving nnd other iniinufiic. lures among tho Inmates of their prison. They want to try nud compel the criminals to cam their own living. Tho pupils of tho Mount Joy Soldiei's Orphans School, numbering nbout one hun dred nnd fifty boys and girls, under the management of Mr. Wright will bu present at Danville on Tuesday next to assist In (Improper observance of Decoration I)ny. Cnlawlssa Is now ahead of liloonisburg lu one respect. The dally papers nro recelv. oil there from Philadelphia at noon, which Is live hours cnillcr than wo get llicin. If tho noon train on the D. L, & W. road could bo clumped to n half hour later we could have the city news at one o'clock. A. Pardee has opened a private bank nt Hnfclcton, in opposition to Mnrklc llros. & Co., where ho will receive deposits in trust, upon which current rntcs of interest will he paid. He has nlrcady taken much busl. ness from the new successors to tho old firm. Ho will recognize neither check or draft drawn upon him by his depositors. Kichange, Tho thirteenth annual session of the Columbia County Sunday School Conven tion will bo held in tho M. B. Church, Uuckhoni, on Tucsdny nnd Wednesday Mny.fiO nnd 31. All Sunday School work crs nro cordially invited to bo present. Entertainment will be provided free for nil delegates from a distance Tho largest stock of straw hats ever opened In Bloomsburg, nt David Lowcn berg's. Call nnd sec. An nttcmpt nt robbery wns made nt tho store of Moses McIIenry of Stillwater, on Tuesday evening. An entrance wa9 mndo through the window by prying open tho blinds. Some of the goods nrc missing but how much Is not known. No money wns found. The thieves wcro probably fright ened nwny. Goods delivered frco of charge to nny part of the town ft F. S. Klnport's grocery store. They were out sleighing. "Gussle, elenr," said she, ns she leaned her tender check on his many checked ulster, "Why are these snow-flakes like your mous tache?" This pleased him even to havo It noticed. "I don't know, pet," ho mur mured, innocently, "why nro they?" "Hccnuso they nro slow coming down." He ilrovo with botli hands after that. People will do well by getting my price and quality of goods before purchasing elsewhere. F. S. KlNi-oitTS. Tax collectors should supply themselves with our receipt books which contain re clpls for State, county, road, poor, nnd school tnx all in one, or they enn bo used for nny one of them. Books of GO receipts well bound only 20 ccnt9. Sent by mall for 22 cents. Address Columuian, Bloomsburg Pn. Perfection tomatoes nro the best. Oo to Dillon's Green Houses nnd get them, also iVcmc, Paragon and Trophy. The advertisement of the Montour White Lead, Zinc nnd Color Works, at Rupert, nppenrs elsewhere in tills Issue. Extensive additions and Improvements have been made to the mill, nnd their paints are rap idly gaining a wide reputation for their ex cellent quality. Those in need of paint of any kind should consult Mr. ltcay or his superintendent Mr. Davics, before purchns lug elsewhere. llloomsburg's old f ogy Council has re fused to form n contract with the Water Company for n supply of water in case of fire and as a consequence the town is again at the mercy of the fiery elements. Insur ance rates have nlrcady increased 30 per cent., more than enough to securo the water supply. Tho people of Bloomsburg would no doubt be glad to decorate the graves of the councilmcn who voted for tho passage of this measure. Shichhinny Echo. Bloomsburg last year spent $595.20 on its lire department nnd intends to spend as much this year. Montour American. Your information is not correct. Our lire department is fully equipped, and will not require nny outlay this year except for rent and repairs. It might bo well, however, to invest a few dollars in buck ets, as nil the lire apparatus is rendered useless by the failure of the council and tho water compauy to agree on terms for water for fire protection. We have over 0,000 feet of glass houses full of beautiful (lowers and choice plants, the finest we havo ever grown. Call and see Dillon's Green Houses. Dr. J. 11. Evans met with an accident on Tuesday morning that might have proved serious. While attempting to ford the creek near the Irondale dam, the current upset the buggy and threw the horse down, and it was with considerable dilllculty that the doctor succeeded in saving the horse from drowning. Fortunately the water was not very deep, and by cutting the harness the horse was detatched from the buggy nnd put right side up. The robe, whip and cushions are somewhere on their road to the ocean. The members of the Bonrd of tho Miners' Hospital at Ashland, held a meeting at tho Glrard House, Philadelphia, last week, and decided to raise funds enough for the com pletlon of the building on their individual order and trust to the Stato to redeem It. The Hospital was commenced two years ago and up to the present time has cost SSl.OOO. It will accommodate about 200 people, from the counties of Schuylkill, Northumberland, Columbia, Carbon and Dauphin. As soon ns patients are so far cured as to no longer need surgical aid they will bu discharged. Salary of physician was fixed at ij2,500. Dr. Yeoinans, of Philadelphia, formerly from Ashland, was appointed as p'.iyslciau. Go to Dillon's Green Houses for tho best early cabbage and tomato plants. Tho canvass for the "History of Colum bia County" is progressing satisfactorily, and It will be but n few weeks before n sufficient number of subscribers will bo obtained to warrant us in commencing the work. As tho cost of publication will b o heavy, wo shall not begin until nt least four hundred names havo been secured. This hook is n genuine history, upon which Col. J. G. Freeze has been engag ed for some years, and ns it is the first ono that has ever been published that contains reliable information, it should be taken by every family in tho county. We are aware that several pamphlets havo been published that purported to contain a his tory of tho several towns, but they wero unreliable in their statements, and in f net were gotten up for advertising purposes and never Intended to be of any use to anyone after the publishers got their money. If strangers to tho county were able to secure in Bloomsburg alone, fifty, five subscribers to n so-called History, of about 200 pages, at ijU.00 n copy, which possessed no merit whatever, nnd con tallied nothing to speak of but advertise ments, we ought to bo ublo to securo 1000 subscribers in the county to it book of 500 pages at sfr3.C0. It will be ready for de. livery by September. Orders Bhould ad dressed to tho Columbian, Bloomsburg, Pa. The prlcu will ho payable on delivery. Upper I'iiio, Mary, wife of George Evans, met with a fatal accident on tho tho 25th ult. While moving she fell oil of the wugou which passed over her breast, crushing her so badly that ehu died three days afterward. She was a daughter of Peter Hoffman. E. Mendenludl contemplates building a large new barn on his farm this summer, Henry lllchlo is running ids shingle mill, nud expects to biiw a half million of shingles this season, If tho water keeps up. Tho peach crop has been affected by tho cold weather, The apples, nnd cherries, nud tho grass und grain crops are doing well. SriMcmiiKit. Ilnckliorii ItcniH. We are sorry to nolo that Mr, C. II. Dcltcrlcli is quite 111 and Is nt present con fined to Ids bed. Mr. Charles Shaffer caught seventy eels on Friday night. Mr. E. 11. Drclsbach of Morcland, Ly coming county, flsltcd friends here on Sunday. After an absence of ten yenrs Mrs. Jesse Merlcle, of Michigan, spent a few days hero with tier many friends. Miss Dora Hartman who has been visit ing nt Nnntlcoko for some time past. Will return this week. Tho fence In front of M. E. Church nnd pnrsonago Is being painted, this wns a much needed Improvement. A new porch is being placed in front of Vnnlicw's store. Mr. Hiram Hecse is making some need ed Improvements on Ids properties. Tho farmers arc about through planting corn, nnd prospects nro booming for n fair harvest. Quick sales nnd sure profits at F. S. Kin port's grocery store. Iltity oftlic Town Council. To THE EllITOlt OF T1IK COLUMBIAN'; The Act of Assembly of 29 April 1874, provides that " the Court of Common Plens of tho proper county shall havo jurisdiction and power, upon the bill or petition of nny citi zen using the gas or wntcrof nny snld com panics, to hear, Inquire and determine ns to tho charges thereof for gas or water so furnished, nnd to decree that tho said bill be dismissed, or that the charges thntl be i creased, ns to the said Court may seem just nnd equitable, nnd to enforce obedience to their decrees by the usual precept." Now is it not plain that tho duty of the Town Council is to use tho water of the Com pany for protection ngalnst fire; nnd if they believe the Company charges too much, to apply by petition to the Court to havo Un charges decreased? The Town Council have taken upon themselves the responsi bility of depriving the town of protection against fire. In view of this fact in case of n Milton conflagration, would the people of the Stato or surrounding country come to our relief, as we went to the relief of Mil ton; or would tliey say It served us right? What object can animate the Town Council to tnke nil this responsibility, nnd subject property owners to all tills risk and loss, by increased insurance ? It has been inti mated thnt tho object Is selfish; that the President needs thi9 question of charges for water in politics. A Tax Paveii. Hoses, VerbenaSjGeraniums, Colons, &c, for bedding for sale cheap at Dillon's Green Houses. Ho grows only the best varieties. Agricultural Society. The twenty-seventh annual meeting of the county Columbia Agricultural Association was called to order by Hon. M. G. Hughes in the Opera House on Saturday May 20th at two o'clock. Hon. T. J. Vanderslico was elected chairman and F. B. Hartman, Secretary of the meeting. Tho chair ap pointed Robert Buckingham as reading clerk nnd Charles rives nssistnnt Secretary. The minutes of last annual meeting nnd financial statement for last year read and approved. On motion the salaries of the President, Secretary and Treasurer bo the same as last year. Nominations being in order, Hon. M. G. Hughes was nominated for Preside'nt, and on motion the nomin ations closed and tho clerk cast the ballot when the chair declared Mr. Hughes duly elected, Messrs. Frcns Fowler, P. A. Evans, C. L. Sands and William Shaffer wero nominated for vice Presidents, and on motion nominations closed and the clerk cast the ballot. Messrs. J. M. De witt, Samuel Camp, Baits Sterling and Dr. T.'J. Swisher were nominated for ex ecutive committee. Chair appointed Messrs. William Krickbaum and Luther Eyer ns tellers with Hon. E. J. McIIenry as clerk. Result: .1. M. Dewitt, 101; Samuel Camp, 104; Baltis Sterling, 05; T. J. Swisher, 41. Messrs. Dewitt, Camp and Sterling wero declared elected. Fred B. Ilartmnn was nominated for Secretary, J. C. Brown for Trensurer, Thomas Webb for Librarian. There being no opposition nominations closed nnd the clerk cast tho ballot and the chair declared them elected. On motion an invitation was extended to the State Board of Agriculture of Penn sylvania to hold one of their mooting nt Bloomsburg as soon ns convenient. No other business, meeting adjourned. F. B. 1 1 Alii MAN,) O..........I.., Ciuitu'.s Evks, f ot-crilurlLs. Tin: Histoiiy ok Columbia County. From Its organization lu 1813 to 1882. Compiled nnd Edited by J. G. Freeze. One volume octnvo, 500 pages, illustrated, cloth S-2.G0 luvlf morocco ijil.OO-full library 3,50. Will bo ready for delivery nbout September 1st. Beginning with the Early History of the Territory comprised within tho limits of Columbia county, this volume gives Its organization by its Oiigiual Boundaries, and its subsequent legislative reductions. Tho history and location of the forts and stockades within its borders during the revolutionary war a chapter on the Mon tour family on the streams and mountains the dato of the erection of tho Townships and Boroughs, and the territory out of which they wero formed. A chapter on The Courts with biographical notices of the President Judges, tho names and succes sion of Judges, Prothonotarics. Registers, Sheriffs, and Attorneys-nt.Law-.chapter on Bloomsburg, Berwick and Catawlssa and tho sinaer towns the newspapers of tho county the members of Congress, Senate and assembly, representing Columbia county, with the popular vote tho census, by townships, including Montour county from 1820, with statistics, election returns, &c. &c. In tho appendix, tho names of the soldiers from Columbia and Montour in the civil war, and tho wnr with Mexico tho Invasion of Columbia county, and the opinion of tho Supremo Court In the Mill- Igan case. Sketches of many of tho old settlers lu Columbia county nro given; which with other personal matters will make the book nn Interesting ono to every citizen of tho forks of the Susquehanna. A full nnd careful Index of subjects and names will be added. This is tho first and only complete, nnd nuthentlo history of the county that has ever been published, nud as the slzo of the edition will depend upon the number of subscribers, nil per. sons wishing n copy should send their names and post olllce address at once to El.WF.LL & BlTTENIIKN'DEIt, Publishers, Bloomsburg, Pa. l'i.THonlil I To Men only I Yoltnlo Belt Co,, Marshall, Michigan, will send Dr .Dye's Celebrated Electro-Voltale Belts and Elcctrlo Appliances on trial for thirty days to men (young or old) who nro (filleted with Nervous Debility, Lost Vital ity, and manhood, and kindred troubles, guaranteeing speedy relief and complete restoration of health und manly vigor, Address as above, N. 11,- No risk Is in. 1 curred, ns thirty days' trial is allowed. I Oct. 28,'81.1y lecilH Itecorilcd. The following deeds have been recorded since those last published i David Gross nnd wife to Daniel Reedy Berwick. Amos Kitchen and wife to Rlchnrd Kitch en, Greenwood, Amos Kitchen nud wife to Snmilel E. Dorr, Greenwood, William DcLong and wlfo to A. W. C. Keller, Orange. Charles Marsh nnd wlfo to William Mil ler, Centre. George Brclscli Jr. to William Miller Catawlssa. Lewis Yctter, executor, to Wllllnm Jill lcr, Catawlssa. Franklin Stownrt nnd wife to Benjamin Evans, Berwick. Jncob Knittlc nnd wife to John O. Hlle, Franklin. Joseph Bllllg, et nl executor, to William Bllllg, Locust. George W. Stlne und wife to John Brofee, Locust. Charles Fisher and wife to John Slngley, Main. Susan Hlnterliter to John Slngley, Bea ver. John B. Withers to Rebecca Mnrteeny, Bet wick. Johnson II. Ikelcr, executor, to John McMlchael, Greenwood. John K. Grotz, administrator, to Clark M. Christman, Bloomsburg. M. G. Hughes, assignee, to J. II. Vas tine and Daniel Stine, Locust. Charles Snntce, in trust, to Isaac E. Yost, Bloomsburg. 17. H. Knt, shcrllT, to William Old, Hem- lock. P. H. Christman, ct nil, to F. S. Smith, Benton. John Mann nnd wlfo to Jackson Clenver, Cntawlssa. Mary Hcacock to Uriah P. McIIenly, Greenwood. Isaiah W. McKclvy and wlfo to Fanny McClosky Bloomsburg. Jacob Schuyler and wife to Fanny Mc Closky, Bloomsburg. William Krickbaum, clerk, to Fanny McC'osky, Bloomsburg. A. Yctter and wife to II. L- Waters, Cat nwissa. George Zarr to II J. Reeder, Catawlssa. Richard Thompson to Henry L. Longen bcrger, Berwick. Franklin L. Shiiniau to Thomas E. Hard- or, Catawlssa. Charles Snntce, trustee, to Henry G. Oit, Bloomsburg. Simon Fetterman to William Fcttcrman, Locust. C. B. Brockway nnd wife to Mary E. Ent, Main township. II. W. Bower and wife to Emma Berlin, Berwick. Gilbert Fowler to Joseph Blank.Berwick. D. J. Waller to Farmers Produce Ex change, limited, Bloomsburg. Jesse Hicks and wife to Ann Flora Hughes Espy. EmmnM. Appleinan to Jacob W. Groover, et. al. Hemlock. A. A. Overhalt7er, et. nl. to Chiw. B. Myers, Benton. Jacob Schuyler to J. B. Roblson, Until wissa. - - D. J. Waller ami wife to W. B. Koons, liloonisburg. " AY. B. Koons and wife to H. II. Hum- phreys, Bloomsburg. Every Thursday and Saturday you can get vegetables at F. S. Klnport's grocery store. A History Worth Having-. The new and charmingly beautiful, as well as wonderfully cheap edition of "Green's Larger History of the English People" which is being published by The Useful Knowledge Publishing Co., New York, is most deservedly finding a place in thousands of home libraries. No his tory is better worthy of a place in even the smallest library, and, though formerly published by the Harpers nt i?20, it is now easily within tho reach of any one, tho prices varying in the several forms, from 05 cts. in ono volume, octavo, Utility bind ing, to 2.35 lu volumes Elzevir edition, half Russia binding. It nlso forms n part of the first volume of the Cyclopedia of History which is shoitly to appear. Tlnse editions are for sale by enterprising book sellers,' and club agents and canvassers are wanted everywhere by the publishers, to whom tire offered very unusual induce ments and facilities. The largest stock straw luH ever opened in Bloomsburg, at David Low 'li bers'. Call and bee. DEATHS. Milled. Died in Fishlngcreck town ship on tho 13th int., Mrs. Lydia Miller, aged 83 years, and 28 days. LOCAL NOTICES. Farmers dealing nt W. B Allen's can be necoiuinodated with stabling, npr. 7-tf. Go to Clark fc Son's for Black nud Color ed Dress Silks, prices to meet any. Summer Gloves nnd Hosiery for ladies and children nt Lutz. it Sloan's. Great Bargains at C. W. Low's In Orange ville ns he is selling out his entire btock of goods umouuting to about six thousand dollars at cost. npril 14 tf Lumber, lots of it for sale. Pino boards 12, 14, nnd 10 feet long, pine plank 12, 14 nnd 10 feet long, hemlock boards 12, 14 and 10 feet long hemlock plank 12, 14, 10 nud 18 feet long, joists 12, 14, 10 and 18 feet long, 2x4 rails 12, 14, 10 and 18 feet long. Shingle lath, ceiling hith, shingles No. 1, 2, and 3. Pickets and siding at Llghtstreet by Silas Young. may 10-2 in A complete stock of Fans, Parasols, Gloves, Ties, Collars, and fancy novelties nt Clark & Sou's. Go to W. E. Geddls, Railroad street for early vegetnble plants, of nil varieties. 3ni Nov. 4, 'Sl-oni As good cigars as can ho found in town nro kept at W, B. Allen's East end gro eery. npril 7-tf If you want Dress Goods of any kind go to Clink it Son's. Low prices mid large stock. More New White Counterpanes ut Lutz & Sloan's. In tho absence of John Wolf, farmers wanting farm machinery will please call at W. 1). Allen's. aprll 7-tf Go to W. E. Geddls, Railroad street for general collection of green house and bed ding plants. apl7-3m Prices way down on Hats, Bonnets, and children's Lacu cans nud ladles' Linen Dusters at Claik it Sou's. Flour and feed can always bo had at Allen's East end grocery, npril 7-lf tin to Lutz it Sloan's for trimming or dress Silks Black or Colored. W. B. Allen lias just opened n lot of new goods, embracing lino groceries, glass, ware, painted rhliia, qucenswiiro, itc, All of tho best, nud at the lowest prices. npril 7-tf Light blue Pink nnd other light colored Cashmeres at Lutz it Sloan's. Horses for sale, Ono or two good young horses for sale; also n lot of shotes, ut Llghtstreet, by Silas Young, may ID-1 w Osbom's Family Paints ready for use nrc the most convenient nrtlclo of tho kind, ail shades and colors, put up In i, J nnd pint cans. Wo furnish n can of paint and brush for 25 cents. Ilv. ' scalds nnd sores of every kind; it Is good nnd cheap. Snxollno Pomade for tho ltalr, highly perfumed, 25 cents. Glycerine Lotion. To ladles and children or any person with a fine sensitive skin nnd whoso complexion Is affected by tho weather causing redness, roughness and chapping this Lotion is Invaluable. An excellent np. plication to tho face after shaving. Largo bottles 25 and CO cents. Our Stock of llntr and Tooth brushes has been replenished nnd contains somo good bnrgnlns. We carry n complete nnd well selected stock, nnd competent persons nronlways in attendance to supply tho wants of our pat rons. We study to please, nnd believe wo can supply you with everything In our lino economically, sntisfacorlly and in a manner calculated to induce to join In the verdict, that our store i3 the place to trade. Hoping to sec many readers of the Columman ut our placo o'f business shortly nnd soliciting a shnro of your esteemed patronage, wo re main 'Very Truly Yours N. J. Hendershott. MARRIAGES. Knco FiiEiiEitlcK At the residence pf Charles Krug, on the evening of May 2l9t. by Rev. O. II. Stmnk, Mr. Charles Krug of Bloomsburg, to Miss Mary M. Fcderlck, of Catawlssa. 1Tr ItcIlKNiiY. At the residence of tho groom May 17lh 1882 by Rev. E. M. Chllcoat, Mr. Joseph II. ness, or Jones town to Mrs. Sebrlnu; McIIenry of Benton, both of Columbia county, Pn. BUSINESS NOTICES. We have a speedy nnd positive) euro for catarrh, dlpthcria, canker mouth nnd headache, In Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy. A iinal injector free with each bottlo. Use it if you desire health and sweet breath. Price CO cents. Sold by J. II. Klnports. may 12-cow. SMALL COMFOl'.T. When you are continunlly coughing night nnd day, annoying everybody around you, and hoping it will go away of Its own accord, you nrc ruunlng a dan gerous risk better use Dr. Thomas' Eclec tric Oil, an unfailing remedy in nil such cases. Oil, WHAT A cough! Will you heed the'warning. Tho signal perhaps of the sure approach of that more terrible disease Consumption. Ask your selves if you can afford for the sake of saving 50 cts., to run the risk and do noth ing for it. We know from experience that Shiloh's Cure will cure your Cough. It never falls. This explains why more than a Million bottles wero sold the past year. It relieves Croup, and Whooping Cough, at once. Mothers do not bo without it. For lame back, side, or chest, use Shiloh's Porus Plaster. Sold by J. H. Kinporis. may 12-eow. LIFE'S A CONUNDRUM. When judiciously used, Burdock Blood Bitters nro in themselves a remedy for all the evils arising from impurities of the blood, which never fail to make the patient long-lived nnd happy. Price $1.00. OliATKFUL TO INVALIDS. Floreston Cologne is grateful to invalids, because it is refreshing without tho sick ening effects of most perfume. For tremulousness, wakefulness, dizzi ness, and lack of energy, a most valuable remedy is Brown's Iron Bitters. THE HIGHEST 1!AXK. Made from harmless materials.und adapt ed to the needs of fading nud fulling hair Puiker's Hair Balsam has taken tho highest rank ns nn elegant and reliable hair restorative. IlVSI'El'nlA AND LIVEIt COMl'LAINT. Is it not worth the small price of 75 cents to free yourself of every symptom of these distressing complaints, if you think so call at our store and get a bottle of Shiloh's Vitnlizer, every bottle bus a printed guar antee on it, uso nccordingly nnd if It docs you no good it will cost you nothing. Sold by J. H. Klnports. may 12-cow. "HOCCIII ONltATS." Clears out ruts, mice, roaches, Hies, ants, bed-bugs, skunks, chipmunks, gophers. 15c. Druggists. If the lady who reads this card when in want of Spool Cotton will ask for thu "O. N. T." she will obtain tho very best thread made. Ask for Clark's "O. JsT. T." Cotton nnd see that you get It. For sale by all leading dealers. t;b 3 -lilll SKINNY MEN. "Wells' Health Renewcr" restores health and vigor, cures Dyspepsia, Impotence, Sexual Debility. $1 DMINISTu.vTOR'S NOTICE. K3TATK OF JACOB 1UKE11, DECEASED. Letters of Administration on tlio ostato ot Jacob naKer, nue oi ueaver lown&mp, eoiumoia county, ter ot said couuty to Churles Dakar admin. 1-strjtor. All persons Iiav lntr claims against tuo estate ottlio decedent aru requested to present tli'im tor settlement, and those Indebted to tue ostaia to maun payment: to tno undersigned ad mlalstrator without delay. OHAHLES IIAKElt, Administrator, May 5 wow Beaver Valley. M ERCANTILK APPRAISEMENT. List of DeaUrt of Columbia County, 1 hereby certify that tbe rollowloirllstof deal ers taken, n iu ned and classined by me In accor dance wltli tlio several nets or Assembly, In and ror thu )ear is correct to the best ot rny KiioAieu'j ana ueuei. Jlusiness. Class. Tar. IlKAVEIt TOWNHMP. Drtcsbacli. (1 1' . Store 14 $ 7 oo Krey. J l'uul " u I oo lllnderllter. Jobn Hotel woo Mlcha-1, Lovl Store 11 loo Kliumnn, OA " 11 loo suuman, l' II " u Too &uuinan,i'i uoiei o iuuo UKNTON. UvoieU, HK Store 13 moo Kdsnn.-iK " II 1(0 lless, Hiram Hotel s CO 00 McIIenry,.) J Sloru 13 moo -McIIenry, II A " u TOO HKftWICK. Adams, KK (leu. btore 13 moo lower, II H " is jooo Derger, H ltesUuraut 5 yioo lluckluebain, (I A Stoves, eio 14 TOO liarnarii, (i M Tobw.o & cigars 14 ion lluttui-r. Max t'loilil k, etc, 14 Too Uruuaker, UW Hardware 14 Too liradford, T II Hoots 4: Shoes 14 T oo llowman A' Crispin (len'l. Storo II 13 oo Drleabacli.ll Y (lift) Orgnim, hew'g ra 14 I oj I'lcksuD, A M lleu'l. Store 13 10 00 linu'nport, (i K Harnoisi; Hardware 14 too I)lstl"liurt, I' I. 1'urnUuro It TOO Hletrlcli.JJ II stationery 14 T oo KrlU A W liliiurUi 40oa I'r.iutz, Casper HuMier 11 too Fowler, Oil Furniture 14 700 Freas, liiv'a. (leu'l storo 11 11 00 Freas, Hio's. Lumber Dealers 19 10 00 Heller, UK lltlllards 4000 louerWH Confectionery 14 7 no HockmanHM u Too Jackson & WoodtnM.O (len'lbtora 4 eoou Jackson, F It x Co llutcher 1 1 t 00 Keller, John F Dottier 6 so 00 l.lltlf, 11 II urutrs u t 00 IMb.MA ClotUlrtT 14 TOO opdyko & Hess Oin'lbloro 13 10 00 Kvairao Mccrea Drug 11 too Sv.a)lteACo Htoio 14 TU0 Vauuatla, J B Jo ..tier 14 Too ICituu, A V Storo 14 1 0.1 Hostler, (1W " 14 TOD Wilkinson Dottier s woo DLOOVHIIUHO. Alexander Woodliouse Tobacconists' 14 A!in.w'mli oroccrr ti Ilrowor, K 11 Btovjs etc. 14 liruwn, duo a. nwiri lirimcrer. i'oter k Co (leni Orooerr II Dundy, KO Orecn orooery U liioom'bure Iron Co Oen'l sure 10 llornbard, Lewis Jeweler 14 Corctl, W J Co rurnltnro li L'l art, (I A Hook store 19 Clark. IIJ ft Son enl store 11 Cadidan. E Furniture 14 Creasy, 1) A store 14 Caldwell, J V Confectionery 14 Decker. .loseun " 14 Dentlcr, F 1) Hoots ft Hhoea 14 Klwell ft Httenbcndor Stationery 14 Rycr,.l K storo 14 Fnnston.J A ft Co Real Ktte omee (lllmore, V II Billiards (iliton, J I. IKstnurant 9 (lllmore, F M " .8 (irosK, I. Clotbng 14 (lllmore, W II Itestaurant 6 (lailifnan.CU Stores cte 14 dross rotor Dottier 6 (Hecr, Wm Hotel s Harman ft It assert Coal 14 iiartman, I W Orn'l Storo lo Hartman, It O Carpets 14 iiartman uro's urocery it llolinni Schuyler Hardware It Hendershott, N J limits etc u .iicoDy, r. uyaicra riaa 14 .Tacoby, o A Coai ft Orccerr 14 iTacobY.OA Llauor Storo Is Klnnoru J It Droits etc 14 Kcsslcr.OE BootaftSBoes 14 Keller, Jacob Wholesale Notion it Klclm, o A Druirs 14 Klclm, Henry Grocery 14 Klnport, FS " H Kuhn Marti nutcner 14 Lowenberff, David Clothlug 1 LOCkard.'.OMftJK Coal 14 Oen'l storo McKelvv. I W " Marr, O O 8loro 14 .Miner. 11 uraiu ueaicr i Miller. I K Storo 14 McKlnnoy. W C Dllllards Moyor liros' Wholesale ratent medicines Moyer Uros' Bruits 14 Neat, O w ft Uro coal 14 1.U17. sioan uen 1 more u IlObblnsOD Liquor Storo 19 ltabb. Wm Orocery U Hunyan, I, ft Co Hardware 19 Htchart,WrnO Flour Feed 14 ltteco. Charles Dutcher 14 lielliy, James Dullards HawllDgs, K A Uutcucr 14 stohncr. Bernard Itestaurant s Stroup, David Orocery U sharpless, 11 V Mcrchandlso 14 Savage. O B Jeweler 14 Sallzer, Jerry ( rgans S Machine 14 Slnirer M fg Ce. BewloB Machines 14 waive, mmon u Agricultural imp 10 Vannattt. 11 Fdurtl Vnpcr 14 Tubbs, W It Hotel S Wilson, ,1 11 iiooi booc nuuiugv Wilson, s A Confectionery 14 Webb, Thomas Tobacconist 14 wnary. I. II stoves etc 14 Wolf, John Agricultural Imp'la 14 Yetter, W II (ogt) sowing Machlues 14 DHIAltCUKlIK. Katon A W Stori 14 Hostler, (l w 14 WllktUHon, WN Uotller is CATAWISSA. Hlbbv, James ft Augustus Coal 14 llerkhclmcr. Win Restaurant 8 lll? Ktnnhnn (If'.n'lStArfl 11 Cata p. a l'upor Co coal 14 tner . Him oh etc 14 l.inmT. k II IIPU'I SlOrO 19 Fortner.ll P ft Bon store 14 uvrf.(.ifir 11 it Tobacconists 14 uiniti, David ft Co coal J4 mintner, wm uuicm-r Olioertft Kline Oen'l store 12 Hartman ft Henries Furniture If Hays, cuarles Clotnlng 14 Houingsueaa, uaviu nuiui Ilnrder.CF Lumber 14 ImrilHrTK FUrDltUrO 13 John, Wm ?f.Tc.s ' Ktstler. neater "oici Knlttlo.J D coat 14 Kostcnbaudor. O L ft Co Hotel s ...... tlnnta nt, in Mccoy.Jobn Confoctlonory 14 oiman. S h "mgs 14 Philadelphia ft ltoadlng Coal ft Iron Ce (K M Oraham ngt) Coal 14 Hlnard.SD . '4 Ilhawn. J li uynwni oic " Keifsnyder. O W ft Co store 14 TitiAtnn u 11 Htnvpn fife 14 Sharplc'ss.J K ft Sons Oen'l Store 10 owaU K, Al A OIUIU " Beesnoltz, 111 " . smith, J M Hardware etc Hi TpiinL'nnmlllt.r Kftllfir HOOkSUtO 14 Truckeumlllor A itestaurant 5 Whitman, r.o otxjre 14 Yetter, Albert DllliurJs CBNTHALIA. lllack, DC Oroce-y HrcniKin. Michael Store Conner, Mrs. Johanna Liquor Store Curry, u F Collins, Thomas llavla, o w Former. A U Farrall, Itobert til ant J J Ooldwortby, James llaffey. Mrs U Irvtn llros' Ke nor. K s Keller, u K Lanaban, Andrew Murphy, C Q Millard, O 11 Moran, John Michael, (1 W Mllllngton, J T Morris, A McFaudco, Ddward I'eilTer, win Stauilenmejtr, J yetter, Joseph Hotel llebtaurant Drugs Stoves ei c Itestaurant Hotel DUllards storo Church, A H ncrbert, Wm mine, joun u Kehres. Daniel Monroe, Mary llutcher Stoves etc Orocery Bioro Genl Storo Hoots oto Orocery Drugs Green Grocery Hotel Oen'l Store Confectionery Canned Fruits etc OONYNOnAM. Gcn'l Storo store Hotel Itestaurant CENTHE. 14 U 19 C II 14 9 9 S 14 14 14 '14 14 U 14 14 14 14 9 S 4 14 14 13 14 n 3 5 TOO TOO T to 90 00 10 III 7 Oil 20 00 700 7 00 low 1001 1900 . TOO TOO 700 TOO 700 7(10 7 00 TOO 1"0J 40 00 ill (HI 2100 TOO 50 00 TOO (0 0U 50 00 T"0 tooo TI0 TOO 19 00 TOO T 00 TOO 99 06 TOO 700 1900 7(10 7 00 TOO TOO 10 00 7(10 9 0O MOO TOO 7 00 7 0(1 40 00 90 (O 700 TOO 10 00 100 TOO looo TOO TOO 40 00 TOO 9100 7 00 7 00 700 TOO T (k) TOO TOO 90 00 TM) 7 00 700 700 TOO T 00 TIM) 7O0 90 CO 7(0 20 00 19 00 TOO 7 00 10 00 7 00 7 00 TIO 7 00 11 60 TOO 700 JOOO 700 10 00 7 00 90 00 T 00 90 00 10 00 I 00 Too TOO T OU TOJ TOO T01 I00 Tie TOO 190 TOO S 00 90 00 TOO Ml 00 TOI 7 00 J 4U0 90 01 SO 00 7 00 TOO 0 00 to 00 DO no un 00 TOO TOO TOO TOO TOO TOO 10 00 T CO TOO T 00 T 00 SO 00 90 00 BDOO 7 00 7 00 10 OO TOO O 00 90 00 20 00 Probst. Thomas Grocery H oo Fawier. Taylor GraluftCoal 19 10 oi Low llro ft Co Store 14 7 00 Manu.JS Hotel 5 WOO Sponsler, Jacob store II 7 oo ll'hllni.n. t. lf....rn II Tift M1IIU1.1D A M.IUU V LW Wagner, Edward " 14 T oo FISIUNOCrtKBK. Store 14 14 14 14 Ammerman. J M nun & savage Hosier, W N " Howell, a M ' Mevi'i-8. c It Patent Medlclrits McIIenry M ft Bro Storo 14 McIleniy, J;F ' 14 FKASKUN. Goorgo Ellas ft Son Storo 14 GItBENWOOP. Derr.AJ Storo 14 lllack, D D t-toie and Furniture 19 eves, mmjuKi " Kves, c w " 14 Kvcs Kills ft Uro Oen'l Storo lti lless, Wm F store 14 nenrta. Hannah " 14 Haieldtne. Samuel Hotel 9 Mlllvlllo Orange Dealer In mercliancttee 4 Masters, Wm Uen'l store U Welllver, J li Storo 14 Kohrsbutg urange Dealer In rnorchandlno Eves, V I" Furniture 14 700 700 700 TOO 19 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 TOO 10 OO 7 00 700 12 90 7 00 7 dO 90 00 7(0 VI 911 700 14 7 00 7 (0 Dletrlck. C 11 Harris. D W , anuew, a d Hlrlcman, Hit Cherlngton, T F Dan'el. L II Knorr, Daniel Searbone, M .'uno, u.iYia Yeager, W Yeager, Jacob Yoder, Aaron Yocum ft Uro Glnglcs, Wm Kroamer.o Smith, A K DUdlno, Wes ey HEMLOCK. Hotel Storo . JACKSON. Storo LOCUST. Hotel Store IIOU'I Storo Hotel Storo Itestaurant store MADISON. Gen'l store ., Hotel t M41N. Store 9 9100 14 7 00 14 7 00 Bodlno, J D 11IHUO.', d Ji Campbell, U J (agt) " Longenberiior, Jorrmlali Hotel Rlclmrt, Charles Store Yeltcr, B It Hotel MIFFLIN. Bcrnlnger.HJ Furniture Creasy, N U ft Co Store lletler, J II " Hess, A W Hotel Millard ft Hartzel Hardware 1'lpUer.J N store Scuweppenhelser ft Bnjder store Snyder, A W store 9 14 S 14 14 S 14 S 14 13 13 S a n 14 14 a 14 D WALL PAPER n H 1 I ' JJLIi ORAftES, AIA JPKICES. .i. I05- - ' nt f l( ' WINDOW CURTAINS 7 00 toco 700 90 00 700 700 90 00 7 00 WOO 7 00 10 00 10(0 90 00 WOO 700 7 00 7 00 90 00 700 90 CO 700 7 00 14 14 14 TOO 9 90 00 14 7 00 14 7 00 14 TOO 14 7 00 MOUNT FLRABiyr. J V Sands Hosler.O II Leacocr, U T I'uxton ft Harman Flcckcnatlae. O B Hogeuuuclt, Samuel nicks, d w Low. O W Ldloy ft Slepoy Mears. C Stewart. A 11 sioan, l K ft Bon smith, (l N UnangH Kmandus Btoro MONTOUH. Storo Motel Merchandise OIIANUU. storo Hotel Slnro Store llutcher Gon'l store Stoves etc Hotel I'INK. Fonler. J It Distillery Lyons, It W store I'arker, (1 It ItOAKINOCUBEK. Cherlngton ft Whltnor Store BUGAHLOAF. 14 14 9 14 14 5 '4 14 14 14 19 13 14 9 14 14 7 00 700 90(0 TOO TOO MOO T 00 TOO 7 00 7 00 10 00 10 0 1 (0 90 00 eioo 7 oo 7 00 TIO FIXTURES OF ALL KINDS. i t,- .. ::- bilu mm FIXTURES I ' . ' ' i.i. ''').:' H .' .... i 1. it ' !"() J .lirti' ilv r :n - " ! . I! 1 'I. WARRANTED FOR 5 YEARS. -:o:- i A i ... . ra .. 1-i l: Ml MJJ II 1JKJ 1 OT PRICES GUARANTEED - -i : i -1'' , ' lie . -::- CEORCE A. CLARK. Crevellng, II (1 Crawford, J I, Crevellng, (I W Ojleman, Charles Hotel a 9004 Colo, Hzeklel Store 14 T 00 cole, WmH ' 14 too Liubucli, Andrew it 710 SCOTT, llutcher 14 too Notions etc 14 700 Gen'l stora la .11,10 Dletterlch. W K store 14 7 00 Forsjiho ft ItockafeUtT Gen'l storo 13 is 00 Howell. A l' storo 14 700 ueacock, Harvey 11 ' 14 7 00 Heck, Theodore Hotel 9 woo Miller, Jacob 5 woo MUnos, ft Waples store 11 too Mooreuoadft lurter Gen'l store 1? 1000 Nlexwell. 0 Stolen oto 14 1 10 !f"rt,N Btore 14 7(0 WUIte, AH ' 14 TOO Werkhcluer, J D ' 11 Too Worman, Samuel A " 14 T 00 Wolf, Jobn (gt) " 14 T 00 Young, Silas Gen'l btoro is 1000 An appoalwlllbe ueldatlue Commuwlouers' ciftlce In uioomtburg, on tbe litli ouy or June, A. D..18SS, between the hours of a m. and 4 p. m.. where all rartles who may teeUggneved by 1119 above cUusitlcatlon may appear and bo heard WM. I. MANNING, May lOUi, iw, Mercantile Appraiser. BOOK STORE, EXCHANGE HOTEL. lliiHlM. FA.