THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBTIRG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. THE COLUMBIAN, ''BIWENsfeOTSB, Ellt0"' BLOOMSBURG, PA. FRIDAY, llIAY 20t1i, 1882. THE INDEPENDENTS. Charles It. Uuckalow will bo a cnndi dato for Congress in tho clovonth dis trict, and it will bo an eternal disgrace to tho people if they fail to elect him Bellefonle Watchman. President Garfield's grave, on every ploasant Sunday, is visited by thousands of (pilot people. Tho sentinels still paco about tho vault, tho bronzo doors of which aro thrown back, ruvcaling tho collin. Tho convention of Independent Ho publicans was hold at Philadelphia on Wednesday. Senator Mitchell was chosen temporary chairman, and Henry Ij. Foster of Venango permanent chair man. Tho following ticket was nom inated) for Governor, Senator John Slownrt of Franklin, for Lieutenant Governor, Levi Bird Duff of Allegheny, for Secretary ol Internal Allans Ueo. W. iMerrick of Itoga, bupremo Judge, Ueorcro junklnot 1'liiluueiniiia, uou gressman-nt-largc, William ot l'liilatlcliilila. In rcsnonso to calls Senator Stowart addressed tho convention, accepting the OUITEAU'S FATE, SEALED. Tho decision of alio District Supreme: Court hau'DCon rendered, ovcrruline nil of GnilcaVri exoentidns, and ho will havo to, 126.",, Ho will ' lid taken to a boI iWry c.ell and placed under guard of it itoatn waicu. uniy ins spiritual nu- visers will bo permitted to communi- cato with hint, from this tlino forward until his bodv is delivered to tho doc tors. His brain will bo examined by tho most eminent medical experts in .1 .... i.,i.. ,.,iii i. .1,.. pnia, uou- ,vv.., '."JU'.'v.'f ""V , rVf! llvered to his relatives if they want Ai.avis.ia.ii'iMci.a . It. All twranna whftaA nntnMt ftrn fthnminrod In thll tine ucmocrniio lonvcnuon.) MARSHALL DECLINES. aro warned nt n distance to throw nwaylheif cigars.1, and' jLo sure and not BiriKU a, muiuii, uiiiuiiifjciiiifj niu win properly. TlioYday being very damp, tho airiwas heavy, which hold tho gas tho ground and tho wind blow ing in tho direction Of tho boiler there was soino fenr ol Us igniting. Tho engine being kept in motion nil tho time, a number of pounds of steam aro Keiil constantly on liand, ho that at tho niu of every How great care has to bo DomociaUof Columbia county as a candidate foi given tho boiler. JJoards aru put up tho omco of BitnitiFF, subject to tho acttonoi all I tUo County Convention to be held tho second Tuesday In August, I rospcctfuUy aik tho support ot tho Dcmocratlo party, and It nominated I will perform tho duties of tho omco with fidelity. JOSEPH (1. SWANK, Mifflin Township in front of the fireplace to check all to go to Garfield for their meals, W. M. Monroo of Uupcrt, went to Philadelphia on Wednesday to attend tho Independent Convention. Nobody can question jUr. Monroo h republican . i -r 1 1. . ... had enoucli of bossism and tho spoils of tho state, were adopted system, nnd bellovo in roiorm tins year. Tho machine leaders will bo surprised at tho size of tho Independent voto in this county next fall. Dr. Hockor, a Harrisburir physician, is in jail on a chargo of attempting to produco an abortion on a Mrs. Ilerger, resulting in her death. Tho caso was oassed over lichtlv by tho coroner and police but tho city editor of tho Bat riot got tho District attorney interested and a post mortorn examination was mado showinir that thoro had been a criminal attempt mado. From tho reports, tho caso seems to bo very sun ilnr to ono rccontly disposed of in this county. The Grand Lodtro of Odd Fellows mot at Harrisburr last week. Tho fol lowlncr officers wero installed, Most Worthy Grand Master, Francis M, iiuiuiitiiivi ,ni , r -r ...l, ,,.. ..ft... t . ! ...1 !.. .1 1. I J.IIUIU11H ill! AUiUBIlllU HI1V io lluill .iv resolution was lnsericu m mu inhi, , . ,, ., ,, .....: r... i n! .t... i ..- i niaicii uv inu viiiuruu uuuvuuwuu mi lurm caiunn imun uiu iuuibiuiiiiu w n . . .1 !..,i , mi,.!r. tn n Inr vntn thn nronosod Vongrcssman-ai-iarKu, , uuu.u.uu r , , . . lnttpr to linn. Hno. Joar. AS nineiiiiuicni to inu huuu uuiibiuiuiuu 1 , .,!.. . i!....,.i ,n:t,n,. tllU VUUVeiHIUll Ull JUKI IJUll n.MJUilb making any provision for suoh an cmercencv tho leaders nro in somo doubt as to what courso to itursuc, Some claim that tho ticket should bo filled bv tho State committee, whilo others insist that nuothcr convention d. Tho declination of added to tho consterna tion of tho Cameron clans. His nom ination was one of the Iiosss strokes of policy to make it appear outsido that tho convention contained an indepen dent clement, but it did not work. 1 ho day of reckoning is close nt hand, prohibiting tho manufacture and tho salo of intoxicating liquors within tho commonwealth. Resolutions authorizing tho state com- miltco to fill vncancies on tho stato ticket : constituting Mo Keo chairman ism, but he, as well as many other men nnd Leach secretary of tho now stato who havo nlways been consistent nnd committee, and providing for reprcscn- Vl"sr , Ui.t U I t.WU.V...IL .V. VIIW v Colonel Duff then addressed the con vention accepting tho nomination. Clias. S Wolfo, ox-Senator Mnpcs and Maior Merrick followed with brief speeches, after which tho convention adjourned sine me. ,iarks. Tho men employed hero nro obliged uo to Garfield for their meals. After walk of about half a milo from tho well, wo arrlvo upon tho top of tho hill, where a stretch of flfl or 10 acres extends around. Hero wo nro greeted by a largo sign bearing tho namo of Garfield, named, in honor of our de ceased President. No better place could bo chosen to locate a town. Tho plneo was formerly somo farm, for on ono side stands nn orchard, where all kinds of fruit trees growing in this locality aro found. Hero is the locali ty chosen to erect a town, which will g'row out of tho mystery, "010." Tho place has been Btirveycd out into town lots, nnd at first were selling for $2 per foot, but at the present time it Is impossible to obtain ono in a good lo- w' cality for less than S20. lluildings co are going up on all sides, in the centre f tho place. (faselle to JfuUctm. MITCHELL ON STALWART BOSSISM. The Ucnublicans in tho Houso havo determined io unseat Mr. Dibble, tho llpmnnrntin tiintnlier from tho Second Alamo mass mectlncf of Independent mUiriRt. of Smith Carolina. After iu- Itcpublicans was held at Wollaboro, quiring into tho facts, the Democrats xioga couniy,msi. oaiuruajr, muu win became satislicd that gross penury aim addressed oy ocnaior luiicueu. ms forgery had been employed by tlio speech was received with overy sign of Kcpubllcans in obtaining cvidenco approval and was a strong nrraignment against Dibble j nnd fortius reason of machine methods After reviewing tilCy resolved to resort to all parlia- tho riso of the Independent movement, n,Cntary expedients to defeat tho Itc- ho spoko of it anil tho regular ticket as publican scheme. follows : After many days notico tho Kcpub- lican Chnirinaii of tho Comniittco of This is not an effort to defeat any man or men, but candidates who repre sent autocratic power. Tho Cameron ticket did not go to tho pcoplo for tho Elections moved on Saturday to tako up tho Dibblo case. The yeas and Rhea, of Philadelphia j Right Worthy offices, but every man from Reaver D7raoerats fsed Deputy Gram! Master, Charles N. down WCut to tho bosses except in tho IIouso was found uiokok, ui utuioruj "" "'.m caso ot Marshall, in relerint' to mo Amid numb r.onfu Grand Warden, George Hawks iKight Secatorship, ho read the protest of tho et tl0 ca30 before tho Worthy Grand Secretary, James R. ,lfi6 This defeated tho ring nomina- riuJ thrco times, but in c Nicholeon, of Philadelphia i Right ti0I1) an(j wo stam n the samo posi- ,10 quorum voted. Worthy Grand Treasurer, Aluckle, ot .Philadelphia, M. Richard Tho Stato convention of tho Nation al Greenback-labor party was held at Harrisburc last week Thursday. Tho nttondanco was small and tho proceed intrs were attended with but littlo inter est and no enthusiasm. After adoptitig tho usual platform tlio following per sons tvero placed in nomination. For tion. The Independents protested, but -vitti a strangb perversity of tcm they wero not heard, and wo propose to por) ti10 Republicans lay tho blame for make a ticket and fight tho latter with- ti1(, want 0f a quorum upon tho Dem- m tho organization as now constituted. ocrats who refused to voto on this Wo havo mado every effort to get the motlon. Tho answer is obvious. A two factions together at tho uontinen- bare maioritv of ono id n quorum of tal hotel and in tho Conference. 0 ti,0 House. Tlio Republicans tlicm- demanded a class of nominees who, by 8(lvcs have' a good working majority, their antecedents and character could atH can at any time make a quorum not bo representatives of Camcronism, without Democratic aid if they will xne Decoration Day James Vick, tlio Rochester died last week Wednesday. Tho present tide of emigration to this country is at the rato of a million a year. An unusual cold wave was experi enced in Minnesota and Dakota on last Saturday nicht. The thermometer at somo places was at 29 above zero. Ladies nnd all sufferers from neural gia, hysteria, and kindred complaints, will find without a rival Drown s Iron Bitters. A huge bell is beinc; mado for St. am s Cathedral, Loudon, winch is aid to weigh more than sixteen and a half tons. Its tone is said to bo fine. Moiscs Taylor, a well known merchant fiujf to of Now York,, worth about S20,000,000 upaid, i died at his homo on Tuesday morning. Ho had been suitering with diabctis for tho past two years. 1 f 1 mm num ii tun uaiiiu laiviu u i nmr mrpim m ntnir iiiihiiii-kh. 5E. SflZ: tholndependentstoendorsothem. W faihuo of tho Republicans to get at ,1 i?'..T T" i.. t a Q.. I know now uoinjamerons uckci, was m,bblo caso, and carry out their pi r..Vl. t r:, r" ' made up, for I have tho word of a man for un8catintf him, was owinK to UlUlllU iUUIu. if. - wiiat. v. ' I ...i. ... -. , I ml it iMinli, nf I 1 W11U Wil3 IJlUnUllb lliab lb .,UO ititiviv ii 1 berlaud, for Secretary of Internal Af fairs, J. L. Dewoody of Venango, for Congressman-at-large, II. R. Tomlinson of liucks. 10 an tho f.nnt ttink tliiH.v.fivrt nf their members Washington last December. I was were not present; and on scouring tho not wanieu at mat cuiuuruuuu. viugu- can tol and tho city it was ascertained . v ' tp... :r :il . - ... . r icrj. louHuy iiwuugiibwuwui ulluK that they wero nearly an auscni irom tho Democratic party into power. Wfialilnfrtnn. After ahusinf? tho Tho Gazette & Bulletin wants Mitch- Suppose we do can you mako things Democrats for not coming to their res ell to resign from tho United States w-orso in the btato or nationT iNo -a cue, the Republicans are now going to Senate because ho is not rcprcsentinc thousand times no. I ask you, is do- cajj bomo their wnnderinc members tho party that elected him. That is mocratic success worso than tho tn- ali maie another attempt to get rid true. Don Cameron was tho party that umpu 01 stalwart uossism 1 1 appe 11 10 0f Dibble. N. Jr., Sun. ... . . . - w 1 . 1. i..l ; 11.,. ..,,1 1 eloctcd him, under the misapprehension you no, 11 is not. uui m uuu wi that ho could control him. It looks Independents will triumph in tho state now as though Pennsylvania has two and nation, 'llio independents are senators instead of one, and because greatly pleased at tho results of the ono of them denounces tho corrupt meeting, WhyBeefisHigh. A Now, York' Commercial reporter has been interviewing somo ot tho JNew York butchers concerning tho high price of beef. One, said: "Last fall corn was 80 to 90 cents a bushel. Farmers in tho West thought it was too dear to feed their cattle. Therefore they sold their cattle rather tham feed them on any- Judicial .District lion. Wra. JUwell has definite and decided action should bo consented to become a candidate for taken. Wo refer to the growing im methods of the other and leads an open revolt against bossism and tho spoils Bystcm, tho stalwart organs call tor jus resignation. After next fall's election it will appear which of tho two sena tors represents the majority of tho re publican party. W0EK TOE THE EDIT0ES. Tho Editorial Association of this State will meet for its annual excursion tlio first week in June, and during tho time they are together matters ot inter est to the fraternity will bo discussed. re-election. It is probable that ho will positions of advertising agencies. Hard bo elected without opposition. It is ly an exchange comes to us that does seldom that an oflicer so thoroughly not contain numerous cuts and adver merits the publio confidence that is tisements of patient medicines, whilo evidenced in this proceeding. Ho is a the reading matter in every column is J:. Pf"6 JLJT: Barf wol be Soy cheaper unU 1 luuumuu tuiuii uui uiiiisr 111111 siuui- cnavacier. rruui iuu uruiiuauiuiis uiub -r . ni.. t ,,. nAA wtln tionnl honor, but ho would do great arc made to us. wo iudgo that much of H" V KL000 credit to tho Supremo Bench, if tho this matter does not pay ono fourth of ' g bedn to got Tcxa practice wero to choose capable men tho regular advertising rates, nnd -yet ,J V".?' Lu i,t iSS. W instead of influential politicians.- tho agencies seem to havo no difficulty 1nL over 00 cents a bushel farmers can t afford to feed it to their cattle. Last fall there was any quantity of Btnall two-year-old cattlo 111 a thin or poor condition that were put upon tho mark et. Then beef sold at 8 to 8i cents a pound nt wholesale Now tho samo quality of beef costs 12 or 13 cents per i i c 1 i . Wilkes Barre Record. Tho delegates to the Republican county convention last fall wero mostly Belf appointed. The members of tho standing committee were appointed by .i( s ,1..!. i.;.. t.i: onectiino prices 01 vesiern oeei, uu in inuKUiu men cuutiiiuia lib muir iiuiu- - . 1 1 ,' , .,..,i. causo these cattlo are not so good.: be " r, zyzi r n:1 i z ,;' h ua com itgr. . - 1 ------- -- M l. if nnv sin fppil." pay their "commission . 1 ho balance 1 ; they offer to pay in printing material, t M nan f t I nrro t rta nI tti (vntrnuAnlnhi'ui I . .... ... T A inn I TQitinfnri Srntn onturintinn ifnm I . ' - I UUQ J7 IVV-O till. appointed by this committee. Machine mado all tho way through, in accord ance with tho methods of tho party in every minority county. And yet the Republican, and all other Cameron organs, are endeavoring to convince tho pcoplo that Reaver is the choice of tho party for governor. Tho party at large Had uo say in tho matter. lJeaver was nominated by tho Rosses. Hero at home, where General Reaver is best known, ho will not bo a strong ana popular candidate, oven it hiscoii' nections with Cameron aro forgotten, While ho is a good citizen and a gen tlftmfin nf imrut plmrnntpr liia .liotntr.rir.1 nnd overbearing manner towards nl if pressed, may possibly como up to nil with whom Im mium in rnn. fifteen dollars, but ho will not do this When an editor declines a proposition from one of theso agencies, because the jirico oitered is too iow,ms ngni 10 110 as ho pleases is sure to bo questioned, and tho correspondence ends by tho offer of ... a very little more, which is too otten accepted by tho editor. silll greater nuisance is uiu ir;ivui ing agent who makes cantracts with country newspapers. Ho wants a half . . . column ot advertisements, next to read ing matter, and about twentv lines of reading notices, separate from any others, for which no credit will bo al lowed if not 111 position.. 1' or this, he may otter as high as ten dollars a year, 'tact and his abusive course towards those against whom ho has been pro fessionally engaged has mado him many bitter euemies in his own party here. who will not or cannot bo persuaded to TOtoforhim. With the workingmcn and farmers ho it not at all popular, on account of his aristocratic tenden cies, and among tho soldiers even of Lis own good regiment, tho Ono Hun dred nnd l orty-eighth, ho has fewer real friends than any oflicer connected with that organization. Wo stato these facts not because ho is the nominee of tho Republican party, but because they are true. jseuefonce watenman. iXnolher butcher said : "The prices of beef are higher than they have been for seven years. This is duo to tho scarcity of cattle. A good many have been shipped, too, since last tall, 'lb demand is greater than tho supply- that is tho whole thing in a nutshell Prices arc from five to six centu higher than last fall. My books show that they aro higher than at any timo sinco 187o. An interior quality ot beet sells for more according to its valuo that beef at tho best quality. Wo don't ex pect lower prices until July. I ho higher rates aro uo doubt duo in part to speculation 111 corn nnd its advanced prices since last lall. The Wanen County Wonder. The new oil well iti Warren county which is causing so much, excitement, is about 24 miles cast of litusville, and narrow gauge railroad is already talked ol. un reaching tho wul, says a cor. respondent, tho guards, who before would not allow one to approach 1110 derrick, Btand back and say no more, Tho boards which formerly kept tho inside from view havo beeu.torn away two lead pipes are connected with an 800 barrel tank, which stands under cover. Iho guards still keep watel over this, and allow 110 ono to go in and guago. At tho beginning of every flow until ho informs you that "ho does not want to buy tlio whole ollice.' JS1110 times out of ten, these agents represent stub parties as Helmbold, Henry & Co., and others, who do not pay their bills. This sort of thing has been tol crated by tlio press for years, and it will continuu until some active measures aro taken to stop it. Tho remedy is not ditlicult. het the editorial nssocia tion agrco upon a minimum prico per inou lor ativijriisiiig ouereu uy icgui. mato and responsible agencies, and in. 1 i,i:., j ., t ,i . .i .1 . I1 illlllUllllU nvjiiiiu liuu uu lll.ilil, s mt upon u coiup.iance ww u.u imi.s. , aU(Wollv7i10 loa(1 .,il)e9 i,,.,... to is tor traveling agents mako mo terms j d th oU rusmC9'forU fljAi a invariably cash in advance, and wo ' rifiQ ..... o T, ..,,, shall seo fewer notices in exchanges tho effect that "So, nnd So & Co., nro frauds': they do not pay the printer. ' For our part wo havo adopted tho fol lowing for tho future: No foreign ad vertising will bo received at rates that III I r . . ' .. . . . . " t T ttr.lll n.til .lif. s tint mi J. uiu t, wit mill uiu mailing ui niu ji Tho postmaster general has written an important letter to tho houso of re. presentives recommending that all pont age on nowspapeis and magazines that is 011 all second class matter bo abolished. Ho shows very clearly that have been offi rcd heretofore. No mcdi this can safely bo dene. The amount oal notices to go among pure reading 1 f a VI Ton A'.o J 7 D .'' . ",ul Lr wm r ltr': I" 4UU ' mid those who havo seen large well l"lu' "i'""'i'""' " " ' must go Uimcr ijiishicbs iiuuuus. " thut slin twi.U-n bnvi.U nortn 11 t int t mrn w ill 1 11 Rin-nli nf n,U...,-iiui..., u-lll l.tnL,. (mm t mv.-lli.., 1,1 !l 8110 '.' I?"?.8 I10a.rlV IWCIVO UttlltlS . !jii,fuu,uuu on tno postal business ot agents unless paid quarterly 111 advance tho present year. Tho cost of tho Star first quarter to bo paid before first in- can bo heard half a mile, sounding lik blowing ott steam in a boiler. At tno opening of this mystery tho well flowed about overy hour, but lo day sno would How tor about seven minutes, and stand idlo fifteen minutes, It has been rated by good authority route service has been reduced nearh two millions n year. It will bo still further reduced. Tho postmaster gen oral calls attention to tho manifest in lustico of carrying fourth class mat ter from Now York to Arizona at rates which make it for tho advantage of tho small dealer on tho frontier to hnvu his wares eent by mail from eastern cities rather than by ordinary methods of transpoition, while on other snort routes tho ordinary transportation un til ods nro cheaper than tho mail rates. Mr. Ho wo bIiows that under tho law which allows newspapers to circulate n flow. Finding that tho well makes flow every twenty-two minutes, it will peorosixty-fivo every twenty. four hour which nt a twelve barrel rato would mako a production of 780 barrels in Hi'! lion. Wo shall thus beuelit our leaders by driving out a class of tulver- . ...1 . iir iiseis tnni no not pay nan wnat inoy 1.1, ,,.,, ;,. r,,... i,.,. ... . .1 II 11. I V"u I'llBfc HI WlllJ-llllll IIU11ID mifrlit ti tvtu if nt nil nml lwnir.lit niu-I ... . .. . . bcIvos by securing butter advertisers and better prices. POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENTS. IN' OTICK. KOlt HIIKIUFf. We are nn) nutliorlztd to announce tho namo ot JOHN MOUKEY ot Itoarlngcrcek township, m a candldito for tlio onicoot sheriff , subject, to tho nollon ot tlio Poraocratlo oountr convention. At till suggestion ot many friends through the county, t liavo concluileato oner myself to tlio ofjirrLicATiON ion ciubtir or intimdid coaron itiom rot Tin sorn.Y or watrr to Tin rtJBi.ic. Notice Is liorebv trlven that nn nDDlloatlon will be mado on tlio RUteeathdty ot Juno, A, P. 1881, to Uin (UToriior ot tlio Stato ot Pennsylvania, un der the Act ot Assembly or the commonwealth, entitled, "An Act to prorldo tor tho Incorporation and regulation of certain corporation!," approved tho 19th day of April. A, P. 1874, and supplements thereto, for Charter ot an intended corporation, to be called "Tho Cattnwlssa Water Company" tho character and object whereof Is for tho raising and Introducing Into tho town of CaUwlsaa, In tho county ot Columbia, and Bald State, (In which town said company Is to be located) a sufficient supply of pure water to the public, nnd for that purpose to have power lo provide, erect and main tain all works and machinery necessary and prop er for railing and Introducing laid water as afore Aid; and further, to provide, erect nnd maintain all proper buildings, cisterns, reservoirs, pipes and conduits for the reception and conveyance ot KOH HKPltBSKNTATIVB. We nro authorized tonnnounco the name of WILLIAM IMYSON.of Contralla as a candldato for member ot tho legislature, subjoct to tho action ot tliJ Democratic- county Convention. Wo are authorized to announcj that OEK. CIIAULB3 M. HLAKBIt, of Ucaver township, tsncandloato for Iloprosentatlvo In tho Legisla ture, Bubject to tho notion ot the Domocrallo County convention. Ho will not travel lo Bollclt votos. News Items. MARKET REPORTS. W.OOM8HUHO MARKET. Wheat per bushel.. Itye " .. Corn, " .. Oats " " .. Flour per barrel .. Cloversccd nutter Kgffs Tallow ., rotatooa Dried Apples Uams Sides Hhouldora , nhickons... Judge Hico will deliver an oration on uapopduLd'r.Vir.'V'iViVIVI'.T.Vl"''!!"' !coration Day at Pittston. iiayperton florist, beeswax . 1.85 no !.! M H. Ul 0.M .it 13 ,01 I. S .OS 1W .10 ;os la .13 15o; PHUiADELPHIA MARKETS. comnicinn wkkklv. flop it. Minnesota extra tMm rnnnsylvanla family 00 e 15 Western t tms 00 Ityo 4 ts a 8 00 uinim, Whoat 1 40rjcrbusli. Itye , 81 M per bush. Corn I04TJ " " Oats 57 a 60 " " Clovcrscod Timothy u Q SKcte. per lb, 1 53 Q i 63 T REASURER'S SALE OF UNSEATED LANDS IN COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. liv virinn nf sunrtrv acta of the Ueneral Assem bly of tho commonwealth of Pennsylvania rela- IO UlU BUIV UI HCUkUU UUU luu.-l county 01 uoiumoio. bu;., tor iaxua uuo uuu 1 will oner nt nubile sale In tho Court IIouso, In tho town ot llloomsburg, on tho gocond MONDAY OF JUNE, A. D. 1882. at ten o'clock a. m.. the following described pieces ot land, or audi part theroot aa may bo necessary to satisfy tho amount of taxos due and unpaid against tUo Bamo, and continue the same from day to day as tho samo may be found necessary. TEKMS OF SALE. 'run nmnunt'of taxes and costs must be paid when tho land Is strucic on", or tho salo may bo void nnd tho property but up and resold. BEAVKR TOWNSHIP. 1 Lot Hoover Charles 3 " Heaver Jesso... 3 h liroelcwav C II., 83 acres lirocKivay y n llrocKwayC II nrockwayi Abbott., 89 ,' 79 " US ' 54 " 4W1 " 71 " 3 10IH 1 " 71 acres liaker Houso sjo " ClarK Andrew..., 2 lots crossing i-uinun liaker Jacob Sr...., Uenluger Christian uutt Ungcr llogart Jiary, lloyerFH If 1 ' 1410 " lira " 227 " K73 " JH7 " 40 90 " slots 3 Oantner John.. Charles Blmon Canon Manas Columbia Coal Iron Co Cox C S Ex Trench Cox Dallus Joslau KlanaganA FrvWS .... 89 acres Fisher fcSarau.... 10 " Hearnan unuiei p. lnt.q uearhart William 60 acres Ilauclc Jonathan co " IloatzJohn Slots linrner k .iiituir s " ilotTman Kllza B " Hunt Ell 2 ' llenrv Ocorco 2!0 acres Hlnderlltcr Sarah A. not Kline a., iiKAKTii.v itr.coi.Mi:Ni)i:i. Don't condemn a ood tliini' because you liavo been deceived by worthless nostrums. Parker's Ginger Tonic has cured mauy in this section, ot kuincy anil nervous disorders, and wo recom mend it heartily to such sufferers. iveies. Tito supremo court on Tuesday affirmed tlio decision of tho l'erry cf.untv court, which cavo a verdict lor 83.317 in favor of J. II. G. Kintcr & Co.. creditors of tho late ttirk Haines, nnd against tlio United Brethren mutual aid society, which refused to itav a do icy on tlaines 1110 oecanso the deceased was subject to dyspepsia. Tho Chicago store of tlio firm of A. T. Stewart & Co., was closed on Fri day last. The employees were much surmised as they had been informed that they need civo themselves no un easiness until July 1, for they would bo wanted until that time, and perliaps longer. Thus thoy wero thrown out of mployment, at a moments notico aim at tho height ot tho dull season. In a Chieaco murder trial the prisoner demanded that the widow and three children of the slain man bo removed from the room, as tho cry of a babo always annoved hmi.aiul as he believed ' - n i. inoy wero present to luuuuuuu mu jury. Tho Judge uecuneii to excuuio tliem, but the J-iistriot Attorney couseu their retirement into Ins private olhcc. Barnum's show stuck in tho mud at Allentown. It was almost impossible to move tho heavy wagons. Jumbo sunk nonrlv a foot in the miro at every step, and ho was in a very bad humor no acres sweppenheiseriK about it. Nostrectparadewasmade.and lllTrZ: 110 performance was given at night. Somo of the heavy wagons containing animals sunk into the mud up to their axles, and were moved with horses and elephants. One largo wagon, to which sixteen horses wero attached, was almost torn to pieces in an effort to drag it out of a mud hole. According to Jlissouri newspapers, lirst class farm land may bo had at that State at prices that will bo more than paid by tho lirst crop. Some of the licures trivcn are interestiiiL'. .ionn Vogol, a tanner ot tunndy county, near tho Iowa border, raises -'UU bush. els of beets on two acres, and sells them for $1(10. Por this ho can at any timo tret eicht acres of choice land. V. I. Gilbreath of Marion County last year bought forty acres of prairie land for SG00. and raised S80U worth of corn on it. In many localities good land may bo had for S3 an aero. Nevertheless immigrants go 111 gieat numbers to Kansas, Nebraska, and other States and Territories. Missouri has not been advertised, and is little known to tlio newcomers from Kuiopc. S7 1 13 1 13 I uu 1 7' CO I 00 1 M 03 S 71 3 00 1 13 as 75 1 70 75 75 1 8H 34 S3 2 3 22 5 it 6 82 a is 1 S3 1 M 1 13 1.13 63 25 1 13 2 5(1 1 fS 75 1 BS 1 13 75 1 10 33 water In said town; and further, to have, hold and enioy an tno rights, benentt and privileges of tno said Act of Assembly and Its supplements relat ing to water companies. W. U. I11IAWN, CaUwtssa, May S3 u, solicitor UDITOlt'S NOTICE. Columbia County, bs. Among tho records of the Court of Common And now May l3Ui. 1K4J. on motion of II, .11 Little, It. llncklnif. ham JCs(,, appointed Pleas of Columbia County It Is, Inter alia, thus contained 1 In tho matter of tho pro) teens arising irom ire saio ot tho real estate of A. M ltupert. auditor to mako distribution nf thn nrnreeila nrti ingfrom tho sale of tho real estato of A. M. llpcrt. Iir tns Cockt, In pursuance ot tho duties of his appointment the undersigned win meet all parties lntcro-tcd In the distribution of theabovnfuLdathls ofilce In llloomsburg, 011 Frldiy. tho 7th ;day of July, A I). 1682, at ten o'clock In tho forenoon, nt which time nnd placo all persons having claims against aald fund must appear und present tho same, or bo debarred from coming In on sstd fund. It, 11UCKINUIIAM, miyl9.4w Auditor. pum: READY-MIXED AND PASTE, SPAINTS coMiiiNKi) with PURE LINSEED Oil. A Nil FIKTE COLORS, NO UNPLEASANT ODOR. Satisfaction Guaranteed on MONEY REFUNDED. DELIVERED FREE OP FEEIGHT Where we liavo no ngent. fiaTOrders and inquiries by Mail or Telephone rcceivo i-komi't attention. -AimitlSBH.- Montour White Lead, Zinc & Color Works. RUPERT, PA. WM. E. B. DAVIES, - SUP'T. May so .cm l 1 REMEMBER That You are invited to visit OAK HALL, S. E. Cor. 6th & Market Sts. Philadelphia. We offer the Best, Largest and Cheapest stock of Clothing foitMen and Boys in the United States. Our original system of One Price and a Guarantee buyer perfect i Messrs. Bailey, Banks & BIDDLE bv Arc cnab! failure, to ol'.'sr Foreign V.'atdr.:-, Interior Decora. ion 131 acres Knecht I'cter 3Iots Kocuierueorifod... 10 acres Lynn Jacob 3 lots i.awrenco w u 2 Ia'wis Frank 30U acres Miller Maun .3 " MorcaiiTJ Idu ' McltoynoldsH w.. jilnicn conrea. ion luo " Mlnlch Ilontamln 41013 .Masien vuuaui a Mnmlav John Uo acres Nungesser Hatnuel. HO Nunitesser Ocorgo .. 5 " riiiersou j u it 11 rnco Clarence 01 men Oeortre 5-5 lots lteutbleirt Samuel K Co . 8 " Smith I W 3 " Shtck J J a Scott 1'etor . sou acres Stewart William i um vasien u u n Vo kcnaraCJ . 8.105 acres West U M Coal Iron Co.... s lots wotzei u a a Wood Augustus .. b'J acres Wheeler William ...... IlESTON. 18 acres Appleman retcr estate 43 " Albertson cicmuei so Chrlstimin Ann deceased. 1 lot ltaber i.uiio 11 acres Ash SI ary II Klino jonn iicira a " wills John liniAltCKEEK. U 100 acres Apple l'aul 3 UCTCH iiwvi.t... "iit'cuur.wiiA." Quick, coiniik'tu cure, till iiniioyliii; Kill' nuy, llludder ami Urinary Diseases. $1, Druggists, Tlio pipo line has been completed, and the force pump was put in opera ,nrin.;,A,, In.l Win. I f.itr.,1 claw matter cow pavs postage would 1 gather. would bo better toubolisli the rato alto tion Friday afternoon last. The Union pipo lino havo men at work tending to tho carrying away of the oil, tho (lis. tauco being no fur to Clarendon, tho placo where tho oil is pumped, thoy arc unable to force it away as fast as was oxticctcdi but nt tho rate thov aro now riiiiniilmr. mii 11 hum-In unii ln toreod icirui rcuifuy. inu u.wiieincnt anil vnx dallv. For fear that tho well will train ? ot th? l'lwhitlir, 911 lliullng Unit ho was rii. i..i ...,.1 ..!.. 1 l.t.,.. ... .1 ..... 1 if. iieinir carrieii past ins 810111)1111,' place. " . var.t u""K iipuii uiem, iwu nuw uumn uuvu ui. ilk not lustlfy Ills rusliliiL' Into liodllv tr. lifAnl I m.a.4.n nxtr.ll .. . 1 I 1 .. . 1 I.. .. 11 1 . 1.1 I.,. . ' ...1 ' .1 I , -inu negiigcnco 01 the complaint il lilm of iiny legal redress, and tlio Joseph Lynn li(.s sold tho .Maucli Chunk JJemocrat to II. 15. Packer. It. M. Uioadhead will bo manager and publisher for tho present. Mr. Lynn was an able editor, but was lorceit bv failing health to engage in other busi ness. Jiimiiliiif I'roin 11 .Movlnu Train. Tlio supremo court 1ms Just passed upon a enso of consldcraMo Interest to travelers who Jump. from moving trains. A pnssuu. ccr desired to act oil at 11 certain station, hut tlio train did not stop, llu Jumped, was thrown under tlio cars nnd hud ono of his feet crushed so badly that amputation was necessary, Tho passenger sued for damages, ami tlio company defumled on thu ground of negligence. Tlio phdntlll cmimcii Hint no nun a rigut to inter, mat, that tlio train would ston at tho station : and, second, that It would not run nt a ratu of speed above that limited by law. If It had stopped, of courso ho would have sus. tallied 110 Injury. If It hud observed tho law In regard to speed, ho would havo been reasonably safe In Jumping olf, according 10 inu testimony, t lio planum in n ensu llko this, naturally hml tho sympathy of thu Jury und thu verdict was In his favor. Tho enso was taken to thu supremo court wheru tno juiigniciii was ruverscii nml 11 now nun granieii. 1 uu point 01 tins casu Wlilcli most Interests those who travel by rail Is this t Thu Jury found tho plaintiff hud not been negligent, nnd did not contribute to Ids own injury lu Jiimnliii; from thu train, Thu supremo court says ho was so negligent as loueicui iiisrigui 10 recover any damages wliatever. '1 no court he 1 that tlio inrents 1 of the company wero wroni; in not stonnluir at tho station, but for tills lnconvenlenco experienced ny 1110 piainiiii tnero was 11 IM 8S 810 7 as sou 'Jul) M 100 8W 81 41 4) 11) 14 10 181 US s loo 800 800 84 100 T 8S 10 100 4 10U T uitah llcuben lirlttau w a J estato liryan Guy Urlttan Thomas ClomWJ Itev Dotsy, I'ealer Sc stowart... Kvans Krancls FonlorOllbert .. Frois Jchso llouck Samuel Heailley 8 K estato.. Jacoby O A Klsner John uuckhouso Joseph . Kemp Daniel Kllnirer Llnlo Shatter David estate.... stackhouso sutler.... Hchecterly (leorBa Stout Nathan Sponey l'hlllp Trauju Ueury estate,. 51 loo 80T SOS 8St it I 31 8 1U0 '1 CATTAWISSA. llrobstJ B " cluwell Jacob Dornbacb Margrett Klaco t Yotur Kelner Hobrrt... Newell I'rcd Shuman ricuben Werver Ellas Krum Klias.... . Martin Wra J lots Scott Uoortfo eatalo sliuler Mrs Sarah i)i af res Waters tieoruo Br CENTKALIA. 1 lo's Calllhan Daniel , 8 11 CliaJwtck Ann Jane. 1 Conner Thomas 1 Clark llrldgot 1 curluyMisKd DtirkfuMrs Anthony , s Erwln 'Uioinas (laughen Thomas (laut;hen Martla (lorrell Co ............... Ilowells Thoinaa , llenrau l'hlllp Holmes Thomas Kllno Caroline , Knltllo Josonh UUili nnd Jilahony It It Co Moran John ' Murphy l'utrlck Mark uouriru.. free in tho counties wiicio published, RWCet breath, perfect smell, tasto apd erected, iu oaso thoy should bo needed, danger, only small tinrt relatively of fccoml henrlne. no couuh. no distress. Theso In convcrantlon with ono of thu men deimvr 0 well, ho told us that groat fear "eieu.u ' " l"y ns iiecmreu vuuu l.onn,! loat tlx. ,.iu ,mi1 sulllclcut, thu Injury hav ng been been entei tai led lest tho ps cmised by tlio uiijiistlUaW conduct of tho d catch flro. rcoplo approaching plaintiff. nml it mo conditions hrmirhL uhntit in putni-rli by tho use of Sanford'H Hndioal Cure. Coinpleto treatment for 81. at tlio well, had wouM MeManimman Mrs I'cter Mcllarlty Mary Morrison Airs ath MllUrd o U Jno W l'ortncr,. 1 rurceii iticnara 1 smith Samuel 9 " Torroy William , 1 ' Walsh Martlr. I T Zlifter Wllllum CKNTltH. 8 acres Adams Knoa I, . , r ' Aehcnbach Samuel s alabacli lieujamlu Dot llarudJohn 85 acres Couner UJMftW U s " (lood Jacob estate 10 liagenbuch William 10 llaueubuch William UresUW,., 81 11 llollwau William tstalo I lot lluai William a acres l-oweroy blmon , 1 lot lless KRlo , 6 acres Kocrrer Daniel 83 85 I 13 75 5 10 7 60 7 3 75 S 75 I so 15 8 M 70 1 S3 1 13 3 75 1 36 5 10 I 1 5 00 85 t 13 1 13 1 13 B OU 73 8 83 64 11 1 bS 1 13 8 tn B5 1 80 4 B0 IM CO to 8 i0 8 10 S 39 1 0 1 03 1 84 1 05 8 94 6 30 8 00 8 1 B0 3 TS I IT 4 80 S4 I 01 33 31 S TS 8 47 1 45 81 8 6 T SO 0 80 93 73 1 84 t 08 71 1 B0 01 1 80 1 64 B 10 14 60 '4 94 6S 4 4 6 1 a 3d 8 B0 T8 60 00 63 8 80 T N) 60 B0 4 SO 5 CO 3 60 T 60 T 80 3 SO 80 03 S 80 T 10 3 60 16 AO 1 60 8 80 4 90 1 18 40 1 8U 1 00 60 8 80 3i 70 Sll I S3 B Ti trt T9 39 3 98 86 1 S3 1 Ol 8 61 1 01 S3 the magnitude of their business and its great facilities of both purchase and manu tlie very finest duality of Diamonds and other Gems, Gold Jewelry, American and Sterling Silver and Plated Wares, French and Enalish Clocks, and Obiecls of of Bronze, Bistiuc and Porcelain, at the lowest possible Drices. Articles tciccted as appropriate Wedding Gifts arc an essential feature of the Spring importa tions, now just arriving. Goods sent on approval for selection. CHESTNUT AND TWELFTH STS., Philadelphia. CONYNUUAM. s lots c u Drockway 3 3 " " " " jj . i t t h .. .. i. ".'..V..'.!'.' I " lirlscllno Uernard...'.'.'.""'.' 4 Mi acros Drown Nathaniel .... 489 ' Ueum Joshua..... ! lots lirady Julia i Heaver Catharine ! " cane Ellen ' Davis Thomas " Drieabach lwls i " uoodrnan ltosannah i Ilelnbach 1'hlllD 119 acres Huston John 1 lot nennescy ruomas 1 ' llomebacu Mary K ....... j llelwhr ltachel 885 acres Kline John I, l lots Kramer a w Jones ucorK'o l.elby Catharine Morrison CatuarlBC Murohv O U.... Mcliulro Torrence . McMannaman Mary Morrl3 Ann U Mellon Tnomas , Monroo John 89 J acres N V M C V H It 0 i- 1 Co :i3 " " " " " 324 " " " Sso " RustcnMary 116 " Kusten Tnomas 1 lot Ithawn Casper 100 acres Krlen Jacob loo " " " 401 " YouogJohn FISIIINO CitBIiK. ssacreBAllegar John . Iluckalew J M nush llcubeu Doty I'ealer ts Stowart . 45 leu sou 400 60 8511 80 14 60 800 850 43 9 90 4 33.100 Kramer a M. Drosher John . Davis ElizauethIL Hutch son Thomas J Uotrman Kreos II mm William Harrison John Harrison John llunslni;cr Anthony 1681 8 10 819 83 61 ' 6 30 8 73 4S6 0O 878 08 9 40 31' 4 65 41' 8 70 6) 3S 78 93 SS 5) f.U 60 69 8T3 99 13 9 OS IS 9 TB 8SS 1 14 8 33 1 00 500 64 612 40 34T6S 103 00 43 80 STS 61 80 64 60 8S9 80 9 88 41 3 IB 13 33 SOJ 119 SO 1 63 45 8 67 8 90 18 00 1 64 9 93 3 OS loo " Morris Daniel . ... 414 ' I'ennock c 1 Co- T bhuman Wm T 160 " bhuman llcuben Xioo-' smetk, llrobst, ettcr Hauck 116 " Snyder John T " Snyder Abram 150 " Yettcr Dantel est oo " Swartz, HhcppACo MIFPLIN. 6S acres IlltteuDender Jacob B ' Hclser Fiankllnest 10 ' Hcndershott Catherlno 800 " Kramer A W tyi " Menstnger Wm 11 " KlchaelJohn loo Nungesser (leorfjo.. 1'arks Leonard swanks H Schweppenhelser I K ' Horace . " K 1' Williams Samuel YohoJohn It MONTOUK. 10 acres llrockway Jt Ent is oitrer Barbara is " John est , 4 " Lelby Jackson 40 Neal Wlhlam ai " Itamsey est MOUNT PL1SASANT. io acres Jacoby & liupert 33 " Walter D I.... OHANUE. 50 acres Ilowman Wesloy 8 " CrovellnsrSimuel 19 " Everett uabrlel est 34 " HlnkJ F l'INE. 833 acres Barton Ell 83 Dretblells Abraham I lot Eves o W 883 acres Frlck- Heoriro A rrioK iA'ggoit Keaslor Thomas Oreenly James oordner JouaUinn Klsner David , Lyons It W Miller cole Kobblns I) w shoemaker Joseph Vandersllce Thoa 1 S3 6 co 89 811 50 385 B3 864 4 to 4 II 1T4 3 4S 90 30 74 6 90 3 07 ta 690 4 43 3 69 1 77 8 07 800 Klnt John & Co 140 " Lemon Thomas cs " ucllcnry c II & Daniel 3 I'ealer Ueoriro bo ' ltlchards Lowls BO " Bobbins Wm A 90 White on Ill ' Youni' l'hlllp 73 " ZanerJohn 33 " " " . 1'IIANKI.IN. 40 ' Cleaver Wt-lilnition 60 " Ilower Moses S3 ' Vought K II UltEENWOOD. 6t acres Albertson Miles Hartley.. 40 Derr Irani 13 Kedllno Benjamin 93 Itlchle Bdward 87 Vanhorn James 40 " Vandersllce TJ HEMLOCK It acres Appleman Win ... 80 Campbell NL 7 " Bobbins Zobulou 41 " Whltentghtdcorge Jr JACKSON. BO acres Frlck (leorgo A 800 104 lless Benjamin 833 acre. Miller & Nehart., 13 s 80 3 4' 916 68 81 I im acres Artllla lYuncls ItO.UHNaCKBEK. Knorr William,., UflllTJ u Lowls TheofoVe'.' 'I Miller Charles W.. Mcllcnry Itohr LUUlio 1 . oo acres lillllngton Charles.. ,., so ' Dewart (leorgo 80S " Kverlurt John 40 l'lslier joliu,,..,,, bs ; 64 deraghty Thomas,.,,., 83 ' Kline Johu L Kis " 95 " Hughes Wright ,. S3 Longenbergur l'hlllp,., 80o ' Meyers Mary sou HuatcnMary Sbo Charlotte sou M IleynoldsJohn too " Huston Thomas 190 ' Keeso Daniel ,. 43 " stlnoDanlel 41 ' Shaffer Henry loo " bnyder Joremlah MADISOS, so acres Bochtel Jacob ,, 8 no 810 100 60 43 Cox Joel Eves CUarltia W iiondershott U...., KeUey & JJvcrott,... MAIN, llrockvray & Ent Oombocli John...., Uewult l'hlllp .... . llerrner Samuel 0... Immell Christian . Moser Michael 89C 383 313 30 8 89 9 98 385 10 46 90 08 196 9 40 366 900 6 30 STS 63 T85 146 91 1 10 4 44 1 10 8 40 4 60 HI 10 10 31 81 89 5 80 !0 1 05 140 90 10 60 6 It 18 81 3 TO T0 no S3 3 TO T3 T03 T63 111 6 91 6 93 6 99 699 3 70 6 94 8J 143 1 00 913 1 10 9173 16 I 10 '6 163 19 43 110 1 10 1 10 liuchncr I'etcr , Barns Thomas Jr Brlsh Jacob ,. . i, v.v.v.v.v Beaver George ii J L Kline.!." Coufalri: ltlco .. Cox C S Ex Trench' "coi ! '. '. DUaplano Ezeklel FetUrman Hcrblne,. Frlck & shuman Little Kobert Huston John Miller Klias Morris & Hughes MelJIngton William.. llleo Abram '" Itaub J Miller Skato Harry Trlen Jacob wiuiliey Mary est Wltchy John. ...."..,.....! , Yocum Isaac Yocum Elijah . , SCOTT. a acres Boon Aaron 1 lot Crouso Nelson 8 acres CreasyMartha ... 1 lota (islslnger Martha 1 " Hldlay Mary.. ... .. .. ' . B3acresJones William, 83 i Kresslor John 1 lot Jones llaney I Muilleywm, 1 acres Meriil Jess ,, , " Mimleman jiV." .'.V. 14 11 McKelvy Neal & Co B Itucklo Wesley ..... ... 4 Iota snldeman Thoa. t " Shannon Jesse X " JohnEckroth ...!!....!!! HUUAItLOAK. 60 acres Helta Wm Iluckalew Jamos estate IMIa lfnlrlal ........ 193 84 850 T5 81 183 KII9 MH9' W: M ' 860 1 94 1 4 1 97 1 60 1 0 CUapIn John V ,, Center Mary lless Joseph O Hos3 Crovellng & Co Hesj Wesloy "' '..'.'!.'.',','',"' Ilartman Jesse'.'.',',', laulhli June Mellenry Itohr,.,, llarvy A A & J F ,, llarvoy Alvln A Stephens Ainoi ........7 avage Joshua estate apei Henry ........ 90 4 14 414 98 I 1160 880 1 10 11 63 4 63 ISO 465 I 33 8 30 9 85 73 19 83 480 63 30 10 85 30 3 33 63 80 131 131 480 141 61 136 609 91 63 63 18 89 10 35 IIS 60 10T 1T3 1 80 IS SO 84 1ST 880 4 S3 43 31 01 31 110 es (to 84 361 43 103 BOI 173 133 139 84 M 43 W 80 403 1 50 94 13 90 W IB 108 60 6 16 OS 1 SO 70S I8 60 80 63 81 SO 63 163 II TO till 690 10 80 194 6 44 41 30 161 19 10 69 1531 190 TltKASUHEU'S SALE OF SEATED LANDS IN COLUMBIA COUN TY, PA. AUo tho following lots, pieces, and parcel ot seated lands, returned by the tax coUectr aro to bo sold at tho same time under the urovlilona ot an Act ot Assembly, entitled. Ari act relating to tho Bale of lands for tax in Columbia count?" approTCd March 5th, lscs -vum, llBAVEIt TOWNSHIP. l Lot MacAtteeJohn l ' Martin Wm , . ' ! acres Sherman Thomas l Lot Bouman Frank ' lOuciesLosee J A Agent i Lot a ; 1 " Sweeney Isaac ! 3 " SelptAII ,' . 4 ' Barnes Charles It 1 " Kramer it L ... ... nUNTONTOWNSIHl'.' 1 Lot Albortson Samuel It iu uvri-s ixjg&ri, oamuci.., ir.eicr h u 48 3 Lot 1 Lot .'.' ;; 1 Lot 1 Ueacock Samuel "" ULOOMSBUltO. "' Kramer androw Dennis Jamos estate Ortwlno Henry Wimor Fred." " Verry Wm estate '"" WalterNorman ' CATAWISSA TOWNSUlf" Arndt Noah. Abbott W II llnrnfA Mrn t w "' acres lilchel Jonathanes'tate.'.'.'. so Ulttcnbonder Charles.....! 1 Lot 1 " 1 Lot I " 1 " 9 ' 1 " CENTHAI I A Cramer A W McDonnell Anthoney.... convagham. Brown WUllam DolanMary Llnderrnuth Oeorgo Murphy Michael .7.7". I'lBiiiM.cinui;. T acres Helebrand WUllam..? X Lot Lartsh AH ,. s acres Neyhard John 1 lot Shultz Cornelius... UO acres HIchardS.V'.T' 1 Lot I'Uklngton 1'lt. ......'.'.' 1 " Eves Elijah '"' is acres Heller James deceasod!'.! 13 " riaher Hannah 46 Forco Imuel I Lot Fltzjorald Elizabeth.. .." B acres Manning W (I , " Kllno I'axton estate,. .,!!'"' 4 " lless Jonas ' 1 Lot " II acres Vandersllce T J. .' 1 lot Crawford I'hllln... ..'.'.'.',",'.'.",7," 13 acres Barton Ne'wton??0.11' ' Ebner William "'. ,f lot shoemaker M Q,.! !!! .acre ltobblns Zebullne!... sacreaplattannah?!l)I, si Young Lewis o... Sacreslthodos Susay.f' 1 Lot Klsner Annie ISO acres Eves Charles W. . ! . 60 " ' 69 ; BmtthDUtchard!.'.'.'".' 1T0 Trutnbower A c..." 1 lot Welllver Susan estate." MIFFLIN. ih! acres Analo John U. .. .... . i?t M2nn1erj'a!"' estAto.:,'.':::.';;;; i acres tiipy saving i m uut-erwniK:.'.'." 40 acres Eves Jacob H....""' to Coleman Jesse J Trumpore Sophia.... .....'"""' 19 11 uman John...... .' a " ltlco Jesse P......' ,' . IT " Evts James estate ,.. ..,'.',7.',7,','" 7 acres Drelblebls JacobSjuite Drelblebls Erl ,V.! . .. . ' jo ' Kline t Patterson .! t s 03 1 93 5 10 I s 6 40 1 80 1 84 3 30 6 SO 63 1 80 1 60 3 64 3 60 4 14 1 15 8 SO I T4 9 80 4 54 9 88 1 8 1 80 1 64 8 84 II 60 8 40 II 60 18 TO 73 1 TO 93 1 60 es B ST 94 4 61 1 64 6 60 SO 03 93 i 40 1 13 43 33 61 4S 34 60 II 1 85 T6 OS 18 W tu to 1 83 60 lie UTS 8 48 04 3 69 I 84 1 44 II mtirnca Aiioill,, li'L'Lffitf Wrtn ' Jtotibins Josbua '!!.. Klcliiu Jacob.. wsV.?!!?.:!:::::v::''a0..?.:;; IS4 shuUnburgerT.....' ,,',,,1 1 acres Itlchart Ww"' 1 " Campbell N l!, ' s cole Ti.t'" '! II. A,,brtflonJ"sse.. ,'.'";;; 1 lot Ilartman Miner,,,.,..! ... .vouiva iiriui wivino,.,,. io " lihone Parvln ... o ' Miller KiUabetu,,, 3 low Chapm John F,. 1 t tllitl! S 16 8 00 8 04 40 4 93 9 43 i 91 43 IS 00 11 40 84 14 41 I 84 8 16 8 40 I 45 ;i cs 84 t CO 84 1 85 63 1 IS 8 80 D 16 S3 A. M. joiinson, Treaiurer,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers