THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. Springs that Fire People out of Cannons, In 1870 Sig. Fnrlnl Invented tlio cannon for firing n performer from its iiium.Io to n considerable) distance, with much noiso nnd smoke, but without nny danger to tlm prolcctllo. The first cannon was operated by India rubber springs, but Farini's patents linvo covered two otltcr modes of propulsion, otio by special springs nnd the other ac tuality by tlio force of gunpowder, which in tlio spring cannons is simply used to keep up nppcarnnces. When tho performer is to no literally "fired ont'' a heavy barrel in tho breaoh of the sham cannon is loaded with about twice ns much powder as would consti tute a clinrgo for a shotgun, and tho gasses produced by its combustion nro set looso in nn air chamber nt the base of a series of telescoped shells surround ing tlio person in the cannon. As tho shells extend toward tho muzzle, like tho lengthing of a telescope, thoy give a rapid impetus to the performer. Near tho muzzlo two openings nro de veloped, through which pours the black Hinoko from tho explosion, without nny danger of burning or blackening the fireu out, who is nt tho moment gyra ting through space. The cannon is so arranged that springs can bo used if de sired, nnd in that case the explosion of n smaller quantity of powder is requir ed, morely to frco tho spring. Attempts have been mndo to get up the cannon trick in this country, but it is fully pro tected by patents, nnd tho modes by whioh evasion havo boon sought have not been encourging. In ono caso the purformcrvas already darted out into tlia,nct?wlieiijth6 explosion took pliico -nTDiMr&''givS away," as showman sajflnd in theothcr a rash performer had his legs driven up into him. From the New York Sun, Manursng Trees In Winter. All fruit trees which do not make a growth of two feet for the longest shoots in a season, need additional stimulating with manure, if the ground is clean and well cultivated ; or if thoy stand in grass or happen to be cticutn bered with weeds, cood mellow culli vation must be given them. This is tho rulo for young trees, and the best time, if manure is applied, is lato in autumn or during winter, the earlier the better, but manure appears to do tho most good on bearing trees, especially apple trees, often giving annual crops where poor and biennial crops wero previ ously borne. Bearing trees need not grow so rapidly as young trees, but if thoy do not mako annual shoots at least a foot long, they need more ma nure, or both manure and cultivation, Tho manure may bo spread broadcast in winter, covering tho whole suriace. Pipes by the Million. Tho red clay pipe is made in this city at tho rato of two million a year, worth live or ton cents apiece, or ten or twen ty thousand dollars. Tho clay comes from Martha's Vineyard, Governor's Island, N. Y.x and Lake Michigan. Threo'Son'dfed .tbnslare used in a year. The thrajikindsRof clay arc mixed or groun'ditogetEer. A workman with a pile of clay besido him makes from it smclc rolls ot clay, each largo enough to make ono pipe. Tho next worker places the clay in a pipe mould, runs a wire into tho stem part, puts under n lever and makes tho bowl. Fifteen hundred a day are moulded by one man. The mo'ulds may bo of various designs to form the decorated bowl. Tho latest is tho "Land League," rep resenting' eviction on ono side nnd pris on lire ou the other, in pipes, as in other things, novelties must bo given the smoking public, and as those inter ested in Land Leagues are fair smokers this pipe will bo bought for use and for patriotism. After tho moulding process the pipes are laid away to dry or drain until tho water is well out of them. Thoy are then put in fire-clay receivers, one hundred and ninety in each, and placed in furnace or kiln to bo burnt. Tho oven holds seventy thousand pipes They are then heated to a white heat Tlio red clay pipes has a wooden stem and a silver baud. Tho stems arc mado by machinery designed for tho purpose. They are made black by tho process of enameling. Tho band is made from a circular piece of brass without break of scam, turned into a cylinder about an inch in length. Some of the other pipes aro stained, while others arc left in the color of the clay to be stained or colored by tho smoker. ''rovtnce Journal. Ivy And Dampness. It is a popular error to supposo that ivy growing on the walls of a houso makes it damp. The attachment of ivy to walls, so far from injuring them and causing dampness, is an advantage. If tho walls aro dry when planted, ivy will keep them so. If damp, ns the plant overspreads their surface the dampness will disappear. Whore damp ness prevails ivy sucks out tho moist ure, and its thick f olliago will prevent tho access of rain to the structure ; nnd thus it is not only a remover but a preventive ot dampness. Tho only danger attending the planting of ivy on buildings is whero fissures occur in tho walls, in which case tho shoots nnd roots will enter, and, if left undisturbed, their growth will soon begin to tell on tho building, and will by increase of growth, push against the .f.i. -r.t... ,i i. . " 1 muub ui lilt' upmiiug, uiuiuuy eiiiurguij it and eventually so weaken tho wn as to cause it to fall. Whero tho wall is sound there is no such danger, for tho plant does not mako fissures although quick to discover them. "Many cases of fever and ague, dumb ague.and. congestive chills, wero promptly arrested and entirely banished by tho uso of your Simmons Liver IJeg ulator. You don't say half enough in regard to tho clhcacy ot your valuable mcdicino in cases of ague, in termittent fevers, etc. Every enso has been arrested immediately. Believo me, when I say I was o sufferer fo years with the liver disease, and only lound rcliei by using your medicine. "ItOBlCItT j. WEEKS, Hata via, Kano Uo ill." An Animated Bledge-Hammer Ono of the most singular incidents that has been recorded in a long time ocotired at l'atsalaga creek, in 'lalbot county, nnd not very far from How nnl Nlntinn Air. Willmin lll'.ltli u'n driving a cow and young calf along tho road and when thoy camo to tho creek i. jrAr.zLX.i i., i ,i,ii. c tluronnosito'sido of tho creek and few feet off stood a largo ram. As tho cow was drinking she would frequently ,r. I - . t 1 it ..1 - tin up nor noaii us u miu wiu unviisy about tho calf. The ram took this ns n Imtitnr )r ficrlit nml u'nILitwr nil ni' " - " t r, i the cow reared up and gave her a butt centrally in the head and killed tho cow almost instantly, air, iieatu ran up thinking that tho cow would soon recover, as he thought sho was only stunned, but in this ho was mistnken As it was s death-stroke. Chills and Povor. Jator soou breaks ino 'CUIUS anu carriea m rover ouiomio bjbit iu. It cures whonall otner rernodlcs fall Sick uoaaacno. Uf tdla r!1f fnttlntf Bill C lion tako Simons Liver lieguuior. DYSPEPSIA. Tho Itegnlator will positively euro, tuUlcrrlbio disease. Voasscrtcmpltattcftlly whit wo know iu uu nuvi CONSTIPATION Bhouid not bo recanted aa ft trininff aliment. Na ture demands tuo utmost retfuifuity of tne bow els. Therefore alst rmturo by laKInc Pimmona a . iiia. tm l,nrmlnua tulhl nml nfTtVttlfll. HI 1.1 ItL'KUIUlVI, II IO iiuilli.iJiini'i FILES. iteuci n iu uanu mr uiusu viiil, miun mj Uy wltlniUes. It lias cured liunilrciH, nnd will cure you. MALMUA. t crsouB irnty atom uu hiiulmi u uuoiwinmj talcing ft doso ot Mmraons Liver Itegulfttor to keep iin 1 hrnn In lioalftiv fiMlrtn BAD BREATH cAn bo corrected by taking Simmons Liver Kcgu 1UIUI .Tnnmlin.ft. .UBnAdn frnm thn nrrrtil. PAV tlf tlm Rttln ClCftF nnd frco from all ....purines. flnlin. roilcMvbcn Hlmmons Liver Iteijuintor Is ndmln- . . . ,, .in.,,.,. i,pun, liannfl. ..Am tills mntldno. ir U not unpleasant j It li Imrm Icbs and crrecilvo. Purely vcjetablc. flniitinn. Liver Ueeulator In our enfraved into Wrapper, with red . Trade-Mark, stamp and signature un broken. . . . t rreparca oniy oy J". KC, ZEI3LT3ST Sc CO. Bold 6y all Druggists. lHllaacipma. Tliat is what a great many people arc doing. They don't know just what is the matter, but they have a combination of pains and nchcr., nnd each month they grow worse. Tlu only silre remedy yet (linul u Bkown's Ikon I'u-tks, aid this by rapid and '.ii-jfongh assimilation wit1; the biood purifies and enriches it. and rich, strong blood flowing to every part of the system repairs the wasted tissues, drives out dis.; .ij and gives health and strength. This is why Brown's Ikon Bitters will cure ' kidney and liver diseases, consumption, rheumatism, neuralgia, dyspepsia, mala ria, intermittent fevers, &c. 203 5. Paca Pi., Ualtlmure. Nov. 3, 18S1. I was a great sufferer from D)spcsia, anil for, several v eel.s CouM eat riothing'Jndl jf? was grow ing wcalicr everyi day. Irtried Brown's.Ironl f Hitters, anil am happy to iay I now have a good appetite, and am getting stronger. Jiu. Brown's Iron Bitters is not a drink and does not contain whiskey. It is the only preparation of Iron that causes no injurious ef fects. Get the genuine. Don't, be imposed on with S' imitations. THE DAVIS. $1,000 REWARD, ONE THOUSAND (1,000) DOLLARS PHEMIUAI ottered to AKI I'iiKSnK ihatwllldo ns GREAT A RANGE OK WORK on ANY OTHER MACHINE. THAT THE NEW DAW VERTICAL FEED Will do without basting. It will make wide hem on sheets. 4c, hem aU manner ot bias woolen goods.asuott tnerlno,crapc, or goods difficult to hem on other machines. It makes u more elastlo stitch than any other ma chine itwuiturna hem and put Iu piping at Bamo umu. It will turn a hem. sew braid on the right side ana silica on irimming ai onu upenuiua. It will do felling bias or straight, cither on cot ton or woolen goods. It will tell across seams on any goods. I will bind a Dress or Skirt and sew on facing, either with or without Bhowlng stltches;01nd dress Ooods with tho Bauio material, either scallops, poinis.squares or Biraigui. rue oniy macnine mat will bind Hats, Cloaks, or other articles with bias, satin or silk, from x to 3 Inches In wl ltb.wlthout oaaiiug. It will gather with or wltniut sowing on. It will gather between two pieces and sew on at the same time. It will mako a ruffle and stitch u pillow slip on to uiu itwiug ai mo Kuiue umu. It will shirr any kind ot goods. It will mako plaited trimming either with or wltuout sewing It on. It will make plaited trimming either BcaUapod or siraigat, ana sew a pipirg on nt iue same ume, It will make knife plaiting. v J. SALTZER, Gen'l Agent, Illoumsburg, Pa. net. 1, '80-tf. ADVERTISERS by naaresilng ilBO. r. HOWELL too., lOHpruce M Now York, can learn the ezACtcostof any proposed line of AnvKlt risiNd in American newspapers, njoo-pago rampniet, ATA on U Elys' Cream Balm UWSHinll.. 1I,'J1I1SP Ituonasiu passages of Catarrhal virus, caus- I Ing healthy tecretlona 1 vet . Jr. inTP" 1 nuays luiumuiuiion, 1 nroieeii ino mem. I brans from additional coius.compietciy lie j 13 tho sores and restores tlio tense otjtislo and smell. Ulencnclal ro- nilu ui 0 reamed by u few appllcuilons. A thorough treatment win eurucattirru, nay fever. Ao t'nequaled or colds In the head Agreeable to use. Ap- rrr?lr- P'r Ur Ihe UtUe linger rbil. ft iniu luu iuujirns. uu reeclotof llltyccnUwUlrailla package for sale uy an aruggisui. ELV'3 CREAM 1JAL1I CO., OswogO, N. V, DJIINISTHATOIVS NOTICE MTATX OX SAWCIL USSS, tW PKCIAillP, l etters of Administration on tho estate of 8am nnl Ilt'LH wad late of Huearloat tawnshln. Colum. bin county, 1'enu'a., deeet sed, have been granted by tho Register of Bald county to the undersigned Adm'r. All persons having claims against the estate ot tho decedent aro requested to present ttiem for BOttlomont and thoso Indebted to the estate to make payment to the undersigned Auminisuaior wuuoui ueiay, WaJIsrs P. O. KICIIARD IIK3S.'o, Administrator, nprll 14, o-w ailing! LI A THE WHITE SEWING MACHINE Whereas, tno world renowned reputation ot the "White fcewing Machine Induces many unscrupulous competitors to ruaort 10 an Kinas 01 mean menu 10 injure iu rupuumuu, wo beg to caution all intending purchasers not to buy a White Machine except from Its regular authorized doalera, who will oo susiaiuuu uy itiu luiiuwuig wurrauv. WE MAKIUNT TUB NATt'ltAI. WKAll AND TXAR OP TI1K White ShnttlB Sewiun: Macle, pr.ATEMIMHBK 1033:10 1'OU FAMIf.Y PUItPO- heh, anoukitkilv auiikkto kkkptuk8amk in iIkpaiu for tub tkum ov pivk vkaiih FROM Tills DATE, rUKU, Uf UI1AUUS. This warmnty excepts the breueao of needles vobblns and aUuttles. This warranty will not be sustained unless the plato or number abovo rtven corresponds with tbe number on tbo shuttle face slide. Uawaro of de- raced or altered numoorn WU1TJC MKWINO MACHINE CO. Tho"WHITE" ShnttloSowlng Machine tIasiiRtATSK oArAcrrr than any other family Sew ing Macnine ror aoinc every variety or wor. J, SALT2KK (lonorat Agent, l o itnsborg, r. Oct. 1. '80-tf. Danchy & Oo's. Advt'a. Agents Wanted for Sullivan's IRELAND OF TO-DAY- (Introduction by Thorn. Power 0 Connor, M. P.) Centuries of English oppression Bet forth. It de scribes Ircland,s.ruln and tho peoplo's desperation. It shows how the land was confiscated and the In dustries destroyed. It explains the Land League, tho Land Act and tho Coercion Bill, contains 31 engravings and maps In colors. Prieo only n per copy. Sales Immense, Send wo for full outnt and begin work nt onco. For full particulars, address J. u. JIcCiiKDV , Philadelphia, pa. dmay6 4-w t n f Per week can bo made In any locality. SO i5 VJsomethlng for agents. $5 outfit freo. o. W. 1NURAUAM Co. Uoston, Mass. Mays -iw a POSITIVELY CURED BY Benson's Capcine Porous Plasters. Reason Why they nro Vreferreil to Alt Other Vonnis Vlastcvs or V.xternal nemrAlett Flrkl. Dccanso they poejcn all tho merit of tho EtrongUieutug poriHta plaster, and contain In ad dition thereto tho newly discovered powerful and ncUtuvrgcUblo combination which acts with in creased rubefacient, stimulating, ecdatlvo and counter Irritant i KecU. Second. llccauso they are a genuine pharmaceutical prep aration, and so recognized by the profession, flilril. Bccausotliey nro tlio only plasters that relieve palu at once. Fourth. Because llicy will positively euro diseases which other remedies will not even relieve. Fifth. Because over EOOO physicians and druggists have voluntarily testified that they aro superior to all other plasters or medicines for external use, Sixth. llccauso tho manufacturers havo received the only medals ever given for porous plasters. Benson's Capcine Porous Raster! SEABURY & JOHNSON, Manufacturing Chemists, Mew York. ANUltK lti;.1IKU V AT LAST. 1'ricaXSctS. HEAD'S Medicated CORN and BUNION PLASTER. Nov4'Sl-ly CUTTHISOUT! AfiP8153S40AKA. We havo stores In 15 leading? Cities, from which our cgenU obtitn their suppllot quickly. Our Fnctorien tnd 1'rlnclpnl i:rfe. I'a. t&ui tor our Sew CiUafoue uii iimi urn ttiriu-4 to msmtB Addrtwu M. N. LOVELL "ItiffiSiSFX: 3 1 2 Lackawanna Avo March My 0 LADIES ONLY ! Will Willi I ItaHtirt klIf.i.Utul Rs.ll cir. 1 1 nutifu,MhrT.)1tl rurt.hri(l UtHk,"Iimi j Funo tucon)sininient, nu Irt-m Si In bi cent each I M stores 1 inJ a bciutiful lllu.ti-MtrU wlaf, three I niui.Kn, ,u, lu ,,ir, m inmpt lie tent ' J1 ,ifB it 1 p4t Trf cjw 'sn. Ana rem K. (I. Ill I) tOm ( ()., I'uMrl.rrs fl lUrrU; bU X.1 ADIEStW?HjT 3J0USE IThe ONLY BOOK l cf M M.'.d B I everpub'd 1 AjiuiuittritJon fiota BWtihinetontatu. ei-U-.i. iut i-er MStcel Portraits cfihUIW Kir. Wh j 1. i: hi vfewof tumyoftti I liomes bt li . J'i tUc.ttk, T Ii lh riai Ihi. Lv,V IjHibliiheJ. Ai - r t -na4 (ji Ciicutut. with faU . .. M w v., ruuitiiicr. Cuh.i 4bt.,Phlltdelphla.Pa JESSE AND .lii all m I lliof tk. i iitjI'ilt it c iidrircu iu luu I ?l Ulu'lrullunttfindiicoropTe I luaiit tuu IJjith antl Uuiiil of Jtu I WiAUoiltuktrats the kil line, trie house, 4 guiles Alter aetn, nn wife. Mi twuclnl Ircn boni In outUwry.the I-ordi enzi.vnet'' Cv. Crittenden. Atitl! M j. M a I tiriuurl lrc. Utit&ti40.i I A mM CO Tbl.lilhonlyliu.M.tory. Ilrw.r 1 M IW1 I" XI inuller cJitlonl. Ou i.Wi.llllutr.1 TbU il the only true Mitory. lewr of tirtiller edition!. On tIretktlllutrtU4 cuiistiii rcu,cu,o uwot,c,iIliti,o. May 11 4 weeks d. BE NOT DECEIVED By Piasters cliiituing to be au improvement on ALLOOOK'S POROUS PLASTERS. ALLCOCK'S is the Original and only genuine Porous Piaster all other so-called Porous Flastc rs arc inutations Beware of them. Seo that you got an ALLCOCK'S PLASTER, which wo guaranteo has ed'ectetl inoro ami qtiickor cures than any other externa remedy. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. cbsisueow LATEST STYLES OP G-A.XLiTISrG- OABDS kt the '00LUMBUN4 OFFICE, Ache Cures Rhoumattsw, tium baco, Lame-Back, Sprains and Druiscs, Asthma, Catarrh, Coughs. Colds, Sosv Throat, Diphtheria, Bums, Frost Bitos, Tooth, Ear, and Head aclio, and all pains and aohos. Th ltt Inttrml tnl eslernfel Mmedr ( 1h otU. rvcry kotlL guinnleeJ. Soldtr11111111' d.tUf tvtrxwUu. IJirulluRI In tight Uftf u.tfci. Ttlct 5a ctl nd i j. FOSTER, MILDURN &, CO., Prap'rs, BUrrALO. N. .. It. S. A. CRESCENT PLUG. This brand of Tobacco thouzu but a short tlmo on tho market, la already tbo favorlto with many chewcra. Mado from Holoctod leaf and wltli tho beat sweetening It Is a capital artlclo and apsctally suited to tbo 1'ennAylvnnla taato. For sale by all dealore. Bond for saraplo to tho manufacturers. 0. A. JACKSON & Co., rctrnibiirK, Va may 13 -iw r lj O i I'er ucok can bo mado In any locality. Nomctblnp enttrnlv new for nppnt-q. A oJtfltfrcc. o. w. iSuhaham & CO., lloaton, Mass. may ti 4iv A: :VIITI:ES3I Bond for our stlef tint of local new papers, cieo. P ltowell Co.. to $prucost.N.Y mnyH-lw r JPTT R CE3STT1. NET J 'a- 'Htetirlly three to tlx Tliiiea tho i.oiiu without the llallitlna;.. Interest Semt Annual. Noiblnu over been loau Sftb year of residence and mn In tho business, uest of references1 Send for particulars if you havo money to loan, N. II. Costa advaaced, Interest kept up, and principal guaranteed In case of foreclosure. S. S. S. JOHHSTOH HlgotUtor of UortgageLoans, ST. PAUL.MINM uvll r To Huron! Sofftreri Th Ortat Sarope&n usxeay. dr. J. B.eixrflON's srKcino xxdicini. Dr. J. B. Slmoson's SDoclflo Medicine Is a dosI- ttvu euro for overwork of body or brain or excess ot any kind, such as weakness and all diseases ro suiting from Nervous Debility, Irrltablllty.Mental Anxiety, Lansuor, Lasaltudo, Depression or Spirits and functional derangements of tbe norvons sys lem generally, I'ains iu vuo uacK or siae, U)ss of Memory, rro. mature old ago and diseases that lead to consinpt lon, Insanity fian early grave or ootb. No matter bow shattered tbo system may bo truui uzcesues ot any kind, u unortcourso of this medicine will restore th lost functions and pro euro heal til and bapplnesswhcro betoro was de spondency and'gloom. Tbe BpocUlc Mealclno is be ing used wltli wonderful success. Pamphlet sent frco to all. Wrlto for them and get full partrlcular. Price, Specific $1.00 per packoge.orsli packages for ts.oo. will bo sent bv mall on rocemt of moner Addrossoll orders, J. 11. BIMl'SON'g MEDIClNtt w. nos. 104 ana lueuain stroet, uuuaio, . 1. reo w oj-iy The Backus "Wate?- Motor. IS TDK MOST Economical Power Known -FOIt- DRIVINQ LIGHT MAOHINEUY. takes but little room, it never gets out of ropatr. It can not blow up. It neede no fuel It needs no engineer. Therolsnodelay; no tiring up; no ashes to clean away; no extra lnsuranco to pay; no repair ing necessary; no coal tub to pay, and It la always ready for use. It Is Invaluable for blowing Church Organs for running Printing Presses, Sewing Machines, Turn ing Lathes, Scroll Saws, Grind stoneB. Coffee Mills, Sausage M achlnes, Feed Cutters, Corn Mills, Eleva tors, etc. Four horse power at 40 pound3 pressure ot wa.or. Itts noiseless, neat, compact, steady, and abovo all IT IS VERY CHEAP, send for circular to the llackus Water Motor Co., Newark, N. J., stating name of paper you saw ad vertisement In. Price, $15 to WOO, Bept,30-U nrai, ATTis. When you do your Spring Shopping If you come in person, The trains from the different branches of the Pennsylvania Railroad come to the new Broad Street Station, which is within one block of our store; you walk directly through the new City Hall to our Market Street front. If you come by Philadelphia and Reading Railroad, any horse car on Thirteenth Street will bring you directly from the Callowhill Street Depot to our door. If you come through Camden, N. J., any horse car on Market Street, except the red ones, will bring you direct. We have provided new and spacious reading and toilet rooms for the free use of visitors. If you order by letter, Departments of goods have been so enlarged and improved that our stock, unquestionably the most comprehensive in the United States, is better than ever. We send without charge, or any obligation to purchase, samples of the new Dress Goods, Silks, etc. We give prices of our entire stock in our new Catalogue for Spring and Summer, which is mailed free to all who send us address on postal card. Hundreds of orders are filled daily, and goods sent by mail and express to every State and Territory, with full privilege of return and refund of money if they do'not suit. John Wanamaker, PHILADELPHIA. Chestnut, Market anil Thirteenth street, and City Hall Square. Dry BLOOMSBURG, PA, BLOOMSBURG SIXTH NORMAL SCHOOL DISTRICT. Bloomsburg, Columbia County, Pennsylvania. Rov. D. J. WALLER, Jr., Ph. D., Principal. Kiituumtnnr u r m-nonnf. instituted, oilers tho very best facilities for Professional and Classical Innrnlnir. llulldlnKS soacious. Inviting and commodious ; pULocat!onieal?li7ul,an easy of access. Toachcis Kxttenso modoratc. FlftycenU a week deduction Courses ot study prescribed by 1110 siaio 1 I. Model School. II. Preparatory. III. hleinentary. I v, Ulawical. I Atllunct Courses: Academic. II. Commercial. III. Coumk In MiikIc. IV. Omimb In The Elementary. Scientific and Classical counts nto 1 followlnccorrespondlngliegrees: Master of the Normal Certificates their attainments, signeu uy vuo uiiicith 01 mo iioara 01 i rustecs. rrHAnitf an n, ntiiii v nrnqcrlhod bv the Stato Is liberal, and tho Scientific and Classical comet's aio tir,t. Thn state i coulres a hleher order ot cltlteuihlp. Oou. l,'s t.- GUNS OT tVIRY KINO CnEAPIR IHAK EVtR. Illflei, Shot Uuuh, Ui'Volver, Ammuni tion, Flshlni; Tackle, Selnat, Mots, Knives, ltuznm, Skates, liiimmoeks, etc. Xarse Illustrntvil Cntnloguo 1'RER. GREAT WESTERN GUN WORKS, PZTTsnvnau, l'A, WANTED 1 Ladles nml Oeiitlcmon, tn enpiiKo with us tu sell suverul l'iful lioiixi linlil Article. I'rolllH Inruo. I.nbor In IIeIiI. XxcliiMlvr territory KlVfii. No compctl tlon. Terms llbcrul. Circulars l'UEK. Addres, Hewitt Hinufacfg Co., Uux Mi, lituburith. Pa. A NEW CURB FOR AND ALL TROUBLESOME VERMIN. sure, ci-tilr Kiid chtan. 6tnnila Pckg, Totl Pald.cti. AOKNTH WANTKIi, MUtut M IUSICAL INSTRUMENTS of all kinds for salo vorychonp. HICatOlORUOS froo. Address, RIPHA HU HULL JE CO.. Box 808. Pltbburgh, Pa. April 31 -em J. II. J. CRaweekln your own town. Terms and (.lout- OVJflt freo. Address II. IUli.kt fc Co.. Portland, Maine. march 31 -ly - GIVEN AWAY. Zimmerman Fruit Dryer How tad far Term. AddrvM ZIMMERMAN FflUIT DRVEtl CO.. Clnclnuitl, O. April 81 -1m aid Morphine CURED In 10 to 90 UATSi. THOUSANDS of ttfatttcn fromr.ront tured. Nm HI KU1 CurtJ. Ilr. J.HTKl'llE.NS, lbinou, O- Aprll!l-3m old OPIUM A HOBPmNfi A Trentlsi. nn Ihplr peedy cure SENT FrtKK. nn. 3orrMA,r.u.lloxliii,Ctalcaeu.lll. March 3 -3 m Old STANDARD FOOD FOR PLANTS ODOltLBSS. For producing flowers and has ;no equal, lias stood the test for years, and always does all claimed for It. Is e pedal ly adapted for bouse plants and gardening, giving a bealtuy growth and abund ant llowers. over 100,000 packages sold In 1831. Awarded the medal at the mechanics' fair In lloaton. Put up In packagos S3 cents each. COLU.MDI 4N 0FF1CU. :;nai?jiiiisgrpg. at 10 and For sale at THE SUBSCRIBE FOR THE COLUMBIAN. 2.00 A YEAR. Ooodn.ljullcs'.acntlemen'i and Children's car and Housekeeping Appointments. AGESMTS 'i ,.OTAMrfarMii w STATE NORMAL SCHOOL completely heated by steam, well ventilated, lighted experienced, entclciit, and alive to their work. to all expecting to teacu. students admitted nt PHOFUSSlONAt,. anil Htlldunts tfrndunlnL'thnrrtn. trrxltn stAin lifnlnmin. rtmifprrlnu thn Kloinonts; .Master or tho sclenccH : Master of tlio Tho times demand It. It H ono ot tho prime objects CAUTION. GET THE BEST, STBDM COVEPSSTITIOIV In the manufacture of Organs is sale of cheap goods, made from ularly to bogus iJrgans tnat are connnuaily springing into exis tence, without any merit whatever, except to be offered cheap, and then when purcha;-ed found to bo tnen, reader, If you Crcmtemplate Buying an Organ consider it your only safeguard to select au instrument hearing trie names of first class, wholly responsible makers. A good assort ment ot styles of the celebrated Estey Organs can now be seen at the new rooms of the Only Authorized Agent for the Es tey Organs in Columbia County. A guarantee for five years from the manufacturers accompanies every Estey Organ. J. SiMaTESR, Agent, luueM," nf piAisros7 FINK INLAID FIIKNOH WALNUT CASK OMAN, 1) STOPS, $1)0 OASIl. Easy Terms. SutlNiUctloii Gunraiitcctl. iB.A.a ousts piaisto -we,e rooms, MUSIO HALL BLOCK, WII.1EHS-BAB.B.XS. PA Juno In. '81-ly one uu a T11.E 111GI1T PLACE TO GET A SPRING OR SUMMER SUIT DAVID LOWENBERG, ME M CHAN 11 mylisk Wm MM mothing AT THE EXAMINE THE YOUTHS' BOYS' ami BUSINESS AND DRESS SUITS HANDSOME PATTERNS. PERFECT FITS, m AN IMMENSE STOCK OF SFiixrca- goods OTSS HAND, by gai, and furnished wltli a bountiful supply ot Discipline, firm hut hind, uniform and thorough any tlmo. Itooms reserved when desired. Art, V. Ootirao In 1'liyslcal Culture. Classics, uraduatos tn tho othdr Courses receive inf, rtnr tn iiinun tt fur hpit. r?nl1i(rR. ot 1 1tts School to helo to secure It. by furnish for well paid resulting in the production and inferior materials. I refer partic- dear at any price. "Will you not Bloomsburg, Fas NOTE OF w ar Am FINEST STOCK OF Ghildren's RAIL ROAD TIME TABLE DENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. 11I1L. L ADKLrilU & UIU K II. It. DIVISION. WINTER TIME TABLE. nn and after Monday. Dec. 19. 18SUI10 trains on tho Philadelphia 4; Krlo llallroad Division will run aa followst ..,,, Brio Mall leaves ThlladclphU 1 1 ts p m Ilarrlshurff lilom Bunbury so a is ' Wllllamsport 8 40 11 in "i " ixxk Haven 9 40 am ' " ltcnoTo lioonm " Kane BMiim 11 ArrtTO at Erlo J 11 m Niagara Eipress loaves Philadelphia 8 00 a m ii.u,auuiK It 10 y III " " sunDury 1 eo p m " Wllliamsport BSJiirn " Ick Haven 4 so p in ' " Hcnoo 543pm " Kano louspm Vast Line leaves Philadelphia 11 so p m 11 Harrlsburg 8 os p tn " sunhury eitipm ' Wllliamsport 1 10 pin " orrlvo at Lock Haven 8 10 p in EASTWARD. Lock Haven Express leaves Lock naven 7 50 a m i niiuuiujnjri v uu a ui " " Hunbury in in am " arrive at Harrlsburg 13 SB p m " I'hUadclphia n lSp in Fast Lino leaves canandaisun 705 pm ' " Watklns 8 40 pm ' " Klmlra OiOpm " " Wllliamsport laisum ' " Sunbttry iS2nm " arrives at Harrlsburtr 3 15 n m " " l'hlladelpnln 7 00 am Day Express leaves Kano a 00 a m " " llcnovo loosain " " Lock Haven ll 15 am " " Wllliamsport 1315 pm " orrlvo at llarrlsburi; a 80 p m ' " ridladelphla 7 0Bpm Erlo Mall leaves Krlo USSum " " Kano 4 10 pin " " llcnovo snopm ' " Lockllavcn lolopm " . " Wllliamsport It 80 p m " " Hunbury lonam 1 ' arrives at Harrlsburg 00 a m " " l'hlladelphm 7 00 am Erlo Mall west and Lock Haven Express East mako close connections nt Northumberland with L, U, It. It. trains for Wllkesbarro and Heron ton, Erlo Mall West, Niagara Express West nnd Fast Lino West mako closo connection at Wllliamsport with N. 0. it. V. trains north. Niagara Express West nnd Day Express East mako closo connection at Lock Haven with 11. E. V H. 11. trains. Erlo Mall East and West connect at Erlo with trains on L. 8. fi JI. S. H. II. j at corry with 11. l'.i W. It. It.; nt Emporium with 11. N. Y.4P. It. It. and at Driftwood with A. V. It. It. I'arlor cars will run between Philadelphia and WUlarasport on Niagara Kxprcss west, and Day Express East. Bleeping cars on nil night trains. ItOBEKT NE1LS0N. ( Bupt. NORTHERN CENTRAL RAILWAY COMPANY. On and after February 19tli,lS81,tralns will leavt Sunbury as follows : NOKTHWAHD. Northern Express C30 n.m.,arrlvo Klrnlra 13.30 pm Arrlvo at eanandalgua 3.25 p. m. " ltochestcr 4.10 " " Niagara, s 45 ' Niagara Express 1,60 p. m. nrrtvo Klmlra 0.03 p m arrlvo eanandalgua 8.35 " " ltochestcr 0 43 " " Niagara 13.60 a ra Fast lino CIS p m arrive Elmlra 10.20 p ra " Watklns 11,10 pm BOUTHWAltD. Southern Express 1.33 a.m. arrlvo Harrlsb'g 8,15 am arrlvo Philadelphia 7.00 " " Now York 9.35 " " llaltlmoro 7.10 , , ,. " Washington Kit a m Lock Haven Ex a m arrlvo llarrftb'g la.ts pm arrive Philadelphia 5.00 p m " New York 8.45 ' " Baltlmoro 5.21 " Washington G.47 Day Exprcs3 1.51 p m arrlvo Ilarrlsbui g s.80 p m ' Philadelphia 7.cs " " Now York 10.00 " " llaltlmoro 7.00 " Washington 8.17 Erlo Mall 1.05 a. m. arrive narrlsburg 8.00 a. m " Philadelphia 7.00 " " Now York 9.35 " " Daltlmoro 7.00 " Washington 8.22 J.It. WOOD, General Passongor A jent. FRANK THOMSON, General Managt r. pHILADELPHA and HEADING ROAP ARRANGEMENT OF PASSENGER TRAINS. November 7tli, 1681, TK1IN8 LB1TI RUPKHT 18 r0LZ.0WB(8DNDlr For Now York.riillndclplila.neadlDB.I'ottBvllle Tamaqua, &c 11,45 a. m For Catowlssa, 11,45 a. in, 4 to and 7, so p. m. For Wllliamsport, 6,15 8,50 a. m. and 4,06 p. ra. TRAINS FOB ROrjEBT LKATB JL3 FOLLOWH, (lilOOAV 1XCKPIED.) Ioave Now York, via. Tamancnd 8.45 a. ro. and via. Bound Brook Iiouto T,45 a. m. Leave PMladelphla, 8,45 a, m. Leave Heading, n,63 a. m., I'ottsvllle, p. u and Tamaqua, 1,35 p. m. Leave Catawlssa, 0,10 8,40 a. m. and 4,oo p. m. Leavo WUUamaport,9,45a.m,v,oop.m. and4,so p. rn Passengers to and Irom New York, via. Taraa nend and to and from Plilla le'pnla go througli witnoutchango ot cars. J. 1. WOOTTEN, CG.UANCOCK, oeneral Manager. aeneral I'ossonger and Ticket Agent. Jan. 10, lS8l-tr, ELAWAnE, LACKAWANNA AND WKSllSltN ItAILItOAD. BLOOMSBURG DIVISION. NOKTfl STATIONS. SOUTH p.m. p.m. a.m. a.m. p.m. V 15 o w 9 03 8 65 42 9 45 9 37 9 SO Scran ton,... 9 30 1U 1 13 6 19 8 24 6 32 ...uciicvuo. . .Tiivlorvlllo.. 3 32 3 23 3 14, 3 OT 3 02 9 43 9 C2 9 63 10 Oil 10 C8 2 20 2 21 2 34 2 89 2 44 ...Lackawanna. I 1'lttston....1 .. West l'lttstoni 8 43 8 42 8 8T 9 2! 9 191 (I 40 t 45 0 69 G 51 0 58 7 02 7 10 7 17 7 22 7 EO 7 37 8 00 8 25 8 M 9 00 9 10 6 37 8 41 8 45 8 51 9 01 9 00 9 13 9 31 9 S3 9 14 Wyoming.... Maltby .Dennett..... 9 (5 9 (10 8 10 8 07 8 00 t 48 1 33 1 SO 7 20 2 CO S 45 2 37 2 30 2 23 2 10 2 03 1 45 118 9 01 Kingston.,.. Kingston.... 10 18 10 18 10 2I 10 34 10 42 10 C5 11 07 11 13 11 20 2 M 2 64 3 02 3 00 3 10 3 IS 3 33 .1 45 3 61 3 c; 4 07 4 12 4 20 4 27 4 83 4 83 4 65 9 04 8 55 8 47 8 89 8 2S 8 17, 8 12! 8 O0 7 CO 7 62, riymoutn.iuno ....l'lymoutb... Avondale ... Nantlcokn.. llunlock's creek ...tiMckBlunny., ....Hick's Ferry. 1 16 1 05 ...ucacn naven. Berwick.. T 13 12 51) T 09 12 40 7 05 12 30 S 57 11 24 t tl 12 12 S 45 12 05 0 37 11 53 Briar Creek., ,.. wiiiow urovo. Llmo Hldge.. Espy ,., Bloomsburg.. IlUDort 7 41 11 S3 11 45 11 CO 11 65 12 13 7 38' 7 S3 7 28 7 11 Catowl'a Bridge S 18 11 20 0 10 11 1)8 0 04 11(0 0 45 10 40 uanvuio... Chulasky,, Cameron, . Nortliumberl'd 5 (9 9 41 12 45 5 25 1) 65 a.m. p.m. a..m p.m. p.m. a.m. ..., ..... w- HALSTBAI), Suot. Superintendent's onico, acranton. Fob. 1st, ISM. 'I Ills cl' "ant drew,,:. i picfcruj by w huli.".c it l lI it, to any imi' ir i.ti . , ua oc. Coimt if ju turrr'.or fumy. ll COI)t.lil11 liiaier, .U only tlut nro to the fcalp nnd talt andalivav rteitorei tht Youthlul Color to Crcy or F'adeU Hair j-aiitcr iiuriuutm U Ilncly twirmnnl nnd it warranted to prc cut falling t,f tho hair nnd to ta. move dandruff and iicMng. llisrof & Co , N.Y, tdc. u4 )l ili.i,m n w j ni.lul,,.,. GING mm W W 14 -i A 8unarlallun Mnalth nnl ci....ik n .. r ....,. VH vhv,,,,, iiciurcr, If you arc a met hanio cr farmer, worn out wltli overtoil;, or a moihcr run lo n ly f.iy .ous . hold diitie try l'ARKeR'K '1 1 ic. If you arc n lawyer, tniniter cr tu.lnew man ex. uiuitcdtymrnta HralnornnxlomcaieiLdonoi a". Intoxicating .ttmulanu.Ut use l'arUr' 2inr Tonlj l.m :0il!, !.:'J?vtc",i,,iml,,ten' "rrcMa, lOietima. Linrn--i? i Ln,r . l"ordcr of the hiiit., 1 ONic tt ilkurc j ou, It (Jrcateit llluod rurifKr Mi tho Sett anil Surctt Cough Cura Cvcr UscJ. If you are waiting way fromrge, ilusination or any Uiscaw or ucalncu and reuuirc a ttiniulam tak a I.IMKU i loMCatoncoi lUilllmvijoraie ni.dta,U you up froni tho first , lose but uill nevir iutuxicam, It has aaved hundreds of Ino; it may sao lours CAUTION ln,fo.. ill ittrtllum I'u W. ClnorTiLl. I. n,ro4 il lb. Ul r.iii.,11.1 tiuli toil,,, ,,'j bullt, . ' ?n 7. ?" rv"1?"!" t'.V""" S'"1 flnalarti HUtoj & Co., N. V, (Oc, i i 1 ,Un, at u.I( In J,u,.,, GREAT 6AV1NQ '.l'ya P0llri tYtk. 111 rlcll anil hltlllfr frrni.r. .-.,. .(.. ilelish fuli mnc cxceditly popular. 'Ihcro lanothlug like It. Im!t t,!on having rioLi. TON Colwonb and oolc for ii mm, hAUOE SAVIVCI 111 yimj V t7T. I WorcU 3,'6J1y, HAIRB ER TONIC on SUCSCRIBE NOW FOIt THE COLUMBIAN S2.00 A YKAll.