The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, May 19, 1882, Image 3

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The Columbian.
Kill DAY, MAY li), 1882.
Correct ItiillritiitlTlmc Table.
Tralni on tho Philadelphia k It. II. leavo Hupcrt
oa follows i
0 19 a. in. 11 M a. m.
4 io p. m. o 43 p. m.
Trains on tlio I). L. t W. 11. It. leave llloomsburg
as follows!
Nonrii. booth.
I 89a.m. 01 a.m.
19 11 p. in. II 4 a. in,
a io p. in. 4 11 p. in.
Tho 11 41 train south connects with tho Phila
delphia K Heading at Hupcrt, and with tho
Northern Central at Northumberland.
Hereafter wo shall go to press nbout
three hours earlier on Thursdays, than
has lieeu our custom, lu order that nil
mulls can he made In tho nfernoon. All
mutter for Insertion must he hnmlcd In on
Wednesday, and nil communications must
ho mailed In time to rench us Tuesday
night, or Wednesday morning tit tho
latest. No matter for publication will ho
received on Thursday except In very
urgent cases.
Mr. George S. Eves, of Wllllamsport,
formerly from Columbia county, called
nt this ofllco on Wednesday.
Editor Lcuhart of the Htrwlck Gazette was
In town on Wednesday.
L. Hernhard started Thursday for New1
York nnd Philadelphia to purchase now
goods for his jewelry store.
licv. V.. II. Wltmnn of Benton was In
town on Wednesday.
llev. N. S. Buckingham of Lcwlsburg
was visiting friends In town this week.
Dr. E. E. Hlgheo superintendent of
Public Instruction, registered at tho Ex
change Hotel on Wednesday.
Several communications are crowded out
this week.
Thu largest stock of straw huts ever
opened In llloomsburg, at David Lowen
bcrg's. Cnll nnd sec.
Mr. Joseph I.amon of Berwick lost his
youngest son, Percy, by spinal meningitis
on Tuesday of last week.
Berwick lists adopted a new lot of ordi
nances, which were published in full in
the Independent nnd Gazette last week.
There will be an adjourned court on
June Sflrd when the nrgument list will bo
Pens, pencils, pen holders, ink, rubbers,
muclliige in great variety at the Columiuan
At the junior contest i n oratory nt
Lafayette college, recently, Grant S. Her
ring took (he first prize.
MoyerBios. have put in a night bell at
their drug store, nnd nrc prepared to fill
picsciiptions nt nil hours of tiiu night.
may 10-3 w
John McNeish, nn old resident of tills
town, died nt thu residence of his son-in-law,
C. C. Mncmlllnn nt West Pittston, on
Tuesday morning, nged 70 yenrs.
Tombstones to mark the soldiers' graves
linvn been received, nnd nrc stored at W.
II. Gilmoru's, where they will bo delivered
to tho proper persons. A list will be pul)
lished soon.
Lllley Sc Sleppy nre pushing their busi
ness at Ornngcvillo with great energy. It
is said that tho Telephone exchange nt that
place will lie located in their store.
We havu received a copy of a very small
paper printed nt Berwick, nnd called 3 he
Aesthete. Just what its mission in life is,
does not appear.
Patrons of the Telephone should be
guarded In their expressions. There is no
tellinir who may he listening along the
Tho largest stock of straw lints ever
opened in Bloomsburg, nt David Lowcn-
berg's. Call nnd see.
Tho ladies of the Lutheran church will
give n strawberry and ice crenm festival
nn Friday and Saturday evenings of next
week, May 2(lth nnd 27th In Evans Hall.
Hoses, Verbenascrnniums, Colcus, &c,
for bedding for sale cheap nt Dillon's
Green Houses. He grows only tho best vn.
The Tclcphono wires nrc nearly all up,
Ilupert nnd Catnwissa nrc now connected
with Bloomsburg, nnd poles are being
erected between hero nnd Danville, It will
bo completed by June 1st.
Hnrman & Hnsscrt have made their
place of business much more convenient
by running n switch from the railroad.
They liavo olso built a new nddition In
which they expect to manufacture mining
Mr. Frank Brockwny, a brother of C. B,
Broekwny, who is a citizen of Salem town-
ship, Luzerno county, will bo a demo
crntio candldutu for Prothonotary in that
county. If elected ho would make a good
Mr. Morris ViinBusklrk, who was well
known in tills community, died ntWll
liamsport, on Saturday last (Mny 13) aged
04 years. Of Into years hu was an nctlvo
worker in the church nnd Sunday schools
of Wllllamsport.
A receipt from tho collector Is tho only
legal evidenco Hint a tax lias been paid. If
not credited on the duplicate, and there.
foro every tnx.paycr should demand n re.
eclpt if ho wishes to avoid tho possibility
of having to pay his taxes twice.
Forsytho & Hockafcller, tho Espy mer
chants, havo u supply of the Nnnticoko
coal which they offer for salo at low fig
ures. As theru lias been no coal yard
nearer than tho railroad for some time,
this will bo n convenience that tie people
In Hint vicinity will appreciate.
Tim last lccturu of tlid rnnrsi' under
nusnlces of tho Lecture LvciMim will
delivered by Col. J. A. Prlco nt thu Opera
Houso on Friday evening May 20. Subject!
"Napoleon nt Moscow." As a public
speaker Col. Prlco lias few superiors and
ho will no doubt havo a large audience
Admission 25, US and CO cents.
The Town council having rejected
offer of tho Water comnnnv for water
tiro protection, and no other formal propo
sition Having uecu mane, tnu work of dis
connecting tho plugs from tho mains began
on Wednesday, and now 11 theru should
n nro tnu t own is at tnu mercy of
flames. Tills Is progress.
As yet no arrangements havo been made
for thu proper observance of Decoration
Day. Theru was some tulk by thu flro
companies, of taking cliurgo of thu cere
monies, tho exercises of thu day to con
cludu with un Inspection of the flro depnit
ment. What will hu duiio Is as yet unrer.
Now that the Town has no better pro.
tcctlou ngalnst flro than It had twenty years
ago, thu flro department may ns well bo
disorganized. It seems useless for tho lire,
men to pay rent nnd monthly dues If tho
facilities for fighting flro arc taken front
them by the authorities.
Tax collectors should supply themselves
with our receipt books which contain re.
clpts for State, county, road, poor, nnd
school tax nil In one, or they enn bo used
for nny ono of them. Hooks of CO receipts
well bound only 20 cents. Sent by mall for
28 cents. Address Columbian, llloomsburg
Messrs. Forsytho & llocknfellcr have
purchased of Ocorgo llucklo at Espy, his
store at tho canal bridge, nnd are con.
stantly adding to their stock. Mr. For
sythc'.ls a merchant of soma yenrs experience,
having been In tho business In Northuin.
bcrland county. Mr. Hockefcllcr Is n
nephew of Judge Rockefeller of Sunbury,
nnd both nro encrgctlo nnd enterprising
business men. We havu no doubt they
will command a fair proportion of patron
The largest stock of straw huts ever
opened In Bloomsburg, nt David Lowcn-
b erg's. Cnll nnd see.
On Friday last No. 2 school of tho
Third Street building, taught by Mr. II.
Buckingham and Miss Ilupert entertained
thu purents and friends of thu children
with literary exercises preceding its clos-
lug Wednesday, May 17th. The painting'?,
drawings, flowers, the fine bearing of the
children nnd the interest they took in their
work showed thu culture nnd studious
habits of thu pupils and the instructive
ability of thu teachers.
On Wednesday evening Col. J A. Price,
of Scronton, delivered nn nblc, eloquent,
mill stirring lecture; subject! "Napoleon
at Moscow." As n public speaker hu his
few superiors. He held the large audience
spell.bound from tho beginning to the
close, when he was heartily applauded.
It was our ptlvllego to bu present, nnd
seldom have wc been more Intensely In
terested. The lloncsdak Citiicn, i'a.
Col. Price will deliver this lecture at tho
Opera House on Friday evening May 20th.
After the efforts of the committee to fur
nish us with a first class lecture course,
they should bu given iv full house nt thls,thc
close of the senson.
Ilcuhen Hnrris was re-elected a consta
ble for Bloomsburg nt the spring election.
Shortly before court he went uwny saying
hu was going to visit his mother. Ho did
not appear at court to make his return,
nor did he give a bond, nnd has not been
heard from since so far as the public
knows. Milton E. Cox was nppointed to
till the vacancy, on a petition presented to
the court Inst week, nnd tho duplicnte of
Town tax that was In Harris' hands has
been given to M. C. Woodwnrd for settle
ment. It has already been ascertained
Hint quite a number of persons who hold
receipts are not credited on the duplicate,
and many others claim to havo paid Harris,
but took no receipts. From all tho cir
cumstances surrounding the case we feel
safe in saying that Harris has "skipped."
It is Impossible ns yet to tell how much he
collected that is unaccounted for, or how
many persons there nre who will hnve to
pay their tax a second time. The moral
of this is, that no man should pay a cent
of tax to u collector without taking a
receipt therefor.
I tic largest slock or straw nats ever
opened in Bloomsburg, at David Lowcn
berg's. Call nnd see.
Samuel T. Dougherty, n young man who
wrote a letter to thu Philadelphia Timet
concerning marriageable girls, received
among numerous other answers, a commu
nication from Catuwissa, signed "Mnblo
Hall." Who she is, if she is a she, we do
not know, hut we give her letter in full,
ns she must bo a young lady of varied ac
complishments if her letter is not a hoax.
I read your letter to-day in Tub Times.
I am sorry you did not give your address.
I would rather havo written directly to
you. 1 am a girl of about the age you
wish. I wns just 20 a month ago, I can
wash and iron. Will do up your shirts
just as nneiy ns you enn nave tncin done
at any laundry. I can get you up a Bplen-
did meal, when I have plenty to do it
with, nud on very short notice, too. I can
bake excellent bread and tip-top cakes
when 1 Have good Hour to do It with, illy
mother tells me I am an excellent house
keener in all respects. She often goes
away on long visits and leaves mo to keep
house. Besides that I am a lady who can
move in first class society. I am n collcirc
graduate, and also quite a musician. If
you should choose mo to bo your wife,
after having my liousu work done, I could
often amuse you by singing nnd playing
tor you. l can do almost anything you
wish me to. I can hitch up u horse as
well as any man, and curry one, too. I
often do for pupa when he is busy. I am
not very anxious to cot married, though,
So, if when I meet you, you do not suit
me, I'll say no, no matter how much you
like me, for I have a good home anil don't
need to marry if 1 do not wish to. I gen
erally have a few music scholars and tliat
gives me some extra sncndinii money.
But for all that I would rather marry, if I
can get u mod cnancc, than to "live and
die an old maid."
Respectfully yours, Maiii.k Hall.
Ca.ti.whsa, Pa., May (Ith, 1882.
Court l'roccccliiiKH.
August Fremiti vs. C. W. Miller. Verdict
for defendant.
In tlie matter of lunacy of Clark Harder,
court direct Hon. F. L. Shumnn to hold
said inquest instead of C. Ellis. Six jurors
from tho present panel weru drawn for said
purpose, viz. G. W. Derr, J, Comstock, C,
C. hughes, A, L. McIIenry, James L. Hess,
and Wm. Brcdbcnner.
James Barton vs. William Vnrr, ct. nl
Verdict for thu plaintiff for $514.80 for the
lands described in the writ.
On petition Milton E. Cox was appointed
constable for tho town of Bloom to till vn
W. L. Frcas, Henry Learn and Gideon
G. Hosier were nppointed viewers for a
road In Centre township.
Estate Samuel Shaffer. On petition Wm
Shaffer nnd B. F. Hnrtmnn were discharge
ed from tho trust funds of David Shaffer
nnd John Applemnn substituted.
Estates of Thomas Davis, Sarah Seihert
Frederick Shaffer, James Kitchen and
Jnred Harrison, auditors reports continued
Clark Harder, u lunatic. Clinton Ellis on
motion was appointed committee.
Tlios. Groveling, Abraham Snyder, John
a. Quick, John S. Menseh, Win. M. Mon
roe, David Mauser and Peter S. Knrshuc
appointed viewers to assess damuges in tho
cases of Jacob Swank, Archibald Lewis,
Josiah Struuscr, Casper Houwn and Mich'
ucl Heeco against the N. fi W. B. Hallway
By order of Court LIzz.Iu Done, n lunatic
was committed to tho Danvlllo Asylum.
Tho license or 1 nomas I. bhuinnu was
upon petition transferred to Clunks All
Joseph T. Hcedcr, Jcbsu John and Win.
G. Fisher weru appointed viuwcis for a
road in Locust township near Israel Ash
O. D. L. Kostenbauder vs. J. B. Knlttle.
Motion for a new trial over-ruled.
Freas Brown and Joseph Sharpless were
appointed appraisers in tho matter of thu
assignment of 0. 11. Brockway.
All kinds of paper, pencils, pens, Ink
and envelopes nt thu Coumiiiax store.
Hip Vim -Winkle AkiiIii.
Thuever-dellghtful "Ilp Van Winkle" Is
"wnklng up" lately In tens of thousands of
American homes where only his famu has
heretofore entered, Tho Useful Knowledge
Publishing Company, New York, has pub.
lished this nnd otherof thefamoussketches
of Washington Irving In nn exquisite llttlo
volume, ns bountiful ns often finds a plare
in the homes of ordlnnry mortals, nnd at a
ineru pittance In price lficts. In Utility
binding, 2.'icts. In cloth, 8!jct9, In half Bus.
sla, nnd iOcts. In extra cloth, red-line, gilt
edges. These nro being scattered broad
cast as specimens of the quality of book
making and of the marvellously low prices
of this now publishing company and they
nro winning for them tho friendship of lens
of thousands who delight in beautiful
books as well as In cheap and good litem-
lire. Enterprising booksellers will supply
their publications, nnd club agents nnd
canvassers are wanted In every county and
town, to whom very unusual terms nnd fa
clllties nre given. Catalogues with sped
men pages nnd terms will be sent upon
I'roiii Center.
County Commissioner lllchnrt has locat
ed his saw mills on thu farm of cx-Com-mlssloner
Polio mid Is fast converting ids
hugu pile of logs into marketable lumber.
Mr Pohc claims to have about forty tlious-
nud feet of walnut lumber which at the
present quotations, will bring him a snug
little sum.
Mr. William Miller is suffeilng from cry
slpclas in his face which has quite dlsflgur
ed him for thu present, but us tho disease
Is now under control It Is hoped that he
will soon bu out again.
Supervisor Frederick Hngcnbuch is
proving himself to be the right man lu the
ight place by lilting the holes In tlio roads
with slate from the hills Instead of mud
from the gutters. When we saw him en
gaged nt this work last Tuesday with nbout
n half dozen teams we said to ourselves
and our neighbor, "Fred knows how to
repair the roads. He's our man."
The recent cold, wet weather seems to
have struck a fatal blow to the wheat crop
In this section. With the exception of a
few fields, tho present appearances will not
warrant moru than a half crop. Grass Is
quite thin and spotted also in a great many
fields in tho valley.
The school at the Grange Hull, In chnrgu
of Mr. Hicks, and the onont Hidlay, tnught
by Miss Ella Crcveling, are well attended
nnd appear to be giving very good satis
faction. Mr. J, II. Aikmnn has his house about
finished. What next, John f
I'rom Htlllwnter.
M. McIIenry & Bro. and J. F. McIIenry
have just received their Spring slock of
goods and nrc now prepared to furnish
their customers with such articles as nre
usually kept in a country store.
The recent wet spell lias put corn plani
ng back several days, and those who
planted are a little uneasy us to its growing;
however they report favoiablc yet.
Monday was a gala day for our esteemed
friend Daniel McIIenry, as It was thu fidth
anniversary of his birthday. Quite a number
of his friends and nei ghbors gave him an
agreeable surprise. An excellent dinner
was prepared nnd heartily partaken of by
nil present. Turkey, chicken nud trout
Hindu up a portion of it, with most excel
lent icu cream to finish up on. All enjoyed
It, but none more than friend Dan. May
he livu to bo surprised many more times.
Our roads are in u very bad condition
worse than usual owing to the large amount
of heavy hauling.
Ellis Stoker is busily engaged collecting
material to build him a fine dwelling house
this Summer. Friend Ell. Is ono of our
most Industrious nnd prosperous farmers
A drove of very fine cattle passed through.
hero this week for some market down the
W. 31. Appleman and Boyd McIIenry arc
erecting a large wagon and blacksmith
shop in Benton.
Wo are still nnxiously awaiting railroad
communication witli Bloomsburg. When
consummated wu will come and see you
There nre now from a dozen to fifteen
portable saw-mills operating within one to
eighteen miles of lids place. "Woodmen
spare that tree, fee."
Letter from I'liilntlclplila.
Chat aiiout ladies fashions, sew stylus
and mateisiai.s. Pkhsonai. aioi:nmknt.
What is ooinq on-.
Philadelphia, May 15.
Tho city has had its facu most thoroughly
washed, and is us clean us u new pin. The
northeaster was protracted and dismal but
has gone away with less damage than was
AND NOW Fill; hl'lMNG AltltAV !
The ladles nru happy in the sunshine
with their new Louis XV dresses. The
new mnntlu of gauze brocaded with velvet
lu large designs is very popular. It is
draped over the iirni nnd extends down to
thu waist. The high neck has a turned
down collar.
Lyons silks nro greatly in favor this
spring. -Most beautiful toilettes aro made
of them. They nru in tun-color, nnd many
shades of brown, with such floral emboli
isliiueuts as piuks,pansles and daisies.
Toilettes lor out-of-town wear nro of
plain nnd stumped vcnetlon foulard. The
skirt Is of plaited flounces, whllu over the
hips aro two rounded panlers of plain
foulard. Tliu waist opens in front with
two points. A pretty woman in this cos.
tiimu is nothing short of charming.
Twinu color is now thu correct tiling for
straw huts. Huts nru worn lurgu.
Sunshades arc largu and covered will
flowers. They mutch the dress, or at least
follow lis coloring.
Small "Grcenaway" llgures are all the
rugu for funs, handkerchiefs and designed
A lady apppeured with a Scotch looking
poodle of twenty pounds weight uround
whose neck wus a delicate lilac Kiitlu rib.
bon with thu ends hnud.paluted most
daintily with pausles nnd other tlorul cm
bellishments. The dog gnaws bones and
things like others of his race.
Twine lueu is in Imitation of Irish and
Venetian guipure1, old French point and
other fancies in laco. Some vaiietles aic
very costly.
One of thu prettiest decorations lu thi
Hue for a young lady is an engagement
ring. Plain gold Is still tho style, but din
iiionds aro In high favor with th:so who
don't mind thu price, llnlloy, Bunks fc Bid
dlo sny that most of tho 'plain gold" thvy
sell for tills purpose, ruugo from ten to
twenty-live dollars. Diamond rings run
from i25 up to nny prlco you please
Tliero aro soniu charming ones at Bailey's,
Luce-pins, bracelets, brooches and all that
sort of thing nro just us much culled for
as ever, and tho pretty novelties In tinted
sliver which aro delightfully Inexpensive
aro voted exquisitely beautiful.
Tliero nro !1700 barbers lu this city.
"Friends' Meeting" Is In session nt
Fifteenth nnd Ituce.
Preparations for thu Grand National
Sangerfest nru lu progress, on a inagnifl
cant scale.
Strikes aro threatened In nearly nil
thu leading branches of labor.
I-'IhIiIhk Crock itciiiH.
Thu late rains hnve mnde thu roads very
Sir. Peter Kline has taken tho contract
to cut and peal bark on thu tract owned by
thu Montgomery heirs.
Bclshlluu & Bros, with their portnblu
mill nnd J. P, Croasy'snre not the only mills
to bo there I understand. .Mr. Everett Is
going to put ono In to saw Montgomery.'
Some of our farmers havo planted Ihelr
corn but the majority havo not, and arc
waiting patiently to scu It clear off once
more. The grain Is springing up finely.
Some pieces nro looking good, but others
nro looking very bad. The grass crops nro
1 have noticed that the Stlllwotcr corres-
pondent has been so very nnxlous nnd conn;
corned nbout peoplo violating tho fish Inwc
nnd would say to the people generally that
the violation of thu fish law docs not con
sist only In setting hoop nuts but that put
ting In set lines to catch ells is contrary
to law, and a case of that kind was tried lu
our court and the man was fined and paid
court charges. So If this bo true tliero nro
a great many violators of thu law.
Our friend W. N. Hosier Is doing n right
good business at Jonestown.
It. C. Parks, tho miller In tho Jones mill
Is doing all that lies lu his power to do
ustlec to his customers. Try him, he is
very accommodating nnd will draw a largu
The popular merchant Spoken of the
Forks news of last week Is not J., W. Am
monium but is J, M. Ammonium, nnd S. C,
Slilvc Is nlso Incorrect, it Is Samuel Shlve.
I received a lino from Mr. Shivos .Satur
day evening roferlng ino to my mistakes,
nnd would sny thnt tho Fishingcrcck con
respondent is not responsiblo for that as he
did not write them, I suppose it was some
new comer in the placo and would wnm
them hereafter to give thu names correctly
as it oftlines gives offence.
Beautify your homes and make
pleasant and attractive with llowurs
Dillon's Green Houses.
Ml fill 11 lteuiH.
Miss Lizzie Watson of Watsontown Is at
present visiting her numerous friends, at
tills place.
Mr. John Brown the miller, lost a very
valuable horse on Friday last. This is the
eighth one since ho is ut thu business. .
Miss Lizzie Hitler will represent the Lutli-
crnn Sunday School nt the county conven
tion nt Buckhorn.
Mr. 0. llurpstcr bought a Ilugerstown
Mil. thresher. Tho niuchlnc is a separator
and will be by far the best one In this town
ship. ' ; .'
Quite a number of the colored men who
arc employed on tho new railroad frequent
ly attend the different Churches. They nl
ways bchavo well nnd show respect for the
house of God.
Wu frequently notice in the county pa
pers the peoplo cautioned ugalusl tlio "run
about" swindlers. Wo would just say Us
a word of caution that a "snenk" passed
lb rough heru a few weeks ago trying to
sell lottery tickets; he generally failed but
inquired the road to an old crippled gentle
man living.tdong the. Ncscopcck mountain,
whom he soon met and persuaded to buy
eighteen dollars, worth of tickets. He then
said the lottery would bu drawn nt'Blooms.
burg in about a week. The swindler left
after receiving Ids mouuy jtnuitliu jiuuu or
lottery has never been heard of. slilcevnpr
is ne expected ny uiu um iimu wuum.iiu
cheated. Should hu ever bu caught In these
parts he might bo dealt with like the dog
that sucked eggs.
Many of tho farmers are in the bark busi
ness but not so many at planting corn yet.
Mr. Chas. Reynolds madu Ids appearanco
again a few days ago. Ho is formerly of
this phtco but had been for some tlmo nt
woik at Berwick, where ho was attacked
with fever and spinal disease nnd lay for
many weeks supposed to he at the point of
Miss Laura Hngenbuch, of Contro was
the guest of Mrs. Horace Creasy, over Sun
day. Harvey Burd has started u wheelwright
shop at West Mifflin and in connection with
A. Hoffman the blacksmith, Is doing a
nourishing business.
Something ails our hand again. Some of
the boys have left. Come boys, wu need
moru help.
A great many of our people attended thu
funeral of Mr. Hiram Kikendall on Friday.
Tlic IreHlileut JiulucHlilp.
Thu following correspondence explains
Hon. William Elwki.i, '
Dear Sir.
Tlio under
signed members of thu Bar of Columbia
county, in view of thu approaching end of
your second term us President Judgu of the
20th Judicial District, hereby request that
you will consent to hu a candidate for re
election to your present office.
Jliloomsburg, Pcnna., May, 1883.
John G, Freczu
O. It. Buekulew
Samuel lCnorr
E. it. Ikeler
C. 11. Brockwny
B. Frank Znrr
Hervey E. Smith
Wm, Chrlsinan
Paul E. Wirt
C. C. Peacock
L. S. Wintcrstceii
W. L. Eyerly
A. O. Smith
J. II. Mnlzu
L. T. Thompson
llobt. S. Howell
W. J. Buekulew
Guy Jncoby
F. Stewart
E. H. Little
C. W. Miller
Chnrles G. Barklcy
W. II. Bhawn
Wm. Bryson
1!. Buckingham
A. li. Frilz
John C. Yocum
H. V. White
L. E. Waller
J. B. Bohlson
ltoht. It. Utile
T. J. Vanderslicu
O. B, Jackson
Frank P. Billinuyer
John M. Clark
A. K. Oswuld
Win. Snyder.
We thu undersigned members of thu Bar
of Montour county, join In the foregoing
request of thu members of thu Bar of Col
unibla county.
Edward II. Baldy William J. Baldy
Joshua W. (,'onily B, K. Ithodes
Win. C. Johnson Frank C. Angle
Geo. D. Butler ' Henry Vincent
H. M. Hinckley John C. Montgomery
L. K. Mowrer I. X. drier
James Searlet Edward S. Geurhart.
IMF. llKl'I.Y.
To thu Bar of tho 20th Judicial District
In complying with
your unanimous request thnt I will conscnT
to bu a candldutu for re-electlou to thu otK
flco of President Judge, I cannot refrain
from expressing the gratification which
this token of your confidence und rognrd
has inspired, If it shall please the people
to ratiry your choice It will ho my pleas,
uru to servo them to thu best of my ability.
Your Obedleut Servant
Wii.iiAM Elwki.i.,
Bloomsburg, May 15, 1882.
Ma It Bitters. M nit, Hops, Quinine, Baik
etc., A blood food for women, nursing
mothers, sickly children, tho nged, con.
vnlescent, overwoiked, emaciated, nervous
und sleepless. Fifty times moru nourls hlug
tliun any mult liquors,
iCIonttitr Kx'crclneii.
jhtpulillo qchools f,C. thi town were
closfd ,ort Vcdiicsiiay nft'ernoon, with np.
proprliito ,cXcrc!sus n( the Opera House.
Thb iinll was latcfiitly decorated, nnd
around tho sides wcro arranged easels on
which wer'd displayed specimens of pen
lunhshlp, drawing, designing nnd lettering,
nil hcntly executed. Every aVnllnble space
was filled bjthcschool children nrtdfipec
tat6rs..Thc, stngo s occupied by the
Board of Directors, Dr. E. E. lllgbcc, Bu-
perlntcndcnt of Public Instruction, County
Superintendent Grimes, nnd Col. Freeze.
Ihu order of exercises wns nnnouncedby
W. II. Snyder, principal, nnd wns ns fol
lows: Instrumental Solo, Miss Irenu Phillips.
Address by J. C. Brown for Board of
Vocal Duett, Annie Fox nnd Cora Hagen-
Address by Dr. Hlgbee.
Instrumental Trio, Miss Eut. iilano. Mns.
ter.I. Pursel, piccolo, and W. Holmes, vio
Addiess by Col. J. 0. Freeze.
Vocal solo, Mlss-Mury Hendurshott.
Quintette by Misses, Jennie Harman,
Cora llageubiich, Mary Ilendcrshott, Cal-
lie Ilendcrshott, Flora Jones.
J. C. Brown In his remarks paid a high
tribute to tho Normal School, nnd said tint
the aim of tho public school was to prepuro
students to enter tho senior class nt tho
Normal, and thus cnablu It to turn out
classes numbering tittles, where now they'
number only tens; that the success of ono
Is tho success of the other.
Dr. Hlgbee madu n very Interesting and.
forcible address. He said tliero arc nearly
000,000 children In the public schools
who are to be thu men nnd women of.
futuie, nnd therefore tho future welfare
tho commonwealth depends upon the prop,
cr cnro.for these children. Tlio public
sch ools must accomplish tlio grcnt ,worK
that can bo donu by no other ngenoy. 9
Col. Freezp.spokc of thu grcnt chances
that hnVo'tukcn placo In schools nhdsohoftll
houses since he wns u boy, nnd censured
those parents who permit their children to
run tho etrefcts Instead of being in school.
Mr. Snyder read n report of the several
schools for thu past term, and uftcr invif
ing the uudlenuo to examine the work of
the pupils, the exercises closed. Our com
mon schools nre u just sourcu of pride, nnd
the teachers who so faithfully perform
their duties, und the Board of Directors
wiio have managed the affairs of the dis
trict to satisfactorily arc. entitled to the
thanks of thu public forjlieir efforts'.
On 'Milrty I)iih Trial.
AW Will Qoml ril-.nt-no I 'nlnlicil,1 T?1nr,.
Voltaic Belts nnd other Electric Appliances
on trial for thirty days to young men nnd
older persons who nre nflllcted with nerv
otts debility, lost vitality, etc., guaranteeing
speedy relief and complete restoration of vig
or nnd manhood. Also for Hhcumntlsm,Ncu
ralgla, Paralysis, Liver and Kidney difficul
ties, Itupturcs nnd many other diseases. 11
lustrntcd pamphlet sent free. Address
Voltaic Belt Co., Marshall, Michigan.
Oct. 23, '81-ly
A package of music that 'will suit all
tastes, makes its appearance from the pub
lishing house of Oliver Ditson & Co. Of
the eight pieces, "Tho Old Folks nnd tho
Old Home so dear" (80 ctsj), by Tucker,
deservedly occupies' the first place, but lias
a worthy companion in Tennyson's "Hiv-
uiei" (iju eta.;, arranged as a iduet by Hint
llrst-rnte composer, F.','Itoot;f "I loved
thee then, I loyo, thecnow'.' ,(40 cts.), by
Pilisuti. Is n love sonc in three lanmiarrcH.
nnd "O Salutnris". (U0 cte), a sacred duet
by M'Cnbc, willpliasefchoir singers. There
is also an easy " Piano' "piece'," "She samr
umoiig the Flowers" (25 cts.), by Small-
wood ; "uouien Tress i'i
olka" (30 cts.). by
Jewell; nud "Claude
cts.), by LcBaron.
Duval March" (35
g in
Gross's New York store, Bloom.
Farmers dealing nt W. B Allen's enn
accommodated with stabling, npr. 7-tf,
Shirts, collars, cuffs &c. at Gross's New
York store.
Go to Dillon's Green Houses for the best
early cabbage and tomato plants. Perfec
tion tomato is the best.
The finest line of lints
caps at
Gross's New York store.
For fringes, gimps, laces or any kind
oi uress trimmings go to i.utz .v Moan's.
You can get nn nil wool suit of clothes
nt Gross's New lork store for $7.00,
Go to W. E. Gcddis, Hailroad street for
general collection of green liousu und bed
ding plants. npl 7-3m
Flour und feed can always bu had ut
Allen's East cud grocery. npril 7-tf
Clark Sc Son havu been to thu elites nnd
thoy have one room 1)0 feet long jnnd 00
feet of thnt filled with'hosiory, laces, gloves
fringes, buttons, dress trimmings and
fancy goods and notions, the balance with
staphs domestic dry goods. Tho annex-
room is -70 feet, and that is tilled wiih
'dross goods consisting of black and color
ed dress siiks. satins, nun's 'rollings, lie
Beige, cashmeres, huntings, powder cloths
&c. Indies' ready madu jackets, linen
ulsters and cloths to make most anything
that a lady may want. Clark & Son aro
selling off u lino of ladles' and chlldrcus'
hats und bonnets iust received from New
York nt lowest prices. Tho best domestic
dress ginghams 121 cts. ner yard. 'Well.
come mill sou for yourself for there is too
much to tell you about; new novelties
dully nnd ut prices not to bo undersold by
nny, Oh! wo hnve forgotten white dress
goods and embroideries but will tell you
tiiiout litem iigiiln.
Clillds' suits from 5 to 10 years of ngc nt
ut uross s jnow xorK store.
New collars, neckties and hnnilker.
chiefs at Lutz Si Sloan's.
In thu absence of John oS, farmers
winding farm machinery will please call at
u. ii. Aliens,
Itememher that Lutz & Sloan's napkins,
tauiu linens ami towels uru goon and chea
Boys' suits from S3.00
upwards at
Gross's Now York store.
As good cigars us can lie found in town
are kept at . B. Allen's Kast end gro
eery. upril 7-tt
More new dress goods at LuU it Sloan's
Vt nut a nice suit ot clothes you can get
in uiossh ic- i oriv sioru ior ijo.uu,
Go to W. E. Gcddis, Hailroad street for
early vegetnlilo plants, of all varieties. !hn
Mot, 4, 'y. cm
Do not forget Unit Lutz Sc Sloan will tell
you silks us cheup as you can get them lu
IUU DllllU,
- . . -
W. 11. Allen bus Just opened a lot of new
goons, cmuracing imo groceries, glass,
ware, painted china, ipieeusware, Arc, All
of the best, and ut thu lowest prices.
Horses for sale. Ono or two good
young horses for sului also a lot of shotes,
at Llghtstrcet, liy Silas Young.
may 10-4 w
Great Bargains at C. W, Low's In
villo ns he Is selling nut his entire stock of
goods amounting to about six thousand
dollars ut cobt. npril 14 tf
Lumber, lots of it for side. I'luu boauls
12, 11, and HI feet long, pluu plank 12,
14 and 1(1 feet long, hemlock hoards 12, 14
nud HI feet long hemlock plank 13, 11, 10
nnd 18 feet long, joists 12, 14, 10 and 18
feet long, 2x1 rails 12, 14, 10 und 18 feet
long, bhlnglu lath, celling lath, shingles
No. 1, 2, and il. Pickets und siding nt
LIghtbtreet by Silas Young.
may 10.2 in
MARRIAGES. At Jlr, David Her.
ling's, Oranguvlllu, May 8th 1882, by Itev,
13. M. ChUcout, .Mr. Burnest B. H. Uemely,
of Shenandoah, to Miss Kniina H. lloltz,
of Poltsvillu, Pa.
Tim State Boaihi of Aoiuoui.TmiK.- The
Spring meeting of the Slate board of ngrl.
culture will bo held nt Allentown on Tues.
Iny, .Mny 23, nnd will continue lu session
for two (lays. An Interesting progrmnmo
has been prepared nnd twelve cssnys will
he rend by gentlemen who nro fully compe.
tent to Interest nnd Instruct their hearers.
1 here will be a lecture ench evcnlmr. ono
by Mr. Median nnd the other by Dr. Lcff-
mini. .Governor, Jlnyt, who Is president of
tlio bonrd. Is expected to bu present.
About thlrty-llvo or forty members of tho
bonrd will bo In attendance. Tlio meet
lugs nrc open to the public nnd It Is thu de
sire of the bonrd thnt there bo n full turn
out of farmers nnd others Interested In
grlcnltnre, fruit culture, etc., ns much
practical benefit can bo derived from at
tendance at the meeting.
Osborn's Family Paints ready for uso aro
thu most convenient article of tlio kind, all
shades and colors, put up lu J and pint
cans. Wu furnish a can of paint nnd brush
ior -m cents.
Haxollno Petroleum Jelly, used for burns
scalds and sores of every kind; It Is good
nnd clienp. Saxollne romadu for the hnlr,
nigniy pnriumcd, s,j cents.
Glycerine Lotion. To ladles and children
or nny licrson with a tine sensitive skin nnd
whosu complexion is affected by tlio weather
causing redness, roughness and chapping
tins i.ouoii is lnvniuaiiie. An excellent ap
plication to tho fnee nfter shaving. Lnrgo
ionics una uu cents.
beeii 'replenished nnd contnlns some good
u .j
Wc'cum' a complete nnd well selected
stock, nnd competent persons nronlwuys In
nttendnnce to sunnlv the wants of our nat
rons. Wo study to please, and bellevo wo
can sunnlv vou with everything in our lino
economically, satisfactorily and in n manner
calculated to induce to join In the verdict,
thnt our store is the place to trade. Hoping
to sec many renders oi the ijolumiiian nt
our place of business shortly nnd soliciting
n snare oi your esteemed patronage, wc rc-
nniii very Truly lours
N. J. Hendershott.
Tho iiii(1('ibIl'd(I au Utor.nnDutnUi by tho Or
phans' court of columhla county, oa exception to
fun account or .1. S. Ijizirm. aitminlstrator of
Catharine Lazarus drcensed.wiiperf orm tbcjdutlcs
or ivs nppoinimcir. at ins omce m nioiuniuurtf, on
Thu slay, .In no Kid. issj, nt ten o'cocka. ra.
when and where all persons Interested may attend
it inty s"jo proper.
Mayl9-4w Auditor.
tup under3li:ned auditor annolnted hy tho i
nhiin'a court of Coltnntla county, to makoillstrl-
outlon nmonir heirs and itRatees, of tho amount
decreed to hu In tho lir c!s of the oneculur pi said I
decedent. lii Derforra tue duties or ins unnoint-
ment at met ni-w oi it. it iKeicri-.sii , in ttiuoins-1
burtr.on Tuesday, .lunesitu, issi.nt ten o'clock la
thotnrenson. when and where allo-rsons Inter
ested must appear and prove their claims or bo
aconrrea rrom un? suurc ui saia iuuu.
mny 10 -iw Auditor.
KntinH la hprnh? iriven that tho understzaed
Anditir nnnointcd on eMeDtlonsnnd to make dis
tribution of thP fund In fie hands of the Trutteo
tn miikn Rnlrt nf tha rpnl estjitn of tho Bald dCCe-
denw to tho parties entitled thereto, will attend
at ns omco in liifoiiiauurw, un irau),ouui;ii
iK4i.iit.miM o'clock In thi afternoon forlho ourooso
of bis appointment. All persons havlnir tlulms
upon said fund uro reiuc3iid to miko tho same
before tho said auditor, or be forever debarred
fiom earning in on saia runu. ,,
UllAUll.3 it. li wuvua i ,
May 19 -at Auditor
Don't locate beforo seelni,' our
James ltlver Settlement, lllus.
RMMnMMMiUliUU IIW U, ...... .......
uriunuut, Surry Co , Vu. d .May 19 -4w
catalogue free J. P. MANDIIA,
31 H H I C
by eendlni; for circular to K. TourJoe.llosUm.Masa.
mny m -w u
I ITPTTQ l.'ll'Hovi:i) koot iiuuit sse.
U llVCiOpac.kiigo makes 5 gallons of n delicious
wnoirsome, tparkiiug temperance uoveruKu.
Ask vour drusrclst. or sent by mall for S5C. C K.
11IUKS, 4a N. Dela. Ave. l'htlada
may 19 -iw o
Poisons rccovcrlne from wastlnc diseases,
such as ninlariu, fevers, etc. , will be greatly
benented by tliu usu oi urown's iron Hit
ters, a truu tonic.
Tliu modern epicure is too often nllllcted
with ilvsnensia. indigestion or constipation
after having satiated his appetitu witli a
delicious bnnmiet nnd all tliu luxurles'of
the senson. Burdock Blood Bitters nru a
positlvu euro for these nnd all other disor
ders of the stomach. I'rlcu ijl.00.
1'iioof iwinvi:.
Wo havo thu most positlvu und convinc
ing proof thnt Thomas' Kclectric Oil is a
most effectual specific for bodily pain. In
cases of rheumatism and neuralgia it gives
lusliint relief.
Why do so many people wu seu around
us, seem to prefer to suffer and bo made
miserable by Indigestion, Constipation,
Dizziness, Loss of Appetite, Coming up of
tliu r ood, i ellow bum, when lor 70 cts.,
wu will sell them Shiloh s italizer. gunran-
teed to cure them. Sold by J. II. Kin-1
ports. may Ji-eow
Florcston Cologne is grateful to invalids,
because it is refreshing without thu sick-
enlng clfects of most perfume.
Made from harmless materlals.and adapt
ed to tho needs of fading and falling hair
Parker's Huir Balsam has taken thu highest
rnuk as un clegunt and lellablo hair re-
siilLou's OATAiiuu ukmkpy. A luarvc-
lous cure for Catarrh, Diphtheria, Canker
mouth, und Head Ache. Willi each bottle
theru is an ingenious nasal Injector for tliu
more suecesstul treatment ot thesu com.
plaints without extra charge. Price OOcts,
bold by J. If. Kinports. may C-eow.
This is beyond iiuestlon Ihu most success.
fill Cough Medicine wo havo uver sold, n
few doses Invariably euro thu worst cases
of Cough, Croup, ami Bronchitis, whllu its
wonderful success in thu euro of Consump
tion is without a parallel In thu history of
medicine. Since Its first discovery It has
been sold on a giinnintee, a test which no
other lnedlcluu can stand. If you havo n
Cough wu earnestly ask you to try it. Price
10 cts. nud syl.00. If your Lungs nru sore.
Chest, or Buck, Lame, usu Shlloh's Porous
riustcr. nice els. bold by J, II. Kin-
ports, inuy 5 cow
"llOl'llll ON HATS,"
Clears out rats, mice, roaches, Hies, nuts,
bed-bugs, skunks, chipmunks, gophers.
1UC. lllllgglSIS.
If thu lady who reads this curd when In
wunt of Spool Cotton will ask
for tho
"O. N.
she will obtain thu very best thread madu.
Ask for Clark's "Q. N. T." CVittcm nnd
see that you get it.
For salo by all leading dealers,
fill a -m
"Cells' Health Iteuewet" restores health!
nud vigor, cures Dyspepsia, Impotence,
ii .ii i-f d'
ifw itriit I'int JIA
,'t ' ' t' i'in.
j-4 v nt' Mwoit
: ,' i id wit
r , 'I'll'.
1 '
bexuiil Debility, ifl