The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, May 19, 1882, Image 2
THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. THE COLUMBIAN, J.' it BITrEHflfcUDER, Eillcrs' BLOOMSBURG, PA. ritIDAMAY 19th, 1882. Judgo Cummin of Williatnspovt in spoken of in somo (iitarters na Demo cratic candldruo for Governor. The Wnyno county lhrald advo cates tho nomination of William M. Nelson of that county for Governor. Though a largo numher of arrests havo been made, thero is as yet no clue to tho assassins of Lord Cavendish and Mr. Burko in Ireland. Large rewards havo been offered for tho capturo of tho criminals. Tho argument of Guiteau's exceptions was concluded beforo the full bench of Judges of the District of Columbia, on tho 11th inst. Thero is hardly n pos sibility of their rovcrsing .Tudgo Cox-, and ifthoy do not, Guitcmi will bo hung on Juno 30th. Tho Philadelphia Press informs us that "tho Bloomsburg Republican says that Senator Wolverton is tho kind of n Governor Pennsylvania wants just now." "Wo had not observed any such endorsement of Senator Wolverton in tho columns of tho Jlepubttean,but nre very glad to learn on such good author ity as tho, Press that our contemporary thinks just as wo do. Tho. WlUinmsport Mullelin says Hon. Charles Buckalcw 1ms consented to liu u candidate for Congress In his district tills year. This Is "colng away from home" for tho news. Wilka Jiarre Itccord May 12. If the Record had an exchange reader who would tako tho trouble to ascertain what is going on in neighbor ing counties, it would have learned that tho first announcement of Mr. Buckalcw's candidacy was mado in tho Coix'MBiArf of May 5th. It took the Record a week to find out what all the other dailies learned from the Couui iiian two days after our publication. Tho ten days granted to the officers in which to arrest John W. Dorsoy expired on Tuesday. Tho deputy mar shal announced that ho was unablo after diligent search to arrest John W.. Dorsoy, that warrants had been sent to New York, Vermont and Texas. The Crier then called Dorsoy's ii.imo in tho usual way, whereupon Mr. Carpenter arose and said John W. Dorsey was present in Court, and had becu in tho city for ten days. Dorsey pleaded not gudty. Tho hearing was adjourned until May 25 and Dorsoy gave bail in sum of $10,000. - m In tho eight Republican States of Kansas, Illinois, Iowa, Michigan, Min nesota, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Wis consin the Republicans, with 1,865,000 voters,havo planned to tako ninety Con gressmen,leaving twenty-ono to the mi nority of 1,640,000. Small wonder that tho Republicans denounce shot-guns, social ostracism and similar alleged Democratic agencies 1 Compared with a gerrymander in the namo of God and mortality, how ineffectual is tho bull dozing or bulldozer 1 Beneath tho reign of men entirely great the pencil is mightier than tho shotgun ! World. The river and harbor bill which has been completed by Congress appro priates 15,000 for tho Susquehanna river. It appropriates $4,123,000, or so much thereof as may bo necessary, to improvement of tho Mississippi river from the head of tho passes to Cairo, including tho harbors of New Orleans, Natchez, Vicksburg, Memphis and the rectification of tho Red and Atchafalaya rivers, at the mouth of tho Red river j 8600,000 from Cairo to tho Illinois river, and $200,000 from tho Illinois river to tho Des Moines rapids, which sums shall be expended by the Secretary of War in accordance with the plans, specifications and estimates of the engineers' department of tho army which, having been approved by tho Secretary of War, may bo adopted by the commission for such parts of the river as tho commission may not havo tho survey of. It provides, however, that no portion of this appropriation shall bo expended to repair or build levees for the solo and exclusive pur poso of reclaiming lands or preventing injuries to lands by overflows. Tho aggregate amount appropriated by the bill for tho improvement of rivers and harbors (exclusive of the amount ap propriated for the Mississippi and Mis souri rivers) is about t en and one-half millions of dollars. The Oameron Will Case, Tho somewhat famous William Camer on will case was finally disposed of yes terday by the Supremo Court affirming tho decision of Judge Elwell sustaining tho will. Tho chief contestant was Mrs. Jano Harrisou, daughter of tho testator, who receives under tho will about one-tenth as much as her sister, Mrs. John B. Packer, receives of the nearly a million aud a half of their father's estate. Tho case has been fought with great ability and muoh bitterness by a number of distinguished lawyers, and Mr. Packer, prominent as an ex-Congressman of considerable re putation, was severely criticised by JudgeBlack and others in the argument for the contestants, becauso ho had writ ten tho will that gavo tho bulk of the estate to his wife. Tho Supremo Court, however, tako occasion to vindicate Mr. Packer by declaring in tho opinion that there is nothing in the evidence "to impeach tho character of the gen tleman by whom tho will was drafted for integrity or professional propriety." It was an up hill effort to defeat the will in tho Supreme Court after it had been so broadly sustained by .Fudge Elwell. He is ono of tho not very largo number of Judges in tho State whoso legal decisions make tho Supreme Court take careful pauso before revers ing tho lower couit. Phila. Times Mat 15. The counsel for tho contestants were Judgo J. S. Black, Furinan Sheppard and Ulmrles b. Wolte. 'llioso in sup port ot tho will were Joshua Uomly, S. P. Wolverton nnd Ex-attorney gen eral Wayno MaoVeagh. Tho opinion of tho buprcmo Court is as follows. "Wo affirm this deereo upon tho nblo opinions .of Judgo Elwell, which wo adopt as tho opinions of this court. We think it proper to add that thero is not in tho evidence anything to im peach tho character of tho gentleman by whom tho will was drafted for in tegrity or professional propriety. In deed, his conduct throughout was characterized by tho nicest sense of honor." Cadet Whittaker, tho fellow who mutilated his own ears thinking there by to acquire prominence, is in tho West searching for employment. MM... IVlll't Unrrn litcnrd and si'V. I IF ' v --- eral otli'ir papers that havo been play ing the independent role, havo done just as everybody knew they would do, and aro now endorsing Cameron's tick ct, as mado at tno iiarnsuurg conven tion. They undertako to crawl through a very small holo by asserting that tho slato was broken by the nomination of Marshall for Congressman-nt-largci and because ono of tho five candidates named is not a machino man, they will support tho whole ticket. Tho leaders of tho Independent movement do not talk that way, nnd tho Independent convention will be held on tho 21th. Charles S. Wolfe says "tho ticket is made for war or slavish submission". Senator Mitchell has been Bclcotcd as a dclcgato to tho convention, and if they carry out what they say, nuothcr Republican ticket will bo placed in the field. If this be dono there will bo an opportunity for tho Democrats to ex erciso somo judgment in the selection of their candidates next month. A blunder would bo incxcusablo as well as suicidal. If wo cannot attain vie lory with a split in tho opposition we can never hope for it hereafter. The sure way to defeat the Stalwart Ma chino party is to join with tho Inde pendents in making a ticket that will command tho votes of all men who favor reform, and who honestly desire to put an end to tho reign of the most despotic dynasty that ever disgraced a state. THE SOOVILLE-GUITEATJ FAMILY. Mr. and Mrs. Scovillo havo been having somo private differences. They met at Chicago ono day last weck,how over, and had some kind of an under standing. Mrs. Scoville, when interviewed after her talk with her husband, said that she had dreaded it very much On ac count of tho temper shown by him. IIo had been writing her Very threat ening and abusive letters, using such epithets as she did not caro to quote. Among other things, sho says ho wrote her that if sho did not stop lec turing and working in behalf of her brother he "would make it so hot for tho threo Guitcaus that the two who were not hung would wisli they were." Sho had realized $200 from her Now York lecture and was to have appear ed in Boston and elsewhero but for Mr. Scoville's interference. Her husband wanted to get possession of their daughter Bertha in order to get the mother also. In the talk sho told Scoville that his attempts at coercion must cease ; that sue proposed to rent a nomo xor nereeu and lecture to savo her brother. If ho does not cease his interference,sho said, I will civo certain facts to tho New York papers and John Guiteau will tell what lie knows about Mr. Scoville. "For the sake of my children I will hold the worst for the present." She declared that Mr. Scovillo was more vnnoAim i n limn nun nnii nxnecicu. uuu hoped that thero would bo no more trouble. Elastio Eesolutions. V.vorvlrw1v knows that navtv plat forms aro " synonymous for emptiness, hypocrisy and deccptiveness. When they aro not amusing tney are generally con temptible. The platform of the late Ilarrisburg Convention is both. In a braco of resolutions we are told that James A. Garfield "exemplified in liia tviinln lifo .nid miblic career all those principles which constitute tho highest type or manuoou, ana a iew lines further down we are informed that Chester A. Arthur is a "wise, con ciliatory aud efficient" President enti tled to the suppoit of every Republi can. Tho man or men entrusted with tho framing of the resolutions must, in pen ning those lines, have felt some senso nf tlm riilip.nloiis in commendinir in tho samo breath two men whose political tendencies were eacu ine auupoues oi the other one breaking down what the other built up. A eulogy of Gar field and of Arthur is too much in tho nature of a ludicrous, if not a painful contrast. Wo havo no doubt that tho leaders of tho convention really thought what they said of Arthur, but tho Garfield rnonlntinti wna in their mind nothiner moro than a mere vapid formality for tickling tho "sentiment'' of tho party. The liarnpiu -principles, which muy speak of, they gave their most strenu ous efforts of their lifo to crushing out j thoy know perfectly well that thoso principles were never meant for their good j their real viow of Garfield is that ho was timid, false and treacherous. It is this kind of hypocrisy in platforms which becomes rank and intolerable. Phila Chronicle. The Alleged Agricultural College. Tho cvidenco taken recently beforo the Legislative committeo appointed to investigato tho affairs of the State Agricultural College was about as in teresting as anything of that character could be. It shows in somo measure what tho people of the stato could get for tho thirty thousand dollars a year whioh is paid for the maintenance of tho institution. If thero is not now thero lias been very recently every sort of variety in tho college, whoso principal achievements seem to bo quarrels be tween trustees, rows in tho faculty, drunken boys, cigaretto smokers, but so far as can bo ascertained no graduates in agriculture were turned out. There would uo a good deal ot inn in the evidenco if tho matter were not altogether too serious to make fun of. It is not at all amusing to bo compelled to contemplate the picture of boys of ten or twelve years of ago smoking tho greater part of tho timo nnd others but litt.e, if any older, reeling into their classes in a drunken condition. Ono hoy, at least, seems to have had tho de lirium tremens, aud one of tho faculty, when expulsion was Biiggested,said that if hoys were expelled tor merely get ting drunk it would not bo long beforo there would bo nomine lelt ot the col lege. Unless tho testimony taken is outrageously false, undoubtedly it is hotter that nothing should bo left of it. Many of these things havo long been known somo of them are now ; that this alleged agricultural college is a useless aud expensive thing is in no sensu new. It has been investigated beforo and never lound to havo any. thing which an institution of that sort ought to have. A committeo reported to tho Legislature of 1870 that there were eleven professors employed to teach forty six pupils, nnd that the objectB for which tho Stato pays largo sums of money are not carneit out. The investigation this year appears to 1 . 1! . 1. .1.! . iio mining uuv euuugii nuw iiiiugo iu justify it. . J ones. (Ilnnr linnil nnd voice, unsv hroathinf' sweet breath, perfect smell, taste and hearintr, no couch, no distress. Tliuuo are conditions brought about in catarrh by tho uso ot oanionis uadicai uure. Complcto treatment for 81. Why Mcdlocro Men are Selected, S'uico tho Republican State Conven tion has carried into effect tho com mands of Cameron in the nomination of tho. stato ticket he and his friends had slated long ago, the question is frequently asked why so obsciiro a man as Beaver should havo been selected as tho candidate for governor. This is easily nccouiitcd for. Tho boss is too shrewd nnd takes too good caro of his own personal interests to elevnto to power men who might back up their am bitions with superior talents. That this is trno has been demonstrated In every instance in which Cameron lmyiom inatcd a candidato for an important of fico. It is not tho policy of that wary politician to givo men of ability tho op portunity to acquire patronage, collect a strong following nnd perhaps let their ambitions induco them to becomo for midable opponents of tho ruling family. Cameron would havo boen)glad to take Beaver as a colleague into tho Senate for the samo reason thnt ho finds no ob jection to him as n republican nominee for governor. Beaver has never mado a brilliant record as a lawyer and dur ing liis short experience in polities lias worn tho Cameron collar with entire humility. There is no fear, therefore, should ho bo elected governor of Penn sylvania, that ho will be ungrateful enough to oppose Cameron, and should he attempt to do so tho boss would feel no alarm, as ho well understands that his nominee is u man who lacks the ability to make a great leader. It was with theso samo considerations in viow thnt Cameron accepted Mitchell as a compromise in tho deadlock on tho United States scnatorship, and exper ience has shown that his estiraato of tho man was not far from correct. The men of brains in tho republican party in Pennsylvania havo no chance for promotion under the Cameron dyncsty. Patriot. News Items. State Superintendent Higbco will bo Decoration day orator in Lebanon. Gen. E. S. Osborno will deliver the Decoration Day oration at Wilkes Har re. In countries where malaria is preva lent, or where tho climate is subject to sudden changes should bo found in every house Brown's Iron Bitters. At a meeting of tho democratic stand ing committee of Sullivan county, M. J. Lull, of Bernicc, was chosen Repre sentive delegate to the State Conven tion. Tho National Guard, Pa., will go into camp at Lewistown on August 5lh. Tho wholo division comprising the cn ,tiro guard of tho state go in together. Tho encampment will continuo seven days. HEARTILY RECOMMENDED. Don't condemn a good tiling becauso you havo been deceived by worthless nostrums. Parker's Ginger Tonic has cured many in this section, of kidney and nervous disorders, and we recom mond it heartily to such sufferers. Jfetes. Mr. Frank James, brother of the late Mr. Jesso James, is a marvel of ubi quity. Tho country seems full of him. Ho is seeu and recognized in nearly every Western city of importance about the timo ho is reported as pro menading Broadway, and at tho samo timo ho Btcps down into Georgia to write a letter Again ho is farming in Texas or managing a cattlo head on tho plains. There is evidently some thing too much of Mr. Frank James. Tho members of tho Lackawanna Agricultural Society havo nearly com pleted their arrangements for the spring meeting, which takes place on the 23rd, 2-lth, 25th, and 26th insts. The entries for all of the prizes have been filled. Veteran turfmen will bo there with their best horses ; Trinket, Huuibolt, May Queen, Okley, Josephus, and tho celebrated stallion Alexander. Meeting a business acquaintance of Gen. Grant on my return to New York. I nsked him if Grant's financial condi tion was improving. "I thiuk not," ho replied. "I think that Grant and all his sons have been losers by their specu lation. From what I hear, I doubt if Buck Grant (otherwise Ulysses, Jr.) now possesses any other money than what her father gavo his wife. For a little whilo things were booming with him ; but Grant and his sons nnd all their associates wero terribly hurt in Louisvillo nnd Nashvillo Railroad stock." Gincinalti Enquirer. "nUCIIUTAlllA." Quick, complete cure, all nnnoylng Kid ney, Bladder and Urinary Diseases. 91. Druggists. POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENTS. (Ml persons whoso names are announced In this column, are pieagea w noias Dy me decision 01 the Democratic convention.) FOll SHERIFF. At tho suggestion or many friends through tho county, I have concluded to offer myself to tho Democrats ot Columbia county as a candidate for tho omco of SHERIFF, subject to the action ot the County convention to be held tho second Tuesday In August, I respectfully ask the support of the Democratic party, and It nominated I will perform tho duties of the omco with fidelity. JOSEPH O. SWANK, Minim Township. FOll REPRESENTATIVE. Wo are authorlied to announce the name ot WIJ.LIAM IIRYSON, of Centralla as a candidate lor ineinuer or rue legislature, suojocr, 10 ma action of the Democratic County Convention, We aro authorized to announce that oen. CHARLES M. BLAKElt, of Beaver township, is a candidato for representative in the LegUla turo, subject to the action ot the Democratic! County Convention, lie will not travel to solicit votes, MARKET JIEP0RTS. hloomsruro mahket. Wh(atp r bushel,,. Rye ' Corn, .... oats ' " Flour per barrel .... Cloverseed ... , Butter TaSow",'.', '.'".'.'. Potatoes Dried Apples Hams Hides ft Shoulders ,, Chickens... Turkeys Lard per pound Hay per ton Beeswax 1.33 .80 .to 8.(0 6.60 to 13 .U 1.85 .03 .10 .03 .13 .13 ISO P1IILADKLP1IIA MAKKRT8. OOllltEUTKl) WEEKLY. FLOUIt. Minnesota extras...... Pennsylvania family,. Western y p i GRAIN, Whoat . It jo Corn Oau .... cioversoed. TImothy.... Ucoaiti o 00 (4 015 4 If. (4 8 (X) 4 10 6 00 1 40 ner bush. M i4 to per bush, lu tj tt 6i a oo 9 a Ptf eta. per lb, 7n A WEKK. tit a day at homo easily mado costly outnt freo, Augusta, Maine. Auureaa imuk a ia', marcu 81 -ly samples north ts Address htiksoh ft co rort much si, -ly ROANTILE APPRAISEMENT. Lift of Dcakn of Columbia County. I hereby certify that tho following list of deal em taken, returned and claisincd by me In accor dance with the soveral acts ot Assembly, tn and for iho year imi is correct to tha best of my Knonieagj ana ixner. Jluiines. Clan HKAVKU TOWNSIItl'. 7Ur. Ilrlcsbach, (l P Krey .1 Paul lltnJerllter, .lotin Mieha;l, Lett " Sliumsn, o A SMiman, II Shuman, T .) Everett, It V Kdion, ,1 K I less, Hiram Mollcnry, ,i J Mcllenry, II A Adam?, K K llotvcr. II It licritcr, It HucKlnKbam, O A linraard, () M liuttncr, Max llrubaker, 0 W llradlord. T II store 14 14 ft 14 14 14 B 13 14 B 13 14 13 IB S f T CIO I 00 r,of 7O0 7 00 (000 moo Tio W 00 10 00 710 moo 10 10 I1 1 0 1 7 00 7 0J 7 00 7 00 700 15 00 700 10 no 700 7 00 700 40 00 7 01) 7110 15 00 10 00 io m 7 no 700 80 00 700 60 00 700 7 00 1000 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 0) 7 01) taw 700 7 ou 7 00 60 00 10 10 7 to SO 00 7 00 700 1010 10 00 16 00 7 00 700 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 10 7 00 1U0J 40 OU HO 00 )0l) 7 00 SO 00 7 0U 10 00 60 UO JI'O 50 OJ 710 7 00 IS ou 700 7 00 7 00 J3 00 7U0 7 00 1600 7 00 7 00 7 0) 7 CO lo ue 7 OJ 15 00 60 00 700 7 0J 7 0J 40 tiO 6010 700 7 CO 10 00 51 00 7 00 10 00 7 00 7 CO 40 00 7 00 8)00 7 00 7 CO 7 00 700 7 00 7 0U 7 00 60 00 7f,0 7 00 700 700 7 00 700 Hotel Store Hotel DENTON, btoro Hotel Storo .. 1IKHW1CK. Hon. Moro licstaurant stoves, eta 14 Tobacco cisars 14 ciotbl k, etc. 14 Hardware 14 Hoots fi Shoes 14 (len'l. Storo It Iiontnan A Crispin K (agt) Organs, Kow'g m 14 lcksnn. A M Dirnnnnrt. ii K ll&rncj Hardware 14 Dhtlehurat. F t, Furnlturo 1 Dietrich,:.! 11 stationery 14 Fritz A to lilliard Franlz, Casper lluthcr II Fowler, 0 1) Furniture 14 Frcas, iiro's. Oen'l store 11 Frcas, Dro's. Lumber Dealers 13 Heller, H K llllllaras liouscr W it confectionery Hoclcman II M " Jackson X Woodln M.O Oen'l Store Jackson, P It Co llutchcr Heller, John F Dottier Utile, It 11 Drugs Loab. M A Clothtnir ondykc & Hess (len'l store lleatfan X Mccrca Drugs Ntoro Jeweler Btoro Vannatta, .1 K mton, a w nostiur, n W Wilkinson Dottier W.OOMSUUIUJ Alexander .t WoodhousoTobacconlstsl4 Allen, wm n urocory lirower, K 11 Stoves etc. Drown, Jano K Hotel llUlmeyer, Peter & Co Oen'l Grocery Iiundy, K O Oreen (irocery llloomsourg iron co uen i omru Iiernhard, Lewis 1nuiAlai lirower, J J Carpels corell, W J .t Co Furnlturo dors, (l A Hook store ci.rk, II JASon uen'l Store Cadrnan, K Furnlturo Creasy, 1) A Storo Caldwell, J F Confectionery Decker. Joseph " Dentlcr, F D Hoots & Shoes Ulwll Mttenbender Stationery Evani, A J Clothing Kycr.JK storo Funston.J A & Co Heal Estato Ofllce oiImorc.A'H llllllaras Olrton, J I. Restaurant Ollmore, FM " dross, 1. Clothing Ollmore, W 11 llcstaurunt (la lgiian, O C Stoves etc dross Peter Dottier dlger, Wm Hotel llarman II assert , coal llartman, I W Oen l Storo Hartman, lie carpets llartman Dro's Grocery Holmo Schuyler Hardware Hentiorsuott, N J Drugs etc . Jacoby, K Oysters s rlsn JacoDv. O A Coal ft Grocery Jacoby, 0 A Klnport, J II Keslcr, C i: Keller, Jacob Kletm, a a Klelm, Hoary Klnnort. F Liquor storo Drugscto Hoots X Shoes' Wholesalj NotlonB Drugs Grocery Kuhn x .Martz Uutchcr LOMcnberjr, David Clothing Lockard, UMIJK Coal McKelvt.lW " Mair.CC Storo Miller, o W Grain Dealer Miller, I IC storo uk-in.ii.v ivn limuids Mover uros' wuoiesaie- ruicui. uieuitiuirn Mm fir llro3 Drugs 14 14 13 13 Neat, O W X Uro Lutz S Sloan Dobbins C 11 Itabb, Win Hunyan, L X Co lllchart, Wm O niece, Charles Helily, James Hawilogs, E A btohner, liernard stroup, David Sharpless, 11 F coai Oen'l storo Liuuor btoro Grocery Hardware Flour x Feed Dutchcr Billiards Dutcncr Restaurant Grocery Merchandise Jeweler U 13 14 14 14 6 14 14 14 14 14 14 24 S 14 14 14 14 14 14 savage, u r. Saltzer, Jerry Organs s Machines blnger M t'g Co. Sewing Machines Shl"e, Simon c Agricultural Imp'w Vannatti. B F (agt) Paper Tubbs. W It t Hotel W11SOD..T I) Boot X Shoe findings Wilson, S A Confectionery Webb, Thomas Tobacconist Wnary. L 11 Stoves etc Wolr.Jolin Agricultural Imp'ts Yctler, W H (agt) Sewing Machines CATAWISS1. lllbby, James X Augustus Coal Derkhelmer, Wm Restaurant llaldy, Stephen oen'l btoro catawlssa Paper Co Coal Cleaver, A D Stoves etc Dleraer, s B Oen'l Storo Fortner.ll P X Son storo Frederick, D U Tobacconists GUlln, David X Co coal Gunther.Wm Butcher Gilbert d: KUno Oen'l store llartman x Henries Furnlturo Hays, Charles Clothing llolllngsliead, David Hotel Harder, 0 F Lumber Harder, T E Furnlturo John, Wm ?f0Te,' Klstler, Hester Hotel Knlttle.J D n coal Kostenbauder, G L X Co Hotel Manhart. GeoriO Boots etc McCoy, John Confectionery iumn. h f Drues 14 5 7 00 20 00 15 00 7 00 7 00 10 00 700 700 7(0 700 1160 7 00 7 00 60 00 700 10 00 7 00 BO 00 7 00 60 00 700 700 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 0) 7 00 701 SI 00 7 tO 7O0 12 60 7 00 20 00 SO 00 700 80 00 II ) Phlladel phia & Reading Coal X Iron Co (U M urauam ugi; v.uui Itlnard, s D Khawn, J K Oysters eto Hoiranyder. a W & Co btoro llhawn, S B Stoves eto Sharpless.j K X Sons Oen'l Store swank, M A btoro Scesholtz, 1 K " smltli, J it Hordworo eto Truckenmlller X Keller Books etc 14 14 14 14 14 10 14 14 Vi 14 S 14 Truckcnmlller A uesiaurant " Billiards Whitman, LO store Yettcr, Albert Billiards CENTHALIA. Black, D c Groccy TirHnnnn. Michael Storo 14 14 13 S 6 11 14 S s B 14 U 14 14 14 14 13 14 14 14 14 S 5 4 14 14 70) 700 S3 00 60 0) 20 00 7 00 7 00 90 00 20 00 60 00 30 00 700 7 00 7 00 7 00 Conner, Mrs. Johanna Liquor Store curry, b F Hotel Collins, Thomas Restaurant Former, A It stoves etc Farrall, Robert Restaurant uram j j Goldworthy, James Hotel Billiards Honey. Mrs E Irvln Bros' Kchler, K 8 Keller, u E Lanohan, Andrew Murphy, CO Millard, u U Moral), '.John Michael, G W MUllngtou, J T Morris, A MCFadden, Edward btoro llutchcr stoves eto Grocery storo Gen I storo Boots etc Grocery Drugs Oreen Grocery Restaurant Hotel 7 00 700 10 00 1 IK) 7 00 7 00 700 20 00 60 00 reiner, win Oen'l Store Confectionery Canned Fruits etc SO 00 700 700 Stauucnmcyer.J veuer, josepn CONY.NOIIAM. Gon'I Store Btoro Hotel Restaurant CENTRE. Grocery Grain X Coal store Hotel Church, A II 13 14 r s 10 00 700 MOO iicrocrr, wm KUno, John L Kelires. Daniel 60 00 SO 00 Monroe, Mary Brobst, Thomas Fowler, Tayler Low Bro ft Co Mann. J S 14 14 14 700 701 7 UO 60 00 Spousier, Jacob btoro 1 1 70U 7 00 7 00 uiuuiru a; nrwiuu " 1 1 Wagner, Edward " 14 FISIUKGCREBK. Ammcronan. J M Storo 14 7 00 7 00 700 7 00 16 00 700 Huff ft Savago " H Hosier, W N " 14 Howell, (l M ' 14 Meyers, O B Patent Medicines Mcllenry M ft Bro storo 14 Mcllcnty, J.F " 14 7 0S) 7 00 700 10 00 700 71)0 FRANKLIN. Georgo Ellas ft Son Storo 14 QUEENWOOD. Derr, A J storo 14 Black, I) I) Stoio and Furnlturo 13 ims, misjiim ' Eves, O W " 14 Eves Kills ft Bro Gon'I Storo is llcss. Win F Storo 14 Hcnrlo, Hannah 14 Huzeldlnu, Samuel Hotel B Mtllvllle Grange Dealer la merchandise 4 19 60 7 00 7 00 60 00 7(0 12 60 700 Aiubiers, win item niuru i Weimer.JE storo 14 Rohrsbuig urango Deelcr In inerchandlso 14 7 00 7(0 Eves, V P Furnlturo 14 HEMLOCK, Hotel Store JACKSON. Storo LOCUST. Hotel Storo Hotel Storu Hotel Storo Restaurant Storo MADISON. (len'l Store it Hotel M MAIN, btoro DIetrlck.O II Harris, D W Vanllew, A II Utricular,, 1111 Cherlngton, T V Dan'el, L 11 Knorr, Daniel Searbone, M ritlne, David Yeager, W Yeager, Jacob Yodvr, Aaron Yoeum x Bro dingles, Wm Kreumer.o Smith, A K Dlldlne, Ses'ey t. 14 14 60 00 7 CO 700 100 ft 14 ft 14 14 i 14 B 14 13 13 B Q 60 00 700 60 00 7(0 700 60 00 700 20 UO 7U0 10 00 10 oo S3 BOO 60 00 Bodlne, J B II II 14 B 14 B 700 7 00 700 60 UO 7110 JII&UOP, Jlf Campbell, UJ (agl) ijjugeuuerer, uremiaii iiuiei lllchart, Charles storo veiter, u it Hotel MIFFLIN. 60 r Bernlnger.RJ Furnlturo creasy, II II X Co Storo Heller, J H " Hess, A W Hotel Millard ft Hartzel Hardwaro Plnhcr. J N Hlore 7 00 100 60 00 Schwi ppenhclser ft Snyder Store 700 7 00 BU?UVI,A ,V btoro MOUNT PLEASANT. Store J p Sands 700 7 00 60 ou 7 00 MONTOUR. Storo lloaler.U 11 14 s 14 U acock, l) T Hotel Paxloni llaunan Merchandise ORANOE. Storfl ncckcnstlno. 8 llagcnbuch, Samuel lllcks, I) W Iflwr. 0 W l.'lley sieppy Mean. C J00 Moo 700 ton 7(0 7 0i) low to 0 7(0 60 00 Hotrl Htnro storo llutchcr (len'l btoro ,. .. Stoves etc Hotel PINE. Ktowart. A II Kloan, I) I; x Son Smith, O N I'nangst Etiumlus 6 Fowler. .Ill HWlllery Lyons, It W store Parker, It " ItOMtlS'OCItKKH, Cherlngton A Whllner Store US 00 7 0) vs. 7(0 8000 700 700 710 700 700 loto 700 1000 700 700 BO 00 6000 7 00 10 UO 7110 7(0 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 10 00 II 14 BUOARLOAF. Oilman, Charles Hotel storo Colo, Ktpklel cote, Wm II Laubach, Andrew (.'reveling, II (1 Crawford, J t. crevellng, O W scOTr. Butcher Notions eto oen'l storo Dlettcrlili. W R MOM Forsythe x Rockafellir oen'l stero Howell. AP store ncacock, HarvoyE " Heck, Theodore Hotel Miller, Jacib " Milne, Waples storo Moorehpad x Barter Oen'l storo Micxwell. U Stoves eto lllchart, N Storo White, A II " Wcrkhelser, J D " Worman, Samuel A " Wolf, John (agt) " Young, fellas (len'l storo An appeal will bo held nt Iho Commissioners' omco In niooiinbtirg.on Iholrth day ot June, A. I)., lsj, between the hours ot o n. m, nnd 4 p. tn where nil parties who may feel bggrlcved by tho above classification may appear nnd t o heard WM. L. MANNING, Stay loth, 1951. Mercantllo Appraiser. A UDITOH'S NOT1 (J E3T1TK 01' WILLIAM LAZAUC8, WtCKASBO. Tho undersigned auditor appointed by Iho Or phans' Court of Columbia county, on exception to tho account ot J. S. Ltrarui, administrators of William Lazartis,flccacd, will perform tho duties ot his appointment nt his onico In Bloomsbnrg, on Thursday, Juno 82nd. 1RH, nt ten o'clock n. tn when and where nil parties Interested may attend It they soo proper. J.M.CLARK, may It) -4W Auditor. E XKCUTOll'S KOTICK KSTATB OP MAIIV C. CONNBtl, IlKCSASEn. Letters testamentary on tho estate ot Mary Conner, latootorangotownshlp.Col. co.. deceased havo beon granted by tho Register of said county to D. K. Hloin. All persons having claims against the estato of said decedent nrn requested to pre sent tliftii for settlement nod thoso Indebted to tnako payment to the undersigned executor without delay. C. W. Mlt.Lttlt, Att'J' 1). K. SLOAN, April 14 .w Executor. A. DMtNlUYiwv'lOR'S NOTIOK. KSTATK OP JACOII UAkKH, BECK 8KD. Letters ot Administration on the cstnto of Jacob Baker, lato of Heaver township, Columbia comity, Penna, deceased, havo been granted by tho Regis ter of Bald county to Charles Baker admin istrator. All persons having claims against the estato of tho decedent are requested to prejoti" them for settlement, and thoso Indebted to tho ostate to make payment to tho undersigned ad ministrator without delay. CHARLES BAKER, Administrator, Beaver Valley. Mayoni-ow rrUtEASUKElt'S SALE JL OF UNSEATED IiAXDS IK COIiUMMA COUNTY, PA. By virtue of Sundry acts of tho General Assem bly of tho Commonwealth of Pennsylvania lola ting to tho sale ot seated nnd unseated lands In tho county of Columbia, etc., for taxes due und upAld, I will oftcr ot public Halo In tho Court House, In the town ot Bloomsburg, on tho second MONDAY OP JUNE, A. D. 1832. nt ten o'clock n. m.. tho following described pieces ot land, or such part, tnereof as may bo necessary to sitlsfy tho amount of taxes duo nnd unpaid against the samo, and continue tho same from dfytoday as tho samo may bo found necessary. TEKM3 Or SALE. vl'ne amount of taxes nnd costs must bo paid when the land Is struck on, or the sale may to void nnd tho property nut up and resold. BEAVER TOWNSHIP. 1 Lot never Chailes 8 " Beaver Jtsso 8 " HrockwayC D 63 acres Brockway Oil lcs " BrocKwayCU 0 " Brockway ft Abbott ;0 .. .. . 118 " " 37 1 13 1 13 , 1 (hi 1 T , 60 1 UO ' " " 1 60 " " " 03 Baker Jacob Pr ST. Benlnger Christian 3 u) 64 40(1 71 Blots iiuitsungei 1 " Bognrt Mary i 1.1 S3 2 - uoyer r o 1 75 1 JO "5 Tj 1 Si 31 35 3 22 S 112 C b2 9 IS 1 S3 1 t,S 1 13 1 13 C3 1 i 2 6U 1 SS ;s i ti 1 13 75 1 ID 33 2 CI 23 23 1 13 75 S (0 7 50 7 M 3 75 3 7i 1 BO 15 2 El) 70 1 ss 1 13 3 73 1 30 5 10 1 BO 5 00 21 1 13 1 13 1 13 6 on 75 2 2J 01 II 1 8S 1 13 2 BO 71 acres Baker ft House.. 310 Clark Andrew. 2 lots 2 " 0 " 1 ' 1410 " 129 " Crossing Patrick Cantner John Charles Simon canon Manas Columbia coal ft Iron co Cox O S Ex Trench Cox 1127 " S.3 " ?H7 " " " " 49 " '' " 00 " Dallus Jostah 3 lots Flanagan A 3 " FryWS 29 acres Fisher Sarah 10 " Gearhart Daniel slots dearhart William co acres llauck Jonathan 60 11 HoatzJohn 2 lots uarncr it ) usicr s " Iiontnan Ktlza 3 Hunt Ell i ' ttenrv (ieoriro 220 acres lllndcrllter Sarah A not Kiino a 132 acres Knecht Peter Slots Kocuierueorgoj 10 acres Lynn Jacob 3 lots Lawrcnco w u 9 Lewis Frank suo acres Miller ft Mann 3 " Morgan t .i luo Molleynolds H W 100 ". Mtnlcfi conred 100 " Mtnlch ncnianiin 4 lots .Hasten wiiuam 2 Momlav John 140 acres Nungesscr Samuel 140 " Nungcsser George s " Patterson J c 3 " I'rlco Clarence 91 " Kleo Georgo 6 3-5 lots Iteuthleirr Samuel ft Co 140 acres swcppcnnei&er i k bu Miumau v.uanes a 2'ii Shuman F L i lots ' " " 3 " Smith I W 3 bhlck J J 3 Scott Peter 200 acres Stewart Wiiuam 2 lots vastcn n it , a Voikcnard c J 25,13 acres West II M coal ft Iron Co a iota wetzci u s 3 " Wood Augustus . 6'Jncrea Whieler Wl 'llllnm BENTON. 13 acres Appleman 1'eter cstnto 43 " Albcrtson Clemuel M " Chrlslmnn Ann deceased 1 lot liaber Llzzlo 11 acres Ash Mnry 11 " Kline John helm ii " Wills John DHIAItCIiEEK. BB 1 20 4 BO 55 50 BO 2 (0 y, 100 acres Apple Paul 2 10 5 til) 1 05 1 05 1 24 1 01 2 91 C 30 3 00 2 f5 1 BO 3 73 1 17 4 20 &4 1 03 33 33 3 IS 2 47 1 45 21 99 UUlcn IMJWIMIUl .iiroou Bltsh lteuben.. Brlltan W A J citato Bryan Guy Brlttan Thomas clom W J Hov Dotey, Pealer X stowart ti it i, i. '""' Bvans Francis .. Fouler Gilbert.. Kreis JesEO Hnucl; h.imuel lllcks Jesso lleadley S F estato Jacohy o A .'. .'. Klsner John - Ktackliouso Joseph 2 01 7 60 5 20 93 Kemp Daniel KUnirer Llzzlo bhairer David estate Macuhouso X sutler Kchecterly George btout Nathan Sponpy 1'hlllp .. . Traujh Henry estato 20 1 113 tr i r.o 07 1 20 1 04 CATTAW1S3A. 61 11 Brobst J B lou 11 Clewell Jacob :wi " Dornbach llargiett n io 14 60 so Kiacu & veuer 2sT " Kelnerltobert so Newell Fred Ii ' rthuman rtcuben a i " Weaver Ellas 8 11 Krutn Ellas 100 Martin WmJ 1 jj lota scott (leorco estato I rihuler Mrs Sarah -.. 3,' acres Waters George wr CENTHALIA. Hots Calllhan Daniel i " Chadnlck Ann .lane t " Conner 'l nomas 1 " Clark llrhlt'et l " cm ley .Mrs Ed i DurkluJlrs Anthouy 8 Knvln Thomiis l (lauchcn Thomas i " GaUKhen Jlartlx 3 Gorrell x Co 1 llowclls Thomas i lleitrun l'blllp 1 " Holmes Thomas 1 KUno Carolina 1 " Knltllo Joseph Vi " Lehwh nnd ilahouy It II Co 't " Morun Johu t " Murphy Patrick.,, ,, 1 Marks George 1 JleMannanun JIrs Peter a " Moliarlty Jlary I " Morrison lira ''8111 t " Millard o U X Jno W I'ortner 1 " Purccll Itlthard 1 ' Hmlth Hamuel u ' Torroy William 1 WathUMartlr 1 " Zlglcr William CENTltE. ' Mica Adams Knos L ii " Achenbach bntnuel B Alabach Benjamin 1 lot liarnd Johu 85 acres Conner ll J M F x W U li " Good Jacob estato 10 liagcntiuch William 10 llaL'eobuch William brtbtate 8t llolfnmn William t-slale l lot lless William 8 acres lawerey bltnon , . 1 lot Hess Elllo S acres Kcelfcr Daniel 4 91 2 20 7 BO CO (0 4 SO 8 Ci) 3 60 7 00 7 20 3 80 20 03 3 20 7 HI 3 60 10 (0 1 60 2 20 4 90 1 10 12 40 1 VO 1 00 CO V 20 SJ 10 3 M 3 8) B 72 2A 79 89 a n 20 1 83 1 01 8 81 VO 52 1 01 0 700 1 00 700 T ETTINQ. 'i iiaTCnmmtftSlnnerfi will let. nt their nmen In Moomsbnrtr, Pa, Jnno 1st, lss, nt two o'clock p. M , an addition to be built In front of the court llousoas.onlargetnentllo tho Prothonotary's omce Plans nnd specifications can bo seen At their of nco after May wtb. Tho commissioners reserving tho right to reject nny or all bids. i ciias. HKloilAliT, ) county JOSHUA I'KTTUltMAN Commlss II. F. hlHiAIt. f loneij Attest, John B. Cnsoy, clerk. Commissioners onico, Bloomaburg, Pa May nth iss2. may is sw l5MlNlHTUATOlfH NOTICE. : ) liTiTk OP JACOB S. 1IESS OECIASID. litters of administration on tho estato of Jacob S Hess, late of sugarloaf township Columbia eonntv,' iteceased, havo been granted by the Register of snld county to tho unaers'gncd admin istrator. All persons having claims against the estato of said decedent aro requested to present them for settlement andthosa Indebted to tho cstnto to mako payment to the undersigned ad ministrator without delay, A, L. FMtZ JESSB 1IKSS, Attorney. Central Post Ofllce, maylno-w Administrator. J?. ET1TION TO VACATE. holders of Centrniin iinrnimii. Hon of Laurel street in the borough Ot Centralla extending Last from Locust nvtnuo to an alley. And now to wit May St Ii A. 1). 1 t2 on ren llng of foregoing petition nud motion made by Wm. A. Marr attorney for tho Locust .Mountain Coal nnd li-nn rninmn. nnrl r..t.n ..... - -. . ... tofchow eattjo why referred to hlgnway as Bet forth In foregoing rctltlon shall not bo vacated uuu uiywu up, mm mat. said rule s hall bo publish ed In the Columbian for four weeks and shall bo returnable to Ajourned Court on tho 23rd day of Juno next. ' .. .. nv Till COURT. ,.c.c.rt."!?.1' from 'no records May 9th, A. I) 1ss2. (I.M.IJUICK. wm. KttlCKBAUM, lputr. Clerk. FOR SALE, The following properllcs from $3.00 TO $12,000 Vnrlously locnletl In W.OOMSBUlta nnd oilier plncos, nllortllng cltcnp homes or prof. Itnlilc Investment. A Frame Du elling In good condition. A SPECIAL 15AHOAIN. Several Small FRAME DWELLINGS.- Desirable cheap liomcs or good investments. A niimlier of Hetteii Frame Dwki.lisos 1'l.KASANTI.Y LOOATEI). BEICK DWELLINGS - from CIIKAl' to UEST at various locations. BUILDING LOTS on nearly all .streets nt vn rlous prices. Coxiuaits MAiir. to UuiLi) FIJA3IK OH lUtlCIC HL'IIjDINOB of nny description, to be done promptly and satisfactorily. FARMS FOR SALE In llloom, Henton, Flshlngcrcuk, Hemlock, jrudlson, Jlilllin, Jlontour, Jackson Tine, Catawiisa and Centre townships. The above at all prices nnd embracing land for b Farming, Grazing, Trucking and Tobac co Raising. Also several good TfMllEIt TKACTS and SAW MILLS. Also 15 PMNTs Locations witli trade estab lished, including a Woolen Mill, in Ciood Condition nnd Location, Carriage Manufactory, Coal Yard, Limo Stono Quarries, and Kilns. Ali the above can bo bought at fair prices nntl on reasonable terms. For particulars, apply lo JOHN A. FUNSTON, PAUL E. WIRT. Messrs. Jailey, Banks & BIDDLE Arc enabled, by the magnitude of their business and its great facilities of both purchase and manu facture, to offer the very finest quality of Diamonds and other Gems, Gold Jewelry, American and Foreign Watches, Sterling Silver and Plated Wares, French and English Clocks, and Objects of Interior Decoration, of Bronze, Bisque and Porcelain, at the lowest possible prices. Articles selected as appropriate Wedding Gifts are an essential feature of the Spring 'importa tions, now just arriving. Goods sent on approval for selection. CHESTNUT AND TWELFTH STS., Philadelphia. CONYNGUAM. C B Brockwny n lots 8 ' 8 " 10 20 8 10 812 23 Oi 0 80 2 73 430 00 278 02 6 40 80 4 03 40 2 70 5) 88 72 93 88 6) tu 50 59 2 73 til) 13 9 03 11 " " " 2 " 1 " Brlsellue Bernard 4Vi acres Brown Nathaniel 429 " Beam Joshua ., 2 lots Brady Julia 2 Beaver Catharlae 2 " cano Ellen 1 ' Davis Thomas.. 2 " Drlesbach Lewis 2 41 Goodman ltosannah.... 3 " Helnbach Philip , 112 acres Huston John 1 lot llennesoy Thomas 1 " Hoinebach Mnry E 4 " llelwltr itachel 325 acres Kllno John L l lots Kramer A w 1 " Jones Gcortro Lclbv Catharine Morrison Catharine..., Murnhv C (1 aicuuiro iorrence Mc.Manuamau Mary.. jiiurris auu Mellon Tnomas Monroe John 293 acres N Y M C F 11 It C X 1 Co H05 " ' " " " ., S-M " " " " " 500 512 547 10S 43 2 64 SI sso itustcnMary H5 " nusten Thomas l lot Ithawn earner too acres Frlen Jacob 100 " 401 " Young John FISHING CltEEIt. 20 acres A llegar John , 41 Buckaleiv J M Hlbli Keuben Doty Pealer X Stowart 100 300 4!M 50 250 20 II CO 2H) 250 43 9) DresherJohn DaH EI.zarethjL lluteh son Thomas J llorrman x Freas Ilultn William Ilanlson Johu llarrlsuii John 90 Huuslnser Authony 4 83.100 Kramer a M m) " Klnt John 4; Co 140 " Lemon Thomas M welleuryo II X Daniel 3 ' Pealer Georgo bo ' Itlchards l.owls . Ml " Bobbins Win A 90 While OB Ill ' Young Philip 75 " KanerJohn 83 " " FIIANKLIN. 41 " Cleaver Wellington co " llowcr Moses sj " Vought E II GHKENWOOD. ci acres Albcrtson Miles x Hartley... 40 " Derr Iram 15 " lteilllno Benjamin 91 " ltlehlo Kdivatd 27 ' Vanhorn James 4i) " VaudersllcoT.1 HEMLOCK. li acres Appleman Wm so Campbell NL 7 " Bobbins Zcbulon 41 " Whltenlght George Jr JACKiON. 50 uciea Frlcl: Georgo A soo " ' " 101 " lless Benliinln 73 11 4 44 0 II 0 30 2 tO 72 CO CO B1 V33 acres Miner x Nohnrt. Knorr William,. s 2) 3 4 210 Ci Kcuer j it Lewis Theo loro. Mlllerciuiies W.. Mcllenry Hohr LOCimT. i acres Bllllngton Charles , hi ' Dewart Georgo , 205 " EverhartJohn 40 Flsheroohn ,,,, 52 " ci " (leraghty Thomas 'ii " KlinuJohu L 103 ' ' ' ,' ' 5 Hughes Wright 81 " Longenuerger l'blllp,.,, 2oo " Meyers Mary oo ' ltusteu Mary , 2oo ii charlotte 2u0 lleynolds John 10i) liustonThomas 190 ' Keoso Daniel 43 " titluo Daniel ' 43 11 bhatlerllenry , loo " Hnjdor Jaremlah MADIBON, Cox Joel., SOO 83 U Eves Charles W HcndersUott E...... . Kelley & Everett MAIN. Brockway X Ent , lombach Johu Dowalt I'hllln llonncr tiamuelO Immell Christian MoscrMlcluel 21 110 230 100 60 I) x v REMEMBER 100 Morris Daniel - 474 Pennock 0 E x Co- .. bnuman wm l bhutnan Keuben bmeck, Brobst, letter X llauck tfnydcr John - Snyder Abram Yetter Daniel est swartz, wnepp x co 160 " 7 150 ' 900 ' MIFFLIN. OS acres lllttennender Jacob s Helser Ftankllnest 10 " Hendershott Cathortno 2oo " Kramer A W 2!j' " Menslnger Wm if 11 vtichaerjohn loo Nungcsser George '. 33 " Parks Leonard 4 " bwankS 11 123 " schweppenhelser I K so " lloraco 23 " ' EP 15 " Williams Samuel - 01 41 YoheJohn It MONTOUR. 10 acres Brockway X Ent 18 Glger Barbara 18 " " John est 4 " Lclby Jackson 40 ' Neal Wlldam 23 " llamsey est MOUNT PLEASANT, lo acres Jacoby itupert 33 ' Walter Dl OltANGE. 30 acres Bowman Wesley B Crevellng Samuel . 19 " Everett Gabriel est 34 " BlnkJ F 15 2 75 2 31 1 14 2 33 100 01 40 03 00 20 72 80 60 20 PINE. 233 acres Barton Ell 25 " Drelblells Abraham 1 lot Eves () W - 2 32 41 3 15 13 33 9 00 1 12 S02 1 03 43 2 07 8 90 18 00 1 51 2 93 3 03 31 8 91' 3 83 513 SO 2 22 2 22 3 65 1U40 20 02 190 2 40 865 900 0 80 3 78 03 7 85 140 90 1 10 4 44 1 10 2 40 4 00 31 10 10 35 21 39 8 20 fo 1 05 140 VO 10 to 0 10 12 21 3 70 7 40 170 83 3 70 73 7 0 7 03 1 II S92 6 92 5 04 692 8 70 6 21 80 143 1 00 318 110 21 16 16 110 223 acres Prick Georgo A loo FrlckA: Lpccott.. 50 23 8 50 50 100 29 30 23 Fcaslor Thomas Greenly James Gordner Jonathan.. Klsner David Lyons H W Miller cole Bobbins D w Shoemaker Joseph.. Vandersllce Thos 23 " " " liOARINGCUKKK. 170 acres Arttlla Francis Buchner Peter.. Barns Thomas jr , Uriah Jacob Beaver George XJL Kllno Confalr X Itlce ,i i Cox C S Ex Trench Cox ! '. Dllaplane Ezeklel Fetlfrraan X Ilerblno.... Frlck x bhuman Utile Robert Huston John Miller Kilos Morris x Hughes Melltugton William.... Bice Abram ItaubJ Miller Skate Harry M'rlen Jacob WitehoyMary cat Witchy Johu Yoeum Isaac Yocum Elijah iscorr. 2 acres Boon Aaron 1 lot crouso Nelson, 2 acres CreasyMartha , 1 lots Gclslnger Martha 1 " Hldlay Mary 59 acres Jones William .., 25 ' Kressler John 1 lot Jones llart or I " Muniey Win" l acres Merlll Jess s " Mussleman JoV, .V.'.'.V 10 " McKelvv Neal Co 5 " llucklo Wesley . 4 lots Hnldeman Thos.,,,, 1 " Shannon Jesse ,, ,, X " John Eek roth SUUAIILOAF. 60 acres Bellas Wm 80 " 191 84 ' 250 73 21 123 ' ,V1I' U4 B60 94 il 4 " 97 ii 60 6 Buckalow James ostate..,, Colo Eieklcl I'lmpln Johu F,,.. ,,,,,,,,, Custer Mary , Hess Joseph O, , Hess Crevellng & CO lies vtesioy llartman Jesse ,,,,, Ijirtbli Jane , , Mcllenry Hohr ,.... llarvyAA X J Y Harvey Alvln A Stephens Amos , 6avago Joshua estate , Ynpel Henry 15 105 12 4) I 10 1 10 1 10 niiiu id. lam ' nfii That You are invited to visit OAK HALL, S. E. Gor. 6th & Market Sts. Philadelphia. We offer the Best, Largest and Cheapest stock of Clothing for Men and Boys in the United States. Our original system of One Price and a Guarantee gives every buyer perfect protection. 132 0 60 22 TREASURER'S SALE OF Sll 60 383 S3 2 64 460 4 13 74 143 5 90 30 74 S90 2 07 69 690 4 43 8 69 1 77 2 07 DO 4 14 4 14 92 SEATED LANDS IN COLUMBIA COUN. TY, PA. Also tho following lots, pieces, and parcel ot seated lands, returned by tho tux collectors, are to bo sold at the samo time under the provisions ot an Act of Assembly, entitled. "An act relating to the salo ot lands for tax In Columbia county," approved March 6th, 1633. BEAVER TOWNSHIP. 1 Lot MacAffeeJohn 1 ' Martin Wm ys acres Sherman Thomas I Lot Houman Frank It) acres Losee J A Agent 1 Lot " " 1 " Sweeney Isaac 2 SclptAII 4 ' Barnes Charles It 1 " Kramer EL BENTON TO iVNSIHP. 1 Lot Albcrtson Samuel It 10 acres Bogarc Samuel 43 ' lkelerKlt 2 Lot Ileaccck Samuel , , BLOOMSBURG. 1 Lot Kraino.' Andrew v Dennis James estate 1 " Ortwlno Henry 11 50 2 80 110 11 65 4 63 180 405 135 3 30 2 83 72 12 82 4 20 S3 30 10 25 CO 3 53 C3 30 1 31 131 420 141 01 120 009 21 63 63 1S29 loss t 38 090 2 07 173 1 SO 13 80 84 197 880 4 82 41 21 93 21 210 es 120 84 2 01 42 1 05 BOI 173 139 183 24 53 4S 1 " Wlmer Fred H " Verry Wm estato 2 " WalterNorman CATAWISSA TOWNSHIP. 1 Lot 1 " 1 " Arndt Noah. Abbott W H ,V ' Barnes Mrs A K o acres Michel Jonathan estate. Blttenbendcr Charles scon oonn CENTHALIA 1 Lot 1 " Cramer A w , is bo McDonnell A nthouey 1370 CONYNGUAM. 1 Lot I " 1 " 2 ' 1 " urown wuuam .... Dolan Mary Llnilermuth George Murphy Michael ., I'lammiuuEfclt. 7 acres Hclebrand William X Lot Larlsh AS acres Noyhard John , 1 Lot Shultz Cornelius nitEESwnnn. 180 acres Richard Alfred 1 Lor, nikingion pit , 1 " Eves Elijah is acres Heller James deceased 12 Fisher Hannah 45 " Force Lemuel 1 Lot Kltzgorald Elizabeth 5 acresMannlng W G 0 " Kllno Paxton estato '. 4 " Hess Jonas , 1 Lot " " II acres Vandersllce TJ 1 lot Crawford Philip ,,,, HEMLOCK, S3 acres Barton Newton " Ebner William , ..." lot shoemaker M G I acre Bobbins Zebullne JACKS"N. s acres Piatt Hannah 83 " Young Lewis 0 locus r. 8 acres Rhodes Susan ...... . MADISON. I Lot Klsner Annie tso acresEves Charles W I 60 11 ii 11 ....... 59 " Smith D Utchard,,,',V.'",'!!!!,,,,r.! llo ' TrumbowcrA U 1 lot Welllver Susan estate '. MIFFLIN. 4 V acres Angle John B 1 lot Kcfchner Jacob estato s Miller Levi 19 acres Espy Saving Fund Association .... 2 Znnnlntrf r IfAnv uppinger Henry.. 90 30 4 05 1 60 A1U tuuh. 1 Lot Butter William on ate., ORANGE. 40 acres Evos Jacob 8 10 " Coleman Jesse , " Trumpore Sophia 12 cman John....... ,."..... 2 ' Idea Jesse P 17 " Eves James estate ..,...", PINE. 7 acres Drelblebls Jacob estate.... 25 ' Drelblebls ltrl 24 16 90 VO 16 108 60 96 16 Oi Ml 70 119 15 60 80 41 Kllno & Patterson , Kitchen Alfoid.. ,, LeggottIc Frlck..., llo 10 tiblns Joshua.... 1 80 708 13 60 20 65 1180 885 168 1110 6V0 690 10 30 ltlehlo Jacob. Parker John 11 ,, Watts A P ROARING CRKEK. l acres Lovan Lawson ,,,, S8 ' ShuljnburgcrT , SCOTT. 1W acres lllchart Win 1 ' Campbell N L. .........'I'," , , SUQAHLOAF, rei Cole T B 21 Alberwon Jesso 1 lot llartman Miner 20 acres lless Lavlno . 40 " Rhone Parvlni " 40 Miller Elizabeth,' .I.;.. .. . " Q Int. Chnnln Tnhn u ',,,. ,h 1 90 6 44 41 80 1 64 12 10 89 16 81 190 A. M. Johnson, Treasurer, $ 3 05 1 92 t 10 1 80 0 40 1 20 1 20 3 SO S SO 63 1 20 1 to 2 80 3 60 4 14 1 13 3 30 1 70 2 20 4 60 2 60 I 20 1 20 1 60 2 84 II GO 8 40 75 1 70 95 1 60 93 3 87 90 0 51 1 54 6 60 80 03 93 A 40 1 15 43 33 61 49 21 00 21 1 25 75 (III 65 12 90 460 69 182 60 170 18 75 2 43 2 00 2 tfi 3 64 I 44 17 0 10 2 00 3 00 411 4 95 2 43 6 81 45 13 00 11 40 6 81 10 43 8 80 2 10 8 40 a 45 tio . s 00 a 8a 1 85 C2 1 12 8 fO 3 15 10 Lu