THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBtJRG,' COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. Oorn In Hills or Drills, A currcRNtmlont of tho Country Gentleman writes i "As Uio result of twenty yonra of experience) anil oiiscr vntloti, I nm decidedly in fnvor of hill planting, lloth methods are practised licro to Hotne oxtcnt, hut jilantlng in drills is not done so nmoh now us four or live years nyo. In this section tin yield of Measured bushels of cars Iter ncro will bo nbout tho samo by eilhar method but tho ears that aro grown by planting in hills aro longer, tho grain better developed, and consequently heavier, giving about ten per cent Moro shelled corn by weight than that grown by tho other method. On tho other hand, moro stalks will bo trrowti by - . tj , - in drills i but in our cornlicms tho grain is tho main object, and wo think it is better, if wo aro likely to need moro fodder than wo get with our crop, to devoto a portion of land exclus ively to tho raising of fodder-corn. "There is ono other point to bo con sidorod tho labor question. Very littlo hand labor is required in corn after it is planted, if we navo good horso imple ments, and good workmen to handle them, rowed both ways, whilo in tho other case much hoeing is needed if tho fields aro kept clean. Good culturo is necessary If you want a good ewp of corn, and to liavo tho land in good con dition for barloy tho following year. In western-central Missouri, where I so journed for three seasons, tho verdict of tho best farmers was to tho effect that planting in rows both ways pro duced about ten per cent more corn, with two-thirds to three-fourths of the labor required in drill-planting." Usb Your Hones. Tho Agricultur ist says : "iiones accumulate on every farm, and a hunt for them will bring out many moro than ono would expect to find. When properly treated, they furnish very valuable food for growing plants. Whole bones, as tney aro thrown out from tho kitchen, are so slowly de composed, that they aro of little use, unless applied very largely. They need to be broken tin or mado fine in some way that tho largo amount of phosphor ic acid, etc., contained in them may be available. It is not practicable lor or dinary farmers to have bone mills, and tho next best thing is to break them up somewhat with an axe or heavy ham mer, and mix them with unleachcd ashes, keeping the heap moist enough so tho alkali will "eat" them, and render tho bones soft. Tho bones thus treated will crumble to fine pieces when dried, ana arc then ready to bo spread upon the land. livery larmer should see that all bones aro thus made into a val liable home-made fertilizer." A Few Problems. What velocity must a locomotive have to pick up a deaf man walking on the track and lling him so high that six cars pass bctorc ho conies down T A boy earned twenty cents per day lor eighteen days, and bought his moth er a mush-rat muff costing $2.10. How much did he have leu to go to tho cir cus with ? . A farmer sold eleven bushels of pota toes and the product purchased two gallons of whiskey at ninety cents per gallon. How much per bushel did he tret for his tubers, nnd where did ho keep tho jug? A mother standing at tho gato calls to her boy who is exactly sixty-eight teet distant. It takes two minutes and sixty-eight seconds for the sound to reach him. Find from this the velocity with which a woman s voice travels. A woman earned forty-two cents per day by washing, and supported a hus band who consumed four dollars' worth of provisions per week. How much was she in debt at the end ot eacl month up to the tune he was sent to the workhouse? A father agreed to give his son four and one-half acres of land for every cord of wood ho chopped. The son chop lied three sevenths of a cord and broke the ax and went ott hunting rabbits. How much land was he entitled to 1 Detroit Free Press. Owners of real estate along tho Now Jersey coast may perhaps bo led to re flect, by tho annual report of Prof. Cooke, tho State Geologist, on the van ity of laying up to themselves tiehes where tho surf and tide encroach, and where the sea breaks through and steals. From Sandy Hook nil the way lo Cape May, he says, the ehure has been stead" ily worn away for a century. At Shrewsbury inlet the water line has moved inland from 165 to 3110 feet since 1853 ; at one part of Long I5ranch.37 feet; aud opposite Whale Pond, .125 feet. It is known that about tho year 1700 tho lino near a part of Capo May extended more than a thousand feet further out than now ; while at Capo Island tho shore has been worn off fully a mile during much less than a century. There is evidenco not only of tho attrition of the waves, but of tho general rise in tho high water level. Dead trees in great numbers are found standing in the tide marches all along the coast ; it is obvious that the great salt meadows between Newark and Jersey City were once arable uplands ; islands havo disappeared under tho water one, in Klsenborough, which contain ed ten acres of irood farm land as late as 1863. being now utterly submerged ; Money Island has also gone, nnd so has Itound Island, which had forty acres of upland in 18011. New Jersey never was among tho larger States, hut it is evi dently destined to become smaller, as well as to illustrate, by its fpto how the contours ot continents change in the ages. Frederick Ohopin. It is related of Fredrick Chopin that ins (luivvi n un inu puiiioionu was such that ho could hush the pupils of his father s school even in their most un ruly moments. Ono day when Pro fessor Chopin was out, thero was a frightful scene. Harcinki, tho master present, was at his wit'tt end, when Fre drick, wo aro told, happily entered tho ium . ,i..i!i: .!.. i muni, i, iiiiuuv iieiiiii-riuiuu, iiu re quested tho boysterers to sit down, and called in tiioso who wero making i noise outside nnd promised to iinpro vise an interesting story on the pinuo ir tney wouiu be timet. All were in stantly as still as death, and Fredriok sat down to tho instrument and extiu nuished tho lights. Ho described the manner in which robbers approached a house, mounted by ladders to the win uows, mil were iriguicneti a way by a noiso within. Without delay they (led into tho wood, where they fell asleep under tho starry sky. IIo plaved moro and moro softly, as if trying to lull children to rest, till he found that his hearers had actually fallen asleep. FYom the Paris lleghter. IIADI.V IIITTK.V. Peter Kieffer, cor. Clinton mid Hen nett Streets, Bullalo, was badly bitten by a horse, and applied Thomas' Ko lectrlo Oil, which immediately relioved pain, and in four days tho wound was healed. Chills and Fovor. Simmons Lire r licgii tator noon breaks the Chills nnd carrlc llio Kcvcr out ot ( ho Bt' in. It cures when all other remedies (All Sick Hoadacho. ivirtlin relief nnd rule ofthH distress! n if am c tlon take Simons l.lver ltegulntor. DYSPEPSIA. titalor will positively cure tills K rrline. disease. We. axaertcmpliMloally what we Know to be true. . CONSTIFA'IUUiN ) retrardod as a trllllni ailment. . Na. turf demands tbo utmost regularity of the Dow els. Tnercrore a sisi nature uy iu cmumvu. liver llcgulator, ,t is harmlcss,inlld andenectual. PILES. neilef Is at hand for thoio who miner day after day with plies. It Ins cured hundreds, and win euro you. . MALaiUfl.. Persons may avoid all attacks bv occasionally taking a dose of Klmmons Liver Itegulator to Keep tho Liver in ncaiiuy action. BAD BREATH generally arising from a dltordcred Stomach :an bo torrected by taktnr Simmons Liver Kcgu- can lator Jaundice. Dlmmnnl Mvor tlAcrllllttnr Rttin PrArttCAtOS IhlS. riioman from the sTBtem. Icavlnir tho skin clear and frco from all Impurities. Colic Children suffering with folio soon, experience relief when Simmons Liver Itegulatnr Is admin lstcred. Adults also derive great benefit from this mndlelno. It Is not unoleasant ( It Is harm less and enecllvo. I'uroly vcjotaMe. Oaution. Ha pnrAful that, vnti fret the panulne Simmons Liver ltcgulator In our engraved Whtto Wrapper, with rod Z Trade-Mark, sump and Hlgnature un broken. . . . t prepared oniy oj X. H. ZEIXjT.TST 3c CO. Bold by all Druggists. Philadelphia. Suffer no longer from Dyspop sia, Indigestion, want of Appc:ite,los3 of Strength lack of Energy, Malaria, Intermittent Fevers, Ac. BROWN'S IRON BIT TERS never fails to euro all these diseases. Boston, Novtnlc r 6, i88r. Brtn Chemical Co, Gentlemen For years I have bct ii n MitTerer from Dyspepsia, t nil couM gtt tto relief (having tried ivetytlilti winch win recommend i J) until. ;tu!nrf un ihc advice of i friend, wlio had been benefitted by Brown's Ikon Hitters I tried a bottle, with most surprising results. Previous la taking I.kown'a Iron 13 itt iks, everything I ate distressed rue, and I suite red greatly from a burning sensation In the stomach, which was unbearable. Since tak ing Ukown'sIron IJittiks, ullmy troubles are at nn end. Can eat any lime without uny disagreeable te stilts. 1 am practically another person. Sirs. V. J. Flynn, 30 Maverick St., E. Boston. BROWN'S IRON BIT TERS acts like a charm on tho digestive organs, removing all dyspeptic symptoms, such as tast ing tho food, Belching, Heat in the Stomach, Heartburn, etc. The only Iron Preparation that will not blacken the tooth or give headache. Sold by all Druggists. Brown Chemical Co. Bnltlmore, Md. See that all Iron Hitters are made by Brown Chemical Co., Baltimore, and have crossed red lines and trade, mark on wrapper. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS. THE DAViS. $1,000 REWARD. ONE THOUSAND (1,000) DOLLARS I'KEMIU.U Otleretl 10 AMI hat will do a GREAT A RANGK OK WORK on ANY OTHER MACHINE. THAT TIIK NEW DAVIS VERTICAL FEED Will do without basting. It will make wide hem on sheets, sc.. hem all manner of tilaii woolen roods. aa sort tneiino.cram. or goods difficult to hem on other machines. It makes a more clastic stitch than any other ma chine. It will turn a hem and put In piping at It will turn a hem. sow braid on the right side and stitch on trimming at one opcrat.on. It will do felting bias or straight, either on cot- luu or wuuiea goous. It will fell across seams on any goods. I will bind a Dress or Skirt and sntv nn famine. either with or without showing stltches;blnd dress Qoods with the same material, either scallops, polnts.squares or straight. Tho only machine that will bind Hats, Cloaks, or other articles with bias, satin or silk, from x to 3 Inches In width, without It will gather with or wltlnut sewing on, It will gather between two pieces and sew on at the same tune. It will make a ruflle and stitch a pillow slip oa to It will shirr any kind ot good9. It will make plaited trimming either with or wiiuuui sewing 11 on. It will make plaited trimming either soallaped wi oiiAigub, uuu oun n pipits uu tiv tue same time, It will mako knife plaiting. J. SALTZER, Geii'l Ageut, BlnumsburL', Pa, oct. 1, '80-tf. ADVEKTIStfltS by naartMlng UEO, I'. IIOWKLL t CO., lOBpruco Ht,, New York, can learn the er ict cost ot any proposed line of AUVKUTIBINU In American Newspapers, t100.pAgo Pamphlet, TOTICK OV AI'I'LIOATION FOR lM OHAKTEIt OP INTENDED COltPOItATION. I INotlce is hereby given tlat an application lll bo wade to the oowrnor of Hie Blutuof Pennsyl vania, under the Act of Assembly of Hie Common wealth of Pennsylvania, entitled "mi Act to pro. Tide for the Incorporation and reguluion ot cer tain corporal Ions." approved April iv, 1871, and the supplements thereto, for the charter of an In tended corporation, to be called Kspv Manufao turlng Company, the character and object where of Is u ' General Merhunlcal buslneNS.aud the Man ufacture of lumber and Iron, into buildings, and building materWI, furniture ami curs and for these purposes, to have, possess, and enloy all the rights, bononts and prlvlllgesof thoBuld Act of Assembly and Its sunplt menu. L'UAItl.HNU, IIA11KI.EV, Vlosmsburg, April 31 solicitor. DM I N ISTRATO H'H NOTICE ISTATX OK 8AMCXI. 1KSH, tail PICtASSD, Letters of Administration on tho estate ot Ham. uel Hess nnd law ot Huiarloat township, Colum bia county, Penn'a., decetsed, have been granted by the lleglsterof said county tothe undersigned Adm'r. All persons having claims against the estate of tho decedent are requested to present them for settlement and those Indebted to the estate to make payment to the undersigned Administrator without delay, Wallers I. O. 1IICIIAH1) 1IKSH, col. co. Pa, Administrator, aprll H, o-w t!R a "tonper day at home Samples worth ii U 10 iPSUtrfe, Addross hrtmoN A-Co- Port .M lunch at,.)j THE WHITE SEWING MACHINE Whereas, tno world renowned reputation ot the White hewing Machine Induces many unscrupulous competitor to resort to all kinds of mean tricks to injure Its reputation, wo bee to caution all intending purchasers not to buy a White Machine except from Its regular authorized dealers, who will be sustained by the following warranty. YK niKKiNT TIIK NATURAL WKAK OP THE White Slntlle Seita Machine. riiATE NUMnKu'irman ron pamilt poiipo- 8KS, AND 1IKRKIIY AOHItRTO KBKPTHB8AME INKRl'Ain POlt TUB TERM OP VIVB YKA118 PKOM THIS DATE, FltES OP CIIAltQB. This warranty excepts tho brcakago ot needles bobbins and shuttles. This warranty win not be sustained unless the plate or number above rlvon corresponds with the number on the shuttle face slide, tlowareot de faced or alt red numbers WIllTU tJHWlKQ MACHINE CO. lhe"WHITB" ShuttleSewlngMacHno tlasosiATiB capacitt than any other family Sew ing Machine for doing erery Tarletr of work. J HALTS IK General Agont, M'otsBux, Pa. Oct. I.WI Dauchy & Go's. Advt'a. SOUTH Don't locate before seeing our James Itlver Settlement. Illus. .cataloguo free J. P. MANCHA, Clurciuoul, Hurry I'o, AEKXS! HOOK ACH21VTM SUNLIGHTand SHADOW tterlyJohnJJ, Gouff7i&& llundrtiii ct Afteiti htre nivcn-rl our cill to tt!l (hU (tmoui took, tod yet we wnt ftOO tnort. For 1 i-ndcr 'athoi, Alch Ilumrtr, Binl Tbrlllinjf IntrroLlt l without a pwi. ErffTone Itujcbs intl erji ovrrlt. MinUtr3r Qod tperd th" Tf n of Thoummli now wtn! It, in J It u thtvlillln(i book for Agrnti eivrtvurtt. Wa want RmxI AQKXrS.XHawl M'omrji.hithlivlclnltr. IU0.Om.mth Lanlv tutil. ,Viiri(iJ lrnn erm. ftfnrl for clrtulati to A I. W0ltXUI.NUTO.VA CO., lUrtUrJ, !'. April 21 -4w U The American Popular dictionary, $1.00 Thii menu na eld 'V?(tnt TOlumo li com- te LiDrtrr aoq icyeloDirdlA. as wn m tho be it Pie tlon try la the world. Supcibty bound in cloth and Kilt. It row. Tiiwsivrnr worn i.f TIIK k St. LI 1)1 LAS QVACr, wlili itt truo men n In i, drl utttm, BeIMiii and rtruUDiin j flat l.i 11 nitd a vast ! amount rf ahilittly iKi-eaary liiroiniHtloa up u Monrc. Mvtliul or, Ul..'nir)tiy, Am iBrtcan iiuiuri. liwi, ltr , blnir a wrfect Library of referents. Wotitut'3 JJlctloDrvry coats 19 00, and tba Amorlcnn Pod tilar DfotlonorV coitionly S , "wortR tf ii t1titcatlimoneT.' S.V Atlm. Wa haTflnovrracnltiliual f litter In lrlf. flnlili jT con tntH." Th Aihncn'e. Aicrfct Dirtlonarf and library ft relVrtnce'' News. N. Y. )nr cupy ot tho American I'tiyulnr TMcllonnry (tlluitritted), thocrrat eit and neit book Tnr imblUtipd, post paid to any addreia on rectlpt of S - U,f.iitlrotttUmctltiiKUaranlied. Two loi.ienvH.itiiaTd $2. Order nt once. .ihU vSw it g.HHl for w daj t u.ily. and wUl timtr ba iu.I6 Six copiei for Five Dollars (irtiiTQot ytmr frlcaili to n-iid with ygu undyim got jour own book frve. World M inufaUariss Co., 120 Kitua St., Kiw TotV. Our readers will jiiul this wonderful booh tho cheap est Dictionary published, The information it contains ia worth many times tho amount asked for it, and it should bo in the possession of everybody With this book in the library for refer cncef many other much more ex pensive works can be dispensed wit hP mtl ignorance of his country, history business, latvs, etc., is hiexcusable in any vtr Note the price $1 post-ixtitf ipru n CHEAP FARMS NEAR MARKFTS. The Statoof Michigan, havlne; w years ot lm- piwtriiicmr, nun i:uuiuiub lurgu iracis 01 unOCCtl- Dlcd lands suitable for farms, soma ofthnm uih. ject to free settlement under homestead laws, nnd uu ui iitviii tui auiu ui iuiv jiriut'S. a pampuiet. piuaiuu uiur, uuiuuiiij ui uiu bUMU UUU COn- talnlnir a ruiD. descrlntlons or lu ciimntn nii in. dustrles, crops and resources, and nn account of 1U landsi, will be sent free to any ono writing for 11. wj vjw.m .Hinjju.iuik ur lunn i juxi,ifeiroit Agents Wanted for Sullivan's IRELAND OF TO-DAY- (Introduction by Thorn, l'owcr O Connor. M. IM Centuries of English oppression set forth. It de scribes Ireland's ruin and the people's desperation. ibMiuwBuuw ui'j laiuiwas cotmscaiea una tno in. dustrlesdrstroed. It exp'alnstlm I.anl reunue. the Itud Act and the C'crclon Ii 111 . Contalnsst engravings nnd mapi In colo s. l'i Ice only tl per copy. Sales Immense, hcnrl see for full outtlt hi d begin wo kut once. Porfuil panlculars, addiess i. r. .Mcuimnv , I'liiudeiphta, ra. d may 6 4-w liOn Per "eck ca& be made In any locality. H Something entirely new for agents, te outfit freo. tl. W. lNtlHAHAM A-Co. Boston, Mass. Back POSITIVELY CURED BY Benson's Capcine Porous Plasters. Uratnti Vli Uv.-y iwr VvitWnrA ti Ml miii-v I'lHiHis I'lanlrn. or Internal lU'llU'llll".! rirot. " Ilecamo tlicy Hr 11 Ilia merit of tho strciiuiheiilnij Hr(n plaicr, niul contuln in ml. dllloiulieu tuilio nvHly d!M.ovrrwl iwwtrf ill unit aimuvrgvUbluiunibliiattoii wlilih ':( Willi In creai iiihefoclent, .llmnlatlng, seUatlvo-nml counter Irritant vtfeilr, Secoiiil, IWausi) they uroagcnnlne pharmixcutlcal pren. aratlciu, nml hi uciijulzed by the prnfeHslou. Third. IlreauH they nru llio only planers that relloc pain at nncn, tour th, IlccaiiKi iltry will iKisltlvrfyiun-dUeaMs which other irinralra will not even relieve. t inn. lloeaiiM over tOdOn vcjluiiiarllr lenlfleil 10 pliyelclana and druggliti havo I'd I hut they an superior lo till ntlier 'Uttr ur uieillflms luri vxiernui uac, SUlIi. ItxAiuu llio luaniirni lurvrx liavo lecehe.l the Mily iiutula ever g'.M ii for porous plaeteri. Benson's Capcine Porous Plaster! SEABURY & JQHNSON. Manuf,icturiua Cln-nilt. New York. AMV'tHlfUI'.IM avj.tHT. l'rlo..S.vt MEAD'S Medicated CORN and BUNION PLASTER. Nov 4 'si -y CUTTHISOUT! $15z840 wpeeerk. Wehavostore8lnl5 leadlnrr Cltlos, from which our mruiUobUlu the'r nip) llwuulikly. Our I'.iciorle. ri.l 1'rlm-liiul. llAiri-a Tare at llrle, I'a. Buul for ur .Niiiv I'liliiloMUti au4 Urun to aouU AiUtriM I ill LUfCLL 8CRANTON, PA, March a-ly LATEST STYLES OP a-A.ijXiiisra- cabds it the 'OOLUMBIAN OFFICE. Ache Cures Scrofula. Ervsinolas, Plmplos and Faco Grubs, uiotcnos, jjous, -jL-nmors, -jci-. ter, Humors, Salt Rhor.r' l Scald Head. Soros, Mcrcml and Irregularities, Dizziness, Loss ot Apliotito, Juandicc, Affections ot the Liver, Indi gostion, Biliousness, Dyspep sia and Gonoral Dobiltty. Acourieof IturdiKk htool UMtr will ntlitr tb nm ikcptlcAl (hit II U hn Ureateit lllood I'uriMl on eirlh. SiM l y mcilnlne tleilen etery here. tlilfcllnm In elcvca UiiriiA2es, rnlca, l.t. FOSTER, MILBU3N & CO., Prop's. Buffalo, N.Y. CRESCENT PLUG. This brand of Tobacco though but n short tlmo on tho market. Is already the favorite with many cnowors. siauo rrom seiectca icai ami wuu uio boat sweetening It Is a capital article, and sp:clally suited to tho rcnnaylranla tasto. For sale by all dealers. Bend for sample, to tho manufacturers. (!. A. JACKSON A- Co., l'rtcrOmrg, Vn may it -4w r ttrt Per week can bo mado In any locality. p' V something entirely new for agents, te oiTtfltfrec. (i. W. 1NOHAHAM a; CO., lioston, Nass. mayl'2-4w AIVIBTI3IM I sjnd for our select list of local now tinners, oeo. 1' Howell K Co.. 10 Pnrucc st.N. tuayn-lw r 1 J '- VMrrarlunhrrr to lx Times the I.ohii nlihont the llulldlnir. Interest Heml Annual. Noihlng ever been lost, Slth yearot rcsldcnco and stl. In tho business. Best of references- send f or pai tlculars it ou havo money to loan. , N. II cosm advanced. Interest keol up. and principal guaranteed In case of foreclosure. D. f. B. JOHNSTON Negotiator efMortgajo Loins, ST. PAUL MINN mayntw r Ts Nervous Sufferers The Great European Eoiody. pr. J. b. suirsoN's srictric memcine. Dr.J. D. Simpson's Spccino Medlclno Is a posi tive cure for overwork ot body or brain or excess ot any ktnd, such as weakness and all diseases re sulting from Nervous Debility, lrrltablilty.Mental Anxiety, Languor, Lassltudo.Deprosslonof (Spirits and functional derangements of tho nervons sys tem generally, rains tn tho uacK or siac, loss ot .Memory, Pre mature old ago and diseases that lend to consul pt lon. Insanity &an early grave or doui. no matter how shattered the system may bo trum excesses ot any klml, a short course ot this medicine will restore the lost functions and rjro- euro health and happlncsswhero before was de spondency and gloom. The Bpecltlc Mealclno ts be ing used with wonderful success. i-umpmeis seni, iree to an. write tor mem nna get full particular. Prlco, Speclflo ll.oo per package.or six packages for ts.tio. win bo aent by mall on receipt ot money Address all orders. J. 11. SIMI'SONV MKniciNK CO, Nos. lot and !U6MaIn street, Buffalo, N. Y. icu xi Q.-iy The Backus Watei Motoi'. IS TtlE MOST Economical Power Known -I'Olt- DRIVING LIGHT MACHINKItY. It takes but little room. It never gets out of repair. It can not blow up. Itneedo no fuel It needs no engineer. There Is no delay; no firing up; no ashes to clean away; nocxtralnsurnncotopay; no repair ing necessary; no coal bills to pay, and It Is always ready for use. It Is Invaluable for blowing church Organs for running Printing Presses, Sewing Machines, Turn ing Lathes, HcroliSaws'.QrlndStoncs CofTee Mills, Sausage Machines, Feed Cutters, Corn Mills, Uleva tors, etc. Four horso power nt 40 pounds pressure of Itls noiseless, neat, compact, steady, and above nil IT IS VKRY CHEAP. Send for circular to the llackos Water Motor Co., Newark, N. .1., stating nnmeof paper you saw ad vertisement In. Trice, jis to $300, sept, so-tf I Rupture ITS RELIEF end CUBE as CERTAIN as fay FOLLOWS day Ij Sr. J A. SHERMAU'J METHOD. With safety from tbo dangers ot strmgulatlon nnd without tho lujurv trusses lnlllct. Thosn wishing proof should send lo cents for his book, containing likenesses ot bad cases beforo nnd after cure, aUo endorsements ot professional gentlemen, Ministers, Merchants, Fanners and others who havo been cured. Trusses and rupture sooner or later affect tho nervous and mental systems, bring on organlu diseases, linpotencv, aestroy energy and social desires, making ihn young oln and the old us less oillces, Ml Ilroadway, N. Y., r02 Walnut St., I'hlla. Dais for consultation, each week-New York, Mondays, Tuesdavs, Saturdays; I'hlla. Wednesdays, Thursdajs nml Fridays, during December, after that every other week. April a. -4w When you do your Spring Shopping If you come in person, The trains from the different branches of the Pennsylvania Railroad come to the new Uroad Street Station, which is within one block of our store; you walk directly through the new City Hall to our Market Street front. If you come by Philadelphia and Reading Railroad, any horse car on Thirteenth Street will bring you directly from the Callowhill Street Depot to our door. Jf you come through Camden, N. J any horse car on Market Street, except the red ones, will bring you direct. We have provided new and spacious reading and toilet rooms for the free use of visitors. If you order by letter, Departments of goods have been so enlarged and improved that our stock, unquestionably the most comprehensive in the United States, is better than ever, We send without charge, or any obligation to purchase, samples of the new Dress Goods, Silks, etc. We give prices of our entire stock in our new Catalogue for Spring and Summer, which is mailed free to all who send us address on postal card. Hundreds of orders are filled daily, and goods sent by mail ami express to every State ami Territory, with full privilege of return and refund of money if they do not suit. John Wanamaker, PHILADELPHIA. Cheitmit, Market and Thirteenth fctitcK.und t'lly Hull S.piaro. Dry FINE! WINES w fl MWMBt BLOOMSBURG, PA. BL00MS8U8G SIXTH NORMAL SCHOOL DISTRICT. Bloomsburg, Columbia County, Pennsylvania. Rev. D. J. WALLER, Jr., Ph. D., Principal. TlfW NfHIrmf. nunlnrf.nnnt. trnnntltutd. oners the Very best facilities for I'rofeARtnhnl nrwl ('InMoinntlonrntnir. Uulldlng8Bpaclous,lnvltlngahdcoininodlous;rnmpletelyheatdbysteam,wcllvcntlIatcd,llghtedby pure, son spring water Location healthful, anu easy of access. Teachei AxpQovjp moueruie r in, tenia wwrucuuvhuu m, viJwfciuK vw W-IM.U. Dvuuuiiut u'nuuieu av Courses of study prescribed by tho State t I. Model School, IT. Preparatory. III. Elementary. IV, Classical. t. Ailiiinct Course: Academic II. Commercial. III. Course in Music. I V. Cnnr. Tho momentary. Scientific and Classical Courses aro PI10PK8SIONAL, and Students gradualng louowibgcorruspubuiiiK hukiuub , unvaivi ui iud Normal Cortlflcates their attainments, signed oy tuo umcers ot tho uoardot Trustees. The roil rsn or stud v Drcscrlbcd by the Stato Is liberal, and tho HMoniltlcand Classical coumiM nru The state rcnulres a hlirher order ot cltlten?hlp. lng intelligent nnd eniclent Teachers for her Schools. To this end It solicits young porsous of good labor after leaving School. For Catalogue, addrcsa IION.WII.I.IA.H Kl.Wlil.l,, I'rr.lileiU llanril ot Tmateei. OJ5). I, 'S l.- GUNS Or EVERY KIND CHEAPER THAN EVER. IUUch, Nliut CluiiA. UevolverH. Aimiiunl tloii, FIshliiK Tackle, Hoiiioa, Nets, Kutven, Hntnrfi, Nkuteit, Haiutiiucks, vtc. I-nrge IlluAtrntod CAtnlogun FUEK. GREAT WESTERN GUN WORKS, l'lTTMivnaii, va. WANTED 1 Ui'lltiiiil rieiitlcini'ii, to eimaue l!h u to 'ell M-rerul I'tvlul Ilimoflinhl Arlicli. 'rollto Inricr. l-'ibor Im llulit. ilxeliiiivo Crrrltory irltc!!. Nn iHitnfH'tl. t.on. Term I. heml. Circul irs KltllK. Aitdrc", llenltt Manufart'K Co., liiix bUS, i'lttnlumli, I'a. 'iTNErOURi3 FOR I H AHD ALL TROUBLESOME VERMIN. fiiCt. nutt, .-.niilf it mi ctittp. Packniftr, I1-.-T XX Tohiintoiif PIUburah, USIGAL INSTRUMENTS of all kinds for solo vorychonp. Catatoguus froo. A.ldrea. RICHARD HJLLiCl So (888. I'ltUhunth.Pa. .1. II. .1. RCft week In your own town. Terms and ).l out OUntfree. Addrew II. lUu.Kr I: Co.. Portland, Maine. march ill -ly t GIVEN AWAY. Zimmerman Fruit Dryer Hew aad for Tcnaa, Addrtu ZIMMERMAN FRUIT DRYER CO., Cincinnati, U April si -lm aid Morphino CURED In totoao DAYS. W7 u.illl t'uri-a. llr. J. HTKfllKNB, Lrbanou, II April 21 -3m old OPIUM; A morpiiim; I A Trent I st nn thotr ipe(vrnr SUNT PitKh iin.J i March 3 -3 m aid STANDARD FOOD FOR PLANTS ODOItl.Kss. For producing flowers and has :no equal. Has stood the test for years, und always does all claimed for It- Is epcclal ly adapted for houso plants and gardening, giving a healthy growth nnd nbund ant flowers. liver 101,000 packages sold In 1141. Awarded the medal at tho mechanics' fair in lioston. i'ut up in packages ts cents each. C0LUMI1HN0KF1CK. at Hand For sale at THE SUBSCRIBE FOK "HE COLUMBIAN. $2.00 A YKAH. Oooda, Ladle', Gentlemen's and ChlldicVs Wear and HouMiVecpliig Appolntim nta. mam, ' iX STSSbSSff" l.Fj'UlILIZWCP"B I FIHtHfliMiiFipiiai' 1 ' " "r fj STATE NOHtVlAL SCHOOL s experienced, cmclent, nnd alive to their work. Aiunicuis, ..iiigiui ui mu nvieuues i master oi tne Tho times demand It. It ts one of tno nrimn nhiwt u mi nucu u proiiiiies nm in neveiopi'.g ineir tho Principal K. I. IIII.LMVEI1, secretary CAUTION. GET THE BEST, In the manufacture of Organs sale of cheap goods, made from inferior materials. I refer partic ularly to bogus Organs that are continually springing into exis tence, without any merit whatever, except to bo offered cheap, and then when purchased found to be dear at any price. Will you not then, reader, If you Contemplate Buying an Organ consider it your only safeguard to select an instrument bearing the names of first clas3, wholly responsible makers. A good assort ment ot styles of the celebrated Estey Organs can now be seen at the new rooma of the Only Authorized Agent for the Es tey Organs in Columbia County. A guarantee for five years from the manufacturers accompanies every Estey Organ, J. SiMLiTZlSR, Agent, Juness.-so-u WEBHRHA.RDIVIAlr PIANOS, FINE INLAID FRENCH WALNUT CASH OKGAN, 9 STOPS, 1)0 CASH. Easy TcrniN. Snllxracllon Gunrnntccd. BACON'S XJJSTO ROOMS, MUSIC HALL HLOCK, WILIEBS-SA&S.S, 3PA June lo. ' when rorin mu a m or THE RIGHT PLACE TO GET A SPRING OR SUMMER SUIT jg AT DAVID LOWENBERG, ITCISKCIIANT TAILOR. Biylish Wull MMe mathing AT THE EXAMINE THE FINEST STOCK OF i' i miici' m 0 0 nr i uu i no BUSINESS AND DRESS SUITS HANDSOME PATTKENiS. PEUFECT FITS, BBASOXAB&E PBMBBB. AN IMMENSE STOCK OF siFZRizcsra- cs-oohds ON HAND, gas.and furnished with a bountiful supply of Discipline, firm but kind, uniform and thorough uny nine, itooms reserveu vi uuu uesiieu. In Art. V. (Vmrun In Pliraical Culture. therein, tecclvo Stato Diplomas, conferring tho uiassics. iirnauates in 1110 oiuer uuurses rcwiiu nr.i lnrrlnr in ihnsn nf our best Colleees. nf nils school to lieln lo bucuib It. by furnish' abilities and good purposes, those who desire to powers, alio auunaani opportunities lor wen pmu COWIPETITIOW ii resulting in the production and Bloomsburg, Pa. ,i ' . rn Ann RAIL ROAD TtME JABLF " K N N8 Y I j V A N I A 1WILKOAI). Pill la. f ADKLl'IIIA & EHIB It. It. DIVISION. WINTER TIMK TAI1I.K. im .ml urtcr Mnndav. Dec. 19. 18SI. tho tlnll.unn tho l'hlladelphia Kiln Ila'lroad Division will run aa follows t ...,..... wiwi vt Aim. Krto Mall leaves rhtladclphli 11 ts p rn 11 Harrlsburg 4t5am sunbury c son is i Wllllamtport 8 40 in ' Lock Haven WOntn " Ilcnovo II os a in " Kan 8 w p m ii orrlvn at Krto T s n in Niagara express leaves Philadelphia 8 oo a m " " Harrlsburg 19 15 pm nunoury i ou p in ' Wllllamsport a so p in " lflck Haven 4 so p in ' " itcnovo 0 4Spm Kano 10 us ii m Fast Uno leaves Philadelphia It so p m 11 Harrlsburg 3 os p m i " Hunbury s lo p m " Wllllamsport I lo p ra 11 arrive at Lock Haven siopm EASTWAI1D. Lock Haven Bxprcss leaves Lock Haven 7 to a ra iYiiutuupuri viuam ' " Sunbury ionium " arrlvont HaiTlsburg lisspm " riilladelphla r, I5p m Fast Lino leaves cnnandalgua 7ospm Watklns 8 40 pm " " Kimtrn osopm " " Wllllamsport l'itsum " sunbury lSJam " arrives nt Harrlsburg 8 is n m " " Philadelphia Tuoam Day Express leaves Kano A oo a in " " Ilcnovo 10 os n in ' " Lock Haven ll is am " ' Wllllamsport it is p m 11 arrive at Harrlsburg a no p m ' " Philadelphia 7 05pm Krlo Mall leaves Krlo 1 1 3j u m " " Kano 4 lo p iu " " Henovo tiiupm ' " LockUavcn lolopra " " Wllllamsport ll ao p m " " sunbury 1 os a m " arrives at Harrlsburg s oo a m " " Philadelphia Too am Erie Mall west and Lock Haven Express East mako close connections nt Northumberland with L. & II. It. II, trains for Wllkcsbarro and Scrim ton, ErloMall West, Niagara Expreis West and Fast Lino West mako close connection nt Wllllamsport with N. C. It. W. trains north. Niagara Express West and Day Express East makocloso connection nt Lock Haven w ith 11. E. V It. It. trains. Erlo Mall East nnd West connect at Erie with trains on L. H. & .M. S. H. It. ; nt Corry with ll, P.A; W. It. It.; at Emporium with 11. N. Y.&l'. II. It. and at Driftwood with A. V. It. It. Parlor cars will run between Philadelphia nm WlUamiport on Niagara Express west, and Day Express Kast, Sleeping cars on all nleht trains. ltOIIKUT NEILStlN, Oeneral Supt N OKTIIERN CENTRAL RAILWAY COMI'ANV. On and after l'cbrunry miMSul.tralns will tev. Banbury aa follows : NOnTIIWAHD. Nortlicrn Express c.30 a.m.,arrlvo Elmlra lt.30 pm Arrive at C'nnandalgua i.f p. in, " Itoclicstor 4.4U ' " N'mmri. H4S Nlacara Express 1.50 p. in. arrtvo Elmlra 0.03 p in arrive Canandalyua " " Ilocliestcr 45 " " Niagara H.toam Fast Uno 5.15 p m arrlrn Elmlra lo.ft) p in " Wntktns 11,10 pm (JOUTUWAHD, Soutliern Exprens 1.32 a.m. arrlvo HarrUbV s.13 cm arrive I'lillailelplila 7,oo " New York " " Baltimore , , . " Woslilnirton Kit a t Lock Haven Kx 10. w a m arrlvn HarrlsbV vt.u pin nrrho riillnaelplild 5 to p in " New York s.4.1 ' " llaltlmoro 5.S ' ,. . " Washlnston 0 4T uny ExpresU.3 p m arrlvo Harrlsburg t.e p m " l'blladelplila 7.0& " " New York lo.oo " " liaitlmore r.oo . .. " Waohlnffton 8.11 Brie Mall 1.03 a. m. arrive Harrlsburg 8 on a. m " riilladelphla T.oo " " ! ew York .31 " Baltlmoro 7,0.1 " Washington 8 22 J.ll. wool), General Passenger a nt, FRANK THOMSON, General Man Vi r. pHILADELPHA and READING ROA I' ARRANGEMENT OF PASSENGER TRAINS. November ith, issi. TBAIN8 LI1VS RUPSHT IB KOLI.OW8(aL'NIIl V xxcsrTar. For New York.I'lilladelplila.Headlng.l'ottsviro Tomaqua, Ac, 11,45 a. m ForCatawlssa, 11,45 a. in. 4 to and 7,20 p. in. For Wllllamsport, 6,io 8,50 a. m. and 4,o p. m. TU1IN8FOB KOrKRT LEAV1C 19 FOMflWH. (KCHDAV ascsrTHD.) LeavoNew York, Ma. 'I'amancnd 8,45 a, ra. and via. Bound Brook ltouto 7,43 a. in. Leavo Philadelphia, 0,45 a, m. Leave Heading, n, a. m., I'ottsvllle, u,t9 p. 1, and Tamaqua, 1,85 p. ra. Leavo Catawlssa, 0,10 8,40 a. m. and 4,00 p. tn. Leave WUllamsport,,45a.m,2,oo p.m. and 4,30 p. 111 rassengers to and from Now York, via. Tama nend and to and from I'lillade pUla go through without chango ot cars. J. K. WOOTTEN, C. G. HANCOCK, Oeneral Manager Gensral Passenger and Ticket Agent. Jan. 10, 1881-tf. D ELAWARE, LACKAWANNA WE3TEUX ItAILItOAl). BLOOMSBURQ DIVISION. AND NOHTII, p.n. p.m. a.m. 0 15 8 42 9 45 0 00 9 03 3 32 9 37 8 60 3 23 9 30 8 4S 8 14 9 21 8 42 3 Or 9 19 8 87 3 02 9 It 9 15 2 50 9 01 9 CO 1 43 9 01 2 37 8 10 'J 110 3 53 9 2.1 8 07 2 10 8 17 S 00 2 03 8 39 IIS Hi 8 S4 7 33 1 ',8 S 17 7 10 I IS 8 l'i 7 20 1 05 6 00 7 1.1 12 5J 7 09 12 40 7 CO 7 tS 12 80 7 52 S 5 19 24 7 44 e tl 12 12 7 33 0 45 12 0) 7 33 0 37 II 65 7 it A IS 11 20 7 11 0 10 ll 08 e 04 11 to 45 10 49 6 43 0,111, p.m. a.m. STATIONS, SOUTH a.m. p ir. ii.u Scran ton.... Bellevue. , Tajiorvllle.. ...Lackawanna. .Pitts ton.... .. West Plttatou Wyoming.... MaltbyT.... Bennett Kingston. Kingston. .Plymouth Juno ....Plymouth.. Avondnle ... Nnntlcoitt!.. o so 1U 0 13 19 8 24 0 82 (I 40 43 6 SO 0 51 0 38 7 02 7 10 7 17 7 22 7 10 7 37 8 00 8 26 8 fO 9 00 9 10 1 31 8 41 b r. 8 51 9 0. 9 06 9 13 9 31 9 SS 9 41 I) 65 9 4fi 12 9 li 10 ot lu 18 2 20 t 21 1 94 2 19 2 44 10 IS 10 18 2 M 2 51 10 it 3 02 3 00 3 10 3 lb It) 84 10 42 10 B5 11 07 11 13 11 20 llunlock'ai reek mcK8hinny Hick's Ferrv. I) 45 3 51 3 57 4 07 4 M 4 23 4 17 4 S3 4 33 4 60 5 19 6 2) ....Beach llaveu. .Berwick . Briar Creek., ...Willow Urove. .umo itiagu.. fispy. ... Bloomsburg., .....Ituoert 11 89 11 45 11 M 11 65 12 IS Catawl a Bridge uuaviiiu.. , . Chutasky... Cameron... Northumberl'd 12 45 p.m. p.m. a.m. , . , W. F. HALSTEAI), Buot. Superintendent's ooice, Scranton, Feb. 1st, iSSi. '1 LtK Ul.l 1 . .llttt. i 1 . i'Ii, u ir ii 1 :, p 1 ou..t 1 Ion !u 1.. rujwrmr . .ui j uitj. It c 1 Oil1" I'l.Ifl f.l.Llli-hr.1. ftuJuliv.. , Youthful Color to Crey cr ratlcil Hair n u ime'v iK.iHm.cJ at.t.1 it ullinff tnhcli. ir muhj r :M.ij, U ox & Co , X . tK- ,vt lit dnitfi mi4 tiw4ktu. grrr.T:wr,Trr"fm.. J G KIT A Sunerlallua llp-ilil. i,,,t ci,.,,i. n... r v-.iiyui uciiorcr. If you ore a mcc 1.11110 cr r.irnur, vnni out with wuik. or a ion .'.. 1. l.y fj,ily or house. l.oldduliclryI'AUKl.i. sl.ctu If )ou nraahncr, nniuslcr crLmincUmancx. uuiwd by incnta Hrainoroiixiouicarcs, donol UU liilolcai..iBii!i.ulaiii5,Lutiiiel'aiUr'.tJinKirlliilj Im, KUncy t 011,1, laiiii,, oranyjiiiierof ihcliinci ftomach. Wda, lloud or m I'a, kB' lliS 1 onic euro you. Mi.ilui JMVvri-Ur Aitd Ilia Ceil and Sunst Coinh Cure Ever ued. irvoiinra waning away from rue, tli.iii,aiiuii or any Ja or cal.,,c aJ ,ct.,trt- n ,ii la , taU OlkOBII JOMCatMltOi itwili nvlsoMto indbuiU niujiaifaiiimdrtdl cflncsi It l,uy ,JU ...,' ;w rj.wlloi A,c ,lo ,, 8,4 fo, ,T" lt ' ii..4ifU.,, y. jo.-. ti ,u.,,,l a,.uiiMJ;uu " CHEAT f AVISO IXVIMI rOUAlt $IZE. It. rfri, n.i i,...T!rP J.i.A.r i. 7 1 iragianco nai ma.lo tin delightful er uinecccd iic y ir,iilar. There tAl(Q15AINO llfVIMl fzt r''" 1 I A Ii 15. I HAIR B mm I ftesloresllic n irKcr s nair fl wjrrniittil toiirvt DNin MarcUS, 'Sjly, SUfiSORIBE NOW FOK TIIaR COLUIrlltlAN $2,00 A YKAIJ.