THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. Exhaustion of soil. . . - ItY .1. II. I.AWl-", 1.1. !.(, I'.NOI.AMI. Consiilcrabiu fault lim boon found with mo for saying that iirolUnblo njj rleulturo Is founded upon tho oxlmus tion of tho soil ! if exhaustion is con sidered an unsuitable term, I do not object to change tho word for rcduo tion 6f its fertility. Tho prices of tho various products of tho farm are regu lated chlelly By tho labor expended on thoir production, and not upon tho amount of soil ingredients which they remove from tho land. If all nations agreed to pass a law compelling every farmer to restore to the land I ho whole of the iligrcdients which he rcmovd by lils cropx, wo should not only seo such a law followed by a very general, and largo rise in tho price of our ordi nary foods, but alto that the relative cost of tho foods themselves would be vcrv much altered. Kven without such a law wo find that necessity, from time to time, compels farmers to alter their 1110.10 of cultivation, and cronpinif : thus, when thev find tho fer tllity of their land decreasing, they de vote themselves to cultivating such products as contain moro atmospheric ami lower boh cunsuiuems. r ur in ntance, lot us take tho caso of Fiigar beet. If tho roots are sold oil the farm, in each 2,000 lbs. of tho dry roots about 17" lbs. of soil products will bo removed from the land s whilo by tho conversion of tho same amount ot Hiigar beet into beef, or mutton, only about 10 lbs. of soil products will bo removed: and if tho beets is converted into BUgar none of tho soil products need bo lost to tho land. For further illustrations, I will fol low crass throutrli tho samo serins. If sold as hay, seven or eight per cent of the soil constituents nro removcu irotn tho land ; very much less, if tho crass is converted into milk i still less if con verted into butter i this last being? purely atmospherical product, all the soil constituents may find their way back to tho land, except perhaps some small portion, which in tho form of skim-milk, might bo used to produco pork. It takes ft or 0 lbs. of corn to produco 1 lb incrcaso in a pic ; a largo per ccntago of this increaso is fat, and a farmer who preserves the blood and offal, would exhaust very little of his soil products in producinc bacon. It is tho rich fatty chceso which com niands the Inch price: and the low priced skim-milk cheese which is com paratively rich in soil products. The samo law holds good with regard to flour; tho finest flour is exceedingly poor, both in nitrocen and minerals. coarser flour contains more, and bran still larger amount of tho soil ingrcd ients. A9 man cannot exist without a certain amount of these soil products in his food, and as all his efforts in the production of his food are directed to wards getting rid of such soil products the way in which ho obtains them in separate form becomes rather an inter esting physiological question. Amer ican Agriculturist for April. To Grow the Lima Bean Successfully. Tho Lima bean is one of our most pop nlar and desirable vegetables j but for ono reason or another many peopl havetroublo in getting them to do well anil some pcoplo in getting them at all. This bean loves heat, dislikes cold mois turc, and delights m loose, rich soil Those who' wish to succeed have to be careful that all the conditions arc fully insured. In order to guard against damp the earth is drawn into good seized hills, so that any superabundant raoistitro can pass rapiuly away, tlio soil bo lieavv a larcro noi-tion roadsand or even finely sifted coal ashes should bo mixed with the sou in these lulls, and if one can have access to cow-yaru, wen decomposed manure from such a locality is the perfection ot rood to the .Luna bean. Then planting, thoy ought to be set but just beneath tho surtace, or thev will very liable to vot in pushing their way inrougn. it does no harm either to push them in tho ground edgewise, as tho sprouting green conies up tho sooner. lint with even all theso precautions for dryness, food and warmth, pcoplo often plant too soon; a cold rain follows and the seed rots. 1 'our sound looking beans nro onough for each hill, and if all grow and do well ono may bo taken out. Hut as a very suro we may say certain guarntee against tho seed rot ting' urease with tallow the beans be fore planting. We have in fact never failed in our own crop, in following out thij method, unless through a pro longed drought like that of last year, and even then wo had at least half a crop. Look to the Frait-Orop. Now is the time to increaso your apple, pear and pencil oychards. The extent of ground required by theso orchards is no small ns scarcely to ho missed in n inoderato-seized farm, and will 'produce more profit for the land occupied than perhaps any other crop with which it could hu substituted. Whcrq your apples nnd pears nro not of the most productive and paying va rieties and tlio trees nro not too large, grafting should bo resorted to. Some whole treeR that ate in good health nnd vigorous growers may have nearly tho entiro top grafted with superior kinds ; rind this should bo always done after it has been discovered tho fruit is not tmo to name or fails to be productive. as 10 pctciics, tney are almost univers ally UiHlili'd, and this is done most generally in Juno and July. In gardens poisonous plants nro do elnreu by tlio Hardeners Jaoastue to bo a few in number, and of no great value for decorativo lnn-noso-v A very Jargcj proportion of the tlowers that me in iiigiic.ii reume xor ucauiy, sucn as the rose, dahlia, pelargonium, begonia, wallflower, stool; carnation ami priinmn, are altogether harmless ; nlthough for ino inosi part ot no vaitio wnatover as articles of food. Hut ns there are so many decorative plants that will not injuro, even if eaten, it is easy to ex clude from tho garden u certain few thru nru noxioux, and have sometimes been associated with sad fnUlities. 1 ho rooting out of tho great blue ac onite or inooukS'hood, the root of which contains n virulent poison, and has yet been many times severed on tho table as norsi'iadisii, is thereiore re commended. TKX TO TWl'.NTV YEARS OP MK'tT.SS for n remedy that has in that timo been wanting in nil thnt is claimed for it cer tainly ought to give eouniienco to those who lmvo not tncu ainiinons iavcy Hegulator. Tho trial of it is attended witli no inconvenience, no danger, no doubt ; if it will not euro you tt can possibly do you no harm, and in no caso of bilious headache, consumption, liver disease or its attendant evils lias it over been known to fail, Hownro of bogus and countoi fit "Simmons" gotten up to sell on the reputation of tho genuine. Chills and Fovor. Rlm'jnona Liver Itegu lator soon breaks the Chills and carries tho Fever out ot tho systm, It cures when all other remedies fall Sick Headache. Kor tho relief and euro of this distressing am c tion tako Simons Liver sr M, Hegulator. DYSPEPSIA. .Tho Itojrulator win positively euro this terrible disease, wis nsscrbCinpiiiuii'tiiiy mmv u miu to Ira true, CONSTIPATION fthomd tot fa regarded nan trilling ailment. Na turc demands tno utmost regularity ot tlio bow ols. Thercforo assist naturo by taking Simmon liver is iinriiiicss,iniivi uuuvuwiuuu PILES. itcilcf 1 at hand for thoso who stirrer Ax y after day with piles. It Ml cured hundreds, and will euro you. MALAIUA. prnn imv avoid fill attacks 111 occasionally taking a doso ot Simmons Llvor Itegulator to keep tlio Liver in healthy action. BAD BREATH irenernliv arising from a disordered Stomach can bo lorrected by taklnr.simmons Liver Itegu lator. Jaundice simmnn l.lver Itegulator soon eradicates this, disease from tho syBtem, leaving Hie skill clear and frco from all Impurities. Colic. children suffering with Collo soon.expcrlcnco relief when Simmons Uvcr Itegulator is admin. Islered. Adults also derlvo great benefit, from this medicine. It Is not unpleasant: it is harm less and crtecllvo. rurely vegetable. Caution. lis carcfulthat you get tho genulno Simmons liver Itegulator In our enrraved White wrappor, with red Z Trade-Mark, Ntamp and Signature un. broken. . , , . iTepareu uuij uy Sold by all Druggists. Philadelphia. Tliat'.i .1 common expres sion and has a world of meaning. How much suf fering is summed up in it. The singular thing about it is, that pain in the back is occasioned by so niany things. May be caused by kidney disease, liver com plaint, consumption, cold, nervous debility, &c. Whatever the cause, don't neglect it. Something is wrong and needs prompt attention. No medicine has yet been discovered that will so quickly and surely cure such diseases as Brown's Ikon Bitters, and it does this by commencing at the foundation, and mak ing the blood pure and rich. transport, InJ. Dee. 1, 1880. Kor a long time I have been a sufferer from stomach and kidney disease. My appetite was verypoor nnd the very small amount 1 did cat disagreed with me. 1 was annoyed ery much from non-rctentlon of urine. I tried many remedies with r.o success, until I used Brown's Iron Hitters, bince I used that my stomach does not bother mc any. My appetite Is simply immense. My Udncy trouble Is no more, and my renerat health Is such, that 1 feel lilc a new man. After the use of Ilrown's Iron Hitters for one month, I hate gained twenty pounds in welsht. 0. 11. Saucent. Leading physicians and clergymen use and recom mend Brown's Iron Hit tors. It has cured others suffering as you are, and it will cure you. THE DAVltS. $1,000 REWARD. ONE THOUSAND (1,000) DOLLARS I'HEMIUMoflereil lo ANY PERSON hat will do as GREAT A HANOI? OF WORK on ANY OTHER MACHINE. THATTHE NEW DAVIS VERTICAL FEED Will (to without basting. It will make wldo hem on sheets. o.. hem all manner ot bias woolen coods.assott mcrlno.crano. or Koods dltucult to hem on other machines. It makes a moro clastic stitch than any other ma chine. It will turn a hem and put in piping at it will turn a hem, sow braid ou the right side and stitch on trimming at one operat.on. Itwllldofellinirblasor straight, cither on cot ton or woolen goods. It will tell across seams on any goals. I will bind a Dress or Skirt anrt trnv nn fnrtnir. either with or without showing stltchesiblnd dress flnrVII. Willi llll, en.l.n Innta.l.l ..1,1.... r- rr I l.nn ..... .ny u.tu.U llt.lV.ldl, VlbllUl DVU1IU1.D. polnts.squares or straight. Tho only machine that will bind Hats, Cloaks, or other articles with bias, satin or silk, from to 3 laches In wllth.wlthout It will gather with or wltmut sowluc on. It will gather between two pieces and sew on at the samo time. JL will make arunio and stitch u pillowslip ou to w. laviub uv lug aumu lime. It win shirr any kind of goods. It will make plaited trlmmlug cither with or without sewing tt on. it will mako plaited trimming cither scallaped It will make knife plaiting. J. SALTOER, Oeii'l Aucut, lllnumsburir, I'a. oct. l,"60-tf. A I) El'.TiSiUltS by iiaariMalna HKO. l. UOWULL luniirucu ot,,, new sorK. can loam the cj ict cost of any proposed line of AOVKUTISINU In American Newspapers. :rzloo.ago ramphlct, TyOTIC'I? OV APPLICATION POR XI ullAHTiSIl ur INlli.MlKI) UOItl'OIIATION, IINotleo Is hereby given tint an application will . u uiuuu iu uiu siu,eriiur ui 1110 btaio or rennsyi' vanla. under tho Act of Assembly of the Common wealth of Pennsylvania, entitled "An Act to pro. Tluo for the Incorporation and regulation of car. tain corporations." approcd April m, 1671, and puuicuiciiig imTciu. lur uiu cuurier vi an m. tended COrDOratlOll. to ha cnlliil Knv 1nnnfan Wring Company, tho character and object where of Uu ' ueneral .Mechanical busliieits.and tho Man. iifacturo of lumber and Iron, into buildings, and building material, furniture ami cars and for theso purjioses, to have, possess, und enjoy all the nghts, benellts anil prlvlllges of thosald vv v. ADM-iiiuijr uuu hh supiiii'meniji. . , OlIAIILHSfl. IIAIIKLEV, lliosmsburg, Apill n M. bolteitor, DJIINISTIUTOR'S NOTICE mriTK or sivki. iievi, tad pkckisuu. Letters or Administration on tho estate of Ham. uelliessKnd late of nugarloat township. Colum. bla county, renn'a., decee sed, liavo been granted by the llcglstcrof said county totho undersigned Admr. Ail persons having claims against the estalo of tho decodont nro renunalfd fo present them for settlement audthoso Indebted to tho estate to make payment to tho undersigned Administrator without delay, Wailrs r. O. IIICHAHI) HESS, Col. CO. I'a. Administrator. aprll ll, o-w ftfi in fft9nper day at home Samples worth J5 u IU 1"5wroo. Addioss KriNHOM &. Co- van. nnd,Malno, inarch 31,. ly MyBack! THE WHITE SEWING MACHINE CP Whoroas, tno world renowned reputation of tho White sewing Mackiiio Induces many unscrupulous compflltors to resort to all kinds ot mean tricks to Injuro Its reputation, wo beg to caution all Intending purchasers not to cuy a White Machine except from Its regular nuthorlied dealers, who will bo sustained by tho following warranty. WK A. Alt It ANT THE NATintAI. WKAll AND TKA1I OF THE White Shuttle Sewinii Machine, PLATE NUMBER 10331111 FOR FAMILY PURPO SES, AND HEREBY AOHEE TO KBEl'TUEBAME IN REPAIR FORTIUS TERM OF FIVK YKAHS FROM THIS DATE, FREE OF CHARGE. This warrantr excepts tho breakage of needles bobbins and shuttles. Tills warranty will not bo sustained unless the plats or number abovo rlvon corresponds with the number on the shuttlo f ico slldo. Ilowaroof de faeod or altered numbers W11ITK fcUSWlNO. MACHINE CO. Tho"VHITE" ShuttloSowlng Machine lissnKiATXH OArAcirr lhanany other famtly Sow- lag Machlno for doing ovcry variety of work. 3 8ALTZKR funeral Agent, 'i 0 unwary p. Oct. l. ' Dauchy & Oo's. Advt's. I Don't locato betoro seeing our James River Settlement, lllus. 'catalogue frco J. F. MANCIIA, lareiiionl, Surry Co., Vu. a April 21 -4v H TpTiiCt llll'ltOVDO ROOT IIKEIt 23c lXVlliOnackago makes s gallons of a delicious wholesome, tparkllng lempcranco beverage Ask your druggist, or sent by mall for sue. (I.E. UIRKS, -UN. Dela. Ave. I'hllada. marcn 24 -iw u SUNLIGHTAHDSHAir.7 IltindrtNi n( penti lmvo niw rrt cr.r c.iJl ti fnmoui IkkiIc, cnil jet runi Mit t orr. IVr 'J n r rathos, Illch Humor, nnd Tliri'ltiij T 'i cut.Uli wU.iolI ani'ir. IdttKhi find cn iv rl. M.p tttrift y " Q'ul trrtl it. TcimofUiounmiil n- w w inl It, and It U lhfrVilFtlllri(J .HMilc 1"t ApCtltl f I fl' . V. 0 V.IIt P''M AOr.Sl.M'-nnwl Il.irn,,nth1filclnitr. 9.0 l.f tn nu f.Ci y,mvin'le. Stcutl Tmv ffhin. lnd Jcr ctrn.lari (i A. 1. UUUXJII.NUTO.V CO., DurtturJ. luiin. April 21 -iw a Th3 American PcpiiariiiCtionarjjSl.OO v.eful nnj cie- Cint soiitnm In n cmii- slim- LAN. -ZY-iLflifJ IlH H'l'MI, fit IMirll, tit vT t.ljil'ilelT ,y ! i-O . (llf.iiiiihtlna i',r'v5- , v leuc.-tli 1 1 ruiv. r.BWi. Mliiti t( r.'firenci). 4 .'i',iBtorii Dicti-.iiftry i.-iciii k iv, ami i nu -yj Amoricnn Hop 'VJ io llctlonnry tun tliiienUu moiior, ' -N. Y MUi. "WO K(iTGtifHfri( '-nr 11 prti-c, f.nUJi r con tetitii." lh A(h '. " ttuTtDIitlcnaiy hnd Horary tr rcferi'lioij" ls I i. Nvwa. N. V. Olio tdpy vt tl.e American ivii .n. Iit loimry (Illiifctrntedt, tho prtat. cut ni.d be it hutiX cv f inibllf lud, pntt I uld to iitiy mlJresa on rot-oli t vt S 1 utliiumf,utIciiKuarnt.'t?l. Two cfiilH(HibtpaUl t?t, Ordr nt onco. . VUU v&r Is irtxHirorLOiiayactiiy. Rml wul iiewrbt ttiinio cu;n. blx copies rrKhe Dollars. Ot-tiirrtor jour fiiwiJa to ftiilultr.u uml i"4 jotir nwn biKikfue, World Miwura-.turlxg Co , 120 JUssiu St., Huv Yor. Onv readers will zUul this wonderful booh tho cheap est Dlcitonari? j)?Z.siCc? Utto information it contains io worth many times tho amount ashed fov it9 ami it chonUl bo in tho possession of everybody With this booh in tho library for refer ence many othev much moro ex 2)c:islve works can be dispensed with, and ignorance of his conntry9 history business, Izvjj, etc is inexcxtsublo in an ir:" Note tho price ff'J!, por.Ult.z'.'i. Kprn iii a CHEAP FARMS NEAR MAEKFTS. Tho Statoof MIclllL'illl. havlntr BO venrsnt Ira provements, still contains largo tractsof unoccu ulcil lands sulUblo for farms, somo oftiipm khii. Ject to frco settlcm'int under Homestead laws, and un ui iiiuiu lur baiu lib iuw jinuuii. . painpiuet! UIl'lHlll'U UHUI-1 UllVIIUIllJ UI IIIU MUIUUIIU UOri' talnlnL' a mat). UcscrlMlons of Us climate roii. in dustrles, croiis and resourccB, and nn account of Its lands, win Do sent rrco to any ono writing for It to CO.MMlSSSONKlt 01' IM.MlUHATION.DetrOlt uiiuiuu. April lil-.IV u Agents Wanted for Sullivan's IRELAND OF TO-DAY (introduction uy Thorn. 1'ower o Connor. M. I Centuries of Knclls'j ODDresslon set forth. Itde scribes Ireland's ruin and the people's desperation, jl sauna nuw mu muu to cuuuscaicu uuu me in dustries destroyed. It explains Mm Land leairue, the Land Act and tho Coercion l'.ill. contains Si engravings nnd maps in colors, l'rlco only fi per copy. Sales Immense. Send cue for full ouuitnnd begin work nt onco. For full particulars, address i. iiicuiTitiiY , I'miaueinuia, ra. a inav s stfe r& sfit I'cr week can bo made In any locality 0 W Vr.Soinethlncr entlrelv new fnr nirontn. I outlltfreo, (l. W. INOIIAIIAM ,V Co. Iiostou, Mass, ,iiuy o sw u POSITIVELY JJY CURED Benson's Gapcine Porous Plasters. Ucaniiw 'li lh"y i.i Vufi'lied Ml lit her Vilnius I'UiV.i'V v l'.xlenal Ucmi'iMi'si t il .t.-' Ilocauio they nil llw m.'iit of tlio Kri-iigiliciiliii; porou p!utcr, r.nd cimliilii In ml. illllou tUci't li. Ilm newly illMimrcil iwnrrftil mid nctlvocititaliU iiimblii.itl(inHlildi ii"t Hlih in creoiml i iilicraclent, Mltniilatlng, tniatliu ami counter Irritant i Ifu. tu, Nuroiiil, llirautn tlicy ore agcuulne 1inrinr.c.-tillcal nrrn oration, uml mi rcvognliinl by thu pnilinnlun. 'I'lilnl. IlFcaum they nro llio only pljutcis Unit relievo pain at unci', LVourlli. Ilpcauoo they will poalllvilytuioitlieaaet which other I i-mnlli'H will not even relleie, L'iftli. llocauso over tMO jilii slclnim aiul .IrucgUta litie loluutarlly tenlflwl limt liny oro aupcrlor to nil other lila.U'ia ir mwllilnia lor eilemul me, Slxlll. Ileraure ilm ui.miiiacltiiera liivo leeclvnt the only ino.laU tier i,u. u fnr ioua plasteia. unpin, rorous nasier! SEABURY &. JOHNSON, Matiufjcturiui? C'ln inl.ta, New York. Ar,.'!v',!.:.!t!:-,ll:"v at i. sr. I'riisfch7; MEAD'S Medicated CORN and BUNION PLASTER. Nov 4 '! .ly CUTTHIS Welmvo8toro3nB loadlntf Cltloo, from which our oifcnt.i.iiLilu their ti i i uuii, Uy. f inp 1'iit'lorlt'v. u'i.1 l1 r u'l.i i-rilU'lluil iiii.i i'n i ,u ti icuil lor i.ii r New CiiiuIuliii' nil line, ra, . I'll. HcUil lor ,)tn N turiua to amenta Adilru a Mi N. LOVELL 312 Luckmvnr.i.n Ave QCRikNTOW, PA. March 3-ly fWGTr i. o y r. 1 r. ,,..-ul, rViEIif4ISS!lllsl'r'U tlio U pic. usJireSf--- ,iBf '"r'lM; toun.l in MSMifsJ .iiSaf'ci.'thhaJpm. irro:r. mm pi Ache LATEST STYLES OP Mth9 '00110' OFFICE. mm mm Cures Rhoumatism, Lum bago, Lame-Back, Sprains an d VrrJaca, Asthma, Catarrh, Coucha, Colds, Soro Throat, Diphtheria, Bums, Frost Biles, Tooth, Ear; and Head ache and alljmins and aches. The licst Internal 6m! est.rnsl remedy In the it!tt. I. erjr Lottie guarantee.!. SoMl.y medicine dealer, everywhere. l).rectlon. In eight llneuauc. Price 50 tents sn.l fiao. FOSTER, MILBURN & CO., Prop'r., mirfALO, N.Y..V.S. A. C. DEL SuV.A.GKB, DKAI.KR IN SUvrowaro, Watohos, Jowolry, Clockc. All kinds of Watches. Clocks and Jowelrv nea. If repaired and warranted. may 11, 'io-li To Nervous Sufferers Tho Great Eurepsan Eoaedy. DU. J. E. 8IMrS0N'S SPECIFIC UEDIONX. Dr. J.U. Blmnson's HDeclflo Medlclno Is a dosI. tlvo euro for overwork of body or brjln or excess of any kind, such as weakness and all diseases re sulting from Nervous Debility, irrltablilty.Mental Anxiety, Languor, Lassitude, Depression of Spirits uau mucuuutu uuraugemems ui tuo ncrvons sys ItUI UUUL'IUil). 1 UI113 1U LUO tiacK or siao. uxs oi juemory, rro- mature old age uiu uiseuses L111SI icaa to consmrjt- Ion, Insanity &an cany grave 01 both. No matter now shattered the system may Df irom Kxetjsaes of un) abort courso of this meutcine win restore tus iobL runci ons ana nro cure health and happlnesswhero betoro was de- npuuuuDur una gioum. -tuo npecinc itieaicino is oe Ing used with wonderful success. l'amphlets sent free to all. Wrlto for them and getru i nanncuiar. Price, Spcclflo H.OO per package.or six packages for will bo sent bv mall on recelot of monev Aaaressan orders, J. u. HiMl'SON's MEDIOIN w nos. tui ana luonaiu sireer, uuaaio, N. 1 . icu v.o.-iy OPIUM & jioiti'iu.Ni: r EATING L 1.1 1 Int. J.IL A Trpntlsp nn their I MWity rurn HUNT FKKH.I111. J.U. iorFAxlr.u,uoxi3Slculcago,iii. aid March 3 -3 m The Backus Water Motor. IS TIIK JIOST Economical Power Known -FOIt- DHIVING LIGHT MACHINERY. It takes but llttlo room. It never gets out ot repair. It can not blow up. ltnecdo no fuel It needs no engineer. There Is no delay; no firing up; no ashes to clean away; no oxtra Insurance to pay; no repair ing necessary; no coal bills to pay, nnd It Is always ready for use. It is Invaluable for blowing Church Organs tor running Printing Presses, Sewing .Machines, Turn ing Lathes, scroll Saw3, Grind stones, coffee MUls, SausagoMachlnes, Feed Cutters, Corn Mills, Eleva tors, etc. Four horso power nt 40 pounds pressure of It Is noiseless, neat, compact, steady, and nbove all IT IS VERY CHEAP. Send for circular to tho llackus Water Motor Co., Newark, N. J., stating name of paper you taw ad vertisement iu. I'rlce, jistojaoo. sept, so-tf Rupture ITS BELIEF and CURE as CERTAIN as day FOLLOWS day by Br. J A, SHERMAN'S METHOD. With safety from the dangers ot strangulation and without the injurv trusses Inillct. Those wishing proof should send in ccms for his book, containing likenesses of bad cases beforo and after cure, also endorsements of professional gentlemen, Ministers, Merchants, Farmers and others who have been cured. Trusses and rupture sooner or later nttect the nervous and mental systems, bring on organic diseases, Impotcncy, destroy energy and social desires, making Hie young oln and tho old us'less. Olllcos, 231 liroadway, N. Y C02 Walnut bt., I'hlla. nays for consultation, each week-New York, Mondays, Tuesdays, Saturdays; l'blla. Wednesdays, Thursdajs and Fridays, uurlng December, after that every other week. April 2 1 -J w When you do your Spring Shopping If you come in person, The trains from the different branches of the Pennsylvania Railroad conic to the new Uroad Street Station, which is within one block of our store; you walk directly through the new City Hall to our Market Street front. If you come by Philadelphia and Reading Railroad, any horse car on Thirteenth Street will bring you directly from the Callowhill Street Depot to our door. If you come through Camden, N. J., any horse car on Market Street, except the red ones, will bring you direct. Wc have provided new and spacious reading and toilet rooms for the free use of visitors. If you order by letter, Departments of goods have I that our stock, unquestionably United btates, is better than ever. We send without charge, or any obligation to purchase, samples of the new Dress Goods, Silks, etc. We give prices of our entire stock in our new Catalogue for Spring and Summer, which is mailed free to all who send us address on postal card. Hundreds of orders are filled daily, and goods sent by mail and express to every State and Territory, with full privilege of return and refund of money if they do not suit. John Wanamaker, PHILADELPHIA. Chc.tmil, Matkct and Thirteenth SlueiK, and City llullSiruare. C, fi . R 0BB1 , FINE: WWE an a MW&MIS, BLOOMSBURG, PA.- BLOOMSBUBG Bloomsburg, Columbia County, Pennsylvania. Rev. D. J. WALLER, Jr., Ph. D., Principal. . ... ... .A nlna l.n nv,' hnn, ritnllltlfta fP tlpnln.alAnnl nn,l .n..l,n,Ln,nln,. Buildings spacious, Inviting and commodious '.cnmpletcly heated by nteam, well ventilated, lighted by LrfreatlonWltbtul, anu easy of access. Toachcisexperienced.eniclcnt, nnd nllvo to their work, Expenses moderate. Fifty cents a wcck eicuuction Coutses ot study prescribed by tho statu I I. Motlel School. II. Preparatory. III. Llemcntary. IV, Classical. I. Adjunct Course..: Academic. II. Commercial. III. Course in Music. IV. Courne in Tho Elementary. sclontlflo and ClasstcM courses aro I'ltOFKSSIONAL, nutl Hludents grudiinlng followIBB corresponding Degrees; Master of the Normal Ccrtincates their attainments, signed by Tne Course OI tuua y prescnoeu uy mw duuu is ThnHtntni'nmiirpa n hi .riiiir order ol cltlzcnulilD. Inn lntelll eeut and cniclent Teachers for her Schools. Tothlsendlt solicits young persons of good . . A.,.i. iviAnt. no U.,1nn,a 'Vn nil atinh If hrnmlana itlil In il,n-i,lnnl imnrnvA ttmlr tlmn nnrl their tntnnts. as Htlldents. tBtmr nrtnr lAAvtnirftr.hnnl. Pnr cataiotrue. nddresft HON. WII.I.1A.H HI.Wi:i,l rrnldrnl llonrd OctO. 1, 8l.- GUNS OF EVERT KIND CHEAPER THAN EYZB. ItUle Shot OutiN, IlrvoHrrft, Ainmunt 4lou, Fishing Tackle, SpIiios Nets, KiiIvh, ltii7or(, Hkatt'M, Ilitmmucks, etc XnrgH IIluHtruU'tl CataluKtie FHKK GREAT WESTERN GUN WORKS, viTTsnvnaii, ftCENTS WANTEDl lJtdlesiiiiil (letitlemen, to ciiguco with us in sell u'Ventl Vnerul IIiiiincIioIiI Artlvlw. 1'r.ifllH lurue. Lnlior In llulit. Jlxcltmlve territory srlni. No enmiK.1!!' tion. Terms liberal. Circulars FUKIi. Ad.lro", lleiiltt .lUnurart'K Co., lint Mis, l'ituburitli, Tit. AND ALL TROUBLESOME VERMIN. Safe, sure, r tern. It tttid chftp. Satapl jVnckiK, To nt. AQKSTS WANTKH. AtMrM. JT X3C OrltitMtop lMttiburglit Vu iUSICAL INSTRUMENTS I of all kinds for sale vory choap. Catalogues frou. Address RICHARD HULL t CO.. Box 868., Pa. April 21 -6m .1.11. J. ftfia week In your'own town. Terms and ta out UOnt free. Address II. Ham.kt k Co.. Portland, ilalno. march 31 -ly tm GIVEN AWAY. Zimmorman Fruit Dryer How ud for Terms, Address ZIMMERMAN FRUIT DRYER CO., Cincinnati, O. April M-im aid Morphine CURED In I0to20 DAYS. THOUSANDS of i.lVrpnrM ftmn person, cutej. OUJ U..111 -ur. J. lr. J.BTF.1MIK., IVbiiuiiii. II April 21 -3m aid .STAIVDABU FOOD FOR PLANTS mioiii.Kss. For prod uclngllowers and has ;no equal, lias stood the test for years, and always does all claimed for It. Is e pedal ly adapted for house plants and gardening, glUng a healtuy growth and abund ant flowers. Over loo.oou nackaces sold ""f ,TTtfr-ffl L 4Crt .01 1 W ILin L lilt ffl llnlSji, Awarded the medal ' nt tho mechanics' fair in noston. rut up in na:knires at 10 and 2S cents each. For BaloatTUK COLUJUlllNOFl'lCU. IP "FT R OE3STT. HSTET J '- ciirll Ihrre tu alx Tlniri. the I.onii siltliout the I1iiIMIiim. Interest Scmt Annual. Noihlng ever been lost. 21th year ot resldenco and Mb In tho business, tiest of references- Send for particulars if you have I monev to loan, N. 11. Costa ndvaECOd, 1 merest kept up, and principal guaranteed In case of foreclosure. S. S. B. JOIWCOH Negotiator of HortgageLoins, ST. PAUL.UllUI 4prlU4 4w r been so enlarged and improved the most comprehensive in the Dry Ooodj.Laillcs'.Gcntlcmtn'a and Children's Wear anil Housekeeping Appointment. A NEW CURE FOE," POTATO HUGS 01 wtfr'i,jPTjimTyT OBmB tSUXBBBfBBS ClI l4tUU14l LljK'j STATE MOHMAL SCHOOL SIXTH NOllMAL SCHOOL DISTRICT. to nil expecting; iu luucn, iwiuoiiiiaiirameu ninny nues ; ,iit Trustees, Classical i tno omcers or tno Hoard or Trustees. iiuviui, turn mo n.ii.-iitiuu uuu s.isnieiii cuursua aiu not Tho times demand It. It Is ono ot the nrlmn oblocts tho Principal. V .... ..uv.. ... I', v.... it, , ..1 l.vl ,..IV'l(.l V-I1UI1 of Trunlrei.. V. V, lllt.LMYEIt, ran Klcmontsi Master of the Sciences i Master of tho Classics, tlraauates In tho other Coursos recclvo GET THE BEST. ESTBT ORG JLIsTS STIMMTO COWffPETB.'TIOW In tho miumfacture of Organs is sale of cheap goods, made from ularly lo bogus Urgiins that are continually springing into exis tence, without any merit, whatever, except to be offered cheap, and then when purchased found to be then, reader, If jjycm CSo23.tempIs.te! Bujsfixag an Organ consider it your only safeguard to select an instrument bearing the names of first, class, wholly responsible makers. A good assort ment ot styles of the celebrated Estey Organs can now be seen at the new rooms of the Only Mithorizad Agent for the Es toy Organs h Columbia Oonnty. A guarantee for five years from the manufacturers accompanies every Estey Organ. J Sa&XaTSEEEU -&gent? ,um"JVS""a Bloomsburg; Fa. Alii mW - "Sracf Tii ---- ZL. 1 H ZLsl Cl!) j VIM INLAID I'll UNO 1 1 WALNUT TASK OKWAN, SI STOPS, SI 0A8I1. Easj- TorniN. .Satlsliu 1 Ion 'iini'autccU B-A.a03ST'S .TA-asro wa.:r,:e B-OOIVTS, MUSIC HALL 11I.OCK, WIMXB3-aAB.RU. PA Juno le, in nm nn s n THE mom PLACE TO GET A SPRING OR SUMMER SUIT IS StylisM Well AW EXAMIN in DAVID LOWENBERC, E THE FINE IS m ami Cidnn'is BUSINESS AND DRESS SUITS HANDSOME PATTERNS. PERFECT FITS, MBAS&MAMMJS &BJtE8 AN IMMENSE STOCK OF SPRHnTG C3-OOIDS oir HAWD, gas, and furnished with a bountiful stipily of nisclpllne, llrm but kind, uniform nnd thorough tune, itooms reserved wncn uesireu. Art. V. Courso in Culture. therein, ncelvo Stale Diplomas, conferring tho llll'Jl lor iu uiuau ui uur ut'st vuiii-tjc., nf I his School to heln to secure It. by furnish abilities and good purposes, I hoso who desire to n.wl nt..... .... nt nn,l u nl I Inu fnr vv.vll sin 1,1 I'UnUI.I, Ull.t tlUU.lVt.lltl, V,l, . UI .'.'. 1VQ 1V.1 ..v... secretary. restiltuig in the production and inferior materials. I refer partic dear at any price. Will you not 'sl-ly TE OF AT Made Clothing THE 1? IHi ST STOCK OF RAIL ROAD TIME TABLE AM. ) K N NS Y I. V A N I A ItAIIiHOAI). I'll lb. AIIKLl'lllA HI1IK DIVISION. WINTEtl TIME TABLE. rin ami aftrr Monday. Dec. 19. ISM.thn ttmiunn thorblladolphta Krln Ita'lroad Division wllmin asfollovfst ........ WUinAIW, Grlo Malt leaves riilladelphU 11 no p m ' " Ilarrlshurg S5am Htinhtiry obdbi " Wllllamspoit 8 40 n in " lock iiavcu 9 40 a in " " Itcnovo ll os (i m " Knnc a M n m ' arrive at Erlo TiSnm Niagara Express leaves Philadelphia 8 oo u m iiaiiiauuit, uiDpm " bunDury t to p m " Wllllamsport a so p in " " Ix)Ckllavcn 4 so pin " ltonovo 8 41 it m " " Knno low nm Fast Uno leaves Philadelphia 11 so p m " Ilarrlsburg ll os p m ' " mmbury oicpm " Wllllamsport 1 10 n m arrlvo at Lock Haven 8 lo p in EAST WA III). Lock Haven Kxprcss leaves Lock Haven ? 50 a m Wllllamsport stisam " " Minbury " arrive at IlarrLsburi,' " riilladelphla Fast Lino leaves eanamlaigua Watklns " Klmlra " " Wllllamsport . nunbury " arrives nt llarrlsburi; " l'hlladelpula Day Express leaves Kano " itcnovo " " Lock Haven 11 " Wllllamsport mtonin V2C5 p m fl 15p III 7 05 p m 8 40 pill SO p 111 l'i is a m I tt a m 8 in a m looam o oo a m 10 os a in II mam ll in p in a no p m 7 on p m 11 35 urn 4 10 p III niKipm 10 10 p m 11 no p in losam 3 00am 7 on a in arrive at jiarrisouri; l'htlndeln hla plilr Krlo Mall leaves Hrlo " " Kano " " Itcnovo ' " Ixwk Haven " Wllllamsport ' " minbury " arrives at Harrlsburtr " l'lilladelphia Erlo Mall west and Lock Haven Kxprcss East mako close connections at Northumberland with L. & 11. It. II. trains for Wtlkesbarro and Hcranton, Erlo Mall West. Nlacara Express West and Past Lino West make close connection nt Wllllamsport wiui n. j, ji. limns nuriu. Niagara Express West and Day Express East make cl030 connection at Lock Haven with II. E. v It. it. trains. Erlo Mall East and West connect at Erlo with trains ouL. H. M.S. ; nt Coiry with II. P.: W. It. H.: at Emporium with II. N. V.AP. It. It. and at Driftwood with A. V, It. It. Parlor cars will run between Philadelphia aiu WlUamsport on Niagara Express west, anil Day Knpress East. Sleeping cars on all nlulit irnlne. KOllUIlT NEILSDN, Oenoml Hupl. N OHTHEHN CENTKAL RAILWAY COMPANY, On and after February istlussi trains will leavr Sunbury as follows : NOItTHWAIiD. Northern Express 0.31 n.m..arrlvo Elmlra H.30 pin Arrlvo at Cannndalgun p. m. " ltochestcr 4.40 " " Niagara, s 4n " Niagara Express p. m. arrlvo Elinlra c.j p in uriloCnnandalgua8.33 " " Itochcster 9 45 " " Niagara is.toam Fast lino 5.15 p in arrive, Elmlra p tn Watklns pm SOUTUWAUD. Southern KxpreDo l.siia.m.urrivu HarrlsbV 8 15 8m arrlvo I'hllaaeiPi,ia t nn " Now York K3j .. " llalllmoro 7.1 o " Washington a l.i Lock Haven Ex 10.50 a m arrlvo IIarribb'glv.55 pm mrto Philadelphia 5.00 p m " New Vorlc 8.45 " lialtlmom 0.1! " Washington c.47 Day Expreml.Sip m arrlvo Hnrrlsburg 3.3 p m " Philadelphia 7.1)5 " " Now Yolk 10.00 " " llalllmoro r.oo " Washington 8.17 Erie Mall 1.03 u. m. arrlvo Ilarrlsburg 3,o:i a. m " Philadelphia 7.uo " " r-ow York 9.31 " " llaltlmoro 7.oo " Washington s.fl J.U. WOOD, General Passenger Agt-nt. FRANK THOMSON, General Manawi r. pHILADELl'HA and HEADING KOAI ARRANGEMENT OF PASSENGFK TPwAINS. Novomber Tth, 1BS1. IUAIH8 tlVB BUrEKT 13 FOU.OWS(SUNDiT EXCtrTsP. For Mew York,riillavlelplila,Heaainj,rotlsvire Tomaqua, &c, 11,49 a. in For Cntawlssa, 11,45 u. m. 4 CO and 7,20 p. in. For Wllllamsport, c,13 s,M a. m. and 4,05 p. m. TKA1NB FOR RDriRT LSAVK ill FOLLOWS, (bDNDIV HtCKPTBD.) Loavo New York, TU. Tnmancna 8.45 a. m. and via. Bound Brook Kouto 7,45 a. m. Loavo riilladclplila, 0,45 a. m. Loavo ltoadlng, 11,65 o. m., I'ottavlllc, U,t8 p. u and Tainaqua, 1,35 p. m. Leave Catawlaaa, 0,10 8,40 a, m. and 4.00 p, m. Leave S'llllam3port,9l45a.m,!.,cop.m. nnd 4,30 p. in Passengers to and Irom Now York, via. Tnma- nend and to and Irom Philadelphia no through without chanfo ol cars. J. K. WOOTTXIN, General Manager, C. G. HANCOCK, Gensral Passenger and Tlclcet'Agont., 1881 tt. KLAWAItK, LACKAWANNA AND VVL'jlEUN IiAILltOAI). BLOOMHBUKG DIVISION. NOHTII, .STATIONS. SOl'Tll p.m. p.m. a.m. a.m. p.n. 11 15 43 Scranton,... ,.. llllovua t Taylorvllle., ,..Lackawanna..i l'lttston.... ,. WiistFlttstoni Wyoming.... Mnltby .Dennett Kingston.... Kingston.... l'lymoutu Juno ....Plymouth.,. Avondalo... Nantlcoko.. J 10 t iu ll 13 S 19 8 24 0 82 l .., li 45 0 01) n si 0 58 7 112 7 10 7 17 7 22 7 !0 7 37 8 00 8 25 8 fU 'J 00 9 10 t 31 8 41 a r 8 51 9 01 9 OU 9 lit 9 81 9 ES 9 41 U 55 a 03 8 st 8 43 8 42 8 37 3 32 S fi 3 14 3 OT 3 Ui I) 31 U HQ 0 'JI a is 'J 14 J 45 0 (2 'J 53 2 20 2 it 2 84 2 19 i 41 10 OH W 18 0 (5 a w 8 10 8 07 8 00 7 40 " 33 7 SO 7 eo t 50 2 4', 'I 81 2 30 9 ti I 10 '1 03 1 45 l :a 1 is 0 01 'J 01 10 IS 2 51 1 54 3 02 3 Ol) 3 10 3 13 3 33 8 15 3 51 3 67 4 07 4 14 4 2) 4 17 4 33 4 89 4 16 5 10 0 2S 10 18 8 55 10 2a 10 34 10 12 8 47 8 S'J 8 23 llunlock'sL'rcck ...smcKBiunny.. ...lllck's Kerry. ...Beach Havoa. Berwick.. 10 55 11 07 11 13 11 20 8 1 8 12 8 00 7 tr. 7 62 7 41 1 05 7 13 12 5J 7 O'J 12 40 7 (5 12 80 S 57 12 21 Briar Crock.. willow Grove ...Llmo ltldgc. , Kspy ..Bloomsburg., Kuport 11 19 11 45 11 M 11 05 12 13 C CI 12 12 C 45 12 03 C 37 11 55 0 18 11 20 0 10 11 OS 0 04 11 (0 0 45 10 40 7 33 7 33 7 SO1 Catawl'a Bridge 7 11 iianviuo.... Chulasky... Cameron. . Northumberl'd C 43 12 43 n.m, p.m. a., in. p.m. p.m. a.m. W. r. HALSTEAI), Suot. Hupcilntendent'sonice, Scranton, Feb, 1st, us. PA SS. 2 15 S. ' J J HAIR BALSix -a. i tn . 7 it c i mm. .ii. i t-nly 1 .. In l.v ,1 ml. . . i 4 I...:. niivt. v. i Youthful Color to L'rry cr rated Hal.- l is r.nd I if'iuicil nnd is f.illtu ; 1 1 !itj l, nnd . x Mr.-. II -ux&Lo, N.Y. l.'r. In Jru.'i si' J imili. In, A Superlative :ta;, a,,J pi., nntll f?plsp.. Ifyouiiiouiiiv h.uiic ot f.iimor, v i'Mi um uiil. eteruaik, IT n lluilliur ll.n i!i i ll ly f..i.uly w livu,-. lioU dunes tiy Paui.i i ,. -y, If cii i.ronUcr, unu ur i-r bi:vlnck man cv haiistedliy menial cmra, i!onoti.i!.4 liHoxicalinBslimulaiiU.bntiisol'oikii'stiiiijcr'I'oliiv! lf)oiiiao . Cunssiiinpiloii,, Uhoui-.u. Ism, Kidncyl onii.Uli.js, ornnyil.-oivltrof diallings, Bloinach. Uvicls, Uood ct m n . s I'ai Ktu'ufiiKr.i'ii Ionic,rc)ou. lli.llio(,icaic,tliluvKH'uiificr And the Dett and Surest Cougli Curs Tver Uicil. If you mo wa.iin ; nway from rge, ilNsipaiKm or any or wiakncss mid rniuiia n siimulani Ia1; tJiNCKH Iomcmiiuk) iivi'lliitigniats nmllmiij voii uprroni ilia first i!ose but v. ill new r iniuir an. ltliasacdliundrivli of lin-j it may t.-.o jo.iri. CAUTIO". I l:,fu.f sll (uliillliilrl. I'i,,l,r'.(lliiti To'.tj ll comiv.Jcl ll, -u-.iil.,i, .r'J.n aiitui'r 'y ?, "V " 'J'lS'" ""',lT B.4f.'ilrvu,iru IIikcs 3, C., N, y, (jo, 4 ( ! ilu,, ,Uvi.Uu l.i dnis, CI'.KAT fAVINd r.tVIVll POI.LAU tlZL. IlS lit h ntlll l.lvtlitf. Ir.n.....ra 1.. .It. delisliiiul iwrluino cxceeJuifsly popular, liters .... i. B n ,i, , von iiavuiji 1 Hikes. ton Counirmmidlogl. fv.r s cnaiuro or J&lScox Co ot LlltliK ( . !! yivi r ri7.E r"f"Tf Mirr"llmi-iri-lT r n .mi .. n 8 mmm 8 WH-Z 9 Restores thi n i .iTKcr s nair Q NarranlcJ to n move daiiJniu 1 Slarcli 3, '8J ly, suiisumnii now for TIII5 COLUMBIAN 2.00 A YE Alt.