The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, April 28, 1882, Image 3

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The Columbian.
HllDAY, A1MUL 28, 1882.
Correct Itullroittl Tltuo Tatile.
Trains en the Philadelphia It II. Icnio Unpen
in follows !
nMT.( mictii.
6 to a m IMS . III.
4 10 p. III. 0 45 p.m.
'I r. Ins on the U. I.. .V. I . II. In vi nocmsburg
n folio si
N. Mil. SOUTH.
t 83 u. m. l " m-
H II p m. t' n in.
ii p in. , 21 P. '".
Tlio II 41 train south cotiii-i 1 with tin' Phila
delphia it Heading nt lipi'lt, UMl Willi tlio
Northern Centrnl at North'UiiurliUid.
The romls nre very dusty ninl driving Is
decidedly uiipli'iisiint. Tin; vtrcet-mirlnUkr
would bo iipprccltited In town.
Four Indies of snow fell on North Jtoini"
luln lust Wednesday night. Xo wonder tlio
weiitlier ictnitlns cold.
Hnm, shoulder, nnd side nienls, you can
get the cash or trude lit V. S. UlnimrtVi
Orocery store.
.Messrs. M. C. Sloan ifc Uro. huve had
their shops on Market street neatly painted
nnd they look like new buildings.
Monthly (lospel Temperance meeting on
Tuesday evenliijr, May 2nd In Hie l'resby.
terlnn Church.
If you want the host articles at Ihu low
est prices go Id V. S. Klnporl's grocery
I always have butter nnd eggs for my
customers, nnd town people will llnd It to
their advantage to trade here us 1 sell very
cheap. V. H. Kisrnni.
Messrs. Holmes & Schuyler have secured
the contract for heating by steam llieMetli
odist Church on Third street. They will
begin the work at an willy day.
A cow belonging to William McMahou
of Mount Pleasant township, gave birth to
three calves on Saturday. They are tlirlv
log and bid fair to continue so.
Mr. Joseph Hummer of Hemlock, has
shown us two very large eggs laid by a com
mon hen. The larger of these measures 0;
by 7 Inches, and the other Is nearly as big.
The annual meeting of the stockholders
of the Normal School for the election of
trustees will be held on .Monday, May 1st,
1882 at 2 P. M. at the olllce of Frank P.
lllllineyer, Secretary.
Tlic mall faclliliis have been Increased
between Sercno nnd Pine Summit from
three times to six times per week. For which
we presume thu people are Indebted to our
Congressman, Hon. Hubert Klot..
There have been some line largu trou
caught in Fishing Creek, near this town,
the present season. We saw one the other
day that measured 14 Inches and weighed
one and u half pounds.
Tli : Willi umport llii-AU C- llutlitln says
"a woolen fnctouy Is to be started at ller
wlck, Columbia County." For "llerwlck"
read "IJloomslmig" and the statement Is
Lovers of that delightful wild tinner, the
trailing arbutus, have not been very suc
cessful in obtaining the fragrant blossoms
thus far. The season has been so backward
that even this hardy lloral pioneer has not
ventured forth.
It is rather chilly for gardening but not a
bit too cold for cleaning up your premises,
whitewashing and such necessary work.
Now is the time to prepare for summer
and to make suitable provisions to ward
olf disease.
The circus season has bfguii and numer
ous "largest shows on earth" have taken
the road. Whether Iiloomsburg is to be
favored tills season cannot now be stated.
Danville has a circus to day and Sunbiiry
has been equally fnrlunale.
Things will turn out all right in the end
doubtless, but Isn't Ibis a queer Spring?
What with Northern Lights, hull and frosts,
the air feels moie lll;u November than May.
The buds and blossoms haven't got far
enough ahead to be killed and Unit is where
they are In luck.
The newspapeis of Danville and Sunbiiry
are highly excited over the railroad between
Shamokiu to Milton and urge the claims of
their respective towns with great ve
hemence. The Heading Company will
build the road, however, without regard to
editorial opinions.
The llnest and cheapest lot of Papeteries
In llloomburg havo recently been opened
at the Columbian stationery store. The
ladles are respectfully invited to call and
see them. No trouble to show goods
whether you buy or not.
The postolllce department suggests that
all letters of Importance, and especially
those containing checks or other papers of
value, shall havu plain directions for re
turning the same to the sender printed on
the outside. If this plan Is followed, It
will soon, o uwny with the dead-letter of.
The cistcin at the rear of the Columbiun
building having proved too small to contain
the water (lowing thioiigh the motor, we
have abandoned It and have- laid 850 feet of
slx-Inch pipe from the building to the run
below Third street. This will enable us to
run our presses for any desired length of
time and cllectually disposes of the dilllcul
ties with which wc have hitherto had lo
Don't use lue-plated lemon squeezers
but choose such as are of wood or china. A
lady In New York was recently iniide very
sick byjlemonade and on Investigation It was
found that the lemons had been compressed
In a zinc-plated squeezer. Tho acid of the
lemons produced cllratu of zinc, which Is
poisonous. This fact Is worth remember.
A new amusement In Indiana Is egg Jump.
Ing. The net of jumping causes the Invol
untary closing of thu hands In a tight grip;
and In the contest of egg Jumping, who.
ever Jumps farthest without breaking the egg
that beholds In either hand tukes the prize.
Some of our athletic young men ought lo
try this sport. It will nltord them exercise
and help the merchants, and, perhaps, (he
At a meeting of thu Democratic county
committee, held at the Court house on
Tuesday last, U. A. Herring and P. A.
Kvnns were chosen as representative dele,
gates to tho Stato convention and Instruct,
cd to support Hon. William Elwell for
Governor. F 8. Huni;aud It. I). Darling,
ton wero selected as Senatorial conferees
to chnoso a delegate, without Inslruc.
Mrs. Maloy, mother of Frank Maloy of
this town, was prostrated by a paralytic
stroke on Saturday afternoon and died
on Monday. Shu was visiting her sister
and nleco in Wilkes ll.irru at the time of
herdeath. The body was brought lolllooms.
burg on Wednesday afternoo:i and was
taken at onco to tin Lutheran Church,
whoro servlcej wero held Hev. Mr.Manhait
olllclntliig. Tho Interment was In Itose.
moid Cemetery.
A remedy resting on tho basis of Intrinsic
worlil demands the conlldence of nil. Dr.
Hull's Cough Syrup Is known nnd used
most satisfactorily throughout the laud, ns
Is nllested by Its great sales. Your drug
gist keeps It.
fa answer to letters from all parts of the
United States, asking for tho signification
of tho recent aurora, P rofessor Vendor, the
Canadian weather prophet, says i "Thu up
proachtng summer will bo cold nnd wet
ov'Cr'n very considerable portion of the con
tinent, Sotilh and West." Ho should not
be surprised should each month for tho re
ninlniler of the year bring frosts. In past
years In llllant auroras nt this tlmo In April,
nt Toronto, New York nnd more Southern
poliits,havu almost Invariably been succeed
cd by cold and wet summers.
Tho dratun of "The DanlchelTs" was pre
sented nt the Opera House on Thursday
evening of last week, by Edwin Lawrence's
company. The play has a genuine plot, Is
well written abounds In thrilling Incidents.
It has proved very successful and deserved
ly so, as It Is far superior to mot A the
plays of the kind now on tliu stage. Tlio
company was not particularly strongand In
some cases was weak. The best acting
was done by Miss Claire Scott as Hie Count
im Jltniclirff, Miss Fremont as Ihe Vincw,
Mr. Lawrence as 0.;i and Mr. D.ilton as
Xuknntf deserve favorable mention. The
role or Count Vladimir was execrably render
ed, the actor having neither grace nor force.
Fun ash Oami: Laws. It Is Illegal to
catch and retain trout under live Inches In
length, and It Is Illegal to catch them In any
other way than with rod, hook mid line..
Penalty for each llsh Illegally caught or
retained JjtO, or offered for sale lyS.!. llass
and pike llshlng commences on the 1st of
June, nnd It Is Illegal to catch them In any
other wny than with rod, hook and line,
under a penalty of :?10 for each llsh Ille
gally caught. Sunday hunting and llshlng
Is prohibited under a penalty of 25. One
half of all lines goes to the Informer. At
this time of the year there Is little game of
any kind that can bo legally hunted or
killed. Constables having personal knowl
edge of violations of law, or if furnished
witli good evidence that the law has been
violated, are bound to make. return there
A .llaii'H Ilcml Cut On".
The engineer on a "wildcat" train run
ning from Kingston down the Lackawanna
and Iiloomsburg road on Saturday night at
11 o'clock, dlscoveied a dark object upon
the track a short distance from the depot.
It proved to be the body of a man, but, as
the train was running at a good rate of
speed, the efforts to prevent an accident
were futile. The wheels of the cars parsed
over the head of the man and crushed It so
badly that but a small portion of It could
be found when an Investigation was made
after the train was brought to a stand-still.
The name of the victim was MeCloskey. He
worked at the Kingston shops. He lived nt
Plymouth, where thebody wasllnalyl taken.
He had been nt Kingston during the early
hours ot the evening, nnd, It Is reported,
was intoxl ruled when hu left. II ViUs liar
te Hrconl
One of the most fruitful sources of disease
in the household Is a dirty cellar. There
has been occasion within the last few years
to record many instance In which deso
latlug sickness has entered families through
this cause, carrying olT one after another by
diphtheria or some other deadly disease.
The cause was not suspected until It was
too late to avoid the consequences. An ap
parently slight exhalation from standing
water or from a damp cellar where wate
cannot be found, especially If there should
happen to lu any decaying vegetable mat
ter in it, may alTcct a whole family. Th
presence of this malarial atmosphere in the
house is not detected until fever or some
other disease breaks out. Even those who
are aware of the existence of dampness and
of their exposure to malarial influences do
not always tako Immodiate measures to coi
red the evil, but live on in security or in
hope until sickness awakens them lo tin
.Mr. W. H. Jacoby is in Wilkes liurro
where he has u case In the olllce of the Sun
imj .Vey Dealer, lie is an old compositor.
Col. A. .1. Fl ick of Danville was In town
on Tuesday.
Mr. A. It. Uncoil of Wilkes U.irre was in
town on Monday and Tuesday.
I hcodore Uerger, who has been living In
Chicago lor a year or more, has returned
and Is visiting his family in llerwlck.
Mr. Daltzcr Laycoek, landlord of the hotel
at llupeit, Is slowly recovering from a se
vere .sickness.
Miss Llllle Wilson Is spending u tew
weeks at Montgomery Station.
Mls Eniuiii Lninoii, of llerwlck, is vMt
big .Miss Josephine Kesler.
Mr. W. O. Coolb.iugh of Wilkes Harre,
came to town on Weilnesduy.
Mrs. Win. Hlrd of Mt. Vernon, Ohio, thu
daughter of Daniel Krelgh of Catawlssa,
with her sou and two daughters have been
the guests of .. F. Eyorly since Saturd iy
Ilucldiorii Hems.
The btorm which passed over this placu
on Wednesday evening last did eonsldera
ble damage. Hesldes sowing thu fences
broadcast, the house of Mr. Dennis Pur.
scl Sr. was damaged to thu extent of one
end blown In and a part of the roof blown
off. Mr. Heubcn (luild's barn was also
partly unroofed.
The Lutheran chinch has been papered
and the nppearauco greatly Improved.
.Mrs. William Old Is visiting her daugh
ter at Nantlcoke.
Mr. Hiram Kieso Is about to begin im.
provements on the properties he leeeutly
Mr. Ksau (ilitonlias purchased a Hue
pair of horses.
Not a Cauillilatu for (iicruor.
The following letter from Judge Elwell
to Col. McKcaii of Hradford county ex
plains Itself,
Iiloomsburg, April 22 1882.
Col. II. H. McKean,
Dear Sir,
I notice !u thu
newspapers the action of tho Standing Com.
inltleu of Hradford County, of which you
are Chairman, in respect to Instructions lo
tilt) delegates to tho Democratic Stato con.
vuntlon. It Is needless to say that I am
gratified by thu good opinion of the pen.
pie of my native county, but as I inn not
a candhlatu fur nomination to thu olllce of
Governor, nnd have no aspirations In that
direction I hope your committee will re.
lleve the delegates from obedlencu to the
Instructions, so far as regards tho use of
my name.
Very Itcbpcclfully Yours,
Wll I I AM El.WKI.I..
Sluco this letter was mailed, Ihe standing
committee of this county has also instruct,
ed Its delegates for Judge Klwell, We
am authorized by him to say lo thu com.
mltteu that thu compliment Is highly ap.
predated, but that It Is Ids desire that his
nuuiu shall not be used In thu Statu con
ventlou, as a candidate for nomination to
Ihe olllce of Governor
Isaac Osterhoul, who died In Wilkes linr
ru last week, left a fortune of more than
!jir0,000. Of this sum :W0,000 was lie-
liieathed to found a free Hilary, nnd sevcrnl
prominent citizens nro designated to
carry the plan Into effect. This Is truly n
muiilllceul gift nnd the people of Wilkes
linrro .have every reason to feci proud
that so liberal nnd benevolent n man has
lived among them.
CntiiwlHHii l.ocnlH.
Mrs. W. F. Hotline of your town Spent
somo time with Mends here last Saturday.
Tho matqurradc ball In Masonic Halt
was welt Attended last week.
Mr. Jacob Krvlu spent last week and
this In Wllllamsport.
Mr. A. H. Shnrple s Is building a house
on Shumnu street.
Mr. N. E. Hamlin Is building a house on
Mill Street opposite the Znrr homestead.
large new bell was placed in the bel-
fry of the new public school building on
Ihe hill on Monday.
John C. Aociini had a very luiii(loim!
new book. case placed In his law olllce last
week. The case Is made of chcitnut,
trimmed with walnut and finished In oil.
Catawlssa Is notorious for at least two
things, n well disposed, kind hearted,
genial citizenship and "awful" bad side-
walks. If the town were Incoporated Into
a borough It would be a great credit to the
former nnd would certainly not hurt the
hitler one lota.
The quiet of the town was broken about
ten o'clock on the evening of the llltli, by
an alarm of lire. Scores of men, women
and children hateued to the scene, when It
was found that the wood house attached to
the rear part of Dr. J. 1C. 'Tlobins' dwell
ing was burning. The Humes soon
yielded to the showers of water coining
fiomthe bucket brigade and the minia
ture (Ire engine. If It had not been for the
abundant rain of tin; afternoon and even
ing there might have been a conflagration
as there were several other buildings
standing near. The lire Is supposed to
have caught from some fresh lime that had
been thrown against the building near
some shavings the rain slacking the lime
and causing sufllclcnt heat to Ignite the
shavings and building. This warning
should be heeded and a tiro department
established at once capable of protecting
the people nnd their homes and property.
On Wednesday afternoon at three o'clock
Mr. Charles W. Hand of New York, and
Miss Julia daughter of itev. I). J. Waller
Sr. Joined hands nnd weie made husband
nnd wife. About one hundred persons
wero present ft the residence to witness
thu interesting ceremony, which was per
formed by thu father of the bride. The
large mid handsome pallors were beautiful,
ly decorated with lloral mounds and de
signs, and the whole house was brilliantly
illuminated with gas, which gave the cITcct
of an evening wedding. The bridal party
entered thu parlor in the following order;
the ushers, Messrs. Norman White, Chas.
Hebard, Isaac Post, and John H. Torrey lu
full dress black suits; the bridesmaids,
Mies La am Waller, Mary S. Waller,
Clara Rogers, anil Jean Sterling, In lovely
drcses of white India silk, two trimmed
in beaded Spanish lace, and two In Mores
que lace: then followed the groom with his
"best man" A. C. Hand, and the bride
leaning on the arm of her brother, ltev. Dr,
Waller. The bride's dress was of white
satin Merveilleux and Moire, trimmed in
Duehessu lace, en train, with long veil. The
The ceremony was pet formed at the back
end of the parlor, and then followed con
gratulatlons, after which a delicious repast,
prepared mostly by a Philadelphia caterer.
was served. The bride and groom left on
the evening train for Scr.inton, whence they
will go on an extended tour. They were
the recipients of a very large number of
beautiful presents, tokens of the nffiction
and esteem in which both are held by their
many friends. We join with the whole com.
munlty in wishing them a happy life.
Among the strangers present at the wed
ding were S. .1. Foster, Miss Grace Foster,
W. S. Torrey, Kittle Torrey. Henry '.. Hus
sell, Joseph WeWi, .Mr. and Mrs. M. L.
Tracy, Howard E. Tracy, Mr. and Mis. II
C. Hand, Mrs. E. Hand', H. S. and H. C
Hand, all of Honexlale, Dr. C. L. Dun
ning, Miss Lizzie Harvev and (i. M. Lewis
ot AVUkes-barrc; Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Kich
mond, Miss llattiu Hand, Willie J. and
Alfied llnud Jr. and Thomas Walls, of
Scranton; Mr. nnd Mrs, J. W. ( hemberlln,
Miss Eno, and Mr. W. Lno, of Plymouth
Miss Sade Deirlckson of Hnzleton, Mb
Hoinalne Merklc of Mechanlesbiirg, Miss
Julia Waller of Washington.
U!i'riilrl DaysTrlal,
We will send Dr, Dye's Celebrated Fleet ro.
Voltaic licit s nnd other F.lcctrle Appliances
on trial for thiity days to young men and
older persons who are alllicted with nerv.
ous debility, lost vitality, etc., guaranteein
speedy relief and complete restoration of vig
orand manhood. AUoforltheuinatlsm.Xeu
algiii, Paralysis, Liver and Kidney dilllcul
tics, ltupliires and many other diseases. II
lustrated pamphlet sent free. Address
Voltaic Uelt Co., Maishall, Michigan.
Oi l. 28, '81-ly
ITckIi terlmis In Council.
The stated April meeting of the Presby
tery of Xollhumbei land was beld In Her
wick on Tuesday, the 18th Inst. It was
opened with prayer by the moderator, Hev.
D. J. Waller. Tho loll of ministers and
elders was then called, and tho members
found present then and the next day were
as follows :
J. P. Hudson, Wllllamsport; I. Orier,
D. 1)., Mlllllnbiirgi Win. Sterling, Wll
llanisport; 1). .1. Waller, llloonisburg ;
John Johnson, Washlngloiiville ; Joseph
Stevens, Jersey Slioiei P. Camp, Cogan
Station i David Kennedy, Watsontown ;
Stuart .Mitchell, Hlooinsbiirg; Joaph Xes.
bit, Lock Haven ; James Dickson, l'enns
dale; J. D. lleardon, Lock Haven; John
llurrows, Wllllniusport; J. I). Kruui, D. !.,
Lewlnbiirg; N. Spear, llrlarcreek i M, L.
Hoss, Sunbiiry; J. W. Hoal, Alleuwood;
it. L. Stewart, Danville; S. T. Thompson,
St. Marys; I). J. Waller, Jr., Iiloomsburg ;
A. Henry, Newberry; N. F. Stahl, Muncy ;
A. U. Clarke, sihumokln i J. I). Cook, He
nova; J. 1). Urler, Danvlllu; L. M. Kum.
ler, llerwlck; H. Webster, Willlauispoit ;
V. K. Canllehl, Oraugevlllo
la i.iMi m.iiKiis,
It. H. llaiber, Huiraloi Thomas Itobln
son, AV'iishlnglonvllle ; John Hamilton,
Jersey Shore; C.J. Ileylmaii, Lycoming
Centre; A, D, Lunily, Wlllinmsport , O. W
Proctor, Lcwlsburg; Alkman, Hilar
creek; lllrnm Long, Simluiry ; M, C. Piatt,
Alleuwood: Patterson Johnson, iMiivllle;
S. F, Good, lienovo; K. I), Adams, Her.
wick; S. L, Finney, Milton; S. I'. Gaston,
Warrior Hun; Charles McKean, Wnlson.
town; G, W. Chambers, Mlllllnhurg;
Samuel Hodlne, Penusduloj T. V. Heunetl,
Montoursvillu i I). A. llennlnger, North,
uiuberlandt Frank Potter, .Montgomery
T. J. Morris, Hlooinsbiirg; S. S. Alexander.
Muiicyi A. W. King Newberry.
The following olllccis wero elected for
tho ensuing yeuri Moderator, Hev, Joseph
Stevens; temporary cleik, J. W. Honli
reading clerk, Hev. A. O. Claike.
Hev, Joseph Nesblt was nppolnied treas.
urer In place of Ihe staled treasurer, who
was absent
A will for the services of ltev. Jnnies
Dickson from the church of Pennsdale was
placed In his h inds, accepted by him, and
n committee appointed to arrange for Ids
A call from the church of Lycoming Cell-
tre for Ihe services of Hev. 1. Camp wns
placed In Ids baud, and hu was permitted
to withhold his answer for six months.
Tho moderator aniiounccd the following
committees i
Commtttco on devotional service, Hev,
L. M. Kumlcr nnd Elder Adams.
Leave of absence, Hov. P. Camp, Hev. J.
D. Cook iind Elder John Hamilton.
Dills nnd overtures, Dr. Grlcr, Hev. A.
Henry nnd Elder S. L. Finney.
Judicial committee, Hcvs, John llur-
rows, S, Mitchell, nnd Elder A. I). Lundy.
Supplies, Hev. Win. Sterling, Itev. J. W.
Hoal nnd Elder Hcniilnger. .
.Minutes of synod, Dr. lvruin, Hev.
Joseph Nesblt nnd Elder 0. W Proctor.
Committee on the records of the church
sessions, Hev. S E. Webster, Itev. 0. K.
Canllehl, Elder Frank Porter. T. J. Morris.
I lie presbytery elected the following
commissioners to the general assembly
which meets In Sprlnglleld, Ohloi Hcvs. I.
W. Hoal, W. Sterling, Elder Patterson
Johnson, Elder A. W. King; alternates,
Hew. Stevens and Hudson ; Elders Alex
ander nnd Good.
Hev. S. A. Callir presented n letter of
dismission from Ihu presbytery of Lacka
wanna, mid, after nn examination, was
received and enrolled as n member. Mr.
Calllt has been preaching for some time
past at Mcintyre.
m. .Marys was selected ns tlio place for
holding the next stated meeting In October.
It was agreed that when presbytery ad
journs It shall adjourn to meet at the First
church of Wllllamsport, on the Bccond
Tuesday of May at I) p. in., nnd that In
connection with this meeting a presby
Icrial conference bo held, to arrange for
which n committee wns appointed, con
sisting of Hev. S. E. Webster, ltev. A.
Henry, Hev. N. F. Staid, Elder A. I).
Lundy and Elder W H. Forsyth (The
committee subsequently met and com
pleted arrangements for the meeting of
the conference on May Uth and 10th).
Hev. Mr. Hudson read the report of the
Woman's presbyterlal foreign missionary
society. It gave an encouraging view of
the progress of their work. The contribu
tions for the year amount to $1,007.50 ; for
the six years of the society's history
Hev. M. L. Hoss, of Sunbiiry, asked
leave to resign Ids pastoral charge, and re.
(piested the presbytery to cltu tho congre
gation to appear at thu next stated meeting
of presbytery. Cited.
Hev. Mr. Johnson, of nshingtouvillo,
naked and obtained leave to resign Ids pas
(oral charge.
Hev. N. Spear asked for n dissolution of
the pastoral relation between himself and
the church of New Columbia. Congrega
tion cited.
Hev. Mr. Sterling read a report of the
Woman's home missionary society, of Mill
Hall and Nittany Valley who stnted that
their collections amounted to fVH and a
box wortli i?2.i.
Hev. S. A. Cnllff wns appointed to sup.
ply the church at Mcintyre until the next
stated meeting.
Hev. Mr. Sterling read the report of thu
ladies' presbyterlal committee on home
missions. It tinted that there were In the
presbytery eight ladles' societies and four
bands. The contributions amounted to
$1,015.08; value of missionary boxes sent
Hev. A. Henry led an Interesting Sunday
school meeting.
The narrative of the state of leliglon
was presented by Hev. H. L. Stewart.
Twenty churches have reported out of
forly-elght. Thcru has been no general
revival of religion through the presbytery,
but in several churches there has been nn
increase. There weie largo accessions In
thu following churches : Wllllamsport
First reports 03 additions and 1 on exam
lualion; Mahoning, !I7 additions and 28 on
examination; Sunbury, 38 additions and
20 on examination; Berwick, 30 on cxaml
nation, 22 of which were received recently;
Shlloh, 20 lu connection with nn outpost
of the church, and Newberry 10, 8 of
which were heads of families, at a mission
station on Ihe outsknts of Ihe congrega
ti .u.
The above report of proceedings is con
denscd from the llerwlck Independent.
The great superiority, of DR.
allothercough remedies is attested
by the immense popular demand
for that old established remedy.
1 il IT Mm "Mmm
fmJmV mjm m m jk?
For the Cure of Coughs, Colds,
Hoarseness, Croup, Asthma, ilroa-
ltitis, Whooping Cough, Incipient
i Consumption and for the relief of l
i consumptive persons in advanced i
stages of the Disease. For Sale
t""-'l l,-mrr.!- Pres. 2". cents.
If the lady who reads this card when In
want of Spool Cotton will usk
for tho
"O. N. T."
blio will obtain the very best thread made.
Ask for Clark's "O. N. T." Cotton nnd
see that you get It.
For sale by all leading dealers,
feb a -ma
Kikkkh Died In Orangeville, April 22d,
Mis. Ellabelh Klefer, aged 70 years,
0 months, ami 20 days.
1000 articles added lids week to I. W
Hni timtn's ') and 10 cent tables
Not a drink, not sold lu bar-rooms, but a
reliable) non-alcoholic tonic medicine, useful
at all limes, ami in nil seasons, is Hrnwn's
Iron Hitters.
Go to W. E. Geddis, Hailroad street for
general collection of green houso mid bed
ding plants, iiplT-'lin
Flour mid feed can always be had at
Allen's East end grocery. upiil 7-tf
80 cents for a honey comb coiiiileipane
1, W. Ilailmau's.
"Well' Health Kenewei" leMoieo health
and vigor, cilles Dyspepsia, Impotence,
ScmiiiI Debility, if I.
In thu absence of John Wolf, funnels
winning iiuin inacniiieiy win pienso call at
V . 15. Allen's. , apill7-lf
As uood dual's as can lie found In lim n
aru i.epi in u. .Mien's Kust end gro
'iy. nprll 7-tf
A new lot of Summer Skirts this week nt
Lutz fc Sloan's.
a leap isro rormit favor.
It Is not nlwnvs that tho world Acknow
ledges what is right and best but Durdock
Dlood Dlttcrs. by universal acuulcsccncc.
havo been awarded tho premium for clean
slug tho blood, curing indigestion, consump
tion, regulating the bowels, nnd toning up
wcaK nerves. i'ricoi.w.
Go to W. E. Oeddk Hnllroad street for
enrly vegetable plants, of all varieties. 0m
kleoasce' ANn rumiv.
Ladles who annrcclnto clesnnce and mir-
Ity nre using Parker's Hair Balsam. It Is
the liest article sold lor rcstorlnir crnv liulr
to ltsorl'dnr 1 color, beauty nnd lustre.
"lioidll ox HATS,"
Clears out rats, mice, ronches, tiles, ants,
bed-bugs, skunks, chipmunks, gophers.
10c. DninnlstB.
I. W. ltartman's Snrliur. stock of uoods is
complete In all departments.
Farmers deallnc at W. 11 Allen's can bo
accommodated with stabling, upr. 7-tf.
More Hoop Skirts nt Lutz (c Sloan's.
You am buv nt 1. W. UnrUium's dry
goods, notions, books, hats, shoes, grocer-
es, llsli, salt Ac, for uuttcr, eggs, larti ivc.
AN Ol.ll FlilKNII,
He was alllicted with a tame back
general debility; ho was rceeoinniended
Thomas' Electric Oil which cured him nt
once. Tho famous specific Is a positive
remedy for bodily pain.
W. H. Allen has lust opened a lot of new
goods, embracing line groceries, glass
ware, painted china, queenswnre, &c. All
of the best, nnd nt the lowest prices.
npru 7-u
For luce curtains go to Lutz !c Sloan's.
A delicious oder Is imparted by Floreston
Cologne, which is always refreshing, no
matter how freely used.
Exnminc your wnnts this Snrlni; nnd
then go nnd see If you can't supply
them at 1. W. Hartinaii's double store.
Great Hargalns at C. W. Low's in
vdlc ns he Is selling out his entire stock of
goods amounting to about six thousand
dollars at cost. april M tf
If you want dress goods of any kind
from a wash material to a good silk go to
I.UI7. sioairs.
11 kinds of nancr. pencils, pens.
and envelopes at tho Colusimas store.
Dr. Frazier's Root Bitters.
Frazlcr's Hoot Bitters nro not a dram-
shop whiskey beverage, but are strictly
meuicinalln every sense. Tiiey net strong,
ly upon tho liver nnd kidneys, keep the
bowels open nnd regular, mnke tho weak
strong, henl the lungs, build up thu nerves
nnd cleanse the blood nnd system of every
For dizziness, rush of blood to thu head,
tending to apoplexy, dyspepsia, fever and
ague, dropsy, pimples nnd blotches, scrof.
ulous humors nnd sores, tetter, ring worm,
white swelling, erysipelas, sore eyes and
for young men sufferrng from weakness or
debility caused by imprudence, nnd to
females in delicate health, Frazier's Hoot
Hitters arc especially recommended.
Dr. Frnziers I have used two bottles of
Hoot Bitters for dyspepsia, dizziness.
weakness, and kidney disease, and they
did me more good than the doctors, and
all the mciltcine i ever useu. f rom me
lirst dose I took I began to mend, nnd I
urn now in perfect health, and feel as well
as I ever did. I consider your medicine
one of thu greatest of blessings.
MHS. M. MARTIN. Cleveland. O.
Sold by nil druggists everywhere nt sj"l per
JlKXRYSi CO.,to!e Vo;.'r
G2 VescvSl. New York.
A Sure Cure Found nt I.siNt!
IVo One ve4l Sutler !
A sure cure for blind, bleeding, ltcnlng
and ulcerated plies lias been discovered
by Dr. William, fan Indian remedy, ) called
Dr. William's Indian Ointment. A single
box has cured the worst chronic cases of
23 or !i0 years standing. No one need
suder live minutes after applvinc this won
derful soothlm; medicine. Lollons, Instrti
meuts and electuaries do more harm than
Kood. 'William's Ointment absorbs the
tumors, nlluvs the Intense ltclilnr. Cnartic
ularly at night after getting warm in bed,)
acts as a poultice, iflves instant and pain
less relief, and Is piepared only for piles
ivc, ami lor nothing else.
Read what Hon. J. M. Cotllnberry of
Cleveland says about Dr. i illlanrs
Indian Tile Ointment i I have used scores
of pile cures, and it affords me pleasure to
say unit l nave never iouiui anyuimg wnicn
gavu mo such immediate and permanent
relief as Dr. William's Indian Ointment.
For sale by all druggists or mailed on
receipt oi price, si.uu.
HENXVir & CO., rrop'rs,
02 Yesey St., New York.
Ily Dr. Frazier's Magic Ointment. Cures
ns if by magic, pimples, black heads or
f;rubs, blotches and eruptions on tho face,
caving the skin clear, healthy and beauti
ful. Also cuies itch, barber's Itch, salt
rheum, tetter, ringworm, scald head,
chapped hands, sore nipples, sore lips,
old obstinate ulcers and sores, &c.
l- Drake. Ksii., Clevelnnd. O., suffered
beyond all description from a skin (lis-
case which appeared on his hands, head
and face, and nearly destroyed his eyes.
The most careful doctoring failed to help
him, and after all had failed hu used Dr.
Frnzlcr's Magic Ointment and was cured
by a few applications.
CtTThu first and only positive cure for
skin diseases ever discovered.
Sent by mail on receipt of price. CO cents,
likNItY&cO., Solu l'rop'rs,
02 Veskv Sr., New Yoiuc.
For blind, bleeding, ilcldnt: or ulcerated
ii sure cure. Pjieu 81.00 by mall. For
salu by all Druggists.
Ciiii)iiuhiini Tmwuhlii iiml CVnlriillii Pour 111-
irii'i lur ino l rar itiiiuiiH .lpril 1), 1NM7.
O. (i. MUHPIIV, collector ot Special Tax.
To ain't, of Centralla lloroughdu-
pill'dUJ Ut I IIU1I. fU3VJ
"ami. ct Conyngham township
uujjii;aiu uv 1U1U-.
9,433 31
(i.549 XT
By ain't ot unseated land tax re
turned from bor. duplicate.
"arn'tof unsealed land tax re
turned fiom twp. duplicate
" am't if exoncratlousanderrors
on bor. dup lent '.
' am'c of exonerations and errors
on to nshlp duplicate
' collector s commission on bor
ough uud tonthli duplicate,
2 85
73 S9
2 61
3 93
am'ls Da il Win. Kili-Lh.-tmn
Dec. 6, Us Jl.oiooil
Dim) 13, " 9361
DCC, 2V, " K8 00
i,096 6l
nycom on iano9(.ti pcrct. 4io
Bala ceduu (hi district. lvjc)
We, ihe undertlsncd Auditors ct Centralis bor
ough uud Couyuehim township have oxaiulnei
this account a lull 7, ') and und It correct,
II. I CCltllAN.
J. P. W. 11ILKY.
Borough ol Centralla Auditors.
Conjugham Township Auditors.
At eit; .Iso. I', IUsnm, Clerk.
C, (I Ml'III'HY, Collector of Poor Tax,
To ain't of borough duplicuto at 5
nulls (31)18
" am't ot township duplicate at
10 mills 4,(0,1,1
by am't ct unseated land tax
irum uorougu uupueau) return
ed for collodion.
" uiu't of uusvuted laud tax re
tumeit from twp oupllculo.
" am't of exoueru Ions undeirors
on borough Uupllcuto
"ain't of exonerat.onsanderrois
uu township du llcalu
"nm'i ot collector's omiulsslon
on 3 164 S9i.yJ per cent am't of
bo uugu uud lowiibhlp ilunll
caU's '
14 25
lie 70
13 12
"aiu'i paid Ittj treasury
2(3 11
3,001 24
f i
i. tho Unilerhk'riH.l 4n lltnp a. n.,ni-.i...
i',446 4S
i.Ukth and l(iii)iiL'huta towuihlp hao okumlued
thl) UtOVU U'-'QUUt ApilU Iksi, ui',,1 HqU u UjirHCL
. J. P. W. 1(11. til ,
Auditors for CentralU Borough.
Auditors for Township of CoDjngha'n,
AMcsli Jno. T. IJaxxoh, Cleik.
0.(1. Mltlll'IIV.
Tromtirrr of Ouirnlla Itoroutuniid ('oDrngu&m
To nshln I'oor District.
To nm't received f i om Collector U.oults
nui l ui un'Ancu irooi isiv sii
No 11. Not 1, 'Js, Ii v Curry, liorso lilro
ann keeping vAgrsnt
No ui. Deo 7, -is, 1' K iiuck. hardware '
No S, May OT, 1, Thos Hnllagtier, scrvlCf s
No SI, auk so, 'J, P K (luck,
M 51 Deo T, 'If, Veaifer uro, leather.
No4, Pso ll. 'so. 0 W liavl, ralnt nnd oil
No Heo 13, -so, () w Paris, medicine
tai 50
4 14
100 00
97 M
97 05
51 61
600 00
46 SO
6S7 14
60 00
X6 6S
4 70
14 70
9 95
m oo
IM 00
'JO 00
18 9)
10 00
7 00
0 8)
4 60
7 75
8 8 S3
5 00
24 83
No, i,, Antliy ltllcy, nurslmr
Mrs Moilan
No 15, April 80. W, rrldjtt (Icrttr, tuirs-
Inif Mrs Ilovlan
No 7i), April no, no, Mrs 3 (lerlty, nursing
No m. June M, 'so, P E nuck, hardwato
NO 113. A 112 7. "SO. I' l: HUClr. liflrtwnrn
No UI, sept in, '81, u o Murpliy, luilse
No m, Ro t I0,'S0,P K liuck,phopha'o &0
No 18S, (Ht , 'sn.U'banon Mutual nro In
suraoco No U7, (et, vo, cil Murpliy. mdaj
No 187, Hot m, 'to, P K Ilurko. services
no mi', u i, s -, r a huck, uarutrare
No H3, Oct so, 'so, Antliy Illley, nursing
it (notions
No imi, pee 4, 'so, win relfrcr, boarding
No ti , Deo 4, 'so, liohrbacli k Co ilmo
Not j. Jans, Hi, Montcllus Yener, re
pairing liarntsj
No is, Jan s, ot, Win rcirrcr. coal and
keeping vagrants
Noli, Jan 8, 'si.'Uios (Itrltr, coal and
No io, Jhb21,-h', Wra Ilryson, Attorney
No 17, Jin si, " "
No IB. rcD is, " t, A ltllcy A Co coat
No si, ' " Mary curley, rent, Marcli5, Win Peltier, bonrdlLir
No 'if, MArcli 5, " li p Folk, nmtttilnfr
NJ63, " " km Laslicll, profes services
. u , irviu ntueie. fiiaiionery
No 117 March so, 'SI, O 0 Murphy, soitlces
reuden il
No us, March S4, " o ( Murr. hy, mdso
No 43, Apill i, p k Curry, horsetilra
47, Apil S. " I' v llurku, salary
No .11, Aurll su " Tlios Chapman, tf rvlcei
No 01,
No 55,
iu, uaviu waisn. sorricos, moiou. ooiiiicn nin u
"Thos Gallagher, services sjneo
S18 40
(1 W Pavls. medlclno
62 93
ro ov,
Samuel Keller, salary
Samuel Keller, '
c 11 Secsholtz seed tvLeat
Thos. Chanmin. nxnnem.
9 0(0
100 00
14 CO
88 95
16 00
10 SO
SB 00
40 00
105 00
49 93
36 00
33 00
23 00
rto w,
No 01.
.iu IV,
Man on dUDlleato ot ';h
No CI. Mnv ti. XI. I. A ltller Co m,Hn
Njoi, " o o Ulack, mdso
MM, ur u r Laugton, profes
sional services
No Ml, May Ss, Dr It M LashcP, profes-
biuuui MT ICC3
No os, May w, "
small pox
t0C3, May 28, '
IrL' small tux
1 Jw Co'ller, unending
' Cathn tine Uai r, attend-
No 7), July a, " Oeo W strausser. Ilmo
No 71.
ttam i Keuer, rxonsy aa-
No .3 July "
" Robert aorroll, wagon
"J O'Connor, horse hlro
" ueo v D..V.B, medlclno
'co Murrhy, moving it
' Ihos llumulo, sor.lng
Wm ISryson. Attorney
IMI tn.
NO 79, " 8)
No tl, ' '
U bbnns
N HI, July "
No S J.July
NoB3,Au 13 1
iVclIs to Mass.
N0 6J, AUg 13
' C o Murphy.movlng Mrs
" Ann llerlty.nurslng Mrs
.to) i in
31 To
10 00
80 0)
13 93
SI 10
23 00
No 85, Aug 13 "JosO Smith, buggy
N08I, spei H, " U u Ulack, liorso biro
No 80, Aug 13 " Elwell X lllttenbcnder
publishing ttatement
No 88, Sept s, '81, Ur It M Lashcll, profes
sional semces
No8),iert 8, ' Wm Pciner, kojplng va
irraLts No 9 , Sept " ' Thos Ch ipman,scrvlces
No i'2, Oct 2), " l r L A buyder, profes
sional service
Noim, oct 2J, " Lytuuon Mutual Insur
ance Co assessment
18 00
4 00
111 50
37 50
60 63
No 94, Oct '11, ", Mrs Cdllgau, supplies
No 90, Nor
vun ti iviuwig, uar-
No 97, Nov 5,
" y.iml ItelnbolJ, tlder.ic
" (Union Uurd, '
Jno Hurray.uurslng Pt
" Widow nerlty, rjurs'ng
"PC Ulnck, horso hire
David K Keller, hard-
" Pf Burke, scrvlcos
NasiS, "
No loo, Nov 9,
No lo , Pec 3,
No 102, Peo 3,
No 104, "
ware, Ao
No no, poo 15,
90 00
25 00
1C 00
nu lot.
" ThosCuapman, services
No 10?, Jan o, 'S3 U J Dyke, supplies
.U 1UV, "
NO 110,
A I) Fortner, horso hlro
' P K Uurke, sundries
" Wm Pciffer, boardlnjva-
i0 US,
No 119, Feb
14 00
25 00
Nu 12.1, " II, "Thos Chapman, seivl8
No 1S6, " " ' p c Uurke. services
No la;, " " "Thos. hapman, servltes
No 12). March 4." Abram Krclsher. tnD2ct-
I tng work
.-no mi, juarcn " " j m owiumr, mruicai
Ittcelptol Adam Waldser on account ot
repairs nt pr houso
Ily commission on $3,135 81 1? 2 per cent
455 44
15.253 93
Ilalaiicc due C U Murphy, Treasurer 1219 5C
We. tho undmlcned. Aud'tora of Convngham
townsalp Hnd Centrniu licrough, havo examined
i nc tiregoing account April i, issi, unu una ii. cor
11. 1. CIJHUAN,
J. P. W. HI LEY.
Aulltors Or the Borough ot CentralU.
Auditors lor conyngham Township.
Attest, Jno. I. Hannon, Clerk.
l,Ut ot unredeemed orders Isjucd during tho year,
from April 29, l!8l to April 8, 1S82.
No CT May 18,
Noll, July 1,
No :t, "
o "7, July 80,
No 78, July SO,
No 91, Septs,
'si Casper Ithawn, clothing
60 00
" Wm llelwlg, services
' Wm Fink, smlthli g
j i! lirown, publishing
" P E nuck, hardware, 4o
" A K Ilarman, repairing
62 71
139 60
69 00
100 00
No 91, Nov 5, " Thos V Miller, meat
Nol9, Nov 19, " Mrs J O'Connor.horso hire
No lo.i, Dec 3, ' P K Buck, phosphates Ac
N o l a, nee is, ii ir l urry, norsu aire
No 1U, Jan 0,
.u im amuer,
re airs
in inn
NoU3, Jan c,
count salary
No 1 u, Jan o,
couut salary
No 115, Jan 0,
No 1 1", Jan 6,
No 111, Feb 4,
" Samuel Keller on ac-
" Samuel Keller on ac-
"Any Miller work on farm
" Jcr Koenbauder,plough
"OUMIIl.rd, mdio
60 00
IS 00
143 79
60 89
no no,
No 12', "
NO-.2l, "
NO 122, "
N0 121, "
No m, March 4
leal services
N 13.1, Murch 4
so SI, '
"LA lillev & Co mdso
' Uurko Bros, cofllns
15 00
(leo W Davly. mcdlclncB.&c 70 51
' Mrs h Keller.wav'f a of maid Ti Co
4 Drs Yasttno tc Meats med-
' Henry Boaver.smlthlng 5 85
No 131, "
NO 134,
NO 185, '
NO 131, "
No 134. '
Nil ty
No 1S9, "
No 140 "
No 141 "
No 112 "
NO 143 "
No 141 '
NO 145 "
No 147 '
No US April
No 149
NuliO '
'- s muel Uelnbold. mondlng 13 5s
" Wm llelwlg services 6 60
' M l, Billlg.ropairs wagon.A'O a 75
" Thos dtrlty, farm utensils 7 to
' Mrs Mciluire, nuistng Mc-
" LrMcKllblu, professional
"Jni Murray nuislog Mc-
"C U Murphv mdso 487 39
" C O Murphy mdso 112 52
" Wm lirysou atty a o i
2i Louli Schneider moat for '74 3 70
11 J m ke meat for sick 7 76
" J 11 Johnson moat for sick 9 97
"UU Murphy paid llarrlsburg
2 P l: Duck hardware and
25 so
47 ll)
'7 00
003 19
0.1 to
24 94
112 50
" I. A Illley & Co coal
" A II Church coal
"C (1 Murphy inl-o
" L A Illley A.' Co mdso
" do i W Davis mtdlcino
"O II Millard mdso
' bain Keller money lor sup
" Ham Keller salary
" KI'.er salaiy
NO 13J
NO 153
NO 153
NO 15!
NO 157
No W
" T
7 JO)
200 00
150 00
$131 fj
utttandlng liabilities for which no orders havo
eeu i.nuici.
David Walsh services rendered dis
trict 26S51
Thomas Oallagherservlces render
ed district 263 31)
Thomas chipman services rendered
district 60 00
P F Burko services rendeied the dls-
iriCK too to
To balance of special tax tor 'S3
107 I
By balanco due lilm as per act ct 'bo t 2 33
" receipt ot County AUJttors Apr.
B0, 'SI 63 00
Uy services rendered tho district as
director 40 9
107 1;
The following balances aro due tho district by
iuu uiuixni uauieu vvr,
Ncal Lenlban as collector for '75 I9JJ 00
Thomas (lerlty for Edward curley
as treasurer for ti 19)21
Pntk Burko treasurer for '76 6ss is
James Dalley treasurer tor 'IT mat Wi t7
Census ot Poor Houso April T, '6J
Number of males 7
Number ot females 7
Stoward's account ot produje from farm for jear
tl2bushclscor In tho ear a 40 124 -6
10 " buckwheat (, l.oj lo oo
no ' wheat (4 1.21 mw
42 " rye m l.iu 41 oo
tsa " outsc4 6octs HJoo
s tous hay ( to.o i tsoo)
4 bus onUtis w l 'Jri &uj
2 bui beds alii 60 els loo
440 heads cabbago kick uiti
7 Ions cornfodder (4 10.10 lo oo
13.9 lbs pork w 6 cla 1974
356 lbs beet (4 6 cts 17 so
115 bushels iiotatoesis 1,00 11100
76 read poultry a 20 cts 1500 9:844
Produce on hand April 7, V),
tous hay oi 20.0J co 00
14 tou corn lodicr () '.0.04 5 00
2 straw 12.00 sh-o
5 bushels wheat (4 I 21 0 23
4 11 buckwheat (4 1.00 410
3d oats (4 60 cts it 00
3U liotatoesa 1.(0 3000
4(0lbspoik(.v a cts ,401
loo Ibl lard M 10 cts iguo
ssgalsrlnegaraucls 420 U243
Personal prop.-rty on hand April T. '82.
hocs 100.00 300 00
4COWS14H0.00 iooo
2 heifers w 20. 1000
1 1 shoals 14 8.00 MW)
largo wagons a 60,oo uo 00
1 frilngnugon vooo
i vsa
2 lllOWB jJJ5J
2 ha trows
. 5 00
- '00(
sen hart oss
scythes , .
9 cradlo scythes
1 set of carrlago harness
'J 60 W
i vncciuarroir
llouHliould furniture on hand April 7. 1999.
si beds and bedding loro
9 heating stoves 50 0)
l round table, s w
1 loungo soo
J wntingidek e oo
I dozen rommnn rlml,- a nn
W dozen cano bottom chairs . 4)
icupuoara 8 00
1 sink d 00
bedroom stands 4 u
looking glasses soo
s kitchen iableB 3M
1 falllncr leaf taliln nn
60 yards Ingrain carpet so oo
J 3liJ uu
WflMn lioroh. .1... .k.
- . - u . w w, VV... III., ,UU IUII.IIUK
lO bnenrrerr. InlhA la. nt nup IrnnwlMliM nrM
Mich in. Mokaoiiam
Patrick llii.iy,
Thomas Mcarnr,
II. I.Cl RiN,
Auditors for borough
of Centralla.
Auiitori ror township
of Centralla
Attest, John P. llannon,
Centra Ii, April 8, 1941.
Hy vlrtuo of sundry writs Issued out of tho
Court of Common Pleas ot Columbia county and
to mo directed, will bo exposed to publlo salo at
tho Court Home, In Iiloomsburg, Pennsylvania,
at two o'clock, p. m. on
MONDAY, MAY 1st, 1882.
All that certain real cstato sltuato In tho town
of llloomshurg, Columbta county, To. , described
as follows, to-wtti tnuniled on tho north by land
ot U. F. Kartman.on tho cast by Market street. on
the south by llldgo alley, nnd on tho west by
Murray alloy, containing seventy-one lect sir
Inches front.two hundred and four feotslx Inches
deep, on which arc erected a dwelling housc,barn
Seized, taken In execution ut tho tutt of Johnson
Black & Co., against Andrew M. Rupert and to bo
sold as tho property of Andrew M. Ilupert,
Al vend Ex. Littles Att'y
Tho following dcscrlbol real estate sltiiita In
GrvenMOjd township. Columbia county, Penna.,
as tho property ot Abraham Drclbelbls, boundod
and described as follows, to-wlt : Itauudcd on tho
north by lands ot Jacob Utt and Joseph Itedltno,on
tho cast by land! ot John C. Lemo n nnd Theodora
Lemon, on tho south by lands of David Albcrtson,
and on tho west by land) of uoorgo (llrton deceas
ed, and IVUr II. Otrton, containing titty acres
of land, more or loss, whereon are erected a ono
and a half story framo dwelling house bank, barn
and other out-bulldlngs.
Seized, taken In execution at tLo suit ot Robert
Ilussell against Joseph Drelbo'.bls nnd Abraham
Drclbelbls and to bo sold as tho property of Abra
ham DrelbelbH.
Vend Ex. ViNnxnsLicK, Atty.
Tho following described leal cstato situate In
Light Strcet.Columbla county, ioa stato ot Penna.
tho property of Almtra McDowell, boundoJ and
described as follows, to-wlt: bounded on tho
north by lot of Mr. Oeorgo Oman, on tho cast by
Mjtn street of said town, on tho south by an alley
and on the west by an alley, on which aro erected
a two story Iramo dwelling lnusj and other out
buildings. Seized, tak;ala execution at the suit ot Mary
M. Hagenbuch and Emery D. IIa;enbu;h Execu
tors .of V'. II. nagenbueh agalnrt u. M. llsgen-
buch administrator ot Almlra McDowell deceased
wltu notl:o to Ida M. Hullng wife ot L. O. Haling,
formerly Ida McDowell only child of said Almlra
McDowell ujcjased.aa 1 to bo sold as the prop
erty of Almlra McDowell, deceased.
Al. Vend. Ex. Wallkb, Attorney
The following described real estate situate In tho
borough of Iierwtck.ColumbU county, Penna., tho
property of Franklin Stewait, Beginning at the
corner of In lot number fifty eight, tbenca along
Second street westwardly to an alley hlnety-nlne
foot, thenco along said alia y eighty-four and flvo
tenths feet to tho corner of lot belonging to tho
estato of William S. Evans deceased,thcnce along
said lino ninety three feet to tho corner of lot iiunv
ber lltty-clght, eighty-four and nve-tenth3 foot to
the place of beglnnlng.belng the north -eastwardly
part ct lots number ntty-nlne and sixty ai num
bered In the general plan ot said town, contain.
Ing seven thousand ctght-hundred and tllty-clght
and Qve-tentbs feet of ground, on which are erec
ted one large two story frame dwcltlng house,
frame barn and other out-bulldlngs.
seized, taken In exerutlonat tho suit o. M, E.
Jackson's executors against Franklin Stewart and
to be sold as th? property of Franklin Stewart.
vend Ex. Oswald, Attorney
Seized, takn In execution at tho suit of tho
First National Dink of riymjuth, Penna, against
Franklin Stewart and to bo sold as tho property of
Franklin Stewart.
Vend Ex. MAiza, Attorney.
Tho following described roal C3tato sltuato In
Fishing Creek township, Columbia county and
Stato of Pennsylvania, as tho property of Klford
Piestonand Jacob Fitzgerald and Myra Preston
administrators of James L, Preston, deceased,
bounded and described as follows, to-wlt : Begin
nlng at a pon corner oil and of Daniel Kitchen
thenco along dlvlsloa lino south ono half degrco
two hundred and fourteen and two tontln perches
to a post, thenco by land of Edward McIIenry,
north sixty-seven degrees east, ono hundred nnd
thirty-one perches to a Spanish oak (down),
thenco by land ot Jacob Farvcr north one hilt do
greo east ono hundred and sixty-two perches to a
white cak, and thenco by land ot riilllp Appleman
north clghty-nlno and ono halt degrees, west ono
ono hundred and twenty and one tenth perches
to tin placo ot beginning. Containing onohun-
dred aud thirty-three acres and twenty-rho
perches, and tho usual allowance of six per cent
for roads Ao, On which aro erected a two story
framo dwelling hous), largo bank barn and other
Seized, taken In execution at tho suit of Abram
Nesblt administrator ot Samuel llojt deceased
against UltorJ Preston.and Jacob 1'ltzgcrald und
Ms ra Preston administrators and to be sold as tho
properly ot Klforil Preston.
Fl. Fa. Knoiiu, Attorney
Tho following described real estate, situate In
tho town ot Bloomsburg, Columbia county,;Pcnna.
bounded and described as follows, to-wlt: No.
1, boundod on the north by Undo! J, B. McBrldo
on the cost by Cathulno street, on tho south by
Canal street, and on U19 west by Cll nton alley, on
which Is erected a two story frame dwelling house.
No. 2, bounded on th9 north by seventh Street, on
the east by lot of IS. Bart in co. on tho south by
lot of J. B. Mo Irllo, nnd ou tho west by Catharine
Seized, taken In execution at tho suit ot tho
Wilkes Barro Deposit and SivlngsBank against
John McNelsh and to be sold as the property ot
John MCNclsh.
Vend Ex. millek, Attorney,
All that certain piece of ground sltuato In Miff
lln township, Columbta county, Penna,, described
as follows, to-wlt 1 Bounded by land of John At;n,
cast by land ot II. SchweppenbcUcr, south by
lands of Thomas Atcn, and on tho west by lands
of Charles Kllngaman.conutnlng ono hundred and
ten acres, more or less, on which aro erected n
frams homo, barn and out-bulldlngs.
Ono tract bounded on tho north by land of I, K,
Schweppenhclscr and Samuel Snyder, on tho east
by UnJ of Lawrence Waters.ou tho south by lands
ot Abraham scbweppenhelser, and on the west by
lands of John Atcn, containing thlrti -four acres,
more or less, on wh'.ch are erected a frame house,
uarn ami out-ouuuinga.
One tract ot Und bounded on the north by lauds
of sterhen (learhart and others, on tho east by
other land of I. K. Scbweppenhelser . on tho south
by land of Jonn Aten, and on the west by land ot
Josiph (learhart, containing ono hundred acres,
nioro or less, on wnicn are crecto 1 11 framo hou),
oarn aua out-ounaings.
Seized, taken In execution at the suit ot Col urn
bla County Mutual Saving Fund and Loan Asio-
clitlcn assigned to Joiepli P. Tustln against I. K
Schweppenhclscr and to be sold as the property of
1. k, Hjnweppcnneiscr.
Vend. Ex. Lirn.i uillku, Attorneys.
march T -ts Sheriff,
RR w"lnypur own town. Terms and f Jout.
yni ireo. Address 11, Hallst & Co., Portland.
Tho Stato of Michigan, havim. n vnn ....
provements, still contains largo tracts of unoecu.
pied lands suiublo tor tarms, some 0! uiem subi
Ject to free settlement under homestead laws, aid
all of them for salo at lownrirva a 7i!!.t.
nrepareu unuer authority of tho sta e'andcon
UFSSB. wllf boseut tree iT.'ny oSoVmingSSf
I cultivators
1 seed drill
I threshing mnehtno
1 reaper
1 bav rake
1 old carrlairs
$5 tO $20Prurti,A Shh0 ti"aM worth 15
nn,l V,ta "ee' Addrs "TINSON f CO- Port-
Osborn's Family I'ntnta ready for us6 nre
tlio most convenient article of tho kind, all
shades nnd colors, put up in , J nnd pint
cans. Wo furnish n can of paint nnd brush
for 25 cents.
HaxoIIuo Petroleum Jolly, used for burns
scalds nnd sores of every kind) it is good
and cheap. Baxolino Tornado for thonnlr,
highly perfumed, 35 cents.
Glycerine Lotion. To ladles nnd children
or nny person with n fine sensitive skin and
whose complexion is affected by tho weather
causing redness, roughness nnd chapping
this Lotion is Invaluable. An excellent ap
plication to the face nftcr shaving. Large
bottles Vi nnd CO cents.
Our Stock ot Hair and Toothbrushes lias
been replenished nnd contains some good
We carry 11 comnletc nnd well selected
stock, and competent persons aronlways In
attendance to supply tlio wants of our pat
rons. We study to please, and believe wo
can supply you with cvcrytldnij in our lino
economically, satisfactorily nnd inn manner
calculated to Induco to join In tho verdict,
that our store is the placo to trade. Hoping
to see many renders of tlio Colcmman nt
our placo of business shortly nnd soliciting
a share of your esteemed patronage, we re
main Very Truly Yours
N. J. Hendershott.
Heal Eufate, Trustj Investment and
Collection Office.
A coal yard with trade.eood fair price.
and reasonablo terms.
10 framo dwellings. Price f 300 to $2300.
t-brick dwellings. Price f 2,000 to f 10,000.
Ilutldlnrr lots, eood location, rjrlco t3COto 12.000.
with or w 11 bout contracts to fiullil f rnmo or brick
dwellings all complete In 60 or 90 days from break
ing ground.
6 farms at from $lo to (175 per acre.
sis story framo woolen mill, with full set of ma
chinery, a good natural water power.allln good
working condition, also largo framo dwelllng.barn
and out-bulldlngs, so acres cf land, 6 miles to
uioomsDurg,wui no soiu encap ana on goou terms,
owned by U. L. Sands.
0 acres, eood land, buildings, fences, fruit and
water, In Benton twp., ono mile to New Columbus.
Terms reasonable. Owned by Daniel Wenner. Price
!73 Acres. Hurlov farm.Montour townshln.framo
dwelling house, bank barn and other out-bulldlngs
good soli; about 100 acres timber; well watered;
calthy location, good markets. If desired.wlll dl-
viuo in two or mrce iracui. reu uruiis. luriuavunj.
Now owned by Wm. Neal, Esq.
160 acres on south bank of river miles from
townotJtimtnon road to llerwlck. lis acres bot
tom land, balance Umber. Brick dwelling, bank
barn and outbulldlngs.good fruit and water (well
and fountain). Also a valuaolo deposit ot live
acres of brick nnd potter s clay. Owned by John
won, 01 uioomsuurg.
A desirable new brick dwelltne houso and a
large framo dwelling houso and framo stable on
Bast street ono aoor ueiow 1 uiru.
Lota offered on easy term3 with contracts to
baud it desired.
95 acres In Madison township; occupied by
.Toscnh Wise, flood rramn houso. and bank barn.
Land lately well limed and manured. Apple orch
ard and other fruits.
105 Acres In Flshlnccreck township, on road to
Benton. Brick house.frome barn and sheds Uood
water at houso and barn. Apple orchard and other
fruits. Owned by John Pcalcr.
112 Acres rjroductlve land In Hemlock township
ys miles from Bloomsburg. Frame dwelling, bank
barn and two tenant houses.
A SV'Ktorvframn carrlaesand blacksmith shop.
40x6o leet on Iron near Main street, with trado and
goodwill. A run set 01 tools in cacu aeparuneni
Ileasonable price and terms.
A ne&rlv now 2-strrv frame ilwclltncr on Fourth
Street, Catawlsia, frame stable, good water, fruit,
all In good condition
cs acres, well watered. Uemlock townshln.
frame house, bank barn and out-bulldlngs, chnlo
irmt, young orcn ira. witu grain in gruuuu, biuuk
Sc., If desired. Thomas II Ickeyowuer.
For particulars, apply to
Oct. 11, Ul-tt JOHN A. FUNSTON.
or PAUL E. WIltT.
Letters testamentary nn the cstato ot Dyer C.
Moss.late ot Benton township, Columbia county
pa. deceased, nave oecn grantea uy ine jtegistcr
of said county to Miles W . Moss, Cambro, Luzerno
Co. Allpersons having claims against tho estate
of tho decedent aro requested to present them tor
settlement nnd thoso Indebted to the estate to
mako payment to tho underelgnod executor with
out delay.
mar 24 fl-w Executor.
Letters of administration on tho cstato ot Char
les Thomas, lato of tho town ot Bloomsburg, Col
uinbla countv.tleceased, have been granted by tho
Heglster of said county to tho undors'gned admin
istrators. Allpersons having claims against the
estate of said decedent are requested to present
them for settlement and thoso Indebted to tho
estate to mako payment to tho undersigned ad
ministrators without delay.
march 31 o-w Administrators,
.lotlco Is hereby clvcn that tho following ac
counts havo besn niert In tho Prothonotary's Ofllco
ot Columbia county, and will bo presented to tho
court 01 Common Pleas ot said county, on tho 1st
Monday of Muy, . 1). 1SS2, and conllrtnoa cttcr tho
lourtu aay 01 Bam urm umcsa exceptions iu uicu
within that time.
1. First and flr.v! account of John Oorduer. trus
tee in the cstato ot Thomas Stackhouse.'. cceoscd,
to mako sale ot land remaining unsold In hands
Mlchaol Stackbouso.
2 First and nnal account ot Jacob Terwllllger,
commlttoo of Maria Krcssler, a lunatic late of
Scott township, Columbia county, deceased.
Bloomsburg, JIrch 192.
"TT7"HEKEAS,tlieIIon. William Elweli.
YT lTesldent Judgo ot tho Court of oyer and
Terminer and General Jail Dellvcry.'.Court ot Quar
ter Sessions ot the Peaco and tho Court ot Common
Plca3 and orphans' court In the 20th Judicial Dis
trict, composed of tho counties ot Columbia and
Montour, and tho Hons. Jamcj Lake and F. L.
bhuman, Associate Judges ot Columbia county,
have Issued their preccpt.bearlng date tho 9th day
ct Feb. In tho year ot our Lord one thousand eight
hundred and elguty-two, nnd to mo directed for
holding a Court ot Oyer and Terminer and denerut
Quarter sessions of tho Peace, Court of Common
Pleas and orphans' Court, In Bloomsburg, In tho
county of columbla,ou tho llrst Monday, being tho
1st day ot Maynoxt, to continue two weeks.
Notice Is hereby given to the tho Jus
tices ot tho Peace, and tho Constables ot tho said
County ot Columbla.that thoy bo then and thcro In
their proper person at 10 o'clock In tho forenoon ot
said 1st day ot May with their records luqul
bltlons and other rcmembranccs,to do thosethlngs
which to their omccs appertain to bo dono. And
thoso that are bound by recognlzanco to prosecute
against the prisoners thatare or may bo In tho Jail
ot the sa!d;county ot bo then and there
to prosecute them as shall bo )U3t, Jurors are re
quested to bo punctual In their attendance,
agreeably to their notices. Dated at Bloomsburg
-1 tho 7th davof anrll.ln tho vear ot nur lir,i
S. ouo thousand eight hundred and eighty
t I two and Inthu ono hundred and xnvpnth
year of tho Independence ot tho United States ot
Bloomsburg, Apr!1 T-to
Win a m r bushel
Ilyo "
corn, "
oats " " ,,,,
Flour per barrel
Cloversced ...
Butter ,
Kggs ,
Dried Applos ,
llama . '
sides Shoulders
uiruper pouna ,
Hay per ton .
Beeswax , ,
Minnesota extras..
tO 60 CI T 25
- Woatero
Punnsylvobla family,
limmiinuHHti 1
I.m. V II. Ail
4 76 OJ 6 00
1 40 pcrbuth.
8.1 C4 66 per buth.
10 w II '
64 (S 64 '
Whoat ..,
mo ., .
cioversecd n p cts, per lb.
Timothy., a 1.5 y 2 cs '
1 -v. uiami 01,-iy