THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. AGRICULTURAL dood BortetOf'Ajpples. Annual lta.vititiiAwi.K Trkks. OrchnriiistH liavo tried. In mnny wnys to tnnku tliL'tr ntipio trees uenr annual oroim, limteiul of bl-cnnial ones ns is thn case, practically. But, thcro tiro mnny kinds of armies Avln'oh may bo relied on for an annual crop, and why not plant moro largely of theso kinds t III Penn sylvania, for instance, tho lied As Iraohan and Whlto Doctor nover fails to givo fair crops. A writer in the Virginia Jlural Mctticnger names the following kinds as rcllablo in tho samo way: "Kincr of Tompkins Uounty, winter apples : Horeo Apnle, sunimor j King ot tlio Pippcns, English fall i Wiiitlirop'sPcarmaiit,fall Ilnlbcrt, late fall Yellow Ucllllowor, early winter) Chronielo or Cotton Apples has been kept in good condition two years standards Seedling, winter j uolden Dixie, large, good and very beautiful early apple, described in Downing's third nnpcndi.v. Striped June, among tho earliest j American Golden Ilussct, excellent lato fall: llamsdcl's Sweeting, lato fall, and yields every year enor inously if well fed." Kei Canapa Awi.ks. A Now Eng land writer says of tho nbovo named npplo : "This is nono other than the old French Nonsuch. Wo have raised this npplo on our placo for nearly forty years, and it is always sold quick and high. Now isn't it strango that wo have spent timo nnd money, and wasted them both, on lots and lots of now and worthless varieties, and neglected this tho most charming nnd profitablo of nil npplee, merely becauso it was an old sort. But such is the fact. Tho I rub bards ton -is rather a slow grower,- but this is not, at least I do not think'it is, and it is a constant bearer, nltornato years n great bearer. Fruit abovo medium sizo and of great beauty, keens well, packs well and sells well. It will bring moro to-day in the Liverpool market than any other variety." Tho buisncss of raising apples is much moro important now than it used to be, owing to tho foreign demand for this fruit. In planting out orchards it should bo borno in mind to set out good, keeping kinds, .fit to export, as well as of good eating qualities. Field Boot Oropsi GnowiNO tub Pausnh. Tho pars nip, though of an uninviting tasto to most children, is liked generally by older porsocB, and is said to be a par ticularly wholcsomo vegetable. Liko the carrot it requires rich, deep ground, rich from n previous year's manuring. Manure, especially if fresh, makes the roots somowhat ill-shaped. As tho seed germinates slowly, it shonld bo sown very early in tho spring, in drills eighteen inches apart, and covering tho seed half an inch with tho finest of tho soil. Tho soil should bo thoroughly rolled after sowing ; when well up thin out to five or six inches apart in tho rows. The part of tho crop required for spring use can remain in the ground during tho winter. A few can bo stored in tho cellar, covered with sand. For feeding cattle, it is very dcsirablo; and as it docs well all winter standing in tho jjround where it grew, it might be made use of ai an early spring root for cattle. Makolk Wuhzils. When it is con sidered how ravenously cattle devour turnips, mangels, carrots, and other root Tops, the wonder is that the Eu ropean plan of making Toots a promi nent feature in farm crops is not adopt ed here. Mangles, for instance, are of easy culture. Everyone who has grown garden beets could similarly grow man gles. To store these roots for winter, Joseph Harris says tho best way is in heaps out of doors as some do potatoes. Ho says : "I select, if possible, a dry sandy knoll, plow out a pit three or four feet wide, and ns long as you wish. Twist or cut off tho leaves from tho mangles, not to close, and put the roots in tho pit, packing them or 'cording' them so as to make the roof steep enough to shed rain. If you will scatter- a-qoau-tityof dry, light soil in among tho beats 'in tuo pit, say enough to fill up the space between tho beets,- you will find, that the beats do not get warm in tho pit, and will como out fresh nnd nico in tho spring. Do not be afraid to throw in a dozen good shovelfuls of soil to each cart load of beets. And beforo putting on a coat, of straw I throw on a layer of sandy soil all over tho heap of beets an inch or two thiok. Put on a layer of straw about six inches thick, and then six inches of dirt, and this is all that is nec essary till very cold weather, when I put on another layer of straw or horse litter and cover it with dirt. In cover ing the heaps with dirt, wo plow around and round tho heap with a plow throw ing tho dirt toward the heap. This grcately lessens tho labor. Tub Akticiiokk Tho subject of varying tho assortment of loocl lor cattlo in the winter is likely to becomo of moro importance every year. Tho dairying intcroUa demands this. As growers look about them for addi tional root crops it may bo that thn Jerusalem artichoke will not bo over looked. As a vegetable it has been lonir esteemed by Jiuropeans. In our Southern States it would prove a val uablo root for farmers.- In tho South three bushels of tubers nre amply snf licent to plant an acre, tho largo ones being cut into pieces with two or thrco eves liko potatoes. The land should be thoroughly plowed, nnd from January to April they should bo planted in fur rows nuout cmuiL-cii menus uiian, aim covoritur with a plow. When they were well up, plow them as you would corn ; and when about a foot high, plow them again throwing a furrow 'to each side, ami you nrd dono cultivating them forever. Tho first year they will yield a good crop, (from live to eight hundred bushels), and will impiovo for two or tlireo years, if tho soil is cood, till they do'ubh tho nrodunt of tho first year. On piney woods laud 1500 to 2000 bushels, it is said, havo been produced. In August tho tops mnv bo cut and cured for hay, which is quite equal to corn fodder, or may bo fed green, soiled. Tho yield is large, nnd tho tops are eagerly eaten by cattle, horses and mules. Tho tops if out. should bo taken off about a foot from tho uround. Ono cutting does not at all effect tho yield of tubers. In November tho hoi's should bo turned in to harvest tho tubers for themselves, and may remain on them till .March. In coruonacoous matter- starch or its equivalent they are but a tnflo infonor to potatoes. mmmymma Chills and Fovor. Rim nons Liter Ilctru- lator soon breaks I ho Chills and CArrtca tho Fever out ot t he iat m. it cures when all other remedies 'All Sick Headache, For tlio relief nnd euro of thin distressing ani'C lion Uko Hlmona I.lvcr iteguiator. DYSPEPSIA. The rtogulator will positively euro this terrible no assort cinmiaurany wnaiwo Know disease to be true. CONSTIPATION shouid sot be regarded as a trifling aliment. Na ture demands tho utmost regularity ot the bow els. Therefore arslst nature bytaklni? Simmons Mrcr llcgulator. it Is harmlcss,mtld and eacciuat. PILES. Belief Is at hand for thoso who suffer dty after day with piles. It lias cured hundreds, and will euro you. MALARIA. I'craons may avoid all attacks by occasionally taking a dostt of Simmons Liver llcgulator to keep the Lfrer In healthy action. BAD BREATH generally arising from a disordered stomach can bo corrected by takln? Simmons Llvor Kcgu lator. Jaundice. Simmons Liver Regulator soon 'o radicates t hts, dlseoso from tho nyMcm, lcavlDg,;tbo skin clear and free from all 1 mpurltles. Oolio. Children surf ctlog with Collo Boon cxpcrlcnco relief when Simmons Liver llcgulator Is admin istered. Adults also derive gTeat benefit from this medicine. It is not unpleasant; It Is harm less and cUcctlvo. I'urely voicuiblo. Caution. ns caretutthat you get tho genuine Simmons laver jirguiaujr in our enrrat cu uiw n mypur, with red Z Trade-Mark, stamp and signature uo broken. ricparca oniy uy Sold by all Druggists. Philadelphia. Vtl MmitlHilDniVao .tAna 1 A hw4 nn. BnlL it U i,.,V M.nn9 I'lnun turn Holt. day Inducements Heady. Writoor call on llBAT- ll, wasaington, ci.o, aid may , "81-ly From tho Milfortl Dispatch of I'iko County, wo learn that Frederick Mis-i inger of Hawley will put out four ncros of tobacco plants on too onimcr larm in Lackawaxon township this coming Juno. This is tho first effort to raiso tho weed on n large scale, and if suc cessful it will soon becomo an article pf agriculture in that section. STRENGTH to vigorously push a business, strength to study a profession, strength to regulate a household, strength to do a day's labor with out physical pain. All this repre sents what is wanted, in the often heard expression, "Oh I I wish I had the strength!" If you are broken down, have not energy, or feel as if life was hardly worth liv ing, you can be relieved and re stored to robust health and strength by taking BROWN'S IRON BIT TERS, which is a true tonic a medicine universally recommended for all wasting diseases. 501 K. Fremont St., Ilahlmore During tlic war 1 was in jured in the stomach by apiece or a tlicll, and have suffered fromitevcrsince. Aboutfour yearsago it brought on paraly sis, kept me in bed six months, and the best doctors in the city said I could nut live. Isullercdfearfuliyftoni indigestion, and for over two j iiars could not eat solid food and for a large portion of the time was unable to rt tain c en liquid nourishment. I tried lirown's Iron Uittcrsand now after taking two bottles I am able to get up and go around and am rnj idly iinpiowng. (J. Lilckes. BROWN'S IRON BITTERS is a complete and sure remedy for Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Malaria, Weakness arid all diseases requir ing a true, reliable, non-alcoholic tonic, It enriches the blood, gives new life to the muscles and tone to the nerves. DIALIH IK Silverware, Watches, Jewelry, Clocks. All kinds of Watches, Clocks and Jewelry neat 1 repaired and warranted, may IT, "78-tf THE DAVIS. $1,000 REWARD. ONK THOUSAND (l.OOO) DOLLARS I'll EM I UM offered 10 ANY PERSON hat will do as GREAT A RANGE OF WORK on ANY OTHER. MACHINE. THAT THE HfiW DAVIS VERTICAL FEED Will do without basting. It will make wldo hem on Bheeta, o., hem all manner of Ulan woolen goods, as BOft merlno.crapo, or goods difficult to hem on other machines. It mikes a more elastto stitch than any other ma chine. It will turn a bom and put In piping at lame time, ' It will turn a hem, sew braid on tho right side and stitch on trimming at one operat.on. It will do felllnir bias or straight, cither on cot ton or woolen goods. It will fell across seams on any goods. I will bind a I) reus or Skirt and sew on facing, either with or without show Ing stttcbcs;blnd arena Goods with the same material, either scallops, polnu.souares or straight The only machine that will bind Hats. (Uoaks, or other artfclos with bias, satlQ or silk, from a to s Inches In wl ith.wlUioul basting. It will gather with or wltrnut sewing on. It will gather between two pieces and sow on at the same time. It will make a ruflle and stitch a pillow slip on to the facing at the tame time. It will shirr any kind of goods. It will make plaited trimming either with or without sewing It on. It will make platted trimming cither scaUaped or straight, and sew a piping on at tho same tune. It will make knife plaiting. J. SALTZER, Qen'l Agent, Uloumsburg, Pa. oct. 1, '80-tf. THE WHITE SEWING MACHINE Whorcas, tho world renowned reputation of the White fcowing Machine Induces many unscrupulous competitors to resort to all kinds of mean tricks to Injure; Its reputation, wo beg to caution all Intending purchasers not to buy a White Machine except from Its regular nuthorlzod dealers, who will bo sustained by tho following warranty. WK UAUKANT TltR NATl'RAL WKAH AND TEAK OF TI1E White Shuttle Sewina; Matte, rtATKNUMIIKlt tOilSftf) TOll FAMILY I'Olll'O HKS, AND lllCltKUY AGKRKTO KBKI'TIIBSAMK IN IlKl'Ain FOll THE TBRM OF FIT IS YHAK9 FROM THIS DATE, FIIKB O? CHAltOE. This warranty excepts tho broakago of ncodles bobbins and shuttles. This warranty will not bo sustained unless tho plato or number above elvon corresponds with tho number on the shuttlo rioosil lo. Hewareof de faced or altered number Will I B BKW'INd MACHINE CO. lho"WHITB"Shuttle2ewlnsMacMno Mas GHXATia oavacitt than any oth;r famllv Sk w Inj Machine for doing every variety of work. J 8ALT2KK Uonera! Atrebt, '1 0 its3ar; t, Oct. 1. '80-tf Dauchy & Go's. Advt's. SOUTH Clan-mout, Hurry Co, Don't locale beforo soo'.ng our James Illver Settlement, lllu?. catalofjuo free J. F. MANCHA, Va. -4W HTRVQIWltOVEl) KOOT IIKKlt a.V. XibUOpackago makes ft galloni of a delicious wholesome, sparkling temperance beverage. Ask your druggist, or sent by mall for S3c. C. E. UlllBS, 49 N. ltela. Ac. I'hllail.i. march 84 -4w U ADVKUTISK11S by addressing (1EO. V. IIOWKLL CO., 10 Spruce St., New York, can learn the "hi!::. 7VnJrniiuul linn nf A llVKIITIMNIl in American Newspapers. rr-joo-page ramphlet, tec, AGENTS I IJOOrt AttEKTS! SUNLIGHTand SHADOW Hundred) of genli dure fnnw.rrd our call bi thlf fimum honk, nj jet i nuil M)0 wort. For 1 ntlir ritlirtP, IMch Humor nml TlirllHn? Intnct. It li without Icrr. ETerronc Hnjht im, rrj-BOTtrlt. .M.nltrrs-v Otnl rpmt ti. Ttmof Tlimnl mrf want It. untllt 11 theWf rllniR bor for ApfnU eirritft. v wai t itt-I AOKSTS.Miinml Munini.lntTilivlcIuity. iO.Mntn'r.t,i .fljrttf mid. .;frnl 7mwji Blrn. fcen 1 for circuit to A J. UOiri'llI.NUKI.N .1: tO ildrtronl, lour. April It -4 w a J 'fir mm' Jm tut tire JUls innko Nph IMcli Blixxl.auU will couit1ctHy chnnyo tlio Mood in tliocntlroM'teni in tluvu ltmitlH. AnviuTson wo will take 1 pill nlRlitrroin 1 tol2wooki triylorntot(Hltof)oun'l lioaUli, if MU'hn lliing u i)034lbl(. Sent In' iiuU fop 8 Irttcr 6tanin. J. .V, tlOirSfty at CO., Jtoston, JUuss., formerly Jhtufjnr, 2re, AGENTS WANTED SSSiyjISlfvlinffi tliiu .Huchliic ext r lnwotnl. Will kmtapnlrof itocklnjtt, wild JlKKTj ami TOJ2 complete. In 2U minutes. It wiu atsj knit a grt-at variety or fancy work for which there is alwar a ready market SenJ for circular ami terms to the Twombly litiltt UiK Machine Co.fioo V'hlniton SU luntun, Alus. mayC, '310y aid The American Popular Dictionary, $1.00 urswairi' mm t Thti tmerul and clo (nnt volumo Id a com leta Library anj KtieyclopHeitla, a well as tho bent Pic Nonary lu tho world. KuDttiblv bound In cloth nd put. Ircoif TUB LNfJI Mil LAV. Gl'ACK, Villi It trUi) mufinlii?, o rltntl'Hi, cut! :t ui.,1 n Ht a:n.iiiu: of almoin tot luctifin- Infoiiii'iilnii up u wfiMirc, Mjtliul j:r. Liifi iiiiliy, Am. m an iiuturj:, Laws. Cf t lt 111 'f u ptTfl'tt Mijrnry i i n ferrnce. U ftjHtcr'B Lktluaary envta r,c3, ami ttio American. Pop sifcS'tP' umr protlonary ,-Z tun tliuciittia moner.-' Lftviinor ken It. equal itthr In itrlco, ilt,l.H ircnn lew.," Tli AiHo.-tm,. "A perfect Plctlonaiy Kinlll-jrurr ef rfrtrclioo'' t.ella-ii Ulun. New.. N. Y. lli.o coiy of tlio AtnoilcAn l'l'paluir IMpllonnry (lllnstriitvdl. tho icr. at tut Itt.d bu.t IkkiU cvpriMU), tM.t iall t. miy HiUti... on n-ctll-t of S I VJriitlro.utli.(.u-tl. liKUar.iiu-L.I. Two ri-.l''-P't M 52. Oftlpr ol onc. .liUiHurl. I'ihhI foridilftyl only. bihI uul liwLr l.o uunlo uuhIiu bit criiun.r.-vn Dollftrs. n-invonf j..ur filtuiU u .rtud wlthyutt ttn.fyuj ir-t jour own bonk f no. Wjtld l!uii.'!tatiiig Co., 120 Hmu Bt.. lleur 7-rV. Out' rattle rs will jtntl wonth'.rfi.l booh ttio chect csi Dlctlnnaru published. a)'u iuformatlon ii contains istaorth many tlm3 tho amount ashed for it, and it should bo in tho possession of everybody. With th Is bcolt in tho librorv for refer ence, manj other much moro ex pc:slvo works can bo dispensed with, and ignorance of Itio country, history, business, Taws, etc., is inexcusable in any man. Note tho price, $1, post-paid, prii 21 a hp r? JLtri U k J At' POSITIVELY CURED Benson's Capcine Porous Plasters. Ui-aMH4 Why tlf r.- rvt-ffnc.l u Ml IHltfV Voidiis V.a-ni-v- in- l'.lma Ui'iui-.lU-st !'lr.(. .tecauga Ihcy ioy-,i oil n, -rit ot Hie etrt-ntlit.-iiliii: xriKii, tunl cuntulu lit tut illlloiithen'tii tin' ni-Hly il!ovrml imwi-rfiil auil uitlvo tr(-ttul!. oiiiih'.ii.iiliui ililih irli' Willi In. cnwtl riilK-f.tcli'iit, llinulallii;, nilatlvo nml counter Irritant t-lln -If. Sct'onil, llt'f iiumi thi-y ore n j-iinlne plmnm.vruU.-ul pn it eration, itiul mi m-o,MiUii ! th.i tiriU-iiun, Thlnl. r.ccniiFi! llu'jr t.rj tlio on'.y niarturs Hint rt-lkvo piln at unw, I'uiirlli. IK-caimu I'n.y will iilt!vvly t tn ti tlUt-asca other rciiiL'tlk-it will not cvtu rillim', firth. llecatiru otr (OtH) pit) iUluini mnl ilruggUti liavn toluutarlly IcHltWil lliut Ihry uru nuperlur to all otlit-r t'lj.tcri i r u.c-illcini lori-xttrnal tisc, Slxtli. ll.-rnirfu t'.n iiuini actiinrn liavo lecthcj lUe only 111C1I.1N iv r 11 ! l" irou bbti'r, Benson's Capciue Porous Plaster! SEABURY & JOHNSON, Manufacturing CliumUls, Now YutU. AMiiiiii iti:.tu:iv ,r tasT. ivicottscu. MEAD'S Medicated CORN and UUNI0N PLASTER. Nov 4 '81 .ly ItKWAUn! for iiuyriitteof Ittlud LHH SBLBM f;wui Jiiuiuif, tru.uuvTTri:NtteatlirllIN77rrtll,!ibli:ilV f4Utoi-urj. i-repuroa by J.l'.MIIJ.KU. M.U.VU Artli ht. 1'lllU.l'a. 9NU,N.wfiAfut t,i, .t'tnalur: rienj (or circular. Bui J by drujvMa una cuuutry ktorot, y , Aprl II 4-w a W8RTH SENDING FOE. Ur.J. ll.SCIIKXCICof i'blladclplila, liai lust pub. Ilihed a liook on "DISKASEfl dl" TUB LUM1N AKH III)" TIIKV UAN im t'UIIKIl," WHICH IS Or- furod F1IEK. rnatoald. to all Dnnllcant-i. It con. Ulna valuable Information for ull who suppose tliemscUos mulcted wltli.or lliblo to, any dlboasrs of Ilia tliroitor luofa. Address lilt. J. 11 hCIIKNCKA-HO.N.CW ArcllSt., I'lillaUelphla, I'a. f, U. IIUU BUJ, u April I 4W ttf-rf Tor week can bo made In any locality. p O Womoll)lnir entirely now for agents. 13 oul fit free. (J. W, INUItA II AM i Co. lloilou, Mass. April thw a CUTTHISOUT! A,SANKTE8S15isS40wpEEERK. WolmvoetoroslnlS leadlnir Cltlea, from wblcli our went. pliUlu tUelrnu I UrainrUfcly, Oar l'ilurlt. und l'rlnvinnl, (lull r no ( l:rlc, I'a. H ul for cur Nciv tululuuuo and Ur .1 )a'jt4 Addfuut Mil 1 nUCI I 312 Lackawanna Avo t Hi LUbCLI. 80RAHTON, pa. March 0 1y Curoa llhaumatlsm, Lum fcoro, LamaHack, Sprains and Cmiacs, Asthma, Catarrh, Coucha, Colds, Goro Throat, Diphthoria, Bums, Frost Bites, Tooth. Ear. and Head- ache, and all pains and aches. Th. Wit Internld ftn.l external remedy In Iti. wcrll. Lcrytgt!lo guaranteed. Sold by mcdieln. de.leM.vcT)nlicre. D.rectlons In eljht Unfu3;e. Trltfl 50 cents and t(4o, POSTED, MILBUDN U CO., Propyl, BITFALO. N. V., U.S. A. To Nervous Sufferers Tho Great European uoxeoy. dr. 3. n.stursON's nrxcino uidicink. Dr. J. 11. Hlmmon's Bocclfla Mcdlclno lit a tvwi. tlvo euro for overwork of body or brain or excess or nny Kino, Bucn as weak-ncss nna nil diseases ro- buiuuk iiuu, iioi luiu iuuittiy , iiiii.auiiiby,(iicnvai Anxiety, Lancuor, Lusslludo, Degression of Hplrlts tinu tuuutiuuni ucruuKCiucnu) ut luu nervous sys tem Kuucrnuji 1 uinn lu luu itacKorsiae, ijsa of Memory, lTe maturo old afto and diseases that lead to cousmpt. Ion. Insanity Ann early irrave or 00m. no matter now shattered Hie tystem mar ba 'rom vxcessi'S or auy klnil. siiort eournn orilitft mcdlclno will rcstoro the lost functions nnd pro euro health nnd hanntnesswhero hefnrn wni do. spuuueney ana gioom. mo Bpecinc MCQICino is DO- iuk U3cu wiiu wuDuenm success. ramphlcts sent free to all. Wrlto for them and cot full pnrtrlcutar.' Price, bnccldo ll.oonerpackaxre.orslx Dackaires for will bo sent by mall on receipt of money Address all orders, J. 11. HlMiyoN's medioinb uu nos. im ana iiwjiain street, liurfalo, n. Y. xiroBS. urn. OPIUM, 4 MOItl-IIINR A Trontl.p nn their pop,lycurp HUNT VMM. lm. J.E .iiurtMAN-.u.liuK jsa.vil lengn,! 11. March 3. am n!d imimnaMPit" li 'ntCT.otrtpTiiin"B I hp, zzx m at 19 nnd For salo ntTHE ST A M IHO FOOD FOR PLANTS ODOItLESfl. For produclnc Dowers ncd ha? !oo equal. Has stood tha test for years, and alwajs does all claimed ror It. Is cpeclal ly adapted for house, plants nnd Gardening, Rivin? a healtny growth and abund ant flowers. Over 103,000 packages sold lnlSJl. Awarded tho medal nt tho mechanics' fair In lioston. l'ut ui) In packages !S cents each. COLUMBI IN OFFICE. The Backus Water Motor. 18 THK MOST Economical Power Known FOH- DRIVJNG LIGHT MACHINERY. It takes but little room. It never gets out of repair. It can not blow up. Hnredonofuel It needs no engineer. Tkerolii no delay; no firing up; no ashes to clean away; no extra Insuranco to pay; no repair ing necessary; no coal bills to pay, and It 13 always ready for uso. It Is Invaluable for Wowing Church Organs for running Printing Presses, Sewing Machines. Turn ing Lathes, Scroll Saw3,arlndStoncs, CoffeoMUIs, SausngoMachlnos.Fecd cutters, Corn Tunis, Eleva tors, etc. Four horso power at 40 pounds pressure of iva.or. Uls noiseless, neat, compact,teady, nnd above all IT IS VKRY CHEAP. Send for circular to tho llackus Water Motor Co., Newark, N. J., stating name of paper you saw ad vcrUaement In. Price, (la to $300. Sept. ao-tf el!! - r ....j y-rM TIWHMWir T HI 'MPIM ri f J 1. Ui , . t 1"' k 11 1 1 I'' TOiRlUW! . r-t ir. i,r 'I BL00MS80RG STATE NQBMAL SCHOOL SIXTH NORMAL SCHOOL DISTRICT. Bloomsburg, Columbia County, Pennsylvania. Rev. D. J. WALLER, Jr., Ph. D., Principal. TIIIHSL'IIDOI.. asnrnresont consllttiU-d. oilers tho Very best facilities for rrofosilonal nnd (! amtenilearnlni?. Ilulldlngsspaclous,lnvuingnudcommodious;cnmplctclyhcatcdbysteam,wellventllalcd.llelitedbyga3,andturnl3hcd with a boutllful suuny ot liurv,ouii BlTlUls WIIW.T Location neaituiui, ana cn.iy or nccoM. rlnc water icalthfiil. and eaavof accefrs. Teaehet experienced. eMclent. nnd nllvn to f hnlr work, tttnetnllnn. nrm hut. kind, uniform nnd thorout'li Expenses moderate. Fitly cent n week deduction to all expecting to teach, students admlltcilnl any tlir.o. Iloomi reserved when desired. Courses of study prctcrlbcd by tho stato 1 I. Model School. II, Preparatory. III. Elementary. IV,, I. Adjunct Conner! Acidemia. 1 1. Commercial. III. Course in Music. IV. Courso in Art. V. Course in Physical Culture. Tho momentary. Scientific nnd Classical Courses aro 1'IIOFHSSIONAL, and Students grndualng therein, iccclvo Stato Diplomas, conferring the luuuwiLKuurn-'spuiiuinK iH-Kn-u-j , .iiuiieroi 1110 jbicincms; .nasior or tuo sciences ; minster or tno L-i.tssie. tirauuaies in tuo oincr courses receive normal ucruncaies uietrntininments, signed by tno omcers of tno Hoard of Trustees. The course of study prescribed by tho stato Is liberal, and tho S:lentinc and Classical courses aro not Inrcrior to thoso of our best Colleges. ThoStntoreaulresahlelicrorderol cltlzerlilo. The times demind It. It Is ono of thn nrlinn oblccu nf this School to hcln to secure It. bv furnish- InglntelllgentandcnicIcntTeachersforherScliools. Tothtscndlt solicits young persons of good abilities nnd pood purposes, thoso who deslroto niipiuvu nicir uiu? uuu muir iiiieius.ut siuuenis. ro nu sucit 11 promises mil in iuirm unci -nviuKri;iiiiui. r ur uuiuiuguc, iiuurt'si 1110 1'nnipai. IKI.N.WIM.IA.II lll.WKI.I., I're.ldcnt lloitrd of Trimtcc. P.I'. Blf.LMYEIl, Secretary OJtO. I, 'St.- devcloplag their powers, and abundant opportunities for well paid Grand Depot! Phluad.ej.;ph Samples and Catalogues by mail when requested. GUNS OF EVIRV KIND CHEAPER THAN EVER. lUHes .Shut Cluiitt. Kffvolvri'fi. nnuuiil lloii, I'UhttiK Tnckle, Slnt'(, Nets, Kiiiven, Uuurn, hUutvu, HaminockHf etc Jnrj;e IUuttrntml CntnloRiio FHKK. GREAT WESTERN GUN WORKS, I'lTTHitviian, r.i. AGENTS mm- -ll i m,, , as3. i . ri'yj CAUTION, GET THE BEST, ESTET OG-lsrS RAIL FIOAD TIME TABLE J in )KMN8YI,VANIA l'.AII.UOAl). PHI I.. WINTER TIME TABLE. nn and After Monday. Dec. 19. lssl.tho traiinin tho Philadelphia Krln Ita Iroad Division will ti n as follows 1 ... t nai t aiiu. Brio Mall leavoa l'hlhtdolpht.i 11 C5 p m ' " llnrrlsburg 4S6aro a sunbury 0 aanrs ' " Wllllamiport S4nnin " " ljck Hnvcn 9 40 a in ltcnovo 11 05 a in " " Kane a ro 11 m it ArrlvontErlo titnm Niagara nxpress leaves Philadelphia 8 00 a m " " sunbury iMpm " " Wllllamsport a ss n in " " Haven 4 so pin " " llonovo 8 4Jpm " " Kano lopupm Fast lino leaves Philadelphia 11 20 p m " " Harrlsburg a 05 p m 1 " sunbury Bits pin " Wllllamsport Tiopm " arrive nt Lock Haven 8 10 p m KA8TWAHD, Lock Haven Kxpross leaves Lock Haven T 60 a m " " wllllamsport 9 05 am " Sunbury " arrive at II arrlsbu ri? " Philadelphia Fast Lino leaves Cnnandnleua " ' Watklns " " Klmlra " " Wllllamsport ' " Sunbury " nrrlve.iat llorrisburtr " " I'hlladelpnia DayKxpresa leaves Kano " " llcnovo " " Lock Haven vviiunmsport arrive at llnrrlsburg phla 1010 a m Kcspm 0 lip m 1 03 p m 8 40 p m 0 0 p m U is n in 1 82 am a 1.1 a m 1 00 a in 000 am loosam ll nam 12 15 p m 3 80 p III Tirapm II 35 a in 4 10 p in 0 1 0 p in loiopm It so p in 1 ns n m aooam 701) a tn I'hllailelnh nriu jiuui it-itvua line " " Kano " " Henovo ' " Lock Haven " " Wllllamsport " " Sunbury " arrives at Ilarrlsburg " " Philadelphia Erie Mall west nnd Lock Haven Kxprest Kast miko close connections at Northumberland wlthL. & 11. 11. It. trains for Wllkc-sbarro and scrantou, ErloMnil West, Nlaznra n.tpro's West nnd Fast Lino West mako closo conneeilou at Wllllamsport Willi N. C. 11. w. trains north. F "Nlaj.irA Express West nnd Day Kxprcn Kast mako closo connection ut Lock Hnvcn with li. E. V It. it. trains. Erlo Stall Kast and West connect nt E.-ijwilli trains oil. S. x Ji. s. It. 11. ; ut Unrrv with 11. l',4- W. II. It.j at Emporium with ll, N. y.Jtl'. II. It. and at Driftwood with A. V. ll. K. Parlor cars will run between Philadelphia an 1 wuiamporton Nl.u'ur.i Hxpress west, nnd Day E'prctsKast Sleeping ears nn all ntuhttmlns. HODEUT NEILSON, tlcncral Supt NOItTHEKN COMPANY. CKNTUAL KVILWAY WANTED! Ladles nnd Gentlemen, tn engnifo with ut tn wll M-vt-ml I'm-ltll IIoiikcIioIiI .Irllelrv. I'niflfM Inru'o. I.nlior l.lii;lil. JCxrlimivo terrlturj- irlvrn. Nu competi tion. Terms liberal. Circulars KliLK. Addrc, Heitltt Manufarfi; Co., Ilox S(H, I'lltiliurgli, I'a. NEW CURE FOR A potato pes lu in M111 1 11 bi 1 11 ffgy""" "- AND ALL TROUBLESOME VERMIN, KaiV.sure, cleanly an ) cheap. Brtinplo I'.icUoge, Pot- aatu, Jit.11, Avir.otn i,Jiir.l, UUirPlS, T XX. iTolinNton. lltllurnli h. USICAL INSTRUMENTS of all kinds for salo vory choap. Catalogues froo. Address, RICHARD HULL S CO.. Box 808, Pittsburgh, Pa. iprllSl-em J. II. J, tm- CWEM AWAY, Zimmerman Fruit Dryor How and far Term. Addi-c.n ZIMMERMAN FRUIT DRYER CO., Cincinnati, O. Aprllsi -lm aid 'W CURED In IOI020 PAIS. THOUSANDS Kf rfftrenrp. frfttu tr.oni CUfe.l. Jfrt our until Ciinl Dr. J. H I l:i'lll..NH, J., t.miuii, (h April 21 .3tn aid irS-nELIEP and CUBE as OSBTAINasday FOIiLOWS day 07 Dr. J A. SIIEaJIAM'J 1IETH0D. With safety from tho dansers of strangulation and without tho Injury trusses lnlllct. TI1050 wlshlns proof should send 10 cents for his book, containing likenesses of bad cases beforo nnd after cure, also endorsements of professional Renllemon, Ministers, Merchants, Farmers nnd others who havo been cured. Trusses and rnpturo sooner or later nffect tho nervous nnd mental systems, briny on organlo. diseases, Impotency, destroy ennw und social uoslrcs, maklnc Ilia youny ola nnd lha old us -less. Ofilces, ti llroadway, N. Y., toj Walnut St.. I'tilla. D.ivs for consultation, each wcek-Xow York, nonoays, Tuesaavs, csaiuruays; ruiia. euuesuaje, juursuajs nuu rnujjs, uuniis I'ccenioer, after that everj' other week. Apiil 21 -4v 1 IIIIIH.I1IIWI IIIIMWWI IIIIIIMI III III I I II I II 'T"'-'"""""f p., irm fin..! 01. .y ll.P WIM FOVi M THE RIGHT PLACE TO GET A SPRING OR SUMMER SUIT IS AT MERCHANT TAlIiR. myllsh Well! MMe motliiiig AT THE3 EXAMINE THE FINEST STOCK OF mi id' VAI IUU1II0 rm 1 ni'ii ) ' v ah1 1 iti 1 ii linn 11 11 irriiii 0 iil uniiimin uijuiimi BUSINESS AND DRESS SUITS HANDSOME PATTERNS. PERFECT FITS, AN IMMENSE STOCK OF OIVT HAND, m nriiiiiMf fjb wwm aMMm BLOOMSBURG, PA. On nnd after February 13th,tS8t trains will leav Sunbury as follows : NORTHWARD. Northern Express C.3D n.marrlvo Klmlra pm Arrive at Cnnnndalgua p. 111. " llochcstcr 4.40 " " Nlapart. S43 ' Mat'ara Lxpress 1.50 p. m. arrive Ktnlra Cos p m nrrlvo Oannndalgua 8.35 " " Itochester 043 " Niagara u.toam Fast line 5.15 p m nrrivn Elmlra 10.50 p m " Watklns 11,10 pm SOUTUWAHD. Southern Exprous 1.32 a.m. nrrlvo Harrlsby 8.15om arrive Philadelphia 7.00 " " Now York 9.35 " " llaltimoro , , ,. " WoshlnKton a ra Lock Haven Ex 10.50 a m arrlvo IlarrlsbV lv.M pm nrrlvo I'lilladclphlj p m " New York 8.45 " Daltlmoro " Washlncton 0 41 uay Ji.xprestl.5l p m nrrlvo Harrlsburir s.34 o m " New York " Daltlmoro '.' Washington ... ,v diui. i.uj , ui, umvu iiurnsuurc; " riilUdelphia " New York " Ualtlraore " WashlnL.fnn J.H. WOOD, Ucneral Passenger Astnt. FRANK THOMSON, Qenoral Mmifi r. 7.CB 10.00 " 7.00 8.17 3.00 a. m 7.00 9.3V 7.0) 8.2-2 COMFJETITION In tho manufacture of Organs h resulting in the production and sale of cheap goods, made from inferior materials. I refer partic ularly to bogus Organs that are continually springing into exis tence, without any merit whatever, except to be oflbred cheap, and then when purchased found to be dear at any price. Will you not then, reador, Zf you 5o3fciempXaie Buying an Organ consider it your ouly safeguard to select an instrument bearing the naine3 of first class, wholly responsible makers. A good assort ment ol styles of the celebrated Estey Organs can now be eeen at the new rooms of the Only Authorizacl Agent for tho Ba toy Organs in Columbia County. A guarantee for five years from tho manufacturers accompanies every Estov Organ. J. SAJ-TZER, Agent, ,UDe moomsbui-g, 2 a. WEBER-HilRBMAN rg PIANOS, A FINK INUIU FlUiNOll WALNUT CASK ORGAN, ! STOPS, $1)0 DASH. Knsy Terms. .SuUnIiu lion uluiirniilccil, BA-COIST'S W-A.K.E BOOMS, MUSI0 HAI.r. lll.OOK, WIIilCES-BARRE. r A Juuoio.' 'Flic time has come wlieii Farmers Mtist prucllOB strict economy In all their puielusesfoi-urtlcles needed In tho farm, nnd njno will reuulra moro alletittnn thnn tlin htiblect of fertl Izers. ,.v,..w WHY SHOULD YOU PAY THE HIGHEST PRICES demanded by eomo for their eoodj vvlion you cm buy a rellablo whott mauuroat nur ton ot StiNM lbs, delivered on cars or boat lu 1'hlladclphU a """ TI11 AnaljsU Is fuiranteod to owry purchaser and Is also plaluly printed on every baif, t0 sav to youluy ' " Bend for circular showing guaranteed analjsli, BAUGH & SONS, Solo Manufacturers, 20 South Delaware Avo,, Phila. April T,4W, ' piIILADELPHA and HEADING I'.OA li ARRANGEMENT OF PASSENGER TRAINS. November Ttlt, 1681. TKAINS t.KAVK KDPEKT JlB l-0LI-0W8(8rK0iY KicnrTr. For New Yorlf.Phlladelphia.Ileadlnif.PottsvlI o Tarnaqua, &c, 11,45 a. m For Catawlsaa, 11,45 a. m. 4 0 and 7,20 p. m. For Wllllamaport, 6,15 a. in. and 4,05 p. m. TKlIK8rOH KOKBT LKATK AS rOLLOWS. (I--LH04V klCBPTBD.) Iavo Now York, via. Tamancnd s.43 a. ra. and via. Hound Brook ltouto 7,43 a ni. Ixavo Philadelphia, 9,43 a. m. Lo&vo Heading, ll,M a. ra., I'ottavlllo, u, o ,1. n, ondTatnaqua, 1,35 p. tn. Loavo Cntawissa, c,10 8,10 a. m. and 4,oo p. in. Lcavo WUliatnsport,9,,s,cop.m. nnd 4,33 p. in Passengers to and from Now York, via. Tama ncnd and to and from Phlln le'phla ko throuli without change of cars. J. E. WOOTTEN, C.Q.UANCOOK, Ooneral Manager General Possonger and Ticket Agent. Jan.10, 1681 tf. DELAWARE, LACKAWANNA AND WKjllilt.N IIAII.110AU. BLOOMSBURG DIVISION STATIONS. MOUTH, p.n. p.m. a.m, 0 15 3 42 9 45 !) CD 9 03 3 32 9 37 8 55 3 23 9 30 8 43 3 11 9 21 8 42 3 Of 9 11) 8 97 3 02 9 14 9 1 5 2 50 9 01 9 00 2 43 9 01 2 37 8 10 2 33 8 55 1 2J 6 07 2 13 8 47 8 03 2 UJ S 19 7 4U 1 45 8 SS 7 33 1 18 3 17 7 S3 1 lb S 12 7 20 1 03 8 Ol! 7 13 12 51 1 09 12 4 1 7 rc 7 15 12 30 7 62 S 6f 12 24 7 41 SCI 12 12 7 3S 0 43 12 03 1 S3 C !I7 11 55 7 10 0 IS 11 SO T 11 G 10 11 04 0 1)4 11 (0 a 43 10 49 0 45 a.m, p.m. a.m. Scran ton... llellcvuo. Taylorvllle. ...Lucknu-nnnn l'lttston.... .. west nttston Wyoming,... Maltby -Dennett Kingston,,., Ktrn.RtiT, .Plymouth Juno ....I lyillUUlU.,. Avonaaio ... TJftntlpnln IIunlock'B uree'k ...buiciisninny. ....Hlcfc'B Ferry. ....lieach llavoa. llorwlptf .. lirlar CreeS., ...wiuowuroro. Lime llldgu.. ...........Kspy. ...i ...Uloomaburg., Thinn-I Catawra Hrld'jo ... .UtlUYUlUi. . , ....Chulosky... fiflmn.w Northuinbcrrd" MOUTH a.m. p ir, p.n V 10 9 SO 9 45 0 (2 9 ti 10 01 1U 18 2 2-1 i 21 2 U 2 19 2 11 10 IS 10 18 10 2'1 10 34 10 42 10 55 11 07 11 13 2 51 2 SI 3 02 3 CO 3 PI 3 IS 3 S3 3 41 !! 51 11 20 3 37 4 07 4 li 4 2J 4 II 4 33 4 33 4 50 11 Ell 11 43 111 M 11 55 12 IS 5 (9 3 21 13 19 6 24 0 32 II 40 6 45 C 69 G 51 I) 68 7 112 7 10 7 17 7 22 7 10 7 37 8 00 8 25 8 fu 9 00 V 10 ( 37 8 41 8 tr. 8 51 9 01 V 00 9 13 9 31 9 S 9 41 V 55 12 45 p.m. p.m. a m. .. W. V. HAI.STK.l),HUDt. ouiiermivuuvnt 8 omce, acranton, Feb. 1st, I68J. IPAREa:i'c TPT A TO TO f"V (7i r -. to i u$ ci am ilrcMi.-tf HI . J 1.;. I). Q ttll(ill.l I'll J It, to fit y w.a. r ti t.. u, ittt at; t ti it. fuvr:tir at !j . j,ul Miri v. it c in inatcriat ti-V tit. t arc Lcucfici il tj t!w i ,t'; tml l,.iif iimuvn Restores (he Youtiiful Color t: Grey c; Fsdtd NaT.- i-arkcr J liar H finely vtrfiiiiK-d nnd u warranted to pr.-ient Mllnj i ftlicliair nml 1.1 re. move dandruff nnd ucMii.;, Ills., ux&Co, K V .., ii iiiu,. ft, Uvitlvrl ndrimauil tiu.llPh. s- - : . ,rf--..-,-T-,-."nHril' nnttakQ I oiilc lima. unei, A Suptrlallvj lieallh crnl lr5i .Icttorcr. Ifyoiinroamcrlianic or f. cr, v..rn out ith f ) l n,.' c! a V,""1'" ,.u" ''" " l-y family or liou. hold dune. iryl'AUKKKM r.ui.H'i Mc; La,,,!..! ...,,1.,Y'. r'- '""'. r I 'wei man c i. - ' -." '"'" 'vriinaioincarcil, don uiKtr at,ui(.r 1 , ' rS.n,". ,,!,v oimption, l)v.Pci.i. Ii,c, Aim tno Ctst anj Surest Cougti Cure Cvtr UseJ. tt1?! fH,M' " mi)r ,ava lour' CAUTION ! It, fu. ti lut.i'iulu, Iw.r'iOliint-r'iyulcli '"" Co., N. V. 4. A ( drtl,,, 4 " p.ut.,t, ! iiau I10H.AU f,ZI i - i V , '"""! iri(!r,uico lias man , l(h;lnf..ll:,luiuocic-r,l,,V,.lu ,-.,, I.. ' IV, .v,UJLUIUll m mi-i Voltla. Aay dnu,', ir I, rniu,lyjou. tJui.!",.,! ,'' " !" March 8, 'Mly, 1 ASTH MA cured! Aprllii-w