THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BL0OM8BUKG, COLOMBIA COUNTY, PA. . , f v ft The Columbian. DLOOMSBURG, PA., FRIDAY, APlllh 21, 1882. The Governor of North Cnrollim wild to . tliu Clovcrnor of South Cnrollim ! "Sir, tlio I host remedy In Ihu woild Is Dr. Hull's Cough Syrup" mid lliu latter seconded tlio insertion, I Correct ItallriiiKl Time Tntilo. Traliisim the Philadelphia At It It. leave Htipol al follows i KOKTII WIDTH. 0 is ii. in. II in. 4 10 p. in. 6 Mp in. Tr .Ins on ttiu II. I.. A It. II. te ve lUoainsi.urg IH tolIOW4l NfllTII. PllUtll. 1 83 a. iii HI n m. ! U p in. I' 41 a in 0 0 1 4 91 l 1", Tliu 11 4t iriln soulli connect wllh tlio I'lilla ililrhla it Heading at uport, and with, tliu Northern Central at NorUiuini crhiiid. Hlshop llowmuii who hits heen seriously 111, Is getting better. Tlio handsomest Cabinet frames hi town nro tit the Coi.ummav store. l'eter Knnpp 1ms begun tlio erection of n new residence on Iron street. Lost. A pass book containing ifM.OO In Bunk notes, between lllnnmstmrg mill Ornngcvlllc, on Monday nflcrnooii. Tliu finder will bu suitable rewnrded by leaving It with O. 11. ltess, llcnton Pn. Tho viewers iippolnted nt last court to T,. ,,., .,,, ii.iipi. Ini nt Tn.,nii.rtn Report on the lnnltcr of u county brldgo , i)oomi,urg Imvo recently been opened nt lha Cui.t'MiiiAN stritloncry store. The Indies nrc respectfully lnvlled to cull nnd see them. No trouble to show goods whether you buy or not. S. h. Drown of wllkes llnrru submits ti proposition to the citizens of Wilkes Harru nnd Kingston, in ngnrd to raising tho road between the two places to such n height ns to avoid nil the Inconveniences suffered nt every freshet. He pledges himself to bo one of llfly or one hundred men to raise $10,000, which, with the nld of the public road taxes and it liberal nmount from the Street Hallway Company, would be suf. Ilclcut to remedy the grent evil. He stig gests having arches made nt alt tho low points In the load, of stilllclciit capacity to carry olf all the overllow water. Ira Lake, son of John I. Laku of Centra, lln, has gone to Hoston to lenrn n trade. Tho Hand made some very good music In front of the Court House on Monday night. A new millinery store hns been opened In tho old Moycr stand, on Market street. Berwick Is happy over tho prospect of an Opera House, to bcbulltbynstock com. py- M. C. Woodward has made Improve, incuts about his property by remodeling tho old lllggs building. W. P. Hodlno met with an nccldent hist Saturday which will prevent him from working for some time. Small-pox has made Its appearance In lluzlcton. There nrc live cases In four houses, which arc quarantined. A new Democratic weekly newspaper has been stnrted at Scranton, Lackawanna county, which Is said to present bright prospects. I buy my goods for ensh and can sell you them nt very low prices. Give me n trial. F. S. KlNi-oiiis. ncroos tho Susquehanna at this point met on Monday. They were .Moses Sehlleher ' of Heaver, A. 11. Stewart of Orange, nnd John Hnrtmuu of Hemlock. It Is under stood that they havo agreed upon a report, but It has not yet been mado public. I A strike occurred at Heading on Monday inn ong tflc operatives of the Heading Cot ton Mill. A general reduction of 20 per ' cent, was ordered to tnko place on lltu SOIh hut tho spinners, carders and hack boys refused to go to work on Monday. Ah tit 1 seventy persons nrc Interested In the strlku 1 and should they hold out the mill will be . cloed. Spinners nnd carders were recelv ! lug from i2.f)0 to if5 a week. Should tho Comtianv discontinue operations, It will deprive about 230 hands of labor. This week I will havo lettuce, onions, radishes also peas and potatoes at very lowest prices. r. a. KlM'nms. Successor to T. W. Conner. AVcliHlorH ttMiilirltljfetlt The new edition of tliu popular diction. , arv contains 11128 tunics. SI0O0 enarav- lugs, 4 pages of colored plntes, a supple. ' ment of over 4000 new words nnd meanings, nnd a biographical dictionary of over 1)700 names. It Is warmly endorsed by more than fifty College Presidents, and tho best American and European scholars. Tho following facts will show why Web. stcr's Dictionary ought not to be sold as low as orccster's i , Webster's Unabridged Dictionary con. I tains one.tlfth moro mnttcr than Wor-1 cester's, the type being mailer, thereby giving much more on u page 7 4NNIL of nion Cll l8J. NNXJAL STATEMENT of tub TOWN monmsbttrg for l lie year is l. ending with Saturday J. P. Caldwell opens his newly 111 mu II mil .u ,.., .. Irn rro, n,l -r'-no. '!,..; ........!. i... i. i i . i. . ......., in.tin.1 ii miiuuii.-, ii. ia iinituu iu nu mi; mill mm served in nest of Style. To CarpeiiterH. At a meeting of tliu Detnorratlo County Committee, held In this place Thursday, the 0th Inst., n resolution wns passed de claring tho first choice of the Democrats of Bradford for governor to be Hon. Wll- Ham Klwell, of Columbia county. A bet- tcr nomination for Governor than that of Judge Klwell could not bu made by the pnrlv. He fills all the requisites laid down by Jefferson. He is cnpahle, honest and patriotic, nnd if elected would lend dignity and honor to the office. If nominated ho would hnve a largo following in this, tho county where ho wns for n long time, n resident. Toiranda Journal. Wanted some good carpenters to work at bench in Mill or outside as needed. Apply to Plymouth Planing Mill Co. Plymouth Pa. The malingers of tho Bloomsburg Opera House, havo had the services of J. P. Wise, of Philadelphia, In the painting of the inside of the building. Tho celling, as well as tho wood work hns all received a neat dress of paint, and looks like a new hall. Tho drop curtain Is undergoing I medicine. CiituwlMHU i.ocatH. Mr. Charles Kills, boss of the wrcc Main on the I". it It. It. It. here was seriously Injured whllu picking up some. lumber at .McAuly one duy hist week. Mr. George Krvlu was also hurt nt tho same time mid place. Both arc Improving slowly. Mr. Hamilton Clark Is building u lino double house on Sliumau Street. This will bo the nicest street In town In the not dis tant future. Notwithstanding the largo number of buildings being erected here, It is n fact that about twenty families havo moved away this Spring becauso there weru no houses to rent. wis. I. Y. nnd U. C. Willlts havo formed n partnership for the practice of largest volume published Webster contnlns 118,000 words in Its vocabulary, about 11000 moro than the latest edition of Woicester. Webster contains 1)000 Illustrations In the body of the work, nnd these nre rc pcated, classified, finely printed on eipentlee tinted piper, at the end of the work. Wor cester contains nbnut 1100 Illustrations In tliu body only, not repented as In Webster. ehster embodies nbollt one htndnd yean of literary labor. The publishers' retail price of Webster Is i12 ( the publishers' retail price of Worces tcr Is i10. The New Edition of Webster's Unnhrldged contains a Biographical Dictionary of 0700 noted persons, giving Name, Prpnun. elation, Nationality, Profession nnd Date of each. Alo n Table giving names and explanations of such Fictitious Persons and Places as are often referred to In liter- ature and conversation, as the characters In the works of Dickens, Scott, etc. elther of these two features arc con- tallied In Worcester or nny other diction, nry. If the lady who reads this card when In want of Spool Cotton will ask for the "O. N. T." she will obtain the very best thread made. Ask for Clark's "O. N. T." Cotton nnd see that you get it. For sale by nil leading dealers. too 3 -cm .Mrs. A. N. Frank, 177 West Tuppcr Street, BufTnlo, N. Y., says sho hns used Thonins' Kclcctrlc Oil for severe toothache nnd neuralgia, and considers It tliu best thing slio knows of for relieving pain. FUMlKI) llElir. Ilonil title .Umitir I, 'SI Interest on miim from -Inn. I, 8 II nd due February t, '81 ' ' August I, ' " February 1, "SJ ' " August f, "83 ' " January I. 'M February I, M August 1. F4 January 1, Hi Fe ruary 1, '85 August I, January I. m Fcbrua y l,M August I, 'so January I, "87 Februan I, Ml August 1 VI January t, s February t, V) Aurust I, "ss f .; .w " ' '! " VJ ii i 93 " " HI " ' K.l i .1 Ma llond duo AUgmt I, ?! I, TM Light nnd dark, plain nnd lnce buntings toia! funded dAt I. A . Hartiunn's. Ihtcitston abovot nt Paralytic strokes, heart disease, and kid- i ney nITectlons, prevented by the use of nrowirs iron jiittcrs. Dr. Frozicr's Root Bitters. Fnu.lcr's Hoot Bitters nro not n drum shop whiskey beverage, but nro strictly medicinal in every sense. They net strong. To balance of diiD'lcato ot '60 ly upon mo nvcr nnu Kitineys, Keep the cb. bowels open and regular, mnku the weak Uy ami paid F. P. ulltmeyer Trcas, alrnnir. honl lln. lmiiri IniHil mi ilu. see Treasurer's reeclnts and cTennsc the blood nnd system of every "U'tkos impurity. nv exonratlon ot Council March 13 or it zz ness. rush or b ood to the hen. . i tending to apoplexy, dyspepsia, fever and ague, dropsy, pimples and blotches, scrof ulous humors nnd sores, tetter, ring worm, white swelling, erysipelas,, soro eyes and for young men sutTertng from wenkness or debility caused by Imprudence, nnd to femnles In delicate health, Frazler's Hoot Bitters nre especially recommended. Dr. Frazler t I have used two bottles of Hoot Bitters for dyspepsia, dizziness, wenkness, nnd kidney disease, nnd thoy did me more good than the doctors, and all the medicine I ever used. From the first dose I took I began to mend, nnd I um now In perfect health, and feel as well as I ever did. I consider your medicine one of the grcntest of blessings. JIHS. JL JIAHTIN, Cleveland, O. Sold by nil druggists everywhere at $1 per bottle. m:XBY& CO.,tole Proj.'rs G2 Vcsci St. A'cw York. tli CO too ou NO CO 00 00 HO 00 loo 00 0300 Sl0i) soooo too 00 140 00 100 00 700 00 M0 00 100 00 600 00 nsoeo 1100 00 coo no 10 1 00 ISO 00 160 OJ 180 00 180 00 W0 00 SOO 110 toouo now 140 0 140 00 iiTwoo) Tho Monroe Journaf last week published quite nn extensive supplement, in order to give Us renders the usual amount of read-Ing. Charles ICrug has moved his olllee and paint house to the north corner of his prop, crty nnd converted It Into a dwelling house. needed repairs, and will no doubt bo so urranged ns to glvo better satisfaction in tliu future. The managers of the hall are using every means possible to make the surroundings us pleasing and attractive ns taste will permit. It certainly has a fine appearance now and lovers of theatres may he glad to know thnt the wotk has been done In so artistic a style, and all for their own comfort. The tracklayers are expected to bu hero soon to commence their work on tills end of the N. & AV. B. H. It., ns the filling In nt the bridge is nbout completed. When you nrc in need of nny groceries and qiiccnswnrc, call nt F. S. IviNroin. Successor to T. AV. Conner. A lino of Hurdle coaches, owned by Slier- man it Jlidduiigh of Athens Is now running regularly between Wavcrly, Snyre nnd Athens. They have three S.ltorse conches and twelve horses. Each conch will hold 10 persons. The coaches with the right to use them cost ijl.000 each. bonditl from February 1,t9. ) Vll.OlTIONOI'TAXlILK PHOPKRTY TDIRCIM ISSt. Heal property en $M oo Personal nrorjcrtv 17 soil to Occupations (4 os 00 1TTI 91000 per cent ot auovc valuations sta ww oj NWT0N t03N COLLECTOR OF TAXBS OF 18 0. DR. (S39 t 401 13 40) ; 3) B2 $'-8 391 NEWTIN OoONB COLLECTOR OF TAXKS FOR 1131. US. To amt of duplicate of 'il 111'F4 CR. iu ciccis nnd errors on duplicate It 79 Uy amount paid Wrn Cnrislman Trcas see Trvas receipts t Ml 19 Ily exon. ot Council March ts H9J 40 80 1143 71 To balanco on duplicate of '31 - $ 493 13 K. I. HILI.MEYER LATH TREASURER IN ACCOUNT WITn TIIK TOWN OF BLOOXSBURO. COURT PROCLAMATION. WllHHEAH.thellon. AVilliam Kt.wr.i.L I'rctldcnt Judgo ot tbs court of Oyer anil Terminer and General Jail IcUrcry(;Court ot (Juar tcr Sessions of Uio react and tho Court of Common Pleas and orphans' Court In the scth Judicial Sis. trtct, composed ot tho counties ot Columbia and 1 1 . r. . . . I . I. . . .. . t.MA. ff.l,K V t Hhuman, Associate Judges of Columbia county, Osborn's land y Paints ready for use nro haro Issued tbclr preccPt,bcarlng data tho lib. day 1 10 'll09t convenient art do Of tho kind, nil of Feb. In tho rear of our Iord one thousand elzht sllIl,lc3 P."'1 .coI"' llt "P. I" i.i nm P n.1 hundred and eighty-two, and to mo directed for holding a Court of Oyer and Terminer and Ucncrat Quarter Sessions of tho rcacc, Court of common ricos and Orphans' Court, In nioomtburg, In the county of Columulo,on tlio first Monday, being tho 1st day of Majncit, to continue two weeks. Notice Is hereby ctrcn to the tho Jus tices ot tho Peace, and tho Constables ot the said County of Cotumbta,that they bo then nnd then In their proper person at 10 o'clock La tho forenoon of said 1st day of May with their records Inqui sitions and other remembrances, to do thoseithlngs which to their onices appertain to be done. And those, that arc bound by rccognlzanco to proseaulo against tho prisoners that aro or may bo in tho Jail ot tho satd;county of Columbia, to bo then and there to prosecute them as Shalt be liut. Jurors aro re quested to bo punctual In their attendance, agreeably to their notices. Dated at .Illoomsburg .1 tho 7th davof tlio Year of our Lord I ImB. one mousanu cigiu nunarea;ana eigniy v I two and lntho ono hundred and seventh year of tho Independence ot tho United States of America. NhcrlR'S OfflCC. U. II. KNT, liloomsburg, April 7 to Sheriff. T ICENSK NOTICE. cans. Wo lurnlsii u can of imlnt nmi lirusn for fflj cents. Snxollno Petroleum Jelly, used for burns scalds and sores of every kind; it Is good nnd cheap. Saxollno Pomndo for tho lmir, highly perfumed, 35 cents. Glycerine I.otlon.'To Indies nnd children or nny person with n lino sensitive skin and whose complexion Is nflccted by the weather causing redness, roughness and chapping this Lotion Is Invaluable. An excellent ap plication to tho face after shaving. Largo bottles 25 nnd 00 cents. Our Stock of Hair nnd Toothbrushes has been replenished nnd contnlns some good bargains. Notlco Is hereby given that tho following nam ed persons havo tiled with the Cleric of tho court oi iiiancr n 'ssiuun ui county, their petitions nresented to tho said c day ot May, lssi, at two p. m To tulanc.ias per last statement To anit of N. Iloone collector of 'so To siaic tax collected Ily ami paid Win Chrlstman Treas. uy con ml&slou 156 74 403 i 200 $660 99 I'CTHOIlIll. 0. AV. Helfsnyder&Co., have opened a new dry.goods and grocery f tore In Cain- wlssa, in their line building adjoining the Susqiielianua Hotel. Rev. AV. K. Detwllcr of Lewlsburg, will nreach In the Evnngellcal church on Fourth Street, next Sunday evening, the 2I!rd inst. Knorr and AVintersteen nrc placing n glass front In the north end of tliu National Hank building, which will he used for n store room. Jlr. C. S. Prentiss hns opened a general machine shop on Fourth street, near H. Klelm's. He repairs all kinds of machines, guns, ovC. Lilly & Sloppy are now fully established In their new quarters at Orangevllle. They linve n idee store nnd fine cooils. and will no doubt have n large patronage. Alfred Jfcllenry of Ronton is in the city tills week purchasing new Spring nnd Sum mer goods for his store. People in the up per end can look for bargains on his return. An Inaugural Hall will bu held at -Miners' Hospital, Ashland, this Friday evening. From the list of malingers whose names appear on tlio Invitation, judge it will be n first class nlTidr. Samuel Smith, of Centralla. was instant ly killed last week by falling down the traveling wny, of the Centrnlin colliery, n distance of 100 feet. Interment took place at the Jlclntyrc cemetery on Sunday last, T. J. Yunderslice received from Seth AA'eeks, of Erie, on Monday, a large can containing thousands of brook trout, none of them beintr nn inch lone. They were deposited in some of the mountain streams, Ax Oi.dki: Oxk Among the matters to be treated of In Col. Piece's "History of Columbia County," Is tho blbliogiapliy. Ily the kindness of Judge Painter lie hns received for Inspection a copy of tliu Oil- umbia County llrgifttr of Feb. 0 1800, A ol. 11 No. 47, published by Thomas Painter Esq. well known to our citizens. Among other Inteiestlng matter it contains n notice of the niiirrliiue of JTr. AVilllnm Pursel and JIIss Susan Fornwnld ; John G. Jlontgom- cry Esquire, and JIIss Deborah H. Kehr, nnd her most untimely death, on the next day, on the wny from her fnthei's house to that of her husband's father. Also, the death of the son of Jlr. Painter, Jlr. Joseph Israel Rainier. The adveitiscrs have all closed business and departed, but the names of AVilllnm G. Hurley, John JfcAVll- llanis, Joseph Paxton nnd John Jlehrllng have a familiar sound. The display of Northern lights on Sunday last was something extraordinary. It wns first noticed nbout !) o'clock in the evening nnd continued until after midnight. At times tliu sky presented such a blood-red appearance Unit one would have thought there was a great conllagratlon. At Peters. burg, A'n. the light was so bright that the street lamps could havo been dispensed with. At Chicago tho air seemed so charg. cd with electricity that the telegraph wires would not work with the bntteries con. nccted. At Cleveland, Ohio, It nlTected a great many persons who were troubled with nervous disorders. The pastor of the JI. E. Church wns prostrated in tho pulpit w1 lie praying. Ladles fainted in tliu l liiucli. 'lliose who were out of doors us well as those- in the Chinch complained of oppressive sensations. The display was noticed by n great many people iu nil sec- tlons of tliu country, and will probably he ever r inn inhered because of lis continued brightness. Chester Pursel, son of John Pursel, for- merly of this place but now of Jlnryhmd, was in town last week. It was his first visit here since lie moved away, twelve years ago. J. AV. Swcely, rcpieseiiting the Wll-1 llnmsiiort ltreakfntt Table was In town last week. AVm. Jlannlng has returned from Roches- ter. On his way home on Jlonduy he g.ive us n friendly call. Rev. L. Zttlmcr attended convocation at AVilliamsport on Tuesday and Wednesday. Paul E. AVirt Esu.. and family went to Reading on Tuesday. They will return on Saturday. Charles R. Housel litis been appointed Deputy Register mid Recorder in place of P. II. Freeze, resigned. F. S. Huiit,busliiess agent of the Heiwlek Gazette wns in town on AVednesdny looking after (lie Interests of that paper. The Gu- lelte is all that it promised to he and has settled in Hcrwick to stay. Jliss Clara Sterner, of Potlsvllle Is visit- Ing Jlr. l. s. Kuim's. David Lowcnbcrg will go to Pittsburg to uttend U. S. Court on the coming Sat urday, Instead of Inst Saturday as announc ed in our last Issue. The great superiority of DR. BULL'S COUGH SYRUP over all othercough remedies is attested by the immense popular demand for that old established remedy. For the Cure of Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, Croup, Asthma. Bron chitis, Whooping Cough, Incipient Consumption and for the relief of I consumptive persons in advanced stages of the Disease. For Sale by all Druggists. Price, 25 cents. PILES! PILESIPILES! A Sure Cure Found nt Last! A'n One XccmI Sutler ! A suro cure for blind, bleeding, itcnlng and ulcerated piles hns been discovered by Dr. AVilliam, (nn Indian remedy,) called Dr. AVllliam's Indian Ointment. A single box lias cured the worst chronic cases of or !!0 years standlnc. No ono need stiller five minutes after applying this won derful soothing medicine. Lotions, lustra lnents and electuaries do more harm than cood. AVllliam's Ointment nhsorbs the tumors, allays tlio intense Itching, (partic ularly nt night after getting warm in bed,) nets as a poultice, gives instant ami pain less relief, nnd Is prepared only for piles ivc., nnu ior nothing else. Head what Hon. J. JL Coflluberrv of Cleveland says about Dr. AVllliam's Indian Pile Ointment : I havo used scores of pile cures, and it affords mo pleasure to say that I have never found nnvthlnir which gave mo such Immediate nnd permanent relief as ur. wiiuanrs lmunn uinimcnt. l or sale by nil druggists or mulled on receipt of price, $1.00. HEMY fc CO., rrop'ri. 02 Vesey St., New York. Not. 4, '81-cm DEATHS. JiicItHon HIlvcrH. AiiMSTiioxo. Died In rTcmlock,Apill Uth Jlrs. Nancy Armstrong, nged nine ty-tive years 0 mouths and 11 days. Bun. nt u JIalt Hitters. A noiiinhlng food which overcomes deep-seated Coughs, Hronchitls, Dyspepsia. AVnsting of the Kidneys, Dright's Disease, Dropsy, Emaciation, nnd print ion for Ihu Improvement of the A meeting was held last week iu 1 lie AVyonilng Valley Hotel at AVilkcs Harre, to arouse an interest in tho people along the Susquehanna river and secure an appro- iver Mental. Physical and Nervous Debility. Indorsed by leading Physicians. There wns a heavy thunder shower on AVednesday night. A bright light in the sky in tliu direction of Jlllllln looked ns though some building had been struck by lightning, but up to tho hour of going to press wo havo not heard of a fire. AV. 11. Allen has this week a largo lot of Fresh vegetables, Including Pens, Deans, Reels, Tomntocs, Squash, Egg plant, Let. tucc &c. Everything in season, nnd of tlio best kind can always be found nt the East End Grocery. AVc take pleasure in Informing our rend. crs that by enclosing n thrce.cent stnmp to Foster, Jlilburn it Co., HulTnlo, N. Y., they can secure, free, a set of their fine lltho. graph picture cards, which aro nn orna. incut to nny household. AVnnted for n hiislmess enterprise, re turning largo profits, n responsible energet ic Agent for every County nnd 'town In this section, good security required. No risk, suro gnin for reliable men. Address AVnliiut Polishing Co., 707 Sansom stroll, Philadelphia. bed so as to make It navigable from Havrc-de-Gracc to Athens, and finally to have It reach Elinlra nnd Owego, N. A' Congressman Scranton was present nt the meeting and expressed hh opinion that If u committee should bo chosen from among the citizens in nnd about AVllkes llarre and go before tho River and Harbor committee nt "Washington, some good might be done. A resolution wns adopteil urging Con- grcssnmii Scranton to use every ellort to secure an appropriation of i100,000. if other Congressmen, whose districts lie along the Susquehanna would bend their elTorts to this samu end, the time might soon come when this grand river will bo of some service as a means of transport!!. Hon. AVu cannot understand why it is that somu of our papers do not reach subscribers until Tuesday. They nre nil mnllcd on Thursday, nnd ought to get nil over tho county by Saturday nt the latest. Post masters somewhere nlong tho lino aro nog. llgent. Tho AVnlsontown Lumber Company mill, owned by A. Pardee, was destroyed by tiro on 'luesday morning at ono o'clock. The loss is if 80,000, with very small Insur- mice. Tho mill had just commenced work on a largo contract for the AVcst Rranch Exchange nt AVilliamsport. A deaf nnd dumb man named Gnughlii, was killed on tho L. X, R, It., near Centra lla, on Saturday morning last whllo walking upon the track, lie wns seen when some distance away by tho engineer, who gave tliu usual warnings hut beforo tho train could bo stopped It ran over him, severing ins neaii from Ids tiody, item. AVilllnm JI. Quick left his hoinu in Rloonisburg on Thursday morning, April llth for the purpove as ho said, of bringing home a hore ho had purchased of a Jlr, Johnson, in Danville, on tlio previous Tues day. lie went lo Rupert on foot, called to see his mother, saw and tnlkcd with his brother, said he was going to get or buy u horse, bought n ticket nt the L. it 11. olllee for Danville, and from that time to this has not been seen by anybody so far ns his friends can nseeitain. His failure to return on Thursday evening excited no alarm, as he had said if ho did not get the Johnson horso hu would look about till he did get one. Not returning on Friday evening his friends became iincny and began making Inquiries. Hut no one snw him get on tliu train at Rupert and no onu saw lilm get oil at unuvillc, and Jlr, Johnson says hu was there on Tuesday ami was lo return on Thursday hut did not. Inquiries at D.iu villi-, Northiimhcilnnd nnd Suubury, nnd nlong tho canal where he Is well known return nn word of him, and at Jlllton and other points, nro cqiudly fruitless Dispatches to relatives In the AVett bring the sumo reply, There Is absolutely no cause known for his absence. Ho is u ttdl slim liiiin, somewhat giny, with blue eyes nnd about forty years of iil'o. Information will bo gratefully received by Hugh I), Quick, Rupert, Pcunn,, or by G. JI. Qulcli or John G, Frcczu liloomsburg Pa. The sod lias been broken near the ker Hill school house for the erection new Jlethodist Church. T. S. Christian expects to deliver n scry stock lor J. F. l.eclaru this week. H. R. Kline who has been located at llornellsvllle N. Y. as car inspector for tho past two years Is now at home since the death of his father. He is going to remain with tliu family the coining summer. Reuben T. Farver started for the Orangevllle Academy to attend tliu Spring erm of that school. John JlcIIenry has rented his farm to Henry Corothers for the year nnd Henry ins moved In the house with them. Ex'-Judgo Derr was the auctioneer of the Hirleninn it Ash side which took placo on Saturday hist. AVc learn they aro going to dissolve partnership this Spring and Hiileniiin will take chargu of the store. I'liere was n Union Sabbath School oriranlred at the Chrlitlan Church hist Sabbath morning with Frank Derr, Super. intendent. Jlhs Ida Derr has recently returned home having spent a few days visiting lur sister, Jlrs. J. S. Woods. Ida Is u Hist class dress-niaker. Ladies desiring a dress Hindu to order and In the latest stylo would do well to pntronl.o Ida. The Pilgrim" did remarkably well In tlio last splinter.- on speaking of tho quail- flcatlons nnd honesty of our worthy fellow citizen. Esquire Derr, as n candidate for member of the legislature. Nkw Comki!. BUSINESS NOTICES. Farmers dealinc at AV. H Allen's can be accommodated with stabling, apr. 7-tf, Go and see I. W. Hatlman's Deltelge for dresses. illuminated I.llli'V .v Slcnnv wnnt von In pviimmn their .Mackerel before purchaslng;elswhere, AV. H. Allen has lust opened a lot of new goods, embracing lluu groceries, glass. ware, painted cliina, uueensware, ivc. AH of the best, and lit the lowest prices. apilli-lt always i!i:n:i:sui.'o. A delicious oder is imparted by Flniestou Cologne, which Is always refrcshh.g, no matter how freely used. - ureal liargains ut u. . Low's in urar.rre- ville as he is selllmr out Ids entire stock of goods amounting to about six thousand dollars ut cost. uprll 14 tf (ii:axi)motiii:i: Used to say : "Hoys, If your blood Is out of order try liurdock tea ;" and then they had to nig tno jiurdocii aim nnu it down in kettles, inuklng a nasty, sinellini; decoction: now you get alt the curative properties put up In a palatable form iu Htirdnck Hlood iiiiieis, nice iji.uu, Go and see that Hartmau's. All kinds of grain Sleppy, Orangevllle, sill; suitings at I. W, wanted by Lilley it Your choice of 12 pieces of buntings I. W. Hartmau's. nt ink A Itnllroni! I'IkIiI. The JIadlson Square Theatre Manage- nient ot flew lork is busily nt work en gaging tho best nctors In the country for next Benson. Nearly two hundred have ..l i.. i , i I... ..,., ...uu y o,e , B.Bucu wiwi, nnu it is pro- fcncc.lyicllcf nndcoinpleteiestoratloiiof vl g posed by tlds management tosend out next r,i manhood. AkofnrltiiemmulsMi.w,, Tho Philadelphia and Heading Railroad Company hns filed n hill Iu equity in this county asking t.iu Com t to grant an In junction to ri strain tho North it AN est Rranch Railway Company from crossing their track nt grade near Ilii ert bridge, The bill alleges that the crossing at grade is impracticable, and that It would be very dangerous to both companies, Ihu situation being such that It would bo Impossible for nn engineer on either rond to see u train coming on the other In time to stop, Tho N. it AV. 1). Hallway Company iu their unswer allege that the crossing will bono more dangerous tlitiu any other of the same kind, ami they uru numerous j that it is tho only practicable method of crossing, as an overhead trestllng would destroy the grade mid be very expensive, nnd u crossing further down the track would necessitate u fjont amount of excavation, They nlsojset up nn uillclu of agreement entered into be. tweeu the two companies, in which tliu complainant fully agrees that tliu crossing should he made at grade, and at tliu point now proposed. Testimony was heard In tliu casu by Judge hi well, ou A eduebday, S. P. Wolvertou representing Ihu Philadel phia it Heading Company and II, AV. Pal. mer tiutl C. R. Huckalcw the N. it AV. 11. Railway Company. Quite a number of civil engineers weiu examined by each side All kinds of paper, pencils, pens. nnd envelopes nt the Coui.miiiax store. The newest thing of the season for dress es at I. Vt . llartmairs. For Table Linens Towels or Napkins go to I, ulz it Sloan's. I wo 89 WM, CIIIUSTMIN THKASCltIR FOB 1551, IK ACCOUNT WITH THE TOWN Or BLOOMiBCRO. Oil. Juno 'si to ami ot tax roll of 'SI 5 171 "6 to amt rei-a from r r miimeyer former Treasurer 635 83 To amount reed from said of bondj 3 TOO oo ' " N Iloone col of '8 40s Tfl 1 ' ' 'si l cat la ' tudsrmcntu ilobmns lesoi ' state tax collected 47 3 4 from lands sold and re turned bv Co Commlsslocors to si To amt rent and Interest pane 0 Sterner tl "4 To amt u.un ices iron si aiciicivy estate Ii TU to ami work lor c unif a is I To amt on fence. Ludieran and He- roi med eoocreratious t oo To amtfroiiKl A llcrrlnff Pres be ing collected as nnes, ucensts &s si oo Tlios .T, Hhuman Jno. Illndfrlltcr lllram ness It H.Utllo Samuel W. Adams Kelnbardllerger .lacoo i. tunon Wm. II. Ollraoro Herri hard Htotincr N: w. narton o. A. Jacob' JanoK. Urown .wm. (llffger Kostcnuauarr & io Hester KUUcr Win. Ut rklilmer AdunTtuckcnml IT David UolUniraliead Johanna O'Conner Daniel F. curry William reiner James Ooldwortliy 'rnomas Collins Jamos J. (Irani Mary Monroe. John L. Kilns Daniel iieures amucl llazeldlnc C II. Delttcrlck Daniel Knorr Thomas r, cncrrlngton ciiiDKion i eager Aaron Voder A. K. Smltli J. E. Loncronberger lloyd Yettof A.Av. llesa llaltzer T. Lavcoek Kmandus Unaogst Jacob Miller Tbeodoro Heck (i. M. Ilakr Cliarlea Coleman Clerk's orucol April 3, 'BJ ) AVe carry n complete nnd well selected stork, nnil rnmnetent nfrsnns nrfi always ill Uio'o0 'commbli "ttendnnce to supply tno wants of our pat is for license, wiilcli win bo rons. A o study to plensc, nnd bellcvo we fio said court, on Mond ly, iio nrst can supply you with everything in our lino economically, satisfactorily and inn manner calculated to Induce to join In the verdict, thnt our storc is Me place to trade. Hoping to see many renders of tho Cor.usintAN nt our place of business shortly and soliciting n share of your esteemed pntronngc, wo re main Very Truly Yours Hotel , Liquor Store Restaurant IieavcrTwp Denton lierwick Dor liloomsburg I Liquor Storo Hotel , I ltcstaurant Liquor Store Hotel Itestaurant Hotel Itestaurant Hotel Itestaurant Hotel Catawlssa Centralla Conynrbam Orccnwood HcmlocK Locusl Madison Main i Minim Montour Orange scott Hugarloaf WM. KltlCKDAUM. Clerk (J S. $118011!; oKIH DISEASES CURED Rv Dr. Fra.Ier's Miurlc Ointment. Cures r- - . v .... as If by magic, pimples, black lieatls or gruiis, oiotclies amt eruptions on tnc lace, leaving tliu skin clear, healthy and beauti ful. Also cures Itch, barbel's itch, salt rheum, tetter, rincwonn, scald head, chapped hands, soru nipples, sore lips, out ousunate ulcers anil sores, Ac. SKIN DISEASE. - P. Drake. Esn.. Cleveland. O., suffered beyond nil description from n skin dis- casu which appeared on his hands, head and face, and nearly destroyed his eves, Tliu most careful doctoring failed to help mm, anil alter an nan lulled lie used ur. Fra.Ier's JIagic Oiutineut and was cured by a few applications. CtTTho llrst and only positive curu for skin diseases ever discovered. Sent bv mall on receipt of price. GO cents. iiiiJNitv cu sole rrop'rs, OS Vesey St., New Yoisk, For blind, bleedinc, itching or ulcerated piles di:. w im-iasiM Indian 1'ile ointment is a sure cure. I'rlcu $1.00 by mall. For salu by all Druggists. August 'SO, byamtnf duplicate of r. uounc coi si, ocin? ami uncol lected by Treasurer on tax roll cf tluscar mil 61 Ily bonds paid Uurtnirtlio )ear,vtz ; O Jl uuu AUgul 1, nu ouu uu No 33 ' " I, 'St Beoeo NOS: " " 1, HI 800 00 1 60000 by Interest coupons paid during tnu )car II v bUUe tux on loans tcn-twclftlis ota ear If 300 00 uy orjeraptuu issue oi -tu " " I 7 .. 9 i, ii ii .1 fco ., .. ii ii II II II M "gj Uy amt Treas Commission Ily balanco la bauds of Treas SHERIFFS SALE, t Ily virtue of sundry nrlta Issued out ot tlio Court ot Common Pleas of Columbia county and to me directed will bo exposed to public sale at the Court House, la Dloomsburg, at two o'clock p. m., on SATURDAY. May Oth, '82. Va oo 34 33 19 03 00 11 ss ltl 4 MI 60 Wft t T tSi 31 93 sa 191 75 issrrs. Hal ot tax due on duplicate ot 's; Duj fiom sundry persjns on iccount I mo on streei openings as louons, MarKei strteij u ituiier iauu Wm. Webb's Kstato 115 00 Due from (1 W Sterner park rent duo rrom uuueran ana uciormea Concreiratlonsbal on fence Dal In bands ot 'I reasurer $11 Ml is f 401 13 ou uo MARKET REPORTS. llLOO-AtSBlillG MARKET. win a it r bnslul.... Hie " .... corn, " .... Oats " " .... l'lourptr barrel 1.3 so .13 1 S.Ou ciovorsccd s.m nutter K'-IJ TilllOW otatoes Dried Apples ..... Minn , sides ,t Shoulders cutckens Turiccjs i Jira per pouna .40 .15 .10 1.S5 .OS l .08 .13 .13 Hay per ton ISO mcawax 23 PHILADELPHIA JIAHKETS. COIIIIUOTEI) WEEKLY. KLOlllt. Minnesota extras It to a 7SS Pennsylvania family . 6 oo 1.4 6 S3 western 4 v. s s S3 Kyo I ID 5 oo (IIIAI. Wheat 1 40 re r bush. live 8i a sii per bush. uuru in 09 ii " Data 54 (S C5 ' CloTcrsced I) (4 f .V cH. per lb. iimoiuy,..., iwiw LIABILITIES. Coupons not presented S: outstau'g Orders oiustauilln; 1S1ETS. Floatlns debt HKCKirra. Amt received from F" 1" ltlllmeyer lormer Treasurer Amt collected bv Treas on tax roll 'St Amt from silo ot bonds Amt irum M iloone coi on uup -m 01 " Judgment C Kobblns Stato tax collected Land3 sold and rented by Co. Com. Kent and lot 1'ark (l W sterner liamag'S Iroa st McKelvy est work fore Kruar on fence Lutheran and It t formed congregations irora u a iiernax rrea ueing coi lected a i nnes license ic EXI'ZNUITUIIXS. Hloomtburg Water Co lllooinsbur.' Uas Co (las tlxturvs a (liar Costs Commonwearu vs I s Kuuu and others Auditors settlloc nnntal account Street commissioners K U Uldleman and i Tuyior Illghway expenses for Ubor.teams, repair ot tools and material H Harris town Constable, inllco duty.and servlnir notices l'rlnilng annual statement or dinance tea Sundry persons, pollco duty Samuel Ncytinrd, surveying Sundry poisons icnts iiepaun to lock-up Hro Iiepartment Hoard of Health i nth i Attorney fees It slit or wav on Centre st Obtain suit vs lllrkenblne etal interest on overdue dodiino. 31 secretary's salary 40 00 S3 15 30 SS 1S17S $911 W 154 Id 1 763 63 $1 919 79 91153 $1 0J8 87 C.191 3 563 91 SOOOOO 403 76 1 691 IS 16) (1 47 53 00 81 SI 74 19 70 7S 100 6100 $5!S31 All that certain messuage and tenement or tract ot land tltuato In Locust township, Colum bia county, and State ot l'cnnsjlvanla, bounded and dcscrlbod us follows, that Is to say : Begin ning nt a btono In tbe public road leading from Slabtown to Malnvlllo, running thenco by land of Solomon Strausscr and William Adams, north thirty eight degrees, west eighty four and llvo tenths perches to a stone, thence by land ot (leorgo Strausser, south seventy six degrees, west sixty two perches to a stone, thence by land ot Lewis liungo south eight degrees, west thirty and llvo tenths perches to a stone, thence by tho same, couth thirty eight degrees, east ono hun drel nnd threo perches to a stone, thence by tho snino south fifty three dcgrces.west three perches to a stone, thence by land ot Solomon Strausser, south titty eight degrees, east sixty eight pcrchos to tho stono In centre of public road leading from Habtown to Malnvlllo, thence In said rod and by land of Solomon Strausser, north twenty degrees, cast nineteen pcrchoj to a stone, thenca In and by tho samo north nve degrees, cast sixty eight perches to the placo ot bcglnnlng.contalnlng sixty two acres, strict measure, whereon aro erected a two story frame dwelling house, frame barn, corn crib and out-bultd'ngs. Seized, taken la execution at the suit of David Ilelwls executor of l'eter nelwlg, deceased, agalust Isaac Lewis with notice to John Adams terre tenant and to be Bold as tho property ot Isaac Lewis Lev. Fa. ItnAWN, Attorney. ALSO, All that certain lot or plcco ot ground situ at o on tho north Eldo ot Sixth street, In the town ot liloomsburg, county ot Columbla,Blatc ct I'enn'a., bounded on tho west by lot of Samuel rotter, on the north by Stcrner's alley, on the east by lot ot Henry Kesty, (formerly tho property ot c, W, llodlne,) and on the south by Sixth street af ore- said, whereou Is erected a two story frame house and out-balldlngs. Seized, taken In execution at the suit of D. J. Waller now for uso ot samuol Kelchner against William G.oirtonandtobo sold a? tho property ot William (l. Glrton. Lev. Fa. U. W. Millxh, Att'y. U. II. ENT, Sheriff. N. J. Hendershott. JOHN A. FUNSTON & CO. Eeal Estate, Trustj Investment and Collection Office. BLOOMSBURG PA. FOll SALE A coal yard with trade.good fair price, and reasonable terms. 10 frame dwellings. Prlco $300 to $2500. s brick dwellings. I'rlco f 2,000 to $10,000. Ilulldlng lots, good location, prlco $sooto $2,000, n 1th or without contracts to build framo or brick dwellings otll complete In 60 or so days trom break ing ground. 8 farms at from $10 to $175 per acre. 3y; story framo woolen mill, with full sot ot ma chinery, a good natural water power.all In good t,utuu les to terms, owned by 11. L. Sands. 70 acres, good land, buildings, fences, fruit and . water, In Denton twp ono mile to Now Columbus. Terms reasonable. Owned by Daniel Wonner. Trice $3,000 875 Acres. Hurley f arm.Montour townshlp.f ramo dwelling house, bank barn and other out-bulldlngs good soil; about 100 acres timber; wen waiereuj healthy location, good markets. If desired.wlll dt- vldo In two or threo tracts, feo oralis. Terms easy, Now owned by Wm, Neal, Esq. 150 acres on south bank of river la mllos from town ot Miniln on road to lierwick. lis acres boU torn land, balance timber. Ilrlck dwelling, bank barn and oulbulldlngs.good fruit and water (well and fountain). Also a valuaWo deposit of llvo acres ot brick and potter's clay. Owned by John Wolf, ot Dloomsburg. A deslrablo now brick .dwelling house and a large framo dwelling house and frame stablo on Bast street one door below Third. Lota offered on easy terms with contracts to build It desired. 95 acres In Madison township; occupied by .Trifliinii wion. cnnti f riimn houso and bank barn Landlately well limed and manured. Apple orch ard and other fruits. 103 Acres In 1'lshtngcrcck township, on road to Ilenton. Urlck house.tramo barn and shods (Jood water at house and barn. Apple orchard and other fruits. Owned bv John Fealer. 112 Acres productive land In Hemlock township H mUos from ntoemsburg. Frame dwelling, bank barn and two tenant houses. A Stfstory framo carriage and blacksmith shop, 40x60 icct on Iron near Main street, with trade and goodwill. A full set ot tools In each department Reasonable price and terms. A nearly now s-story frame dwelling on Fourth Street, Catawlssa, frame stable, good water, fruit, an in gooa c jeuiuod 63 acres, well watered, Hemlock township, framo house, bank barn and out-bulldlngs, choice fruit, young orchird, with grain In ground, stock C, if desired. Thomas Ulckey owner. For particulars, apply to Oct. II, "St-tr JOHN A. FUNSTON. orl'AULE. WIUT. TXECUTOU'S NOTICE. KST1TB 01' DVEU C MOSS, PECKASEP, Letters testamentary en the cstato of Dyer C: Moss.lato of Denton township, Columbia county l'n. deceased, havo been granted by the Register ot said county to Miles W. Moss, Cambra. Limerce Co. Allpersons having claims against tho estate ot tho decedent are requested to present them for settlement and th030 indebted to tho estate to mako payment to the undersigned executor with out delay. 1 MILES W. MOSS, mar n-w Executor. A DMINISTIUTOIVB NOTICE. ESTATE OF CHARLES TnOMAS DECEASED. Letters ot administration on tho cstato of Char les Thomas, lato ot tho town ot Dloomsburg, Col umbia eountv.ieeeoied, havo been granted bv the Heglster of said county to tho undersigned admin istrators. All perauuB uaviUKtmiiija uiiuiuai, uia $1900 00 884 50 S3 84 S2S3 900 800 75 2 333 1S2 3I 86 SO 13173 78 03 17U50 13 00 593 50 993 62 U 75 161 00 500 00 9 19 S ISO 00 estate of said decedent are requested 10 present tnem tor settlement ana mu.iu inaeuieu iu urj estate to make payment to tho undersigned ad ministrators without delay, WILLIAM THOMAS, 55AC1IAUIAU THOMAS, march 31 o-w Administrators, $100 Men. Ladles eud Aeents. ICIO IU A Month for TEACHERS, 8UK5S' $ 8 518 80 We llin undercued auditors melon Mondiy. Murch Hi. iS'U. und do hereby certify that we examined the foregoing accounts and statements nnu mm tnem correct una ao approve tu 1 same, H. W. 1IUCKINQI1AM. 1 V T. KI.INK, J-Auditors. THOi. WKIIU. ) taking orders for Let- nm 4MnuDonTT or 'inndeiity ro- vjuu. ill UUIVOUUU, buked and Truth victorious" now thorn' si popular NKW 1100 It In tho Held. Doth a Shield and a Sword. Every body wants It. law I'rlco, Quick sales. Send for circular and Terms. I'. Vf. .IWlLBIt CO., 913ATCH St., I'hlla. l'a. Marcau -sm Llllev it Slciipy sliouUlcr and Hams. want HI1I11 nient, l'lnl;, Iiluu nnd other lliflit colored Cash. mens at Lutz it Sloan's. Lilley it Sleiuiy want Calves anil all kliuls of I'oultry fur which they will pay the hlirhest uinrkit price. Llaht cloth for Lnilles' JncUels at Lutz & Sloan's, (lo to W. E. Oeilili's' Ituifrbucl blrcet for jteneral collection of green house anil lieil. (ling plants, upl 7-'Jm Lilley it Sleppy nt Oninjjcvlllc want J 'J- M-rnrlt) llirre tu alx Time. ) Hi 11 i.ouii iililioiii iii HuIIiIImuh. Interest SemlAnnuil. .Noihlng over been lost. s;tli yearot residence and Ml. In the bubliicss. nest of references' Send for particulars if you hate monev to loan, N. II. cosuadvir.ced. Interest kept up, and principal guaranioeu 111 case ui lureciosurfl. D. B. JOHNSON N25Uator of MjrtgajeLoinj, ST. PAUL.UINN aprlll4 4w r Flour anil feed can nlwuys Allen's Kast cm! grocery. bu hail at uprll 7-tf (u Thirty IliH Trial AVu will semi Dr.Dyc's Cclelnnteil Klectio. Voltaic llelts nnd other Klictrlo Appliances on trial for thirty days to yoiini! men nnd older persons who uru iitlllclcd with nerv- '"'1 M"IS miulilu to coiicliido tliu testimony cms (lelilllty. lost vltalllv. ctt'.. miarnnlei'inu' tliu licnrlng was contliuieil until Friday of season 11 lietter class of companies limn have hitherto Uth seen Iu the towns and clths of tho United SliiUs. Tiny will pic tent Rmrulda, Mailt Kidt mid Tin JVcd or, In every part of tlio country next year. rulgln.l'iiralysls, Liver and Kidney dllllciil- ties, llupturcs and many other discuses, II- lUBtrutctt piimpiiiei sent tree, Address Voltulo licit Co,, Jfarshnll, Michigan. Oct. 28,'81-ly next week. Among the persons piesent mid Interest. id in the case were Charles 1'arrlsli and I, A. Stearns of WllUcsuarri', It. 1). llurclay, I. N. Dullarry, John A, Wilson, AV.I.orenz, of I'hlladelphlu, F. K. Knight, Cortland, C. W, Uuchhol, I'ottstown. In tho iilisenco of John Wolf, farmers wanting farm machinery will please call ut W. 11. Alien's. uprll 7-tf Ai. good clears us can ho found In town uru kept at W. II. Allen's Kast end gro cery, uprll 7-1 f Clo to W. K. (ieddls, llallroad street for early vcgetiihui plants, of nil varieties, Um i:i.KUANi'KANr iTiiirv, Ladles who iinnrerlntu I'lcifuncu und nur, Ity nro using Parker's llalr llalsiim. It h the best iiitlcio sold for restoiing giay linlr to ltsoilglnal color, beauty uuil lustru. . fiOO pairs of ineiu', hoys', ladles' and cldl drcn's stockings tit 1. W, lliirtmau's, Aliieilcaii wulclics. Iu huutluir und onuu face cases, all grades of key nnd stem winders warranted for llvo yciirs, and prices low. ( all ut L. iJernharil's Jewelry store. I, V. llartiuiiii ket'l's'iin his slock of l'Iiil' hams lo 6U plccs, 10 cts to 28 cts, jcr yurd A (till llnu of staltoncry Just opened nt tho Coi.vmih.w store, T 1ST OF JUHOUS, MAY TEIIM, 1882. xi UllAU JUltUltS, Illoom-0 T Wilson. Ilenton Wm Ash, Thomas Edwards. llrlar Crcek-U 11 W Hosier. Catawlssa Hamilton Fisher. (iDorce Krclsli. Luarica i iiuier, a 11 nimrpiuss. i;euire ibuuu uiiemire. l'lihlnircrcek James II Coleman. 1: II Gilbert. nmuuui uuiiisviu. Franklin o i) 1, Kostcnbauder. (ireenwood 1" II (llrton, Jai-kson W 1' Hobblns. locust Wm J Adainj. Madlsua Ueoriro ll:airlo. Amos Johnson. Wm .Homelier. Main Stephen drover, Mimin-Lcwu Kckroth, John Michael, l'lne J It Fowler Itoarlngcreck Jeremiah Kunklo. "DltlDGE NOTICE. A dividend ot five percent on the capital stock of in 1 catawlssa Ilrldra Comnanv will be Daldtbo stock holders on and after April 1st, Uss, at the onice or me Treasurer. UliUUUIi a. tllLUtSKT. Treasurer. A UDITOH'S NOTICE. XI. Columbia County, S. S. Anion? the record! and proceedings of tho Orphans' court of Bald county, It ls.lnler alia, thus contained. Elizabeth Kbner "I Mo. 31 Fieri Vaclai Fcb vs. ruary Term. issi. H. (I. M. llollowpeter, And now Feb. 17, isss.on Admr. of M, u. Shoe- motion of uuarics u. maker deed, ot au J tor plain- tlirs In tho above stated execution, C, D. Jackson, laq,, is appointed auditor to Qistriouio me money tu court arising out ot tho eberltru sale ot tho real estate of M. O. Shoemaker deceased, among par tita entltlod thereto. UYTUtt cuuivi. Certioed from tho records this 18th day ot Feb ruary, A, D18SS, l.n Jllll.tYUAUai, l'rothonotary. Notice ts hereby riven that tho unduislgncd au ditor appointed as shown by the foregoing certifi cate, will meet tho partleslntercsted lor tho per formance 01 uis amies at ino ouicc ui mariea 11. uarkiey, attorney at law, iiioomsDurg, ra on .Monday. April S4th, 1B5S, 4t 9 o'clock fa tlio tore noon, at which time and placo all pcrsous are ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. ESTATE OP SAMCEI. I1ESS, Sn(l DECEASED. Letters ot Administration on tho estate of Sam uel Hess snd lato of f'ugarloat township, Colum bia county, renn'a., Accessed, have been granted by tho lleglbterot said county to tho undersigned Adm'r. Ail persons having claims against the estate- of tho decedent are requested to present them for settlement nnd those Indebted to tho estato to mako payment to tho undersigned Administrator without delay. Wallsrs 1. O. rtlCIIAKn HESS, col. co. ra, Administrator, aprll 14, o-w A UD1TOIVS NOTICE. JIA. .... .., hall 1 A ur 1 ftiafl.t.. requtred to make their claims lefore U e audlUir or bo debarred from coming In upon the fund. March 31, sw. C, 11. JACKSON, Auditor. AUDITOR'S NOTICE. The undersigned Auditor appointed by the Or-1 Chans' Court of Columbia county to make main-1 utlon ot tno fund In the bands of I. K, Kr ck-1 uaum, one of the adminisirators, wm sit at uis i oniea In tho Town ot liloomsburg In said county on Saturday, tho win day 01 April, isss, at ten o'clock a. m., 01 said day, vrueu and wuere nil parties Interested In said estate must attend or be foruver debarred from any suaro 01 saw tuna. II. rilAISK ZAltll, March 7 -4w Auditor. Tho undersigned auditor appointed by lha or phans court ol Columbia county, to mako distri bution ot tlio balanco ot tho fund in tho bandslot tho accountant to and among tho parties enti tled thereto, will perform the duties ot hla ap- Polntmont at the ortlco ot c. II lierwick a., on Friday tho sstli day ot April, isss, at lo nviiwirin tho forenoon, when and whero all parties interested in Bald fund must attend, or be forever debarred rrom any share of Bald fund. O. n , MII.LElt, march 31 -4w Auditor. AUDITOR'S NOTICE. ESTATE Or F1IE0EKICE BUAtTEU, DECEASED, Tho undersigned appointed an auditor, by the Orphan's Court ot Columbia county, to mako dis tribution to ana among tno parties eniiueu tueru to, ottuo balanco In tho hands of tho executor nt said estate, will attend at his offlce la lilooms burg, on Saturday, Aprll SJlh. isss, at ten o'clock. In tho forenoon.for tho purposes ot his appoint ment; when and whero all persons having claims on said fund aro requested to present them, or be ueDarroa iroiu coming in on suia runa. march 81 -iw K. It, 1KELK1I, Auditor. AJOTICK OF APPLICATION FOR i. CUAUTiSU OF INTE.N1JKU COItl'OHATION. MNotlco Is hereby given tint an application will te made lolhe (3(eriior of the Staled l'ennayl- vanla, ui dt r Ihe Act ot Assembly cf the Common. wrtauu or rvuiistnauin, euutuu "ad Act lo pro vide fir the Incorporation and regulation of cor. t.iln cori" rations." uppiovcd April v, IS74, and iuu Bum'K'iui'uiB iiuTeiu. ior lue cuarier oi an in tended corporation, to bo called Espy Manutao turlng Comnuny. the character and oDIect where. of Is a ' (U neral Mechanical buslnehs.and the linn. iiiaiiuiu ui luinuer ami iron, into uuuaings, and bulldlnir materl il. f ui nlturu and earn and for them purposos, to have, pusess, and enjoy uii iuu iiiciiiH. ueneius unu priuigt'st luesam Act ( I s.euiuiy ur.u us supplements. I'llAIILbHtl. IIAHKLKV. Iilotmsburgp li si 'it. solicitor. T 1ST OF TRIALS FOR MAY TERM j j uri'uuiir, is, Montgomery cox vs .Klin Lcggott. Wm hcliechlerly s KPzibntli W Souder. Martha E creasy at nl, vs Joi It Vandersllco. James Lamia's Admrs s Joseph Union, J s l.'iuru vs lienulson llrlnk. I) .1 Waller vs 1'enua oaual Co, August, Freund el ax, i O W Miller, James lemon's Admr vs Joseph Lamou. Hartley Albertson vs A II KlkemUlt, (Mlalou Itobbtns, vs II F blurpless. Tho M It Lis Abajdallon ot Catawlssa vs Anuur iJug, ei iu. Kman1 el Mr uss v M irtlu John on, Wilson Cox vs William llrobst. James llarton vs Wlllam Tair, et at. Hanlel llarrlnun vs ilrs Catharine Heller, llryuo Houbcrger vs Wm 11 U-lby, Jacob L Meusliuter vs l'eter CallUu et al. (leo Hour vs tl Murray et at. llenl Mll er'd Adinrs vs tluorgo strtiker, 1, s Wliiterstcen 'I rustw vs Tl M fowler, w F nibhy vs F.ctumtngs Jocuby, W F lllbby vi Isaac II buesholK, Isaiah llowvr vs Daniel Hruder, W U Kyerly s Jacob Voiger, AHl'WllpsvsA W Fritz. TRAVERSE JURORS, 1 1 KIT WKEE. Illoom-Nathan lloraboy. Ixivl Cor. Michael Casey, sr W .1 Corell. Jonathan Chromls, 11 1) jiiuir, tfuvuu jiiciift, u iu iiuuu, a v oune, njaver w Mann. llenton-(l M (llbbons. llilirCro'-k-M I. Ilouseknccht, cauwisra-ii i. Kostenoauicr, I'entro Win Hess. Flshlnircrpek Aaron Douert. James I Camnlm t. Nathan i.relsbach. r ranKiin w asningiou rarr. Ili'iiilock Frunk Uoinbjy. Itlchard lli'nil'. Clark I) I'ursel. Jackson Moses Sivage, T w Smith. IxKiist David llelwlg, Wm i'fab'rr. Madlson-Wm It lHiaott, James Klnltn, Francis Itunvan MllUlu-Uojd Falirlnger, Moutoiir David Mou er, orange Emanuel Applcman, 1'ine Abram ltenneu scott l li Ammerman, Emanuel OarrUon, John Musielman sugarloat-Jesso Fritz SECOND WESE, Illooni-Amoa liuckulew, John Umncb, u H Freas, 0 It Housel. Heaver Edward bchell. lleuton s.I Kaso, A 1. Mcltenry. lierwick Wm Hredbencer, o K Huithe. Hilar creek-W L Frea, James L Hess Fred Ilageubuch, Edward Steward. Fbdilngcrcek Charles A Emory, Stephen Dresher, Amos llartinao, Samuel Savage. (Ireenwood U W Derr. Ilarniboa (llrton. Jnim Unlllnli.i.l ' ' dl.UIVIIM Hemlock Jacob Andes. Jackson Jjiso llhone. Looiist-John Fink. Daniel I stlne, David Yesger, niUUlOUU A II D1UUU Maln-llarrey llultensttne, John Singly, Minlln-Anarew singley. Montour-John H Mench, MU l'leasint-ll it ilrlmes, Samuel lUrttel. Orango J Comstock, Calvin lltir'Qg, ltoaruigereek John Mowrey, r-cott -JohnruBti, UDITOR'S NOTICE. ESTATE OF SAUAU 8EY11BUT, DECEASED. Tho undersigned auditor appointed by Hie Or- E bans' court of Columbia county, to mako dtstil u lion of tho balanco ot the fund In tnn hands ot tho accountant of said dectdent, to and among tho parties eniiueu mereio, win mi at uis onice fn tho town ot llloomsburg.on Saturday.Uie ssth day of April, A. 1)., Mi, at two o'clock In iuu ttiieruvuii, iu ii.iui ... tuuuui.iro ui i.ia m- polntment, when and whero all parties Interested In said fund must attend or bo debarred from A UDITOR'S NOTICE. ESTATE OK SKNJAUIM M'SS DECEASED. Tim iindeKtcrned auditor SDnolnted bv tho Or. phans'Couctcf Columbia distribute tho reccu Ing any share thereof, fund In tho handi ot Vt 1111am Shuman adminis trator of said estate, to una among uio purues i march 31 -lw entll eu incrciu win ueriuriu iuu uuirca ui his appoutinent at ins onice in catawissa, on nai urdai , April svih, isss, at ten o'clock a. in , w hen and whero all persona haln claims upon said fund are requested to present then) or bo (oreicr debarred from com'ng In on said fund. WM.U BVEHLY. march 7 -ta Auditor. E. 11. IKELEK, Auditor. A UD1TORS NOTICE. ESTATE OF JAUED UA1UU30N, DECEASED, The undersigned Auditor appointed bytlieOr. Phans' court of Columbia county to mako distri bution ot tho balanco In tho lianas of It. F. Cliapin jgXKCU'l TOR'S NOTICE. ESTATE Of UAIIY C. CONNEK, DECEASED. Letters testamentary on tha estate ot Mary Conner, late of orange townshlp.Col. co..decoasud ltau been granted by the HegUter ot sold county lo D. Ii. Sloan. All persons having claims against the cstato of said decedent aro requested lo pre sent them for settlement and those Indebted to make payment to me undersigned executor without delay, f, W. MII4.EH, Att'y D, K. BLOAV, Aprll 14 -tv Executor, CHEAP FARMS NEAR MARKETS. Tlio State of Michigan, having w years ot lin provcmenls, still contains largo I rec ts ot unoccu. Pled lauda suitable for farms, some of them sub ject to free settlement under homestead laws, and all otthem for sale at low prices, A pamphlet, prepaied unarr authority of tho Hatoand con taining a map, descriptions of Us climate, soli. In dustries, crops and resources, and an account of Its lands, will be Bent free to any one writing for It to CUMMISSSOMEH OF 1MMHIHAT10N, Detroit Michigan. April 8I-4W d fra week tu your own town. Terms and $l out- vjunt lice. Address ii. uallet s. co.. roniand, Maine, nnrt nr ihu pvpoiunra. hv his tlrst and Dartlal ac- rnnnt in atrtnti to the duties of his annolnL- meut al his ofllco In liloomsburg, ou Saturday, IhoSSlhday ol lua. iu, wuero parties haying claims on nald fund aro requested to presf ut them or be f orcver debarred from coining in on said fund. march 81 -4w C.W. VILLE It. Auditor, pROTHONOTARY'S NOTICE. jiottco Is hereby given that tho following ao counts havo been nied In the lTothonotary's onico rt Ciilumhta eountv. and wlU bo nrcsented to tho court of common Mcas ot said county, on the 1st Monday ot May, a, D. isss, and connrmcd after tho fourth day of said term unless exceptions 1h) tiled within that time. 1, First and nci! ncoouat ot John aorducr, trus toe In the estate ot Thomas Stackbousaf. eceased, to mako salo of land rem&lulog unsold in hands it Michael Stackbouse. t First and nnal account of .'acob Tcrwtlllger. eommlttee of Maria Kresiler, a lunatic late ot seotl lownsnip, coiumoia county, ueceoacu. WILLIAM KUIOKUAUM, 1'rolhonotaryi Uloomsburir , m uea ss, ims. cn l -ly csri. cbonper day at homo. Samples worth $5 3)0 10 ipiUiree, Address stihson &, co l'ort- land, Jiaino. nmnu ('