The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, April 14, 1882, Image 2

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Q. E. ELWELL, 1 wiii...
Kill DAY, AIMIIL Utli, 1882.
Col. P. A. Oonkling, brother of
Hojcoc. is tnlked of .is Dcmocratio
condiilato for Governor of New York.
A nieco of General Sherman has just
taken the veil of tho Order of Sisters
of Morey. Sho will be known in relig
ion as oislcr Alary Veronica.
Tlia Do.nocratio Suto Convention
will meet at Ilarrisburg on Wedncs
day Juno 28th; tho Wolfo Indcpen
dents will meet at the samo pl.ico on
Wednesday May 24th and the Cam
cron Stalwart Republicans on Monday
may 8tli.
Judgo Wylio of tho Washington
criminal court, lias decided that tli
indictments against tho Star Route
men must stand, and the defendants
must answer. This decision was tin
expected, and tho jobbers aro greatly
It is stated on what appears to bu
good authority that Jessu James, tho
notorious outlaw recently killed, was
dclcgato from Mississippi to tho Chi
cago convention under tho namo of
Johnson. Wo aro not informed whether
ho was ono of tho "300."
Tho Muncv Creek llailwav is adver
tised for salo at iiiighcsvillc, August
Utn, lSb'J, at 11 a. in. The salo is ad
verlised by John Craii' as trusted
the bondholders, and will bo
live thousand dollars cash, tho
in thirty days thereafter.
sold at
Tho President's veto of tho Chinese
bill was received with disgust by tho
citizens of California. Some suggested
iorming anti-Ulnncse leagues and dnv
ing them from the coast. Public
meetings wcro called, and in some
places the President wns hung and
burnt in cfllgy.
A committee of investigation has
reported favorably to tho Easton
Board of Trade, upon tho propositions
of Mr. Herman Simons of Iloboken
to establish a silk factory. Suitablo
ground has been offered for the crcc
tion of tho factory, and $10,000 sub
Rcribeu to tlio stock ot the company.
Buffalo Bill may never bo seen again
on the dramatic stage. Tlio ilescen
dants of Philip Cody, Bill's father.
havo laid claim to about fifty acres of
ground on Euclid avenue, right in tho
centre of tho city of Cleveland. If
their claim is allowed, tho family will
be a million dollars richer, and then
the hero of the "Scsuts of tho Prario'
will retire from tho boards, perhaps to
i t-appear in congress.
Tho second annual convention of tho
btato Constitutional Amendment Asso
ciation will bo held in Huntingdon on
Tuesday and Wednesday, May 9 and
10. The call, which is signed by Ex
Chief JusticQ-Agnow. invites all auxil
iary Constitutional Amendment Asso
ciations, omen s Christian Temne
anco Unions, Temples of Honor, Royal
lempiars and.ottier temperance socio
ties to send delegates.
President Arthur vetoed the Chinese
bill on tho ground that twenty years is
Chinese immigration. 1 ho Republican
National Convention of 1SS0 declared
that tho unrestricted immiaration
theso peoplo is "an evil of great mag
nitude ana cancel upon congress
enact laws regulating tho samo.
took a republican congress two years to
pass a law, and immediately an acci
dental President vetoes it upon a very
flimsy excuse, and stalwart organs en
dorso his action. This shows what the
professions of republicanism aro wortl
Iho usual machine prograinmo has
been earned out by the tools of Cam
eron in this county, At a vecent meet
ing of the so called republican stand
ing committee, most of tlio members of
which we behove wero appointed b
tho chairman, D. A. Becklev and B. 1'
Crispin wero chosen delegates to tho
C!,n,.. .. .! . !. ; . .
vote for Beaver for Governor. J.
Brown was recommended as senatorial
delegate, with power to chooso his own
conferees. Beaver is securing all the
delegates from nearly all the minority
counties. A wiso discretion on tho
part of tho Dcmocratio convention
tho selection of a candidate, will giv
mo democrats tno next uovcrnor
In s contested election case recently
heard bvforo Judge El well at a special
court in venire uouniy, it was liclU
an opinion filed, that persons wiioso
resideneo m an election district begai
on the loth day of December 1880
wero not qualihed voters at an election
held on tho loth day of February
1881, although they had resided in
the district sixty-one days. In com
putmg timo by months, tho right
method is to proceed from a given day
in unu iiiuiiwi, iu u nay wiiu a corre
sponding number in nu ensuing montl
without regard to tho number of days
embraced within tho3e periods.
In fixing tho timo of resideneo
requisite to entitle ono to voto in
district at two months, tho framers of
tlio constitution rejected any other modo
of computing tlio timo than that
nbovo stated.
"Jumbo," tho big elephant
Hai-uum, Baily, & Hutchinson recently
purchased iu England has just arrived
:.. x- ' ..i. tr .... . i i .
iii .wv iuik miv. jiu was nrougut
over on the steamship Assyrian Mon
arch. A largo box, or cage, was built
upon the main deck just largo enoug!
to cover him, measuring thirteen feet
iu length, twolvo feet in height, and
six feet eight inches iu width. It was
made of three inch yellow piuo planks
fastened together by soven-iuch beams,
and straps of heavy iron. The entire-
box weighed about six tons, or ono
half ton lens than the weight of tho
elephant, lie measures elovou feet
six inches in height, tho extreme
spread of his oars is fifteen feet, and
ho can reach up twcuty.six feet with his
trunk. His daily diet on Ins journey oon
simed of ton or fifteen loaves of bread
two bushels of oats, threo quarts of
onions, a bushel of biscuit, two hun
dred pounds of hay and as much fruit, tho passengers would give
Inm. He cost his present owners until
lio arrived in jnow orK nuoui jjjiu.uuu,
although 10,000 was tho prico paid
lor him. llioy wero onligeu to pay
tho laro ot uuu steerago passengers,
because of the London Board of trade
who foibado tho vessel taking steerago
passengers along with tho elephant.
Jumbo is about seventy-five years of
nge, Tho vessel was fourteen days
crossing the ocean. i
The Huntington Reformatory".
Governor Hoyt has made nn in
spection of tho eastern penitentiary for
tho purposo of obtaining information
for his own enlightenment in discuss
ing tlio best plans for housing
tho inmates of tho proposed new
reformatory at Huntington. Tho
travornnr is n member of tho commis
sion 'to erect that institution,-' and it
was through his efforts that the plan
Was changed from a middle penitcn-
Itnrv in n reformatory. It has been
found thnt tho architect who drew Iho
plans for tho buildings has based them
on tho thrcostory system, something to
which tlio commision is unanimously
onnosed tho ono story plan of tho
eastern penitentiary being their first
choioo. As thcro nro twenty ncre3 in
tho Huntington plot thcro will bo
plenty of room for tho enlarged area
demanded in spreading out the muni
ing on tho ono story plan.
Mitchell vs. Oameron.
And now thcro is moro troublo in
tho stalwart camp. Don Cameron has
influenced Arthur to remove SullHvau
collector of the twenty third internal
revenue district of this state, and ar
pointed in his place- Colonel Jackson
This was done in opposition to the
-l . -t i5. -.? Ar:..!...)!
expressed wisnes ui oi-uuiur ..uuum-u,
and representatives Miller, Bayno and
Shalleubergcr. Senator Mitchell has
notified Cameron that ho will opposo
tho confirmation, and says that tho
motivo of Cameron in tins removal
was his hostility to Bayne, and that
Jackson is to bo used, with tho pat-
ronago of his office, to defeat Baym's
re-election, simply because the latter
will not bow down and worship beforo
Cameron's shrine. Miller does not
propose that tho patronage of the ad
ministration shall bo used in any such
way, and ho intends to exposo tlio
Camcrons nnd their henchmen in this
nefarious business. Let tho kettlo
boil I With tho broach that is growing
wider between Don Cameron of tho
ono part, and Governor Hoyt, Attor
ney General Palmer, Senator Mitchell
and Charles S. Wolfo of tho other,
the davs of Republican misrule in
Pennsylvania aro drawing to a close.
Mr.. DeMott introduced into tho
house on Monday a bill for the relief
of soldiers of the war of tho rebellion
who wero confined in rebel prisons,
Such soldiers shall bo pensioned at tho
rate of eight dollars per month, in
cases where the term 61 imprisonment
sliall iiavo been ninety clays and less
than ono year, oro dollar per month
additional for each full month of such
imprisonment in excess of one year,
and two dollars per day tor each and
every day's confinement in said con
fedcrato military prisons, nnd that
said pensions shall be payable in the
samo manner as other pensions aro
Should this bill becorao a law, it
puts theso prisoners, who much rather
choso imprisonment to facing tho
cannon's mouth, on an equality with
those who faced dancer, and either
lost their lives or still carry with them
the marks of tho hard fought battles
Thero wero many who much preferred
being captured and took their chance
ot either escaping irora tho prison or
being exchanged for other prisoners,
than to pass through tho heat of tho
battlo and risk their lives ; and now
these same ones who in tune of great
est need would shirk duty, aro to be
placed on tho list of pensioners. Next
m order will come those who remained
at homo and proclaimed their loyalty
by encouraging others to go to battle,
News Items.
Watkins also thinks it is in the oil
belt and will mako experiments in tho
direction ot wells.
A full feeling after meals, dyspepsia,
tieart-burn, and general ill health
lioved by Brown s Iron Bitters.
inoi. k if. road aro repairing
their road and making their bridges
secure tor tho coming season.
A charter has been granted by tho
Stato, to tho Anthracite Water Com
pany of Mahanoy City. Tho capital
StOClC 13 5100,000.
The HonsQ Committee on Naval
affairs recommended the appropriation
of SflOO.OOO for completion of tho
unfinished monitor.
The latest sesthetic slang, when ladies
reprove their admiring gentleman
menus, is: "ion natter too awlully per
fectly much."
Mr. Moses Taylor has founded alios
pital in Scranton for the benefit of tho
employees ot the Delaware, Lackawan
na and yes tern ltailroad and tho
Lackawanna Coal and I ton Co.
Many wonder how, Parker's 'Ginger
lonio can perioral such varied cures.
thinking it simply essence of ginger,
when iu fact it is made, from mauv valu
able medicines which act beneficially on
every diseased organ. See other col
A I? . - e , r ...
j line oi Jiemio coacnes will soon
bo started .between Athens nnd Waver-
ly. h red Sherman has already receiv
cd ono new coach for tho lino nnd is
waiting for other.'.
J ho steamboat "Lvman Truman."
formerly of Owego, is now making
trips on tho btisquelianna river between
Wilkcsbarro and Nantieokc, Tho boat
has been rechristened tho. "Susque
A. Is, Bowman, proprietor of tho
Canton Sentinel has lately placed a
new cyunuer press in his ollice.
a i'aui.tlkhs family mkkicixi:.
"I have used in my family Simmons
j.iver lieguiator lor tno last eight or
ten years,, and found it to supercede
anything recommended forohilU, favor
and ague. I have given up calomel,
quiuino and all other mercurial treat
ment, I give it to my children, from
(.no year old to those- of twenty-fivu
years old. It is all you pould wish in
a family. Please use my namo as you
wish, very truly, n. u. urbanks,
Urawlonl Co. (!n.
A Wilkes -Barre paper savs "Ex
Sheriff Kennoy is about to bring c
suit against tho county for nionoy ex
pended by him while-' in the Sheriff's
oflico for horse-hire. Mr. K. claims
that it wfs a necessary expense nnd
as such should bo paid by tho county.
He hns taken tho advico of n very cele
brated Philadelphia lawyer iu nddition
to his own counsel nnd they are of tho
opinion lie has a clear case,,
Chewing tobacco is to bu used for
rowards of merit in tho Illinois Statu
prison, each woii-ueiiaveu convict re
ceiving a paper or plug once a week.
"When I publicly testified that I had
been cured of n terrible skin I umor by
tho Cutlcura Remedies, I did so that
others might bo cured, and do not re
gret tho timo given to answering in
quiries." Hon. Win. Taylor, Boston. 1
Adam S. Dunmoro ex-county treas
urcr oBcrks county is a defaulter to
tho county and state to tho ntnount of
Sf.'JO.OOO. Ho suddenly left homo on
tho Oth for parte unknown. His
bondsmen nro secured to tho extent of
nccilH Uccoritcd.
Tho following deeds Imvo been recorded
since thoic Inst published l
John O. Freeze ami wife to Indah W.
McKelvy, lMoomshurg.
John Wampolo and wife to Biisnnnn .In-
coby of Light Street.
Susanna Jncoby to Albert Scnrlcs of
Wilkes Unrre.
Abraham Mnrtz and wife to Kllza A.
Shcrrctts of Scott township.
Samuel Simpson, ct. nl. to Charles Nuff
ltnf of Snlcm township, Lur.crno county.
Q. E. Davenport ct nl, to L. J. Fuller,
of Snlcm township, Luzcrno county.
Clinrlcs G. Murphy, nctlng ns Sheriff,
to M. 11. & S. V. Assoclntlon of Kspy.
The M. H. & S. V. Assoclntlon of Kspy
to (Icorgo Ituckle.
llcuhcn Sliunmn nnd wlfo to (leorgu
Robertson of Shnmokln.
Geo. Scott nnd wife to Hcnhen Hliuninn
of JInhi township.
David Herring nnd wife to C. AV. bow
ctnl of OrHiigcvllle.
Frederick W. Hoffman nnd wife to
Charles Colemnn of JncUson.
Dyer C. Moss to Miles W. Muss of lien
Ucnjnmhi F. Edgar to Wllher ('. 1'en-
nlngton of Fishing creek.
AVlllicr C. Pennington nnd wife to Amos
G. AV. Hlrlcman, Administrator, to
Hlrnm Hess of Denton.
C. V. Eves ct nl to Sarah Jnno Lee of
Wellington Swank to Tlionms Harder of
J. I). Knittle nnd wife to Thoinns E.
Harder of Cntnwlssa.
Mnthlns Glngles and wife to Tlionms
E. Harder of Cntnwlssa.
J. V.nndC. M. Christiana e.xrs., to Will
Inm Chrlstmnn ut nl of lllnomsliurg.
William Christman et nl to .lumcs Ilellly
of llloomsburg.
Wilson It. Albcrtson to David It. Albert
son of Fishing Creek.
Aaron Smith to Firmnu Smith of Benton.
John W. Hoffman, ShcrifT, to Benjamin
Miller of Centre.
John Gordncr, trustee, to George H.
Gordncr of Mt. I'lcnsnnt.
William P. Mauser and wife to Isnlnh
Hngcnliuch of Mahoning township, Mon
tour Co.
J oscph D. Thompson nnd wife to Hnrrlc
Scybert of Snlcm township, I.uzerne Co.
Joseph D. Thompson nnd wife to Cassan
dra Seybert of Salem township, Luzerne
John K. Itoblns and wife to Jacob
Strnusc of Cntnwlssa.
M. G. Hughes to William Hclwig, Locust
John McMurtrlc and wife to Lnvluln Al
bcrtson, Greenwood.
Nancy Itolm to John McMurtrlc, Green
wood. Columbia County Mutual Saving Fund
nnd Loan Association to Daniel L. Singlcy,
William L. Frens ct nl to Fnnnlc Frcns,
Enoch Itittenhouse nnd wife to Ann
Rittcnhousc ct nl Brlarcrcck.
Wm. L. Frcas ct al attorneys &c, to Ed
ward Hughes. Brlarcrcck.
Gilbert Fowler to Hlrnm W. Bower, Ber
wick. Isaac S. Kuhn nnd wife to J. F. Peacock,
John F. Peacock and wife to Charles
Krutt. Bloomsbursr.
Parson Edwards and wife to Harriet Curr
Parson Edwards to William ltuhli, Mad!-
Peter A. Evans to G. W. Whltnlght, Hem.
Kate Cain to Edward Stewart ct al.
B. F. Hnrtman, ct nl. ex. to Hiram Shaf
fer, Bloomsburg.
Jackson Lclby to Julia Ann Lelby, Mon
tour. Harriet Vanllew to Charles Lee, Orange.
B. F. Hnrtman ct nl ex. to John Shutter,
C. W. Neal and wlfo and F. P. Billmcycr
nnd wife to Ellsha B. Harlmnn, Madison.
U. II. Ent to George Hnssert, Bloom.
U. H. Ent, Shcria to M. G. Hughes, Cat-
Alden Stocks to J. F. Pfnhler, Brlnr-creel;.
Jesse Shnnnon to Mary Hoppes, Blooms
Catharine Groover -to Susan A. Wolf,
Nathan Drelsboch and wife to C. A.
Franklan, Fishing Creek.
Nathan Mart, to 11. S. Ent.
Mary Snyder to John Camp, Itoarhig
William Mather to Jacob K. Berlin,
Benevillo Wnry nnd wlfo to Abram. Bit
nor, Locust.
I. E. Sehoonover and wife to 1). J. Waller
Hobert SUIT and wife to I). J. Waller.
Carolina Letten to Peter Spooncbergcr,
John II. Slusser and wife to Geo. W.
Slusscr, Milllin.
M. (. Hughes exr to Gideon E. Meyers.
Joseph D. Thompson i t M to Asbohel
Itlchle, Berwick.
Amandus Bender nnd wlfo to A. W.
Itlchnrd, Fishing creek.
Benjamin Gouldcr et nl to Alfred Mc
Henry, Benton.
Bohert Swartwout.toT. B. Cole, Benton.
A' J
CoN.NEit. Died In Onumevlllu on thu
5th Inst. Mrs Mary C. Conner, aged 43
years 8 mouths and 13 days.
Dkitiucii. Died In Fishlmrcreek town.
ship on tho 7th lust. Joseph Deltcrlch.
aged 74 years 0 months and 25 days.
,-v. o....-, n uww uamca ai u uuuuuucuu 1Q mil
column, are plodgvci to nwas by tho Ueclsloa ot
Wo aro auUiorlzsd to annmirm, iim, hipm
CIIAKLE3 M. J1LAKEU, of Beaver tOWII8Uli,
Uacandldato tor Ileprosetitatlvo Intlio Legisla
ture, suujwt to tho action of too Democratlo
County Coaveuttou.
J lo win not travel to solicit votes,
KSTATE OF M1HV rnsNHit. nirny.i.
Tf-f.tpra rru, .n .i.a
. -, u.u.j uu mo umatu ot Mary
Conner, Uto o( orange townblp,Col. co..deceasod
jiavB been sranKd by tuo lteifUierof saldjiounty
to 1). h. M!om. All persons Uavtoi; clalma acatnat
sent tbem ror settlement and tlioae Indebted to
uaa puj ihcuv w ma uuucrttiuuuu uxccuior
without delay.
V, W. Mll4.HK, Att'y D. K. SLOAN,
April 14 -cw Kxccutor.
- -Nrrurlly llirrv Iu lx Time
Hie I.oiiii without ilii llullilliiiia. Interest.
Semi Annual. NoiblnK ever been loat, mth
jearot residence and Mil In the buslnoss. llest,
of references- Hend for particulars if you have
monev to loan,
N u.cosmadvaiiccd, Interest kopt up, and
principal guaranteed Iu cobo of forecloiuro,
n. s. u. jonwsoir
Neotlator of Uorteaee Loans, CT. PAUL.MINIT
April H4w r
1. Widow's appraisement In tho cs
tatoot Nathan Uredbender Sr.
Itealty, tM00
I. Wldow'a appralsoment In Ui estftlo
ot James Johns jn, rerjonalty, ItSllS
8. Widow's appraisement In the cstato
of John Ycai-cr. l'orsonilty. flMOt
4. Wldow'a npnralsomcnt In tho cstato
ot William Deck, l'cnonalty, 1 800 00
6. Widow's appraisement In tho cstvto
of T. .1. Vanacrsllco. l'crsonolt) ,
c, Wldow'a appraisement In tho estato
of JcssoOlil. Personalty.
, Wlilow'a nppralsemAnt In tho estato
ot Abraham 1'orco,
14V X1
8. Widow's appraisement In tho estato
of usorgo Wnttcrs. l'crsonalty. jKnio)
Ilcalty. oo w
. Widow's appralecmcnt In Iho estato
ot Aniliouyilunslnjer. l'orsonalty. 1300 00
lu. Widow's nppr Iscment In tho cstato
ot William II, Snyder. Personalty.
MS oo
150 00
II. Widow's appraisement lnthoestaU)
tf David Mtlcr. Personalty. 4 en
lloalty. t so
H. Widow's appralsoment In tho cstato
ot Kiijm Yocum Personalty, isoiioo
is. widow's appraisement In the cstato
ot Samuel d. Hutchison. Pcnonaliy, fioiw
Itoilty.. soooo
14. Widow's nppratscmcnt In tho cstato
of Ucorgo ufrton, l'orsonalty. 3no oo
is. Widow's appraisement In Iho cstato
of Charles! nomas. personalty 300 00
Will bo confirmed nisi on tho first Monday of
Mar tw, and unless exceptions bj tiled wlihln
four d.iTS threu(trr, tho tamo will be continued
W. KUlCKUAtnt.
April 7 VI Ulcrlt O. O,
lly virtue of siiLdry writs Issued out ot tho
Court ot Common ricas of Columbia county and
to mo directed, will bo exposed to public salo at
tho court House, In llloomsburg, Pcnns)lvanla,
at two o'clock, p. m. on
MONDAY, MAY 1st, 1882.
All Hut certain real cstato situate In the town
Of llloomsburg, Columbia county, Pn , described
as follows, to-wlt; bounded on tho north by land
ot U. P. Uartman,on the cast by Market street.on
tho soulu by Illdgo alley, nnd on the west by
Murray alley, containing seventy-one lect sit
Inches tront.two hundred and four fcetslx Inches
deep, on which aro erected n dwelling liouso.barn
and out-bulldlngs.
Seized, taken In execution ut tho suit of Johnson
Black Co., against Andrew M. Uupcrt and to bo
Bold as Iho property of Andrew M. Ilupcrt,
Al Vend Ex. Att'y
The following described real estato sltiuto In
Oreenwojd township, Columbia county, Pentia ,
ns tho property of Abraham Drelbelbls, bounded
nnd described as follows, to-wlt! Bounded oh tho
north by lands of Jacob Utt and Joseph Rcdllnc.on
tho cast by lands ot John C. Lemon and Theodore
Lemon, on tho south by lands of David Albcrtson,
and on the w est by lardi of aeorge Ulrton.deceas
cd, and Peter H. Glrton, containing lltty acres
of land, moro or loss, whereon aro erected a one
and a half story framo dwelling house bank, barn
and other out-bulldlngs.
seized, taken In execution at tho suit of ltobert
Husicll against Joseph Drelbelbls nnd Abraham
Drelbelbls nnd to bo sold as tho property ct Abra
ham Drclbelbli.
Vend Ex. ViNOEnsucK, Atty.
Tho following described teal estato sltuatoln
Light stieet.Columbla county.and stato of Penna.
tbo property of Almlra McDowell, bounded and
described as follows, to-wlt; bounded on the
north by lot of Mrj. Oeorgo Oman, on tho cast by
Main Street of said town, on tho south by an alley
and on tho west by an alley, on which aro erected
a two story iramo dwelling housi and other out
bulldlngs. Seized, taken In execution at the suit of Mary
M. Hagenbuch and Emery 1). Ha;onbuch Execu
tors of W. II. Hagenbuch agalnit (1. M. Ilogcn
bitch administrator ot Almlra McDowell decjasod
with notlco to Ida M. Hu'.lng wife of L. a. Ilullng,
formerly Ida McDowell only child ot said Almlra
McDowell decjasod anl to be Bold as tbo prop
erty ot Almlra McDowell, deceased.
Al. Vend. Ex. Waller, Attorney.
The following described real cstato situate In tho
borough of llerwtck.Columbu county, rsnna., the
property ot Franklin Stewait. Beginning at tho
corner ot In lot number fifty eight, thenco along
second street westwardly to an alley nlncty-nlne
feet, thence along said alloy eighty-four and llvo
tenths feet to tho cornor of lot belonging to the
estato of William S. Evans deceased.thenco along
said line ninety three feet to the corner or lot num
ber tlfty-olght, eighty-four nnd five-tenths feet to
tho pl.ico or beglnnlng.bclng tho north-oastwardly
part ct lots number llfty-nlne and sixty as num
bered In the general plan of said town, contain
ing saven thousand eight-hundred and llfty-clght
and live-tenths feet ut ground, on which are erec
ted ono largo two Eton frame dwelling house,
frame barn and other out-bulldlngs.
Seized, taken In execution at the sultoiM, E,
Jackson's executors against Franklin Stewart and
to bo bold as the property or Franklin Stewart.
Vend Ex. Oswald, Attorney
Seized, taken In execution at tho suit ot the
First National mok ot Plyumt h, Penna, against
Franklin Stewart and to b3 slid as tho property of
franklin Stowart.
Vend Ex. MAizt, Attjrney.
The following descilbed real cstato situate in
Fishing Creek township, Columbia county and
State of Pennsylvania, as the property ot Elford
Preston and Jacob Fitzgerald and Myra Preston
administrators ot James L. Preston, deceased,
bounded and described as follows, to-wlt : Begin
ning at a post corner of land of Daniel Kitchen
thenco along division Hue south one halt degree
two hundred and fourteen an l two
to a post, thenco by land ot Edward Mcllcnry,
north Blxty-seven degrees east, ono hundred and
thlrty-ono perches t) a Spanish oak (down),
thenco by laud ot Jacob Karvcr north one half do
grco cast ono hundred and sixty-two perches to a
white oak, and thcueo by land of Phlll; Appleman
north clghty-nlne and one halt degrees, west one
onn hundred and .twenty and one tenth perches
to tin placo ot beginning. Containing ono bun
dred and thirty-three ncres and twentv-flvo
perches, nnd tho usual allowance ot atx ir cent
for roads ic. on which are erected a two story
frame dwelling nous, largo bank barn and other
Helzed, taken In execution at tho suit ot Abram
Xesblt administrator ot Samuel Hoyt deceased
against Blford Proston.and Jacob Fitzgerald and
Mjra Preston administrators and to bo eold ns tho
property ot Elton! Preston.
Fl. Fa. K.N0KU, Attorney
Tho following described real cstato, Mtuato In
tho town ot llloomsburg, Columbia county,;Penn.
bounded and described as follows, to-wlt: No.
1, bounded on tho north by Und of J. li. Mcllrldo
on tbo east 07 cathirlne street, on tbo south by
canal street, and on tho west by Cll nton alley, on
which Is erected a two story frame dwelling house.
No. 2, bounded on the north by Seventh street, on
tho cast by lot of K, Barton & Co. on the south by
lot ot J. 1), Mo3rldo, and on the west by Catharlno
Seized, taken In execution at the suit of tho
Wilkes Barra Deposit and Savings Bank against
John McNelsU und to bo sold as tho property ot
John McNelsh.
Vend Ex. Milleh, Attorney.
All that c.rtatn piece of ground Mtuato in Miff
lin township, Columbia county, Penna , described
as follows, to-wlt I Hounded by land of John At n,
east by land ot II, Schweppenhelser, souih by
lands of Thomas Aten, and on tho west by lands
ot Charles Kllngaman,contalnlng ono hundred and
ten ncros, moro or less, on which aro erectid a
framo house, barn and out-bulldlngs.
Ono tract bounded on tho north by land ot I, K.
Schweppenhelser and Samuel Snyder, on tho east
by Und of Lawrence Watcrs.on tho south by lands
n tho west by
ty-four acres,
a framo house,
tcrs.on tho si
ot Abraham scliwepponhel;
lands ot John Aten, coat
more or low, on which aru
barn ami uut-bulldlngs.
One tract ot Und bounded ou tho north by lands
ot Stephen Qcarbartand others, on the cast by
other land ot I. K, Schweppenhelser, on the south
by land ot Jonn Aton, und on the wost by land of
Jostph (learhart, containing one hundred acres
moro or less, on which are erected a frame house,
barn aud out-bulldlngs.
Seized, taken In execution at tin suit ot Colum
bia County Mutual saving Fund and Loan Asufcl
cuiicn assignea to joiepu r, i ustin against i, K.
Schweppenhelser aud to bo Bold as the property of
1. K. S;hweppenheUer,
vend. Ex. LimB & iliu tu, Attorneys.
march I -Is Shenff,
The Auditor appointed by tho Court to dls.
tribute the balance ot the fund lu tho hands or
John l'foutz aomli Utrator d. li. n. c. t. a. of Han-
n Hi per account niea by iiscntl
pfoutz executrix of John l'foutz now ileceased.wlll
meet the parties Interested for the purposes of I li
appointment on Tutaday. April iMIi. A, I). Wl, at
iJ fi'cloclf in. at bis onice in ller H lex Pa..whenarid
where ull partleB luterctted are required
to mako anu prove lueir vimum ur uu ueuurrta
from coming Iu upon said claim.
April T-3t Auditor.
AND '"-op THE
largest Stock
& lowest Prices.'
Drawbridge & clothier
That You
are invited to visit
S. E. CorL6th& Market Sts.
We offer die Best, Largest
and Cheapest stock of
Clothing for Men and Boys
in the United States.
Our original system of
'One Price and a Guarantee
gives every buyer perfect
Candies, Cigars,
Fruits, Cigarettes,
Fancy Groceries, Tobaccos,
Wines and Liquors.
We employ no traveling salesmen. All goods sold through price currents. AVo know
Wo can Savo you 20 per cent.
Uy tliis system. Wrilc for Price LUt and compare with present prices. If wc don't save
you money iion t order.
Importers, Manufacturers and Commission Merchants,
April U-9m
By Ylrluootnn order of tuo Orpluns' co irt o!
Columbia county, Iho undersigned Executor of the
last will nnd testament of Nitlian Dreduonncr sr.
will expose to public sale on tuo premises, ou
SATUIID.VY, APIUIi 20tli, 1882.
at ten o'clock In tho forenoon, All that certain
messuaL'o and lot, ot ground situate- In tho town
ship of Denver, In thn countj-of Columbia, and
Stato of Pennsylvania, hounded und described as
follows, to-wlt: lieglnnlnff iitaeum thenco by
landot John llauck.and Scotch llun eouui sixty
six degrees, west twenty eight and four-tenth
perches tonstono, thenco along sldo ot a public
road lending from Denver Vulicy to Jimilnvllle,
south nlno degrees, east cloven and four-tenth
perches to a Btcnoncar tho Dnnvlllo llazlelon &
Wllkes-Uarro Kail Jio.iJ, thenco up ui'A load
north slxty-elght degrees, oast forty-nine perches
to a Etono thenco by Und of John Hauck north
bcventy-eight degrees, west twenty-two perches
to tho placo ot bjglnnlug, containing
andONUlll'.vnitED AND FOIiTV l'EKCIIKS on
whlcu mo erected a largo TIIIIEE 8T011Y
used ma hotel, stalled, sheds nnd all nccosiary
TEIIM3 ov BALE. Ten per cont. of one-louith
of the purchase money to bo paid at tho striking
down ot tho property; tho one-fourth less tho
ten per cent, at tho conllrmatlon nbsoluto.&nd tho
jemalnlng three-fourths lu ono year thereafter
with Interest from conllrmatlon ntsi.
Attorney. EXECUTOH.
Tho undersigned admlnbitratorot l'etcr Michael
lato ot Mintln township deceased, will exposo to
public sale on tho premises on
TUESDAY, Al'RIL 2.1tli, 1882.
at two o'clock p. in. All that tract ot land sttuato
In Sliniln township, bounded by Iand3 of John
lloofnagle, mer Michael, nod (leorgo Nungesior,
moro or less, r hereon aro erected n
and out-bulldlngs. (1001) APPLE OHCIIillU
and a spring cf waUr.
TEHMH oi1 HALB. Ten por cjnt. of one-fourth
ot the purchase money (.ball bo paid at tbo striking
dowot the property; thoone-lourlh less the ten
per cent, al tho confirmation nisi, and tho re
maining three-fourths In ono sear thereafter with
Interest from continuation uUl.
Purchaser to pay for deed.
An election for oniecrs ot tho Catawlssa Bridge
uompany, ror me ensuing year, win oo ueia ai wa
houso of Jlr. Kestler In Catawlssa, on Monday,
May 1st, between the hours ot ono nnd six o'clock
in.oitnai uay.
By virtue ot an order of tho Court ot Common
ri;as ot Columbia county .Penn'a., tho undersign
ed comtultteo ot Margaret former, a lunatlc.wlU
expose to public sale upon tho premises, on
SATURDAY, APRIL 29th, 1882.
at ten o'clock In tho forenoon, tho following de
scribed real estato of Bald lunatic, to-wlt : A tract
ot land situate In tho township ot Madlson.county
ot Columbia, and stato ot Pennsylvania, boundod
and described cs follows : Beginning at n pine,
thenco south two hundred and Blxty perches by
lands of Joel D. Moscr and Allred Fegg to a post
by pine, thenco east one hundred ani thirty
perches by landj of II. liernhelmer to a chestnut
oik grub, now post, thenco north thirty-nine,
percues by land of C. W. Evos to a corner, thence
touth elghty-slx and nve-clghth degress west one
rod oy land convoyed by tho said committee to tho
"Tide Water ripoLlno company," thenco by same
norlh threo nnd nvo-elghths degrees, west two
hundred nniUlx rods to lino of lands of Samuel
PtUher, and thence by the said Und ot Samuel
Dclsher, north eighty-three and ono half degrees,
west ono hundred nnd thlrty-ono perches to tho
placo ot beginning containing about
192 ACRES,
and allowances, a part, about to aarcs, cleared
and tho balance woodland.
TEUMS 01-' SALE.-Two hundred dollars at tho
striking down of the property, and tho remainder
In payments of ono hundred dollars unnually.wlth
Interest annually on all sums remaining unpaid,
la be secured by bonds and mortgage on the land.
The committee being uuthnrlzal to reserve for the
use ottue lunatic during her life tho houso she
occupies, nnd about four acres of land therewith,
with the privilege of llrowood from tho samo.
April 1 Jerseytowo, l'.
Tho annual inectlinr of thu stockholders of tbo
North i wost Uruuch Hallway Company, Is called
for Monday, May 1, Its, at twelve o'clock m. at
tho McKelvy bulhlnc. liloomsburir. Columbia
county.l'a . for the purpose ut holding the election
for & I'reituent und Directors to bene for tho eu
suing year, and to transact such other business as
miv be nrum-rlr brought be tori) theincellnr In-
cludlnguctlou nocessdry to authorise an Inciease
ot the number of Directors.
Aprlll-sw becretury.
470 A WEEK. X"i a day lit homo raillymadd,
Cosilv outfit free, Addnsj Tkck .V t'j
Augusta, Malno, inau'hai ly
liywrtuoof a writ of levari Facias Issued out
ot tho court ot Common l'lcasof Columbia coun
ty, nnd to mo directed, will be exposed to public
sale at tho Court Houso In llloomsburg, at two
o'clock p. iu., on
All tho surface of all that certain lot or piece of
ground sltuato lu tho borough of Ccntralla. laid out
by tho Lccutt Mountain Coal nnd Iron Company
In the county aud Mate aforesaid, bounded and
described us follows, to-wlt! Beginning at a stako
on tho east side cf Locust Avenue, thence along
said avenue north threo degrees, west twenty-five
feet, thence north elghty-sovfu degrees, east one
hundred and forty feet to an alley, thenco along
said alley south three degrees, east twcnty-Hvo
feet, thence south olghty seven degrees west to
tho place of beginning. Being the lot marked In
thc;gf neral plan of said borough v Ith the number
mo in Block number lllty-two. On which are
creeled a two story framo dwelling and a frame
Selxed, takeu In execution at tho suit of 0, H.
Ilrockway, Wtlllaui Bryson and U, It. Buckalew
ognlnst Edward Curley and Maiy his wife, and to
bo sold as the property of Edward Curley and
Mary his wife,
Levari Facias. Bt'ciiNomv, Att'y.
V. II. BNT, Sheriff.
tar 41)11'
I ' r.
M li:
, t'
' l-l!
. , 'i -if I
i : i
' 5 T
' 1 ; i . -
fif'a'('ek In your ou town. Terms and is out.
OUnt free. Address li, & co., Portland.
Maine, inarch 31 -ly
4-Mti.,ni ban
I'l i;l I
I : '- . ' .11...
: I 11. t ' .1 ll, "UBd
1 V. Vfti
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