THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. Fertilizing a Lugo Tarm. W. .1. Fowler writes tonn exclinngo na follows: "That "th'oAfoftility of gooil land may bo inatnlhtnod by tlio list of clover nlone, is shown liy tlio experience of hundreds of -Western New York farmers. I know ieees of land that liavo never had manure. Alternato wheat and clover has been thu rotation ever sinco the origami timber was cut off. The. clover each alternato year hns been plowed under, nud nothing but gypsum, at tlio ratu of ono hundred poiinuu per year, has ever been applied. This land is still in good condition, not quite equal to the fields near tho barnyard, and which have had lens clover but more manure, but tolerably sure for twenty to twcnty-fivo bushels of wheat per acre. Tho lack' in such land is move apt to bo phosphate of lime, and a dressing of Hupcrphoi phate applied with tho wheat nt seeding will cheaply and surely remedy this. By combining winter stock feeding with occasional plowing ' under of green clover formanure,Iilonot doubt that the fertility of largo farms may a surely bo kept up as if they were smaller. In any event, where clover is grown thcro mi9t always bo tho roots in tho soil to decay, nud this will prevent very rapid deterioration of fertility. So much always depends on keeping tho soil fertile, that commercial manures which on trial prove profitablo should always bo used. How Good Oows are Ruined. Milking is an art, and tho farm hand who knows how to milk properly ismoro valuable to tho carcttil dairyman than any other help. Of courso anybody can milk, and somo can milk a dozen cows beforo breakfast. Tho careful manager, however, is not so anxious for fast help as ho is to employ those who arc careful. Tho operation should never bo hurried, but tho milk should bo drawn steadily and. as it Hows, naturally. Somo cows have very tender teats, and the rapid milkman forgets this fact in nis endcav or to make speed. The cow that is nat urallv imnatient and fretful does not like to submit to rough handling, and her disposition is soon ruined by such treat ment. With tho constant irritation she will fail in quantity, and bo less product ive, just as any human being would fail to perform faithful service when laboring under mental aflliction or trouble. As the udder becomes distended and filled with milk the desiro on tho part of tho cow is to bo relieved of its contents, and sho willingly submits to it for the relief it occasions. Tho constant practice of being milked at stated intervals impress es itself strongly upon her, and sho will seldom otter resistance without cause. When a cow therefore, that has been s patient deliverer of milk becomes fract ious tho fault can always be traced to the milkman. Tho careless dairyman is the ono who complains of tho failuro of his cows to keep up tho flow, and bloody milk, garget and other evils aro tho results of his own bad management. There is another point in tho treatment of cows that demands attention, and that is allowing them to stand a long time waiting to bo milked. With cows that give largo yields it is very painful, and when the udders have been filled to their utmost, and tho milkman is not on hand to relieve them, they become exceeding ly nervous and restless. This will do more to cause a cow to go dry beforo her period than anything else, and many a good cow has been sent to tho shambles turougn diminution ot quantity simply because nature has revolted at her sut feriugs and allowed her to dry up because her storehouse was not emptied of its contents at tho proper times. She should also be milked to the last drop, if possi ble, and us the last portion of milk is claimed to be the richest, the udder should bo left with nothing in it With regularity in feeding and milking, ant kind treatment at all times, the cew will not only become gentle and remain so, but will milk on several weeks longer man otherwise. An experienced dairy man needs help that are skilful, and he knows how to judge the milkman's work by tho behavior or his cows. When stable of cows begin to give trouble milking it is only necessary to observe tho manner in which they aro milked order to cure the evil. The udder of cow is a very delicate structure, and sho quickly rebels at rough usage or linpro cr periods of milking. A writer in tho Scientific American says: "Wo clean our premises of the detestable vermin, rats, by making white wash yellow with copperas and covering tho ctones and rails with it. In every crevico in which a rat may go we put the crystals ot the copperas and scatter in tho corner of tho floor. Tho result was a perfect stampede of rats and mice. Since that timo' not .1 footfall of either rats or mice has been heard around tho house. Every spring a coat of yellow .i. : . ..: ;i n - !f. lviiaii is yivun uit; uunm us u luuiui'i, a; as a rat exterminator, and no typhoid dysentery or fever attacks the "family, Many persons deliberately attract all the rats in tho neighborhood by leaving the fruits and vegetables uncovered in tho cellar, and sometimes even the soap left open for their regalement. Cove up everything eatable in tho cellar and pantry and you will noon starve them out. Tho precautions, joined to tho scr vice ot a good cat, will prove as good rat exterminator as tho chemist ean pro vide. Wo never allow rals to be poi soned in our dwelling. 1 hey are so apt to dio between the walls and produce much annoyance. EXEI CUTOH'S NOTICE. ESTATE OP 11YKR C, MOSS, DEUXAMtl), Letters tustamcntary rn the estate ot DyerO, Moss.late of Ronton townshlD. Columbl.i counlv.Pu deceased, have been grouted by the Register of said county ui sines tv. moss, uainuru, Luicrueuo. ah persons having clalnn against the estate of the ueceuem are reuueaieu 10 present, mem nr seme tueuv aim tuune wueuieu ta me esutus uj maae pay, uicut w me uuuemiguvu exu -uwr wituuut ueiay, MILES W. MOSS, mar 24i." Executor, A FARM AT Private Sale! The farm owned by the estate cf George Tore, deceased, IXMted In Hemlock township, will be soil at private sale To farm contains One Hundred and Seven Acres, Is pleasantly sltua'ed andtb buildings arc In good condition. A good well ((water at the door. For furt'ier loformat'on apply to AARON 10VEY, mar 4 Uloomsburg. B HOWE PS iVUVV CARPKT STORM LARGE STOCK 0F- HOnV 1)HUS9KL, I'APKSTRY HIIUSSKL, KXTKA SUPKIt INaUAIN, SUI'KH INOKAIN, KI.OOH OIL CLOTHS, TAULK OIL CLOTHS, MATTINGS, OILCLOTH ItUOS, MOQUKT AND TAPESTItY HUOS, WINDOW SHADES, Ac, &c, MarrlT.o .ly GREAT GERM DESTROYER. DAIUIVS ROPHYLAOTIO Mil) I Pitting cf SMALL POX Provontcd. I'lccra purllled nml healed Uangrcno presented nnd cured. Dysentery cured. Wounds healed rapidly, scurvcy cured In short time. Tetter dried up. It Is perfectly harmless for euro throat It Is a suro euro. SMALLPOX ERADICATED. Contagion destroyed. sick itooms puniieu una made rteosant. fevered and Mck persons reuevca ana rcircsncii by bathing with I'rophy. tactic, num auuca to tno water. Soft White Complexions DIPTHERIA PREVENTED. sccurcu uy its use id bathlnir. Impure air mado hann- inw rtnci nunnpii nv sprinkling Darby's Fluldl ftOOlll. To purify tho broatly Cholera dissipated. cicanso iiio.Tecin, it can't bo surpassed. "nip rcicr pruvenu'u uj its use. Incases of death In tho hnnap. It. nlimilrt nlwnvs Catarrh relieved and cured. Erysipelas cured. . boused about I he corpse Hums relieved Instantly. it win nrnirnt nnv rvuiraiuuii.-nii.-ii. . unpleasant, smeii itcmuvcs an unpleasant An Antulotn for Animal odors. or Vegetable Poisons, Minna, Ac. Dangerous cfflinUi of sick rooms and hospit als removed by Its use. YELLOW FEVER KIIA '.(It'ATKD SCARLET FEVER CURED, Intact It Is the cat IHSlNt'KOTANT AND PUK1FIKK I'KaTAHKI) II r J. H. ZBILIN & Co., MANUKACU'KINci Chemists, SOLE IMtOI'UIKTOUH Only Two Bottles. Mfusrs. Johnson. Hot loway Co., wholcsalo druggists of I'lilladel phla, I'!, report that tomo time ago a gentle man lmndol them a dol lar, with n request to wnd agoodcattrrhcure to two army oircers in Ulzona. iteccnny tno iaitir gentleman told 'hem that both tho of- fleers ana tno wito or lien. John ('. Fremont, Gov. ot Arizona, had n cured ol cuturiu uy iwo Domes oi niy s irraui Balm. Apply into nostrils with little finger. bold by Druggists, vt in man u on receipt oi mc m 10 4wd ELYS' CREAM HALM CO, Oswego, N. Y PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM. Tliis (U nut tlresiii i tucfcir J by those c list Jit, to any sunt .ir artit.e, on nc- oomit if hi fiucriur 'JnliiniiiiJ puriiy. It conL.iiH material only tli-t arc U tlic scilp unJ lulr Restores the Youthful Colorto Grey or TadedHalr ParJter J Ilatr Balsam is finely icrfurned tinj 11 warranted to prc cnt falling of tlio luir nnd to re-moedanJrutrauditcliit)S- H:s-oX &Co , N,V, (Oc and 41 t Ja)t In lm$t anj titMlalnv. PARKER'S GINGER TONIC A Superlative Health and Strength Restorer. If you arc a mechanic or f.inncr, worn out with oerwotk. or a nmilicr 1 mi 11 hy family or liousc hold duties try Tauki-i.?. .gk kic. If you are a lawyer, muntcr or lniincmanex hausted by mental strain or anxious cares do not take intoxicating btiinulaiits.biitttkcl'nrker's Ginger Tonic If you hae Consumption, Dvi?y-ia, liheuma Ism, Kidney t'orml.iinis, cr any disorder of the lungs, stomach. lowcls blowl or rimes I'm kprs Gincrr Tonic wlllcurc you. 1 1 is the Crcatest Mood Purifier And the Best and surest cougti curs Ever used. If you arc waMins away fromrge, dissipation or any disease or wcaUrcss and refill c afiimulanttalce Ginger Tomc t X ncc; it will invigorate nnd build you up from the fmt dose but will never intoxicate. It has saved hundreds ofllvcs; it may save yours. CAUTION 1-r.rfu nil ubtllute. Twler'i OlnyrrTtmtc li compoicil of th ltl rvmrdliil agmtt In tlt wfirlJ.iml Utullrtly dilTi'rvnt fntu 'rfj.nrlloii4 of va$tt ftlkitiv. l-'ftiJ fur circular to llcox&Cv.N. Y. tuc. k ihei, at lt-tltri lu drujft. GREAT SAVING 1 t'YING POLLAU SIZE. Its rich and lasting frigrance has made this delightful per dime exceedingly popular. 'I hero Jsiiothtug Ukolt Insist upon hainc Flohes tok Cologne and look for signature of on rrtry bottle. Any rtruinM or dtnltr In rficwtf cii mi-ply )ou.' 33 unJ 15 i t iltes LM'.cr.swiMi itrviNo :v. nzc March 3, '82 ly. Itt.tlT'i I1EET1I0 vry drmn orrtolnIO full rrtf OoMea Toncue UrTl. XI h'l Walnut nrinxinlzea I "a,, &Ut'tat(M,MrtAl Ftmt Muuk.V ITlKltt l4-Uoli,gtrrl hprink-, 1 Jtun hllul, luldlu luu.ic, llacdlia uul lu,Uni fop itin,lnc, Ik-MI'A I'atftit Ptcp Action, a IiKW A.l MVi:i, l.'KKIIIIOAIIIl tn,ti!j ) wulirlva umuett muid ns I & llSIMt 0IM1ANH. Noolhrr maker ilarottiUilt)it4 criran (It i ltf nunl ) K.NUIIUUIH rl't't'l. hnlra orr llmOn liiunth, fWiuaml liicrraMnu. IK" Karttirv worktnir IlAV Hnd br It) MUtm'a Dntrto Ut'bKiit Mlilll to IUI crdin. "T7i"PpI, TIoif.1, IXllrrrMl on board G! S Curalicrr,Moul, liuuU, .Vi-.,uulx D7w Iforicrone jror'aiiaornu arc not anttaflrdrclurB) Organ, ailll prumpllj' rtlunU inontj with Inti-nat, lntraon. Tiro IkttlnraKIl) attnMil tn iiav .,wnwi l 3 mi buy 1 rome any w ay, uu ai o v t-line. Trt e I'onth nn pome niifnuania iimi-io an iralna. ulUtT (liwlil, till, tMliii. llanofi Hia ll:5 til IC0O. ttrlleantlful Uluttrattd Vutulvyuefrte. 1'kttra Addnui cr rail uion 1 DAUIEI, 1. BEATTY, Vaeblngton, Ktw Jciicy. Marcmo.4w r BBATWS oitciANSs: stops, 10 sets reeds only i2$ o. pianos ilii up Itaro Holiday Indeccments ueady. Wrlto or call o i HEVITY, vvatuingion, n.u. uiu may o, oi-iy OPIUM afc MUUI-llINr. A Treutlie on their aliwMvriirt' HKXT KltlTl.' Itn. J.I ,H(lMAN.I'.0.1l01(l).ttik-ili;.i.l. 31 arch 3 .3m aid MEN WANTEDBt.;unkco,NS Ornamenul Trees, Hirubs, Hoses, io. .Monlhly Salaries and oipen&es paid. No previous oxperlencii ruiiuircu. .Meu now m tnu neiu receiving m io iumj ucr uiuiitu eueu uvsiues CApeubt'S, .1. r , 1-atJl.Altr:, march 1U-4W d Uochester, N Y, ASTHMA CURED l(iriiiaii Ami lii mi ('urc newrj'aiU toriniu inwfnr r(tiuiutiVurt)(t-i(rieii,iiitureiix)iiiIot-kUe hlnrt t;iTuetruriMMht'ru lotherM fail. A trial eontiet$ th unnltktj'ttenL l'rliv AOr.&rid I.OUfOf ru(ftHtorliviHuli Hatiui-lo for 'Kill, Ml march luj.w l?TOf ATU Procured for all Soldiers XliI01UlOinu sailors disabled lu lino disability. when rated too low, II JI'NTVI Send dlcburge nnd iwu as. Btamns. and If nothing IsMuejuu we will promptly say bo and return ourUts- eliarL'e. Olscba eeH obtained, original uuaau UTTeaie. el u stamps for blanks anu "uircaiais or In ormatlon." Addresi Sl'OD0AHTACO.,4ISO 8l.,N. V.,VaslilDgton,I).0, march l-w d BOLD MEDAL AWARDED turn Author. A uffuid crt Utiu chMpntft. iDditHDibito tery nitn.ttotkUed ttth tictnc of J itm rlttU-lrcarTaUoa ' bound la flntl Frunch ioqJid, wnbuMXl. t ull Kllt,9U0 pp.cooUia Uotif ul UV urartut. lib iratcrt tiuij, tine ooiv 9tMofc t nual IlliutrkU(fiiipl( t cnt ( MPU HUW,ntlUaj naW lel loitiluUor lr.W. rllflW THVsPI V i iMiiiuMor ir.w. II. taiu K Kit, flo. 4 Itutuocb L lluiton march 10 -iw a it i. w Aim orcircuUr, 8u.U by itnurtruU uj uouuiry utts, b I (001(11 10 W U MOLLER'S?ift. COD-LIVER OIL Superior to Cheapest u I hut Oiflieut lue iiorltlci ' it ty rf u 1 4 1 ora obyDnorirlaU. WII.S '..r!c iilC ( ' .",r.S4 YnfTVVSW. - i.V Vfial...ll.taBB, SalIorcr3 Iho namely. 0at Eaptn lm. J. n.KUfflON'l triCIMC MCDICINr, lir, J. II, NliiiiMon'sHpoelilo .Mitllclnc lin)osllUti euro for overwork or body or brain or rxcrw of nny kind, mich m n-FRkncM nml nil llsoa!os mulllnit from Norvoui l)r!llity,lrrltnulllty,Mcntil Aimlcly, Ijtniruor, Ijiwltudi1, Dopiesslon oi spirits nml func llonnl il.iransrriiipniH of tlm ncivona system ton ITAliV. I'nl h In III". hock or Niti", 1 it mm. of Memory, l'rvm. tun) old agis nnd ilh oasca that lend U consmptlon.lnsaul ty an early gran or both, No mallei how ahattercd Hit ystcm may bo from mcesaca of mil kind, a short courno ui Una inudiclno nlUTFoIohfllis lost functions and procuro health nnd happiness whero beforo was despondency no A gloom. Tlio Spo clrto sledlclno U being used with wonderful suecesa. l'amphlcta sent freo to all. Wrlto for them nnd get full partrleuiar. rrlce, spoclilo l,00 per package, or si packages for f5,iw. Will bo sent by mall on receipt, of money, Address all orders, J. 11. SIMM' iN'h M KDIUINK Co, Nos. 104 and loo Main street, lluffalo, N. Y febsis.'.ly WIARD'S PATENT NEW 1880 SERIES Malleable Iron and Wood Beam Ohilleil PLOW arc offered to tho Tarmeri of tlio country for I .o turning K'.txon ullh m.uiy valuablo Impruuniinu TI1E WIAIID l the ttrongest and most tlnra bio l'low In tlio market. THE WIAIID Istlioboft for general purpmo uork, In both rod and ttubblc. THE WIARD lm the alniplctl and tnot com jilclo adjuetmvut for using luo or time l.oi - s ubrcast. THE WIAIID It tho best l'low extant for Lard clay and etony ground. THE WIARD rivals rll other clilllnl l'lowa for cleaning In looso and, adbealto soils. THE WIAIID cannot 1 excelled for LigtittiCBa t Draft. Our Mnllcablo Iron Beam Ij tlio only prne. Ucal adluelnble jnetul lli-'am tn.idc; l gu.ituiiliul nlnt bending or breakings h pirfectly iulJu-t.iWe jrSor3horcii: ovcri;j,000 ill use, and nut ono la a thousand failed. Our Jointers, Whecl3 and Handles aro all adjustable. Our Moldboarils eject 1.11 olhcri for (lumen and uniformity. Our Plows arc warranted to any rra-oiiablu ex tant. If you arc going to buy n mw l'low, lia rure I ghgllio For Halo by V. C. Ic T. W. l'UItSI'.L, mirch 10 -2m Uloomsburg l'n., To Ucrriis WEBER-HARDMAN PIAHOS, A FINK INLAID FKENOH WALNUT (JASE OltCAN, 1) STOPS, $90 CASH. Easy Terms. SntlsiaUloii fiuarnntoed. BA-COIST'S 'SFTJiJECB ROOMS, MUSIC HALL BLOCK, Junoltl .sMy WIlItBS-BARXB. PA Samples FUME WKMBM ASM MWB, BLOOMSBURG, PA, CAUTION. GET THE BEST, STRONG CMIMPKTITfOTV In tho Hiamif.ictuio of Organs roiltiiij; in the production tint wilo of cheap gmls, nmtlo from inferior inutoriiila. I refer particularly to bogus Organs that nru continually springing into existence, without any merit wlnitover.oxcept to bo oll'orcil cheap, nnd thon when purcluus ed found to bo dear at any price. Will yuii not then, reador, If you Co lite nip lute Buying an Organ consider it your only safeguard to solect an instrument bearing the names of first clas3, wholly responsible makers. A good assortment ot styles of tho celebrated Estoy Organs can now boeeen at tlio now rooms of tho Only Authorized Agent foi tho Batoy Organs in Columbia County. A guarantee for five years from tho manu facturers accompanies every Kstoy Organ, J. 5 JnDeM WW "W. I-I. CABTBR. GO NT ACTOR & BUILDER. DRAWINGS AMI Sl'KCII'ICATKINS FOR lUIIUIINIJS, rURNISIIBD. Jobbing of all kinds promptly attended to. All work wiu ranted to givo satisfaction. '-uiim LATEST ST TLBS OP a.XiXiiisra- oards tthrt '00L0IBrS OPFWE." Dnuohy & Oo'a. Advt'a. WANTED Agents lor Iho "lfa nnd Times" of FREDERICK DOUGLASS Written by lilmvlf. I'rlcj i.r,o, outrivals ''Uncle Tom'A Cabin ' In thrilling and roniatitle Interest. I'ullv Illustrated, I'.MtK I'tlll. CO., llartford.uonn. inarch 2I.HV il TDIT'a l.lll'ltOVIIII KIIOTIII'.UIt a.'le.pnek. ixvlli Jngo tnikct 5 gilions of n delicious, w boles 3me, pparkllng tempcranco boverngo. I AH; your druggist, or sent by mall for Sic. U. E I HIltKS, 4S n. neia. avc. riiuuia tuarclil-nv d TOM UT A MTICI l' c,inv.vss for tlio salo of biN VV AiN IJUU vriilt and Ornamental Trees, Shrub", Vines, ltososcto, Nociperlenco I renulre.l, Hoot' Sulnry nnd All Kxpenses Pal I. Ao ilna II. !. II iWDKN X Co., Iloehentcr, N. Y. 1 mar livl I'.v il WANTED! to lleiullej'H 1'nlilli! .lieu of To-Diiy, lielng nuthentso biographies of tho President, Cab inet, Scnntors nnd Hepresentntivcs In Congress.Jus tlees of the V H. Supremo court and Governors of tho let Oral States, written In u popular and graphic stvlc. An elegant volumo of ft largo octavo pages, with mora I ban aoo half page portiMlts of the sub jects on steel and wood. A library nnd national por trait gallery combined. Tho portraits nlono sell tho book. Special terms given. Send for lllus. circu lars to s s. scitAXroN & CO., Hartford, Conn, mirclt hi. iy il nr.BPffa can make raoat UU.OU to S15.00 per Q W DAY HY' MHLL1M. l Ot (.111 Ufi'ti MOJITO AND FLY-SCREEN m.h VIV ANY WINDOW. Cheni-cftm 1 la-t Hcrtfn inlho market, and thpliett 1 ili-r ulli le to I e hail lor tli1 eaHOti. Stmt for teri'i- :i!i.rin-nlrt,i .1. V. ItOt'tlllTON, I I IS MnrlctKtrifl.l'ljIla.l.h.hia. Alan ifttun-i'i'f WihkI Carpi t, rartiuet f loora,tt& inarcli S4 -rw U and Catalogues by mail when AI I'ZAR, Agcnt Illoomaburg, F, BLOOMSBUBG STATE NCiiMAL SCHOOL SIXTH NORMAL SCHOOL DISTRICT. Bloomsburg, Columbia County, Pennsylvania. Rev. D. J. WALLER, Jr., Ph. D., Principal. Tills SCHOOL as nt present constituted, olltm tho llulldlngs spacious, Inviting nnu commodious ; completely ucaiea Dy spring water moderate. Kitty cents a week deduction to all expecting courses of study prcscnoou uy mo sinio 1 I. Moilel School. II. Preparatory. III. Elementary. IV, Classical. Adjunct Courses : I Acitlemlo, Il.Corumercial. III. Course In Music. Tlio Klcmcntnry. Sdentinc and ClasslcAl Courses corresponding Degrees! Master of tho Klemecls; Master lueirniuunmenis,, signed oy tno uuicers oi inn iiuaru Thecourso of stud y prescribed oy tno state is line nu, Thu state reiiulres it hlirher order ol cltlzenslilo. Thu gcntnndeniclentTeacherstorlierScliools. Tothtsendlt solicits young persons of good abilities and good purposes.-thoso who desiro to Improve ttielr tlm. aiidthnlrtiilentH.nsStuilents. To ull such It nromtses aid In developing their powers, and abundant onmirtunltlea for well mild tulinrnfinr1,Mivini.&iinni ia ' Cataloeuo.address tho Principal. im.-v. tvtl.l.lA.'l lit. tvi;i.l., i-rraiut'iii iioitrti octo. 1,'Sl.- WHEN FOUND! MAKE TUB KIG11T -IS ATO i JMWm ' BEffiG' MERCHANT FIKTE CLOTHING, PRICES. OJ-.OT'THITSrO LOWEST i AN IMMENSE STOCK OF SPRING GOODS ON HAND. requested. THE DAVIS. $1,000 REWARD. OKK THOUSAND (l.OOO) DOLLARS I'REMIU.M ofleted lo ANY l'EKSON lint will do (IRK AT A 1UNGK OK WORK on ANY OTHER MACHINE. WHAT THE NEW DAVIS VERTICAL FEED Will do without basting. it will make wldo bem on stiecla, Ac., item all manner o( blon woolen foods, an Bolt mcrluo, crupo, or k-oodj dimcult to licm ou olber macblnea. It mikrii a more clastlo stitch tban any other machine. It will turn a hem and put In piping at same time It will turn a hem, sow braid on the rleht side and stitch on trlrauiln at one operat'on. It will do fi lllDtr bias or straight, cither on cotton or woolon soods. It will (ell across Beams on any foods. I will bind a Dress or Hklrt and sow on facing, elthor with or without showing stitches: bind Dread Goods with theaamematcrlal, either scaltops.polnts, squares or straight. The only machine that will bind Hats, Cloaks, or other articles with bias, satin or silk, from X to s Inches In width, without basting. It will gather with or without Bowing on. It will gather between two pieces and bew on at the sauiu time, HwlUmakearuftleand stitch a pillow slip on to the (aclng at the camo tlrao. U will shirr any kind of goods. It will mako plaited trimming cither with or with, out so win j tl on. It will make plaited trimming either scallaped or straight, and sew a rlplrg on at tho same time. It will make knlfo plaiting. J. SALT.ER. den'l Agent, liloimliiirK, Pa, nt't. 1, 'HO-tf NEW RICH BLOOD! fitriont' Utrtittlr VUta iiiiiku New Itleh Illcaal. and will completely i iniij.u thu IiIiuhIIii tliociitlroBVitem In tlin-o n mitlm, Anviieiviiii nauwllltiiku I pill mi hiilt'lilfruMi I tuliwivki ii:iylaip.toi'iltoaniiiii lienllli. If nicliu Ihlii hem lit' in HI fur H letter atiinin.. J, ,v, ,;(; ti. v .t- ;xiv.t rn. ;i,..i,..,. n.,. (ormrrlu Jli'imitr, Mr. AGENT8 WANTED F.VKKVWIIERK to wil t iHla at I -... II. II.. I. unit -it .llachliia. f tcr Uitrutii. Win Li.if .i... lociliua, uii aua TOI1 cuiittilete. in 'M DllllUtf i. II w ill aiu milt a mint varnty of fancy- iworli for hUli tlitm It olwura a Jy tuarket i or drt ular u. leriiii t.i ilia Ttvomlily Unlit II at hint) Co., W) it Mliiujiuiisi., iiJ.imii, ulu Dflll Ulnar mayf, 'Sl.iy aid LEGAT BLANKS, ALWAYS ON HANI) AT THIS Ot'KIUK. very best facilities for Professional and Classical learntni steam, well ventilated, lighted by gas, to teach. Htudcnt8 admitted at any llmo. Ilooms IV. Course in Art. are I'ltOPKSSlONAUnnd Students gradualng therein, tccelvo State Dlnlomas. eonferrlno iliefniinit of tho Sciences i .Master of Iho Classics. Oraduates oi juaives. anu me sjienniio ana classical courses aro not inferior to those of our best Colleges. tlmos demand It, It Is ono of tlio nrlmo oblects of this School to helii in xonimt il. hv rumiahinirininiii or oi iruairra. ft NOTE OF TO GET PLACIfl .I Siuttin ci; Soli A.T - I T! AIIOIl. .5- STOCK PERFECT FIT, REASONABLE l'HIOES. AfiKKTS! HOOK SUNLIGHTand llun.lmU f f -pcntj luro rn- r c t.ll t " t' fi l,A.,V ftnil ( V . . Ill il -.rv I t 1 n I'athf.. Uich. IIimih . a i riitiii Ti a irtir l.errc.ut tniithi tml rr ti " (irul p 't I. 1- tiltifT ImllnHiil AtlVSlAKt ' Mir.Ui.MMii 1 .Vwiftf Ilinilt. .i-ti'tl irrt fc'ltti PER ISfET. ' t'eiirllt ilirrftn altt Tliui'Htlif Loan without Hit-lliillillnua. Ititcrust Soiill Aunual. Noibluif ever bceu loat. '.tbjearct residence and Mb In Hie business, tltst ot ref crenees. Send for particulars it ou bave money to loan. N 11 fostnartvni'.ced, li tcrest kept up, uod principal uuarnntecd In case of to eclosurf, D. F. B. JOHNSOM Negotiator of lijrtgige Loans.ST. PAUL UlNN march 10 4 w r THE BEST I CALICO. I I'M. SIMPSON & SONS' MOURNING, SECOND MOURNING SOLID SLACKS, Eddysione FANCY DRHsT PRINTS The ICnnVSTONK I'KINT works u tnie of the l.irRcst atvl mo;t coirpKtc cstab lisluneiits in the country. THE EXPERIENCE OP HALF A CENTURY inableil llitui 13 attain nidi perfection that they c.;n ulli Cuiifuknce nsk you to let the quality (if tin ir v. or!.. They carefully avoid all liuisonous ilius. inal.e only fast col on.Mliich ate thnitiulily waslieil in liot water anil koap, tliereby rcmovinj; r.njtliini; which v.oulil Main uinlcielilliiin; Thoie wlio liuydiitl wear tlnir ii tuts will, they feel contitlent.linil tliem superior in tlur aliillly.nilUictUlc fmiali. lie sure ami ask for their i;o(h!s, anil see that and tickets arc on than. p !cb84 4tv Beware BENSON'! GAPGINE PLASTERS HAVE BEEN IMITATED, And thoir oxcol'ont roputation in jurod by worthlosa imitations. Tho Publio aro cautionod ogainst buy ing Plasters liaving similar sound ing namos. Boo that tho word O-A-P-0 LN.E is corrootly spollod. Benson's Capcine Porous Plasters Aro tho only improvement ovor mado in Piasters. Ono is worth moro than a dozen of any othor kind, Will positivoly euro whoro othor romodlos will not ovon roliovo. Prico 25 conts. Howuro of chonp Plasters mado with lead poisons. SEAUURY & JOHNSON, Mmiufiicturlug CliemlaU, New York. AmiltK itl!.1l!lV AT "l.AKT. 1'rlceiJcti. MEAD'S Mt.dicatcJ CORN ui BUNION PLASTER. Nov 4 '! -ly O F Fraud and furnished with a bountiful supply of pure, soft reserved when desired V. Course in Physical Culture. In tho other Courses receive Normal Certificate! tr. i: lili.L.Mil-.K, secretary, THE WHITE SEWING MACHINE Whereas, tho world renowned rcDutatlon of the White dewing Machine Induces many unscrupulous com janitors to resort to all kinds of meau tricks to Injure Its reputation, we oeir to camion an intending purchasers not to buy White Machine except from Its regular authored dealers, who will be sustained by tne following warranty. WJfi wAKltANT THE NATURAL WEAK AND TX&B OF THE White Shuttle SewinE MacMfle, PLATE NUMBER 103330 FOR FAMILY PURPO SES. AND HEUEBV AOKEBTO KEEP TIIE SAMS IN itEPAIIt FOR THE TERM OF FIVB VSARM FROM TIIIS DATE. FREE Or' onAltOE. KABB This warranty excepts the breasage of noedlei bobbins and shuttles. This warranty will not be snstalnod unless the plate number above elven corresponds with tht number on the shuttle race slide: Beware of defaced W1UT1S BEWINO MACHINE CO. lie "WHITE" Shuttle Sewing llachine litsoaxiTiB cirictTT than any other family Sewing whuu.uw .v, uuiuaoicij faiiu.f ui rrui a. J, s LTZKF, General Airent, tiioomebunr, r. O. E. SAVAGE, DEALER IN Silverware. Watches.Jewelry.Glocks.&c All kinds ot WatcheB, Clorks and Jcwe'ryneat may it, 'T8-tf CUTTHISOUT! ArSEANKTESSl5lQS40wPEEEV We havostorus in 15 loading Cities, Irani ukMi our uKuut ubUIu thu'r uj i Uef qnU kj'. Our I' ti'l irle- u i.l 1'rlni'iiuil Clfllft-i w t .Sou i lor otir ri- dim i2LiicUiiv,.i r,aAo SCRAIITOI , PA. March 3 -ly SUI1SCRI15E FOR THE COLUMBIAN. 82.00 A YEAI! The Backus Water Motor. IH THE MOST Economical Power Known FOR DUIVINQ LIGHT MAOHINEItV. It takes but little room. It never trets out of repair. It can not blow up. It needs no fuel It needs no engineer. Thcro Is no delays noilrln;' up; n ashes to clean away; no extra iDBUranco to juyj no repair Ine necessary j no coal bills to pay, and It Is, always ready for use. It Is Invaluable for blowing Church Organs, for running Printing Presses, Sewing Machines, Turn lug lathes, Scroll Savs s, Orlnd Stones. Cotree Mills, Bausago Machine Feed Cutlers, Corn Mills, Lleia. tors. etc. Four horse power at 4i) pounds pressure of Ills noiseless, neat, compact, btcady, and abore all IT IS VERY CHEAP. send for circular to theliack-s Water Motor Co., Newark, N. J., stating natno of piper you saw ad vertisement lo, I'rlco, lsto3oo, AtV5.lll,s?us to addressing (1BO. 1', ItOWKI.L ,9".,08PruM'it" New u'"' 'earn the ex act ooituf any iroposed line ot AUVKItTIHINU lo American Newspaiers. Ilw'.page I'amphlet.VM. FRAZER AXLE GREASE. Bebt In the world, (let the genuine. Every pack, age bat our trado-maik tid It marked Frazcr'a. inarch 10. .w r BOLD EVEKYW11KRB. SUIJSCRIHIi NOY FOH the aomriurBiA.3sr 2.0J A YKAH. RAIL ROAD TIME TABLE IJENNSYIjVANIA KAIMtOAD. l'llll.A. llKU'HU KI1IK II. II. DIVISION. WINTER TIME TA B LE. On nd after Monday, Dec, 19, 1M1, the trull a on tbo rhllaulolrhla&Knelta'lroia Division will ri o as follows i WESTWARD. Erie Mall leaves Philadelphia " " Ilarrlsburg Bunbury ' 11 Wllllamtport " " Ixick Haven ' Honovo Kan " arrlvo at Erlo Niagara Express leaves Philadelphia " Hrrlsburg " " Bunbury " " Wllllamsport " " Lock Haven " " ltcnovo " " Kano Fast Uno leaves Philadelphia " Ilarrlsburg " Bunbury " Wllllamsport " arrlvo at Lock Haven EASTWARD. 1 1 M p m 4 85 a ID fl o a ii 8 40 a iii 40 a tn 11 es it m 8 to p in us pm s oo u m U ispm t si) P m 8 !5 p in 4 so p m 0 43 p III lots p m It jo p in a os p m n 13 p in 7 lo p in s 10 p in Lock Haven Express leaves Lock Haven T 60 a m " " Wllllamsport 9 03 a in " Sunburv lofoam arnve uarnsourg " ' Philadelphia Fast Lino leaves uanandalgua ' Watklns " " Klmira ' " Wllllamsport ' " Bunbury " arrives nt Ilarrlsburg " " l'hlladelphla UWpm n 13pm rot pm s 40 p in 0 no p 111 li is u in 1 32nm a l.i n m Toonm Day Express leaves Kano " " Renovo " " Ixwk Haven " " Wllllamsport " arrHent Ilarrlsburg ' ' Philadelphia Kilo Mull leaves Erlo " " Kane " " Renovo ' " Lock Haven " " Wllllamsport " " Bunbury " arrives at Ilarrlsburg 11 " Philadelphia c oo a in 111 03 u in ll 13 a in in 19 pin s no p in 7 on p tn 1 1 35 u in 4 HI p III 0 io p m 10 to p in 11 no p m 1 03 u m sooam T ou a in Erie Mall west und Lock Raven Express East make close connections at Northumberland with L. U. It. R. trains for Wllkesbarro and Bcranton, Erlo Mall West, Niagara Express West and Fast Lino West mako close connection nt Wllllamsport with N. O. R. W. trains north. Niagara Express West nnd Day Express East make closo connectlun at Lock Haven with 11. E. V It. It. trains. Erie Mall East nnd West connect ut Erlo with trains on L. B. M. B. R. Jt. ; nt Corry with II. l .a; tv. it. it., ui. miiuunum titit u.i, l.t , u. It. and at Driftwood with A. V. R. It. Parlor cars will run between Phllalelnhln nnd WUlamnport on Niagara Express west, and Day Ex press East, Bleeping cars on all night trains. ituunur itiu"!:, lieneral Bupl. NORTHERN CENTRAL RAILWAY COMPANY. On and after February 19th. 1SS1. trains will imv. Bunbury as follows: rtuiiiuwAuu. Northern Express a. m arrive Elmlra 13.30 p m muvu ut v,uuuuuaiguu bv.:? p. 11. " Rochester 4.40 " NlntrarA. H irt Niagara Express p. m. arrlvo K'mlra c. 03 p in nrrlt e Canandalgua 8.3 " ttut'uesier y 4a " " Ntatrarit iQr.nntn Fast line 3.15 p m arrlvo Elmlra io.vo p in ttaiKins pm SOUTHWARD. Southern Express 1.32 a. tn. arrive HarMsb'g 8.13a m arrlvo Philadelphia 7.ou " New York 8 33 " " lialtlmore .... " Washington t-.aa a in Lock Haven Ex 10.50 a m arrlvo Harrlsb'g p m arrive Philadelphia p m " Now Votk 8.45 " Baltlmoro 6.20 " Washington 0 47 Day Express 1.00 p m arrive Ilarrlsburg s.3s p in ' Philadelphia 7.03 " " New York 10.00 " " Baltimore 7.ou " Washington 8.17 Srte Mall 1.03 a. tn. arrive Ilarrlsburg s.oo a. m ' Philadelphia 7.uo " " ewYork 9.31 " Baltimore 7.0J " Washington .s.i; J. R.WOOD, General Passenger Agent. FRANK THOMSON, General Munagt r. JpHILADELPHA AND READING ROAL ARRANGEMENT OF PASSENGFJ TRAINS. November 7th, 1881. TB1IN8 LI1VX RCrXHT AS F0LL0WB(8tINDlT SXCKrTati For New York, Philadelphia, Reading, I'ottstilli Tamaqua, Ac, 11,45 a. m For Catawlssa, 11,45 a. m. c,43 and 7,?o p. m. For Wllllamsport, e, 15 s.&o a. m. and 4,oe p. in TKHKg roa lorxar leitx as poiwrt. (ittutr n- CKPTBD.) Loave Now York, vU. Tamanend f.43 a. in, and via. Uound Brook Route 7,43 a in. Leave Philadelphia, 9,43 a. m. Leave Reading, ll.wa. m., Potuvilln, i,: p. h and Tamaqua, 1,35 p. tn. Leave Catawlssa, c,10 8,40 a. tn. and 4,un p. in. Leave Wllllamsport ,0,45 a.m,s,ou p. ra. and 4,3 ) p. a Posscngors to and from New York, vii. Tain a nend and to and from Phllalelphlu go througii without change of cars. '. E. WOOTTEN, C. O. HANCOCK, Genera. Man..,-,, General Passenger nnd Ticket Agent. Jan. 10, lssi-tt. KI.AWARE, LACKAWANNA WESTERN HAILKJAD. BLOOMSBURG DIVISION AND NORTH, STATIONS. BOl'TH a.m. p m. p.m . scranton 0 so 2 10 on ..Ilellevue 1 19 Taylorvllle.. . 9 45 2 20 u 24 ...Lackawanna.... 9 C2 1 21 c 32 lit tston 0 63 is II 4U .. West I'lttston... 10 01 2 19 s 45 Wyoming 10 08 241 0 30 Maltby o 61 -Ilennctt. it in Kingston....... 10 18 2 M 7 112 Kingston 10 18 2 51 7 10 ..Plymouth June 7 1 ....Plymouth 10 M 3 Vi t 22 Avondale 3 rc 710 Nantlcoke 10 34 3 1 1 7 37 .Ilunlock's Creek. 10 42 3's s no ...Bhlckshlnny.... 10 tt v 33 s-is ....Hick's Ferry,... 11 07 343 8 fo ....lteach Haven.., 11 13 3 si 9110 ........ Berwick .... 11 20 3 57 9 10 .....Briar Creek.,... k 31 ...WUlow Grove.... i 07 8 41 ... Lime Ridge... ill 8 45 Espy...,....., 11 (9 4 2) 8 51 ...Bloomsburg 11 45 4 V7 l' 0. Rupert- 11 A'j 4 33 9 ou Catawlssa Undge. 11 ts 4 33 9 13 Danvlllo 12 18 4 to 9 31 Chuloaky u ts Cameron 5 iu 9 41 .Northumberland. 12 45 5 2) u r5 I p.m. p.m. a.m. p.m. p.m. a.m. 15 9 09 Oi 8 55 B 49 8 4'2 8 37 3 Vi 9 45 Vt 3 S3 8 14 8 or 3 oi J 87 9 SO 9 19 9 14 9 15 9 00 8 1G 8 07 8 00 7 40 7 33 7 Si T 20 2 50 2 43 2 87 2 30 2 2J 2 18 2 03 1 45 1'.8 9 01 9 01 8 33 8 47 8 19 8 SS 8 17 8 12 1 IS 1 03 8 00 7 to 7 52 7 44 T 38 T 83 I M T 11 I 13 12 60 T 09 12 40 7 15 12 35 57 19 24 f M 12 12 G 45 12 03 6 37 It 55 6 18 11 10 6 10 11 US 0 04 11 (0 8 45 10 40 41 p.m. U.111, a.m. HM.. W. F. HALSTBAI), Sunt. Superintendent's omco, Bcranton, Feb. 1st, mi. B USINESS CARDS, VI-SITINO CARDS, LEfTEIt HEADS, BILL HEADS, POSTERS, Sc.te Neatly iirintctl ut thu "Columlilun OHUt. STAMARI FOOD FOH PLANTS. (IIHIIII.LKH. Fnr producing How era untl vlgoroas growth. I', has no equal. Has stood Ih 1 lent for years, and nlwajs tU all claimed forlt IsimkcIuI y tid. npted for house plants anil gardening, giving a houllhy growth and abundant llo x rs 0r ltvi.ctnj packages sold lu 18S1. Awarded the medal ut tho mechanics' fair In notion. l'lir.unln ntiL'ni.u il 1 , 23 cents each. For sale at THE COLUMIIl N OFFICK, Rnrntiiln V.rwlnalne Plmnlas nnrl T'nnn Ctmh Blotches, Boils, Tumors, Vet- :?r . "ors. jiJioa.:i Scald Head, Soros, Morcii'i Diseases, Female Wonlenerr and IrmiriiMrrc - - ......uW, .8?.?' Appetito, Juandlco, Atlections ot the Llvor, Indi gestion, Biliousness, Vysuou. sla and General Debility. A cauruul .llanbtk Illucl .III ,ai.f il.a Ki ,ka' 'if' ""'.'f ' ,lf "I'O'I fuiihit vu f.nh, b..U tv uiaaklnt ilcal.ia tvtiy.lf.. UMfttlwal la tlevfiu lauuab'.., I'MltK, lai. fOSTeH,MllBURN&CO Prop'i, Buffalo, N.Y.