The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, March 31, 1882, Image 3
nmiT iftir.trr.' -r ,; liilRiHiH.'-'irtnrMw THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOCMSttUItG, COLUMBIA. COUNTY, PA. The Columbian. BLOOMSBURG, PA., FRIDAY, MAItUII at, 1882. Correct ltallrouil Time Tattle. Tralnou the I'lilludHpltLi ,v H, II. lean- 1111111 ill luuunn i FOKtll. SOH1II, 0 I" a. Iii, II 4)ii J I An It, A 14 n ... Tr Ins (iii llio I). I. K A', If. It. letiu ll'ocinstu'rB na lunun a i N01ITII. Ull'fll. I ss it, m. v ol a, rn. ! Item, II 45 a. m. 0 10 ii. m. 4 il p, in. Tliu II 4) I niln south conned with the Phllacel. nlilii & llciidlnK at Itupcrt, Mt.d with the fiorlhern i.tuiitii ul uriiiiiiiiuuriiinu. This list tif lands to be sold by county Treat. itrer .lolmsoii for taxes a ipcai s In llih Issue. Hooks, stationery, wall pnper ut the IVo- pie's Drug k Hook Store. . ltev. Mr. I.nnilnn of Wvcrslilc iriielieil ut t tie Episcopal church on Vriliic.tliiy evcnliij: (Julie n number of persons, clillilreu iiml inliills, nrenlMctcil Willi menses. Choice cuMinge ntul lettuce plants for sale nt .1. Onrrlson's, fitli street. 2-w Monthly Gospel Teiupeninee meeting will be held In the Itefornicil Church on Tiicmny evening April 4lh nt "J o'clock. N S. Thinly will move his Inllor shop to the thtiil lloor of the Cull iiiiS liiillillnj; In-ilay. All petitions for Ucciim1 must bellied twenty one days before the diiy of application, and nil remonstrances seven days. Iiookliijr-j'lass beads, toned by soft, milky opalescent tints, are lived In large quantities for both ilrcssiinil millinery ruriiltures. A traveling baud of live made music on the streets last Monday morning. Dlslnnc lent enchantment. The CntnwUsa hem says that Mr. Michael llrobst Is suffering from heart disease, and his recovery Is doubtful. Improvement seems to be the older of the day. Most everybody is having something done about their premises this spring, and nil the artisans are busv. The Central Hotel has been fuitber lm proved by new paint In the bar room and olllce. f.andloid llrnwn never does anything half way. The llnest assortment of elegant papclcrlcH and correspondence cards in llloombuig, have just arrived at this olllce. The ladles arc invited to call and examine. Only four weeks to May day festivals out in the woods leeks violets snakes sun. shine old logs mud blue vaults of heaven sore throats Queen of May docloi's bill 14. Detroit Free l',es. Kou Sai.k. llenjamin Klsler near Canby Tost Olllce, Mt. Pleasant township Columbia county l'a., offers for sale !) horses, the pur chaser can have his choice from four head. march-ill -2 w. KU deaf and dumb persons were baptized at St. Paul's Episcopal church, llarrishurg, by Hev. Syle, a deaf and dumb clergyman, last Sunday evening. The ceremony was performed in Hie sign language. The people of Kpy have now a small tliu apparatus. They have purchased an engine, which takes sl men lo operate, and have secured one hundred and fifty feel of linen hose. Food roi: l'i..VMs,--A tablespoonful is ulllelent lor a gallon of water, and u small ipiantlty of Ihe water applied to the roots of house plants once a week does them great good. For sale at the ('oi.t'MiiiAN olllce, small bov 10 cents, large box 2 cents. .Mr. K. II. Wltmnn, late general secre tary of the Wilkes Burre Y. M. C. A. Is en. titled to have "Hev." prelhed to his name, having been accepted by the Central Venn, sylvanla Conference In a ministerial capacity. Mr. Wit man is stationed at Ilentou. The room occupied by the Y, M. 0. A. having been given up to be used for other purposes, the Illoomsburg Literary Society will meet on Thursday evening of this week In N. S. Tingle 's rooms over lilllmeyer's grocery. A large attendance is desired. The first number of the lierukk Gazette. made Its appearance on Saturday last. It Is neatly printed, and is published by J. II. Diotcrlch. F. S, Hunt Is canvasser and agent. Then- is no reason why llerwick should not sustain two local papers, and we wish the new enterprise abundant success. Hurglars entered the store of Conkling it Co. in Danville on Tuesday night of last week, and stole a consideiahle sum in money and securities. It is supposed that the offenders are the same parties who some time ago broke into store of Kramer & Co. of the same place. Mr. I'eter Bechtol has shown us a copy of an old paper published in Hloomsburg, called the Columbia County llcgistcr. It is dated .lime lllh 18H9 and was published by Thomas Painter. Of the many mlvcrtiseis whose names appear, that of Philip I'nangst is the only one that still remains among the living. An ei'change says It ought to be pioie generally known that wheat Hour Is probably (he best article to throw over a lire caused by the spilling and Igniting of kerosoue. It ought to be known , because Hour is alwa.xs within convenient reach, and often valuable arllcles of clothing, blankets, etc., are de stroyed In extinguishing such tires. Ahcs nud sand nic equally as good. The course of (he law Is slow. If the business men of Illoomsburg want u bihlge across the river ut this place, it would be a good plan to hold a public meeting and ap point u committee to wait upon tho I'enii. sylvunin Company and see what arrangement can bo made with them for building n wagon truck In connection with the railroad bridge that U likely to bo erected during Ihe next three years. Wallpaper! wallpaper! window shades, window fixtures, t the People's Drug -Hook Store. A new danger has nricn for lboe who use sewing silk. It has been found that much of the silk has lis weight Increased by Ihe addition of sugar of lead, and as this has u pleasant, sweetish taste, persons using thread are very apt to form tho habit of keeping It In their mouths mul thereby In. duelng lead poisoning. This allllctlon Is in. dlcated by blue lino on'thogums, a furred tongue, lnllammatloii of the Hps and general debility. It will be safo lo reject all silk thread having this taste. W. A. Swan, n detective ollleer of Wilkes, barre, was In town last Friday. The object of his visit was lo obtain possession of a little girl two or three yearn old, who was in the hands of Improper persons. Tho child was taken from the Infants' Hniuo of Wilkes. Imrre through tho misrepresentation ot the persons xvho upplled for her, and win en tnnteil to their euro supposing them to be respectable people. When It was ascir. tallied that they were engaged in u dlsrepu. table business, the directum of theliibtltullon armed Ihe ollleer with jlhe necessary papeis, nud he secured the child ami look It home villi him on Friday night. A colli In the bend l one of the best things that can happen to n lady wild n lace hand Id'ichlcf, and Dr. Hull's Cough Sjrup Is tic chil dly the best lemeily to cure that cold. Knorr ti Wliitentcen have commenced Ihe work of remodeling tho William Mclvclvy property. The roof Is to be raised one story and n store front put In tho rooms lately oc cupled by 1 1. K. Waller. The second lloor will be nrranged for olllce s. Kvnmlimlloiis began nt the Normal School on Tuesday, mul the term closed this Thurs day afternoon. The Spring term begins next Monday. No Institution of the kind enjoys u higher reputation thnr. ours has acquired under tho guidance of Dr. Wnllcr. An engineer corps of eight men, with J. C. Ilrowu ns head engineer, started out on Wed nesday morning to survey n line for the rail road up the creek. The purpose Is to get the grade nud the distance so that an approxi mate, estimate of the cost of the rond may lie made. An arrangement has been elfected by the .lackon ft Wooilln Co. with the hotel keep ers at Herwlck so that no licenses nre lo be applied for during the coming year. It is said that II. Hergvr will apply for a restau- rant license, and Dr. I.lttle for n retail liquor license. A contribution box for tho benefit of "Hetty and the baby", the wife and child of Sergeant .Maon, stands on the counter nt the olllce of the Kxchange Hold, and from lis weight, it seems that the people of Hloomsburg are no less liberal than the citl 7cns of other places. A petition to the President asking for the pardon of Mason has also been started, and has been very mi nierously signed. The members of the lteformed Church gave their pastor, Hev. 0. 11. Strunk, quite a sniprlso on Tuesday evening. About eight o'clock sonic forty members rushed into bis bouso taking the occupants by en tire surprise. A very pleusaut evening was spent together. It was the pastor's last night In his present home. He moves Into tho parsonage, the Vumittn properly next to the lteformed Church, which they recently purchased. Easter cards! easier cards! nt People's Drug & Hook Store. Cnllli-ra' "Hnnkei's Dfiui'htcr" was iilaved at the Opcrn House last Friday evening to n large audience. We failed to discover any ground for the severe criticisms that have been made by certain papers, on the pro duction. It is full of Interest from the be- trlmilti.. Tim metnlicrs of the cnllltiiiliv -- sustained their several parts well. The scenery which they carry with them U good mul tin. nrrOiistrn llrut floss. Tim liconll! of Ibis town have had no better play pre sented to them since the opening of the Opera House than Ihe "Hunker's Daughter." A comet was discovered about a week ago by a young astronomer In Albany, which will probably reach its perihelion In May or June, nnd promises lo give us the grandest celestial spectacle for many years. Prof. Chandler, Is trying to show that the comet is Hying directly at the sun and will probably approach within 100,000 miles of it. Other astronomers differ as lo the nearness of Its approach, some even making the distance 200,000, but all agree as to Its coming very close to the sun. We mav look forward to May or June for one of the grandest sights we have seen In the skies. Faster egg dyes all colors at Ihe People's Drug it Hook Store. A Lebanon attorney, who is, at the same time, a leading fisherman among other quail- Mentions, claims to bo n weather prophet by xperience, and is willing lo put his prog. noslicalions against those of Vennor. Tice or DcYoc. lie claims that the weather invari- ibly repeats itself iiml gives the following as the result of his observations, viz: All years nillng in 0, 0 or 1 arc extremely dry. Those inline In 2, 3, 4, 5 nnd 0 are extremely wet. Those ending in 7 and 8 are ordinarily well balanced. Those ending in 0 have extreme- ly cold winters. Those ending in 2 have an arly spring. Those ending In 1 have a late pring. Those ending in !1 and 4 are subject to great Hoods. My love is come" is the best of news for young people, but what wo are talking about Is n song of that name, by Marhils. Il Is published by Ditsnn & Co., Boston, who also send us, "Poor Paola," (GO cts), an Italian Song by Mangii', "Too utterly utter" March (40 els), with a super silly portrait of Oscar W. 'tiavotte Favorite of Mario An tolnctte, 1771," (35 ctsj, by Neustadt, "tJal op" (30 its)., from Day and Night, "Hek tograph Polka," (,10 els) by Strauss, Serenade Wekerlin, for Violin and Piano," (35 els) and "Santa Lucia," (35 cts), of the same set. With the roll of music comes a good copy of Ditson A: Co's. MimctU Ilecottl, (2. per year.) Ass.m i.t and ItoiiiiKiiv. On the evening if Saturday the tlth int., Joseph Bingham, aged 55 years, residing on Welsh Hill, came down town lo arrange ills pension papers. After doing this he went home nnd on en tering his house he saw some one getting out from under a bed. While lighting u lamp he was vloleiitlv struck on the bead with a lub and knocked seiisekss. The villain then went through his pockets taking what- ver lie found, Which was not much, Mr. Bingham lay unconscious until Monday morning. It is supposed the robber thought Mr. Bingham had gone to draw his pension and that he could secure n considerable sum. No one has been arrested but strong suspic ion points to one ns tho probable perpetra tor of I lm outrage, Montour Ameiknn, At tlje Central Pcunsyl r aula Conference of the M. K. Church In session at Lock Haven, W. W. Evans, presiding Elder of the Dan vllle district, read his report. The charges report 1,200 conversions and u total member ship in the district of 8,000. Two parson tigcs were purchased and seven churches were built. Numerous revivals occurred ut different points ami the work seems to be in an advanced ami hopeful state. Special ref erence was made lo Ihe payment of the debt on the Second Melhndlst Kplscopal church at Danville. The paper canvassed the great question of Sunday schools, camp meetings, cancellation of debts, etc. Seven chinches arc projected for the next year. The Wooden and Juck- son iiianufactiiring company of Herwlck has donated 500 towards the conference chilin- nuts. We would urge upon all newspaper sub scilbers the necessity ot preserving their re. celpls. It would save editors n great deal of annoyance if everyone who comes to puy Ills subscription would bring Ids last receipt with him, About one man nut of every ten has lost It, but is confident that lie hat paid up to a more recent date than tho books show. The last receipt will always prevent dispute, nnd when It is not produced there Is no other guide than thu hooks, and we know that when our receipts am presented Ihey ul. ways correspond exuclly. The mini who "has u receipt at home" never comes buck with it lo prove that the editor didn't keep his ac counts straight, There are people In the world who will take a paper for four years without paying u cent for It, mm then when usked to puy, insut upon It that they only i, we for one year, and Ihrcutcn to stop Die I u t .1 w. ..Ho. I ... ... paper n uicj uiu i'iiiiijiviii-ii iw iiij iiinre. in such casts Ihe last receipt Is never pioduccd, "Our Consecrntcil Friend" Is the name of n book Just published by Miss II. I Hitler. Tin work coiibiins sketches of the life ut Miss Ktiitim Mlclieiier, Missionary to Afrle.i from the M. h. Church. Hooks cn be hnd by call Ing upon or sending your niune to Mrs. .1. K, Hlltenbender, corner of Centre and Third street", Hloomsburg, Pa. Hev. T. M. Heese, formerly pastor of the M. h. Church here, died at Allootin on Moll day morning, In Ids sixty third yenr. This news wilt be licnril by many with deep recret ns ho was held In litgii esteem both for his personal qualities, mid his ability ns preacher. He bus been suffering for several months from malaria and neuralgia. Ills remains were taken to Hultlmdre for inter merit. Judge Allison, in a long and comprehensive charge on this point, said i "The new con stltiition holds as one of the qualifications of n voter Hint he" cinphnsl.lng the pronoun "shall have paid a Slate or county tax within two yenrs. The refusal of the prose cutor In this case to make oath that he hnd made such n payment, In connection with the admission Hint he had not made it nnd had no personal knowledge' of Its having been paid, justified the judge In rejecting the vote. The judgi; called the attention of the jury to the phraseology of the constitution; that, properly Interpreted, would require that the tux should be pulil by thu voter himself or by some person whom he had authorized to pay It for him. In the latter Instance, he s.ilil, Ihe principle would apply Hint wlint n man does by another he does by himself, "Hut this," he said, "by no menus allows n stranger to intrude himself Into thu business of n voter, who alone can determine whether he would pay tax as a quallllcatlou for voting or not. Thu custom has prevailed In this city, and been extensively practiced, of obtaining names of voters from the assessment list and without the consent of thu voter, and even without his knowledge, having taxes paid for him." This, the Judge thought, does not constitute a legal payment of tax-, because It is not done by the voter directly or Indirect. ly and Is nu unauthorized act of a stranger on whom the law confers no such right. If the defendant In the case before him, hesuld, had accepted the prosecutor's vote, he would have been more properly chnrgeuble witli violating the law than by the act for which he was Indicted. The jury returned a verdict of not guilty nnd put the costs upon the prosecutor. On Thirty naH Trial. We will send Dr. Dye's Celebrated Electro- Voltaic Belts and other Electric Appliances on trial for thirty days to young men and older persons who are afflicted with nervous debllity,lost vitallty,etc, guaranteeing speedy relief and complete restoration of vigor and manhood. Also for Itheumnllsm, Neuralgia, Paralysis, Liver and Kidney difficulties, Ruptures and many other diseases. Illustra ted pamphlet sent free. Address Voltaic licit Uo Marshall, -Michigan. uci. .'8, 'Bi-iy liuckboni IleniH. The entertainment recently given by the school under the supervision of Mr. Charles Smith was a succe.-s. Mr. Smith intends to locate, in Lee-County, 111.,- soon. He leaves muny warm friends in this community. Mr. Charles Dcitrich lias returned trom a visit to Vermont. Mr. Charles Moore has again taken up Ids abode here, his school In Afton having closed. Our merchant, Bruce Vanliew bus now removed to Ids new store. Hev. M. L. Sinyser P. Ei will preach In M. E. Church, on Saturday evening and Sun- lay morning. Hev. 0. . Savldge bus re- turned from Conference. Mr. Lloyd Folk Is attending commercial College at Poughkeepsie, New York. Sudden Ueatli. On Saturday morning Inst Mrs. J. (1. Mont gomery with her daughter Jiad just stepped into the store of Mr. E. Creger on the corner of Mahoning and Mill street to purchase some articles and while there stated to her daugh ter who was with her that she felt very sick. She sat down on u chair for a minute or two and then arose to go home, hut had hardly taken three steps before she fell insensible nud was caught in her daughter's units. A physician was immediately summoned who, when he had felt her pulse pronounced her dead. The sudden taking off of this so well known and highly esteemed lady sent a thrill through the community. Mrs. Montgomery was the daughter of the late Judge Cooper, an eminent lawyer In his day, and relict of Hon. John G. Montgomery , who in the year 1857 represented this district In thu Congress of the United States, nnd fill a victim that year to what is known hi History us the Washington National Hotel poisoning. She was a well read and Intelligent lady, of a pleasant disposition, n deyoted mother, a kind neighbor uud sincere Christian. Bhe w ill be much missed, not only by her Im mediate relatives, but by il large circle of sympathizing friends. She was buried on Tuesday last In the Grove Cemetery In this place. Jlim ltlt Inltlliyenetr. JackHou HllverH. We notice that Mr. T. W. Smith is getting material ready preparatory to milling some more improvements to Ids already commo dious farm house. Mr. Smith Is one of our enterprising farmers, ami believes In keep ing pace with the Improvement of the times. Ex-Judge Derr has been confined to his room for several days, being iiicapaclated hy u severe cold. Joseph Hedllue Jr. who has been opera ting with his portable saw mill on the timber tract of Mathcw Mcllenry forseveral months past Is about finishing up bis contract. Wu have not learned where he Intends locating next. Mrs. L. A, German who has hem sick for several days, is again convalescent. Business must he booming ut A. J. Derr's store. Humor has it that he lutiuds to add to Ids clerical force after April 1st. If honesty and Integrity is necessary to success, Juck has the proper requirements, Our community was startled it few days since by the announcement that Mr. Ira Kline of upper Greenwood had died very suddenly. Mr. Kline was u good clllen, a kind father and an exemplary christian, The widow nnd children have the sympathy of the community in their bereavement. The schools In Jackson have nil closed their winter term. In most of thu districts we had No 1 schools. Mr. S. W. Mcllenry who has taught t uccesslvely for a period of nearly ii quarter of a century, Is very well liked and seems to retain that enthusiasm that most trachers lose after being In bur nt ss for a period of years. By referring lo the Itipubltcam ti few issues idiico we notice a correspondent from Jack, pou who signs his name "Pilgrim," writing up the particulars of William Bobbins' wed. ding and says Ids sister Emma had been keeping house for him, but hud now re. turned home, nud finishes up by wondering who she will keep house for next. Some one at my side suggests that the next per son Eniinn peels potatoes for will be for "Pilgrim." Wu notice that Samuel Bellas has udded another horse to his team In lieu of the one he lost soiuu I hue since, Sam can hold . , , .... fhcep-bklii us dose to the seat us uny Gran, ger in Jucksou, Moiik Anon, mi olllce law. He Is n gentleman of cibic.illnii nnd ability, am lil.s earnest application uud Integrity of character promise much for hhn In Ihe fit litre. His olllce Is In the building formerly occupied by II. J. Hccdcr as n justice's olllce. A RiiMiii llllillcal ItL-wai-il. I lie publishers of W' Monthly olTcr ten valuable rewards in their MontHu for April, nmniig which Is thu following t uo win give lyxu.oy in gold lo the person telling us which Is thu middle verse In the New Testament Scriptures by April 10th, loan ... ... i . iocs, nuouiii iwo or more correct answers be received the leward will be divided. The money will bu forwarded to tho winner April Kith, 1882. Persons trying for tin reward must send 20 cents In silver (m posiage stumps tiiKcii) Willi their answer, for which they will receive thu May Monthly, m which Ihe name and address of (he win. ner of the reward and the orrvct answer will be published. This mav he worth $20.00 to you; cut It out. Address Her i.Kixm Pcm.isitixo Company-, Easton, I'enna. If the lady who reads this card when In want of Spool Cotton will ask for the "O. N T." bhe will obtain tin very best thrcud made, Ask for Clark's 4 O. X. T " Motion and see thai you get It. ror sale by all leading dealers. I'erHoiiul. Wlllatu L. Mauiilng, of Jackson, will be absent from liome for about three weeks at. tending to business In Rochester, N. Y. Hev. W. W. Evans preached bis farewell sermon as Presiding Elder of this district, on Sunday evening. He lias removed to his new field at Berwick. J. E. Vaniialta, Ihe Berwick jeweler, spent Sunday In town with his parents. Paul E. Wirt Esq. will remove his law of- tlee to room No. 2 on the second lloor of the new Cot.r.MiuvN building, on Ihe 1st of April. Dr. J. C. Hotter has been confined to ids bed for nearly two weeks past. L. E. idler Esq has moved Into Ihe Jesse Shannon house on Third street. F. I). Denller has been conllned to the house bv Illness this week. lames W. Dilley who has been attending the Normal school here for thu past year, returned lo his home in Iowa on Tucsdav. Chailes W. Scott of Wllllamsport was in town on Tuesday. He Is general agent for Ivlson, Hlukcman, Taylor it Co. of New- York, one of Ihe largest publishing bouses in the country, their speciality being Web sler's Dictionary, and educational works. Z. A. Butt returned from Florida this week. He presented us with a half dozen line oranges picked by himself in the sunny south. Elmer E. Moyer came home on Wednesday for a short visit. He Is conducting u drug store at Hugliesvllle. Zchiilon Bobbins' new house on Hock street Is fast approaching completion. Sam uel Shalfer Is the builder. Col. A. D Seely, superintendent of thu painting di4. rtnient of the Bvrwick car shops, was in town last Saturday, on biisl ness. Death to rats, roaches mid ants; Pausdn ExTKiiMtMAKiu. Barns, granaries and house holds cleared In a single night. No fear of bad smells. Best and cheapest vermin killer In the world. Sold everywhere. Hazel Klrkv." This picturesque domestic drama which is to bu produced at the Opera House on Monday evening April 3d by the famous New York Madison Square Theatre Com pany, was lately spoken of by The Chicago hitcr-Ocean as follows i "A story as simple ns a gnrlitnd of autumn leaves, and ns delicately beautiful, makes of Hazel Kirke" u charming play. Over the mind sometimes steals the quiet Influence of fanciful revery, when memory nnd imagi nation blend in thu creation of pictures not all complete nnd perfect Unit delight, soft en, uud make better the man. Dreams they niny be, thnt reason can dispel ns a breath dissipates the filmy clouds a part of them. Hut there Is rest in them. Then1 is pleasure. A mingling of pathos and joy silently and unconsciously. Such is the im pression experienced listening to the story and witnessing the action of 'Hael Kirke.' Hunuitig quietly along, over nu even wav, among shadows nnd In sunshine, iimld smiles uud teurs, mil never ttirtmleut, never hursli. never rugged, the piece awakens a sense more nearly akin to thu feeliug of reverie than uny play we have ever seen. Its vlcls. Itildcs, its sorrowful phases, its lessons of wrong, arise from the attributes of moral right (or moral duty) and of love. There Is nowhere nu Immoral act, there is no where u crlmu to be atoned for, there is no 1)11:11), no trickster, no schemer. Every phase and condition of the play Is pure, lean, good. Thu single departure from the kindly course, the Incentive of the Interest ing, dramatic and emotional properties of the play, Is the resolute, obstinate will of a plain, honest, good old man, who nckons duty above every other earthly consideration. There Is an indescribable grace, a wordless charm about the play that cannot bu woven into n synopsis more than the colors of a violet can bu resolved by the chemist. Hazel Kirke' has a strong hold on Chicago." r The great superiority of DR. i BULL'S COUGH SYRUP over allothercough remedies is attested I by the immense popular demand for that old established remedy. For the Cure of Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, Croup, Asthma, Bron chitis, Whooping Cough, Incipient Consumption and for the relief of consumptive persons in advanced stages of the Disease, For Sale byall Druggists. Price, 25 cents. Nor, t, Ml dii HUSIN1-SS N0TICIJS. Lutz it Sloan have a large stock of Indies and chlldreus' hose cheaper than ever. Havo you taken a look ut I hose Mother lliihlmrd'K collars at 1. , ll.irlinan's? See them in the cast window, More new fi luges, gimps incuts Ac ut Lutz tt Sloan's. I ends, nrna Huvu you seen I, W, dishes for Hist of April'r' IIui Ilium's new I Lutz it Sloan u celled thu ui rli h l,,r,r,, II n,.n,iinuiii it ..I,......! i . b iippwi mum im iiii'iivii mum imm in huh ii it ss than they had ever hem sold ul. Cull ,,,id see them. John ( . Yneiini Eq , will open In Calawlssa for Ihe practice of Have you looked nt I. W. Iliirtmnn's fine marselllcs. (Jullls and counterpanes for I Itcillall.liig thu blood Is absolutely ueccs. snry for the cure of general di Mill v, weak, ness, lassitude, oVc. The besrcnrlcfier of the 1. 1 I l ! .. iiiiHHi is jron irs iron inuers. ror dress silks, trimming sllk, watered siiks, iirocade silks, satins or W, of unv Kind call at LtitZiV Sloan's. Have loll had an cie In biiilinf ul I. W. Iliirtnian's one of those M cent connler- panes? Hnve ou feci! I. W. Harlinan's nice ere tonnes, ir, cents. 22 cents and 28 cents. I'Ot'NI) AT LAST. U'1,.,1 ......... l...l.l i...... i i.. ,.,,. i., i j iiiiu nuuiiiu iiuvi-, iiiiiini:iri III' without, is Thomas' Eclcctrfc OH. It Is thorough and safe In Its elici ts, producing the most wondrous cures of rheumatism, neuralgia, bums, lirulses, nnd wounds of every kind. Go lo W. E. Geddls, Hallroad street for general collection of preen linnsi. mul Iiml ding plants, :t-m A set of linnet's tools for mile by Stephen lvnorr. also a pair oi ;iii men squaring pel sors. Will be sold cheap. march 17 -If A ItEKOVATlSn IIRMHDV Is lo be found In Burdock Blood Bitters, As antidote for sick headache, female weak ness, lilllotisness, Indigestion, constipation, mill other diseases oi a Kindred nuitire, these hitlers nre llivaiuiililc. men 'i.isi. HUrJII'IIAM. Mrs. Selgfrled, Marlon, O., says Thomas' r.ciectric on was irtiimiuiani in ncr case; he used It for a severe cold and p.iln lus'ule, nnd was relieved in a te,w minutes. mcrlcau watches in hiintinir and oiien face cases, all grades of key uud stem winders, warranted for live rears, and prices low. Call at L. Bernhard's Jewclrv Store. My son, need nine vcurs, was alllicted with Catarrh: thu use of Ely's Cream Balm elfected a complete cure. W . E. Ilamman, Drug gist, haston, Pa. Philadelphia. March 1. 1881. Messrs. Elv Bros., Druggists, Owcgo, N. Y. Gents: About Oct. 1, 1880, I gave your Cream Balm n trial with thu most satisfactory re sults. I was troubled with Chronic Catarrh and gathering In my head, was very deaf ut times nnd hud discharged from my curs be sides being unable to breathe through my nosej before the second bottle of your remedy was exhausted I was cured and to-dav en. Joy sound health, for which please accept my sincere uiaiiKS. u. .1. Lonuni, u-'.i i hcstnut street. Field Mummer, Philadelphia Pub. House. Price 50 cents. Go to W. E. Geddls. ltallrouil street for early vegetable plants, of all varieties, fl-in now vow! WHAT is tr? The meat svstein renovator is Hurdnrlr Blood Hitters. Trv it and bu eonvlnei'il. Price 1 .00. Pianos, organs, and all wood musical in- struinents.cleiined, tuned, and repaired. New hubs put on bows. T. Methercll, Hloomsburg. Want Prime Cloverseed nnd fiOO biislie' i of Potatoes at Silas Young's, Light Street. bell. 2-1 4-w For liirlitncss. whiteness and rich flavored bread go to J. F. Caldwell. Rheumatism, disordered blood, general de blllty, and many chronic dismscs pronounc ed Incurable, nre often cured by Brown's Iron Bitters. C. W. Low of OruiiKcville Is paving forlv cents per lb. for butter. -If SOC1KTV 1IKM.ES. On account of its remarkably delicate and astiug fragrance society belles nre loud in heir praises of Floreston Cologne. Fine clover seed and timothy seed for sale by Silas Young tit Light Street, mar 174.W ANNOYANCE AVOIDED. Gri'V hairs are honorable but their prema ture appearance is annoying. Parker's Hair Balsam prevents the annoyance by promptly restoring the youthful color. Messrs. Kniily it Pealer havu leased the "Hulmes Mills" at Benton. Columbia County Pn. nnd arc manufacturing nnd dealing in till kinds of Hour, feed, and grain. Are prepared to furnish dealers, etc., on short est notice, nt lowest prices. Wheat Hour a specialty. The manufacturing &c, will have the personal attention of Mr. Joe Kuelly, and tho excellent Hour etc. he has been making for the past few years cannot be surpassed. Delivered nnywherc. RUSSIAN WITE OATS. At Mover Bros'. Write for prices. Citn supply nny quantity, wholesale nnd retail. Dr. Fra flier's Rout Bitters. Frazier's Hoot Bitters are not a dram-shop whiskey beverage.lmt arc strictly medicinal in every sense. 1 hey act strongly upon the liver and Kidneys, Keep the uoweis open ami reguliir.make the weak stroiic.heul the lungs. build up the nerves and cleanse the blood ami system of every impurity. For dizziness, rush of blood to the hcml, tend ing to apoplexy, dyspepsia, fever mid ague. drops3',pimplesand blotches, scrofulous hu mors and sores, tetler.ring worm, white swell. Imr.crvslnclns. son eves nnd for munir men suffering from weakness or debility caused from imprudence, and to females In diiicatu health, Frazier's Hoot Bitters are especially recommended. Dr. Frazler : I have used two bottles of Hoot Bitters for dyspepsia, dizziness weak ness, and kidney disease, and they did mu more good than the doctors, mid all The medi cine I ever used. From the llrst dose I took I began to mend, nnd I nm now in perfect health, anil feel ns well ns I ever did. I con sider your medicine one of the greatest of blessings. MHS. M. MAHT1N, Cleveland, O. Sold by ull druggists everywhere at il per but lie. UKXltYk CO., sole J'ro.'n C2 VttcuM. New York, PILES! PILES! P.LES! A Sure Cure l-'oiuul lit I.itHt! N One Need SullVr ! A sure cure fur blind. bleeding, itcnlng and ulcerated piles has been discovered by Dr. William, fan Indian remedy.) called Dr. Wil- Ham's hiillun Ointment. A single box bus cured the worst chronic cases of 25 or !10 years standing. No onu need suffer live minutes utter applying mis wonueriui sooiii. Ing medicine. Lotions Instruments uud elec tuaries do more harm than good. William's Ointment absorbs tho tumors, allays the In tense Itching, (particularly at night after get. ting warm in bed,) nets us a poiiltlcc.glvcs In stant and painless riilef,nml is prepared only ior piles ivc, ami lor uotiiing else. Head what Hon. J. M. Cofllnberrv of Cleve. land says about Dr, William's Indian Pilo Ointment i I have used scores of pile cures, ami ii uiioriis mu pleasure 10 say that i nave. never lound anything widen gave me such immediate and permanent relief as Dr. Wil liam's Indian Ointment. For side by nil druggists or mulled on re. celpt of price, $1,00. BEN KIT tit CO.. rrop'ri, 02 Vesey St., New York, SKIN DISEASES CURED By Dr. Fruzler's Muglc Ointment. Cures If by muglc. pimples, black beads or grubs, blotches uud eruptions on the fucr, leaving thu skin clear, heullhy nud beautiful. Also cures Itch, barber's Itch, suit rheiiin.let ter, ringworm, scald head, chapped bunds, snro nippies, sore lips, om onsiuuile ulceis nnd sores, &o. SKIM DISEASE. V. Drake, Esq., Cleveland, O., suffered be yoml till description from a skin dlscn-c which appeared on in haiiiis,heiiil and face, und neurly destroyed his eyes. Tho most careful doctoring fulled In blip hlin.uud idler ull had fulled lie used Dr, Eraier's JIuglo iJinimeiu rum was cured iiy a lew tippiicu Hons. MThe llrst mul only positive cure for fcklu diseases over discovered. Bent by mall on receipt of price. 60 cents. HENRY & CO., Sole Prop'rs, 03 Vksky Sr.. Nkw Yoiik. For blind, bleeding, Itching or ulcerated piles 1)11. MII.I IAM'S INDIAN I'll.K OINIMKST Is II sure cure. Piice $1.00 by mall, For sale by all Druggists. rphEASt'HEH'S HALE JL OK 1 Nsl'.ATHD LANDS IN COLl .Mill A COI NTY, PA. Ii.v viri le ',fs u d-y i.ctsot llio tlcncrnl Assoia. My ut lli I'utii no iwemili of leniisylvanU rcla t.nir to tin- nl' .f s-stul ni utuoite I lanrts in tlieoiiii'i ot Cjliiiulilii, etc., for luxes One and iipal 1. 1 will oner a; imbllo iwilo In llio Court llouto, In tliu town ot liloomsbur?, on tlio second .MONDAY OI'.U NE, A. I). 1882. l ten o'clock h iii. the tollunliig descrllK'd eleecs nt In ml, or such lull liieirnl as mar bp nccp.ssnrr to xiMryilin ntiDJit of Lues due and unpaid I'tfidtisl tho Mine, slid continue tho same from ii.i) in itii) us l lie mino niny bo found nrrcstnry, miMS Ot-' KAt.l'. Tlio nil, on t. of nnd costs must bo mld wliu th l mil Is struck orr, or the. tale mny bo vo:d otd the propi ity nut up nnd resold. lll.'AVKItTUWNrtUII', 1 Lot ll-s ler Chailes. a ' lienvcr Jisso... 3 ' llrockway I' II.., a? 1 13 1 13 I IM i ; to I ii I M IWI S l n no 1 13 84 1 S3 ;i t ;o T.3 ) 1 hi, 31 lift SI 8 S'i 3 I'S 0 O 'J 9 IS 1 V3 1 1 1.1 1 13 C3 S3 t i:i t-3 QCriS IllOtkWU) i; ii, . Ml llruckwiu I! II. so ;d n N 4'M lit! C II)-. I AblK) t. Itakir .liicub sr utilizer (,' .1 lots null K l'ner I " llorfart Mury 1 " lloyerKs , I seres ILiker House 3in ( Liik- Andrew 1 I its CroMlug Patrick n " Oititner.lolin A ' l.'li.ules stiiuu I " Onion Manas 1410 (Mttitnulii .V. Iron Co.,,.. iw ' Cox i- s Kx Trench Cox sji , ;a " Sl, u .. ii . 4U HO ' slots Dillus.loMali I'lanstnn A Fry W S wacrrs Kinder Hindi in " 11,'arlmrt Daniel lion (learlurl I ham M sues llHiiek .lini'dliin M IlimU.lolin i lots llarner It .liiil r 3 ' lloirman Kl'zi H ' limit K.I t lleni v (leorifH S 3D 1 ss ;s I Hi I 1.1 T.3 I III as t St S.I S3 1 13 iS 3 III J 30 ; .M 3 73 .3 ; -i I Ml 16 1 Ml .0 1 ss 1 13 .1 73 1 30 5 10 I ftO b IK) Si 1 13 t l:t I 13 6 DI 7.3 3 S3 01 It 1 M 1 13 S Ml isoncics lllnderiltrr Sa'oli K not. Kline A 1 acres Knecht I'tler Slots KochlerdeorgoJ lo acres Lynn Jacob 3 lots l.iwrcneo W H 'i I'W s Krink I in acres Miller Juuu is Mnn(anT.i leu .Mclievnotds II W lul " .Mlnlch conred luo " Mlnlcli llenlainln 4 lots .Marten wttllain 1 ' Mondiv John I40a"res Ntingcsscr Samuel 140 " Kur.Ketscr (leinto ft ' I'lttersonJC 3 " Prim Clarence 91 " Itlrn (lenririi t 3 B lots IttMltllll'llI .S imild ti Co . no acru4Neppunm l.sor I K 50 " slriuinu ( furies A km " siiiunnn F I it lots :i ' smith I W s Mi'ck J J 3 Scott I'utu- im nertij Mewart Willi in..,. x lois vision it k il " Vo'kennidc.I i'lil acres West II M Cout it Iron Co . n iuuj n ei zei u s , 3 " Wood Muustus 8J hcrea Wiiieler William IIISNTOX Hacroi l pplftnan Peter i statu 43 Alliertson Cleniuel r.n " Oiilniitioii Aici ihTeiseil ... 1 lot lULer I.liu 11 acres Ash Mnr 11 " Kltuo John heirs '. S3 ' WIPs John 1I1IIA11CIIEEK. tft 1 SO 4 Ml )s looncr'H Apple Paul S 10 5 :.'J i 01 1 (13 t SI 1 01 S l4 i: :io :: to .3 1 ftl 3 Tft i t; 4 SO M t 0 ii'i : ;s s 47 1 43 SI 5 (Ii 7 SO 5 VO 93 73 l T4 Sil 1 05 71 1 Ml "7 1 SO I 114 ft 10 14 Nl 4 91 CS 4 44 II It I', 31 5 fll 7i 1,1 IV) .iiu-res iwjwiiidii .lei-se., on lilMi nouii-n llrtuui w , J estate .... llrvun llmr lirlUtui Tiirmns Cle ii W J Hev Di t )'. Peuler ,v stewait.. no JU.0 suo 1511 100 SJ) SI 41 41 111 14 10 I vans Km I eh Fooler Olllieit i ,, KreiK JcRrn uouek Sfiu'iel Illeks Jcii' .. Ileadley s V cttnfe . .1 I'Ohy OA.... KUnerJolin SlMCkliouso Joseph . 11 US 1,1 s 101 800 S00 ti 101 Kemp DodIlI Kllr.irer l.lzzle 3ii " Minflr Pavld estate in Mnekhouse ,t aimer ion Sdnelerly (leorira ' 4 ' Stout Nathan llio " Spont-y Phllln " Trail ;li I'cnry estate CMTAWISSA. 34 " llrobst J S ion " Clnwell Jacob . no; " Dornbacli .Marirelt 3C9 " Klace ,v Yuttrr ss; Keluerltob-it ' 3G ' Nenell l'red 1 ' Sliuman r.euben 3 " Weaver Ellas ' 8 " KruniKliiB leu " Martin Wm J lw lots Scott Ueorgo estato t ' Shuler Mrs Sarah 3', a-res Waters Oeorso Sr .'.....! CENTItALIA. Oa IlLnn Daniel 1 Id's t " 1 ' I ' 1 i .. I ii 1 " s-s s o 7 M) (J) 0 ( VO s oj 3 SO 7 CD 7 VII 3 80 SO 03 3 VO 7 IU I! SO 13 'O 1 SI t V0 4 90 1 10 IS 40 I VO I (10 r,o s '.'o 3i 70 3 S 3 b) s ;j vs 79 3J .1 Si Vll 1 "3 I II 3 til V0 3'i I 01 01 iiiannicK Ann .lane Conner -lln mis Clark Bridget . . curlrv Mrs Ed Ituikln Mrs Ai.thouy Erwln'lhomas OnuBhen Thomas (laniilieii .Martin l.'orrell A- Co Howelh Tliomis Iletfran Pnltlp llotmR Thomas .... Kline Carollno Knlttla Joseph Lelm-li nnd Slationy It It Co Moran John Murphy I'atilck " "., MaikH (leorgij Mcllannanu i Mrs I'e er ", Mcliarlty Mary Mtrrhon mm ath , Mlllirdo HAJnoW Former . l'ureell Illcliard Snlth Sunuel Tnrrey WUhani Walsh Martlr .'Bier William Clf.NTKE. -.'lucres Adams Fnrs I ft - Achenbaeh Samu-I ft," ubjpii iieujtmln 1 let llirndJohn 33 acres Co nr il J M F .V. W I,...!...' 3 ' (iood Jacib estate '.' .a " llagenlmch Wllllan .' ) """-'"bueh William Srestatf.. 31 llotirmin Wllll-mibtate 1 lot Hess William , ... 3 acres Lonerey Mnion 1 lot llffci Knits ft acits Keener Daniel ','. CONYNMIAM. (j lots on lirockwny a .. i. .. i. 11 " 1 ' llr'sellmi lli-mard '" 4 nacres llrnnn Nathaniel 4W Ileum Jiirlma s lots llrady Julia Heaierl'alliarlae 4 " l ano Mien I ' Davis ThuiMh " I'rlesbach l.HMs s " (ioodiiun llosannuh 3 " llelnbaeh Philip Its acres II titon.ljtin.. 1 lot llcnnc&ey Thunns 1 ' lloinehaeh Marv H 4 " lleliv'tf Ituchel svft acres Kilno Jihii I 1 lots Kramer A 11- 111 S I 8 HI S I SS M Ii 30 S13 4S0II0 s;s ii-j 3 40 3" I 03 40 s ;o 31 3S 71 W SS 3i il 50 :,9 S 73 Vi 13 9 04 13 S11 Sill I 11 Sl.3 Jones (ienrutf Lclby dth.ulrie Morrison Calhirlao -Murphy c (I Mcllulro Toiienee Mc.Mannaman Mary Morris Ann II Mellon Tiomos fnnmi, Inl.n 1 (G SM acres N V M c K It It c "l Co.. )()3 ' ,t .. 3ia i u .i ,, 3'HI 04 fill 40 347 (W Husteu Mary.. .. Uatcn Thorn is . 1114 IN) 43 SO S7S 1 s I lot urn acres Krlen Jacob (il 60 111 Ml S.-.9 V0 i " You '1,'Jolii KiSllISll CUEKK SO teres Mlogar John , sss 41 HuckalawJ M Jlllsh Iteuba i.,. DityroilerA-Httittari. 4t 10,) 3)1 411 30 21 SO 11 AO sm 3 m 1333 9 II I 1 18 ft r,i Protdi -r Ju'in I)aWiKI.i-etuL Iluleh son Thomas ,1 .... Ilonman x Kicas Iluhn Wlhlam Harrison John Ilirrhon lohn 1 cs 43 S ill h l) IS no 1 34 7 9 SI'S 8 VI a V ll iiunsinijer Anthony .. K i amer a M 4 33-iiu Kramer M .11 yno Klnl ,li It II A- Ui 8 90 as) 315 140 " Oil fli til ' IW 111 1.3 SS " t man Tlmmuu 'elleiryOIIA Piuilil., rea'er (.coihm lllelinriH I on Is liolibliiH Win A While C II Voimif Philip .4iier John SO asa ava 3 s) ' is ao oa 1 93 KHAN KLIN. Cleaver Wi lllngton I lower Mosis Wrlk'HtK II UHEENWOOn. 41 CO 31 a 40 S3 uo 04 acres Mbertson Mips & Hartley, so 3 71 ill T S3 1 40 40 nerr iruiu ltedlluu llenjuiiln Hletllu Mlward Viinhorii James , V.itidcrllooTJ 13 m si 40 HEMLOCK lsa-roi AppleiiiHn Wm .i so Campbell N l. I " Hobblns Zebu-on....M 41 " Whi.t-'ulifhtOetrireJr, .. JACK40N. &o acres Kil''k (leoigo a so" " lui " lless Ilenj4iiilu . a acru Ml. ler & ,u hurt I I'l 4 4 I IO S tO 4G) 31 10 10 33 I 39 ISO ..J I 4i 90 10 M 10 I3 Kwrr William 3 SI II 4 su ii Kell r J It l .. IwU Theo Ii rn MHIi rllur lea w u Mcllenry Itohr io t sr. sofli rrrs millnsfon tlharlos . . mi ' Ixttnrt (leiirjie '.'' " Hvih ut .Inliti 40 " l-'islii r .roliti fta C4 " (leraKht Thomai . si Kiltie John I Ins " " " 93 " Iliiuhcs WfUht ... 33 " Longenbergcr Hilllp Son " Mej era Mary son 1 Hasten Mry '.ii " " lliailottn Vi) ' Remolds John nm HtnionHioinns nu ' Heeso Daniel 4.1 " silno Daniel 1.1 " sintlcr Henry luo " snjder J.TCiiilah MAD'soy, voncicsltc(lilil.I.icol)' sft " cox Joel , , Soil " Hi es Charles W 3.3 " Hcmlerstiott K M Kelloy i;crett, si ' llrockway A-Knt .... Ilo ' Poinb.ich John .... s:m Powalt Plilllp .. H) ' PcmicrsnmiiclC PJSI a in 7 4 1 S3 fl TO 73 ; m IB )1 II 3 91 sua 3 92 89 3 70 8 VI 81 1 4S 1 00 a '8 1 10 VI 13 1,3 1 II) IS I M 114) I 10 I III I lo I 34 ft l!0 ai t it Ml 3 S3 fa !M 430 4 l 74 14S 390 :io 74 690 so; f,9 3 90 4 43 SCI 1 77 a ut 90 i 14 4 14 91 11 30 a SO Miio 1163 43 1 SO 4C3 1 83 itiimeii i-nristiaii MOKcr.Mlch el .Monti Dai lei I'ennock () U A Co- Sl.lllll.iu Win T Hi iinnn Itciilwn smeck, Hrots, otter ,V llnuck siijder Jo'in 43 I 171 ' im'i " i sniiier Aorain 13" " Yetter Daniel cut i " Mwnfl7,Miep)ACo..f MIFFLIN. i.-s acres iiiiictiiH'nai-r iacou.. ft Helser !-iat,lcltneit lo " llcndcrthoitcaihrlcc... si) " Kroner A w i', " MenilnLvr Win . I ' lchaelJohn loo Xungesser (Icoro .. n.'. Patks Leonard 4 " Mvanks II lsj " f.i'hivi )pcnln larr I K so ' IK race . .. S3 " ' UP 13 Ulllbmi sunuel I' " Yolie John It MUN l'OL'll. nincniiHrockivavA: ttnt, .., Is O j,'cr ltariiur.1 H " ' .loll it est 1 1 I.elby Jsiksnn 40 Ne.ii Wli lain s " Hainsoy ist MOUVT TLEaBANT. to acrai'iy liupcrt 33 " Walter 1) I . ;.... OHANUE no acn Hon mm Wesley s creTellii(,'Simu-l ., 19 " Kvrettn Uriel ist fl " Klrk.l !' PIN'E. S33 acres llirt n Kit S3 Hroibli'lls Abraham 1 1)' Kiesii W - SS3 acres Kilcl: (leorira A. 3 30 a Sft is lass .4 so 33 80 10 a3 AO 3 34 M 30 131 I 31 Itni 30 S3 s 30 80 luo SJ 3) S3 S3 FrlckA: I'i?t:utU i-eaMT i nomas tlreenly Jamis (iordnir lonii'haii.. Khncr Datl.l Lyons It W Miller ,c Colo Hobblns I) stnt'iii ik " Jo-eph . Vaiidersllcc '1 hos .... ItOAHIVOCKKllK lio acies Arf.HU I'ranrls 4 VO 147 IU ISO M9 VI l',3 83 1SV.I 10 S3 1 3S ft 90 a 07 i ; i in 1310 M 117 3SO 4S'2 42 SI 93 SI a io (3 3 SO SI SOI 41 1 03 AOI 1 71 l :is I 3S 21 3.3 43 90 30 4 0.3 1 60 S4 13 90 IK) lft 1 OS 01 90 1.3 08 USD I IIS S3 CO S0C3 si SO P S3 JOS 17 il) Sin) S90 10 30 1 90 5 44 41 30 I 31 IS 10 89 13 31 1 90 30 00 ' 40 " 10." " ti " so v. .. 37 1 " S3I " III Seo " i 1s IS III) ' 41 " 10O I'S ' 141 ' 19 " 43 " 9 ' 100 " 31 " 40 " 40 ' 110 Is SI 47 " 1 SO ' 3 " 42 ' imchner I'eter Parns Thorn is J l'llshJacub ... ll?AVrllniKOJL KIIim Cjnfalr,v. Hire CocS 's Trench Cox.. Iiiijplaui' L'cklc. Fettrrinan . llcrblnc. Filck ,v M.iunan. . . Little l.nUit ... . Huston John Miller Ellas ... .Morris Hughes -Melllngton William Hlco ".brum '". Itaub J Miller skite Harry..... . . .." 'I i ton Jacob Wltchey Mary est . . Wltchv .Iihn Yocain Imuc Yocum L'lljih t-C )I T. S acres Hoon Aoron 1 lot crouso Nelson a acres CreasyMarl ha 1 lots Uttsmger .Msrth.i 1 " llldliy Mary a acres Jones William 83 Krcssler John . . 1 nt Jones llariey I ' MuilleyWm l acres 5terlll Jess . 7 .. s ' Mips'cman jos ' . If. " McKilvv Neat Co 3 ' Ilucklo Wesley 4 lots sntdeiniu Tno 1 shannon Jess-s K " John Eekroth sroAHLOAi-. Ml acres Hellas Wm 3) " 192 Hucknlew .lains estate. Colo Fcklel Chiiplu John F Custer Marv Htss Josepli0 Hess Crcveilng ,V. Co. . .. llrst Wesley 84 S30 ' 7.3 Si " 183 ' 1(119' f 119" S..I19' 19 " llatttnan .lesso Ijirlsh .lano Mcllenry Itoh' 1 1 an y A A J F Harvey Alvln A Stephens Amu nviiifn Joshua estate.. Yapel Henry 14 300 " 94 " 4 " 97 ' rpitKASniKIt'S SAI.K I OP SE.VTKI) LANDS IN COl.rMUIA C'OrX- TV. PA. Alo thp f jllowlnir loti. nieces, ami nf seated landi, relumed by tho tut collectors, are loDeso.'ini mo same i mo unuer the Drovisions of nu Act of sscmt)ly, emitted. -An act relating to the silo of 'nnds for tax In Columbia co inly," approied March 3th, I stc. tlEAVElt TOWNSHIP, 1 Lot MacfTeeJoho t 3 3 1 M.rtlll Wm 1 u ij acresshcrman Thomas s in i im, nouman i ranK l so lone esLOico J A Agent (140 1 Lot " " " i ii I " Sweeney Isaac , 1 so s " selpt A II 3 so 4 ' HarnesChirles It 5 so 1 " Kramer 15 L, c:i IlBSTONTOrtNnlUP. - l Lot Albertson Samuel It l so 10 ncres llngart Siniuel ni 4 " ikeier K It t so 5 Lot lleacick Samuel 3 5o llLOOMSUllltll. 1 Let Krutnv tidrew 4 tl " Dennis .lames estate lis i " Ortwlne Henry 3 30 l " wimcr Frol." i 7o " Verry Win esMte -i so s " W alter No'man 4 so CATAWISSA TQW.SSHII'. 1 Lot Arndt Noah , a so 1 Abbott W II 1 so I " " ' " 1 so " llarnos Mrs A U 1 si II acres lllehel .lonatlisn estate s 84 vo " lllttenhender Charles 11 on co " scotl John s 40 CENTItALIA t Lot Cramer AW 15 r.o I - .McDonnell Aulhoney 13 70 C()NV.M1I1M. 1 Lot llrown William ts 1 " Dolan .Ma'v 1 70 1 " 1 luderinmli lleorge 93 S " " " I 80 1 ' Murphy Michael 9-1 l'lSIIINOCHKtK. 7 acres llelehrand William 3 ii lait Larlsh AS m a acres Nej hard John obi 1 Lot M111IU corutllus i m (IHHHXWOJl), U 1 acres Hii-h ird Alfro I 5 so I L'lt Pllklllgl'ili i-it m I - Kv.-s Gil di 03 Is acres He. ler .lames d eiusiil 9J is KWier llanuah k 40 40 " Kur-e Lemuel 1 13 I Lot Kltzro-a'd Klltabdlb 44 5 scre-t M tuning w 11 33 u " Kllnxl-uxtoms-ate 51 4 " II si 1mm 4 I Lot - " 84 II acres VandrsliceT J 01 I lot Crnwfjrd 1 hlllp , ? IIKMLOCK, S3 acroi ll irun Newton 1 jj il ' Knne.- W llllam 7s ' 10I sh eui iter M (i 5 no 1 acre Hobblns Zibullnn 3 JACKS i.N. 3 acres i'latt Hannah JU 3.1 " You-gU'iMiC no Louts r. s seres Hh ides s i'ai 4 ut MAD SJ. 1 Lot M111I0 sa t0 acres Hves Cliiih i. W 1 as iw " " ' " M 69 smith 1) Utchard l it IM I'riiinbower A 1 is 73 1 lot Welllvvr siuan estito ii MimtN. 4', acres Aiialo lohn II j 06 1 lot Kulehner Jacob estate S ft n Miner 1 evi t s4 Uaerea Kipr Saving K11 d Ass elation.... I 44 S " '. ip. luger Henry 11 MONroi'lt. 1 Lot liu-.ier W illiam en ate 340 OltASOK. 40 acres t.veiJacoti s dm 10 coieinan J04M- j 01 a iruiuiuiu iHipuia ,.... 3 04 i nnian ,ioun , 40 s " lltce Jesso p , ( (,3 11 i,uq dumea v&uiiu ,,, , 943 PINE. i acres oreibieiits tacob estate (31 ureioicon km , .. .& so 11 Kllnu Patterson 13 m to Ktlclnn Alfoid " II ' n iA-uit ,x riuu..., g 84 iii 110 OiinsjnsUUl. .,...,, , It 43 ou lucuieuaeoi) si l-arker John II sis 44 '.' WattsAP .""!., : . ,..... I to HOAIIINd CRKBK vi ajres i.evau i.iiwsjn ,, a 13 3sl ' siiul nburjerT... 11133 icjrr l.V, acres Hlchart Win 1 Campbell N u 9 00 blOAHIajAK. 10 acres Colo T II si " Albert-nil J-vt . . 1 lot iliiimiii Mimr 4 acres 11 .s- 1 .une ti ' mimic 1 arvm 40 '' Miller l:in ,belh S loth 1 implu John I u A 1 33 1 11 It 30 1 1.3 Osboni's I'liinlly Piilnls leudy for use nre the inint convenient article of 'ihe kind, nil shades ntul colors, put up In J, J nnd pint cans. Wo furnish n pan of pnlnt nnd bnih for ai ccnls, o Snuollne Petroleum .Icllv. used for burns scalds nnd sores of every kind: It Is good und cheap. Haxollno Pomade for the hair, highly perfumed. 2.1 cents. Glycerine lotlou. To ladles und children or any person with u line sensitive skin and whose complexion Is affected bv the weather causing redness, roughness und chapping this Lotion Is invaluable. An excellent np. plication to the face nflcr shaving. Largo bottles 2.-, mul no cents. Our Stock of Hair nnd Tooth brushes bun been replenished nnd contains some gocd bargains. We carry n comnleto nnd well selected stock, nnd competent persons nre nlwavs In nttendunco to supply the 3-nnts of our put rons. We study to please, nnd believe we can supply you with everything In our line economically, satisfactorily nnd in n manner calculated to Induce to join In the verdict, that our store Is the place to trade. Hoping to see many renders of the Cot.f.MniAV nt our place of business shnrtlv nnd soliciting u share of your esteemed 'patronage, we re iniiin Very Truly Yours N. J. Henclershott. JOHN A. FUNSTON & Co. Real Estate, Trusti Investment and Collection Office. BLOOMSBURG DA. FOIl SU.E A Coal 3'ard with trade. i'Oil Incut Inn. ftt. N!r nrlep. and reasonable terms. 10 frame dwellings. Price $300 to tvsoo. s brick dwellings, l'rlco tl.ow) to IPVKW. lltltldlOL' lots, cood location, nrlcn tain tn i n.iu With Or without contr.icl In hntlrl tnimn nr hrl,L- dwellings all complete In CO or 90 days from break. 1U KIUUUU, B farms at from (to to (1 73 pc r acre. 3'j story frama woolen mill, wlih full set nf m.,. chluery, a good natural water power, all In pood nuiMUKvuuuiuuu, uia'j iiirjju ira,nu uweuiuir,narn and outbulldlngs, so ncres (f land, 5 miles to llloomsburir, will bo sold cheap and on good terms, owned by c. L. Bands. 0 acres, cood land, biillillnirn. fenres. rrnir nmi water. In licnton twp., uno mt( to New Columbus. Terms reasonable. Uivned hv Daniel ICnnner. I'rlp.. $3,000 S7ftA0res. Illirlev farm. Mnnt.nir tmcnfihln (nm. dwelling house, bank nam and other outbuildings, good soil; about 1( acres timber; well watered; nilliij Ivrj'.ill'JII, Iiririiuis, II w Hircu. Will III- vldo In two or three tracts, see drafts. Terms parv. Now owned by Wm. Neal, Ksi, 130 nrren nn ttniitli ti.inl- rtt rli.. 11 nlloo fm town of Mirtlln on road lo HerMck. 115 acres bottom land, balance timber, llrlck dwelling, bank barn nnd outbuildings, good fruit and water, (well and foun tain). Also a i-aluaolc deposit or tlvo acresot bilclc and potter s clay. Owned by Jjhn Wolf, ot Hlooms burg. Admirable HOW brick dwetllntr hn'ian nnd n liin.n framo dwelltng house nm framn stubln nn Knst street ono door below Third, Ils otlered on easy tcrnu with contracU to tnillil If desired. 93 ncres In MadUon town&hln: neiMinleri liv.Tn-.nnh Wise. Hood frame homo aod bank barn. Laud lately well hmcd and m-intired. Annie nrrhnril unit other fruits. 103 Acres In riahln?crcek tnwnKliln nn mail tn Ilentou. llrlck house, frnmo barn and sheds oood watr at house an-i barn. Apple orchard and other ruiia. uivueu uy uuu ceaier. lis Acres productive lanl In Hemlock township, l miles from Htosmsburg. Krumo dwelling, baiik burn and two tenant houses, A W Mory framo carriage and blacksmith shop, 40.WO iceton Iron near Slain street, with trado and good will. A full sot of tools In each department. Hoasonablo price and terms. A nearly now 2-xtcrr frnmn dwelling nn Vnuitli Street. Catawlsia, framo stable, good water, and fruit, all In good condition C3 acres, well watered. Ilrmlnek tnuncliln. framo houso, bank barn ui c out-bulldlngs, choice fruit, young orcb ird. with grain In ground, stcck Ac, If desired. Thomis II dijonter. Oct. 1 1, -Sl-tr JOIJ.N' A. FU.NSTON. or PAUL E.WIHT. . C. GrALIGNAN, Dmi.n.'t in STOVES, HE ATE as, and RANGES FI KB PLACE HEATERS; LOW DOWN Or HATES, CELLAR FURNACES, &o. A Foil Stock Always Kept on Hand. TIN, aud SHEET IRON WORK. I tlefv competition in this lint-, us far as "ootl work is concerned. No matter how iliilicult the job is bring it to 1110, 11 ml I will do it or ask in pay. PLUMBINGS-. Parties wtuitim; work done 111 this blanch, will do well to call 1 ml f-ee mo before Romx elsewhere. do not hire any but first class il umbers to do my work. STEAM FITTING. 1 am now ready to make esti mates and tako contracts for heal inj; private house? and public buildings by steam or hot water. GAS FIXTURES. There is alwavs a full line nf this class of goods to bo found in my store. Any that 1 have not on hand I can furnish at shortest notice, as low as city prices. ROOFING. 1 am always ready to do a uocd job of roofing nt it lair price. Ditiisiuciion guai imiecti or no ii OPERA HOUSE, at S3 A M Johnson, Treasurer