I Early Cabbages (torn Seeds Sown In the t winter. IV .JlirfWt trimlnr liVd.n At..-. ... .It.en fduml l,y repented -M".umi-ms in mo wcsttlml plants Minted in a liolbcd in February may ha mmlo to equal, mid oftentimes to surpass, those sown In open ground In tlio fall and wintered over In it cold frame. This plan lias tlio ml van- mgo or requiring much less labor, and the tllnilla ll'liii. a. ..... . . ... .... .m.,.iuui iiruimicu more rcriam to lieail Instead of ruunlnif un to si'i'd n ..in. . . . " 1 '""i "m ,rlnio plants arc very apt to do. cspco any u sianeti a little too soon, or If tho sea. son H warm and ivnt nrw om.-i.. it I.nst winter and spring were so cold and lietls started. A nelchbor fat mv former linmi. In 1 n i i . ,ul""-' llOIlle in J.R I'orte. Illd.. Rnwi'il mil 1initnu..1 in a i.otucd .March 8, the plants were out In ..U.MU U, nU Sn , 0j)(,n "UJ ' no nrst cabbages were sold "e 18, ns early as any of the wlntered-over piams were ready. Tho method of ralslnc ttuot. nln..i. i. ...... .!... " ..M ' simpie. cow llio seed In i noiucu irom February 1 to Mnrcli 1, vary. Ing nccordlng to tho season nnd the latitude. -..a auu.i i largo cnougii, probably In three or four weeks, transplant Into n spent hotbed or cold frame, In rows two or three Inches npnrt In tlio rows. As they grow gradually harden them oil by exposure to the nlr until nearly ready to set out of doors. For several days before transplanting they should be "l'oscu to we weather, day and night. If started early enough and properly hard, cued before setting In the open ground these plants, though often rather smaller than o grown in a cold frame, will grow so .....i... im.ru rapuuy ns to overtake, nnd even m pan iiicm." Value of Corn Cobs. 1.. r . iiirmcrs ston to pnnal.lei. n... American Cullhator, how much of fnriltM,,,, tnnlln. 1 . - . v' " ""'iimiiy wnsted nuout the fiirm, ( or oi me expense incurred In purchasing the same material In othnr forme ti.u i the npparcntly Insignificant matter of corn cobs is nn Item worth saving. If the nccum. unions oi corn cohs were gatliercd up and thrown Into the liosr ucn ther o,U 1 ....," " " J ."6, uu luuuceu to manure. It has been cs 'niatccl ,,lat the corn cobs grown in wumry uu year worn tinwnri r,f oivi 000,000 pounds of potash. Where corn cob's useu m lighting Arcs nt the farm-house, j.ouisi, mny ue saved in the Increased . - oi mc nsncs. It h well known that me uiuerent varieties of wnml i,nn i,m.i ..ii.i , . ' """.") O1 "iryinff pronortlons nf nntoal, a "etui oi uie list in the production of potash stand the willow ; hence Its nshes are of su perior value in tills rcsnect. vot mm 1, .. ' " J.UHIUHI uouuie the amount of potasli carried ... uiuwiuowi so, in this manner, wc may approximate the value of the ashes obtained i mo miming of corn coha. the same for future use In the fertilization of uiu son oi tnc farm. Sowing Seed, Tlie time will soon arrive for ir,.! a,i oumug, anu a junt or two In regard tolt may lint mil tP ir . .... J . jiucii mat is sown never appears, and the seedsman Is charged witii ....s uiu or poor seeds. Some times this may be so, but very often it la tlm Rmwr'a own iauit. 'there Is mnnli mnro ,t tn ing seeds successfullv than Tiennln .r.M.n and yet Is very slmnlc when nn,lnratnn,i' Jinny seeds are sown too deep, and yet if ..ut ucvp ciiougii tney will dry up nnd not oiuivntnit. 'llio depth must bo determined ) uiu sio oi mo seed and the character of the soil. If the soil be 11 "lit nnd snntlv. tlinrn is not as much danger of the seeds rotting from .Hep sowing as if the soil bo stiff, nnd even in sun sou the depth will have to be deter- mined by the condition of the soil. Suppose wn nn tn ..... .. .. ... ... ... . ..wt..i. ,u bu.v ,i jucccoi oais tn land that is liable to become clotty, nnd heavy land. If we can roll the land well after sowing It noun, not mailer much about sowing deep, uiu me seen would have to be harrowed in 1rtti ,.,,.11 it f..r, I.. . .. .. . J "t.. u leu in a ciouv com t on un. rolled. Indeed, If the seed were sown on ground simply first harrowed and then rolled, in sucn muus as we have ileserllied nmnv more seed would do well than If linrrmvi-ri neiore rolling. In other wnnl. ah.iiinu, sowing, If tlio ground is well pulverized and prcssedjlrm, is more unfavorable than deep iHuuuiig, wun a rough surface. Finely pul- rimisou, witiiawell pressed surface. Is indeed the very best condition for surmaa with all seeds : nnd the shallowest kind of sowing, so that tho seeds be firmly imbedded in mo sou, is the essence of good secd-grow. Good Pens for the Hog. There Is much to be said in the selection of a location for the pen. It should have, n southern exposure with a movable front that cnn(ba open or shut to admit or excludo the Knn'nt ,ilni,.in un ..... . . ,Uuuii.. it nun uiu pen is larce a nail to three-fourths of It should have no flooring, but the earth should be hard and the drainage of the whole complete. Manure can bo manufactured from leaves, cornstalks and any dry substance convertible Into that valuable product. Tho Moored portion slinul.l nom no moisture, and bo supplied with plea ty of straw as tho sleeping and resting apart mi. nogs always lie closo together to produce warmth, and tlio warmer thuv can iimue incinsc(vcs with the addition of a close pen tlio less food they will require, not only to give them Increased welirht. but to cnnbli. i. .. .... them to retain the fat tliev they went into winter quarters.-2W6,me ncf rarmcr What "Wife" Means. oays iiusKin t "What do you think the beautiful word 'wife' eoints from i Jt Is the great word in which the Kngllsh and Latin languases eoiumered the French and Greek. I nope the trench will some day get a word for It instead of that feinine. Hut what do you think It comes from ? Tho irrenl valnu of tho Savon words Is that they menu some. imiig. uis means 'weaver.1 You must either be housewives or house.molhs, re member Hint. In the deep sense, you must either weave men's fortunes nnd embroider them or feed upon ami brlns liiem to decnv "Wherever n truo wife comes, homo Is always around her. The stars may lie over her head, the glow-worm in the night's cold grass may lie the lire at her feet, but home is wncro she Is, and for a noble woman it stretches far around her, better thin, houses ceiieu with cedar or painted with vermilion shedding its quiet light for thoso who else nro homeless. This, I believe, Is the woman's trim place and power," That Headache. IT 111 ... i;iii'iu .i.ose went into au Austin aveniio drug store, says u Texas paper, and asked i "n hat has yer dat's good for a headache ?" 1 lie druggist took down a largo bottht of salts of iiiuinonii), or some such stuff, anil tsld Unele Mose to smell. As It was a free thing, ho drew In u healthy Inspiration that took away his breath. It was ten minutes be fore ho could talk and when ho did say some. thing It was that ho would "bust" the drug- ' gist's head wldo open If he canto at him with that bottle again. ''Hut how about the head- ache t" asked tho druggist. "How do deuce can I tell outll I goes homo and asks do olo' ooimiii. Hhu Is do culled pusson what's got tlo iiilsr ry In her head." It is stated that a imiu who has become a I bank cashier, began Ills downward career by I stealing mi umbrella. THE GREAT GERM DESTROYER. PUOP UY'LAOTIO FLUID Pittins of SMALL SMALLPOX FOX Provonted. Ulcers nurtlled and healed ERADICATED. (langrcne prevented and curcu. Dysentery cured, W ouods healed rapidly, Scurvoy cured la short Contagion Hestrovdd. Hick Hooms pnrtilednnd made Monsant. time. Tetter dried un. It Is nerfurllv liarmleijt Fevered anil Mck persms for sore throat It Is a suro relieved and refreshed euro. uy oai lactic, fluid added to tlin Sou vlilto Comploxlons J DIPTIIERIA I I PREVENTED. us use in nlr made, lur.n- latsriml purled by knrlnlillnvlnrhv r. US, . Cholo'a dl.wln.iled. cie.inv! the, Teeth, tt snip Fever prevented by can't bo surpassed. Catarrh rolloicd US 1110. In eases of death In tho house. H should always nnd Krcoia cured. 1,urns relieved instantly, Wars prevented. uoiisen noouunccorpse It wilt prevent any unnleannt smell. liemoves all unpleasant An Antidote for Animal or vegetable 1'oisons, BtlDL'9. Ac. I3CABLET DnDgerous cMtnlas of sick roonas ana tioipii aH removed ty Its FEVlR use. Yl.LI.OW FEVKIt hltAOICATUl). CURED, In fact It Is the g cat DISINFECTANT AM) PUlUPIKK niEi-AKKn nr J. H. ZBILIN & Co., MANOFAcreBiNa Ciiiuists, SOLE rKoriUBTOH.S Inly Two Bottles. Messrs. Johnson. Hoi. lowoy Co, wholesale lrugslsu of pliliadel. Ohla. l'a, report that omo imio niro a L'cniM. man lmndel them a dol lar, wun n request to icnd agoodcaturhcure to two army orrccrs in rlzona, liccently tho miuiu ifniieinan loin ntm mat both tho of. leers nnd the wlfo of ut n. jonn i: iTcmonr, iov. of Arizona, had ocen cured m cjiui i u iwo not IMn of lily's Cream lla'm. Apply U.io nostrils Ith Utllo llncer. Sold bv Drncu'lsts. Will mall It on reeelnt r,f sue. m 104wd ELYS' CREAM 1IALJI CO, Oswego, N. Y aAJtJSX3US HAIR BALSAM. TliicIc;,antiJrenuiff is frcfciutl by those ,sum'ar arttvic, on ac jcounti cf ita tuperior ueanliai .ianil nuriiy,i It com.iin3 material! only tlut nre Lcr.eficial to tho ta'r nnd Iiair ftutlnlwsys Restores the Youthful Color to Crcy or Faded Hair l'.irkcrs Hair ltalt.im U fmchr icrhinicu ana u wamnted to pre cnt frilling of the hair and to ro moveilaiitirufffti.UitcliIiig. HiSvOxfi Co N.V, tOc. anl t tt dealers tn dm;i an J mrdlclnct. A Superlative Ileal lit and Stfenath Restorer. If you arc a mechanic or fanner, worn out with overwork, or a movher run im n ly family or house hold duties try I'AKKrVh Cim.eh 'J omic. If younrenlawjcr, ni'mster or Lusiness man ex hausted by mental strain or anxiotKcarc do not take inloxicatius&timutantStbutuscrihcr'A Ginger 'J'onic 11 you liac consumption, liyKpcjisia, Kheuma- I, Kl KiJnevt'omnlainn. ornnvi3isordtrofthehm. stomach, lioweli, blood c r ntrcs Pakkcu's GtNCER Tonic ill cure joy, 1 1 is the C t catest Illood Purifier And the Cost and Surest Cough Curs Ever Used. If younrevathiflway fromrse, dissipation or any discn&c or weal i ess ondrwjuiie a stimulant talto Ginger 'Ionic rt i nee ! tUlmi;orate and build yon up fiom the fist dose hut will nc cr intoxicate. It has saved hundred of lives; it may save yours. CAUTION 1 P. IW all lulnilutei. rnrVer'jCInfffrTontc h corrpoieJcf tli U'il miH'dlnl nnti It) lhfworIi!,tnJlienUrs!y different fn'iniirn.jiralloin of piiiftr nlouc. SroJ for circular to llitcox & Co., N. V. tOf, ( 1 iliti, al tie alvri la drugi. cnnAT sayin'o ruviNo romr. size. Its rich n.'d last in tr frairmnce ha3 made tliis delightful perfume exccedinj;ly popular. There it iiothlutf 1 1 Uo it Init upon having Tixres zou CoLOUNBandlok for rignaturc ot en tttrt , bottle. Any .trut cr Jcalr (j rrfunier ci t"nly you. S3 nnt 15 r trt ilw. LARGE SAUVO rrviNo ;5c. SIZE. March 3, '82 ly. Ilf ntlr'. I1EF.TIIO Vrx O, run rrrtalns 10 full wt Coso, 0Orlaw,McUll 1 n 1 1 Lilt .VIliClit H llowbletl S1"V"I,i!)i"r".l,'i'','';' f- l'iirtmy voiltlnu fur and .,.- tiafu ii i un a ioiui oiacrs. P3 I'Moc. n.lnl. rtllvcrnl nnhonrit fPOrX ' iur.hin.,fctuul, litoU, Ac, only vPltFU irnrtcrinprcor'u.cTr,t rre not ollflcil rrlurn Organ, will prini,U rtliil.il itiuticy ullti luttrt'Bt ecus AtiD e:al'I!;e tub wsnran;? ' lniiotTon, Tiro Pollnrs((S)nlloivnl to ry oiK'nfcf s If yon buy i romo nnyii ay, ou a t ironm Trt c I'ouch tilth pnlliv i,tt.,i(lui.i iimiu ull truliiH. oilitr l!ri,,.".tJ,,'',,,,j.'!l,Sh lln.f"tl'JHoic). tJTJItautlful lUuntrattd Catulvuuvfrtc. J'lcato AilJrcs cr call upon DANIEL r. BEATTY, WaiMngton, Kew Jereey. Mareliio.iw r BJAT stop, .'0 sets ree?, only indecementa lieady. Wilto or call on UEVTTY. iidjuiuiiwu, ii U uiu my v, Biiy DPIUMA'"''- ...... i-.v.uv I49,iuicagu,lll. March a -3 in a'll ME V WANTEDs,kI'SK0,:c FJffiSff ornamental Trees, Mirus, Hoses. &j. Monthly Salaries and expenses paid. No previous et porlenc-i iv'iwuvM. .'icii nuw tit H l U"1U rUCUIVtllff fiO 10 13D niuau twin u UOCUOSILT. N Y. march to i.w ? XT 03 f f T VJ Procured fir all Soldiers OlUlN OlM wlors disabled Inlluo ,, ot uuiy, no inauer waat tno Jls.iljlllty. riirjsiows inoiujasbd, when rated low, II il STVI Send Ulscuarie oti'J two 82. stump i, uud II noililnir Is.auejuu wo will nroiiiMly say so an J return louruls- rlnrife. lilsclut cos ouiuiutu, oruinai auddu- UllCaVC Dtl.ll Dl.lu'O IUI utuuiva uitu viiluiuiail fn.nrmnttnn." A ldrt'Sd bTODPAUT X CO., 413 O Kt.,N. V,,VusniDgton,U.C marcniu- u OLD MEDAL AWARDED the Author. A now anil creat tied IciX Work(wrTntJd t Le best and clieaptwt.lDditiniiiBable to evunr nian,utiU"ui.Hci.nceof Jif. orM,lMrMrraUon l" tioaud la flnwit rVencb mtuun, .iabou.nl, lull ffUtnu iin.coDt.lni beaDlllal il ensr-Tinjli, 12S DreaeriD- tion. tinea ciulf ft l5.nl lf m&ilt llltititiiMraile,ficQU ' HBnnif..aunurMUMiuM. .oi nuw,AddrM I'tiabodMtl. VUMI7 ipnvOriP t"n"'""'""'.W " t'AlU B.HUII JUlUUlUlKKIl. . Wo, Uulfincb it, IJo.loo mirch 10 -iw HinVAimj, for umo pi nulla Hivniw.1. or I'ro- iritrii,r.sTh.t iifliiiNTST-i 1'il.iJ .Hi: hditorarB. llviiaml by j.r.MHJ.Klt.M.U., 1.1 lOiltn . I Ana ,i..ul M-liAuul Jbu Ml-iuaiu : i:.ui.iiv VISA nn lor wry uUr. Bold by drumrikUi and country ton, u 1 marcn 10 4w a HOLLER'S,.;;!,, COD-LIVEn OIL' Clieajicft BuKriorto eiysJett aeiiirat autuoriuoa Ml iy lu us Ualiwycf fjf, ' uloandme'l JorlobyDruiirUU. y.II.StlilcllelliiSiC3,,Vr'Vf.'')N.V.Vi I Irs; CATARnM.coiort'frl AJilpauOJbijJ. Xiifrinitii Attliiiiii T'tirti no trutiito ni " iit' il 'ni,"'.'t w"liu l" wortt ca'i!iHiin;eiJtnfc,t-K U ublo tJoej 1 1 etfocU c u rt w here I nt htT fall. A u M f ri.i ronnttt t!n muni tktjilituL lrlT6 A(Jr. aid I BSI.(K),of Drtif.-M-drliviiutl. Huui (it,,:W BfnriMji. I)u U KCltll'l'MAN'.Ht. PaiiT, lllrm B MAI .Tlv COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, To Kcrwai Bnfforers Ths Qrat European U3IHC17. " dk.j.. n,siiiM4Vii srKcmo usncisi!. Dr. J. rf. simpson'H Spocino Jtodlclno Harosltlvo cure lor oVentork of My or It iln or excois ot nny kind, suon as weakness and all illseasoB raaultlnir from Nervous Debility, lrrltabillty,Montnl Anxiety! Ungtior, lAsaltudo, Dopri'Sslon oi Spirits and func tional UjranKcmentH of tlin noiAjus syst in i.en vrnliy, l'al ,s In tlin imiK ur oiw, Lgsi. oi Memory) rrem.i turo old airo. and dis eases flint lend t conmptlonlnsAtil tv Annoarlv crnvi or both, NO innttei t.ow Bliitlcred, tin system may ba from excesses of a u j nillU, U OIIUIILUUIBU Ul 111,11 Jiu-uiUlllU 111 11'niUIO lllli lost funottonS and procure lioallli and happiness where befora was tlesinndon"V ncl elnnm. iim snn, cillo Mcdlclnd Is bcltijf used with wonderful snecesi. l'amnhlets sent free to all, Write for incm and get full pi 1'rlcp. Si mnncumr, Trice, Bpecino $i.co per pickle, or sit pvk.itres ' ir ts,i o. Will boscntby mall on rcaclntof moncj-. ' ddross all orders,,!. II. SIMi'.s n'smkdi:ncc6. tor 1 3,i u. Address Nos. 101 and t" Mala street, Uuffalo, N. Y icuais.-iy WIARD'S PATENT NEW 1880 SEIIIE3 Malleablo Iron and "Wood Beam Ohlllcd nro offered to the rarmcri of tho country for i:.o coming pcajoa w Ith many alnablo lmpro cm -ntr". , THE WIARD Is the stronsctt and most dura Llo l'low la tlio market. THE "WTAllbls tho best for general purnoso work, In both tod and stubble. THE.'WTAnD hai tho elmplcst and moFt com plcio adjustment for using two or tbrco Koran abreast. THE WIARD l tho belt l'low extant for lurd clay and itouy ground, , THE.WIAItD rival all other chilled Mown for cleaning iu louso and adhesive noils. THE WIARD cannot bo excelled for Lightness t Draft. Our MnlleaMo Iron Beam li tho only prac tical adjusinblo luclal lliam mule; li (rutirautccd pilnst bending or brcaklnsj N .rlccllv ndjtwablo Ajr 2 or 3 librpcs: over ej,CXJ0 l'l use, and nut one la a thousand failed. Our Jointers, Wheels and Handloa aro all adjustable. Our MolilboarUs excel all others for flncncfi and unlroruilty. Our Flows aro warranted to nny reasonable ex tent. If you nro Rolng to buy a new Ttow, bo tura t -Cho tho WlAiiun trial. For si o by 1). u. a t. w. l'l'ltSlX, mircli 10 -Im Dloonisburjf ra , PLOWS PIAIsTOS, A FINK INLAID FHKNOH WALNUT CASE OMAN, U STOPS, $00 CASH. Kasy TcrniM. .SiitlsliiLtioii iir.iaiitccil. BACON'S 3PTJ.-TO "W-A.K,E ROOMS, MUSIC HALL BLOCK, V7ZL3EHS-2JAR.RB, PA Junell','61-ty Samples PINE W1MMS AMB BLOOMSBURG, PA. CAUTION. GET THE STRONG COMPETITION In tho inumtfiicturo of Orgnus id roiulting in tlio production and aulo of cheap goods, made from inferior inatonitle. I rofor paiticulurly to bogii3 Organa that aro continually sprineiiifr into existonoo. wiUmni any merit whatovor, oxcoj)t to bo offered chea), nnd then when purchas ed found to bo dear at nny price. Will' you not then, reader, If you Contemplate consider it your only safeguard to select 'an instrument bearing the name3 of first class, wholly responsible makers. A cood aanrfmf.nt nt styles of tho celebrated Estey Organs can now bo seen at tho new rooms of tho Only Authorizsd Agent foi tho Batey Organs in Columbia County. A guarantor for five years fro-n tho manu facturers accompanies every Estoy Organ, J. S&Im rZAR, Agent, 'BDe,VM,, BlooinsTmrg, F51 j Maok m.iiMmg -ix au, m niuNcjuis- Practical Bo jk-Biador- 110 WEST MARKET STREET, VIL7KHS-BAIIR13 pa. lllntor of allllio current n ibllcitlons la any do strnble sljb. llloomtburi; ivferenco can bo given if reipuii'd., Correipondence solicited. . tlnvolnstoc'iaNfrynnoJInpof lilll Heads, Note Iti'itls. Stntemnnt! ki. Ie.1nnlll vmi lnen. rlmin ns you o.iti buy la riilUdclptii.i.andclioaper In some Instances. OIVKMHA TlttAL h:. cabter. "W. CONTHiOTOIl & BUILDER. DRAWINGS AND SPHCIFIOATIOXS FOK IIUILDINQS, FUB. WISHED. J obting of all kinds promptly attended to, All work waiTutited to "ivo salisfaetion. ebai imu LATEST STYLES OP r.tS. qpLTJVCBrAN' OFFIOE.' MS A 14 - 1 i r Thirtv'T VirtAl ef CUn?i ; of drn : afl of Cumm. 1 tt 4i ut Mcloni 31 f lTn . M . f B-i"- t of S-ja-t . J tf U ct and 43 of ToiMto, witH rthfi t)rktt in prrponibn, i Itrtft p-ittiTi of w'.tch were xt n on my fim t (rmi, will tx to m t in mv A !.iMo i.ntl riowcr rtil C'tituloaj ftar 1 SS'J. i-V TBr E to . who .irply. Cutt men ( f last ScMoft hrt I not wrlti for It. A . - noM ftom nyftuUiih mfnt w.imatait tn tit Itoih fimti .mt Into to nam o Tar, that hrJ ! .( prova oihrwi-,'. 1 will r-HI th nrd itmU. The orljln.1 tntn.(.urcr ofllarlj- (1 ' and lliirhnnh lfoto to.'. ItuMihrnd Karlr Cur i. Ilut.lmn! iiiOu 2IartIelif n I CVLlmjjc J'litn ;V Ucl n mi itup-f r an iV.-i-,t . I I v i u , .r m tfli'iuiliC N.'-r Vp(";al i-s a & . fiUlU-m alJ and Catalogues by mail when BEST. Buying an Organ ffRfeKSPrrk BLOOMS'BtTK', BLOOMSBUBC SIaT H iNOKMAL SCHOOL DISTRICT. Bloomsburg, Columbia County, Pennsylvania. Rev. D. J. WALLER, Jr., Ph. D., Principal. Tlll8scil00t,,asat present uonatltutd, oilers tliu very best facllltlos lor 1'rolesslonat and Classical loarnlnir. snfTne water ' "imms com,nou,0U3 ' cnmpieieiy ncaiea by stoam, well ventilated, lighted by .j.'vmiiuu iiL-uuuiui, turn c-ij ui ,vvcu-,-,. iu.itin.-i o u iivi ii-utuu, viiiuiuui, mm nuvo io ineir worK. u scio mo. nrm nut kind tmifnrm Atirf tiinm,,. i, xr . n. nun moderate. - Klltycents a week deduction to all oxnccifuir to teach. Students admitted at nnv iiS. iinnVn. S.S' Ana t,lor011." EPn3Cf Courses ot study prescribed by tho Htato t I. Model School. II. Preparatory. III. Elementary. IV, Classical. Adjunct Courses : I Academic. II. Commercial. III. Course In Music. IV. Course in Tho Elementary. Sclcntlllc and Classical Courses nro I'HOFKSStoN.U,, and Students gradually therein. locelvo.Stato Dlnlomai rnnfrrrm nmfnitn-., corresponding Degrees ; Mnstcr or tlio Klemcr.ts ! Master ot tho Sciences ; .Master ot tho Classics. Oraauates In tho ot the ratta nmonta-slirneil bv t loonirerHnrthn liivininf Tii5tni.. uruuu.ui.B 111 uiu oiui.r courses reccuo .Normal Cortlllcates mocoursooi siuuy nrcseriucu ny inoNiatoisuuerai.ana tuosil luooiiiiieiiuiiua uiiiKini u uui ui cuiieiimp. i uu nines iieiiiinu u. iwsonooi mo prime objects of this School to heln to seciirnVr hv gent and en cIontTcaclicrs for her Schools. To tuts end it solicits young persons ot good abilities ind good purp"s,-ihoso uu i licit tuiums, fiuiii-iua. iu ull aiiuii il ill iiiiii&ua uiu in iitiviiitiiuiiir i.iinir imwHrv. nnnniinnnani Annn.i.inti ... n- .nnii ...... Catalogue, addresj tho Principal HON. WILLIAM i:i,U'l:l,l l'l-clilcnl lloiird OCtO. t,'81.- WHEN FOUND! WE A THE lilGIlTPI.A.CE -TS 1DAY1L1D) FI1TE PRIOES. o x 4 o T'TacTnsro- LOWEST AN IMMENSE STOCK OIE1 OKI HAND, requested. THE DAVIS. $1,000 R3ESWAKD. OxE THOUSAND (l.OOO) DOLI.AUS IUKMIU.M cllWeil to ANY rKllSUN hat will ilo ns (JKKAT A lUNOK OK WORK on ANY OTHKH MACHINB. WHAT THK NEW DAVIS VERTICAL FEED 11;7 do without basting. It wilt make vrlda licm on shorts. A-n. lmm nil mannerof blaa woolen Roods, ns uolt racrluo, crapo, or BOOdj dllllcult to bi'in on otliur inucUlnca. It makf 8 a more elastic stlteli than nny otliermaclilno. It will turn a licin and put In piping nt samu time Hwlll tumn licm, bow braid on tlio right sldo and stitch on trimming nt ono operat'on. It will do felllnir bias or Btraltrht. i lllmr nn rntinn or woolen goods. It will tell across seams on any goods. I will bind n Dresa nr Sklrtnnrl Rivniifii.ini, cither with or wltnout showing stitches: bind Dress floods with thosaineinaterlal.eitliorKCft lona.nninm. squares or straight. Tho only machine thnt will bind l uts, Woaks, or other articles with bias, satin or silk, from y, to 3 inches In width, without basting, il win gamer with or without sewing on. it. Wlllpnthpr liMu'Pftn ttvn nliUVUDnriununnnl tho same time. It Will makfl nrunln ftnrl Klltrll 11 nlllnv.' blln n,. tn tho facing nt tho same tlino. It will shirr nny kind ot goods. It wlllmako nlaltcd trimming rlilim-utih nr with. outBowlngtton. It will make plaited trimming eltbor ecalUpedor straight, and sow a piping on ut tho same time. II win laauo unira planing. J. SALTZER, Oeti'l Agent. Jiloomsliurjr, Pr. oct. 1, '80-tf. i'iii.i,.i l.,.il,.;iin7T .T7f, v..."f?;.r in i n r T,, " . . 7 I'lllh" m'lv nun I lood.nud w 11 coui)ilc(cly iliaiiKu the liluwl In lioeiitlrevteiii 11 tliiic-n Aiivpernnii -ii will take 1 pill cur 1 nliiht rnmi 1 1,1 ) jw iuayiit!ietaruiltiitniiiiil luvilib. ir .in.im 1 Ill lift.-. l.lrt . l.i. .....11 f..n U I..,,.... .... ' ' IniniM. . . ,IOII SSOX A- CO., Jlotton, unit., AGENTS WANTED SXKiTirafflfylJ.ffii ajnilnulti. 11 m.!iJl:iltSririiy,orJi!ci2 wwkfurwIiliiitrieroUalw.yi 11 rely tirlet. ikn. .r rt'"1,1" "l'l ttnni to ih Twomlfl yiiiii it tUiit maye, '8.iy aU LEGAL) BLANKS, ALWAYS ON HAND AT THIS OFFICE. new'rirh Rinnm C6DMBiA''C!OtJNTY, PA. STATE ""M08MAL SGHOUL cntllir and Classical courses aro not of Truili-m. NOT TO GET staft A.T STOCK PERFECT FIT, REASONABLE PRICES. Dauchy Si Co'a. Advt'a. MEN AND HOYS Til KAItN M OCO. WANIKI)! AddioiS, A. I.. UltUFP, llnrrlsburg.l'a. 11 I1U il'l ,, j Dm't locate befiro seeing ou- J11IUU1 III CI triUuioiii.. 'lingua, to I ataloiruo free. .1. T. Manchar 5iMiu.ncj!rr?!M01.ia'm3nt. Surry Co., Vn. il Jan 87 t-w T 171.. for isa,wltli Improved Interest ) 1 H 1 V E 1 GC Table, ra endir, etc. sent to jui j 1. luuauJ. maresaon receipt ottwo hrco.ren'starani Address (JUAUI.ES E. HIKES, 41 S' Delaware Avenue, Phtla. Jan'Ji 4-w ACESTS ! IJOOK AGKVI'SJ KZTNJOlmJJ. U OUffllJUl lluntl-vili of Apentt liaro nnivrnM our call to nil tlili it nom Ionk, faittl )Ct wo vrai t MH i;'or. For 'J'.H'lir l'utlu 1, ltiih umrt and '1 lirillin ltti tt.Hh'utUiout arcr. ntmnnft Uupht ond cry ov r It MirUtcti-,y " (Sail tK i l tt. Trni ot 1 lii.iMoiiit Lew m nnt It. niitl It i tJwfw Mllinlmnk tor Actnt rr Wo ai t poivl .iUhXlii.Menwi Women, lit thU!tlnitv. $10i).C')Umtnili ,Viiiiin!e, t-tciul Jennt glvtn. bend for circular! to A. I. UOU'l'lll.Mtro.-S .V CO., Jlurtroril, Co.itt. U mar 24 -4 w 'HE BEST CALICO. WM. SIMPSON & SONS' MOUnm'G, SECOND MOURNING SOLID BLACKS, Ecldysione FANCY DRESS PRINTS The r.rmvsTONic HUNT WORKS is imc uf the I.m;cot ami most complete cbtab lislmuiits in the counlry, THE EXPERIENCE OF HALF A CENTURY lus cnableil tlicr.i to attain such perfection tli.U they can v. ith coiifulcnce nsk you to test the quality uf tluir w oris. They carefully n oiJ all ui-nnous ilrugs, make only f.ist col or.i.wliich arc thoroughly washcil in iiot water anil -cap, thereby remoiing anjlliin;; which v.oiiM ruin uiulerclotliinc. 'Ihoo who buy ami wear their prints will, they feci cont.iluit.liiul ihein superior in ilur. ability, aili.tic stlo ami llnii,h, Jle sura .mil ask fur their i;ui.ils, anil sec that their nuiUs and ticUb .ire o.i lliuu. p feb V4 4 tr HAVE BEEN IMITATED, And their oxcol'ont imputation in jured by wortliloss imitations. Tho Publio nro onutionod against buy inp; Plastors having similar sound ing namos. Boo that tho word 0-A.PO I-N.E is corrootly spoUod. Benson's Capcine Porous Plasters Aro tho only improvement ovor mado in Plastoni. Ono i3 vorth moro than a dozon of any othor kiud. Will positively euro whoro othor romodios will not ovon roliovo. Pri6o 25 conts. Uowaro of ehoap Plastors mado with lead poisons. 3EAUUFJY 4. JOHNSON. MouufjcturlCB ClwiuItU, Nun York, AM!"!'. IIIUIllDV AT JiAST. ITIcoMct. MEAD'S Htdlcatcd CORN Kid BUNION PLASTER. No t i -ly . uiiuuima iui i.tiii I'iiiu muur uuer Beware O F Fraud CAPGINE PLASTERS tras, ana turnlstied with a boiiLtltul mn iiy ot pure.ioti Art. V. Course in Physical Culture Inferior to I hoso ot our host Colleens. ' furnishing Inlelll mnrtiYH int ir rim leuTinghcuooi. r. P. 1'. MUMYEIt, Secretary. THE WHITE SEWING HACHIN U'hAM4n It.. . . nuvicoa, iuu worm renowuca reputation of tho Wliito lowing Machine nai!f? m?ny un'crupuions comp.nltors to resort to vvuuiub Hutuuaursuui, io DUy White Machine except from Its regular authorized dealers who will be sustained by tho following wnmifiTt- s wuo wlu WK WAltltANT THE NATDHAt WEAIt AND TEAR OI' THE White Shuttle Sewii Machine, ATE NIIMnKIl lin-in mil ... ...... ' SK3, AND IIBltUUV AOHKE TO KEEP THE H?l IN ItEI'AIK FOIt THE TE1UI OP ifivr vrn KROM THIS DATE. FI1EE C "cainaE. I'DKPO- MS if w This wnrriintr- nynnr.1. v.-.., .. bobbins nrt him,"' luu """"'io oi ncooies WHITE 8KWINQ MACHINE CO, !ho "WHITS3" Shuttle Sewing Machine Machlno for rlomS X5".' Xu" oewm n ,v.rf .tv,j vi nuiB. I, 8ALTZEF, Deneral AR-cnt, ii'oomsbarc, Pi. riKlLEIl IN Silverware. Vatches.Jewelry.ClockE.&e 111 Il I reDalrerl ari wnrfi" u ",wu rJ nPal Ui 111 '1911 CUT THIS OUT! ASIRF S5iqS40 wpeeer.. WeliavostorcslnIS leatllnB Cities, from which o.ir 7uuUolibiln their inn U".iiuli ly. rif,.' i'.'""''''''. "J'' I'niii'liml if iV uru it l.rle, I'.i, hjul for niir .New C'iiIiiIuhiiu ami i. r ti t . .if uu Auilrtwn i' 1 J E.rJP8 3 3l2LnckawaniiaAvo 1 .JJ LtSClELt SCRANTON, PA. March s. ly SUHSCUIHK FOR THE COLUMBIAN. 2.01) A YKAIi. TJie Backus Watoi Motor. IS THE MCST Kconomical Power Known FOIt nitlVINQ I.lflUT MAOHlNKItY. It tukea hut little room! Itnovcrcets out of repair. It can not blowup. It needs no fuel ltneedsnoenslnoer, Therolanodelayi iniirln'f up; no nshes to clean awnyj no extra Insurance to pay; no repair. In? necessary; no coal bills to pay, nnd it Is.altvoys ready for use. It Is Invaluable for tilowlnir Church nrn.n fnr running Printing Presses, 8ewinff Machines, Turn- us miun, neroii isaws, urind stones, CofTec Mills Hausase Machines, Feed Cutlers, corn MllK Leva tors, etc, Four horM power ut 40 pounds prffsure of wa cr. Ills noiseless, neat, compact, steady, and atovo all IT IS VKUY OHEAP. Send for circular to tho llaclas Wuter Motor Co., Newark, N, J Btatlntr namo of papeVyousiw ad. vertlscmentln, 1'rlcc, l6to3C0. Sept.ao-tt sai-ii -j:-. ' BtJT (? Vllt. v4r. leusi-iw RAIL ROAD TIME TABLE PENNSYLVANIA V.AILKOAI). 1'MlLv DIJLPltIA a nitiu it, it, 1)1 VISION, WINTER TIMB IWI1LE. On and nttcr Monday, Etc. to, last, tho tralr.a onthol'hllftdolphlft lino Iu lro m Division nlli rnn M follows I run WCSTWAIli). Brio Malt leaves Philadelphia " " llnrrlshurif " " Huntiury " " Wllllamtport " " liock Haven " " llcnovo " " Knn " nrrlvo nt Krlo Niagara Express leaves Philadelphia ' " llnrrlsburff " " Hunbury " " Wllllamsport ' " Iflck llavcn " " Henovo " " Katio Fast Ltno leaves riilladelphla ' " llarrlsburir " " Hunhury ' " Wllllamsport " nrrlvo nt Lock Ilavcu EASTWAHD.- 1166pm 4 ii aiq 8 40 n in 0 40ntn II 08nm JMpUl 7 45 p m 8 w urn Wispni 1 60 p in a sj p m 4 20 pin 6 43 pm IplSpm 1150 pm a oi p m J is p m T io p m siopm Lock llavcn Kxprcss leaven Lock llavcn J 50 a m ' " ywillnmsport uosum " " Hunbury imnn, iviii.utii, inn riHuiirir , " l'hlladelphTn Fast Lino leaves Canai.ilalzua " Watklns " " Elmlra " " Wllllamsport ' " Sunbury " arrives nt llnrrisburir " " riilladelphla tacs p m a in to i pm 8 40 pm ono pm lv is uiu I 32 n in a is n in t eo n in DayKxpress leaves Kano c oo a m " " ."cnovo io us a in " " Ixick llavcn ll 13 am Vllllnunport 12 is n m " arrive at llarrlsbure asonni ,', " I'hlladclpwa Tospm Krle Mall leaves Krlo 11 33 Am ;; :; ino 410pm ' ' Lock llavcn toiopm " " wmtnmsport It 80 pm ssunbury l ns a m " arrives at Harrlsburg sooam " " riilladelphla TOO am Krlo Mall west and Lock Haven Ilxpress East mako close connections nt Northumberland with L. s: U, 11. it. trains for Wllkesbarro nnu Scranton, nrloMallWest, Niagara JJxprois West nnd Fast Lino West mako clow connection nt W'llllamsnoit Willi N. C. H. W. trains north, ' Magar.i Express West nud Day Tllrrriia T7net make closo conuectlun atI.ockllaen v Ith ll. E. v It. II. trains. Erlo Jlall Last and West connect nt Krle with trains on L. s. M. s. It. H. ; nt t.'orry with 11 I - A' W, H, it.; at Kmporlum with n. Y.sl'. ii. r. and at Urtf twood with A, V, it, lc, 1 ivmJ!or ca.rs wi'! run l'et"ccn I'lilla-iclphltt ai.d V lllatmport on Niagara Ilxpress west, nnd Day En press Just, hleeplns cars on all nlfrht Irnlna. ltOIIEItr.N'lllLSdN, (lencriil Mupt. NORTH KKN C0M1'AN. CENTRAL RAILWAY SSry asfoiloUnry 10U'' ISS1' ,ralns lM" NOItTIlWAItD. Northern lixprcs3 0.30 n, m., nrrH c ltnlra 12.30 p m Arrlvo at Canandalgua .1,21 p. u, " ltochester 4.40 Niagara Express 1.60 p. in. arrlvoN??nlra' c. 05 p"m arrlvo Canandalgua 8.31 " iiueuesicr y 45 12.60 n tn lit 911 n m i.- , Watklns n,io u m SOUTIIWAHD. Scuthern Express 1.32 a. m.urrlvo llarrlsb'f 3.15a in arrive riilladelphla T.co " " Now York 85 " " li.Htlmoio T." o , , " WnshlniftOD t-,22 a m Lock Haven Hx :o.60 a m nrrlvo Harrlsb'u 12.5 n m nnlvo Philadelphia n co p m " NOW VoiK B.45 " Daltlmoro 0.21 ,. " Washington 047 Day Lxpresil.50 p in nrrlvo Harrlsburg .3i p m " Philadelphia T.oa " " New York 10.00 " " Haltlmoro t.co r... ... " Washington 8.U Erie Mall 1.03 a. m. arrive Harrlsburg 3.011 u. m " riilladelphla T.00 " " hew York 9.3 " " Daltlmoro ;.oj " WafhlnRton mi I. It. w 001), Oencral rassenger Ago. t, I'ltAJiK THOMSON, General Monagi r. pHILADELPHA AND ItEADINO KOAi ARRANGEMENT OF PAS&ENGLi TRAINS. November "th, 1931. 11UIK8 LK1TK KCrSKT AS rOLtOW8(8l'NI)l V KXCEITii: For New York, Philadelphia, Heading, Poltuviii, Tamaqua, Ac, 11,46 a. m For CaUwtssa, 11,45 a. m. 0,43 aud 7,o p. m For Wllllamsport, 6,15 s,to a. m. an J 4,c p. m TaiiNsyoaaofKar i.mvi ii piivi (ir.nvr - CEITED.) Leave Now York, via. Tamanend F.13a. m. nnd via. Hound Drook llouto 7,43 n 111. Leavo l'hlladelphla, 9,4s a. m. Leave Heading, ll.wn. m Pottuvuu.. ,v..o u. and Tamaqua, 1,!3 p. m. Leavo catawlssa, 0,10 8,40 a. m, and 4,011 p. in Leavo V'lll!am3port,9.45n.ra,2,oo p. m. nnd 4,3) p. il rassengers to arid from Now York. via. Turn n nend und to and from I'alla lelplila go througu uuuui cuange 01 cars. '. E. WOOTTJTN, C 0. HANCOCK, UenonU MaC,"itr Jan!ieot"issiitf3enBt'r nna Tlctct Asot'u DEL.VWAI1E, LACKAWANNA AND WE5TEUM lt.ULHOAI). BLOOMSBURG DIVISION NOItTH, STATIONS. bOUTII a.m. p m. p.m. p.m. p.m. a.m. Hi 1 42 9 19 9 111 82 S 34 3 23 8 4S 3 14 45 Scrauton Ilellevuo Tuylorvllle., , ...Lackawanna-... l'lttston .. Wt3t l'lttBton... .... Wjommg Jtaltb" llennetr Kingston Kingston , .Plymouth June,. .... Plymouth Avondalo Nantlcoko Ilunlock's creek. ..-Shlclahlnny...., ...Hick's Ferry.... ...lieach Haven,.. Hinvlck ....Urlar creek ..Willow (trove.,.. ....Llino lildge Espy ...Uloomsburg... . U SO 1 iu 0 13 8 111. 9 97 9 43 9 (2 9 ii 10 Ul IU IS 2 20 b f 9 30 i 2.' a 82 II ..0 ti 43 fl 60 9 21 1 E4 i IV 8 42 3 Uf 9 19 S 37 3 02 9 11 2 41 0 31 0M 7 02 7 10 7 17 7 22 7 10 7 S7 6 00 8 23 8 ,'0 9 00 9 10 S 31 8 41 b 43 H 64 V U. 9 (C 9 13 9 (3 9 00 8 1C 6 07 S 00 7 40 7 33 7 SO 1 2il 2 60 2 45 2 37 i S 2J '.' 10 2 03 1 4i l'.S 1 16 1 03 9 01 9 01 10 18 10 IS 10 20 10 84 10 42 10 ti 11,07 11 13 11 20 2 M 2 A I 3 02 3 (0 3 1 I .1 18 3 33 3 41 3 61 3 67 4 07 4 U 4 2) 4 i7 4 83 4 83 S 17 8 !i) 8 St, 8 17 8 12 8 00 7 tfl 7 C2 7 13 12 5) 7 03 12 4) 7 (5 12 30 0 51 12 24 CI 12 12 C 45 12 05 11 19 11 43 11 (1) 11 fS 12 13 7 3S 7 S3 0 87 11 65 ' liupvil T to catawlssn Drld'o. T HI Dam1llo... I Chulasky I.. r'Amr-ri,. 0 19 11 10 0 10 ll (18 0 C4 11 lu C 45 10 4) 4 CO 9 81 9 88 6 43 .Noiihumberla'iiit 5.9 U 41 5 2) !) 65 p.m. n.m. , 12 45 1 p.m. a.m. a.m. p,m Superintendent's onieescrautoa, Feb. (st, tssj. gUSlNESS CARDS, viilTINO CAHDS, LEITEIt IIEADJ, HILL HEiDS, l'03l'E'tS.cir Neatly printed ut llio "Coluinbliui OMlco." ST,ixi.ini FOOD FOR PLAfflS, ODOlll.USH. for producing noweis and vigorous growth. It ims uo eiiual. Has stood the lest for years, and always ilois oil elalineil fur It In 1 pedal y nit. npteu for houso plants ami gardening, giving a heulihy growth nnd iibiindantiio i rs ovi r 10 i.iiihi packnges sold in 1841. Awarded thumednlnt tho mechanics' fair In notion, I'lll.liriln iiinLii.,,.. .1 , . , . r, . V3 eenlHeueli, For sale at THE CoLl'MlU N OFFIOlt. i.u.i.i. ... , ( av j;,hJ.1ihi1j wairuiitjil tu. v.f a a i.g'i lj i 1 2 lulnuteo. nud costa 1. - iu.uucy ll...n nny other Bw Jluclun 1 V 3 wo IL f,rt finn who rv' iJWvv1ai .uficturiltlmo 'teSMfr ftnichlniH In .'.mar- "iL: J lea, n il nt prctent niv.l lin.lv 1.. .1 iKlitofthoiamo. F "ltorr",ffoc!m!ar. UliitudH alusk nil 1; Un. t, Hhlaiiton.l). fl. ADIES ihaC rr'TJ H'JeftU,ii3terp,4 V 'ION. TORY of every f .inlltiii. wiihi, V ' .I' II .li -.HI.' .11. I.I v itxKMiul 1. I '01 ry t . - i ...ii., 1 . rvSitfclfurtuilft InrnrininytrilH MtMklwk ut, Willi IJl .WHhtn, w.'jtila. Pa. (. . .;IU. .. .1' . . A;" March 3. 1 in aid SUHSCltlHK NOW VOn as t THE COLUMBIAN $2 00 A YKAH.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers