THE COLUMBIAN AJSTD DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. nru i ine umman, Itl,OI)MSI!l!U(i, FltlDU, MAI!. 10, '82. Ciirr rt ttiillrnnit TlHinlTnlilr. l.i nif.nll .t tti.ll...l.,l..t.t llf II tftX I,..-... IH follows I HiKtil SOUTH i) is it m. It 45 ii, in. 4 10 p. III. 0 4 It) III ITv .It. a I tin II I l" If It n.l.i II n..i aa ronowsi N HTII. MlUril. 1 As a, in. ol n m. VI lli. in. Ii 45 a in. 0 ii ii. in 4 f n. in I'l... II II ltt.ll.ui.Hlli fft ...III. II. n 111,11.. ..I ntllu A Iti-udlnif ut uiiiiri, H.1.I wllh tin) Northern Central nt Norihiiinherliii.d. l'ui.uo sau:s. isiuie jv. 1 win sen licrsoinu uruncriv ill I.. ... ...Ill -.11 1 ... I.. Montour Township on Thursday March 2:irit nt I) n. 111. ceased will sell real cstiitcln jvi 1111 1 11 township on Friday .Maich 21th ut o clock p. 111. frc Henry Fullmer, administrator of the e.s- talc 11I Alirahnni Kiiii'i. iicerascil. will sell rftn f'Niiiii 111 iinini'i niwiisinii. nil I hi'miiiiv r; 1. .11 .... . .. ...111 II -.IIM III , II. III. J. s mill iimillitll 1 in inn. 11111111111111111111? r 1 1 i 11..1. A 1...1..1 ... .. mil'. 11 1 1 locum iicccisc . win smm iicrsnuui properly 111 Locust township on .March 17th 11 1." HI....I. ..v.ti.iil.n .if 1.1 decease 1. w in se real csi lie 11 1 crso 11 property on ine premises 111 urccnwooci iowii. ft .it 11 11 i' riiiiiv. .iniri'ii 111 111 111:1. 111. mm' ll.illnr deceased will s.-ll cUalu 111 Mnn. tmir fnwnshln nil l".lil:iv. .March Kith. Ilrecca deceased, will sell real osttitu In .Mail- lion township on Saturday March lltli. urill u.ill null fialntii in liilvnsliltl fin Saturday March 18th. see advertisement. Marriage ceriillcatc.s for the use of justices (II III llll WIIIUL'a . 1 ..ill.-. .11 Thi! Urcnt ll.irgaln will positively close by the hitler part nt .March. Charles Hclcu has oiietied a new meat market under lliewncru noiise. Thu sale of thu Welsh Hill school properly 11, 1 III! II IIUJIMII HVIl III IJIIlllll.HJI -.- ., II 1 ... 12 .l.... II... ..I..l. Il.f.tllll IllQlllllt. K. S. Tingley will remove his tailor shop HOT Ull UIU III l. in iviiiii. Only four legal holidays yet remain In this vi. iir lli'fiirut (ill I). IV. 1'illirl 1 01 . I V. ri1! 1.....1 ..I.. ..till 1 iiiltifiitta I iiiiiii.:ii, ilia ...... x.... ........ Wilkes llarre has a new hoat cluli and kiiiiii I'.M'iiiii'r i :u:i' on uu hiihii iii-iiiiiinu More houses to rent are badly needed In Hies will nu wilhoui nouses on inu nisi 01 April. , Fun Hi:st. Four rooms for rent, In build ing formerly occupied by Tun Couimiiiax, opposite Court House. Apply to ('. H. Hrockwny. Tliu Iitiuklinrii School will hold 11:1 exhl bltion on Fridiy evening, March 17lh. All are cordially Invited to attend. Admission 10 cents. What is the matter witli the wild geese? They are reported in various places as Hying north with great speed. Is It possible we havu more winter lufnru us? The work of frescoing the walls of thu Opera House and re-pulntlng the scenery began on Wednesday. Mr. W. F. Wisu of Philadelphia, is thu artist engaged. The Xorth llrancli Cotitcrenec oftheSur iiuehiinua Synod of thu Lutheran Church convened in the Lutheran church of Cata wissa last .Monday evening. Mr. C. 11, Kobbius, intends to lower the Moor of his liquor establishment to thu level of the street and will put in a new and at tractive front. Tills will make his store an ornament to the street. The high winds of Friday and Saturday last so effectually dried the mud on .Main street, that 0.1 thu afterno'iii of thu last named day the dust bluiv In clouds. The Commission for revision of the tax laws of the State has decided that parsonages and other church properly not forming an Integral part of a church arc subject to be taxed and will be assessed. Our subscribers will pleasu bear In mind that thu Ctu.uMiiiAN office has been removed to thu new building on Main street, second door below Kxclmnge Hotel, lirst Hour. Hon. llenjamln S. llentley, formerly Judgu ot thu Lycoming county courts, died in Wllllanisport on Monday last, aged 7:1 years. Uu was Uglily esteemed and respected and his dinth Is much regretted. Death to rats, loaches and nuts; Paiimin Kxtkumina ioi:. Harris, granaries and house holds cleared in a slnglu night. No fear of had smells. Best and cheapest vermin killer In the world. Sold everywhere. In vluw of the recent warm weather and the apparent Improbability of many more cold days, there is a growing belief that thu ground hog as a weather prophet is a de cided failure. A o,uaiitlty of Church's puic soda for sale nt this olllce. It was received in payment of a debt, and will be sold at ten cents a pound. We iimu It In our own families and can rec ommend It. It Is probable that Miss Jane Coombs with a strong company, will appear at thu Opera House, next week In "Ilomeo and Juliet." Miss Coombs played hero some two years ago In 'Camllle" and madu a very good Impres. slnn. Thu Kingston Hats weru Hooded last week for thu fourth time this winter and travel suspended. The Wilkes Harru newspapers suggest various plans to prevent the recur. ninco of thu disaster, but it remains to be seen if anything will be done lu thu matter. Thu Miltonitia says that W. II. Smith has resumed editorial duties on the Milton Aryan, Mr. Smith was In lllooinsliurg on Friday last and verified the statement. Thu paper will hu owned by a slock company, Mr. Smith being onu of thu stockholders. Ill another column will hu found thu ad vertlsement of .1. J, Hrower, who oilers the largest and best stock of carpets &o to bu found In thu county. HU goods are ull new and Ids prices very reasonable. Don't con elude, your purchases until you have called upon him. 1 hu Miitroe Jam nut m that thu school houses of Stroudsburg look like coal bin! or plg.stycB, Not complimentary to the school directors 'ind people of thu town, truly. thu teachers tiru 110 better than the buildings what kind of an education will thu Strouds burg youth rccelviiV Knvclopes, commercial note p.qur, letter paper, foolscap, legal cap, linen and parch incut, account paper, by the sheet, quire or ream, for sale at lhu Coi.i'miiian olllcu at lower prices than can bu purchased else where In thu county. Wholesale rates given to country merchants. "What Is heaven's best gift to mailt" she nalfi.t nifi.nlli filtillliir nn t.lm IV Hull'., ' Cough Syrup," he replied with prmlcticc. He linil Jut liccu cured liy It of 11 had cold. In February, 1717, occurred the greatest snow sturiu ever known In this country. The snow commenced to fall on thu l?lli and lasted until the 21th, and was IS feet deep on thu level. Thu llcv. W W. Kvntm P. K. will preach in the School House, at Hupert, on Sunday Morning. March 12lh, nl 10 o'clock. The Sacrament of the Lord' Supper will be ad. ministered after preaching, Orlando Hess of Ileuton, was In town on .Monday night having In his possession two black bear cubs, nbout as large as Xuv foundland pups. Uu obtained them In Clinton county unit Intends to keep them for pets. Hon. S. C. Kirk, ediTor of the IIVt &-)mjU Ull iWi", haf been nppolnted city editor of the Wllllanisport Jfjn unif U in frnndnssunied his new duties jesterday. lie has served one term In the State legislature and Is spoken of 11s an able man. liy having your vendue bills printed ut the CoM'Miuan olllcu you reeclvo without charge a local advertisement of the sale, that gives It greater publicity than any other paper can give It, liy reason of our large circulation, tit .Mooiliead ifc Hatter have purchased the store at F.spy depot, formerly owned by II. W. Aid. They are energetic gentlemen nnd will conduct the establishment on stilct business principles. Head their business notice lu another column. Only two of the Supreme Court cases from this county were reached last week Steven son vs. (Irlin and Hohlns' Kxccutors vs. Heck. Messrs I.lltle and Freeze weru op posing counsel In thu tlist named emu and Messrs. lCuorr and Hhiiwn In the other. The decisions of the court have not yet been announced. HoAUDEiEs Wanu:!!. Students and others who. wish 11 quiet and comfortable boarding place on or after April 1st, 1882, can pro cure such n, place by making application to tlio undersigned cither by letter or person. Location south corner of Third and liatlroad Streets, Address, Wm. Dunns. Mr. W. C. McKiuncy has opened billiard rooms on thu second tloor of his building, adjoining thu Kxclmngu Hot'd, and has set up two handsome tables of the latest and best patterns. Thu rooms were thrown open to tho public on Tuesday evening and were tilled to thu utmost capacity. K. 1). Itolir bach will have charge of the tables. Centialla. Is agitated from stem to stem witli a new Idea in the matter of temperance. The members of a new society formed there pledge themselves to take but nnu drink a day. The slzu of thu drink is not limited and there is nothing which prevents 11 man from drawing breath between swallows, In tho constitution. It Is believed the society will be 11 success. PollsvilU CWiiVe. Thu recent high water in Fishing Creek did much damage to some of the farms along its banks. Fences were swept away nnd the land covered with a deposit of gravel which will rcqulru labor and expense to remove. At llcntou the water poured through the space between the bridge nnd Hess' hotel nnd carried away several thousand feet of lumber belonging to ltohr McIIenry. Counterfeit silver certificates have been put in circulation. One Is a 10 check, letter 1). series 1830. Another Is a 20. The tirst Is pen work, the paper poor, and thinner than the genuine, and the work darker. The ounterfeit twenties are photographic, of thin paper, and thinner thai! the genuine. A amp linger, will, by rubbing for a few mo ments, exposu both counterfeits. A new disease called scurvy leg, which at tacks poult rj , Is described by an exchangu as follows : "It Is caused by a gathering of in- llnlteslm d parasites which come, Impercep tible at lirst, in the crevices between the edges of the leg scales, and apparently form ing grayish -white warts or rough hunches. 1'heie nru millions of them In one hunch. Kerosene oil will destroy them and remove thu bunches : brimstone is also said to be ood." It will be a satisfaction to the members of the bar In Pennsylvania to know that Mr. Hrightly has in preparation a new c litlon of Pardon's Digest," which will hu Issued after thu adjournment of the legislature In 18811. .Villi also a third volume to his digest of thu ennsylvania decisions, embracing a "full index to the three volumes." 'I he latter work will appear as soon as the llnal volume of Norris' reports 11 published. Mr. J. 11. Hunt, tic liuvcr for lhu N. & W. H Itv. Co , has been in town during the week nuichasim: lies of our merchants. He has secured over 20,000, a sullleient number to liullil the roail lor alioiit seven miles. I lie sum naiil. lu the nixu'iVLMtc, will amount In over 10,000. ShichUiwy JXho. Mr. Hunt Informs us that lie has in all 7,000 ties and that only 11,000 more are re- quired to bed the road from Catawissa to Xanllcoke. When the weather permits, the work of laying track will be pushed with all possible speed, .and will piobably be com. pleled as far as Shiekshinny by thellrstof May. The Wilkes Harru gas works bluiv up on Monday afternoon last. Thu explosion oc curred in the engine room and It Is not known exactly what was the cause. The boilers did not explode nnd it is thought 1 1 1 tit escaping gas was the cause. The building was completely dcniollshe 1 nnd thu windows of houses lu the neighborhood were shattered. No onu was Injured, three men In the building escaping unhurt. The city will bu without gas for several days ami there Is a lively demand for coal oil lamps and caudles. And now they have found a new scheme to scare Christians ami sinners to death be fore their lime, and the end of the world Is postponed until IHSIt. A Herman paperasserls that a slab has been recently excavated at Oberenunel, which contains the following Latin Inscription 1 " lieu Luster falls on St. Mark's (April 25), and Whit Sunday on St. Anthony's (June lit), and Corpus Domini on St. John's (Junu 24),nll the world will call for help." It Is said that another authority for tliu date of the world s doom was the celebrated prophet, Dr. .Michael Nostradamus who was bom on thu Mth day or December, 1 .!():), and died at Salem on tho 24th of June, inou. .Mrs. Sarah dross, charged wllh attempted abortion, had a hearing before J. II, Malzu Ksq. on Tuesday afternoon last, It, It, Lit tie, dlstrlrt attorney, and H. F. Zarr appear cd for tho Commonwealth mid O. Q, Harkley and K. U. Ikcler for defendant. Dr, 11. F, (larduer was thu first witness sworn. Hu tcstllled that hu was summoned to attend Mrs. Krug at dross' hnusu and found on his arrival that shu was dead. Ho further test! lied that ho and Drs. Mclvclvy and Darter made a ;mI mo (em examination, Thu cause of death was apoplexy, Charles Krug was sworn, but his evidence was not Important Thomas Dnllmau tcstlticd as to his being at dross' houso noon idler Mrs, King's death. .Mrs, tlioss was iiein lu $1,000 for iier up pcarunco at rout I, and in default was com milted to jail, It has for several years past been apparent that Hloomsburg needs 10 nothing to waken It up. The last census shows that It has not kept pace with other towns In tho county. Her wick and Cntawlssa both Increased their populations very largely during lhu decade, while Hloomsburg showed an Increase of only three hundred. If something Is not done soon, not only llerwlck and Calawtssa, but even Cculralla will eclipse the capital, and Hloomsburg will have the proud (lis. tltictlon of being the mrM town In the county. The great necessity for bringing new Industries here has begun to be realized by our business men, and special Induce ments have been offered different parlies to locate here. No town lu the statu can nlTord greater advantages. The location Is central and healthy, water Is plenty, Arc protection ample, living Is cheap, and there Is plenty of room to build up a large oily. When the woolen milts are built, the Fishing creek railroad put through, and a free bridge thrown across lhu liver, not only lllooms. burg but the whole county will awaken to new activity. I'lie Bethlehem 7Vmn warns the public ugalnst a fraud who has been Imposing oil the people of that place. He gives Ids name ns Kinanucl Spencer and seeks charity by showing Ids feet, which have been so badly frozen as to have made ampulallon of his tois necessary. Ills stories arc contllctlug, however 1 to some he says he had them frozen In Salt Lake, and to others during a snow storm In Colorado, while snow bound and acting as a locomotive cnglii"cr. He claims to have been foreman of the Jury that ouvlctcd Lee, the leader of the .Mountain Meailow massacre. Spencer says Hint In 1811(1 he ran cngluu No. 1(1 (Neptune) on thu Lehigh Valley railroad, but because of wreck at Catasauqun, which was not Ids fault, the authoillles wished to suspend him, when he left. This story Is not confirmed, 11 limn re porter having questioned an olllccr of the company lu reference to Spencei's statement, and was Informed that there was no record that Spencer had ever been lu the company's employ. The Vihm says the man Is a fraud, He Is a well developed man, robust and healthy looking, and about six- feet high. if lhu lady who reads this card when in want of Spool Cotton will ask for the "O. N. T." she will obtain the verv best thread made. Ask for Clark's '"O.N. T." Cotton and see that you get It. For sale by all leading dealers, lob 3 o m A I'u.ltlM' Sec 'sll). Some time ago tliu Oitumbi ia called atten tion to the need of another mail agent on tliu it 11. It. It. This need Is more urgent than ever and demands the consideration of the Post-oltlci! Department, The malls are now so heavy that It Isa mnttcrof linposslbll Ityfor one man to sort and distribute them at the various towns along the road. As a re lit, the mails are carried past the towns to which they belong and bring up In Scran ton whence they return the next day. This Is exceedingly annoying, especially to business men, nnd there is a strong demand for an other mall agent. We trust that the matter may be brought to the attention of the proper authorities and that they may speed ily remedy the evil. It cannot he said that the malls nru properly delivered when twen-ty-four hours late. Why llllltt In mil 11 l.riili Venr. The year 11)00, although It Is divisible by without 11 remainder, is not a leap year, and it comes about In this wav : Under the "Julian period" the solar year was consider- d to consist of three hundred ami sixty-live days and a quarter of a day, but as the actual or civil year could not Ik' ir.nie a quarter of a day, an additional lay xvas Inserted in the ca'endar every fourth year to make up for four lost quarters and this is the 2l)th of February. Hut the Julian method of lutcrcallallon made the ear too long by eleven minutes, ten and one- third seconds. This put the calendar ahead of solar time one day in about 120 years ; so to balance this, in the adjustment of the cal endar known as the "Oregdriau," after Pope Gregorian the XIII.uoiv universally adopted lu Christian countries except lticsia, one of the leap years Is dropped at the close of every century, except when tliu llgurcs of the centurial year,leaing out the two ciphers at thu end, can be divided by four without a remainder. Thus 1(100 was a leap year and 2000 will be, but 1700, 1800 and 1D0J are not. Tmitislili AiulilorM. Hy an act of assembly passed In 1831 the iccounts of poor directors not co-exteu- slve with tho county lu which they are slt- ated, are to hu audited annually on the sec ond .Monday of January, by a board of audi tors composed of the senior auditors of each Ity, borough or township of which the (lis. trlet may he composed. This does not change any special laws or acts now In force. It is a mutter of interest to township audi tors and the public, to know that liy an Act of Assembly approved June -1th 187l),the date of the meeting of such auditors was tlxcd on thu second Monday of .Match of each year. Before the passage of th it net the tinu- was thu second Moiid ly of April, :i:id wu are in formed there are many persons who think that is the iii'o.ur il i'.e. An lltors should bear this In mind and save themselves trouble. Next Monday, thu Kith lust,, is tliu date on which township auditors mint meet. By 11 provision of the act mentioned ubove the terms of nil new township olllcers begin on the Hrst .Monday of March anil the terms of old olllcers expire on that day. riktiliiu Creek llriiu. The meeting Is sllll In progress at the Jonestown M. K, Church,' It commenced on the 22nd of January and has been con ducted of late by the olllclal members of the church. Quite n number have professed to be ju.-tltied and joined the church. Mr. William A, Jones of Towaiida, Ilrad. ford county, formerly of this place, has been visiting Ids father and mother and Ids many filends at Jonestown. His visit resulted In taking to himself a wife, Miss Llz.nle Mc. Gulru of the same place. They were married by the Itev. T. O. Wees in the M, K. Church at Jonestown. Mr. Joseph Kvclaud is also nu 11 vMt from New York Stale to this place, where lie has many waun friends. He was '.it Jonestown meeting two evenings ami was warmly greeted. He Is getting quite feeble- Thu wheat and rye crops look very prom islng at this place, and the roads are begin lug to dry oil, Wu had last week the highest freshet lu rislilng creek anil lliintluguou creek we have had slncu July 18.10, Some scattering Hocks of pigeons seen last week at this place. On Thirl) Trial, We will send Dr. Dye's Celebrated Klcclro Yoltalo Belts and other Klcctrle Appliance on trial for thirty days to young men ami older persons who are atlllclcd with nervous deblllty.lost vllallly.elc, guaranteeing speedy relief and complete icstnratlon of vigor nnd manhood. Also for Itheuuiallsm, Neuralgia, Paralysis, Liver and Kidney dllllcnliles, Ruptures and main other diseases, llhistra ted pamphlet scut free, Address Yoltalo Hell Co., Maihhall, Michigan, Oct. 28, ' Siilnorlbcrs who change their places of rcsl. donee 011 the first of April should notify us of thu fact, giving both the old nnd the new post olllco address. Alfred 11. Clinplu Ksq. who studied law lu the otllco of lion. C. It. lluckalew and was subsequently ndmlltcd to the bar, has re- moved to Nanllcoke and will practice lu that town. Besides the attorneys mentioned last week, Col, 8. Knorr and AV. II. Uhawn Ksqs. were also In attendance) at tho Supreme Court lu Philadelphia. Mr. George Lazarus who has been visiting lu this part of the country for several months past, started for his home In Columbus, Knnsas, last Tuesday. He was formerly a resident of Orangevllle. J. F. Peacock Is spending the week lu New York, Mr. I'eler Collins has returned to town and III make this his headquarters for some time to come. .Mr. McKwen. of Wnluwrigiit As Co., Plilln. elphla, was lu town Ill's wivk, on Ids usual monthly business dip. .Mr. Will illllcris visiting Mrs. (1. V,. W1U bur, Ids sister. Mr. and Mrs. N. I'. Funk are In Philadel phia this wi-'ck. Mrs. W, A. llorr and sou, of Havcnmi, Ohio, me the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. McKlnney. Mr. and Mrs. George l' Klwell are In Philadelphia. Mr. L. T. Applemau of Kiston Is In town. Mr. Michael Meylcrt t,f L-iporte, registered at the Kxchange Hotel on Wednesday. Nl" Illlti'f prim's. It may now be set down as an established fuel that the woolen mill will be established In Hloomsburg. A substantial three slotted brick building, 121 x .11 feet In dimensions, HI be erected on the corner of Sixth and West street, and furnished wllh the best inn- hlnery. This enterprise will give employ ment to a large number of hands, We hope and believe this manufactory Is the first of many yet to come. Hloomsburg offers un usual Inducements for manufacturing estab lishments, such as inllretii facilities, an am ply supply of water, well guided streets fee, and capitalists will do well to lake these things Into consideration in deciding upon locations for their works. Messrs. Harmaii k Hasscrt havepurcha-ed two lots of land adjoining their shops and lire negotiating for a third. They Intend to erect extensive car works If satisfactory ar rangements can be made. We are glad to announce so Important 11 business venture. It seems quite certain that a telephone ex change will be established lu this town with conui'Cllons to Danville.Catawlssa, Berwick, Espy and Light Street. This will prove a rent convenience to our people, and when onco tried will never lie relinquished. The plrlt of Improvement is certainly strong lu Hloomsburg Just now.' Messrs. Corcoran ii Biibb will soon estab lish a wholesale grocery bulness In the old McKelvy building, corner of Main and Mar ket streets. .III Hill hem.. Many children are being detained from school 011 account of vaccination. .Mr. William Goodhait of West Millliu and Miss Eva Miller of Main township, were mar ried on Saturday la-t. The singing convention which was held nt this place, during the whole of last week, by Profs. Keller of Cntawlssa, and Johnson of New York, closi d on Saturday evening with musical concert. It was an entire success. The hours of Instruction were from I) to 11 111., 2 lo 4 p. m. nnd 7 to 0 p. m. There were alioiit forty scholars In the class who were verv much lieneilteilliy Hie l'rol s., who would be welcome!)1 patronized In tho future. The coin entlon was just what was needed and was highly appreciated liy all Intelligent lovers of music. Mr. and Mrs. John Snyder of Milton, form- rly of this place, have been visiting friends and relatives here for the past two weeks. They both have reached the age of seventy years, and are looking unusually well. I hey were warmly greeted by many old friends and former neighbors. .Vr. Win. Harlzel Jr., had Ids hand badly hurt on Monday, while at woik on the saw mill. Kev. Kolder.the Reformed mlnl-tir of this liarge.lianiled in Ids resignation on Sunday last. Superintendent Grimes visited thu town schools on Friday. He had vWlcd the ountry schools early In January. Hull. 11111I ItiiMii'lH The hats and bonnets ahcady Introduced for early spring wear are bv no means so pro- noiineed in shape as those favored last whiter, but are much modltlcd In size and formation, The specimens upon exhibition show hut few of the curves, dents and smashes which mill ked tliu styles last summer in even the arious straws, and made noticeable the felts and beavers (luring lhu fall and winter seasons. Large round hats aru slightly up turned either lu front, back or one side, and positive pukis are replaced by a bonnet which Is neither a poke nor a cottage in shape, but partakes of the characteristics of both. Steeple-crowns have scoop brims, and queer shaped bonnets lit the face closely, while the rowns cover the back of the head; capotes have not changed In st) le and are In great favor, us so many ladles can wear them who dure not assume unique or striking shapes. Personal inspection of early Importations of spring styles lu hats and bonnets has led to tliu above expression of opinions, but If one can rely upon the assertions ot author! tics lu mutters of fashion at home and abroad. It can bo easily helleved that thu same latl tude Is allowed in coverings for the head as Is found In the formation of costumes. llln'."ltli Vim Mliilili-." Delightful old Itlp Van Winkle, whom Washington Irving and Joseph Jefferson have madu onu' of the most famous of Amer ican characters, Is just published, with other of Irvlng's choicest ".Sketches," In a charm, lug little ivdJIue, gilt edge, richly ornament. cd volume, for the marvellously low price of i't cents, or by mall, 10 cents, by The Useful Knowledge Publishing Company, of New York City. They Issue nu edition of Hie same, bound lu plain cloth, for 21 els, post paid, and another, new In binding, appro. priutcly nnnieil "rllllly," for only 111 cents, postpaid, These volumes are issued cspccl. ally lo show lo the book. buying millions the ch iracter of the literature, and quality of workmanship, willi the wonderful economy lu cost, which the "Literary Rebellion" pro. poses to produce, a large number of standard nnd exceedingly desirable works being announced to follow rapidly, cipial lu ipial. Ity and lu economy of cost. The red line edition Is certainly one of the most exipiUlte lllllu volumes which has ever found lis way Into the homes of ordinary mortals, nnd the "I'llllly" cdlllon places the famed low price even of the "Lileraiy Revolution" far lu the background. I he books will ceitaltily sell by the hundred thousand, and ought to sell uy ine million. . postal earn will secure specimen pages and catalogues from the publisher, Tliu I'seful Knowledge Publish lug Company, 1112 William Street, New York ( hy. Ilrntnn Ileum Miss Vcrnla Crosslcy, who has been visit ing her parents In this place for the past three weeks, returned to Lalrdsvllle on Saturday last. The high water, hist week, did conshh r- able damage In Benton. Several Benton people attended the pro tracted meeting at ltohrsburg, Sunday. It Is still being continued with remarkable success. Several of our young folks attended 11 1 oyster supper at Mr. Jack Gearhart's tesl. deuce, nenr Ciitnlira, hist Friday evening. They report It a very enjoyable affair, and nver that Ciunbrii's young people are very entertaining and made everything pleasant or them. The building of the proposed now Christian chinch at ('umbra, Is very likely to bu post poned for thu present, nil on account of a failure of lhu members to uiinnlmoilsly agree as to the location of the church. Dame rumor has it that Mr. F. Wilson, of liohrsburg, Intends locating In Benton about the 1st of April. Henton will then have two Imrncss.maker.s, one more than Is necessary to do thu business In that Hue, in Ibis place. Applemau it .McIIenry Intend putting up a largu threcslory building soon, to bo used for ti blacksmith ami wagon-maker shop. Tills will bo quite an Improvement. Mr. J. M, Long, nt Hloomsburg, on Satur day last, sold Ids team of horses, buggy and harness. Krickbaiim & McIIenry recently purchased Mr. II. M. Kverett's new hearse, trimmings, Ac. They also have a very Hue white hearse expressly for children's funerals, three' Ice boxes, and In fact everything necessary to carry on a llrst-class undertaking business. Their stock of furniture Is the largest, best and cheapest ever brought to Henton. llertvtrk Natm. .Mr. Gat rick Mallory Is very happy. Ills a twelve pound girl ; arrived on Wednesday morning. On Tuesday morning the infant daughter of Mr. Lilly, a moulder, was burned to death. Its clollus were set on lire liy 11 sistci about three years old, during the mother's absence from the room, Il died a few hours after tliu accident. At the Literary Society last Saturday even ing the c.xeiclses were 11 song by W. M. Mo!- llcli, recitation by Albert Klmherly and n debate on Love vs. Hate. The iilllrinatlve was represented by W. K. Smith, B. P. Van- natta and Andrew Freasj the negative by Flunk Stewart, J. F. Hevan and Harry Phillips. The house was tilled to overflow, lug, drawn together liy the expectation of hearing 1111 exposition of the power of the tender passion. Messrs. Stewart nnd Yiinnatta were particularly eloquent. The Judges decided for the iitHrmutlvo, that love s thu stronger passion, On Sunday, Itev. Smyscr preached Ids farewell sermon In the Methodist church. Many friends will regret Ids departure. The Sunday previous Itev. Kttlnger, who has been the Kvangelical pastor here for ten years, preached his adieu. This church has never had a more sincere, manly and able divine than he who will shortly leave. The small-pox patients nre doing well. The dogs shot. There is one new case in "Newtown." town council have decreed that all running around on the streets shall be Iloiv.lliirrlntfcln .'eniisjltauta llevokiM 11 WTI. Some very hard cases have arisen under our law In regard to this subject. A man about lo marry has made Ids will lu favor of his Intended wife, and a woman about to marry has made her will In favor of her in tended husband, and In both cases the wills have been revoked by the marriage. It has happened more than, once that purchasers who bought from the devisee or legatees under a will, have found that they have fulled to get a titlu to tliu wholu properly on ac count of an outstanding claim on thu part of uu after-born child of the testator. It Is Im portant, therefore, that the following sum mary of the law by the late Chief Justice Iteed should bo kept In mind : First. The will of a single woman Is re- voked liy her subsequent marriage, and Is not revived by the death of her husband. Second. If 11 man makes his will and marries, and dies leaving a widow, so far 11s regards 'the widow, lie dies Intestates that is, his will Is revoked pro tanto (or in Hint re spect.) Third. If a man makes his will, and lias an after-born child or children not provided for in said will, and dies leaving this after- born child or children, so far as regards such child or children, he dies Intestate, . ml Ids will is revoked pro t inta. Fourth. If a man makes Ids will, and marries, and dies, leaving 11 widow- and child not provided for In such will, his will is not revoked absolutely, as at common law, but only ' lanln. Fifth. If a man marries, and dies, leav- lug 11 widow, lint not known heirs or kindred, It Is clearly revoked, so far as to Ivu to lhu widow both the real and personal estate! absolutely. I he law reluses to ailmtt thai a man can Intend to disinherit Ids children, unless hu shows that Intention by 11 will made after they were born. A Hint Uxi'fiitluii. The billowing is given upon the authority of the IV.ossbuig ReguUr : A number of gentleman last Wednesday noon were the witnesses of a very curious pro. ceedlng. On the sign lu front of the Key stone clothing house were gathered a large number of our common street sparrows, Hy the busy actions of the birds It was evl dent that something unusual was about to transpire. On the cornices of thu building could bu seen different groups, all apparently engaged In the discussion of sonnj subject of grave Importance. Every now and then one would liy off, generally returning with some friends lo increase the number of thosu already assembled. The spectators watched the progress of the affair with 11 lively curl. osity,as the actions of tliu birds were remark, able In tho extreme. At last matters seemed to bu brought to 11 climax ; tho different groups separated and gathered in a crowd around thu sign, and now comes thu strange part of the Incident. Upon 11 small Iron rod connecting tho sign with the sldu of the building were ranged a doen solemn looking sparrows 1 presently two moru appeared, one leading tliu other by the neck. He was led to the centre of lhu rod and pushed off. To the surprise of the audience he made 110 at tempt lo liy away, hut remained suspended In the air, A close scrutiny revealed tho fact that onu end of a long horsehair was fastened around his neck, the other end be. Ing held In thu mouth of thu sparrow above, It gradually becamu apparent to tliebystand ers that thuy were witnessing thu execution of a bird felon. After he had remained bus pended In this position a few moments, 11 grent uproar arose, and the culprit was al lowed to depart, Il ls presumed that the stay of proceedings was granted on the plea of temporary Insanity, Dully Chicago Tlmes.J Mr. (leorge Humes, of Iliignall ii Ilarues of Mouth Water street, said that Ids wife had been a severe sufferer wllh neuralgia for years and had tried many remedies In vain 8t. Jacobs Oil Is the only thing that biought her relief. Ilrrita Itrfl riled. The following deeds hnvu been iccnrded since those lost published! Henry James and wife lo H. F, Gardner, Bloom. John L. Frcck mid wife to Lewis A. Hlley, Ccntrnlla. Solomon llelwlg lo Joseph Uelwlg, Cain- wissa. Asi'in iirs. If the electors of any township fall to choose an assessor or assistant assessor nt the time fixed by law, or If any pet son elected refuse to serve, the ciiunly commissioners shnll ap point n tit person to (HI the olllce. Assessors must produce lo the county com. mlsshmcrs wllhln twenty days after their election a copy of the oath or nlllrmalloii which they have subscribed, In be Hied In tho commissioners' olllce. They must also keep 1111 account of thu several days actually em ployed lu the performance of their duties. The ncl of 15 May 1811 requires that asses sors and assistant assessors shall assess, rutu and value all objects of taxation, whether for slate, county, township or borough purposes according to the actual value thereof, nnd nt such rates and prices for which the same would separately ii'imi jiilt sell. In making their returns the assessors should be vety careful not lo return the same tract of unseated land twice. They should make diligent Inquiries and If an unseated tract has become seated since the last assess ment It should be transferred to lhu seated list 1 To Illustrate 1 Suppose A owns 11 farm, , . .... .... ,, , , . . j farm was assessed lu the name of 11 last venr. During thu year A purchases of 11 and an nexes tliu tract lolds farm, and cultivates It, thus making It seated Instead of utiscilcd. Thu assessor puis an Increased valuation on A's farm thus enlarged, and then, as is too often the case, proceeds to make nut his return oii ( year' IrnvL and puis down the unseated tract In the name of 11. Two years pass by, no taxes are marked as paid on the tract, though A has paid taxes on the whole farm, mid It Is advertised for sale by the treasurer. The commissioner!) refuse In In vestigate the case, mid rather than engage In expensive litigation A pays the taxes and costs, though he does not owe a dollar of It. nd so the operation may be repealed year after year. In such cases the commissioners should give the matter their careful attention, and make corrections In accordance with the facts. This would prevent much unjust tax ation, and would save the county the ex pense of advertising many tracts that either do not exist at all, or arc assessed under two different names, or have become seated. Thu best way to avoid any trouble of lids kind Is to elect none but Intelligent and careful men to the olllce of assessor. BThe 8 mi The great superiority of DR. BULL'S COUGH SYRUP over allolhercough remedies is attested by the immense popular demand for that old established remedy ' For the Cure of Cotichs, Colds, i oarseness, Croup, Asthma, Bron hitis, Whooping Cough, Incipient Jonsumption and for the relief of I "ivummive persons in advanced a is of the Disease. For Sale ' 't '! rrutgists. Price, 25 cents. .VHTJ Nov. 4, '81-cm Marriages. llAi!i:isoN'--Siifi.iv. At the .M. 11. Parson. age in Orangevllle, by llcv. T. O. Clecs, Feb. the 8th, Mr. T. W. Harrison of Jonestown, to Miss Lottie Shullz, all of Col. co. AnNiviia: -MiM.cii- At the same place, 011 Keb. llltli, by Hev. T O. Clecs, Mr. A. 1), Arnwinc of West Hemlock, to Miss Alice Miller of Niimldia, all of Col. co. Sushis - Hamon--March -lib, at the M. I- parsonage, in Centre, by Itev. X. Spear, Kllnha Stiuer to Joanna O. Hamou, all of Centre. Deaf HineuKU-oN' Died lu Light Street on Feb- ruary 18th, Samuel II. llutcliesson, aged (12 years and 10 mouths. Jiiiismin On thu 27th of February at Jer- seylown, Mrs. F.ll.abcth .Johnson, aged 02 years 5 months and .1 days. Cisim On .March the !lrd Christcna Crliu of West Hemlock, aged 7ii years ami 27 da). PHILfvDELPH A MARKETS COUUKlTBU WEEKLY YUtVH. Mliinesit.i extras lYuiisymuilit f unity . Western Itye (IKAIN. Wheat ItVl) Cora o its Cloversecd Timothy M OH 7 !i7 ii (l (.6 0 M ,. .. 5 (HI (.. 5 ti . ... i Tf. 1,1 5 IHI 1 41 ncr htlh. ui 111 per uu li. II (a, 11 4i 14 50 " 11 a 11 h, cts. 1 cr lb. M.UUvlSTUKPOK'lN BLOOMSllUliO MAKKKT Win Hi pi r bushel,,. Itye " .... U5 uo Corn, " ... oits ' " M ,41 nour rer ourrm .., ctovjrsced s.w 5.M fit liutlor K.'L'S V5 OS 1 .11 .OS Tallow rotatoes Dried Apples Hams sides s Shoulders ., Chickens Turkeys .la .IIS .13 wiru pur pouuu ..... liar per ton 10 00 UtOdWUX BE NOT DECEIVED By Plvsters claiming to be an im provement on ALLCOOK'S POROUS PIASTERS. AT T lo tlin fliiirriiiol anil aliajUUK. a is tlio uriginal ana nnW irmmina Pnivrnj Pl.iaim. Olliy geiUline lOlOlW UtlStei all other so-called PoPOUS Plasters arc imitations. Beware of them. See that you get an ALLC0CK tt i nwi r i i , rijAnj CjCV, WHICH we guarantee has cfFccted nioro and quicker external cures than any other remedy. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. feh 1131-COW Business Notices New Shirting nt I, W. Hartmnn's. If you want Towels, Napkins, Table Linens or white Counterpanes go. to Lilt, cc Sloan's. IT ItKAIIS TUB LIST Of all other iiretiarntlons or medicines. In cases of niti!, hcatlaeht, dizziness or Irreg ularities of the system, Burdock Blood Hit ters hnve 110 equal. They never fall In affording Immediate relief. Price $ 1,00. New Pant goods at I. W. Hartman's, ltenicinber that LutZix; Sloan will not be undersold on black silks. AM. IS WF.l.t, HIAT KNI1S WKM. (Irln Catlln. 10 Pearl Street, Huffnlo, N. Y., says 1 "I tried various remedies for the piles . . . .. - ... a , n-i l mil lounil no rciici until 1 uscii 1 nonius I.clectrlc Oil. which entirely cured me after a few applications." Now Muslin and Tickings at I. W. Hart- mans. C. C. Mnrr Is selling lino syrup for 00 cents. Fun Sai.k. Jersey Hull Bucephalus 2nd No. :i1f)S. Will bo sold to make room for Ids successor SI. Augustine No. 5020. In quire of A. P. Young, Mlllvllle. A true assistant to nature In restoring tho system to perfect health, thus enabling It to resist disease, Is Brown's Iron Hitters. New Cambrics at I. W. llnrtmau's. Housekeepers will Hud It to their advan tage to visit ilie Great Bargain store. Moorhcnd A: Hurler have purchased the s,n1;. "c " ''" ,u "l0 ! M"no" and have cnlnrccd the stock. They have raised the prices on railroad tics, and will pay the highest llgurcs cither lu trade or cash. They also Keep on hand a stock of salt, llsh, fertilizers and land plaster which they offer for sale at very low prices, lted Ash Avondalc coal constantly on hand. march u, vw. For extra Inducements J. F. Caldwell is trying to sell bread cheaper than can be bak. cd by any private family. New Coatings at I. W. Hartman's. annovance avoidkii. Grey hairs are honorable but their ptema- ture appearance is annoying. Parker s Hair H ilsam prevents thu annoynncu by promptly restoring tliu youthful color. New Calico at I. W. Hartman's. - . - SOCIETY IIKI.I.KS. On account cf Its remarkably delicate and lastliiL' frai'raiico society belles areioud In their pialses of Floreston Cologne. C. C. Marr wants corn, oats, potatoes, large and small onions, dried apples, butter, eggs, lard and meat. G rent Bnriralns are tobuhadatC. W. Low's store at Orangevllle Pa., as he Is selling out his entire stock of goods at cost, as lie has 1 rented his storu to Llllev fc Sloppy nnd gives them possession the Hrst of April, feb 17- tf The low prices at the Great Harcalu store. have still been reduced lower, ns wo shall sell all our strck by thu latter part of March. Biitlerlck March patterns nt C. C. Marr's. RUSSIAN WIIlTIi OATS. At Mover Hros. Write for prices. Can supply any quantity, wholesale and retail. Pianos, omans. nnd all wood musical In struinciils.cleancd.tiined.nnd repaired. New hairs put oil bows. T. Methcrcll, Hloomsburg. New Dress Goods at I. W. Hartman's. Visit tho Barirain store for Great Harciiins lu iinvtliiiiL'. Will close the latter Mart of March. C. C. Marr wants gecsu feathers. only two norri.M. Messrs. Johnson, Hollowny & Co., wholu salu driiL'L'NtH of Philadelphia, Pa., report that some time ago 11 gentleman handed thenr a dollar with a request 10 send a good catarrh cure to two army olllcers in Arizona. He- ccnllv Hie same gentleman told them that both the olllcers and the wife of Gen. John C. Fremont, Gov. of Arizona, had been cured of catarrh hy two bottles of Kly's Cream Balm. Messrs. Bros., Druggists, Oswego, N. Y. A few days ago 1 saw a lady who had used your Cream Halm for Catarrh, and had found more relief from one bottle than from all other remedies shu had tried. I enclose $1 for two bottles. Yours respectfully, Jalnes Hitchcn, M. I). Providence, It. I. Price 00 cents. You can buy calico, gingham, mohair and c.ishiueru dress goods cheaper at C. C. Marr's than ever. Want Prime Cloversccd and fiOO bushels of Potatoes at Silas Young's, Light Street. Feb. 24 4.w Xew Cretonnes at I. W. Hartman's. Dr. bV.izier's Rout Biltc.s. Fra.icr's Hoot Hitters are not a dram-shop whiskey buverai!e,but are strictly medicinal in every sense. They act strongly upon the liver nun uiuncys, Keep ine noweis open nnu renular.makc thu weak stronchcnl the lungs. build up the nerves and cleanse the blood nnd system ot every impurity. For dizziness.! ess,rush of blood to the head, tend- loir In Hiinnlew. dvsni'iisiii. fever and aifiic. lllijia,Mllllui.3 mm iuwit:iiL-n, aiiuiiuuiia nu- .1-'.. t 1... 1 !.!.... 1 . n-nr..ln..., 1... I ErXeT; sullcrimr from weakness or debility caused from Imprudence, and to temalcs lu delicate health, l ruzler's Koot Hitters are especially recommended. lip I'Vimpr. I hnvu imeil twn luittles nf Hoot Hitters for dyspepsia, dizziness weak- uess, ami kidney disease, anil they did me more good than the doctors, and all the mcdl - clnul ever used, l roni thu Hrst iIoo 1 took 1 begun to mend, and I am now in perfect Health, anil tcel as well us 1 ever (lid. 1 con- b c"i.s,rm ' 8 .Mllh. Jl. .MAKll.-N, Cleveland, u. by all druggists everywhere nt l per Sold bottle. UllSHY (i CO.,iofe lou'r, 02 Wtev SI. AVio York. PILliS! PILES! P.LES! .1 Sure Cure Found ut I.un(! No one nocmi stiiier! A sure, cure tor 1. Itiil.ti ee.Il.ig, Itching ami William, (an Indian remedy.) called Dr. Wll. nam s iiiuiau wiiiimcni, a single uox nns cured the worst chronic cases of 'Hi or !K) years standing, No one need suffer flvu minutes alter applying this wotuleriul sooth. Ing medicine. Lotions Instruments and elec tuaries do more harm than good. William's Ointment absorbs tho tumors, allays thu in tense itching, (particularly at night after get ting warm In bed,) acts as a poulticc.glvesin- suini anil painless rellei,nnil is prepared only lor piles vc, nnu mr miming cise. Head what lion. J. M. Uollltiherrvof Uleve laud says about Dr. William's Indian Pllo ii ()lntnient! 1 have used scores of pile cures, Jo and It utTords inu plca.Miru to say that I have never found anything which gave me such immediate and permanent relict us Dr. ll ham's Indian Ointment. For sale by all druuijists or mailed on re ccipt ol price, ifi.uu. HDN7.Y & CO.. Prop'n, 02 Yescy St., New York KIN DISEASES CURED HyDr. Frulcr's Magic Ointment. Cures us If by magic, pimples, black heads or H1'. blotches nnd eruptions on the face, wU i. tll0 sUIn Ct,lir ,u. llt)iy lllul u-muifui . Ahm cures Itch, barber's Itch, salt rheum.tet- ; , rgwonn, sculd head, chapped bauds, yuan uu iiescripiiou irom u hkiu disease which appeared cm his hands.hcad and face, and nearly destroyed Ids eyes. Thu most ;b careful doctoring failed to help him, and after nil liml fnlli'll 1 141 USl'il llr. 1' Vil'Iil'u Mmrlrt ". . . . - . - .. - . -..&.. Han lulled nu used nr. r raziei's uinuneni anu was cured uy a lew appiica lions. Ctrl lie tlrst and only iiosltlvu cure for skin mucuses cei iiiMUYcrcu. Hcnt by mall on receipt of jirtcu. 60 cents. tiHSiti ivt,u., oie I'rop'rs, 02 Yksbv sr.. Nkw Youk. Fur blind, bleeding, itching or ulcerated piles int. wiimam's imiian cii.e ointment is a surectue. Price ijd.OQ by mall, Njrsa'e by nil Drugglsld. JOHN A. FUN STON & Co, Eoal Estato, Truflti Investment and Oolloction OlBco. BLOOMSBURG, DA. rottsu.u iUktorv frama woolen milt, with full set ot tn- clilnerjr, a good nttir.U wsur power, a l io gooa working oonmtioa, also Atgs fr M rtwjlllnif.oarn and oiit-bulldlngs, M Heron ( I la nl, mil to liloomsburir, win 00 s jkt in 1 011 tfo xi tormi, owned br c. I.. Bands. 70 acres, (rood land, biilldlnifs, fences, trult uid water. In Henton twn.. one mlli 10 No Columbus. Terms reasonable, owned br Daniel ennr. mc 11,000 115 Acres. Hurley farm, Mont Jirtonhtp.frame dwelling house, bank onrnand other ouMiuitdtngs, good soil; about too acres timber, well watered; ucalthjr location, (rood markets. If desired, will d. Tiae in iwo or iiirv'B irdfcLB. rru uiui n, u. v..y Now owned by Wm. Null, Esq. A comfortable now brick dwelling on stu street. weitot Market, IV rooms. A bargnla. ISO acres on south bank of river t miles from town ot Mimtn on road to Iter Ick. IIS acres bottom Unri. h&lanroi timber. Ilnck dwelling, bank barn and outbuildings, (rood fruit and water, (well and foun tain). Also a valuable acpostt of nve acres of brick and potter clay. Owned by John Wolf, of Dlooms- ounr. A desirable now brick dwelling lioasa and a targa frame dwelllnir houso anl frame Btable on Kant street one door bilow Third. jatM offered on casr terms with contncU to bulla If deslrod. SB acrea In Madison UiwnetitD: occulted br Joseph wise, uoou irjino nouso anu uanK u.iru. Land lately well limed and manured. Apple orchard and oincr ituiia. 101 Acres In l'lshlnircrcck townthlp.on road to ilenton. llrlck house, finmo bjrn and kheds Uood water at house an 1 barn. Apple orchard and other fruits, owned by John t'calur. HI Acres productive land In "Icmlock to.tashlp, 4 miles from liloimsburg. Kramo dwelling, bank barn and I wo tenant homes. A t story brick dwelllnir. hew frame barn trood water and fruit. All In boat of condition on Centre street, Uljomsbu'g, between 3rd and stn. A largo irame house and barn "I'll outbuildings, trood water and ft uu. Corner of Third ( nd liatlroad 1 reels. A very frame dwelling, cornt r 01 stu and Iron streets, with water and ebb. All In coodcondl. tloo. A )f story frame ctrrl igo and bUcksmlth shop, 40xro iceton Iron near Muln street, with trade and goodwill AfullsH of tools In each department, lie isoiiablo price and terms A nearly how s-story train) itclllng on Fourth Street. Catawlsia, fr.ima sublc, good water, and fruit, all iugod cindltion. Also. n'ies land on I). It W. tt. It near Caliwhui Paper Mills, wllh coal jard. 4 llmi kilns, ani railroad Biding. A des rablo site for car shops or other manufactory. Tcrini casonable. Owned uyf. ji. KDiiiie. fls acres, well watered. In Hemlock township. framo house, bank barn and out-bulldlngs, choice fruit, young orcu ,rd with grain In grouad, Block c If desired. Thorn is lllcxey o.vner. For particulars, apply to oct. 1 1, si-tt John a. Fu.vsroH. orl'AL'L E, Wilt!'. Osborn's Family Paints ready for use are the most convenient article of the kind, all shades and colors, put up In 4, J and pint cans. Ye furnish 11 can of paint and brush for 25 cents. bnxoline l'etroleum Jc lv. scalds and sores of every kind; It is good and cheap. Saxollne Pomade for the hair, highly perfumed, 2o cents. Glycerine Lotion. To Indies and children or any person with .1 tine sensitive skin and whose complexion is affected by the weather causing redness, roughness and chapping (his Lotion is invaluable. An excellent ap plication lo the f-;j after shaving. Large bottles 2.1; and BC 1 nts. Our Stock of Hair and Tooth brushes has been replcnUhe 1 nnd contains some good bargains. Ve carry a complete and well selected stock, anil competent persons are always in attendance to supply the wants of our pat rons. We study to please, nnd believe we can supply you with everything in our line economically, satisfactorily and in 11 manner calculated to induce to join in the verdict, that our store Is the place to trade. Hoping to see many readers of the Coi.umiiias ut our place of business shortly and soliciting n sliurc of your esteemed patronage, we re main Very Truly Yours N. J. Hendershott. C. C. GALIGNAN, llUAt.KIl IN STOVES. HEATERS and RANGES. FIRE PLACE HEATERS; LOW OO WN GRATES. CELLAR FURNA0ES, &o- I . n 11 Ml Ull T7 I TT J m era Always Mm uu nauu. mTVI (! QUPPrn TTjnlJ WnDV", mi, UUU UllUbl llll'll llUlin. 1 t : i.:E i:tw, A ''V "'"j"''-"'"" "3 ., OS Jill" US gOOll WOrK IS COIlCCrilt'tl. No matter how difficult the job is DrillR It 10 1110, tllHI 1 Will 10 11 01' , PLUMBING. Parties wanting work done in I this blanch, will do well to call nn(i ec(. mQ bofore QU elsowllCre. I do UOt hire IU1V but Jll St clnSS plumbers to do my work. STEAM FITTING. I am now ready to make esti mates and take contracts for heat ing private houses and public LiiilflinrrH bv fitpinn nr lint wntor luUlIHg8 U Sieaill Ol 1101 WIULT. GAS FIXTURES. There is always a full line of this class ot goods to bo louiul in mv store. Any that I have not oil hand 1 Can tlll'IUSh at Shortest .'. nc, lmv ncj 0itv lvrWft HOllCt, US IOW IIS 111) pi. LIS ROOFING. I am always ready to do a coed ;ni. nr vftn hip nt n luir m-irn J0"01. 100"11k 111 11 nL3' SatlstllCtlOU guaranteed 0 ra or no OPERA HOUSE, Bloomsburg, Fa.