The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, March 10, 1882, Image 2

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J. . BI7TEH81.HDEB,) a1"0"-
Friday. March 10. legS
Many Democrats die every year, but
few arc born. This i an epigram.- en
Ktt lyibune. A much ohorter word will
describe it better a word of three lot-ton-.
The President sayi! that Mr.Conkling'a
letter, declining the appointment ns jus
tice of the Supremo Court, will not bo
made public t& present. Why make it
public at allt It is o no particular in
terest to tho country, Mr. Conkling'a
law business has had a sufficient boost
as it is, and tho matter might as well bo
Tho record of railroad" accidents pub
lished in tho Railroad Gazette shows for
the year 1881 a total of 1,458 accidents,
11 1 persons killed, and 1,o53 injured,
Doing a mommy average oi Tl acci
dents, 30 killed and 120 injured. This
is a larger average than ior any previous
year since tlie record lias been kept
Still they come. The Sullivan county
Democrat endorses Hon. S. 1'. Wolvcr-
tan for Governor, and says that he is "a
Kentleraan ot hnc abilities, a sound Dern
ocrat and an indefatigable worker,' all of
-r . :..
vwuuu in mtu. .ill. , t wiv ill lull Ui guuuu;
strength every day aud will Command
a strong support at the State con
The big walking match in New York
ended on Saturday nisht last. Hazael
came out ahead witB a score of GOO
miles, beating all previous records. Fitz
gerald made 577 miles, Xoremac 555,
Hart 512, Hughes 535, Sullivan 525.
The amounts won range from about $18,-
000 for Hazel to S7.-U tor Sullivan,
The total attendance during the week
is estimated at 50,000. It is thought .that
liazael will be challenged by J towel!.
The Pittsburg Post Bays : "XowHhat
ex-Senator Dorsey has been criminally
indicted, some Republican Congressmen
are annoyed that he persists in retaining
his position as secretary ot tlie JJepublt
can National Committee. It is thought
that the members and oflicers of tlie Ta
tional Committee should belong to the
undetected part of the community.
When Kemble was detected and indicted
he made over all his right, title, interest
and claim in thcCommitteetoDon Cam
Tho United .states isenate con
firmed the nomination of ex-benator
Conkling as one of the justices of tho
Supremo Court. Tho vote t-tood 38 yeas
to 12 nays, eight of the latter being
Democrats ami lour Kepublicans, viz
Hoar, Dawes, Morrill, and Hawley.
Eftigy Sargent was confirmed ns minister
to Germany, without a division. '1 wo
bad nominations. Mr. Conkling, on
Monday, sent a special messenger to the
President declining the appoiutment.
An anxious country can now sit down
and draw a long breath. W hat an nn
comfortable person a very great man is
to be sure.
The Philadelphia Press has recently
published some Btartling statements
going to prove that the detectives of that
citv are in collusion with thieves and
burglars. Tlie charges are circurastan
tial, giving name) and dates, and demand
a rigid investigation, it is a matter ot
wondering comment that tho reform
mayor, King, takes no steps to ferret
out the facts and break up the detectivo
force as now organized. Mavor King
will have to show more zeal than he has
yet, if he expects to retain the confidence
ot tho men who elected him. it lias long
been believed that I'hiladelpliias detect
ives were utterly corrupt, but the Press
first makes detailed accusations against
them. 1-et the mayor act at once and
with vigor.
With the present issue of tnis paper
wo begin volume AIjVII ot tho
w,v Demociut, which was consolidated
with the Coi.umiiian in 1807. Since the
establishment of the Democrat in 183
marked changes have occurred in journ
nlism. Tradition has it that in its early
days the Democrat was delivered
through the surrounding country by
carrier on horseback, and about three
days were consumed in getting the pa
pers into the hands of a limited number
of subscribers. When the editor was in
need of the necessarie of life, and this
was probably tho caso much of the time
he started out with a truck wagon, and
collected his subscriptions in cabbage,
pork, chicken?, grain, and whatever else
was offered. In those days an editor
wa treated as a kind of public pauper,
and it was considered a great act oi
charity on the part of his patrons whe
they paid him what thoy owed him
There ar3 still a few people who think it
does not make any dilterence whetlie
tho printer is paid or not, aud there are
some who offer to pay in such produce
as they oinnot dispose- of to anybody
else, but generally the business ot pub
lisning a newspaper nai taKun in piac
among other honorable occupations, an
the people have come to understand that
thoy are expected to pay ior their new
mst as promptly as thoy pay the mer
chant for their provisions
Col. Levi L. Tate, the founder of tho
Coi.vmiiia Dkmockat, and its editor for
thirty-one years, is now editing the Js
comma Chronicle at WiHiani9port, anil
though past seventy years of age, retains
his old timu vigor, and expounds the
principles of Democracy as clearly and
forcibly as in his younger days.
From a small beginning this nape
has grown and improved, and is now tho
largest sheet, and has alargercirculation
than any other paper published in tho
county. It has always adhered closely
to Democratic principles and enaeavors
at all times to represent tho highest in
terests of tho party. It ha supported
tho nominees of tho party and clir-eon
tcnanced bolting; it has not hesitated to
find fault with Democratic officials when
they wero believed to be wrong, and its
columns will always bo open for tho ex
posure and defeat of any candidate
whose nomination can bo shown to have
been obtained by dishonest or unlawful
means. It I1.13 no sympathy with any
ring or clique, and is opposed to any
thing like boisism, and it will always
insist that those who nsk for official pos
ition at tho hands of Democrats in this
county must bo nblo to show that they
have not been unfaithful.
Within tho past four months now
quarters have been provided for our of
fice, nml it is complete in all its nioiut
uienU. Our facilities aro unequalled In
this section, and unsurpassed by any
country ofiico in tho Stato. Having a
1ermaiient location, and an established
tusincss, it is our intention to continue
to improve, and thus merit moro and
moro tho air patronage that lias been
given us.
If CongrcM docs not glvo Grant liis
elision, lie innv consider it neewsarv to
take another trip ntnoni! his friend), the
crowned licadj, and cart home enough
valuable Mouvcnirs to keep him out 01
the Alnnhouse. A talented tramp will
always work uii n good route a second
time. Ph ila. Ch ron icle-Herald.
Senators Hoar and Dawesof Massachu
setts," Merrill of Vermont and Hawlcv of
Connecticut, who voted against C onk-
Ings confirmation as nuticc of the su
preme court, will not have much influ
ence in this administration hereafter.
iirtlnir's Stalwart appointments must not
bo treated in such n contemptuous man
ner, as those who have offended will
speedily realize.
W. W. Ker, assistant attorney general,
has completed the preparation of the in
dictments in all the star route cases so
far considered by the grand jury. There
aro seventeen of these indictments.
These have already been endorsed by
tho grand, inrv as "true bills." The in
dictment against Gen. Hrady, Dorscy,
el at., is a most voluminous document,
and contains ono of the largest counts
ever prepared, This count exceeds in
length any in the famou Tweed cases
in .New lork, winch were somewhat
remarkable in that respect. It contains
one hundred special allegations of fraud
ulent acts and covers transactions in
twenty-one post routes.
VYbcre Dad Democrats Go.
One of the peculiarities of American
politics is that whenever a, Democratic
,.. , - , . 11 .!.
politician uccomcs so ueuapi iiut nu is
incontinently dropped by hp party as
sociatcs he generally finds his way into
tho front ranks of tho other side. There
is that fellow Acklen, irom Louisiana,
for instance, who mado all sorts of no
torious escapades at Washington and
elsewhere, until his disgraceful conduct
II , , ... v. ! ...
impelled ms party associates u iiuiiiumit.
another in his placo ho has turned up
as a full-fledged Republican candidate
for Congress. He would be. an admira
ble corner-stone on which to build up s
Republican party in .Louisiana. J'otts
vine viiroiiicie jsem.)
On Thursday evening of last week as
Oueen Victoria was about entering her
carriage, at a railway station in London,
a man m the crowd pointed a pistol ai
the carnage and hred. lie attempted to
fire a second shot but the pistol was
knocked from his hand and ho was
seized by tho police. The man, who
was miserably clad, gave ins name as
Rhoderick Mac-Lean, and stated that
huncer actuated his crime. . He is 2
years old and a grocer's assistant. The
bullet.did not 6trike the carriage and the
Queen was not aware of the attempt
upon her life. This is tho fourth time
an assassin has tried to kill her. Mes
6ages of svmpathv wero sent to tho
Queen by President Arthur and most of
the crowned heads ot Jturope, and many
meetings were held in London and the
provinces at which resolutions express
imr horror at the crime were adopted
MacLean is undoubtedly insane and has
been in au Asylum for some time past
lie does not appear to realize tho enor
nuty oi his offence.
It has come to be quito generally be
lieved that the State Agricultural Col
lege is barren of good results and un
worthy of assistance from the State.
lliere is to be sura a large stall of pro-
lessors, totally disproportionate to the
number ot students, but there is no evi
dence to bhow that what is taught is of
the slightest value to the farming com
munity. The best thing to do, is to
abolish the College andseil the property
A legislative committee is now mvesti
gating the affairs of the institution, but
it is not probable that their report will
materially atTect public opinion. In 1870
a legislative committee, appointed for
the same purpose, made a report and
said therein, "the evidence does not
show actual fraud or discloso corrupt
management or the tnuas received by
said institution, yet your committee are
of the opinion that tho testimony does
conclusively indicate that the institution
has been very badly managed." Thero
does not seem to be anv good reason
why tho college should be maintained at
tiie public expense.
News Items.
Delegates representing nearly all the
coal companies in Luzerne and Laeka
wanna counties met in Wilkes 15arro last
Friday in convention. They took into
consideration the propriety of organizing
a workman's union. Tho meeting was
adjourned to reassemble in general mass
meeting at rittston on the loth, it is
foregone conclusion that thev will de
mand an increase of wages of ten to
twenty per cent.
Can be had by every lady who will
uso Parker's Ginger 'ionic. Regulating
tlie internal organs and purifying the
blood it nuickly removes pimples and
gives a healthy bloom to the cheek
Read about it in another column.
Judge Francis S. Lathrop, President
of the New Jersey Central R. R. died
on Friday night last, at Madison N. J,
aged an years. J'or tho past live years
ho had been Receiver as well as I'rcsi
dent of the railroad.
Mr. Scovillo will retire from the Gui
tcau case, after tho bill of exceptions has
been filed. Tho Guiteaus think they
can get 15. r. ISutler to argue the bill of
It is useless to deny that tho brighter
nnd laircBt tall easy victims to con
sumption, nnd equally fruitless to ignore
tho fact that decline has its origin
many cases in neglected catarrh. San
ford's Radical Cure is a pure, sweet
balsamic specific.
After much debate tho Iowa senate
has agreed ton coiutitutional amendment
prohibiting tho manufacture and sale of
intoxicoting liquors as a beverage. The
measure now goes before the people.
A $10,000 bridgjat Plattsburg, X
1 . , has been destroyed by Hood, nn
the iron structure that spans the Hudson
River at 1 roy is in danger.
Two bald eagies, fine large birds, liav
recently been captured in Chester county,
Another ono was seen in the same ncigi
borhood, but it eluded nil efforts to bag it
For aged men, women, weak and sick
ly children, without a rival. Will not
causo headache. Brown's Iron Hitteis.
During a hurricane in thonorth of Scot
land three hundred whales were driven
in Weesdale Voe, Shetland Islands, nnd
shoaled. They wero all captured.
Dr. Joseph Pancoast, tho eminent
surgeon, died at his homo in Philadel
phia on Tuesday morning last, aged 70
years. Ho stood in tho foremost rink
in hia profession and was highly esteem
ed in tiio community.
Wii.uam Hauuisom Ainswoktii, tho
noted writer of fiction, is dead at tho
ago of 70.
On Friday I.eander Miller, of Union
ity, Krlo county, a well to-do nnd les-
cctcd farmer, tied his handf behind his
ack and hung himself. No cnuso for
the act is known.
Butler 1J. Strang of Tioga county, h
been appointed United Mates Marsl
for Dakota.
A freight car loaded with brick was
thrown into a ditch, eight miles from
Tolict, Ills, last week. Ten tramps were
secreted in the car at the time, two of
horn were killed outright and tho others
so badly injured that their lives are do
spalrd of. The names of the unfortu
nates are not known.
Mrs. Wallace, Buffalo, X. V , writes:
I have used Burdock Blood Bitters for
nervous nnd bilious headaches, aud have
recommended them to mv friends : I be
lieve them superior to anv other medi-
cino I have used, and can recommend
them to anyone requiring a cure for bil
iousness, l'rice LOO.
The banking firm of Charles A. Sweet
it Co., one of the largest banking houses
in Boston, has failed for a large amount.
The extent of the liabilities is notknown,
though it is great.
It is estimated that twenty thousand
persons in Arkansas and thirteen thous
and in Mississippi arc made destituto bv
the flood, and at least twenty thousand
cattle have been drowned.
"rocn on on."
L. P. Follett, Marion, O., states that
he has used Thomas' Eclectric Oil for
burns, nnd has found nothing to equal it
in soothing the pain and giving relict.
t Pittsburg, Pa., Saturdav, John
bernethy, who shot and killed Will
am Leslie in a saloon on December 5,
was sentenced to be hanged.
John D. Defrees. public printer at
Washington has resigned.
.Manchester, (Mich.) Tinterprise.
Messrs. Haeussler & Kingsley, Drng.
mat a Wn m nit fiat aoif' ATf linmlln !-tt
Jacobs Oil with abundant success, and
it has given excellent satisfaction to our
Joshua R. Scrfass, a lawyer and prom
nent political! of Faston, Pa., was ar
rested Saturday morning for having un
lawfully procured the vote of a colored
man in tlie last presidential election.
The arrest causes much excitement in
political circles.
Xearly a ton of opium, valued at 20
000 was smuggled ashore from asteamcr
at han l rancisco. A lcvenue captain
two lieutenants and the whole force of
night inspectors, on duty at the time,
have been dismissed from the service by
order of the Secretary of the Treasury.
The Judiciary Committee of the
United States Senate have reported
bill to establish a uniform system of
bankruptcy throughout the United
About 150 citizens of Reading have
been or will be arrested for attending a
cock fight. Tho t. P. C. A. did it,
David Navarro, the fat boy who has
been on exhibition in different museums
throughout the country, died in tlie pest
house at Pittsburg last Tuesday of small
pox, lie was twenty-one years old and
weighed iOO pounds.
The State Supreme Court has rendered
a decision sustaining tho validity of tho
deterred income bonds of the Rending
i. it. it is claimed that this will en
able Mr. Gowen to place the Company
on its feet and take the property out of
tlie receivers hands.
Tin- Secretary of t'.:e treasury has di
rectod a suspension of the collection of
taxes, amounting to about $500,000, due
on the Reading railroad "pay certifi
cates." Secretary Folger was induced
to take this step in view of the fact that
two courts have already sustained an in
junction to restrain Uw collection of tax
and four committees of Congress have
at different times reported in favor of
measures to relievo the road from it
He ha, therefore, decided that the lc.
gahty of the tax should bo finally and
authoritatively adjudicated before pro
cec-ding to collect.
GGO. W. Tirmrn J4ftT.h4ll ttt firnrl.lAn.ii
I., cured by ontlcura Ilesolvent (olood punner) anil
uuicura anUCutlourdboip (the great Bkln cures)
ot a ringworm humor got ai the barber'b. wliicu
spread all over Uu ears, neclt and face, and for et.x
t. u. Drake. Esti , acent for Itaroer Dro3 . De
trolt, Jlich. gives an astonish! ne account of his
case (eczema lodent), which had been treated by
consultation of physicians without benefit, and
which speedily yielded to the cuttcura ho solvent
luiuuu nurmen internal r &nn rnuctira nnn iruti.
cura soap (tae groat sum curc) externally.
II. A. lUyrnond, Auditor V. V S. it. It, Jack
Boa, Mich., was cured of scald lieadot nine years
HOD. WfU. TVlor. IlfUMn. Ust. nnninntlv
cured ct a tiumor ot tlie Mco ana Bcalp (eczema) ibat
tad ten t realty! unsuccessfully for twelve year by
iuau; ui iiujiuu 9 Bli:mU3 JOU JJUICU BpCO
i"n, net cu auiup;au auiuuriucs. CllUST.
Mrs. Ilrowers. 143 Clinton St.. Cincinnati, speaks
ot her bisters child, who was cured of milk crust
wrncii resisted an remedies ior two icars. WOW
One healthy boy, with a beautiful head of hilr.
Frank A. Ilean, Steam t'lre Engine s, lioston, was
cura Itesolvent (blood purifier) lnternilly and cutl-
CUM and CutlCUra Soao Itha irreat &L-ln rur-M nut
naily. which completely restored hlihalr when all
emu uu iyuuiu ise IL.
Th9 Cutlcura treatment consists of tho 'Internal
MwuuuDvumura jiesuiveni, me Lew D1001 pun
iier, aim iuh external use or uuncura and CUUC
Map, the great skin cures.
ueinemes are for sale by all drutelstH. I'rlco
nf Cutlciiri. a Mi'illpfnnl .Twliv .mail 1.,..,,.,. tn .
7 . . ' - . . ..j . ..... mi MJ.g.t.ivcilWi
larire boxi-s II. cutlcura Ilesolvent, tho new Ulooa
riirtller $1 per bottle. Cutlcura Soap (tho. qu;en
of medk-lml and tMlet soaps), it cents, cutlcura
.Meuivnmi .luuiiutr ouup,i9 cents. iTincipal depot.
Eii8 s rotter, ISostok. Masa.
Sanford's Radical Cure.
Clear head anl volcj.env breathim. n.i 1
perfect unell, taito and hearing, no couih. no oi
( using Hanf jrd s Judical Cure.
SnecM until your bead li realy to ny err. eyea m4
Ht....u, ...,Wrtb (jartll-u uuu Qiooartrwr.
U, cum n llallcalcl,'Bror caurrliiou
With Hazel. American Ilnn. Can vtt.i
and Clot er Moaaoins are what Sanf ord"H Itadlcal can
Is mado of. One bouia lltdloal Cure.ono box rutar
rhtl solvent and sanford's Inhaler, In ono natoKa
for II. Sold everywhere.
' n ceivsc roviKil, lit too.
UenUe, yet cDectlru united
with llrallntr li.Osum, lender
'rill' TLAbTKHS one hundred
t lines superior to a II other plu.
I.ruf.i, M.ln U'..l..ui.
V..H.V v.v . I..U, M I 4.1.1. I
bmb -a ana juanmiuauou, itkv, ti
A3T6 cent, bow wvcrywhere.
Having removed to our new and
commodious office we have room
and facilities not enjoyed in our
old lociition.and have therefore de
termined to keen n full stock of
goods in the line of our business.
have a fine assortment of call-
ing cartis.piain, giit.ueveieu edge,
ml mourning, bamnlcs ot en-
raved visiting cards can be seen
lere, or will be sent to your house
or inspection, it desired. Ar-
ungements have been made with
Irtnfliiir lKt lo1n1rKin mimntnt
for all Kinds of engraved work.
Bv leaviim vour card plate here,
rinlnrs pan 1m fllloil in n fnu- iliiva !
Orders Ulll Ue lllieU ill ll ICW UllVS, '
or new plates and cards obtained,
at city prices. We expect soon lo
add line papetenes to our stock.
. T , ,
111VC Letter HcaUS JfotC
leads. Bill Heads. Statements.
Fine Curds, Note Uooks,fveceiht
DOOKS, vrtiur JJOOKS, UU UlllS,
ShippiuyTags, Circulars, ttc. c.,
egal cap, tools cap,account paper,
covers tor legal (locuiiients,uocketH,
administrator's and executor's re
ceipt books, legal envelopes, paper
iasteners. Ilie best iacilities in
the county for printing paper
books. A full line of local blanks.
wo have a large stock of envel
opes, by the pack, box or thous
and, writing paper of all kinds,
bv the sheet, quire, or reani,pencu
tablets,writing tablets.blank books,
inamlla wrapping paper, mannla
bags, medicated paper, newspaper,
card board, white and colored,
wedding or part' invitation pa-
ers, including outside and inside
envelopes, bills of fare and dance
programmes, line iolding cards,
for concert or exhibition pro
grammes. BOOK BINDING.
having been
made with an experienced work
man to do bc'ok binding, we are
prepared to receive orders for
binding magazines, law book,
music,pamphlete, and all kinds of
muted or blank books, rersons
laving work of this kind (an do
no better than by leaving it at this
ofheo. or upon notice it will be
called for at your house. Every
body has-books that need binding,
but do not have it done because
of the trouble in packing, or be
cause they do not know where to
send them. This difficulty is now
obviated and we hope to receive
a large number of orders.
Blank books of any kind.ruled,
united and bound,can be lurnish
ed at a few days' notice, as low as
they can be obtained elsewhere.
The Pautagraph Binder.
This is an ingenious arrange
ment frr binding all kinds of com
mercial papers, such as letter and
note heads, statements, cards, &c,
for which we have just purchased
the riirht in Columbia and Mon
tour counties. It is the beat thing
of the kind ever invented, and
Ithose who use it will never have
anything else. It keeps the papers
'together, and prevents them irom
;etting soiled, as they are always
sure to do,u allowed to lie around
loose. The Panlaaruph is ahead
ot all others, lry it.
Manilla WrappE Paper anil Pais.
The merchants of Bloomsburc
need no longer tend money away
irom home lor tneir wrappers am:
bags. We are prepared to iu
orders ns cheap as they can get
them filled elsewhere. Only the
Lest quality of paper used,and our
assortment oi display type is the
.largest in this section, lluviii
opened n retail department w
solicit a fair share of the public
Fine Work a Specialty.
Our assortment of job tvpe is
tlie largest in tho county , and the
latest styles are constantly being
added. Wo aro determined to
keep at home a largo amount
printing that has heretofore beet
done in the city because of the
supposed inability of :ountry
printers to do it, Our facilities
for doing fino work, are far sup
erior to anything in this region
and aro not surpassed by any
country oflico iu tho State. The
public is invited to visit our office
and compare it with others. As
every printing establishment in
the country claims to have the
largest quantity of job type an
the best presses, we do not as
yon to tako our word for it, but
call aud exnnuno ior youreeliyind
you will liml mat wo have more
material than any Itro offices i
Columbia county, and it is nearly
all new.
llODY llllUSSEIi,
j March ".0 .ly
isriTt or HJKMiii zir, crcEi'in.
The underjlioed appoint;! an auditor, by the Or
r Inn's Court of Columbia county, to mike dlstrlbu
tlonto andamonythe parties cntitlM thtreto, of
1 ine Daiance in ine nnas 01 tne aaministraior ot
aald estate, wlU attend at his once In Uloomsbu n,
on rnaay, .pru 1111. a', ran o ciock in ine lore noon.
'or 168 purposes of his appointment: whtn and
$SWSSFA'W' dered,romroraVr.T
The undersigned auditor sppolnted by the Or-
pntns' court of Columbia county, to make distribu
tion otthe balance In the hands li. Frank Zirr,
' exccu'or of the estate cr ueoive zjrr. late of tireen-
wood township, and among the parties
8ally cn!,"ed ,0 receive the same will meet the
eiv I .in. outnAAB. ui ui M uuai..nuTU
aud where au parties Interested In said estate must
attend or be forever debarred from any share of
asm luuu.
P It. T.ITrt.R
I march in .w Auditor.
ssrtTi or S0LOU0N ntmio. DJwrastp.
tetters testiment&ry on tho estata of SMomon
Helwig lite ct uatavtssa twp.. Columbia couatr,
rtf-riLHf 0. have been framed bv tho Ilerlster of ss Id
county to swnhla IIHwlg and c. H. Iiuckalew All
rjrsons havlnir claims against tho estate of said d
cedent are reanested to Dresent them for setue
ment, and inoe inoeoiea to uc estate to mats
pavment to the undersigned executors, without
delay. .,...
C. It. BL'CKLE'.
March 10 -Cw Executors
Letters testamentary In the estAte of (leorge
r.irton late or tireenwood tD. Columbia countr.
'a., deceased, have been granted by tne ltemster ot
said county to the undersigned eeautor. AU per
sons hav ne claims azainst tne estate ot tnauece-
dent arc rcausted to present them for settle
ment and those indebted to the estiie to mixe pay
ment to tne unacrsigne i executor wiuiom aeiay.
13.VAC A. utn J 1 1.
March 10 -w Bhorsburg. 1'a
OTICE is litrcbv given I have
bouehtotA T. Crevellnzat constable Sale on
tjie llth day ot Kebruary.18iJ.the following person
al nronertr: lhirse. S cows. 3 hogs. 1 carriage. 1
spring-wagon, 1 buck-board, 3 sets of Harnes3.a lot
ot hay. grain In the ground, and all the household
goods ana inrniture. i nave loanea ms score ce
Kcrtbed roods to A. T. Cre eilng during my pleasure
and cannon ail persons against intenennz or meu-
aung witn tne same.
March 1st, March 3 .4w
By virtue of an order cf the Orphms' Court of
Columbia county, the undersigned Henry Fullmer
Administrator of the estate ot Abraham Force, late
ot Orange township, deceased, wl',1 expose to sale on
the premises on
TUESDAY, MARCH 21st, 182.
at two o'clock p. to. the follow Ing described real es
tate situate In Orange township, bounded as fol
lows : On the north by land of abraham Dlldlne, on
the east by lands ot Isaiah Kline, John Welsh and
Ilartman heirs, on the south by land ot Jesse Brum-
stellar and on the west by lands ot Michael Sldlcr
and Jam ts Eves, containing
and EIOUTV-Eioar rERCHES more or lets,
whereon are erected a Small Log House, ulso a good
and out-houses, also a GOOD SPUING OF W'ATEIl
on tne premises and a thrifty.'
TERMS OF SALE. Ten per cent of one-fourth of
the purchase money shall bo paid at the striking
down of the property, the one-fourth less the ten
percentat the confirmation absolute, nnd the re
maining ttire J four! hs In one year at Mr confirmation
nisi with Interest from tint date.
A. C. IIebvxv E. SutTU. HKKP.Y FL'LLMER.
feb!4-3tr Attorneys. Administrator.
Valuable Real Estate.
Ily virtue of an order of tae Orphans' Court ot Co
lumbia county, the undersigned executor cf the last
will and testament of John .Sands, late of Green
wood township, Columbia county, deceased, will
expos to public s.le on the premises on
. Friday, March 10th, 1882,
at ten o'clock In tho forenoon, .the folljwm; de
scribed real estate, sltuito In Grf eawood township.
Columbia county, Pennsylvania, bounded by Crten
creek and lands ot A. II. Kitchen, tin heirs of Jchn
Iteece, deceased, Jacob GerrarJ, Samuel Albertson
and others, anl containing
and sixty.slx parches, mora or , on which are
erected a
T ITJPl? o C'PAl'V I'TTl r 1'' MIT T
ij,invir. o-oiuHi i-i. ui.i.mi .1111,1.,
in good running order, a
NEW FIIAME HOUSE; I1AH.V, as good as new
and all cccessaryiout-bulldlnfrs ; water at the house,
and Green creek runs aloug the cdg ot the farm and
supplies the mill wlih water, a young Orchard, ot
cbolcj fruit on the place.
TEHMS OF SALE. Ten per cent, ot one-fourth of
the purchase money Miallbe pild at the striking
down of the property j the one-fourth less thitcn
per cent, at the confirmation Usl, and the re-
ma.nlng three-fourths In ono jea.f thereafter with
Interest from confirmation nisi.
febto.ta D. K. SLOAN. Executor.
Orangevllle, Pa,
Kcal Instate
lmrsuant to an order of the Orphan's court ot Co
lumbia county, Pennsylvania, will be sold at public
rale, on the premises, In tho uwnshlpof Montour,
In said county, on
KMDAY, MAltCH 10th, 1832.
at two o'clock p. in. the following described real
estate late ot John liallor.deceoscd, to-wlt : A house
Li'jt of Ground,
adjoining land of Henry Lazarus, Jeremiah Beaver
and Isaiah Hagenbucb TUB lot is situated on tho
public road leading from Uloomsburg to PanWlle.
The house Is a large two story
There is erected on said lot alio a oood STAHI.E
good WELL of WATEHonthe premises.
TEHMS OF SALE. Ten per cent, of one-fourth
ot the purchase money to be paid at the striking
down of ihe property, the one-fourth less the
ten per cent, at the confirmation ot sale, izi the
remaining throe-fourths in one year wereaiier witu
Interest from confirmation nisi.
Purchaser to pay for making deed.
t.j Administrator,
In the matter ot the
Kstata of Margaret
Former, a lunatic.
In the cou t of Com-
i mon l'les of Colum
bia county.
The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania :-To the
husband and children cf 3larirart't Former a luna
tic, resident of AI tdlson township, county ot Colum
bia, and A. K. Smith guardian ad litem of Clark
Former a minor child ot said Margaret Former a
At the instance of C.Kram' r committee ot said
Margaret Former, a lunatic as aforesaid. You and
each of you laying aside all business and excuses
whatsoever are hereby cited lobe and i-pr-ear be
fore the Honorable the Judges of the court of Com
mon Pleas In and for tald county ot Columbia, on
the thirty-first day ot March A. I). I'M, at nine (si)
o'clock a. in., to show cause If any you hare why
C Kramer, committee cf Margaret Former lunatic
aforesaid, shall not make sale of a cerraln tract cf
of lind owned by said Margaret Fortoer, 1'inatlt!
aforesaid as set forth in the petltlou filed, ot mid
U. Kramer corumltuie as aforesaid, Herein fall not.
Witness the Honorable William Klirvll President
Judge of our said court at liloomsburg, the lbili
day of February A. I). H .
ll. M, IJI IC K, Hepuly.
Orphans' (Jourt Salo
Real islale !
By Tlrtuecf aa ordjr Issued out of the Orphans
Court ot Columbia county, the undersigned Admin.
Istrator of George Bretce late of Madison township,
said county, deceased, will cipoio to publl: sito on
tho premises at t o'ebek p. m., on
All tliatcerialn messusgcand tract of land ilt-
uato In Malison townUilp, Columbia county, I'-i
bounded by lands ot Wiuiam MastcUir, II. W, Mc-
lleynold,Cyrus llelcharj, Jaciti ZelsUf t aa 1 otnjrs
of land more or less, wlUi ttc appurtensnce'.whf re-
on It erected a Urge tew
Dwelling House,
BAHK BAIUJ, Oood Oat-Bnlldlngs The farm is
well watered and has an
and frolt trees of all klnls. Sale will be subject to
n dowcrr ot llJM.MIa farorol Mary Hajder, widow
of Dnld Snyder Sr., deceased. I'ossettlon will be
given April 1st, 199i. Deed lo bo at expensed ruf .
ctiifcr. All grain In ground reserved.
"TERMS. One-third of the purchase money to be
one-third April 1st lss with Interest from April ,
1st isjj, and tus balanc? one-third w w paid at tne
dfathef Sus'.onaBi-ecowldowot Osorge I
ceased, to tie hlrs of Ueirg Breece deceased, with
Interest annua;! from Arrll tstl?SJ,pyable to said 1
wldovflarlnghTllte. HaUtwotMrdstobssKurcd j
by bonds and mortgage on the premises.
teo il-ts Administrator.
Pursum' to an ord.r ot tV Orphans' Coutt of Co.
lusnbia county.l'.a , will b? expMhJ at pabili sile on
the premises, Iu the townshl-of MlEllo.tnsald
county, on
l'HIDAY, MAllCH 2 ItS HH-,
a'. 1 o.clock p. m. the f 'l jwmg describe! real estate
la e ot Jonas Haru-L decease.!, to-ult: Lot ot
ground containing
Eleven Acres,
adjoining lmd ot D. C. Dond, Michael Heller. Sam-
uel llellerand others. The sil l lot is all Improved
land, In a good state ot culmatlon.
ALSO, nt the sami time and place n tract ct
adjolalag landsot N'athan Creasy, DaMJ llrorn.
Stephen Hetl?r andotaers. This Iract will tie stld
su-ject to a wias vs d)wer of IHf '. 1
TEII1IS OF S 1LE. Ten psr Cist ot one-fourth
of the purchas; maney to fceptld at the striking
downof the property, 1I15 one-fourth less the ten
per cent.atthe caatlrnt'ljaor sla, and thj re
maining thrce-Iourths tnoneyeu thereafter Ub
Interest from wnflrmatlon nUl.
I'urchas'rs to pay for maklnj died.
A ImlnWrators.
Thj undersigned Fxecutor cf John K Ine Sr.,
deceased, by order of the orphais' Court ot
Columbia county, Pa. wm expose to salo by public
oub-cry on thy premises near Numedla, In Iicust
township, county anu State aforesaid, on
SATL'ltDAV, 3IAHCII 18th, 18J,
at two o'clock In the afternoon, all the right, tIMo
nnd Interest of the said deceased, of, In and to the
following described tract of 1 mil. sit uated In Locust
township near the flourishing village of Numedla,
bounded by land ot JohnSoyder on the north, lan 1
Of Samuel I'.clnboldoa the cast, by laud ot Wm.
Helwlg on ths south, and bylindsot John L Kline
and Washington IUrlg on the waswontalnlog about
of land moro or I'si wl'h tho appurtinaaces on
which aro erected a gjo 1 TWO T JIIIEO
barn anl out-bulUmg-, a gjjl weliot 1 is'.luj water
at the house, a good
on t.e prem'3s, aid other fruit trees The land
Is In a good state of cultlvalloa.and win be sold sub
ject to a mortgage male lo the Jlto tlraaof decedent
by him, as ewtgagar to Cj'.estI U Mnads, mortga
gee, for the sum of s vjn hu idred dollars, payable
without Interest, April 1st imj. ros;c-slon will be
given to the puretmv April 1st, 'fS2 Deed to be
at the expenso ot purchaser.
TEHMS OF SALE.-Oa9 third oi tin parcaase
money to bjpalata cash at the striking down ot
the property, one third one year thereafter with In
terest, from April ltt. ijJ, and one-third at the
deith of Mary Kline, the wlJow, with Interest pay
able annually to said widow during her life and at
her death th5 principal to be paid to the parties le
gally entitled third? Th3 la'ter two payments
to be securel by bond and mjrtgajo on the prem
ises, with security to bo approved by the Executor
fortho certain paymeat of the sarna whet due.
Numedla. Pa JOHN L. KI.1SE
Feb. si ts Executor.
In tin matter cf ths estate 1 orphans' Court
ct Catharine Shoemaker, v cr
deceased. ) Columbia county
Anl now February lTth. Mil. on motion of CO.
llarkiey Esq., attorney for Seth shoemaker one ct
iuu neiris oi aaiu Qeceasea.ainuei tvaorr is ap
polntea auditor to distribute the funds lo Uh hands
of tho administrator as shown by the first and final
account toandarnoag the parties entitled thereto.
CertUled 'rom the records this utb day ot Feb
ruary lsti
t, hiiiuKiiau.ii, iierk-.
Iu Duriuincof the above, the uudt-rilL-nel Audi
tor win sit at bis olllce In Hioomsbiirg, on Saturday,
March situ, li, at ten o'clock a. m., to perform
tne duties cf his appointment, when and where all
persons Interested should anoear and Dresent their
claims or be debarred Irom coming in on said fund.
S. KN'OKlt,
Feb Si -ix
estaTh or jcsut'i bsini:, deceiseo.
Tho undersltrned auditor aDnolnted bv the or.
phans' court ot Columbia county, to make distribu
tion of the balance ot the fund tu the bands ot the
administrator of the esuto of said decedent to and
amnngpartlcs entitled thereto, will tit at hlsonice
In lilounsburg, on Saturday, Alarch lsth, Mil, at
lo o'clock In the forenoon, to rertor Hie duties
of his appointment, when and where all par
ties interested In said fund must attend, or be tor-
ever ueDarrea irom any snare ot said fund.
feblft.w Auditor,
uurroit's NoricE.
Columbia County, S. S.
Anion; the it-cord and
proceedings of the Orphans' Court of said county,
Inter alia it is thus contained
tstaie of Josophl And now, Feb. u, i..', on mo
lality, dec-ias d.i tloa ot s. Knorr, i llnton pea
cock hsii , Is uppotnted auditor to distribute tho
luiiu.-ui mis mnasortne auininisiraiir by uisac
count among the parties entitled thereto.
Certified from the recordi this mh day ot Febru-
WM. KHK'KIIAl'M, Clerk O. C.
In pursuance of tho above the undesigned audi
tor win sit at the office of E. It. lkeler, Esq.. In
uioomsourg on rnaay .March mtii, ib;,at loo clock
a in,, to perform the duties of his apppolafnent
when and where all tieraons lnturestei shou'd ud.
pear and present their claims or be debarred from
cuiiiiggia uu aiu mnu,
feb IMw Auditor,
The uuderslgued auditor anaolnted br the Or
phans' court cfColumbU oounty, to distribute tho
fund In the hands ot the oxeojlori as shown by
their third account will D'rform thidntiat nrhu
appolHtiuent at hlsonice la I'loomsburg oa Tuesday
March itisil, at ten o'clock a. m , when and
where all persons has In t clatms upon raid fund are
miuesieu to present mem or before
irom com ngm oa saiu tuna.
JOHN M. cum:.
The undersigned Auditor appointed by the Orphans"
court ui Columbia county to make distribution ot
iuu uuune iu me nanus oi tne aum r, ot iao esiate
ot Wm. Verry, Utcol thetowuof liloomsburg. ds.
ceased. as an
a appears by nutlrstaad IHial sceounl, will
attend toilie duties ot his appointment at tlie ct
lice of K II. & It. It Uttle In liloomsburg, Wednes
day, Martli ind lsf, at li) n. m. where parlies have
Ingc'olmson "uldtrslute will appear and iroieihe
same or bo debarred from nothing any share
lliereof. A, E.OHAPIN,
feb 81 v Auditor,
WATK ornavin siri.iK, pxchskd.
Utters cf Administration on the estate of David
oiuri, m i eaue ivwuiuip, Mjiuinuia COUIty,
punoa, ji'i ciised, have been grauted Lv the ib-gtv
terof biid nmy o -awu I 11 s;ioi udmlnls.
tntor, All pt-rsuns having claims against Uio
ca. ui mn uc' vueut. art, rei'ueaiea lo presen
them for si ttlrment. aud t jose Indebted to tbj os.
tata to mak payment to the undersigned admlnts
tratar without delay.
Mar lis -"-.v AduilnUtratcr,
11T1TK OP KLUln YOt'UJf. PEcrni.
.... .. - . . . I.. PMlAll
Yocnm. late of !xcust twp, CplmnWa i countr,
eceaseO. have been crantcd by the Iteglster of sam
county to the undors'gncd administrator All persons
are requested to present them for settlement and
those Indebted to the estate tomae pajmci
undersigned administrators without delay,
feb 10 6-w Ajhninlstrators.
Utters of Administration on tho estate o( ! Jcsho
Ohl, late of Benton township, Columbia coi'Dty.
Pennsylvania, deceased. hae K''bf,
thi Ileglster of said county to I. h. hrlckbaumof
lienton township, administrator. All persons
having claims against the rstato of said dece
dent are requested to present them for settlement,
niifhn.iniifbti to the estate to make raiment
to the undersigned Adrnlnlstrator.wlthout delay.
ftbas-w' t'ambra, 1
U-ir"Viien Columbia cotintv fanners can
lmv a true AintilOtliated Suner-Pliosnliate,
made cineiiv irom aiaiignier iiou.-e jiu.n
ami Uone.for S'J' iierton at the Kailroail
Depots.from is folly to pay out
money for tlie olt' fashioned High Cost
Feitifizeis. which other manufacturers
ieri-,t in Iioldttiir at niiccs varyint: from
Thiity to 1'orty Uollarf" per ton.
The m-lfeason.everywliere, has clear
ly slioivn.that the low cost Ammoniatkk
Sitki: Phosphates paid best on Corn,
Grass and Wheat. The day for high cost
Manures has passed. The experience of
good farmers, who look closely at 1-hist
C o;t anil UKSL'i.TS.tias liroveU mat tlioe
costing $L'.' PEIl TOX.OH T.ESS, with
a reasonably nood Analysis of free l'hos
jihorio Acid AND AMMOXIA,have paid
them bv lav the best. J here is abundant
evidence of this, riuht here in Columbia
Co., and from farmers who don't simply
guess at what they are doing.
In the four vears of the use oi Baugh's
82." l'hosnliaU'.tlicre has not been ll single
r..-,iTnlilo--.nnri nf iinfivni-ililoiptinn nn
roanabie report 01 iilii.uorauicaciion on
anv ciop.anil this IS a tt'Stimouy in itself
more tban voluniej ol certificates. e tlo
not ask lor, or publish certificates ; that
uus:om, lias ion" a"o ceasea to uu ui anv
... 1 1 1
consequence either way.
AiUrefs, BAUGH I: EONS..
Catarrh s17s' C:ejm Sa-m'
Kn?ctual v cleanses lh"
tasii passages or uaiur-
- . . i
rhal virus, causing
heil'hv ie reil ir.s. nl. 1
l,ys iLtl immallon. pro-
teen tne memorann
from additional cohl
compltttlv he Is the
sores nnd rtslcres ti e
sense of us e i d smf.lL
lleneflclal reu!ts -re re
alized by a feur appllca
Hons A thorough treat-
hay rneipialeri
for colds in the head
Agreeable to use. Apply
by the It'll' tlng-r Into
m m m m . . . ine nobinis. till receipt
HAT"r t Vti W of tlfty cents will nulla
pacSa'-o. r r sale by all druggists.
tl.lJ-',l,.s.1l UAL 31 co uswrgo, . v.
i sel' ciolce vnrsen-1
sio27 An i up m K-i r
ornamental Tree. MiruM. Hoses, jcv Ainntniv
Salaries and expenses paid. Nopreslousexperlcnc--required.
Men now in the fl-ld receiving l to liao
per nontn eacu oesiue3 expenses. J, F. I.kC'I. MIH,
uiaiuu u itocuesier, i.
IC.'eriunn AHtliiimC'uro neteryaibtoKivei'-'-l
miiai, nlufw the ont cafleajnaarefl oumfc-t-1
ftblefJeepienecUrurrMlierea lotherafalL A I
a mat eoariafc, ia wm ...pticai. ince otie.&lcl
l m l .tju.oi l imvsm or d niaiL oaini la a it 1.1. 1
linrxarap I)R 1; snlllFKM I'anl. Minn I
march 10 4-w d
I? T OI A T V Procured far all Soldiers I
12jA OlUl O3'-' SallOTSdlab:ed Inline
oi uuii , uu jutuicr uai me
when rated too low. 11 il'.NTY! Send dl-cliarge
and two sc. stamp-, and If no hlng Is.aue jou
we will nromnilv sav so and return sour ills.
, ihirge, lHscha ges obtained, original auddu-1
,- lie. bctdstnmps lor blanks and ' Clica'urscf I
In or nation. Aiiuress .
STjU J-MIT t J., 4IS a St.,N. W.,Vashtngtou,D.C.
maru iu-ir u
the Aatnor.AncwaAdcrc&t Ued
cheAptxHt,iodiDeo&blto eretr
relMrervftUoa ;M txmnd la
(all Ou0pp.cQUinibi.aUfaI
itoeT ajrrtrinri, 135 prwctip
tions, pnc only $L25 mbI tjr
mul ; iUiutntftd umpl, 6 cwnU
end DOW.Addru IV&tmdT Mt1.
Ha, i Uulfinch U Uoaloa
march 10 -iw
Only Two Bottles.
Messrs. Johnson. Hoi
loway Co.. wholesale I
ciruL'clsts of l'hliauel
pbla. Pa , report mat I
sino lima ugo a Kemit
man handol them a dol
lar, with a request to I
send a gooa cat urn cure
uj tnu uroiy uu tu
Arizona. Kecenlly the I
same ceuiieraan ion
them that both tho of.
ncers and the wife ot I
(itn John c. Fremont,
tlov. ft Arizona, had
Leen cured ot catarrk by two bottles of Ely's Cream
isaim. Appiy into nostnis witu nine nnger,
py m
Will mall It on receipt of ws.
m in 'wd
Malleable Iron and Wood Beam Chilled
oro offered to tho Fanners of the country for Ihu
coming waaon with maiiyaluablo linprouuicnli.
THE WIAIID li the itrongctt and inoit dura,
bin I'low In Hie uurkiU
THE WIAIID It tho bot for general purpoe
woik, In both tod and nubble.
THE WIAIID has the ilmplcat aud mot com.
I Urn adjuuueut for u.lng io or threo horati
THE WIAIID It I bo U.t How extant for liard
clay aud tiony gruoud.
. THE WIARD rlrals all other chiiW )oii
for cleaning lit louxt and adbcil n olla.
THE WIARD raunot bo tictllcd for Llglitneit
.Our Malleable Iron Beam t Ihe only lira c
aval sdluiubla luetal lkuui uuJe; I, guaranteed
falnit Lending or breaking: U perfectly adjuitablo
fit HorShoriea; our M,Uui) llauac, and uoiunola
a laoaiand failed.
Our Jointers, Wheels nnd Handles aro lul
Our MolilboajrUs cacti all others for Bntncii
and UDifunu.ty.
Our Plows am warranted Iu ur rcatonaUc ci
.If yu are golcg lo buy a new Ttow, la luro t
eio ihu trial.
, For sale by D. CAT. W.J'l 118EL,
march lu sin liloomsburg, 1'a.,
gu. Mt iass oB
DXAtKR lit
" '"""'W
kinds nf Watclrs. ( It els m r
1 1 repaired and warranted
may it to-n
Tti-ollTVTtrrTIIOS'rV !rpr.lirf,(' .1(1 '!.ni.
Oolden fontnie ItH-dii, UT MlH'tV t, 1,, ,1
,S(Xta,ci',Mftiil I'oiitllniK Opr .' . I . - t
Hprlnira, lAinpHfafnli, I -Kk. t fr. n i . II .i,th, tl,i
lUiltrs for lUMlrf. E,' IV. ut f li . a
Si;iv ami Miu i, :l:i:iitiiARi r i.n
mil (riro Aitnticfi inuw im i 1 1 iuiaii. iiii.a,
Koeth-r maker dftrliiilVltl. , citr:itt (it I-; i i.nti ,
ILNOIIMIII H hi t l.-. ML, c r If. On ti . ,!
(IriuiUHl IncrfflHrp. tV lurtcry vn,l:li i ,f
byajutiUoirtLifctrlcLlgiiUftKitiin ton.Uii! .
ft3?T'lflff. Tlojctl. Pflltf red on toml crr
bU t'ur.licrc,no.l, iimL, An., lul) vUC.U
IfaflfrotiTriir'MltaeTn'i rrrot iall.Prilrtlurn
Uraan, vlll prompllr rtl uml money nltk li.uu -t
lnperfon, Tire Pollrs(S)allowp.l tornvrrrrrR. It
you buriromoanywAyoou aioMtl.-onn-. I'nv I otit-ti
with pnllu- nllrndanlM tiutta nil train.. Uli. r
(nraTi. 830, III), tsoup. nanofcr1t'tll25t.i S1CA
5jffftiiiit jfftiafrfirfft Cftftiioyiic.-tc,
llcaie AddreM cr call urcn
DANIEL F. EEATTY, Washlagtcn, New Jersey.
March lo .iw r
llest In the world. Get the irunulne. Even rut.
agohasour trade-mail: and Is maiked Frtzui
march 10-liv r SOLI) EVEhYWIIKHK.
M-nirllj lliri' TliiM'-llii-Iionn
Million! iht-liiiiiilinui. Ititerts' - nil
Annual. NoiLlnirtv-r l'en List y lit v. ..f
residence and Mb In Die builnp.-'.s llest im.
erences. Send fcr partlculns it ou have in. m-y
N II. C'OSlondvnr.rrtl. 1,-,-tnl nn n.l
principal guarantctd In caso of to tc'osui '.
I). . b. jonysoir
Negotiatcr ef U:rtg432 '.si-i:,3T. ?Ui ll.".1?
march 10 iv r
Is the mist durable and ceono n.lcal known.
I It Is i valuabli dlscovery.and Israpldl- supers ding
Kalsoraloean.i oilier waiinnt Hi. Mamifacturnl in a
variety of oeautllul tints.and run be applied byanj
seblkv iiku-., d Federal m.. iu ton. Mas.. tor
""-'''"t ..V;1 num " "I3-
AUVEHTI3EII5 by nlilnsslnj OEO P. HOWELL
i: on., lOSprucoM., New Y'oik can leirn the tx
actcostot any -.ropised line of AOVEltl'ISlSO In
American newspapers. ;r iiw pago I'ampuiei HjC
WohavestoroslnIB leading Cities,
from which our ageiita obtain their surrlJcfi qu!cVly
Our FnctoriCH ana l'rtiiciitnl OlUrcn mv tt
llrie, Ifl. SeaJ for our civ CatuluKur ai I
termn to amenta Audrosd
MM I nUCI I 3l2LnckawnnnaAvo
M -rch
a ?intiiiir.
A Treatlw on Ihj-lr
iiiotly eurpHll.N'T l- ltl:i- lut.j i
March 3 -3 in a!d
Cures Rheumatism, Lum
bago, Lame Back, Sprains an d
Bruises, Asthma, Catarrh,
Coughs, Colds, Sore Throat,
Diplitlioria, Burns, Frost
Bites, Tooth. Bar, and Head
ache, and all pains and aches,
Ttt Uit Internal ftnj citeriul remcJy In ths
oiIJ. ErcrylwttlAtarantccJ. SoUlymeJicino
dealtn everywhere. Direction! In eight lani:-iaje:
l'rice sdceau aiijfio.
. nnv.innj for
llll t-HAUOf HU) t
I jiteeAUiii,-. iicui ,
faili. toeiire. Preirlb-J.P.MlI.I.i:i! '
Pl. 1 Illla., li, ...m vfRvtnt ut h.iul tits Mil er.
sorcircular.,'.uu.,c 1
march 10 i-iv a
U l v" t J Ly ll
wltnli:iv li i!n,li '
uni ir n.i trn u
jcmitit of n ( ; . r
1 Mnlin? a.n- j .
onlv ilii
to find Ju.r
Restores the Youthful Color to Crcy or Faicd II;
rarker I Jiair Jlalsam finclv i.-rfunirJ and
warranlcu to prevent falling of tligjtair ami lo re
raoecanarunaiidiiclilutf. Hit ox U Co , ti.X.
A Superlative Health and Strength Restorer.
If you r-re a mechanic or farmer, wont cut witH
overwork, or a moiher run tlou n l y family or house
hold dulici lry l'AHKUi. i.imicu 'It NIC.
If joiurcnbuyer, inim.icr or bu'inc traancx
liauitetl liy menial tlrainornnk'uirtciirr-, dliotuLo
Inloaicaiingsuniulantigliuliuel'aiUr'sli in ger 'tonic
Ifvotihavs l ontiimptbn, l)y.pcj.Li, Klicuma.
Urn, Kidney ( omtibinu, ctuny JisoLicroftlicluns'.
tomachtlntl, UocKlorntttca J'ai Kf k'm Cincek
a okic i.I cun you. It ii tlie f irc.1 iesi HImkI Purifier
Asa the Ecit and Surest Couch Cur! Ever Used.
If you are wn.linir mvay fromree, ditsipnlion or
any or v nnd initti, o n l.ilo
tjikcss 1 omc m i ih-i. ituiUinvi, mo nrJbuiU
you up hum the fi .t dose bin v ill ne r Iim ! ate.
IthaiiavcUliumlinla of lives, it luiy tate joun,
CAITI IOS' I- n. In-, all ubilllul,!. I'uVrr'i fllnr., Ton ll
eonpowOlltk.'iil. lullio U.auJ U.Mlnly
diLnaWnmi-rlwaliQ,,,.!,!,,,,,,!,, S,n4 f.rilr-ulurw
llucoi A C ...It, V. W., A 1 1 l aValetl U Urn. I.
cnr.T Eavivn ruviNQ pouar tizc.
j rtr I a"" '8 t me liai nuda this
deliliifiilH,rfiitnocj.eeeJiicly popular, 'I here
lisolhlug like , InJit upon having rue.
iu wJiw.1 miu lo, lor n rnture of
Mtmy Wfc Any tJnirtH cr
tier U . rfuui tf
March 9, '61 ly.
A Month for
Men, ladles and As nls.taakln
Ingonli-r f ir I t nto
or initieiiM- r i u ;cu
4ltrt 'I pin I. . . I il l.tlia
KSI! "L8, '.?'' PfPUl" NKW HOOK llllh" llild.
lloUi i Shield audaxword Kveri body wont .It low
l'rice. ,;iick Kales. Bend for circular and renns,
MafcDSm" L'0",',4 Au'hht mlx- VJ'