THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. The Columbian. BLOIMSMMG, IMtllUY, FKB. SI. '82. vvmm s.vwa .Iohn4l)10ttprlc!i will well licrannnl properly In 13py on Tlmraduy, Iturcli Otti. Henry Fullmer, iiilmlnhlrator (it Ihe es tate of Alirulmm Force, itecuiMuit, will sell teal eslnte In Orange towintilp, on Tuesday March Slit at 2 p. in. J. C. ami Olmriluh Yoeiim, ndmlnUtralors of r.lljali Yocum deceased, will sell personal property In Locmt townililp on March lTtli and 18t1i. 1), K. Sloan, exeeutoi of John Siinili, deceased, will sell real estate and per.Kiiiul property ou Ihe prcmlsesln Orecnwood town, ship on Friday, Mare.'.i 10l!i at 10 a. in. See advertisement. John Zmer will sell personal property on Ids premises In Fishing creek township on Thursday March 2nd. Turner Fyer will sell personal property at Hycrogrovo on March (Jth. lVter S. Karshuer ndinlnlitr.itor of John Hallor deceased will sell real estatu In Mon tour township on Friday, March 10th. William Mostellar, adinlnlslr.Uor of Oeorgc lireece deceased, will sell real estate In Mad Ison township on Saturday Mireh 11th. Join Ij. Kline, executor of John Kline Sr. will sell leal estatu In Locust township on Saturday .March I8U1, See advertisement. II. L. Dletlcnbach has retired from the editorship of the Clintai Democrat. To clean mica In coal stoves, wash It with vinegar. Fou 8.M.K. Two good mares. Apply to W. C. McKlnney. ). II. 1!. lirower Is about to start a new republican newspaper at Danville. Lent lias come.and codllsh balls have taken the place of dancing parlies. The banks and schools were closed on Wednesday. The Hess Savage case was from Jackson township, not Sugarloaf, as stated last week. Fou Sam: A Good two horse wagon. Ap ply to James Commons. Frank IJ. Thornton died at Danville on Wednesday morning at half past twelve. The Central Pennsylvania. Conference of the M. R Church meets nt Lock Haven, Mnrch tG, Ilishop Hurst presiding. (leorge Scovillo Ksi., (Julteau's counsel, lectuml at Willlamsportlaxt Friday evening. His subject was "Modern Politics." I.ewisburg has six newspapers now, and there Is talk of starting the seventh n Stal wait Republican organ. The Illustrated sermons at the Presbyter ian Church will be resumed next Sunday evening. The Phllologian Society has purchased a fine organ of J. Saltzer, and placed it in their hull at tliu Xormal School. We shall send another box of books to the binder next week. Those having books to be bound will please send them in by Wed nesday. Miss Julia A. Hunt and the "Floiinel" troupe were greeted by a fair audience at tho Opera House last Friday night. This Is one of thu best plays that has been given here. I.osr. lletween Jlloomsburg and Light Street, on Friday evening, n Ilangle IJraeelet containing five gold dollars. A reward will be given if brought to tills olllce. W. II. Smith, late proprietor of the Milton Anju.i writes the Gazelle fc llulletin that his family is now free from small pox. He lost ! two children bv this disease. Hon. It. P. Allen, of Williamsport, a grad ! uate and trustee of Lafayette College, will deliver thu annual oration at the suinini r i commencement. Mrs. Clark C'hristnian died on last Thurs day morning, February Iflth, after an Illness of several months. Her maiden name was Zeigler, and she was ono of the sltcis of Mrs. Samuel Shaffer in this place. A commission appointed to erect a moiin- incut over the grave of Simon Snyder, Gov enor of Pennsylvania from 1603 to 1817, will receive plans and proposals for the monu ment, at Selinsgrove. until April 1st. IJy enclosing a three-cent slump to Foster, secure, free,a set of tlielr tine niiiogiiipli pic ture earns, wiuriiiuc uu in iiuuu'iii inn household. Snow on Sunday, rain on Monday, and iiiesuay, winning up wnu u nan niium uu ri'. ..f , .1.,. .,..,,......1.1.11,. r wuouii mil, ui'uii, 119 WIU ll .ft nullity ... 11m weather fop the tlrsl. of this week. e uo not re ue uuer i eanuir e l nur iv ant- thing about this. "Itooms to Rent" is on tho boards for ii very aiuieiii uiav. anu iiiu eifiupaov uiai linwnta it. him rppelvpil rrtimtl niiMitnre twi. . , HlOMieu. Death to rats, roaches and antsj Paksons -A U.1 A 1M!.. 1IH1I19 ,IIIUI lin 1IIIU IIUUl ,.l t., .. ..!...,!.. ..t..i.f x-.. r f liaii si lens, nest i uneanesL veiuuii ki ier II- 1 1.. I 111. 111 II,.. wml.l C,.l,l ,.,.,.u.. Thu Phllologian Literary Socletv will give lull, this Friday evening, at which time the play ot "llreml on thu waters ' will be pro. nice ii. ac in ss on -m cents, e u lit e i it u er .... ic, .'vii..7. .tiwv.itutav.-i .Tin iiv iiii i 111 UL 11 l I IIIUU. The prisontT, Fink, taki'ii to tho pciilten iwirr liilii-i h.rnru A u lu iiMH wt lit c.ifii l.-n. ti ling ftf uiimii tlnwi tint ittttridifj nnn H'n ! lltl A drunken lo'ifer at tho Opera Hnii'.e last Y.1-1.1 !.-!.. .1 1 I, I I .f 111 I 'ill ni In fcnf.ii iinlr.l U',. t.nvi. 111.. mrii'i'ii imin mi. nun tm-i I, it-n i Don't bo deceived by Mi-culled traveling nt lie a is. mere is 110 st en 1 1111? as iruvei. 1 .1. i 1 .... 1. 1 ni uiuieaiiHi uiev aie u &ei 01 miiuraiiL iei- lows mm cuiiiKu lor iriases noi reauv trnrMi Till Ki.nla mi it'ill nil v ilttit . i. I.I -i lie in cities. You bad better iro to a reliulilo neater wno wnrra is everv nn r ntut is a - M'nvu n li.i fminil ill Ilia cliin. tv'li......iu iin.1 (iters client von n 111 1 ev nru none. Thu uscfulucbs of thu dally newspaper ap- ... 1.,. ...ill. a. 1 11. 1.. n'..... ii........ minimi I.MIt t In. lit Imr iln. 11 ilriiif.tlat til 1, .....v. ....t,.",, tiulltllir 1111 11 lirpsnriiitlnii. I In illiir-nvm iil lilK error niter tits customer nail leu tun More. llllt llll WHS lllllllllll tl IW'nl-llll.'ll lii.i If ulin roil 1. anil in ilesiieratlou Hie 1 uu?!' 1st 111 ver- llll r 1 11 II irr I In llni Innnl ti.n.i.t. lr.itn. 'niitele the Wfininti uiw n iw-vv mi!iini. iinihr Vtdiu saw tho lu'.vertlseineiit and cseuped 1111 awful denth. An exchange says, "Alan's nveragu life U ii:i years. Dr. Hull's Cough Syrup will al ways live. Some of our cltletis have suffered consld- erable Inconvenience from water In their cel. lars during tho recent wet weather, lnig pumps havo been in deni'ind, Services at St. Paul's church during Lout will be held as follows t Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday afternoons at 4.15. Wednes day and Friday mornings nt 10. Wednes day evening until April 1st, at 7. The lire in tlu No. 1 slope of thu Susque hanna Coal Mining Company at Xnntlcoko Is under control and noon will be entirely out. A large number of men who have despe rately fought thu tire have had their faces ami hands liurned. - Tho election passed olf very quietly. The town vote was very light, being only 41)0. Last year it was O.Vi, and at last fall's elec tion It was 021. At the Presidential election In iyS0 It was 811. Hut little more than half of tho voters attended the polls last Tuesday. Hev. W. W. Kvnns gave a magic lantern exhibition at Ids reldence on Tuesday eve nliiti. to a select audience. The views In cluded many scenes of Interest In JIurope. The proceeds were for the benefit of the M. K. Sunday school. Logansport, (Ind.) Dally Journal. I sell more of St. Jacobs OH remarked Mr. I). K. Pryor, 112 K. llroadway, to our repor ter, than of any other article of Its-kind, and I consider it the best liniment in use. It lias to my own knowledge cured severe cases of rheumatism In this community. Ira. voumresl son of Georire W. and Mary A. Sterner, died of membranous croup on Saturd.iv 11101111111: last, aired one year, eleven mouths mill twenty-four days, lie was taken sick on the Thursday preceedlng. 1 he fun eral was held on Sunday afternoon, There has been quite u number of deaths among thu children from tills disease this winter. HoAi!t)Ki:s Wasted. Students and others who wish a quiet and comfortable boarding place on or after April 1st, 1882, can pro cure such a place by making application to the undersigned either by letter or person. Location south corner of Third and Hailroad Streets, Address, feb21-:)t V.i. Friends of dead soldiers of this lrte war will bu interested to learn that If the proper Information Is furnished to George A. F.ckcrt Department of Internal allalrs, Ilarrlsinirg, they will see tiiat headstones are furnished free of charge to mark their grives. The government regulations lequlre the date of birth and death and age as near as can be given. "Rooms for Rent, Is founded upon occur rences wlitcli may lie imagined 10 iawe place in a house wheie furnished rooms are rented, and the situations are ludicrous in the extreme. Tho awkward predicaments in which the principal characters are continu ally becoming involved created roars of laughter last night, and will make the come dy a popular success."--A'. 1'. 'lime'.Auy- 10. The Kcho says: The business men of Hloonisburg want a free bridge ucross the Susquehanna at that placj built at lite coun ty's expense. Isn't thU a first-class exhibi tion of check? The editor of the. .'.;:.) cer tainly ought to be able to distinguish cheek from progress. It is not the business men of IJlooinsbttrg alone that want a freu bridge. .Most everybody favors it except the stock holders in the IVrwlck and C'atnwissi bridges Of thu cx-Governors of Pennsylvania only three are living. Kx-Govcrnor Pollock was electid in B.'tl over Governor Higler, and he is now Naval Olllcer at Philadelphia. K Goveruor Curtin was elected over Henry 1). Foster in 1800, re-elected over Judge Wood ward In 1H0:1, and is now In Congress. IOx Governor Hartranft was elected In 1873 over ex-Senator liuckalcw, re-elected in 187) over Judge Pershing, and is now Collector of the Pot t of Philadelphia. A miserable specimen of Immunity was in town last week asking for charity fiom house to house. He had a pack on Ids back, and one hand was lied up in 11 bundle of rags, and was supposed to be crippled. He was observed to u.u it, however, when he thought no onu was looking. His uneeiemo nlons manner of walking into houses alarm ed several ladles into presence he ushered himself uii.iunounc ed and demanded uioncv. Mtcll vagrants ougui not 10 we 1111- erated. Assurance, is a good -quality to possess sometimes, but It us that tho agents who travel about the country making con tracts with newspapers for the publication of patent medicine advertisements are supplied with more bnibs in tin ir countenances than the law requites. They expect to secure the very best positions in the paper, for which they ate willing to pay about the pi lee of an inch for a quarter column. If editors gen orally would Insist on reasonable pay for this class of advcitMng, it would soon ills-po-e of the cheap concerns, and legitimate manufacturers whose remedies possess merit would be willing to pay much better prices. The A'cuVirm Ay pilnls a table of new con struction In I8S1 which foots up to 8,242 miles, and that Journal says: "Allowing for returns yet to be received, we believu it safe to istlniute that tho track laid In the United Stales in 1881 will prove to have been verv little if any less than 10,000 miles." Kven should that stupendous tlguie be not nllalm il. nnd the full Mulistlcs c.ttry it to l),r,00 miles, the record of 1831 goes far be yond that ever before made In this country, w hieh has always been pre-i mlnent for rail road building. Kven In the wildest times of the railroad mania in 1671. only 7,:!7! miles were added to our mileage. The following liiithfitl nitiele we clip from the Willlamspoit Sun k Ilinnen It Is usual K- tlie iiL'i-nts of Ihe verv cheatiesl kind of shows that have nio-l to suy about furnish Imr "dead head" tickets us they call them The advance agent of any of the traveling eiiteitalnmeiits will call In at the olllce of a paper like this and leave half a doen "com pllinentailes," asking In return a number of notices, the money value of which is woith ten times the price of Ihe tickets. On an average we pay In locals about three dollars per ticket, anil therefore when we hear some mm headed agent of the company, wearing a diamond pin, talking about furnishing 'dead head' tickets for the press we feel very much like pulling his nose forhlin. J. W. Raeder, the book binder, has been compelled to enlarge Ids premises to secure sulllclcnt aecoininodatloiis for pel forming the work that Is coming In. Ho will occupy the entire floor at 110 nudll2 West Maiket slice and workmen are now making tho necessary alterations, When they me completed Mr Harder will put In the best ruling and paging machines and picas that can bo purchased lie will employ llist-class workmen and until lug but the btsl of work will bo turned out Ills motto will bo promptness and ho will make to order blank books suitable for bank eis, coal operators, Insurance agents, mcr- chants mid county olllcers. He will Icivu for the cities In n few days to purchiuo inaehlii cry and block.- llVWWif .Viwct. Mr Raeder ibus all of our binding and we Know that he does excellent woik. Order for binding received at this olllce nt ltacder' prices, Many persons Iron towels, fold them, nnd place away before they are thoroughly drj . 1 his Is an error, and sometimes leads to re sults not expected. In this damp condition there Is 11 mould which forms 011 them called odium," onu variety of which causes a skin disease known ns rlng.worni. We have Just learned the particulars of un occurrence, last week, that rellects 110 credit upon a young man who hns hitherto borne 11 good reputation. He resides In Hrlarcrcck, and was engaged to bo married to nn esti mable young lady and Thursday was named ns the wedding day. At that time the guests assembled, the clergyman was present and thu fair bride, arrayed In lilting garb, await ed the bri lugroom. He did not appear, nnd after sonic time had passed, 11 messenger was (out lo his residence. There It was learned that he had started for Tennessee that very morning, without 11 woid to the girl who was o have l.mi his wife, or to any of his friends. Criticism can hardly be too severe for such base conduct. lt-ri.niint. Arthur A. Clark and Clarence Fltzpatrlek attended the ball at Drlfton last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Cheinbcrllii of Ply- mouth were lu town this week visiting rel atives. Mrs. Sallle Shrlver now living In Minne sota, is tho guest of Mrs, Ttibbs, Thomas Abbott of Colorado is In town visiting relatives. He will spend several weeks In this section. Mr. George llertsch of Matich Chunk re turned homo last Monday after spending several days In town with friends. Miss Sallle Shoch of Sellnsgrove Is tho guest of Miss Kllza Ktthii. Amos liuckalcw has been confined to the house the past week by sickness. (,'luur 3lilktns Mnrlilnr. Mr. F. P. Hart, of Llllt, formerly of tho Lancaster tuamimr, now of Ihe Internal revenue department, has received letters patent for nn Ingenious cigar making ma chine. The leaf nnd filling are laid upon plate and with one motion like that of a rant-cutter a roller is passed over them and tho cigar is made, 11 lateral knife clips the ends as the cigar Is made. It then drops in to 11 mould, twenty of which are In a sliding box under the machine to receive them as rapidly as made. With ono motion the ma chine does the work now requiring live or six manual movements, and the inventor claims that one operator and a boy or girl to :arry oil the moulds will do the work of five cigar manufacturers. Castings are now being made to put the machines Into market. If they are as practicable as the model prom- es they will revolutionize Ihe trade and make cigars so cheap that the whole family an uiford to indulge in thu weed. The Sr.t Sn-ipi'iit nuiilii 1nh l.ona llrnnrli. The sen serpent has again made his first annual appearance this year at Long Brunch. Willie Frank M. Taylor and several other well-known residents, whosu names are not given, were strolling by the iron pier one evening about six o'clock a monster about forty feet long rose above the water. Tho peculiarity about this serpent was the head. It had horns about four feet high and about six feet apart. Its mouth was of the same ilarmliig dimensions. Mr. Taylor and the well-known residents declaru that these were the first "horns" that they had seen during the day. The eyes were peaceful and had a id, far-away look. Its color is slightly ircen, anil sltono with a phosphorescent light. Mr. Taylor and the other well-known residents became very much alarmed and ran up the beach. At last,uflergiizing round for five niinutes.the alleged monster sank slowly and dlsappeaied. The iron pier is still standing. If the lady who reads this card when In want of Spool Cotton will ask for the "O. N. T." the will obtain the very best thread made. Vsk for Clark's "O. N. T." Cotton and see that you get it. For sale by all leading dealers, fob :t c-m tliH'Mlurn NotiM -Mr. F. P. Harris of Philadelphia is spend- ing a few days in lids place. Flora a blight little daughter of William and Anna Hutchlngs, died on Monday after in illness of but onu night. Mr. A. 1). Vauliew. our popular ineichant has already made preparations for repairing the old Shoemaker store, where he Intends ariying on business in the near future. The meeting is still In progress in the Lutheran Church. Mr. F. 1!. llaitmaii and wife spent a few- days recently with their brother-in-law, J. K. Kelfcr lu Hughesville. Jaku Is running one of the largest and best mills in this section of the state, is doing 11 large trade, and knows how lo entertain his friends, lu reply to "A Granger," would only say, but two statements were made concerning .Mr. Samuel Old, that both wcro correct "A Granger" admits. No reflections of poverty were cast or intended, and when wu need Assistance to write a few items from this vi- cinlty, or advice upon the same wu will let vou know, ' Vute In T11M ii The following Is the vote of nur late town elictlon held Tuesday, Fi briiary 21st, 18S2. rhcre were only -I'.IO votes polled, about one. half of the full vole. riiK-uiiKXr ni' I'ot'Ncu.. KAsr 207 81 EsT lout. A Herring, 112 ill!) ( 170 1 1 2-it (HO 2.18 01)11 220 (ISO 1711 1121 102 270 178 1122 287 (100 102 1121 21) rr, 180 fi87 218 1187 121 1110 100 ii.-!:) 1.1!) 2!i:i 274 002 lii'.l 1181 I'.li Knurr, John Loekaid, MUMiiKiis or onrjjcil.. C 11. Sterling, 420 4:1." 400 148 121 141 CONSTAlll.K, Win. lialib, ieorge Hassert, Levi Waller, I. W. Hartnian, W. S. Moyer, M. ('. Woodward, 1122 It. Harris. 211) 1). Lavcock, 20 hcitool. lilliKcioits, Peter Jones, ' 401 O. T. Wilson, llll) IssKssoli. Thus. Webb, 210 L. II. Rupert, 217 W. II. Yeller, 1UI ASSISTANT ASsUsSill I. K. F.ver, iVii Hairy Fornwald, 215 .ItUKIKOI- KI.KOUON. II. Rosenslock, 212 "(10 Caleb Harton, 10. II. Hldleiuan, 81 111) btcplicu knurr, IXSI'Kl'IOltS. Win. Glrlon, 210 72 John Peiimaii, K. r. Lnl, J. K. Glrton. 80 120 (la Tlilll llll)i. Trhll. Wo will send Dr. Dye's Celebrated F.lcctro. Voltaic Hells and other Kleetiie Appliances on trial for thirty days to young men and older persons who are ntllleted with nervous deblllty.lost vltallty,elc., guaranteeing speedy relief and complete lestorallon of vigor ami manhood. Also for RheuuiatUm, Neuralgia, Paralysis, Liver and Kidney dilllcultles, Ruptures and many oilier discuses, lllustu. ted pamphlet sent free. Address Voltaic Hell Co., Marshall, Michigan. Oct. 28, '8l.1y Annllirr Hi'i Ttnv,.r.t CoHiph-lliMt. The contract for putting down the track ot Ihe N & W. H. ity. lias been given lo the Messrs. Collins, and active operations In this direction will soon bo commenced. Under the old nrrangemciit It was the intention of the New Jersey Central to lay thu track, but since the road has passed Into the hands of Ihu Pennsylvania Hailroad Company a changu has been made. The rails are being put In readiness for shipment and as soon as the bridge nt Cntawlssa Is finished, which will require about four weeks' time, thu construction train will bo put on, A con. necllon lias already been made with thu 1). II. it W, at Cntawlssa, from which place the train will bu run. A force of workmen will be sent on in advance of the trnck.layers to give tho finishing touches to the road bed. These ineii will occupy Ihu slianlles which have been left standing at regular Intervals along the line. Mr. Collins says that tho Pennsylvania company desires tho speedy completion of Ihu road and nre leaving noth ing undone to secure this end. Shidthinny I'ctm. It rmlrlt Note. Notwithstanding thu Inclemency of thu weather, Tuesday there was a largo vote polled, owing to the largo number of aspi rants for olllce nnd the energetic work of tlielr friends. The following is a list of olllcers elect 1 Chief Hurgess, II. C. Hurgcss Assistant lltirgess, Win. Ilayleri Justice of Peace t O. A. Hucklnghnm 1 School Directors, H. F. Crispin, Jr. H. L. Frcas,S. L. Mcllride; Con. stnble,Johu Jacoby j High Constable, Lyiunn Fowler i Overseers of Poor,0. H. P. Kitchen, Levi Kurtz j Assessor, W. H. Hnrtmati; As. slstnnt Assrssors,C. II. Jackson,!!. R. Howen Judge of Flection, Win. Jarrnrd ) Inspectors, Michael Thornton, Win. Hrcdbender ( Town Council, G. L. Rengaii, David Handier, S. C. Jayne, J. H. Hrlttidn, Win. Fciisterniaker,KH Sherwood. Nothing has yet been heard of -Messrs Tut- tie and Mcndeiihidl, Insurance agents who disappeared some time since, without form ally sajlng "good-bye" to their creditors. 111. Ivnorr Is anxious to have un Interview with them. A .In-mint tor .llcrlinnlri. I The publishers of the "Mi:ciiamoai.Nkw.s," an illustrated, practical mechanical Journal, for eleven years published at Springfield, Ohio, have decided to remove their Paper to their Eastern Olllce, No. 110 Liberty Street, Nuw York, on or about thu 1st of March. Thu "Mkciianioai. Nkh.s" Is ouu of thu best Journals of its class published, and it is the intention of tho Proprietors to still further improvu it. In order to do this econom ically, and In the best possible manner, thcy tind that It Is essential to remove the same to the metropolis of the United States, where they can make thu paper first-class in every respect. The "News" is a handsome sixteen page Journal, printed on line paper, with en gravings of the latest mechanical devices, ami subjects that cannot fall to interest every reader. They propose not only to make It popular with the artisan, but a welcome vis itor to everv mechanic's household. The Publishers send a specimen copy and Premi um List free oil application. Jheir sub scription price is very low, only Onu Dollar per year, and 11 useful premium included. Alliiusl 11 l'nnlr On Thursday night the Milton Opera House was literally packed with people, to witness Halrd's famous minstrels. All went well until the overture was ahout half over wlienlheCliief Hurgcss of Milton came in and announced lu nn exciting tone of voice. "Thu building Is giving way!" The panic can bet ter be imagined than described. Gentlemen turned pale, children streamed and ladies rushed frantically for thu door. It was In vain that the stage manager tried to quiet tho crowd, but they lost all presence of mind nnd were getting down stairs ns fast ns possible. It so happened that thu builder of the build ing was in thu room, who roso and said "Ladies nnd gentlemen it is impossible for this building to glvu way as theru aru two lit inch brick walls running the entire length and it cannot give 111 the least." This pnei. fied the remaining portion of tho audience, and the performance began again and was gone through with without any further inter ruption. The building was then examined and found in a very bad condition, with a largo crack running from the floor to the celling, the stairway was very much shaken, and lu fact the building had been slowly giv ing way, and but for tho timely warning Milton would again have met with a terrible calamity. Argun, A Mult' II Will I'll. M. W. Mellcnry, a sober and industrious young fanner trom Stillwater, Columbia county.ciime to Market with a load of shoats Tuesday. He put up his team for the night at Rosenstock's Hotel, West Hnzletou, and after supper, being very tired, he fell us!ep lu his chair In the bar room. hllo ho slum bered peacefully thu notorious Low. Zell came Into the biirioom.antl as there wnsnt the time no one present except the bartender and host lor, Lew. stepped softly up to Mellcnry and relieved him of Ids watch, after which he im mediately left the hotel. Tho hostler had observed the theft, and ns soon as Lew left he amused Mellcnry nnd told him that his watch was gone. Landlord Rosenstoek ac companied the hostler and Mellcnry to the olllce of Squire Jones, where 11 win rant was issued for the arrest of Zell. Constable Lynch then canio to town and found tho man nt home, but when thu warrant was rend he stoutly denied the charge of stealing the watch. Constable Lynch, however, was not to bo fooled, and on searching Lew's trunk the watch was reroveied. The latter was then taken bifore Sqtilto Jones, who af ter hearing the evidence placed the accused under bull for his iiiii.iiirnnce tit court. Willie Thu fin- he .Mi ll, ll. The manufacture of white muslin neckties for men's wear in large quantities Is 1111 lu dtistry of recent growth lu New Yoik, and Is confined to that city. Threu years ago these tics wcro inadu In shops where coloicd tics ami semis nre manufactured. "The demand for a neat, new, while inns lln uecktiu every summer morning, or twice n day bometlmes," said 11 wholesale man ufaclurcr "led to the branching out of tho white necktie trade as a separate industry, and now the manufacturers are having moro orders for lies than they can till, Millions of them tire sent out from thu four manufactur lug firms In this city. Onu of the two larg. est firms is in Llspeiuird street nnd the other Is In Wooster. "Kverywhero these ties have been sent they root others out of tho market. Those which wu send are cheaper than can be made by the old style. The old pi loo for dozen lawn neckties fit to be win 11 win. dollar. Now these are sold for i-l.fiO a gross, Tiie material is a so-called Vlctoilu lawn, or a muslin from tho Miinltawiiy Mniiufnct tiring Company or the .Middlesex Hleiiclilng Company. 1 he iniiniifactoiles are iu Prov ldencu nml Fall River, and their muslins are so well protected by high duties 011 tho tin ported material that large quautltici can lie sold cheap to manufactures of tho ties, "tho prlcu of n gioss ol while ties Is ac cording to quality, from il.f,0toi2l Those of higher pilce aie iinluoldeiid on tho ends with llowers, dots, or fancy designs, accord. Inf to changes iu Ihe fiithlon, nnd t Un are packed iu glass-topped boxes destined t-oine country dcalei's show case," A Nnv (III Trnllor.v. The Sn'limn lln'lctc has the following 1 "A few months ago 11 slock company was formed for the purpose of putting down two test wells on llicMehoopntiy creek, near thu point where Ilrnilford, Wyoming nnd Sulli van counties meet. Somu threu or four month ngo operations vvere begun, and the boring commenced tit a place About two miles above the village of Lovclton, near the tse of what Is known ns Tyler mountain. The work has been progressing ns rapidly ns possible during this time, nnd Inst Wedncs day, nt n depth of 1,050 feet, petroleum was slrilck. As might be expected the stock hits golie up amazingly, nnd considerable ex citement prevails. Other wells will at once be put down, and should thu existence of nil hi nlmniliinco be proven, It will not bu sur prising If the hills In lids vicinity arc cover cd with derricks In 11 few years. " llnmc I'nr Injur nl .lllni'i A meeting of the commission appointed to superintend the erection of a hospital for In jured miners at Ashland, Schuylkill county, was held Inst week at tho Jones house, liar risbtirg. There vvere present President D. A. Heckley, of llloomburg; Secretary John P. Sliocner, of Orvvlgsbtirg J. II. James, iVsldandj George K. Hast, Schuylkill Haven; William James, Mincrsvllloj John W. Mor- gait, Schuylkill county) Gen. William Lily, Maucli Chunk) Jacob R. Eby, Harrlsburg; II. Alrlcks, Jr., the architect, and W. F, Patterson, tho contractor. Dr. Dlller Luther, of the State board of charities, was also pres- nt. Mr. Alrlcks presented his final report, giving a description of thu building and do- tailing thu satisfactory progress that had been 111 nil c. The report was unanimously adopted. The building will be finished next week nnd Mr. Alrlcks was authorized to ap point a person to laku charge, of It until It is filially turned over to thu trustees to be ap pointed by the governor, and also to pur- chasu furniture for the building. The funds nt present in the hands of tho commission 111 permit of the almost complete furnishing of the hospital, and It will not bu long before it will bo ready for thu reception of patients. The commission adjourned to meet at Phila delphia on March 2d. .illintn I11111.. John Huffuagle has been lying ill for about three weeks from a cold settling on his lungs. The saw mills which nru numerous in tills place, have been unusually busy since the late rains as water has been plenty. The timber Is being worked into car, railroad and building lumber. John Drown Jr. of this place, who for the past few months has been living nt Colorado Springs, Col. made his returning nppenrancu on our streets a short time ago. John is looking well. The mall on Tuesday 14th Inst, was units- ally large. Some persons seemed pleased with the news, while others rather frowned nt the ferocious looking portraits. The store room of Fckroto it Snyder is undergoing repairs and will in a few days look better than ever. There was quite 11 small-pox scare in town on Tuesday, created by some of the hands who were working nt Herwlck, coming home, because the small-pox broke out In the same house where a number of them were boarding. We hope it will not break out here. Considerable damage was done to many farmers, by tho late rains washing deep ditches in the grain fields. What Makks a Goon I'afbu. The Lou- isville Courier Juurnnl hns the following sensible remarks about conducting a news paper: '-riome people estimate, thu ability of newspaper and the talents of Its editor by the quantity of its original mutter. It Is com parntlvcly an easy task for a frothy writer to pour out dally n column of words words up on any nml nil subjects. His Ulcus may How on one weak, washy, everlasting Hood, nnd the command of his language may enable him to string them together like bunches of onions, nnd yet his paper may be n meagre mid poor concern. Indeed the mere writing part of editing a paper is but a small portion is mil a small poruon of the work. The cure, the lime employed in selectliiir, is far more important, nnd the fact that a good editor is better known by his se lections than by anything else ; and that we know Is half of the battle. Uut, as we have said, nn editor ought to bo estimated, and his labor understood nnd appreciated, by tho sienernl conduct of his paper. Its tone, its uniform consistent course, turns, lnniillncss, dignity and Its prosperity. To preserve Ihem as they should be preserved Is enough to oc cupy fully the time und attention of any man. If to this be added thu general supervision of the newspaper u tublislinient, which most editors have to encounter, the wonder Is how they Mud time to write ut all." oiu I rriK-i-eilliitft CONHNl'EU FItOM LAST VVKliK. William Shcllhamiiier vs. 51. drover's nil. mlnlstrntor's, verdict for plalntlllfor 770,05. W. G. Yetter executors vs. William en ger. -Nonsuit tuKcn. Petition of Jesse Fisher for change of name presented and tiled. Petition of Lllliu Lnmon for citation to guar- dliiu to (He un account 30 days before next term Hied, and citation awarded. Petition for county bridge over the Susqiie lunula lllver ut Illoomsburg, presented ; A. H. Stewart, Moses Schllcher and John Hart man appointed viewers. 1). K. Sloan, Miitthevv Patterson, Abner Welsh, A. H. Herring, Wm. Long, nnd Joint than Poust, appointed inspectors to view the workniunshlp of a county bridge over Qreen creek. Peter Swank. John Herner. Jacob Yetiger. Henry Itelnbold, Kilns George, and Jacob Arthur appointed Inspectors to view tho workmanship of a county bildgc In Locust iienr A. -M. Jolinsiin's. i. E. Chimin unpointed iiuditor to ills. tribute funds In the estate of William Verry, deceased. Petition for review in the estate of Jacob Homboy deceased, Hied. W. Miller appointed auditor to distribute funds iu tlio estate of Jared Harrison, deceased bale ordered In estate ol tnluarlnc Uull, The Sheriff acknowledged tho following deeds t To Wm. HartiniULlot iiiUuckhnrii forirHOo sold ns tlie property of M, 0. Shoemaker, II, ltcccc, lot In Uuckhorn for S-22.l5,solil as property ol -M. u. biiocmaKer. II, Hecce. lot In Uuckhorn for SOOO.sold as the property ol M. U, blioemaUer. W. Old. lot Iu Uuckhorn for 845. sold as tut; properly o: -ii. u. iV w. ll. Biiocinuuer M. G. Hughes, lot lu Cntaw ssa for S00O, sold as tlie properly of vv. John, Almlra Johnson, lot in Greenwood $30,sold as the property or u, v . iioiiman. Miirtha Adams, lot lu Online &1320. sold as tlie property in j. u iieurie. II. W. Wyiikoon, lot In Hloom $1500, sold as inu propcny oia. .m. unpen. John Movvrv. Samuel Houck nml Josenh I.evnn appointed viewers of a road In Locust near Henry Apples. Petition Hied for tide of mil estate of Mar garet Fottucr, n lunatic. J, F. Dcrr, George Hurlemiin and B. W. Mellcnry nppnlntcd viewers of a road lu Madison and Pine near M. K. Master's. Itohr Mellcnry, lllrum Kverett and (Ieorge Knouse unpointed viewers for n rond In J ticksoii and Sugarloaf near M, Ncyhnrd's. K. It. Ikeler appointed auditor to dUtrlb utu funds in cstnto of Frederick ShtiHer, de. censed. C. C. Peneock appointed auditor to dls- Irllllltn funds 111 fhtiite nf -Trimm l'Vlterlnini. f"r I deceased. Adjourned until March lllst nt 0 a. in. A horso belonging to Commissioner ltd chart was tied nt tho Rupert paint Mill on Tuesday nflernoou.niid becoming frightened, broke Its fintenlngs,nnil ran to town where It turned up tho court house alley unit was stop ped at llttckalews' livery. The wagon was imdly broken, but the horse sustained no In Juries. The great superiority of DR. BULL'S COUGH SYRUP over allothcrcough remedies is attested by the immense popular demand for that old established remedy. For the Cure of Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, Croup, Asthma, Bron chitis, Whooping Cough, Incipient Consumption nnd for the relief of consumptive per ins in advanced f stages of the For Sale Eg by nil Dniggk'-s. Price, " ccnti. Not. 4, "si-oui Deaths. Stehnki! Ill Hloonibbiirg on Saturday morning Feb. 18th., Iia, youngest son of G. W. nnd Mnry A. Sterner, aged 1 year 11 mos. 21 days. A bud too sn ret for us t keop, Illooms In nhovo, For Ueuvetil Atnjclsto eject With nn cvvrlasllinr love. Siviii: In West Hemlock 011 thu 14th Inst, Kzra Styer aged 40 veins and 10 months. L. T. Shnrpless will positively close out his entire stock before the middle of Match to bult Ihe business, Call early If you want to secure the best bargains. Great Hargainsare to be had at C. W. Low's store at Orangevillo Pa., as ho Is selling out Ids entiro stock of goods at cost, as he lias rented Ids store to Lllley & Sloppy and gives them possession the first of April, feb 17- If Pianos, 'organs, und all wood iiiulcal in 8truincnts,cleuiicd,ti!iicd,and repaired. New luilrs jiut on bows. T. Mctlierell, Hloonisburg. New muslins. calicoes and ginghams ut Lutz & Sloan's. 4000 yards spring calico at I. W. Hart- man's (no cheap stttlT.) Lutz & Sloan have the best and cheapest lot of towels and tuble linens lliey ever offered. Parties desiring corn ut wholesale prices can get it in 2j bushel lots and upwards, of W. O. Ricluitt, Hloonisburg. feb !i 4-w Hrim; your samples of black silk and be convinced Unit l.tttz iV hloan will sell you silks as cheap as you can get them anywhere tn tin- stale. Only think! 40 pieces of ilu-'li ims in one store ut I. W. Iliirtmiiirs. T1SOUM.E SAVKl). It Is n remarkable fact that Thomas' ICct.r.u- luie On. Is as good fur Internal as external use. r or diseases ol Hie lulu's unit lliroat, and for rheumatism, neuralgia, crick iu the back, wounds, mid sores, it is the best known remedy, nnd mucli trouble is saved by having it always on hand. New black cashmeres and other dress goods at I.utz it Sloan's. The Klcctioii over, Xovv for the New Spring goods ut 1. W. Ilartmiiii's. Want Prime Cloverseed and 500 bushels of Potatoes ut Silas Young's, Light Street. Feb. 21 4-v T W llnrlmiiii lilwnvs keens bw Grocery Department well stocked with fresh goods. A H1VK OF 1IKI-.S. llurdock lllood Hitlers Uriiia Hack health, when the Unity Is Uadly disordered liy im pure Hlood. 'Hillousiicss, indigestion" con- i r'"" ;""' ' .' ,. n,I,nf Til,! lliii,.ra IVi,.,. ijl.00. Easter and Hirtlulay cards by the hundred In I. V. Hiirliiian's book department. Call ami see tliem. Dr. Frnzier's Root Bitters, Frazici's Hoot Hiltets arc not a dram-shop whiskey bevcraticbut are strictly medicinal in everv sense. Uievnct slronglv upon tlie liver nnd kidneys, keep the bowels open nnd rcmilttr.mnkc the wcuksli-ons.lieiiltlie lungs, build up the nerves and cleanse the blood und uvKti'iu nf everv ltrmui'ltv. r or di..iness.riisn oi moon loiiieiicniLicnu- ing to apoplexy, dyspepsia, lever and ague, droiisy.iilintilcs and blotches, scrofulous hu mors nnd sorcs.tctteiM'iiig worm, white swell- iiig.crysipelas, sore eyes und for young men sutfcrini! from weakness or debility caused from imprudence, nnd to females lit delicate health, 1- raler's Hum Kilters are especially recommended. Dr. Frazler: I have used two bottles of Hoot Hitters for dyspepsia, diyzlnc-s weak- ness, ami kidney disease, and they did me more good Hum the doctors, ami nil the medi cine I ever used. From Hie Hist dose I took 1 lieiran to mend, nml 1 inn now in pcrlect health, nnd leel us wen as i ever did. l con sider your medicine one of the greatest of blessings, .lilts, -ll. .viAltruv tieveiunii, u. Sold by nil druggists every wheie nt i?l per bottle. M:XltY& CO., sa'e I'ro,,'rs 02 Vctei St. AVid Yuri:, PILES! PILES! P.LES! A fill Cure found sit l.aHtl No One Xocil "uHVr I A sure cure for blind, bli edlnir. iichmg nnd ulcerated piles has li.-eu dlscnvi red by Dr. William, fun Indian remedy. calli-d Dr WU- Hum's Indian Ointment. A single lmx has cured the worst chronic casi s -f 2,i or 110 years slunilllig. -Mi one iicc.l suii.r live minutes tiller applying mis wniniernii bouiti. In1' medicine, Lotions insli tiincnt and elec- tuiiries do more harm than good. iliiaiu's Ointment absorbs the tumors, nihil s the in tense itching, (particularly ut night ultiruct- tlng warm In bed,) nets tisn iiuiiltlcc,glve.s in stant nml painless rellef.nnil is prepaid! only lor piles ivc., tiiiu lor nothing else. Head what lion. .1. M. t oiiuiiicri v ol i n vc- hind says ubout Dr. William's Indian Pile Ointment : I have urn! scores of pile cures, nnd It iillords me nleiisuiv tn sav Unit I have never found anything which g'ave me such immediate mid permanent relict ns or. ll. ham's Indian Ointment. For sale by all druggists or mailed on re. celpt of price, tfl.OO. HHNrr.VSt CO., rnr'rs, 02 Vcsey St., New York. liv Dr. Francr's Magic Ointment. Cures as it uy magic, pimples, niacK heads or grubs, blotches anil eruptions on the face, leaving tho skin clear, healthy mid beautiful. AUo cures llch, barber's Itch, sail thrum. let ter, ringworm, scald head, chapped bauds, bore nipples, sore lips, old obstinate ulcers and sores, A-c. SEIH DISE SE. F. Drake, F.sii,, Cleveland, O,, suffered be yond nil dcsciipllon from a sklu disease which tippctireii on ms iiiimis.iiciid and lace. and nearly destroyed his eyes. Tho most rarcful doctoring fulled to help hlm.tmd idler nil nnd limed nu used nr. i rn.iers Magic ointuieiii nml was cured ny n lew applica tions. WThe Hrst and only positive cine for skin discuses ever iiiscnv ereu. Sent by mall on rccilpt of juice. (SO cents. IIK-MIV iV CO,, Sole Piop'rs, 02 Yir.v Sr., Ntw Yom. For blind, bleeding, luldnir or uh i rated Jllll'S llll. MILIUM'-! IMUVN I'll V. (HYI'MF-NT is 11 sure cure, nice m uu by n ail. l or sale by all DriH-'gHtu, A good, rclinlilo iiceket knife is what every jjeiitlcinnii should possess. Wo Imvo nliout 7o patterns, ranging in price from 10 cents to S-'.fiO inch. There 1110 some tilings it pays to buy only the best. The celebrated combina tion li'nzor Strop nnd Hone which we offir is tlie mticle ( pi ice oO eta. It can not be excelled. 1 urn but 11 stranger hoi el Jersey is. my home. While I stay I shall use nrren s Kvnporated Vegetables. 2.ri et. package makes 12 quarts of delicious soup. I'ink Kvr. l)mi..MiM:it This fatal din ease of Horses may be prevented nnd eurid by the free use of HendershottV Gemini! Cattle Powder ; it cleanses tho system; clinches the blood and puts your horso iu a heallhy condition. Largo package, 2j ets. or ." for $1.00. 1, Well, it's mighty hard to cough and strain so dreadfully I I 1 willy do believe I shall cough up my boots, if I don't get relief I Why be so distiesscd, when Dr. Von Zotta's Homeopathic Pectoral will cure you and restore you to health nnd happiness. 25 cent and 81.00 bottles. Xovv is your chance, and our store is the place to purchase anything and every thing in the lino of drugs, mtdieincs or di uggists suitdru s. 1 Seasonable prices and good goods aie our arguments, and in asking for your trade, we promise to make every assertion good, to misrepre sent nothing and give you full value for your dollar, each and every time. Of VALUA11LE Farming Land I The undeitlgr.rd effcrsat ritvnto sale tho form situated on the road f rem lilocmsturg to Berwick, ut tho lower end ot Espy. Containing ubout 70 ACRES, moro or lesi, nil under cultivation. There Is a LAllOU iia HS, sheds nnd all tho necessary out buildings on tho premises, all In good repair. Terms easy. For particulars apply to JOIIS SI1UMAN, F-spy. feb 3 l-m Oiphans' Court Sale OF VAI.U.M1LC Mcsai Astute! Ily vlrtnoof orJ.-r isiuo d out of tho Orphans Court of Columbia county, the undersigned Admin istrator cl ooorge U.-e:co late of Madison township. sildeiunty, deceased, will t xpo oto public saloon tho rrunh-cs at 5 o'cl cl: p. m., on SATURDAY, MAHCII 11th, 1832. All thatcer'aln messuagennd tract of 'and sit uate In Malison lownililp. Columbia county, Pa, bouud-d by lands of William Mostellar, 11. W, Mc- Heyno'.ds.Cyrus ltelcuarl, Jacob Zelsloft an l others containing, ISO ACBES of land more or less, with the appurtenancos,where on Is orectol a largo l cw Dwelling House, HANK liAliN, flood Ont.Uulldlng3. Tho farm Is well watered and h s an A-PLB ORCHARD, and fruit trees of all kin Is. Salo will boBubJectto n dowcrv of J13i'4,501n favor tt Mary Snjder, widow of Donlcl i-njders.-., deceased. I'cssr-stlon will bo given April 1st, 1S52. Decdtobont ixpcnso ct pur chaser. All grain In ground reserved TEltMS, Oni-thlrd of tho purchase money to be paid In c.t'h at thi striking down ot tho property, one-third April 1st lss3 Willi interest from April 1st ls, una tin balanc-" ono-tlilrd to bo paid at the death of Susanna tireeco wldawof (leorgo lireece, da ceased, to the liMi-s of (lowga lireece deceased, with Intciest annually froi.i Atrll 1st lss2,payablo to said vvldo v during her lite, Sai l two thirds to bo sacured by bonds and mortgajro on the rrc-mlses, WILLIAM MASTELLEK, fob U-t3 Administrator, OHPIIAKS' COUHT SALE OF VAI.UA11LK IScs&E! JEstsatc I rur.-uant to sn order ot tho Orphan's Court of Co lumbia county, l'cnnsj lvanla, vvl l bo sold at pubuc sale, on tho premises, In tho township ot Montour, In s-'t'l county, on FRIDAY, MARCH 10th, 1882. at two o'clock p tn. Hie following described real ostatolatootJobunillor.deceased to-vvit: A house and loot of round, adlolnliis land of Henry Lazarus, Jeremiah Heaver and Isaiah llauonbuch This lot Is situated on Uio publlo road loading from llloom turt' to Danville. Tho house Is a 1 irge two story PRAMB DWELLING-. There Is erected ou s.vld lotalfOn (loop STA11LK ULACK-SMITII SlI-U' AMlOl'T-lIOUNES! Also a food ELL cf WATEItonlho premises. TE11MS Or' SALE. Ten per cent. U one-fourth ot tb.3 purchase money to bo paid ut tho ttrlkln& down of tho property; tho onr-fourth less the ton per rent, at the coollrmitnn of sale, and the remaining throo-fourtlis In ono j car thereafter with Interest from confirmation nisi. Purchaser to pay for making df el. PETERS. KsHSUNEH, l-i Administrator. Cures Hhoumatism, Lum bago, Lam o Back, Sprains an d Bruises, Asthma, Catarrh, Coughs, Colds, Soro Throat, Liplitlioria, Burns, Frost Bitos, Tooth, Bar, and Head acho, and allpains and aches, Tho Wit Internal &n4 external remedy In th vorM. Tvery 1-ottU cuarantecj, SvM I f roe Jk In JUri everywhere, Dttgttinn In cIM Unguaei. Tries jjcenti FOSTER, MILQURN & CO., Prop'ri, BUFFALO, V., U.S. A. Thirty Sit Virletlei of Cbh2 6 of Corn t t of Cucua. Un 4t of MeloDi ii of feaii i3of irolSquuht H c( IWct taJ 41 ot Tomato, with other vincttu fa proporuoa, Urge iwrilott ot whktt were crown on tuy fiv ut4 fuai, UI tx??un4 ta my VfffvUtbU d Flower 44 rurlHtd. Sent Mttu lo til ho apply. CutiocnmefMH Seuon nicd not write for it. All Sce4 roU bom any eiublUh meat warrant to te both freth an4 true to name, to far, that ahouUli prov other wiw, will rtAII th order jratla. Th ortfllntil lntroduerori!arIy Ohio and Ilarbk lUr to-. )lorblveiid V.mrlT lrn. lb Hnbbtr4 Marble hcttd (Vtbaco. I'bUncy'a Melon, and tcort of ether new VeeetaMea, 1 Invite the (trooge U the juUkt New Vcfeubln a Spctlalty. Jaiut J.lI.drccor7 Marl!ebil,Mue (eblt Ma U JOHN A. FUNSTON 8c Go. Real Estato, TruBtj Invostraont and fjolloction Uliico. BLOOMSBURG, A. FOIlflU.B IWntorr frurna woolen mill. With full sot of mi- clilncr. a good natural water power, ail ln good working flondiuoa, also largo frajio dwelllnif.barn and out-bull lings, M acres tf land, 8 mllos to llloomstmrir, will ba sold clieap and on goM terms, otrncd b r. L Hinds. To acres, irood land, buildings, fences, irult and water, In licnton twp., ono mile to Now Columbus. Terms reasonable, owned bj- Daniel M'cnner. ITIc 11,000 15 Acres. Hurley farm, Montour townahlp.frame dwelling house, bank oarnnnd other otiNbulldlng-a, ooa Boioauoui iw acres uinuer: cu "w4, ealihr location. Rood markets. If desired, will di- ride In two or turco traets. sco drafts. Terms easy. Now owned by Woi. Neal, Esq. A comfortablo now hrlck dwelling on etti street, -west ot Market, to rooms. A bargain. IM Acres on south bank ot river 1W miles from town of Mimin on road to Herwlck. lit acres bottom land, balanco timber, llrtck dwelling, bank barn and outbuildings, good fruit and water, (well and foun tain). Also a valuablo deposit of nre acresotbrlok and potter s clay. Owned by John Welt, ot Hlooms- ourg. Adeslrablo new brick dwelling bouse and a Urge framo dwelling liouso and frauio stablo on Haul street one door below Third. Lots offered on easy terms with contracts to build It desltol. 95 acres In Madison townsliln: occuolcd by Joseph wise, (looa iramo nouso ana unnK uara. Land lately well limed and manured. Apple orchard and omcr iruiu. tos Acres In Flslilnzcrcck township, on road to tienton. llrlck house, frame barn and klieds Uood water at liouso an J barn. Apple orchard and other fruits. Owned by John 1'eater. 112 Acres nrn.1net.lvi- land tn -Jemtock township. I v miles from liioimsbur?. Frame dwelling, bank barn and two tenant houses. A 9 story brick dwelling, new ftamo barn, good water and fruit. All In best of condition on Centre street, Illoomsburg, between 3rd and 4tb. A large irame nouse aoa earn wiin ouiuuuauigg. good water and fruit, corner ot Third t nd Hailroad streets. A very pleasant frame dwelling, corner or am ana Iron streets, with water and gas. All In good condi tion. a jf awry irumu cirrmgu unu uuu-ksuuui duuu, lOxco iccton Iron near Main street, with trade and good will. A full set ot tools tn each department. seasonable prico ana terms. A nearly now 2-sttirr framo duelling on Fourth Street. Catawlsia, frame stable, good water, and iruu, an in good cinauion. Also. ir nines land on O. II, & W. It. It. near Cat iwlss i Paper Mills, with coal yard. 4 llmo kilns, and railroad siding. A desirable silo for car shops or other manufactory. Terms reasonable. Owned uyd. u. tvuiiuu. 68 acres, well watered, In Hemlock township, frame house, bank barn and out-bulldlnErs. cholco fruit, young orchird, with grain In ground, stock ic, If desired. Thomas Ulckey owner. For particulars, apply to Oct, 11,-81-tf JOHN A. FUNSTON. or r-AUL B.WIRT. BE NOT DECEIVED By Plasters chiming to be an im provement on ALLCOOK'S POROUS PIASTERS. ALLCOOK'S is the Original and only gennine Porous Plaster; all other so-called PovOUS Plasters nre imitations. Beware of them. See that you get nn ALLCOOK'S PLASTER, which we guarantee tas effected more and quicker .i .i .i cures titan any outer external remedy. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. feb 1 13-t eow ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Ebt&TB Or ELIJA11 1 OCUli, DECKASKD. Letters of administration on tho estate of Eltlih Yocum, lata of Locust twp, Columbia county, deceased, have been crantcd by tho lieclster of satd county to tho unders'gncd administrator. All persons uuviug claims ugaiDst mo esuuo or saia aeccaeut are requested to present them for settlement and lamo inaeoica to tne estate to maKO payment to ino undersigned administrators without delay, JOHN C YOCIIM, Bloomsburg. OUEDIAU IOUUM, Elysburg, feb 10 6-w Administrators, C. C. GALIG-NAN, DEALER IN STOVES, HEATERS, and RANGES; FIRE PLACE HEATERS; I..OW DOWN G HATES, CELLAR FURNACES, &o. A Foil M Always Kept oil Hani TIN, ana SHEET IROH WORK: I defy competition iu this line, as far as good work is concerned. No matter how difficult the job is bring it to me, and I will do it or ask in pay. PLUMBING. Pnrties wuntius work done m this biiuich, will do well to call and tee mo before going elsewhere. 1 do not lure any but hrst cliifs numbers to do my work. STEAM FITTING. I am now ready to make esti mates and take contracts for heat ing private houses and public buildings by steam or hot water. GAS FIXTURES. There is always a full lino of this class of goods to be found in my store. Any that I havo not on hand I can furnish at shortest notice, as low as city prices. ROOFING. I am always ready to do a good job of roofing at a fair price. Satistuction guai antccd or pay. 0PEBA HOUSE, Bloomsburg, Fa. no