I THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSKIIRG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. J. Zi BITTSNDEHDER, "" BLOOMSBUBG, PA, Friday, Fob. 34, 1883. Tlio Pyrotcclinlo works of Prof. Jack sou nt Chester, Pn. caught firo last Fri day morning and several explosions oc curred, completely demolisliinp tlio build ing which was the old homestead of Ad nnral Porter. About twenty people were killed and a largo number seriously wounded by the Hying debris. Sovoral firemen who were on tho roof wero blown to atoms. Things appear to ao by contraries in this world. Guiteau insists upon it that ne was uisano wiien lie shot tlio presi dent and does not want to bo punished for his crime, and now a young woman turns up in UufTalo, in ivlioso possession a quantity of stolen goods wero found, anil sho pleaded guilty to tlio charge of larceny. A commission was aiuiointed which found her insane, but sho insists positively that sho is sane, and wants to raieivo uio iuu punisnmcnt ot tlio law, Tho auditor goneral recently scut out 10 mo treasurers ot all tho counties in the Stato blanks on which certain ques tions relating to tho finances wero to bo answered. One of theso questions in quired the amount of bonded indebted ness of tho county. Tlio treasurer of Susquehanna jcounty recently returned his blank on which was written : "Sus quehanna county has no bondtd indebt edness and no other debts, and don t you Mrs. Scoville, tho sister of Guiteau has written a very pathetic letter to Mrs. Garfield, iu which sho reiterates her be lief in tho insanity of her brother. Mrs, uanioid nas authorized a menu to say that towards the slayer of her husband sho cherishes no malice, ho must answer only to his God and tho American nco pie. For tho sister and all the members of his family sho feels only profound pity. Further than this sho asks to bo left alono with her sorrow and to be spared being dragged into useless and torturing publicity. Mrs. Garfield will not answer tho letter. Tho non polygamous branch of tho Mormon Church begins to mako itself heard. It is a small sect, but it claims to have tuo true prophet in the person of Joseph Smith, the sou of tho original Smith, who found tho golden plates of Nephi, was kicked by tho duvil, built the J? i 1 . 1.-!. it T 1 .1.- - - nrsi icmpiu ;ii ivirtianu anu mo second temple at INauvoo, led tho first exodus of tho Saints, and was killed by a Missduri mob. Tho present Joseph lives some where in Iowa. It will bo a surprise to most peoplo to learn by the petition of his followers to Congress that thoy sup port missionaries in Utah to preach against polygamy. They claim to have converted 10,000 persons in that Territo ry, and they ask of Congress vigorous measures to extirpate tho pernicious doc trine and practice introduced by Brig ham Young. In Steuben county, New York, thero is an organized insurrection against tho Tax Collectors, tho would-bo purchasers of property at collectors' sales are sys tematically boycotted and Governor Cor nell has officially declared tho town of Greenwood to be in a stato of iiijurreo tiou. Tho troublo arises out of tho re fusal of tho citizens to submit to taxes levied by order of tho Court to pay bonds issued a dozen years ago in aid of tho Rochester and Pino Creek Railroad. Ninety-fivo properties have been levied on and advertised for sale, but tho stal wart yeomanry turn out with arms and, led by brass bands, so intimidate bidders that tho Sheriff can get no offers for the lands. The wholo performance bears bo strong a resemblance to "homo nilo" and "no rent'' that tho spectators get a very good idea of tho stato of affairs ic Ire land. Fixing tlio Amounts. iwyino 'riir. costs of (ivitnr.r.it's illness AND FUNEItAL. Tho special committeo of congress to audit expenses attending the sickness and funeral of tho lato President Gar field had a meeting on tho lGth aud dis cussed in general body the bills presen ted, but took no action in regard to the amount to bo paid to tho physicians. Some minor bills wero allowed, and tho committeo agreed to report a bill allow ing Mrs. Garfield a pension of S.,000 per annum. Tho bill was subsequently reported to tho houso and passed. It is estimated that the total amount of tho bills will not bo much less than two hun dred thousand dollars, livery person who furnished anything during ex Pres ident Garfield'ti illness appears to have put in a claim. Tho cooking apparatus men ask to bo paid actual expenses in curred and also for their time in put ting up tho apparatus in tho whito house. Somo members of congress have pro sented bills for their individval expenses incurred in attending the funeral. THE MISSISSIPPI OVEIU'LUffS. A despatch from Helena, Arkansas, dated February 19th says: Thero is no abatement of the disasters that have overtaken tho planters of tho Mississippi valley, caused by tho overllow of tho Mississippi river between Memphis and Yicksburg. For three weeks it has rained almost daily, until the los3 to dwellings, stock and lauds, cannot now bo properly estimated. There have been innumerable breaks iu tho levees, and tho outlook at present is anything but hopeful. Cattle and hogs havo been drowned by the hundreds. Barns havo bseu swept away and their contents wasted, and tho mules and horses mo suffering. Tho loss to tho planters by theso mishap cannot but havo its effects on their facilities for putting iu a crop for a year. This condition of affairs ex ists to an alarming extent iu Chittenden, Leo and Phillips counties, Arkansas, and in Dcsota, Quincaand Coahoma counties, Miss. Thesu nro tho largest cotton grow ing, counties iu tho Mississippi vnlley, and what is truo of them is. also Iruo 61 tho others that hayo suffered iu a similar manner. Starvation is threatening many of tho poor peoplo whoso houses lino tho banks of streams that havo over flowed. Iu somo instances cabins can bo found in which nro negroes, hogs and mules, nil gathered together awaiting tho receding river that lias in its mail fury driven them to seek safety by llight in tho highlands, i no latest DieaK oc curred Inst night about !100 yards above ' Austin, Miss. This will overllow tho cntiro country between Austin and ( Filer's point, a distanoo of thirty-livo miles. Tlio Kitz John Porter Case. Tho Filz John Porter caso was again under consideration in the cabinet, with a view of his possiblo reinstatement iu tho army, but no conclusion was reached. T. ! 1 .! 1 1 . f it is Binieu innt mu oniy leuiu way iu m ford tho desired redress in this caso is for tho President to pardon General Porter, it ! I.!. i .1! !.... urns removing ins present uisqiiiiiiiiu.tuuiia from holding ofiieo in tho scrvico of tho United States, and then rcstoro Kim to his former place in tho army by nomina tion to tho senate. llltl FIIIH IN MASSACIIIISBTTS. Haverhill, Massachusetts, was visited by a terriblo conflagration last Saturday night which destroyed over sixty build ings, most of them occupied by business firms. Two thousand people arc out of employment and soveral families nro homeless. Tho loss is estimated at 82, 000,000. Several lives wero lost. Haverhill, tho scene of this disastrous conflagration, is n town of 10,000 inhab itants, nt tho head of navigation on the Merrimack river, about thirty-three miles north of Boston. Tho town has numer ous manufacturing establishments, prin cipally ot boots and shoes, hats and caps, woollen goods and over wear. TIip Pennsylvania Military Academy II rimed. Tho Pennsylvania military academy at Chester was burned to tho ground last week, Thursday evening. The (ire originated in tho laboratory, but from what cause is unknown. Tho cadets saved nil of their personal effects, and all of tho property of tho stato and govern ment was saved, as was tho creator por tion of tho property of the academy, but it was subsequently damaged by tho rain which commenced fallini: soon after wards. Tho total loss is about $-'00,000, and tho insurance about S75,000. Tho cadets, 1111 in number, were nil supplied with funds by Col. Hyatt, and a great many of them left lor their homes. Wife Beaters. Tho member of tho Legislature who introduces and succeeds iu making into a law a bill for tho special punishment ot wito-bcaters, will gain lamo lor him self and win the eternal gratitude of a largo portion ot tho population. At near ly every term of court held in this county husbands aro up for trial on either a chargo of wife desertion or for brutal treatment, or both. In nlno cases out of teu ho is convicted of assault and battery and sent to jail for thirty or sixty days iu default ot bail or bond that ho will contribute so much per week for tho sup port of his wifo and children. Imprison ment on a charge of assault aud battery is a failure, becauso it inflicts a heavier punishment iu many instances upon the wife and dependent children than it docs on the criminal himself. Ho goes to jail for a term, during which time he is abundantly fed and comfortably provid ed for, while they aro deprived of the necessaries of life In somo instances a prosecution does not follow tho acts of these brutal men, becauso the women run tho risk of further maltreatment rather than cut off by their own tcstimo ney tho sources of their bread. In our opinion the most effectual modo of sup pressing tho barbarians who beat their wives is tho introduction of tho whip ping post. Xor should this kind of punishment bo confined to wife beaters. It should include tho young men who drag unmarried girls into court to ap pear against them on a charge of F. & B. J-Jaston Aryus. Landlord and Tenant. a notable oasl i)i:cim:i tub second time nv Tin: suphemi: corirr. Tho Supreme Court has rendered an interesting decision in tho caso of Auer against Penn. In 1875 John Auer, hotel proprietor at Philadelphia became surety on a written leaso for live years. Two years later the ten ant moved out and a claim was mado against Auer ns surety. Auer dofeuded himself on tho ground that tho landlord had accepted the key aud released both tho tenaut and tho surety. Tho agent for Mr. Penn, tho hndlord, however, testified that tho tenant, whose name was Brown, moved out of the houso be foro notifying him of tho moving, then came to his ollice and asked him to tako tho keys. Tho agent refused. A man who came with Brown attempted to ex plain things, but tho agent ordered him not to interfere.. Brown then throw the keys on tho desk and ran out with his friend. Thero wero two jury trials, and twice tho caso went to tlio Supremo Court. Tho decision just rendered affirms tho decision of tho lower court, and Auer will havo to pay several years rent, con siderable costs," witness fees and other expenses. Justice Faxson, who deliver ed tho opiuion of the Court, says : "No thing is better settled in Pennsylvania than that a tenant for years cannot ro leaso himself from his liability under his covenant to pay rent, by vacating tho de mised premises during the term aud sending tho key to tho landlord. Tho latter may tako tho key, rent tho houso aud notify tho tenant that ho will hold him for any loss. There is no proof iu this caso that the landlord accepted tho surrender and released tho tenant. On the contrary, tho proof is clear that ho declined to do so, and notified tho de fendant that ho would hold him for the. rent. This ho did every time. Ho sub sequently rented tho property. Yet it is asserted that this renting raised a pre sumption of a release, but tho burden of jiroof is on a party who seeks to bo re leased from his covenant. The renting of tho premises, under tho ciroumstnuces, in this caso raises no such presumption. It was manifestly to tho interest of tho tenant that tho premises should bo rent ed, as it would lessen tho sum ho would havo to pay. A UUMIS-HELL 01STI11CT. Tho leading speech over tho roapiwr. tionuient hill at Washington last wiik was that of Mr. Beltzhoover on his amendment requiring States to bo dis tricted without gerrymandering. Mr Beltzhoover wim of tho opinion that i this could bo accomjilished it would bo nioro important and efficient in securing i list representation to tho peoplo than any measure which lias ever been enact ed. There has been a great deal ot earn est contention about tho loss of a single representative iu a few of tho States. But what (lilferenco would it make to tho great Commonwealth of Pennsylvan ia whether sho gets twenty-eight or twcnty.nino members, if her Legislature can so distribute tho number a practi cally to disfranchise ouu-half of her citi zens and leavo them without representa tion f This unfair distribution of mem bers is, said tho speaker, no- new offense in tho servilo satrap of tho nvodern boss. No respect is paid to tho ratio of repro scntatioii or tho contiguity of territory. Counties aro torn Into fragments mid distributed by townships and half town ships to moot tho exigencies of the vilest partisan frauds. Counties widely separ ated aro joined by narrow strips of land running through intervening counties, and, thus connected, nro called contigu ous territory and erected into districts. Tako tho Eleventh district in Pennsyl vania Here three Democratic counties aro taken in ono section, all contiguous and containing nbout 1,000 Democratic . xrrV ....!. ...iii. ii !.... uiiiiuiuy. iiuiBiiiisui'ii wmi nmiiiuwiiig up this largo surplus of tho minority the leaders want more, nud while thero is abundant contiguous territory thoy do not tako it, but run a niarvclously-con-structcd lino over tho two largo Interven ing counties, wresting therefrom in tho passago twenty nnd one-half townships, containing l,r00 Democratic majority, so ns to striko and tako in two other largo Democratic counties, with 3,000 Democratic majority. Thus we have, continued tho sneaker, a district, without n parallel in tho famous history of fraudulent apportion ment, in the shape of a dumb bell, gath ering up in its peculiar serpentine con tiguous area about nino thousand Dem ocratic majority. This district, as it ap pears in tlio political text book, compos ed of fivo counties nnd parts of two coun ties, is bad enough, but as it appears on tho map and to tho peoplo of tho Stnto it is tho mastcrpieco of that matchless band of political conspirators who havo run the machino in Pennsylvania for years and beforo whoso sublime genius for fraud their fceblo imitators in all tho other States grow green with envy. l'AY OF TIIeTkOISIjATUUE. tiii: sui'iir.Mi: couiit nuvEitsKs judoi: ruAKsox's decision. Tho legislative salary question raised by tlio lion. Charles b. Wolfe ha3 been decided by the supremo court in favor of tho legislators, who will now receive tho extra fivo hundred dollars. The question before tho court was in relation to tho construction to bo placed upon tho word salary, which occurs in section eight of tho constitution : "Tho members of the general assembly shall receive such salary and mileage for regular aud special sessions as shall bo fixed by law, and no other compensation whatever for scrvico upon committees or otherwise. The question, which was really raised in 1874, when an act was passed giving the legislators S1.0U0, and SIO a day extra for every day's service over ono hundred, not exceeding fifty, was not brought beforo the courts for determina tion until 1881 when llenrv W. Palmer caused consternation by promulgating an opinion that the extra per diem allow ance was unconstitutional. On tho strength of this opinion Stato Treasurer Butler refused to pay over to tho legisla tors nioro than $1,000. In order to reach tho treasurer by mandamus tho anxious legislators qtucKiy passed an act giving the court ot common pleas ot JJatinhiii county jurisdiction to issue writs of man damus to statu olhccrs. Under this a po tition was presented by Charles S. Wolfo asking tor a mandamus to compel the payment ot the extra compensation. A1IU A-'ltllMllllI VUUllbt Will I, 111 UU Ulilll ion by Judge Pearson, refused to grant a peremptory mandamus, holding that tho word salary, in tho constitution, meant a fixed round sum for a specific term, and that tho $1,000 was tho salary which tno members wero entitled to, and that tlieretorc tho extra per diem com pcusation, being above and beyond tho salary, infringed tho constitution. An appeal was taken to tho supremo court, and on Monday morning a decision was rendered reversing tho decision of tho Dauphin county court. Justice Sharswood delivered tho opiu ion of tho court. Ho says: To justify a court in pronouncing an act ot tho legis latino unconstitutional and void, either in whole or in part, it must bo ablo to vouch somo exception or prohibition clearly oxoressed or necessarily implied. The doubt is to bo resolved in favor of the constitutionality of the act. This rule of construction is so well settled by authority that it is unnecessary to cito cases. Where tho contention is as to the meaning of tho word, tho rule is that if any meaning, technical or othorwisc, will sustain tho exerciso of tho power, it is sufficient. On the other hand, if tho strict and legal meaning would havo the offect to limit or destroy, whilo some proper acceptation ot tho word would support tho act, it must bo resorted to, llo then goes on to show that both words, salary and wages, mean necessar ily tho same, and tho constitution did not mean to prohibit a per diem allowanco when the word salary wa3 used. News Items. Tho Juniata Valloy camp meeting will begin August lo. Krio city paid $3,183.7:1 during 1881 lor damages incurred by bad pavements. A stove lnanutacturmL' comnanv. to be organized at Royeisford, Montgom ery county, is looking for a placo to lo cate. Tho gross receipts of tho Philadelphia and Reading railroad and coal and iron companies for tho month of Januarv wero, $2.4.r)l,lG0.20 nnd tho gross ex penses, $l,801,5.r)2.fl7. Terrible itching and scaly humors, ul cers, sores and scrofulous swellings cured by tho Cuticura aud tho Cuticura Soap (tho great skin cures) externally, and Cuticura Resolvent (blood purifier) in ternally. Ask about thorn at your drug gists. Twenty eight million fivo hundred thousand tons of coal wero taken from 1'ennsylvania mines last year. Tho report of tho Roman Board of Statistics shows that on tho night of tho 31st of December, 1881, tho population oi uoino and her suburbs numbered Id USi7 males, aud 1 32,005 females a total of 300,202 souls. Tho inereaso of tho population iu tho last ten years has been o2,-IJU. Saginaw Daily News. -nr. ueorgo fscincK liuormed our re porter, that he liacl been suffering with rheumatism iu his feet so badly, that for weeks at a time ho would be iinablo to leavo his bed. Ho tried various remedies without relief, and concluded to use St Jacobs Oil. It acted like magic. In two days, ho was entirely cured. Tho construction of a new Episcopal enurcu euihcewill HoonbcjbeguulUiUcad vine. Tho Chicago boot and shoo dealers havo subscribed $2,100 for tho sufferers by tho Haverhill, Mass., fire. visible imphovement. Mr. Noah Bates, Kluilra, N. Y. writes: "About lour years ago i had an nttack of bilious fever, nnd nover fully recovered, juy digestive organs wero weakened and I would bo completely prostrated for days. After using two bottles of your Hurdock Blood Bitters tho improvement was so visidio mat was astoiiHshed. I can bow, though 01 years of age, do a fair nud reasonablo lay's work." Price $1.00. Soveral Sunbury gentlemen hav formed a "gun, gunio and protective association. Tho Brotherhood of Telegraphers will old their Nntional Convention in Cin cinnati on March 1 ". itrniriN. .Tncob Loeckmnn. 271 Cllnlon Street, Buffalo, N. Y., says ho has been using Thomas' Kclkctiiio On, forrheumntism. Ho had such a lamo back that ho could lo nothing) but one bottlo entirely cured him Out of 31,271 newspapers and period- cals published In the world. 10.503 are iu English; of tho rest, half are in Ger man nnd n fourth in French. Savannah illuminated its streets the. first on last Saturday night with tho electric light. It is tho first Southern city to use it. Tlirco hundred nnd sixty nine child- en will bo discharged from tho Sol dier's Orphans school in tho etalo this car. A very sad story comes from Lancas ter, where tho Hon, H. O. Honors has been committed to jail 20 days for vag rancy. Ho is a lawyer, and has been a master of several languages, lie was a member of the Stato Constitutional Con- volition of Pennsylvania in 1837, and Minister to Sardinia under Marten Van- Huron, but is now in his dotage. lli lrnnl Trint. Tlio latest sensation of our town is Hie exit of two of our young business men and the simultaneous disappearance of over three thousand dollars In notes. m. H. Tiittlo nnd K. U. Jlemlcnlmh have for the last year been doing a thriving general Insurance bust ncss In this phice, with a branch oMlcc nt Benton. The innln ofllco was hi the room occupied by Snulre Knonymd the same safe was used by both parties. iotes given to Tattle & Mcmlenhnll in payment of policies were generally bought Tjy Mr. Knorr, nnd up to Monday the number held by Iilm and un paid was about 3,200. Last week the Squire notified two of the parties ngnlnst whom he held notes that they were now due, but was surprised to receive answers from both one In Tunklmnnock and ono near Shlckshlmiy saying thnt they had not only never given such notes but did not know cither Tattle or Mcmlenhnll. From this It would appear thnt the notes were forgeries, nnd to still further strengthen this opplnlon Is the fact that when Mr. Knorr opened his safe on Tuesday morn ing the notes were all gone and Mcnueniinll, who had been In town the night before, has not been 3cen since. The notes referred to appear to be mainly from parties in Uenton, Sugarloaf, Jacksonaud Madison townships n this county, and in Tunklmnnock and vi chilly. IlesMes this transaction with Sipilre Knorr it appears that dlllercnt persona throughout the town have been stuck to the tune of from 15 to $100: making In )1 be tween live and six hundred dollars. These youngmcn had the confidence of all who knew them, and this sudden exposure takes every. body by surprise. Another warning to young men to guard their every action lest greed for gain lead them to acquire it by dishonest methods. licrwkh Independent Feb. 10i. STATEMENT UNDEROATH. nTHAVEboon anilctedfor twenty ycara with an I obstinate s'-tlu disease, called by some SI. U.'s I'sorlasts, and otbers Leprosy, commencing on my scalp, and, in spirooraui coma uo, wiin mo neip ot tlio most skillful doctors, it slowly but surely ex tended until a year apo tuts winter It covered my cnurfl person in me rorin oiury xcaies. i-onue last tureo years I have been iinible to da any labor, nnd sMTerlnff Intensely all tho time. Kvery mora ine' there could bo nearly a dustpanmi of scales taken from tho sheet on my bed. somo ot tbem half as large 03 the cnvelopo containing .this letter. In 1110 latter mrt ot tho winter my skin commenced cracking open. I tried everything, almost, that coma ue tuougmor, wiiuou&nny renei. -1110 uiu June I started west, m hopes 1 could reach the Hot snrlnL's. I reached Detrolt.aud was so low 1 thouuht I should have to go to tho hospltal.but Unally cot as lar as Lansing, juich wiiero j naa u tisier nvinii. one nr. treated ma about two week . but did mo no gooa. ah uiougut 1 111a uui a snort, iime 10 llvo. 1 earnestly prayed to die. Cracked through the skin an over my oack, across my rios, arm, hands, limbs, teet badly swollen, too nails camo off. linger nails dead and hard as bone, hair dead, dry and lifeless as old straw, oil. my OoJ 1 how I did surfer I ".My sister, Jira. i 11. Davis, had a small pari or aboxof Cuticura In the houso She wouldn't eivo up j said 'Wo will try Cuticura 1 Somo was applied on ono band and arm. ureka I thero v:a.s relief ; stopped tho ternoie burning sensation from me word go. They Immediately got tho Cuticura lle KOlvent (blood nurlller 1 Cuticura and Cuticura SoaD tho great skin cures.) I commenced by taking ono T-auie&poomui 01 jit-sun em uiri-u nines uuuj .uut-r meals : had a bath onco a day. water nbout blood Jieat : used cuticura boap freely ; applied cuticura mnrninir una evenmi. la-su i. reL'jrnea la mv home In lust six weeks from the time I left, nnd my SKin as smooui as 11113 huect. ui pjper. UllEA.H t.. i.utris.i 1L.1I, Henderson. Jefferson co . N. Y. Bwom to before mo Ihls isthdayof January, lsso, A, .M. LEr r IMJWJSLL, Juitlco of the l'eaco, Catlcura remedies nro for sale by alt druggists. Prlco of Cuticura a Medicinal Jelly.small boxes 60 cents: largo coxes Ii. cuticura iiesoivent, ino new wooa liirtller.il per bottlo. cuticura Medicinal Toilet sotp, m cents, cuticura Medicinal biiaving boap, is cents, In bars for barbers and largo consumers 33 cento, rriuciptu uepui, Weeks s rotter, Dosto.v, Mass, Sanfortl's Radical Cure. Aslnglodoso Instantly relieves tho most violent Km-plnir or Head Colds. dears tho head as by maulo mops tin watery charges fiomtho nosoand eyes, pruvents ringing noises In tho head, mresnenoiis aendache nnd subdues chills nnd fever. Inchronlo Ottarrh It cleanses the nasal passages of foul mu. af-R. ri'Rinrit. tho senses ot smell, taslo nud hearlm vtiea utTected, frees mo neao, tiirout nnu uroncui.ii tuhpa nr offensive matter, sweetens nnd DUrines the breath, stnna tho couch and arrests tho uro.'rtb3ot catarrh towards consumption. Ouo bottle Itadlcal Cure.ono bos Catarrhal Solvent nndono anford's Inhaler, all In ouj package, ot an tiiuirgiits, lorn, ask lor saniorad uuuicai cure WJf hits & I'OTT jsu, lioston. lou Times raoro effectual than any other raster or electric battery for pain and weakness of the I.unsr. Liver. Khlnevu and Urluary orgaus.l'anlal l'a- raiaMs, iiueumatiani, pieurai ela. lllkterl.i. l'einalo Weak- nebs. Nervous l'alns aud Weak. nets, Malaria and Fever aud Ague, 11 110 cents, so; Eu-rywhcre. PBILADELPHfA MARKETS COUUECTED WEEKLY. I'LOUU. Minnesota extra? reniiaylvaiila family.. Western Ilye UllAIN. Wheat live corn Oats Ctovt rsoed Timothy Id Tt (i. T 31 (1 41) (.4 c f.u 5 00 ot 3 -a 4 15 (; a uo 1 41 cerbush. uu (4 ul per buth, w i. w U ti 80 " u fa cts. per lb, MMIICE'QIEPOMVS. ni.oo.Msnuwi makket Wheat pcrbusbo! u.'iS ityo ' corn, " , oats 11 Flour per barrel Cloverseed liuttcr I'-M Tallow -., Potatoes , ,,,,, , Dried Apples llatni , Hldos at shoulders Chickens Turkey s Lard per pound Hay per ton , liu-iswax , ,,,, 90 .76 .43 8.10 5.50 .to 25 .03 1.04 .05 It JOTICK. 'I'ubllo nottco 14 hereby irlven Hilt a ineetlnz of the directors aud slock-lioide ra of 'The Fishing. fi-AiV lmnr.Arni,nt f'ntnn.i ti v" lit I -ft! Mtnlitn nuntv Pennsylvania, will bo held at tho tifllee of 0. it lirockwav. Iiloomsburg. Pa.. 01 Tuesday, l'ebruary tsth, Issj, at ten o'clock a.m.. (or the purpose of electing onicers, purbuani to cnarur.aim tno trans- action ui utuer uupuiiuuv vusmvos. O. U. UltOCKWAY, J, II. HAHMAN, feb 17 a-t boireury, Provident. OPERA HOUSE I MONDAY, FEBRUARY 27tli. iie COMEDY SUCCESS tho SEASON tiii: emiUT cw York aud Boston Success TUB XMKXBNSBZtV 0NNY, SUCCESSFUL, FAR0IOAL OOIrXHSS' O O DM S mm E I T, on, R !ovv Peoplo llvo in Furnished Apartments illustrated by the sau-: MAONMFICKNT COJIKDY UIMFANY. Hint mndf-Nitrh n Trrmrnilotn lilt In .Acie York, JMlimore, Cleveland, Wailiiny ton, Jlo'ton, Montreal. Detroit "YOU CAN'T AITOKI) TO MISS IT. l'rlcen of Amission 3 and fiO centi Heserved Seals lo he had at Dentler's. rilTA't'ION. In tho matter of tho KRtato of Margaret Former, n lunatic. In tho Court of Com . mon Pleas ot Colum I Mi county. COMJMBUCOCNTT.RS: Tlin flnrnmnnwpalth of Pennsylvania ! To tlio husband and children of JIargarct Fortncr a mnn. tie. renlilent nf M-iilUon township, county ol C'olum. Ma. and A. It. Kmliti immllnn nil litem ot Clnrk Forlncr n minor child of said Margaret Fortncr n liinano urocung! Aline instance or u.nramer coinmuu-u ui a.im tnrtfftrrl. l-'nrtner. it ItlnMln it Aforesaid. YOU and each otyou laying nsldo all business nnd excuses wiiaisocvcr nro ncrtuy cutu iu uu uuu uu fnrn tlin llnnnrabln tho .tinlzes of tho Court of Com. mon rieaslnnnd for Faldrounty of Columbla.on Ihn thlrtv-llrstilnvnf March A. i). l'Sli. ntnlno(9) o'clock a. m , to show cause If any you have why O. Kramer, ojinmlttco of Margaret l-'ortner lunatic aforesaid, shall not mako sale otn certain truclci ot Undownod by said Margaret Former, lunatic Afnrpfinlri na npt. fnrr.li In tlin nptltlnn filed, ot slid C. Kramer committee ns aforesaid. Herein fall not. U'ttnnsi thn IfnnnrAtiln Wlll'nm tflwell President Judjreot our Raid court nt Iiloomsburg, the lHli uay or ivuruary a, i. hi. feb 21 -lw (1. M. tJUICK, Deputy. ORPHANS' COURT SALE (IF VAI.V.MH.i: REAL ESTATE! Th9 undersigned f.xcculor ct John Kino Sr., deceased, by order of U10 Orpbais' Court ot Columbia county, Pa will cipeso to salo by public out-cry on the premises near Numedia, In Locust township, county aud State aforesaid, on SATLHDAY, MAHCH I8U1, 18S2, at tiro o'clock In the atteruoon, nit tho right, title and Interest of tho eild deceased, of, In and to tho following described tract of lmd, situated In Locust township near the nourishing vlllago ot Nuincdla, bounded by land ot JshnSoydor on tho north, land ot Samuel Itclnuo'd on Iho cast, by land of Wm llelrflg on the south, and by lands ot John L. Kline and Washington ltarlg 011 tho wast.contalnlng about 40 ACRES of land more or less wPh the nppurtinances on which aro erected agool TWO TjKIED FRAME HOUSE, barn and out-building-;, .1 good well of lasting water at tho house, a gooJ APPLE ORCHARD on tSo prem'ses, and other fruit troos. Ths land Is In n good state ot cultivation. and will be sold sub Ject to a mortgage made In the life tlins ot deccden1 by him, as mortgagor to Co'.estUl r.hOAdi, mortga gee, for the sumofs.ven huudred dollars, payable without Interest, April 1st 1S5J. Possesion will ba given to Iho purchisar April 1st, US2 Deed to bo at tho expense ot purchaser. TKItMS OF SALE.-Ono third ot tin purcuaio money to b: paid In ciih at the striking down ot the property, one-third ono year thereafter with in. tcrest, from April 1st, 1?33, and ono-thlrd at the detth of Mary Kline, tho widow, with Interest pay able annually to said widow during her lite and at her death tho principal to bo paid to tho parties le gally entitled thireto. The latter two payment to to 8ccuro1 by bond and mortgage on the prem ises, with becurity to bo approved by tho Executor fortho certain payment ef tho tame when due. Numedli, Pa. JOHN L. KLINE Feb. 114 ts Executor. ORPHANS' COURT SALE OP VALUA11LE REAL ESTATE lly Mitucotnn crder (f Iho Orpl.nr.s' Court ot Columbia county, tho undersigned Henry Fullmer Administrator of tho estati of Abraham Force, late ot Orangotovvnshlp. cccoasid, wli! exposs to salo on the premises ou TUESDAY, MAHCH 21st, lS'. at two o'clock p. ru. tho following described real es, lato situate In Orange township, bounded ns fol lows: On tho north by land ot braUam Dlldlnc, on the cast by lands ot Isaiah Kline, JohnWclthnn Hartman heirs, on tho south by land ot Jessu Drum stellar and on the west by land3 ot Michael sidler and Jamts Eves, containing EIGHTY-TWO ACRES and EIOIITr-EKHir PEnt'lIES moio or less, whereon are erected a Small Log House, also a good & GOOD BANK BARN and out-houses, alsj a OOOD SI'KINO of WATE on tuo premises and a thrifty; YOUNG- ORCHARD. TEII.MS OF SALE. Ten per cent ot ona-fourth of tho purchase money shall fco paid nt the striking down of tho propsrty, tin r.ne-rourth less tho len rercentattbo conllrmatlon nbsjlute, and Iho 10- m Unlng Hires fourths 111 one year alt t jontlrm-itlou nisi with Interest from tint dato. A. C. .t IIeuvry E. Sllinr. IIENUY Ft'LLMEK. febm-sw Attorneys. Administrator, IPTTElLiia OF SALE Valuable Roal Batato. By virtue of an order ot tno Orphans' Court ot Co lumbia county, tho undersigned executor rf tho last will nnd testament of John Hand), lato ot Croon. wood township, Columbia county, deceased, will cxpos3 to public Salo on tho premises on Friday, March 10th, 1332, tt ten o'clock In tho forenoon, .tho following tie scribed real estate, bltutto In (lreeawood township, Columbia county, Pennsylvania, bounded by (Irten creel; and lands of A, 11, Kitchen, tho heirs of John Itccco, dsooaied J.noi (ierrarJ, Samuel Alberts: and others, and containing 78 ACRES, and sixty-six perchos, more or less, on which are erected a LAHCJK il-STOHY FULhlN'd MILL In gold running order, a NEW FliAME HOUSE', I1AIIN, as good in now and all neeessaryiout-biillJIugs ; water at tho house. and (Ireen creek runsalong the ecLje of the farm nnd suppllei the mill wl h wafr, a young Orchard, cholco trull on the place. TEHMS OF SALE. Ten per cent, ot one-fourth ot the purchase moncyshallbo paid nt iho btrlklug down of tho property ; theono-fourlh less thulen per cent, at tho confirmation Ul, and the re maining three-fourths In ono year thereafter with Interest from continuation nUl. feb lets 1). K, SLOAN. Executor. Orangevllle, Pa. CATARR M Elys' Cream Ba'.m, ii a I iJiir.i 8 Elleetual y cleanses the tiasal passages or catar ihal Mrus, causing healthy leerettjus, nl Isys iLllimmatlon. pro tects tho rntmbraiie from additional col.Is, completely ho Is tho sores and restores tho senso ot lastu hi, a smell, lh-neilclal results nro ic allzed by a few applica tions. A thorough treat ment will cure catairh, nay fover.io, I'ntipialed lor colds tn the iiu.nl Agreeable lo use. Apply b tho llttld IlDgrr Into Iho nostrils, onrtcelpt ot fifty cents will null n HAY-FEVER package, l-'or salo by all druggists. To Norvsus Sufferers The Great Europaan EeatJy. DU. J, E, SIMPSON'S BrXCII'IO 11KPICINI, Dr.J. II. Simpson's Specula Modlclno IsapDsltlve cure focrworkct liody or brain ornxci ss otany kind, such as weakness and all diseases rasultlng from Nervous Debility. Irrltnblllty.Mental Anxiety, Languor, Lassitude, Depression 01 spirits nod func tional doraDgementa of the ncnous system gen erally. Pains In tho narik or Blue, ujss. or Memory, rrema turo old ago and dis eases that lead u consmptlon, Insani ty an early gravi or both. No mallei how shattered tht system may be from excesses of hid ltlnd, a short course. 01 ihn mrdlcTne wlirfoelfife thn lost functions aud procure health and happiness where before was despondenoy and gioom. 'iho Shi cino Medicine Is being us, d with uoudorful sulcvss. Pamnlilets sent In 0 to all, Wrlto for tueiuaiid get full partrleular Price, speciiio $1.00 jer pack 190, or su pa(kag03 forts, 0, Will bo sent by inaUonriC'M ormonor. Address all orders, J. II, SIMPS N'sMEDIC'lNECO. Nos. 104 and lt0 Mala street, Buffalo, N. Y. KbstSMy A UDlTOK'fl NOTICE. u tho matterof tho c-siato 1 orplianV Court 01 cninarino naoeratKer, ui deceased. 1 uommuia county Ami nnv i.vhr,iftrt- 1?lh. tfisl. nn motion nf r. (I. IWrkloy Esq., attorney forcclh MiocmnWcr ono of tho heirs of snld dcccaiod.Hamticl Knorr Ksq Is np pointed auditor lo distribute tho fund. In 1I10 hands of Iho administrator ns shown by tho first nnd dual account to nnu among tno parties ciiiiuch tneroio. in TfiR tt'iHi. Certified rromtliB records this lstti day ot Feb ruary ts vv.ai, ivitiuitli.iim, iiem In niiMiiinn nf thn above, tlin iiiulerAhrntd Audi tor will sit nt his omco In Iiloomsburg, on usturday, March 55th, 193, nt ten o'clock n. 111.. 10 perform tho duties of hl. appointment, when nnd whero nil persons Interested Rhould appear nnd present thrlr claims or be debarred from coming in on said fund. B.KNOIlIt, Jan. s-iw Auditor. UDITOU'3 NOTICK. Thn nnrtarnlcrnnil nnrlttnr nnnntnted bv tho Or phans' court cf Columbia county, to distribute tlio fund In tho hand! ot iho oxocutors m shown by their third account will wrform tlisdutloi of his ppolntmcnt nt his omco in iiloomsburg on thcsiuv ,fnrrii ut iss&. ntien o'clock n. m . when and wliorn nil norannilifivln f claims linfin said fund flffl requested topresent them or be forovcr debarred irum com.ng in on saiu lunn. fcuJI-iw Auditor. A UMTOlta NOTICE. risriTg of W1M.UU vnrmv, dko.uskd, Tho undersigned Auditor appointed by tho Orphans' uoitri tn LOiuinoia county lo mnKo uismuuuuu ui nfU'tn. Ti-rrv. Ififp nf Ihn town nf IUonmsbUnr.de- ccascd.as appears by lils first aud final account, will nuenu to tuo uuiies ot ins npnotuimcm at urn u nennf Ti it. it. It Mllln In iiioninsbiirf. Wednes day, March 2ind 1SS2, nt 10 a. m. whero parties havo ingciaimson sau rsitite win npp'-ur iwiu iuu.u mu same or bo debarred from receiving anv. share thereof. A. K CIIAPIN. rob SI Aiianor, A UMTOR'is IS'OTICL'. KST.1T.. OP JOSHUA 11I1INK, PKCKARBP. Tho iinrtiirfilenrrt auditor annotated bv Iho Or phans' court of Columbia county, to make (llslrlbit tlon nf tlin hatanrn nf the fund in thn hand of the administrator of the estato of said decedent to nnd among parties entitled thereto, will sit at hlsonice in Iiloomsburg, on Saturday, March istn, isij, at iuociockiu tno forenoon, to perrorn tne uuues or ins appointment, wnen nnu wuero an par ties Interested In said fund must attend or bo for ever debarred from any tharo of sal t fund. I!. HUCKINUIIAM, feblH-w Audltoi. Columbia county, f), S. Ainom (ho reeords nnd proceedings oftho Orpliinv CouttofBild county. nier ana it is inns cuniainuu Estate of Joseph) And now, FtU. I i?sj, on mo Llllev. decsas il.rtinn ot H. Knorr. Clinton Pea cock K.(.,h nppolnteJ auditor to distribute tho iuiius in tne in nas or tuo aamuiMiiaiJi miui; count among tho pai ties entitled thereto. JJY Tllk Ccrtlned from tho iccords this ltlh day of feoru- nry, A. l).,ls'i. ..I. ivlttl lli ct, v. I -ru. j. v. In mirsuanco of the above tho und:islined audi tor will sit at tu- omen of E. It. lkler, Esq.. tn U looinsbunr on it day March lot i. ssj.it in o ciock a m.. to rmrt&rm tliodutto ot his appDJlntntent when and whero all n rsons literesteJ should np near and present their claims or bo debarred from cuiiuogia uu .sain tunu. O. C. PEACOCK, feb 17-4W Auditor. TOH'S NOTICK. ESTATE OK JACOB T. DECK, PECStSEU Letters ti staraentarv rnthe estatoot Jaccb Hock, lalo of Centre townshln. Columbia county.Pa dccenkcd. hao been irranted bv tho Itocrlstcr of 1-aU couuty to the undersigned Executor. All persons uaving claims against, tno cauit i u. iuu ut i-iiem nro lciiuestcu topresent themfjr settlement nnd thoso Indebted to thee3tateto tnoko pajmcnt to tho undersigned executor without delay. tinonai: m. wiiir.MiiiE, JanUG-w' Executor, Orangevllle Pa. rn.Mi:NT of tiii: finances of THE COUNTY OF COLU.MHL. From January 1st, issi. to Januirytd, Us. Statement shotting taxes assea'ed and balance still due. v. I 5 e disthicts. s g ft 5 ! t f ' Heaver. :si75 $77 co !osc Iicnton -97 83 rjlltO p. 10 792 9? cooo ilerwlck 1401 Sll 44 0d' 13-) OX lC'JOl 430i) llloom Sslii Tseo 125 00 'jo-nu" 70.) lli-larcreek r.oiui tuoo 10 93 7l7i'.'t 7J0.) tCatllWlSia ... HC97 7S t73VOI42C9 tlOl 01 U3 00 ccntralla 099 3i 0 4) cu.'i Centre lOIOM S"i5S 51 b"! lOOi rl 83 30 Coiljnglltm.... 937S91 7 50 M 201 01 7 50 rishlngercck... illl3. 9J00 3018 41041 oion rrankll :ii20 '3joo mioo (ireenwood 12201)0! 99 5): 47 .'0 70') 73 91 fo Hemlock lo.,J43, c.irol 5211' mso on 00 Jackson 27J7S' 4smi! 350 41 5s, r,i!' I)Cll-,t 1200 01! 121 50 9 IJ .11027! 12150 Madison oooci ossi) 2120 11241I OS60 Malll 009471 4H0I 23 12 3-l 79 41110 Mllllln 1U23 71I 72 (-11 310 33 72 00 t.MOlltollr TS3I731 ISOOOltlCi: t2)l 21 t3)l0 Mt. Pleasant... 0.192' 57 0 07 I s 91 ,3 57 U) orange SU75 0:101 50 4f. 25130, 0300 Pino 41) 07 50! 3 40 14121 07 31 tlloarlngcrcek... t407 20 tuoo, tso? tU9b7 tuso SCOtt lWUi 09 50 91 SI 539 5.1 (I9 60 sugarloaf Sit 00! coool 73 i 10197 001 $272J) 72 1511 50 923 41 10030 UO 1440 59 AMOUNT PUE TOK YEAK3 l'BEVIOrs TO 1331. Dlttrlcts, Collectors. Year3. County, Dog liTwick. John o. Jacoby, 1 1SS0 t20!45 KZ (,3 3)J :i til 13 24 70 575 25 250 10 221 :s t45C0 S-3 0U llloom Iteuben Harris. centraMa, Davli Wul-.li. " Hemlock, s s s Shoemaker " Brlnicreek. John V. -Miller, I3T9 Centralla. Thos (leraghty, " centre, Joseph Wise, " lireenwocd, Jacob s Evans ISIS 42 40 32 'II 5 00 SO 40 42i0 1023 71 $350 52 CIt. By duplicate ot Aaron Person co Ve cf conynglnm for 1317 " duplicate ot Aaron Person Coll'r Conyngham for isto Which amojnts aie uaojllectabls and 300 60 1S5 4I SO) 9 CO struck from Iho chartris cir;ilt.st tho next Treasurer $433 91 $ 7 (.0 It A Swcpoenhelser. Treasurer ot Columbia co in ly in account wnu sum county ou county iuniu. DM. Jan 1st 1831, to nxount uncollected prior to 13-.1 $19.503 51 To nmt on hand at last settlement 4,22504 " county tax assessed tn lssl 51,23072 " tox on registry of "-oters 3.1 05 " added tax ou catawlssa duplicate for 1S3I 8 50 To county tnx Berwick Borough oa un sealed land 2 05 To amou t paid by Beotoa twp, for Colley 59 73 "on Mcllonry old bridge near Z ihnor's. 1 09 " J Edson old clank...... 1 " 0 11 .McUcnry old brldgo ncar.'lclienn's Mill c iki To II Q John for W C ruber tx tax 4 91 To wm A Klijoid triage noir Kimble 3 Mill 6 00 To floe paid by 11 Everttt .... 500 To coits and interest paid by Joseph M-.nz Col - -:i 03 TO aim to meet sum paiu stato ijr quota chsrged on coupons isis 14 :,: To amt to meet suai paid stato for a'Jota clisrited on coupons 1-79.... 20 te Tonmttomeetsuui paid Mate for nujta charged ou coupons isso to 2j To balance of state tax at last settlement pildtocounty 413 71 To amt of suto tux rcoeived trom s ate fuud tots Toumtol'cctedon uacaled land 29 49 TO ' ' ' he.'t..- I " 2s 13 ' to nmt rec-ivoa from 110 fund 9 o 01, " to amount overy.iU on t'omr's daeds 100 00 "Comml-.sionoas.nio 4 24 " l-'rank Jones rent .or old Jill 4uo " I) It loilma1) rent fur ol-IJill 4500 " Hue paid by kes mid Junes 25 H) " ndaed 1 ix 011 i.inoin d .plicate for I88I . 1 10 l).itd Aciienuacu. .Mary iin; it prorx-r- ty, l'lshlngereek 125 00 To win Mt-iiiieiis unct cctn held by Com mlssloners redeemed UC2 To Kluabt th Mini r tract died held by Com- mlsftlouers rt-djomed 9 To c 11 r.roekwiiy tract deul held by com missioners rodoeuiod 7 9 To llio 1) Mioirman liro and suter tract deed held by o mnussior.eis 11 dtemed 6 52 to Lowis 1 reisoaen tract, ueeu iieid uy com mHsloners rt-deemcd 9 69 To Henry ai ling tract med held by Com missioners redeemed 59' To Win KrUkbaum Jury fees 70oo " " onodoi roBlstcro.i to To redemption money of Michael Douther ty CciitralU t 27 Toooats. deeds, etc.. on ouo tiact sow to coiii'iilssloners and redesmed 3 (i S,8j2 93 CII. lly commls.lons, oxonentiorn nml rcturna allow, oil ooiu-ctors for laJ and previous years. DliirUU; (om, Ex.. 1 si P.eau-r W & 13 07 l'raukllu 97 19 if it Ileav-'l' 35 M S3 91 Ilenton 43 s.1 14 u lirlarcrcek 74 55 7ui catawlssi V9 73 20 67 Centre 9311 19 67 conynglnm 3 10 v5 so Vlshiugcreek 0140 3H3 I'raiiklln Im) 4 92 (ireeawood 73 51 3115 lsI9 ilenton 61 13 IT S3 BIOOUI 91)2 3J 150 55 Hemlock r'J3j llsj Montour 5107 12 43 1370 catawissa 7091 2151 ljlstrlcts. com. Ex- Jackson l.oetut MadUou Main .MiUllh Montour 1031 71 9.1 00 Ui !'5 7J 0114 10 u 9 87 1341 7 S3 1141 49 9J IS 43 0(2 Mt Pleasant turn Orango w 00 1'luo 22 14 ltoarlngcrcolt;'4 os Seotl si 90 sugar Loaf to 19 1373 1 20 90 2 22 17 29 1601 uemioci; Mudlsou SJgarloif 00 79 90 2) CU Ul 9 ,H3 2013 1121 1S73 t'at.i.vlsn )0J 9)00 1W1 31 82193 By totul commissions...... ,,, lit total exonerations ..... 1581 91 ...... '21 93 lly t jiuity orders redeemed By amt duo ir-'in collectors By " " " Aaron Parson oo'lector..., By nmt to moot sum paid state for uuota charged on oouuoiis By commission to TMaiui cr By balance In liandt ot '1 raiduicr 31(113 18 lSCOiOl 435 91 9O0 not 7 3135 05 151,831 91 II A swo,.p!iiiBlr,Troourcrlo account with flog 1)11 January it, lui, to amt duo u' last seine- Iml.t , , $2009 20 "Vtt'i.tii -i-a-ed 111 IsS' I5TI5I 1 0 hint tn liana av last settlement , si m fJ,CilS CII, 15SI. Dlsiiuis. Com, Kt. ristrlcls, ltcaver J 85 toco Franklin com, EX. 10 100 15o Heaver Ilenton llrl.trcreek 4 ns : to tr, oro BSD so It! 8 0) 4 90 IM S 1)00 4 01 14 (0 172 110 Madison Main Miniln Montour Mtl'leasont Orango Pino llonlntrcrk scott sugarloaf 8 79 4 51 SV0 N6J 8 10 110 J 21 8 0() S5J 4 8) S 40 t 60 50 Pl) U 80 50 J 97 4 0) StS JM Cnlan tssa Centro Conjnghim risuingcrccK t-'runklin (Ireenwood 4 83 4 00 Jackson uno a no Locust SCi 4 00 1S79 !C7 M 8 17 IB f0 1873 ill 4 00 8 77 4 00 Ilenton Uloom Hemlock Hemlock Montour 11 SI SM 383 400 sugarloaf 8 4J 9 60 Madison 1S70 187S Catawlssa 4sl 089 Catnwlssa 4 27 10 M f99 80 I'M 00 Hv commission lo collectors M to lly exonerations allowed collectors.. lnjoo ltyorderspald of lssl M7C0 lly nmt paid county w n comniissloa to Treasurer - . ; lly nmt duo from collectors 18JJ 09 H nnil due from Aaron ivrfon collector 17 oo lly balaneo In hands ot Treasurer so t7 J3MI 31 II A Sivoppcnhclser, Treasurer In account with Statu Vlllifl. January 1st, 1 SI . To ninl unoollccteil prior to IflSl To nmt. on han 1 nt last sell lemcnt 4M 74 To Stato tax assessed In lssl . 900 41 $3M 1 1 C li ny commission on duplicate settled for 18 1. Districts Com. Districts, Com. llnntiM- r,3 .la ksnn 17 Henlon oo Locust . 47 llemlck 0 50 Mndlsoo I o llloom 0 40 Main lis llrhiri-roek- S4 Mllllln 91 catattissa 7 1.1 Montour 97 Centrnlla 17 Mt Pleasant 9 85 Centra 9 59 ornngo 9S9 t'onsnglnm 03 Pino H Flshingcreek lso lloarlngcrcck 40 KrankUn ss scott 4 r,9 (lreeawood 9 37 Sugarloaf 01 Hemlock vs lly commission to collectors 45 41 batsneo due state, nrlor to IS91 ls.-)8 " amount paid state, for rpiota lssl 8S3 40 " commission lo Treasurer " 70 i h.-ilnnrn In liinrls nf Trensnri-r at last rettlemcnt, and pild to county 413 74 " bul. ot unto tax for isst paid to county 89 in $13 '45 II MISCKLLANKOS EXPENSES. tl II Ent, serving writs on olectlon ofllcers. V 11 Ent, cost advertising special election . It llucMngunm, auditing public accounts... (loo A 1 lark, bill rendered Wm Krlckbnum, recording namos of town- ship oniier3 Wm C. McKlnncy, expfes3agc .Mover liros, osnii-ssago A W Mann, Indexing mortgago dockots, ccorder'H ollice JCKnlttle, Indexing mortgage dockets, Heeoi d;r's ofllco any Jaeobv, lndexlDg mortgago dockets, llecoiiler's ollice W II Jacoby, ot.nl.. comparing mortgage dockets, llccorder's ollice Phlilp Crawford, pavement on Ceutro street, (old Jill) 1) K Cullman, repalilng pump. Kc john W Uoltinan, costs Columbia county s Person, ct, nl Lnvton Kunyon, door lock old 1 HI It It Lltll ), telegraphing, Ac M drover, deo'd, costs Columbia county vs (Icraglity, J II Maize, acknowledging deed made to Ache ibach Wm KHckbaum, Prothonotory bill I) It coirman, on fenco contract, old Jill... J S Crimes, bl'.l for Teachers Institute 841 15 40 00 C4 33 90 1 00 1 23 53 GJ GO 3' G3 00 80 0) 101 03 521 1710 2 5') 179 0 00 1 01) 130 r. 07 190 92 (817 43 COUIITS, JUIIOUS PAY, AND CONSTABLES HE- '1 Ult.iS. orand Jurors, dating year 004 60 Traverse 1.S2021 c -nstablo returns during 3 car 2S2 09 court crier durlne year 127 10 Tipsttves " ' 189 60 w aiKer, sienograpnr, no pcroay x.uiw s N Walker, Commonwealth vs Deltterlck :o 10 S N walker, lilack va Crawford 1203 s S Walker, (irlm vs Stephenson 21 0 nvomuiz coumy iurv trill 01 i.onL'en- berger, et nl, vs S P Kase, ct al 79 32 Ell ltrbblns. Jury commissioner 27 f3 John Hartman. l irv commissioner 24 51 John U Casey, clerk to same 15 00 $4,121 01 COSTS IN COMMONWEALTH CASES WHBHETIIL' OOUNTY 11EOAME LIABLE. Justices, constables and wltueLSC3 411 S3 H It Little. District Attorney 103 Co Wm Krlckbaum, Clerk ot Court co 23 $011 G3 LOAD AND IlItlDai! VIEWEItS AND ltOAI) DAMAGES. Sundry persons a3 viewers 549 35 18 00 419 35 l.tlOOS asaingiun unuase, uaciiSOU uuuiages; J 11 crovcllng. Sco't (damages) Henry Yost, llloom id linages) Samuel Johnson, Mt Pleasant (dimnges) 20 00 tO) 00 3010 20 50 liniaauai j-avage. jaexsun iu images;.... Susan Jacohy. llloom (damages) Win Long. FiMilngcreek (damages) -loliu savasc. Jackson (damaccs) 13 ti Benjamin o llesi. F.shlngcrcek (damages) John Mc.MIehael, t'lshlngcroek (damages) John Herring, orango (damages) Jese Sumni-jrs, Flshltigcreek (damages) John S iva-e, Jackson (damage-) David Aclicutucu, (irauge (damages) John Ucates, C.itawl3si (d images) Wesley hiickle, Seott (damages) Wm Abbott, Sott (damages) A W C Kell- r, orango (damages) wmlisuvdir, Orange (damages) Is ac MoIIrlde. Madison (damag( s) Isaac Yount, Plue (damages) Stephen Polie, ComuiH'slouer attending Mews Charles ltelchart, Commissioner attend ing vlowp A It lltrrlng, Commissioner, attending views 20 ( SOW) 23 00 10 00 BOO 70 00 50 00 23 Oil 50 00 050 I 310 00 45 (III 20 00 49 20 $4,053 COU1S3IONEUS' OEl'ICE AND COURT HOUSE, J.cob Mctz. rerarlnr stove, llccorder's onlce, 50 Samuil E Smith, auditor. 25 no Wm I.SIannlug, auditor , '25 00 C It Seeshoitz, au-lltor 25 uo M 11 Fry, repairing Commissioners' ofllce, 1 00 u M Drinker, repalilng vault door Sh;rlii's omco 17 M) i.icoo inencnoach, mooms c c t;allgi,aii. repairing at Court Houso.. 2 72 wm ititt-.-r. painting steeple, fence, sc.. Court House 990 John II Casey, stating accounts for lsso ... 25 00 Mover llroj, Llll rendered 1 52 11 u Tho'uas, 4 boxes peus 4 v II C Il-irtman, mattlni for Court room 1 s7 Wm Clnlstmaa for w c-rk nt omco 1 1 00 ltobert Buckingham, ror work at ollice 12 00 Ephralm Parks, woik at Court House 50 I) I! colfman, work ut court House 1 w Elijah shut t work at court Houso ifo Thomas (lorrey icpalrlng loots, 100 t.ascompany.forgas 73sa M E Cox, co ining Court House, kc lis 00 W 11 Poust, ai'ent, for coal- 0" 0J It II smelt, tor wood 200 vi 11 humor, desi; for commissioners' ofllce. 12 00 Laj ton Hunyon & Co , bill rendered S 80 Hanaan & liasseit Iron cate. post. &o so 00 Peter Blllmeyer, bill rendered 6 10 E It I isel.T, attorney 10000 siepneu rone, commissioner ss5i) Charles ltelchart, commissioner -.. 974 00 ah iiernng, commissioner 329 7 John II Casey, dork bOOlO $1,3 It 92 COUNTY JAIL Chirles Krug lumber liolllns, Ho mes it Schuyler gUss c c (lallgnan rep lira Wm. Hitter repairs OA Jacoby coal J 11 Kesty mason work Holmes & Schu ler bill rendered C I, Poho lining bed ticks John Wamch wood Wm 0 McKlnney shoes John Iieaglo wojd , oeo ZImmeriuun Mil rendered W c Evans repairing wood saw 11 1' (lardner tendlug prisoner Thomn Vannatta blaklng two wells. .., Jolia WhttenUht stono for two wells Ilarman fc Hasten repairs W w Barrett work a'.out prison Bloom oas Co. bills rendered , I' il Ent hoarding orlsoncrs 1" II Ent washing Ac r 1 1 Hut turnkey fees Wli Poustagtcoal Moer Bros' glass 11 II Sandswood Dn Id Lowenberg clothing La) ton Itunyur. Co bill rend- rod McKelvy bill rendered O A KUlm medicines Wm Itabb bill renderei ' Peter Blllmeyer bill rendered 5 09 1 115 1 450 1 00 1 15 20 0) 0 00 2100 300 33 219 2150 17 OO 111 1 9U0 0 23 2 G 4 '2 1 $1050 Prtl.STI.SU, STATIONHIIY AND POSTAGE. liiwen x iiutenbender Co. statement ' advertising " eleo proclamation., " " blanks , ,. " court caloudar Jamos 0 Brown county statement " " advertising " " blauk3 w .. ." . elco proclamation O M andirsllco, oouaty sutement '' " court proclamitlon- . " elcc. proclamation ...... " " ndvorllslng . " " blaiki It 8 Bowman adveriHag FLHutti-rt-Uctlon blinks .... D A Beckley postage and box rent W F Blsel & Bro st.i'ery tur o nco aud court lato a: Kuhler blanks Wm Mann stationery , Patriot Pub. Co. Dally lat riot ............ II (l E. Meyers eomity btaiemeut (1 A t lai k slavery for omco and court INQUISITIONS. Sundry pjrsoniMr Inquests BIllDdK BUILDINO AND ItEPAIItS. UEAVEH, Wm Hiipertetnlshuman brldgo Wm miUr,UaU bridge 40 37 20 13 27 50 4)1 20 25 3 25 OO 40 00 401 VOW) 23 13 9 20 12 20 9 5 95 700 40 00 1141 1150 UtNTOK, W A Kilo bal. oa Kimble bihlge A KUooUrii nlloivodKlmbU) brldgo samuet Appleman ut al .... . . 1 E H'lsoti. cola brldgo JDtt) PFulinerColo bridio hamuel Applemau et al lli-utoii brldgo " " Cole brldgo stouo house., Slow 23 89 10 9 27 37 0 27 B LO0SI. Philip stroup rtcd nock bridge r,o Wni(llg. r Barton brldgo .... ..,. ', 9 00 Jaoou stroup lioj llock bridge,.,,,,,. 5m 1 4 2 1 1 Wmlilr l.-il IttwV l.rl.l.F Ho ines i sohurler lied Hock blldgo. Ellis P. es & lira's Shaffer Lildgo...,. laij t 'ti l.unj an S vo H affcr bridge, ,, . . I'Uukon luudfortho above bridges,,., tllUMCKEtK, I Jai-ubKnvdtrllnwmnn umiIii-i.Ila 3 I 1. Hian,T " . .' ClTlWtSJA. Davit llo wig MoKolvy Mill brMgo 19 80 1 CKNrilS. Wm sniffer nmt. appropriate.! to stono- cuivuri, .. Iut I'HIIIK.tOltRltX. '3D CO j WOO MOO TC0 II Mollcnry b,il on contract fiw-r brtdco ." uilri nrio.ved n " " bai on contract Mcllonry Mill brldg , ..... , II MoUonry extra a lowed for lupurlni imminent mill btldg.i ' . Anrnn llendnr.1 M ll'lcknlow blldgo ,0 UI HtK) .IS) U.IIUCI lilllis ivniua ui iu t,,,,,.n OKKRSIVOOII. John Ix-ggott Tola bridge.., . OWKves Krniier lirlile...,. Jonathan Lemon Itoh'sitirg bridge. Kills Eves Bros' Hawk blldgo v tn ,1-Altl.rA irrnra llMmt l.rt.lwn ' HIS 01) 1 1 SI SCO 11 tl 101 Istio Calvin Derr A Colo bridge, ...... tiuirton lining ni urnmcr nriugo,,,, nn-L-u 111111 uriugo,,,, " " Itoh-iburf bridge. ,, IIXMf.OCK, sro j s Murlz Danvlllo bridge...., , Pnrsel bridge 7l 75 1 S5 SlmoalliLliard ptirsel bilJo..., .' JACKSON, T S Christian new bridge near Den's mill.. bxim nlluna I Calvin Dei r Christian btldgu S1 .5 2'i tm 9IMI 1 OCl'ST. lilder Datls Kostcnbauder brllgo Daniel Hauek Siabtown Iron brldgo David llelwlg Ucra llower " " " OWKves 011 bridge com rict hear Etihtr Mu a tn a co o Mirnaco.... MitN. charljs ltelchart Inn brldgo U 21 Oil m mi pfcTtcini iron 'jriue... .. Forgo bridge Wm Hitter painting Iron bridge , C-0 24 II HI. H.KASANT, Philip Stroup Wnnlch brldgo 1 l anucrsiusj uruigu John Wnnlcu Wnnlch llrlilcro 10 2 ; HO Kindt Wilson brldce MntUIas Kindt Jlordansvlllo bridge, C L sands crlbblog nt Mordansvlilo brldgo . John Mordan Mordansvlilo bridge 5 112 71 1 25 Allios Mauien nnicii unugu,,..- .Malli Us Kindt Wilson bridge (below) A II Parker Ellis Eer euro's" " " Wm Itogers Smith brldgn Jin t-iuiip Miner cnouing 111 .Miner uruge 191,0 repairing men vc.f .Miller brldiro 1 111 in ,M mcr , nsun urunru 1 tieoiieagiu iyiisoii uuugu tajure; oitAS'dE. harles Conner Vane) brldzo. Bachman aud lltekinan Inin brldg-j , Nat'ian neckeustllio ' " 1 .,; A ll Stewart et al ' " , Henry couner n 111 Sl Howard Kllno Vaneo brldtro , Jacob Snyder et. nl I ron bri Jge ,-, s , iviino uriugo Charles Ifelolnrt Iron bildiro 1 IS, In JiCobSnyJeret al Vanco brld.o 1'INK. T S Chrlsllan Shoemnkcr'a biUge "on con tract" llOATIIS'nCKEKK. John nampton Mill Omvo bri lgo fcorr, Jacoby & Wanlch stono culvert Thomas Schnldman ' " SCinKLOAK. T s Christian Lewis brl ige contract 3 - mi oAira. von,. JJMclIenry Join Colo brldgo contract.... 2 ..n,i 14 crlbblni? John Col 1 brldfrn a.h. kii an rctcrman a u.jio uridx'o ,iki J M Larlsh ' " 21 hi " .loiiess bridge David Lewis overseeing abutments Lewis uriugo PENITENT! AttY AND SVI.U.M, Support ot LUziu .Milton Danville $.-.ji ' " " " Warren l.i; 1;, iiaviu Miea iianviue inci Convicts In Exstern Penitentiary for to.... sin os $oiltl AS3ES3011S' ) llcavcr Bentun Berwick llloom 22 00 .1 ickson 10 75 Locust iuss Mudlsou 30 M Mam 10 75 Mllllln 21 vontiur 27 25 Mt Pleasant 13 21 orange 2123 Pino 22 co Hourlngcreek 8S7 scott 1975 sugarloaf . .. 'TP ... . 1:112 Brlarcreik . . .. 1913 Ca'awlssu ('entrain Centro Conyngham 9 111.' 1125 19 'in nsninircieeu 9411 21' .11 1s!j 115III $C22 $77 U $-!01 1 1 4211 .i 13-2IIH 129 "0 137 CM tO in 2 In 1f.!i $ltlllCj 03' t.l t'. I- .( Frank in (ireenwood Heinloek I ID Assessoi.s for fall registry ot vctcrs SCALPS 1'OIt FOXAND WILD CATS. Pa'd sundry persons ELECTION EXPEN3ES. Pali spring election (Ulcers tail - - " spring room rent " tall " constable's advertisements, and at tending i-prlng t-lectlou " coostable's adveitlsements nnd 11'- tendlng rail election " Johns Kline, overseer nttendlugfall election 1570 " Win, Krlckbaum et. ul. countlLgfall vote TAXES IIEFUNDED. Ain't township taxes rctundid BLANK BOOKS. W c Loudon, l docket, Prolh's. ofllce Altcmus i: Co., F L Ilutter, w llegUtrj liooke -. COUNTY BONDS. $:.; . $H " 2l.li . 1., Amt. county bonds redeemed " coupons on same paid Int. paid on over due county bonds... J 101 9 '.i 8171.1 2l'21 nl ItECAPITULATlON. Miscellaneous Courts, Jurors pay. constable returns itc... costs In commonwealth cases Bond and bridge viewers and road damages Commissioners ofllce and Court House OU i',, 403. 'S 2151 82 counly Jail iosihi Printing, sw loncry ar.d postage 5111 " Inquisitions . 179. Bridges, buildings and repairs s;u -0 l'enltcntlaiy and asjlum oil 11 Assessors' pay 012 j- Fox and wild oat scalps 7" election expenses 12109) Taxes refunded liuoni Blank books 37 w county bonds.coupons and Interest paid ou over duo county bonds 10110 $3IC1-"J From nmomir, ot orders Issued deduct $101 ',1 taxe3 rcf 1111 led and $10,419.30 bonds, coupons au1 Interest 011 overduo bonds paid, lours s,ls 1, which Is tho actual ordinary oxpjiisa for the ) ear A. D 15.1. ' SHEEP OHDEItS ISSUED Benton $2900 Madison 151 Bloom 120) Montour 9' " Cat ivl3ia 7 no .Mr. Pleasant u "' l'lshlngereek- 70) Orango 17 (ireenwood 4950 Pine 09 . Hemlock es 00 Seott iijw Jackson 23 cd sugarl-iaf 21 r-u Locust 00) $517 50 STATEMENT OF DOG TAX AND SILEKP FUND. Dog tax duo from collectors $IS20 02 Prubailo commissions and exon erations soo 03 15-21 1 -i Aiu amount in nanus ot Troas (lives total assets COUNTY FINANCES. $1510 :i A33KTB Tax In hands of collectors duplicates LiM 01 Probablo commission and exonerations 0H1 1C) ' t $Itl'-5 .1 Add nin)unt In lunOsof Treasurer 31. 5 r.s Add valuo of old Jail propel t' swuio Baliucuiltioonocra Howeruote t'"0 ono sit duplicates U'-J 0110 double set nssesjment books 29 $ IsIC'l ."1 . f 525 75 LIABILITIES. Co3tsduo In Commonwealih cases Amt. tax duo the m.v rol illstr'ets " road nnd brldgo Mow ers.due on book " county pr.son bonds unpaid " " coupons unpaid 'road damages assessed mid unpaid, estlm ued ns nearly as can bo 000 4. IN 1 101 .' I 1I91-H " 155'.'! 15s 00 fVJIsi II Actii il indebt doef s of tho county January DidUii:. ,. $ru27 u Wo Iho underslgnt-il Commissioners of Columbia rounty, do hereby certify that tho foregoing Is a coirect stalemeut of i-.ccotintH of said county tor thn JVM. -kt , 4d,4. CIIAS llhMCIIAIMV Commlsslocers of Columbia co. JOSHUA FETPEltM AN, 11. 1 . euu tit, Attest: John H, Casey, Clerk. W o, the undersigned, Auditors ot Columbia coun ty, hav ngreen duly elieted tn adu-t and stun- ii." accounts of tlio Tivasun r ntut Commlislonors of I uinbla count) du hei oby cei 1 ify thai e met 10 1 i.e yiuoo ot Uu Treasurer and CommBsloi.(is, m Hlooinsbuig, and carefully examined iho .ca'iuis und oujheis of Iho sainu from tho 111 si day cf Jim uoiA.D. issi to thosicondaav ot Jai.uaiy is and ilnd them ci.rrtct ns ubcic stated, r.nd we lluJ n balance duo Columbia county on county mud 1 three thousand ono hundrtd und thlrly-ilvo d Ibrs and s Ixly-nve cents (fs.lfo C3) from 11, A. Hwepn hlser Treasurer ot Culmnbla county. And we lmd a balaneo of twenty-It dollars and nnd lltty-seu -cents ($20 57) on dog fund la tho hands of II. . biu-ppciihlser, Tit'osun r. (liven under our hands mid seals, thlsOth do) "' January A, D, issi, C. W. II ESS. UAIIltlCK MALLElii L.J. ADAMS , county Audltou. Pa'd beforo sol tlemoiit. t All tiiow waited Uimluvofottled tholr duphi" cates in fun sinco January 2nd. ii.ii, . m m ..I.,, iii.ii.n nMINISTUATOHS NOTICE. HiTATKO)' AHUlinillOIiUl! IHOHASEP. Letters of administration on thecstaieot Abraham l'oico late of uraugu township. Columbia count)', deceased, haio been grunted by Ilia itogister ojsol; counly to Uio undersigned administrator. -V! persons having elalim against tho estate of saU decedent lire u-iiuesled topresent them forsettlo iiienta'idtho30lndobindVQ miko payment to tho undersigned admlulstiator wlthoul delay. Flshtngcreek. IIKNI.Y Fl'LLMEII. Jan-wo-w A'lmlulilrator. 125 A115 UMINIHTRATOK'S NOTICE. KSTA1E OP JESSE Ollt. PFCKASKD. Letters ot Administration on tho ostatoof Jc " phi, law ot uenton township, Columbia coi'nt)'. 1'ennsylvania, deceased. lmo It-en gnu ted W th lleglster of sail county to I. K, Krlckbaum "t Benton township, administrator. AU persetn ,., uk vmiuis uKanisi, cAiuto 01 iaiu in dent aro requested ti. pres. nt Hum for tcttlcrui t.ti and IIiosh ludebtod to iho ostate 1 1 muko pas me it to ttouadi'i'8lsucd AdmlnUtrattr.nlihout delay, 50 40 I. K. KltlCKBAt M. Administrator, Canibro, 1A- 20 5" feb30.w'