The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, February 24, 1882, Image 1
" 1 - V" . ' 1 . vfle Coltinli)ih;i. 'oi.vmhia tiKxnriUT, tar or Tin noktii, unit mis, ronlldatod.) Inrd Wrrkly. rrry Friday Morning, kI M.OOMSmmtl, t'Ol.UMMA CO , '., at two dollar iwyonr. To nutwrlbeni out of tho rnnnty tho term, nro Mrlrtly In Advance. trsa paper discontinue except nt Hit1 optkti t ttin DublMier, mull nil itrrciirw n nro paid, but lou continued credits will not be Riven. All papers dent out of the Htatc or to distant lt omen must tic paid for In advance, union a nnuon Hblepernon In Columbia county amuniBi to pay Ito subscription duo on demand. POSTAOK Is no lonKcr exacted from RutNciUcni In the county, JOnPIUVTlNG. Ttie Jobbing Department of tlio Colcmbi t rcry complete, and our Job Printing will compare favora bly v. li h that of Uio lawo cltlcK. All work dono on abort nptlco, neatly nnd nt moderate prices. 0. t, ELW2LL, t)...,u( J. K. BirrSNBENDEB, i s "P"""' TnontasioNAi, cakds. p It, BKOCKWA.Y, ATTORNEY-A T-L A W, Colchiiah nciLMfca, tii&omsburr. r Membr ol the I'Bltn.i States Law Attocltttoa, CoCentbm mde in sujr part of America or Europe. K WALLER, A ttoi'noynt' I .aw. Office, sqcond door from lit National Dank. nLooMsnuuo j-a. uTfunk. Auornoy-at-I-aw, OLOOMSDUKO, TA. iimoi- in Enfa iioilhivu. p It 4WJ. BUCK A LEW, J ' ATTOItNEYS-AT-LAW, Moomtturg, Pa, met on street, tint door below CourtHouM J!!N m i:lark, ATTOIINKV-AT-LAW, Ulootniburf.ra. ifflw nrer Schuyler Hardware Store. p W. MILLER, ' ATTOrtNKV.AT.I.AW, OOlceln nrowor'nbulldtnir, second No.l. Mloomiburir, ra. FRANK ZARR. Attornoy-at-Jjaw. BLOOMSBURQ, PA Offlco cornor of Centra and Main Streets. Clark's Dulldlng. Can be consulted In German. FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING J. EVANS, Tho uptown Clothier, lias Just received a fine line of New Good), nnd Is prepared to mako up FALL AND WINTER SUITS For Men and Hoys In tho neatest manner nnd Latest Styles. GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, Hnts, Gape, &c Always on hand. Call and Examine. EVANS' 1ILOCK Corner Main and Iron streets, BEOOIVISBtmO, PA. pljjmIO gas fitting! STOVES and TINWARE. E. 33. BBOWER lias rjurchaaed the ato kntid liistnenaof 1. ltniftn- bucb, and Is now picrated todo nil kinds of work Inhlallne. l'lunitiinc nt a (nm mint- n specialty. Tlnwatv, stoves, lMqES ihd l-ErjErs, In i treat vnrloiy. All work dono by EXPERIENCED HANDS, Main Street corner of Kast, Itl.OOftlMtl'IUJ, IVt. E. CHAPIN, ATTOR N EY-AT- LAW. lll.OOitlHIUJIlC, PA. May bo found In 11UCK ALEW'S OFFICE, near the Court IIouso. Sept. 10, '81, e-m. N. S. TINGLEY. Announces to tho public that Le Is prepared todo ail Kinas oi Custom Tailoring, promptly and nt reasonable prlci s. Now Is the sea' son for a NEW WINTER SULT And Tlnolej'8 the rlacc to get a rropcr fit. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Shoo OTcr lllllmeycr's Grocery. Corner of Main and centre airccia, BLUUMSIHIHu, IA- 1 EO. E. ELWELL. A T TO R N E Y-A T-L A W, New Coluxbuh UuiLDiNO, Moomsburff, I'a. Member of tho United States Law Association. Collections mado In any part of America or Europe t. KNOKR. U 8. WINTIRSTSKN. Notary Public KNORR & WINTERSTEEN, A ttorneys-at-Law. onice In llnrlmau'u Block, corner Main and Mar ket streets, Uloomsburg, Pa. IfiyVuton and Bounties Collected. M. C. SLOAN & BRO., liLOl MSBURG, PA. M imifat Hirers of Carriages, Ensgl;s,Phactcns Sleigh:, Platform .V'aons, kt. First-class Vtuik ulwnjs on li md. KEI'AlllIXG NEATLY DOSE Vcfs i educed to suit the times. pAUL E. WIRT, Attorney-at-Law. Offlco In Urowor"s Block, one door below Brockway Building BLOOMSBURQ, PA. Q.UY JACOBY. Attorney-at-Lawi DLOOMSBUItO, Ofllcelnll.J.ciakr'jliiilidlnir. Becond'.Boor, first uoortome iciu Oct. 8. so. HIDES. Tho Highest Market Price in Cash PAID FOll ALL KINDS OF IIIDUS T A. SOIiLESDES'l'S Lcittlirr nml alioe Tlmllng More Main SritEET, Or-rosrrc Stonu, BLOOMSBLTRG, PA. April 8, 'SO-ly T !L MAIZE, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW AMD JUSTICE OF THE PEACE. Ofdco In Mrs. Ent's Building, third door from Main street. Mayao.'ai. JOHN C. YOCUM, " Attorney-at-Lawi BLOOMSBUIIO.PA. omco with lion. C. It. Buckalow. Momberottho American Attorneys' Association. Collections mado In any part of America. Jan. s, 18S9. K.OSWALD, Attornoy-at-La-Wi Jackson Building, Rcoms 4 and 5, May, 41. BERWICK, PA. VITM. L. EYERLY, . ATTOIIN EY-AT-LA W, Catawtssa,Pa. collections promptly made and remitted. OOlce oposit? uauwisst ueposit uaoa. !"" ry ii. rhawn, 'ATTORNEY-AT-LA w, Catawlssa, Pa. Office, corper of Third and Main Streets. A L. FRITZ. Allorney-at-Law. Office In Brockway's Building, Junes, "il. T BUCKINGHAM, Atlorney.nt.Lnw. Of- JL v nco, urocKways uuuaing ist noor, nioornB ourtf, renn a. may i, nu-i i CU. BARK LEY, Office , In .Browcr's building, snd story, ltooint i&i I B. ROBI80N, Attorney-at-Luw OfEcs I , In II artmaii'u building, Main street. DK. W.M. M. REBER, Surgeon and Physi clan, omco Markot itreet. T K. I O t clan, vu r n a... M J ih : umco unu itcsiaencu on lairu DvriTb T B. McKELV Y, M. D., Surgeon nd Phy (J slclan, north side Main street, below Market. QR. J.C.RUTTER, va YSICIAN & aUHQKON, Oct, I, i. omco, North Market street, Bloomsburg, Pa. JR. I. L. RABB, PRAOTIOAL DENTIST, Main street, opposite Episcopal Church, Bloom) nr Teeth eitracted wlthont pain. Oct. l. w. W. Hk HOUSE, BLOOMSBURG, COL. 00. PA All styles of work dono in a superior manner, work naunmcuua rcpn-seuivu. 1JKTUC1TKA0T d without Pain by tho uso of (las, and freoot charge when artinclal teeth are Inserted, unice over Bloomsburg Banking Company, 7o be open at all hourt during the day. Not. s3-ly " MISCELLANEOUS p M. DRINKER, QUN and LOCKSMITH, sewing Machines and Machinery of all kinds re- airea. uri iiousi uuuding, Bloomsburg, Pa. TAVID LOWENBERO, Merchant Tailor l j Mam hi., aoove central Hotel. 1 S. KUHN, dealer lu MeTt7 TallowT L. Centre street, between Second and Third. JAMES RE ILLY, Tonsorial Artiet, sairalnat his old stand under KYCllANdE 110 TKtLand has as usual a FIKST-class BAHUlilt SHOP, lie respectfully sollclta the patronage of lnlylt.'BQ-tt r EXCHANGE HOTEL. W. R. TUBBS, PROPRIETOR BLOOMSBUBO. PA. Ol'I'OSlTB COUItT HOUSU. iArge and convenient sample rooms. Bath rooms Uot ana cold water, and an modern convenience AND Paper Hanging. WM. F. BODINEi HON ST., BELOW SEIOND, BLOOMSHl, PA Is prepared to do nil kinds of HOUSE PAUVTINO Plain and Ornamental PAPER HANGING, BOTH DKCOKATIVE AND PLAIN. All kinds orriirittliu v IU'alrd. mill mndo ns rckkI n iev. NONE BUT PIRST-OLASS WOHKWKN VI'I.OVED Bitlmatoa Made on all Work, WM. V. I'.nniNE. BLOOMSBURG PLH1IHB MILL The niidiTalsrned nul his I'lanlnc Mill on Itallroad street, lu ilrst-ciass condition, Is prepared to do all kinds of work In his line. FRAMES. SASH, ( OORS, BLINDS MOULDINGS. FLOORING, rtc furbUhtd ul riusunablerrlccii. All luiubi r used ts well seasoned and iioui- t in bkiilrd are employed. ESTIMATES FOR r.UILDJNQS furnished on api lli ntluii, I Ian- und i-pccltlcatloui prupareu uyau experieueeuuruuKuiiiMii. fsi.ui i.i t.tu;, i:!omiinIiiii k, ra. F IRE INSUKA.Wrc. CH1IISTIAN P. KNAI'P, liLOOMSUUltll, I'A. UltlTISH AMEIUCA ASSUitA.SCE COMPANY (1K11M AN FlltEINSUItANCE COMPANY. NATIONAL PIKE INSUKA.tCK COMPANY. UNION INSUKANOK UUIH'A.N I. These olii roHroiUTiONfl are well soasouoa hi aire and fire tsstkd and have never yot had a loss set tled by any court of law. Their assets arc all Invest ed lu soLio esccRiTissand are liable to the hazard of mi only. Losses rxoxiTLT and uoNidrtv adjusted andi paid as soon as determined by CnaiSTUN P Kxtrr, ai sc- UL AOSNT 1ND APJCITSKUIOOUSVCHU, I'i. Tha oaoolB of Columbia county should ixiitonlio u BLOOMSBUR(, PA., FRIDAY , FEBRUARY 24, 1882. THE COLUMBIAN, VOL. XVI. NO. 8 COLUMBIA DKMOCItAT, VOL.XLVI, NO. SI One Inch Two lnelwi..., Three Inches.. J'our Inches... ouarter column.. Half column.., one column ... 1M fj() , iW . 400 . soo . (110 M.IOO) ,,n)w tim 400 600 700 8 00 1401 3 tot 3 00 MiO SO) 8 00 100 1100 no) mi 10 to IS 00 1100 4100 30 00 1190) 1Y MOO IS 00 18 01 20 00 moo MOO 10OOO Yearly advertisements payablo quarterly. Tran sient ndiertttrmonts mint bo paid for before inserted except where parties lmvo accounts, Wnl ndverllscmcnU two dollars per Inch for three Insertions, and ntthat rato for nddltlonal Insertions without referenco to lenKtli. Executor's, Administrator's, nnrl Auditor's notices three ilollors. -Must bo paid for when Inserted. Trnnslentor Ixail notices, ten cents n line, regular advertisements halt rates, Cards In tho "Business Directory" column, or.C dollar per year roreacn line. Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, Backache, Soronoss of tho Chost, Gout, Quinsy, Sore Throat, Swell-'ngs and Sprains, Burns and Scalds, Gonoral Bodily Pains, Tooth, Ear and Hoadacho, Froslod Feot and Ears, and all othor Pains and Achos. No l'rrpn ration on earth equal FT. Jacob Oh. m a to fr, niirr. .lOjijifr and clicnp Internal Kcmedy. A trial entail but the comparatlvily trilling outlay ef no 4'enlH, and every one Fullering with pain wti have cheap and poMtlvc proof of Its claim. Direction lu Eleven language. BOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS AMD DEALEBS IK MEDICINE. A.VOGELER & CO., 7!HfmoTV, 3ttl., V. t). A. tir one nr Ihotr own citizens. WO' ' tK Ml I.-iRKAS HROWN'8 INSURANCE All UN. CY. Muv i r'i new building, .Main street, Blooms burg, I'a. .Ktna Insurance Co , of lluriford, Conn. ' tt.w,!M Itoyal of Liverpool 13,5'o.ouo Uincalilre iu,(o,uou Plro Asiectauon. nmaueipum l'huinl.i.of London o,?6i),spj ljndon & Lancashire, of England l,lo,9T llarttorl of lluriford 3,'l3,ooo sprlngileld t'lru and Marino li.osi.sss As tho avencles ato direct, policies are written for the Insured without any delay In tho onico at Dlootnbburir, Oct. -W, ' B. P. IIAHTMAN Wll.ll UKVTIIFIt IIUTSIDK. Wild weather oulsldj nhore the h ave lltlps go, And llcrce from alliptarteri the four winds blow VIU weather and cold, nnd tho great waves sw!!, With c'nsms bene illi them as black ns hell. The watoM frjIU In Tittu p ay, They d!h the deck! with an Icy spr iy, The spent alls sl.lver. the lithe mas'.., rei 1, And tho shcet.'d roncj aro as mmih ai steji. Andoli.thittlijsiinr voru s.tte once more W hero tho sweet Ife (.miles In tho c Atago ilooil Tho little ojttag -, Itshlnes f ir o'er Iho llki! tin polar star. Tho m irlner tosed In th Ji vs tf death Hurls at tho storm a d flxnt brcuh ; Sho its to his mates through tho writhing foam, Courage I plcaM! Ooil. o flialt bt win homo 1" Frozen and haifrf rd and w'i and gray, But rcsoluto stl'l ; 'lUtho sillor's way. And porlnps at ths Uncy tho stern eyes dim- Somebody's praj lag to night for him. AH me, through Iho drench of tho bitter ruin, Won brliihr tin picture that rises plain : Suro In can vo, with her n errj look, tils llttlo in Ata crooning her spclltng-biok ; Tho baby cro.vs from tho cradle f Air i The grandma nods In her easy-chair ; Whlio hither and yon, with a quiet grace, A wjman lilts, with an earnest face. The klttin purrs, nnl tin kettle sings, And a Uiinuless comfort tho picture brings. Hough weather autstJe, but Urn Inds of b vim Forever Ibats o or that Isle so calm, O friends win read over lea n d toad Ot tho wild night's work o.i tho storm-swept eoa.t, Think Nthcn tho rcsiels nrc overdue, Ot tho perilous voyage, the balllcd crew, Of stout heatts battling for lovo nnd home Mid the cruel blasts and (.urd.lug foam, And breathe a ry r frcm J our happy lips For those who m'lit go "to tin sea In ship.;" Ask tlut tho sailor may stand ence more Whcro Ih) s cct wife smiles a'. Iho cottage door. Magnet E Swjiici; in Ifaipcr't Mayaziib for I'tbrudi y. liSI'KBSSSTS TUB '0I.IWN(l AMK1UOAN INSUHANCi: COMl'ANlKSi Lycoming ot Muncy Peunhylvanla. North American of I'lillaJe plila, Ha. Prunklln ot " " Pennsjlvanla ot " " Farmers of York, Pa. Hanover of New York, Manhattan of New York, onico on Market Street, No, 5, Moemsburg oct. n, TlMy bTf. sharpless, FOUNDER AND MACHINIST. MEABL.& B. DEPOT, DL03M3DUHO, PSNH'A. Manufacturer of Plows, stoves and all kinds of Castings. Largo stock of 'lluwaro, Cook Moves, itnnin smtna. Sloven for huatluir hous es churches, AO. Also, largo stock of repairs for city stoves of ail kinas, wuoiesaie aim reiait.sucu as Fire Drlck, Urates, L108, Centres, &e,, Move Pipe, Cook Hollers, Spiders, Cake Males. Urgo Iron Ket tles, Sled Soles, Wagon Boxes, all kinds of Clow Mini, ktmil. tlnlm t'tautfir Kill, DiDhthena. A cold or mre iliront may net seem to amount to much, nnd If promptly attended to can easily bo cured : but neglect Is often followed by coinninplloi. or illplitlierln. No medicine has over been discovered which nets so niileldy nnd xim-ly In such eases ns PIIJIHY DAVIS' 1A1. K1M.MH. Tho prompt use of this iHt'tifuoWc remo)j ha3 saved thouiandi of lives. PKIIKV DAVIS' I'AI.V 3 not an rtprrlmrut. It has been befuro tho public for furty j tni s, and Is mot valued where It H best known. A tew extii'els from voluntary testimonial read as follows: Pais Kim i:u li . Ik.-ii my IioukIioIiI rt mrdy for cold for th.'i't twenty-n;cu jimm, uud uao ncer huown It tn tail In ctleetlufr a cure. U S. C'l:iiCKl:n, WI11Untllc N. Y. l'or thirty ye ir I .vlu u-ed Pais lMi.LEn.nnd found It h ueer.f Jllliu' rviiu-dy for cold uud toro thrnat. llunox M:MAS. ... lltte rccilud InmieiU. to relief from rolds and pore thnut. imd coililer your I'ain Kn.i.rn au tnMiluablu remedi . Ol:o, 13. livr.i.ETT, DlekillBOU, N. Y. I hue Ju-t rwwerid froin a cry ccpro cola, which I line hid fur oiiu time. I could Kit no reliif uutll 1 tried I ain Kii.i.ui, wlilih re'leved me immediately. I will never UKalu bo without it.'' O. I'oitCK. Lowmlep, Ol. Hao t.e-1 Pain Kim i it in my family for forty luo never Uuonu It to full. lUSh-ox Li:wm. VV'avneuliom, On. I U irau U'Inir l'MN Kltl.i n In tnv faintly tnrnty. he se.iniai.'ii uud h ive ni-eil lteeri.iliee.iiU(t uao found no miillclue to uto ltd i' W. Uvui, Drunvt-t. OactiU. N. Y. lor vhooi'inir-couvh end ci-nnp It I tli liept rrejiiLration mnilo. WowoiiMnct UnUtliout it A. P. Iliicw, Liberty Mill", Vr. l'or twtntv-iuo jear I hae t'.ffil Pain KittEn for col.l anil cbai'j d Uph, r.i-d eeni-lder it the lut-t iuediciiiecercauiwl.-Oi.o llooi'Hi.WIlmiiigtoii, " I v.'aK!iffirIitiriecnly vlthbvoinhltlii.cndiny throat wan lo iiiflniiitd 1 coud Fcaitely mu11ow anvfooil. I mum ndvirdl totry our Pain Kit l.rn, and nftcr tiklnir n lew dotes cs coini'kUly ClUWl T VULMNfON. Dr. Walton- wrlteii from Cihrtnn- Your Pain Ktl.Li-it curei ilit htlieriu flid lore throat, loalana. Inly i'ie;iilcnt liei-e. ai.d li:e not Itiii Liiowii to fail in a tl-.K'.a Imtano1. 'lhl luit )ou thoidd IiinLe known tothe woild ... Mri. rr.T.i 11.Mai.on' Mr'.lm: My irnsnAtal;cn llolentlv Ki with dlpt'theila, Iiltrli fever, and cold chill. Nn iinny iliildmi have ibid here, I wau ofru'.d to cull a thj.'ielan, and tried jour Pain Kilifii. I lo wan taken en hundav, and on Wcdiiejdjv hi. thro-.t wn ilur. It a a won. d.'rful cure, and 1 vrtsh it 1011I1I l knon to tho IHior inother who are loi-iurf co many children. Tor Chill and IVvcr I'AIN KII.MIH has n leitu il. Itiurwheneverythlngelsefalls. Delavs nro oiten dangemus. A bottlo of Pais Kit.t.iuti'ii the houelabafeguardthat no family should be h lttnut. All druggists sell It nt 3t., 50c, nnd Sl.00 per bottle. PERRY DAVIS &. SON, Proprietors, Providonco, R. I. Poetical. stisiicct I tlid so iiiloiitlonnlly. Thu tilings Them I inatlo tlicin a short speech on tho ho wanted I cciiurnlly hatl some trouble-, various suiieistitions of mankind, which in oniiimr t mill I It oil no thu inlei va s I contciided had their orimn in invstcr by uiiiaiksnboiittlio wealliutha country t loin faeU revealed from the otlier world ' thu mines, tho success of sonio niitl thu I by God's good irovidcnco for tho jiroteo failure of others in a word, anything I Hon of tho innocent nnd the punishment could think of lo indiieu conversation y of the guilty ( and, among other thing, t watfliing him furtively all thu while. 1 lo , liow thu ghosts of their victims would answered easily and readily,and yot witli often haunt tho inurderen, compelling that' peculiar kind of reserve that was not them to reveal their crimes how land ' suggestive, or tending toward familial - and sea had been known to give up their it v. Ilis replie., howover.ovinced a mill awful secrets and how it had been as- 1 nf iiiimiI nml mliin iltnn . mtil T lwitrnn fii ! HOrlnil tlint. If llin intiltv wrntnli ivurn in i i .. i...t..- . .i.ti I ..t,..,. . i.: , ..., ii... ,.r ,t. ...... C- II. SAVAGE, IIKAI.EH in Silverware. Watches.Jewelry.ClecVf .4c rcu 8 t-a .J10XE MAXlUtE, ttc. au klLiLs tit Watt hcP. ClDftp nr, rt ,TrvMr neat U1U II) t3"H COD-LIVER OIL Cheapest Heat Sopcrlorto nr. Il'irhost uedicti authorities testify to I la delicacy of Unto and muc.11. Tor calo by PrujrirliU. W.II.SfliltlftllniCo(Jt'3fti'A)S.T. KblOI-w d ii j.foi i'r- i an il by tur circular, SuMlyUrUfe'tfit4uu.loouutr-fctoKK,si nhutf I Shi ul vJ tUIM. UVUI lft ivriittiil. ftr I'm. :iiiatiM'iiiN(Tsiii.i:i(i:.ii:iiv tocun-. 1'rvi aivilljy J.l MIIaIJ.1L M.lK.Hii Ardi It. I'iliU , l'a. .Vn ytHUiH wuhuut hil wrtirr Kci J ( I'I I THU PANTAdUMMI HIN'Wilt. KOU SALE O.StV AT "TUB COLUMBIAN" OFFICE. CAI.I, and ski-:. Select Story. TH: MUltllKKKK'S OltllHAlt 1IY CI.MIKNCI MOWllItVY. I was alwas fond of the seieneoof physiognomy. Krom my youth ii)) I was noted for my proclivity for reading the character of a man from his face ; and I finally became such an adept in the art, that I could occasionally mio.s tho very thoughts of thu individual whoso coun tenance I was studying. Soon after the gold fever broke out, I went to California ; and ibciv, I mti-t confes-vtinong what else lliore was to in terest me, I hud a grand opportunity for exercising my skill upon alUoitsof laces, seen under all sorts of circumstance., from the highest triumph of success to the deepest despair of failure. I first tried my luck at digging gold myself, but soon tired of that ; and believing I could make money faster and witli less labor.I opeued a kind of a grocery and pro vision store, and went regularly into tho business of trade, buying most of my ar ticles at Saciamento,getting thorn hauled to my quarters, and disposing of them at a fair advance to the miners and others. My store, as I dignified my place ol trade, consisted of a rude skeleton of poles, with a sufficiency of cheap iniHlin drawn over them ami pinned down to the earth, and was i locked only with thu most salable articles of 'which Hour, pork and whiskey found the most ready market especially whiskey, In thu dry season it was very du-ty, and everybody seenud to be dry with a thiist which mere water would not ipiencli. If a man was successful ho wanted wlii-key to bring his body up to the altitude of Ids spirits i if unsuccessful, ho wanted whis key to bring his spirits up tt the altitude of his body ; if it chanced to he a litlle was viM-v hot. ho wanted whiskey to cool cool.ho wanted whiskey to warm liim; if it him: he needed whiskev in the morning to make him bright and active; lie needed whiskey at night to lest him and make him sfcci) well : he wanted il whin ho bouuht.and when he sold ; wln-n lie won, and when lie lost ; when lu- stood tip.and when ho sat th'Wn; in shoit, whiskey as the great lvguialoi-uf all hiitn.i i feel tug- the genuine nxn- uie ami con st qurniiv 1 Hill ail im:n uusiuisa in whiskey. iow t!ns,tlioiinli somewiiai ureiuvaiu, brings me to my story. -UV store being Uio headquarters oi that locality for wnwki-v anil p'ovisions, was biounht in eiMitact with nearly eveiy sieciimn of the iwif.i homo that eiilun il into i hat region ; aim sucii an other c iiulomi ration i-f Inli-.biack ami r,d Mich anolhi r nii.vtnre of gentlemen laliorer, mountain! ers, gaiubli rs, thieves and assassins -it wnnld be hard to find outside thi' limits of California Of coinse 1 had a chanci- to study all soils of faces to my houi's commit ; but hay- nig, as 1 hiue said, tK0"iiie au adept in the art, au oulinaiy e u den. .m e, or a man governed ov oi din try passions, whether gentle or brutish, did not inter est me. I wnnteil to gel hold ot what is U-imi'i! a charaelir or one whose exter nal would give no indication of his.inler ualto anv but a connoisseur or one-that would leally puzzle voit to tell what lo think of him. Among the many, Mich a one I at length fount). At first I did not uotico liim did not think of him. At a casual glance there was nothing to distinguish him from the herd. Ho eamo in quiet ly. unobtrusively, purchased a quantity of Hour, poik au'd tea, paid for thu saino in trolil dust. and went out about his busi ness, lie repeated his visits at different. intervals, pern qis somo nan dozen nines, li'lore lie atltacted my attention lo any thing peculiar in his appearance, uud then I should have been nl it loss to say what I saw more in him at lat than nt fust. lie was apparently about twiuty-livo vears of aire, of medium lieiuht and slen der figure, of a daik complexion, regular lealiires, wun tiaiu, suaigiu nair, iiiuk eves, and a beard that covered tho lower nail of his face in nil of which there was nothing lemaikaliie- nothing strik inir. He was ouiei, not talkative hnd nothing to say except about thu business hu eamejon gut wiiaihe wanU'ti whi n l was disengaged p lid lor what uegoi liKe a treiitleman, ami uonorallv leliied witli au ordinary "good-day," or some similar civility. And jet, ml mtvo said, ho began to altraet my atteniion nt last, and I began to wonder why, Was it because ho was so quiet, reserved and gentlemanly, and did not purcltaso whiskey like the rest and occasionally get excited and bolster ous 7 or was it because there was asontu- thiiiLrnbout him I could not readily fath oni t At all events, lie began to inteiest mo in some wayi nml tho very lacl, per haps, that I o dild uoi loll how or whv, led mo into a closer scrutiny, a deeper study, ot tho man. Atlor Hits i prolonged, nis visits as much ns I could without causing liim lo invo him credit lor ueing a uiiiikoi'- iierhaps a practical and sullish dreamer, I if I may use a jiaradoxical term that best expresses my idea. I One dav, 1 scarcely know how, I touched upon the general superstitions of mankind, and to my surprise I saw that at last ho was interested. His eyu changed expression, and brightened, and emitted a strango and peculiar gleam ; and my attention being thus directed to his eye, I n-)v betlio iglit mo tint I had never seen ouo exactly like il one capa ble of being po apparently open down to thu soul while concealieg so much, It was off its guard now the loor was really open down to the ioul of tho man au'd 1 looked in at thatdoor,tliat open ing, and saw that thn soul of that man was daika one? A nameless fear catno over me a suange inriii passeo. inrougii me, like an electric shock I felt au in lernal shudder of dread. No wonder I had not been nblo to read him before ; he man had been wearing an impene- rable mask. I now had tho key to the mystery and to him, and I used it. lie was interest ed in superstitions bad men always are because thev carry a hell of wild Ian cits witli them. Thus it was with this man. as I could see bv his eve, and I could make his fancies work upon him I told him stories of sorcery, witchcraft and magic of ghosts, hobgoblins and nevus tin no oecame paio wun icar, breathed with compressed lips, and trembled in spito of his great nerve and will. It fjoud men, as I have said, are some times superstitions, why, you ask, ditl I think this man bad for being supersti tious also? First, I answer, Incaii.S'i I had accidentally thrown him off his gitaid and read his soul ; and secondly, because lie was not naturally nervous and credu lous. Fear only had made liim so; and, in one of his iron nature, fear could only arise from the self convicted knowledge of a past wicked deed. Thu man was oven then a criminal. lut let mo hnstcn to the ih iioue ment. It chanced that no other person was present when tho conversation occurred about tho supeistitious fancies of men, and as soon as we were interrupted by tho entrance of another customer my dark visitor left somewhat abruptly. After lliat ho did not come as often as before, and never seemed much at ease, ami never renewed the conversation that had so agitated him, and never, in fact, entered into any otlier than ho could possibly avoid. I kept my thoughts to myself, but ma lo some casual inquiries about him, and learned that he had been so fortunate as to secure a capital ''lead," from whiult,-with his paitner, another young man, lie was taking out gold in quantities that promised lo enrich both, and that both had the good will and es teem of all who knew thein. One dark night, about three or font weeks after this, I was startled from my sleep by wild, prolonged shrieks, and ciies of: "Murder! murder! help! help!" I jumped up, s.-ized my revolvers, and darted out iulo iho open air. Tho cries and screams still continued, coining from a point on the bend of the river about a hundred rods below. In a minute I was joined by live others, all well armed, and together wo ran as hard as wo could to tho plaeo from which the alarm proceeded. When wo arrived there, at least thiily men were collected in and around the tent of tho dark man I have been de scribing, and ho himself it was who had given the alarm. His paitner and com panion had been murdered and lobbed, and ho himseli had been slightly cut across tho face and gashed on the loft arm, and ho was all excitement, lumen ting his dearest triend, and avowing vengeance, against the assassin. It was some time befo.o we could get at tho par ticulars ; and then wo learned that both had been sleeping side by side, when in unknown robber had crawled under the canvas, stabbed one the heait, ami had taken a largo bagof gold from under his head. With this ho wasesoipini; when tho pieseni narrator awoku and heized him, and received tho wounds which had compelled liim to relinquisl his hold. Li'Mits were brought ; and there, suro enough was the bloody con lirinatiou of all that had been related. I shall not attempt to portray tho in tense excitement, tho wild rago and cmi stornation, which this daring murder oe casioned. Everyman felt that, if the assassin escaped without his just punish inent, there would no longer bo security ior any one in our hitherto peaceful and 1 met valley.and solemn oaths wero taken to hang thu wretch if found, upon tho nearest tree. A largo reward was otter ed for his detection, anil every gambler that had over been seen about thero was nioro or less suspected; and I buliovo that had anv man been arrested on the I ol lowing day, ho would have been hun first and tried afterward. I said less than any, for I had my own suspicions, anil I contrived my plot in sjcret, making confident of no one. 1'liu murdered young man was as tie cently buried as tho surrounding circuin staucis would permit ; and then his com paulon, my superstitious liiend, grew moody Willi gneJ, retuseil to work In "lead ' anv more, and proposed sellinj olV his rocker and tools and quitting tho country altogether. 1 think ho would havo gono at once, only that I told him it would not look well to leave without an effort somu people might bo nialioious enough to say no kiiuw sumetiiing oi tuo niatier ami s gei mm iiuo iroiiuio. no iiirned verv pale and declared that ho would stnv year if by that means ho could discovei tho assassin ot lus dear, dear friend On tho second afternoon following tho tragedy, almost every individual lu thu vicinity, tho friend of tho murdered man among tho rest, assembled at my stoic at my particular request. I had told them I had something to communicato con corning tho foul tleod, nml tlisiiJI thought It no unlikely I might give them hoiiio clue lo tho assassin, i nen nil had collected, ami airangei tiieiiiseives, in it semi-circle uciore my place his hand upon tho body of tho man he had secretly slain, the wounds would bleed afresh. "And now, gentlemen," I continued, "I hold in my hand as suro a test as any 1 have named. I Ins simple egg, so (air lo tho view, contains the murderer's se cret. Lot him but tako it in his hand, and tho frail shell will crumble to pieces and show to all that it is tilled with tho blood of his victim. You will oxcusomo gentlemen for putting you all to this test. Wo do not know each other s se crets tho murderer of tho young man wo buiied yesterday may bo among us t but only tho guilty need fear the trial tho innocent will surely pass the ordeal unharmed. As I said this, I fixed my gaze upon my dark visitor, my suspected man. I ne'ver saw a nioro wretched and ghastly countenance, nor a greater struggle in any living being t keep a calm and un moved exterior. Tho egg began its round. Some took it gravely, somu lightly, some turned slightly pale, and some laughed outright. Hut on it went, and eamo never and nearer to tuo man for whom was inten ded. I could see that ho was trembling that his very hps wero getting white. "It is your turn now I" I said atlongth in a cold, severe tone. "Mine i he answered.!with a ghastly attempt at a smile. "Wliy-why-should 1 1 take it f l'oor Wilson was my my friend !" Jet hun prove so now! 1 said. "All eyes, aro upon you. lake tho ordeal sent by heave-', ami prove your innocence if you can tie glanced hurueilly around. All eyes were indeed upon him, and with looks of awakening suspicion. Ho made one despaiiiiig effort to be calm, gulped his breath like one choking, and seized e latal egg with trembling hands. The next moment it was crushed to alonis,aiid his hands were wet and stain ed as if with human gore. wild yell burst from tho crovd. desuairitigshriok came from thelips of tlio guilty wretch ; and failing rather than sinking, down upon his knees, ho cried out: "God of mercy, forgive mo ! I did kill lim ! I did kill him ! for his gold ! his gold! Oh, cursed gold! Oh, God of heaven, forgive mo !" ud how many before lutn'f de manded I. "Threo ! threo ! Oh, God of mercy,for- 'IVO mo ! There was another wild veil, or rather howl, of fury a rush like wolves upon their prey and tlio poor wretch was seized, almost torn limb from limb, and dragged furiously away. In less than ten minutes lrom his con fession he was dangling from a neigh boring tieo swinging by his neck. bo died the murderer, whoso name 1 have suppressed because ho had respec table friends who are still living. I will only add, that, believing hun to be guilty, I had previously prepared tho egg, putmig red coloring matter into it, expecting to seo him crush it through his siiperstititious tears ol a supernatural liscovery. They ottered me tho promised reward for the detection of the murderer but this 1 declined. Justice was all that I had sought, and this I had obtained. Orkntdl Casket. fha (Ineltln Community. Tho Guiteait trial has again brought into prominence an institution which sinco the death of its founder, has declin ed in importance, and is, in tho leading respects lor which it was brought into being, dead. Even his rare vocabulary of abuse seems to bo inadequate to ex press Guitcaii's intense hatred of tho Com munity into which, ns thu result of his fathers itilliionce nnd authority, ho enter ed while a young man. That tlio Oneida Community and John Humphrey Noyes i.! ., ..r .. r..t .i ' i f.. aiu uujv;i;in ui ii luui iiiuueiicii iis-iiis-siii n objurgations is not, in itself, anything against cither of them; but wo fear it will ho found, in briefly roviowing the life of its founder and of the principles of tho Uoiuiniinity which ho created, that Uni te. was tho worse mm for his retire ment from the world, and that, whether by an abuso of tho practices nt Oneida or not, some degree of tho depravity which culminated in the murder of Pres ident Garfield is traceable to tho murder er's stay with tho singular people whoso leader and peculiarities of belief and life lorm tho subject ot this bnct sketch. Wo will, first of all, give an account of Noyes, tho enthusiast, wlioso strong individuality was tho sourco and the tountaiti ot ltto to 1'erlectionisni, by which general nanio tho principles of tho Oneida Community are known. John Humphrey Noyes was born nt Hrattleboro, Vt., m the year 1811. His parents were in good circumstances, and rehned people, and their son early gave promise ot tho capacity lor a studious and devout life. After receiving his do gree at Dartmouth oollege, young Noyes read law for a while, but tho bent of his mind was towards theology and tho lifo of a foreign missionary. Accordingly ho relinquished the law and began tho study of theology at Andover, from whenco ho removed to Yalo. At New Haven, Conn., he encountered n rovivalistic teacher, who found in him a disciple apt to fanaticism and with tho originality and the strength of will to give it a new direction and to make it aggressive and ot moment in that most wonderful chapter of history which tells tho varied and complex talo of tho struggle of universal human nature to bo right with God. Mr. Noves was about twenty-three vears of ago when, as ho expressed it, lie "landed in a new exper ience and now views of the way of sal vation, which took the name of perfect ionism." This experience was succeeded bv his removal to Putney, Vt., where his father then resided, and was in busi ness as a banker. Thero ho preached and wrote and published for several years, and in 18:13, when twenty-seven old, married Harriet A. Ilolton, a young lady of good family, who had been pre viously influenced to adopt his peculiarly religious views. It is by no meaii3 re markable that tho young teacher's prin ciples were adopted but slowly. In 1S47 his congregation numbered only about 10 persons Ho was in correspondence, however, with people far and near, who recognized in him their leader. Two years before this date, Noves' views of tile relations of the sexes had been pub lislied, and, in 1810, lie was at the head of a small community at Putney, from whence local persecution drove him in 1818 to settle witli a number of followers at Oneida, Madison county, N. Y. The place of settlement was very uninviting, consisting ot torty acres ot land, an tin painted frame house, an old Indian hut and an Indian saw-mill. This hole! move preceded the practical adoption of com lnunism by a number of people of llrook- lyn, N. Y. Communities under Noyes' direction were also begun at Wallingford comprising nn elaborate system of com mittco work, mutual co-oporatiou and criticism destined to answer both for tho perfection of labor undertaken and oi nnrflnnnl rrlmr.ip.tnr. Tho Hiblo was re garded ns "tho text-book of tho Spirit of Truth.' Go.l and good spirits wero behoved to bo in constnnt communication with the faithful. Prayer was restricted to tlio individual and silent aspiration towards the Dicty, nnd to tho child-liko repre sentation of wants which faith behoved would bo granted without limitation or obstruction from tho operation of natu ral laws or oilier causes. There- was no preaching and the administration of tho sacraments and tho obligation of tho the Sabbath wero not observed. No member of tlio community had temporal interest in nny way separable from those of his brethren and sisters. Tho com munistic idea was thoroughly carried out,cxtending. as wo have seen, to tho relations of flic sexes. Tlint such an organization should havo been originated and should have nour ished to elcatli ot tuo singular man who founded it is a remaiknblc instanco of tho supremacy which a man of deep convictions and strong will can acquire. With tho death of Noyes a few years ago the mainstay of tho organization do- parted, i erieeiioiiistii, us hi; wujjm died witli its first and last great teacher. Dob lianlctto on hob Ingcrsoll. In a lecturo beforo tho Young Men's christian association of New York, 15ur dctte, the Haickcyc man, talked of tho pilgrimago of tho funny man in search of fun, and told how and whero funny things aro found, and how they aro dressed up for tho newspapers afterward, llaud-tnado fun, of that sort of which hunting in tho dictionary for good words upon which to build bail puns is a sam ple, ho dealt with justly and severely, lie spoke affectionately of Col. Ingcr soil, whom ho had known, ho said, and found to contain much that is good. His success, tlio lecturer thought, was owing to his overwhelming humor, which made his audiences laugh at their own dearest croeels. "And I believe," continued Mr. Burdctte, seriously, whilo his audience was hushed, "I believe Colonel Ingcrsoll's position is sound." Thero was a moment' hesitation, and all the tittering stopped. "I know," contin ued the Bpcakcr, "it isn t tuo thing lo say in this hall and to this audience ; but I havo said it, and I won't go back on anything I havo said. It appeared tor a moment that Mr. llurdetto's candor had got the better of his discretion. Ho continueil; "But that is tho trouble with Iugersoll; it is all sotinif, like a bass drum, and no sense. Iho orthodox audience was relieved and expressed it selt in great laughter. To Keep Hie Girls Warm. TIIUIX ANll A IIAI.P -MILLION' SK.VI.S 11011 11KH 01' TIIKIK rt'K TO MAKK SAUIJl'I-.-. A seal skin saequo costs fifty per cent. more than it did live years ago. Seal skins have not been worn more than fif teen or eighteen years Fashion and tho di-eovery of new methods of preparing and dyeing, or first tliol utter and second the former, brought them into use. Tho seal fur, as seen heie, is the inner coat. Win n on the back of tho seal, this Iiuo fur is hid by coarso hairs, which aro re moved by a process of paring down tho under side ot tho skin. The color of the fur as known to wearers is artificial. If thu government had not taken measures to protect the seal now wearers of seal saeques would lu few in a sliott lime. I ho ahetlaud seals wero once numerous, but havo been exterminated The New foumllaud seal is in tlio market, but is inferior to the seal of Alaska. The is lands of tlio liehriug sea aro the only ones in tho world where seal catching has great commercial importance. 1'roin Ii.h to I Hi (J thoseientiho world knew nothing in regard to tho history of tlio seal. Tho Smithsonian Institution did not possess a perfect skin nnd skele ton ot the seal, although thousands ot men and millions of dollars have been employed in caj)turing,dressing and sell ing fur seal skins for the last hundred years. Tlio vast breeding grounds ordering on tho Antarctic havo been entirely depopulated. I let ween tho years Hi mid 1821 I,'';ii,:s7i sealskins wero taken in tho Pribylou Islands j between 18J1 ami 1812, l.iH.flOS skins and lrom 1812 to 1801, !17:',0l)0 skins. In tho year 18C8 tho number of skins taken was 2-1 2,01)1). In 1870 only 9,905 wero cap turcil. During tho last ten vears tho eatcli lias been a little less than 100,000 per year. Tlio wholo number taken be tween 1790 and 1880 was kins. Tho seal catching is dono in Juno and July. After that time tho fur bo gun to "shed and is worthless. The natives aro paid forty cents a skin for their labor. Providence Journal. A snoivball stopped an elopement in Louisville. It was thrown by a boy in the street, knocking oil' tlio hat of tho driver of tho carriage in which tho run away eouplu wero riding to a railroad station, and thus causing just enough de lay to make them miss thu train. Thus hindered, thoy were caught nnd separat ed by tlio girl's father. fin p. lit i . i i no siiowian in Austria ims been so great that in many places tho drifts reach Iho telegraph wires. During sonio of iho storms, passengors and drivers nave neeii compelled lo abandon stage coaches nml seek Baletv as best thev i ;,,.. lZ.i t , 7 7 ' H"Smy ciiiiiug ineir way io mo near tvom ot whatever kind was well done, omrifflM I est houses, leaving baggage lo ho dug 'and tho management of tho community foiv,aid holding in my hand an egg 'out later. h wnH ,-emarkablv thriftv and complete. t and other places. In a few vears tho original Oneida settlement had absorbed all thu rest excepting that of Wallin ford, which from 18.17 to tlio end of Joyes dnys continued as a branch and portion of that in which the prophet himself resided, tho property of both being united. Agriculture, horticulture, several mechanical occupations and tho learned professions engaged tho thriving industry of the community, whose pro ductions, whether of the iuduitrial aits or of literature', manifested re markable superiority. Wealth was gathered apace In 1871, tho united communities of Oneida and Walliugford wero worth more than half a million dol lars, owned in the neighborhood of nine hundred acres of land, and had 2S!1 members, l.'ll of whom were males. Noyes' first followers were New Eng land farmers, to whom wero adtled, from time to time, somu Americans and a few English and Canadian people. A clev erly edited paper, called the Circular, was published tor many years, anil com manded great attention' not only because of its singular religious teaching, hut lrom the general excellence ot lis stvle tud its curious information about natural history and other subjects of interest to intelligent readers. Tlio Circular was sent alike to those who could not pay, for it, to tnoso who paid the stated subscrip tion price, two dollars, and to those who paid more to eke out the deficiency oc casioned by the unproductiveness of tho first class of subscribers. Tlio men were dressed in ordinary cos tume, the women in a bodici,looso trous ers and a skirt falling just above the knee. Short hnir is tho fashion among women, who keep it cut just below the fin, it i ii, ii mi iiiHuoseit, give it n not un graceful cuil. W ho a now member is received he or she subscribes to the creed of tho com- inunity and also signs au agreement not to claim any wages tor labor while in tlio community. Wo have said that ISoyes was the prophet of perfectionism Ho believed ami taught tho peilectibllily ot human nature, by which he linenut its develop inent into i condition of perfect sinless- ness. When this stage was readied, he contended, the community of person as of property was rightly observed. Co habitation between couples was regu lated by third parlies, and children born of the union were numbered among tho other possessions of the community. They know no parents. After being weaned thoy wero taken lrom the mother nnd placed in the nttr scry quarters of the community, where both male and female "oare takers at tended to their wants. An excellent school was provided for their education and youthful members of tho community entered institutions of learning, Yale and elsowhere, to study for law and other professional occupations. All worked systematically nnd cheerfully nun wun numerous changes oi oecupa tiou both for the sake of pleasure in va riety and to iiierenso their efficiency Tlio Centennial Skeleton. what is i.urr or -run ExiiiinriON" ulii.p ixr. noi'i: ov savint. a In a few days there will bo nothing left of the eastern end of tho Main Ex hibition Building but the floor. Tho north and south sides havo boon entire ly removed, only the roof and skeleton of the central aisle remaining. The work of tearing away tlio structure ha been pushed forward as rapidly as cir cumstances would permit, a force of from thirty to forty workmen being con stantly employed. The iron girders, rafters, trusses and supports have been shipped to live different rolling-mill firms in Pittsburg, a track having been laid through the entire length of tho building by tho Pennsylvania Hailroad Company to facilitate loading. Tho greater part of tlio woodwork has also n sent to 1 lttsburg, whero it will uo used in tho construction of mills and iron works. Tho material of tho west ern end will be rebuilt into railroad sta tions. Tho main square', on which rests tho towers, is said to boas firm in line and al most as perfect, with tho exception of the floor, as it was in May, 1870. Thero is said to lie a good chance that this tart of the building will bo saved to 'hiladelphia, ns several persons interest ed in tho success of the Bi-Centennial exhibition havo lately been considering tho advisability of purchasing tho square and using it as an exhibition hall. No definite conclusion lias yet been reached, but it is expected that the matter will bo brought beloro the next meeting ot tho IM-Centciinial Association. The part which was examined a few days ago is one hundred and twenty feet square and remarkably well put together, r-rom each corner of the squaro tho spiral stairways lead into tho towers. lheso are three largo statues and one gigantic galvanized iron eagle still in tlio building. Forty eagles wero ship ped last week to tho firm in Ohio that manufactured them. Odd Items. Georco Washington never told a lie, but it must bo remembered that ho enter ed polities when tho country was very now. No matter how prompt actors and actresses may bo at tho theatre, thero is ouo man who is always prompter. A litllo Maine girl said it was "awful cold" ouo day last week, "ten feet below .ion. A man in New Jersey died because ho could not tell a lye. Mistook it for whis key. "Eve the Saleslady," a uopular play in New York, will probably bo succeeded by "Adam tho Ashgeiitleinaii." "How many aro there ov yo's down there!" shouted nn Irish overseer. "Five." 'Well, then, tho half of yo's como up here." A perfectly safo elevator is in process of incubation, wo aro happy to announce I ueraid, do you mean to say that it is in tho hatchway Boston Commer cial Bulletin. Tom Thumb has becomo a spiritualist, but he is not a medium. 1 lo's much too small for n medium. He's hardly half medium. Norristo wn 1 lernld. TIIUIIKKM TllKOItV AND SMAI.I.-l'OX. The valuo of Darbys Prophylactic Fluid in destroying and counteracting tho effects of contagious diseases can scarcely be estimated, as miiull pox and the like nro caused by certain germs gaining a placo in tho human body. Tho Fluid successfully combats and destroys the therms before thoy fully do velop.there by investing them of all power to harm, 'lhoroughly disinfect your houses and every place with tho Fluid.