mmzau L'HE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG. COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. Cera InMatij- i lit ro is Sonrowy any crowth In Uic niiildlo ami northern Mutes more won.W iiu than tkil of Indian com. It docs not nnlinanly have n fair start before June rr the first of July, but when the warm wcainer actually cammonees it grows v mi remarKaoie rntiiuny, u vo, seven, nntl even ten feet in height within six weelis. This is jirejiaratory 'to the fonnation and njiening 01 mo setu, wineli eonsames tliive or four weeks. The corn crow with suoh raniditv when hot nk-liU iiu cwd hot days that the crackling of the leaves as iney oikmi tnav be heard in quiet time A o3treoiident of the t. ouniry irenHeman, writing J rom lilt n"is. eivcs the fol'owinp account of crop which was perfected in ninety days: Heferring to a patch of corn planted .Tnno I7th, where into sown on the 20th of May had failed, I expressed confidence ui a crop in 01 me laie seeding ami the extreme drought. Yesterday (Sep tember 12lh) it booame iioeessarv'to cut the corn up and remove it. in order to af. ford iasturai;e for som cows, and I was surprised at the maturity attained and the size of the ears, considerini; onlv ninety days had elapsed between seeding and harvest. The total rain-fall since planting had not exceeded two inches. Though by no means rije and dry, the ears are so mature that the corn 'might oe cut np and put in shock wiliiout much shrinkage, and without serious dama, to uie lodder, it the weather continues dry- The peculiarities in the plant grown in so short a time are, I observe, that the stalks arc short and stout: the spaces between the joints are less than usual; the leaves are broad, numerous, and full from the bottom; the cars shoot comparativelv near the ground, and the jvsuuci im ajKueuuy as mum reiiMieu uv mJch cows as is sweet corn. They eat it wnoiiy up. in mis experiment, m a dry season, unleached, hard-wood ahs hare proved to be as valuable in increas iug the foliage, and therefore the cars of corn, as in the wet season of IS, 5, when an experimental acre treated to wood ashes at the same stage of srrowth. yielded So busaeis ot drv corn, aunst other acres which were furnished barn yard manure, and returned not above bushels. All AliKt to the Firners. It is usually believed that farmers grumble, no matter what the season' may bring; bat judging from the follow ing extract from the Financial Chron We, it would seem that Tears of suoera bund ant prosperity and of comparative sickness are alike profitable. That 3 carnal says: "The droaght in the sum racr ana tall of lSSi was one of the longest and most widely extended that the country had ever exerienoeJ. ami this, together with the preceding winter ot extraordinary seventy, caused a fall ing off in the crops of wheat and corn and ot all dairy products, producing a scarcity in supplies and leading to an ad vanse in prices which materially increas ed the cost of living. Bat to the farmer who marketed his crop? in the fall of l'iSl the actaal profits must have been qn:te as large as on the mare abundant yield of 1SS0, and taking the whole crop of wheat and corn, as estimated bv the Agricultural Bureau, we would have the following approximate values on the average prices ruling in Xew York be tween Sept. 1 and Dec. 1 in each year. tMieat, 1S30, 503,000,003 bushels, at S1.13 per bushel, SoGj.OO ),000; 1-31 400,000,033 bushels, at $1.4 j per bushel, S5S,003,003; corn, 1SS0, 1.750,003,000 uosntls, atojc er bushel, .946,003,030 i,vj,viw,uju bushel', at 72c per ousuei, yrs,sjJ,0J3. Probably, after all, sinoa more labor is require! in narvestin:; and trans'ernni: the superabundant crops the slack years are reauy me more usehil to the airncnl tanst At anv rate the farmer in this country who is imlcstrous and frugal, wiil never have anv jause to trrara over the returns that he gets for his labor. Useful U Knew. -Mixer. 1 ies. One pound and a half each of raisins, currants, applesand suet; cnop me suet nne. stone tne raisins. wah and pick the currants, peel and core the apples betore weighing them, then chop nne; snrea nan a pouna oi citron, one and a half pounds of round of lean veal or beef boiled in salt and water, then finely chopped; half a pound of sweet and two ounces of bitter nlraoads blanch ed and pounded with a gill of rose water, tne very thinly grated nnd of three lem ens, and their juice; a ound and a half ot sugar, two grated nutmegs, a teaspoon ful each of owdered allspice, a salt- spoouful each of powdered mace -and cloves, a teaspoonful of salt, a pint of brandy, and cider enough to moisten pr.'perly; it improves with age when kept in a iwi piace. Oyster Sauk. One quart of ovterr one pint of celery, one third of a cupful oi mayonnaise aresswir, mree tablespoon fuls of vinegar, one 61 oil, half a tea spoonful of salt, one-eicht of a teaspoon ful of -pepper, one tablespoonful of lem on j .lie. Let the ovsters come to r bcii in their own liquor. Skim well, and drain. Season tbera with the oil, alt, proper, vinegar and lemon juice. When c:!i put in the ice chest for two hours. S-aj and wash tbe whitest, tenderest part of thecslery, aid with a sharp knife ct very thin shoes. Put in a bowl rlh a large lump of ies, and set in the i: chest until serving time. Whtn realy to serve drain the oelerv a:i,l mix with the oyiUre and half of the dressing. An-ange in the dish, pour the nMntinlnr ot t e dressing owtsr aid garnish with w e celery kave? 31' k Ti ktle Son-. Skin a call he : 1 and lil ia a saucepan until tender, wl .. 1) will rata'tre about three hours. xt boil the head boots seiwrately for th-ct Lours with a knuckle of hatn. knutkle of veal, two carrots two taraips, fix onions, one uozen ppper-oorns, one dcz'-n cloves, one dotea allspice, six blades oi mace, and six bav-leaves. Next gtra.n through a sieve into a pas. On tbe J.. w:ngtawat the casts head into s.nares, and put It on wi,h the ''stock to h .ii, adding pepper and salt. Pour the v.XK, wnen a one, ia;o cans oi one or two quart? ca4city, and put a little clean hot fat over it to preserve it- When abjrt to nse the "stock" for fresh soup, removethis top fat and boil in a saooepan. adlng stocK or water aj nossary, aad Iepper anil wilt to tast. A Fur llinti. Stores blackened when entirely will keep the dean look a very cold srreat deal longer than when they are poUsbed when the stove is warm. " Zinc can be brisrbtoned by rubbing it with kerosene oil, but it is much better to have it painted, as this will save mueti labor. After yon have swept your carpets quite clean, you may bngbten them with a flannel cloth wrung out from beef gall and water. White paint may be cleaned as will as windows, by miog wbilin? and water, while grainel wnodaurk bhou'd Ik wjpi l with a flan. -1 1 t' wru"g t. at c f - '-1 ti 4- Was i jaMry shelves with li jta.'um acd water u r l them of aijU, water bugs acd other troublesome insect M s ourl .Mormcnv Till, r OIJW OV "S MNT A ttKI"!lTI k INIfSK IN ST I. It IS. Titer can be no doubt that the v il i? vigorously flourishing in I'tah. but that il nas a large representation here, with three elders actively engage 1 In proseiv tieing in our midt, in St. Loins the Qmen Citr of reliyion and refincnu-nt in the west, will hardlv be credited Haring heard that a nest of Mornvii were located in tV northeni part f f the oity a repDrter,atter ooiisiderable trouuie, sncoeedel in spotting his gn-ne at 1114 C s a - enne. The entrance to this cita del of the Mormon church in St. Louis is a dirty, dark, narrow passageway, be between two dirty brick walls which finally open into a"d!r.y lit!l c urt,inthe rear of which is a dirty, dilapidated iratne button);:. An air ol general dirli ns characterises erervthinir, a will as the inmates of the house and its furnish ing-i. Facing this street, at this number is tbe file faetorv of A. Burma,'', while to the rear ard jnst bevond the dirty court mentioned, eat. drinV, and sleep, sereral Mormon proselytes. The appearance of the inmates was not such as misht be calculated to chance opinions formed without. In the front room was a sad eyed woman surrounded bv several small children of doubtful complexion. If the general appearance of the room was peculiar in its squa1or,its smell wasas the old Latins used to say .three and four lirais so. Upon inquiring for thj eld r, who was supposed to rule over this d-'jen-dincy of the kingdom of Peseret, the satd-ered woman opened a back door and discovered, as she said, Klders Howe, Parkison and Cowlev. Thev seemed somewhat surprised, and wel comed the intruder inquiringly. Upon stating,bowever,that he had been in Zion and wanted above all things to be taught in tbe sublime tn steries of Nephi, the tbree representatives ot the persecuted creed were profuse in their expressions of hospitality, for, instead of the pitiless reporter, thev imagined thev saw the suppliant neophvte. The elders were young, probably about twenty two vears of age, ludgm from appearances. The room was poor ly furnished, unswept and untidy. Upon hearing the request for information, the small, nervous eyes of the Mormon trin ity Hushed, as though they already lelt another victim's shekels jingling in their pockets. Elder Cowlev, however, was put forward to wrestle with the recalcit rant Gentile. Like the steady, measured, endless beat of waves upon the shore, the elders words poured forth. There porter listened, me sounds grew more familiar, nntil he finally imagined him self in some country church, and a great spirit of drowsiness came over him; but rousing himself with a mighty effort he a;ked, "How large is vour church here! "We have nineteen actual members, besides a large number of person? who attend our services and will ultimately join our church." St. Louis ATet. A Reminiscence or the War. Dur ing the civil war there was, rightly or wrongly, a lamentable preiudice erter- tained against brevet rank and brig adier-generals, Lincoln's estimate of the comparative value of the mules aad brigadiers gobbled up bv a confederate raider the army mule was affectionately known as a "brevet horse" is known to most readers; but there is another story, scarcely less complimentary, and much less familiar. According to the anony mous libeller, during an active engage ment, a colonel, while bravelv leading on his men, received a ternble blow in the head from the fragment of a shell, which completely exposed the brain. He was carried to the rear, and intrusted to the care of a surgeon, who at once resolved upon heroic treatment, and removed the brain bodilv to repair the laceration While he was absorbed in this delicate operation, an aide de camp, unconscious ot the se.-entv ot the orhcers wound. rode up with a insage that Colonel Blank was wanted immediately at head- ciuarter.i. jlechauicallv, like the brain less pigeon in the intereting surgieal ex periment, the gallant omcer clambered into tne saaaieana roue away; ana wnen the surgeon, having completed the re arrangement of the wounded organ, re turned to place it in position, he was as tonished to find the patient missing. At that moment his attention was attracted bv the sound of galloping hoofs and looking round, his surprise was intensi fied on beholding the colonel riding to the front a3 garly as if nothing had li3p penef. "Hi, colonel: ho, colonel; shouted the surgeon, pursuing him. "Stop. You're forgetting about your brains!" ".Never mind about them, roared the hero, clapping spurs to hi horse. "I don't waut them I've just been brevet ted brigadier-general." Eiutok's Dkaw Jfurjur Magazine fom Ftbruary A Fablr. One dav a Peasant who was laboring in hi- field wa surprised at receiving a visit from t!ie Wolf, and he was about to rush for his gun when the Wolf call ed out: "Hold, on, rav friend mv iit is one of peace. I have come to have a serious talk with von. "But you killed one of mv sheen imiK- last weelt." protested the Peasant. sj t did, an 1 that is the very matter I have come to talk about. I have felt conscience stricken ever since that event, and have tirmlv djciJsJ to kill no more sheep. ell, I am glad to heir it, and I hope vou will stick to vour resolution." "Ob, I certainly stall, and I hope vou will give me due credit in the future." The Wolf took his dciiarturc with a sweet bow and a melting smile, and the Peasant softly scratched the back of his utt-k and did a heap of thinking. That night he placed a large trap at the weak joint in his calf-jeii, and next morning he found the Wolf held firm and fast. "Excuse my embarrassment," began tbe Wolf as the Peasant ap(eared, "oat iiy did you move this trap Jrom the sheep fold !" "b'.caase, replied the 1 easant, as he hnaU'd around for a dub, "experience has taught me that a Wolf who is tired of mutton is simply working up an ap petite for veal." MOBIL; D-jo't put your foot in it. Detroit One of the east-bound tr.iiss coining into 1-MroU the other day was baviry loaded, and a passenger who got on at i psilanti walked through two oars aad finally halted at a tot oaeupied bv a small man and a grab bag aad inquirvd : "Is this seat eewpted I -Of oore this seat is ooeuwed," was the reply. "Are both oaivasoi me seat occupied! was the next query. "Of course both halves are coupled. "Weil, my friend," said the new arri al as he let go af the satchel, "I want to bother you with one more query. Had ou rather I woaia toss me grau-uig om f the window and sit down with you.or h-i'-k y '"it and;: le m l-Mrji; wit'i tin- k'.-a'.W" Ti.t grib bag man g-H ma 1 at tha ar. l wcu! In t rJe any wher c sc oxr-j t rn llir wod br x GREAT GERM DSSTR0YE PMtnvs PKOPUYLACTIO FLUID 1 Pitting cf SMALL B POM Prevent!- SMALL FOS SHADICATiD ''!,- rs funflrd tM MM Siuirrra? preremm &&a u "l i wui. r c awl . .1 .innI, h,lMl f inMI -iirrrv rTim.1 In fth.irl skk itouios ptnz - I tuit rxrr dnKi op tai3e ptfit- It is prrtnciur barm fv rertret W vo: rr n r:,T re tiirii it is a sute brtaUUDf Kllh ttooir. Ueuc KluM ullM kuiw wtr. Soil hit C.-nplriion. cr4 by lis me Hi Impure tf ta4 lure- kB-1 pOMfl'-d t trnatllnc Ifirtr Hum) tllOL DIPIHSHIA P2SVZKTSD. To vantf ih breath. "h -! dlwlnalMl 1' ""tip l'er pravriit'4 J Itm hm Catarrh rfUtTta anil tnca ot datU in ca-ed. boav. 'trtiauld alw Erj-Mpelas cored. t nsed about Meeurptw Barm rrtltTrf tnjtaitly. lt will mmix iaj Scars prerenlfd. unplrawit soaelL r.Maores aU uapleasaat An Actidav or Btmal Mom I SIIECS, 4C. 3CA3LST tJ.-K ruont aud bopH a rrmbTtid br lU VtLUOW FEVER EHAU1CATED. ?SVH CUP.ZD, Intt t Ha ta- great UISI.VFECTANT AND 1TKIFIEK J. H. ZBILIN & Co., MiKtracmwo Cntxuw, SCiLK PJtjrBIETuKS WANTED FARMERS & DEALERS TO KNOW That tb Clear' I' T?.nitv. tx all Crops b Baugh's $25 Phosphate a? $25 ps?. to:; op 2000 pounds. CtTTkis i not an Acid Pliopliate. or dUsolved H. C-. Hork, but it a regular Raw BONE AMHONIATED SUPER-PHOSPHATE Send for our dcftriptivi- pamphlet s1imv.n Gu.irintw ! Anal-U r.t Tn-i.' Dealers wanted In every cvtinty, t'j wlium ixc'usivc Urritury wal 1x- gnui. Addross, BATJG-H & SONS, Solo Manufacturers, PHILADELPHIA aad BALTIMORE. fit) 10 4-TV WEBER-EARDMAiff PIA1TOS, A F1XK LVLAIU FBEXCII WALNUT CASE OKGAX, 9 STOPS, $90 CASH. Eauy Tcrinn. Satlsractton Guaranteed. BA.C03ST'S DPIA-lSrO ROOMS, MUSIC HALL T.LOCK, WILnES-SARR.13. PA June t 1301, 1303,' 13!3, 1315, 1317 and 1319 parties tho basis of all FINE WINES AND LIQ WQB&, BLOOMSBURG, PA. CATTffOIV. GET THE BEST. STBOiVG COMPETlXIOiY In the manufacture of Organs is re;ulting iu the production and eale of cheap goods, made from mfenor matena's. I refer particularly to bogU3 Organs that are continually springing into existence, without any merit whatever, except to be offered cheap, and then when purchas ed found to be dear at any price. Will you not then, reader, IF you Contemplate cousider it your only safeguard to select au instrument bearing the rmmea of first class, wholly responsible mikeri. A goo.l assortment 01 styles of the celebrated Estey Organs 01 the Ullly Autaonuu ogou1. iui mo xji.ry vigaag id Oolambia County. A giun-it for five yt-ar fr .rn the manu facturers accampani every F.-t.-v "ir' i -. .T. SM,r!KnR. Atrnnf. jBce.-o-u Book Binding -is au ir- n:.s ;?- J. W. RABDER, Pract'c il B) k-Biacler- ' 110 WEST MARKET STRELT, WILS8 3 PA. Bltdw at an . cirrcot pnbiicatlrst in aoj c- Bloonuburg rrfrrrnce tin lie given If required. Correspondence solicited. I hate In ttoct arrrr la Uae o( BUI Heads. Note n- ids iuinaonU Ac I can Mil rot J M cbtsap u jroa caa bx la inilladflptUa.and cheaper lo some lAS'BOM. Q1VEME.V THtAL W. KC. CARTER. CONTRACTOR & BL'ILDER. DRAWINGS AMI SPECIFICATIOXS FOR UUILUIXC'S, rUXt,HI3HED. JoVclng :f all binds pr:nptl; AH work warranted to give satis act'o.i. L&TJBST STYLES OF CAJLUSra- OA.RD3 Itths '00LUM3IVS OFFIOS.' 'IT Buying an Organ can now le seen at the new roonu Bloomsburg, P,q. ynr i - - -f' -r m1-: -. ' r - BLC0MSBURG STATE NORMAL SCHOOL SIXTH XORMAL SCHOOL DISTRICT. Bloomsburg, Rev. D. ituci.Mftnr - rv-!tt aj.nllif h Mt spSof. ti.'i ttt $ UK3 eammwucn : muiMriT bMled br siha, well rtotltitrd. UfliM4 r Sis and farnlsbsd wlUi a bouctUul suuny ot pure.scft CPl:stMkturaLa9aeMro:cM. TMctmtfxpmfaced.eK.'init. ati4 aurno tbftt-work IHactpU, Erm bat klart. uniform una tborou;li Expense; moderate, fttts ermls a met ataacaam to ail exfwnuf ;o :(ca. im aavi.u aaourm u aa; naw rooibs reserrea waen avairaa. Cooitrs 9t MV 1T 11 : I. Modtl School. II. PrpantorT. HI. EloiirT. IV, Clawioal Aliunrt CarM : I Academic. II. CommercUi. III. Conrf ia Muic- IV. Coam In Art V. Course In I'tysical Culture. MBtieaslciM'M'jJ CMrm eonrfEuirifflvecTf; nanrox &WGM9iu; xaFirroi idp-kwrws; awt uKvimm. uraiuaiei m tap oiaer courses recrive i.uriiui:uit-B To c0rs OI MO! J prf.!Crlpwa uj uc ymc i uwm. aan i-ar ?-.-jga . u.a Roi niL-m m dpi imenw w invff oi uur ui (.ixiesw. Thstt rwrairM a hitler onlfr o! citaxeattls. Tbrttmeo teaHAHL Itl oa tn snow oMrct t this Scnool to heln to swnre it. byrurntshtDZtnti CfMajKlPXcleDtTmoberftorliWr-Jiools. Tototstailt soliciu r -atif wotis ot (rood abtilMRs taA sootl and tlirlr la. Tils. a ladf . to aii awe it nrOBwa .t)oco.aldrfMl fTtLnpal. llll. ivii.i.ia.M liL.tvUL.lo rrriii r One of ' tire problem? ot G MATTER OF STYLEIsH, WELL MADE CLOTHING AT THE VERY LOWEST PRICES. HI WHAT EXAMIN E om STOCK or YOUTHS BOYS ax-d CHILDHEXS ClaQTHir-TG- PEAUI. WHITE. BICYCLE -IlITtTS. LATET OUT. HATS roi: MEK, BOYS, YOUTHS, AND CHILHEEN MERCHANT TAILORING DEPARTMENT. Perfect Fits, Latest Styles, Full Satisfaction. CALL akz i::av:2;z THE IA-.C-2SV STDCZ 0? CLOTHING and CASSIMERESLN" THE COUNTY A Full Lrine of Furbishing Goods, Headquarters for TRUNKS, SATCHELS, VALISES Karat XcQwe&Itesg'g HcrchaiaS Tailor THE DAVIS. $1,000 REWARD. 0.VE THorS ND l.OOO' DOLURS I REMIl'M effned io ANY PERSON that w 1! Jo a UK KIT A RNGE OF WORK cr, ANY OTHER MACHINE. WHAT THE NEW DAVIS VERTICAL FEED Will do without bailing. It wtU aalc wide hem on stteetc. ice. hen an ibimw ot t' vobk-L pci4t, tt fcot gbcrti. enpe. or pM0 dtlBenM to bra oa otbr BKalM. II matt a more tdaauc autcft ttias aiiy oUkt uartuae. It wtU Vita t. htm ata pot tt ptpt&s at uw Utoe II wUl tors a kM. tw (.rtM m tt rtct Mif an4 auteii oc irtaaBaa; at osc c;ras oa. It m ao i rtltir Mis cr Rralkt, -tar(r.eout or woaMc roMa. It will ttU acrots mbi oc azy ctcxSc. I wlit Mad a Drew or flttr. aca Kt at tutu, eittxr wlit or wiukwi fcbowtB; kUulM Wad UrSt GooAt lik tfcf aaaar aaatenaL either aeauopa.polau. wjuart-soi- n aiybt. Tbe otu mi.biut itit wth bind Hau. Ctoaki. or other trui-les wfta Mat. uui or MIC, froaa to I tuehes la w :u w ltlMrat buua;. It win catfcer wttt tr witB"ot at-wltr oc. It will rather ttwtr two f tne sew an at the niave Ut. II wlJS caik a nie ar.4 tutot (4Uow aBr oti to tt facte,; ac the tux tine. ' It wW aiiur aiiy iXLi a eodt. It wni aaakt platteiS trtauiitBf tMbar wttt ar wttt m bfwtae it oc. It win mal plaited trim sua ttw Manat 3 r strtlftt. tMitn plao; os at tt aaai UaaaV II J.i ALTZER, Gea'l AgMt. Bloomttmr?, Pa. ocu 1, 'OQ'if PfEWjiSGH fii 900! W t. aad W)U Ui? I -m ia 1'iei -ii'urarhl In t i.llv i (.in .... . T1 uu.h lft4K 1 'l.'trmit J, . Jt'H V A- ( O.. JUsttM. Mm, ftrmiri J xncilTO iu'Trn etuiw.:ui njLHIU tin . IWJ twtactv-avKBlJrfi y .J.y LEGAL IlLANKS, ALWAYS ON HAKI) AT THIS 0i-'ICH . jBliL lli X B i. L a4 TUK HlnuliU, MiaL-.ui i it t tun itnai ta.-wt7faar wclai rfck tbrKtUalwan a rir saarM al a4 I . TOt. . . nisrK osr vzn e eb. a ? rents ?n x Columbia County, J. WALLER, Jr., Ph. D., VfrrtMlfadlmnror PreitmAasiAl Hi itaaaj art PP. irKIoSL. sd Sladects rraaaVar therrtD. imelrf tate DlDloout. oonterrIU2 tliefollowlntr aia m aert lojuor imw powers, aaawaaaaai opponociues lor vreu paia laoor aucr leHTinc ecaooi. w Trrr. 1 and Com fort .lb'o Living CLOTHING. BUSINESS AND DRESS SHIRTS HANDSOME PATTERNS DES1RABEE STYLES IS OUR MOTTO A FULL LINE OF FALL STYLES JUST RECEIVED. & Getits' OntOitor Dauchy &. Oo'b. Advt's. SOUTH: rn" 'j a ii-f re f. e;t.j on- - T .T-r S n 31---'. ' UETi. '1 i-'.i-frt .1 l.MijCtisr' a )t.B it s-w BOOKS ON" BUILDIN&. , Faintly, Trf-.rtlif. r For '."i ;a nss. ' CalsJorne H5r-y. es'iW.B? t.hre Sneot fMairs. ' WJLT. COXTK. :4 BroaiwT. sw Tart. d ji; -w . JJia 1 V X 1 Tata-, ea eniiz, e- e-t to aiijr ol ioepl ott-vro 1 hr-eat naat. AdrMtcnARLE.' IUHES : ii S. Ite-laware Averse. Phlla. Jmj k -w 1 CONTINENT viw IMr?TTO LITERARY WEEKl Y JOURNAL. "!: :r. SL-n-ii xjj arriu; I : I '. AT.lil X 1 .'. TOVRGEE. an. :. - f .Vl'i 3 Errani, -t-., aiMed Dui.ii 1 G. Brinton and U'iIkti Davis. Fiarr 'nEK Twrru Tti riw l. ;i-t. Tbe moat UUlnftiibed autksri aed 4aUti arUsu I'Al Amenta a aa Eajtea, Hitc fc-ti tfioi br ' v'U-Ciit.riBeat.- Tae Ftiroar nircket oaciala a vels aol etortes by Hateii C Mrs Wejus- Crr. !' V. Ro.-. Juliia Bawuiorae. JuLv llaltierhc it. H. IHvls. etc ; poems "y ve?r Wlloc. lmH i tiAiillcr Jluultoa. u. H. B-kjr, SWify Ltle. .. H. La-Lrcs C1U Taar.rtc ; ru'e nltitac i-k-tcb- bi t O. U-laod-Buif- Brcltinit, D U Ml'Ck U. ilt Sir:i PeUi WwJl e--; t,x.i zuzm lj irecaeit PorertT YK Sim a (tamrd, rr-w. tetff. o raltmty of fvii3Sj1vai,ta. eve; XjJ-Mob loi ty Katr nt-ld ; an Ulua'rauma by ixAf(.. 1 ICuir : 'aeatfw bt Profc. Uetaroct. Karber. fcocUi etlqiirti by Vj. y.oz sab ; r-ir 1 lo-prc taecti ty don. B. u. Nor &rp ; fm lai ia-a-rty c. u. curt, (Kaj; v.dtrr, -VniK if an ; t i. j.i cf otben. Beaaofa IBaitrao-itisaJVilraliiiirratirrof -s.-ar . yoetit." Tbeyareta 9B tail art can pro J J ail pqatl to tw mit per toot 1c U, moe it eeau a aaaaber : u on a tar ; f i v -ix n.ntli5. Mallei fret of t-atta e t-j ay adlrrsi ijaea oow tte. Nev-!ki.-Al-ir wj'l aoail to tiie'j liter Vo sroitii "Car toirtr.- to tli- r ru-'jT.n. Poiua.trs r- lir.Kd i. tj;- fubbcr.i-icr.6 Lttit-rl - f.H l-irff. 1; - '--ir r-i wjtliu itTr! rii a actual w-uir ..xs t .tu. li AWARDED The .Besl : Known Remedy for Backache or Lame Back. Rheumatism or Lame Joints. Cramps cr Sprains. Neuratcia or Kldnoy Diseases. Lumbaco, Severe Aches or Pains Female Weakness. Art-Sarlor mail mhtr Tluitrt. AreScrrir la Pa4. Ar-MierUrta IJaiari,!.. Are SrUr lo Oluwrnl. or Kalre. Arryprlrlia-rlrUllr rtiUiatlni Tktr Act I wnrUaUly. Tkey Mrructkca. Tbry euLe. Tkey Itt-lievr TaJa at Oaee Tlier rui uijire. CAUTION.? a Caaciae Itesci PU. uitMtaviMM. 1H i t" fmt 4ruwt u tM k y t r k t ! i 1 t'tr lartcf a f inrta i i ti tlu ud 1 tprLai AX I tT. I tie, ii. ifc. M0 PUSUR. 3 Will WHY "H: ' ".Nr.vr.vr. t' - W Benson s uipane 6 Porous - MEDALS. Piaster. 4 Pennsylvania. Principal. iMrnlnt. pnrptnos, those who desire to IrnprOYo their tlm0 r. r. ci ' jji l hk, ecrexair. i HE WHITE SEWING MACHINE vrierfis tli world rpnovrced rtpvatlon of the White fcewiug .Machiue Isdn- man? uuscrapxi.u5c:!Lp-irorsto resort to Ml Mads of mac inc-fcs to injure Its ivpnt&tlon, we White Machine oert froa Iti rtzzlir actisrtifd dealer;, wlio will be EnstataM r-j uae followteg warranty. WE VCAREJUn- THE NATURAL 'ftTlR ANDTZAB or THS White Sinttle Senne Machine, PLATE NTJIBER 103330 TOR FAMILY PURPO SES. AND HEREbT AGREE TO KEEP THE SAME IS REPAIR FOR THE TERM OF FIVE VKAlt--FROM THIS DATE. FREE V? CHARGE. This warraitT eiscpu tie brtaraje cf cee31es TLU wtrractr will not t scs-talnfa biIcm thp plate center alrare tlren correspoafis witu me LsaiWroatbeiETitUertcesae. Beware of itl&sxa cr U.ltTbZ rii.crn W Uli J m; w 1SG MACiUNE CO. !ie "7;HITZ" Sbt::e Srl2 Kuhi&e Tit astirxE CAj-icrrr taiiai.7 ctiitrfLmUj-Sewu.; Jiilitie l;r lou.c r-rj- Taxlttj ef w&rL. . LTtcr, 'iseraJ Arttt, 0 Tocastirc, Pi. 2 "Z - '"5 'R3 vts tr iVjps. i o sets reMi oalr i " ii. Pianos Siisnp Rare Holtlaj- waaiu:fw.-E, J. ail '51-ly C. '--!. SA.VAG MILTS IK Mm Lh a: Wattbes. t.lott si.' j('U seat ly rfpiL-: asl wirraiied. nay Jl. li-u SUBSCRIBE FOR THE COLUMBIA X. f2 O0 A YEAIJ. MM IS 11.X. llti. Ecoaomical Power Known -rjK- DRIVJSG LIGHT MACHINERY. . It takttfcjiniUeroom. It ir xrt oat of repair. Heat lx btjw p. It Meds tub toel It tda so esfiaeer. TWreltso dday; aoarla; op; no atbes to clean away; &o extra teeoraac lo pay; no repair tj seecaaary; no coal at is alwa; s ready tor use. It H lavattutle fjr Montii; Charcn Orcans.for rsiitis rut Cf Pita?, swuc itacl tne. Turn it La'fc-. scrt I raws. Grind fctoms CnfTee Mills, sitaaij Waetlat. Tied Cotteis, ccrn Mill.', Ueva. tors. etc. J"our lnt power at a ponada prusu e cf Ilti tiorae:a. wt. ccop&et, UeaJy, ar.4 atove all IT 1 VKRV CHKA!'. Seal lor etrealarvo ike Back a Water Motor Co., ewuk,.s. J.,tatlii; cam of paptrou saw aa. varUMUietii It. fnoe. tit u ta. t-ept. so-tf AGSNTh WAKTrn-ci-nTii -1:1.1. Tin: LIFE, TRIAL and rt 1 1 1 T r A 1 1 i Mipxv tiat-i'y ot In aiBratra! afet full rworJ ot tieu.ji.TL vrii LTjil u iw aansiiot crime. Prc-tiv-i i. ir'-a--!. t wpr.9 l. vu-nti tvjla. For tin, r i i uu-u. a jircbi j in " t.w a. i i. A li BR33., rhUadelphla, V a. Jin ti 4-w CO; T -tlt"",., I ' ivjs'v:i rMuv cv- 't ..r-' ,'.ni'l.i0r;.i 1V" .art-" t t wja-- The Bat-kus atc Motor mmmm HP Vkl ar ak rm bp w Msa aaai 1 '".-4W RAIL ROAD TIME TABLE MM ENNSYIA'ANIA ItAIMIOAI). l'HIM. DF.Ll'lM A EIIIK II. II. IM VISION, WINTER TIME TABLE. on and after Mondiy. t)cr , 19. Ksi. thA ir.i. on tbol'tilladclptila H Erie Ita.Lroid DUblon will run as follows t WB8TWAHD. Brio Mall leaves I'lilladelplita " IlarrUburg " Hunbury 'i " WllUaimtxiit " " Ick Haven i ' itcnovo Kan- arrive at Erie It i5 p m 4 S5 tto soa m 8 40 n m wan 11 Main SMipm ? v, p m wnw IS IS p in i so p m !' m 4 so pro 6 4S p in lot pin "so pm 8 05 p m SIS p in " lo p in s lop m Niagara Express leaves riillndclplilft iiariiuuii; " " rtuntiury " WiuiAMsport " Kock Haven " " llcnovo ' Kane Fast Lino leaves riillaaelrlila i " llarrlburir ' ' tfunbury " WlUlamsport 11 arrive at Lock Haven EAST WA AD. Lock Haven Express leaves Lock Haven Tsoam OS a tn w ujuinisron nunoury lofoarn KMpm rl spm Oi pm s jo pm jjopm It 19 am l ssam 8 is n m I oo am eooain lo 03 a tn n isam ltispm s so p m 1 p rn nasam 4 lo p in ooipm loio p m II j p m l os a in swam arrive at Ilarrlibtirg I'liUadelDtiTa Fast Lino leaves uanaudalgua " Klmlra " wnilannpoit ' " hunbury " arrives at HarrtsDurir " rhllaflelpLla Day Express leaves Kane llcnovo " " Lock Haven " winiamsport arrive at HarrvsOun; I'lilladelDh lpbla nne Aiau leaves " " Kano 11 " ltenovo I " Lock Haven " " Mlllatnsport " " (.unbury " arrives at Harrikburg II " l'lilladelpliu i wain Erie Mall west and Lock Haven K-tprens Kas' mtko close connections at Northumberland with L. 6 U. IL H. trains for Wtkesbarre nna Scran ton, Erie Mall West. Nlatrara Exiirew "(Vest and Put Line West make clo-se coniK-cflon at Uiiatuspoi t with N. C. It. W. trains north. vl.irflrA ExTirr-M Wefet and liar Evrirpsa Pntt mako close countcttun at Lock II men with it. jj, v it. it. trains. Erie Mall East and West connect at Erie mill trains oa L. S. M. f. 1U It. t at ferry with II. r.t W. 11. It: at Emporium with H X. Y.iC, it. h. and at Driftwood with A. V. it. It Parlor ears will run between I'hlla lelr.h'.n am V'tllamport on Magara KxpreM west, and Day til- press Eibt, bleeping cars on all olclit tralns. General Supt. TVTORTHERN X COMI'ANt. CENTRAL RAILWAY On and after February 19th. 1E51. trains will it-avf S anbury as follows : umuvf Ant. Sorthern Eip'ess C.o a. tn.. arrive Elmtra l So p m Arrive at uananaaitrua p. " lt&chesur 4.10 " Niagara, s 4A Niagara Express I.W p. to. arrive K'mlra 8. 5 p u. arrive CanamlaUui " Itochester 9 43 " Majrara lt.Mam Fast line S.IS p ta arrive Elmtra :u i p m " Watklns 11.10 pm SOUTHWAltD. Southern Express 1.S2 a. tn. arrive namsby 8.15 a n arrive Philadelphia ;. " " New York as " Baltimore ;.u " Washlneton v.?s a m Lock Haven Ex 10.CO a m arrive HarrtAbV l.s p m arrive Philadelphia s.tii p m " New York S.IS " lialtlinoro 5.21 w asnicgton 6 1. Day Exsressl.SO D a arrive Harrlsburir 8.!! p m Philadelphia " New York " Balttmore " Washington IO.ijO -m s.i: Jki a. d T.IO .ss 1.1X1 ne a. m. arrive liarnsiun; Philadelphia ew orK " Baltimore " Waihintton s.ti I. It WOOD, Genera! fastener Aa-e-1. FRANK THOMSON, General Manas, r. TJ)HJLADELPHA AND READING KOAi AP.RAIsGEMENT OF PAS5ENGFi TRAINS. November Ith, lSil. rauKS lxivi serin as ioixows;erNCiTixcTritr For New Ycrt, FUlaielphla, Reading, Pottsvilli Tasaqca, tc, 11, tJ a. a For Catawlssa, il.ts a. ia. and p. m. For WlElaaiport,s,l5 ,o a. in. and i,t p. m ntiiKa roa srrxsi 1.51V1 as rjtto-.(KDtr t- CKfTED.) Leave New York, via, Tamaaend E.l5a.m. an! Ha. Bound Brook Route 7, a. m. Leave Philadelphia, ,a a. rn. Leave Reading, lVOa. ra., Pottvli,p, -1.' 0 u. aid Tamaqua, li p. a. Leave Catawlssa, c,10 s,40 a. re. and t,n p. a. Leave Willlinsport,9.5a.mts,tiOp.m.andi,3) p. a Passengers ta acd frost New York, via. Tam a tend and to and from Phl'.ateiphla go througu Ithout change cf cars. j. e. woonr-N, General Maniiirtr a G. HANCOCK, General Passenger and Ticket Agent DEL.VWARE. LACKAWANNA ANL WESTEPA1 RAILROAD. BLOOMSBURG DIVISION. NOhm. D.S1. cm. a.m. STATIONS. 1 SOCTn. 'ft Tft. n m r. rr v Mi 9 44 9 3 9 31 9 SS 9 51 9 W t is 1 is . ..scran ton so l Belle vuo. ...... s s: Tayionrllle.. .. 9 s S 0;...Lv;kawajina 1 9 to is littston.... 19 61 i V) ; OJ .. Wc st littston . n 0 ut sei 0l. Wyoming..... ,lu vl Maltby Ilennelt- I S IS t 13 S 51 S VS S 84 S 4S S 47 5 IS s;m 1 C9 3 i3 I 03 (5 3 13 3 1 3 S4 3 33 3 W I 03 4 If 4 15 4 25 4 29 4 S3 4 43 4 49 4 49 6 0U 5 18 9 19 k 30 5 43 6 19 6 S4 0 4S C 5 6 SI C 51 7 i ; 1" : it 7 Si 9 tO 9 Ui S 51 S 41 S 87 S SO S S3 S IS ; os 1 ts 1 ;s S 51 Kingston 10 IS 0 m . .Kingston... 10 Is ! ..Plymouth June' 5 11 S 41 i 33 S SI 5 01 s 01 1 55 5 46 S Si S 81 S J-) S It S 01 i rs z: 7 4 I 89 ? 3 I ....Plymouth 10 so AvondUe I .....Nantlcoke .110 84 Hunlock's creek, no ti ..Milckshlnny.,lo V. Hick's Ferry. n 07 ...Beach Haven... 11 13 ., Berwick .. .lit. -...Briar Creek..! -Willow Grove.' ....Ltme Ridge.. 5 -J! 1 1 1 5 : 4s is m T 44 IS 4) T 4J l; 86 I Si II SI S. 41 &spy 1 1 av ; i is is ; so u oj : ia 11 e m it to 11 (5. 45 10 (V e si 10 4) Bloomsburg., 11 15 11 6 11 SI 13 IS ..nurcri I 84 cauwlssa Bridge. I oil Danville 1 Chulaaky.... Cameron 6 45 .Ncrthumberlaud, 9 . 9 4 '. V l 13 4t p.m. a.m a.m. p.m. p.m. h.i W P. DALaTKA D, S'JM Supa..ateadent' asc. siranton. Jun o io, l-f s HATCH & FOOTB No. 12 Wau SniEET, New Yokk. MIMBESS !;SV7 YOHS STO.Z SSCH.V.?SS. Buy and Sell Stock?. Ilnnrt And nnTPrnnwnt fcPPTir- ItK'S, and mtke adanci-s on samo If required. Four Percent Interest allowed on deposits subject to feb io 4-w $777 A YEAR ana expenses to agents outfit Free. Aoauta 1 Augusta, Maine. r feb. lu-iw. PAltTP TTl.F.Ttor advertisers. 100 pages, 8 Z. , nuuL cents, ti. p. IIOWKLL to., r lebio 4-w DO LB MEDAL AWARDED tn ADtnrr A tie u)i)imtU Ma1 ic-J WorkwirruiUti Iha tMt d4 rhr4pcwt,iD4itnfnatje to rtrr xnan,f otitleil ib iScitKice of Jif orielMrpavjTuon ; tioarul La fltuit OMtcta mului, emUatwivl. loll ciltU rr-ootiUinj beoti(w lion. Mica oil naij a ('7 mult UluiU-UJiWTipfnUi kNUW T YRRI.P .r.V,M.lwirv.ii'i'Aiu , ... - . 44i i ti, r.m n a, USINESS CARDS, VISITINC! CAItUS, LErrElt IIEVDS, HILL HEADS, roSTKlH.tCJ? Neatly jirJiilfil nt tlio "Coiimliiun OlHtf." "YfAINRIGIIT : CO,, WUO.KSA l.H GJiOGJillS, riiiiaiiEtiuiiA. TE1S, SYItUlM, COFFEE, 811(1 Alt, MOL tSSES. K1C, sricii, WCtK f obi, to., . N. E. Corner Seoona and Ari-h streets, liirder will recotvo prompt attentUu. siTnsrmniJ now foh $i 0.) A KAlt.