THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOM8BUEU, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. 0. E. EL-WELL, t-jii... J. K. BITTENBEMDER, BLOOMSBURG, PA. Friday. Fob. 17. 1883. Mayor King of IMiilnilclplila lias re fused to iicrmlt either party to assess tho policemen for campaign purposes. Mr. Scovillo is back to Washington, engaged in collecting material to be used in bis bill ot exceptions. Guiteau is re porteel as being perfectly composed and sanguine of his ultimato release. Tho body of Jacob Boughrey, a shoe- uiaKor, was lounti lying in his shop at Lchighton on Tuesday. IIo had been dead for several days. There is suspic ion of murder. Charles S. Wolfu says that the Inde pendents aro crownic in importance throughout the state. Ho declares that thoy will bo prepared to show a compact iuiu uuiciiiiiuuu iiuut ngaiusi uoss rtllo wnen uie lime comes lor them to nut ii..! 11 . e ft . . lueircaiHiiuaio xor Governor in the Held. Should the present apportionment bill iass Pennsylvania will gain two mem bers of congress. Under anv apportion. mcnt that is likely to pass Pennsylvania win gain at least ono member, who will liavo to bo elected by tiio state at large. Somoof our Democratic cotcmporaries a suggesting uio nama ot lion. , J'. Wolvcrton as a suitablo candidate for Governor. Mr. Wolvcrton is a ircntlc. man of fine abilities, a sound Democrat and an indefatigable worker. Danville intelligencer. The financial crash in Paris caused the husband of Nilsson, tho great opera singer, 10 go mad, and us is now con fined in a private asylum in that city. Ho lost heavily in stocks, and as insanity ran in Iris family, tho heavy reverses caused ins mmd to give way. John 0. New has been named for as sistant secretary of tho Treasury. lie is a stalwart of tho stalwarts, and now after looking around for an office for a long umc, ne nas drawn a prize in the "lottery of assassination." He was ono of tho 300 Graut supporters at Chicago. Tho country just now has a talking congress. Lvery fellow seems to be loaded up to tho muzzle with a speech on some subject or other, and at tho slight est provocation pops up and shoots him self off. There is this consolation in it however, that while they aro talking they are not likely to do "anything else. A llerco war of words is being waged between the Scranton Jlejmblican, and tho Wilkcabarro Jiecord. It originated in tho fight for the post office at Wilkes barre, but has gradually descended to a personal matter aud the editor of each paper is threatening to tell what he knows about tho other. AVhatcver may be the result of the post office contest, it has made a breach in the Republican ranks of Luzerne and Lackawanna coun ties that will not be soon bridged over. Hon. Samuel A. Ptirvianee died at his residence in Allegheny City Monday morning, after a protracted illness. Mr. Purviauce was a member of congress for two terms, and enjoyed tho distinction ot Having been a momber ot tho last two constitutional conventions held in this state, and also of having been attorney general of tho state durum the beiiinninu of Governor Curtin's first administration. Ho was seventy-three years of age and leaves a who and three children. Representative Willds ot Michigan on Tuesday submitted to the house tho bill heretofore agreed upon by the house iudiciaty committee to prevent persons jiving in ingamy or poigamy irom Hold mc any civil oiucc ot trust or prolit in any of the territories of the United States and from being delegates in congress. Accompanying the bill is a report which deemrs that no person shall, under an thority of congress, hold office who vio lates a statute that is justified and do nianded by tho positive sentiment of civilization. In tho U. S. Senate last week Mr. Pendleton presented a petition signed by tho judges of the supremo court of Penn sylvania, and of the common pleas couits of Philadelphia and tho neighboring counties, by tho mayor and heads of de partments of tho city of Philadelphia, and by 2,500 leading men of all classes and professions' in tho cities of Philadel phia and Pittsburg, asking that appoint ments to subordinate executive offices, with such exceptions as may be expedi ent, shall be niado by competitivo exam ination, and that removals shall not bo mado on partisan grounds. TIIH Sl'ltlNU ELKOriOS. Tho following from tho WilliamspDi t Sun is appjicablo to this county. As tho citizens of tho different town ship will soon bo called upon to choose men to fill the different town and local offices, wo would urge upon them the importance of selecting capable and hoiii est men. Wo kuov that there is a elms of voters that pay but little attention to tho February election; they think that because the olliccs in bo tilled arc but small one?, with but littlo or no compen sation, it is of no importance) what the material i that the officers aro undo from, and if such voters attend the election at all they are apt to cut .their votes for men who aro simply good, jolly fellows, without stopping to consider whether they aro in any way qualified to fill the offices for which they aro named; and there aro voters among tho same class who will opposo tho election of good men simply to carry out sonio potty per-. sonai spite, uut tuco voters torget that the great bulk of taxes that they aro compelled to pay goes into tho hands of the town officials; yet, while thoy forget that fact at tho timo they aro casting their votes, they aro tho ones that are eternally aud forever grumbling about the way tho township affairs aro con ducted. It would bo more to their credit if thoy would take moro interest in the selection of good officers or growl less after said officers aro chosen. Again, wo say choose tho best men you have to fill tho different township offices, and if thoy aro men of jiropci ty thero should bo no objection, as it would seem but nat ural that thoso who liavo tho most taxes to pay would bo tho most concerned about tho proper administration of tho affairs of tho township. Especially try and get an unprejudiced person for As sessors ho is not only expected to make fair and impartial assessments, but it depends a considerable upon him whether the township has n responsible and faithful collector of tho Stato and county tax, The iii'counts that reach us of tho sttf fei lngs endured by tho crew of tho Jean iielto ought to have tho effect of deter ring any one elso from engaging in such n hazardous and unprofitable enterprise as tho exploration of tho Polar sea. et thero is little room to hope that this will bo the case. Arctic navigation seems to have a charm which adventurous spirits are unablo to resist, and tho hardships which Captain Dchong and Ins compan ions suffered will not prevent others from following their example. Hlate Statistics. The first instalment of tho annual re port of tho secretary of internal affairs has iust come fiom tho hands of tho stato printer. Tho report shows that thero aro 1,172, 700 taxablcs in the state, and that the agcregato value of tho tnxablo real es tate of tho commonwealth last year was 81,C10,C8,278. In addition to this thero was S10S,010,')21, worth of real estato exempt from taxation, making tho total nssessed value ot real estate !?I,U.S, 301,7!!0. Tho total valuation of house hold furniture, over and above the $300 exempt by law, is given at Si .220,009 for the entire state, $o,329,72A of this amount being credited to Philadelphia. Sixteen counties inako no return at all under this head, and Allegheny returns only 8.")G.190. The number of horses and mules in the state over four years of age is alleged to be 1 1 1, 991 and the cows and neat cattle in tho same cate gory reach o79,l lo. Only 20,113 per sons in the entire stato aro able to carry gold watches. A Stato Komi System. vc will liavo good, hard and smooth roods, free from toll, in I'ennsylvania, as soon as the Legislature passes a judicious road law, by organizing a public road system on the common school plan. We have suggested the plan again and again, Briefly stated, it is to create a depart ment of Publia Roads, wilh stale, countv and township supervisors, holding the same relation to tho public roads that the state and county superintendent and (lis trictdirectors do to tho public schools. The stato to appropriate at least one million dollars yearly to the public roads, and each township to receive its quota, pro vided it raises an equal amount of taxa tion that would come to it as its share of the appropriation. Tho county super visors to have the general direction and supervision of all the roads of his county, and to see that tho township supervisors perform their duties. Such a system would give us good roads throughout 1 cnnsylvania in less than ten years tune. In no way could the stato appropriate money to better purposo than to give the public good roads. Wuisp't. Sun. The WurK of Mullie .Mnguircs. George II. Wagner, a wealthy farmer, who lived near MiiU'm, Schuylkill county, some time ago received a letter warning him cither to leave that part of the coun try or to prepare to go to the lower re gions; that if he did not get out his barn and live stock would be burned, his house destroyed, and ho would bo shot. No attention was paid to tho warning, and tho supposed Mollies, after waiting ten days, proceeded to carry out their threats. At 1 o'clock in the morning Mr Wagner was aroused from sleep to find his barn on fire. IJy hard work he and his daughters saved thiity horses and cattle, and, with the assistance of tho Rev. Mr. Hay, who was staying there for the night, tho dwelling was also saved, but the barn and its valuable con tents were destroyed. During the fire a number of shots wero heard on the mountain, supposed to have been fired by tho incendiaries. About fifty neigh bors went in pursuit of them, but up to last accounts none ot tho guilty parties had been apprehended. Mr. Wagner does not know whom ho has offended unless it is a number of roughs whom ho refused to employ recently. His homejwill be guarded herenfterto prevent us uesu ueuon. The Sleeping Hungarian. It may by of interest to many of our readers to know that John Gyumber, tho Hungarian who achieved national fame last year by taking a prolonged nap at the Jelugh uouuty almshouse, has been again heard irom, and is at present worKing in mo roiling mill at Allentown. It will be remembered that after John had slept continuously for sovonty days, ho awoke one morning and almost killed himself by jumping from a wimlovr twenty-fivo feet to the ground, and when taken back to his room went to sleep again until three weeks later, when ho recovered and gave a history of his life, lie was then taken into tho'family of an upholsterer, and under good caro and treatment ho improved so much that he felt able to hup- poit himself, and he therefore went to work in tho rolling null. Ho works steadily, is a good hand and earns fair wajes. lie has regained his form and is as straight as an arrow. I lis memory is Btill defective, but is gradually im proving. Ho is popular wilh his fellow woikmcu, owing no doubt to tho singu lar atlliction under which ho labored for so long a time, t Juitts a number ot Jluu garlans aro at work in tho rolling mill. Owing to Iheir unpronouceablo names thuy are known by their numbers which aro pinned to their coat lapels. Tho f.iniom ex-sleeper is known as No. 30. How (lie UqmblI(Miis liaise Tlicir Cam paign Funds. Tho IL'imblioin Ring in this stato has always found it easy to manage Philadel phia and Allegheny. In tho latter it has be-Mi customary to'havo tho delegates to tho State Convention named by a county committee duly packed for tho purpose. Hut this year, when Mr. Boss Mageo brought his committee together to exo- onto orders from headquarters, he was confronted by a petition signed by somo oi the largest uiauiiiaciurerx ot nttsuurg, men whom ho wolf knew to bo in tho labit of controlling thousands of work- ingmen at tho elections. They demand oil that tho choice of delegates should ho remitted to conventions called for the purpose 'I ho Bos yielded gracefully, but lie took tho occasion to give the public somo information, which ought to bo well considered, Ho said lie had great respect for tho signers; "they had made millions out of tho Republican party where tho polilieans had mado cents: " and if anybody was interested in keeping it in tho old nils, thoy were. Hero is 'i clear confession by a competent boss, of what is generally known, namely, that tho Republican campaign funds are reg ularly recruited from tho profits of busi ness firms and corporations, who thus buy special priveleges from tho party in power. This constitutes a serious danger to free institutions. It makes popular elections a farce, and representative gov ernment a sham. Legislatures and Con gresses, Governors and Presidents, elect cd by bucIi means, aro necessarily tho mere creatures of those who provide the means, and who diivo their workmen to tho polls to baok up their monoy. Maueh Chunk JtemocraL Unlit for SolMlovornnienl. SO.Mi: HI.ASONS WIIV DAKOTA SIIUtl.D NOT in; ADMirrr.D as a statu. Somo of tho holders of tho bonds of Yankton county. Dakota, have prepared a protest against tho admission of Dako ta as n State, which will soon be for warded to Washington. Tho allegations therein contained, If true, show u remark ably bad record for tho citizens of that county.. It is set forth that in 1872 tho county issued $200,000 in bonds to nid tho Dakota Southern Railroad, under an act of Congress, which bonds nro widely distributed: that under tho lead of some of the men now pushing the admission at Washington the county slopped tho interest upon these bends aud tried to repudiate them, but after several years' litigation tho United States Supremo Court, in May, 1880, decided that they must bo paid. Since then, by various disreputnbie expedients, aided by the Territorial Legislature, they have avoid ed tho payment of interest, which now amounts to $150,000. Ono expedient was a law permitting the County Com missioners to resign Immediately by fil ing a paper. By so resigning, tho Com missioners escaped service last summer, and when the a Hairs of tho county de manded somo attention, new Commis sioners were appointed early one Mon day morning, who met secretly, trans acted somo business, and resigned before daylight to avoid process. 1 Ins trick was approved by the voters, who re-elected them, but they feared to qualify, Finally two of them qualified secretly, transacted some business, and then re signed. In view of this condition of affairs the bondholders will protest that JJakota is not ready lorsclt-governnient, and that the federal power, winch an thotized the bonds, should protect the holders and not encourage repudiation A Tumor Weighing 112 Pounds. UKMAiiKAiu.i: suhmcai. operation. Palo and pinched in fcatures.a woman of largo proportions was carried into tho clinic room of the University Hospital yesterday afternoon, where Dr. William Goodell was busy arranging a caso of glittering surgical .instruments subse quently employed in nu operation of an unusual character. Tho subject was a woman thirty-ono years ot age, Ihe mother of three children, who had conic from her home in the littlo hamlet of Blanchard, Centre county, to havo deter mined by tho knife tho question of her existence. There wero about thirty phys icians present, including Dr. Carello, U. S. N., Dr. Parker, U. S. N., and Drs. G. W. Smith and Rolla, of Ilollidaysburg, and a group of students, who watched tho operation with interest. Tho patient was about ." feet, inches in height, and by actual measurement five feet one and n half inches in girth,or within threeinches as great around as she was in stature. Tho cause of her abnormal condition was an ovariaou tumor, which had already attained a weight much greater than her body and was slowly and surely sapping her vitality, ilio tumor made its an pearanco nine years ago, and from tho start grow with amazing rapidity. For some timo tho woman has been unable to assume any other than a sitting pos ture, the very act of lying down making death certain by sultocation. Dr. Goodell, after administeringether, placed the insensible subject in the best position her great bulk would admit and made tho incision. The keen-edged knife sank deep into tho ilesh and the deft fingers of tho skilled surgeon were busy in separating tho tumor from the life it was feeding upon. When the mass had been completely taken away it was placed in a tub of the largest size and filled the vessel within three inches from the top. Tho tumor was then placed upon the scales and it was ascertained to weigh one hundred and twelve pounds, the largest, it is believed, ever removed from a human being, Subsequently the patient, now reduced to n mere skeleton and hanging to life by tho merest thread was gently lifted to the scales and was lound to weigh but seventy five pounds or thirty-seven less than tho just taken irom her body. On recovering consciousness sho could scarcely express the sense of relief she experienced. lho absence ot tho weight that had been a burden to her for so many years was so novel and yet so pleasant that sho was comparatively buoyant in spirit. Dr. Goodell, when tho woman had been carefully placed m bed, expressed the belief that sho would live. Phila. Times. News items. The largo bridge across the Trinity river near Dallas, Texas, was swept away by tho Hood on Last Friday night. Kleven prisoners escaped from tho Monroo county jail on Sunday afternoon by digging a iiolo through lho wall. Four wero recaptured. Tho sales of grain on Saturday at Chicago amounted lo nearly thirty mil lion bushels. Tho whipping post will probably bo abolished in Virginia, It has not proved a success. Terrible itching and scaly humors, ul cers, sores and scrofulous swellings cured by tho Cutieiira and tho Cutictira Soap (tho great skin cures) externally, and Cutictira Resolvent (blood purifier) in ternally. Ask about them at your drug gists. Tho Yalo Base ball club aro already preparing for tho summer work. There are at least two candidates for each po sition, aud for catcher and pitcher thero aro four each. Games of practice will bo played during April with the New York and Philadelphia clubs. Tho executive committee of trunk lines passed a resolution that the emigrant rates should bo restored to tho old basis of $13 from Now York to Chicago. commencing with tho loth. The same went into effect in liuropo on tho 10th. A boy named Charles Ilensoy, agod 11, died of hydrophobia in Philadelphia. last week, About a month ago ho was feeding a dog somo meat, when tho dog in his attempt to snatch lho meat, caught one of tho fingers of the boy anil badly bit it. The wound healed up, but at last hydrophobia attacked him. Tho dog was killed as soon as ho bit tho boy. A chinaman named Charley Hing. was hanged at Winuemucca, Nov. on Feb. !), for tho murder of A. H. Lisk, a fellow countryman. When the trap was sprung tho condemned fell wilh n scream, which was cut short by tho dis. location of his neck. In a scutllo that took placo in tho Na tional Jlepublieun office at Washington last Thursday between C.M.Barton.uewrt editor, and A. M- Sotoldo about whom something had been published, tho for mer was shot in tha neck, not seriously, and Ihu latter was fatally wounded. Harvard College no longer demands that ono of tho two names on ovory stti- lent s bond snail m that ot a .Miissacliu setts citizen. Three thousand cars for tho coko trade arc being built in Alloona. James A. Gordon, nn old resident of Plymouth, and tho oldest member of the Luzerno liar, died at his son's residence February 3d. In 1831 Mr. Gordon es tablished n paper at Conyngham, Luzerno countv, called "The Mountain eer." W. A. Davies, known as lho "Golden Miner" is engaged in reorganizing the Woikingnieti's Benevolent Association in tho anthracite coal regions. Seven branches hurt) been organized in Ilazle ton. A convention of Irish societies met in Clarendon Hall, New York, on last Thursday evening, Feb. 0th. nud resolv ed to celebrate St. Patrick's Day by a public procession in that city. About 80,000 acres "of land between Jaffa and Jerusalem have been secured on which to form a colony for the per secuted Jews of Kurope. William 1C. Sehenek, President of the Columbia Firo Insurance Company, of New York, lias been notified by the Attorney-General that a motion will be made betoro .lodge I.audon, at hclienec tady on the loth iust., for the appoint ment of a receiver to wind up the affairs of the company. Logan, (Ohio) Hocking Sentinel. iiockixu v h.i.hv xi. ws. In the absence of anything startling or terrific, politics and the exploits of the army worm excepted, news fiom this delightful valley will not prove nerve-tingling. However an item of very great impoitanee to many people is communicated bv Mr. F. Hari'ington, Wholesale and Retail Druggist of Logan, who thus wtites: Mr. Alex, McCIurg, Union Furnace, states that his wife had been atllieted with rheumatism for the last twenty-five years, being tin able to walk without canes or other help tho most of that timo: has now used two bottles of St. Jacobs Oil and walks not only about the houso but also in the holds without any helps. Judge West brook has granted an order which forever prevents creditors of tho Commonwealth Lifo Insurance Company who have failed to prove their claims from participating in tho distribu tion ot tho assets ol tho company. 1 ho order also directs tho receiver to pay certain attorneys fees and distribute the balance pro rata among tho policy hold ers who havo proved their claims. A Funny Stage Spectacle. A sensational drama has recently been noi'fnrmed in the chief t licit rn of Mnspnu-. i , tho crowning sensation being a combat in a loeky pass between a lion and an Arab chief. The lion scrambles up a steep ascent, and is about to spring upon its foe, when tho man brings it t!wn with well aimed shot. Tho part of tho lion has been sustained most successfully by a trained gymnast until about a month ago, when that aitist suddenly fell ill, and the management was sudden ly compelled to intrust his role to an ac tive super, who undertook it at a few hours notice. When tho time arrived for his ilplint. lu linniwli'il nn tlm Qlnir.i uWli ml mirablo vigor, and scuttled up the cliff in lrreproacnaoiosiyie. uut, when the Arab chief discharged his musket, the lion, utterly thrown off his guard by the re noi t. stood m-pr.t on hl.s himlni- im un crossed himself devoutly, and exclaiming "Heaven help us!" hurriedly descended the cliff, tail foremost, amid the jubilant shouts of tho audience. Ilrtiliinlnc Sc-liool, h'lUDV THAT FATKUTK A Cllll.l) H NOT OKI.V i'bki.u-s ni'i' iirinmi.. I fear many children arc sent to school merely to keep them out of mischief, and to nccomplish this purpose they mw-l probably begin very early Indeed. Hut nothing can well be more unfair and Injudicious than to subject a child to irksome confinement and premature study for the sake jif convenience or to supplement defective methods of home training. It is clear al-o that no fixed ne can be adapted as the proper one for sending all children to school. There are people who with rash consistency light llres in their houses on the 1st of November and put by their overcoats on the. lSth of April, though Vennor or some more reliable prophet should foretell allowing Indian Mimmer or a sueees. sion of Arctic waves late in Slay. So, too, there are many parents who seem to put their children to school when the predeter mined birthday comes, without the least eon- sideration of the mental and physical devel opment of the subject of their experiment. Ihe plain truth is that eacli child should be gin school when he is lit for school that i, irlien he Is physically strong enough to bear the confinement aud tho mental elTort. Few appreciate tho strain that even two or three hours' attendance daily, and the effort to master two or three simple little lessons, ex ert onj tho sensitive organization of your children. Their brain aud nerves are ex quisltlvely delicate, and it is a period of such rapid growth that the power of nutrition Is taxed in supplying mateilal for the forma tion of perfect tissue. The. thousand objects that dally attract the keen observation of the child, the new words ami phrases, the imr scry rhymes and games, iitTord stlmulous enough to quicken tho development of the mental faculties. Abundant out door exercisf, leisurely meal times nnd long hours of unbroken sleep are abso lutely necessary to piomote appetite, dlges tioa aud nutrition. .Many eases of Indiges tion, of nervousness, (,f general weakness, even of apparent backwardness of Intellect, are due to Insulllcieut out-door exercUe aud premature study. Children vary greatly as to the age at which they can begin to bear restraint on the freedom of their movements and strain upon their attention aud memory. Mill may have begun Ureek at four, but Hunter did not know Ids alphabet at seven. 'Ihe one thing certain Is that any- study or any attendance at school before the child t an bear It without effort or fatigue is not only useless but hurtful, and will surely re. lard tho education and lessen Ihu future vig or and capacity. Dr. AVm. Vr.WKi: is Our Cuntinrnt. PHILADELPHIA MARKETS- OJHUECTKU WEliKLY FLOP It. Minnesota extras .. - tH '6 H 7 UI a o (,j o iu SlllJHl 85 i 5 4 5 UU 1 41 prlmsli. vj (t ui nor tmtCi. M M M -IS (4 5U 11 e (( tiw cts. pcrU). i m it ot I'l'unsyivanu aiully,. Western II jo , (Ilt.UN. Wheal live Corn Cloversoed '1'loiolliy M ARK 15'IMiJirOllTJS. ULOOMSBLUta JiAHKKT Wucat pur bush, i, Hyo .. ?t.5 w .7 ,4) H. t-0 CM .ft 25 .0i I, 00 .us 111, I'i 13 ' vi o-i corn, " Flour poruirrul .. cioverbccd liutuir KL'ITJ Tullow Folatoea Dried -pploit . .. Hams bllcbiSShoaUU'lk unpens , Turkeys .... Lard per pound ., . Ilavierton .. ..... Uotawax The net proceeds of the iceetit per formance of "Palience" in New ork city was divided ns follows! Orthopedic Hospital, $1,000 1 Suinaiitan Homo for the aged, $1,000 1 St. Mary s Froo 1 los- pilal lor children, ijoOi)) sending poor children lo the se.tshoiv, $7 ol) t down town mission, 2.10. There is scarcely ever a timj when at least cuo of our larger cities i i not en gaged in a controvci sy over tho Sunday tiuestion. San Franei'co is just now engrossed by the efforts of a L?aguo of Freedom to'keep open the theatres, gar dens, nnd saloons on Sundays, and by tho counter efforts of mot of the clergy to close them. The largeness of the nudiences at mooting to d'ucti's the subject proves the public inteicst. I 7Xi:cuTon'8 kotici:. ESTATE Of JACOB P. DECK, lir.CHA!H). letters testumcnturr nntho estato or Jacob F, lleek. I,ita of Centre townsuln. CoMmMi county.I'n, ilcconxcil. liavo been L'r.mli'i Ijv Ilia Keelster ol salil comity to llio utulerslijnod Uxfcutor. All persons having cUtminealnst thocstati or tho decedent nro reiiuealod to present lliem tir settlement nnd thoso ludt'btedto tlieeMntnto mnkc p.ijmcnt to mo unuersignoa executor wiiuoni ueiay. HEOItOU M. Wlli r.MlltC, JiuiWMv' Kwcmor, Oranifcvilie ra, A UDITOU'S NOT1CK. ESTATA OF JOSHUA DRINK, PFCnAKD. The understuncd auditor nnnolntcd for tlio Or phans' court ot Columbia rounty, to inako distribu tion of tho balanced tho timil in tho hands of tho ndm ii stratorof thocsutoof said decedent to nnd ntnnnif parties entitled thereto, will tit ut hlsonice la liloomsburt', on Saturday, March lath. Is!!, nt 10 o"c!ock In lho forenoon, to irlor n tho duties of his MinolntiiieM. when nnd wliero nil par ties Interested In said fund mint attend, or us for- cut debarred from any chare of said fund. It. IIUCKINOHAM, rb17 4.w Auditor, .Totici:. "I'tib'.lc notleo U h?robv rrtv-QiiMiit ti nippftnc- nt uio uiret'iui n ana slwk-iiui-ilt-i 01 "illy t istunff, pppk Irnnrnvpiiipnt. C(iinn.inv"ff f'nltttnhta piin,v l'eunsjlvdtila, will bo h!td nt tho onicjof U. ll. llrockway, nioom.iburtr, I'a,, o i Tueslty, February yUi, isj, nt ten o'clock a. m, for the purposo of i-ii-uuu uiin.cis. ij.uau.iui, t-j iri(.'r,auu iuo trans action of other Important, bit-lines'), C. II. llltOCKWAY,. J. II. II.M1MAN. feb 17 u-t Secretary. President. UDITOR'S NoriCK. Columbt i county, s. s. Amonj tho record-) nnrt proceertlnira of tho Orphitib' Court otsild county, iuiu uu i, ib 11 uuis uuuuuneri IWato of Josoph) Ana now, Feb. 1 J, 1-s.', on rao Llllcy, deceas-d.f tloa of s. Knorr. Clinton l'ea cock KqU appointed auditor to dlstilbute the iunnsin uio htimsoitno admlnlitratir by hlsnc- tuuiu iiuiuuj; mo pinius eniuieumereio. IlT TnK Cockt. Certified from the rcco.-ds this Uth iUy ot Fibril nry, A. l).,iss.. W.M. KKtCKII VU, Clerk O. C, In purauanco of the abovo tho uodeiflirnnd audi tor wlllsltntth-1 omceof E. It. lkelcr, i:sr.. In liloomsburir on Friday March will, isH.atlu o'clock a m to perform the duties of his npppotntmeiit when and whero all p 'rsoni tntcrcsti'd should ap pear and .present their cUlnn or bo debarred from coining in on saw runu, C. C. I'E.U'OCK, Auditor. feb I7-4W Orphanc' Uoarb Sale OF VAI.l'AIU.E Iiy Wrtuoof nn ordjr I.sjuo d out of tho Orphans court of Columbia county, lho undersigned Admin- istratorof Ocorgo Urctcc lato of Madison township. sitd county, deceased, will expo c to publU sale on tho premise? at 2 o'elsck p. in., on SATX'KD.VY, MAHCII lltli, 18S2. Alt that certain messuage and tract cf land sit uate In Madtson township, Columbia county, I'.i., bounded by lands of William Mabtellar, II. W, Mo Iteynolils.Cyrus ItelcharJ, Jacob Zslslolt aal otherj containing, ISO ACRES of land more or less, with tho appurtcnances.wlicrc- on Is erected a large tew Dwelling House, BANK UAliX, Good Out-Ilulldlngs. The farm 13 well watered and Ins an APPLE ORCHARD, and fruit trees of all kin is. Sale will bo subject to a dower? of $nci,501a favor of Mary Snjder, widow of Daniel Snyder Sr., deceased. Fosse? ston wilt bo given April 1st, is-.'. Deed tji bo at r xpenFO cf pur ohascr. All grain In ground reserved. TKRM8. One-third of tho purchvo money to bo paid In cash nt tha strlklas down of tho property, ono-thlrd April 1st ISO with Interest from April tst 1S52, and tho balanc; oao thlrd to bo paid at tho deathof Susanna Ilreeca wldoiwit (ieorgo Urcce, de ceased, to tho heirs ot (ieorgo Urccco deceased, with Interest annually from Acrlt 1st lss.'.payablo to satd wldo-v during her life, .Stld two thirds ta bs sjcured by bonds nnd mortgago on the premises, WILLIAM, feb 17-ts Administrator, ORPHAN'S C'OUHT SAbK OF VALUAI1I.K Fursuant to n order ot Ihe Orrlnn'i Court of Oo lumbta county, Fcnr.sjlvaMa, wi'l be sold a public tale, on tho premises, In the township of Montour, Insldcounty,.on FIHDAY MAHC'II lOtli, lb83. at two o'clock p m. the following described real estate late of John lUllor.deceasod to-wlt: A house and Xsot of rousid, adjoining land ot Henry Lazarus, Jeremiah Fearer and Ieatah Hagenbuch This lot Is tltuat-cdon tho public road leading from llloomsturg to Danville, Tlio houso Is a largo two story FRAME DWELLING. There Is erected on said lot also a (lOOD STAIILE HLACi;-SM!TII SHOP AXDOFT-HOFSF.-i! Also a tood WELL of WATEIi on tho premises. TEItMS OF SALL'. Ten per cent, of one-fourth ot tho purchase money to bo paid at tho striking down of tho property : tho one-fourth less tho ten per cent, at the confirmation of sale, ar.2 the remaining threo-fourths In ono year thereafter with Intercbtfrom confirmation nisi. Furchaser to pay for making Uo 1. FETISH S. KAliSHNFIi, t-3 Administrator, PTJBLiIC SALE OF Valuable Real Estato, Hy vlrtuoof an order of tho Orphans' Court of Co lumbia county, tho uulerslgued executor ( I tho last will and testament of John sands, lato of (ireen wood township, Columbia county, deceased, will vxpos) to public Salo on tho premises on Friday, March 10th, 1832, kt ten o'clock In the forenoon, tho following de scribed real estate, sit into In drcenwood township, Columbia county, i'ennsylvania, bounded by drten creek and lands of A. 11. Kitcbon, tho hclr.s of John Hcoce, deceased JanoS OerrarJ, fc'amuel Albertson nl others, and containing 7'S ACEES, and sixty-blx perchas, more or loss, on which aro erected a LAWiH K-STOUV l'Urd.IXti .MILL, In good running order, a NEW FHAM E HOUSE; I1AHN, as good as now; nnd all neccsaryiout-bulldlugs ; water nt tho house, and (ireen creek runs along tho edgoot tho farm and Bupplles the milt wi ll water, a young Orchard, of eholco tvutl on tho place. TEHMS OF SALE, Ten percent, of one foutthot tlio purchaso money . shall be paid at tho striking down of tho property! Ilioono-fourth les.s tho ten per cent, at tlio continuation nUI, and tho re maining three-fourths in or.o jcur Ihercaftcr with Interest from confirmation nisi. feb lo.ts l). 1C. HIOAN, Exoeutor. oraugcvllle, Fa. Thirty t Varleilsi -f ral.bfft i U of Om i t8 of Cucua. 1ef i 4t 4 Melon i jt f P4 ;( HcftM l? fS')U4li j -f U.t on I o of T'jmat , vIOi other vtrtotiti is pfortUm, a iirgs porttuii ut whi. h Mtr pr wa on my liv V-i brmi, will b fun l in ny Vfitttuula itud riotrrrHetM C'aUiluuo Air lH4, s-jut pkk& lu til wb apply. Cutrrom ot lut Sttkutt itca.1 nu utile M It, All fceal jM ffm roy MUUith. mitl wtmntcJ to l-t ttotti frctb an I tni, to nintf. " Ut. that h .j i it fnv oltictwiM I illrelH th oritur gutil. Tkl original lutruduwr f Karl OtlonnJ llurbbnV Jottt tn', MiirMt-Li-iid i'uttr Vvrn, ' IfubbitrJ Hquuib, .MurtlcUiuil Cubbaec l'bluuvy'tf Mvlva M ttcvttof ikt r r Veu1 . . I In tit . t,r th yuUie, New Vegcut Spe -ilty f-ljif 1 la nl STATEMENT UNDEROATH. r IIAVnbi'en ntlllcfil for rventy yoara wiinan 1 obstinate Mtn disease, called by somo M, D.'s KnrlaM.i. nnd others Lenrosy. commencing on my Fcalp, and, In spltoof nil 1 roitd ilo, Willi tho help ot lho most skillful doctors. It slowly but surely ox tended until a year ago thU wlntorlt covered my enttro person fn tho form of dry scales. For tho last inreo years i Jiavo oi-en unburn iu uu uny mum, and surrerlng Intensely nil tho time. Every morn ing thero could bo nearly n duslpinful of Males taken from tlm sheet on my bed. somo ot them halt ns largo as tho envelopo containing .this letter. In ihn infipnurtnf thn winter tnv tkln commenced cracking open. I tried even thing, almost, that couu bo thought or, vnnoui any rcuer. ino uiu oi .innn I started west. In hones 1 could roach the Hot springs. 1 reacuca ueiio!t.nn(i was bu ion i muitum I should have to go to tho hospltal.but finally gotns rarns Lansing, aucu , wiiero i naa n bisiit hmtiu. UnO IT. lltutvu IHU uu Jilt v u umut'i mo no good. All thought I hid but. afhorttlmo to llo. I earnestly prajed to die. Cracked through Uio RKin nu overmy u.ick, across my uua, urni-v hnmi.. Iitnira. fi-et tiadlv swollen, toe nails ramo off. Iloger nails dead and hard as bone, hair dead, drv and lifeless as old straw, on. my (lot I how I Utit onrfpr I "My sister, sirs. i;. n. u.ivis, uau a smaii pari ui aboxof Cuttcuralnth') ho'Ho S'io wouldn't givo up : sald'Wo will try Cutlcum ' somo was applied r.n nnn hand and nnn. Eureka I thero was relief i stoppc'l tho terrlolo burning oeiisutlon from the word go. They Immediately got the cultcura He solvent (blood purifier ) etittjura and cutictira Soap iiiogrc.U'BKincures.i i coinmenceu uy inKiuguuu ntilpsnnonrul of Itesolvefit tlirpo ilme.s i dav. alter rr.pals! bad a bath once a il.w. water about blood heal : used cutictira soap freely ; applied cutlcura innrnlntr nnd evenlnff. Kesult. returned to mr homo In Just six weeks from the lima 1 left, nnd my sun ns smooiu as mis sneei or paper. iiutA.n r.. uAitri bit, Henderson, .Icfferson to., N. V. Hworn lo biforo mo this 19th day of January, 150, A. M.LKFFINOWKLL, Justice of tho Fence. Cutlcura tctnedles aro for sale by alt druggists. 1'rlf o of cutlcura a Medicinal Jelty. small boxes 60 cents : lurge uoxs fi. luucuraiu-soivenr. ino new mooa inrlllerll per bottle. Cutlcura Medicinal Toilet st up, 2 cents, emu ur.i Medicinal snavingsoip, litcpiit, in ears for naroers anu largo consumers, as cents. Principal depot, Weeks it Fotter, Uosto.v, Mass. Sanford's Radical Cure. A slnrf'c dose Instantly relieves the most violent Sr.cezlng or Head colds.clcars tho hcan ns by magic blopsths watery charges from tho r03eand eyes, prevents rln.-lng noises In the bead, cures nervous n- ndacho and subdues chills and fever. In chronic c.t.irrii it cleanses tho nasal nusagei ot foul mu- cuis, restores the senses ot smell, taite and hearing when affected, trees tho head, throat and bronchial lubes of oftensHo matter, sweetens nnd purines tho breath, stops tho cough nnd arrests the progress of catarrh towardsconsumpllon. One bottle Hadleal boi Catarrhal Solvent ondjno sanford's inuiier, an in mi package, oi an ti.ttrgins, rori. ask ror suurai iiacucai uure WEf.lCS a FOFTEIi, Iloston. iw Times more effectual than any other plaster or electric b ltterv for n.iln and weakness sis oi me i.ungs i.iver, imuucjs ralosls. ilheuiiiatlsm. Neural. gia, liyMeria, lemaitf wetuv ,ne3s, Nervous Fains nnd Weak ness, Malaria and Fever and ASTE-" Evcrj where. tatj:.mi:nt ov run fixaxcks or -Tin:- COUNTY OF COLUM15IA. From January 1st, issi, to JanuirySd, ISsj. Matcmcnt showing taxe3 assessed aud oalance still duo. ASSESSKD. STII.t, DUC. , , IS of I S s DISTltlCTS. p. ol 'Heaver. ',s!75 (17 00 10 M lienton -n hi cnan 18 tu 792 OS cooo Hervvlck 1401 S'j 4soo 130 os iojci jsim liloom ES-193 -S 00 1200 204907 U0 Hrlarcieek 79 on 11193 7l7f-:ii "9 00 t:atnvlssa tlctiT -s ti3 0iM420.' noi ci t73oo Cetltmll.l CMS 3 45 CI4 53 Centre 10102a 8s si t-5 incsr.7 S5 30 :otivngham.... V37s9il 750 1.0 sot 01 7 50 Flslllllgcieek... 1111. 13 9im 3l!lS 41041 9100 Franklin iii2o 'aseol'il ni (ireenwood.... 1220 9,1 99511 47 ro 7u'.) 73 9) ro Hemlock li)-j.'J3 mm 520 c430.i 0,10-) Jackson 8i"S 4StlH 3 5') II 6S 3-, 5' Locust 12l'liCl! 121 Ml. 9 10 410 87 121 50 MadlsOU 99UC3! MM 8180 UJ4t OS 5'1 Main ')947l 4111)18312 SSI 79 44 00 Minilll 10237l 72Mlll 23 31(533 78 00 tMontOtir 1S3I731 t3l)00 t!9 45 tail 81 t53tO Mt. Flcasant.. mioij 57o 57 ir. 9(73 57110 Ol-ango SH75 BIO 1 61! IS 231301 f,3 00 PltlO 'S40 r,7r-0 S tO 140 83 C7 51 tlloarlngcreek... t407 2ii 4150 tsu7 t!49S7 t4J50 SCOU l!W7 07i C.9 50 91 81 53J5.1 C9 50 Sugailoaf 3sl Olil W 73 10197 CliOl (!72M 72 15;t 50 Oil 41 10C30 DO 144.3 60 AMOUNT DUE 1011 VEA11S rHEVIOUS TO 1531. Districts, Collectors, Years. Hervvlck. John O. Jacoby, 1 1950 liloom lieubcn Harris, " centralla, DavU Walsh. " Hemlock, s s s shoemaker " Hrliircreek. JoUn F. .Miller, 1373 centralla. Thos (ieraghty, " Centre, Joseph Wise, " Greenwood, Jacob S Evans is;s County, Dog t20l43 t45C0 91 3 113 S3 00 3J3 95 til 13 42 40 i'i 70 62 til 675 25 0 00 2Sli U0 Sll 40 221 '.8 42 U (1C25 71 (350 52 Clt, Hy duplicate of Aaron Ferson Co l'r of Conynglmii for l77 3D) 50 s o) " dunlicato cf Aaron Person coll'r Conyngham for lbTii 155 41 9 00 Which amoiutsato unoolicctable r.ud struck from tho charges ncattst lho next Treasurer (4-391 (7 00 II A hwepocnhelser. Treasurer of Columbia coun ty in account with satd county on county funds. DR. Jan 1st. . to amount uncollected prior to 19,1 (19,2113 51 To amt on hand at last settlement 4.225111 " county tax assessed In issi 27,2J0 72 " tax on registry of voters 3) 03 " added tax on catawlssa duplicate for 1M1 2 60 To county tax uervvici; liorougu on un seated land 2 03 To nmom t paid bv lienton twp, tor Coltey 69 73 " c 11 Mcllenry old brldgo near Kilmer's. t 00 " J Edson old clank 1 so " c 11 .Mcuenry old bridge near Jlcllenry's Mill . 5 nj to 11 o John ror w (i nucr ex lax 4 91 10 wm A kho oui rriugo near Kimble 3 Mill 5 00 To lino paid by w I) F.vcrltt 5 09 To costs anu interest paid uy Joseph M .rtz Col . 21) 03 To nmt to meet sum paid stato for uuota charged on coupous istn 14 32 ro ami to meet sum paiu staui lor (luotu charged on coupons i79 80 60 10 ami 10 meet sum paid staio for uuota charged ou coupons ls-o 29 2) 10 Daiauvo 01 stato tax at lasi Bettlomeut paid 10 county 4i3 74 To nmt of stato tax received from S ato fund 3 ts To nmt ecteil on unsealod land 29 43 4 0 seato 1 " 2S is " to nm' lecelved from dog fund 9V) ut, "to amount ov erpald on corar's dseds 1110 00 i onimihsion oa same 421 " 1-ratiK Jones rent .oroi.i 1 ill 400J ii u l oiiiiiau rein lor 0111 jail 4 00 " lino paid by t-j kes and Jones 23 ikj " iid'Jed tax on liloom dipllcato for Ivil . 1 ou Dav Id Aelieubacli, Mary llrlght proper ty, l'Uhlngcrecl: woo 1 o vv 111 Mepueus iraci nccu ueia ny com missioncrs redeemed 10 Al iu j-.iu.iueiu jiiiii-r iruciuccuuuu uv com missioners redeemed 9 3j m 1 i' niMi'Kn ay ir.ii ueeu neiu uy com - mlsslouci'siudeemed . , .. 759 To (leo 1) shearman Hro and Sister tract need held uy c nimissioneis n deemed 8 52 to Lewis i rcisoarn uuciueeu neia by com MKsioners reneemeil 3 $9 1 u iieniy uruug uaci need ueia uy com missioners ledeemed S97 40 win MicMiauinjuryreos 7000 ' " " 0110 doi regl-k-roii 10 j u leueiiipiiuu uiuiiey ui .viicuaei iiouLUer ty centralla .7 To costs, deeds, etc,, on one iiaet sold to comiulssloueis nnd redeemed 3(2 CH. Hy ooinmlsilons, exoneritlons and rcturr,3 nllovv wl collectors for usu and previous years. FWrUU; com. Ex. Districts Com Ev. 10 63 9 67 19 43 7 as 1149 13 49 5 62 11 22 20 9d i 22 17 23 15 00 20 81) .'t3 U21 issi Hoaver 11 !3 Franklin 27 12 ISSO 18 97 Jackson Locust Madison Main Mllllln Montour 10 31 71 9.1 til) IIS 85 70 111 14 isso Heaver 33 w Hcnton 43 ha I'llarcrcek 72 5? Catawlssa S3 73 Centro dsn conyngliim 3 111 I-tkliitigcruek 00411 Franklin :n -o 23 21 1124 7 01 20 57 12 37 83 29 3145 43 99 Mt Pleasant tasa drango toco l'ino ui 14 Hoailngcrcosvi iw Koott HIM Sugar Loaf :u 19 1S7S 191 (ireinwooJ 7351 a j to 1S79 lienton 5113 17 m liloom 239 33 160 5.3 llcmlocl; 69 :u UM Montour si ci 12 14 1970 cat aw Ma 7091 20 6 1 uemiosk Madison sugartojf it) 79 cos:i 2il 13 1373 8)0) Cata.vlsii 3DU0 Dl 81 62U3 ..... 1S-31 81 1-21 93 31019 13 Hy total commissions Iiy total exonerations Hy County orders redeemed ,. Hy uuit due irom collectors iiy .1 1.1 ., AuronlVrwrnoo'lector.... Hy amt lo meet sum paid state for uuota chaiged on coupons , ; Hy oomiftlolou toTroasurcr Hy balanco In hands of Treasurer 13001 01 435 91 9 0) 1201 74 3155 05 (54,384 93 II A Htvopponhelio', Treasurer la account with dog fund, 1)11. JUUUH, I I mcnt Mi anu due a' last settle. (2039 -.0 To amt a 1 ed in is-i 1 To amt on hand ut la t roil 6u 8157 (3,002 113 'Jttlcin nt.. I'll. 19SI, Ex, Districts. Districts. Com. Com, Six. too 4 50 86) tio 3 00 4 r S5 Iloavcr J 83 moo Franklin Heaver 4ns !M Madison Hcnton st 9lo Main llrlarcreek a B' 60 Mtniln Catawlssa 3M Son Montour Centro 4M !f0 Mtl'IeoBOnt Conyngham M him orntigo Flsiiingcreck 4 oj 14 w I'lno, Franklin 1 7J no ltoulngcrk drcenwood 4 S3 4 0,1 scott Jackson s,m boo Hugnrloaf LOCUSt 8 01 4 00 1579 lienton 8 67 sco Hemlock liloom a 17 Is co Montour 1873 Hemlock sin 4 0(1 sugarloat Madison 3 77 4 00 1570 t Catawlssa 4 J7 lo M Catawtssa loo 9 79 ! V0 8 IB 521 S6J 8 40 860 90) 8 80 6) 187 4 0) S83 3 5) 8C1 ,150 8 33 4 00 8 43 3 50 4 81 059 t9M t'03 00 lip commission to collectors VJ Ml ny exonerations nnowcu collectors,. Hir orders paid of ml livtno M7I0 830 00 83 83 01 17 Oi) 8417 Hy amt pitd county Hy commission to Treasurer iiynmitiuo irom collectors liynmt due from Aaron Feison collector Hy balance In hands of Treasurer (3501 31 II A Siveorcnlietser, Treasurer In account with Stato Tumi. January ut, lis!. To amt uncollected prior 10 1311 - ''' To amt on hand nt last settlement 4'23 74 To Mate tax asset sed In 1S1 SM 41 (1331111 Clt. Hy commission on dtipltcato BettlcJ for IS'l. Districts. Heaver lienton lipmlck Com. 17 47 1 ll 113 liloom Hrlarcreel; Catawlssa Ccntralla Centro ('on)iigham VI 8 S3 I 88 17 nsninscrcek Franklin (ireenwood 40 4 59 Hemlock 14341 43 41 Hy commission to collectors uaiancu uuo imuic. priur iu imi amount paid State, for quota issi commission to Treasurer balance In hands of Treasurer nt last settlement, and paid to county bal. of Htato tax for issi paid to county tS.3 81 5S3 40 423 MH9 (13 0 14 MISCELLANEOS EXFENSKS. V II Ent, serving writs on election officers. V II Eut, cost advertising special election . H Hucklngham, nudttlng public accounts... Ceo A Clark, bill rendered Wm Krlckbatim, recording names of town ship onicers Wm C. JIcKlnner. cxpressaee 15 40 oo C4 03 00 1 00 Mover Ilroa, exprcssage 185 A w Mann, indexing mortgage dockets, ceorder s o llco 5SCJ CO 37 J C Knlttle. lridexlng mortgage dockets, iiccorntrsoiiice OuyJ.icobv, indexing mortgago dockets, lu'curuer s uuiee W II Jacoby, ct.ah. comparing mortgago dockets, Hecorder's omce Fhlllp Crawford, pavement on Centro street, (old Jill) D II Cotlman, repairing pump, Ac John W llonman, costs Columbia county vs Person, et. al Lay ton Hunyon, door lock old Jail u i: Little, telegraphing. Ac M drover, dee'd, coals Columbia county vs (ieraghty, J 11 Matzc, acknowledging deed mnflo to Achonbach Wm KMfkbaum, Frothonotary bill 1) It Ccil'man, on fenco contract, old jatl... J S (i rimes, bill for Teachers' Institute C3ID 30 00 101 OS 581 1710 8 50 1 GCO 1 00 130 1 1 C7 ro lasoj (317 43 COVHTS, JUHOHS FAY, AND CONSTA11LE3 HE. TUitNS. Crand Jurors, during year. Traverse ' " Constable returns during j car Court Crtcr durlug year Tipstaves " " S N Walkor, stenographer, (10 per day S S Walker, commonwealth vs Deitterlck S N Walker, lllack vs Craw ford s N Walker, Orlm vs Stephenson Wyoming county Jury trial of Longcn- bcrger, et al, vs S F Ease, et al Eltltobblns. Juiy commissioner John llarlman, Jury commissioner John U Casey, clerk to same 004 50 1.880 81 8S8 C'J 187(0 159 50 870 CK) ".010 12 03 8197 7J9 32 87 t3 8151 15 00 (4,121 01 COSTS IN COMMONWEALTH CASES WHEUETIIE CUUNT1' 11ECAME LIAULE. Justices, constables and witnesses 411 S3 It ll Little, District Attorney 103 50 Wm hrlckbaum, Clerk of Court .... co 25 (Oil 03 HOAD AND HUIDCIE VIEWERS AND HOAD DAMAGES. Sundry persons as viewers Wos'.Ungton Knoase, Jackson (damages) J II Crcvellng. S;oit (damage.-) Henry Yost, liloom (damages) Samuel Jolmson, Mt Pleasant (damages) Emanuel savage, Jackson (damages).... 549 33 19(10 419 35 1,8)0 95 20 HO 100 00 Susan Jacoby. Hloora (damages).. SO I Wm Long, Fishlngcreck (damages) John Savage, Jackson (damages) llenjanila i) Hess, l-'.j-lilngcreel; (damages) John JIcMlchael, Flshlngcreek (damages) John llurilng, orango (damages) Jesse summers, FUlilngcreek (damages) Johu Savage, Jackson (damngo-) David Aehsnbacii, orange (damages) John Heates, catawlssa (damages) Wesley uuckle, Scott (damages) Wm Abbott, Scott (damages) A W c Keller, orango (damages) Win II Murder, Orango (damages) Isaac Mcllrldo, Madison (damages) Isaac Younr, ITuo (lamage Stephen l'ohe, Commissioner attending views Charles lteichart, Commissioner attend ing v lews A U ilerrlDg, Commissioner, attending views coin. Districts, 5.3 .Tat kson (,o Locust fi r.o .Madison 0 40 Main 84 Mllllln 7 i:i Montour 17 Mt Pleasant 8 5'J Orange 03 Ftno 1 so Koarlngcrcck 55 SCOtt 8 37 Hugarloaf !S 20 50 15 00 20(0 SO 00 23 1) 1000 5 00 70 00 50 00 23 01) 60(H) 030 ( 330 00 15 00 20 00 49 20 3190 9130 (4,0-3 f6 COMMISSIONERS' OFFICE AND COURT HOUSE J.eob Metz, rern ring btovo, Recorder's oiiiee, Samuel E Smith, auditor. Wm L Manning, auditor C H seesuoltz, uuiltor M 11 Fry, repali tng Commissioners' oniee. 50 23 no 2500 25 00 1 00 o 5i uruiker, repairing vault door Shirlll'a onico Jacob Dleffeubach, biooms c u unllgnan, repairing ut Court House.. m miter, palming steeplo, fence, Ac, Court House John U Casey, stating accounts for IS50 ,., Moyer Hro3, bill rendered H 1. Thomas, 4 boxes pens II 0 Itartman, matting for Court room Wm Chrlatman forwoiknt olllco Hobeit Hutklngham, tor work at office Eplirulm Parks, work at Court Houso D H colfman, work at Court Houso 17 SO 3IHI 2 9 90 25 (ID 1100 12 01) 50 109 1 50 1 00 73 SO 11500 r.ujau Minn work at court houso.. Thomas (lurrey repairing locks (Ia9 company, for gas M E Cox, cleaning court House, Ac 11 PoHst, ngent, forcoaU II II Sands, for wood W it Hauler, desk for Commissioners' office. ,.,, Lnyton Runyou A Co , bill rendered ""'.'" Harman A llassert Iron gate, post, Ao eter lllllmeyer, bill rendered K R Ikcler, attorney Stephen Folic, Commissioner Charles lteichart, Commissioner A H Herring, commissioner John 11 Casey, clerk 67 09 2 00 12 00 2 SO 30 00 5 10 100 00 8S5O0 27100 822 7 bOO (0 (),3il C9 1 COUNTY JAIL. Charles Krug lumber Rollins, Hoiiues A Schuyler gliss c c (Mllgnan repairs.,., ... .". Wm. Hitter rep iln OA Jacoby coal J II Kesty mason work .'. Holmes A Schuyler bill rendered O I, Folio lllltug bed ticks John Wanlch wood Win o McKtnnoy shoc3 '., "' 115 4 6 1 00 0 1)0 uuiui 11UJU. 30 15 110 20 00 COO IntP tuM 117 til 1 a John Whltenlght fctono fur two wells'.. , 11 repairs v w Hwett work aiiout prison '?,om (,aa Co- ul"s rendered..,, . .. . f! ! f:nt Warding prisoners I II Ent washing ao : J; Hijnt turnkey fees !.!'.'.!."". J II I'oustagtcoal ? ,i'j" Ui;os'' as3 II II sands wood David Lowcnbergclolhlng "I"' '"' ' i-1",?"0.5. i? 00 bl" rendered.... I A ;1,cKol,lr b111 rendered 0 A Klelm medicines Wm Habb bUl rendered!... ... .' FeterUlllmeyer bill rendered.,,.... 2100 Sinoo 3s 92 219 9i 23 60 17 CO HI 20 1 02 8 UO (1633 4 FitlNTINO, S'l'ATIONEKY AND FOSTAOE. .inoii initenucuder Co. statement advertising " t'leo proclamation.. ;; " blanks Jdmes 0 Urowu countyXtementl.!f.r.''.'' " , ,. ," ,, cleo proclamation u M vanderoilco, county htateinent,,.. ' " court proclamation- '. eleo. proclamation ; I advcrllslni;,.,, 40 00 87 20 27 20(H) 18 80 87 60 4010 20 83 3(0 SfiOO 49 0.) 40 00 90 00 23 60 13 25 8 10 80 90 o iiuiviitan uuverilsin F L lltlltpr plpprlntt 1,1 ...T.o"' ' w').lill1K'.J'.Vusttt'''0 aud "a rent"'. I.'.'" Tninx-M'-it?,."-.,": fur 03le and court 12 00 20 10 Win Maim htatloneryV.'.'.'.".',',',','.'.''' 'Htf Fatr ot Hub. cn. 11111,1! U iii (I A Clark sta'.'ery for omco and court... , . . 9 w JNIJUISITIONS. ,MOt Haudry pjr3on3for Inciuests tmsi HUIIKIE HUILDINO AND IIKFAIIIS. VKIi, . "upcrt . et al shtmuii brllgo 11 Ww KlUcr.Daus l)rldgo ..,..: "; H BSNTOM. Jv, A Kilo bal. oa Klmblo brldgo Mn.m '?.01,,r "'lowed Klmblo brllgo sainiiel Appleman et ul J t l-.Jsou, Colo brldgo 849 60 23 62 10 CI 8 14 87 37 0 27 1 25 Samuel Applemun et nl H'uiont'r'ldgo.'.'.'.'.'. ' " Colo brldL'n unna ir. .. " u VHV ttvmv,, SI.OOVI, uhlllP,.titro,JP llod Hock brldgo Wm fllger Harton brldgo., Jaeob htroup Red Hock brldM CO 2 00 8 60 100 400 2 00 ISM) 8710 60 8149 V ivi? J H'tpert bi tdgo, I S. Marn liarton bildgo,,. , Win tilger Red Hock brldgo .... .7 IlO'lnes A Hphlivlpr ),., l,?.!,,V..IV.. " Kill E cm a Hro's Shauer brldgo. Ui) ton Hun) an A Co Shaffer bridge. Flauk oa hand for tho above bridges I',,,'.',' VUIAHCHEK):, 300 sou CITAWMSA, Davl'l llo:wlg McKelvy Mill brldgo LANTRK. Wm Shaffer nmt. appropriated to stono t'HIttKDCRRRK, O It MOIIcnry bat on contract Zaner brlii " ' extra allowed Hi " bin tin contract McIIcniy Mill uiinir' , OHMollenry extra allowed fjr rennlrlnlr' abutment mill brldgo . KM 1 mi;no imvuliiij KMiiniiai K'l IllUtl . Aaron lipntlt-r.i M Hucknlcw briuirt). . ll (lunsNivooi). ,Tnhn Lcggott tola brldiro O W Eves Krnmer brldgo Jonathan Lemon Hohrsburg brldgo..'..'.'" 14 31 Jl mils Eves x uros'iinvvk bildgo.,,.,. J F. Welllver Kvcrs (irovo tirhtcn Ui Ii Calvin Derr A Colo brldgo ..I!"' Hi 1 1 uuiriun iiiiing ui urnmcr liridgo... 'I 1! .',' Ifecco mill brnlgo...". " " " Holirburc brldgo. .. HEMLOCK, Si 71 ,7 SMartz Danville bildgo " I'ursel brldcre ii ' i Mmon ltcl.hard I'ursel brldgo J"' 4ACK80M. T S Christian new brldgo near Dorr's mm. oxtra allowed Calv In Derr Christian brldgo , ' " LOCf8T. ltldcr .V Uatls Kostenbatider brldgo jmiuei iiuuuu oiauiuivu uuu uriugo. David Ilelwle ..." Uera Howcr " " " CW Iivcsoii bridge conluct near EBthtr 1- UIUHLVII,,,,, ,,,...,,,, .,...(.,,,,,, Cliail-js Kclcliart Ircn brldgo Wm Rupert t'tal Iron bridge ... . " " Forgo brldgo " Wm Hitter painting Iron bridge 11 in ol ' . ur. pleasant. Philip stroup Wanlch brldgo winucrsneo oriuge John Wanlcu Wanlch Hridgo ! H C Kindt Wilson brldiro 15. Math Us Kindt Mordansvlllo bridge C I. sands cribbing at Mordansvlllo brldgo . John Mordan Mordansvlllo bridge ... I- 19, S I. 3 01 Manilas Kindt Wilson brldgu (below) A 11 Parker " " .... Ellis A Hro's " " " 914 It till Wm Hogers Smith brtdgu I hlllp Miller cribbing ut Miller brldgo 04 ii'i.iiiiii iiiuu &o,, .viuier brldiro '.0! I- Fhllln Miller Wilsoo brlduo (leoHeaglo Wilson bildgo (above) OHAKUK. Charles Conner Vanco bt Idgo H.icliman nnd Heckman Iron bridge Nathan Flockenstlno " ' AUStewartct al ' " .... 3)1 2 ; Henry Conner ctnl ." " .... Howard Kllno Vanco brldgo Jacob Snyder etal Iron brldgo " " Kino brldgo Charles Kclcliart Iron bi idgo , , . , , Jacob Snyier et al S'anco brld,e 5J I! ! 151 it . I'ISE. T S Christian Shoemaker's brIJgo "on con- tract" KOilllNllcUKKK, 21! 0 John Hampton Mill (Irnvo brldgo scorr. Jacoby .t Wanlch stono culvert Thomas Schnldman " " SnlAlltOAl'. so j Hi T S Christian Lewis brldgo contract.. .. :. " " " ' oxtra J J Mcllenry Johu Colo brldgo contract.... 3 'si S'lu ' 2-311 j " " cnuumg ,ioun uoie unugo.... Elllah Fcterman A Colo brldiro Oil. 3 1 JMLarlsh ' " !! (I I " " J O Hess brldgo David Lewis overseeing abutments Lewis brldgo II . FENITENTIAHY AND ASYLUM. Surport of Lizzie jiuton Danville " " " " Warren ' " David Shea Danville Convicts la Eastern Penitentiary for 'so.... t4' 137 li 810 Si (Will . 17 't . 21 S 81 B '0 91 191! . 9S . HI: .. U'i . UU . 91 .. ini , hi: 145 5 ASSESSORS' ) Heaver Hcnton Herwlck liloom Hrinrcreek... Catawlssn.. . Centralla Centre Conyngham . Flsiiingcreck, Franklin (ireenwood. , Hemlock 2200 .nckson ... . 1073 Locust 33 25 Madison sot.') Main 1073 Minim 23 17 Montour 27 83 Mt Flcasant... id 23 orange 212.5 Fine 22 co Koarlngcrcck.. 19 76 sugar loaL. . . 15 73 fall registry of voters Assessors for ((! 4 (UK SCALPS FOR FOX AND WILD CATS Fald sundry persons ELECTION EXPENSES. FalJ spring election officers I3CII 4fl!' 13'2I 119 U 111 & 11111 " " spring room rent " fall " constable's advertisements, and at tending rprlng election " constable's advertisements and at tending fall election " Johns Kllno, overseer attending fall election 1679 " counting fall vote TAXES REFUNDED. Ara't township taxes refunded HLANK HOOKS. W c Loudon, 1 docket, Froth's, office Altemus Co., " " FLHutter, si Registry books COUNTY DO.NDS. Amt. county bonds redeemed " coupons on samo paid Int. paid on over duo county bonds (1010!. 13$ 1)1 14 tl ( 8400(1 13 H ( 10119 S RECAPITULATION. Miscellaneous Courts, Jurors pay, constable returns Ac... Costs In commonwealth cases Road and bridge viewers and road damages commissioners onico and Court House county Jail Printing, stationery and postage Inquisitions ; Hrldges, buildings and repairs Penitentiary and asylum Assessors' pay Fox and wild cat scalps Election oxpenses Tuxes rcfimded Wank books county bonds.caupons and interest paid on over due county bonds 19419' (315M1 From amount of orders issued deduct (loin,!! taxes refunded and (10,419.50 bonds, coupous an! Interest on overdue bonds paid, leaves (29,l!vC vvhjchls tho actual ordinary expenss for tho year SHEEP ORDERS ISSUED Hcnton (29 00 Madison 1st 51 Hloom 1800 Montour m catiwissa 7 110 Mt. Flcasant 13 Flshlngcreek Too orango 1!w (ireenwood 49 w) Pino r,95 Hemlock 0100 scott so so Jockson M 23(0 Sugarloat Sin Locust coo (5i; STATEMENT OF I)0(J TAX AND SHEEP FUND. Dog tax duo from collectors (IS.-0 02 Frobanlo commissions aud exon erations 3000a 152S 01 Ad 1 amount In hands of Treas 16 4 00 (lives total assets COUNTY FINANCES. ASSETS Tax in hands of collectors duplicates Frobablo commission and exonerations off. (1510 11 130i5C! IC-Ol'l 92 (510 6s 20 23 (119-5 ll , 31115 O , 35IIU 10 3ll) 14 CI 29 01 ("l7W M Add amount in hands of Treasurer. ., Add value ot old JalLpropcrty Ualanco duo oniiera Honor note onuset duplicates Ono double set assessment bookB, LIAHIL1TIES. 1 73 95 3 2r Costs due In Commonwealth eases Amt. tax duo tho sov ral districts " road and brldgo vlowers.dua on book county prison bonds unpaid " . " coupons UDpala ''road damages assessed and unpaid, estimated as nearly as can bo ,. ( 523 W 4-J4) 101 w 179IIOUI 13300 45s' 00 ICO ( 23M 17C0J A?,llLM lnu-obt dness of tlio county January 2nd lhi'2 .,. ( 50.'7 II Wo tho under8lgned co-nmlsstoncrs of Columtu ?2.nt?' .ai? ucn,uy certify that tho foregoing Is a correct Btatement of accounts of Bald county for the 3carA. D, issi, VALrM',??J,V"AKT ) commissioners JOSHUA I-'ETTEUMAN, - of H. F. EDU r, ( Columbia co, Attest! John U. Casey, clerk. We. the undersigned, Auditors of Columbia coup ty, having been duly elected to adlust and Bettle the account of tho Treasurer and commissioners ot Co lumbia county do hereby certify that wo met at Hie onico of the Treasurer and Com-nlksloners, la Hloomsbuig, and carefully examined tho 1 ccounti and vouchers of lho same from ihe lirst day ot Jao; uarA.D.l!v3i 10 tho second dav of January !' and llnd them correct as abovo stated, and woilnj a balance duo Columbia county on county fund of threo thousand onu hundred und thlrty-llvo doiuro S?.8 "y-ilvo cents ((3,U5 03) from 11. A. Hvvepiwn; hlser Treasurer of Columbia county. And welmd .0a,n.?,0, I,twenty.ix dollars and and illty-seven if,?i?.'w,6,7' 00 " fund la tho hands ol II. A. hvvcppeuhlser, Treasurer. in,V,yen,u.I'a,e.1'.0llrlmni'!' andsoals, tblsoth dayol January A, D. issi. C. W.HESS. ( I A 1(1(1 CK MALLEItl L.J.ADAMS, . ,,, , , , County Auditors, I laidueforo settlement. t l '''"so marked thus havo settled tholr dupllj cates in full Blnco January 2nd. C 83 2 97 0 74 414 8 87 1 25 D.MINISTH.VTOHS NOTICK. UTATXOf AUIIA1IAU rORUK D1CKA8SH. vlle,rs.0' ftdmlnlstratlon on tho estataof Abraham Force late ot orango township, Columbia couutfi deceased, have been irranted bv Ilia Houlster of saw i.By ,. l.ue undersigned administrator. A" K8?.113 ''avlng clalim against the estato of s-dJ decedent are reiiuosted topieBeut tiiem tor set WO" tnent and thnsn fiutpi.t,.! n' .rti. nnvn,.ni tn the undersigned administrator wliUout delay. 'lulnroek. IIKNHY FUU.MKIt, Jan 200-vv Adratnlstrator. A DM IN IBTIt ATOU'S NOTICE. K4TAT8 Of 4ESSI1 OUL. DKCKABXD .WS'1"8 01 Administration on tho estato of Jef -e phi, late of Henton township, Columbia coi'ni). leiinsylvania, deceased, have been gra'teu by t in Register of said county to I. K, Krlckbauui el Hcnton township, administrator. All persons having claims ugalnst the estate of said dece dent aro requested to present them for bellleuirct, and thoso Indebted to tho emalo to tnako paimeot to the uuderslgued Admlulslrutcr.wlthout delu), K. KUICKHAL'M, Administrator. Cambra, Fa, Ul 95 Hi 6474) 1 211 41)5) l X 21.519; I KbOu 6100' 179 M i 31M Si dill bllti 1 77M : 12459) IIIIOI'I j 3191 I ftbSO.w'