(oi.t nu iirMonuT.sait or tiiic NoiiTit.niid coi.um nnx, t'onsolld.ilcd. It'iii'it Wei hly. !( rr.T I'rMny llornlitH, nt llLOOMSIIfllO, lOl.t'MIHA 10 , IU, iTTwn nni.Mtupor year. Tosutncrllirranut of (tin J'JiiJlv the ternm nro strictly In nrtvnricn. "'iMii win imiMnniHincuyin nnvnncn. 1 tNoiuiicrillniilliiiUKl except nl, tho onttm of lie pulill jfifM. titiilt nil nrreariig. nro paid, fmt long wntlnucd rnilitu um nr,i im .Hum All IMPCl-M Ml-llt nut nf tint Hlnl nr tn itUfnnt ...... iMim iru imiii iui iii nutum-i-, iiiuiw n nvpnrft- lblo person In Columbia county nwiinics to pay urn fubsci Ipl Ion iiuo on ilciiiAiiil. I'osTAtiK la no longer exacted from sulNcrlbcrH In in county. .TOI1 PHINTINa. I Tho Jobbing Dep.irtmcntof tho Cot.BMtilUN Is vcr mmnll-fcl. ntiiTniif .lull PrltilliKf wtll tntittt-iti rn- lly v.1 tithnt of tho lnriro cities. All vtork done on wiui v Hint?, noiiiry nno nt nuMcrnto prices. 1 ttwrj iiiwMLn.iwa MOKKSSlONAL OAUDS. rp . unocicwAY, II ' A T T 0 K N n Y-A T-L A W, I cotruniAs licif tiisn liioomsburg, r I M linn r :t the I'nlte.. slates Law Association, ICorcctl.ins made in my fart of America or Europe. H K WAL't.KH, Attornoy-ut' I .aw. OCce. iecon J door from Is! Nation! Cut HLOOMSIIL'IIO FA, Ailoi noyat-Lnw, BU)0MSlleJHO,FA. tin'-fln Em's linn.oiKj. r . t. ... ttt t nttntt , t r-tif r i K j, iiui.rv.AL.cu, A i ieHt.ll-l.VA I'uA Y i nioumsturg,Pa. wceon Matt, street. first door below CourtllouH JOHN M CLARK, SATrOHNKY-AT-LAW, niootri9burz,r. u.Ue orer Sch'iylev's Hardware Store. tf W.MTLIiRH, MTOItN'Et-AT-I.AW, rrnce J"1 tlrower's building, nooonrt floor.rnom Vo.l. b-;oom3burg, I'a. m FRANK BARB. Attornoy-at-Jjaw. BLOOMSBUBG, PA Ofllco corner of Centre and Main Streets. Clark's hiulldlng. Can bo consulted in German. K. CHAI'lN, ATTORN EY-AT-LAW. ni.oinismiiMs, pa. Mav bo found In HL'CKALEW'S OITICE. neartlio Court House. Sept. Id, 'si, 6-m. 1 ho. e. klavkll, It A T TO R N E Y-A T-L A W, Nkw cot.cmbun DuantNO, Bloomsburg, Pa. Merrbcr of tho United States Law Association. Collections mado In any part of America or Europe 8. KNOltlt. L. 8. WINTKKSTKKK. Notary l'ubllo KN'OBB & WINTERSTEEN, A ttoi'iioys-at-La-w. Ottlcoln llartmau'H Block, Corner Main and Mar ket street", liioomsburg, I'a. tQf Pensions and Bounties Collected. pAUL K. WIRT, Atlorney-at-Law. onlcolnBrowcr'slilock. one door below llrockway Building BLOOMSBUBG, PA. QUY JACOBY. A tLo t 'iioy-at-Law, ULOOMSUUUO, omcolnll.J. ClBkrMHiiirtlnt'. second '.Boor, first door to tho left. Oct. 9. 'SO, T IF. MAH5E, ATTORN EY-AT-LAW AND JUSTICE OF THE PEACE. o'nicoln.Mrs. Ent's Uullding, third door from Main street. May lio.'bl. JOHN C. YOCUM, Attornoy-at-Lawi I1LOOM911UI10, PA. Ofllco with Hon. C. It. Buckalew. Member of tho American Attornoya' Association. Collections made In any part of America. Jan. s, 1 K. OSWALD, A.. Attox ncy-at-Lawi Jackson l!ni!Jinp, Booms 4 and 6, Maya, -SI. BEKWICK.PA. YyM. L. EYERLY, ATTOUN EY-AT-LAW, CatawiBEn.l'a. Collections prcuptly made and remlttod. Ofllco onposlto Catnwlfl'n Depoilt Bank. em-38 W 11. buawnJ ATTOBN EY-AT-LAW, Catawlssa, Pa. omce, corner of Third and Main Streets. A L. FBITZ. Allornpy-nl-Lnw. OIBce In llroekwaj'a Building. Juno S4, 'SI. T BUCKINGHAM, AII0rne7.nl.Lnw. Of XVflce, Broekway's Building 1st floor, IHooms buru, l'enn'A. may 7, 'SO-t f C- G. BAKKLKY, Attorney.st-I.aw. OOice , In Brower's building, 2nd story, uoome 4 & s "l B. BOBISON, Attorney-at-Law 1 . In Hartraaii's building, Main street. Office pvll. WM. M. BEBEB, Surgeon and Pli)-l clan, onice Market ureet. 1 II. EVANS, M. I)., Surgeon and Physl V , clan, (Ofllce and Besldcnctt on Third street JB. McKELVY, M. D., Surgeon and Phy slclan, north side Main street, below Market. J-)R. J. 0. BUTTEB, Til VSICIAN & snitOEON, omco, NPtth Market street, Oct. 1, T9. Bloomsburg, I'a. J)B. I. L. KABB, PRAOTIOAL DENTIST, Main Street, opposite Episcopal Church, Blooms turg, Pa. tv Teeth extracted without pain. OCt. 1 1879. w. m HOUSE, lihOOMSBURG, COL. 00. PA. All styles of work done In a superior manner, work warranted as represented. Tketh Kxtkict iu without 1'iin by tho uso of (las, and free of charge wlien artificial teeth are Inserted, Ofhee over Bloom6burg Banking Company. 'Jo be open at all hour) during the day, Nov. ss-ly MISCELLANEOUS p M. DBINKEB, GUN and LOCKSMITH Sewing Machines and Machinery of all kinds re- aired. una' llovss Building, Bloomsburg, Pa. I) AVID LOWENBEBG, Merchant Tailor Main St., above central Ilotol. K. KUIIN, dealer li. Meal, Tallow, etc, , Centre Btrcet, between Second and Third, JAMES It BILLY, Tonsorial Artist, B airala at .his old stand under kyoiian'ok 110- iftfpMu uiui aa usual a ri!(ar-UL.ABS iiAiiimit Hlioi. He reejiectfully solicits tho patronage of Mid utuKuauuiiwio uuu ui iuo uuuuu Kcuerauy, )Hlyie, 'bO. EXCHANGE HOTEL. W. R. TUBBS, PROPRIETOR BLOOliSBUItO. PA. OPPOSITE COL'HT HOUSE, Large and convenient simple rooms. Bathrooms hot and cold water, and all modern convenience 0. E.ELW2LL, 1 PALL AND WINTER CLOTHING J. EVANS, Tho uptown clothier, has Just received a nno llio of Now Uood, and Is rrepnred to make up FALL AND WINTER SUITS For Men and Boys In tho neatest manner and Latest Styles. GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, Hatsi Gaps. &o-t Alwaj s on hand. Call and Examine. EVANS' BLOCK Corner Main and Iron streets, SLOOZVZQSUZtO, PA. PLUMBING, GAS FITTING, STOVES and TINWARE. ,:o: E. 33. 332RO Has purchased tho Slo'k and Business of I. Hagen. buch, and Is now prepared to do all kinds of work lnhlsllnc. Plumbing and Om Fitting especially. Tinware, Stoves, tHqES nd EAJEt3, In a great variety. All work done by EXPERIENCED HANDS, Main Street corner of East. iii.ooaismmG:, im. N. S. TINGLEY. Announces to tlio public that l.c Is prepared to do all kinds of Custom Tailoring, promptly and at reasonablo prices. Now Is tho sea son for n NEW WINTER SUIT And Tlngley's tho place to get a proper fit. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Shop over Illllmeycr's Grocery, Corner of Main and Centre Streets, BLOOMSBURG, PA. M. C. SLOAN & BRO., BLO MSBURG, PA. M anufaeturcrs of Carriages, Bugi:s,?h3cten, Sic !gns, Platform A'agcns, First-class work always on hand. HE PAIRING NEATLY DONE. Prices reduced to suit t lie times. HIDES. Tho Highest Market Price in Cash PAIDFOK ALL KINDS OF HIDES AT A. SOLLEDE Leather and Shoe Finding- Store Main Stiieet, Opposite Stone Chuuch, BLOOMSBURG, PA. April 8, 'SO-ly AND Paper Hanging. WM. F. BODINEi HON ST., BELOW SECOND, BLOOMfrBl'HO, PA Is prepared to do all kinds of HOUSE FAXNTXNa Plain and Ornamental PAPER HANGING, BOTH DEC0KAT1VE AND PLAIN. All KIimIh of Furniture Rcnnlred. ami i mule jih good as new. NONE BUT FIK8T-CLASS WORKMEN EMPLOYED Estimates XVZado on all Work. WM. F. B0D1NE. BLOOMSBURG PLANING MILL Tho underslcrned havlnc nut Ills Planlm; Mill on Kallroad Mreet, In llrst-iiiss condition, is prepared to do all klnda of work In his line. FRAMES, SASH, DOORS, BLINDS MOULDINGS. FLOORING, Etc. furnished at reasonable prices. All lumbtr utcd Is well seasoned and nonu but skilled workmen are employed. ESTIMATES FOR BUILDINGS furnished on application. Plann and specifications prepared by an experienced draughtsman. CHARLES KRCft, niooniNburer, i'a. piRE INSURANCE. CHRISTIAN F. KNAPP, BLOOMSBURG, PA, BRITISH AMERICA ASSURANCE COMPANY. (1 HUMAN Pi REINSURANCE COMPANY. RATIONAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. UNION JNSUKANUJS UlMU'AMr. These ou cokpobitions are well seasoned by aire and fikb TKHTun and have never yet had a toss set tled by any court of law. Their assets are all Invest, ed In solid SKcottiriKsand are liable to tho hazard of vikk only. Losses ruoumT and honestly adjusted and paid a3 soon as determined by Cmkistun f, KNirr, smo- l&L ACiKNT AltU AI'JlfSTKKllLIHJMBIiliKU, I A, tub poopio or uoiumoia coumy Bnouia patronize tho agency whero losses If any aro settled and paid by one of their own cltlzons, o it, n, ?HKAS HHOWN'S INSritANCi: AUKX- CY. Moyer a new building, .Main street, ltlooms- burg, I ra. Assets. .I'.tna Insurance Co., of Ilarlford, Conn. Jl.n;s,j2i Royal of Liverpool,,. is,sou,oiio Uincaahlro iu,iho,uiio Flro Association, Philadelphia 4,lii3,;iT plKuiilx, of London r,-;M,3li lindon H iJincakhlre, of England i,lin,'j'6 Hartford of Hartford !!,!13,oih Sprlogneld Flro and Marmo v,es,3 As tho ascECles aro direct, policies are written for the Insured without any delay In the omco at Bloomsburg, Oct. SS, Ml-tJ. T) F. IIART.MAN HBPHKSKNTS TUB FOf.LOWINO A-MHHICAN INSUHANC'K COMPANIES i Lycoming of Muncy Ponnisylvanla. Norlh American of Philadelphia, J'u. Franklin of " " Penusjlvanla of " " Farmers of York, I'a. llanouT of New York, Manhattan of New York, Office on Market Mieet, No, 8, Bloomsburg oct. u, I-ly B, F. SHARPLESS, FOUNDER AND MAOHINIST. KSAnL. li B. DEPOT, BIO0U3BUR&, PENH'A. Manufacturer of Pious, Stoves and all kinds of Castings, Largo stock of Tinware, Cook Motes, Room Moves, MOU'H for heating Mornucliool lious e churches, Au. AWo, largo stock t'f repairs for city stoves of all Muds. vWioU'sulo und ietall,such as Flro Brick, (irules, Lias, t'ent-es, Ac., htoio I'll1, Cook Hollers, Spldors, lako platts, Urcu iron Ket tles, bled Soles, Wagon Boxes, all kinds of i'lo.v Points, Mould Boards, Bolts, Pldsler, salt, RONE MANCRE, feb 3 t-s DnrtfrUtRlT'iUT THE GREAT pj mj a i5 fill h n,? aiitn Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, Backache, Soroness of iho Dhost, Gout, Quinsy, Soro Throat, Swoll'ngs and Sprains, Burns and Scalds, Goneral Bodily Pains, Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frosted Feat and Ears, and all other Pains and Aches. Ni Preparation on carlli equals s-r. J cnii On. as a ,V. tun-, ftuiifr'and rit ni Extenml Utmcdy. A trial iiiiuilj but tho compnralltly trilling outlay of fill tViils. and every one Millerlin; with pain can have cheap and lMtlvc pronf of its claims. Ulrcclioiii Iu Eleven Ijuiguagci, BOLD BY ALL DRTJQQISTS AND DEALERS IN MEDICINE. A.VOGELZR to CO., Jlattlmnrr, 3Td., V. 8. A. A cola or wire ilirou may not Rccm to nmount to much, anil if promptly attended to can rnstly bo curctl; but ni'irloct N ortcn followed by roiiHitinpllou or illphllirrln. No inctUclne lias cv-t Ih rn (INcovercd whlclx nets so M'llrUI)' and Mirt ly tn huch cases n.s J'KHKV I.V1S PAIN KIMKIt. TllO proimit uso of tills inraUnible rtmely Uaa bared thousands of livi's. Ii:illt V UAVIh' PAIN ICILT.KU Is not nn i xpciinunt. It lias been before tho public for foily yrniM, and U most valued whero It Is iwst, known. A few e.ii.u ts lrom voluntarj' testimonials read as follows: TiN Kit.f kii Tik lcn my UoukUoM rf mMy for coldn lrr the (it t(,titytcien jtnrn, uud uhto nepr Kmiun It t f.ilf lu i-tTiTtiutf u cure. U M. Citot-KHi, VmiimifHle, N. Y. For tMrtyje.inl line u(d Pais Killkr, and found Itruieer-f.iilinirruiicdy for colds aud coro tlirnut. Ut ItTOV SKMK. llde rwelMil lmiiKHUute relief from roldn and pore thrmt. and cttiifUler tnir Vx Kili.ku an linnliLable ix'incd) . Oko. li. i;.itETr. JDickluHOn. N. Y. I tne J 1 t r cohered from a ut fcrre cold, wliicd I line tud fnr hoihu tlmi. I could tttt no relief until I trie I our I'ain KiM.KR.whUh ro'ioM'd me Imiiii-dtatdy. I will necr uyala be Without it !. u. 1'ohci-'. TrfiMnd(D, (la. llaon ed Pais Kilt mi lu my family frr forty 1 earn. ami hue uetur known It to fail. lUNtOit Lnwm. Waj nwlnro. On. I l)cp-anur-l:iirpAts Ktt.Lrn In my family twenty io yearn Htro nnd h.ivo um d Ueirrf-lnce.aud hao found no mt die.ne to take Hit phcu. U. V. l)Ytn, Drumriit. O'n-ld i. N. Y. 1'or whooj lm:-c'ouuh und croup it U the irti Ir.'jM ration nit lo. e would not lt without it A. r. l!ntTn, Lllwrty M11K Va. for wild and ihni'-d li h. iiitdiniirlderit thelnvt lortwentwue jcith I 1uoiipci Iain KiLT.cn throat wan vo Infii'turd 1 rou d hcnrttly f wallow auyftKxl. I v.an iidiltvd to tiy cur Pais Kim.fr. cud nfter tiMnu a few donn H6 comi lctely cured 1 Wilkinson. Dr. Waltos wilted from (ihocton: our Pais Kir-LKRCurcdli htlurta und n.rethroat.i-oalann. trtily pruaVnt heie. nud htm net t-cen Luown to fail in a t-iiik"lo int-tmie. 'lUU fuU jou t-hould liiaku known to thn wnld ,lrn CLM'Sli MAMiswritcK My hen wna taken IoIfutly h -k with iUpd!u'rin,hfvh feer, and cold chill-. So rnny (hildren h.ie lUd lure, 1 was afraid to cjiII jhjJHan, rrd tried jour Pais KiLi.Fit Ho wiiit t-iken tn butnlay, und ou WcdnuKdiy UN tlmwt wan ihnr. It wan a won derfid cure. uud I wih it could lo known to tho Iour iii'itborH who im- lo-lntf o tuuuy children. Kor Chills and Vever PAIN" Kllil.KUhas no 1 1 iu 1 1. It curtn hen cverj thins f li l)eus aro oitt'ii daiwrous. A bottlo ot Pain Kit.i.Kii4n the hou-e Is .i bafeguanl that no family should be wltLnut. AlldrugUUsellit at,43c.,.,i0c.,and 81.00 per bottle. PERRY DAVIS & SON, Proprietors, Providonco, R. ! I wiiii ciiTi rltitr uie rt 1" lirniitlitltH. mu mv PRIVATE SALE 01-' VALUAKLK Farming Land ! Tho undcrhlfc'i.ed oflerant piUate talc the farm Mtuited outhe load trcm llloomsburc to Berwick, at tho lower end of l'.spy. C'cntnlnlnc about 70 ACRES, unio orless, all under e iltlvallon. 'Mie.uUi LAItdK BAltV, Mieds and all tho necessary out building on Iho premises, nllln t'ooil lep-ilr. Terms easy. For pariluluB apply Co 10I1N Hill MAN, KP)', feb a l. in MOltER'SwtSfin COD-LIVER OIL Rupcriorto Cheapest any il'-h.-.t Oiliest ucj ca authorillea let fy id U dollraey c f ti.li: and aiucll. Tor r a'sby Drwfiitj. W.H.StlilelftlliiiCoJr,Wffi).V ftUI01-w d umvAitn; tn iiiiyi'iiaeof Bliud llUuliliK, ItUilMir, IMS '".""J ."'.'.7 '."'':! "I t.V.V.T I truumtr rrvntiiy j. r.3!ij.i.i.u,. ii.iJ., via rili ht.rhlU.ru. A"t ynulii.vA(if Al.ia'ur Kfl J torcircidar, b14 by druwifcUand couulry .tuiu,, w l feb 10 l.v d T1IU 1'ANTACItAl'll HlNDHlT lUlt AI.B II MY AT "T1IK UOhlMHIAN" OFFICE. CAI.f, AM) HV.V,, roii DiDhtheria. 1 BLOOMSBURG, PA., FKIDAT , ERBRUAKY 17, Poetical. tiii; AsatiAs visit. I)j I bcllevo In niiRf Is? Ye?! And In their prowllnj to anl fro; I entertained ono long ago, In ituUu of ago and sue distress. Ito clambered up the n.irrow stairs, And by his heavenly emlle 1 knew He was trued angel who Had comotovMt unawares. "ncstthie, old man," I gaily cried, "And Hi.uo my humble couch and cheer Thou slntt not want for comtirt here; .M) tome and hcaitcroopcn wllcl'' Relieved tf tjinoonry cares, The old man laid him down ncd slept ! And In my thankfulness 1 Vtcpt I'd entertained him unawares. I never thall forget that night, My happy drcain-iny slumbers sound ! And when I amXe at noon 1 found My angel vanished outof sight. Perhaps tn years that ore to bo That anget will return i and yet I somolmos Uar ho may forget To brln my overcoat to inu. Denver Tribune. Select Story. UNCLE DICK'S PATIKNT. by iiatth: UOIIBUS. All thu tlav liiul been bitterly cold, and every sound on the stormy stieets bad the sbai i sound and creak and clank lie- .1 1 .1 . .. 'Pl.it. CUIIUI lu il liuiuill iciiniei iiiiiu . j tun, eliinmeiiiij' frai'iiieiits of ieo lleeked the . . . 1 .. , ..,.. ...!. 1 ...1.1 pavements, ami a dusk whiu witsir'h with tho still and naked trees. 'This will be an uncommonly cold night," comment-d .Mm. Kh.abeth il liers, as she wr:iiji"d aiieh scarf more closely itbout her shoulders, and shiver ing even as she t-tood before her cherry grate lire. ''Kenny and IJessie, come away from the window, my dears, you will be quite dulled. Ami it is nine mo curtains were disuvn ami the gas ligh ted." "Hut the sky is so beautiful, mamma, remonstrated Master Leronzo, who had tho perception of an artUt. ''Where the sun went down it is clear yellow, like amber, and ovei head the blue is almost black,and full of big stars that shine just like the opal in your ring." "What a fanciful boy you are!" smiled his mother, who was exceedirgly fond and proud of the handsome lad,wlio was nearly as tall as herself. "15ut, oh, mamma!" exclaimed little 15essie,excito lly, "here i9 somebody lying on our steps. She must be sleeping, 1 think," concluded the pretty hulykin, with the assumption of grave perspicacity that is so amusing in a child. "No doubt the person is not sleep ing," said Mrs. Villiers, indifferently. "But she must not be allowed to remain there. Henny, ring for James." Hut her impulsive young son was be yond hearing her order, lie had already opened the heavy outer doors, and was btanding beside ilie still figure, ptostra td on the granite steps. The senseless woinan'woie a thin dress of frayed and faded silk and a large mantle of tlimsy material that was much soiled and torn. Tho hood had fallen back from a sad, winning face, and a great mass of fair, wavy hair, lay over her breathless bosom. As the lad bent over her with kindly solicitude, and gently pushed back her loose looks, he was startled by the sight of blood warm, red, human blood, slow ly rolling over a wan wasted cheek from a wound hidden beneath the malted hair. "She is hint. She is bleeding," he ejaculated. "She may bo dying. She must bo brought iu directly." "You are much toei impetuous, my lear boy," interposed his mother, from tho hall. To bring her in would bo as imprudent as Quixotic. Tho station is the proper place for such unfortunates." "15nt the night is so cold, and the Mil lion is so far away," u-ged tho lad, "She might dio before she could be taken there. And she could do no harm in tho kitchen, surely," he supplemented, as if grieved by the worldly objections of his parent. "Ami Uoou woiildn t do angry, mam ma! was the plea oi little nessie. "Aim then Uncle Dick is a elector, you know." "Hut Uncle Dick may not care to bo troubled by a patient jiiit now," said Mrs. illieis. "However, l suppose vou children must have your way." And so it happened that the sultcruig stranger was taken in, ami ur. Kichard Villiers was summoned from his room to attend her. The "rave, tldeilv nhvsician seemed agitated as he looked upon his unexpeo ted patient, and ins voice was curiously unsteady when ho finally spoke. "When she tell a sharp bit ot ic cut through the skin. Hut the gaah will soon heal. Her faint was caused by cold and hunger. She is absolutely starving, I should say," ho announced as ho gazeil compassionately upon tlio help less figure and incongruous attire. "Our children's protege has a most in teresting countenance'," Mis. Villiers re marked later. "And it seems miraculous that she has wandered here to iu," returned. Dr. Dick, musingly. "1 know tho poor creature soino years ago in the country. She was an honest girl but made an unfortunate marriage. Suppose you persuade hr to st iy with you for a tune, Elizabeth?" The lady marveled a little', but sho did not demur, for sho was charitably dis posed and had great eouMdcration for tho wishes of the brother of her dead husbami. Mowovei', she herself felt a benign in terest for the girl who was so mrely homeless and evidently friendless and who, us weeks and months passed, assum ed, with a gratitude that was almost pa thetie,a respected place iu that agreeable home. "I think you can do everything, Nel ly," said Master I.ieny.o ono elay, "Vou sew for mamma and help me with my lessons and have made cook absolutely lazy with your soups and puddings. "Have you any urotlur or Pi iiuiua, Nelly V suddenly asked liltlo Hessy. "1 think not. And I think somebody has been Dad to you, rseliy. 1 hat is wrong veiy wrong," shaking the gypsy head with a comical affection of superior wisdom. "Only wiekeil people could be cruel to any one so goon ami nice as you are1. Nelly Wynne's fair faeo flushed pain fully and her lovely eyes filled with tears. Alas; "She liud no father, site had no mother, bister uoui', and never u urotiie'r. nud ho whom hlio did have w is her bhaino nud her despair "Polito young misses do not nsk mi necessary questions." Mi s. Villiers gently admonished her liMpi'i-dl'ivo little logician. "Make your apologies, dear, to Nelly, mid then go with your brother. Tlio po mes havo come." For some moments Nelly stoo 1 by tho window looking at tho young people, who were eanteiing gleefully down tho avenue. Nelly was remarkably pretty, ami had a ccitmn simple elegance of manner and speech that 'as veiy pleasing. "She is always tlio saine,"Mrs. Villiers had once observed to her brother-in-law. "Sho is always calm and patient, thought ful for others, and wonderfully sweet tempered. Ono could never believe any wrong of Nelly. She is a treasure to us all." Hut latterly thero was a new ami sin gular gloom about tho girl, a dejection of aspect and a wistful apprehensive ex pression of tho largo eyes that puzzled her. "Of what may you be thinking,Nell)?" she iioried,in a jocose lone of the young woman, who still stood by tho window, gazing out absently into blankness. She sjartod, seemed irresolute for an instant, and then went slowly over to her benefactress. "I was thinking," she answered with a tremulous accent, "of your goodness lo ine ; how kind all of you havo been to me and how you havo all trusted me." Sho hesitated and then continued, mournfully : "And that the tune has come when 1 must tell you something dreadful for you to hear and humiliating for me to speak." "Do not distress yourself unneces sarily, Nelly," C'iuneletl Mrs. Villiers, kindly. "No ibui'it oil have innde mis takes and know i s riows, as wo all must do. rhateer you think light and best to tell me, dear, say i.i o'ir own time and way." "I am as grat- ful for your considera tion as I am sure of your sn:p d by," said Nelly, moro cheerfully. "Vou al ready know that my inariiago was a mis take, and that ho whom I wedded was not an honorable man," she proceeded, shuddering and reluctant. "Hut you havoneitherlieardiiorsurmised the worst. I was an orphan, without any kindred whatever, when I nut Kuftis Wynne, whom I did not believes wicked, although I knew he had been wild, and that his reputation was not enviable'. I knew, toei, that he was faulty ; that he could be unreasonably jealous; that ho was not truthful, and that ho had a fierce temper. Hut I fancied that my wifely influence and his affection for mo would remedy these defects. Ah ! but my hopes were delusions; my reasoning was as fallacious as fond. Not a year after my marriage 1 had become the most pitiful of crea tures an ui luvjd, neglected and abused wife. He no longer even affected the suppositious graces that had won me, and ho jeered at my misery anil horror when I beheld his character in its evil and hideous rcali'y." Tho unhappy Nelly paused and hid her face that was hot with shame. "Hut iu all this,dear, you wcre.and aro blameless," averred her companion con solingly. "There aro many who wouhl not be lievo so," protested tho girl sorrowfully. "There aro not a few who contend that a wife must always be the cause or the accessory of her husband's wrong doi.ig. There are those who would not hold blameless the most innocent of all wom en if she wero the wife of one whose vo cation is theft and such is the calling of the man who still pursues and claims me, comnfnnds and threatens me. Elizabeth llhers was shocked and troubled. As sympathetic and magnani mous, and fond of the girl as she was sho would scarcely have liked so uiide- irablo an individual as Kufus Wynne to cross her threshold, oven in peaceful pur suit of his wife; and ho wasoueto bring lisquiet instead ol peace, and gloom in stead of gavctv. You are', indeed, unfortunate, she responded, soberly. "Hut you have some serious reason lor tolling me inese tilings have you not?" "Unhappily I have," assented Nelly, "a decidedly serious reason. You do not apprehend, perhapsthat he so persistent lollows and asserts his rights oniv mat ho may force me to become his accom plices but 1 desire to avoid all useless fetalis. Ami sho had, indeed, omitted lisereetly all irrelevant incidents of her vicissitudes, that could only have shock- 1 her patient and wondering listener. "Soino days ago ho discovered my where- iliouts, and has since compelled me to see him. llo lias learned that you have many valuables in the house, and he has planned" for a moment she bowed her head in her hands and sobbed bitterly he lias planned a burglary to bo execu ted to-night, while Dr. Villiers is away. If I fail to make their entrance. the in gress ot himseit and companions easy anil secure, I am to die, Need I tell you moroT oh! Mrs, Villiers, say that I need not." Her agitation was intcnsedier innocent shame pitiful. ".o, my ilcareht girl, you nave told me sufheient. J ray compose yourseit. Dr. Uiohard will providentially return homo before sunset, and wo will submit the matter to his judgment." "por, eloing what is wise and right, I shall die," moaned poor Nelly, as she went faintly up to her room. "For ex posing my vicious tyrant, ho will kill me." I'ho night warm, soundless and dark with heavy, low-lying clouds came at last. When, somewhere iu tlio distance, a sonorous bell clanged tho hour of mid night, tho great liouso was all silent, nud not a gleam of light caino from tho clos ed anil darkened windows. Presently several forinsdiko grim black phantoms skulked from the shadows of tho old trees that flanked thu further wall of the spacious area; and one, tho tallest of them all, led tho way lo a latticed door that was ajar and opened upon im inuiem'ii uuicouy. Then a symmetric, silvery figure mov ed before them, ghost-like, through thu gloom and they followed dumbly with noiseless footfalls into tho stillness nud darkness of a largo room. Their supposed security was of short duration. Instantly behind tho last nocturnal ma rauder tlio eloor clf)sul Willi an ominous click, and nt tho moment n blaze of bril liant light filled tlio room, shining on the silver badges ami elelermlneil coun tenauees of a half do.eu redoubtablo ollleials. There was a brief Habel of impious tongues) a tierce but bloodless resistance, nud then the mansion wns exorcised of its incarnated spirits of unlawful ra pueity. Mic, Villiers plato and jowels and 1882. bank notes were safe; hut one house hold treasure she dearly valued was ly. iug like one dead before her. Nelly had swoouol before the hateful arm uplifted for a mortal blow, had touched her. Sho was unhurt, but her swoon was long and dangerous as was the dolorium that succeeded. Hut, after anxious weeks, on the very verge of the Black Waters, she smiled once more,sauo and safe, upon those who watched and loved her. She was safe, too, forever, from Unfits Wynne, who had departed whither no earthly punishment would ever reach mm. Nelly was youiig.and votilh easily for gets sorrowful things. Thero came a tune when the past was to her almost as if it had never b en. And thero camo a time when Dr. Vil liers said to her: "Nelly,when I lirstsaw you, long ago, I wanted you for my wife; and I felt that if I could never win you, I should never inairy. I foel so still. Y ou will not condemn mo to celi bacy, will you, my love ?" Nelly was too fond of her physician to doom him to perpetual bachelorship, uid there is no happier wife than shu who was onco Uncle Dick's patient. The Jjtk Itnliliit or Texas. Tiio jack rabbit is an inhabitant of Texas and of soino other Western States, lie is often called the "mule eared rab bit," and, by tlio cowboy, is familiarly spoken of as the "nniley." He is not a rabbit at all. A rabbit is :m unobstiiic tive little aniiutl who U found by school boy iu a bnlo iu the ground at the end of a long Hack in the snow. The so-called jack-iabbit is quite a different kind of soup-meat. Ho is Mrtitieal with the Hiitish hare, except ih.it ho is l.t g r, his color brighter and his eais inueh'l'inger. His avereiupois is about si.t. en pon ids, and his ears mea-urc, from t i , t tip, about sixteen inches. He ii s under cover of u lui'io'i of prairie gr.is", li it is very .seldom luiind at bom", his cilice hours between sunset and sunns.'. Ik is lo bo found, during tin- il iy on the open praliie, where he ft !s em' the ten der shoots of the mosquito or sigo-grass. He is not a ferocious animal, as' a stran ger might bo led to suppose from an ex amination of what purports lo bo his pic Hire, under the alias of "Tho Texan Hare," in Governor Huberts' book. Tho jack-rabbit lias several enemies, among them the cow-boy, who spots him with his rille ; tho coyote and the dog, that try to run him down, and tlio Governor of Texas, above alluded to, who libels him in his book. Ho has two ways of protecting himself against his enemies. One way is to squat, when he suspects dangcr.and fold his ears along his sides. By eloing this lie often escapes observa tion, as only his back is exposed, the color of which hatmonizes with the brown of the withered grass. The other plan, that lie uses when discovered and pursued, is to create remoteness between himself and pursuer. In giving his whole attention to this matter, -when necessary, he is a stupendous succes and earnest to a fault. When elislurbo 1 he unlimbcrs his long legs, unfurls his long ears, nnei goes off with a bound. He generally stops after running about a hundred varels and looks back to see if his pursuer is enjoying the chase as much as he thought lie would, and then he leaves for parts unknown. There aro many fast things, from an ice boat to a note maturing iu the bank, bul nothing to equal the jack-rabbit. An unfounded rumor gets around pretty lively, but could not keep up with" him for two blocks. When an ordinary cur dog tries to expedite a jack-rabbit gait he makes! a humiliating failure of it. He only gives tho rabbit gentle exer cise. The rabbit merely throws up his ears, and, under easy sail, skims leisurely along, tacking occasionally to give tlio funeral procession timo to catch up. But if you wish to see velocity, urgent speed, and precipitated haste, you havo only to turn loosu a greyhound iu tlio wake of a jack.rabb'ft. Pursued by a givyhouiid In will "let himself but" in a manner that would astonish a pre pVid half rate message. If ho be a rab bit that has never 'had any (xpeiienco witli a greyhound before, "he will start I'l'fntan easy puup, but as he turns to wu k ui i ltd veiy at what he supposes to uo an ordinary yellow dog, ho realizes that there is a force iu nature hitherto unknown to him, and his look of aston ishment, alarm and disgust as lie furls his ears and promptly declines tlio nom ination, is amusing. Under such eirctim stances no "oes too last lor the eve to follow his movements and presents tho optical illusion of a streak of jack-rabbit i nine ami a nan long. tcmh ttiin. A IMii- of I'lraJiloek's llefral. 1 hu engineers who are surveying tho uto of tho Pittsburg, Mclveespoit and oughiogheny railroad, says tho Me- Keespoit Time., struck a relic of Brad lock tlio other day, which takes the mind back to the banks of tho Moiiou- gahela when none but the aborigines pronounced its name, or dislurbeel its waters. Thejrelio was the skeleton of a veiy largo man. MoU of the bones hud crumbled to dust, but part of the leg ami tiiit;h bones remained, and traces of tho entire framo could be seen. It was sKcieiun oi a tall man proimoie oor six teet, and is iiuiiuestioiiablo tho re mains of ono of Braddoek's inu, killed in that disastrous battle with the sawy.s, when tins nation existed onlv in the dreams of a few advanced thinkers c II. p. . oucu uoues oi uio grim old wivrar as could bo gathered up were brought here by those who found them. It has been a long timo since Braddoek's field has yielded up such a startling reminder of that disaster. As Usual. 1 ho commercial traveler of a Phila delphia bouse, while in Tennessee up proacueu a stranger as tho train was about to start, ami said : "Aro you going on this Iran i "Yes." "Havo you any baggage 1" "No." i-iirn i "cn, my lrieiui, you can do mo a favor, and it wont cost you anything You see, I vo two rousing big trunks, anil they always uniko mo pay extra tor ouo of them. ou can get ono cheokud , .i .i.... i ... ,(ii i ... . ., nn turn ueiki'i, nun v, u n euuiiru IIIOIH SCO r "Yes, I see j but I haven't any ticket "Hut I thought you said you were go iiigou tins iraiiii "S' I am. I'm tho conductor." "Oh I" Ho paid extra as usual. THE GOLUMHIAK. VOL, XVI NO. 7 COLUMIJIA OBMOOIIAT, VOL.UM, NO, 60 Coal In the United Slates Tho census of 18S0 shows that tho de cade past is less remarkable for tho in crease of tlio country in population, largo as that has be en, than for the growth of our material development. In mining, manufacturing, the production of cereals nud cotton, in the oxtentions of our iail road system and tho increased cultivation of tho soil, our progress during the last ten years.has been something marvelous. There is no belter illustration of this than the single ease of our coal production, as shown in tho recent bulletins issued by the Census Ollice. Tho returns are yet incomplete, cover ing only tlio region oast of the 100th meridian. In this region bituminous coal is obtained in eighteen States and niithraeito in two. the total product of bath for 18S0 is seventy ono million tons for 1870, which is an increase of percent. Of thu anthracite coal 0,170 tons were produced in Uhodo Island and the remainder, 18,010,819 tons, were mined in that portion of Pennsylvania east of tho .Susquehanna Hiver. Tlio production for 1870 was 15,00 1,'75 tons, which makes the increase in 1831 per cent. The bituminous product shows the much larger increase of 1 17 percent., or from 17,100,000 tons in 1870 to l:,.120,000 tons in 1880. Tho grand total production for 1880 of seveiify-ono million tons, is less than one-half the production of the Fnglish collieries for the samo period, anil is about equal to the English production in 18."). Tho output in England for 1880 was l(;i,.:Si;,000 of our shoit tons, which was tons for eacli inhabitant, while this country produced 1.1 tons per capita. An important difTerenoj is however, that while our coal supply is yet scarcely touched, the English pro duction lias probably leached its great est development, and more or less appre hension is already felt there that their coal beds aro approaching exhaustion. At the rato of increase in tho eoal pro duct of this country in the last eleeado we promise soon to ovei take that of England. The ratio of increase in the. last ten years was four times that of tho increase in population. Tho very gen eral substitution of coal far wood iu this period will account for a largo portion of the increase, but the great growth of our manufacturing industries is tlio chief factor in the greatly increased demand for coal. The single State of Pennsylvania not only produces all but an unimportant li action ot the anthracite coal, but threo times as much bituminous coal as any other single State. Its product for 1830 was eighteen million tons, or more than was produced in tho whole United States in 1870. Tho coal product of Peniis lvania, both bituminous and an thracite, in 1880 is just seven-ninths of the entire stock of eoal produced in the United States during that year. Tlio second coal State is Illinois, and after it Ohio and Maryland in order. West Virginia, Indiana and Iowa each produc ed between one and two million tons, and some half dozen other States make a respectable showing. Tho immense coal deposits in West Virginia, Ken tucky, Tennessee, Alabama and through out the West, remain almost untouched a i ieli rcsei voir of infinite power and unlimited wealth fur future generations. Press. Iluw a Liille Olrl Suggested I lie Invention (if Hie Ti'li'seape. Some of tho most important discover ies havo been made accidentally; and it as happened to more than one inventor, ho had long been searching alter some new combination or material lor carry ing out a pet idea, to hit upon tho right thing at last by mere chance. A lucky instance of this kind was tlio discovery of the principle of tho telescope. -Neatly three hundred years ago, there ,'as living in the town ot Aliililelburg. on the island of Walcheren, in the Neth erlands, a poor opticau named Hans .ippersheini. One dav, in tlio year 1008, he was working iu 1 its shop, his children hoiping him in various small ways, or romping about and amusing themselves with tlio tools and objects lying ou his work-bench, when suddenly ins little gin exclaimed: "Oh Papa! See how near tho steeple comes: Halt startled by tins announce iiKiit, tho honest Hans looked up from his work, em ions to know tho child's iinazemoiit. I iirning toward her, he saw that sho was lookintr tin onh two eases one held close to her eye', and tho other at aim's length; and, calling his daughter to his side, ho u sliced that the eye lens was plauocoucl ive, (or flat on one side and bulging on tho other.) Th'Mi, taking the two glasses, ho repeat- 1 h.s dauorhter s experiment, and soon liscovered that she had chanced to hold the lenses apart at their exact focus, and this bad produced the wonderful effect she had observed. His quick wit and skilled invention saw in this accident a wonderful eli eoverv. He immediate ly set about nuking use of his knowledge of lenses, and ere long ho had fashioned i tubj ol pasteboard, in which beset tho glasses firmly at their exact focus. This rough tube was the germ of that great instrum.iit tlio telescope, to which modern science owes so much. And it wis on October '.'I'nel, 1008, that I.ip persheim sent to bis goverumet three tel eseopes made by binisell, calling thoni "instruments iv means ot which to seo at a dhtinco." .oi long aiterwaid another man, Incob Adrians., or M tins, of Alkmaar, a town about twjiifv miles from Am sterdam, claimed to have discovered tho principle nf the telescope two years ear Her than nans i.ipii.'rslieim; and it is generally acknowledged that lo one of these two men belongs the honor ot in venting mo instrument nut it seems ertain that Hans hipperslieim had never known nor heard of the discovery undo by Adrians, and so, if Adrians had not lived wo still should owe to Hans Lippersheiin's quick wit and his little daughters luokv Middling, one the most valuable and wonderful human inventions. St, 'eliruari, 188. Aictolas for 'lummy was a little rogue, whom his inotlior bad hard work to manage Their house in tlio country stood raisee! a few feet from tho grotiiiil.and Tommy to escape a ivell deserved whipping, ran iroin nis mother nun crept under the house. Presently the father came home and hearing where the boy had taken relume", crept under touring him out As lie approached ou his hands and knees, tommy askoel, "is alio, after you KM f,10 son 11 mi l0 IS in m Mil' lr Is 00 ism a i oi (n Mm 10 f II ono Inch . Two lrifh Thrto Inches.,,., 1'nur Inches (Jimrter column., Ihir column oncroliiinn . J(U 360 nro urn .. 400 ,. BOO .. 010 4UU l""l s on l m too 8 00 10(41 ..10OO 1(01 1IIM ..novo a"iWJ ,T.MI Vmriv n.irnriiArMnAnid timrntiln niinrtrrlv. Trull' stent nifvcrthnmentH must bo paid for before Inserted i except wncro partuis navo ncoounui. IWl odvertisemenU two dollnrs per Inol; for thiw Inxortlnas, and nt that rato for addlllonnl insertions without refcrenco to length. Exeeiilor's.Admlnlilrntor's, and Auditor's i notlas tlirco dollars. -Must bo pa'd for when Inserted. Transient or Loo.1t notices, ten cents a line, regu'nr advertisements half rates. Cards In tho "Business Director! " column, one dollar per ) car for each line. Odd Items. Tho Brooklyn bridge has cost already Sl3,i:!0,G00. Tho oyster industry of Mobile', Abi., is 101,020 bushels per year. You can prove nothing to women. They believe only with their hearts or , their imaginations. A trout caught recently in Murray county, Georgia, was found to contain a silver half dollar. Theodore Tilton and Brigham Young's nineteenth wife, Ann Eliza, are lecturing through our State. Senator Voorhees declares that he has cured himself of rheumatic gout by tak ing lemon juice in warm water twice or thrice a day. The peppermint crop of the United States reaches about 70,000 pounds a year, of which t10,000 pounds.is exported. Two thirds of it is produced iu New York. There is a rumor that tho Emperor of Germany will, on March 22d, when bo will bo 8., proclaim tlio Prince Imperial his Lieutenant for tho ordinary affairs of tho empire. More than half of the institutions in the United States which profess to give university education and confer degrees now admit women on equal terms with male students. The uumbor of post cards dispatched in Germany during the year 1880 was 1215,000,000. In the Post-olllco Museum at Berlin there aro exhibited 418 differ ent kinds of post cards. Florida papers say that tho brown or rusty orange is much the sweetest, and can bo kept longer than the bright fruit, but it will not sell at tlio North for more than half the prico of fair fruit. An English esthete says marriage is like a bag of snakes, in which thero is ono eel. We suppose the idea is that even tho fellow who is so lucky as to escape tho snakes and get tho ee't will not be able to hold on to it. Tho tastes of tho Pope arc so simple that $3 a day covers the expense of his personal housekeeping. He dines alone, attended by cue servant. His health is failing, and hois troubled by insomnia. All tho work done bv Iho Now Or leans Criminal Court since 1879 is inval id, according to a decision of the Louis iana Court of Appeals This will release a large number ot criminals, but car. scarcely help several hanged murderers. A parallel occurred at Kingston, N. Y., to tho proposition to Bell Guitcau's body. Two young men recently sold tho body of their mother to medical stu dents for dissection for 8 i. The woman died in the hospital. One of tho men is now a iugitive lrom justice. People cannot be too careful about vac cination. A Philadelphia girl who inoc ulated herself with a piece of virus from tlio arm of her favorite young man found that it gave her an almost uncontrollable elesiro for whiskey. Several medical journals have recently published statements claiming that germs of disease aro often carried in ice formed from impure water. Young men having girls will bo pleased to seo this subject further agitated. It will prevent all their spare cash from going for ice cream next summer. to nr.iT.Usii ,v sicic rnitsox. Add about twenty drops of Darbys Prophylactic Fluid to a quart of water, in bathing. It will give tlio skin a soft, pleasant and refreshing feeling and elis pel tho odor that fever and perspiration leaves on the boely. A small quantity of tlio Fluid sprinkled over anything, placo or vessel where thero is lmtrcsceneo do stroys at once tho germ of all animal or t vegetable poison An eld fellow whose daughter had failed to secure a position as teacher, in onsequenco ot not passing mi examina tion, said; "1 hey asked her lots of things she didn't know. Look at the history questions ? They asked her about things that happened before she was born! How as sho going to know about thcuu Why, they asked about old. George Washington and other men she never knew ! That was a pretty sort of an ex animation. PhilaiMnhia Times. Since the result of the Sullivan Kyau prizo fight lias been received, Hichard 'an, ot the luoventh ward, troy , . comes forward and expresses confidence in Ins ability to whip bubivan. A low months ago ho wished to take up Sulli- an's offer of $."0 in Troy, to stand up before him for five minutes. Sullivan lecliued to accept on tlio ground of its being the home of Uvan and ho did not wish to cause any ilf feeling iu Troy ;Cgan is a young man, an 1 lias never been beaten in a sporting match. Lu Lumierc Jilectriiua describes a curious application of electricity to pre vent, military conscripts practising iraun to thero stature by bcmiing their knees. When tho conscript stands erect against tho measuring post the hind parts ot his knees press ou electric contacts, causing two bells to ring; the ringing oases when thero is tao least bending. I'ho sliding liar which furnishes tho measuro lias also a contact winch is pressed by tlio head, whereby a third electric bell is ailcoteel. For a correct measurement, tlio three bells should ring simultaneously. This instrument is em ployed in the Spanish nrmy. Two gentlemen of Now Orleans, after experimenting for several months, have nt last discovered or invented a method of making excellent butter out of cotton eed oil. A sample was tested by several experts who lavished high encomiums upon tho new discovery, lsciuir ot a purely vegetable nature, it will not havo the enemies to combat that so vigorously and raneorousiy nssail tho oleomargarine, which is manufactured from animal oils. I'ho in von tors inoposo to niako two grades of tliis vegetable butter, which they claim to be far supeiior to nllother kinds of artificial butter yet made, and at tlio Umo profess that they will be able to sell it at a much less price. After a series of trying and vexatious experiments a col oring matter was discovered that gives 1h 9( au the article a most exmuslte yellow tint, equal to that nssuineil by the finest New York butter. It is not learned what the inventors intend doing witli their dis covery, or whether they will manufacture tho article thero or elsewhere. Tiny seem to bo sanguine of its succe ss n i a substituto for the different kinds of nrti llelal butter now iu use, but refuse to give any detailed account of tlio process employed in its manufacture.