The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, February 10, 1882, Image 4
KaKBtflKacaznaawxaarmi THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BL00M8BUJIG! COIvUMBMiCO.UNTY. PA. The Ulfllrulllrs with Hoot Crops. Englishmen who visit tliin country ox not great mir-ulso that our farmers tlu volo so llttlo n'.tonUon to tho production of root crops for feeding to stock. They dcclaro that roots, especially turnips nnd mangolds, aro their main rclianco for feeding stock animals and for making beef, mutton and pork. Tiiey speak of tho productlveno of root oroos, of thoir ox cellonco for food, and of their bcuollcial iniluonco 'ih" preparing land for a crop of wheat oiyothcr small grains. Their statu mcnts aro all Into in relation to their own esoilntrv. but iliov Act not. furniiOi coticlustVo cvldenco that tho samo kinds of crops would bo profitablo hero. Tho cllnnto of Great Britain is very favora blo for the production of root crops, be ing mild nnd moist. It is also favorable for keeping them after thoy aro raised. In many portions of England turnips nnd beets can bo eaten in tho Holds whero thoy grow, nnd all tho trouble of pro tecting'them saved. In other places tho ground freezes so little that only a slight covering is required to keep them till spring. Land is high, nnd it is accord ingly economical to produce as much as possiblo from it. Commercial fertilizers aro ldrgoly employed for enriching tho soil, and those manures contain no seed thnt will causo tho soil to become foul. Tho food for stock purchased from abroad is very rich in its character, being chiefly oil cako and corn meal. Theso substances can bo fed to excellent advan tage with turnips nnd beets. Labor is comparatively cheap, and thero is no trouble in obtaining hands to weed and thin out plants. Theso circumstances arc nearly all ro versed in most parts of this country. Tho cllmato is very unfavorable for tho pro " duction of the root crops that aro in tho highest favor abroad. A largo part of tho country is subject to drouth during portions of tho year when most cdiblo roots attain tho greater part of their growth. Hoots liko turnips and beets, that extend a considerable distance above the surface of tho ground, mako a very slow growth during hot nud dry weather, whilo tho exposed portions become tough and stringy. Tho climato is also very unfavorcblo for keeping roots long after thoy have matured. They must bo stored in cellars or kept in pits from tho time ireczing weather commences. To p re servo them in this way involves much trouble and cxiiens?, and is attended with considerable risk. Moro labor is required to feed them out than is rc- j-.. .i 1 . 1 c f - 1 x . 1 milieu iur oilier kiihis 01 ioou. JiSiim is cheap and thero is less necessity for making it as productivo as possible. Stable manure is generally used for fertil izing purpose?, anil as it is ordinnmv ay plied it is almost certain to cau?e the land to be full of weeds. Little oil cako is fed to any kind of stock, and there is, accordingly, less used for vegetables in the feeding ration. Labor is comnara tivcly hifjh, and chcro is a great difliculty in obtaining men who are willing to weed and thin out small plants. As the employment of machinery is general in tho production or other ioou crops, uu assisted manual labor seems degrading It is truo that implements havo been brought into use for sowing seed, culti vating, and for (loincr much of tho work of harvesting, but it is still necessary to penorm considerable manual labor 111 raising and harvesting a crop of roots. Hnsilngo. Mr. Mills, tho apostle of ensilage, or tho preservation of crops in a green stato for fodder, the possibilities of which ho is illustrating at Arrabeck farm, Pomp ton, N. J , lays down tho following con ditions as essential to success: Air must bo perfectly excluded from tho nit or silo by a uniform aud continuous pressure of about n.-u pounds to tho square loot; the the crop should havo flowered beforo being cut, and the knives should ba sharp enough not to tear tho sicchariuo sacks. Last year Mr. Mills fed for seven months MU animals, cows and horses, from ten acres of corn fodder. The past Hummer ho fed for six weeks 100 cattle, mostly much cows, irom live acres ot oats sown m tho Spring, and ho believes that during this Winter and until his corn crop of 1882 is ready ho can, in spito of an luicnur yiuiu occasioned by mo drouth, keep 125 cattlo on tho corn fod der cut from twenty-fivo acres. Mr. Mills states that 0110 ton of grass preserved green in a.silo possesses as great feeding capacity as twenty tons of the best hav. Theso arc startling figures, but if anyono feels disposed to dispute them Mr. Mills will gladly furnish tho proof, and tri umphantly point to his sleok and happy uuwa, vvuusu neii mint umigs one cent n quart moro than the usual price. Docs Farming Pay? Does farming pay? Dvjos anvthinir but farming pay? Is it not the sourco of all individual wealth; the foundation of oar prosperity 1 It is truo farmers do not as a general thing got largo salaries; not -r it ...Mir... many ui ilium uru millionaires; wealth does not oome 111 upon thorn like water into a leaky boat. Thoy generally give nn equivalent lor what thoy get, and learn tho real value of a dollar by the amount of labor thoy give aoquiring it. sometimes tho tide ot ovents turns 111 their favor. iiiKo men in outer occupations, wo hoar most about tho rich nnd tho sucuoss- fill. It is far better to leave a treasure of kind thoughts, righteous notions nud hallowed memories, than to leave a mil lion dollars if tho-' were numiired bv taking advantage of tho gracious and unsuspecting, who disdain to exchange honor for wealth. Men that amass fab ulous fortunes rapidly, by cheating better men than themselves, aro not good men to sot uctoro our young lanners as ex nmples. Truo, lasting and real success is en joyed whero a class of men liko farmers do well in the aggregate, and during their whole lives. Tho great majority of iannors, uy living uvos ot industry and economy, aro safu and solvout, and never need n bankrupt law to protout thorn. When poriodi of camtnircial disaster sweep over tho land, and tho mcraantilo establishments n'ld business moil go down liko roods before tho blast, fanners stand liko applo tree3 111 their orchards, shaking down fruit during all tho storm, and gaining strength ot root and vigor of fibre, whilo battling with tho breeze. Professor Huxley says: ''If tho sound ot musio doesn't causo a dog acute pain, why does the animal tit up on his haunches and howl when a Gentian bind is doing its worst in the street" We'll tell you professor. Tho dog acts that way becauso it loves music, and is waiting'for an opportunity to grab tho Joader ofthe bnnd by tho throat. It is not a sign that a dog doesn't lovo music because a street baud makes him howl. Old Mendelssohn would sit up on his logs and howl, too, if ho could hear so 1110 of tho cttvet music of our day. The Judge. Georgo Law, who recently died in Now York, started with a hod and quit with a million, Jte. What in tho namo of common senso did the man want with a million hods I Ho mint havo been a hod fellow of eccentric degree. Jforrtitoion Herald. llow to Hun. Very few boys know how to 11111. "Ho, ho!" say a dozen boys. "Just biiug on the boy that can run faster than I caul" But, stop a moment. I don't moan that most boys can't run fast I menu they can't run far. I don't believe there is 0110 boy in fifty, of those who may read this, who can tuna quatter of a mile nt a good, jince without having to blow liko a porpoise by the time he has mado his distance. And how many boys are there who can run, fast or slow, a full milo without stopping. it Hardly speaks well lor our race, does it, that almost any animal in crea tion that pretends to run at nil can out run any of us 1 Tako the smallest terrier dog you can find, that is sound nud not a puppy, nud try a race with him. He'll you badly. lie 11 run a third laslcr than you can, and ten times as far, and this with legs not more than six Inches long. I havo a hound so active that ho always runs at least seventy-fivo miles when I stay a day in the woods with him; for he certainly runs more than seven miles an hour, nnd if I am gono ten hours, you see ho must travel about seventy-five miles of distance. And then, a good hound will sometimes follow a fox lor two days and nights without stopping, going moro than threo hundred and fifty miles, nnd ho will do it without eating or sleeping. Then, you may have heard how somo of the runners in the South African tribes will run for long distances hundreds of miles carrying dispatches, and making very lew stops. 1 make these comparisons to show that our boys who can not run a mile without being badly winded aro very poor run ners. But I believo I can tell tho boys some thing that will help them to 11111 better I was a pretty old boy when I first found it out, but the first time 1 tried it 1 ran a mile nnd a quarter at one dash, and was not weary nor blown. And now I'm going to givo you the secret:" Breathe through your nose 1 had been thinking what poor run ners wo are, and wondering why the nn nnais can run so lar, and it camo to me that perhaps this might account for the diuerence, that thoy always tako air through tho nose, whilo we usually begin to pint through our mouths belore wo have gone many rods. Some animals. such as tho dog and the lox, do open their mouths and pant whilo running. but thoy do this to cool themselves, and not because they can not get air enough through their noses. I found once, through a sad experience with a pet dog, that dogs must die if their nostrils become stopped. They will breathe through the mouth ouly whilo it is forcibly held open; if left to themselves they always breathe through the nose. So, possibly, wo are intended to take all our breath through the nose, unless necessity drives us to breathe througl tho mouth. There are mauy other reasons why wo ought to make our noses turnish all the air to our lungs. One is, the nose is filled with a little forest of hair, winch 1 always kept moist, like all tho inner sur faces of tho nose, and particles of dust that would otherwise rush into the lungs aud make trouble, are caught and kept out by tins llttlo hairy net-work. Then tho passages of tho nose aro longer, and smaller, and more crooked than that of the mouth, so that as it passes througl them tho air becomes warm But these aro oniy a lew reasons why tho nose ought not to be switched off and left idle, as so many noses are, whilo their owners go pulling through their mouths All trainers of men for racing and rowing, and all other athletic contests, understand this, and teach their pupils accordingly. If the boys will try this plan, they will soon see what a difference it will make in their endurance. After you have run a few rods holdiug your month tightly closed, there will come a time when it will seem as though you could not get air enough through "the nose alone; but don't givo up; keep right on, and in a few moments you will over come this. A llttlo practice of this method will go far to mako you the best runner 111 tho neighborhood. Tteo. 11 Wilson, JSt. Nicholas fo February, 1 sa A Lady Lawyer's Uctort. Judge Tyler, of San Francisco, is well known to the bar of that city as a most loinudabio opponent, both lorensically and physically, as many a "learned conn scl" upon tho other side has found out to his sorrow. Tho judge, who is so used todominat nig his brethren ot tho bar, recently met his match 111 tho lady lawyer of San Francisco, Clara S. holtz, who clipped nis wind in a manner that weli-mgli mil- located nun. 1 ho story is too good to bo lost. Tho case of Tyler vs. Tho Iliberni Savings Bank, was pending before one of tho city courts, involving the right to a cei tain deposit ot luiuis 111 said bank, Tyler was his own attorney, and Mrs holtz was attorney for tho bank. It seems that Tyler, by a littlo bit of sharp IJiriuuui-, was nvnig iu nug in a -coin deck" in the shape of a default that had been erroneously dated, tho admission of wiuoh by tho judge upon the bench would havo sent tho defendant out of sourt. Mrs. I oltz showed up tho mat ter satisfactorily to tho court, and the dofnult was promptly set aside. This nettled Judgo Tyler considerably, and turning to tho lady counsel, ho haiil sharply, 111 a manner intended to bo in tensely impressive, that "counsel had better be engaged in other business," that "a woman s place was atlioiuorais ing her children.' i he words were scarcely uttered be fore Mrs. holtz rose in her queenly way. and flashing her blue eyes straight into tno judgos uond lace, sho quietly ro marked: "A woman had better be en gageu 111 aunost any business 111:1:1 111 raising such men as you are, sir." i ho court commanded order, but 111 a tone that seemed to appreciate tho jus tico of tho retort, whilo a number of lawyers in court, some of whoso heads Judgo f yler lias lielil 111 "chancery on luiim-i uutiniuus uaiuu 11u.11 uxpioiiiug wiiu suppressed laugnier, 1 no counsel turned white with nnger and groaned 111 spirit, but concluded that it was better to drop tho subject 1 licit nnd mere. nan iose Mercury, In a small German town an innkeeper. . i 1 1. l.n . . , 10 gui uu ui .1 uuuk iiuuuiiTH importuni ties bought nn nlniaiino from him, and putting it in his pocket left tho inn, his wile just then coming in to tako his placo. Tho woman was then persuaded to buy an nlmanne, not knowing that her husband had 0110 already. The litis- band shortly returning nud discovering tho trick, sent his porter to tho inilwav station after tho peddler with a message that ho wanted to see him on budiiess. Oh. ves, ' said tho peddler, "I know, ho wants one of my ahumac-i, but I really can't miss my train for that. You can givo mo a quarter and lake tho nlnianno to him." The porter paid tho monoy and carried a third almanac to tho innkcopor, Tableau I GREAT GERM DESTROYER. VA1WVS PROP 11 YL ACTIO FLUID I SMALL POX ERADICATE Pitting of SMALL FOX Prevented. I'lCi'rs nurllled nnd healed law-reno prevented nnd curcii. Dynctmrv cured. Wounds healed raptdlv. survey cured In fchoit time. Totter dried tip. Contaeton destroyed sick Hooms purlll.'dand mndo plensatit. Fevered nnd Mck porsjns relieved nnd refreshed by bathing with Propby lactlcnuld nddod to the water. 11. la prut-ctiy narinii'ss. For Boro throat It la 11 suro euro. 8ott White Coroploxlons DIPIHERIA secuieu uy us use in bathing. Impuro ntr made, ham lois nnd nurirtcil bv PREVENTED. sprinkling Darby's Fluid about. To purify ilia broitli, cholo'ft dissipated, ship Fever preychted by Its use. Incases of dath In tlii home, it should always uicanso iiiB.ieeiii, u can't bo surpassed. Catatrh relieved and curca. KrjBlpclas cured, uo used about 1110 corpse Hums relieved Instantly.' it will prevent uuy DtniJiiiciciicu, unpieanatit smen Removes nil unpleasant An Antidoto for Anttmt OdOM. or veirctablo roisons, mines, &c. Dangerous cflluvlai of 1 siok rooms nnu hospit als removed by Its 1H0. YELLOW KUAUIOATED. FEVR CURED, Intact It Is tho great DISINFECTANT AND PUIUPIKtt rHEl'ABKD BY J. H. ZEILIN & Co., MiNCMCTCKINO CltSltlSTS, SOLE I'KOl'itlKTOlIS Maak Biudlmg IX ALL ITS mtASCllEfi- J. OT. RAEBER, Practical Book-Binder 110 WEST MAKKET STKEET, WILXES-BARRE PA. Hinder ot all tho current publications In any de sirable stylo. Illoomslmrg reference can be given If required. Correspondence solicited. I havo In stock avery fine lino of lllll Heads, Noto Heads, statcmonta da. 1 can sell you Just as chesp as you can buy In l'hlladclphla,anu cheaper In touo Instances. GIVE HE A TRIAL, OTESBESR--HARDKEAB? PIA1TOS, A FINK INLAID FRENCH WALNUT CASK 0 It (JAN, J STOPS, 800 CASH. EafeT TerniH. Satisfaction Guaranteed. BACON'S 'W".A-3rlJ3 ROOMS, MUSIC HALL BLOCK,, PA Juno 10, 'Sl-ly Tho Largest General tho Un ted Slatas. J .fiJl' Tho Llock,frcr.i !3tli St. to Square and M-rktt St., 1301, 1303, 1113, 1315, 1317 Chestnut St. FiME WMtESAMB MMW BLOOMSBURG, PA. 'IS caw t not. -m GET THE BEST. ESTET 03-Jl"S. fflfe"f ."M?!7.V., rjrr" ' ; STKOIVCJ- COMPETITION In tho manufacture of Organs is resulting in tho production ntul galo of cheap goods, mndo from inferior mutoria's. I refer particularly to hnmis Orrrnna Mint. nr ('nntiiiiinllv aDriiirrinrr liifn nviBtnrwm u!M,r,,,i " o n j -1 o n w.,.w.w..w ii luiuui any merit whatovor, except to bo offered cheap, and then when purchas ed found to bo dear at any price. Will yuii not then, rcatlor, If you Contemplate consider it your only safeguard to eolect an instrument bearing the name3 of first clas3. wholly responsiblo mukcra. A cood assortment oi styles of tho celebrated Estey Organs can now bo seen at tho now rooms ot tho Only Authorizsd Agent fox tha Enti.y Organs in Oolumbii Oounty. A guarantee for (Ivp yeirs from tho nianu- tucturers accompanies every J.Rtoy J. 5 ,aD0W'9Wf THE SUN, " NinV"Yomc,'t8S2." " Tim sun for 1 will make Ita iiftrcnUi annual rev olution nnd jr the pnwcnl m inaircmcnt, nhlntntf. as nlways, for nil, i and little, moan and gracious, oontu'Wod and tmhippy, Itepibltcan and Democrat lo, depraved and vhtuam, IntNUcnt and obluse. The sun's llfht Is tor manittiid and womankind of ovry mint but Ha Rontal wirmtli Is furtheuood, w,.U ) It pours hot discomfort on tho bllsterlDij backs if thopTnlstenlty wlcku.l, 1M ami ot isos was a nouspaperof new kind. It discarded many ot the forms, nnd n mullltudo ot the supcrtuous words And phrases nt ancient J ur nalism. It undertook to report In a frcfh, succinct, unconvchllonil way all tho news of tho world, omit ttnR no cventof hum in Interest, and oeinmcntlntf upon ntlalrs with ttie fiarl 'ssneasot nlwotuto Indo petidenc, The Kiicceiis of this oxperlmont was tho success ofTmxtm It effcted a permanent chango Intlu'Myto ot American ncwspipcrs, Kfery In portitit juiirnal established, In this country in the doen liars past Ins been m jdelled after Tho sun. Kvery linpoitam Journal already existing has been modliled and u.'L'o.eJ by ttio fjreoof Tho Sun's cx aniolc. Tho Sun of I 81 will bothi simo outspoken, truth tcUUitf, nnd lnt resting nawspapir, liy u liberal uso of the mnans which an abundant prosp my mtordSjWj sit ill mike It bettir than ever beforn. WtisuT.l print all t:io ti -wj, puttlni It Into read able rhino, and measuring us importance, not by i ho traditional yardstl-k, but by Its real interest to tho people. UUlancofrom Printing llouso Siiuaro Is not tho ttrst conslJcraion with tho sun. When over anything hippens worth reporting wo ecttho particulars, whether It happens In liroouljn orln lJokhara. In polities we havo doeldod opinions; nad aro ac customed to oxprjss them in luuruaga Hut can bo understood. We s ly what wo think about men nnd ovents. That biblt Is tho only sccretotTlu Sun's political course T" Wueklv sun irathcrs luto etitit naaos tho best ma' ir ot l ho Bevcnd illy Issues. An agricultural dep.irttnetitof untqualei merit, full ot markctro : orts, nnd a liberal proportion ot literary, scientific, nnd domestic lnteillgcnco completn Tho Weekly sun, nnd make It tho best newspaper for tho farm cr's household that was ever printed. Who 'toes not. know and road arid liko Tho Sunday Sun, each number of which Is a Uolconda ot inter esting literatim1, with tho best poetry of ths day, prosu otery lino woith rea'ttng, bowb, hum T mat ter enough to llll a good-srl book, and Indnltcly moro Milled and entertaining than any book, big orllltl"? 1 1 our id -a of vi lnt n newspaper should bo pleases you, rend for Tho sun. our terms ro ns follows: For tho dolly sun, a four pa?o sheet ot twenty eight colnmns, tho prlco by mall, post paid, Is 65 cents a month, or (1.M a jcar; or. Including tho sundvy paper, nn elght-pavo sheet ot ntty-slxcol-turn s lha prlco is corns per month, or $7.J0 a ) car, postage, pilri. The sunda edition ot Tho Sun Is also furnished sctiarato'yatll.wayeir postao pill. 'i lie prlco ot tli J Weekly sun, eight pages, fllty-slx columns. Is ft a year, pxstage pain. For clubs of ten tending $10 wo will send nn extra copy free. Address I. W B.nOLANI), 1'ubllsuer ot Tho Sun, Now York city. Jan.E-Cw LATEST STYLES OP it tho 'OOLUilBIAN OFFICE.' Store in 0- City Hall Including find 1310 -,A.' . Buying an Organ Urpui, At rSEIR, Agent, Bloomsburg Fi r B1.00MSBURG STATE NORMAL SCHOOL SIXTH NOIUIAL SCHOOL DISTRICT. Bloomsburg, Columbia County, Pennsylvania. Hcv. D. J. WALLER, Jr., Ph. D., Principal. Tilts sellout,, as nt present constituted, otters thoierybcjsttacllltlogfor lTofoslonal and Classical learning. llulldtngs spacious, Inviting nnd commodious ; completely heated by steam, woll ventilated, lighted by gas, and furnished with a bountiful supply of pure.sofl sprliic vvntcr Location hoalthful, nnu easy of access. Toachei experienced, efllclent, and nllvo to their work. Discipline, nrm but kind, uniform And thorough Expense? moderate, t'lftvcenta a week deduction to nil oxpt'CtliB to teach. Students admitted nt any time. Hooins reserved when desired. Courses ot study prescribed by the Stato I I. Model School. 11. Preparatory. III. Elementary. IV, CIrmIcaI, Adjunct Courses i I AcaJi'intc. II. Commercial! III. Conine in Music IV. Course In Art. V. Course In Physical Culture. Tim Rlfmi-ntarv. KcteiilHlo and Classical Courses nro I'ltOTESStONAU nnd Students irrartualne therein, lecelrn Stnfji ninlnmas. rnnfnrrlm. the fntlnwlntr corresponding negroes; Mnslerof tho Elements; Master of the Setences Master of thJCHfStc3. Urauuatcs In tho other Courses receive Normal Certificates tUelrnttalnmenls,, signed by tho ortlcera of tho DourdotTustei's, i uocoursooi ftua y oresenneu uy 1110 suuu isuoerai, nnu uioajicnnncaua uassicai courses aro not inrenor 10 uioso or our Dest colleges. Thu state renulres nhtzhcr order ot cttlzenshtti. Thollmesdemindlt. Ills onoof thonrlmeoblects of this School to heln to sectiru It. bvfurntshlntrtntolll. gontandcniclentTcachursforherSchools. Tothlsendlt solicits young persons ot good abilities and good purposes,-lhoso who dcslrotolmprovo their tlm aud their talents, as studonts. To all such It promises aid In developing Ihelr powers, and nbundant opportunities forwcllpaldliboratterlciivlngschool. F Catalogue, addresj tho Principal. r iiii.'s. lYii.itiA.M Hid,, I'rcsiiicni iionm OCtO. 1,'Si.- r? fin ! One of tho problems of GooJ and Comfortable Living -IS THE MATTER OF CLOTHING. STYLEISII, WELL HADE CLOTHING AT THE VEHY LOWEST PRICES. ilATS roil MEN, novtJ, YOUTHS, AND CHILDHES. EXAMINE our.STOOIC or YOUTHS HOYS axd CHILDREN'S SHIRTS, PEARL WHITE, BICYCLE SHIRTS, LATEST OUT. ain 6 i h lusi Perfect Fits, Latest Styles, Full Satisfaction. CALL AND EXAMINE THE LARGEST STOCK OF CLOTHING ana CASSIMERES IN THE COUNTY neodquartcn for TRUNKS, SATCHELS, V A USES Snmploo nnd DoscrlpWvo Cata logue oont froo when roquosted. Absoluto falthfulnosa by both partloa tho basis of all transactions. THE DAVIS. $1.000 RjSWRD. OKK THOUSAND (1,000) DOLLAHS 1HKMIU.M oflVed 10 ANY PKIISON that will do m OH EAT A K VNOK OF WOHK on ANY OTUEU MACHINB. WHAT TDK NEW DAVIS VERTICAL FEliD Will ilo without basting, Itwlllmaku wldo hem on sleets, Co., liem nil manner ot bias woolen cooIh, na fcott merino, crape, or poods dltllcult to hem on oilier machines. It makes a more elastic fctltcli than any other machine. It w 111 turn a hem and put In piping at name Umo It will turun hem, sow braid on tho right side and stitch on trimming at ono ope nit on. It will do tclllMr bias or straight, either en cotton It will tell across teams on any coods. I wilt bind a Dress or Bklrt and sew on facinc either with or without showing Mitclics: bind Dress Ooods with thesainomaterlal.eltherscailoiis.polnta, squares or st-alght. The only maohluo th a will bind Hats. Cloaks, or other articles with bias, satin or silk, from a to 3 Inchcsln width, without bastlug. It will gather with or without sewing on, It wllleather between two nlpees and .pit nn nf tho same time. It will make a rumo and Milch a nlllnw h!ln nt. In the facing nt the samo tlmo. It wilt shirr any kind of goods. It will mako Dialled trlminluir either with or with. out sewing it on. It will mako nlalted trlinmlnc elthor seallaned or Btralght, nnd sew a piping on at the tame time, II will mako knife plaiting. J. SALTZER, C.eti'l Agent, illooniHbure, Pa, oct. I, '80-tf IM III 9 C II II li t!o u;' . f iniiiliio J'lllt IIIIIUH JiCW lill'll Ill'l,nd will coiiipleti'lyehniiBe ll.e IjIikhI ill tliocutliufvKU'iii in tlino i iiiiiIm, wio will take I plllc ri iileht from 1 tn l.'wei l.i ti.iyliHi-eoudtii -nim l lieall'i, ir nu-ha thl'i njiO'Ullilii, Sent In- in ill fiie Ici er btnni.H, V. ,S, ,1011 VSOA' .0 CO., J.oio.l, Jlu,t fui-llin lll Jltlllimr, ,1, AGENTS, WANTED loinliiuti it nuilj knit a knatarti'ly t.r finer y wkfur which there Ualnavi a rea-ly uuiktt T - --"- ' 1 vw r-'iiiiaiVH uttVU Pi Ilk moy,'81.iy aU LKGAL 1JLANKS, ALWAYS ON HAND AT THIS Oi'Fiah. 01 TritsicCN. f I1USINE33 AND DUE-5S SHI UTS HANDSOME PATTERNS DESIIIABEE STYLES IS OUlt .MOTTO . AEuTrTuNir- OF FALL STYLES JUST RECEIVED. rata UE.nn mt.m . Deuchy & Co'a. Aclvfc's. SOUTH; Tl-i,if lnplft lirfirrt u.i.lnn nn. Jamc.1 litre Kxttlrmenri lllujfr.i, UI V 11 ' IWIUD Htf. ,1. 1 .UllUlill r isnis-ErtacHBrmj'larcmont, surry Uo., Va. '1 Jan 27 l-w BOOKS ON BUILDING-, l'alnlln?, Dccoratlnff, Ac. for 1S8S so pago Illus. Catalo?un address, encloslnff tlirco a cent wtamna, W.M.T. CO.MSTOUK, 191 ilroadn'Ay, Now York. (1 Jltl'.'7-i-W Diary 1?i'nn 'urls?s,wltlilmprorcd lutoroit ! 1 Ct) Table, ca tndar, etc. aout to nnv address on reenlnf. or twn I liree-ecnt stamps. AddicssciUItl.KS E. mans, a N. Delaware Arenuo, Plilla. jan 'JI l-w A NKW ILLUSTRATED LITERARY WEEKLY JOURNAL. NKITIIKIt 1'OLITICAI. N011 BECrAKIAN ; Comlucteil liy AlilHOX Y. TOVnaDU, mi thor of "A Fool's Kvraiul," etc., nssistcil by Daniel G. Dilnton tmil Hubert & Davis. Tikst Ncmbkk Issued 1'eu cahy 1, issa. TllO most dUtlncnllhf!(1 nuthnrqnn.l Kl-tlirnl nrMcifg both American aud Ilngllsh, havo b -on engaged by "our continent." Tnu February numbers contain novels and stories by Helen Campbe'.l, Mrs. lexan der, E. l'. Ho;, Julian Hawthorne, John llabbertun It. 11. Da is, cle.i poums H'CMir Wilde, Loulto Chandler .Moultoa, U. II. Hi ker, Sidney Lanier, u. I'. I.athrop, Cella Thaxter.oto : entertaining tk 'tch. I.eland.dl.insliriltman) I). u. AtllclHi, (Ik .Marvel.) Felix OaWild, etc.; solid papers by I'rosident Porter of Yale, Kllotuf Harvard, l'rorost Pepper, of University ot lvuisylranla, etc; fashion nous by hato Field i art Illustrations by i.oulso O. Tiffany! science bv Profs ltuthrock, harbor, etc.: boclul Ltliuetto by Mrs. Moutonj Improve ments by Hon. ll. ti. Northrop; tun and humcrby O. II. Clark, (Max Alder) "L'nciu l,emus''and a host or others. l'jautlfui',llliisiratlons'aroaleallngfintureot"0ur Continent." Thoy are tho lluost that art can pro duce ana equal to the most perfect In the moul lilies. I'rlejio cents a number: Muu u sear: tiuosix mouths. .Mailed freu of potaJu to any address, fcpechnen copy free. Newsdealer will nnd It to fielr Interest to present "Our countrj " to their custo-nets. l'ostniastcrs nre Invited to tnki subicrlptlous. Liberal commission ItDolc canrassers can add largely to thlr Inecmos, without inU-rferlng with their rtgular business, by acting for "Our Cuutlueut. ' "Ol'i COXTLXItXT," I MlaaelftMa, l a, rt tin 81 .4w IV Pest Known Remody for Uncknclio or Lcimo Daok. Rhoumatlsm or Lnmo Joints. Crampa or Sprains. Houralain or Kldnov Dlsoasos. LumUacjo, 5ovoroAoho8orPnlns Fomnlo Veaknoso. Ari'Siipei lor to nil uihcr l'lmii r. Are Superior lo VmU, to AroSuperlnr lu (llnlini'iiu or Nalvea. AreniinilorluIiiiTlrlrll) oi ualiuul.ui They Act liini;ei!liitly. They Hlmiififcoii, TheyHoolhe. They Itellrto IVtnnt Once. They l'kliluly I'nrt'. CAUTI0N.S palm off sonic tti r , tcr linvl iii'i Capclne Torous n. fii iinnaieu. Do our rirnptrl.f In pi 'tcr.liarlnir a elrallur dniinillii.T ti r, i ma wind UtpclU'd O-A-l'-t'-I-V U T 6lAr'Ji Y & JOHHQOf, 1- 11 HUM, A fl MEAD'S Mciiluled CORS and (1 UN I ON PUSUR; nvotvst-iv a H U I ' I I 1 1 I in nv t tit I'ra Vic! IIH WHY Benson s -AWARDED- Captine . 6 Porous -MEDALS.- CO Kf r. r. ijii,i..m i i-.u, secretary. THE WHITE SEWIMB MACHINE ma ; nr)- I ' - . Ur mUmm rtl f -2 r -t ' ' Whereis. tho world renowned reputation of tho White iSowing Machine Induces many unscrupulous comiiviitors to resort to all kinds ot mean tricks to lnjuro Its reputation, we beg to caution all Intending purchasers not to buys White Machine except from Its regular authorized dealers, who will be sustained by the follow Ing warranty. WE WAHKANTTI1E NATUKALWEAH AND TEAR OK TI1R Wliito OKnHlr mi if into oil lulu i platk NUMtinu lonaat) fou family tokpo- EDO AU,, tfl?t,rl . I , , . t. mi. I.nni. ... V.. I . r1'. ,1',laut flillir.L, IU ivniil- T1115 MAMi IN ItEl'AlIl FOR Till: TfiltM OF I'lVU YKAIIS FltOM THIS DATH. FHEK UV CIlAllCIt This warranty excepts tho breuitage of needles This warranty will not bo sustained unless the Plato number above clvcn corresponds with the number on tho shuttlo race slide. Boware of defaced WUITK Sl ISO MACHINE CO, Ihe "WHITS" Shuttle Sewing MacMno ttAsnuitATiia cirActiT than any other family Sowing U1.UUIUI uu,U U.fiJ- ailClUl VIOTS, 3, a U.TZST, General Agent, aioomasurg, IV BEATTY'S oitGAN'S stops, losots reeds only , " " I'lanos tissap Itaro Holiday .iiuwi-L-iiiciua i.eauj'. l niu ur C4I1 uu llti l i v Waihtngton, N. J. aid may 6, 'Sl-ly DEALEK IN Silverware. Watches.Jewolry.ClcckB.&c All kinds of Watches, Clccls and Jcwdrj cist ly repaired and warranted, may n, 'fj-tf SUnsOWBE FOR THE COLUMBIAN. S2.00 A YEAH. The Backus Watot Motor. ih Tin: iiub-r Economical Power Known -FGlt- DKIVIXG LIGHT MAOHINKRY. It takes but llttlo room. It nover gets out of ropalr. It can not blow up. It Deeds no fuel It needs no engineer. Thero Is no delay; no firing up; no ashes to clean awny; no oMra Itisuronco to pay; no repair ing necessary; no coal bills to pay, and It is alwoj a ready for use. It Is luvaluablo for blowing Church Organs, for runulng i riming I'nsses, sowing Machines, Turn ing l.alhCB, Scroll Saw s, fli ind Stones, Corree Mills, Hausago Machlaes, Feed Cutters, Corn Mills, Leva tors, etc. Four horso power at id pounds pre rsure of Ills nolsckbs, neat, compact, steady, and nbovo nil IT IS VKUY CHKAP. send for circular to thoHacki:s Water Motor Co., Newark, N. J., stating namo of paper you saw ad vertlscment lu. 1'rlco, tistotsoo. AGENTS WANTED1'.! ki:i.i. LIFE,TRIAL andp 1 1 fr ft i i execution op brUI I tAU Till! ASSASIIN, comploto history of his shameful lito ; full record at 5? '."'uf notujluu trial lu tlie annals of crline. Pro. taselylllustra ed. Lowprlojd, oulilt w cents. For circulars and terms nddrcs Hum 4.w ULllllAhl) lllt03.1riilladelphlal Pa. Jan SI l-w vmBWDOMincjimiuaui mmmmm 1 mimm m tea. X. UltLl'HIA & ERIE It. It. DIVISION, WIN TKll TtMH TABLE. tin ...... it on tno . ....... . . :v.-.v. :. iraini . wu ii m rui f.Jl IV rtlllJ. Kilo Mall leaves I'hllndelphla " " llnrrltbutg " " Hunbiiry " " William-pott " " Lock Haven " " llenoro . . " . " Kane arrlro nt Krlo Hf'Spm 1l aiv 0 30 n Is S 40 ii m 40 a in lHnntn W p in 145 pm 8 00 am UlSpni 1 m p m a m P in 4 20 p m B4S p til lyisptn llfOpm 3 03 p m 1 pm 7 10 p tn siopm Niagara Express leaves Philadelphia imiiisuurg " sunbury " " Wlliiamsport ' " Lock llnon " " llcnovo " Knno Fast Lino leaves Philadelphia " " llarrlsburg ' " sunbury " " .Wlliiamsport " nrrlvo at Lock Haven EASTWAltD. Lock Haven Express leaves Lock Haven 7 60 a m " " Wlliiamsport 9 05 um " Hunbiiry' lot nam nrrlvo at HarrlRlnirrr UMpm " " PhlladelphTn Fast Lino leaves canai dalgua ' " W'atl.lna " " nimlra " " Wlliiamsport ' " Sunbury " ai rives nt llarrlsburg " " rhlladclphia Day Express leaves Kano " " llcnovo " " Lock Haven " ' Wlliiamsport " arrive at Harrlsbun; ' " Phlladelnht.1 n 10 l in oi pm S 40 pm 9 iOpiu l'i IR ll in l 82 am 3 Ma m 7 00 am e oo a m loos a in 11 is a in 12 15 p m 8 so p m .7 05 p m 11 35 a m 4 10 p m 9 IM p hi loiopm It to pm l vs a m a oo a tn man leutca lil'lo Kano " " itouovo " Ixiek Haven " " Wlliiamsport " ' sunbury " arrltcs at llarrlsburg " " 1'hll.idelplna J m a m Erlo Mall west nnd Lock Haven i:vure(,s i:st miko close connections nt NoithumbcrluiiJ with L. R li. H. It. trains for Wllkesbarre nco Scranton, Eric Mall West, Niagara Express West and 1'i.t Lino West mako closo connection at Wllllamsiioit wllhN. C. It. W traln3noilh. 1 Niagara Express, West nnd Day Express fast make closo connectlun at Lock Haven with it. E. v 11 11. trntna Erlo Mall Kast and West connect at Erie with trains on L. S. M. S. H. Jt, ; at Corry with i VA W. It. 11.; nt Uniporlum with 11. N. Y.&I'. n, n, nnd nt Driftwood with A. V. it. it. Parlor cara will run between riillalelphla uni Wlllamsport on Niagara lixpi eas west, and Day i:j. press least. Sleeping cars on all nlsht trains. JtOllKltrNKiLso, eiencral supi -rVrOKTHKn.N CKNT11AL I'wULWA 1 COMPANY. On nnd after February lath, lfSl, trains will it ate ' Sunbury ns follow s ! NOItTUWAItD. Northern Express 0.80 a. m.. nirlvt Elmlra U 3a pm Arrlvo ut Canand igna 3.2 p " ltochester 4.40 " Niagara. 8 43 Niagara Express 1.60 p m. nrrlvo E'mlra o, us p m arrUe Canand ilgua s a " ltochester 9 45 " " Niagara a in Fast lino 5.15 p m arrive Elmlra 10 2 ' n m " Walklus li.iopm OUU llltt Allll. Southern Express 1.32 a. m. arrive HarrlhbV 3.15,. m in rue Phlladelrhla Leu " " New York 9 33 " Daltlmorii 7.. 0 " Waslilngton a a Lock Haven Ex 10.50 a m arrive HarrlsbV 12.5 p m nrrlvo Philadelphia 6 111 in ' New York 8 45 " Ualtlmoro 6.2' " Washington in Day Expresil.CO p m arrlvo Hnrr'sburg p m ' Philadelphia l.m " NewYoik Ik.ihi " " ilaltlmoru 7.111 " Washington 6.U Erlo Mall l.os a. m. arrive llarrlsburg s.i im.m " 1'hlladelphla 7.U0 " " ew Vork u.j. " " lialtlmore " Wuihlri ton 6.22 I. It. WOOD, General Passenger Age t. FliANK THOMSON, eieneral Manac r. JpiIILADELPIIA AKD READING l'.CAL ARRANGEMENT OF PASSENG h TRAINS. November "th, 1881. TK1IKS LSIVK nVFKnT AS KOI.LOWBfSt'NDAT KXCKrrJ For Now York, rhlladclphia. Heading, l' Tamaqua, Ac, 11,45 a. m For Catawlssa, 11,15 a. m. 0,45 and 7,90 p. m. For WUl!amsrort,o,15 Sfio a. in. and 4,00 p. m trains ro. aoar tsivs 13 n;.lo r4. ckdat i- CSPTED.) Leave New York, vU. Tamanend S.45 a. m. nsl via. Hound Brook Itouto 7,45 a. in. Lcavo Philadelphia, 9,45 a. m. Leave Heading, 11,55 a. m., I'utinvlllu, "., u u andTamaqua, 1,35 p. in. Lcavo Catawlssa, 0,10 S,40 a. m. and 4,00 p. 111. Leave Wllllamsportlsl45a.mliiloup.m. and 4,3 1 p a. Tasscngers to and from New York, via. Tarn nend and to and from Phlln iPlphla go throua withoutchangeof cars. J. E. WOOTTtN, C. 0. HANCOCK, oeneral Manage, Gonf ral Passenger nnl Ticket Agent. Jan.10, l81 tt, D ELAWARE, LACKAWANNA AMI WESTBltN KAlLItOAD. BLOOMSBURG D1VI6IOK. NOltTH, STATION!-. Scranton llellevuo Taylorvllle.. , ...Lackawanna-.., I'lttRton ..West Plttston... ... Wyoming Maitby Dennett Kingston Kingston ,. Plymouth June, ....Plymouth Avondale NantlcoUe.... .Uunloek'a 1 reek. .,kblckshlnny... ....Hick's Ferrj ... ....lleach Haven... Derwlck .... Briar Creek ...Willow eirovo.,,. Umo ltldge Kfinv . SODTI1, a.m. p m. p.m p.m. p.m. .m. 9 so 9 44 3 SB V 31 9 23 9 17 9 14 3 42 3 32 3 24 3 15 3 U 'J 3 01 9 t5 9 ill 2 15 0 13 2 si 0 11 2 20 t ',( 9 42 9 tl) 9 67 10 07 10 U2 9 SO 8 14 9 09 9 UI 2 34 c SI 2 42 2 47 12 V.f4 V 19 8 iii J 01 ) IS IU I) Ii li 5 I, SI liM i ''1 7 10 7 ll J Si . 0 7 'li S 51 S l 11 1'0 9 11) i SI 8 41 15 8 il 9 u. 9 V ii 9 . 9 9 1 9 ti 9 0 9 (10 8 01 8 42 8 33 8 21 8 03 8 01 7 55 2 51 2 43 2 37 2 III 2 2J 2 111 2 I J 1 Ii 1 .8 10 18 10 18 8 4 8 18 S 31 i 21 8 It S Ut 7 CS 7 Ml 10 SC 3 13 3 "8 1 21 3 33 3 60 4 03 4 If 4 18 4 S3 4 29 4 33 4 42 4 49 4 49 n ou 5 IS 9 13 b 30 5 45 111 SI 10 42 110 U 11 07 '11 13 1 18 1 05 11 i 7 48 12 51 7 44 12 4) 7 40 12 30 7 31 12 24 7 211 12 12 7 45' 7 19 7 31 7 58 7 24 7 01 11 39 11 45 11 6 11 57 12 18 Woomsburg ... IMmurf 7 20 11 VI 7 15 11 53 0 57 12 10 '1 t& 6 45 10 IU 6 31 '.0 41 Catawlssa Hrl'dg'o! uanviue Chulasky, Cameron .Northumberland, B If 12 45 p.m a.m a.m. p.m. p.m. e.'i W. K. HALtlTKA X), burl surwrlirnnrt'int 1111:0. Scranton, Juno tn, 1'7' To Hervous Snffercrs-Iho Ore-at Earojsia BB. J, B, SIMPSON'S SI'KCIHO MEDICINK. Dr. J. 11. Simpson's Specltlo Mcdlclno Uaposltlvo Lor Vvt'rworl: 01 or briln or excess ot any 'J,uc" "3 weakness and all diseases rasultlui! ?ri"..?lerous '""y- Irrltablllty.Mentnl Anxiety. 1i5l0J 'a33"u'lo. Depression 01 Spirits nnd func tional daraugements of tho nervous system gen- of .Memo-y, l'renu- turoo limn, nnrt ,11.1 oases that lead til consmption.insanl t.v Jtr. nn n.irlu r,r..v, I or both. Nomattoil hfltV fthattnrorl tl,. I system may be from u&eusses or a n 1 1 MDtd,?.,SnM0rtc0UI'?(, 01 li'" meuiciue win leotoru iu whern ?rJ,r ftU1?, Proour0 buMh and happiness c i,vJi:,aJc!no 13 WW w,: J wl wonderful success. get full pTrtrlcular. "l0 4W Prlnrt. Annltln , r.n , . , Art fr','..w"1, tJU seot mi" n reoelpt of money. Nni in ?nl.0,r,f3"? HIMMON' MEDICINECO. lob.u, di-it ' 1 n,uo' w' 1 ' JgUSINESS CARDS, V131TI.N0 CAUD3, LKTlEtt HEADS, HILL HEADS, rOjTfilti, &ctt Neatly lulntcd ut the "Coliiinblan Oillce. yAINHiailT As CO,, wholesale anoomis, rillLADEI.PHIA, TKS,SVlt0P3,C0rr'EK18U0AH, MOLvSSRtl, HI0I, BI'ICIlS, BI04KU S0P1, AC., SO, N. E. corner second and Arch streets, rders win receive prompt attcntl jn. Kftroai, AJTtA. SUnSORIBI2 NOW I-'Olt the aoHiUnvcsiisr 2.0J A YEAH. ... ....i