THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURU, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. The Columbian. - H LOOMS III! KU, FIUD VV, FKlt. 3, 8'2. PUI1M0 HAMM. W. P. Whlto wilt coll personal property near Llglitstrect, on Thursday, February 2d. John (Jordncr, trustco In Hid estate of Thomas Stnckhniise, will sell real cstnto on the premises In Pino township, Ac., on Frl. tlay.Feliruury 3rd, 1882. John Waters will sell personal property on the Stephen I'ohe farm, In Centre township, on Thursday, February 10, 1882. John Shumnn will sell at private sale val. liable farm land, near Kspy. Wanted. An active boy 1.1 or 14 years old, to make himself generally useful, with privilege of learning trade. Apply at thlH olllce. Court begins next Monday. Judge Luke will take his seat on the bench next Monday morning. A storm front has been erected at the of. lire entrance to the Kxchatige Hotel. An eflort Is being made to obtain money to build a bridge across the Susquehanna at Stmbury. The people of Milton are circulating a sub scrlptlon paper for the purchase of a town clock. The monthly gospel temperance meeting will be held In the M. K. Church, on Tucs day evening, February 7th. Hiram Hess of Benton bought the Samuel Hhonc tract of land In that township on the 25th ult., at Orphans' Court sale for $1170. Joseph Chase, n prominent citizen of Scrantou died recently, lie was the father of Mrs. F. 1). Koons formerly of this town. Three offices, well lighted, heated by steam, for rent on the second tloor of the Columbian building. Heady for occupancy April 1st. If Another box of books will be sent from this olllce to the binder In ft few days, llrlng in your orders. The annual statement of the finances of Columbia county is published this week. We have not had time to examine It carefully. The commissioners of Luzerne county re ceive $3,150 for each day spent In attending to the public business. The sleighs were out In numbers on Wed nesday afternoon, and everybody who could enjoyed the first really good sleighing of the winter. People must not forget when in need of pure drugs, books and stationery, wall paper and window shades to call at the People's Drug & Hook Store. Judge Klwcll tiled an opinion last week granting u new trial in the libel suit of Scranton against Chase, recently tried before him at Wilkes Harre. The Scranton board of health recognizes dogs as disseminators of small-pox, and all canines belonging to infected families are to be shot at sight. Messrs. G. M. ifc J. K. Locknrd have Just completed a contract for 1800 cars and have begun another contract for COO more. The business of this enterprising Ilrm Is steadily Increasing. There were several very pleasant social gatherings at private houses last week. A large number of guests enjoyed themselves greatly at C. AV. Miller's on Friday night. Death to rats, roaches and ants; Paiisons KxTKiiMiXAion. Hams, granaries and house holds cleared In a single night. No fear of bad smells. Host and cheapest vermin killer in the world. Sold everywhere. Mr. Warren J. Htickulcw was married on Tuesday of last week at Allentown, to Miss Dora Quinn of that place. The bride is a niece of Mrs. U. H. Ent of Hlooinslmrg. Executors' nod administrators' account books, containing full instructions how to settle an estate, receipts, &c, for sale at this olllce. These are the most convenient books of the kind ever printed, and they are In uso all over tho State. t-f A swindler Is beating farmers by buying produce of them, writing a receipt with lead pencil, breaking off the point and handing the farmer a fountain pen to sign his name with. They rub out the pencil writing.inake a note over the signature and sell the note. The largest and finest assortment of wall paper in Hloom Is at the People's Drug & Hook Store. Daniel Dougherty will lecture in the Opera Houso on the evening of February 7th. Sub. Ject, "Orators and Oratory." This Is an op. portunlly that does not often occur, and It is to be hoped for tho reputation of the town that the house will be crowded. This paper goes to press early Thursday afternoon. All matter for insertion must be In by Wednesday evening. In cases of ne. cessitv matter can lie received on Thursday - ---- - morning, but it Is very desirable to have it earner. Hemember tho Mth is Valentine's dav. and the place to buy them Is at the People's Drug tj JiooK btore. Orders for book binding can bo left at this olllce, with the assurance that the work wilj be well done and nt very reasonable prices. All that Is necessary Is to bring your books to this Oj'llee, where they will be packed, and delivered on their return from the binder. 1 ho Lecture Committee lias not thus far made expenses. It is not owing to any lack of energy on their part, but because our peo ple do not appear to appreciate their efforts. Let everybody turn out and glvo the com. nilttee a grand benefit at tho Dougherty lec. tun on tho 7th. The new board of county commissioners havu Instituted one reform In their olllce that Is very commendable. They hold that the ofllco Is for thu uso of those who have hiisl. ness to transact with county oflleers, and not for the benefit of Idlers, Tho notice that they have posted on tho walls, "No louflng nllowed in here" Bliould bo strictly enforced The Heseue Fire Company gave a mask bull at Hrower's Hall, on Tuesday evening last, and it was quite well attended despite the severe snow storm prevailing. A num. ber of young people from Danville partlclpa ted in thu festivities. Tho prollts of the af fair are to bo devoted to the liquidation of the com) any's debts. In our iidvertislim columns will ho found the card of Mr. W, II. Carter, conlrnc tor and builder, who has been for somu tiuio tho foreman of tho planing mill. Ho is an excellent draughtsman and designer and has douo much creditable work lu town. Those who Intend to build will tiud .Mr Carter com potent and energetic In fulfilling Ids tructs. The heaviest snow storm of thu white gan on Tuesday morning and continue! be un Ill u Into hour at night. On tho follow lug morning tho snow lay fifteen Inches deep the sleighing was excellent. Thoroads and a i In fine condition hard and smooth- und If Warm spell doeB not Intervene, there will probably bo good traveling for some time to I'lituc, "Mvcs of great men always remind in that we are all subject to die," says an ex. change, but never cough yourself nway ni long as you can raise 2.) cents for a bottle of Dr. Hull's Cough Syrup. Those of our subscribers who nro In arrears and who have business In town during court 111 confer a great favor by settling up. Tho expenses of moving, and furnishing our now ofllec,liavu been very heavy and wc aro com. polled to ask fhoso Indebted to us to pay. Statements will bo sent before April 1st to every ono having open accounts on our books, and we hope to receive n prompt response from all. A wAiiNixo of no mean dimensions to road supervisors may bo found In tho fol lowing statement of facti Mr. James A. Hob. Inson, while travelling In Jackson township, 1'crry county, by night, had bis buggy upset by an embankment In tho middle of tburoad. He was thrown nut and had an arm broken n several places, besides receiving other In. tirles. Suit was brought against tho town- ship and the lurv awarded Mr. Hoblnsnn ,fi30. Candidates for sheriff are becoming nu merous. Among tlioo whose names have been mentioned In this connection, arc C. O, .Murphy and William PcllTcr of Cvntmlln, John Mowry of Hoarlng Creek and C. H. olf of Mllllln. There may be others in the Held now of whom we have not heard and It certain there will ho more before the con. vcntlon meets In August. Most of those named above we gather from rumor and not from direct Information. It would, Indeed, bo a most desirable thing for this county If Hon C. H. Hucknlew could be Induced to penult his name to bo used as candidate for congress lu tills district. His well known abilities would undoubtedly cure his nomination. Owing to our large majority tlds county Is Justly entitled to the presentativo for the next term, and the people should make the olllce seek the man, and thus secure the services of a distinguish- cd gentleman of whose ofllclul record they nave always been proud. One man with a trade Is worth a dozen Ithout one. A return of tho old plan of apprenticing boys to trades Is being ndvo- eated. The hosts of youne men In every lurirc city who niuilv for cinnlovmcnt and fall to get It for the reason that they cannot truthfully afllrm that they are educated or especially fitted for any particular business, constitute a potent argument lu favor of re form. Under the apprenticeship system we should have fewer ignorant mechanics and competent business men. A trade Is half man's fortune. The silver-tongued orator of America, the man who nominated General Hancock for President of the United States at the Cincin. atl convention, Hon. Daniel Dougherty of Philadelphia, will address u Hloomsburg audience on the 7th Inst. He Is one of the greatest orators of the day. Not to know him argues oneself unknown. Not to hear him Is to miss one of the best treats that has ever been olTcred In this town. Parties living at a distance can secure reserved seats by addressing John C. Yocuin. The prevalence of small.pox does not up- pear to intimidate in the lcusj. the adventur- ous spirit of tramps that infest the country. tearless of danger they move from one place to the other little caring whether they spread disease or fall victims themselves. It Is thought that the prevalence of disease in Its different forms can bo traced to this method f transmission. As there appears to be no ay to prohibit persons from traveling from one place to another, unless known to be diseased, all the people can do is to use every effort to ward oil disease. The supper given by tho ladies last Friday and Saturday evenings at Evans' Hall, for the benefit of the Winona Fire Company, was fairly patroi ized, the net receipts being a bout 100. The bill of fare included all the delicacies of the season prepared by master hands in tho culinary lino. We are author ized to return the thanks of the Wlnoua boys to the ladies who originated and conducted the supper, to all those who in any way con- tributed towards it, and to those who patron, ized it. With the assistance thus kindly given them they hope soon to be entirely out of debt. The only indebtedness of the com- puny is for equipments. The following writs of error have been taken to the Supreme Court from this county the present term: I). K. Grim& Sonagiiinst Joseph Stephenson, Little and Broekway for plalntilf, Freeze and Jackson for defendant ; Hcnrie against Orangcvillo Saving Fund, Smiths for plalntilf, Little and Miller for de fendant j A. P. Watts against Columbia County Mutual Saving Fund and Loan Asso ciation, same counsel as In last case; Crevc llng's appeal. Smith for annelhmt. Little for Heighard ; Jackson against Stoetzel, Freeze and Dietrlck for plalntilf, Huckalew and liner lor defendant; wilt of error taken by both parties. These cases will be argued at the session of tho Supremo Court which be- gins on me liitli lust., lu I'lilladeipniu. The Susquehanna river Is very high and at Wilkes Harre an Ico gorge formed on Sat unlay last, the Ico rising to the 21 feet mark on the bridge. The Hats between Wilkes. Harre and Kingston were Hooded and huge masses ot icu wore Dome uown ly the re sistless current, effectually blocking the street railway. Several persons narrowly es caied drowning while attempting to cross the pond holes lu boats. The river was 1111. d with Ice from PitUtou to a point below Plymouth. Should this gorgo give way sud. deuly there would undoubtedly be a flood of considerable size in thu lower part of the river. No fears were expressed in Wilkes. Harre for the safety of the bridge at that point. Speaking of vaccination, tho MeJiail fee. ord after showing that It really is u. defense against small-pox, and that the virus will not. If care in selecting It be exercised, communi. eate other diseases, sayss "Although It Is impossible to say when the virus ceases, it is generally the rule to rcvacclnato after pti herty, and at Intervals of from seven to ten years thereafter. J-.speelally would this seem w u necessary in eases ui epiuciuics, . , i . i . or when the occupation ot the Individual should predispose him to contagion. In nil cases of doubt the hcuetlt of such a doubt should lie given In favor of revaecinatlon, When the physician is not thoroughly satis fled that his patient Is protected, ho should rovucciiiate him without delay, and repeat the operation if he is not assured by trial on others that tho virus Is trustworthy." Tho spirit of Oscar Wilde seems to lmv sclzid upon tho youthful minds of this town nun mcir ncbiuciic uisies uavu run riot on the subject of fancy advertising curds. If wo hud tho time und thu cards, we might spend our days In standing nt our olllce door handing them out to the youngsters from four to ten years of ago who aro making collections. As a matter of curiosity count was made of tho curd collectors who favored us with their presence lu one day. and It stopped at thirty seven. No anxious Inquiries were mudo by us as to where tho rest of them were. They havu called since iiireo or lour nines n nay, though mi swered each and every time "no cards hero" they keep on coming with a perseverance that Is truly admirable In those so young, Everybody else In town lias "advertising cards to give away" but us. Please go there. Mr. Lloyd Paxton had a heavy fall on the Ice, on Thursday of last week, from the cfs fects of which he has since been confined to the home. As lie was passing through ids gate near the railroad at Hupcrt, ho slipped und fell down the steps on the track. No bones were broken but ho was severely bruised and Is yet very stiff and sore. W. Fred Mann, died nt his home in Syra. disc N. Y. on Monday, January 23rd, of ty phoid fever. Ho was one of the young gen. tlemen who visited Charles W. Funston some time ago, and made many friends hero by his excellent traits of character. He was enga ged lu business with his father and Ids pros, pects for tho future were most encouraging, but ho wns struck down at the early ago of 21. Charles W. Funston and Emerson Dil lon attended the funeral at Syracuse last week and were among tho pall bearers. The last of the Winona Sociables for this season will be held In their hall on Wednes day evening, February lCth. and Is expected to be qultu a swell alTalr. The music will he furnished by Prof. Huhe's Eureka orchestra of Allentown, and this of Itself sh ould be sulllclent to Insure a large attendance. All tho dance music played by them is as good as Is generally heard at first class concert, nnd a number of exhibition pieces will be pel formed between the dances. Lovers of good music should not fall to attend Just to hear this orchestra, even If they do not par ticipate otherwise. A New limiting llnllronit l'rJrrl. The Heading railroad company will soon send out a party of engineers to survey for a new branch road connecting Shamoklu nnd Danville. This is one of the necessities of the recent connection of the Pine Creek road with the New York Central's branch at Willlamsport, and will be a short cut from the East Mahanoy coal-fields. At present all the coal destined for the west must be car ried around two sides of a triangle via East Mahanoy and the Catawlssa railroad to Dan ville, making In all about sixty miles. The new branch will be only fifteen miles In length, and will have tho cltcct not only of saving lu the cost of transportation, but will very materially lessen the time consumed lu shipment. Denlli oOtr. Burma. On Sunday lust, the 29th lust. Sirs Mary Harton, widow of the late John Barton, died at the residence of her son, in Lock Haven, at thu advanced age of 01 years. She had been confined to her room by sick- ness for more than two months before her death. Previous to that time she had en joyed remarkably good health. For fully iree quarters of a century Mrs. Barton had been a member of St. Paul's church, this own, and the beautiful rose window in the est gable of the editlce was put there as a memento of herself mid husband, at thu me of the erection of the building. At her arnest request her body was brought here to be laid In the church-yard beside that of or husband. Tho Impressive burial service of the church was read over the remains, csterduy, In the presence of many mourn- ng relatives and friends. The Interment was In the graveyard adjoining the church. The finest assortment of valentines is at the People's Drug & Hook Store. l'erKonitl. Miss Maine Sloan returned from Phlla- elphia last Friday, accompanied by Mrs. Hellas. Elmer Person, son of Aaron Person of Montana, this county, has begun an appren- tlceshlp In the Columbian ofllce. I Miss Armstrong has been the recipient of o me handsome presents from her pupils and fellow teachers during her enforced absence from the school room. District Attorney Little was presented with line boy last week. The second son. llichnrd Drinker lias been confined to the house for sonic time past by Illness, but is convnlesent. Mr. and Mrs. C. it. Huckalew went to Philadelphia on Wednesday last. "Mine host" Tubbs of the Kxehangu took a flying trip to Philadelphia on Monday, re turning the following day. Judge Klwcll has been holding court hi Sunbury this week, hearing special cases. Mr. W. O. Coolbaughof Wilkes-I!arre,now with the boot and shoe house of Field.Thayer it Co,, lloston the largest in the trade was in town on Wednesday. Mr. It. J. Davies, of Pittston, traveling for Win. H. Lyou A. Co., New York, importers of fancy goods, notions &c, was registered at the Lxchange Hotel on Wednesday '.veiling. ltev. 1). J. Waller Jr., principal of the Hloomsburg Statu Normal School, will dc liver a lecture In the M. E. Church, Pine Creek,Huntlngton towtisliip,Luzernc county, on Friday evening next, at an educational meeting inaugurated by the teachers of ew Columbus, Huntington and Fulrmoiint. Cleveland Plain Dealer. jlr. Theodore lllvely, tobacco unit cigar dealer, 109 Seneca street, was recently laid up with rheumatism so that he couldn't walk. After liberal use of various preparations ho purchased a bottle of St. Jacobs Oil, and, to use Ids own expression, "It was thu first thing toulford him aiivthlng like relief." Ho has completely recovered by Its use. I'lllllUlNHII F. L. Sliitinau Ksij. is breaking ground for the erection of several new dwellings in Ids addition to the town, I'lio windows of several of our stores are decorated with valentines. Tho love sick swains herein have un opportunity of Inform lug the idols of their hearts, that which mod esty and bashfiiliiess deters them from doing in any other manner. A revival meeting has been In progress in the M, K. church for several weeks. Mrs. Mary Taylor an old resident of tlie town died at thu residence of Mr, Charles Krtigh, her son-in-law, Tuesday evening of last week. Mr. Frank Uotshall a brakeman employed by the P. it It. It. It. Co., whilst engaged In making a coupling in the yard at this place, had his hand crushed. ,V south bound train over the P. fc It. H. road, which was being conducted by Mr, Lewis Iteifsnyder on Wednesday afternoon of last week, ran into a. large rock that had fallen from tho top of the Summit tunnel, No person was Injured, but tho engine was damaged to 11 considerable extent. Thu new bridge being constructed by thu N. it W. 11. It. It. Co. across the Catawlssa creek is being rapidly pushed to completion. Hon, J, It, Iviiitllo has opened a coal yard If his honesty In tho weight of coal Is the same as displayed lu bis course us Itcpreseu tallve, ho certainly deserves to succeed, Mr, C. F. Harder Is still conllned to Ids bed with miliaria fever. Oil Tlilrl) Dm Trial. We will send Dr. Dyo's Celebrated Klectro. Voltaic Hells and other F.lectrlo Appliances on trial for thirty days to young men nnd older penoiiH who nro utlllctcd with nervous deblllty,lost vltallty,cte,, guaranteeing speedy relief and complete restoration of vigor ami manhood. Also fur IthcumutUm, Neuralgia, Paralysis, Liver and Kidney dllllcultUs, Ituptures and many other diseases. Illustra ted pamphlet sent free. AiUlrcis Voltulo licit Co., Marshall, Michigan. Oct. 28, ' A l'lrniinl I'nrl). EniToit Col.t'.MiilAN. -A very cnjoyahlu af fair took place ot the residence of Mr, Henry Angle, on the evening of the 37lh lnt. Mrs. Gaston, a sister of mine host, now residing In. Nebraska, after an absence of fifteen yers, lias made glad the hearts of her many fi lends by visiting the homo of her childhood. She li accompanied by her liusliand,who Is n llm specimen of western enterprise nnd good sense. Last Friday evening a large parly of ladles and gentlemen came with well-lilted baskets, nnd gavo the worthy couple a com plete surprise. "All went merry as n mar rlago bell." Every body was happy If they were not so before supper, they ceitalnly were after ward. It was n sumptuous feast, gotten up with Hint rare ability for which Espy ladies are Justly famous. The evening was spent In social converse, and many reminiscences of days long gone by were discussed. At a late hour, after wishing Mr. and Mrs. Gaston God.speed, the party dispersed, all agreeing. that tho occasion was one not soon to be for gotten a green oasis lu life's desert around which memory will love to linger. Espy, Jan. ilOtli. Paiiiicii-ant. Vmll llir Pi-timiN. Few parents fully realize their duty In this respect. They pay their taxes, elect their directors, send their children to the pub. 11c schools and this cuds the matter so far as they nro concerned. The child may learn or he may not. The teacher may be competent or ho may not) but too many parents know little and euro still less about what Is going on in the school room. They have accepted the little responsibilities, but lu this one par ticular they utterly fall lit properly encourag ing and looking after tho interests of these same little responsibilities. Visit tho schools see that your children are supplied with the necessary books and apparatus, and see too, tlittt they are In their proper places lu the school room each and every day. One day lost Is removing u link from the chain that draws them up to a higher and nobler sphere when they enter the battle of life. Vllt the schools and thus encourage the children and the teacher. Show them that you are interested in their progress, and our wsrd for It you will rain your reward in their more rapid advancement. mini) Id'HU. Mr. Harvey Nuss and Miss Maggie Parr were married on Sunday evening ; the cere mony was performed by ltev. W. H. Mc- Cutcheon. Mr. G. B. Swank left forllazleton on Mon day, where ho has n situation as clerk. A party of about sixteen, accompanied by the band, left hero on Thursday last and paid Dr. Shuinan of Hellertown a visit. They had a fine time with the exception of two upsets and a torn silk dress. They were warmly greeted by the Dr. who was formerly of Mlllliii. The protracted meeting in the Lutheran church, closed on Sunday evening last. The meeting was considerably disturbed byn few lads who misbehaved during the whole sit ies of meetings, which lasted two weeks. They are half-grown lads who seem to not yet have reached the age of self respect. Wo think a few arrests would be the best meas ure that could be taken for a similar case in the future. Seven teams have been busily engaged for some time on tho rail road, hauling the ties along the line. Tho work is done under tho supervision of II. Ecroth. One of the teachers lu this township had occasion to paint the lower window panes of all the windows, in order to keep the pupils from looking out. Services in all the churches were well at tended on Sunday morning and evening. Isaac Snyder has been confined to the house with dyspepsia for about sW weeks, lie has not been able to work since September. I'roui (.Yntriillu, 1 he Odd rcllows have rented a room in Staudenmeyer's building, which they will occupy as a lodge room. Our young friend, Jus. McFuddcn, intends opening a saloon in the room under Lang ton'H store, Centre street, Ashland. His many friends wish him success in his new undertaking. The Davis family of Ohio, gave a concert, consisting of voal music, in the Presbyteri an church, on Monday evening. Their se lections were very well rendered as were 11K0 those of Mr. Fred. Iteese and family, and Messrs. llevau and Ivelley who assisted. On the whole the concert was a success, both musically and financially. A man, named Kane, of Dark Corner, was injured by 11 fall of coal, at the Logan Col llery on Thursday, Mr. Milllngton has opened a new dru store in Curry's building, Locust Ave. The two Misses Gallagher of Pottsvilh and Miss Mugglo Itcilley uf .Shenandoah, are the guests of the Miss Langoiis. While the weather continues cold and frosty, as It Is at present, we have much to he thankful for, as we can now cross our streets without danger of being lost in the oceans of mud with which they are covered at other times. Our borough fathers seem to have very little regard for the lives of pedestrians, as they annually add about eighteen Inches of mini; but never think of providing any means by which those who cannot swim, may cross in safety. As we may expect 11 thaw lu Spring, we would suggest that they start a ferry, us they will realize enough lu a short time to enable them to lay crossings, without increasing the debt of the borough. If the lady who reads this card when In want of Spool Cotton will ask for the "O. N. T." she will obtain the very best thread made. ,Vsk for Clark's "O. N. T." Cotton and see that you get It. For salo by all leading dealers, fob l-y Dhii Hf)bert In Trmihlr. Olllcer Hruiidagc had his attention called to the fact that Dun Seybert's team was standing untied for several hums 011 the cor ner of Hroad and Wyoming streets Tuesday, and as tho horses had been unhitched, mid nothing prevented them from running away except the breast chains, which was attached to the sled, Hrundagu put the team lu IC1111 kle's livery stable, and ordered thu man in charge to hold the horses in custody until therwlso ordered by him. He then went to thu lock. up ami 011 his return was met by Seybert, who was mud as 11 march hare, ami demanded the release of his team, at the same time venting his spleen oil the olllcer, who advised him to tuku matters cool or otherwise he might be compelled to nay a line for violating thu borough ordi nance. Whei, Hriindago went to report thu case to thu llurgess, Seybert went to tho liv ery stable mid swore he would have his team lu Bpltu of burgess, policemen, or tho devil. Wilson Kunklo and his brother Henry were busy hitching up a team at the time mid told Dim that they could not permit his horses to leave the stable until ordered to do to, Hoy. bcrt then became furious and attempted to take nut his team by foice. Hen, ICiiukle interfered, when Seybert commenced a brn. tal iissaiilt 011 him, llson Kuiikle was un ublu to render his brother any assistance, ns he had to hold tho team he was hitching when the scullle began, and to make matters worse one of tho horses tramped on Ids foot. However he happened to have a revolver in ids pocket and pulling It nut he scared So)'- hert by the sight of It. The latter then sought revenge by having Wilson ICiiukte ....... ,i...i r... ...... ..i i 1...11... iii. i i lllll-fMt-tl llll ll-,n.llllt llllll IftllieiJ II llll IUIUIII I to kill, Tho case wni heard before Hiiulre 1 Gorman, who placed the defendant under J!J00 hull for his appearance i it. court, and ns soon ns the hearing was ended Hen. Kim- klo huil heybcrl arrested on a similar charge. He was lake.i b.-foie Squire Schutter, who placed under .'KjOO ball, but although lie Is very well known, the chances nppenrcd very slim for Dan to ohtuln a bondsman lu town, Late In thenflernoon he was in cus. tody of the olllcers who were prcpailng to escort him to the county lull, when E. P. KUncr consented to be Ills surety. - Itatetton Scnlintl. The great superiority of DR. BULL'S COUGH SYRUP over all other cough remedies is attested by the immense popular demand for that old established remedy. For the Cure of Coughs, Hoarseness, Croup, Asthma. chitis, Whooping Cough, Incipient Consumption and for the relief of "onsumptivc persons in advanced ":r'es ot the Uiscase. i'or t r.ll Druggists. Price, 2" cents, NOV. 4. 'Si um Business Notices L. T. Simmies.) Is now doling out his en tire stock of notions, wholesale and retail, at really reduced Duces, to emit business. Give him u call and secure the bargains of the season. Inn Hi Z-w Unlit calicos and cambilcs hist in at I. W. Ilartman's. Conner's line of Syrups can not be beaten. omen s mid clilldreu s shoes at " per cent less than real value, at thu Great Bar- gain More opposite hxchnngo Hotel. Embroideries 2 cents up to $1.50 per yard at 1. . ilartman's. Llalit blue, pink and other shades of new cashmeres jusl received at l.utz i: Sloan s. Shoes, tinwnrc.ghisswnre, chinaware,lanips and a lull line ot anything et "Way iowu" prices Great li.irgain More, opposite jAciiauge Hotel. Conner has saiirkraul for sale Table linens, linen towels, crash &c, Ac, at I. Y. llurtinaifs. Hemember the great bargain store remains but n few weeks, so call at once for rare bargains. ISlcnchcd muslins and shirt bosoms at I. . Ilartman's. A hirsju assortment ol new calieoei light and dark, at Ltitz. it Sloan's. I. W. Ilartman's Combination More at tracts people for 2o miles. A lljrr MOCK OI -V I Ileum ., anil lllliei gooil nindlns ju-t received at Lutz it Sloan's. Don't foriict to call at Conner's if you want anything in the grocery or uiieciiswuru line. It will pay you. Parlies desiring corn at wholesale prices an tret It in So liushel lots anil upwards, ot W. ('. Itiehart, Hloomsburg. feb II -1-w' I he largest and cheapest stoeli 01 new Hamburg edgings In town at Lutz it Sloan's. PILES! PILES! PILES! A ! ui'c Cure Found at Last ! ,o Ono Need Sutler ! A suro cure for bllnd.bleediug, itching and ulcerated rules has been discovered by Dr. William, (mi Indian remedy,) called Dr. Wil- llam s Indian ointment. A single liox has cured the worst chiouic cases of 2.1 or !io years standing. No one need sulfer live minutes utter applying tins wouueriui sootn. Im: iiiiilUiue. Lotions lust iiimciits and clec- tuaiies do more harm than good. William's .Ointment absorbs the tumors, allays the In- Tense itching, (particularly at night after get ting warm 111 iied.laris nsn in stant and painless relii f.aud is prepared only lor lilies ivc, anil tor nothing else. ltcud wlialilon. .1. -u. uotllulierrvnt Clove. land says about Dr. William's Indian Pile Ointment : I have ucd scores of pile cures. and it iilVords me pleasure to say that I have never lound anything whlcli gave me such immediate and permanent relict us Dr. Wil liam's Indian Ointment. For sale by all druggists or mailed on re. ceipt of price, 31.00. SXErJFLJT tSt CO., Por'rs. (13 Vescy St., New York. JOHN A. FUNSTON & Co Real Estate, Trust, Investment and Collection Office. BLOOMSBURG, PA. von s i.b ;u acres, irood land, bulldlmrs. fences, fruit nnd water. In Kenton twp., ono mile, to Now Coliinitu. Terms reasonable, owned by D.iulel Weuner, 1 1 lee J,UjU SIS Acres. Hurley farm. Montour jm dwelling bouse, bank oarnand other out-buildlngs, good suilj about w acres timber; well watered; ueaiiny lucauou, guuu luarjiets. ir aesireu, will ui vmi 111 iwii ur iiiiuo iruiui. reouruus. jermsenKy .Mm uwuuuuj wiu. iVUI, iSIJ. A comfort ible now buck dwelllniron 6th blrcet. vcsiui .Murui, lu rjuina, a valgum. ito acres on south bank of rlrer lw miles from town ot Mllllln on road to ller.vlck. 115 acres bottom ltnd.b dance limber. Ilrick dwelling, bank barn and outuuiimngs, goon rtuit nnu water, (wellaud rouu Udnl. Also a valuable deposit ot live acres of bilck and iiottors clay. Owned by John Wulf, oflilooius- uurg Adoslrabln now brick dwelilnir house and alare-a frumo dwelling liuiuo and rr.iuio stable on Kubt ttrtetonucioor ueiowTiuru, hots ofTtTcd on easy terms with contracts to build 11 uebiruu. D.i acres In MadUintownshlnioceuDledbvJOienh vtisj, ituuu irn'uu iiuunu uuu uauK uarn. Land lately well limed und manured. Applo orchard and other fruits. 105 Acres In Vlshtnecrcek townthlD. on road In Benton. Hack house, frame barn and theds cood nuti-rat house an I barn. Apple orchard and other truiuj, uttiu-u uy juuu t eaicr. ll'i Acros DIM luclhv land In Hemlock tnwnuhln. 1 .V miles from Hloomsburg. Frame dwelling, bank UUIU UllVt ItlU ll'UIIIll llUUQeB, 3 story brick dwulllne. now frnmo barn irood water and fruit. All lu beat of condition mi (Innrn Mreei, lu'juiuiuii'g, uciweun urn nuuuu. A large tramii house and barn with outbuildings, 0f tlmbelraudHituitiiiniiriarern, 1 ,mri wn.i,in.r,.r..ri. cood w a'.er and f, ult. corner nf Third 1 nn imiir,?J "luwuurauuBiiuaieinunart.rciliUnai'lSblugcietk btreets. . - , A very nleiisniitfroinodwelllne. corner nt Mli nnrt nun oLiiein, mm naiur uuu gus. All la goouconai nun, A 21. ktiri fiMtnn mrrlA.-n am! lilnnlcnin, ,1... 40xi!o leetou Iron near Mala blrcet, with trade and Kinni n,n. n um nei, ui luuis ia eacn department, lloasoiublu pilco und teims. A no irlv new 2-tcrv train ' d.vnlllni- nn Vnnriti Street, catawlua, frame btable, good water, und fruit, ull in gold oinduion. aisu, j' ivies i.iiiu on 11, 11. s w, 1!, it, near Cat iwlssi Paper Mills, with coal yard. 4 llmo kilns, und railroad biding. A desirable bile for cur simps or other mauiifactjry. Teuiu reasonable. onld oyj. 11. Kiiiuie, OS acres, well watered, in Hemlock tmvi.eiii,. frame house, bank barn and out-bulldlngs, chuleo 'Jull..y?un VrcU lrJ wltu K''"la 1,1 tfround, stock Ac, if desired, 'ihomus lllcuey owner. ror particulars, upply to Oct. 1 1, ' JOHN A. FUNSTON, or PAUL L'.W JUT. h:. cabter. CONTIUGTOU & BUILDER. DRAWINGS AND SPHCIFI0ATI0XS FOB lil'II.MXO'S, Jt'U AVAMXaXAiU. Jobbing :f all kinds promptly attended to, All work warranted to glvo tmlisTuulion, lb a J Ity virtuo of suntliy writs Issued out of the Court uf Common Pleas of Columbia coun ty, nnd to mo directed, will bo exposed to public salo nt tho Court Houso In Hloomsburg, at two o'clock p. in., on , . Iljl . QQ() 1111 'v a.' uui uuijr xllii, uuw. All thatccrulnlotorptccoof ground situate In Exst Bloomsburg, Columbia county, Pennsylvania. bounded and described ns follows, to-wlt ', On the north by an alloy, on tho cast by an nlle), on the south by lot ot Turnbtcb, nnd on tho west by public road from Hloomsburg to llcrwlck, (now callM liiststrcot) Containing lu front on said lead (Kast street) about Ilttvfect.nnd In depth about ono hundred and nlnoty-clglit feet, ou which Is elected s Iftiyo two story brlcx bultdlnd stablo and out buildings, a well st good wntcr on the premises. Seized, taken In oxeculton nt tho suit ot John (1. Freeze, administrator of l.ovllla Menagh. d 'ceased, against Itlcliard II. Menagh wlllinotlce to Charles .Vivage, terro tenant nnd to bo sold os the property ot Charles Havako. Iiahki.kv, Attorney, Al. Vend, llx, ALSO, I'ho following described real cstato situate In Hemlock townshlp.CotumtlA county, Pennsylvania, ntho propjrty otM.O. Shoemaker, dcceisid.r.s follows, to n It i Tract No, 1, sltuato in tho town ot liuckhorn, bounded northwardly by lot of I), icy- hirt'acstuccastwardly by MaloslrecMouthwarii ty by an nllcy,ftnd westwardly by an nllcy.on which arc erected a two story brtcls dwell'ng house, frame stable ana other ouUbu'.ldtngs, and a good wohof water, containing 1-4 aero ot land, more or less, :o. t, bltuato In the town of Uuck Horn, bounded nortliwaidly by an alley ,cstwardly by Main trect, southwardly by lotot D.NeyliarfaPStatc, md west wardly by an alley, on which aro erected a two story frame dwelling houso and other out-bulldlng, well ot water and good fruit trees, containing one-fourth acre of land more or less. No. 3, situate In Uuck Horn, und bounded north wardly by lot of K. Jt. Crawford, eastardly by land ef II. P. Fruit, southwardly by lotof .lohn I'rout and westwardly by Mala street of said ton, on which tro erected a tramo store house, shed, stable and other out-bulldlngs, containing twenty-eight perch es of land noroorlcsi. No. 4, situatoln Hemlock township, bounded by landicf John Mllleron tbo north, on tho east by Imdsof 11. J. Appleman, south by lands ot William Oh!, and on tho west bylandsof John Mlller.con tainlng six acres nnd sixty eight perches of Und m ire or less. Kcl7cd,tf.kcn In execution nt the suit of Elizabeth Ebner against S. (1. M. Hollowpeter, administrator of M. (1. shoemaker deceased, nnd Wm. it. sboo- makcr.nnd to bo sold as the properly of M. O. Shoe maktr deceased. IUkklkv, Attorney. VI. Fa. U. II. ENT, Sheriff. SHERIFFS SALE. l)y virtue of su dry wilts Issued out of th Court ot Common I'let if Col'iiaUa county and to mo directed, will be cipiKd to public .-ale at tho Court House, In Bloonnburg, Piims Irani i, nt two o'clock, p. m. on MONDAY, I-MiniiUAliY, OJi, 1HS2. All that certalnlotor piece of land Mtuat' In (irecn- woad townshlu.CoIumbla county, Penuu v int.". de scribed nsf.jllows, to-wlt: Hounded o.i ili- i.orth by land of Elinlra Albertsou, on tho cait by land of John Moore, on the ssuth by land of Augustus stou- dcr, on the west y land of Elulra Albertsou. Con taining to acres sud ss perches on which are ere ted a frame hou3e,barn and out-bulldlngs. Seized taken In execution at the suit of Thoaius Mather assigned to Alml 'a Johnson, a?aln3t O:o. . Hoffmin anlti bisi'dastho property nt Oeo. W. Hoffman. iKELBa Att'y. Al. Vend Ex. AI.SU, Tho third Interest of thefolljnlot described lot of ground situate In Oat v.vlsn, Columbia county and Stato of Pennsylvania, oa tho ea3t corner ot Main and Third street of sill town, bounded on tho wcstbyTh'rdstrcet.ontln north by lotot I). Hughos, oa tho south by Main Street and oitlneastby lot of William John, on which aro erected a largo two story frame store house and out-bulldlngs. Seized taken In execatloa at the suit of li Frank Zarr executor of Georgo Zarr, Uecjascd, a jalnst Isaiah John, N. P.John and W. E.John and to to sold as tho proparty of V. E. John. Zauk, Att'y. Vend E . ALSO. Mltlu right title and Interest of William Mas- In'lnrln tun IriManflanrtclliirt aln Cnr-aHnif (nun. 11,1,, v,lnmlil,i nmnt, Vminvlinl.i ,hmmil,.,l nnrt described as follows : Tract No. 1. Hounded on the north and east by lands of Andrew He&9, on the south by land ot Andrew Hess, on tho west and north by land3 of Wm. rotorman, containing nvo acres moro or less ou which aro erected a two story dwelling housi, fratro barn, shop, and other out buildings. Tract .No. s. Hounded on tho north by Andrew Hes3 nnd E IJah roternnn, i n the west by Sills Iicnjamtu, on tho south by Kllas.Shutz, on the oast by land of Ellas ShulU atid Andrew Hess, con taining W acresmore or lebs. Seized, taken In execution at iho suit of tvi.nticl Iloacock now for the 1133 ot II, Ii. Hcacock against WUllam Masteller, nnd to bo S3ld as tao proj.ertyof William Masttller. Funz, Att'j. vend Ex, ALSO, TI19 folloxlng described real cstato slluato In Flshlngcrcck township, Columbia county and State of I'ennsjKaula, tho property of hlfoid Preston, bounded and descrlbedas follows, to-wlt; HeglnMng at a post corner tf land of Daniel Kltch.'n, theuco alone division lino south ono halt decree two hun dred anl fourteen and two tenths perches to a post thence by land of Edward Mclleury, north sixty. seven dojiees east ono hundred nnd thirty-one. perches to a Spinlih oak down,) thenco by land ot Jacob rarver, north one-half di'srco east, ono hun dred and hlxty-two perches to a whlto oak, and theuco by land of l'hlllp Apploman, north eighty. nlnoand one-half decrees west, ono hundred and twenty audouo tenth perches to tho place of be t'lnnlD'; contalulai one hundred and thiity-three ana, and tweuty-tlvo perches and tho usual al lowance of Mx per cent for roads tc. On which nro erected a two btory framo dwelling house, larjo bank barn and other O'lt-bulldlnKS, Seized, taken In execution at the butt of P. 1). !)lack against Elford Preston ana to bo sold as tho property cf Elford I'rcstou. Ikei.kk, Att'y, Al.KI. Fa. U, II. ENT", MierlH. ALSO, Tho following deacrtbod real ostato sltuatelntho town of llloomsbui'tf. Columbia county, Pennsylva nia, as the property of (Jeorfr ) II. Kitchen, bounded and debcilbcd as follows to-wlt; On thoiorth by lot of T. (jutnn, on tho cast by Hlaekberry alley, on tbo south by lotof It. Jones, and on the vest by Hull ltoad street, (beliif lot No. cii) on which laro erected a ono and a half storj trams dwelling house and out-kllchcn. helztd, taken In execution at tho suit ot l'hlllp Utcbard against (icorgo 11. Kitchen and tobcsold as tho property of (leoigo ll. Kitchen. iKKLKK, Att'y, I I. Fu. ALSO, Ail that certain leal ustnle, bltunte lu tl.e town of Hloomsburg, Columbia coanty, l'enusy vatita, boun ded on tho north by Second Uroct.on the east by land of E J, Thornton, ou the a uth by landuf .1 It, Moycr and on the west by laul of Thornton and Uirton, oontnlnlng W) feet front nnd Tl foet d.'ep.ou which Is erected a tno-story frame tin thop. A LSO. All t bat certain real estato situate In tho town ot Hloomsburg, Columbia county, I'cnnsylvanla, in scribed as follows, to-wlt : bounded on t he north by land of I). V, Hartaan, on tbo oast by Market street and tho south ly Hldjo alley, and on tho west by Murray alley, contalnlog feotf.oiit feet dt ep, on which Is erected a dwelling houso b rn and out-buiiuings, Seized, taken In oxoculljn at tho suit of Johnson Duck Co., against Andiew M, Itupert, ad to bo Mia as tno property of Andrew M. itupert. Littles, Attorney vend Ex, ALSO, Thn undivided nnn.1iair tnfiv.,t I,, n n ,lnn,t 1 ,rt townships, Columbia county, and state of I'enusyl vanla, boiindel aid descrlbedas fjllows, to-wlt i Ueglnnlng at a btono, formerly black bo Ing an original corner of a surrey tn tho warrantee name ot Nathan licach, and another In the name ot Daniel F, Seybort, theuco alongsald lleach surrey south, eighty-one degrees west, four hundred and fifty tlireo perches U a cuae, formerly a chestnut oak, tacneo bytnusamo south nine degrees east. tifty-two perches to nones, thenco by tho samo south etgl.ty-ono degreos west sixty-two rerchos to btono j, thence by surrey tn tho warranto tamuot s ini'icl J. 1'ealer, north twenty degrees, ono bus dred and twenty Blx percluw to btones, thenco by laud la the warrantee name of Johu Allegar, thenco oy mo tame north seventy two degroos east throo huciinu ami eighty perchoston black oak, tience by land warranteed to Perry Huckalow, north bov t'uiy.uvo degrees east one hundred and tblrty-twi percuss to a post, tnotieo north clghty-Blx and hilt degrees east lifty.ono perches to a chestnut oak, thence north sixty. two degrees east.olgbty. lour percues 10 a pobt, tuoaco soutu two degree webt oue hundred and tlfty-olght perchoa to tho placo ot beginning, containing four hundred acres of luil, btrlct measure, SeUo I, taken In execution at tho suit of th; liloomi burg Hanking Co., against A, H, Pearson and to bo sold us the proierty of A, II, I'earton. Wiht, Attorney, Vend.Ui. siuiscniiiK rem THE COLUMBIAN. SI 00 IN ADVAKCK, A good, rclinblc pocket knife is what very gentleman should possess. We ihvo about 75 patterns, ranging in price evi huvo nbout io Pi from 10 cents to $2.r.O each. Tliovo arc some tilings it pays to buy onlv tho best. The celebrated combina tion ltazor Strop nnd lloiio which wo offer is thu article-1 price f0 cts. It can not be excelled. I am but a stranger 1 icio 1 .Tersov is my home. While I stay I shall use A arren e Hvnpoi-atod Vegetables. S." et. package iniikcs la quarts of delicious soup. Pink Evr. DisTKMiT.u. This fatal dis eae of Horses may be prevented and cured by the free use of Hendersliott's German Cattle Powder j it cleanses the systemj eniiches the blood mid puts your horse in a healthy condition. Large package, 25 ets. or 5 for Si. 00. o - Well, it's mighty hard to cough and strain so dreadfully 1 I really do believe I (.hall cotiu'h up my boots, if I don't gel relief 1 Why be so distressed, when Dr. Von Zotta's Homeopathic l'eetoral will cure you and restore you to health and happitiCM. '-'5 cent and $1.00 bottles. Bloomsburg, Pa. ECHSTEK'S NOTICES. XV) Notice Is hereby en en to all legatees, credi tors nnd other persons mtercsted in the estates of tho lvspecttU' decedents and minors, that the fol- loYTlngudmlulslrator3',oxccutors'nnd guardians' no counw hne been nled in tho ollleo of tho ltcglstor of Col. Co. nnd will bo presented for connrmailon and allowance lu tho Orphans' Court to bo held In Dlooinsburir. on Monday, Feb. t, lSs, at 2 o'clock p. in. on said day 1. Thn account of Ezklel Fritz and W'm.l'. ltobblns administrator of I'.UjU.i ltobblns, late ot Jackson townsnip, ueceasoj. 2. Tho first and final account ot John I'fouts, ad ministrator, ae oonus non cum lesramenioon nexo.ot tho cstato ot Hannah Ualrd, deceased, us nied by Itachcl rfouts, executrix, of tho last win ana testament 01 jonn riouis, aeceasea. 8., administratrix of Pop ly KIsner, deceased, la'u of Ikrwlck. 4. First and tlnal nccouot of John J. I.onirenberiror. administrator of John Jacob Longenboiger, Tato 01 milium lowusuip, ucceaso J, C. Final account ot Frcas Drown, gu udlai of Sam uel u. vreasy, minor eiinu ui 11, . ureasy, laic ui oeuii luivusui, ucceuaeu, c. Third and partial accountnt John Hollas one of 111c executors 01 auiiiu ueuas, nue 01 rituing creeS, deceased. First nnd tlnal account of John K. Orotz, admin istrator of William Verry, lalo of tho town of Hloomsburg, deceased. First and final account ot Stephen Clearheart, guardian of Charles Uiarheart, a minor child of Jabob uearh?art, late ot Miln township, de ceased. The llratnnd final account of William Fotter man.uxccutor of Jonas Fcllcrta in.Ialo ot Locust township, deceased. 10. Second and final account of I. K. Krlckbaum and wuuam unuk, executors of Joshua urlnk, lato ui oeuuun luwusmp, uecuascu. !! The llrst and partial account of D. Frank Zarr. one ot tho administrators of Androw (Jingles, ueceaseu. U. Tho first and final account ot n. Frank Zarr, ad uuuiraior oi uannan &arr, ucccasca. 13. The second account of 11. Frank Zarr, executor 01 ueorgo r.nrr, ueceaseu. U. The first and nartlal account of It. F. Chatiln. ono 01 tno executors 01 .larea uarnson, ue- coaseu. 15. The nnal account of Thomas Dollman, guardian ci bjizaoem uouman, a minor cauu 01 joun lioinnan, uucast u, 10. ThellnalaccountotThomas Dollman, guardian 01 wuuam uouinan, a minor cuuaoi jonu uou man deceased. 17. The llrst and tlnal account of Seth Shoemaker. administrator ot Catharine buoemaker, lalo 01 ucmiocK tow nsmp, ueceaseu. 18. An nccount of J. M. Lilly, administrator of Jo seph Liny, iate 01 scott townsnip, aeceasea. 19. I'll st and tlnal account of Samuel Lchr. admlnls trator of Joseph Lehr, latoot Heaver township, ueccabeu. 211. Tho first and tlnal account of Jeremiah Kostcn- liauder and J. c. untitle, administrators of Clara 21. Flistund nnal account of Thomas J. Vandcr slice, auintuiotrator or neuvcca vanaerauce, lato of Mt. Pleasant township, deoetsed. as tiled by his cxeculors, John Kinder and C. M Vaudersllce. it. First nnd final account of John L. Mover, ad mliitstrator cf Ueorge W. Marsh, lato of tho City ot ningii .imon, siuie 01 -ew 1 orK, aeceasea S3. First and linn! nccount of Hiram shucars. ad mlnlsirnlor of (iiorgo llolltnback, lute of Main luwnsuip, aeceasea Heclster'a Ofllce, Bloooisburg Jan. 5, 's-2. QEO. W. STEHNEK, Kejlater. 7-lDOWS' APPlt.VISKMEXTS. 1. Widow's appraisement In thocs. iate ot .1. u. B'.uKtr, ucceoaea. l'ersonnlty. tl'JO US 2. Widow's appraisement InthoeE tatoot deorgo Straus. r, deceas ed, l'ersjualty, 1300 00 s. Widow's apprahvment lathe es tato of Juhu Hlillg, deceased, 1'erionalty. fioo on 4. W'lloWs appraisements In tho es tato ot 1). V. Herlln, deceased. Personalty. tT 25 Itealty. Mil 75 ?0O 0) Widow's appraisement In the (s tatoofS fc. H shoeiaaker,(lecoas ed. Personalty. m 31 TVtnl roatty. 'iuo 01) 1223 35 Wldiw's appraisement In I ho es tate of Ueorgo A, HowmaUideccas ed. Personalty. J300 ou Will bo confirmed nisi on tho llrst Monday of Feb. ruary liv.', and unless exceptions bo nied within four (lavs thereafter, the sumo will becontlnned absolutely. jail 1.1 1-0 WM. KUlCKIIAl M. N TOTK'K IN PAltTl'ITOK. ESTATE OP El.lZAI'iETIT WKN.S'KH, DECEASED. To Julia Sehloier. Intermarried with Jaeoo sehle. er, ot cu&iiuehannn county l'a; H. V. (larreit.ot laH Nnuiteoke, Hi7eroi;couniy, l'a.. Mahlon H. licks, of Ualtlmom. Mil., hiisan A. Wolf. Intermar ried with Andre Wolf, of Hlack Creek. Luzerne countr,U'a.. Henry ShalTer, Susanna Crawford, inter- mariicu wuu pieimeii Liawiuru, Augeuuu iiarretr, uiieriiiui neu nun i-vi ii.iuuii, uuu siejiueu roue. ruaruian uu mem ui uiu uuuur cunureu 01 isinuy licks, all tf Columbia couutv. l'a.. meeting: In accordance with a rule ernntcd unon thn 12th day of December, lssi, by tho Orphans' Court of co- luinuia euuui, , ou nro nereuy uuuituu unu requu ca to appear upon tho llrst day of the next term ot Courtand accept at tlw valuation, tho following do- heii ueu men isea ur biujw euusu twiv inu KnmH sna i not bo sold. Mi: All that certain messuairo or tract of land situ iuj la centre township, Coluiuuta coun ty, oouboeu 01111:0 norm uynpuuuc roan, on tno east ny a puimu roan, un inu soma uy lanas 01 vi. sou Miller, und on tho wojt by lauds of 11. chwep penheUer, contulnlncr two acres moro or less with 1110 appurieaances, et iuo estate 01 said aecoaent. U.H ENT, Jan. B-4W Sheriff. I List or juitons, feu. tehji, isbs. ... , .. iTt.-,ta John Culn.Olasco Cameron, Moyd Fox, t. r lllcks, IHKubn.Th lllcks. I H Kubn. Thomas Vannatta, KUag (l gger. Catawlssa Jacob Kltngoman. Cen.ralla James l7kc. Flihlngcreck Charles Ash , . (ircenwood-lsaac lilack, Joseph Keller, David Manning. jacKSun :amuci nnouso. Looust Klmber Lec. Madison James mialne, W U Merlcle Main Henry (iltllng, Nathan Miller Mllllln M M Hartr.el, AdamMlllcr Montour Samuel (linger Ml. rieasint I'etcr Jacoby l'luc Slablon Moser TK THK COUltT OF COMMON PLEAS JL OK COLOMUIA COUNTY. Notice Is hereby given that an nppllcatlan will b miwi tn nut l rourt. on Monday. February Cth. A. D. 1S52, under net of Assembly ot tho Commonwealth ot l-cnnsylvanla, entitled "an act to provide lor the f'Ulllluil in cerium iviuiiv IJOth. lSU.nndtho subple s charter ot an Intended cor The Young Men's Christian poratlon to bo called ' i.rwlaltnn nt Hernn-lr IM." tha oblcct of which la tor tbo lmprorement ot tb.9 spiritual, mental, roelal, and phi slcal condition of youDg men, and for these purpoies to have, possess and enjoy all the rights, benetltsand privileges ot tho ta'.d act of Asembly and Its supplements. ANDltEW K. OSWALD, Jan 18 i-l Solicitor. As DM IK1STR ATOItS KOTICK. KSTATE OF ABIUIIltrORE DTCEASED. Letters of administration on thecstate of Abraham Force, late of orange township, Columbia count r. deceased, have been granted by tho ltegtster of bow county to tho undersigned administrator. AU ncrsnns havloir claims airalnst the cstato of said decedent aro requested to present them for settle 1 ment and thore indebted to make payment to Oe undcrsljncd administrator wtlhost delay. Flshlngcreek. Jan jo-w HENRY rULLMHH, Administrator. E XKCUTOlt'S KOTICK. ESTATE Or JACOB Y. DECK, DECEASED. Letters testamentary on the estate ot Jaccb V. Ileck. lato ot Centrt township, Columbia county.I'a, decoased, have been granted by tho Heglster of said county to the undersigned Executor. All persons unving claims against iuu usuii'i ui mu uavcucu. aro rciiuasieu io preaeiil, mem i'ji Denieiiii-Mi. us. thoso indebted to the estato to make payment to tho underslgnod exooutor without delay. OKOHOE M. WHITMIHE, tanl3G-w" Executor, Ornngevlllo l'a. UDITOh'3 KOTICK. uln tho matter oil no. tsa fcd. jerm, is.s. Samuel Heck, as-1 And now Dee. 30. lbSt, on mo slgned to Coium- tlonofsC. W. Miller, Att'y. tor bla County Mutual I plaintiff, Samuel Knorr, fled. Is Saving Fund and fnppolnled Auditor to make au Loan Association, (tributlou ot proceeds arl.ilug vs. irum ?lteilii a aaieui icm.touiic. 1. K, schweppen-1 hciser. J uvtiic v.uubt. Ill liiir 11 inu 1 ui mu uuu e, inu imuiiothut" torwlll tit at his onice In llloomsDurg, on Friday, February 3rd, lss;, at ten o ciocku. 111., 10 penorm tho duties of his appointment when and where all neraons tnteruMcrt should ODnenr nnd present their claims or be debarred from coming in ou said lund. S. KNOHK, Jan. 5-4w Auditor. DMINISTUATOIVS KOTICE. ESTATE OK MAKT11A SliyuAII. UblAAaau, Letters of administration on tho estate of Martha Shumau, late of Main twp, Columbia county, aeceo-sed, have ucen granted by tho lteglster of said county to tho unders'gnedudmtnlstrator.AU persona uaving claims uy;aini vuu uamwui ouiu uiwiiu. are reiiuebted to present them for settlement and lUOSO maeuicu 10 lilts emmu iu uiuno iiajiuuui, iu 110 undertlgned administrator n Ithout delaj. dec so ow WM. K. SUUMAN, Administrator. I". O address, Malnvllle, Col., Co , l'a. i DMIKISTItATOB S KOTICE ESTATE OF MOSES EVEBETT, DECEASED. Leu era of Administration on tho estate of Moses Lrerctt, lato of orange townBhtp, Columbia couDtj I'enn'a., decee sed, havo been granted by tho ltegte. terotbaldcountytotho undersigned Adm'r.iLb.n Ail persons having claims against the csta' of tin decodent aro requested to prosent them for settle ment nnd thoso indebted to tho estato to mako pay ment to tho undersigned Administrator without delay. J. HOWARD KLINE, C. W. Mii.i.ui, AdmUlstrator, d. b. n. Attorney dec 30 ow f , o. orangevllle. A DMIKISTRATOE'S KOTICE. E3TATE OF LOCH FOLK, DECEASES, Letters of administration on tho estato of Loula Folk, late ot Hemlock township, Commtla county, retina, deceased, have been granted by the Uepte tcrof said county to 1'ercTvel Folk and Joel Folk administrators. All personahnvlng claims ugalns the estato of.tho decedent are requested to pre&onl them for settlement, nnd thoso indebted to the es tate to mako payment to tbo undersigned admlnlt trators without delay. l'El'CIVEL FOLK, C. W. Ml'ltt JUEL FOLIC, Attorney, Administrator. dec so e.w A DMIKISTItATOlt'S KOTICE. ESTATE OK CATHARINE dAlA, DECEASED. Letters of administration on the cstato of Cutis rlnetlall.Iato el Montour township Columbia county l'onu'a., deceased, havo been granted by tho ltegls ter of Bald eo. to c, c. I'eaeock.iidmu.Uttator.ct.a. All persons having claims against tlie esiaioonne decedeutare requested to present them for settlo inont and those Indebted to the estato to make iuj. ment to tho undersigned executor without delay. C. C PEACOCK, Administrator, c. t. a. Jau. 5-dw 1ST TOT1CK. 'Notice Is hereby dven that tho following n'eount has tieen tiled in th l'roihonotary'n oflleo ot Colum bia cwnty, nnd will bo presintcd 10 tho court c Common I'k as of said oountyou tho nrst Monday 0f;i'enuary. A, H, 6S and conthined after the fourth day of bald term unless exceptions be filed rltbln that tlmo. 1. The first account of 11. Frank Zarr, Trustee un der thu will of Ueorgo Zarr. WM. KltlCICHAt'M, I'roth'y. Jau.4-,c O Ph CO MORNING LIGHT, DOUBLE HEATER. 0. C. GALIGNAN, BLOOMSBURG.