THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. Fresh Air In Sialics for Horses. A ready menus of letting out tho foul Mr from n stablo Is by n number of ven tilators on the ridgo of ttio roof) and ond mentis of admitting fresh air below is by tho windows when thoy are open, but when they nro shut other menus must bo supplied As doors and windows nro usually situated in farm stables, tho fresh air should not bo allowed to enter them through tho night. So thoy should not bo left open, for fresh air coming di rectly from tho doors or windows upon n horso must strike his body and limbs for cibly and do him moro hrtrm than good. Tho fresh air shoidd come in on a level with tho horso's nostrils, and an opening above his head seems tho most tmilablo means for foul air to find its way out. Dampness in stables nrisos either from frrniltlfl.flflmn nr wriHf rf ..n,.il,! f t this nny man may judgo from different n.llYMlmof nnnna n,.l AnAnn1t.. tho remedy need not bo attended with any very serious oxpenso; drainago and a rising floor will mostly havo tho effect in ono case, and making proper vents for tho heated vapor to cscapo near tho roof, will also nearly always bo sufficient In tho other. Whero a stablo has this de fect, it slinnlii lm rrmniliml nt .. ,V VjlUL-, VI tho horses taken out of it! for if they nro not, sickness will sooner or later causo double tho - 1 i.w "-" XIIU heated, unnatural nnd vitiated hir of ti sumo siaoics wouui ue suro to causo dis aster to soino of tho inmates if they were called on for severe or long-continued labor, especially on a cold day; tho effect of their debilitated v..u...Hblu tiifum soon tclKnat something wns wrong, ami jiurnups iniiamninuon 01 mo lungs would nuito satisfv tho owner of tlm fW On tho contrary, the stablo whero liiujicr wutiuiu is warning anu wnero currents of cold air aro often permitted to enter, though perhaps not so comfort less as to causo suffering to tho horse or to directly injure his health for cerla'm purposes, would shortly show him as an nnitnil VtMtii.i r, , ,,nn..n .. .1 ...... uuuiiii 4i'jrc.iitiiuu utiu uuutiiuoil totally unfit, intcrnnllv nml nvtovimHv for that fast work to wliip.ii fnt linri aro put externally from having the coat ui. u uuur, ana nuernaiiy irom its having been imnossiblo ltl H11P.ll fl Rtftllln in ni-rw him through that disciplino necessary for such purposes. Such a stable, after a sweat, would bo death, though the coarser-urea norse might live and hnv health in it. Do Your own Repairing. Wo think that almost every farmer will agree with us that every farm should nave 11s own worKsnop, ana every culti vator of tho land iinilnrstmid tmw tn on it. He may not do so when ho first enters upon farming on coming of age but after a vear or two of u-lint n-r should call apprenticeship, when ho finds mm, to -Know now 10 uo tilings is nb' solulely indispensable, he will rapidly iearu to uticnu to most oi ins own re nairintr of tho ordinary imnlpmpnta nm' machipes upon his premises, instead of incurring ueiay, expenso ana uncertainty by depending upon professionals at a distance. Uathcr than to be without a workshop and the necessary tools, ono shouldbo orected expressly "for the pur pose, in a convenient spot and daily warmed in winter so as to bo ready at all times for use, in which many odd jobs can bo done also not immediately con nected with tho farm. All ordinary wooden repairing ought to bo dono by t'ao fanner and his hands during rainy days and in winter, when there is plenty of time on hand for that purpose. Every part of a wheelbarrow, ex cept tho wheel, ought to bo made on tho premises; new forks and handles of iron rakes, repairing even some portions of the farm machinery, building of garden and yard fences, repairing roofs, building of corn-cribs, hog-pons, wagon and cart sholvings, making of tho frames of hot beds, and all the many jobs constantly requiring to be done about a well-con-duotcd place too numerous to mention. A person becomes very handy in tho uso of good tools after a short experience, and saves many a dollar without con suming any tirno necessary for the usual demands of tho farm. The I'olleJ-.lDgns Doom. The coming cattlo for beef aro of tho polled-Angus breed. They aro selling for higher prices hero and abroad than cattlo of any other breed, and the opin ion is quite general that the animals that bring Jho highest prices are tho best. At present it is difficult to detcrmino whether tho high prices paid for polled-Anp-us cattle is duo to their superior merit or to tho fact that thoy aro fash ionable in breeding circles. Men of largo means, who breed cattle for pleasure, aro fond of obtaining something that is raro. and which cannot bo procured by every person who keeps stock. That the polled Angus cattlo possess great merit as btef producers cannot bo questioned by tho admirers of tho Herefords and short horns. They havo taken too many prizes at the Smithfield fat slock show not,to havo a well deserved reputation. Iti is claimed for them, among other things, that thoy arc very hardy, and consequent ly well adapted to tho western plaips, that their ilesh is highly flavored, and that they furnish moru meat according to their weight than animals of any .other breed. If all these claims aro well sub stantiated it is time to consider tho ad visability of changing our breed of beef cattle. Attaching paaticuliar merit to the circumstanco of their having no horns appears to bo mainly nonsonso. Tho amount of food required to produce n pair of horns is trilling, and there is nothing to show that tho material that enters into tho composition of tho horn would mako fat or lean meat if an aui. mal were hornless. It is claimed that moro animals can bo packed into a car if there aro no horns to occupy space. This is true; nnd it is also true- that quite enough aro packed in cars at present. Heading Farmers. In ninety cases out of a hundred tho successful farmer is tho reading farmor. If ono neglects to keop posted in agri cultural matters he is bound to fail in most of his pursuits incident to tho farm. This is a progressive ago. The manner of conducting a farm in this goneratiou is as different as can bo from that of our fathers. It is only by reading agricul tural papers and books that wo can keep up with tho times in which wo live, and the farmer who does not improvo theso opportunities hnd best "lay down tho ahovel and hoe." When papers and books are banished from tho threshold of tho farmer, tho probability i ttiul tho farm is running behind hand. During the last fair hold in Austin, it will be remembered, a horso fell in tho race, killing both itself and jockey. Tho day after the accident Gilhooly, talking to a stranger from Dallas, happened to Bpeak of tho accident. Tho other party turned his head aside and brushed away a tear. "It was a very sad affair," said Gilhooly, thinking tho unfortunato jock ey was a friend of the emotional stran ger. "Sadf" sobbed tho stranger, "well, I should smile. I had ten dollars bet on ' tho horse." Texas Siftlngs, The Story of a Hundred Dollar 1)111. A distinguished. statesman forty years ago' was on a visit to Baltimore, and ho gave to a colored girl whllo hero what ho supposed to bo at the time a ono dollar bill. Tho next morning tho girl went to a grocery store, nnd alter making a lew trilling purchases, gavo the bill in pay ment, under the supposition that it was a dollar. Tho proprietor of tho store, n highly esteemed citl.cii of Baltimore, noticed with great surprise that it was for a hundred dollars, nnd ho supposed at onco that tho woman had stolen it. Ascer taining tho delusion she was under, ho informed her of tho true character of tho note, and told her ho would detain it un til tho owner wns found. The girl told how she had received it, persisted that it had not been stolen, and assented to tho 'gentleman retaining it until tho owner wns iound. J to advertised tho hill, and tho statesman, in nnswer, called to say that tho girl's story was true, and that ns her honesty had been suspected she could keep tho bill. lie then departed to tho scene of his daily triumphs, and in tho acquisition of a great famo perhaps for got the incident. The grocery merchant retained the note, in expectation of the girl returning, but she never called for it, it is supposed being frightened and fear ing being charged with its theft. He de posited it at interest. Years rolled on and she married, boro children and died, and a few years ago a son applied to the merchant for tho note and the interest, which amounted to a large sum of money. This amount the custodians of thu fund paid into one of our, city courts, in order that the court should decide whether or not the claimant was entitled to it. Tho court sustained tho claim, aud tho money was aid to tho heir, and thus ends the true , story of a hundred dollar bill. Italtimore Gazelle. A Well Selected ,lnry. Down in an extremely rural district of Arkansas nn old man was ar rested for stealing a hog. Tho proof was positive, and tho Court was sur prised when tho plea ot not guilty was introduced. The lawyer for tho defence a man well known lor his trickery rather than his ability, seemed particularly de sirous of selecting a jury that would not show partiality in its decision. Tho prosecuting attorney, a young and inex perienced man, agreed to every juryman selected by tho defence, and tho Judge, although ho micht have thought the defence stepped over tho bounds of ju dicial courtesy, said nothing. Tho argu ments wcro concluded, leaving in the minds of tho people no doubt as to the verdict, for one of tho witnesses, a man whoso word no one could dispute, swore that he saw the defendant when he stolo the animal Tho Jury retired, and, af ter a few moments, returned a verdict of not guilty, in exact opposition to tho charge of tho Court. When tho court adjourned, tho Judge approached tho lawyer for tho defence and remarked : "Look here, my friend, I never heard of such a verdict. I cannot, as an im partial disseminator of justice, allow so flagrant an outrage to bo perpetrated on this community. That man is as guilty as Judas, but if you tell mo the secret of tho acquittal, I'll allow tho verdict to pass." "You see, Judge, some of the jurymen wero rather young and some rather ol der." "Ycs,but what does that signify ?" "It signifies that I ran in the old man's twelvo sons on tho jury." He was a fresh young Congressman from a rural district, and when he got to Washington ho found every other mem ber had a private secretary, so ho hired one. But, though fresh, ho was energetic nnd a man of vigorous ideas. Ono day ho said to his secretary: "Mr. Skeels, to morrow I shall speak on the tariff ques tion." "To-morrow," said the secretary, "that's rather short time, but Iguess I can do it Which side aro you on?" "The frco trade side, sir." The secretary left tho room, and the Congressman was rather puzzled to comprehend his re mark. Next morning, bright and early, his secretary appeared and handed him a paper. "What is this?" asked tho mem her. "Your speech!" "My speech?" "Yes; I've written out what you've got to say on tho tariff: issue." "You miserable wretch!" cried the enraged member, "do you as.sumo to dictate what I shall say?" Ho drove tho amazed secretary into the street, and would hear no explanation. Indignant, ho went down to tho capitol nnd told a friend, an old member, the story: Tho friend was shocked at the fellow's impudence, but they looked over tho speech and it rend very well. "You did just right to dischargo the conceited rascal!" said tho old member, and, tho next.drty, tho young member, was a mazed to learn that tho discharged sec retary had been employed by his old friend. Iloston 1'ost. "What's that fellow doing ?" asked a lady, pointing to a man in ono of Ho garth's pictures, whoso head, feet and hands appeared to protrude from and bo firmly clasped in a wooden embrace. "He's only dabbling in stocks, madam," was the reply. Areifl York Commer cial Advertiser. Dauchy & Go's. Advt'a. , tor 1SS2, with Improved Inter- DiaiTV Fi,QacsttIll)le. Calendar, eta. Sent w" to any address on receipt ot two Throe-Cfnt ttUmps, Address OH Uli.ES K. HIRES, 35 N. Delaware Ave., Pblla. d hnwvv VKT O. Tiin'VTI Active and reliable men tn W Xiv every town to sell Farmers ourl'iS3n,MAH!a Natural I'trtlllzer. WirCom missions, complete outnt aid full personal Infrac tions by special salcsmon. Apply at once with 1 O. address and reference. JOHN T IIOUEKI'8 4: into., Qermantown, Philadelphia, Pa. d Jan, 5 4w AGKNTS WANTED AT ONOE 7b tfll the I.'fe ami Complete History o THE TRIAL OF GUITEAD. A Kketch of his erratic carenrand Fl'M, IIISTOUY ot the strange scenes and startling Dl&closurcs ot Ui8inai:ine mist mmiy iuiu reiunnvmia iu uiun nilsofcrlmi Well Illustrated. Will rail Immensely, Airunt's outfit 60 cents. Terms to agents liberal, Address UUIlHAltl) 1IKOS., publisher, 121 chest nut street, Philadelphia d. Jans-4w fur Hie wliuer In lurmlni; ilj-trii i. Wry Uilnrun return lor comiruiluly Lille 1 bar. HJai 'or full imrili'iilnra.l(lre liunii'illali'ly KSuollA.NUl. JL'PD CO. til IlrniJur,... BOLD MEDAl AWARDED tho Author. A uttm mu Krvtl Utxl icki Wfrk,wtrraated thu ImuIuuI cheptft(tndiiiD4li0ta tBTurr Din,tiDtitlt3ti the Bciencaof li er.iSttJM'rtverrttlon f" bound i fimt IrtincU iQiuluilnnib(d. lull cUt AO !p.cooUinj Uetatif a I vteeT nsTsriDSi. 125 irtutcrit lUoiut, line umif $1 latent b r mul 1 illaftrfcUfd M.mpl, tJouatt I ami now.Addrttna 1'uAiiodv &(!. h'a 4 Ualfiacb it, liottoa. an 9 i'Vf a MOLLER'StM;, COD-LIVER OIL Buir!ort3F,PA?iv vneamat tt t fy i j ,n Hcvtcfvt w.H.Sfiiif:rc:iM1c.(,,;7,J, Jan i-w d SOUTH Don't locate before seem? our JUVVr BIHllVUlCUl. 1I1US iraiea catalogue ireo. J, Jl.Man cha, clarcmont, burry co. Va. d tlau 6 iw 18S2. Harper's Weekly ITiLUSTRATHD. Ilni pcr'a Weekly stands nt tho head ot American IllustratcJ weekly Journals. Hy Its tinpartlsan posl. Hon In politics, Its admlrablo Illustrations, Its care fully chotcn serials, short stories, sketches, and poems, contributed by tho foremost artists and authors ot tho day, It carries Instruction and enter tainment to thoujandaof American homos. It will til wars bo tho aim of tho publishers to make Harper's Weekly tho most popular and alt active family nowspipcr In tho world. Hwpor's Periodicals, run year. UAUPEU'S I1AZAK MOO HARPER'S MAGAZINE 4 CO IIAUt'Ktl'S WEEKLY 4 00 Tho THREE above publications 10 00 Any TWO above named Too HAHPIllt'S YOUNG l'KOlT.K I 60 UAltmil'S YOUNO I'KOPLK,) 0 IIAUPEIt'S VKANKMN SQUA11EL1UIIAHY, ono Year (31 Numbers) 10 00 Postage- frco to all subscribers In tho United States or Canada. Tho Volumes of tho Weekly begin with tho nrst number for .lamnry of each j car. When no tlmo Is mentioned, It wm be understood that tho subscri ber wishes to commenco with tho number next after the receipt of order. Tho laatTwrlvo Annual volumes ot llarrcr's Week ly, In neat cloth binding, will bo sent by ni?o paid, or by express, free ot expense, (provided the freight does not exceed ono dollar pur volume), for V oo each. Cloth cases for each volume, suitable for binding, will bo sunt by mall, postpaid, on receipt ot II oo ea;h. Uemlttances should bo rnado by Post-Ofllco Money Order or Draft, to avoid chance of loss. Newspapers aro not to copy this advertisement without, tho express order of harp r Brothers. Address HAItrEIt i IiftOTUEnS, J in 13 t( NcwY'ork. HIDES. The Highest Market Prico in Cash rXIDFOll ALL KINDS OF HIDES AT A. SOLLEDEt'S Leather nml Shoe Finding Store Main Street, Opposite Stone Cnurtcir, BLOOMSBURG, PA. April 8, '80-ly WEBER-HARDMM PIA1TOS, A FINE INLAID FRENCH WALNUT CASE ORGAN, 0 STOPS, $90 CASH. Easy Terms. SntlNfUitlon Guaranteed. ZBA-CSOHSTS JPTA-JSTO "WK.E ROOMS, MUSIC HALL BLOCK, WXLUSS-SARB.B, PA Junolo,'SI-ly Tho Largest General Store in tho United States. The block, fror.i !3t!i St. to Square anil Market St., 1301,1303, 1313, 1315, 1317 Chestnut St. FUME WWIEM&MW MWMB, BLOOMSBURG, PA. CAUTION. GET THE BEST. STROIVO COMFE rJ ITIOI In tho manufticturo of Organa is resulting in tho production anil Bale of cheap goods, made from inferior materials. I refer particularly to bogus Organs that aro continually springing into existence, without any merit whatever, except to be offered cheap, and then when purchas ed found to bo dear at any price. Will yuu not then, reador, If you Contemplate Buying an Organ consider it your only safeguard to select an instrument bearing tho names of first'class, wholly responsible makers. A good assortment oi Btylea of tho celebrated Estoy Organs can now bo scon at tho now rooms of tho Only Authorized Agent foi tho Estoy Organs in Columbia County. A guarantee for five years from tho manu facturers accompanies every Estoy Organ, J. S At- PIKER, Agent, Bloomsburg, Fa THE SUN. NKW YOHIf, 1882. The Sun for 1 4(3 will make Its fifteenth annual rev olution tinder tho present mtnaiccmont, shining, as always, for all, blir and little, mean and gracious, contented and unhappy, ltcp'ibllcan and Democrat ic, depraved and vlttuous, Intelligent andobtuso. Tho sun's liirht Is tor mankind and womankind ot every sort! but Its cental warmth Is forthecood, wullelt pours hot discomfort on the blistering bacln cf tho persistently wicked. Tho sun of lsoswasn nowspapcrof a now kind. 1 1 discarded many of tho forms, and a tnultltudo of tho supcrfl ious words and phrases nt indent Jour nallsm. It undertook to report In a frosh, succinct, unconventional way nil tho news of tho world, omit tlnff no event of human Interest, and commenting upon affairs with the fearlessness of absolute Inde pendence. Tho success of this cxperltnent was tho success ot The Sun. It circctcd a permanent chango In tho stylo ot American newspapers. Kvery Im portant journal established In this country In the dozen years past has been modollcd aftir The Hun. Kvery Important Journal already cxlstlnn has been modified and bottoicd by tho forco ot Tho Sun's ex ample. Tho Sun of 1 81 will bothOBamo outspoken, truth, tclllcf?, nnd In', resting- newspaper. Iiy n liberal uso of tho means which an abundant prosp'rlty affords, wj shall mike It better than ever before. Wo shall print all the niwj, putting It Into read, ablo sIutc, and measuring its Importance not by I ho traditional yardstick, but by Its real Interest to tho people. Distance from Printing Houso fviuaro Is not the nrst consldera'ton with Tne Sun. when ever anything happens worth reporting wo irettho particulars, whether It happens In Brooklyn or In ilokhara. In politics wo havo doclded opinions; nnd aro ac customed to express them tnlmguago tint ran bo understood. We siy what wetblnk about men and events. That habit Is the only secret of Tin Hun's political courso Tin Weekly Sun gathers Into eight pages tho best matter of tho soven dally issues. An agricultural departmentotuueiiualod merit, full ot markotro- ortn. and a liberal nronortl in of literary, scientific. nnd domestic Intelligence complete Tho Weekly sun, and make It tho best newspaper tor tho farm er's household that was ever printed. Who does not know and read and llko Tho Sunday Sun, each number ot which Is a (lolconda of Inter esting literature, with the best poetry of tho day, prose every lino worth reading, news, liumir mat ter enough to 111 a good-sized book, and Infinitely more varied and entertaining than any book, big orllttlo7 It our Idea of what a newspaper should bo pleases you, send for The sun, our terms re ns follows: For tho dally Hun, a four-pago Bheet of twenty eight rolnmns, tho price by mall, post paid. Is 63 cents a month, or $0 60 a year; or, Including ho Sunday paper, an elght-pago sheet ot nf ty-slx col umis thoprlcots co cents per month, or 7.;oa jear, postage paid. Tbosundat edition ot Tho Sun Is also furnished separately at fi.m a year postage paid. I ho prlco ot tho Weekly sun, eight pages, tlfty-slx columns, is II a year, postago paid. For clubs of ten sending $10 wo will send an extra copy free. Address I. W BMILAND, Tubllshcr of Tho Sun, New York City. Jan. 5-Cw LATEST STYLES OP O-A-LA-iIlSra- CA.D3.IDS tit the. '00LUMBIA.N OFFICE.' Rnmnln.q T" -il 13 City Hell Including cr.d 1313 BLOOMSBURG STATE NORMAL SCHOOL SIXTH NOJiMAL SCHOOL DISTRICT. Bloomsburg, Columbia County, Pennsylvania. Rov. D. J. WALLER, Jr., Ph. D., Principal. TiMKKf'itnnr. ntnrnapnt itnnstlttitd. oilers the very best facilities for Professional and Classical le.irnlnir. Buildings spacious. Inviting nnd commodious : completely hcaU-'d by steam, well ventilated, lighted by gas, spring water vocation ncaiimui, anu easy oi access, iuhciil-i n t'.i'L-uuiii;t;u, utuwuu, uuu unvu iu iucir uik. iiiscipiuiu, urm uul kiiiu. unuurui unu itioruuu bxpcuuup moderate. Flttycenbs n week deduction to nil expecting to teach. Students ndmltted at any tlmo. Itooins reserved when desired. courses oi siuay prescriueu uy iuu dwwj i I. Model School. II. Preparatory. III. Elementary. IV, Clatcil. AJjtinct Courses ! I Aculemic. II. Commercial. III. Course In Music. IV. Course in Art. V. Courso in Physical Culture. Thn Rlnmpntnrv. Rcientltlc nnd Classical Courses aro PltOFF.SSIONAL. and StUdontS cradttalnir therein, receive Stato Dlnlnmaa. ennfprrlni. thn fnllnwlmr corresponding Degrees; Master of the KlcinentSi Master of tho Sciences ; Master of tho Classics, uraduatcs their attainments,, signed by tho Ofllcers ut the Hoard of Tustees. Tne courso ot hiuu y prescnoeu oy mo Mnie is noenii, Tlmstiitninniilrna nhlorher order ot cltlrnnililn. Tho gcntandomclentTcachersforherHchools. To this end It solicits young persons of good abilities and good purposes, those who desire to Improvo their time aud their talents, as students. To all such It promises aid In dovoloplng their powers, anil abundant opportunities for well paid labor after leuvlng School. For vaiutuguu.nuurcss mo rnnsipai. HON. Wll.l.IA.M i:i.W'l:l,l,. l'rrLlrnl Itonr.l UCH. I, '81.- HOW? WliT One of the problems of GooJ ami Comfortable Living IS THE MATTER OF CLOTHING. STYLEISH, WELL MADE CLOTHING AT TUE VERY LOWEST PHICES. HATS roil MEN, HOYS, YOUTHS, ANU CHILDREN. ! EXAMINE YOUTHS I50YS and CIIILDUKNS GLOTHIETG- sniirrs, PKAKL WHITE, 15ICYCLH SIIIUTS, LATEST OUT. MERCHANT TAILORING DEPARTMENT. Perfect Fits, Latest Styles, Full Satisfaction. CALL AND EXAMINE THE LARGESV STOCK OP CLOTHING and OASSIMERES IN THE COUNTY A Full laine of Furbishing Coods. Headquarters for TRUNKS, SATCHELS, VALISES a? nnd Do3eHnt4vQ Catfl- U lesruo sent frco whon ronunstod- I Absolute faithfulness by both parties tho basla of all transactions. THE DAVIS. $1,000 REWARD. OKK THOUSAND (1,000) DOLLARS IHEM1U.U oflered lo ANY l'KKSON Ihat will ilo us QKEAT A 1UNGK Ot' WORK on ANY OTHER MACHINE. WHAT THE NEW DAVIS VERTICAL FEED Will ilo without basting. It will make wldo licm on stiprts, io liom all manner ot bias woolen tjoorta, oa toll, merino, crape, or pooOa dtniciut to hem on otuer maclilms. it makes a moro chistlo Btltcli than any oilier midline. It will turn ft liom and put In pip'ns at Barao tlmo. It will turn a uem. eew braid on tho rlffht side and stitch on trimming at one operation. It will do felllm; bias or straight, cither on cotton or woolen foods. It will tell across teams on any foods. I will bind a Dress orfklrtand sowonfaelne, either wlthorwlthoutshoNUnjr stitches: Mad Dress Goods with tbes.une material, either fecallops.potuts, squares or straight. Tho only machine that will bind Hats, Cloaks, or other articles with bias, satin or silk, from x to 3 inches Id wlrlth, without basting, It will gather with or without sewing on. Kwlllgather between two pieces and tew on at the same time. It will mako amnio and stitch a pillow slip on to tho lacing at the tame time. It will shirr any kind or goods. It will mako plaited trimming cither with or w Itb out Bewlng It on. It will mako plaited trimming either scallapcd or ftralght, and sew a piping on at the same time. It will make knife plaiting, J. SALTZER. Gcn'l Agent, liloumaburg, Pu. oct. 1, '80-tf, i'livstnm 1'iirtiiillim v. l,il. Wood, and will completely chniigu thu Moral in tlioihtli-usvJli-in in lliiiu ii until. Aiivpermm to will tnkci 1 pill epi'h uljrtit rion in iswri'ki n:iylK)iptoril IcimumhI IiwiIIIi, If nucha lliiiu Ihi iwilkln. Rriit hv iiiii'I for 8 IcHor unmin. J. N, ,IOIIS!)S M CO., Jloaloll, ,U.J ovmrrlil Jlumwi; .Tc. AGENTS WANTED aSi lockliiii., wiili lliail, ana TOll toiiiiiltlr, m aiuiliiuUi. It ill kirn a Briat urifly ef fjiicy yorkfur hlcli tlicraUalwari a rcmly market KrnJ chine Co., utl M'MbbutuattU liuttuu, uuu. may 6, 'SI .ly aid LEGAL BLANKS, ALWAYS ON 1 1 ANU AT TniS OPFIOE. nnn uie sjiuiiiiuu.iuu msiiuui cuunwa are not, interior io moso or our uesi colleges. times dcmind It. It 1.4 one ot tho mime oblocts of this School to holn tosncnri! it. hv fnrntshlncr Inlelll. uf Trnnlrm. our. STOCK or BUSINESS AND DRESS SHIRTS HANDSOME PATTERNS DE3IRABEE STYLES IgJJjJKJjgjTQ. AFU"Ll7i7lNl:: OF FALL STYLES JUSTKECEIVEI). 5 To Nervous Snffcrors Tho Great European pu. J. n.stsii'sos'a srscinc iiedicinb. Dr. .1. 1). Simpson's Specific Jledlclno Is a positive euro for oerworkof hodyor bruin orexcess of any klud, such as weakness and all diseases rasultlng from Nervous Debility. lrrltablllty.Mcntal Anxiety, i.uuii uui . uossLbuuo, jieiirenaiou ui opinia UUU lUUC' tlonal dorangements of tho nervous s) stein gen, erallw l'alns In tho iidUK ur siue, i.usi oi juemory, rrema-, turo old ngu and dis eases that lead U consmptlon.lnsanl ty tan early grav or both. No mattei how shattered tht system may bofrom excesses of a n j kind, n short courso oi tins medicine will restore thiJ lost functions aud procuro hoalth and happiness whero before was despondency and gloom. Tho Bpo clilo Meolclno Is being used with wonderful success. l'amphlets sent freo lo all. Wrlto for them and get full particular. l'rlce, hpeclilo $1.00 p,;r packige, or six packages for $3,i o. Win bo sent bv mall on receipt of money. Address all ordero, J. II. blMPSuN's MKDICINKCO. .103. iut una iou jiam sireei, liilliaio, is. v. lei). 11, 'Sl-jf JUSINES3 CARDS, VHITIJJO CAHDS, I.UlTi:it IIEAD3, BILL II K ADS, POSTEKS, tc.ic Neatly printcil ut the "Columbian Olllce." "yyAINRIGHT As CO., iivo, i;sa le an o cjcjis, PlIILADELl'lIIA. TI2A8, SVltUl'd, COFI-'im, SUGAR, MOL VSSES, men, sticks, mciiiu soui, Ac, &o. N. E. corner second and Arch streets. jzoiders will recelvo prompt attention. rmson 3 'J -MEDALS.- MIL Tho Cost ' iiown.npniodyj fqr acltacl,o cc Lnmo Bsx-iU. RncuiTit'.i-in or Lnmo Joints. Crnmpo or Sprulno. NeurnlclaorKlclnov Dlsoasos. LumUnqo, Sovoro Aohos or Pnlns Koirirtlo Vor.kno3B. Aii'iipi'ilni' ii nil miter 1'lii.n r.. ArnKiipcilnrl'i I'iiil, Arc Siipeiliii'tc, Mulniciils. AroWiiperlar to (llnlini nu nrhulvi . ArioiipiTliirtiinici'trli'ltyurKnltuiiUiii Ai'tlmiiu'illnti'ly. They rii eiiiiiheii,. The) lioulho. They IU-W mill nt Onre. Thi y l'o,lih,.y cri.. nil iti nu l!,ii.i,iir.ipelnBrorouriii8. imvuuwii imiiattd. Do .,. ,i,TPi:;i7r vw i JiaiiiiK?iiYliCiSMfi9ivViiik. AltTr?lM,,.:.HV,lT',,'" H MEAD S MoJIcatej tilRN ana BUNION I'LASTER, moi.'juv a ?RKAS IIROWN'S INSL'RANCK AOKN. Cuw Va Mw ljull'31ulr-lIalu 6trctl. o"n iSSa of "flxSi' or ,"'rlror(, conIl &hfraL!:.??h'::::""::' tess !ffi?f0onrfoa.?.Eus,,1 ' " Sfeffi Hprlugdeld l-lro and Marine.. As the auencles ai e direct, policies are wrlttcu'for flH WHY iisroai, ims, wig lmE AvARDED Lkpcine 6 Porous and furnished with a bountiful supily of puro.soft In tho other Courses recelvo Normal Certificate; 1'. P. DI'.L.M YKH, Secretary. THE WHITE SEWING MACHINE Whorcas, tho world renowned reputation of tho White fsewing Machine Induces many unscrupulous compmltors to resort to Ul kinds of mean tricks to Injure Us reputation, we beg to caution all Intending purchasers not to buy a White Machine except from Its regular authorized dealers, who will be sustained bv tho following wnrrnntv. WE WAKIIANT THE NATURAL WEAK AND TEAR OF THE White Shuttle Sewii Machine, PLATE NUMllRH 103.1:11) FOR FAMILY PDHPO- oca, ANU IlKUKMX AUKKBTO KKK1' THE SAME IN HEPAIIt FOH THE TEKM OF I'lVU VKAKH "HOM THIS DATE. FitEE O? CHAIIUB. This warranty excepts tho brcakago of noodlcB bobbins and shuttles. This warranty will not be sustained unless tho plato number abovo Riven corresponds with the uuiuui-i uu mu Buiuuu rnou miuo. iieware or acracca ur uiierea numoera WHITE SEWING MACHINE CO. The "WHITE" Shuttle Sewing Machine bosuatir CAnciTT than any other family Sewing IW1 UUlll vuxiuiy Ul worK. J, SALTZEH, General AgenL , ,. Bloomsburg,?. BE ATTY S OHO ANS J? stops, 1 o sets reeds only , to. I'lanos tusup llaro Holiday Indecemenls Iteady. Wrlto or call on HEvm, Washington, N.J. aid miye, 81-1t THE IMTRIUT. A Pennsylvania A'cwsnapcr for (lie CJoncial Public. The DAILY PATRIOT Is thu only morning nes- I'ui.ei iiuuusiieu ui uie Btuio capital. Tho DAILY PATRIOT makes a specialty ot Pcnnsyt vanla news. Tho DAILY PATRIOT publishes tho Associated I'ress news and specials from all points. Tho DAILY PATRIOT gives spccpil attention to KilUU UUU JilUUUOU iiiurKcia. Tho DAILY PATRIOT opposcsl monopo'y, bosstam and centralization ot polltlca power. Terms: fl.OI per annum, strictly In nimncn. nr J7.00 rer aanum if not paid In advance. For any period less than ono year at proportionate rates. Tne weekly patriot Is a large elght-pauo pa per, devoted to literature, agriculture, science, manufactures, news, markets, etc. During ls-2 each number will contain an Illustration ot somo prominent topic or event. Thlilsan attractlvo feature which cannot fall to pleaso. Terms: jl.oo per annum. Invariably In alvance. One cony ot the WEEKLY I'Afltlorandone copyot tho l'lill. adclphla Weekly Times will bo sent ono year for ti.OJ cash in advance, thus giving tho two papers u, mBimuuiiJU,JU I'lieu il U1U 1.UU.T Une COPy of tho WEEKLY PATRIOT and ono copyo. iho Cottigo Hearth, nn excellent monihlv mimginn published at Uoston at tl 50 per annum, will be ioi wiiu jem iui i,,u uufitn in auvance. en in OUrbUbstrl)Iloti8 at once. Address 1'ATRIOT 1'UIILISIIINO CO., llarrlsburg, l'a. Rowoll & Go's. Advc'u, A BEATT'3 HANOFOETES-HANI1''I. il. .uisM iioimay presents: square grand piano fortes, four very Uandsome round corners, rosood cases, tl-.-co uulsons.lieatti's matchless iron frames, si ool, book, cover, boxed, il-u 75 to tMM; catalo gue prices. S'OO to 1 UOU: satlstflCtlnn i-nnrnMix.,1 ur money refunded after one year's use; upright rlanofortes, $1M to J5; cataloguo prices, $wo to $3uo; standard plnnfortes of ti'o unhorse, as thous ands testify; wrlto for mammoth list of testimonials; lle.ilty "a cabinet organs, cathedral, church, chapel, . uj 11 1., v. .. , 'silui a neiuuuiu : lieu i;uri luge meets trains; Illustrated cataloguo (hollduy fdlHon) tree. Address or call upon DANIEL V. UEATTY, U.UI1I,W4, nun duioui, Jxa 13 i-w r Ull'OHTANT TO FRUIT GllOWEllS! THIS EAGLE PRUNER A roccnt:y patented Invention, is a superior Imple ment lOr llL'llt IlflinlnL'. 111! Vprv Mmnln Inrnn btructton. light, easy worked, rapid andelllclent In execution. Ijirge Ba'es aro predicted for It. satlsfac viuu fcuuiuuii-t'u, neuu lor circular. Agents wanted. iuuto a .ili:.lllUAa I JlUlMlMf Lu J' HCUuUrg, Mats. jamm.w r $777 A YEAR ana expenses to agents outfit Free. Address V. 0. VIcKERY 'Augusta, Maine. r Jan. is 4w. $.-) TO In stocks or grain, paying big : pam Pja":s4?w' 'M'Uard''f. sVimam bi. fi. y rpO ADVUIITIHKHS.- Lowest Hates Fr tA-ssa?iKoUW,vikM?W.n Ad Jin IS4.W LLL& co,, 10 upruco bt. N. Y. AND Paper Hanging. WM. F. BODINEi "O.N BT., 11EL0W SECOND, IlLOOMSUl'IiO, l'A Is prepared to do all kinds of house rAiNxiNo I'lalu and Ornamental PAPER HANGING, BOTH DECORATIVE AND PLAIN. All kliiiiB oI Fiiriiltiire nepnlrcd. unit lis KOOU UN new, NONE HUT FIH8T-CLAS3 WORKMEN EMPLOYED Estimates jytade on all Work, WM. F, IJOD1NE. sujscniiuj now Fon THE OOLUMBIAN RAIL ROAD TIME TABLE PENNSYLVANIA UAILUOAI). I'HILA DHLPIII A UIIIK It. It. DIVISION. WINTER TtMK VXttUK, tt dml dftnr Mnnrlv t tt In loot (. . on tho Phl'adelphla & Krle Ita Iro id Division will ru'I as follows i WESTWAtll). Erlo Mall Uavos Philadelphia " " Harrltbiirg " " Huiibury " " William' port " " Ixjck Hat en " " Kcnovo " " Knn " nrrivoatErlo Niagara Express leaves Plillndclplila ' " llarrlsburg " " Sunoury " " Williams port, ' " Lock Ilnven " " Hcnovo " " Knno Fast Lino leaves Philadelphia " " llarrlsburg " ' Hiinbury " " Wllllainsport " arrlvo at Lock Haven EASTWARD. It M pin SS n 10 0 S'l II 11 8 40 11 I,, 9 40 a in U w. a in 3 wi p in ' r p in 8 00 a tn Wisp 111 1 to p m B K i 111 4 so p m 8 45 pin loiupm 11 so pm 8 03 p In ci p m T 10 p tn 8 10 p in Lock Haven Express leaves Lock Haven T 6'i a m w llllamsnort 5 a m lotoain insspm n isp m mi pm 8 41) p m uso p m In Is u to l 82 a m 3 Pvam I oo am " sunbury arrlvo at llarrlsburg riiiiauoipuia Uauatidalgtm Fast Lino leaves 1, niKins " " Klmlra " " Wllllainsport ' " Sunbury " arrives at llarrlsburg " " l'hlladclpiila Day Express leaves Kano " " llenovo " " Ixick Haven " " Wllllainsport " arrive at llarrlsburg " rhllnilHiihln 0 00 a m 111 01 am It 15 a in 12 is p m 3 30 p ni T OS p m 11 as am t 10 p in u oinu loiupm 11 30 p in 1 05 a tn 3 00 am t..ln Unllln.-n. I.'.... Krle Kane " " llenovo 1 " Lock Haven " " Wlllltrasport " " funbury " arrives at llarrlsburg " " l'hlladelplua t 00 a m Erlo Stall west and Lcxk Haven Exim-cks i't mako close connections at Northumberland with L. A II. It. It. trains for Wllkesbario nnd Hcranton, Erlo Mall West. Niagara E.xnross West nml Vi.t Lino West mako close connection nt Wllllamsuoi t with N. C. It. W. trains north. ' NlnirarA Exriress West nnd Dnv tlmrnu c.e mako close connection ntLockllaen with 11. E.V i(. it. irains. Erlo Mall East and West connect nt Erlo with trains on L. H. M. S. it. it. ; at ferry with 1). I'.i- W. It. It.: at Uinnorlum with II N. v ! 11 u and at Driftwood with A. V. R. It. rarlor cars will run between Phllaiclphla and Wlllamport on Niagara lixprcss west, nnd Day Ex press East, bleeping ears un nil night trains. HOlHJItl'NEILSOS, (leueral Hupt. NOKTIIKUN CENTltAL KAILWAY C0M1'AN. On nnd after February 19th, 1SS1, trains will leave Bunbury ns follows : NORTHWARD. Northern Express can a. tn., arrive Elmlra 18.30 pm Arrlvo nt C'unandalgua 3.2 p. u " Rochester 4.41) " " Niagara. 843 Niagara Express 1.50 p. m. orrivo EUnlra 0. 05 p m arrlvo C'.maudalgiu 8.3 1 " Rochester u 15 " " Niagara W.Doam fast lino C.I5 p m arrlvo Elmlra 10 so p m " Watklus 11.10 pm SOUTHWARD. Southern Express 1.32 a. m. arrlvo HarrlshV 3,15a m nrrlve Philadelphia T.ou " " Now York a 35 ' " Ualtlmoru 7,.o " Washlngtor s,22 a tn Lock Haven Ex 10.50 a m arrlvo Harrlsb'g p m arrlvo I'hlladelnhU 5 tup m " New York 8.45 " Daltlmoro " Washlogton 0 47 Day Expresil.50 p m arrlvo llarrlsburg 3.C8 p m " I'hlladelphla 1 05 " New York le.oo " liultlmore 7.00 " Washington 8.17 Erie Mall 1.06 a. m. arrive Uarrlsburg 3,111 a. m " Philadelphia 7.00 " " ew York .3i " " Baltimore 7.00 " Washington s.22 I. R. WOOD, Oencrul 1'aBseuger gu t, FRANK THOMSON, General Man ist r. pHILADELPHA AND KEADINO HOAJj ARRANGEMENT OF PAS&ENG Vk TRAINS. Novcnber 7th, issl. TRilNB LEXTE 11CPEHT AS FOLLOWH(SPMBA Y ESCKPrtS For Now York, Philadelphia, Reading, PottsHlli Tamaqua, 0., 11,45 a. m For Catawlssa, 11,45 u. ru. 0,15 and 7,tu p. m Fer WUllamsport,c,ls s,eo a. m. and 4,ve p. m TBAIN3 KJll BO.-iai LK1T2 AS HltO 7 (. (SC s 0 I r X- csrrtD.) Leave Now York, via. Tamanend 8.45 a. ra. and via. Hound Ilrook Itouto 7,45 a. m. Loavo Philadelphia, 9,45 n. tn. Lcavo Reading, a. m., ruttHviiiu . p. u and Tamaqua, 1,35 p. m. Leavo Catawlssa, o,to 8,40 a. m. and 4,00 p. m. Leave SVllllamspoit,9,45a.m,2,uo p. m. and 4 3 p il Passengers to aLdfrom New York, vU. Tam a nend and to and from Phlla leiphla go throug.i llhout chango of cars. J. E. WOOTTKN, (leneral Manngci C. G. HANCOCK, General Passenger and Ticket Agent, Jan. 10, lasi tt. D ELAWAKE. LACKAWANNA AM WESTERN RAILROAD. BLOOMSBUEQ UIVlaiON. NORTH STATIONS, Scranton Dcllcvue Taylorvllle.. . ...Lackuwanna.... Plltston.... .. West 1'ltlMou... ... Wyoming Mnltby Dennett Kingston Kingston ., Plymouth June. ....Plymouth Avondalo Nanttcoko .uunlock's reck. . ... Shlckshlnny ....Hick's Ferry... ....Beach Haven, Herwlck ... Hilar Cretlt.. ...Willow Grove.... sou'l 11 p.m. p.m. a.m. a.m. p ra. r.o 9 50 9 44 8 Vi 9 85 9 ST 9 tO 2 lo 2 21 2 20 1 84 1 42 C 18 e in b U 19 ss 9 31 0 23 9 17 9 14 3 Si 8 24 3 15 3 U9 3 04 9 42 9 10 9 0 9 14 9 09 9 01 t 82 ( 40 0 45 0 5 ti 51 (I 5,1 7 01 7 10 7 IT 7 22 7 .0 7 37 T 0 6 21 S 4i 9 1)0 9 10 t 8t 8 41 C 43 8 51 9 0. 9 00 t 18 9 81 9 r 9 41 0 U 9 67 10 07 lo 02 ! 47 V t2 N 1 59 9 III t 0 8 IS 3 13 3 18 9 10 9 LO 8 CI 8 42 8 35 8 21 8 0) 2 51 2 45 2 37 2 .11 2 2J 2 10 2 03 1 4i 1 S 1 18 1 115 8 51 10 13 10 18 8 54 6 4 S lb 10 S6 10 84 8 31 8 2" 8 11 8 01 I ts 7 50 7 46 7 C9 7 3J 1 SS 7 24 T U- 10 42 3 33 8 CO I 03 4 It 4 IS 4 VJ 4 29 33 4 42 4 49 4 49 5 00 5 1! 9 IS 0 30 t K 10 U 11 07 11 18 11 2 8 Ot 7 55 7 43 12 5) T 44 12 4) T 40 12 80 T 31 14 24 T 25 12 12 T 20 II Oi T 15 11 55 0 ST 12 II) il C8 6 45 10 10 5 31 0 41 Lime Ridge Espy ...liloomsburg..., Rupert II 39 III 45 II 5 11 51 ,19 18 Catawtsaa Bridge. iiuuviuu (,'bulasky Cameron.. .Northumberland. it It 45 p.m. a.m. a.m. p.m. p.H , W K II.M.xTRMI, stint, Superintendent's o,tio scrniton June l'T BLOOMSBURG PLANING MILL ;o. The undersigned having put his Planing M1U on Railroad htreet, In llrst-eiuss condition, Is prepaid to do all kinds of work In his line. FRAMES, SASH, DOORS, BUNDS, MOULDINGS. FLOORING, Etc. furnished at reasonable prices. All lurabtr used Is employed '" none but skilled workmen are ESTIMATES FOE BUILDINGS I,5!,B.u,.on aPP"otlon. Plans and BpecIllcalloDS prepared by an experienced draughtsman. CHARLES iinro, JRlooniHbiii g, l'a. M, C. SLOAN & BRO , iiLOoMsnuim, pa. Jl tnufacturers of Carriages, Buegias.Phaetess, skighs, Platform Wagons, First-class wotk always on hand. MWAiniXG MiATLY DOM Prka mluccdto tuit the timet. JjmtE 1N8URANCK. CHRISTIAN P. KNAI'l', ULOOM8UURO, I'A, ?.,iI.TJAnKAi!!t!,,0A ASSURANCE COMPANY 2 ?V YK,M,KINt,u,,ANt-'K COMPANY ,'!'A.COMI'ANY. bUJU Afl I , 'rtlftaA nr n mvw,. .. .1. .-j a and rial TKSTEn and havitnnmr vn, i.nrt m 1,1, erf in S m SSSf,' ?' Iaw' ,Vtuilt RB9ew w UxmU. of riKionly nauioiu mo uuiuiu ru.IS?n)8nr'5?"I'T anAn0NtaTLT adjusted and; paU ff, ?Sw?-d.e,3 rT-'nel by Ciikisuam V KNArr, arte- rno people of Columbia oounty should patron!") kv9,Wr,w,UerQl0T?.ea"unyfe settled atdptU cy one ot their own citizens, tl(rt'1t,1WjU1H' Kyun'Y 'A UEaIjNU, $1.50 IN ADVANCE