The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, January 27, 1882, Image 3

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The Columbian.
ULOOMSIIlltlU, rill I) V, JAN 27, '82.
1'UllMC! sale's.
W. P. Whllu will sell personal properly
near Llghtstteet, on Thursday, February 2d,
Peter 8. ICurshnrr, administrator of iVin
l.'nllor tb censed, will sell run! estate In Moil
tour township, on Fildny, January STlli, at
two o'clock p. in.
Siiitiiicl Hhlvo executor of Philip Uniiiigt,
will sell real estate In Flshlngc-rcck lownhlp
on Saturday, .luniiary !!3th.
.John Clorilncr, trustee In the estate of
Thomas Stiicklumse, will sell real estate on
the premises In Pine township, &c, on I'll.
diiy.Fcbruury Urd, 1882.
The new M. E. Chinch at Mulnvllle will he
dedicated on Sunday. February 12th.
The Vllilnnnpnrt GaiAtal Ilullelin has Is.
sued n very neat and pretty "Aiinual" for 1882.
The mercury on Tuesday morning stood at
slv, degrees helow zero the lowest of the
winter thus far.
A party of Normal School students took a
sleigh ride to Herwlck on Friday night last
and had a jolly time.
Ash Wednesday occurs tit an unusually
early date this year Kehruary 22d and only
about three weeks remain for festivities.
Superintendent Edward Hccseof Ccntralln,
was severely Injured hy the kick of a mule,
a few days ago, at the Logan colliery.
Among the new buildings to be erected In
town are, one for J. L. (lit ton on Centre
street, and one for .1. .1. Viigonscller on Main
street near the Normal School.
The greatest enemy society now has, is the
man who in this freezing weather neglects
to shut the door, lie Is very numerous nnd
universally execrated.
Kmbroidery Is tpilte ns fashionable ns lace,
and both arc used In combination on dresses,
on accessories of the toilet, on underwear
and household decorations.
It Is said that two thicknesses of paper,
used In lining the banel in which apples are
packed, will prevent them from frvelng
wlille being shipped.
Many farmers in tin; eastern and south
cm counties of the State, according to a
country paper, are convinced that it is more
profitable to raise poultry than to keep
A Hungarian miner, name unknown, was
run over and killed by a train on the .. &
15. It. li. above Kingston on Tuesday morn
ing. Three others who were with him bare
ly escaped vtlth their lives.
Executors' and administrators' account
books, containing full Instructions how to
settle an estate, receipts, &c, for sale at this
olllce. These are the most convenient bool i
of the kind ever printed, and they are in use
all over the State. l-f
W. II. Rhiiwu orCatawissa nnd (). II. Col
ton of the X. & W. It. It. It. engineer corps,
played chess hist week for a purse of 50.
Mr. Ithawn won three straight games and
the match.
A load of young people of this town at
tended the pally at Samuel llazeltiue's,
Kyer's drove on Tuesday night. They went
up In Hiickulew Hros' baud wagon with four
We have made arrangements with a lead
ing engraver of Philadelphia and are piepar.
ed to furnish engraved plates for calling
cards, or to have finis printed from old
plates. Samples furnished on application,
Skate dealers ami sleigh makers arc not
hilarious yet, but they are in much better
humor than a week ago. Ice dealers smile
now without unelVoit. The cold snap lias
done it.
Death to rats, mice, roaches umlauts; Par
son's Exterminator. Earns, granaries and
households cleared in a single night. No fear
of bad smells, Ilest and cheapest vermin
killer In the world. Sold everywhere.
Orders for book binding can be left at this
olllce, with the assurance that tho woik will
be well done and at very reasonable prices
All that is necessary Is to bring your books
to tills olllce, where they will be packed, nnd
delivered on their return from the binder
The gunner to lie irlven at Kvnus' Hall this
Friihty.nnd Saturday evenings for the benefit
ot tne Vt inoua r Ire Company will lie a least
The ladies who are conducting It know how
to get up an elegant stumer, anil those who
Invest :V cents will not regret it.
There was a wreck on the Cutuwlssa road
on Wednesday, and the mails were delayed
about four hours. Accidents have been
numerous on this londoflate, alter an ex-
emptlon of many years. The conductor,
Thco. Scliinick, who lived in Calawlssa was
Two lllair county hunters after a squirrel
In a tree, cut down the tree and were sue 1
for malicious mischief nnd trespass. The
suit was settled by the trespassers agreelu,
to pay the costs, cut the tree Into cord wood
and deliver it to the church. The squirrel
We have received a copy of that invaluable
book, The 'limes Almanac, tilled with facts
and figures, not readily to be found elsewhere
It is a complete history of thu year In the
most compact and well arranged foim. The
price Is llfteen cents mid It is worth ten times
that amount.
Thu Wllkcs-Diuru Sunday Acu Dealer h
donned a new dress and has also changed Its
name. It will he known hereafter as The
Swntttiu Mornina lee Press unJ Xeus Deal
Mr, S. Hrucc Coleman, formerly of lllooius
burg, Is foreman of the paper and also a part
On the 12th Inst.. Stitilrn A. 'IV T.nihvW. of
Milton, committed to hill Snrnli Ann Toole.
on tho charge of being a "nuisance, a com
mon scold, brawler nnd somen nf ilUi'nnl In.
citcr of strifes, coiitioversles lind disputes
among her neighbors." A comprehensive
The train on the Cntuwlsia road due tit (111
lit Itupert, was some two hours behind time
on Wednesday evening, and the passengers
who intended to take the L. it II. train for
llloomsbiirg weru "letl." Two or three gen
tlenicn walkcilto town through tho storm, ouu
of them being the genial Prank Plosser of
Will ('. Holmes, son of W. O. Holmes.inet
with it serious accident on Thursday night
of last week, whilst coasting on n hill near
his fathct's residence. He was dcsceiulln
the hill with great speed when ids sled strucl
n post, tigalust which he was thrown with
such violence us to fracture the bone of his
left leg, between the kueu and tho hip
Proper medical attendance was promptly
reudeied ami the unfortunate hid Is doing
La Payette Journal.
fcl'CH IIEI'OlilH 1)0 (ink's IICAItr good.
Mr. Prank Wlke, North and Dili stieet
stated that It was not only highly praised by
Ids customers, but the St, Jacobs Oil has
not failed to give satisfaction In a single case
An effort existing without n cause Is an im
possibility) tickling In the throat, hilsklness
of the voice, violent coughing, etc., are the
II'ccIh of a severe cold. Dr. Hull's Cough
Syrup cures the cold at once, and removes
Its serious effects.
Mrs. .loll n iv. (h'otz. attained the ripe old
ngc of seventy live years, lust Tuesday, nnd
In commemoration of the event gave a family
dinner putty. All her children and grand-
Idldren weru present and tendered their
:'arty congratulations upon the event, and
xpresscd the hope that she would live to
celebrate many more birth day anniversaries.
The ladles of WIlkes.'Harro have been an-
noyed for sonic time past by a couple of
oundrels who prowl around the streets In-
idling unprotected women. A young lady,
aged nineteen, sends a eomiuunlealloii to the
'ilon-Leader t'i the effect that she Intends to
walk alone at night, armed with a tcvolvcr,
and If molested will shoot her Insitlter "then
and there." Plucky girl. Hopo she may
bag a blackguard and receive the thanks of
her sisterhood.
Owing to the Illness of Gov. Cumback he
was unable to lecture on Monday eveiilng,ns
announced hy the Lyceum, and his place was
tilled bv Hev. Dr. O. II. Tiffany of Plilladel-
a, who look for his subject, "Work and
Its Worth." He directed his shafts against
the drones of society, the Idle poor and the
Idle rich nllke, and sharply criticised the
weakness of (lie present generation. His
language was elegant, and his delivery
,Y more disagreeable, sloppy day than Sat
urday lat, It would be difficult to Imagine.
At night It grew cold and n high wind arose.
On Sunday the air was keen and the wind
blew u gnliynnklngpedcstriaiilsnin matter of
lllllculty and discomfort. Thu churches,
however, were well attended, though the
congregations lost no time In going or re
turning to their homes. A few Inches of
snow would make glorious sleighing and for
this event the entire community business
and social waits In eager expectancy.
We have just received a copy of The Phil-
hlphid Prest Map of Pennsylvania, which
as just been published especially for that
journal. It is a County, Township and Rull-
road map, !I8 by 2,! inches, and Is handsome
ly mounted. More than usual pains were
ikeu to make this map accurate, and It is
pronounced by experts to be exceedingly so.
The Pres. gives tills map with a copy of
the Weekly, for a year for iJl.fiO. The Weekly
,n is one of the most valuable newspapers
In tiie United States, to the farmer and the
general reader.
One of the London medical journals tic
dares that the great prevalence of neuralgia
or what commonly goes tiy that name
should be regarded as a warning indicative
of a low condition of health, which must
necessarily render its subjects peculiarly
susceptible to the invasion of diseases of an
aggressive type. It Is always essential that
the vital forces should be vigorous, and the
nerve power, in especial, in full development!
but neuralgia Indicates a low or depressed
state of vitality a poor and weak state
mil should be promptly placed under treat-
Too little attention is paid to the proper
eutilation of school rooms and to this may
he attributed many of the colds from which
children suffer dining the winter. There
should lie an adequate amount of heat to en
sure the comfort of children, but fresh air
ought not to be excluded. The children
must not sit in draughts and care must be
exercised by the teachers in ventilating t lie
rooms and expelling the vitiated air. It Is
positive cruelty to compel children to remain
In an Impure atmosphere, as they are sure to
titter from headache from breathing It and
me verv apt to catcli cold on going out ot
doors. AH competent teachers will attend
to thin important matter.
The citizens of Selinsgrove recently held
i public meeting to devise a plan for encour
aging inanufaetoiies and other public Im
provements in that place. A Committee of
lttccn einoraeing inu names oi some ot me
best citizens, was unpointed to take Intncon
iileratiou the Kind of mnuutactnrv that
would move of the greatest good to the com
niunltv, and at thu same time to ascertain
how much money could be raised in the com
niunitv to erect the proposed Improvements
and to invite outside capitalists in the town
I his seems to be a practical way of stlrrint
up thu enterprise ot a town, and it would not
hurt Siinhury If its citizens would adopt a
simlliar course. isamury uuzettt.
No, nor any other town. It is that kind
of public spirit which not only builds up a
town but also richly rewards the cnlerpris.
Ing men who make Investments,
The dangers ari.-iiig from unclean cellars
have time and again been exposed, and yet
there aru many persons who pay no attention
to thu subject until In case of sickness the
family doctor gives peremptory orders to
thoroughly clean and disinfect, If kept per-
ftetly free from decaying matter and vent!
luted so as to drive out all noxious smells, no
trouble will he caused. So many house-
holders, however, neglect these precautions
Unit a distinguished physician advocates the
building of houses without cellars, holding
that the gases generated therein poison the
atmosphere and expose dwellers above to
various forms of disease notably typhoid
mil other dangerous fevers, ltu sure that
your cellars are sweet and clean and your
chances for health will be wonderfully In
Cigarettes ate made of the odds and cuds
anil scrapings of cigar and tobacco factories,
says a tobacconist in the Chattanooga (Tcnn.)
Times, being cut Into line cut and adulterated
with opium nnd other Injurious drugs, which
pioduce that unpleasant tastu after smoking;
finally, If persisted In, will give you sore
tongue or mouth and soon get lu the bron
chlttl tubes and lungs, causing serious If not
fatal trouble. Such cigarettes aru not only
mndu of Inferior and mixed tobacco, but
they are wrapped up In a cheap, vile and
poisonous paper, full of essential oils, mid
the pasting or scaling the cigarettes Is dono
hy the licking of tongue, as the paste is put
on the paper when cut and allowed to dry as
on a common envelope. Such cigarettes, of
which there are millions on tho market, are
decidedly Injurious, and the publlo Is can
Honed against them.
It begins to look as though lectures are
not a favorite source of amusement with our
townsfolk. The present course is not the first
time the cxpetlmeut has been tried, but it
will probably be the last, unless the remain.
Ing lectures mo better patronized than thu
last two have been, The gentlemen who have
undertaken to give ns opportunities to hear
discourses from celebrated men, on a variety
of topics, did not make the elfort as n matter
of speculation. It was puiely a publlo enter
prise, and even If largely patronled could
not pay them for their trouble. Lectures ate
now considered to be among the educators
nf the hind. They lend to cultivate refined
tastes, mid tench the people to appreciate
something In the way of entertainment higher
up than tho minstrel troupe and tho variety
show. Hut the latter always draw the best
houses because there are more people who
are pleased better with the blackened face
and gaudy dress, than by that which utturds
Intellectual enjoyment. If the few peoplo
who weru at thu Opera House on Monday
night are all we h ive lu Hlotmisburgwiin me
capable of appreciating a icllned lecture, It
does not speak well for the Intelligence of tho
II Irani Eckloth has brought suit for slaii.
tier against W. C. Hartzcl who, It Is alleged,
accused Eekroth of setting fire to his store
In Mlllllnvllle. Subsequently J. N. Plfer ap
peared before J, II, Maize, justice of the
peace, and tniulo n like char go against Kck.
roth. A warrant was Issued nnd Eekroth
was arrested. Ho waived a hearing and gave
ball for his appearance at court. This Is a
grave accusation and If Kekroth is convicted
lie will merit severe punishment.
The open winter has not increased the sup
ply of eggs, and they are as scarce nnd high
priced ns If the ground hnd a covering of
snow three feet In depth. At present prices,
a dozen eggs nre worth more than the hen
that lays them, particularly If she's an old
one, A hen Is the most inconsiderate and
uuarcnuntnblc creature. Now Hint she could
lay eggs worth three cents apiece, she takes
a vacation and refuses to have anything at
all to do with thu business. Hy nnd by, when
they are down to llfteen cents u dozen, she
will put on extra help, and even work nights
to Hood the market.
During the current year' 3UU soldiers' or
phans, now In schools under the care of tht
state, will be discharged hy reason of having
attained the age of sixteen. The superln
tendent of the department of Soldiers' Or-
plum schools has prepared a ltst of these
scholars, arranged by schools, to which Is
added the date when each child will bo dis
charged. Copies of this will be sent to each
post of the (Irani! Army of the llepubllc, and
to numerous soldters and citizens, the object
being to Interest ns many ns possible In ob
taining homes nnd employment' for the or
phans. The reason why poultry killed nt home,
though young, Is not ns tender ns that bought
In the market, Is that the former Is not killed
until wanted, and when eaten Is still rigid
with death, while that bought nt the poulter
er's has been killed at least hours more of
ten days. Poultry ought to be killed several
days before eaten, dressed at once, and with
a few pieces of charcoal In It, hung In ft cool
place. If poultry nre kept lrom food nnd
drink at least twelve hours before killing,
the tlesh will be juicy and the llesh firm. If
left three days without food or drlnk,though
In good condition previously, the llesh will
lie dry and tasteless, and the fat soft. Never
buy an undrawn fowl. The gas from the
crop nnd Intestines will taint the flesh, even
though retained but h short time.
Hetwccn I) and 10 o'clock on Wed nesdny
evening a masked burglar presented him
self ut the door of Mrs. Decker,the toll-keeper
at the West Brunch bridge at this place, and
called her to the door, and with a revolver
pointed nt her head demanded hor money.
Mrs. I), replied that she hnd no money and
by n quick move, pushed thn robber out and
closed tho door, and quickly went to the
window nnd rang a dinner bell. Mrs. Geo.
Roberts replied to the summons nnd said
"I'll be there," but Mrs. D. said In return "I
want Mr. Hoberts." Mrs. It. knowing there
was danger nhead very thoughtfully replied
"George is coining with a dozen more men."
Mrs. Decker, who Is not a healthy lady, took
very sick after she got over the fright. The
robber had a black mask on and was a small
delicate looking fellow, and had a feminine
voice. Xorthumleiland Demoerat.
The law prohibiting thu defacing of walls,
fences and trees by painting, posting or oth
crwlse,provides that if any person orpersons
shall, without the consent of the owner or
owners thereof, wilfully daub, or paint nil
vcrtlscinents or post placards upon, or oth
crwlsc deface the walls of any building or
buildings, housu or houses, or the fences
around the yard or yards, connected there
with, or any fences surrounding or enclosing
any vacant lot or lots, farm or farms, or
shall cause the sumc to be done by others, or
if any person or persons shall, without the
consent of the owner or owners thereof daub
or paint advertisements or post placards up.
on, or otherwise deface any tree or trees, or
shall cause thu same to he done by others,
such offender or offenders shall be guilty of
n misdemeanor and upon conviction be sen
tcuced to pay a flue not exceeding i?2.'5, and
undergo an imprisonment not exceeding
thirty days, or botli or cither, at the dlscre
tion of tiie court.
The PostofUce Department has adopted a
now lock for registered mail pouches, which
is ns ingenious us it is effective. It Is oblong
in shape, mid contains four numbered wheels,
Kvery time n key is inserted in the lock it is
indicated on thu wheels. The faces of the
hitter aru enclosed in glass, and cannot be
tampered with by any dishonest postal clerk.
I he four wheels forma combination also,
that makes It necessary to have the key in
serted about ten thousand times before the
original number appears again. Under the
old system at every registry olllce the pouches
hud to lay over and the contents weru exam
ined by thu post-master to seo if they corres
ponded with the way bill before they were
receipted forand passed. Now, If a registered
mall pouch leaves New York for San Fran
elsco with the lock set nt a certain number,
it need not he detained at every registry of.
nee to nave the contents examined. A glance
at the lock will enable the post-master to tell
at onco whether it has been opened.
Anthony, Kills fc Hathawny's Specialty
Company will uppcir at the Opera House on
thu evening of February Urd., instead of
Hyde it Penman's "Muldnou Picnic" conv
puny. This troupe travel in their own cars
and are said to lie very good lu their line,
On February 10th Haird's Minstrels will be
here. They have nn excellent rcputatioa ami
will doubtless given first class entertainment,
On the 18th of February Miss .lulls A. Hunt
will reappear lu "Florlmi." She ought to
to bu greeted by a packed house ns shu Is by
fur the best actress who has been here this
A I'ltMitmit OeenNlvii.
Ki). Uol.t'MiilAX. liiesilny evening wus a
gala time for llloomsbiirg Council No. 110
O. U, A. M, It wns the occasion of nn uf.
tidal visit from James A. CalelyKsq, of Phil
adelphht, Hie present secretary of IheNatlonal
Council of O. L, A, M, The pleasant Conn
11 Chamber was tilled to overllowiug with
their own members, and the visiting mem.
hers from Huckhorn Council No, 212, who
turned out almost to a mint, Mr, Calely's
address was grand, to say the least, After
the regular session the Hloouishurg Cornet
Hand met Hie Councils and escorted them to
Evans' Hull. The members were clothed In
full regalia and presented a line appearance,
P.vnus' Hall was trimmed with hunting and
tlags.and the spare taken tip with tables that
almost groaned under the weight of eatables
they bore, prepared by the good wives
of the llloomsbiirg members. Over
two hundred persons shared In this
treat Including many ladles from Huckhorn.
llloomsbiirg Council is about llfteen years
old, Is in splendid working order uud nre
adding to Its number nt every meeting.
It Is sttong ilmiuchdly as well us iiiimerlcaly,
On Thirty liny Trial,
We will send Dr. Dye's Celebrated Electro.
Voltaic Hells and other Electric Appliances
on trial for thirty days to young men nnd
older persons who nre nllllcled with nervous
deblllty.lost vltidlty,ete., guaranteeing speedy
relief and complete restoration of vigor and
manhood. Also fur Rheumatism, Nciirnlirla,
Paralysis, Liver nnd Kidney dllllcultles,
im ,vuiii nun mini) uunr diseases, iiiusini.
ted pultiphlet sent tree. Address Voltaic
licit Co., Marshall, Michigan.
Oct. 28, '81 ly
Iliirtitinrn Nnles.
We nre pleased to stnte that Dr. .1. Mont
gomcry, of Clnrksvllle, has located here,
The members of lltlckhorii Council, No.
212, O. U. A. M. paid a visit to lllootnsburg
Council on Tuesday evening.
Mr. 0, W. Ilartman nnd wife, of Nanll.
coke nre visiting their parents In this place,
Mr. Kdward Tliomns returned on Satur-
lay from Knghind, bringing with him a wife
and his mother.
t'nlnMImm Nnvfl.
Constable Griffin served a notice on -Mr.
Fred Smith on Saturday last to nppenr at
February term of court to show why his
license should not be revoked.
On Saturday last the two boys one n son
of Win. Fisher, nnd the other a son of Geo.
Ilrclsch, of nearMalnvllle, whou short time
ngo so terribly mtltreuted a young son of the
late Charles Nuss, were nrrcsted and given a
hearing before Ksqtiire Hodlne,of that place,
who,after hearing the testimony bound, them
over for their appearance nt the February
term of court.
A .Hcrlli'it Promotion.
Mr. John M. Moorhend, lately lu charge of
the books lu the olllce of Pardee, Snyder &
Co., nt Watsontown, hns recently been pro
moted to the responsible position of assistant
mnnnger of the works. Mr. Moorhend has
held positions of honor and trust lu the ex
tensive car shops of Jackson & Woodln, at
Hcrwlck, and Is thoroughly conversant with
the business which he has been called to ns
sist In. His many friends there nnd else
where will he plcnsed to learn of his well
merited promotion and the conlldence In
which he Is held by the company. W'm'port
Gazelle ( llultctin.
Nerlk nnd Went tlrnlirh Itllllmnil.
Contractor Collins has discharged a num
ber of the workmen employed In grading the
road-bed of the North and West llranch road,
nnd In a few weeks' time will have the work
completed to the dam at Nautlcoke. The
men retained arc mostly Hungarians and ne
groes. They will bu removed to (intercut
points between Wllkcs-Hurrc and Nnnllcokc,
where operations will bu actively begun. Tho
route Is now being surveyed by n corps of
engineers. The old canal will he tilled and
used for the road-bed when practicable,
which obyiates the necessity of purchasing
the right of way. Mountain Echo.
A t.'O.OO Illbllrnl ltrnarit.
Tito publishers of Huttedyt's Monthly lu the
prize puzzle department of their Monthly for
February olTer the, following -easy way for
some one to make $20.00:
To the person telling us which is the short
est verse in the Old Testament Scriptures
by February 10th, 1882, we will give 20.00
In gold as a prize. The money will be for
warded to the winner February Pith, 188:
Those who try for the prize must send 20
cts. in silver (no postage stamps taken) with
their answer, for which they will receive the
March number of the Monthly, in which w 111
bo published the name and address of the
winner of the prize, with the correct answer
thereto. Cut tills outilt may be worth 20.00
to you. Address, Itutledge Publishing Com.
pany, haston, Pa.
From CVntrnllii.
Saturday was pay-day and our saloon
keepers did n rushing business.
Protracted meeting is being held In tho M,
E. Church, and Is largely attended.
'Squiru Murphy hns been confined to his
house by illness for the past few days.
Miss Hurley and Miss Moore of Miners-
vllle are visiting friends in town.
Our friend Will, the engineer, is happy
It's a boy.
Saturday night was a bad night for wrest
ling, wasn't it hoys?
Wc have been informed Hint our friend
Mike of Frock's Patch is about to join the
The snow on Sunday revived the hopes of
many of our young folks.but especially somu
of our young ladies, who hud all their plans
completed for a grand sleighing putty, and
were waiting patiently for the coming man j
but before he arrived, alas I the snow had
disappeared and with it their bright hopes
vanished; but don't he discouraged, gills,
"Hope deferred will bloom again."
Dciiih if i:iljili V.n'iiiii.
Klijah Vociim was born June Urd, 18111,
died January lDlh, 1882, aged (18 years, 7
mouths and 10 days. He was the youngest
and only surviving sou of Col. John Yoctim,
lute of Hosting Creek township, tills county,
There remain to survive him Ids widow, two
daughters and four sons.
He was an uncle,and the only one livhig,of
Hev, E. H. Yoctun of Willlumsport, formerly
of this town, Hon. Setli H. Yocttni of Helle
fonte,Doctors J. J, nnd John Yoctun of Ash
land, Hon, H. F. Yoctun of Galena, Mo., and
Hon. U. W. Yoctun of Portland, Oregon.
Mr, Yoctun lived formetly lu Honrlng
Creek township, Columbia county, but twen-ty-scven
years ago he moved to Locust
where he had since been engaged as a farm
er nnd lumber merchant ami manufacturer.
He commenced in life as n poor hoy but by
his well earned reputation for honesty and
uprightness, and his untiring energy and
perseverance he succeeded In acquiring quite
a fortune heforu lie tiled t consisting mostly
of real estate situated In Columbia uud North-
umherlund counties.
He tiled of typhoid pneumonia, and a com
plication of other diseases, after an illness of
nine weeks. Mr. Yoctun was u man iinlver,
sally esteemed and respected, and his loss
will be greatly felt by all who knew 1dm.
Mrs. M. II. MoKlnncy is visiting ut Hev.
A. A. Marple's, Hridgcport, Pa.
.Miss draco Fowler of Serauton is visiting
friends in Espy.
Mrs, Price of Philadelphia, has been visit.
inghersister.Miss. A. I). Webb.
John V, Little, forseuirul years n condiic
tor on the Lackiiwanmi and Hloouishurg ill
vision of the I). L. it road, has been pro'
noted to a similar position on the main line
fromlllngliauiton to Washington, N. ,1.
Mr. James It, Sehuyler.of Ilolmer it Schuv
ler.wentto Philadelphia on a business trip
on .Monday last
Mr, II. N. Hooz of WIlkes.Harrc, agent for
the (ioslien school debks, registered ut tho
Exchange on Monday.
Mr, David Spencer of Chicago and Mr, F,
W. Spencer of Lafayette Ind., have been In
town several days, In attendance upon their
sister who Is slcl; at the Sanitarium,
Mr. F. P. Drinker went to Philadelphia on
Tuesday, In company with Mr. Charles H
Piutoii, He returned last night.
Isaiah Itupert of Haletou spent Sunday lu
Col. It. II. Hlckettsiinil Aglb ltlcketts Ksii
of Wilkes Harre, were In town on Tuesday
Mr. and Mrs. Augustus Zalmer of Kansas
are visiting at Hev. L. Zalmvi'n. They tiro
on their wedding tour.
Miss Amelia Aiiuetiong slipped on the
i pavement on her way home from the lecture
i i.mi l.,i,.l, ,,tl,i , .i,ii. i,, ,. fw
I Mo"'l" "ll!,',' UIK
i tt '"""I1 of tone was badly bruised. Bholuis
I been fonllned to the house since,
Items Friini t'rnirc.
Mr. Wilson llagcubiicli nnd family, form
erly of this place, nnd who have been visiting
relatives anil ftieuds hire, started for their
home In Muscatine county, Iowa,ou Tuesday,
I hey ate looking quite as well as when they
left us and express themselves ns very well
pleased with the West. May we have the
pleasure of greeting them soon ngaln.
Despite the rnln of last Saturday, about
twenty of our young people met at Mr. Fred
Hiigcubiich's In response to Invitations hy
Miss Ida nnd Mr. O. 1). Uttgcnbiicli, The
parties who were Invited and fulled to attend
certainly missed n very Hue tieut, as ancle
gant supper was served at six o'clock, after
which a gcueril good time vus had till "the
old clock on the slalrs" gave the solemn
warning that It w ould soon be Sunday, when
the little party disbanded, each and ail ap
parently well pleased with the evening's en
tcrtnlnmciit. The writer was particularly
well pleased with the part of the pro
grammeroast turkey, chicken snlad, ite.
Misses Sue and Untile Vandersllce are vis-
Itltg their sister, Mrs. John M. White.
Mr. A. C, Creasy has taken charge of tho
I. P. Conner farm and tannery and, not
caring to carry on the tanning business, is
about to attach n saw mill to thu large sta
tionary engine belonging to the tannery.
This Is what the vicinity needs, something
permanent to take the place of the old time,
back-woods, thunder-shower s.iw mills. Suc
cess to the enterprie.
ItMino IVn) limit's l.rrtnrr.
Mi!. EntToit! When Isawln tlicCoi.vMniAX
that lllshnp Wayman of the A. M. E. Church
was going to deliver n lecture lu Hlooins.
burg, upon the attacks on the Bible nnd the
Christian religion by Col. H. G. Ingersolls,
would not hnve been more surprised to
have heard of a proposition from some down
east Yankee to the (begun navigation com
pany to tunnel the Pacillc Ocean, for a com.
mon highway between Asia and America.
(Vt tho appointed lime I resolved to make my
way to the scene, n distance of nearly three
miles through snow nnd slush. I must con
fess, however, that I had some misgiving as
to tiie success of the lecture. Of course I
knew Hlshop Wayman's ability as a pulpit
orator, and hud heard htm make masterly ef
forts ut more youthful periods of his life. I had
no doubts of Ids ability to make tin able di
fense of the Illble and Christianity, bused
upon his honest conviction of right, taking
into consideration thu fact of Col. Ingersoll's
being a logician of the first order, attempt
ing to rcrfrt! a theory that had long since been
exploded by the advance Ideas of .Christian
civilization, having thoroughly contemplated
the magnitude of thu position bu assumed
and that It would require more than the
theologians of the present d.iy to unsay
what lie, Col. Ittgersoll, had said. I am glad
to hear It expressed by those more compe
tent to judge than myself, that the lecture
was a success. Thu Hlshop did not choose
to combat Col. Ingcrsoll on his attacks
against the Bible from a high theological
stand point. His argument nil the way
through was embellished with richness of
thought, sublimity of conception, and
practical simplicity of wisdom. Hu proved
the entire truth of thu Hibkyis given to us by
Moses and the prophets, by our dally obser
vation, which does not need the aid of phil
osophers to solve. Thu Bishop gave thu neg
ative expression to the oft repealed assertion
Hint the Bible wus false and totally uu
wot thy of credit and conlldeiico and that thu
light of nature, reason nnd philosophy fur
nish man with a more perfect rule of con
duct, and that Moses and that prophets who
wrote, ns also the men who translated tho
Bible were totally ignorant of the work in
which they were engaged. Col. Ingcrsoll
serted that Moses comprehended the as
tronomy of thu universe in four words when
said that in six days God created the
heavens nnd Hie earth and all tilings therein.
The Inference wo may draw fiom this fact Is
that the Almighty knew what he was about
when He selected Moses to do this great
work. As it might have been a serious mis
fortune to Moses to have been endowed with
the gift of gab, that so many of us are nt thu
present day. From the very fact Moses
omplulncd at one time of being slow of
perch, when Hie Lord commanded him to
make Aaron his spokesman. Had Moses at
tempted to convince the Israelites by argil,
ment that God the Almighty was able to wall
the Hed Sea and cause the waters of Horeb
to gush forth, it might have aroused thu sits,
piclon of u trick ot Moses, ns there were ma
gicians in those days capable of working
wonders hy magic art. He merely said "stand
still and see the salvation of God." The small
store of language possessed by Moses, lrom
which Col. Ingcrsoll assumes him to have
been ignorant, was suflle lent for thu purpose
of thu Almighty if not for philosophers and
scientists of the present day. We may Infer
from the manner lu which Moses spoke of thu
sun, moon mid stais, that he regarded this
earth us the great central figure nnd those
celestial bodies as mere auxiliaries to it
Iven taking this view, It would seem that
Moses understood the astronomy of the unl
verse sulliclcntly tor till practical purposes;
as he wns nble to bet fotth the olllco they
performed toward this earth. It was not
necessary for tho human family to be en
htcned lu thoso days ns to the relative
position of the earth to the other planets, any
more so than for a child who had just learned
the multiplication table to commence! work-
problems in trlgouomltry. Wo are not to
infer Hint the six days spoken of hy Moses
were of the Julian period ; It matters not to
us whether it was six hundred or sK
thousand years, It merely signifies a period
to lubor with nu Interval for rest, for the
benefit of the organic nature of man. View
Ing the Hible from a moral btand polutl wu
must take Into consideration the fact ot man
having fallen from the original state lu which
he was pine ed hy the Creator. Although
there were many things In thu Hlblo that
were done by the command of the Almighty
which seem to bu at variance with the stand
urd of Christian morality i as iu the casu of
Saul In his conquest tigalnst Amclck lu thu
valley of (lllgal, whereas tho Almighty
caused his kingdom to depart from him fur
sparing Hie life of Agugand commanding
Samuel to slay Agag with Ids own hand. As
also tho case of David In taking Ablgal the
wife of Nabel the Carmellto, In connection
with thu wife of Uriah. All these things
were necessary as mankind were undergoing
a state of retributive justice for their trans
grcisslous. Of course Mr, Ingcrsoll claims
that thcro were no Mich transgressions and
Hint mankind never fell from thu state lu
which they wcro placed by the Creator, and
hence there was no such thing us rctilbutlon
and If thcro was, why did not the Omnlpo'
tent endow man with an Infallible nature so
that hu could not err. The infalllblu nature
with which man might havu been endowed
by (lod Is a part ot his creation best known
to lllmiiCH uud not to mankind. Ihese
things nre not necessary for mankind to
kuow,any more than the tree to be conscious
of thu lutluetico hy which It is liinde to grow
uud put forth its buds and yield Its fruit. If
we hud a Witch of Endor to-day capable of
resurrecting Moses nnd the prophets uud
placing them on iv witness stand, Mr. Inger.
soli would bo compelled ns a lawyer to ad
mlt their testimony on Its ineilts, ns they
were true lu nil things lu which the human
family uiu competent Jto judge. It would
not bu mccsbtiry to tell the most Ignorant
Lstrtilmnu, NiwicaliiudiTor Hottentot
it Is Appointed tuito till men once to die,
thu resurrection mid Dual Judgment Is not so
clear. Hut we must accept the whole state
ment as being divine Inspiration upon the
merits of tltosu who made litem. We agree
with Hie lllshnp Hint the boasted light of
nature, rcuou anil philosophy, unaided by
thu potent iiilliieuce of the Bible and Chris-
tlaiiily,has never been sufficient to save man
from the bondage of Ids guilty passions nnd
Ids most foul ami degrading vices, nnd hold
him (Inn to his obligations to Ids Creator and
duty to his fellow man. And that tho Chris
tlan religion which had been perfected near
ly nineteen centuries ngo by the advent of n
Savior, hail stood firm under nil the vlclssl-
tildes of time anil convulsions common to
human government, until the last generation
and will continues!) to slnnd, ('ol. Ingcrsoll
to the contrary iiolliwlthsluiidlng.
The wilier begs leave to state Hint the
above was written lu an extemporaneous
manner without the nld of manuscript or
written report, without previous meditation.
His conclusions were drawn mainly from
points made hy thu spcakcrlu his argument',
which will account for such errors us may oc
cur to the critical observer. Neither tlo I
claim Hint Hie arguments herein contained
are tinrnsweriiblo. In doing so I merely ad
vance Ideas that may be enlarged upon ; and
hopo that clergymen and nil others more
competent than myself, may do so hy taking
up the subject. I he Importance of vindica
ting the truth of the Hihle uud Christianity tit
the close of thu eighteenth century against
infidelity which subverted Hie government
of France nnd came near plunging nil civili
zed Ktiropc into the customs of baibarous
ages, that I hopo will bo sufficient Induce"
incuts for the co-operation and prompt action
of all Christians to be more enthusiastic in re
gard to the Importance of this great work.
Yours itc,
Kspy, Pa. S. W. If.
The great superiority of DR.
allothercough remedies is attested
by the immense popular demand
tfl for that old established remedy.
For the Cure of Coughs, Colds,
Hoarseness, Croup, Asthma, Bron
chitis, Whooping Cough, Incipient
Consumption and for the relief of
I consumptive persons in advanced
.i'.aes ot tne jjiscase. ror &aie
Lyr.ll Druggists. Price, 25 cents.
v.-. - -.-.y-r-Tj
Nov. 4, 'il-jm
Business Notices
Try O, C. Mart's CO cent syrup.
Orders for book
Coi.I'MIiiax olllce.
binding received at His
The olllccs of J. 11. Hoblson and S. Knorr,
with large book cases for rent by I. W.
Envelopes of all sizes by the pack,
thousand nt CoutmwaX oillcc.
box or
New pi bit at C. C. Man 's this week.
The ten prr cent olt of coats and winter
dress goods at 1. W. llartman'.s this month
brings lots of c:i-li.
Visiting cards printed
Co M'MlilAS olllce.
from plates at tho
Carpet chain at I. W. Iliutman's.
Huttcilekoc Co's. February fashion books
and patterns at C. C. Man's.
New lot
of cloth and plush nt I. W.
I. W. llartman's 5 and 10 cent tablis at
tract people by the hundreds.
All 'the fashionable dress makers lu this 1
county use Hutterick & Co's. patterns. Sobi
iiv t . i . .Mnrr.
Tiie Piintngrapli Hinder for all sorts of
commeiciiil blanks Is the best thing of the
kind ever invented. Can lie obtained at this
C. C. Marr is selling goods very cheap.
L. T. Slmniloss Is now closing out Ids en-
lire slock of notion", wholesale and retail, at
neatly reduced nriccs, to quit business.
Give lilin li call and secure the bargains of the
season. Jan y '-'-w
Minnesota extras
fl) .Ml (,t " 00
8 10 (i I) HTJt
0 IS (.8 t fi
4 "S 3 tO
1 4i per bush,
ou Of 1)1 twr bit.h
711 (,e 71 " "
ill (t 31 " "
li (, t cts. per lb.
It 83 (4 2 di
penusvivaiiia raiuiiv ...
Clow rsei'd
Timothy -
Wheat ,ior bushel..
Wye "
Corn, " ..
oats ' "
Flouc iter narroi ..
Clov irseed
lined vpplcs ,. .,,
sides & Shoulders
Lard per pound ...
Ha per ton
Harper's Magazine.
"Altvavs varlsd. alwavs good, always liuprovlnr." Francis Ahams Jr.
Harper s Magailno, tno roost popular Illusttate4
periuuieai iu mu norm, oegiti iis sixiy.iouritt toi-
umo with the December Muuber, It represents
what Is best In American literature, mid art; and Its
marked success In Kngland-whero It has already
actrc'i'atlon hrgerthau that of any English maga
zine ot ths Bimo class -hts brought Into Its servlco
the most eminent wrltets and artists ot (Ireat
llrlt tin, TUu forthcoming volumes for issj will
every iC9pect suipass their predecessors.
U.MtPEH'S UA.AR 4 01
TuoTilllUKnboto publications
Any TWO nbove named
UAill'KiiB iuimi nun, i.,
I1A1II l'.ll'S YOl'.Nd PF.UPI.F.,
unclear. i iiuuueibi iuc
Hlates or Canada,
Tho volumes of tax Magazine beelu vtlth
Postage Ftee to nil subscribers lu the United I
numbtrstor Jun uud Decern erof raelijear Wkon
no lliii('ts:clllPd, It will bo understood that the
subs Tiber wishes to begin with tho curient
A complete nt ot Havi'EK's Maiiazink, comprising
S3 Volutin s. lu neatc ulh Miming, wm bo sett by
exniifc. ticiLMii ut e.xoenie or tnii-enaser. on leceitn.
il y i td per . oieiue, Riugm tui
uiues. br mall,
paid, f 3 (o. I'lolh rases,
fur binding, 60 cents,
Ulan. puM pmu,
nil, ul faiu,
It.dex to IIAiii'EHS MAiuztSE. Mnhahctlcal
lull al. ai d li'ii'Sillrd. tor Vuli niea 1 to SO lnchislta.
tr m June, is'.o, to June, lose, one vol., svo,
in iiuiiaii e- mi'iiHi mi mue uy cost UP'CO stone
I'l' i it i ibi i I. v iu i uuti e ti
tw imi) is are .ft tj renv this mUertlirinent
muiuui i iiv i 'ii't I'tut'i ui it 4i(rn a uuiri uftra
Aildtcts. IIAltl'Elt DUOTimiS,
Jan is tt New York,
1 Mo nauseous dose nt ('mini- fill t...
avoided by using Tho Emuliicncf CwUr Oil)
it Is very pleasant, nnd is rendUy tnken ns n
sugar piuni ny children, Lnrgc Hottlc Vt cts.
There nre many persons suffering untold
torments with the tllsenso known as tltcplles,
believing Hint a cure Is Impossible. To All I
Let us tell you Hint Dr. Qtlti Chimin Pile
Items 7 will cure you, every package wnr
ranted -only fiO cents.
Protect your feet from dampness--10 cents
will buy sufficient Wnter.Proof Dressing to
soften and wutor-proof a half dozen pairs of
Our Stock of Drugs, Medicines, Cheml
culs, Sundries, itc, are of the Hest Quality,
nnd will bo sold at the Lowest Prices possi
hie Hint n good quality can be offered forand
we solicit a share of your patronage.
Our stock of Sosps.Pcrfumes, Hair, Tooth,
and Nidi Brushes, is large, nnd IsJ offered
at very low prices.
UllAflU JU1IUK9,
liloom John Culo.lllasco CitnerOD. Lloyd Vox. 11
V tucks, I s Kuan, Thomas v.innatu, KUas digger.
cntnwtssA -noot Kimgeman.
C'envralla Jutnes t yke.
FIMitDRcrcek Charles Ash
(Ireenwood Isaac Mack, Joseph Seller, DaTld
.lacKsuu muiict iviiuuhu.
Loeust Klinbcr Leo.
MaUison James i llalne, W II Morlcle
Main tletm (lining, NattiaD Miller
Minlln-M M llartcl, Adam Miller
Montour-Samucl Olrgcr
Mt. Pleaaint Peter Jacoby
Pino Mahlon Moser
wahl, 11 1 ram Palmer, ! 11 sterner
Heaver M B Hess, John Hlnterllter, JnoLongnn
berger, Levi II MMiacl, John Schcll
iionioir samuei iiega
Ilernlck Howell llrel'-e. Paul Former. W J Kuorr
AS Phillips, Solomjn ilouscknccht
onar e.rueK buiuuuci iusi
Catnwlss Christian Clay well, E D Gulc, Nathan
llelMlg, 1 II Secsholtz
Flsmng Creek II w Kline, Jonn sutton, J j smes
Bdward Unangst John J Karns
Franklin W m Itohrbach, C B Secsholtz
Oreenwood Ilarton quick. J It Eves
Hemlock Chirles Ulettnrlck, Charles Shaffer
Locust Isaac Uer, Adam Johnson, Hchard Wat
Jackson W 11 Itobblas
Mala Charles Fisher
Montour Clinton Crawford, Henry Lazarus, SV M
Oranire Charles Jom'S. Emanuel Snvder
scott C W Trump, J L Crawford, J U Crerellng,
Geo. W. Tronseati
bugarloaf H c 1'esa. Ezra Stephens
second win.
liloom (leo. W liates.J L DUlon.Saruucl li Jacoby
J 11 Keeler, Jacob Wanlch Jr
Uuntou Ellas Bvana
llerw ck .Mem lMttaln, O A Bucalngham, C E
Catawlssa Luther V Kver. Harvey (Hirer
Centre Levi Fester, Cuas. March, Hiram Whit-
mi ro
Centralla John Horan
conyngham Andrew Honey
Fishing creek- Ellsha B Evuns
Franklin ndrew Lohrman
(Ireeuwood-Jno W Cox, Jno Byer, Wm B Mather
uuinpnrey earner
Hemlock-James Olrton, Wm Howell
Locust Jno nrofee, Jeremiah Scott
Mad son Crevellns S nlih, (leo Whltenlght
Miniln Dinlcl Bona
Mt. Pleasant Daniel Musgrve,Henry Sand,John
w o'.r
Hoarlne Crrck Jacob Hoffman
Sugarloaf Jno Cole, Charles U CarpcuU', Joshua
li ran.
1, Wl low's iiprralsement tn thees.
law ot j. u. awier, ueceaseu.
Personalty. 1899 93
9. Widow's appraisement Intheis
taiuot tleorge Strausur, deceas
ed Person uiy $300 oo
s. Widow's appraisement In the es
tate or ouna muig, ueceusei.
1300 Oil
4. Wl low's appraisements In the es
tate ot 1). W. Berlin, deceased.
6. Wldaw'a appraisement In tho i s-
. UC0 0)
latuoiM a. a &noeuiaKer,ueeeas
ed. Personalty.
Total realty.
1H 33
too 1)0 tflrt 35
a W'Ul iw's appraisement In 'he et
ui e f uciirge A llowman,decois
ed. Peisoualty. 1300 00
Will be confirmed nls' ontho first Monday of Feb.
ruarv 1SS2. and unless excentlons ba mod within
four (Ins thrrea'.tcr, the same win be confirmed
Jan 13 t-c WM. KKICKI1AUM.
Notice Is hereby glvn that an app'.lcat'an will be
madd to sal 1 eourt. 01 Mondav February Clh. A. D.
lsJ9 , under act ot Assembly of Uo Commonwealth
ot t ennsylvanla. entitled "an act to provide .or the
In nornoratlon and r-'gulatlon of certatn corpora
Mon?' apprjved April MUh. ism, and the stpple-
menis luertuo, tonne cnarterrian tuienaou cjr
por.nlon to bo called "The Young Mon's Lrlstlin
Assocta'lon of UcrUk Pa.' the object ot which is
ror the improvement of th spiritual, menta', social,
and physical condition ot young men, and for these
purposes to iiure, ikj&jcbs am eDjor an me rigats,
uenen's ana privileges ot tne
: sa'.d act of Asembl)
and Ha supplement:).
Jan 15 l-t
To Julia Schlezer, Intermarried with Jasob Sahle
cer. or susiiuihauna county pa; II. V, (iarrett,of jMiiiucuKe, i.u7erit-:eouuty, ra .Mauion 11
lllik" ot Baltimore. Mil.. Susan A. Wolf, lstermar.
rled with Andre Wo'f. ef Ulack Creek. I.tiiernp
couutv.lPa.. Henry Shaffer, Susanna Crawford, lner-
mimed witu stepnen crawtord, Angelina (larrelt.
Intermarried with Levi (larrett, andStPtihcn Pohe.
?u,irdlan ad litem or the minor children ot Emily
lleks, all of OolumMa county, Pa., urectlng:
In accordance with a rule granted upon tho 12th
day ot December, tssi, by the Orphans'courtof Co
lumbia county, jou nre hereby notuied and required
to appear upon tho nrst day of the next term ot
Court and accept ut the valuation, the following de
scribed premises or show cause why the same shall
not bn sold, viz: All that rertaln uifssuagu or tract
ui jaim siiunuj iu i.ouire luwuMitp. voiumota coun
ty, bounded ontho north byapukltc roal.onths
east by a publ.c road, on the south by lands ot Wil
son tinier, ann on tuo west by lauds ot 11, schwep
pvnhelser, containing two acr.w more or lens with
the appurtenances, of tho estate ot sild decedent.
Jan. b-4w Sheriff.
m I
Am. I
C. C. G
Montgomery Cox vs John Lcggott
Wm ScscchterJy vs BlltabcUi W souder
nocnrocK & rrcuKci vn uaun'i uurrjr
Martha K creasy et al to Jotcph II. Vandersltoo
Henry Dlnl etal vs James nlrd
Joseph Lamon vs i atuiah iAtnot's tifmr
J s I.nrarus vs Donnlson Drink
D J Waller vs Pcnna Canal Oo
August Prcund et ux vs U V Miller
Hlctiard I'arccll vs Lawrence Uorrett
James Lamon's admr A Joseph Lamon
Hartley Albcrtson vs A. 1). Klkendall
Clinton ltobblns vs 1) F Sharpies
A II White vs J K VdDilernhcu et al
A 11 Herring vs Jos It Vandersllco
Kmanuel Htrauas vs MarUn Johnson
Itobert Pb.ll0rlck.vs John llcnnlnger
Centralla M a F Assn vs Sarah Hatrr admx
A IlH-rrlngvB J K vandersllco
Curtis H Ilrooki vs Urrough ot Danville
L II Lee I llro vs Dennlson Drink
David Savage vs Jero Yeagcr
Geo Iieagte s uso vs Moses sutler
Wm Shellhamcr vs t Urover's adms
(leo Strieker's use vs O It 1'utiBton et al
Wm (l Vettcrex vs Wm Yeager
Whs 'n Cox vs wm llrobst
Ettas Bmlth ct al vs Alfred Herbluc etal
James Uartun vs Wm Zarr ct al
una 8. stoker vs Henry Copo
Daniel llarrlman vs Catharine Aeller
Urme Hooberger Wm II Lcloy
Geo lloyer vs ernard Murray ct al
Iden Stokes vs Archibald Fowler
fm F nibby vs Flcmmlngs Jacoby
Wm F ltlbby vs Isntc II seeeholtz et nl
WmLKyerfy vs Jacob Ycagor
estits or Ainuniu torus p-csased.
Letters of admlnlstratlonontliocstaloof A'-rahum
Force, late of oraogo township, Columbia countr.
deceased, have been granted by the Register ot said
county to tho undersigned admlnls'rator. All
persons having claims against ths estate of said
decedent aro requested to present them for settle
ment and those indebted to rcuko payment to the
aLacrsignea aaminisiraiur wunoui aeiay.
Jan 20 6-w
KsruKut iaiuu r. urn, utnAum
Letters tustamentiry on tho estato ot Jacob F.
Deck, late ot Centre township. Columbia county.Pa,
deceased, hae been granted by tho Register ot fald
county to tho undersigned Kxtcuiorr At! persons
navtng ciaimi against ineestaii ot uiu iio-eatov
are requested to present them Mr settlement aad
thoso Indebted to the estate to make payment to
the undersigned executor without delay.
Janl3fi. Executor,
Orangevllle Pa.
llfn the matter on No. Ill Feb. Term. ISTS.
Samuel neck, ns. ( And now Dec. so. il. on mo
slgned to Colum- tlon of C, W. Miller, Atl'y. for
bta County Mutual
Dlaintlff. Samuel Kcorr. Esu. Is
Saving Fund and
S appointed Auditor to make dls-
l3au Association,
iriouiion or proceeu? arising
lrom SherHTs salcol real.cstate.
K. Schwernen-
In Dursuxnc i of tha above, tho undersigned Audi
tor will sit at Ills olllco In llloomsbiirg, on Friday.
February ilrd, isSi, at ten o'clock a. in., to perform
the duties ot his appointment when nil where all
Demons Interested euouIiI appear and present their
claims or be debarred from coming In on said fund.
sj. KNORR,
Jan. 5-4w Auditor.
Letters of administration on tho estate of Martha
Shuman, late- of Mln two, Columbia county,
eceascu, have Deen granted by tie Register of said
county to tho unoers gned admtnlstrator.AU persons
navtng claims auaiusi, tuu csimu ui emu uctturu.
are requested to present them for sttileincnt and
those Indebted to tho estate to make paj mi nt to the
undcnilgncd administrator without delay.
P. O. address, Malnvllle, Col , Co , Pa.
rAtirra nf Administration on the estate ol Moses
arverett, late of orange township, Columbia county
l"enn'a., deco sea. hnvo been granted by tho Regis,
terot said county totho undesigned Adm'r. d. b. n
AU perrons having claims against tho estate of tho
decedent arc requnsted to pr-sent them for Bettlo-
mont and tnose inucuu.u to tun raiuiu iu umu vuj
ment to the undersigned Administrator without
delay. ,
U. Illltt.VLllJ IVLl.r.,
C. w. Millek, Admit lstrator, d. b. n.
Attorney dco 30 Ow P. O. orangevllle.
Letters of Administration on tho estate of Louis
Folk, late of Hemlock township, Columbia county,
PenDa, deceased, have been granted Ly the Reglu
terof said county to rercnel Folk and Joel Folk
administrators. All rereons having claims against
tho estato of.the docedent uro requested to proson.
them for settlement, ana tioso Indebted to the os
toto to make payment to tho undorslgnod almlnls
trators without delay. ji;pcivkl FOLK,
C. W. Mtllci JOEL FOLK,
Attorney. Administrators.
dec si) s-w'
Letters ot administration on tho CBtuto of Catha
rine (lall.Iato of Montour township Columbia county
Penn'n., deceased, havo been granted by tho Ittgts-
ter of said co. to c. c. peaeoek.sominiisraior.c.i.a.
All persons having claims agjlust tho estate of tko
decedent are requested to present them for sottrc
ment and those Indebted to tho estate to make pay
ment to the undersigned executor without delay.
Administrator, c. t. a.
Jan. 5-6w
notice Is lien by given that the following account
has been Mled In tin Prothonotary's omen of Oulum
bta county, and will be presinled totho Court of
Common Picas ot said county on tho llrst Monday
ot Feirutry. A. H. ssa and conllitiied, after the
tourth day of said term unions exceptions he nied
wllhln that lime.
1, Tho tlrst account of H. Frank Zarr, TinsUe un
der tho will ot Oeorgo S5.irr.
Jan. l-U