The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, January 20, 1882, Image 3

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The Columbian.
HMMMsmiiHi, rum w, J an. so, si2, ;
V. V. Wlillc will sell personM properly
near UglilMrcel, on TliurmUy, February 8il,
Isaac lilnili'iimutli, uiltitliilstrutor of Ik'iijn
lulu I.Iiuleuumtli, tlcci'iweil, will null real cs.
tutu on tlii: promWi , lit Cimyiiglinm lown
Klilp.on Saturday,.! Miliary 9Ut, at leu o'clock
n . in.
I'elcr 9. Kiirxlincr, iiiliiilulMriilor nf John
Uullor ilut'ciiKi'il, will null real estate In Mon.
tour towulilp, on l''ililay, ,laiuinry Sitli, at
two o'clock p. in.
Geo. W. lllrleinun, administrator of
uel Hlione, will sell real estate at the Kx.
change IIotel,tn leiitoii,im We(lncKilay,.Jimii.
ary Mill, 1H82.
Samuel Hlilve executor of l'lilllp Uuiingst,
will Hell real estate In l'Milngcrcck townilitp
on Saturday, .limiiary 23lh.
John (lordlier, trustee In the estate of
TlioinnsSltickliniKf, will sell real estate on
the premises in I'lne township, Sec, on 1V1.
day.l'ehruary ilrtl, 188'i.
C. Kckiuan was conlliniid us postmas
ter at Danville on Tuesday last.
The Wli.oim hoys bad another pleasant
sociable at their hall last Friday night.
l'Vin S.M.K.-J. K. Conner oilers Ids two farms
ju Centre township at private sale.
The County Commissioners have reduced
the amount paid the County Treasurer from
four per cent to three.
The pay car on the i. Si 11. It. It. passed
down the road on Wednesday, and brought
happiness to many employees.
Itevs. ICinter and Cooper have been con.
tluctlni: revival meetings at the Christian
church In Denton, liotli are nhle preacheis,
and the meetings are largely attended.
The regular annua! business meeting ol
the Pennsylvania Kdltorial Association will
be held at the Lot-hid Hotel,Harrltbiirg, Fri
day, January 27, 1882.
Did you ever notice how much colder It
seems to be than you thought, after a glance
at the thermometer shows the mercury in the
neighborhood of zero?
James Long of Henton lost thirty new bags
about two weeks ago, on the road frem
Hicks Kitchen's to l'caleitown. The Under
will he rewarded by returning them.
A very promising young mare owned by
3lr. I.loyd Applcinnn of tills town, died on
Wednesday morning, It is supposed from
lung fever complicated with other affections.
Hubert Jiiicklngliam .Lsq., is engaged m
auditing the accounts of the l'rotlionotary,
Hegister and ltccorder, and ShcrilT, for the
past year, for which he was appointed by the
In the Annual Statement of the Iiloom
Poor District the number of pounds of pork
and lard raised on the farm, was given, last
week,as o00. The amount should have been
The sale of land of Peter Applomiiu, tie
ceased, which was advertised for December
Hist at the Kxchauge Hotel in Denton, was
adjourned until February -1 1 1 at the same
place, as to one tract. The 1(1 ncies were
sold to I.loyd Applcniaii.
Deatli to rats, mice, roaches mutants; Par
son's FAtcrmiuntor. Dams, granaries and
households eleaied lu a single night. No fear
of bad smells. Dcst and cheapest vermin
killer In the world. Sold everywhere.
James N. Calely, IX-Niitiomd Councillor,
and present secretary of the National Council
Order Fulled Anieilcan Mechanics, ncconi.
panlod by one of the members of the State
Council of Pennsylvania, will pay an olllcial
visit to lllooinsburg Council next Tuesday
The sixth annual ball of the ltescue Hose
unit Lauder (.ouipatiy, will take place on
Tuesday evening, January Hist. It will be a
masquerade all'uir, and tlio.-e who expect to
dance are requested to appear in costume.
Persons not In fancy dress, can, however,
have the privilege of dancing.
The sale of the real estate of Samuel Illume
deceased, in Denton township, was adjourned
from the 18lli to the S.llli of this mouth,
when it will be again olTeicd for sale at the
Kxehange Hotel in Denton. It is a 22 acre
tract with house ami barn, and will make a
very comfortable home for somebody.
Through tlie kindness of some of thu ladles
a supper will be served at Kvans' Hall on
Friday and Saturday evenings, the 27th and
2Sth lusts., for the bcnellt of the Winona Fire
Company. The proceeds will lie devoted to
the payment of tho debt incurred by
the purchase of uniforms. A liberal patron.
age should always ha given the firemen, for
their organizations are for thu benefit ol the
An erroneous impression is abroad that one
vaccination is sulllcient for a lifetime. The
fact Is that whenever tho system of a person
is In such a condition that vaccination will
"take," that a person is susceptible to biiull
pox, HWwr. Sun ft llanncr.
1 he opinions of physicians differ as to
that, some excellent authorities holding the
opposite view. It Is safer, however, to be re.
vaccinated after the lapse of some years.
uie supreme court ol I'ennsvlvanla lias
recently decided that "a promissory note
which bears the genuine signature of the
obllgutor, but which was, lu fact, obtained
from 1dm by fruud and under the impression
that he was signing an entirely different in
strument, U a valid obligation against him,
anil in the hands of n bona tide purchaser or
assignee for value, before maturity."
Mrs. Mary Maglll, wife of Dr. Win. II.
Maglll.dled on Sunday morning, the 8th lut.
aged 7!) years. She was a woman of remark
utile piety, faithfully attentive to her church
duties, distinguished for her bfiievolence to
the poor and her sympathy with the sutTeiin;
Her death was a tit termination of such a
life. She gently, without a struggle, fell
uslcep In Jesus. Montour American.
Last Tuesday evening a sleighing party of
fourteen couples drovo from llloomsburg to
Danville and had the jolllent kind of a lime,
They stopped at the Montour House where
they danced to their heal t's content. Supper
was served at midnight ami it was fully llvi
o'cioeu in the morning before the merry
makers reached home, Thero have been no
sleighing parties this winter owing to the
tack ot the "beautiful," hut it is safe to pre-
diet that however much snow falls thero will
not be a moru delightful atfalr of the kind
than Tuesday night's parly,
Thu latest swindle, devised especially for
thu cheating of farmers, is us follows! A
stranger oilers a fanner the county light fur
u patent wagon tonguo for 2o0. In a few
days patent. light man No. 2 comes alon
lit) has heard that thu farmer lias the light
of the county for thu patent wagon tongue,
and ho wants to buy tho right of thu county,
and offers the farmer 100, and pays if 10 to
bind thu bargain, Thu farmer writes to No,
1, ami sends his note for taw. He never
hears of cither man uulu, but his note comes
up for collection lu a lulghboilng town. It
is a pity that such rascals cannot lit somu
way bo lodged In Jail,
A new Imllillitg W to ho erected In Cata.
wlmn for the mr of the Attr Item, and
ground has already lieen hrokeii.
sliootlnj; liinleli between Harry Stride
of Mahanoy City, and Samuel .McLean of
Coal Dale, for a puiscof $100, Is announced
to take place at Hast Mahanoy Junction on
the tweuty-llrst of this mouth.
The nteam heating apparatus Is now In
operation at this olllce. It was put In by
Holmes ifc Schuyler, of this town, who havu
had large experience In the business. They
me now engaged In putting steam beaters In
the new school house ut Catawlssa.
A very large otter was shot u few days
ago uy l'clcr Crawford, nt lloltman's mill
dam, above Light Street. The pelt was
brought to town on Wednesday last and
purchased by .Mr. David I.owcnbcrg. It Is
remarkable that so shy a creature should
Tcnlurc so near a town.
TheTuiikhaniioek Democrat has abandoned
Its "patent outside" and the entire paper Is
now printed at the home olllce. Wo con.
gratulate our eotempornry on the change,
which is decidedly for the better. The out.
side looks well In Its neat new dress.
The lecture delivered on Thursday night
of last week, at the M. K. Church, by lllsliop
Wayinan of the A. .M. K. Church, gave per
fect satisfaction to all who were present.
The reverend gentleman preached lu the A.
M. h. Church, First street, on the following
The editors of the llepublican made an out-
rageous attack on the integrity and honesty
of a manlier of the leading citizens of this
town, over our shoulders.ln last week's issue.
We have but one word to say in reply, and
that Is that all their charges are as false as
they are malicious.
At the session of the Convocation of Wl'-
llanisport, held at Lock Haven last week,
Itev. Louis Zalmer, rector of St Paul's church,
Hloomshurg, was appointed to preach the
Wednesday morning sermon at tin next ses
sion, to be held in Christ Church, Williams-
port, on the 18th of April next.
On Wednesday evening n sleighing party
of thirteen couples came from llerwlek and
registered at the Kxcliauge Hotel. After
supper, the dining room was turned into a
hall room and dancing was enjoyed until an
early hour In the morning. On the same
evening, another party, from I)anville,dauccd
and made merry lu Gllmore's saloon,on Main
Frosted windows are a great source of an-
lioyuncc to our ineichants. The following is
a sure preventative: Apply to the glass even-
Iv a slight Mini of pure irlvreiliie. and von
will not be troubled by the "sweating" com-
plained of. Glycerine used In this way will
also prevent the formation of frost on the
glass in cold weather.
Some eight Indies of snow fell last Friday
morning and the prospect for sleighing grew
more promising. The promise was not real
ized, however, as the snow melted rapidly
anil soon churned Into mud. There was an
other fall of snow on Monday night and on
Tuesday the sleighs were numerous on the
streets. A few inches more of the white
Hakes and colder weather would bring delight
to many lovers of .sleighing.
We publish in tills issue an important
opinion of Judge Klwell tiled on the 14th
Instant lu the case of Howard vs. Jacohy.
The construction given therein to the act of
1874 is of interest to the public and specially
to candidates for nomination or election to
olllce. We arc informed that .Mr. Jacoby
denies the existence of the facts alleged by
the plaintiff, but prefers to have the question
disposed of by Certiorari, rather than incur
the expense of a trial on appeal.
Small pox is spreading all over the country
with alarming lapidlty. I)loomburg is and
has been free from it for months, hut it is
not beyond thu bounds of possibility that the
dreaded disease may again make its appear
ance in our town. It Is thu part of wisdom
to prepare to meet the unwelcome guest, and
the only way this can be safely done is by
vaccination. Wu advise our readers as a
matter of precaution though there seems to
be no danger at present to get vaccinated
without delay.
The annual statement of the Columbia
county Agricultural Society, published in the
CoM'MlilAK last week, shows the total receipts
of last Fall's exhibition to have been $3,11-1..
Although there was lint one really clear
day during the continuance of the fair,
enough money was realized to enable thu of.
fleers to pay i700 for the purchase of the
;rouuih, handsomu premiums and all neces
sary expense, and leave a hundred dollars
or moru ill the hands of the treasurer. This
i doing well indeed.
The new rules of court tlx Monday of the
first week of the term as the time for bear
ing applications for license. All applicants
for new houses must satisfy the court by
evidence then produced that the house is
necessary for the accommodation of the puis
lie. Any remonstrance ngalust the granting
of a license must be signed by some respon.
slide 'person or persons, and Hied with the
clerk seven days bcfoie the llrst day of the
term, setting out the objections to be urged
against the granting of thu license. The ap
plicant and remonstrants each pay their own
Chlllicothe, (Ohio) lios County He
a i.viiv ix tiik .MArn:ii.
That 'woman's wit Is often supeilorto
man's wisdom," was convincingly proved in
a circumstance that occurred In this city re.
ceutly. It appears that Mr. LudwigSchwarz.
ler, a widely known Grocer on Statou lload,
sulTirod with a very painful iheumatlc head
achuto such a degree, that ho was obliged to
seek the aid of a physician. All medicines
ho used were of no avail. This Induced
Mrs, Schwarzler to buy St. Jacobs Oil, Shu
procured a bottle for her husband, Willi
the second application lie found relief, The
pain left him, and he is as well as everagaln,
A remedy acting as promptly as this ceilain.
ly deserves universal patronage
Ilowr-Mr. John Albeck, Yorks' Hill,
owns a cow which, for weeks past has exhih
Ited signs of sickness. A few days ago the
owner noticed a swelling Immediately be
hindjhe fore shoulder. Ho applied pntilllcis
to thu spot for four or live days, mid thin
had the swelling lanced. A sharp pointed
article was discovered In thu wound, which
was drawn out by a pair of forceps, and
proved to ho the steel rib of an umbrella
eleven ami one-half Inches In length. I ho
query now Is, how caliiu this steel rib lu the
body of thu cow? .Mr. Albeck thinks the an
iuial fell on It and run lu into her body
others think she swallowed It while feedin
Since thu steel lib has been taken out, thu
caw has icgalncd Its health. Jhuille Inttlli
On Thirl j l)ii Trial
Wu will send Dr. Dye's Celebrated Electro.
Voltaic llelts and other l.lectiie Appliance
on tilal for thirty day. to young men mid
older persons who nru nllllcted with nervous
deblllty.losl vitality.elc, guaranteeing speedy
relief mid complete restoration of vlor and
manhood. Also for IlheuiiialUin, Neuralgia,
Paralysis, Liver and Kidney dllllcultles,
Jtuplurcs and many other diseases, Jllustra.
ted pamphlet scut free. Address Voltaic
licit Co., Marshall, Michigan,
Oct. 2H, 'ai.iy
llo.v. Will Cumuack. This distinguished
Mother and Odd Fellow recently UMlttl
Prlneetun, on Invitation of the Library As.
soelallon, and delivered Ids famous lecture,
milled "Invisible Some People." It Is u
lecture that cannot fall to Interest all that
hear It. There uru sublime passages In It
that will stir to admiration the soul of any
one who has a love for the beautiful. It
abounds with It, and is full of homu thrusts
at the cnmlcs of mankind. Odd Fellows'
2'uiWin, Princeton, Intl.
Mr. K. It. Diiuker has been out of town
for several days In Scrantou and New York.
The Ilazleton Sentinel mentions that K. W.
Low of Orangevlllu Is visiting Ids uncle S.
W. Hill In that town.
II. F. Fruit of Jerseytown registered at the
Mvchange Hotel on Tuesdav.
Mr. J. W. Sankey, formerly of LlghUtreet,
this county, but now of Harrlsburg, was In
town on Wednesday. He W looking very
Miss Lue Wilson, of Derwick, is visiting
friends In town.
Mr. I). S. Itussell of Jamestown, Colorado,
was the guest of Mr. J. A. Funston several
days this week.
itev. I,. Xnhncr Is absent from home this
week In attendance at Heading upon the In
teresting ceremonies of the celebration of the
fiftieth anniversary of thcordlnatlon of lllsliop
Howe to the ministry of the l'rqti-stniit Kpls-
copal Church.
C. W. Mclvelvy will remove Ids family
from Catnwlssa to llloomsburg in the Spring,
and occupy the property of Mrs. Duller on
Hock Street.
Miss Ida Cooper of Ilazleton, who is visit
ing friends lu Derwlck,wns one of the sleigh
lug party at the Kxehange Hotel on Wcducs.
day evening.
Aslmry Item.
J. Peaier und some of the Jonestown
boys were up to the Nortli Mountain on Sat
urday Dee. 31, and got two deer, a buck and
doe. The professor had a wood hauling on
Thursday of last week. He had a tine veni
son dinner for us. He came up from his
liool and partook with us after which he
returned and sent up six of his students.
riiu party consisted of Miss D. Stiles,
Minnie A. Dobbins, Alice Smith, Lizzie K.
itobbins, Ida D. Andrews and Clara A. Hob-
bins. They had a jolly time, after which
they returned to school, and desire to return
tUelr-lieart felt thanks to their kind teacher
for so nice a treat.
Ashury school Is second to none lu the
township. Call and pay them a visit; you
111 be kindly entertained.
Doctor C. W. Aiiienuan and family visited
their many friends at Ashury last Sabbath.
The Doctor feels very proud of thu young
sou and daughter that came to his housu on
the evening of the 15th of November.
llurlilinrn Notes.
Miss Hettiu Pursel lias returned fiom a
islt to Canada; her many friends were glad
to welcome her back,
Miss Anna Savldge Is visiting friends in
Mr. Harry Old of Ilazleton spent a few
days with Mr. John Detz.
Mr. C. L. Hartman and wife werestopplng
few days witli their old friend Jacob
"While Itev. G. V. Savldge and family were
returning from one of his appointments on
Sunday, one runner of the sleigh gave way,
throwing out himself, wife, and small cliil
dreu. Fortunately none were seriously in-
AVc are sorry to chronicle that Dr. C. Leu-
or and family have moved to Schuylkill
Haven. The Doctor lias been practicing
medicine in tills community for about four
years, and by his close intention to utuiness,
acked by ability, lie had built up a large
practice. He was uot only an utile physician,
but a good citizen, and kind neighbor. The
entire community express sorrow on account
of bis removal, He left a host of friends and
no enemies. Miss Cal Hartman accompanied
them. Our best wishes go witli them.
l.'rum fVntrnllri.
The Logan and Centralia collieries arc mu
lling on three-quarter time.
Dr. Gulnner has removed bis olllce to Mor-
rissey's building Locust avenue.
Mr. Wellington of St. Clair intends open-
lug a drug store in tho room now occupied
Chas. Johnson, the tailor, who will re-
move to btaudenmeyer's building, a few
doors below.
The Citizens' Hand, under the leadership
of Prof. Dusch of Ashland, nindo their llrst
apR'arance on our streets Thursday evening,
and notwithstanding tho short time they have
been practicing the boys do remarkably
Our police have been supplied with stars
mid black jacks. We suppose the stars
were Intended to distinguish them from other
citizens, but the distinction was hardly ngc
essary as they area remarkable body of men.
particularly for their absence lu time of
Accidents at the mines here are of frequent
occurrence. On .Monday Stephen 1 nomas.
an old miner, working at the Hazel Dale
Colliery, was severely injured in the back
by a fall of coal, and on the samu day .1 no.
Mcllalc, of llio shanties was so badly hurt at
Taylor's Colliery, Dig Mine Hun, that his re
eovery Is not expected.
Wo would suggest that our educational
dads have the fence around the it illnmd St
school painted.
Dltuliiiif the l)lurm.
The following open letter to lit. Itev, Bishop
Howe, bishop of the diocese of Central Peiin
sylvanla, written by Itev, Dr. J, II. Hopkins
rector of Christ Chunch, Wllllainsport, will
be read with interest by all who are interest
d lu church matters.
'lhe lit, llcv. The liisliopuf Central J'tniHylvaniw
ltr. lUv, Faiiikiii After the adjournment
of our hut Diocesan Convention, at which,
liv a uuanliuous vote, a committee of sixteen
was appointed to take into consideration the
subject of the division of the diocese, you
were kind enough to open u correspondence
w tli me, in regard to the amount ot endow
incut which you would rcquiru of us, before
giving your consent to thu erection of any
new mu wiuuu iiiu ouitmis ui uiu picst'iu
Diocese of Central Pennsylvania. Tho sum
... - ...I.,. i .i... , i .
ilxcd upon hy you lu that correspondence, Is
lliirtu tlitiutanu ilullart.
It gives me great pleasure to Inform you tha
Including ti e ll,000 contributed from with
lu the Convocation of llliamsport to the prer
cut P.plscopal fund (nearly all of which was
subscribed under tho express condition that
it should return io us in case oi any iiiture
sub-division), thu entire bum of tliiiluthanmnd
dollar,- and a littlu something nrr and aim",
Is now subscribed and pledged for the new
diocese to ho erected out of thu Convocation
of Wlllhimsport, In accordance with the
UK.MouiAi, Utiee presented to tho bishop ami
convention of the Dlocesu of Central Peiui.
isot a iioiiar oi iiieso siuiscripuons conies
from outside the limits of this convocation,
or ceil bo used for u nuw dlocesu with any
other boundaries than those mentioned in
our mi:moiiiau
Thu subscription papers arc lu my hands,
and I shall bo happy to lay them br'fore the
committee on tho division of the diocese, for
their examination at their llrst meeting lu
Heading, on tho day appointed for tho cele
bration of thu fiftieth anniversary ot your or
dination to the dlacuuate.
Your Obedient Servant and Son lu tho
Wit-itAMsi-oiiT, Pa., Jan. 12, 1882,
The druggist who hesitates now Is lost for
the wlnlcr. lie should sling logcthei some
iwoet oil and liquorice and bring out Ids
cough cure at one?. Dr. Hull's Cough Syr.
up does not pay him enough protlt.
Hyde & lleaman's "Muldnon Picnic" com.
puny will appear at the Opera House o the
evening of February iird. Their entertain,
incut Is said to ho the funniest tiling of the
season, and tho press notices arc more than
usually favorable.
Two men with a large performing bear
were on Main sheet on Wednesday afternoon,
Ono of the men caused much amusement by
wrestling with the shaggy brute. A large
crowd assembled and watched the sport with
keen interest. The bear was of a yellowish.
white color and was of good size. Ills Jaws
were kept closed by a heavy leather strap.
C. 0. Galllgnan heats his store room by an
Ingenious device of ids own. A steam radi
ator is heated by means of u copper dome on
top of a cylinder lu the basement. Colls of iron
pipe pass around the Inside of the lire
pot, with all the pipes necessary for circula
tion attached to the dome. Dy tills means
he heats two rooms with one stove and pre-
vents the dirt that Is made by double heaters.
Col. John Halfpenny, a well known citizen
of lllalr county died on Monday last. He
was born in W nshlngtonvlllc, at that time in
Columbia county, on the 1st of April 1800.
He subsequently moved to Muncy where bo
was Interested In a woolen mill. He next
settled In Centre county and went to lllalr In
18511. lie had just Mulshed it term as County
In Mnrch 1880, Miss Mltchuer went
to Liberia as it missionary under the direc
tion of the M. 10. church. On her way to
join Itev. Mr. Day and at u point about half
way between Dassa and Monrovia, Miss
Mltchuer was taken sick ami died. She was
known by many people In Dloomsbiirg,
having visited friends here some years ago.
'or eight years she was a school teacher lu
1'hlhulclphla, and was a woman of more than
ordinary acquirements and force of character.
Next Monday evening the third lecture of
the course under thu management of the
lllooinsburg Lecture Lyceum will be dc-
llvercd at the Opera House, by ex-Governor
Will Cumback. His lecture bears the at
tractive title of "Thu Invisible Somu People,"
and It Is said to be very interesting. Mr.
Cumback has received the heartiest praises
from both press and people. The Louisville
Courier Journal savs "He is acknowledged to
be a speaker of great ability and eloquence,
and possesses a ready wit and tine How of
genial and poetic fancy."
Birthday parties arc becoming fashionable
In llloomsburg. Two of these pleasant social
events occurred last week. On Thursday
evening the seventieth birthday of Mrs. Aaron
Hendershott was commemorated by her
friends at her residence on Market Street.
The following evening Mr. M. P. Lutz attain-
d his forty Mist birthday inula number of
his friends assembled at his home on Third
street to congratulate him on the event and
also upon the fourteenth anniversary of his
marriage. Mr. and Mrs. Lutz received their
guests witli cordiality and served them with
a delicious supper. A most enjoyable even
ing was spent.
i'ltlim Insii Ncwm.
(1I.EA'K1 FIIOM THE "11 KM."
Mr. Fred. Smith lias purchased thu hotel
property at Mahanoy Plane, consideration
$8,000. He will take possession in the spring.
He has disposed of his saloon and fixtures in
this town to Mr. David Hollingshead.
Dr. Wm. D. Itoblns anil Miss Knima Clea
ver, were married on Ihursday last at the
residence of the bride's mother in this place.
We join witli their numerous friends in wish
ing them a happy and piosperous future.
Garfield, a bright little sun of Mr. K. D.
Gule, died of dlphtheretie cioup on Wed
nesday last.
The llrst span of the N. Si W. 11. It. It.
bridge is completed and the workmen are en
gaged on the second.
The Catawissa paper company are spend
ing large sums of money In adding Improve
ments to tlielr mill.
.Mlflllll llriiH.
Itiehard Aten lost two valuable horses re
cently by "Pink Eye."
A protracted meeting lias been In progress
since Sunday evening In the Lutheran
Many of our farmers arc busily engaged in
getting out It. It. ties anil telegrapli poles for
the N. Sc W. B. It. It.
Mrs. Henry Yoke lias been for some time
dangerously 111.
We understand that about 2200 has al
ready been subscribed for the new church.
The Main villi; Baud accompanied a party
of about sixty persons at thu surprise of Mrs.
Maggie Kikendali on herblitliday last week.
The whooping-cough is prevailing in a
number of families. The attacks nro general
ly confined to the quite small children.
Mr. I). F. Seybert's steam saw mill being
located in the timber tract known as the "old
Snyder farm" now belonging to Geo. Brcisch,
the oak and pine is extensively being made
Into lumber which will he shipped to Plioeulx-
vllle, Pa.
An entertainment was given in tho Ger
man church on Monday evening by two
strangers. It is reported as a "humbug" hy
some of those who attended.
Miss Anna Schwepponheiser of Centre
township is a guest at Kleaer Sehweppeii
hclscr's of this place at present,
Business Notices
Hamburg Kdglngs, Torchon Lace and
Muslin I riininlngs at Clark it Son's.
If you want Muslins, Tickings, Shirtings
l lauuels, or other Domestic goods go to
Clark iV, Son and get prices.
Go to C. O.
can't be beat.
Man's for M cent Syrup, it
Ladles' and Children's Corsets at Clark it
Thu liet Patterns iu uu are llutteiluVs
sold by C. C. Marr.
A full Hue of Towels,
kins. Counterpanes Sic,
Clark Sc Sun's.
Table Linens, Nap.
at bottom prices at
l. lliitteilelwVCo's.
at O. C. Man's,
I'atteriM for February
llaralus iu Blankets, Flannels, both wuol
ami eotton, at Clark iV Sun s.
Lots of ladles coals latest styles ami fasli.
luns from 4.01),, fi.00, fi.fitl, O.liO, 7,(X),
H.00. 10.(10, to 13.00 at Silas Young's Light
Street, tiuv, 11 II-in
If you want Dress jjoods or Trimmings of
any kind go to Clark Si Son's; they can save
you money,
Ladles' ami Children's Hosiery at Clark Si
Sou's very ehenp,
Minnts ita extra , H u m I
Pennsylvania lunlly ti yu . t)37ig
western u ia i i w
lire , , ... 4 tfi i tiu
Wheat 1 4(1 nor hush.
Itui , , m w nt per tAHh,
curu , iu i' t
01 4 (( ii
Clovcrsoed ., Dm 9v, cts, per lb,
i laiuiuy,,,,... ...,.,, ,..,.,, 1 v w
lillTltllll l:CIIHI-s.
The following opinion delivered by Judge
1 .1 well will he found of general interest to all
voters, mid deserves a enieful reading.
Many of lhe points decided arc frequently
thu subjects of discussion, but hitvo liefer
been detlnllely settled hy Judicial authority,
so lar as wo nave Knowledge.
J. A. Howard, )
vs. No. 10 Deu.'T. 1881.
W. H. Jacohy. J
Opinion of the Court, hy Klwell, President
Judge, filed January I I, 18S2.
The Justice gave Judgment for the plain
tiff for six dollars ami llfty cents upon a
claim of thiKc dollars for services lu procur
ing delegates from Pino township to a nom
inating convention favorable to the nomina
tion of the defendant fortlie olllce of Iteglslir
mid Recorder, also, for six dollars and 11 fly
"cents, money borrowed at the instnnc of
"the defendant, and used for htm lu paying
"travelling expenses to election, and for men
"to leave their work and go to thu primary
"election for defendant, and for liquor hills
"Sic, und for two dollars paid for one gal
"Ion of whiskey furnished by the plalntlll
"at the Instance of the defendant."
It does not appear whether there was a
special contract to procure delegates to ho
elected from the township named, who
would vote for tho defendant, or whetliel,
having rendered services hy request, the
plaintill seeks to recover upon n quantum
meruit. It was not material to spread the
claim more fully upon the record, The
rigid of the plalntllV to recover that item of
Ids claim depends upon tho chiiincler of the
services performed. If they were not pro
ldblled hy law, nor contrary to public policy
and good morals, the contract therefor was
a valid contract.
A candidate for nomination or election,
may freely and lawfully use all honest means
to procure ids success at the convention or at
the polls. The act of 18th April 1871, Pamp.
L. Ill, expressly payments and
contributions by candidates for printing,
travelling expenses, dissemination of infor
mation to the public, political meetings,
demonstrations and conventions but excepts
out, uvcry direct and indirect purchase of the
vote or influence of an elector, and every act
for nny corrupt purpose whatever Incident
to an election. What is cleaily embraced
w ithin the terms above mentioned and not
excepted therefrom is lawful. Interest may
be made for a candidate without taint of cor
ruption. Electioneering, as it is called, with
out the use of corrupt means, Is not con
demned hy the law. Even art may lie used
by a candidate in securing ids election with
puru motives and patriotic purpose. The
statute forbids the'perverslon of art, not its
Use. Williams vs. Commonwealth 10 Norris
f!03. Per Trunkey, .1.
The statute is iiot to be so construed ns to
prohibit a candidate from employing a friend
to canvass an election district for him and
by repicscntalions in regard to his qualifica
tions, his claims for party support, or by any
legitimate arguments operate upon the minds
of tlie voters, and thus piocuro the return of
delegates who will support him in tlie nom
inating convention. Such services are not
Illegal and aiea sulllcient consideration to
support a promise to pay for them Including
necessary travelling expenses.
But tlie loan of money for the purpose set
forth in the plaintill's claim was illegal.
Every contract made for or ntWl any mat
teror tiling which is prohibited and made un
lawful by a statute, is void. Badgley vs
Deale, ii Watts 204. Money lent to lie cm
ployed in an unlawful game or any other il
legal purpose cannot be recovered back. Eler
man vs Iteitzel 1 W. Si S. 181, 2 Smith's
Leading Cases 3 10.
Thu act of 1874 in express terms declares
that It shall not bo so construed as to author
ize the payment of money or other valuable
thing for the vote or lnlluencc of any elector,
cither directly or indirectly, at primary,
township, general or special elections, nom
inating conventions or for any corrupt pur-
pose whatever, incident to an election.
Money paid or promised by a candidate to
voter for his day or travelling expenses iu
attending an election or a primary meetin.
and casting his vote for him, although such
payment or promise Is ostensibly made as a
matter of friendship orcharlly, it is a viola
tion of the Act of Assembly and of tho pro
islons of article VII section 1, of thu Con-
It is not necessary In order to tiring a cue
ithin the prohibition of the statute that the
candidate in terms agieed to pay a certain
sum as a consideration for u vote. Ordi
inly proof of corruption in such cases can
only be estnbllshcd'bv the attending circum-
Where money is paid to a voter under tlie
circumstances slated lu tills transcript, at
least a prima Jacia case of illegality is estab
lishcd. If the purpose of tills loan was not
illegal a candidate mar lawfully proclaim that
every voter for him will he paid for Ids time
and travel. It needs no argument to prove
that such an olfcr, whether made to few or
many, Is nothing more nor Ies than a money
bid for votes, nor that tliure are persons en
titled to vote who would be iiilluenced by
the sum promised or paid to cast their votes
for thu generous donor, lu a canvass thus
conducted, a competitor who depends upon
his merits, Instead of money, stands but a
poor chance for success. Especially would
this he tlie case if it was understood (as It is
in all such eases) that the liberality of the can
didiitu who distributes tlie money was limited
to those who would cast their votes for him.
Tho purpose for which tho plalntlll bor
rowed and, as he alleges, expended the six
dollars and a half demanded iu this suit,
was iu part at least contrary to the statute,
and iu all respects contrary to tho policy of
the law. The plalntlll cannot state his case
without exhibiting Its Illegality. No court
will lend Its aid to enforce a contract con
trary to law or good morals, but will leave
the parties where It found them. However
it mav be considered aside from the law, iu
law thu condition of tlie defcndim' is the
The loan of thu six dollars and llfty cents
being one contract and for purposes con
trary to law the judgment must be reversed.
Judgment reversed.
By inn Consr.
The Krcat superiority of DR,
all other cough remedies is attested
by the immense popular demand
for tliat old established remedy.
For the Cure of Coughs, Colds,
Hoarseness, C roup, Asthma, Uron-
iliitH.Whoomnc Couch. Incipient
f'j'vumyition and for the relief of I
cm 'imptive per sons n acivanccu
, '"s of the Disease. Tor Sale
hvntl rimmtlctc Prirp 9ft rpntR.
Nuv, 4, '6 Oil)
Wheat per htislicl )
Hv. " w
Oirn, " 'i
oils " " ,, 45
Hour perhatrol s.oc
I'lovjrseeJ ,., 8.BO
nailer in
1 S3
TilllOW , (H
I'otttoes , I.oo
Drloil Apples , ,, .09
llnm Hi
MMes K Hlioulders iu
i.'nicKons ., , .08
TtirKejs in
l.iucl per pounj .In
Hit per ton lsno
lisosirax s
J 1ST OF JL'HOHS, FKI1. TKlt.M, 1882.
llloom John Cain, (fiasco Cameron. I.lnvil I'm. II.
V lllcks, I H Kuan, Tli imas Vannattn, Kllss digger.
Ceniralla .lames I'jke.
nniinifireeK-L'iiaries ,n
(Ireenwooil-Itaac Black, .lose nil Keller. Dainl
.lacKsun x.imuei Knouso,
UMUSI Kimucr U'o.
MadlsonUines lillalne. W II Mertcte
Maln-lleiirvoilllntr, Nathan Milter
Mimin-M M llartef, Aclntn Miller
Montour Samuel inciter
Mt. I'lensinl l"clcr,Iacjbjr
rliic Million .Moscr
llloom Ino (' .fonos. Tlaltzcr fjtrcoek. C M Torn.
wald, lllram Palmer, II sterner
Heaver M K Hess. John Hints liter. JnoLoniren.
berger, I,ovl II Mlr-hael, John schell
nonion samuci ncss
llerwlek Howell llrelc. Paul Former. Vf.T Knorr
AH Phillips, solomin llouscknecht
nriar creek r.inanuei lost
Catawissa Christian Claywcll. E U dulo. Nathan
Helwl. 1 II Heesholtz
l'lshlng Creck-H W Klln, John Mutton, . J utiles
Edward unangst John J Karns
Franklin wm iiohruacii, c B seesholu
dreenwood llarton (julck. .1 It Kves
nemiocK L ancs uieiienuK, caaries Mianer
Locust Is.tao Direr, Adam Johnson. Mellaril Wat
.mrKsui w n iiobbins
Mali Charles Fisher
.Montour Clinton Crawford. Henry Lazarus. W M
orango entries Jons. Emanuel Snyder
Scolt O W TrumD.J I, Crawford. J il crevellmr.
(leo. W. Troneau
kugailoar II c ress, Ezra Mcphchs
HEONI) wgr.K,
lllonm (IftO. W I11ICS.J L Dillon. Samuel 11 .LirMhv
.1 II Keercr, Jacob Wanlch, Jr
neuion paias t.vans
llerw ck Alein Urlitaln. OA Uuculnelinm. I! K
Catawlssa-J.uther w Kver, Harvey (llger
Centre.-Lol Fester. Chas. March. Hiram Whit.
Cenlr.tlla lolin iioran
Coayngham Uidrcw Honey
r inning crceK naisui a i.vaus
Franklin indrow Lohrmiu
dreenwood Ino W Cox. Jno Eyer. Win U .Mather
Humphrey Parker
iicmiock .lames innoi, wm uowell
Locust Inn llrofee, Jeremiah Scott
vbi sou Crevellni sittl'h. deo Whltenliht
Mllllln Dinlel bond
Mt. P casant Dtnlel Mussrave.Henrv Sand..Jnlin
Hoar iiff ('rick J icob loumin
S'JgarUat .Ino Ojle. Ca tries 1) carpenter. Joshua
we live by
any one can see.
. f9 II mm w 't J" ' TO-
w i ms u
are the W
Oak Hall is still
che Largest Clothing House
in America.
Hoping to
Wnamaker & Brown,
Harper's Magazine.
"Always varied, always k'00.1, always tmproiliif."
uarper'iJidirazlio.tue nioit popular Illustrated
periodical In tUo wurld, beg m Its slxty.tourtU vol
ume witli tlio December Number, It represents
wliat Is IwsMq Am 'i lean literature- and art; and Us
marked kucccaj in bngland uhcro It lias already
uclie I'atloul rger than that of any English maga
zlne ot tti i siiim c'aja-has brought Into in service
the most, eminent writers and artists ot (ireat
Urltilu. Thu forlhcomlni; volumes lor bb'J will in
every respect surpass their pretlr cessora.
I'KIt VKAlt.
mill'fclt'S WEEKLY, w
HAltriSlt'ri HAZAIt, 4 0)
TlioTllHEE aboo publications loro
Any TWO above liim"d T 00
llAltl'Klt'S Yur.MI I'KOI'I.K no
li Ait i:it's voi sh n:ui'i.K,i
llAltl'Klt'S VII.aMCI.IN fljr MtK LlllltA ItY,
One Year, 0nuiub4i iowi
I'osUge I'reo to nil subci liters In th t'nlted
States or Canada.
Thn TOluinoi of thn Mairailne bocln with the
numbtrHfor Jun an1 Decern erot eaiiiyoar When
no ilmo is specUl'd, It will bo unaenlood that Ihf
subs rilirr wishes tu begin Willi tho current
A eomnleto het nt I'Anmi'ii MinAziNE.comnrlblntr
61 Vuuiun b. In ne.i' 0 mil .Willing, will bo sent by
t'xnii'b, Irt'lght al cxnentodf UMieLasir. on tecelpt
I l f J to j t I uilllll", Client tumuli's, uy man nuftl
paid, jaiKi. cintli las.s, fjr binding, mi cents, by
null, pol pUd,
Index to lunvkii MAuixiNK, MPhabctlcal
I Htl' , 1, uiid U iM. il. i! lor V li.iu?i 1 in co IucIu.Ivh,
ir ru June, io June, ini, ono vol., tvo,
in mlitaiu e t-ii .u'd le n. ula by rct-on'oo Money
Older or UrI , t v Id u.iu e ut loss.
Newsponin hot to rtny thla adtcrtlsoment
I without tho tx ribs order ot lUmtKi Hkotuiks
Addrets, IIAlll'Elt & UltOTllKltS,
Jin 13 tt NewYoiw.
1H1AL LIST, FEB. TEItM, 1882
Montgomery t ox vs John Ijott
Wm bchecliterlr vs Kllzabcth W Houilcr
tt,i.,.i. i- i, va nnnlpl (Mlrrv
Maitlni li rensv et at vs J of orb It. Vancl.r.llce
Henry HirilcttUBJamesiimi
tmcph Ijimoti ts I ntinali Iiraon s sumr
.1 .N l.arnrus vs tU'iitilsnn brink
U J Waller vs renna Canal Co
August ITeund et ux s O W Miller
Itlcliard rurccll vs Lawrence Uarrctt
James Latnon's oilmr A Joseph l.amim
Hartley AlberUon vs A. II. Kikendali
Clinton Kohljtns vs n r Sharplcss
A II wnito vs J H Vandcrsllce et al
A II Herring vs Jos It Vandorsllco
Kmanuel Htrauss vs Martin Johnson
Ilobert rnllbrlcks John llennlnger
centralia M 8 F Assti vs Sarah llatly admx
A 11 Hi rrlnir vs .1 3 undersllco
Curtis H iirooks vs II. rough ot Uanvlllo
I, II lo s. liro vs beniihon urlnk
liavld Savago vs Jore Vcager
(ico uoaglu s usu vs Moses slitter
Win siidiiiamer a l drover's adms
Coo .snicker's iiso vs u It Kunston el at
Wm d better ex vs Wm Yeagcr
Wlis n cox s wm llroust
Kllas smith ct si a Alfred Ilorblncctat
Jnmcs llarion vs Win arret at
Ellis H. ntoker vs llonry Copo
Daniel llarrlman vs Cutharlnc Acller
lirjno Houbtrger Wra II Lcloy
Geo llojer vs crnard Murray et al
Idon sit kes vs Archibald t'onlcr
Win V lllbby s Klemtnlngs Jacoby
Wm I' lllbby vs Isaao II heetliollz ct al
win I. Kjcriy vs Jacob Yeagcr
Notlcj H horeby glwn that an upptlcatlan will be
madd to suit couit, ua Monday, February Gth, A. I).
I st J . under act of Assembly ot thu commonwealth
ot Pennsylvania, entitled "an act to provide or tho
In corporation and regulation ol certain corpora
tions,'' Hpprjved April tuth, l&M.und tho sjpple-
poraiion to be called "Tho Young Men's christian
irji'iiis uu'reiu, iuriuo luuneruiku luieuucu ujr-
Association of iicritlik Pa.' tha object of which is
for the improvement of ttw spiritual, moata', social,
and pujsluil condition of young men, and for these
purposes to have, possess an 1 eujo nil tho rig its,
benefits and prU lieges of lhe said act of Asembly
and Its supplements.
Jaa 13 i-t solicitor. .
r in tho matter of) No. Its Feb. Term. 1878.
Samuel Heck, as And now IK-c. :iu, Issl, on mo
Blgned to coiuin-1 tion of U. V. Miller, Att'y. for
bli county Mutual l pla'htlfl, Samuel Knorr, l.q. ts Fund and appointed Auditor to make Uls
Loan Association, j tilbutlon of proceeds arWng
vs. Irom Sberln'a saleof
I. K." Scliweppcn-
helser. J By the Court,
In pursu ino of the above, tho undersigned Audi,
tor will sttathlsoince In llloomsburg, on Friday,
February ard, lssj, at ten o'clock a. in,, to perform
thu duties ct Ills appointment when ai d wneronll
nersuns Interested suoulil anncar and present their
claims or bo debarred from coming in uu Bald fund.
S. KNOlllf,
Jan. 5-lw Auditor.
totters of administration on the estate ot Martha
Shuman, late ot M.iln twp, Columbia county,
deceased, havo been granted by the lteclstcrot satu
county to the undcrs gned aUminlstraUjr.All persons
having claims against the estate of said duCeJcnt
are requested to present Hum for settlement and
mosu maeuiea to me csiaiu iu niuKu payment iu iuu
undersigned administrator w Ithout delay,
deo 80 Cw Wu. K. SHUMAN,
P. O, address, Malnvlllc, Col., Co , Pa.
ne r oot
chance to be of service in
serve us if it recalls the
which are:
XStlo e n6Vcr offer for
believe will give
who wear it.
0 We do
Fall and
i vo rz . i
uay5as x 4X11.-
Yours truly,
and Market Sts., Philadelphia.
Letters of Administration, on tho estjitn of Moso
fevered, lato of Orango township, Columbia county-
itonn'n.. rtfoe(Rccl. have been crantecl by tho ltegls
immt tni.t rvwmt v intlm miflprKlffncfl Anin r. a. u. n
ah wnnna iiAvfntf rlAtmR affalnst the eslAfl ot the
,liinn!lnnt nrn nnnu4frt tyi nrAOnt. them fOrSettlft-
mont nud those indebted to tho estate- to tnako pay
mont to tho undersigned Administrator without
0. W. Mtt.t.KH, Adint r-lstrator, d. iv n.
Attorney dooaoow p. o. Orangovtlle.
The undersigned Auditor nppolnted by tho Or
phans' Court of Columbia county on exceptions to
thn thin! find n.irttnl nrrnllht nf II. L. Chabln Ono Of
tho administrators of John lloston, deceased, will sit
at tho onico of tleo. E. Elrell In llloomsburg on Sat
urday, January sist, ism, to perform tho duties of
his appointment, when and where all persons Inter
ested may attend It they see proper. ,,
r. l'.jHi,liHninm
(lecJ3 4-w Auditor
Letters nf Administration on the estate of Louts
Folk, lato of Hemlock township, Columbia county,
Penna, deceased, havo been granted by tho Keg,
tcrof said county to Percivcl Folk and Joel Folk
administrators. All persons having Claims against
the estate of.tho decedent aro requested to present
them for settlement, and those indebted to tha es
lato to make payment to tho undersigned admlnts
tiators without delay. Hi. rui.n,
C. V. Millet JOEL FOLK,
Attorney, Administrators.
dCC30 o-w
The undersigned auditor sppotnted by the Or
thins' Court of Columbia county, to mako dlstrlbu
lon of thn balanc na round in tho hands of the
administrators In last account of David Davis lato
ot Heaver township, deceased, to and among tlie
parties tetany entitled to recelvo the same wm
meet the parties lntercttcd la saldestatn at his
ofllce in the town of llloomsburg. In said county.
on Tuesday, tho sitli day of January, isij, atio
o'clock n. in. of said day, when and vhero all
parties interested in said estate must attend or w
orever debarred from any suaro ot said iunu.
dec 81 4-w Auditor.
Letters of ndmlnl.stritlon on tho estato of Catha
rine (lall,1ato of Montour tov, nshlp Columbia county
Penn'a., deceased, havo been granted by the Hegis
ter otsald eo. to C. C.
All persons hating claims against tho estate oftho
decedent are requested to present them for settle
ment and those Indebted to the estato to make pay.
ment to tho undersigned executor without delay.
Administrator, c. t, a.
Jan. s-Ow
Notice Is herehv riven that, thn following arvvinnt.
has been filed In the Prothouotary's ofllce of Colum
bia county, and will be prcsinU'd totho court of
Common Pleas of said county on the nrst Monday
or.February. A. D. ;ssi and conn. mod alter tVo
fourth day otsald term unless exceptions be tiled
within that time.
1. The first nccjunt of 11. Frank Zarr, Trustee n
der the will ot Oeorge Zarr.
many homes! It will
rules of OAK HALL,
sale any Clothing but what we
thorough satisfaction to those
We stoutly maintain our custom to always
have the largest stock of men's and boys'
clothing to show our customers.
not allow our salesmen to
mislead customers as to fit
quality or kind of goods.
We stick to one price
alike to everybody,
rich and poor.
We give the guar
antee with each
sale we make.
We relvrn
, the money t
anybody who
wish it, if they
choose to
bring back
the goods un
injured. CO
0. 0. G ALIGN AN,