THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. iiiiiiirii;m. . S. EITTENBINCEB, KLOOM3HURQ, PA, Ft-ldny, Jan. SOth, 1882. Let it not bo said tlmt the lteiuiblican party ia not for f rco trntle. It Is trailing with John Kelly in New York, Mnlione in Virginia, with Jones in Tnxns. nml tlio Rrocnbaekers in n half dozen other Konthorn states. llarriauiirg J'atriot. Jesso James, the train robber, is about as audacious n rogue as ever lived. He coolly oilers that ho and his band will agree to sign a bond for Sl.'iO.OOO to keep tho peace, if the Governors of Missouri, Arkansas, Kans.n, Illinois, Kentucky and Tennessee will grant them paruon. J. ho lialtimoro Gazette has reached mi unchangeable conclusion and says : "The Star route thieves will escapo jus tice, and tho Star route system will sur vive and fatten and contribute to tho campaign expenses of tho Stalwart can- didato in 1881. Put that down and scoro it under. Hon. S. P. Wolvcrton of Sunbury has beon mentioned as a desirable candidate for Governor. Wo heartily endorse tho suggestion and cannot think of a man in in the State who would more creditably fill tho gubernaorial chair. He is a man of great ability, unimpeachable character, lino presence and agrecablo manners and would rellcct honor upon tho party that elected him. In every respect ho is a most dcsirablo candidate. Tho l'all Jfall Gazette expresses sur prise that tho Tost Oflico Department oltiio United states is not self-support ing. "With about tho samo income, it says, "tho English Post Oflico Depart ment gives a net profit to the nation of nearly ia,uuu,ouo per annum. Tins comparison is stupid. The United States mail scrvico covers an area of 2,790,000 Bcmaro miles; that of Great Jinlaiu aim Ireland, 121,230. Judge Tourgeo says that in his judi cial district in JNortli Carolina only nvo voters wero white men, and yet it was frequently carried by a largo Democratic majority. Uocs tho Juiigo intend it to bo understood that those live whito men bulldozed the wholo voting population of tho district i The story is on a par with many published in tlio Hepublicaif organs about election time, and has not even tho merit of originality. Tho Springfield (Mass.) Jienullican, on taking a survey of tho political field, remarks: "Wo have a Stalwart Presi dent, a Stalwart Cabinet and a Stalwart bpeaker all dono so quietly that scarce ly a protest has been heard. When Guitcau called upon those men who have been advanced by his act to contribute to nis,dclense,hc swept over tho political chess-board witli a vengeance. That man Guitcau has mado a deal of history, gentlemen." it tlio J'resuient makes the tatal error of nominating Efligy Sargent for Sccreta ry of tho Interior, tlio Senate should not disgrace itself by confirming tho nomina tion. If that body wishes to retain that respect of honest and reputable citizens t.;i. . i- - t -t wiiiuu iue i rusiuuiit tmows away, Aaron A. Sargent will be rejected with out loss of time aud by a decisive ma jority. A worse appointment the grave and reverend senators will not bo called upon to confirm during th'u administra tion, it almost makes one leel kindly to ward Stanley Matthews. To those gentlemen who aro lament ing the squandering ot hundreds of mill ions of tho publio money under the ar rears of pensions act wo wish to suggest this thought: No such act could havo been passed if Samuel J. Tilden, the rightfully elected President, had been inaugurated in March, 1877. Had he been in tho oflico to which ho was chosen, instead of tho whito-livered nayes, ho would have vetoed tho bill as it came from Congress and would havo given reasons for his action so cogent as to make it respected. He would havo been strong enough as President to or ganize tho timid opposition to tho mea sure. Buffalo Courier (Bern.) More than three hundred delegates wero present at the meeting of tlio Indepen dent Republican Statu Conuniltco in Philadelphia, on Thursday of last week. Lively speeches wero made by soveral speakers, among whom wns Charles S. Wolfe, and tho 24 th' of May was fixed as tho (late for holding n con vention. This is after tho day of tho ma chine Republican Convention. Whether the Independents will endorse tho nomi nations made attlio Cameron Convention or name a ticket of their own, remains to bo seen. Thcro does not appear to bo any great alarm iu the Cameron camp. Tho steamer Oxenholmo from Liver pool, was considerably damaged by firo caused by tho explosion of an infernal machino on tho voyago to Now Orleans. O'Donovan Rossa, tho Irith agitator in New York, was asked whether ho bo licved this machino had been put on board with intent to destroy tho vessel. He replied, "I do. Thcro is no doubt of it. I havo been urging them to do this tiling in my paper. ly striking tlio En glish flag whenever wo can find it, wo will teach tho English Government to do justice to Ireland." This is Himply monstrous and deserves tho earnest oon demnation of all decent men, whether Irishmen or not Such outrageous at tempts to destroy tho lives of innocent oorsons will not create sympathy for irciaiui, out on mo contrary win inspiro horror and aversion. TUB ASSASSIN'S TKIAh. Tho trial of Guiteau draws to a closo and it is thought that tlio end will bo reached in a very few days. Mr. Davidgo mado tho opening argument to tlio jury on tho part of tho prosecution. lib spoko for two days and mado a masterly arraignment. Tho prisoner writhed un der tho scorching sentences and iremicnt- ly interrupted tho speaker. Mr. Reed spoko for tho prisoner on Monday. On tho following day, Mr. Scovillo began the main argument for tho defenso. Guiteau read an ingenious appeal to tho court for permission to nddress tho jury. Opinion differs in Washington ns to tho result of tho trial, but there mo many who believo that tho jury will not convict. Guiteau's manner is unchanged and ho apparently is confident ot acquittal. Mr. Scovillo's speech lasted through Wednesday and was not concluded. Guitcau again asked permission to ad dress tho jury ut tho conclusion of Mr. Scovillo's address. Judge Cox said he wnnlil rniinlder tho matter. Tho prisoner mado tho usual number of Interruptions , If tlio facts aro ns staled, ho richly de but wan not violent. serves tho severest punishment. Col. Uliss slated, that out of 1 1,101 bids in tlio Star Itonto cases, bonds wero given for 8,000,000, and thcro was not vnluo enough represented ny inn 'igiu millions ' to buy a spavined horse." Tho struggle for tho presidenry of tho Philadelphia and Reading It. It. com pany ended on Friday last, in n victory for V. 1). Gowen. Tho voto was tho lorg est over polled and Mr. Gowen had a majority of more than -18,000. The largo amount of stock held by W. H. Vandcp hilt was cast for tho successful candidate. Tho election of Mr. Gowcn has boon re ceived with general satisfaction and thcro was an itnmcdiato rise in the prico of stock. Mr. Gowcn certainly deserves praise for tho plucky fight ho has made, and ho owes his triumph to his own courage, tenacity and skillful manage ment. "Huimu'svDiiuBss. Judgo Cox refused to permit Guitcau to nddress tho jury, reasoning, very proper lv. that tho assassin would not confine himself within tlio proper limits, but would make a wild aud irrelevant har antrue. Guiteau thereupon handed his remarks to tho ngent of tlio Associated Press for publication. The address proves tho wisdom of Judgo Cox's de cision. It is not so incoherent as might have been cxpcctcd,but contains nothing novel in tho way ot argument, iieyonu all things it establishes Ihc sanity of tlio murderer, and tho jury would undoubt edly nave taken tins view imu inuspcecu been made in court, Guitcau claims to bo n patriot and insists that his crime was not inurdor because ho was inspired by the Deity at tlio time it was commit ted and powerless to resist. He quotes from letters of sympathy which ho al leges have been sent to linn. Through all tho long address runs tho amazing ego tism that characterizes tho man. His words aro not worth reading and do not merit a placo in print. Toko Guiteau all iu all, no is assuredly tlio most un blushing, irredeemable scoundrel tho world has ever known. His vanity, self conceit and insolence are phenomenal and will make him a conspicuous figure in tho ranks of tho depraved. UONGHBSS. Iu the Sonato on tho 12th inst. tho bill authorizing tho construction of a bridge across the Missouri river near the city of St. Charles, was passed. Tlio Sher man funding bill was debated. The House passed tho caucus appropriation bill of $510,000. Roth houses adjourned until Monday. In the Senate on Monday Mr. Logan introduced a bill to pay Mrs. Abraham Lincoln arrears of pension for the live years intervening between the death of her husband and tlio passage of tho act granting her a pension (the estimated total amount being l.r,000), and asked an immediate consideration. It was ro fercd to tlio pension committee. Mr. Voorhecs made a speech in favor of re taining tho arrears of pension act, and Mr. Reck spoko iu opposition. Mr. Cameron (Pa.) then delivered a speech in support of his pending resolu tion, declaring it as inexpedient to re duce tho rovenues by abolishing all ex isting revenue taxes except those upon high wines and distilled spirits. Nothing of importance was dono in tho House. A number of bills wero introduced in tho Senate on Tuesday and Mr. Reck continued his remarks on tho arrears of pension act. Tho time of the House was taken up by reports of committees. Tho Senate, on Wednesday, after re ceiving petitions, reports of committees fcc, discussed tho currency question and the Sherman three per cent bill. The subject of enlarging tho committees was the only topic in tho House. A CALAMITY. One of tho most frightful railroad ac cidents ever chronicled, occurred on tho Hudson River railroad, near Spuyten duyvil, last Friday night. The special express train from Albany after rounding a sharp curvo wns brought to a stop, as is alleged by some one pulling the chuck rope, and before it could get under way again tho rarrytown local tram crashed into tlio rear cars completely demolishing them. Tho stoves wero overturned and set tho cars on firo. The locomotive of tho Tarrytown train was so imbedded in tho last car of tho Albany train (tho palaco-car Idlewild) that when tho en gineer tried to back out she drew tho car and tho ono in front (tho Empire) with her. Every effort that was possiblo under tho circumstances to save tho passengers in tho two burning cars was made, but tho confusion and fright, com bined with tlio lack of necessary ap pliances, rendered theso efforts to a groat extent unavailing. At tho sug gestion ol tho conductor oi tlio 1 arry town train, whoso coolness is greatly praised by tho survivors, tho passengers iormed themselves into bauds, some ot whom rolled snow down tlio sidehill to tho right of the track into balls. Theso wero thrown into tlio burning cars and aided materially in reducing tho flames. Others sought and found pails and buckets and used them effectually. Not a person in tho last car escaped. Tho three drawing room cars wero lined with senators and Representatives on their wav home Irom Albany. Jught bodies wero recovered from tho wreck, all of them horridly burned. Tho following is a list of the dead Drown, Mrs. Mary L , !).) years old, of l.j.j West 1'iltv -third street, Now lork. Keelov, Oliver R :Hi years old, of Spring City, Pa. Marcchai, the Itev. l'rancis, a.i years old, ot tho .lesuit order. Rausem, Darwin L. 110 years old, c tho Hoffman house Now York. Valentine, Park, 21 years old, of Ren nington, Vt. Valontino, M. Louise, 10 years old, wife ot l'ark alentino. Wagner, senator Webster, dl years old, ot l-l J'.ast I-orty.tourth street, New Vork. An unidentified body of a man in Mor i-it's undertaking rooms, believed to bo that of a Mr. Richards of Troy. The only person who is seriously iu jured is Miss Mary Daniels of Fifth avenue and Forty-fourth street. Her physician expresses tear that she may not recover. Many others sustaiued injuries more or loss sovero. Senator Wagner was tho owner of tho drawing room and paluco cars which run over tho roads controlled by Vauderbilt. Mr. Valentino aud his wifo had been married only tho day be fore tho accident and wero on their wedding journey. Roth wero caught by broken timbers of tho car and burned to death, in spito of tho most cnergetio fflorts to releaso them. 1 hero seems to bo little doubt that tho horrible sacrilico of human life was duo to tho carelessness of a brakemau, George Melius, whosu duty it was to run back and stop tho np liroachiug train. Instead of doing this, lie remained only a short distance iu tlio rear of tlio standing train, and used both red and whito lanterns iu signalling tlio Tarrytown train to stop. This man has been arrested nml ht-ld in .'iD00 IioihIm to answer tho chargo of manslaughter. News Hems. Tlio minors employed by Chnrles Par- risli fc Co., at ilkes Rarre havo deci ded not to strike. James F Wilson was chosen United Slates senator from Iowa, last Wed nesday. James H. Clark, of Waterbury, Conn, plucked from under tho new fallen snow on January 1st a full blown pansy. A man named Randow, of Pittston, was found wandering about tlio streets of Wilkes-llarre, on Sunday night, suf fering from small pox. A tiro nt Galveston, Texas, on Friday night last, destroyed property valued at a million dollars. Mrs. Caroline Richings Rernard, the well known prima donna, died of small pox, last Saturday in Richmond, Vn. On Saturday morning last a coil of wire of several tons weight broke through tho lloor of the wiro mill nt Johnstown and Instantly killed Michael Roylati, of Concmaugh borough. Tho Conestoga cork works, on Locust ty five hands aro thrown out of employ ment. A complimentary dinner was given to Attorney General Brewster last week, in Philadelphia, by tlio members of tlio bar of that city. Speeches wero mado by Wayno MacVcagh, Judgo Allison, Attorney General Palmer and others. Tho distinguished guest mado a brief address. Robert Lister Smith who shot Samuel Josephs, whilo on tlio way home from tho Domocratio Stato Convention, was sentenced on Wednesday to pay tho costs, a fino of 100 and to bo imprison ed for ono year. Tlio caso will bo taken to tlio Supremo Court. In tlio Supremo Court of Maine, after a six days' trial tlio jury lias sustained tlio will of Horatio N. Foster, a deaf muto, seventy-six years old, who could neither read, write or uso the manual alphabet. Tho will, which was mado by pantomime, devised $7,000. Only ono similar caso was ever tried in tlio United States, and that was in North Carolina. The siib-committeo of the post-ofiico committee havo decided to report a bill reimbursing postmasters for losses under ono thousand dollars by fires, bur glars, etc., wlioro not due to the negli gence of tlio postmaster. Tho Ohio senato has adopted a reso lution to placo tho statuo of General Garfield in tlio old house of representa tives at Washington. Tlio Drunkard is a burden to himself as well as his friends; but, sinco intoxi cation becomes a disease, it requires a remedy of no unusual nctivity. Those who havo taken Simmons Liver Regulator declare that it sets the liver in action and invigorates tho system in such a way as to destroy tho craving for ftrong drinks. Tho shaky, nervous and distressed should resort to tho Regulator as a touic to arouse tlio torpid liver to action, to reg ulate tho bowels and removo tho feeling of general depression and with it tho craving for liquor. Governor Cornell's message was sent to the New York legislature last week. It is averse to holding an international ex hibition in 1S83, and recommends bien nial sessions of tlio legislature. Tho Republican Stato Convention will be held in Harrisburg on tlio 10th of May next. Congressman Scranton has introduced bill for a government building at scranton, to cost not more than iyilOU,' 000. Mr. George Scoville, Guiteau's lawyer lias begun a libel suit against tlio Chica go Jferald for publishing certain art! cles charging him with fraud in connec tion with his going into bankruptcy somo years ago. An insane man named Walsh delib erately shot himself in tlio temple last 1'iidayin tho Isotro JJamo Uathcdrai, Ottawa, Out., whilo services were in progress. Tho congregation, composed principally ot ladies, was panic stricken, and several of the ladies fainted. Charles and Augustus Dean havo been arrested in Harrisburg, for what will probably provo a murder. A few nights since a German peddler lodged at their house, and tlio next morning tlio man was found with two bullet holes in his body, ono of which it is believed will provo Intnl. The man recovered sum cicutly to tell who had shot him to a person who was attracted to tno juaco where ho had been thrown after his as sailants had concluded tlioy had killed hint. Ho charged tlio Dean brothers with tlio crime, and witli robbing linn of S 100 and a lot of goods. The accus od wero found at homo and arrested while dividing tlio plunder, and aro now In tho l'erry County Jail. William Encke, justico of the peaco of Mahanov Citv. committed suicido on Thursday evening of last week, by shoot ing hintsolf through tho heart. Finan cial and family troubles aro thought to have caused tho not. Rosariu Andreinlo, a boy twelve years old picked a piece of bread out ot an ash barrel in Aew iork, a low days ago, and ate it. He was taken sick imme diately afterwards and died. Investiga tiou showed that the bread had been covered with rat poison. Fort Wayne, (Ind.) Sentinel. WIl.l. WONDUllS KVr.K CEASK? Mr. John G. Fledderman. the well- known Merchant Tailor, in Union Block, writes: "I was a sufferer for many years with .Neuralgia nnd Rheumatism, and found no relief until I tried St. Jacobs Oil. After using two bottles I was en tireiy cured. Tlio postmaster nt Wilmington, Ohio, writes to tho Post Oflico Department that a child died at that plnco a few days ago from what was supposed at tho time to bo chicken-pox. ihofu neral was largely attended, and ns conscquetico there aro over fifty cases o virulent small-pox in tho town. Tlio commemorative services iu honor of tho fiftieth anniversary of tho entrance into tlio ministry of Right Rev. Mark Antony Do Wolfo Howe, bishop of tlio Central I'.niscopal dioceso ot l'ennsylva nin, wero held in Christ church, Read ,ing, in Wednesday, A magnificent pas toral stall valued atbvouo was prcBoutoi by tlio clorgy of tho dioceso to tho bishop, Rov Dr. Hopkins of William sport making tlio presentation speech A great crowd assembled at Cantln, Mexico on Monday, to Beo tho balloon ascension of Senonta Catalina Gorgoria, a beautiful girl only 17 years old. There was no car attached to tlio balloon, only tlio trapeze on which the girl performed. Tho lialloon shot up amid tno ucaiciiing cheers of the crowd. Catalina meau wjiilo was seen clinging to tlio trapeze i f i. .. i..V.. r..t.. ,.t aim pcrioiimiig tuning irau u gmigr When tho balloon was three-quarters ol n milo high it suddenly burst and tho trirl foil to tho ground, crushed and mangled to death. street, Lancaster city, were completely destroyed by fno early Sunday morning. Loss. Slfi.000 : insurance, $25,000. Six- (jiticiira Titu cnru'uiiA tiikatment, for tho runt Skin, scalp ana HIol Dlssases, conllsts In tho Internal uso ot C'uticuiu Hkkoi.vknt, tho now mood rurlflcr. and tho external usoof coticvji ana Ccticura Soir, tho Ureal Skin cures. SALT KUKUM will MeltnnaM. SS4! Dearborn Street. Chicago, gratefully acknowledges a cure of salt Itheum on head, neck, faco, arms and lees, foi soventecn years; notablo to walk except oihandi and knee for ono ear! noiauie 10 ueip liimicu lureigut -;ii tinrirniia nf Mimoiiif.. ilrtrtnm nrnnnunceri his case hopeless! permanently cured by cutlcura Ilesolvent (blood purifier) Internally, and Cutlcura and Cull cum Soap (tho great skin ouros) externally. soniAsia It. E. Carpenter. Kan.. Ilcnda'son. N. Y., cured O 1anrUlnr r.pnmitf. nf Lwnntr Yearn' standlmr. by ths cutlcura llesoltenl(ulood purinerjlnternaliy and cutlcura and Cutlcura Soup (iho great akin cures) nxtoraally. Tho moat wondarful case on record, euro certified to beforo a justice of tho peace and prominent cuuons. ah aimcica wun ftchlnc an! scaly Diseases should send to us for this testimonial In full. SKIN DI8KA& F. II. Drake. Ksn.. Detroit. Mich., tuttercd beyond alldescrlptloutromaskln dlsoase which appeared on Ids hands, bead and face, and nearly destroyed lila eyes. Tho most careful doctorloe failed to help him, and alter all bad failed ho used tho Cutlcura Kesolvcnt (blood purinrr) intcrnally.Cuttcura and cutlcura soap (iho great skin cures) cxtcr- tcrnauy, and was cured, ana nas rema neu penecuy well to tills day, SKIN HUMOUS. her faco, heat and somo parts ot her body were al most raw. Head covered with scabs and sores, suffered fearfully and tried cverythlnr. l'ermanent- ly cured b) Cutlcura Itosolvcnt (blood purltlet) and uticura and cutlcura soap (ino great skin cures.) OUTIUURA. Itemedles aroforsalouy all druBlatu. Price ot Cutlcura a Medicinal Jelly, small boxes so cents; lartre boxtsn. uuueura HCBoivcm, ino new mooa ncr bottio. cutlcura Medicinal Toilet soap, si cents. Cutlcura Medicinal Shaving Soap, H cents, In birs for barbers and large consumers, 60 cents. Principal depot, Weeks & Potter, Boston, Mass. CATARRH Sanford's Radical Cure. Head Colds. Watcrr Discharges from tho Noso and Eyes. Klnglnc nols s In the Head, Kcrvotu Headache and Chills and Fever Instantly relieved. rhoklnir. cutrld mucus 19 dlslodircd. membrane cleansed, disinfected and healed, breath sweetened, smell, taste and hearing restored and constitu tional ravages cnecxeu. Cough, llronchltls, Droppings Into tho Throat, Palnsln the Chest. DisncDila. Wastlnz ot Strength and flesh, loss ot Bleep, &c, cured, ono bottle Itadlcal Cure, Catarrhal Solvent and ono Dr. Sanford's Inhaler, In one package, ot all diiiggUts, torfl. Ask for Banford'n Itadlcal Cure. WK&s & rui inu, iiosion. LIGHTNING Is not quicker than COLLINS' VOLTAlc PUSTKIts In re lieving pain ant weakness of the Kidneys. Liver and Lungs, Ithoumatls-n, Neuralgia, Hys teria, Kcinalo Weakness, Ma laila, and Fever and Ague. Price !5 cents. Sold cery wherc. Jan NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. DMINISTItATOnS NOTICE. B3TATE Or XBKAU1M I'Olf E DICE1SHD, Letters of administration on theest&ta of Abraham Force, late of Oraocro toivnsliln. Columbia conntr. deceased, have been grunted by tho lleglster ot said county to the undersigned administrator. All persons having claims against the estate ot said decedent are requested to present them for settle uicub u'iu muse luuuuicu iu matte paymer undersigned administrator without delay, Flshlngcrcek. Jan20G-w HENRY FULLMEIt, A dinlnlstrator. SHERIFFS SALE. By virtue ot a writ ot Al. Vend. Ex., and to me di rected, will be exposod to public sale on the prem Ises In the borough ot Ccntralla,Columbla county, kt 2 o'clock p.m., on Saturday, February 11th, 1382. All tiat certain lot or plce of ground situate In Kast Dloomsburg, Columbia county, Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows, to-wlt ; On tho north by an alley, on the east by an alley, on the south by lot of TurnbacU. and on the west by public road from Dloomsburg to Berwick, (now called Hast street ) Containing In front on said road (Bast street) about fifty f eet.and la depth about one hundred and ninety-eight feet, ou which Is elected large two story brick building, stable and out buildings, a welt t good water on tho premises. Seized, taken In execution at tho suit ot John O Freeze, almlnljtrator of Lovllla .Menagh. deceased, against Illchard B. Menagh with notice to Charles (lavage, terro tenant and to bo sold as the property of Charles Savage. Baiiklev, Attorney, Al. end. Ex. ALSO, The following described .real estate situate In Hemlock townsu'p.Columbla county, Pennsylvania, as tho property ofM. O. Shomaker, deceased, as follows, to wit : Tract No, 1, situate In tho town ot Buckhorn, bounded northwardly by lot of D. Noy- lurt's estate, castwnrdly by Main strcct,southward ly by an alley.and westwardly by an alley.on which are erecUd a two story brick dwolllng house, frame stablo ana other out-bulldlngs, and u good welt ot water, containing 1-4 acre ot land, more or less. ho. 1, Situate In tho town of Buck Horn, bounded northwardly by an alloy.ea stwardly by Main street, southwardly by lot of D. Neyhart's estate, nd west wardly by an alley, on which aro erected a two story frame dwcUlhg house and other out-bulldlngJ, well of water and good fruit trees, containing one-fourth acre ot land more orles3. Mo. t, Sltuato In Buck Horn, and buuded north wardly by lot of E. M. Crawford, eastnardly by land cf 11. F. Fruit, southwardly by lotof John Prout and westwardly by Main street of said ton, on which aro erected a frame store haute, shed, stablo and other out-bulldlngs, containing twenty-eight perch cs of land rtora or lea'. No. 4, Situate In Hemlock township, bounded by lands ot John Miller on thenoilh, on tho east by lands of II. J. Appleman, south by lands ot William Obi, and ob the west by lands or John Miller, con turning Blx acres and sixty eight lurches of land tn)ro or less. Seized, taken In execution at the suit ot Elizabeth Ebncr against S.O, M. Hollowpeter, administrator of M. (!. Shoemaker deceased, and Vm. II. Shoe maker,and to be sold as ths properly ofM.ll. Shoe' maker deceased, and Wm. II. Shoemaker, BAiixtEY, At'orncy, Fl. Fa. U. II, E.ST, Mierltr. A KN'UAh STATEMENT. HLOOM rOOll DISTRICT, From Jaiimiry lOlli 1881 lo Junuury Dili 1882, JOHN K.OltOTZ, Tkeasdmjk. DIt. Balance as per settlement Jan 10 1311 139 64 Cash ree'd N. Boone, liloom dup, isso Wi 78 " " 1S31 SSI 81 " " J. M. Boat, Greenwood dupllcato, uso oils " ree'd J. M. Itoat, Greenwood duplicate, issi 3ivi " ree'd II N White, Scott dup. isso M 31 ii ii t8l 1MOO H, L Hess. Sugarloaf lsw si 39 " I. K. MlUer, Urctmwood duplicate, lsts s e 5 to Note ree'd I, K. Miller, Greenwood duplicate, ITS 831 51 Cash rea'd S. Knorr, from II. Skank estate S3 00 ii ree'd Danvtllo Poor House t to It. Falrinan from Derry twp 14 so ' ii 0, Barton per will of Hen derson 23TM " roo'd P. Folk of Hemlock twp,., nvo " Schuylkill Co. Poor House.. 33 so ' ' U. II. Little from Salem twp Luzerne county...., ............. 7194 " reo'd Poor Directors Fishing. creek twp II SI ieo'd C, iiartonoathot C. liux.. it to A. P. Young on ucct LjdU Haycock bill U0 ii reo'd T, McUrlde proceeds farm SOld,,. SM3 - 1104 41 fit. Iiyordoinot 187 redeemed ,. 631 oo ii lh.40 ,, S9I40 ll 14 1191 0 tuterost on order No. 43 of HIV ot two 10 oo ii balance on note of I. K. Miller to now account 1(19 p3stag and stamps on checks, . . 161 11 Treasurer's commission si (0 11 Hal, iu Treasurer's band3. ,,, M to -I10I It Amt. ot outstanding orders to Jan. uary II, 136 40 Amt. of orders Issued from Jan, 11th, issi, both days In clusive.,. SOU 33 -tl91U) By orders redocmed to Jan, 9, 1812. i ouUitandtiig " " .. 4063 01 SMC9 -(4911 T3 'sis STATEMENT OP 'TAXIS? I'NSETVLKll -1ILOOM rooit bisrmcT. Pup. of llsl amt. paid SM S f45 29 1'8 00 nmt. fltllldiio., 919 31 a is ni r.90 41 100 69 liloom tail IS Greenwood. . M3 81 SCOtt 1M4I BtlgarlOaf , . . 0 C tWiiM II3S.MT 13100 41 1U.00.M roou srATHMKNT OC KXPKNSKS Of nlSTItlCT, for year cnJIng January 9th, issi. Taxes on Long property 91 arm niiirancn 11 3?4 comn tor Mrs. Peacock s no undtles bins for incrcuanaito lamuy mecnan ca ana u. r. iiouso Sundries bills new building repairs 8MB J coal.,.. CO 93 Salary, stoward woo Secretary woo Auditing accounts January ici, 1600 urwrtcerk ror uairors rim lira. McltcynoMs and Krcbbs ,, 9a 00 Itemovlng Matilda 1T00 das. rarvcr.... "u flrnRi Mctlnr 10 75 Orders for I cliff H eo Ticket for tramps nnd keeping tlicm in locn.up c. vt oodward. Const, for services, lo no Jas. C. llrown, advertising statement 18 on Klwell K iwtenoonaer " ism M, vatuiersiico io mi II. Ultlc fee 10 on ,1. li. itoblson fee o Recording deed oo Making Duplicates 10 vo Kr cklmum cots '. 1 CO Kxpcn'cs for examining an 1 removal or .Mrs. iiugnesiu unmiuurg, i n. is Stati Hospital for Mrs. Hughes and ueo. rox uui tlH 49 OUTSIDE lUtUIte- SliTn.ED to JAN. th, 1MI. Nancy Kahtorpa'd on Judgment... . l!30 oj Margaret Holers tin William towls 44 u Hannah Johnson........... -1793 L. .1. ltctscr To pa Carollno Dennis M ta 'ctcr Shanxung 219 Mrs. ocorgo Uraul oi Margaret Crossley of (irsenwood.... IToo Valentine Fell ol Surarloaf U W Jacob Adams " Mr j. rarvln Miono " atl Jones, nemcck :ioo Mtgglo shannon of urecuwood e;oi Frederick Clelmer,.. tn Hiram Ixinir 13 oo Sarah I'cgg luoo .irs. uacou nsuer, cai inn rowci, comn iimw sticiuiart 13 to Conin forchlld from Danvl lo 2 to avir.a u ser oih Expenscafjr small pox 300 03 ' ' ' f 1W 04 We. tho under -toned auditor ) rf Columbia county met at the poor house ot ths liloom Poor District and examined tho accounts ot tho directors anil treasurer from lanuary loth issi to January 9Ui, Kwi and vouchers for tuo suna and Hud them cor rect as sot forth above. I.. J. AD VMS OAllHIOK MAU.ERY.J- Co. Auditors, " V, . 1111.33. Attest: I,. II. Kci'ekt, Clerk, TAl.triw OF HEAL AND VKlllONil. 1'IIOI'EKTV Ktl.ONIilNU TO THE BI.OOU TOOK III8THICT. Farm and bu'lillngs 13 ICO M 4'N) W 100 00 8(H) OJ Cninarlno lx)ug property. Judgment on Dennis property haul it property Hal. on liloom. duollcito 'SI lets coin 6X 94)31 Ba! on Greenwood dupllcato 'SI less com uuu f. ui Hal on Scott dupllcato 'SI lesi com ex t'JC 41 Dal on Sugarloat duplicate M less com & ex.. i "i j homes J.VH'O 11 head caltlo !) iou Is slioats M o lio chickens to do urniture in stewards house.. it . m " I'uOr IIOUM V3)O0 is acres wheat m cround 121100 l bushels wheat vi'isv. sou " corn cars 6" a so , (i 120 " potatoes iso 110 S3S " oats 1C9 00 S3C0 lbs. pork and lard 201 i 1 barrel vlneg-ir c 00 so lbs. packed butter to (hi bushels rje 1440 20 ciocr seed 120 00 0IV1 00 is tons hay SIM sheaves corn fodder 21 bundles, long straw.. .' M(0 4 4'l COO 00 tsO!0 I199WCS iiann impieiueuis lialanco in Treas. hands .Uu. 9, ,8.2.. Amount of outstanding orders Jan uary 9th, iss MS ft) Baliince Iu lavor District 1913 w i 19J9 3 di PKODCCT ItAISED O.N FAHM. 15 bushels wheat 231 21 l; m 347 02 IS 40 11(0 16(1 00 4 SOU 129 81 5 " oats 927 ' corn cars. .. 23 ryo Clover seed . rolatoo 24 tons hay S247 eheavescorn fodder.. uunaiesryostriw.. to calves raised (Jilts soon 24 pigs.. 8100 uuducis onions " beets 4 M 2 00 14 00 12 60 120 00 121 2SO 00 '2 00 too heads cabbage , so chickens raised 420 li,3 butter made 4S0 dozen eggs SVMi it,s pork and lard l bushel timothy seed $228T 05 No. paupers remaining last report.,10 uuiuuieu ill inu v No paupers removed . " leii. ' died 11 No paupers rcmalnlDg Jnn 9t h, 'S2 . . s CALIIll B.UITOM. 1 ItEKSE l'AIlt.MAN, Directors, II. It. ALIIEUISON.I SIIEllIFFS SALE. By vlrtuo of sutdry writs Issued out ot th Court ot Common Pleas ot Columbia county and to me directed, will bo exposed to public sale at tho Court House, In Dloomsburg, Peunsylvanla, at two o'clock, p. m. on MONDAY, jVEBUUAUY, Gtli, 1882. All that certain lot or pleco ot land sltuato In G reen wood townBhlp.Columbla county, Pennsylvania, do scribed astollonB, to-wlt: Bounded ou thu north by land ot Ulinlra Albertson, on tho ca by land of John Moore, on the south by land of Augustus Rtou der, on tho west by land ot Eluira Albertson. Con tnlnlngto acres and Si perches on which aro cro ted a frame home, barn nnd outbulldlag). Seized taken in execution at tho suit of Thomas Mather assigned to Alailra Johnson, against r.;o v. Hoffman and to be sold aj the property of Geo, w, Hoffman. Ieelek At'.'.', Al, Vend Ex ALSO, The third Interest of the following described lot of ground situate In Catiwjsu, Columbia count and Stato of Pennsylvania, on tho oast corner of Main and Third street of said town, bounded on tho west by Third stroet,on tho north by l ot ot 1 1 . Hughes, on tho south by MilnStreit and uith;castby lot ot William John, on which are erected a largo two story frame store houw and out-ballJlngs. Belzed taken In exeoatloa at the suit of li. Frank Zarr executor ot George Karr, deceased, a jalnst Isaiah John, N. P.John nnd W. E.John and to bo sold as the property ot W. K John. ZAiiu, Alt'-. Vend Ex. ALSO. Al'tho light tltloand Interest of William Mas. toiler In two tracts ot land sltuato lu Sugarloaf to An Bhlp, Columbia county, Penns) lvunla, (bounded and described ns follows: Tract No. 1. Bounded on tho north and east by lands of Andrew llese, on the south by land ot Andrew Hess, cn the wtst and north by lands of Wm, Petorman, containing nvo acres moro or less on which nro erected a two story dwelling housj, frami birn, shop, and other out- buildings. Traat .No. 2. Bounded on the north by Andrew Hess and E IJah Pcterman, cn thu wtst by Silas Benjomln, on tho Bouth by Ellas Miutz, on the cast by land ot Ellas tthultz uud Andrew I less, con talnlugso acres moro or less. seized, taken la execution at, i ho suit of Sa.nuel Hoacock now for tho its) of II. E. Heacoek against William Mastcllcr, nnd to bo sold as tho property of WUIlarn Mustcller. Fhitz, Att'y. Vend Ex ALSO, The following described real cstato sltuato In Flshlngcrcek township, Columbia county and State of Pennsylvania, tho property of Etford Preston bounded an1 described as follows, to-wlt: Beginning at a poit corner ot land ot Daniel hltcmn, theuco along division Hue south ouo half degree two hun dred an 1 fourteen and two tenths perches to a post thenco by land of Edward Mcllenry, north sixty, seven degrees cast ono hundred and thlrty-one perches to a Spanish oak (down,) thenco by land ot Jacob Farvcr, north one-nan degree east, ono hun dred and sixty-two perches to n white oak, and thence by land ot Philip Appleman, north eighty, nine and one-half degroos west, one hundred and twenty and one tenth perches to the place of bo ginning; contalnlag ono hundred and thirty-tbroo acres, and twenty-tlvo perches and tho usual al lowaneoof six percent for roads Ac. On which aro eroctod a two story fraino dwelling house, largo bank barn and other out-bulldlngs, seized, taken In execution at tho suit of P, 1). Black against Elford Preston ana to bo sold as the property of Blford Preston, iKKLBii, Att'y. Al. Fl. Fa. IMI. EST, therm. ALSO, Tho following deierlbed real citato situate in tho town if Iiloomsburg, Columbia county, I'eunsjUa nla, as tho property or Gcorgi B. Kitchen, bounded and described as follows, to-wlt i On thotorth by lot of T, Qulnn, on tho cast by Blackberry alley, on the south by lotof It, Jones, and on tho west by Kail ltoad street, (being lot No, ce; on which tuo erected a one and a halt stery fro mo dwelling house and out-kltchen. Ki'lztd, taken In execution at tho suit of Philip Lltcbard against ocorgo ll, Kitchen and to be sold us Iho propcity cf (leotge B. Kltehen, Ieeleu, AU'y. Fl. Fa. ALSO, All that certain real sstate, situate In the town of Dloomsburg, Common county, Pennsylvania, boun ded on the north by Second street, on the oast by land of E. J, '1 hornton, on thes uthby land of J, It, MoTcr and on tho west by lan 1 of Thornton and Barton, containing so toet front and 71 feet tleep.on owhlch Is erected a two-story frame tin thop. ALSO, All that ccrtnln real cMato sltuato In tho town of Bloomsburg, Columbia county, Peliniyivania, de scribed as follows, to-wlt! bounded on the north by land of II. V, Hartman, on Iho cast by Market street and tho south by ltldjo alley, and on tli3 west by Murray n icy, containing fectfioni feet ;ep. on which is erected a dwelling iiouso urrn nnu out-bulldlngs. Seized, taken In elocution at tho suit or Johnson Black Co.. against Andicw M. Itupcrt, aad t)bo sold as tho property of Andrew m. nupcrt. Littles, Attorney vcndKx. ALSO, Tho undivided one-halt Interest In a tract or pleco of tlmbclrand situate In Ilrlarcrcck and Flshlngcrcek townships, Columbia county, and Stato of Pennsyl vania, boundod aud described as follows, to-wlt i Beginning at a stone, formerly black oak, It be ing an original corner of a survey In tho warrantee name ot Nathan Bench, and another In tho name of Daniel F. Seybcrt, thenco aloogsald Boach survey south, elghty-ono degrees west, four hundred and fifty tbreo perches to a stone, formerly a chestnut oik, thenco by tho samo south ntno degrees cast, lltty-two perches to stones, thenco by tho samo sjuth elgl.ty-ono degrees west sixty-two rcrches to 8toao4, thenco by surfey In the warrants lainoof tnviel J. Pcalcr, north twenty degrees, ono hun drod and twenty Btx perches lo stones, thenco by land In the warrantco namo of John Allcgar, thenco by the samo north ccventytwo degrees costthreo hundred and el jhty poreloston black oak, tsence by land warrantced W Perry Buckalow, north sev. cnty-11 re decrees e.nt one hundred nnd thirty-two perches to a post, thenco north eighty-six and a hilt degrees cast rifty-ona perches to a chestnut oak, thenco north sixty-two degreos east, eighty- tjur perches to a rost, thoace Siuth two degrees west ono hundred and fifty-eight perches to tho !aco ot beginning, containing fo Jr hundred acres of ,nl, strict mcaiuro. Selzcd.tikcntncxccutlonatthosultot Ih j Blooms- burg Kinking Co , against A. II. Pearson and to bo sold as tho property of A. II. Pearson, Wirt, Attorney. v end. Ex. AY IDOWS' AI'l'llAISEMENTS. 1. WI low's nppratscmcnt In thoes. rate oi .j. ii, aiuKer, ucceaseu, lvrsoualty, $!99 93 2. Widow's norraHement In tho is- taiuor ticork-d sirausiir, deceas ed. 1 'era in illy tioo 03 3. Widow's apprals'raent In the cs- Taio oi .ioiiq iiiuig, ucccusoi. Personalty. 300 oo 4, Wl low's appraisements In the es- iniooi ii. w. iicruu, uoccasca. Pcrsoaa'ty. 7 21 Utility. 29J 75 . noo oo 6. Widow's appraisement In the ts- imu ois n. n. nuuciiiiKcr,ucccas ed, Personalty. Total realty. fit 33 100 00 $223 33 Wldiw'sappralsomont lulhees ta'o cf George A. Bowmtn.deceis ed. Personalty. (300 oo Will bo confirmed nlst on tho tlrst Monday of Feb. ruarv issa. and unless cxccDtlons bo llled within four cUvs thireartcr, tho same will hecontlrmed nosonueiy. jan 13 1-0 WM, KHIUK1IAUM, JQU'ENSB NOTICE. Notice Is herchr clren tin', tho folio xlne named persons tiled with the clerk of tho (juartcr Sessions of the Peaco ot colunblicountr, llulr petitions for license, which will bo presented to the sild Court uu .uuuua, mo sixiu (lay ui reoruarj, a, u. iz. flilmore, Frederick Blooomsburg, Hestaurant. ltobblns, Ojrlez 11. " I.hiuor stoio. jiaun, .lonn . Centre, ' Hagenbuch, Samuel Orange. ' Newton W. Barton, Blocmsourg, Ltnuoi' Stoie Clerk's Ofllce, WM. KltlCKBAUM, lCoomiburg, Jan. li), 1531. cieik (j,S. XECL'TOlt'S NOTICE. ESTATE 01' JACOB F. HKCK, llECKA&KD Itlorn trst.irnentnrv r-n the estate ot .T.iccb V. llcck, 1 ito ot Centre townshlD. ColumbU countv.Pa. Ueciused, tiavo been cratite J by the lterlster ot Bald couuiy to mo nna-!rsiRnod Kxcutor. All persous caviuj cl.Uun niralnst, thecstati ot tho de-ed-nt aro requeued to present tlicmfjr settlement ad iiiuau inu'-utuu to me esiaio 10 maho paymeni, lo mo uiiuuisiiK'u uau -uiur wiuiuui, ueiaj. tlEOUOU M. WlHT.MIltL', Jinnr.-v;1 Executor, Orangevllla ha. Qiphaxis' Court Sale OF VAMJAULK fiScsil EsfsiteJ I'urjuant to nn order of tho Orphans' Court of Coluinb.n county, thj under3lgnedj Administrator ot Samuel Ithone, lato of Uenton township, de ceased, will expjse to sale t tho Exohanjc Hotel, in lienton, on Wednesday, January 25th, 1S82, 1 At ono o'clock, p. m. the following described real estate ot said decedent, lu lienton township, boundol and described a fol lows,: On the north by Unit of .'.Ifred luntz. on the east by Thomas Ilender andW. W. Hoss, on tho south by W. V. Hess, c. V. Myers and A, A. Ober- holtzer and on tho west by Daniel Karns, containing Twenty -two Acre3 more or lesss, whereon aro erected A SXvZAKXiHOUSB AND BARN. TEIIM3 OK SALE. Ten per cent of one-fourth of tho purchase money shall bo paid at tho striking down of tho property, th-j OLo-fourth leas tho ten per cent at tho confirmation absolute, nnd the re maining thretfourthsln one year after confirmation nksl with Interest from that date. OEO. W.IIIRLIEMAN, Administrator. Ucc. lo-sw lien'OQ, I'a ORPHANS' COURT SALK OF VALUABLE Itcsal Esladc I'ursuant to an order of tho Orphan'3 Court ot Co lumbia county, Pennsylvania, wl.1 bo sold at public (ale, on tho premises, In the township of .Montour, In sld county, on FRIDAY, JANUARY STlli. 1882. at two o'clock p in. the following described real cstato lato of John llaUor,dtccased to-wlt: A house and ImoI of Cround, JJotnlng land of Henry Lazarm, Jeremiah Hearer and IsnUh llagenbucu This lot Is kltualedon the puOlto road leading from llloom-lurg to Danville. Tho liouso Is a largo two story FRAME DWELLING. thcro Is erected on said lot also A HOOD STAI1LE AXDOl'T-ItOL'SES: Also a good WELL of WATEIt on tho premUes. TEHMS OF SALE. Ten rer cent, ot one-fourthof tho purchaso money sh&llbo paid nt Iho str.klog down of the property i the one-fourth less the ten percent, at the confirmation absolute, and tho ro ma.nlug three-foui ths In ono ) car after confirma tion nisi, with Intorest from that dato. rurchaicr to pay for making deed.; I'ETEltS. KAllSJINEtt, Administrator, BE KIND TO- THE LITTLE ONES. I io imiisemis dnso of Castor Oil may liu avoliicd nslnj; Thw Emulslcnef Caster Oih It is very pleasant, and Is ruadllv taken n". ""n"' r""" KiiiKiren. i.argu llottli- 2fi cts. iiicru aro many licrsona sullcllni' untold toriiu.,U with the disease known as tho Ilh's hi'llcvlni; hat a turu U lmposslhle. To All Z ,1"". 0J 0aaa Pile raiiti'd'-only C(J c-c n t s. V',Vk'' "au x r hcci yo r ictt from (Iainpm-88-10 tents will huy hullUlciit Water-l'roof Drcsshiir to t-ofti'ii and watir-proof a half dozen pairs of r . i . . . . T. of Uriiirs, ncs. C'1,,.,,,1. cnij, Mintlrlw. iVc, aiu of the Rest (Jiiallty. and wl l lienild at the Lowest I'rkes p ossV. I .i. B ii '." 1,0 0lTt'rt,1 '"mud .. muuu ui jur iaironago, Oin-to-kofgop,(lVrfumi., Hulr.Tooth, sWU'Sia is 1,11,1 i ",ri Bloomstaurg, Pa. A Mm -:f-r,o:m:- HJUIOT STREET TO FILBERT. AN ENTIRE BLOCK IS FILLED WITH DRY GOODS, Selected Carefully by Exports in the Boat Markota ot tno world. This Huge Arry of Stuffs Aggregates in Vnlno Consitlernlilj more than A MILLION OF DOLLARS. AND IS DIVIDED AMOX THIRTY-TWO DEPARTMENTS I.V WHICH AIlEC'OXTAIXliO KVIHt TTJ1IXH MUIUDO I V Wmving JLppazel for Madies and MMreni, AM) EVi:itl'TIIIiV GOMI ItNIIRIt TttC IIIMH OI' Few such exhibits ns this aro made in the country.' None can mir- pas it in attractiveness, variety system to which the business is carelui and economical service ot The prices are beyond controversy veyed from producer to consumer, as all methods of cheapening prices arc in vogue known to the most exnet business science. On moderation of prices, primarily, has the success of tho house bfen based, and success has furnished facilities for still further lowerins: of prices, while giving the additional tort and despatch in all transactions. There is no reusou why all who vantages which are offered you of use. STRAWBRIDGE 8. W. Corner MM Market Sis. PHILADELPHIA. lEOlSTElt'S NOTICES. TV NotlcoUUerebyplTcn to all legatees, credi tors and other persons Interested In tho estates of the respective decedents and minors, that tho fol- InmlntiHrnltilutrnttra nvrmiiftrH ftnil ClinriUlinS' 1UV low Ing adailnlstrators'.exccutors' and guardians' ac counts havo been tiled In tho onico of the lteglswr of Col. Co, and will bo presented for confirmation and Mlowanco in the Ol rnhons' Court to be held in Bloomsburg. on Monday, Feb. a Wl, at o'clock m. on said day : I. The account of Eieklel Frlti and Wra.I. ltobblns administrator of Kiisha itoooins, uio oi jacKson township, deceasod. The tlrstand nnal account of John I'fouts, ad ministrator, de bonus non cum tcstamento iin nexo.ot the estawot Hannah Ualrd, deceased, as nied by ltachcl I'fouts, oxecutrlx, ot tho lastwlll and testament of John I'fouts. deceased. Account ot Miranda Leo, administratrix of Fol ly Klsner, deceased, lato of llerwlck. i. First aud tlnal account ot John J. Ingenbergcr, naminisiraior or joiiu jacou i,ungeuueiger, iuiu otMltllln township, deceasod, s. Final account of Frcas llrown, guardian of 8am- ei c. i rcasy, minor chuu or u. w. creasy, lave of Scott township, deoeascd. Third and partial account nt John Hellas oneot tho executors of Adam Delias, lato ot Flshlng crcek, deceased. First and final account of John IC. Grotz, admin istrator of William vcrry, lato of tho town of Iiloomsburg, deceased. First nnd nnal account ot btephon Oe&rheart, guardian of charleB (itarheart, n minor child ot JaboU dearheait, late of Main township, de ceased. The tlrstand final account of William Fettr man.cxecutor ot Jonas l'elterm m.laio ot Locust township, deceased. Second and tlnal account ot I. K. Krlckbaum and William Urlnk, executors ot Joshua in Ink, lato ot Uenton township, deceas-.-d. Theilrst and partial account of U. Frank Zarr, 11, It ono oi uiu aaminisiraiors oi Anurew uingius, , 1 1. The flrtt and nnal account of U. Frank Zarr, ad immsiruior or iiannau .arr, ueceaseu. 13. Tho second account of II. Frank Zarr, executor of neorge Zarr, deceased. 14. Tho 11 rat and partial account ot It. F. CJiaplu, ono oi mu execuiors oi uarea iiorrmon, ue coxbed. 13. The tlnal account of Thomas Pollman, guardian or KiiziDeiu uoiiman, a minor emiu or joun Dollman, do.eased, 10. TlicnnalaccountofThomaij Dollman, guardian or wiiimm uouiuan, u minor cuuaocjunu uuii mau deceased. IT. The tlrst and Utinl account ot Scth Shoemaker, administrator of Catharine Shoemaker, late ot Hemlock township, deceased. is. An account ot J. M, Lilly, administrator of Jo seph Liny, lato ot scott lownsuip, aeceaseo. 19, First andllnal account of Samuel Lehr. adminis trator ouosepu Ltur, uiooi ueaveriowusuip, deceabed. The first and final aco&unt of Jeremiah Kostcn bauderand J. c. Kulttlc, alinlnlstratorsof Clara Camp, deceased. First and flnul account of Thomas J. Yaher- so, hMce, ailiululstrator of Itebvcca Vondersltcc, lato of Mt. l'leasant township, deeeas-3d, ns llled by his executors, John Klstler and C, M Vanaersllce. First and final account of John L. Mover, ad ministrator of ueorgc W. Marsh, lato of the Uty ot lilngh .mtui, stnto ot New York, deceased First and,' nnal account of II Irom Shutfars, ait- minmraior or ueorgo lioueuLaiK, law ui juum townUilp, uXccasiid, ItcetsteCs Otnce, 1 OBJ. W. STEllSf.ll, tfoomsourg Jan.s, nt, I Heutur PUBLIC SALE OF VALUABLE It call Estate ! lly virtue of an order ot tho Orphans' Court of Co lumbia county, tho undersigned Administrator ot the estate ot Ilenjamln Ilndenmuth, lato ot Conyn gham township, Co.umbla county,deccascd,wlll ex pose to public sale upon tho premises on SATURDAY, JANUARY 21st, 1882 at ten o'clock In tho forenoon tho following do scrltcd real estato sltuato In Couyngham township, Columbia county, 1'entm. lleglnnlng at a stone In line of land belonging to the city of Philadelphia, and running thence along lino ot land ot Jeremiah Llndemutb, north toventy-scven degrees, cust thlrty.tlre perches to a stone, thence by tho same north, one.halt degree cast Bocnty-8ecn p rehes to a stcne, thenco iy land ot tho Lelrs of John Llnd enmuth, south setonty-sevcn degrees west sjveuty Uto peicheB to astono and thODCO by landot tko city of Philadelphia south twenty-nlno .degrees east eighty purcheii to tho placo of beginning, con taining 2G ACRES, and ono hundred and thirty perches. TEHMS OF SALE. Ten per cent, of one-fourth ot tho purchaso money to bo paid at tho striking down of the property; the one-fourth less the ton per cent, at the conarmatlon of sale, and the remaining three-fourths In one year thereafter with Intcrust from confirmation nisi. ISAAO LINDENMUTH, d.-o 3g t-s Administrator. PUBLIC S-fik-XjE OF Valuable Renl Estate. lly vlrtuo of an order ot tao orphans' Court of c. luiubli county, Uto usdorslgned executor cr Fhtllp Unangst, lato ot Flshlngcrcek township, ColumbU county, dicejHed, will expos to public 8le on the premises on Saturday, January 28th, 1G82, at one o'clock In th) afternoon, Uto tolUitlug de scribed real cstato, to-wltj A ccrta'n piece or parcvl of laud situate In I'l.h. Ingcreek township, bounded by lauds of U J ward Unangst, William Unangst, A, Lewis and Wlllltuu W. Mll'er, containing FIVE ACltKS and live pen. s on which li a good FRAME DWELLING HOUSE, framo stable and out-bulldlngs. Thoro Is alsjaa excellent lot of FUUIT tubes un this lot. TK1IMH OF SALE. Ten per vent, ot one-fourth ot tho purchaso money Bhall bo paid at tltostrlklug down of tho property; the one-tourlh less the tea rer cent, at tho confirmation absolute, aud the re maining three-fourths In ono year alter confirma tion uUl, with latere it from that dato. SAMUEL S111VE, Jan, r, IbSilw Executor. ana interest, l lie almost prlect reduced, insures the most prompt, all patrons. as low as the goods can be con advantages of convcnicnce,com- desire should not share in the ad by this great mart of fashion ami Si CLOTHIER S. W. Corner Einttli & Filler. Sts. COURT PROCLAMATION- WHEUKAS, tlie Hon. William Kmveil 1'icsldcnt Judge ut thu Court of Ojcrand Tei miner and tlcncral Jail Delivery, Court of Char ter Sessions of tho l'eacennd tho Court of Common Pleas and Orphans' Court lu tho 20tli Judicial Ills trlct, composed of tho counties of Columbia and Montour, and the Hons. Jamoi Lake and F. I.. Shuman.AssocIato Judges ot Columbia county, hae Issued their precept, bearing dato the 9th day ot Dec. In tho year of our Lord ono tlumaud eight hundred nnd elghty-ono, nnd to mo directed for holding a Court of Oyer and Terminer aud (Icncrul Quarter Sessions of tho Peace, Court of Common I'leas and Orphans' Court, lu Iiloomsburg, In the county of Columbia, ou tho tlrst Monday, being tho thday of Feb. next, to continue two weeks. Notice Is hereby git en to the Coroner, to the Jus tices of tho Peace, and tho Constables ot tho said County of Columbia, that they bo then and therein their proper person atlo o'clock In tho forenoon of said ctli day of Feb. with their records. Inqui sitions aud other rcmcmbi unccs, to do thoso things which to their oftlce3 appertain to bo done. Ami those that aro bound by lecognUunco lo proscchte against tho prisoners that aro or may bo In tho J.ill of tho said county ot Columbia, to ho then and there toprosecuto them as bhallbo Hut. Jurors aro re quested to bo punctual In their attendance, agreeably to their notices. Dated nt Iiloomsburg the stlulay ,1 of Jan. In tho year of our Lord one lliou-mucl eU'ht hundred and clghly-two and Intho one hundred and sjvciithjcar of tho Independence of tho United States of America. Short ft'8 Ofllce, U. U. KNT, Iiloomsburg, Jan. ti-to Sheriff. JOHr? A. PUNSTON &. Co. Keal Eutato, Trustj Investment and Collection Office. BLOOMSBURG, DA. FOIt SM.E Or Kxchango. Large l'rsine llouso f jr two f nnill'm, good stable, fruit and water, ovned by ll. F Nmrp less. KB Acrcw. Hurley farm, Mont mr dwelling house, bank oarnand other our-buUdrng', Eood soil; about loo acres Umber; well watered; ealthy location, good market-). II desired, will dl. Ide In two or three tracts, see draf ;. Terms easj'. Now owned by Wm. Neal, Ebu A comfortable now lirlck dwelling on Mh street, west ot Market, in rooms. A bargain. iso acriis on south lank of river y, miles from town of Miulm on road to ller .Mck. 116 acres bottom Unil. balance limber, llrick dwelling, bank barn and outbuildings, good fruit and water, (well and foun tain) . Also a valuable deposit ot tlvo ncreB of brick and potlcr's olay. Owned by John Wlf, ot Iilooms burg. Adeslrablo new brick dwelling house and a leirge fraino dwelling houw and frauio stnble on Eutt strict ono door below Third, Lots offered on easy terms with contracts to build It desired. acres In Madison tonnshln; Wise, (lood frimo Iiouaj and lately weU limed and manured, other frultu. occupied by Jo-ierh bank Uun. liind Applo orchard and 103 Acres In llshlngcrook townriilp, rvi road to Uenton, llrick house, frame barn auiUheds (lood water at hounu an'l barn. Applo orchard imd other frulta, owned by John 1'ealer. UJ Acres productive land In 'lemlock township. IK miles from liioonviburg, Frame dwelling, bait burn and two tenant houses, A 1 story U1ck dwelling, new frame barn, good water and fruit. All In biwt of condition ou Centre strevt, liloomstiui-g, between su and 4Ui. A large frame liouso and barn with outbiuidlrigs. good water nod fiutt. Corner ot Third i nd Unload streets. A very pleahunt. fiome dwelling, oi 5Ui and rron Btrvcts. with water mid gits. All lu good condi tion. A svstory frame carrtago and lilooksnillli shop, 40xcoicetou Iron near Main blreel, with irado anil good will. A fud sot of tools In cacu department. Keasonable pitce und terms. A nearly now 4-story framo drolling on Fourth Street. Catawls3a, frame stable, good witter, and fruit, all In good condition. Also. Si, aeica land on I). II. & W, It. It. near Cattwlssa Paper Mills, with coal yard. llmo kilns, und railroad siding, A desirable tlio for car shops or other manufactory. Terms reasonable. Owned u. ii. limine. Sor particulars, apply to Oct. 1 1, -Bl-M JOHN A. FU.NSTON. orl'ACL E, WHIT, TRUSTEE'S OF SALE Valuable Real Estato, Uy vlrtuo ot au order ot tho Orphans' court of Co lumbia county, the unierslgccd Trustco lu tho cs. tato of Thomas Stackhouse, deceasod, will oxpobo to public Bale on tho premises ou FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 3rd, 1802, commencing at ten o'clock a.m., all that certain messuage, Farm or 'J vaot of Land bounded and described a follows, to-wlt! Wi-kt-wardly bylauiiota. ll. tlordncr, Jr., John (lordner and landi occuplod by 1'lilllp Watts, bouthwardly by lands of Daniel Uordncr and Samuel Snyder.cast. wardly byltidi of John tljrdner and lands occu pied by (1, T, Crist, and.northwardly by ;Auda of o. 11. UorJner, ir., and lands occupied by U T. ills', containing lOO AC'l'CN, iilOI'O ill' LChN, About tweuty-flvo acres moro or less of tho south east corner ot tlio said tract of land lies In I'lno township, Columbia county, whorcou nro erictoda two storied l'RAMK DWKI-I.INU 1IOUSK, alaigo llank iiarn and other out-bulldlngs. And by vlrtuo cf l n order ot tho orphans' court ot Lycomlnir county, all of tho other portion of the Bakl farm or tract of land sltuato In bald Lj coming county, and containing beventy-fltn acres more or less, wlUbosoldon tho premlros on the came day. Sale to oommenco at ten o'clock a, m, Thiu or Uoth Siui. Ten per cent, of l-l of tin purchase moniy to bo puld at tho sinking down of tho property, the one-fourth loss tho tea per cent, at tho confirmation absolute, and the remaining three-fourths lu oao year alter couilnmtlon nl I with Interest from tint dato. JOHN (iOHDNHli, Jan.s.ts iruotco.