1 J. S. EITTE1IBEUDER, E1"0"- BLOOMSBURG, PA. Friday, Jan. 13th. 1883. Tho yuar 1881 lind its full sharo of crimes, and tho record is not pleasant reading. There, were- 599 homicides in the United States and Canada 242 suicides j UU legal executions and 50 lyncliings. Senator Logan, it is said, lias declared his intention to resist Gen. Porter's rein statemont in tho army, no matter who favors it. Locan is a thorough tro'iutr Republican and does not permit a Ijttlo thing like justico to interfere with his piUJUUlCCB. Tho criminal prosecution of the Star route thieves does not uroirress ranidlv. but, in order to keep tho peoplo in good heart, it is announced that civil suite will bo begun to recover tho ntolen mon ey. Ihis ought to bo vastly comfort ng. It would appear that thcro is a feeling of sympathy for the Hon. Samuel Josephs who was shot by Sir. Robert Lister Smith on the way home from tho lato Democratic State Convention All of which goes to show what a very low opinion tlio peoplo havo of oniitli. Gen. Fitz John Porter has addressed a letter to tho President asking for an early consideration of his case. Gen. Grant has also written a letter urging that jus tico be douo Gen. Porter. After endur ing unmerited disgraco for nineteen years, ho deserves a prompt and thorough vinuicaiion. There can bo no greater mistake for JL'rcsiaent Arthur to mako in tho opinion ot the iiincinnati Jiiwuirer than to con duct tho present administration on the ambition of nomination in 1881. If tho President leaves himself to tho country tho country will tako him into consider ation. It is claimed that Senator Don Cam eron has received a promise from tho administration that Pennsylvania shall havo two foreign missions, ono first and ono second class, and that ho is is now making up his mind as to whom he shall name.tor tho place. 1 he-name of Gen oral Hartranftis suggested for one place. as, it ho should be appointed, Air. (Jam eron would have tho nomination ot now collector in Philadelphia. Labouchcro says, in London Truth "America is sending a primo beef and mutton. American wool is ousting English from tho market. American apples are more numerous in tho Eng lish market than home-grown. America is now sending us 'English plum pud dings,' ready for boiling. American horses havo this year won the principal races in England and Franco. And now that America is bestirring herself about her navy, what will bo left lor poor old ling land to plumo hcrselt upon t Tho more deeply tho Star route busi ness is probed, tho moro offensive aro tho revelations. It has now been discov cred that no less than 13,000 utterly worthless bonds havo been imposed up on tho post oflice department. This cer tainly could not have been dono had business been transacted in the depart mcnt with honesty and fidelity. Five of tho contractors and sureties on theso fraudulont bonds havo been arrested, and it will bo interesting to seo how vigor ously tho pro:ccutions against them will bo urged. Hon. Godlovo S. Orth considers him wolf a man of no littlo importance nnd is very indignant becauso ispeaker Iveiter did not assign him to bigger committees. Ho made a savage speech against the Speaker a few days since, on tho floor of tho Jlouso and asked to be excused from serving on one of tho committees in which ho had. been placed. As a matter of fact, tho general opinion is that Keif er's treatment of Orth is about tho only commendablo thing ho has dono. Orth isn't a very great man, except in his own eyes, and tho country will get along rather better if ho is kept in the back ground. Tho annual meeting of tho stockhold ers of tho Philadelphia & Heading R. R. Co. for tho election of officers began on Monday last. Tho strugglo between Frankliu 11. Gowen and Frank S. Bond for the presidency of the road was vigor ous. Ualloting began on Slonday after noon and at the timo wo go to press had not ended. Sir. Gowen is far ahead, but tho friends of Sir. llond say that largo blocks of stock held by tho McCalmonts and others aro yet to bo cast for him. So far as can bo seen, Sir. Gowcn's chances aro the better. Ho claims that a largo number of chares held by W. H. Vanderbilt aro to be counted for him. Tho betting in Philadelphia is two to ono in favor of Gowen. Speaker Keifers packed committees pleaso neither Democrats nor Republi cans, and tho grumbling is ominous, Sir. Keifer when elected gave notice that he was a partisan, but to what extent was not known nt tho time. Ho has smco niado tho matter perfectly clear, j uo composition ot mo committee on elections proves beyond all controversy that justico and decency aro not to bo regarded when in conflict with party claims, mo commuted was tormed lor tho express purposes of admitting tho contestants from tho South and shutting out tho legally elected members. So extremely distasteful aro Mr. Keifer's acts, that a resolution has been iutro duced in tho Ilotiso to tako tho appoint ing of committees out of tho Speaker's hands and havo them chosen by ballot. A perfect flood of bills poured into Congress on Slonday last, there being no less than G75 in tho House alone. Two bills to amend tho Constitution wero in troduoed in tho House : ono to perpetu ato tho Electoral Collego during tho entire i'rceidcntial term nnd givm tho Collego power to elect a now Presi dent in case of death ; tho other to al low an additional United States Senator for each million of inhibatauts in any btnto in excess ot two minions, boveral bills against polygamy wero prcsonted, In the Senate, Sir. Logan introduced a bill appropriating tho entire income from tho tax on tho manufacture ami sale -of distilled spirits to tho education of cliil droti. In tho Senate on Tuesday tho Morrill tanit commission bill was tils cussed, In tho Houso tho Utah contest ed election was referred to thecommittco on elections. On WedueHday tho Sen ato disctifsed tho Sherman tbreo per cent, refunding bill. In tho House, Sir, Orth's resolution relativo to a change in tho manner of appointing committees was referred to tho committee on rulcw. Thcro seems to bo a slK.nc probability of the appointment of Klligy Sargent as Secretary of the Interior. This would bo even worso than putting Howe nt the head of tho post olllco department ami almost as bad as making oiamey mm thews n justice of tho Supremo Court. Even tho l'liiladelphla I'resa objects, and says "Ex-Senator Sargent would bo ob jectionablo as Secretary of tho Interior, not as a politician uui as a man. net mis . il , 1 ... 1l I.!.. ..1.1 ..1 ,.,, . inauo n oati record in an ins uiu imui-B i there h no reason to suppose ho would mako a good record in a new one." Tim Democrats in the Now York State Senatoaro doing bad work aud the result will bo felt at the next election. s usual, Tammany Hall is in tho row, but, contrary to precedent, it uppeui bo in the right in ono respect. Thoieg Democrats insist upon John CJ. Jacobs as president pro tent, and tho Tammany men refuse to vote for him. Sir. Jacobs is nn objectionablo candidate, in that ho is an iinscriiiiiilous politician of a low type. It is much to bo regretted that the discordant elements in tho JJcmocrat- 1c nartv of New York cannot bo recon cilcd without loss of time. If tho pres ent bitter warfare continues much long er, it will not bo a surpriso if tho Stato falls into Republican hands. l)!SASrKK"AT SKA. Another frightful calamity at sea is reported. Tho steamship Lion of St. Johns, Newfoundland, is believed to have been lost with all on board, forty three in number. Tho body of a lady, ono of the nassencrcrs. has been found. Two of the steamer's boat?, ten kegs of oil. and a nuautitv of lumber correspond inc with tho vessel's carco. havo been found. There wero eighteen passengers and thirtv-hve olhcors and crew on uoaru. Tho names of tho nassenccrs arc not known a3 the steamer was not a regular passenger boat nnd no formal list was kept. How tho disaster occurred is a mvsterv. as tho weather was line and clear and tho sea calm. It may have re suited from a boiler explosion or the steamer may havo been cut down and sunk by another and larger vessel. Another theory is that the light of the lighthouse was obscured and tho steamer rushed at full speed into the precipitous rocky shore. The Lion was of about 500 tons capacity, was built of oak and valued at 850,000. guiteauVbudy SOLI). Tho Guiteau tual is lull ot surprises and another queer thing has just como to light. A tew days ago a man called upon Mr. Scoville, Uuiteau's lawyer, and offered $1000 for tho body of tho assass in and said that ho would take tho risk of Guiteau not being hanged. Sir. Scoville was astonished but tho man was evidently in earnest and Sir. Scovillo said ho would give him an answer the following day. Tho proposition was submitted to Guiteau and seemed to im press him favorably. After reflecting a moment, ho said : "I think I ought to bring more than that. Perhaps some other fellow will offer 82,000. Then I can pay my debts, and if I get a new trial that miserable Corkhill can't bring on a lot of fellows just to swear how much I owe them." Tho oiler was finally accepted and pa pcrs signed. Tho naino of the man is not known, nor can it be surmised what he proposes to do with the body. Tho money will bo used to pay off the nu merous debts incurred by Guiteau. Terrible Sufferings ol a Shipwrecked Crew. The coasting schooner Almon Bird, of Rockland, Mo., Capt. C. A. Packard, was bound from Windsor, N. S., for Alexandria, Ya., with a cargo of plaster. On Sunday night, January 1st, when off Boono Island, tho gale tore off her top mast, and tho riggmg became so thickly covered with ico that it was almost use less. On Slonday morning tho high seas stove in her bulwarks, ripped up tho hatches, and flooded tho vessel. Soon it was found that she was sinking, and tho crew took to tho large boat. There was littlo time to get food or ex tra clothing, and by a strange niisfortuno they could not get their oars. Tho schooner sank, nnd tho boat wa3 left oarless with its living freight in a vio lent galo and heavy sea. 1 litis they united about drenched with tho icy spray ol tho waves, crowded together lor protection irom tho bitter coin, aim ilmost hopeless ot rescue. Un luosday their stock of food was nearly gone, and they wero becoming frozen. They saw i sail and niailo an eltort to attract at tention, but in vain, and they crouched down for another night. On Wcdues- lay they suffered terribly from hunger and cold. Two of tho men becanio crazed and threw themselves about tho boat in their delirium. Toward night ono of tho men went to sleep in the bot tom of the boat and died before morning. Tho two delirious men also died. There wero now three dead and five living men in tho boat. The living, suffering tho pangs of hunger, and hopeless of re. lief, held a consultation, the result of winch was that they opened tho veins of ono of their dead comrades, and wet their lips and throat with tho still warm blood. Un 1 hursday morning they wero rescued by Capt. Saunders, who was with his schooner fishing. The living men wero frozen purple and hardly able to speak, and their lips and iaces wero smeared with blood. Capt. Packard s feet wero badly frozen, although ho mav possibly recover the use ot them. I ho other men also had badly fiozen feet and hands. (UIirKAU'S TltlAb. Tho arguments for and against tho prayers ot tno prosecution began on Saturday, Sir. Davidgo speaking for tho government and Messrs. lieed and bco villo for the defense. Tho latter gentle man continued his argument on Slonday and was followed by Sir. Davidgo. On Tuesday Judge Porter niado an eloquent and ollcctivo speech which made tho as sassiu writhe and to a great extent si lcneod his abusive- tonguo. When inter rupted by Guiteau onouo occasion Judge roiter said, "llto prisoner is mistaken your honor, it no believes by his un seemly brawling ho can prevent my voice from being heard by tho jury. Tho puppet cannot bo moved in such good timo as when ho sat witli his counsel, and by his outbursts now ho is fast tlghtoii ing the hangman's noose about his neck." Porter's review of tho inspiration tlieo ry was scorching in its sovority. "Was this worthless vagabond," he exclaimed- "tho man to ho selected and inspired by God ? a cheat, a swindler, a creaturo of tho vilest habits. Ho then is tho junior member of tho firm of Jesus Christ A Co. this murderer tracking his victim at night, church, nt tho railroad station everywhere, till tho deed is done. But granted his hideous pretension nnd al low him tho inspiration of Paul, which he imiiiouslv (motes, that does not nro- tect him, as it did not protect Paul from stripes nnd death." Guiteau hero burst out with a furious interruption, saying ho was ready loiuiiu uiu eiciiiseiiueucit ui mi net. Judgo Porter's speech closed effectively with n letter from 1'rcsidoi't Garfield THE COLUMBIAN AND lomplimenting Judgo Payno on his charge in tho Gallatin murder case, in which , tho Judgo had taken strong grounds ngalnst tho plea of emotional and ttnnsitory mania. "How llttlo thought tho victim," exclaimed Judgo Porter, "that this letter was to be thus introduced at the trial of his murderer. Judge Cox then began the reading of his decision which consumed an hour nnd fotty minutes. The first point was ...1..!..- ! !.. . 1!...!.... MM.!. I?- .1..!.1.1 relative to uirisuiciiuu. amis num-vim-n was completo and tho court had inn cog nizance of tho offence. Judgo Cox next took up tho question of tho legal test of insanity, and decided that the knowledge and appreciation of tho dillereneo be tween right and wrong must be taken as tho coirecl test. Upon overv materia! point the Judge's rulings wero directly against tho prisoner. When the questlon'of reasonable doubt was reached tho Judgo said, "I shall not charge the jury to acquit if they find a reasonable doubt as to any ono clement) but I shall tako into consideration and chargo them relative to all tho elements, and that if from all tho circumstances and all tho evidenco they havo a reason able doubt of the commission by the defendant of tho crimo as charged, then they shall acquit." Court thou adjourned until Thursday morning when Sir. Davidgo will mako tho opening argument to the jury. It begins to look as if tho trial was Hearing its end and great will bo the relief of the peoplo when that event occurs. News Items. Small pox is spreading rapidly in Ah toona and much nlarm is felt. An error of $25,000 has been (lis covered in tho books of tho Berks county commissioners. Smallpox is increasing to nn alarming extent in Western Pennsylvania. A miner named Murphy, of Shenan doah, whoso foot was crushed in the mines, lias lost his reason through pain Clergymen will rido on tho Lehigh Valley Railroad, in tho future, at half fare. Tho total net decreaso of tho national debt for tho year ending December !11 1881, was $133, 090, 018.90. Robert Lister Smith has been placed under o000 bail to answer tor tho shooting of Samuel Josephs. Lyman D. Gilbert has resigned the office of Deputy Attorney General of tho Stale. The cold snap has killed two camels, six monkeys, and some snakes in a Phil adelphia menagerie. Samuel W. Piercy, the leading support of Edwin Booth, died at Boston on Sunday of small pox. Win. F. Powell, assistant city clerk of Newark, has been arrested on tho chargo of altering acheckforS39-l,-l9 to 88,391, 19. William Harrison Ainsworth, tho well known writer of fiction, died a few days ago aged 7G. His novels cover a period of moro than foity years. The Pennsylvania R-iilroad company is supplying its depots located along the lino in rural districts with burglar-proof safes. Cornctta, who murdered Daniel Cash in Sing Sing prison, attempted suicido by cutting his throat with a pieco ot iron, lie will recover. Jacob Coitrtwright and Luban Satin dors, wrestling in Johnson's saw mill, Sluncie, Ind., fell, and wero both crushed to death by tho machinery. An elevator rope broke Saturday at bchohelds mill, at Jianayunk, rnuadci phia. Thomas Proctor was killed; Ben jamin Ycdd badly injured. Ilartlane, Smith it Co., of Slontreal, havo been fined $1,200 for importing hipirits as vinegar, and fc10,OU9 worth ot tho goods was confiscated. Tho miners connected with the various mines operated by Charles Parrish & Co, havo made a demand for an advanco of twenty per cent upon their labor. Ex-Governor J. D. Cox, appointed to nvestigate the defalcations ot Thomaf mbrose, lato clerk of the United States com tat Cincinnati, has reported that they amount to 539,(00. An engine of a steam thresher blew up in a barn m Chiiiisquaquo lownsmp, Noithutnberlund county, last week, burning tho barn and instantly killing a man by the naincot Kecier, from Union county. Tho churches were all closed at Port Jervis, N. Y, last Sunday bv order of the board of health. About thirty cases of small pox have been reported, six of which proved fatal. A rigid quarantine is maintained against tho iufected part. Chicago Tribune.") Sir. Ira Brown, tho enterprising real estate man states that ho could and would say a good word for tho St. Jacobs Oil, which had cured him of a severe attack ot inllamnialory rheumatism that all other treatinonts had failed even to all a v. Jacob Isaiu. of Richmond, Ky die recently, alter having attained the ago of ono hundred and two years. During tho war of 1812 ho passed his timo m cavo in tho mountains, making saltpetro for tho manufacture of gunpowder for the American army. The new county officers of Luzemo aro John 'lurnbaeh, County ircasurer Joseph Readier, Register of Wills Henry Van ocoy, Caspar Uberdorier and Thomas W. Haines, Commissioners, and Edward J. Slylotte, George Baer and Evan J. Evans, Auditors. All aro Democrats except Slessrs. Hendler, Haines and Davis. The immenso sugar refinery of Have mover it J'.ldcr, llhamsburg, was des troyed by firo on Sunday. Tho building was so veil stories high nnd covered an entire square. Tho loss is estimated at $l,500,000i insured for about $800,000, Two thousand men aro thrown out o employment. A now and larger building will bo erected nt once. An exciting running match took place at llazletou on i'liday. iho runner wero Glenwright, of Shenandoah, an Slilev. of Summit Hill Tho distnnco was 100 yards, and stakes $300 a side Tho race was up and up. Tho friend: of both men wero confident of tho result Tho race was won by Sliley, by tw yards. A tiro damp explosion occurred on Saturday in miuo No. 10 of tho Lehigl Coal it Navigation Co. at Lansford, ten miles from Slauch Chunk. Ono man was fatally and nino others seriously injuied. Tho explosion was caused by a fall of coal breaking tho satety lamp m tho hands of tho firo bo.ss. fortunate! tho firo did not spread and tho damage to tho mine was not great. Small pox is spreading throughout tho country witli nlaiuiiug rapidity. Tho President has issued, through tho Stato department, a proclamation directing moro rigid enforcement of quarantine regulations. DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, At a meeting of tho military order of tho Loyal Legion of tho United .States, held last week in Now York, Gen. Han cock was given tho place of honor and held a reception. Edwin W. Stoughton, ex-ininljtcr to 1'ussia, died last Saturday in New York. His death was caused by heart disease. A bouquet of lilacs was plucked in a Phllipsbtirg, N. J., garden on Christmas morning, the bush having burst Into full bloom. Seven murderers suffered for their crimes last Friday. In Jersey City Kinkowski was hanged for tho murder of Slina Mullen in Klniira Joseph Abbott was hanged for killing Ueorgo Keen; in St. Louis Chailcs Ellis suffered tho extrenio penalty for tho murder of Slack Sanders, and Joseph SI. Katovsky for killing his Bwecthcait, Augusta bitnoiij u Marshall, Mo, John A. I'hoips was anged for tho murder ot lUijah iveytoii( and in Franklin, La., Terence Achillo and Sterling Hen were hanged for killing D Lammd. A blaek Friday indeed. mils Cl-TlCUItATIlKATMKNT, for mo euro pi JL skin, 8o.np anil Uload Iils.'uses, consasis in tho Internal uso ot cuticcka Hksoi.vent, tho new Blood I'urlilcr, nnd tho c.ttcrnal usoof CtmciMA nnd Cuticura Soac, thi Great skin cures. SALT KIIEUM Will McllnniUd. 2112 nnarborn Street. ClilcaffO, -ntefullr nrknowlediroa i euro of Salt Hheum on ...il hit.l- tnnn nln.a intra inr BArontlinU Vf,I,r4. nnt. tnvnlk'nTfl?nt. n 1 htn'u and kneeA for one vear i not able to licip hlnwlt for elRlit j enrs : tried hundreds ot remedies; iloclon pronounced Ills caso hopeless; permanently cured uv Cuticura Ueaolvent inirwii, niirini'r, inicriui iv. uiiu liuucurii iiuu vuii- cum Soap (tlio great skin cures) cxtcrually. rSOKlASIS. II. it. Cnrnsnter. Han.. Itendeison. N. Y.. cured 0 1'aorlasls or Lenrosv. ot twentr Tears' stindlnz. by the cuticura ltesolt ent(blood purlllcrllnternaliy and uuncura anu cuucurn san lino grrai ekio cures) oxteraally. Tho mo-rt wondorful case ou record, uure ccnineu to oeioro a justice or ino ncico and prominent citizens. All affilctcd with ttculng an scaly Diseases should send to us for this testimonial In full. SKIN DISKAS. V. II. Drake. Esrt.. Detroit. Mich., puaerod beyond all desorlntlnn from a skin disease which nnrteared on his hands, head and face, and nearly destroyed ins eyes, 'j lie mosi carerui aocioring ranea 10 ueip him, nnd alter all had failed bo used tho Cuticura Kesolvent (blood mirltler) internally.Cutlcura nnd cuticura Soap mio great sum cures) exter- ternally, and was cured, and nas rema neu perfectly wen 10 mis aay. SKIN HUMOUS. Jlrs. S. 15. Whlnnle. Decatur. Mich., writes that ncr race, ncai anu i-omo parts or uer uoay wero al most raw. Head covered with scabs and sores suilercd fearfully and tried evorythlnir. l'crmanent- r cureu o) i;uucjra xnsoivcni (dioou punner; nu :utlcura and Cuticura Soap (tho gieat skin cures ) CUTIUUKA. liomcdlc3 aro for salti bv all ilrur'L-!3ts. Prl'o ot Cuticura a Medicinal Jelly, small boxes so cents Inrrn noxi sJl. cuticura Itcso vent, llio new itiooo. rnrlilfr.fi Per bottle. Cuticura Medicinal Toilet Soap, 2 cents. Cuticura Medicinal Shaving soap, 15 cents, in usrs tor barbers anu large consumers, ou ceniJ. rnncipui uepui, Wkeks Totter, Dosion, Mass. Sanford's Radical Cure. Itoad Colds, Watery Discharges from tho Noso and Eyes, Hinging nols s In the Head, Nervous ueaaacno anuuutus anu rover instantly relieved, rhoklnir. outrld mucus Is dUlodired. membrane Cleansed, uisinieciea anu neaicu, trcatn sweetvnea smell, tasto and hearing restored and ronstltu tionai ravages cuecKca. Couch. Bronehllls. Dronnlnirs Into the Throat. I'nlns in the Chest, Dyspepsia, Wasting of Strength uiiu ricsu, iuss ut nieep, ac, cureu, ono bottlo ltadlcal Cure. Catarrhal Solvent and ono Dr. Sanford's Inhaler, In one package, of all diuggttts, for il. Ask for sanford s ltadlcal cure. wkkks s i or i kk, noston. sow-! LIGHTNING ulckcr than COLLINS VOt.TA I! I'LthTlUH In re- isis llevlng pain nn 1 vveakunss ot ' the Kidneys, Liver and I.unes, ltueumatlaii. Neuralgia, Hys teria, Kemalo Weakness, Ma, laila, and Fever and Ague l'rico ti cents. Sold oa-ry- where. Jai SHERIFFS SALE. lly vlrtuo of sundry writs Issued out of th Court of Common rieas of Columbia county and to me directed, will to ej posed to public snlo nt tho Court House, In Hloomsburg, Pennsylvania, at two o clock, p. m. on MONDAY, FEimUAliY, Oth, HS-J. All lint certain lot or pleco ot land sltuato In township, Columbli oouaty, Pennsylvania, de scribed as follows, to-wlt: Bounded on tho north by land of lilmlra Albcrtsin, on tho east by land of Jjhn .Mocro, on the sjuth by land of Augustm Stou der, on tho west by land ot Elulra Altertson, Con taining to acres and ii perches on which aro cro ted a framo home, barn and out-bulldlagi. Seized taken in execution at tho suit of Thomas Mather assigned to .lmla Jehuson, nialnit O;o, W. Hoffman and ti b s )!d ai tho rroperty nf oeo, W. Hoffman. Ikilkk Atty. Al. Vend Ex. ALSO, Tin thirl Interest of tho following d-scilbed lot of ground situate In Catawisn, Columbia county and Stat) of Pennsylvania, on tin ca3t corner ot Main and 1 hlrd street of sail town, boundod on tho west by Third street.on th) north by lot ot 1). II u ih'is. onthosouthb Malustrojt nnd oi th east by lot or William Joan, on which aro erected alarga tw story tramostoro houso anil oiit-bulldlngj. SiUsl taken In exeoitloa atthasaltof II Frank Zarr executor of Goorgo Zarr, deoased, against Isaiah John, N. r. John and W, . John and to bo sold as tho prop rty ot W. i: John. Zakr, Att'y. Vend Ex, ALSO. AP tho right title and lnlercstot William Mas- te'lerlii two tracts ot laud eltuato lu sugarloat town ship, Columbia county, Pennsylvania, bounded and described as followj; Tract No. I. hounded on tho north amtru't by lands ot Andrew Hess, on Ilia south by land ot Andrew Has, on tho wtst and north by lands of Win, Petonnan, containing ni acres moro or less oa whtchare erected atwo story dwelllog hois-), frann barn.shop, and oth.'r out bulldtngs. Tra;t .So. !, Hounded on the north by Andrew llesi and E'ljili Pacinian, i n tho west by Sllis Iienjjmln, ou tho south oy Ellas shutz, on tho east by land ot Ella) Shultz and Andrew Hiss, con talnlngvo acres mora or less. Seized, tiken In cxomtlon at iho bultot Saoiuol ller.coct nowfor tliouj) of II, K. Hcacock ugalatt Wlilla-n Mastcller, anl to bo mid as t.e npcrtyot William .Mcsttller. Fkhz, Att'y. Veul Ex, ALSO, Th) follOrTlng described real ottato situate In Flshlogcrcek township, Columbia county and state of Pennsylvania, tho property of Elford Preston, bounded anl described as follows, to-wlt: Ileglnnlng at a poit corner ct land of u,inui liitciwn, thenco along division Itno south ono halt degreo two hun dred anl fourteeti anl two tenths perches to a post. thenco by land ot Edward Mchenry, north sixty. (seven degieca east one hundred and thirty-one perches to a Hpinlsh oak (down,) thenco by land of Jacob Karver, north oae-ha'f dogreo east, ono hun dred and slxty.two perches to a white oak, and thouco by laud ot Philip Appleman, north eighty, nlno and ono-half degrees west, ono hundred and twenty and ono tenth perches to tho place ot bv ginning; contalnluj ono hundred and thirty-thrco acres, and twenty.tlvo perches and tho usual al. lowaneo of six per cent for roads ic. on which arc erected a two story framo dwelling house, Ur.'O bank barn and other out'butldlngs, seized, taken In cxocutlon at tho suit ot P. I), lilack ngalnst Klford Preston ana to be sold as tho property ot bltord Preston, Ikiii.kk, Atl'y. Al. PI. Fa. ir. il. EST, pherirr. ALSO, Tho follow Ing detcrlbol real citato tltuatointho town ct lllocmsburg, Columbia county, Pennsylva nia, t,s tho property of (ieorg) II, Kitchen, bounded and described as follows to-wlt I On tho torth by lot of T. ijulnn, on tho cast by Ulackberry alloy, on 'tho south by lotcf It, Jones, acdou thowest by Wall Itoad street, (bilng lot No, cc) on which (aro en ctcd a cue and a halt story Irani! dwelllog house and out-kl'cuen, Selzid, taken In ixe utlon at tho suit ct Philip Lltctmrd agalnu Utorge 11, Kitchen and to tie sold . us tho prof city c( (icotgo 11. KIMieu, I Ixu nii, Att'y. Fi, Fa. fiiticura ALSO, All that certain root estate, Mtii&te In tho town ot liloomsbiirif, Columbia county, t'ennsyiranla, boun ded cn tho north by Second ctrcct, on tho cast by land Ot R. J, Thorn ton, on tho s-utli by land of J Moyer nnd on tho west by l in 1 of Thornton and llarton, containing so feet front and Tl feet d;cp,on which Is creeled a two-story framo Un ihop. ALSO. All tbt certalnreal cstato sltuato In tho town of liloomstmrg, Columbia county, rcnnsrlrasla, de scribed us follows, to-wlti bounded on the north by land of 11. V. 11 art man, on tho cast by Market street nnd tho south ty Itldgo Alley, and on tlu west by Murray alley, containing feetfiont feet deep, on which Is erected a dwelling housi bjrn and out-bulldlngs. Seized, taken In execumn at tho tutt of Johnson niack&Co., ngalnst Andicw M. llupert, and tibe sMd as tho property of Andrew M. Itupcrt. Limns, Attorney vend Ex. ALSO, Tho undivided ono-half Interest In a tract or plcco of tlmbclr and sltuato In urlarcrcck and Flshlngcrcek townships, Columbia county, and Stato ct rennsyl vanla, bounded and described as follows, to-wlti Ilcglnnlng ntn Mono, formerly black oak.lt bo log on ortfitnnl corner ot a surrey In tho warrantco nnmo of Naihin Death, and another In tho name ot Daniel V. Sejbcrt, thenco alongsild lleach survey south, clghty-ono degrees west, four hundred and fifty thrco Torches to a stene, formerly a chestnut o.ik, thenco by the samo south nlno degrees east, ntty.two porches to stones, thenco by tho samo luth elgUj-ono degrees west sixty-two i crches to stoaoj, thenco by survey In tho warrnntjo name of inricl J. l'calcr, north twenty degrees, ono hua dred and twenty six perches to stones, thenco by land In the warrantco namo ot John Allcgir, thenco by tho Bamo north soventy two degrees east three hundred and eighty p?r.hstoa black oak, Ucnce by land warrantecd t J rorry Iluckatevr, noithsov- enty.nve dejrecs enjt ono hundred and thirty -two perches to a post, thenco north eighty, six and a lulf degrees catt htty-ona parches to a chestnut oak, thenco ncrth slxty.two degrees cast, e'glity- four perches to a post, thenco south two degrees west ono hundred nad Hfty-elght perches to tho p!aco ot bcgtnnlng, containing four hundred acres ct ml, strict mcaviro, Selzcd.Vikcn In execution at tho suitor th i Dloonn- burg 11 inking Co , against A. II. l'earson nnd to bo sold as tho property of A. II. Pearson. ikt, Attorney. V.-nd. Ur, finoWS' Al'PHAlSKMKNTS. 1. Widow's appraisement In the ci tato ot J. 11. Stoker, deceased. Personalty. !J!n 93 2. Widow's appraisement Inthots tue ot ueorgo strauss:r, deceas ed. Personalty. JJ 00 s, Widow's appraisement In tlu es tate ot John llllllg, deceased. Personalty. $ 03 00 4. Wllow's appraisements In tho es tato ot I). W. lierlln, deceased, l'ersona'ty. IT M ltoalty. m 75 $soo 00 6. Wldjw's appraisement in tho f s tatoofS S. s Shocmakor.deceas ed. I'-sonalty. IH 33 Total realty. liuo 00 tits 85 a Wldiw's appraisement In tho es tate of Ueorgo A, liowman.deco is cd. Personalty. $3110 ou Will bo confirmed nisi on tho tlrst M0nd.1v ot Feb. ruary 1('Z. and unles3 excentlons b) tiled within four ilivs thereafter, tho samo wilt be continued nosoiuiciy. jan is t-c w, kkiikii it' .vi JMCKNSK NOTICK. Notlco Is hereby clven Ilia, tho followlne named persons Hied with the clerk of tho ijaarter Sessions ot tho Poaco of Coluublacounty, their petitions for license, which will bo presented to tho sild Court on juonuay, me sixiu uay 01 r eorunry, a. ij. ibYi, Cillmorc, Frederick Mooomsburg, Kestaurant, ltobblns, Cortcz II. ' Lluuor stoio, Tubbs, w. I'. " Hotel, .-uann, jonn .1. ucntre, llagenbuch, Samuel Orange, " CleikVs onice. WM. KIIICKIIAUM, liloomjburg, Jan. 10 1531. ciukcj.8, E XECUTOH'S NOTICE, F.STATR OV JACOB F, EVCK, UECEASkO Letters testamentary r-n the cstato of Jaccb v Buck, lato of Centre township. Columbli couuty.Pa deceased, havo been cranted by tho lteelstcr of said county to tho undersigned Executor. All persons having claims ngalnst tho estate ot tho do-edent aro retiuestea lODrescni inemior peitiemeai nia those, ludebted to the estate to mako payment to mo unuersignoa exe-Juiur wituoui. uemj OEOltQE 31. WHITMlItE, Janl3r,-w Executor, Orangevlllo Pa. A' XXUAI, STATKMHT OF C0LUJU1IA COUNTV AOItlCULTUnAI, SOCIETY I-Olt THE YEAR 1SS1. ItECEII'TS. Balance In hands of Treasurer from isso, f 'l JO Admission tlckels so d MiJ Si.ai m Membership tickets Bold let), 10 oo stand Item, sot oo llorso entries. 67 90 Grand Stand, M oi Hay, wood, Ac, scld, ss CO Total. EXl'ENDIlUItEH. tl 1U ts f 9C0 TS ia-j oo 7' 00 Si 00 sur 58 04.", 00 2-H 112 S 01) S3 S7 700 00 rremlumi. once and assistants. Music, Exptnte cf delegates to stUo College, Mndo repalrsand Improvements, Milccrs salary. rrmting. statlonnry nnd tickets. opera Houso for election, Tax, raid on real estate, i otai. tl SJ) 46 Ilolar.ce In handset Treasurer, .Itinmirv r.. lis c in no Balance duunn Hjal Eceate, M.O.lIimilES. FltEU 11. IIAUT.MAV, President. Svcietary. ORPHANS' COURT SALK OF VALUAHLK rursuant to an order of tho Orphan's Court of Co lumbia county, I'encajlvanla, will bo sold nt public rale, on tho premises, in the township of Montour, In said county, on FRIDAY, JANUARY 2Tlh. 1882. at two o'clcck p m. tho following described real estatu late of John llallor.deccased to-wlt: A houso and Za'jt of Ground, adjoining land of Henry Lazarus, Jeremiah Beaver and Iealuh llagenbuch This lot Is situated on tho public road loading from Uloom burg to Danville Tho houso la a largo two story FRAME DWELLING-. there Is erected on saM Iotalo (MOD STABLE AXnOUT-lIOUSEi! A is ) a good WELL Of WATBlt on tho promises. TEHMS OF MALE. Ten per cent, of onc-fourtuot the purchase money shall bo paid at Iho str klcg down of the property ; th"oue-fourth less tho ten percent, at the continuation ubsiluto, and tho re maining throe-fourths in ono jenrnfler confirma tion ntn. with Interest from that date. Purchaser to pay for making deed.; I'ETEIIS. KUlSH.NE't, Administrator BE KIND TO- THE LITTLE ONES. Tho nauseous iloso of Castor Oil may he avoided by using Tho Emulsion cf Castor Oil -, It Is very liU-nsnnt, nnd Is steadily taken ns a sugar plum by children. Large llottlo 2.1 cts. Thcro nro many persons suffering untold torments with tlio disease known us ihopllcs, believing Hint a euro Is impossible. To All ! I.ct us tell . you that Dr. Gules Osrman Plls Ilemo 7 will euro you, every package war rantedonly CO cents. Protect your feet from dampness 10 ccntn will buy siiMlclent AVuter-Proof Dressing to (.often mill water-proof u half dozen pairs of r-hocs. Our block of Drugs, .Medicines, ChcinL cals, Sundries. Ac., nro of tho Rest Quality, and will bo sold at tho Lowest Prices possl. bio that n good quality can bo offered for and wo solicit n Miaro of your patronage. Our slock of Souiis.Perftimcf, Hair, Tooth, and Null llrushes, Is large, and Is ottered at very low prices. Bloomsburg, Pa. jam Till: COUltT Ol' COMMON PLHAS OV OULUM1UA UOU.NTV. Notloa is horchr clven that an nrp'-icafan will bo mada to sail court, on Monday. February otli, A. I). is . imrti-i- ntt. nf An.rmhiv or tho Commonwealth ot rcnnsylvnnta, entitled "an act to provide ,or tho in corpoiuiinn anu reguiauon in cerium mrpum lons,s' npproved April tth, 1S74, and tho H'lpplc- nmntn tiiprtun. Drum marir-r n an inicnacu cjr- nnrnilnn tn rtn pnllpri Tlin Ynilnir Men's Christian Assuciauuu ui ucrwicK ra, inouujwi,ui ,,., , tor tho improvement of the spiritual, mcnta', social, anu l njsicai condition ot young men, unu iur uu-su encflts and nrtvllcces ot tho kald act of Asembly nrnmna in nnvn. nmuu, nin ,-inuir mi luu nudia, uuu us sup; it-menu. . . . . , ANDlltCW R. OSWALD, Jan 13 4 t solicitor. ZPTJEDLtlO SALE OK Valuable Real Estate. llf vlrtuo of an order of tho Orphans' Court of Co lumbia county, tho undersigned executor tf Hilllp Unangst, lato of VUhlngcreek township, Columbia county, deceased, will expos j to public sale on tho premises on Saturday, January 28th, 1882 32, at ono o'cloak la tho attornoan, tin fallowing de scribed real estate, to-wlt; A certain cleco or narctl ot land sltuato In 1'IHi- lnzcrcok townshla. bounded by lands of Edward Unangst. William Unangst, A. Lewis and Wllllim W. Mll'cr, containing FIVK ACltEH and nvo perca- cs on which li a good FRAME DWELLING HOUSE, frame, stablo and out-bulldlngs. Thero Is also an excellent lot ot FltUIT TUBK8 On this lot. TEHMS OF SALE. Ten per tent, of one-fouttn of tho purchase money shall be paid nt tho striking down of tho property: thoono-fourlh less tho ten per cent, at tho confirmation absoluto, and the re maining three-fourths In ono year attcrconnrma tlon nbl, with Intcrott from that date. SAMUEL SniVE, Jan. t, IW1 4w Executor. ZPTTBLTCJ SALE OF VALUA1I1.E Muni KsHatc ! lly vlttuo of an ordtr of the orpnans' Court of Co lumbia comity, tho undersigned Administrator of tho cstato of llenjamln Ilndeninuth, lato ot conyn gham township, Co umbla county.dcceascd.wlll ex peso to public sale upon tho premises on SATURDAY. JANUARY 21st, 1882 F at ten o'clock In the forenjon tho following do- ui jjiu;i:a, vtmu jjiiiiig iuu .uuuiiuiiiu utiviiiuncs ui cuu vt-'inciictcuill-scrltcd real cstato sltuato la conyngham township, aiUl tle31,tch ill all transactions. coiumoia county, i cuuii. ni-t,iuu,uK u awu . , lino of land belonging to tho city of 1'hlladelpliLi, and running thenco along lino of land of Jeremiah Llndemuth, north seventy-seven degrees, cast Ihlity-llvo pci dies to nstone, thence by tho samo north, onc-halt degreo cast seventy-seven p relics to a stcne, thenco by land of tho Lclrs of John I.lnd enmutb, south Ecventy-seven degrees west sjventy- nvo peichea to astono and thetco by landot the city of Philadelphia south tweLty-ntno degrees east eighty pirches to the rlaco of b-E.rnlng. Con taining und one hundred nnd thlit' i c Lf TEBMS OF SALE.-Tcji . a. .if one-fourlh of the purchase money to i i 'ho striking down ot tho property; th lrlh less the ten per cent, at tho conllrm .un of sale, ani the remaining throe-fourths in ono year thereafter with Interest from conllrmatDn nlst. ISAAC LISDENMUTII, dic3)t-s Administrator. Oiphans' dourt Sale OF VALUABLE I'urauant to nn order of tho Orphans' Court ot Columbia co-inty, tho undersigned; Admmistrator of Samuel Ilhone, late of Benton township, de ceased, will exp )33 to 3alo on th i prjmlss In said township on Friday, January 13th, 1882, At one o'clock, p.m. the following described real estate of said decedent, In Benton township, bounyle land described ai ol- lows: On tho nerlh by land ot Alfred itantz, on tho east by Tlnmns Bender and W. W. He's, on tho south by W. W. nes-s, C. W. Myers and A. A. Ober- holt?cr and on the wes- by Daniel Earns, containing Twenty -two Acro3. moro or lesis, whereon aro erected A BXVZ.aXiXiHOUSEl AND BAIXW. TEHMS OF SALE. Ten per centot one-fourth ot tho purchase money shall bo paid at tho striking down of tho property, th) one fourth less tho ten per cent at tlio continuation absolute, and the re maining threctourths In ono year after continuation nUl with Interest from that date. (IKO. W.HIItLEMAN, Administrator. Dec. ic-5w Demon, I'n, JOHN C. YOCU.M, Attoi'iiey-at-irxvv, BLOOMSBUKO, I'A. Onicowlth Hon. C. It! Uuckalcw. Member ot tin American Attorneys' Asso;Iatlou. Collections made In any part ot Airwrlc i. Jan. a, Till: PATRIOT. A rciinwjl vanla .erNiicT lor tlic Ociieiul Iiilll: Tho DAILY I'ATIiIOT Is tho only morning news, paper published at Iho Stato Capital. Tho DAILY I'ATIiIOT makes a specialty ot Pennsyl vania news. Tho DAILY I'ATIIIOT t-ubltshcs tho Associated press news anu sxciaia irom an points. Tho DAILY PATItlOT gives special attention to train nnd produce markets. Tho DAILY I'ATIiIOT opposesl monopoly, bosslsm auu cuuirdu4itjuui puuuuu puwer. Terms: 15.01 per annum, strictly In nlvanco. or t' vo cer annum It not paid in advance. For any penou ics iimu uuu year ai propurtionato rates. The WEKKI.Y PATItlOT Is a largo clght-pa pa per, devoted to Uteraturo, agriculture, science, manufactures, news, markeU, etc. Durlug 18-2 each number will cont un un Illustration of Bomo pioailueut toplo or event. Thlilsan attractive teatura which cinnot fall to uleaso. Terms: ji.uo per annum. Invariably In k Iv.iuco. Ono copy of ino wLuiiui r.i iiuir ana ono copy ot tno run. ndelphla Weekly Times will bo tent ono j ear for tl 0) cash In advance, thus giving thu two papers for tho subscription prleo of the latter, ono copy ui mu i.r.ivui t . liiin'i uuu uue copy u. tuo Cottage Hearth, an excellent monthly mnirazlno. pipilMied at Host oi nt tl so on- annum, wtll be Kent for ouo 3 enr tor si.,u tasu in aitVunce. Send in J our subscription- at PA i , ' ' '1 CO., . nrg, l a. I fortho wlnterln farmln i . Very largo -ret irns iur euuiniraiiL particulars nd trees lmmedl.it Co. 7ft I Broadway, N, Y, uor. For lull N(1B JUDDA: QOLD MEDAL AWARD II ihsAothorADeivftntl pnttt Utxi- ehoawnt. indinaatjla to mvarv ratnlinUttfdUiHcine0of Iii fr,HJ(.lT(m,ti(in ; boandia finrt Kroch rnutlin, ruboM4, full rvJtuO pp.cQUini bMaUfnl eatTtTinti, 12b mtefiTw non 1, iinca ou : pnc o: mil( lIluiU,i.Uiiijnpl,$cenUt rVHW TTTYRFT V i.fl.ilJM.t.lat4l."' Mr. w. n. i'aiu KKU, No. 4 iia&uch ft Kostca a UlnllFDtO KBl. IfjULLCn JWIiUH COD-LIVER Oil S'Jl-erlor lo Cheapest uy H hMt ino ra aulkorltlu leUifylulu dllccycf UitoamUnjcIl. rorfalobrDriunrl.t. ff.U.StlileireHnaC3(;;a')N, Jan o Mr j A BEATTTS n.N070HTES-lA(5NIFI. BEATH'S t .civji rnoiiaay treaeuisi squarourand puuo- fortes, four very handsome round corners, rosiood cases, ir.-eu uuisons,iieai.v'd miicnissiron frames, si onl. book, cover, loxul. tiii 73 to tiul J: eatalo euo prices, f oo to II noil: satUtactlon uuarii teed or money icfunded irficr ono jcar's uses urrluht rl.muroiltu. 1143 to IJ53: catalajua nrlees. tMl In Jooo i ttandard plnnr, rrra of U'o universe, as thous. nndstestlf): ruo tor mammoth list of testimonials; Ho, ttj '.s tni'lni t orfc-ftris, cathedral, ehurcli, chapel, pallor, 130 upward ..visitors welcome ; fieo carnaee inlets tralos; Illustrated catalogue (hultday rolllon) free. Address or Call upon IM.1IKI, V. IIKATTV. Jin isi w r l.lll'OHTA.NT TO 1MIUIT GROW BUS! tub EAGLE PRUNER A recently patented Invention, Is u superior Imnle mem lor Ilirht nrunlcc. It Is very Blmnla la con btructlon. light, easy worked, rapll andeniclenttn execution, harm) sa'esaio nredlctedfor It. Hallblac- tion guaranti ed. Mend for circular. Agents wanted. Auuro s AMEiuuAW I'llVMnii cu,i nieuuurg, ais. jiu .ss-n r J777f.ua Vl I I Avgusu, 1 aim expcnmi to r. Addriusl'. 0. accuts 0. VIUKBltr Unite, r nov. ll-ln, $i) TO 11.000 In stock! or grain, pnjlng big ; rim Apnltts free, 0, M. (lurdnur, 5 William tl N, V rPO ADVKU'riBKUS, I.owcst Hales for X Advertising In l.uoi irood ninsuanera Iroo. Ad. uie ,u,u. j-, iiuivce.1, eu,,iu npruco t, rs, I, Unisi w PA. -FROM- UMIT STREET TO FILBERT. AN ENTIRE IS FILLED WITH Selected Carefully by Experte in the Best Markets ot tlio World. This Hugo Arry of Stuffs Aggregates In VhIiiu Coiisiilcrnbly more tlmn A MILLION OF DOLLARS. AM) 18 niVHi:i A3IO(J THIITy-TWO DEPARTMENTS ix iTiiicn Aitnco.vTAixuo r.VKit"ri!ifj cci)i:i ty Wearing Affjparel; for Maclie audi MMrem,. JLMi KVKIIYTIIIXC COIIIVK I'.IKIt Till! IIP. VI OP EfoiDiscjiiiiiii,jiiisjifniiig Bij (Romfe Few such exliibitfe us this aro made , ii i D!i8 it in miraciivenes?, variety svatcin to which the business is retlticetl, insures the most prompt, careful ami economical service of all The price) are boyotul controversy veyetl from producer to consumer, as all methods of cheapening prices are in vogue known to the most exact business science. On moderation qf prices, primarily, has the success of the house been based, and Hicccss has furnished facilities for still further lowering n . lit - il VI','. There is norenson why all who vantages whiJi are ollercd you by of use. I I W. Come MM Market Sts. Mil MM I Cllllffl PHILADELPHIA. KGISTHR'SN'OTICKS. Notlco Ulieriy given to an legatees, creui ld ntliemiirtislnteiested In the estates of tors and tlio respective docionts and minors, that tho to- lUn lily UUIUlUiarittia ,u vi tuwi o uuu i.i.mo wv- counls havo been dd lu tho olllco ot the lteglstur of Col. Co. ami wiunorcsenieu tor connrmauoii aim allowanco In thorphans Court to bo held In Bloomsburg, on Inday, Feb. i 1552, at s o'clock m. on said day: Thn accouutotreklel Fritz and Wm.P. ltobblns administrator &llsha Bobbins, lito ot Jackson township, decked. Tho llrst and )al account of John Ptouts, ad mlnlstrator.'dsonus non cum testnmentoun nexo.ot the es:o of Hannah Balrd, deceased, as llled by ltache'fouts, executrix, of tho last will and te.it.imenif John Pfouts. deceased. S. Accouut of Mluda Uc, administratrix ot Pol ly lilsner, tecueii, lato ot ucrwicK. First and flnalioountof John J.Longenberger, administrator John Jacob Longenbeiger, lato of Minim tuwnlp, decease !. Final account' Freas Brown, guardian of Sam uel c. t reasy, luor chlM ot il. W. Creasy, late of Scott towntp, deceased. 0, Third and paril account nf John Bellas ono of tno executors: Auam uenas, lato oi rismng crcex, decease First and fluaueount of John K. Grotz. admin istrator ot Wlam Verry, lato ct tho town of Bloomsburg, -ceased. 8. Flrtt nd aniaccount ot Stephen (learbeart, guar' - of cries iienrneart, a minor cnnu or 3abo earhrt, laie of Main township, de cease . J . Tho it s nnd'nal account of William Fcttr- man.eiecutort Jonas Keltermin.ia o ot Locust tonnsUlp, doused. II. Second and Ail account of I. K. Krlckbaum nnd wiiuain iirtniexecuiors or.iotnua urlnK, late of Benton covshlp, deceas.d. ThPllist andartlal account ot B. Frank Zair, 11 uuu it tins uiiuistruiors oi .vuurtiw uingios, deceased. j Tho llrst and ml account of B. Frank Zarr, nd lulalstr.uorolaiinali.irr, deceased, It, 13. Tho second aount of II. Fiank Zarr, executc-r ui ueurge aj ueteaseu. 14. Tho llrst andiartlal accouut of It. F. Chapin, ono ot tne'ecutors ot .lared llnirlson, de coised. 16. Therlnal occot of Thomas Dollman, guardian ui mi4ueiuiuniu,ltl, u llliuur eunu UI JUI1U Dollman, ilo.sal. 10. The final acco.t of Thomas Dollman, guatdlan ui iiuuiu uuian, a minor cuim oi jonn iou man dee-easei 17, The tlrst and ul account ot Seth Shoemaker, admlnlstratoit Catharlno Shoemaker, lato ot Hemlock towiilp, deceased. is. An account ot. M. Lilly, administrator of Jo- bi'pu Liny, latot bcott township, deceased. 19. First and Unaecount ot Simuol Lohr, adminis trator otaoso Lenr, laiooi nearer towubuip, deceased. 20, The tlrst and ial account of Jeremiah Kosten- bauueranu J,. Kullllo, administrators of Ciuia Camp, deceail. 21. First and nnl account of Thomas J. Vanfter- i bllce, ndmlnlrator ot ltelx-cca Vanderollee, lato ct mi neasaut township, deceased, as llled by hhxecuturs, Johu Ktsiler and C. M Vanuers'lco. 22. First and nnaiccount ot John L. Moyer, ad- iniiiutraioroteorge W. viarsh, lato of the I'tty of Blugli.mtt stato of New ork, deceased 23. Fli st and; not account of Hiram Sliugars, ad ministrator tucorgo Ilclituboek, lntuct Mtdn towuthlp, dcised. lt"'.,t:i3to. 1 OEO. Vr.STEItNEIt. Booms it.; Jatj, ;2. ( lleglster IWfEE'S SALE Valualo Real Estate. By Vlrtuo Of an ler of thn OrnhinVCmlit nf Cn lumbiacountyjtlandersigced Trusteo lu thecs- lato ot Thomas H khouso, deceased, will e.x?oso 10 public sale on tin remlsoa ou EBRUARY 3id, 1882, FRIDAY, commencing at h o'elcek a. m., all that t-oruin messuige, I Farm o i i aut ofLancL hounded and di -ibed as follow s, te.wlt: West wanlly by l inls ). n. tlordner, Jr., Johu tlordner and landi occuj) i1 u I'hlllp Watts, southwardly by lands ot DanW.orduor and Samuel Suyder.east- wardly by Hull IJohn tlirdner and. land oeou- j'led by tl. T. CrU and.northwardly bj' lauds of 0. II. uordner, tr?,; I landj occupied by (3. T. Crist, containing lOO Atrs, .11 ore or I,cnn, About vvcuty.h, acres mora or less of the south uast corner ofJ said tract of land lleslal'lno towushlp, Columi county, whjreoa nro ericteda nvo storied l'lt.VMlDWKLLINO HOUSE. a largo Hank Bfiand other out-bulldlngs. And by virtue (m order ol tho orphans' court of Lycoming count, all of tha other nnrllon nf fhn said farm or tracif laudfltuatoln said I.ycomlng rouniy, ana conning Ectcnty-flvfi acres more or less, win bo some tho premises on the same day. Halo to comraoncijtteu o'clock a. m, rKKMsofUoTiiu.t.-Tcnrercent oti-4 of tin purchase monti tho paid at tho striking dowuot one-fourth Iifstho ten per cent. tha propel ty, tli at the confirm: i absoluto, and the remaining three-fourths til tl year alter confirmation nl I with Ints: . ffi unti t'. I'N GOItnSEII, Tl'USle, Ja i, s- BjQQ J. Tftl RAEDER, -prac?1 :1 Book-Eiador 1 MARKET STREET, 'iBS-BAREB PA. 110 WE Ulnder or all) 4 current Dubllcationa in nnvii.i. liloomsbtu cfercncu can he given If rcnuired orrespoiulcnco sollelted. U',w M2CTitvf Iy ",ue llne,?' I't'ails, Nolo Ileails. rilaleini as joucanbujf rmuae-ipuia.anu Cheaper In soiau luveuueea. t "B MB A THIAL. SOUTI Don'L looalft lifnrn hixw nn James luver settleintut. Jllua tratedcataloeuofife. J. M m cha,tlaii:monr,fcrryCO,va. u jjam -4vv 13 LOCK DRY GOODS, in the country. None can sur- l . . rti 1 . a and interest, j ne almost nortcct patrons. as low as tlio )oils can lje COu- I 1 . n desire should not share in the ad this great mart of fashion and S. W. tor Eislilli & Fillibrt Ste. COURT PROCLAMATION- WIUCRKAS, the Hon. William Klwhii. President Judgo of tho Court ot Ojerniid Tcrmlncrand Ueucral Jail Delivery, Court of imu tcr Sessions of tho Peace and tlio Coui t ot Common Pleas and Orphans' Court in tlio 26th Judicial Dis trict, composed ot tho counties of Columbia and Montour, nnd tho Hons. Jamol Lake and F. L. Sliuinan.Ass'ic'ato Judges of Columbia county, have Issued their precept, beailng date the Dtlichiyof Deo. In tho year of our Lord ono thousand eight hundred and eighty-one, and to mo directed tor holdlnga Court of Oyer and Terminer and General (juarter Sessions ot tho Peace, Court of Common Pleas and Orphans' Court, tn Bloomsbuig, lu the county of Columbia, on tho llrst -Monday, being tho ethday of Feb. next, to continue two weeks. Notlco is hereby given to the Coroner, to tho Jus tices of tlio Peace, and tho Constables of tho said County of Cohunbla, that they bo then and thero In their proper person at 10 o'clock In tho forenoon of said 6th day of Feb. with their records. Inqui sitions and other remembianccs, to do those things which to their ofllces appertain to bo done. And those that am bouudby recognauco to prosecute against the pilsouers that aro or may bo In tho Jail of tho said county of Columbia, to bo then nnd there to prosecute them as shall bo lust. Jurors aro re quested tobo punctual In their at tendance, agreeably to their notices. Dated at Bloomsburg tho 5th day , ,1 of Jan. In tlio year of our Lord ono L. S. thousand eight hundred and eighty-two ' , J and lntho ono hundred and ssventhjenr of the Independence of tho Tutted fetntes of America. Slicrlll'sOnice. U. II. BNT. Bloomsburg, Jan. o tc Sherlil. N TOTIOK IN PARTITION". ESTATE OF ELIZABETH WENNKK, DECEASED. To Julia Schlt'ijer, tntermirrlod with Jioj'j schlo per, of t-usnuehanna county, ra; 11. V. tlarrctt.of Kist Nnnilcoke, l.uzernt-Jcnunty, l'n.. Mahlon II. HUks, of lulllmoie. .Md.,husan A. Wolf, Intermar ried with Amlro Wolf, of HUck Creek-, Luzerne countr,,ra..Ilenry Shaffer, Susanna Crawford, inter married with Stephen Crawford, Angelina (larrett, Intermarried with ljtl (larrott, and Stephen l'ohe, guardian nd litem of tho minor children cf L'mlly Hicks, nil ot Columbia county, l'a meeting: lunccoidanco wllh a ruin granted upon thoisih day of December, issi, by iliu Orplians'courc of Co lumbia count;, jou are hereuy notllled nnd required to appear upon tlio first day ot tlin next term ot t'ouitaud accept attha valuation, tlio following do scribed premises ur show causo wliy tlio mmo shall notbo sold, Mz: All that rurtaln lnessuugu or tract of land situate in Jentro township, tiilinniUcojn. ty, bounoed on thu north hyapuVillo road, on ih-i cast by a public road, on tho south by lands of Wil son Miller, and on the wost bv lands uf ll.M-hwpn. ponhelsor, contalnln; two acr.-s moro or less with thonppurteaauces, of tho entatu of s ilil decedent. I'. II ENT, Suorltf. Jan. re JOHM A. PUNSTON & Oo. Roal Estate, Trustj Investment and Collection Office. BLOOMSBURG, DA. ron hai.k or Exchange. Large Krame Houso far two famll'es, good stable, fruit uud water. Owned by ll. F sharp less. 87 Acres, llurloy farm, Mont ,ur townMilp.fraraB dwelling house, bank Darn and other out. building, good boll; about loo acres timber; well watered; healthy location, good markets. If deslicil, will d. vldo In two or throo tracts, fee drat a. Terms easy. Now owned by Wm. Ke.il, Ksr(. A comfortublo new brick dwelling on Mb street, west ot .Maiket, in rooms. A bargnfii, IM acres on Bouth bank ot ilver iv miles from town ot Mllllin oa road to Her.Uck. 115 acres bottom Uud.bilinco timber, llnck dwelling, bank barn and outbuildings, good fruit nnd water, (well and foun tain) . Also a valuable deposit of live neu it or brick and i-otter's clay. Owned by John Wlf. ot Ulooms huig. Adsslrablo new brick dwelling houso and a lorgu Iraino dwelling houso aim frame stablu on bust strict ono door b.-low 'third. Lots orfi'red on eusy terrai with contracts to build If il-lred. lis ncros In MadUoa towiiihlp; occupied by Joaeph wlso, (lood framo houso and bank birn. Land lately well limed and manured. Apple orchard and other ft ults. loi Acres In Flshlngcrcek township, on road to Denton. II rick house, triune barn and thods tiood water at house an I barn. Applo orchard aud other fruits. Owned by John I'ealer. Ill Acres productive land In 'Jemloek township. l)v miles from Ilioomsbiirg. Frame dwelling, uai k bum and two tenant houses. A S story brick dwelling, now frame barn good water aud fruit. All in best of condition on Ceulro street, Uloomsburg, between Srd nnd 4th, A largo traino houo ami barn with outbuildings, good water and fiult. Corner ot Third t nd Itallroad streets. A very pleasnnt tinmo dwelling, corrcr ol Bin and Iron streets, with water and gas, All In good condi tion. , A UK story frame carriage nnd blacksmtlh shop, rnr.o leeion Iron near Main blreet, with trado nnd good will. A lull st ot tools In each department, lleasonablo price and terras. A nearly now 1-nU.ry frame dwelling on Fourth Street. Catawlssa, franvj stable, good water, and fruit, all in good cndltion. Also. iLPiea tanil rm n if 4- u' If It ir Cutiw ssi Paper Mills, with coal jard 4 llmo kilns, and ratlrcndsldiug A desirable silo for car shops or other manufactory. Terms icasonable. O.vned by J, 11, Knltt'o. For particulars, apply to oct. it, Ki-ir JoriN A.ri'NsroN. or PAUL E, WHIT. D for lssj, with lrnprovctUuter. lai'V PretJ est tablo. calendar, etc. sent . . n,. . to any address on receipt of K? J1"-1"3.;0."" rl'amps. AddroisOtUIti Its K. lllltl'.s mN Delaw.ro Ave, I'lilla, d imB-iw WAJ'JBD Active and reliable men in fl,.r tf,, I, t..lK,,ll Viirinpry ourFiSiU. MaIIL. a NaiumI I'lrtlllzer, HlgCom. minions, complete outtlt and full liereonal Ins ruo tloui by special a ilesmeu. Apply it, oueo wild I'. O, address and rolerenoo. JOHN T HoilKltl'S ti lllttl , (leiinauuiwn, I'hllidelplila, I'd. d Jan. 5 4w AUhNTS WANTKH AT ONClT 'lb tell the Lf ami Complete Jl'utory o THE TRIAL OF GUITEAU. Ask teh of his crratlo career and Fl'M, HISTORY ot the btracgo scenes and Marlllnx DluMogurcs of his trlit; the most costly uud rcinaikutle-ln llioun. nalsofcrlmi. Y1I tllustrad- Will sell Immenselv Ageut'a outtlt 60 cents. Terms to agents literal. Addroas Ill uiiAHir llltOS.,l'uhllsherl TM cheat nut street, I'hilndelpliia il. jane-4w
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers