he doltunb&q. .OOtCMMWllHOClUT, Win OP Til NOBtn, 4 Wl. Utsed etery Friday mornlni Jtf w.oo 8.00 7.00 9.00 10.00 17.00 so. 00 IT One Inch .......12.no 5.00 8.00 11.00 1I.O) 1 5.110 !H HI eo.00 Two Inch's..,,,.,,. J. no Throo Inches 4t Four Inchon n.m quarter column,.., (inn ll.llf Column., ...... 10.00 One column,. ,20.00 nnniti.....'..:. ia ..Ati riwmmt allf . " r ii 11 .u 13.00 IS. 00 a), no MOO when paid m & ooiintTthatenfi ?hm Mia TraKMST' Tncrlb out TiM terms aro tt per roar, '"in, 61 ih :. r aisoonunuca nwji i, n i" Publishers, until all arrearages are paid, b i 0111) llll.W conunuM crwta wm not bo given. )0J A1! Wiwnwnt o I the Biatfl or to dKW'o Ycarlr advcrtlsrmntq nivnhta mmrtArlir. Tran- Blent advertisements must bo paid for before hiscrted except where parties have accounts. Legal advertisements two dollars per Inch for three lnwtlons, and at that raw for additional insertion hiinuat PP P&'d ft" "i ad'anco, ut;rt;. rtb SpJoPfrapnlTeolumWacountr assumes to "4 "u.SSdJtln ojo on demand. ,. ,1 OwSJ A. nownger oMCtod from subsera, tt aid for In advance, unless ft ,g ij rwuiuiu reicrcnco to length. Executor's, Administrator's, and Auditor's no'-'om three dollirs. Must bo pain for when Inserted. TllB .Tnhhtnr. li.W..i,nnt,f nf lio flAMMD 11 VW E.ELWSIjI, Wrapleto, and eu? job Printing will comp.wwjtij ,.k. 8wrBHsaii oaa, ) 1 uvMm- BLOOMSBURG, PA., Fill DAT, DECEMBER 30,1881. Tiirc nm.mfiiTAitf ai v,r V. uZZ".Z .K,V i'.".' rui- Mr with ihnt h. ttiAa All wnatmd 0 COLUMBIA DKMOOltAT, VOL, XLVI, No, 4j' 'ardi in the "Business Directory" colomn, on demand. nmtJrtTiii nt tnrvVrAU nrlOCi PH0FES3IOXAL GAUDS. Q B. BR0CKWAY, ATTORN EY-AT-LW, CPtcwsttM IICH.DIS0, UlooJurtf. ra, Member ofUto Unite.. States U Association, Collection mat? m any part of Am'i or Europe K WAlAfjit. Atto?noynttvw. once, Second tly trow 1st itsnal Bank, DLOOXailURQ, : r jJ- U. FUNK, i Attoridi c-Xia-w, iLOOMSUUHO, FA, liracj In Ent's licit iTl It A W.J. no Xkw, Mi. ATTOKHlS'-fr-LAW, lloomsttirg, Fa. nmconMalustr:t, (t oor below courtllout TOITNM. CLABK. ATTORNB1 A'.LAW, Hloom8b'jrg,r4. .ro store. Jntc over sch'iylei's Ho t. . Mr-"1" 1 no X1 ' U . Ik 11. R. LITf, ATTOKNE IT-LAW, Uloomsburp, pa. c. W. MILLER, ATTOHNKT-LAV: ortlco In 1! rower's hutifl second floor, room ! 1. tl Hbtirc, 1M, B. FRANK ZAIll'i Attorney- TTAisr.uno, PA omro corner of Control nulldlng. ' Ialn Streets. Clnk's (kn bo conwltc'l 5mtvii J K. CIIAPIN, ) ATTORNEA LAW. o.iiMniit(?iA Mav 1)0 found In URDU court, uouio. Sept. 10, '51, t QKO. K. EliWEL A T TO R N I-A Nnw cotuMcuii Ioin L A V, i Uluotatb'iiv, 1'tt. Member of tlio Unltctat Iiw Assoclitlon. mcrlca or Uiroiio a. WINTBItSTIKN. Notary J'ubllo Collectlonii made in cnyt o 8, KNOIIK. K.vomt .t wr A 1 1 mwe Offlcoli llriiim'.ii'a H!.C kct street', Ulooretbur, lS5iV.'iMn umI tnl tSTEEK, t-Lnw. 'r Jlulu und Mar- Colkclcd. UL K. W "H'l, AltOilU'Vt-llw ontcolnTirowor lit i ililibalow llrockway uuiming IIL'XW QUYJaIoI!V Att.ni'ti' R11.PA. j at ,h,w, ii.tliisnuiG, (ond tlnor, over Office In II., T.ciai; - il IIoCTman's Uotirnnd I" ' Oct. s, 'so. j j ir. M.vr.io, ATTORHY' Nil inif. AW JUSTICE ( Tl C IBAOE. OlIlcolnMrs. Enl'fc lilnj, IhliSaonr from Main street. May xo, si. K. OSWAI.f 1 Atto. n'Ttvl Jaofcaon linild, Hcbm -vv. 4 nnd 0, Mav 6. -Si II EKWICK, PA. rtM I, KYKKlT wot:; -Al-l,Aj Oa'awlflfa.Fa. 1 I i Collections rirorcipt.l.'iloin' ooponltn Oatav.-li'iR i)iU'.'i emitted. Offlco TXT H. KHAW " ..S1. .1. , . , fntawlssa, Pa. Ofllco, corner ei Third .Main StrtetB. A. L. Flil'l'Z, irnev.ai..nw. Ollic In lirookway'a Hlntr, Juno VI, 'ti. B IiUOKLN'GHAiilornov.nl.Uw Of- ,.nco. llrctkvini'Uldln? Hi floor, Plooms- burg, I'enn'a. j may i, vu-i i c rm -it-l.ii . In llrowert buUr, lid Ktri, li iw, Dllfji ooir.s -t it r I 11. ltUlil!'t)i"N, MpC' v-.tl-!.a OlUo j , in uanmaiiTi oui. I'.Malnstrt'Ot. R. WM M, REIi,rJitiKoon and Physi cian, oniea Marktii't, Near depot. 7- D T R. EVANS, M. Pprjeoi and Pliysi tj ' inn, (Ofllco and llcnct o: Third street - - - .$f- . , JR. McKELVY, Sure -on and Pliv , hiclan, north sldo A' street, Wlow Market. D R. J. C. RUTTER PHYSICIAN I KOEnjk Office, N3iiatket(.t.t;i t, Bloniviburg, p Oct. 1, 19. D R. I. L. RARE, PRAOTICAI EST HI main street, oppoilto ttpul cirircli, vinomr. ""'SI nr Teeth cxtractod w i: oot. i wo. : pain. BLOOM BUROL. 00. PA. All styles of work dono isnperior tnmncr, worl: nuiiuiucu repri'Biu r-ikktu j.xikact- u wituoct j'ain or utu or (m?, and free ot chargo wl artliklal teeth aie lit 4. Ofllco over HloorcEtllauUPg t'ompanj. lobeonen at all ttdirinatht dav. Nov.ss.ly i I MIHCKtrt itlS T . - - 0, M. DRINKER, iS nd LOCKflMITH. sewing Machines and ifi ery of all kinds ro- aired. Ofeka Housk llii Uloorattmrg, Pa, I) AVID LOVKNJte ' Merchant jt l. Tailor Mam Bt.,aoovoCo 8. KUIIN, dealen tfiit, Tallow, eto Centre stieot, tietinf oiiuu auu imru. JAMES REILLY, TonsoU Ai-tist, ..VP'S u, bls ibu ? "OP, Ha resnectfuiiol r EXCIIANCIK HO 1T.CLASS HAHHKlt s tho nutronai-f of oi old customers Jly ,'). un nu generally, EXOHANij HOTEL. W. R, TUBBi PIOPIUETOR BL00LW.O. 'A, OPPOSITE l)4' 10USI3, hot iTniaHCOI)Y(,I1lOhtpi?oriiimi. Path rooms - vvmnavor, amupoooiro coureuiouot The Backus "Water Motor MP ltf TIIK MOST Economical Power Known -l'OIt- DIUVING LIGHT MACHINERY. It takes but.llttlo room. It never (jets out of;repalr. It can not blow up. It r.ccd.i no fuel Hneed3nocin;lncer, Thcro la no deUyj noilrlnj up; no asloi to clean away; no extra insurance to pay; no repair ing neccssaiy; no ecnl bills to pay. nnd It Is nlwoj s ready for ure. It Is luvatuablo for Mowing cimrch organs, for running I'tlnt.ng Presses, Sowing Machines, Turn ing Lathes, Scroll Saws, (Irind Stones. Oorfee .Mills, Sausage Jlachlnei, Feed Cutteis, Ct rn Mills, lileva tors, etc. Four horso power at 40 pounds pre? suro of wa.cr. His nolselcs'j, ncnt, compact, steady, and nboo all IT IS VERY CHEAP. Send for circular to tho liaekus Water Motor Co., Nowatk, N. J., btatlng namo of paper you saw ad vertise mont In. l'rico, tis to SZW, Sept. BO-tf 8, F. SHA8PLESS, dor. Centre and Hall Itoad Sts., near I., fi U. IJepot. Lowest Prices will nst bo undersold. Manufacturer cf MINE C.Mt WI.'JiEI.f, Coal Ureal: er and Ilrhlgo Ca'itlngs, Water Pipes, utoves, Tin ware, Plow?, IKON FENCE, and all klnd3 of Iron and Dross CstlncE. The r cluul itcntrote, Iron beam, right hand left hand, and sldo hill Pious, tho best In tlio mark et, and all kinds cf rlow repairs. Cook Stoves, lloom Stoves, and Stoves for heating stores, 'cliool houses, churches, &o, Also thu larg est stock of repairs for city stoves, wholesale and retail, such as l'lro Brlck.Cratts, Cross Pieces, Lids ftc. to., Stovo ripe, Cook Uollcr3, SkUllts, Cake 1'lates, largo Iron Kettles, 120 gallons to yi barrels) Farm tlolls, Sl"d Soles, Wagon lioxes, "Allentown Bone Mauui'o" I'LASTElf, CA L.T, AC, .tc. Jan 9, 'SO-iy SHARPLESS, WHOLESALS AND HETAIL DEAI.EK IS STAPLE ABD FANCY NOTIONS -IHI- Ills stock comprises scarlet, Whlto and Mixed for Ladles, Oents and Children, Cotton, Merino, and Woolen IIOSIEUY, Ladles' Hublis, Uoodi nnd (lloves. Lace nnd Embroidered Collars nnd Tics, Plain and Fancy Neckwear, SCARFS, TIES, and Iljws Ladles and Gents plus, Earrings, COLLAR AND GUFF BUTTONS and Chains, Rents Castor, ltuck nnd Kid, lined and rullned GLOVES and MITTENS, LAUNUIilL'D AM) UNLAVNIHHEn SIIIIITS, COLLARS AMD CUFFS, Shoulder Traces and Susppiuicrs, I'aMlgiiu Jackets, HlueShtrts and (5v,;mlH, Alpac.i. niri.;him nnd Cotton Umbrull.n, Wrlllng I'npi'r, liii,jn, PENCILS and OBAYOHS, Flour Sacks, Orocer's Hags, and WRAPPING PAPER. To arrive, a variety of Corsets, Including Dr. Warner's Flexible hip and HEALTH CORSETS- Making h's purchases as ho does of manufacturers and l heir agents he proposes;to make prices that wlil compare favorably with tho best CITY HOUSES. L T. SHARPLESS, BLOOMSBURG, PA. OCt. 5S S t-f FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING -jo(- A. J. EVANS, Tho uptown Clothier, has Jut t received a tlno lino ot New Goods, und Is prepared to mako up FALL AND WINTER SUITS For Men and Hoys In the ncute6t rnant.er and Latest Styles. GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, Mat, Grtppi &(?. Alwajs onhand. rnllnod Examine. EVANS' HLOCK Corner Main und Iron sutets, SIiOOaSBBtflXO, PA. PLUMBING, GAS FITTING, STOVES and TIN Vr' ARE. :o: E. 33. BROWEB Una nurchaspd the Sick and IMttne.vi of I. Haireli- buch, nnd Is now prerund to do nil Hods c fwork in jus iiuo. riiiEriuag iii.u uiif t-iuu g a apeciuiiy, Tinware, htoM"., r,N'qEs uq HEVTEfls In a great variety. All work done by EXPERIENCED HANDS, Main Street comer of East, m.oo.usiumG, vx. N. S. TINGLEY. Announces to tlio public tint he Is prci ared todc all kind of .Custom Tailoring, promptly nnd at rensoiinbla prices. Now la tho sca sou for a -NEW SPJl'JNG SUIT- And Tingle) 's the place to get a rroper fit. Satisfaction Gimrantoeil. Shop over Hlllmoycr's Grocery, Corner of Main and coutro streots, IW.UUJlSmiKU, I'A. fiMtl-IAS IIUOWN'S I N8 TRANCE AO EN. L' ci , uoyer s new ouiiamg, uam street, Blooms kuig, Pu. Assets. .Htm innurKiice Co., ot Harifcid. Conn. JT.ots.vj4 lioynl ot Liverpool, , m,5C0,uuu I.ancnshlrs ,,,, . ni.wo.wn l'lro Asscclal Ion, I'lilladelnhla 4.1i)s.tlT Phojiux, of Lunuon ,,,,, b.tM.avt London , Lnnculilre, ot EngMud ' ,T,VTa Haittor I of I Union! 3,'J!3.(hhi Sprlugileld rlru and Manuo i,ou,ti As the acenclfsi aie direct, policies uro wrltto n for tlio HuureU wllltoat any uuiay in tuo omo e ul imwiwiirr, uoi. Ul-lf, UIilTOR'S NOTICE. K3TATS Of JOHN (IICJKU, DTCSiSKl), Tho undersigned Auditor appointed by tlioOf fihnns' Court of Coluinilit county to mako dlstrlbi llon ot tnatund In tlie hand ot ttie executor of John (Hirer ilecuAKetl. to nnd fitnont? tho r,ar. Ilesciitltlid thereto, will nit fit ilia oltlco or It. 11, lKclcr,i:si., in tJio Town of Hloomiburj; on Baturday I ho lith uay of January, A, 1)., lsw, at two o'clock In tho afternoon to porform the duties of IiIh ap pointment, when and where nil persons having any clalini upon nald fund will appear and ptovo the nanio or bo dcburnu from rtcelvlng any abnro therof. WM. L. KYEItLY. Auditor. (l00 S3 .W A UUITOIi'3 NOTICE. HdTATK Oh JOHN BOSTON, UICU19K, Tho undersigned Auditor appointed by tho Or phans' court ot Columbia, county On exceptions to tlio third and partial uccount ot 1). I Cliapln ono of tho administrators of John noston. deceased, will sit nt tho ortlco ot OfO. li. Elirell In liloomBburg on fnl urday, January sist, issi, to perforin the duties of hl3 appointment, when and where all persons Inter ested may attend It they see proper, illILLMKYErt Auditor dcC23 4-w ICK TO 8TOCK1IOLOERS. 1 hero will bo an election of a Hoard ot Directors of I In; llloomsburg Hanking Company, at their banking house, on Tuesday, January loth, lssi, at two o clock p, in. to bene for tho ensuing year, dec r3 8-w 11 11. Ul HOT., Cashier ADMINISTRATORS NOTIt E KSTATB OK M08KS EVKKKTT, UKCHA8K0, I.ellors of Administration on thu cstato ot MoseS Kvciett, laus ot uraugo township, Columbia couut Penn'n., deceescd, huvo been grantod by Uio HegU. ter of said county to the undersigned Adm'r. d. b. n All persons having claims against tho estate of tlio decedent uio requested to pr-sent them for settle ment and those indebted to tho estate to mako pay ment to thu undersigned Admlmstrutor without delay. J. IlOWAttD KLINE, C. Y. Mii.i.kii, Administrator, d. b. n. Attorney. P. o. Orangevllle. A UDITOR'f NOTICE. K.STiTK OF JACOI1 1I01I11OY, 111.CKA3SD, Tho undeislgned auditor appointed by the Oi phaus' Court ot Columbia county to mako dlstrlbu. tlon ot the baluncu In tho hands of Edward llartman, executor ot tho cstato of Jacob llomboy, lato ot scolt township, deceased found by order ot Court, mado confirming tho report ot Auditor on exceptions to tho account, to and among tho parties entitled thcrcto,wltl sit at his onico In Bloomsburg on Satur day, thoHtli day of January, usa, at ten o'clock In tho forenoon, to perform tho duties of his appoint ment when and where all persons having clalmB agalU9t said estate will appear and provo tlio siuno or bo forever debarred from receiving any part ot tho same. JOHN M. CLAltK, dec. 10 b'1.4w Auditor. A DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. KSTA1E OK UAllTlIi SI1UHAN. nCSASXD. Letters of administration on tlio estate of Martha Shumnn, lato ot Jluln twn, Columbia county, deceased, have ooen granted uy tho lteglstcr ot said county to tho undersigned admlnlstrator.AU persons having claims asalnst the ostatc of said decedent nro requested to present them for settlement and those indebted to tho cstato to mako payment to tho undersigned administrator without delay, Wm. K. SUUMAN. Administrator. P. 0. address, Malnvllle, Col., Cj , Pa. X0' TAX COLLECTORS. Actot the LcKlslature. and approved June 2nd, tS3l, (see Pamphlet Laws, page 431) requires tax collectors to make returns of seated and unseated lands to thu county commissioners before tho first of January next. Lands upon which no property can bo found from which to make taxes from those who fall to make returns by said day will bo held for such loss. Taxes so returned become a lien ntrntust tho property so returned. Wo hmo blank b on which these returns ire to bo made, and will furnish them upon application of collectors, JOUNH. CASEY', Commissioners' Clerk. Commissioners' Office, llloomsburg, Dec, i. li!8l.' doc. 9-4 w, ADINMISTRATOR'S NOTICK ESTATE OK BMZABKTn OAUI.K, I1BCK1SKD. Letters of Administration on tho estuto of Eliza beth Oablo, lato ot Catawlssa township, Columbia eoi'nty, Pennsylvania, deceased, have been granted by tho Hcglsterotsuld county to Kranklln Cable, of Catawlssa township, administrator. All porsons having claims against the cstato of said dece dent are requested to present them for settlement, and those Indebted to tho estate to make payment to tho under&lgued Admlnl.strator.wltbout delay. Kit AN KLIN fi VOLE, Catawlssa, Hoc a 4-w Administrator. ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE. KSrATg Of WII.MAU UAMKI.S OtCEASKP. Letters ot administration on the estate ot William Daniels, late ct tho town ot llloomsburg, Columbia county, deceased, hao been granted by tho ltegls tcr of said county to Uio undersigned administrator. Allpertons havlog claims against tho estate of said decedent are requested to present them forsoitki- ineni. affi uiusa iiiuijuluu w iuukc puyiuent w iuo undeislgneil administrator without delay. 1, W. McKELVY, Administrator, Die 0 t-w A UDITOI.'S NOTICE. l Vfitrtilln f k V. In lltft Cniirf. r.f I'mnmnn Association, I'leas of Columbia county va .no. ia Nepr., Term, luia, Sarah llnlTey ad- I hhirlll 3 sale, mlnlstratrlx, J Money In Court. Notl,'e Is ncrebv clvcti that thu auditor annolnted In the ubovn slaied ease to distribute thu fund la court to and among the parlies thereto entitled will auenu at nu oiiiee, at uiuo'tisuur, i nuiMiiiy, jhuu, arv Hlh. 1M2. at M oclock a. in., for Una n ir me wnen nna wnero an persons navinuciaims ui.m i i nina aio renuesicu to present, mem or ue ioreer uo barred from coming In on said fund. JUII.1 Jl. lUAtllt, dec 9 l-w Auditor. E XECUTOK'S NOTICE. KSTATB OrCATlIAKINX l'.UIKK. DECKASSI). Letters tostamentarv on thoestatoof CaUnrlnt llilnk. late of llenton townslilo. Columbia counlv. deceased, havo been c ranted by tho lterlster of said county to I. K. Krlckbaum, Cambra, executor. All persons having claims aira nst the estate of mild de cedent are requested to present them for settle ment, nnd those Indebted to tho esl'de 'to make nflVlnpnr tn flu, mirtorKlirnnil nYriitftr wlthnnl. uuiay. 1. li. lUllClillAUM. K.ecutor, dec. 9-0w Cambra, Pa. JOHN A. FUNSTON & Co. Eeal Estato, Trustj Investment and Oolleotion Office. BLOOMSBURG, DA. POIt SILK Or Exchange. Large l'ramn Ilotiso far two families, ooa siaoie, rruu anu raler. owned by H. Y Miaro- 2T5 Acres. Hurler farm. Montiur towiiBhln.frjimn uweuinu nouse. oant oarnnmi otnor our..ou uinL't. good soil; about loo acres timber: well watered; ueniiiiy lociiuon, goou murKciii. ir uosircu, will Ul vlda In two or three tracts, see drafts. Terms easy .iuiv unneuujr mil, .cai, na,,. A comfortable new brick dwolllnir on Mh street west oi .Market, iu rooms, a oargam. Itn acres on south bank of river lu miles fiom town or ji mm on roud to iierwick. lis acres bottom land, balance timber. Ilrlck dwelling, bank barn ami outbuildings, good fruit and water, (well and foun, tiiln). Also a vnluui lu deposit of llvo acrrsof brick anu potter s ciuy. ouniu oj Joan w oir, ot uioems Adeslrablo new brick dwolllnL' house and u lnr'n trnnio dwelling houso nnd fraino utnblo on cut sil t ei ono uoor uuiuw iniKi. Lois olfi red on easy terms with conlrnets to build It uebireu. Por particulars, unnly to Oct. li, 'Sl-tf JOflN A. I'l'NSTON. or PAl'LE, WlltT. 3?XJBJ-iia SALE OP VALUABLE l)y vli tuo of an order ot the Orpluna' Court ct Co lumbla county, tho undersigned Administrator of tho citato ot licnjamlu lludeumutlt, late of Conju gliam tOAnshlp, co.umbla couiity.dccoAsed.wlll ex posotopubllosalo upon thu premises on SATURDAY, JANUARY 21st, 1883 at teu o'clock In tho forenoon tho following de soiltod leal cMiiti) bltuato In CouyngUaui township, Columbia count), Penna. lleglunlng at astonuln lino ot land belonging to tho city of Philadelphia, and i uuulng thence along lino of laud ot Jeremiah Llndeinuth, north seventy-seven degrees, cast I hilt) -llvo peiehes to a stone, Uienco by tbo same north, oi.i'.halt degrco east seventy-seven p rches to a stone, thenco by land of tho l.elrs of John Llmv eninutb, south seveuty-ioven degrees nest soventy tlvj peiehes to nstonu and therco by laud of Ue city ot I'hl'ndelfhla south twenty-iilno .degrees east eighty pirches to Uio place of buriunlng, Co a lalnlng 2 ACRK-3, and ono hundred and tlility i crcliea. VEIIMS OP SALE, Ten per cent, of ou.fourlli cf tlio purchase money to bo paid at tho strtkliit down ot bo proTtyi tlio one-fuurlU leas the nnier (cut. at tlio conilrnntloa ot ajlo, and u r nululngthioe-fourths In ono year theioutwr ltU lufuMt row comlruiatlon nisi, ISAAC 1.INUKNMUTII, dio :tj tit Administrator, -IF DEI NAAKET m AN UNTIlili BLOCK IS FILLED WITH DRY GOODS, Selooted Oarofully by E::porf-s iu the Beet Markota of tho World. This Hugo Amy of SttilTii Aggrugnti'fl in Valtto Considerably more tlian A MILLION OF DOLLARS. AXI) IS IUVIIi:r 19IOG THIRTY-TWO DEPARTMENTS i.v which Aunco.vrAixiJn'nvr.RTTiiiXG .i:kii:ii.v Wearing Apjparol Mr M&d!m$ audi 'MMrm,; A!DKVi:UVTIII(; C0.1I1YO U.VIIKU Tisr. iiiuo or SoiiiiseiOiiiraiisMiiTig Bij md Few such exhibits us this arc made in the country. None can sur j?s it iu attractiveness, vurietv and interest. The almost perfect in- ivatem to which the business is careful and economical service of all The prices are beyond controversy veyed from producer to consumer," as all methods of cheapening prices are in voMie known to the most exact business science. On moderation of prices, primarily, has based, and success has furnished of prices, while giving the additional advantages of convenience,com fort and despatch in all transactions. There is no reason why all who vantages which arc offered you by of use. I W. Corner EiWli& Market Sis. mmwu PHILADELPHIA. r A BOOK OF THAT CAN BE HAD FREE By sending address on a postal card to JOHN YV AN AM AKER, PHILADELPHIA. JUST ISSUED, The New Descriptive Catalogue the New Goods ior Fall and Winter, 1881 and 1882, Containing valuable information by which persons in all sections of the United States can avail themselves of city fashions and prices. Among the goods mentioned are Silks, Satins and Velvets. Dress Goods. Mourning Goods. Ladles' and Children's Suits. Shawls and Cloaks, Ladles' Furnishing Goods. Hosiery and Gloves. White Goods and Laces. Notions, Zephyrs, etc. Fringes and Embroideries. Ribbons, Ties, etc. Cloths and Cloaking. Furs and Millinery. Underwear, Corsets, etc. Orders by letter, whether large or small, receive the same exact attention as customers present in person. Money refunded for articles not as expected when received. No charge made for samples of Dry Goods, nor for postage on samples. Address, for samples or Catalogue, John Wanamaker, PHILADELPHIA. Our store, known as the Grand Depot, occupies the entire block on Market Street, from Thirteenth Street to City Hall Square, and extends to Chestnut Street. 'The ground floor alone covers an area of about three acres. WEBERHARDMAlff PIANOS, A FINK INLAID F UK NCI I WALNUT .nsy rri'iiiii, MX""TrtttIon GuaranlciMl. BACON'S DPIAOSTO WARE ROOMS, 1IUSIO HALL HLOCK, Jane lo, -Jl.ly Rupture ItsEoliof nnd Oure as oortainas day thould Bend to cents for his h wk.coqi tlulug llkenoisoa ot bjl caws bdfortt aud after curs, also eadorsciuenis of proL';lonal geuilemen, Mmht-.'rj, Morcluut-1, farmers and others Wio lave bJou oured. Trusses and liupture sooner or later affect Uio nervous and mental svstcra.brtai on organic diseases, linpotennv, ih nun saiety iroiu uiv 'J imu-its nt airang'inunu anu Walnut Ht.Tblla, Days for oonsuluilon,och week u rfj cuciwj nuu uvitu uuurca.umi.iuK uiu iuuul' I Wt-dutmJajB, Vhursda; sand Fridays, during Uceomoer, after O Ad"- BET TO FILBERT. reduced, insures the most prompt. patrons. as low as tho iroods can be con the success of the house been facilities for still further lowering desire should not share in the ad this great mart of fashion und CLQTfllER S. W. Corner EWi & FiltatSts, AG 5 of Ladies' nnd Children's Shoes. Men's and Roys' Shoes Rubber Goods, lrunki, itc. Flannels and Muslins. Linens and Upholstery. House Furnishing Goods. Men's and Roys' Clothing. Gents' Furnishing Goods. Men's and Boys' Hats. Rooks and Stationery. Toys and Gaines, Silverware. China and Glassware. Furniture and Carpets. CASK ORGAN, 0 STOFS, $10 CASH follows day by Dr. J.Sherman's method wiinout ma injury iriuses inil'.ct. Those wishing prooi uuu ius uiu uwidi-L uu uua. ui iiruiuniLV. is. 1 . ji oes, til Hroadway, N, Y New York, Mondays, Tuesdays and Huturdaysirh'U, turn orery otuer week Business .Notices 200 dlnrlcs nml pocket books at I, W. Hnrt man's. Vkai, Calves1 Wanthii. You will ninko money by taking your Veal Cnlves to Lllley 1V5 Sk'ptiV nt Light Street who will give you 1111 nuisiue qtiotntion ior goous. New Year's presents by tin- hundreds nt I, W. Ilnitinali's. Rest needles, oil, iittnchmcnt?, &c., for nil sewing iiinclilnes, nt W. JI. letter's olllcc, corner Main nnd JiarKct Btrects, opposite 1 W. llartmnn's stoic nov, 18-tf Cheaper nnd better Clothing can now be iiotiinii nt Tho Old Popular Store of David Lowcnberg. 4.000 pounds of nice dried tipples wanted by Sllus Young nt Light Street, for which ho will pny the highest market price. nov 11 iJ-in No lnrccr or better stock of boots, shoes. slinficr:!. ffcntlcmcn's ftirnlshlnir L'oods &c. Is to bo found In llloomsburg than nt P. I). rentiers, The llnest lino of Ready-made Clothing In The County can now bo seen nt David Lowcnbcrg's Clothing Store. Gentlemen's collars, culls, shirts, &c at P. I). Dentler's. nlso n beautiful collection of seal fx. The RIOYCLE SHIRT enn only bo obtain- ed ut David Lowcnbcrg's. 4.000 nnutids of nice nlttrd Cherries. 4.000 pounds of nice Dried Raspberries wanted by Silas Young nt Light Street, for which ho will pay the highest market price. juiy 10 u-m. A full line of ladies', misses and children's Arctic overshoes, now on hand at P. I). Dentler's. Headquarters for Satchels, Trunks Ac. nt 1). Lowcnbcrg's. Lillev it Slennv nt Lieht Street will nnv OV to 71 cents Cash for Ucci hides welching from CO to 75 lbs. Want all you can bring. 1,000 good live calves wanted. Let them come Horn thu nortli. sotitli, enst nnd west by wholesale and retail. You can bring your ;ood calves rlglit along now any time on Ionday, Tuesday. Wednesday nnd Tliurs. dny of each and every week and get your cash or goods for them nt Sllns Young's Light Street. jtily 15 '81 0-m Thu greatest bargains in Indies' coats at I, W. Hnrtman's. Calico and muslin nt 5 cents a yard, trititr- hum 8 cents, cottonade 10 cents, and every thing else to eorrespond,nt Lllley & Slcppy's, i.igiitstreci. Pretty suits for Children just arrived Neat Suits for Roys Stylish Suits for Youths all of the Latest Stylo and Rest quulity.J nt tuo lowest prices can now ue lioucnt ut the Popular Clothing Store of JJavlit Lowcnuerg. Lots of ladles coats latest styles and fash ons from 4.00. 4.00, 5.00. fi.BO, 0.00. 7.00. 8.00. 10.00, to 12.00 at Silas Young's Light Street. nov. 11 S-m David Lowcnbere would Inform tho tiublic that he hns just returned from New York with a full line of Ready JInde Clothlnii Cloths and Cussimcrcs of the best quality nnd latest style. Hats, Cups, also a full line of Novelties for Fall and Winter and would invito nn early Inspection of the same. "It stands at the head" the light running Domestic. For sale by W. II. Yctter, office corner Main and Market streets, Rlooinsbtirg, Pu. Also agent for the celebrated Ithaca or gans, fully guaranteed by the manufacturers for 10 years. nov. 18-tf The nobbiest stock of crentlemiiii's neek- kwear in town can be found at F. D. Dentler's. 10,000 dozen good fresh eggs and 10,000 pounds good fresh butter wanted by Silas Young, at Light Street, for which he will pay tlio highest murket price. aug 20-4m. Cash paid for calves, chickens; turkeys, geese, ducks, dried fruit, butter und eggs, by Lllley & Sloppy, Lightstrect. A largo and well selected assortment of slippers for ladies nnd gentlemen, just re ceived at P. D. Dentler's. Great reduction in prices at the store Lllley & Sloppy, at Lightstreet. of The Columbian. BLOOHSHUIUi, FRIDAY DKU 30, 'SI. PUBLIC SALES. Geo. W. Hlrlemnn, administrator of Bum- uel Rhone, will sell real estate on the prem ises in Benton township, on Friday, January llitli, 1882, 1. lv. Krlckbaum, administrator of tho estate of Peter Appleiiiun, will sell real estate at the Exchange Hotel in Benton, on Satur. day, December Ulst, 1881. P. Foulk and Joel Folk, administrators of Louis Folk, will expose to public sale vidua me personal property, on tlio premises in Hemlock township, on Saturday, January tli, 18S2. James Roily has purchased thu Christniun property on Third street, for .2100. Samuel Neyhard Esq. of Lime Ridge will remove to llloomsburg In the spring. A positive cure for malaria, digestive and urinary troubles Is found In Brown's Iron Bitters. Unless there Is a decided change iu tho weather soon, the crop of Ice "will be a veiy sum one this season, Dr. J. H. Vnstlne 1ms purchased the inter est of the late George Hiiglie.s,lii the Exchange Block for HOO.'S.OO. Mrs, aeddlsjim aged and respected liuly,dl nt tho residence of her son, Thomas E. (led ills on Tuesday moiulng, last. An Infant son of Dr. Edward .lucoby of Berwick was baptized at St Paul's Episcopal chinch last bundny evening. We uru obliged to omit several columns of live advertisements in order to accommodate our readers with local news. The county auditors will meet at tho coin missloncrs office on Monday, January 2nd to examine the accounts for the past year. I he 'Boy Orator' will give an entertain ment In tho Methodist Church, Friday oven lug. Tickets, adults 25 cents, children 15 cents. W. 0. McKluuey bos received a neat sign for tlio Delaware .fc Lackawanna Express Company and placed It underneath his new awiilug. T he new county officers will be sworn i on Monday next. 0, W. Sterner has ap pointed P, II, Free.u as deputy register nnd recorder. 'The giantess that graced tho corner of the drop cuitalu at the Opera lloubo bus been re moved, much to tho Improvement of said curtain. n- . .... IK) not fall to hear him, Mover llro's, have received from Srrnnton. n benutlful sign, The lettering Is on pinto glnss. They have aNo repainted (heir ex press sign, Iho next term of the llloomsburg State iwmni heiiool will begin Tuesday Jamiary 3d, 1882. This schol Is fast gaining ground. Each year the classes nro larger. Nearly oil the line Christmas printing sent out by our merchant was done nt this ofllco. Wo nro prepared to do better nnd liner work than any other ofllco In the county. Christopher Little of Poltsvillc has been appointed District Deputy Grand Mnster.freo aim accepted Allisons, for Schuylkill nml Columbia counties. The annual meeting of thu Gospel Tern- pernnco Union will bo held In the Lutheran cimrch on Friday evening nt 7 o'clock. A sermon will be preached by Rev. Mr. Hcnsliy anil olllcers will lie elected to serve for tho ensuing year. The jury wheel hns been filled for the com- lug yenr, Ave hundred names having been placed therein. The jurors for Februnry term havo been drawn, and Olnseo Cameron, very respectable colored man Is on the Orand Jury. Speculative life Insurance business seems to havo run its course. Those who havo policies in such companies will show their wisdom by not paying any more assessments, us the chances nro Hint the more they pay tho more they will lose. Mr. W. II, Smith, lntu editor of the Milton Irrus lost n child with smnll-pox Sunday. Mr. Smith has a slight attack of tho same disease. iVs yet tlio dread scourge is couthicd to the houso of Mr. Smith, but the Inhabitants of Milton nro living In great dread. Executors' and administrators' account books, containing full Instructions how to fettle an estate, receipts, &c, for sale at this office. These are the most convenient books of the kind ever printed, nnd they lire In use all over thu State. t-f Tho County Commissioners have nppoln. ted William L. Manning of Jncksou as tho Mercantile Appraiser for the coining year. This Is an excellent selection and the duties of tilt! ofllco will be thoroughly und satisfac torily performed. Mr. Manning has served the people before in the capacity of county auditor, and did It very acceptably. TIinilE IS NOTIIIN'O LIKE I.T. The falling powers of digestion, assimila tion, secretion and excretion, are restored to permanent health, strength and activity, by using Brown's Iron Bitters a true tonic ! a perfect streiigtheiier! a sure reviver. Bessie Allcnian, a little granddaughter of Stephen Knorr, died on Tuesday night, of croup, having been sick only since Sunday night. Shu was a bright and interesting child, and her happy voice will be greatly missed in the household. The funeral took place on Thursday. The ruins have swelled the streams almost to torrents. The river is over the road in some places, and tlio creek also has over flown its banks. Travel has been stopped between Kingston and Wllkes-Barre. It is (aid that thu weather now is very much like that of 1S75, the year so many bridges were itrried away. It is to bo hoped that the comparison will not hold strictly true. No more small pox in Orangeville, but it as left me with 11 large stock of Fall, Winter and Millinery Goods on bund, which I inteud to sell ut ten per cent .less than they can be purchased for anywhere else in the county, in order not to carry them over. So bring in our cash and produce and secure the great est bargains of your life. Nov. 25-tf C. W. Low. "llurliirl." I his troupe comes here with the brightest recommendation to public favor. The Scranton lltpullican, a paper that never hesi tates to denounce actors that deserve it, speaks very highly of Miss Julia A. Hunt,and of tho play. It is said to be Hi st class in every respect, and the managers who have gone to unusual expense and trouble in bringing it hero should be rewarded by a full house. The Minnie Wallace Combination played a small houso on 'Tuesday night. The play 1ms but little In It, and if it is Joaquin Miller's best, then deliver us from his worst. Miss Wallace as "Carrots" sustained her iart well j tho rest of the company were no more than ordinary. .Mv. Douson mil not play on the banjo as announced on the bills, and thereby caused some disappointment, as he Is said to be ono of the best performers on that Instrument in tho world. The fifteenth annual meeting of the Penn sylvania Statu Temperance Union, for the election of officers and other business, will open at the rooms of the Young Men's Chris tian Association, at Uarrisburg on Wednes day, January 18th, 1882. The Convention will bo held in the Hall of the House of Representatives, at Uarrisburg on January 10th and 20th, commencing ut 0 a.m., of Thursday. Delegates arc Invited from Asso- editions, Churches nnd Sabbath Schools. Excursion tickets 2 cents a mile each way may be had on application to Rev I), C. R.tb- cock, 40 North 11th St. Philii. On Thirty l)a Trial, We will send Dr. Dye's Celebrated Electro. Voltaic Belts and other Electric Appliances on trial for thirty days to young men mid older persons who are alllicted with nervous deblllty.lostvltiility.ftc, guaranteeing speedy relief and complete restoration of vigor and manhood, Also for Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Paralysis, Liver and Kidney ilillleullle' Ruptures and many other diseases, Illustra ted pamphlet sent free. Address Voltaic Belt Co., Marshall, Michigan, Oct. 28, '81-ly Ono of thu most enjoyable occasion of the season was tlio sociablo given by thu Wiuouu Flro Company on Thursday evening of last week In their hall. About twenty couples were present. Iho music was furnished by Prof. Rube's Orchestra of Allentown, and it can safely bu said that It was by far tho best that has ever been brought hero. 'The full orchestra consists of twenty pieces, but only four came up, Prof, Ruho lending with tuo vioiiii, tuu otucr instruments ueiiig a piano, cornet and clarionet. Tho btylo of muslo was nil first class, , und during tlio ' , ,, n ncnt pieces wero evening a number of conccr performed, among tiicm, the overture to "Poet and Peasant," Tho piano used wus from tlio wnreiooiu of Mrs. Ntiss, Messrs S. P. Peacock, A A. Clark und Clarence Fitpatrlck were the active parties in get ting up tho dance, uud to them all who par tlclpated are Indebted for a very pleasant v.oi, onnioru nt tlio opera House tho Hist. evening ('tirUlinim nt llm t'liitrclicn. Appropriate Christinas services were held In most of tho places of worship on Sunday. Tho Episcopal, .Methodist, Lutheran nnd Re. formed churches wero trimmed with ever green. Tnc Presbyterian nml Lutheran Sun day schools hud their celebration on Sntnr. day night, the Reformed nnd Baptist on Sun. day evenlng.thc Methodist on .Monday night, nnd the Episcopal on Tuesday. Christmas enrols and distribution of gifts were the prin cipal exercises. Miss Laura Jones, youngest daughter of John Jones, living In East Bloomsburg, died of typhoid fever nt her home, early on Mon day morning. Sho was nbout 10 years of age, and welt thought of by alt who knew her. To her religious duties sho was very much devoted, was always found In her Sab bath school class and showed a great desire to learn all possible. In her school duties she was not wanting in the least but exhibi ted great talents, and stood high ninong her classmates. '1 he funeral took placu at two o'clock on Wednesday afternoon, attended by n large number of friends. Revs. P. P. Mnn- linrt nnd D. J, Waller, Jr., delivered nil- dresses. Interred In Roscmont Cemetery. .Air. Charles S. l'edrick, a brakeman on tho & R. R. R. was killed at the Summit on Tuesday night Inst. It appears that ho had cut the engine loose from the train, In order to allow It to bo turned, by pulling tho tank- coupling pin, ami was walking backwards In front of tlio cats trying to loosen tho tank link which was fust to tho head car, when the train collided with tho engine, which had been stopped by the engineer, to hold them from passing the switch, crushing him so badly that he died Iu a few moments. The deceased was a second cousin to Mr. Peter Baldy, of this place, and u nephew to Mr. Charles Fornwald, of Bloomsburg, his near est relatives, his" parents being dead. Item, In order to keep our promise to our rca- dors we uro utmost dully refusing advertise ments of patent medicines. One agent lately offered us 800 copies of a book called "Things worth knowing" or something of the sort, for a quarter of a column ndvcrllsement,nnd a lot of reading notices, und said the books would bo just the thing for a holiday gift to subscribers, but as the subscriber would thereby bu deprived of that much reading matter weekly, amounting to more in tho course of a year than all the matter in the book, we declined us it would not be just the tiling to give our patrons presents nnd then make them pay for them. All sorts of devices arc used by these patent medicine men to get their wares advertised. Pcrsnnnl. Mrs. M. 0. Sloan is still in Canada. Bruce Wells Is in town this week. Rev. J. R. Dimni was in town this week. Mr. George. Tustiu is at home for the holidays. Henry Rupert of Hiixleton passed his holi- duv vacation iu town. Dr. Reber is thu happy father of a tine boy, presented to him on the 20th. Mr. and Mrs. C. Unangst are passing the holidays in town. Mr. and Mrs. George Mclvelvy visited their parents here tills week. Mr. F. Cooley spent his holiday vacation in Wilkes-Barre mid Philadelphia. Mr. Edward W. Drinker of New York pent last Sunday in town. . L. EyerlyEsq , and family of Cataw Issa were the guests of his father on Christmas. Mrs. Dr. Conner of Wllkes-Barre spent a few days with her relations here this week. Mr. and Mrs. II. Rogers of Allentown passed Christmas with Mrs. Rogers.' parents in Bloomsburg. Mr. and Mrs. J. il, Llngle of Bellefonte were among those who spent the holidays here. Mrs. William Neal, Miss AniileNeal and James B. Neal are visiting friends InCinciu- null. Ohio. Jlisses Kate and Sallic Bird of Montours- vlllo were the guests of Mrs. Johu D. Arm strong this week. C. B. Jackson and A. K. Oswald, Esqrs., of Berwick, were tn town on Tuesday, on legal business. Harris llartman, of Mooresburg, mado us a cull on Thursday morning, lie Is living on the Billmdyer furm- W. D. Becklcy bus obtained a situation as mull agent on tho Pennsylvania Railroad, and A. B. Catheiut has taken his place In the post office. Prof. W. II. Schuyler of Lewistown has been visiting at his father's for a few days. Mrs. Simpklus and Miss Lizzie Schuyler were also at home for thu holidays. Itiii'ldifirii IU'iiim, The M. E. revival at this place has closed. Results! the church was quickened, and llfty.one persons were added to their number. Christmas was appropriately celebrated here. Mr. I. G. Pm'bcI and wife were attending Friends meeting at Mlllvlllo last week. Mr. John 1). llartman of Niiutlcoko Is spending u few days home. A home gathering was held at the resl- deuce of Mr. A. R. llartman, on Saturday, when parents, children and grandchildren had a pleasant time. On Saturday atlj two o'clock, .Mr, S. S. Shoemaker departed this life. Ho had been under medical treatment for bIx months. On Sunday afternoon a post mortem examination was held by the family physician Dr. C. Link er, assisted by Dr's. Hebcruud McRoynolds, which showed that there was a tumorous mass of a malignant nature weighing upwards ot eight pounds, adhering to the muscles along thu spinal column ulfliost filling up tho entire cavity of tho lower portion of tho ab domen, Involving tho bladder and kidneys. The deceased was 41 years old, leaves a wlfo und live small children, who havo the sym- putuy oi tuo entire community. The funeral services wero conducted by Rev's. G. 11. Savage und E. A. Shartvtts. Mr. Shoemn' maker was loved by all who knew him, and he died a christian. I. lU'soluiloiiii of Condolence. WiiEiiKAK, It has pleased Almighty God In Ills wisp Providence to reninvn frn,, nl, midst our lato sister Laura Jones, bo It Iltinlvtd, That wo bow submissively to the chastising hand of Him that doeth nil things well. 8 llesolvcd. 'That the snpli'tv l,v l,,.r ,l,,.,ii. i..... lost,0"t' of J'? lll0lit clllcleut members. I Jitsolttd, That as uu expression of our s vm. p!ltUy ,,mt yl0 Pl,lologla Hml bo drapeJl In uiiiiiiiiig unity days, ami mat these resolu tlonsbo entered upon tho minutes of the society. hHolvtd, 1 hut these resolution tie publish, ro In tlio county papers, and that a copy of the same be presented to thu bereaved family. Phllo. Hull Dec. 27, '81. ( W. 11. RltOOKS, 0. 11. Wells, Committee, lUKlUIE ll.UIDlat,