: i THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBUlia COLUMBIA 60TJNTY, PA. Feeding SI raw. Tho following is timely ml vita-, suinv cm in tlit Ohio Winner, hy n lliwrvi' fiuinor: "Tho question (if IVod for loeU Will bo n very itnin (itnt one tlii winter, not only with tliosu who will ho coin liollcd lo study economy iu feeding stock, but equally so with thoso who havo plenty, for it is worth ns much to one man as to another. The straw of all grains should bo carefully hubanded and utllizeil. Properly fed, it can he innilo to go a long ways toward bring ing stock through the winter in good condition. Hut it must not bo fed alone. There is not enough nutriment in it, in proper proportions, drain, oil meal or cotton seed meal must go along with it to supply the lacking elements. In feed ing cows, the following plan mav ho fol lowed (livo all the straw they" will eat with six quarts of wheat bran per day, to each cow, or mix corn meal and bran, ono part of the former to two of tho lat ter, and feed four iiuarts per day. The straw should bo fed in the racks twice a day. Dampen it with bran or meal water, to which a little salt has been added) 'or mix bran, or corn meal and oil meal, l'robably as good proportions ns any would bo ono part of oil meal, ono of corn meal and four of bran, and feed four quarts of this mixture per day to each cow. If tho fctraw could ho cut and steamed, it would bo doubled in value by rendering it morodigestiblo and palatable. At the enormously high pri ces of feed, steaming will bo prolitablc work this Winter, and thoso who aro prepared for it can utilize their wheat, oats and ryo straw to tho greatest ad vautige. If steamed straw is fed the meal and bran ration can bo cut down one-third to one-half, in my opinion. I havo fed straw as advised, except the oil meal. Tho Winter of otand'.ViI carried nine head of cattle and sixty sheep through on half the hay usually fed by utilizing my straw as above de scribed. I ran tho straw through a cut ter, dampened it, and mixed tho brim nnd corn meal with it. My stock camo out looking well. I fed straw during the early part of the winter, up to about February 1st, and then commenced on A I'rclly Western lhiiiiiimr. A brother and sister have met after a separation of twenty years, and the meeting lias boon dioiilmiI about in I lav enpoit liy the little son'of the sister in n most peculiar way. One wool; ago yes torday the raft steamer Clyde went into Davenport on lmr way north, mid Cap tain Douglass tied up his boat for awhile in uruur iu lieniui, somo 01 nis crow 10 go ashore and make nuichascs. Atnoiiu others who went ashore was Aaron Car ter, a raftsman. The weather was very cold, with a keen, northwest wind. While going along the street Carter met n poorly clad little boy, who was running along, crying bitterly. Caiter nsked him what was the niaUor, and tho little lad kobbed out: "I'm cold." "Come with mo," said Carter, nnd, taktntr tho boy to a clothing store he bought him a suit of warm clothes and a pair of mit tens, llo then asked tho boy his name. "Aaron Dunlap," was tho leiily. (.'niter was thunderstruck. "Aaron Dunlan!" ho cried. "Whcro aro vour father and mother!" "Father is dead," tho boy re plied. "Well, take mo to your mother then, as quickly as you can. said Car ter, lho boy took linn to his humble home, and when Carter entered tho house the boy's mother rushed into his nrnu with a shriek that made all the other occupants of tho tenement house rush into tho hall to seo what was tho matter. Carter had found a sister whom he had not seen sinco the year 1802, when ho went to war with a Maine regiment. nay ns 1 had enough through from that time. to carry mo Kcrpliip Vegetable!?. Tho cool, damp air of a collar is a good place to keep roots and apples, pro vided they can bo kept moist and cold enough to prevent wilting. This is out of tho question in tho modern dwelling house cellar, m which the hot air or steam furnace keeps up a constant dis turbance of the air, anil produces a dry ness and warmth ruinous lo the preser vation of roots. If neglected in spring and summer, the remnant that remains at this season frequently becomes a nui sance, and a cause of disease in tho household. For those- reasons, it is bet tor to make a cellar under some shed or carriago house, or the barn, for roots and apples. Celery should never be al lowed to freeze at all after blanching. It is usually stored by heeling it in quite thickly at tho bottom of a pit, which is covered with boards protected Ironi frosts by a heavy coat of leaves, spent tan or eel grass, it will not keep well in a common cellar, unless buried uii in sand or loam, the air of the cellar being so dry as to cause wilt. Onions keep well in a cold, dry collar, if not too early; they should be stored in a dry loft, or on a barn lloor until cold weather enilan eors their freezing, say about Thanks giving time, when they may bo barrelled and put up m the cellar, io keep other roots, such as beets, carrots and tur nips from wilting, put them up in bar rels with heads, or lino them in tho eel lar about four feet deep, and cover tho pile with'a little straw orcoarso litter, to prevent evaporation. If tho cellar is kept cold, they will not sprout and grow; but this is not always easy to do, as mild weather approaches in spring, at which season a pit keeps tho roots in better condition than any cellar can do. Livnn roit Fowls. The advantage of giving raw meat to fowls is shown in the experience as related by a cones pondent of an English newspaper: Somo time ago wo had a long spell of parch ing east winds here. Vegetation, which should have been growing rapidly at tho tune, was at a standstill, and all kinds of insects and grubs which fowls devour with such a relish were nowhere to bo found. Tho niot inexperienced poultry keeper knows that tho want of these soon begins to all cot tho hens, especially iu the production of eggs, which become scarcer and scarcer until the supply almost ceases This was tho case with my lowls during the period m ouostion. and probably I should have had no eggs until tho weather and earth had become humid, had I not, when I saw how mat ters stood, began giving a httlo raw chopped liv'cr daily. Not more than three or four days after the hens had it they one and all started laying, nnd did not stop again until rain came, when no inoro liver was given. I havo tried many kinds of Uesh food for fowls du ring such a time, but have found notliw so good as the liver." Why does noLcvcry farmer provide his family with blackberries'.' They aro a neauny luxury and easy raisec a corn; planted spring or fall in rows six or seven feet apart, and cultivated with tho plow or cultivator, and when tho Snyder i planted you can rely on hav ing some berries every year, us they aro hardy and can withstand our coldest winter. Tho Kittatanuv, Lawton, .Mis souri, Mammoth and Western Triumph arc hno fruit and'rensonably hardy. A thorough course of pruning and cutting back hum bo nllowed. When tho new canes get three feet high nip off tho ex tremities, which cuusoa the stalks to thicken up. Follow it up and you will i i! . r....!. i . r iiiitu liner jiiiuhiiu iiiuiu oi u. Just l'oiiieil Out. An eccentric barber opened a shoi 4 under the walls of tho king's bench pris on.' Two windows boing broken when l. 1 1. 1 .1 .-,?..!. I. . .. iiu (jiyjieu n, lie niemieii iiieiiinviiu pa per,on which appeared "Shavofor si penny," with the usual invitation tg cus tomeis, and over tho door wore scrawled theso. lines. "Here lives Jciuuiy Wiight Shayed as well us any man iu England almost not quite." Footo, tho great aotor,.wlio loved everything eccentric, . saw these inscriptions, and hoping to ex tract somo fun from tho author, whom Iio jusjjy concluded to be nu odd charac ter, ho pulled oil' his hat, and tlniistiu; his head through a paper pane into the shop, caned out. "Is Jemmy Wright at homo ?" Tho harbor immediately forced his own head through another pane into tho street, nnd roplied. ''No ulr i ho has just popped out." Footo laughed heartily and gave tho man a guinea. Loss of memory, universal lansllude, jjitiu iu tho back, preinaluro old age, promptly cured with llrown'n Iron JJit turs. It restores lost functions and Htreugtheiu tho weakest parts. PHILADELPHIA TIMES . I.'nw f tnnili poiifcsedly nt tin Ik.. 1 pf Philadelphia Journalism in i II Hint makes u thoroughly rumpled1, i;uiienil nnd family news p.ipcr. It Is mom complete In It.i news, In Its upcclal corrospon i.i'lii'i , l:i 'M varied contributions on ull (subjects of popular Interest, .i'l In fill tho iiunlltltM of n newspaper for tho family clrclo niut . r tlm business man llian any rf li i contemporaries, becaus.0 Its . rillK.'s ami resource i aro equal t every vault of a ilrst-elasi ti.uU '...il Journal, "The Weekly Timefl"- Says Leirel's Jfcctitnlval Al'ir.i: Pro fessor .lames Latv writes: A case that occurred recently under my notice may bo recorded as a warning of tho danger ous qualities of a favorite houso plant. it.... 1 ,.f ,. , . r. t j line, iioaiiuy mare sue a single mil oi leaves from a branch of an oleander temporarily set by tho door; then went on a journey of six miles appearing playful and well, but on returning re fused her feed. Next morning she still refused to eat, looked dull and haggard 1 1 . I ..... . , r , "v. -. ami mm paniauy lost control oi nor niuii limbs. The maro died heforo assistance couldjbo obtained, and on opening tho body tho dark led congested stomach showed tho action of an acrid poison, and inquiry brought tho account of tho cropping of tho oleander, of tho injuri ous qualities of which tho owner was en tirely ignorant. As this ignorance is very wide-spread it may be well to say that all parts of the plant are deadly. A very small quantity of the leaves are fa tal to the horse as wo havo seen. Tho flowers have pioduced death in thoso who carelessly picked and ate them. The branches divested of their bark and used as skewers have poisoned the meat roasted on them and killed seven of tho twelve people who partook of it. I un nearly doubled Its former luriro circulation ditriti,"l!. past year. Ui eonlriVator i Ironi week to wcolcnroimioiiu; tho f ireiiiiiit men of tlia nation, mul no department of noww or liter :turo W Nllxlituti In any iiuiiibor on any pretext. It la adapted i a well lo women in t lu?.l hence, nltliuiiu:li Its political InU'lll-Iten-'t) is full mid ni-runila n:i I It- political editorials frco and fear 1cm,, liberal provision li tn.i !o for literary, dramatic unit musical ..int'.crs, travels nnd lulvciitiire, fiction, poetry, fashions nntl lho . Iironlelo or current social events. In nil theso departments tho P' " i of tho host writers tiro en;ii;ed, wlillo selections from other j Minaln aro made with care, tasto and fullness that mo unsurpassed. Tin: "Annals' hi' tui: Wau" -chapters of unwritten hlttory . itrllmted by prominent nc:orn In thu war or tho rebellion, nro ii vitlitablJ fei'ituro of tho paper mid havo bocomo a recognized depository of such matters, whether from Northern or Southern Miiirecs. This department, ns ivc'l i.o nil others, will bo he-it fully up lo tho high i-tamlard of f.::..(.r ytars. LATEST STYLES OF CriiIKTO- CARD'S A.t the 'COLUMBIAN OFFICE.' IkllOIUriO vUowl.fathirs.mollurl r 3 I children. ThouiRndirotentiltri. J'enilnnirlvcn iV&i for li,n r Diirtr.tot.r, orrui'ttirt.taricute rt ii.; . V.V or wily IH-ru.. Tlt'.tMmnl . f t-tii'lonrr, nc 'I'VltCT pnUW.-rulileJ to I.MIIl;.lr nn I llof.M' V. tV2l Xi IWTK.Vl'H tirocurcj lur lii,rtitir. N Muri j lMjrrjnti pmnll .mslilunjf .1J. !-. Min 1 Ay Anil lidiri ant.i V fr Tour n.t. t i.p... I '' IV --. .- . fi 11 nil ii'imity I.UitWi itml lii,uvrtit,. TfThl ranMiii ih..jjii, f I'M'.l.n.r. nir Mill I'HUI AU'JU.LiM.kn.H!, ,W.LiLIHu,lJ.0 ""MA- NOV. 18-lOiv THE DAILY TIMES-Dcllvers.t la tho city tif IlilbJdi.hla. tnJ ur.-"iir..!liirj Towns fur Tivdvu CjaU u week, Mail Senciunioxs, invtogo free, Six l. '1 us a jc.ir, or Tidy Ccnte i. iimkUi. THE WEEKLY TIMES-rifly-sl': o.lumns cif Uie cholcwt l ii.'.n in- Lilly iircurv.l to meet lhou:itsi.f weekly ncwM.ilr reiulem. Ono i.Iiy.iJUi) 1 Ivocoi.los.tS.OOi Tenciiiile, U .(0; Ttteiity eni.lcs, W.00. AnlUtra i jp Sent fri e to nny itoii i;ettlnir up Vhth- i f ten i r twenty. THE SUNDAY EDITION -iicuUokiiett.cWitianes. Tiio I o t known ami niot iiccoaipllshel writer i lontrllmto lo Its columns every Wfck. '1'i.u Dollars u jiur, io.la.c fice. liliulo copies 1'onr Cents. THE TIMES ALMANAC-AMmuialof l'olltlcalondothcr Infuiciatluu, publUheJ on thu 1'lrtt of January, ci ery year, ntteen Cents n copy. THE ANNALS OF THE WAR-A royal octavo volume of 830 iurj, Ijcautlfnlly illustrutca. Written by l'riuclpsl l'ttrtlclpttnU lu tlie Wr, Kotlh aad fcjiitli. lTtce, J3.00. ADDftTSS ALL LETTERS AND OTHER COMMUNICATIONS TO THE TIMES, TIMES BUILDING, Chestnut and Kljjhtli Streets, Miiladcljpultt. ttS?" SEND FOR A AND SPECIMEN COPY. PUBLIC SALE OF VALUAULB Kcal Instate ! Paper Hanging. WM. F. BODINE, HON bT 1IELOW SECOND. 11LOOMSUUI10, l'A ts prepared to do all kinds ot HOUSE rAINTIWO Plain and ornamental PAPER HANGING, BOTH DECOIIATIVK AND 1'LAIU. All UliiilH ol' Furniture Repaired, aud muilo as good as new. NONE BUT FIIWT-CLASS WOltKIIKN EMPLOYED Estimates WZado on all Work. WM. F. BODINE. I A All French Cliromo CMrda, Hand lioquets. Mot-'L-U toes, Birds, etc., Name- on luc. J. H. Hustcd, Nassau, N'. V. dec. Mr CAUTIOM. og2& GET THE BEST. SVRONO OIHPTlrriOIV l'n tlie luaimfucturo of Organs is resulting in the production and sale of cheap goods, made from inferior materials. I refer particularly to bogus Organs that are continually springing into existence witlioul any merit whatever, except to be offered cheap, and then when purchas ed found to bo dear at any price. Will you not then, reader, If you Contemplate Buying an Organ consider it your only safeguard to select an instrument bearing tho names of first class, wholly responsible makers. A good assortment ol styles of tho celebrated Estey Organs can now bo seen at tho new rooms ot the Only Authorized Agent foi tho Batoy Organs in Columbia County. A guarantee for live years from the manu facturers accompanies every Estey Organ. J. S&I rZSR, Agent, Bloomsburg, P. a By rirtiio of an order ot tlio Orphans' Court ot Co lumbia county, tlie undersigned executor ot Flilllp Unantrst, lato ot Ftshtngcreck township, Columbia county, deceased, will expose to public Sato on Uio premises on Friday, December 23rd, 1881, at tea o'clock In tlie forenoon, tho following de scribed real estate, to-wlt; All that certain piece or parcel ot land, situate In satd township of Fish nccreck, boueded by Flshlngcreek and lands of John Nejhnid, John ICrrasy and A, lluntalnger, conta Illino is ACHES AND 24 l'KUCIIES. Also, a certain piece or parcel of land situate In said township, bounded by lauds of Edward Unangst, William Unancst, A. Lewis and William W. Mll'er, containing FIVE ACUES and nvo perch es on which H a good FRAME DWELLING HOUSE, rramo stable and out-bulldtngs. There Is alsa an excellent lot ot FRUIT tubes on tils lot. TERMS OF SALE. Ten per cent, of one-fourth ot tho purchase money to be paid at tho stilting down of tho property: the one-fourth less the ten per cent, at tho confirmation of sale, and the remaining three-fourths In one year thereafter with Interest from confirmation nisi. SAMUEL SUIVB, Dec. li, isst-4w Kiecutor. Valuable Real Estate AT PRIVATE SALE 1 THE LARGE FLOURING MILL In Hemlock township known i s the RED MILL lsoffeiedat I'lll ATE SALE. This mill Is -II feet by t-ofcit and contains FOUR PAIRS OF BURRS. Utuallyiunby water lower, but lias a steam en Bine to run It In time of unusually low water. It has A Largo Custom Trado and there ts a bargain In It. l'or further particulars Inquire of M. S. AITLBMAN. Oct. 7-.nn llloomsburg, la. Orphans' Court Sale OF VALUABLE Kcal JGstalc ! 1'ursiiant t3 an order of tho Orphans' Court ot Columbia county, the undersigned; Administrator or samucl Rhone, lata of Benton town&hlp, do ceased, will cxp jso to salo on tin premises In said township on Friday, January 13th, 1882, At one o'clock, p. m. the following described real estut o of said decedent, In Benton township, bounded and described ai follows: On tho north by land ot Alfred itantz, on the vast by Tlnmas Bender and W. W. Heis, on the south by W. W. Hess, C. W. Jljers and A. A. Ober- holtzer nnd on tho west by Daniel Karns, containing Twenty -two Acim moro or les js, whereon aro erected A SlYCAXiIi HOIXJ3S AND D ARK. TEUMS OF SALE. Ten per ccntot one.foui th of tho purchase money shall bo paid at the striking down ot the property, the ono fourth less tho ten per cent at tho continuation absolute; nnd tho re maining Uireefourths In ono year alter confirmation nlst with interest froin that date. IKO. W.IIIItLRMAN, Administrator, Dec. 16-sw lieii'on, I'a Jur-e!V'-'t RUK TONIC j A PERFECT STRENGTHENER.A SURE REVIVER. IJtOX JMTTHItS nro JiWily recommended for all disease, re- I quiring a certain and cfliclnit tonlo ; especially IndUjtstion, iyj;)c;uui, hu r ( mittent Jhers, ll'tm r Apptlitt. Lou of Strength, huh tj l'.ntrfj, etc., Lnrlclxi e mo iiiocxi,6irenguieiisiiio muse' i, ana gives new llto to llie nerves. They ait liho n cliurm on tho dlgCKiJr jr?nns, removing ull dyspeptic fyiniitoins, null as Ttutiwj tt h'ui4, Jirtchimj, Heat in the Stomach, Heartburn, ttc, Tlio only Iron Pi'upiirutlon tlmt vll not liluclccit tlio ti'dlh or kIvd humlaohc, Sold by all dru?gihls. Wrlto for tlm A 11 tl liook, U'J iiji, tf lucful and amusim; reading tent free. UltOWX ClIKMIOAL- CO., nnUimore, Md. t M ... I... .M.-.-..,. THIS SCIIOOI, as at present constltutv-d,.oaDrs the tery best facllltlos for l'rofesslonal and Classical iMrnlng. hmmMdiliunilV liuildlngssnacious. Imltlng and commodious : cnmnletely heated by steam, weincutllatcd, lighted by ga and furuUhed with a bouiilltili supnj, BPLocatIonthealthful, ana easy of acccsi. Toachci scxnerlcncod, cfllclent, and allvo to their work. Discipline, firm but kind, uniform and thorough moderate. Fifty cents a week deduction to all expecting to teach. studcnlJi ndmltted nt any 1 1 1 no. Rooms reserved when dosireu. I. Model School. II, 1'repnralory. HI. Elementary. l , Claislcal. Adjunct Courses : I. Academic. 1 1. Commercial. 111. Course In Mumc. Tho Klemcntarv. Rclentino and ClasslMl Courses nro PROFESSIONAL, nnd Students graduatng therein, tcccivo Mnie iiipiu " .n corresponding Degrees i Master of the Elements! Master of tho Sciences ; .Master ot thu Classics. Uraduates Iu lho oilier Luiirses rewvu .mi thelrnttalnmcnls,, signed by thoomcern of the Board of Tuuei". , ,,. . nP iu.aK'nilit'ii t no courso oi mho y orescriueu oy mc siaie is nocrai, aim iub - cieniinc aim uaniicui coursi-i io nut imvi iu '"" . , ; u ,X, T i,v fnrnl 1 LU rtLIllM I L'lltlll tilKlll'l W. Ittl UI tltlLl'USU r, .IID UlUCn UCIiUUUIti ...tTWMWU. ... w .'. . .i.u u w vu ... k. , , i M BentnndfmclentTeachersforherschools. Tothlscndlt solicits young personi of good ubllltlrs and good r"rP0-u'0,wV","VM aud their talents, ns students. To all such It promises aldlu developing their powers, nnd abundant opportunities for well paid labor aucr lumui, uaiaioguo.noares.uio rncina . , , , ......, srntnrv. uuni wii.iii.i.ii Jii.w lii.i.i i-refiuriii iionru ni -i-ruirrn. w.w.-... Sept. 8. '7- i Oltl'IIANS1 COURT SALE OF VALUABLE I'ui'MUlii liy iilo) t'i' UrolIitTH V'b. ' Id mifsuanco oranordflr at Mm inrnUntiK1 cnurt QOluraWa county, JUo undralgne administrator, I Ion ton townbblp, deceaaeJ,- win expose to public SATURDAY, DECKMBER 3l6t,881, At ono o'clock yi m All lllAtnnrltAn nf fh rnllnwf ni rfnriluirf I'Mifvn -T - - . . . -ww .v..u..(Ua 1.1AVI nil T 111. . .... . . . . . juAnu, iu i.cuiou iuwsuip, uoiumui t county, lying on tho west tide of Flshlmrcreek. uuuuueu a ioiiows! on mo nortu by lands of It F. CollCV. J. V. Chimin End A. WIIHnf,i, nn I west by lands ot Ell Mcllenry, Jphn E. Applernan auu.ciii iiuuuvii, uu iuu itouiu uy lanus or i llam IlUlmfl Blill Mnii'in-cl llil.llnn nn,1 nn 11,0 , by lands of lteuben II. Davis and Stott E. Colley, contalningFirrttEN ACHES, moro or less, bottom iauu, uii uivaruu. Also, ull that tract ot laud blttiato In Benton town shin, bounded on thnwpHLlivtnniW nriinhA fnn ner, on tho north by lands ot the hcliu ot Tbcinaa Davis, deceuMd, and J. F. Chapln, on lho south by lands ot -Uicklcl Cole, contalclLg ElUUTEKN ACItKS, moro or less, unimproved land. TBIIJIH OF BALE. Ten per cent, of one-fourlh ui uiu purcuaso money bhau bo paid at the striking m ui wiu jruix;iijri uie one-iounu less ma Percent. Ut tho confirmation nlmnlntii nnrt ilm malulng thrce-faurths In ono year alter confirms- " """i "nn luicren irpm mat date, I. K. KKICKHAUW. Administrator, &o., i Cambra, F.S What Makes tho Children Laugh? CATS CRADLE, ThJ Ilaudsomest Flno Art Juvenile Book. Ui 60 Colored Illustrations. 1 vol, Quarto, u uo. R. W0HTH1MOT0N, 77 J3ro4vw, Nw Ycrk. dec K.tw r iiiiiWnlfffrT BLOOMSBURG STATE NORMAL SGHOU SIXTH NOllMAL SCHOOL DISTJUCT. Bloomsburg, Columbia County, Pennsylvania. Rov. D. J. WALLER, Jr., Ph, D., Principal. IV. Course in Art. V. Course in l'hysical Culture. puro.soft SJxpcnscf followln Ultlcatej li-lntellt- m lr time Col. For HOW? WHAT! WIRE? W Ono of the problems of Good mul Comforliible Living -is TUB MATTER OF CLOTHING. MY ? STYLKISII, WI'.LL madk CLOTH INO AT T1IK VERV LOW K3T PRICKS. UATS FOB MEN, HOYS, YOUTHS, AND CHILDREN. jE.KAMINEounSTOCk'or . KUSINESS AND rAimiiic i.w-lj ! DRL55 blllKls iwuiuo uvy 1 o am. CIIILDKEXS GIiOTHIIffG SHIRTS, PEAKL WHITE, J5ICVOLE SIIIHTS, LATEST OUT. HANDSOME PATTERNS DESIRAUEE STYLES IS OUR MOTTO. A I' ULL LINE OK FALL STYLES JTST KECEIVED. MERCHANT TAILORING DEPARTMENT. Perfect Fits, Latest Styles, Full Satisfaction. CALL AND EXAMINE THE LARGEST STOCK OF CLOTHING and CASSIMERES1N THE COUNTY A Full Liinc-of Furnishing Groods. Headquarters for TRUNKS, SATCHELS, VALISES Ulcrclisuit Tailor & faas' OuilBtter THE DAVIS. $1,000 REWARD. ONE THOUSAND (1,000) DOLLARS IHKM1U.U oUereU 10 AMI IMSKSO.N' that will do us GREAT A ItANGE OK WORK on ANY OTHER MACHINE. WHAT THE NEW DAVIS VERTICAL FEED Will ifo without basting. It will make wide licm ou abcela. &c licm all mannerof bias woolcu (,'oods, au son merino, crape, or eooda aifflcult to liem on other maclilnes. it mattes a more eiauiiu huluu iuuu uuy uluci uiucuiutr. It will turn a licm ana put la plplni; at same Umo It will turn a uem. sew braid on tlie rtfflit side and stitch on trimming at ono operation. It will do telHnu bias or BtraluUt. cither on cotton or woolen goods. It will tell acrobB seama on any soods. I will bind a Drum or Skill and sewontarlne. either wllh or without show Ing htltcUf s; bind Uresa Hoods with the same material, i-UliurtciUlopi.poliitu, squares or BiraiKnw 1 lie ouiy mui'iuue iiiai- 111 uiuu Hals, Cloaks, or other articles wllh bui, satin or Bilk, trora x to s Inches In width, without basting. It will gather with or without Bcwlng on. Itwillrathcr between two Pieces and bcw on at the same time. It will make arullle aud Btltcha pillow Blip on to the lacing at the same time. It will shirr any kind ot goods. It will make plalU'd trimming either wltU or with out sowing 11 on. It will make plalttd trimming either scallaped or itralght, and sew a plplug On at the sumu Hunt. II win make kuiio piaiuug. J. SALTZER, Geu'l Agout, llloumaburK, l'n. oct. 1, '80-tf. To Nervous Safforers Tho Qreat European Rosedy. im. 1. b. smrsoN's srscinc ukdici.se. Dr. J. II. Klmpson'a tipccltlc Medicine Is a posltlvo cure for oierworkot body or brain or oleosa or any klnd.sueli as weakness and all diseases rosultlug from Nervous Debility. Irrltablllty.Mental Anxiety, Languor, Lassitude, Depression 01 spirits and func tional dorangemcnts of the nervous hystem gen ertlv. rains In the unvK or t5ie, i)SF 01 jieinory, I'rema turc old ago nnd dis eases that lead t consmptlon, lnsiuil- ty an early cravi or both. No matteil now snattcrcd th syBtcm may be from) excesses o t a 11 y kmd. a Bhort coursejniiis medlclue will reotoro Ih lost functions and procure health and happiness where before was despondency and gloom. Tlio Spe cific Medicine Is being used with woudertul success. l'araphleta Bent freo to all. Wrlto for them and get full partrlcular. l'rlce, Specific $1.00 per package, or six packages tor J.1,10. Will bo sent by mall ou receipt ofcioney. Address all orders. J. 1). SIMHSON'a MKDICINEUU. Nos. Ml and 1 ilaln street, Buffalo, N. V. lco. 11, '31-jf THE WHITE SEWING MJHINE mm Whereas, tho world renowned rcput.jn it the White kewiug W mo Induces many unsirunuious conipi-illoro rrt to all kinds of mean tricks to Injure lis reitititi, wb beg to caution all Intending parchasersit t jouya White MACHbk except from Its regular authorlted denlp, wl will be sustained by the follow lug warranty WE WAItKANT THE NATDHAL WEAlANirKAK OP THE White Hie Smt l'I,.TE Nl'MDKl! lOISM!! FOH FAMJ.T I'BI'O SKS. AND IIEKEUY AOHEETO KEKi' 1IK ME IN UEl'AIK FOlt TI1K TEIIM OK I'llH MM vnosi this date, fiiee of ciiahoh j This warranty excepts the brcakagi of allcs bobbins and Bhuttles. j This warranty will not lo sustained unVn tho plate number abovo jrlven correspon wilthe number on the shuttle race slide, liewae of caccd or altered numbers 1 WIUTK SKWINO .MAUINH The "WHITE" Shuttle SowlngHaine "r b okbatkr cirAeiTV than any othf r tallly tflng Machlno for doing every variety ot worl 1 J.SLTZEH, QeneraAgeJ blocmturg. ii.it. 1. j-tf. 1 R'P.AT'V'R OKiiANSststops, 10 set jreei (ply oaa.i 1:1 t,i, i.ln9 lwp up, ilday lndecenwuls Heady. Wrllu or cll O'lIlEtv, Washington, N.J. aid nu)C, "j T A YEAR'S HE A DIN '02? 1. THE NEW YORK WEEKLY W0RL1 7"AINRI(iIIT k: CO., 1170. A'.V. I L E an 0 ClUiS, Philadelphia. Dealers In teas, svitnv, coffee, sun ah, molissks. KICK, SI'ICIS. BICillB bOIli, AC, XC. N. It. Comer Second and Arch BliccUi. li"Crdeu will rocelvo prompt attention. Dauchy & Oo'a. Advt's. SOUTH Don't locate beforo seeing our James lttver settlement. Illui trated dialogue free. j. Jl.llan cha, v-laiemout, surry co. a. d ded. 2-4w HIDES. Tho Highest Market Price in Cash IUIDVOH ALL KINDS OF HIDES 'V A. SOXjXjESDEI l& livntlicr and Shoo l'l 11 ill ns istoic Main SrREcr, Oi'FOsin: Stone Oiiuiicii, BLOOMSBURG, PA. Aprils, '60-ly NEW RICH BLOOD! Variant' I'lirinlirn J'H inako NewllU'li ISIoml, and will compUtoly t-ti.mtru llix IiIikhIIu lliuentlreaviitcm in Hired 1 nntlix, ,nvpi'rnn u to will taUu I pill null nlgiil from 1 lojjwo. ki nay Ihi reitored ti wmiul lieallli. If 1.111'lia lllng to ioii1U1k. Si nt In' i, mil for 8 teller klniniH. A A. JOUSSUS A- CO., Mutton, Jim., formerly Ixiifnr, Me, ItnCUTC WRUTCn KVIHVWIIKUK t,i nuL.11 1 u iinll ilu u.f iH.ll'.imllyllMll win kiitmpaiof L 1 1 Ull- llliir Jlaeliliir er lovtuifi'l. ibimvi, lln 11U1SI. aiU Till: (oiiliili te. Iu 20 minium. 11 Kill lw lull ai:rit aikiy vf f'dr- wi lor wnuu taera 11 kiwar a rea-ir market h 11 1 I' or ilrrular n.l tenuilo Uio 'l ivoiulily Uulltluar Itavcllllio Co.! 4U9 Wltftiliuloa 81.. Ik-lUtt. Mnu. iniy 0, '81-ly kid LKGAL JJLANKS, JVMVAYS ON HAND IMiTENSE SALES I EOYS 1 Fun allic: flood Commlssloul 85 "LATEST" i-hro-mo cards. 5 Flirtations, s Lady or (lent corrcpond enta vue. silver. II. V. Jones, Joifersou N. V. Take agency. d dee. 'J l w FLORIDA ! Atlantic mul Gulf Const Ciunil ami Okccclio. uce ljuuu t o, 50,000 SHARES $10 EACH At I'Alt wltua HONUSof 4J Acres tor each lOshaieB .wu4 kuuim; iKtuu. u. mil --J1I331U11 rUI tllllSe. oi'ficm 1'1'lrJ nnd Chestnut nts., Flilladelphla. DetulleJ I'rospectm wllh deij Iptlve Maps mallei FltKE. it dec. ii -w Over 5000 Druggists Physi AND 'dans AT THIS OFFICE. Havo Signed or Endorsed tho Following Romarkablo Document : Mcssrs.Sealmry & Johnson, Manuf actur inif Cheraiats, 51 Tlatt St., Now York : Oontlemen j l'or tlio liast fow yoara wo havo sold TOrioua brands of Poroua riaa tora. Physicians rrad, tho Tubllo prefer Bonron'B CbpiIiiw rorous Plastfr to all others. Wo consWor thorn ono of tho very fow rcliuUo houoclsolil remedies worthy of confidence. They aro superior to ull other Porous Plasters or Liniments for external use, Haiinon'M Capclno riastar is a genulno Purraaeoutloal product, of tho highest order of merit, and so rccojrnized by physlcluna und. drutrElsts. When other remedies full Kct n, lien sou's Capoino Plaster, You will bo disappointed if you use cheap Plasters, Liniments, Pads or Kleo tricnl Mat'uotlo toys. HEAD'S Htdicatcd CORN and BUNION PLASTER. Iitoi.'shv u New Vyvhos, New Typo ThroisJ . out, New IJuikliug, Now Apj uncos ot Jiivery ImihI, an New Life in Every Depart ment. To any Address, Postage Pa SI .00 a Year; 50 cents for six months. A COMl'LKTfi FAMTLY PAPER. Special Departments l'or ev Member of the Household. 1. All the News, fnllv anil smpmIih-iIi. i, Tho I'jrmer'd World-A full pijfo ot Anleual ami i arm .News. 3, Thu Literary World-A full pairo of Loni; SM aim Miori siories, comls llalhuls and Sets rocmi, i airy Tales and fcatlurb' Yarns. 4. lho Housekeeper's columns -What Eury Wi Wants to Know, 5. Th Vctcilnnry Unartment-wiiii frco for :U1 SuLeci ILcrs, ur.d fu'l Instructlonr. luoiieaiincntof Uvobtoek. ii. Tho be3t Chsi Column lu fio w ji Id for ulnar players. , I. Tho host riii'dcer Department in lho worlilf Doth am iteur and protessbnal players, s. A Corner for tlio Young l''ulks-liiiMios,Cli.i!.i- l'uz.!es, Enlsmas, AcroitliM, dc. a. coiupkto JUrl-et lleports-l'nilvalled In ill uiiu ai-uiiraey, 10. Answers to Inquiries. Each department U perfect ot lis kind, aud all blneil make tho hest Weekly Newspaper publlslie.l. TJie Now York World ti no superior on either side . the water as a Livo, Brilliant, Perfectly Appointed, Pro gressive Newspaper. Sl'KCI.MHN l.'Ol'llW IsUXT I'ltKI Till KKW YOltK WOKIiI) would iiuji.uiso, $m v0'hk. dec, U-Cw :flnicnewp(f your humcrlptloii to this ouw iu.uiiw a suuieripiioii to COOU ..v.. 0'iuieriucrs i;et th s paper nlimlui.jnfHIIHI. n-Min..... . l-f -....vmun.uuu eujiriM- for JlO) by .i..iuui)- i, 4m prouipuy, GOOD COMPANY A Mnrilhlv v,,n..i. ..... 1 1 . a ,"v, .villaining only C flatter. Krehh. iirh.hr. v,.i...r -...y i1??,,1!,;?0!1':1'1.' V' 'JJ.rlaa by tho most umuiiK umers. Charles Dudley p.,' CO and sendl oriel 3, po; v TII.II-. rilelrs ohm i Harriet needier Stowe, i.vuiiuru . iiaeon Kosu Terry Cooke, (leo. M.Tuwlv, Haraht). Juwelt, utiuo iiianei, llehecoa Ilardluif Dai ' omco a . McuddSr, Kllcn W.OIney,Mrj,K James u, Wlilton, aiuiuu lioodale WHAT 18 SAID Ol-' If "It Is an excellent ii iubiuiiib ill Ameilea."-,ciiurcirciiroTrie f "Theielsrunn nviii,.ini. . r.'r";-.1.".11''1' MrODB couiiiionbenursro'.io u r T, T , vuruudn Aaioca .V'"i'i io m to mbcriUrs. ,SUUm moittht f(,r $3 oo. . finr I I h. '-I'M :ll,iv, mom ;r, ii ii-iii l?eLl-rn auing ,! W?.1-0? ''"'. Npw yearly uuUerlber, iy i tr 1 lour i 'iu iiuiiibor-i. wJiun tin auuvu, ur buiiu to "JOU C'OMl'ANY, Hprlnf-niH, i,.:,v, elm pi ill I fm RAIL ROAD TIME TAB I) KNNsY I,V ISA I MtoTnT 1 HKM'III t .t Kill It. U. Dmsw.1 11 win run TIME On nnd After Mondiy r-VIILK. on nnu nricr Mondiy, net, si i, .. Ohthol-hllftdolphlftft Urln lla l,-., !.'lir asfollowai ""iioqi WKSTWAIlD. Krlo Mall leaves I'lilladclpliU '.' " llarrlsburir ' " Hunbury h Wllllamiiort Lock Haven Hcnovo " " Kan " arrive at Krlo Niagara Kxpress leaves riillailelphta "., Hirrlsbuiif " Hunoury Wllllaiaiport 'ck Haven ' " ltenovo , " . Kano Kftst Lino leaves Philadelphia " " llarrlsburi; " ' sunbury " " Wlillamsport " arrlvo at Lock Haven EAST WA HI). M, CI i in, 3 li p SM, 11 ,S Ifflt V.f. I 8i, J i; to 5 Clap Lock HaicnlCxprosa loaves Lock Haviri . " "illlamsnorr oS1 ' nrrlvo at llarrlsburir , ,", , " PhlladelpliTa Fast Lino loaves cnnandalzua ' ' Vatklns ' " JJImlra ' " Wlillamsport ' ' xunbury " arrllcs nt Ilarrlsbunf " " Philadelphia Day Express loaves Kano " ' llenovo " " J)ck Haven ," .Wlillamsport ' arrive at llarrlsbiiri; , ' , " Philadelphia Krlo .Mall leaves Krlo " " Kutio " " l(ctioo ' " I)ck Haven " " Wlillamsport " " Kunbiirv " airlvesat llirrUburir " " Plilladelplua loin. I lUSp ioipi Jini iw,i MI llllilii . 11 Ut 12 IS p I 3 3-ln I .'.".'P'fl iu III p 'i 1 HA . 1 'lilladelplua imii r.rio jian wesi anil lock Haven l-:iirnM make clone connections at NorlUumi! ScrJJnlon "' "' "' tn"r'S Wltt Trln Tnll l'.iut Ul-..... t...... to. . iiu.. """i "a,icti near, juj ,a Lino est inako close connection at MiiulLI wllh N.C. 11. W. trains north. uoiJ mako close conuecttuU ntLockllaen lthii!l It. 11. trains. "ui.L Erlo JIall Kast nnd West connect at Kn J trains on L. S. ic JI. H. It. H. ; at Corry Sml P.A W. It. It.; at Kmporlum with n n. y'i '.'I and at Driftwood V llh A. V. It. It. '-. Parlor cars will run between Phlla Klpt'i umurwuri, un isiasrara r;xnress wesr. a,i i press East. Sleeping cars ou all ultlit iialn I U'JUKIir NKILS.l-J !eneral!iu( N1 OKTI1KKN COMPAN. CUNTIIAL IJAII.W. UUUUU H.L.I liailUdl.l I . Lll. IffPI. 1 iinni UI I I, Unnlmrv nu frtll-.u-u I -"""Ulir KOIITUWAHD. Northern Hxprcss o.lio a. ni arrive Ein,im Arrive nt Canandalgui a.sit', " Itochesu-r i.ii " Niagara, s 11 Niagara Express 1.05 p. in. nrrlvo E'mlra c ii, arrlvo Cauand.Uui 3 " Itochester i- niuifara Past line O.lo p m arrlvo Klmlra " Walklns ! SOUTIIWAllD. Soul hern Expreus 1.3i a. m. nrrlvo Harrisi, arrive Phlladelplila 7,3i new iorK lojj " UMttinore i., " WaahlnL-iomwi Pacliic Express 10.110 a m arrive llarrlsbv laut, arrive Philadelphia ui, " New York c.w " lialtlmore cu " Washlnston t.si Day Express l.oo p m arrive Harrlsburi; s.t p 1 ..ui.uuiyiiia " New Yoik " lialtlmoru " Washlni'lou Erie Mull l.uo a. m. anlie Harrlsburi; ' Philadelphia " ! ew York " IlUtlmore " Washlnirton I.. P. PAltMHIt, Uoneral Pasjeuger Aut.l FIlANK THOMSON, Uoneral Munap C.f, CM 3li.1l,' Til 1 0.3) 7.10 P HILADELPIIA AND KEADINO KO.J I I'ASbEXGl ARRANGEMENT OF TRAINS November Tth, 18sl. TH11NS I.KiVK KITKKT AS 'OLLOWB(8CNDJT KXlir For Now Y'ork, I'hlladelphla, Itcadlnt', I'otuil Tamaqua, ic., 11,45 a. m For Catawtssa, 11,15 a. m. 0,15 and 7,V0 p, m, For Wlillamsport, 6,15 1,50 it. m. and 4,06 p. m, TKiiNa von aonar lkith ta folloivj, (r.iotr CEPTKD.l Ixavu New York, vU. Tuinanend 6.45 a. m. 1,1 Ma. Hound Urook ltoute 7,4.', a. 111. Leavo Philadelphia, 9,45 a. m. Leave Heading,' 11, Ma. m.. I'otu villi-, .J,;t andTamaqua,l,35p, in. Leavo Catuwissa, 6,10 8,40 a. m. and 4,eo p, ni. Leave Wlillamsport ,9,43 a.ni,s,ou p. in. and 4,j p J Passengers to aud from New York, u. tat nend and to and from Ptilla IHphla ko turoil lthoutciian!:o of cars. J. E. WOO'lTEN.I Ueneral MimnjtS 1,. u. iiAm;uun, Oeneral Passenger aul Ticket AgeH. Jan. 10. lSdl-tt. D ELAWAUK. LACKAWANNA WESTEHN llAlLUOAD. BLOOM8I1UKG DIVISION. Time-Table No. 3 , Takes effect at i-m A I NOHTH. p.m. p.m. a.m. 9 ii MONDAY, JUNE 10, 1878. 9 50 9 44 .9 SS 9 31 19 2J 9 17 V 11 9 8.1 3 SJ 3 U 8 15 i U9 3 01 SI 10 9 CO 8 t 8 49 8 :: B 91 8 08 b UI I 55 T 49 19 51 T 41 V.' 40 T 40 lit 36 T 2i II 94 T M 19 19 T !0 U 05 7 15 11 55 0 5T W 10 1 (A 6 43 10 10 6 31 M' 2 53 1 45 2 T i :u 1 ii I 10 i 0i 1 41 l'.S 1 IS 1 03 BTAT10.N3. Scranton Uellevuo Taylontlle.. . ...Lackawanna.... Pit talon .. West Pltuton... Wyoming Maltby .Dennett Kingston...... Klmrston ..Plymouth Juno.. ....riymouiu Avoudale Nantlcoko .Uunlock's Lreek. ..-ShlckshUinj'..... ....Hlck'a Ferry.... ....Deach Haven.. uerwlcK .... Iirlar Creek Willow tlrovc... ..Lime Itldge fispy ...Uloomsburg.. ltupcrt Catawlsaa Ilrldge. ...Danvlllo chulasky j.. .Cameron., . 0 46 .Northumberland. 9 9 10 9 14 9.03 9 01 i 61 8 51 8 46 8 tS 8 31 8 an 8 11 8 (II T t8. T PU 7 461 I 19 T 31 I vs T 24 T a.m. 9 to 9 42 9 tO 9 57 10 07 IU UI 10 18 10 Is p 101 ;l Mr i 1 u 1 i 3 47 j it 1 f4 3 US 111 10 16 3 13 111 34 10 42 10 56 11 07 11 13 11 2 11 39 11 45 II 6 11 57 19 If 3 24 3 31 3 W 1 m 4 ip 4 is 4 a I W I S3 I 41 4 4) I U i ui 5 I! 9 15 30 5 It p.m. a ni a.m. p.m. p.n W K. HAL" TEA f Superlntoad'i'it s ifni, Kcmnion I"n" BLOOMSBURG PLANING MI The uliJerhlL-ued harlni- nut his PlanlnL'Ml lUllroad ntreet, In tlrst-Ciass condition, Is prilj 10 uo an kiuus ot won: in 111s lino. FRAMES, SASH, DOORS, MOULDINGS. FLOORING, Etc. r- 1 1 li r e BLircua furnished at reasonable nrlcou. All lumber usJ well seasoned and nouo but skilled workmeLl empioyea. ESTIMATES FOR BUILDJNGl tiirnlshtid on application. Plana and speclflcAtl OII.lLi:S HItVii, Illoonisbiirp;, I'll M,C. SLOAN & BRO , 111,01 1M8UUIIG, l'A JI inufaclurcru of Carrlues. Eifffhs.?haalBns. Slalffhi. Pli'.fJ VlKt-class woik alwajs ou hand. D flt'I) I 1lMVl AM I .if r ,,I', iiiii .uiii.H, j r.,i 1 14 1 in'.' 7VCM reduced lo fiiit the Hum, IKK INKUKANCE CIlItlHTIAN f. KNAPP, IH.OOMS11UHO, PA. I BUITIHH AMBH1CA HSUlIANCE COMPANY GKHMAN PIHKINslIHANCE COMPANY". RATIONAL PIHB INSUHANCk COMPANY. WON I.NbUHANOB COMPANY. I 'Hihma m.n rnHpnuirtONu an, well Reasoned by I !nd riKK i3To and haro never yot had loasj led by any court of law. Tholr assets are all in d In toi iu succmriiiaud aro liable to the hMj otHHjoniy. , floou as Octormlnod ty cukuiun Ye Kvirr, el II A O BIST kVti AwrfcTKtiaouMm'KU, )' ..J b iig invwjiiu ui vuiuiuvm vunuij l A ari M mj uuu ui iuuu unukitiiuuD, nn t T TNl 07 4 08ft.