The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, December 23, 1881, Image 3

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The Columbian.
"rimt'io walks.
Urn W. lllrlcinaii, iitlmliilsliiitor of Hum
fl ltlioiif, will Mil H'ul cstiile mi the rwn
l., llt-iiton township, mi Frlilny, January
tatii, mi.
I, K. Krlcklmiini, mlmlnlnlriilor or tin
fMi'ilc of l',,'-'r Aitpltiimn, will Kfll real estate
,1 tin- Kclinti(,' Hotel In Ui'itton, " S"t
day, DccfinlMTillot, ItMl.
There mi- four prisoners now In Hit- cotiuly
Jul'- ...
W. C. McKluncy has erectcil m xuhstniillul
.wninir In fronl of hi ImlKllnjt on Main
Dilutes for 1832 ut O. A, Clink's.
In order tlmt our compositors limy enjoy
ii,., riirUttiin season wc will- only Issue a
lmlf sheet nr-xt week
i ...i WpiIiipmIav was tlic shortest ilny of
tlic year, eomiirlslnir only nine hours anil
dlitocn minutes.
There will be a Christmas tree anil enter.
uimm-nt at the M. K. Chureli, Unol-horn on
Saturday evening.
II. T. Salhule has retired from the Williams.
port Sun it Manner and the paper will here.
. ..... i i... ir Af l 1 t
nfler lie conuucicu iiy u. .. mm u.
Wolf anil SI. Wolf.
William Tate, Sr., eldest brother ot Col
onel Levi I. Tate, editor of the Lycoming
Am.iW. died last Sunday, at his home In
Cleartleld, In the 74th year of hl.s aj-e.
New Veai'8 cards at G. A. Clark's.
Jueoti Sillier of the Kpy Hotel, killed two
,.l,r. (.n Tuesday. weli-hlnL' IMIO lhs. I hose
nre the heaviest we have heard of till
Sir. William llryson and several other gen
tlemen of Centrnliu will please aerept thanks
for valuable assistance rendered durln)
visit to that plaee this week.
When a legal holiday falls on Sunday, the
fnllnwiiiff diiv Is observed by the business
community. As Christmas conies on Sunday
this J ear, Monday will be observed as n legal
Fortv.four new subscribers were added to
our Ontralla list this week. Over a bun
ilriil eoules of the Col.UMlUAX are sent to
Centralla and vicinity, which makes It u d(
nimble advertising medium.
An additional siding Is in procuss of con.
structlon at Catawlssa on the Heading road
from the station to the bridge across thr.
erwlc. Tills will L'lve some two miles o
siding. t
The season for shooting deer in this conn,
ty expired last Friday, and a Hue of i50 fo
each deer killed now attaches to any violf
tlou of the law. ot I)i. Hull's Cotn-ti
'i ale dully mociIIipiI i,v i i,t,
i , J Wll IIUILC'l
lUtlUlcl of Hitsr tnintirim.uU n- 11. .11
"Vh Sy.iin. .Llllfiill.. , .,.! .... ,
llii ue. I, f- a.,i i, n .,
7 ...I. 1.1 till 1 llgS,
I Tuesday f l,i .V(.,,. rmr. .w,..,,i
t 'W, was f(,iuii In ,, ntittl- sulterlnii
"tbickof apophA,, mi, died soon
"II he was carried Into the. house. He was
"lid leslilenlof Scott township mid had
"lined Hie nge of seventy years.
' .Monday morning lust, u f relirht e,.r
ta.2d to the Catawlssa accommodation train
unlit) Iteadlng railroad was discovered to
in nre.nt While Deer stnil.m. It i.,u,it.
edlght thousand pounds of miscellaneous
frdit, all of which was consumed.
mrles for 18N3 nt (I, A. Clink's.
.'ally good lecturers me scarce, and when
oiof these rarities comes to llloomshurg,
tlpeople should turn out en m.uie and hear
( ol. banfoid will deliver an excellent
The winter leiin ot Wyoming Heinlimry
located at Kingston l'a., has opened with a
very large ntteiidancc. New t tudtnts may
cntir wllh advantage nflir the holiday-, We
omineuil this school to our readers.
In subscribing for a weekly newspaper,
outside of your home paper which you mut
have, -It Is well to consider the advantage
or taking a piper like the I'hlladelphla HVei
ly I'm, which not only furnishes the choice
of the general news and reading, but also the
fullest llariisbiirg and general Fenusylvanla
ui it.. it . . ..
i inr ii pi-ri lllMlse nil .New n.iu
In mid hear him,
d a meeting nf the H(l!,r,l r p.,,,
lrrislinrg, on Tuesday, the application or
Orge Uraul of this county was refused,
'im was se ueneei rr h..r in inmii ...
linprlsonmrnt of two years and six
mths and n line ot .r,00.
ew Yeai's cards at (I. A. Clark's.
Jur exchanges are tilled with stories idblg
gs slaughtered, lint It Is noticeable that
J weights are not so heavy as usual. This
doubtless owing to the high price or reed.
inersjuerenlng to kill their lions earlier
her than pay the additional cost ot fatten-
J. None of our farmers have killed any
; porkers this season- ut least they havi
'. so not I lle.l ns.
in,- nisi, newspaper ever pUIUMicil ill
ansylvanla." This Is une of the man'
nplhnentary things said about the
lln.Ielpliia JVt, by its contemporaries.
s indeed an entcrpilslng and thoroughly
,.i ., i .
inline newspaper, whose pages ale never
i wl by the unclean things which make so
uy journals of the day dangerous vWllor
ihe family circle. If you are not a reader
'the ,im send for a specimen
iiiiiics for INS'.' at (!. A. Claik'i
Col. J. P. Banford so thoroughly please
his audience when he lectured last wepk.thii,
he will be sure to have a ciowdrd hoiiseo
New Year's I've. (Jo and hear him.
The State (irange recently held in Willlan
sport was the largust and most successti!
meetli.g for several years. There wasa ver
large attendance of members, and much it
tereit was manifested in the proceedings.
Notice. The personal property of Thon
as J. Vanderslice, deceased, will be expose,
topublic sale at his late residence inHcmloc
township on Tuesday, .laiiuaiy II, 1H82, at
a. m. dec;. Ji.l.'Jw
II. hi Divinii K.ii! Acoisn-. The (iettys
lg Vumpilcr Is authority fur the following:
'ank Itosenslcel anil one of his lirotbers
fully saw a singular performance whilst
iMng along JIareh creek. On the bank of
t stream timis a large lilaek oak, about
I'.thluls of its crop of acinus fallin,
la the water. The acorns on dry land
li.lng been exhausted, a porker (of about
1' pounds; conceived the Idea ot 'going lor'
Use al the bottom of the creek, which
que deep at that point, and succeeded In
gi ing a good portion of them. The hog
w il.l .live down and 1111 Us mouth, come to
th surface alter being under the water from
llf en to forty seconds, swim to the .shore,
.slikeiNelf.einpty its moiith.and then eat Ihe
ami.; repealing the operation for fully
ha an hour and until satlstled with the
'nial.' The hog evidently knows how
eto Ihe bottom of the acoiu business."
ew Vein's cards at (!. A. Clark's.
'lioe who heard Col. J. l Santord lecture
la. wcik, at Normal Hall, are unanimous in
c.vrcssions of pleasure. He will lie at the
Opra House on the evening of December .'list
Dji'I miss the opportunity of hearing him.
Fire hi . 1 1 ill 1 v 1 1 1 -.
Tnii lii'tV hilltiilPi
New Year's cards ut 0. A. Clark's.
llo to the Opera House Saturday night of
next week, and hear Col. J. P. Sanford's lec
ture on "Wanderings In Sunny Lands." It Is
both Instructive and entertaining, and can
not rail to give satisfaction.
At the recent teachers' Institute 170 teach
ers' wereeniolled and the average dally atten
dance was nearly 1(10. There are 182 schools
In the county. The Institute was one of
Ihe most satisfactory ever held In the county.
Everything about Sanford's Radical Cure
ror Catarrh Invites contldence. It Is the
prescription or one of our ablest physicians,
and Is prepared by one of the largest and
most lellable drug houses In the I'nlted
Ststei. llastim Herald.
The general stock of merchandise belong
ing to U, SI. linker, a merchant of F.spy, was
recently sold by the SherllT, and the pur
chasers brought the goods to this town for
tie at auction. The various articles were
placed in Sirs. Knt's store room and dis
posed of,
The Philadelphia Weekly Prat announces
that It will continue during the coming
year, all the attractive features which have
given It Its present prestige and popularity,
and Unit It will udd new f cut urea, making ll
Mill more desirable a? a family journal.
Specimen copies sent free.
Diaries for 1882 at (J. A. Clark's.
On Slonday evening an election was held
for officers of the Hloomshurg Fire Depart
ment. William Ko.loinnre was chosen Chief,
C. II. Itobblns, First Assistant and it. W.
Ilagcnbiich Second Assistant.
What kind ot liars aru there in Pottstown,
anyway ? A paper published in that village
stales that a hen was killed there recently
and twenty-two lull sized eggs round Inside.
The veracious scribe further saya that anoth
er hen la'.d an average of eight eggs a
day for three months. The hen would lay
sometime tour eggs a day, sometimes six,
eight, ten, twelve and fourteen. Referred to
Kli Perkins.
Vscd to say: "Hoys, If your blood is tint of
ouler try Ilurdock tea-," and then they had
to dig Ihe Ilurdock and boll It down In kot
tles, making a nasty, smelling decoction;
now you get all the curative properties put
up in a palatable form in Ilurdock Wood Hit
ters. Price ijl.00, trial si.e 10 cents.
A young man named James Fink was
brought to town last Sunday by Constable
Yetter and placed In jail. He was commit
ted by .1. I), llodine, justice of the peace of
Mailt township, charged with the lar
ceny ot a suit of clothes, jewelry &c,
at Iloyd It. Yetter's hotel In Slalnville on Sat
urday, lie will be held for trial at the next
term of court. Fink has been boatlnj- on
the lakes and was on bis way to New York.
He is quite prepossessing in appearance.
.in.lge l. iv. nricKnaum lias accepted tl ) Wednesday night at about half past
supper tendered him liy Ilie members of tl elvea o'clock, the two storv building ot
liar Association, and the evening of Frida St phen Creasy, in Millllnville, was diseoveied
the UOth Inst., and the Kxchange Hotel ai to be on lire. ' The tloor was used as a
the lime and place for this farewell test st.L, )V jt. WuMcman, and the second
monlal lo the retiring Judge.
.Merry Christinas.
Jackson, (Mich.) Daily Patriot.
We learn from Messrs. Sloore & Iliimphre
that St. Jacob's Oil is regarded as the vei
best selling liniment ever sold, and Is givli
the highest satisfaction. It has effcett
many good cures.
S.or by the 0.1.1 Fellows. In the rear ot the
1)1 e room was a cabinet shop. The Haines
read with such rapidity that the building
I is speedily destroyed Willi its ronicnis.
II the goods and even the books in the store
wa'rc burned, and the Udd fellows lost nit
tjifir properly. .Mr. Creasy's loss on the
niopertv is ij3,50l); insured tor 1,200. The
Alexander Thompson died on Srondi'i'U0'"1'"1 dwelling house of Caleb Creasy
morning of last week, at his residence l'',k lllv "ml Wll-i al" consumed. Loss
IJerwiek, aged about (18 years. He witl.OOO. .Mr. Iiidleiuan's loss is about i.2,000,
well known in the county, where he hn Insured for half that amount. It is believed
lived formally years, and will be missel I that the lire was the work ot an incendiary.
To each and all of the readers of the
Coi.umiiux we extend the compliments of
the season and wish them a very Merry Christ
mas. We hope that in every household the
kindly iidliienccs of the day may be felt and
that joy and happiness may reign supreme.
From piesent appearances the weather will
not be such as best bellts the day, but love
and good will can make themselves manifest
as well under clouds as In sunshine. Christ
mas Is the day of all the year when the better
ipialltles of human nature come to the front
and when all other desires are overcome by
the wish lo give pleasure to friends und loved
ones. .May the Christmas of 1881 make us
all happier, better and more contented.
a large circle of fi lends.
Diail. s lor 1SS2 at (i. A. Claik'i
Diaries for 1882 at (!. A. Clark's. . . TJ , 7, ,,
, " aiiderings in .Sunny Lands Is the very
The Sumhy School lmet advises Its readeatl,!,t livi' lilU' ,)f Ibe lecture that Col. San
to letthe Prentiss Preserving Company nlonfol'a wU1 ,u',ivi,r at lu"r" 1I""'ie 0,1 bilU
They advertise a preparation called "bzoneur,1"-v VVUS ,,f 'M W'eek. As may be ill
and make deceptive statements regarding i'1"1''1 U wl" ,ri'"t "f J"r(,y'l"s"' 1,1 fm'IS"
efficacy. The Timet offers to refund ti-'untries and will contain many tacts not
money of those who have bought "Ozone nf,CM 1(1 '"' lu'il1''1 S"V1' f,'"m ""' "l1" tmVm
through the advertisement In that paper. oK l'!i- Tl'1' ('ol(,m'1 has M'''" ""' lall,ls ,,f
o which he speaks.
Isaiah, alias "lluslnes.s" Heels was tri
at the last term of the Northumberland cou XfW Y,'!"'s V:XuU at A- W'-
ty court for forgery and was found gulll
He forged the name of ltobert lluck, Supi
lutendent of the Pennsylvania It. It. at Wi
nontown, to an order of ij 14.150 upon wlibmas week at Hi
he procured a watch from u jeweler. 1 said to be good
AiniinritirlitM In ('nine
Tw o entertainments are booked for Christ-
Opera House, and both are
The tlrst of these will be
was sentenced to eighteen months iiiiprisc m, the evening of the 27lh inst. when Minnie
ment at hard labor, In the penitentiary. Wallace and her enmpaiiv will present Jon
niilii .Miller's new nlav, "Oregon." Mr. Sillier
At three o'clock on Tuesday morning h ,.aiius that this is his purest, most realistic
a ireignt train on the Iteadlng II. II. w .m,i i respects, best dramatic work-
wrecked nt the little tunnel, Heaver low mi,,,,),. Wallace has long been a favorite with
ship, by the eiiijlne jumping the track. Jo u,eatre-giier.s, having for many years up
Kills of Catawlssa, u biakeiuan, was Install peiired with her slsirr under the name of the
Mlled and the engineer, Henry Sloan, v. Wallace Si.lers." She is n sprightly ami
badly dealded. Fifteen cars were thrm ,e.atile actless ami appears lo peculiar ad'
irom the track ami hurled down the e v.intu.rr in Ihe new play. We are Informed
bankment which Is twenty feet high. F.I nml w w , uppcrtcd hv an ellleieut
was a most estimable young mail and t . .nnoaiiv. Of the merits of the plav we can
news of his death was received with gr. t Sp,.a'k from personal knowledge, but .Mr.
sorrow in Lalawlssa. 'J he expressions or MUier W a plavwiight of much ability and
grei were very general. ,l,s j, .m W1)ru. lletHccii the third
ml ft mi 1 1 1 1 acts. Mr. Chailes K. Dobson, the
mi uiiiii uiiiiuai oau oi i. o. i'., I'.'iu lie , . , , ., ,,,,,,
nesi iiani.i iM.iM i in in. muni, , in ft"1 ,
ment, N. 0. ofPenn. will be given at I
Opera House, Danville on Wednesday e
ulng, December 28th. Sluslc will be f
nlshed by the ltepasz Hand and Fisk's
chestra of Willlamsport, and these who hi
had the pleasure of hearing those excelh
musical organizations do not need to be t
that the "concord of sweet sounds" will
New Year's cards at (1. A. Clark's.
How to Okt aSIai- ok iiu: Si'atk.-'I
Philadelphia Prat publishes, In connect
with ItH weekly edition, a new county, tin
ship and railroad map of Pennsylvania, wh
Is one of the best and most accurate c
gotten up, and Is corrected to the latest
veys. It is !18 by 2;i) Inches, Is handso
ly mounted, and can be hud, together w
the WuUy Prat, fo) ouo year, for 1.60,
price of the map alone, These maps can
found in any post-olllco In Pennsylva
Ask your postmaster to khow you a cop;'
Ibe paper and map
Caleb P. Fowler died of small pox In
pest nouso near Bcranton, on the 8lh It,
ana was mirled in the Washington Ceinet
nyde Park. He had been sick for elgh
"ays. -Mr. Fowler was born In I.Il'IiI SIi
Ibis county, and was In his twenty-seil
)' r nt the time of Ids death. I In win a
painter by trade nml was at one time In'
employ of Ueoreo 0. Wlnans at Utrht Slii
He left Illoomsburg Just after the clo-f)
l air, In October, and went to Scran,
where he followed his trade. lie wasa1
Nathan Fowler, of this town. It 1st!
known where he caught the disease, hut'
lainiyitwas not In this town, as there
uo gmall por here at thv time of his visit
Criilrultii .lollllltfs.
lections. Those who never heard him ply
do not know the capabilities of the banjo as
an instrument of music.
On Friday evening, December Mill, SIUs
Julia A. Hunt and company will appear In
the beautiful play "Floilnel," written by Syd
nev Itosenlleld, the author of "Dr. Clyde.
Unth Ihe nl.iv and players come to us with
the hearty commendation ot the prei
Illoomsburg should extend a hearly welcome
to the troupe, bccau.c, it report me true
Ihev ilehlv merit approval. .Mr. Charles S,
Dickson, Miss Hunt's leading support, Is the
uithor of that very successful play, "Samuel
of Posen," and Is as clever on the stage ns
he is with his pen, The Coluinbu, Ohio,
Cliyii'i.ii makes the following favorable com.
meiits on a lecenl performance)
I'he nlav Is excellent. T hero Uii stioug
libit In It nnd the dialogue is clear, sparkling
and brilliant. The star of the occasion, Mis
Julia A. Hunt, as 'Floriuel,' the herolne.won
the hearts of the audience, A more clever,
pleasing actress lias not visited us tins sea-
sou. To a cerium exienv sue iiuiiaies .nag.
L'le Slltchell, but the Imitation is much moru
9 . . .... , i i ........ .i .1
tukiiiL' live v aim oeiier iiiiin urn uumum.
Sllss Hunt conies tons In all the glory of
youth, beauty and genius. She has the nut.
und irracc (if a cliariiilnir society ulrl, the
h ue dramatic vim of u born actress and can
sing like u nightingale. Sir. Itosentleld Is
foiiunate in the selection ot his company, us
the support was strong and good,"
Dlailes Tor mi atO. A. Clark's.
Theie Is plenty of fun in Col, Sanford's
ill lecture, "Wanderings In Sunny Lauds,'' as
Well as valuable Information, He talks of
vhat helms seen, places he has visited and
'icuU'iits In which he bore a p.ul, He Is hu
iioious and instructive by turns mid always
t-ady and Interesting.
No town lu this county has grown more
ipldlv than the village of Centralla. A few
years ago It was only a little mining town, of
a few hundred Inhabitants, but It has grad
ually increased its population and indiiotiies
until it numbers over two thousand people.
Slany new buildings have recently been erect
ed, and it is said that others will be put up
lu the spring. The largest operator: here
are L. A. Itlley& Co., who are conducting
three large collieries, namely, the Logan, the
C'entralia ami the Hazeldale. The latter sub
let to K. Sykes and G. Jones. Two of these
have been in operation but a short time. At
the Logan about fouihuudred men and boys
are employed, and the present shipments of
coal are nine hundred tons a day. The power
for elevating the cars from the mines is fur-
nlshed by double engines of six hundred
horse power, l-'dward lleese Is Superintend.
cut or the threu collieries, and James A-
Lake, a nephew ot lion. James Lake, the
newly elected Associate Judge, Is the outside
There ure tluee good hotels, kept by WH-
liaiu Pelll'er, James (lol.lsworthy.aud Daniel
Curry. Some improvements and additions
are being made to the latter house. The walls
id the bar room have been painted and deco.
rated by Louis Slaeder, the artist who recent
Iv painted the new drop curtain at the
Hloonisliurg Opera House, und u large ami
commodious dining room and kltcheu are
nearly completed. Hy the way, Sir. Curry
has the leputatlouor being a Hue shot, lu this
section. On Monday next he will shoot a
match with II. Klsenhood, or Shenandoah,
each man to shoot ut ten pigeons, the stakes
being fifty dollars a side. There were a large
number of the birds in Sir. Curry's coop last
.Monday night when lie went to bed, but the
next morning about tl f ty ot them had ills
appeared. No clue to their whereabouts has
been round, Dan says he will make the
feathers Uy If he liiids the thief.
Last Slonday afternoon, a liou-e belonging
to Jam 's Harry, which was occupied by three
families, was discovered to be on lire lu the
roof. The energetic efforts of the bucket
brigade staved the Humes before much dam.
tge was done, and thus prevented what
would have been u disastrous coullagratlon
It the lire had gotten under headway.
I'liu Ccutialia police are now provided
with "billies" and silver stars, 'lhose who
have examined tlu weapons are ot the oplu.
ion that any man who receives a tap with one
or them will have no dllllculty In seeing the
1), V.. Keller l doing a large business lu
stoves, tinware and hardware. Hy the way,
he wishes It understood that he has not pur
chased the establishment ot II. Former, but
will continue at his old stand,
People needing the attention of a phytlelaii
lu this vicinity are well cared for by Drs.
Lashelle or tiwlmier. The latter gentleman
U a young practitioner, but ho Is rapidly
winning an excellent reputation as a careful
tnul successful doctor,
I'lm services or a legular and reliable cor
respondent til o wanted by the proprietors of
the CoixMiiiAX.
The annual meeting of the teachers of Co
lumbia county, was called to order by Stipt
Uilims, In Notmnl Hall, Dn, 12, IHHI, at 2
p. m.
The address of welcome by Dr. Waller was
cordial and fplry. He advocated n longerlllnc
than one week for the holding of an Institute,
also a complele grade, founded upon the
ability, experience and position of Ihe mem
bers of the. Institute. This would raise Ihe
standard of Its hopes and attainments, nml
bring the best knowledge or each within the
reach or nil. llesponses were made by Slessrr.
Albart, Uevan and Pcnler. The litnt speak
er's remarks called fortli an unlimited reply
from Prof, Noetllng on the subject of "Com
mon Sense In Teaching."
The Instructors provided, at the county's
expense, were Sllss Smith, of Shlppeiisburg,
Pa.l Sllss Patrldge, of Philadelphia! Prof.
Geo. F.. Little, or Washington, 1). C. The
Instruction given by them was respectively,
"Language Lessons, Qulncy -Methods, Draw
ing." The Instruction was ulmost entirely
confined to primary work. We have been
accustomed lo think that almost any one can
teach a primary school, and that It Is not nec
essary for a teacher ol the elements of know',
edge to know more than the elements them
selves. That idea no longer prevails, but on
the contrary, the foremost educators are lu
favor of selecting teachers of the best talents,
tho most extensive learning, the greatest
skill, and the largest experience In the most
elementary schools. Wherever this Is done
we may expect that the llrst steps in ele
mentary Instruction will be Intelligently
taken.and that our young pupils will be start
cd oft lu the right way toward Ihe end they
should be led to attain.
The Instruction given by the forenamed
Instructors was goods but If the teachers
availed themselves of the Instruction offered
at our Normal School, If they visited many
or the schools throughout the county, they
would Ilud similar methods put In practice.
Sllss Smith's paper on composition ami
letter writing was well received. Ill place
ot grammar so-called, she would give practice
in speaking and writing English. Less pars
ing, and fewer technical terms. A well-studied
plan for all composition.
The drawing by Prof. Little showed great
artistic skill. The universal sentiment of the
Institute was one of appreciation. The re
lations that art education holds to the Indus,
trial prosperity of a country! the relation It
holds to a complele development of tilt fac
ulties and capacities of the mind, and the
demand that a high civilization always makes
for perfection in art, renders the education
Itself a necessity and consequently the Intro
duction of the art.eleinent Into our schools
a necessity.
Prof. Noetllng presented many valuable
points In arithmetic, which could be taken
into the school room. To illustrate his meth
od, a class of young children went through
the process of rapid addition. Slore of just
such work Is needed, yes, demanded by the
Teachers' Institutes of the future.
Questions were asked, discussion awak-ene-l,
remarks made, papers read by teach
rs, dlreccors and citizens of the county. In
struiiienlal and vocal music, gymnastics and
nmrchlng, together with a short operetta,
"Puss in Hoots," were furnished by Normal
School pupils. These added much to the in
terest of the week's work.
Hev. Jesse H. Young gave an excellent ad
dress on "What our children are reading."
The reading matter in the hands ot the youth
justly demands the attention or parents and
teachers. The speaker denounced the
trashy literature sold on the cars and at news
stands, so demoralizing in itsinlliienee upon
tlit young.
One of the main features of the Institute
was the earnest talk that Dr. Waller gave on
"Importance of District Institutes." He
said, raise the standard of (pialltlcatlons and
the pay and positions will correspondingly lie
increased. Ucfore any one goes to work to
better existing circumstances he must be
made to see tin-1 they need bettering. This
may be brought to the notice of the people
through the medium of educational meetings,
which must bo gotten up with special rcier
ence to improvements: in methods of teach.
ing,nnd In arousing the Interest of parents nnd
children, rather than for the testing of the
teacher's text book knowledge.
The evening sessions were devoted to lit
erary treats. Tuesday evening Sllss Patrldge
gave readings and recitations.
Wednesday evening. Col. Sanford delight
ed the audience with his far-ramed lecture,
"Old Times ami New." Another rich treat
ot the evening was the drawing done by
Prof. Little to the exact time kept, by Prof.
Niles and the Slisscs Nlles and Stiles, on pi
alio ami violins.
On Thursday evening, Hev. Jesse H. Young
delivered his fine lecture, "Hattle of (iettys
bun;," to a pleased audience.
Friday evening, Prof. Cuirau guve a num.
her of successful and Instructive philosoph
ical experiments. Prof. Little again showed
his great power in the use of the crayon.
Throughout the. entire week's work, the
teachers were shown that the true object of
all school education should be to develop
humanity to cause the mind to grow, to
deepen, to broaden, to give man n higher
reach, a stronger grasp. Above all, being
a man, to be a wiser, better, more useful
man; less like a brute more like an angel,
more like Cod.
Amki.u Aumsiuomi,
DECEMBER 27, 1881
Minnie Wallace,
m m ii. m.
By Joaquin Miller
Prices as usual 2."!, !tt and fiO cents,
No more small pox In Oraligevllle, but It
has left me wllh a large stock of Fall, Winter
and .Millinery (loo.lsou hand, which I intend
to sell nt ten per cent less than they can be
purchased for any where else In the county, In
order not to carry them over. So bring In
your cash and produce ami secure the great
est bargains of your lire.
Nov. a.l-lf 0. W. Low.
The Indiana Supreme Com I has decided
that a fellow who pays for a game of billiards
he has lost Is a gambler, ami the house
wherein such an event occurs is a gambling
house. The only way to observe the law it th!
decision Is correct, is for the proprietors ot
billiard saloons to keep them open for the ac
commodation of customers and take up a
collection at the end of each game. The In
dlami court doesn't know much about till
Hards evidently.
On Tlilllj l)nK Trial.
We will send Dr. Dye's Celebrated F.lcelro.
Yoltalc Hells and other Klectrlc Appliances
on trial for thirty days to young men and
older persons who are allllcled with nervous
dchlllty.lost vllallly.elc, guaranteeing speedy
relief and complete restoration of vigor and
manhood. Also for Hheiimatlstn, Neuralgia,
Paralysis, Liver and Kidney dllllcultles.
Ruptures and many other diseases. Illustra
ted pamphlet sent free. Address Voltaic
Helt Co., .Marshall, .Michigan.
Oct. i!8, '81-ly
"Don't forg 't to remember," that Col. San
ford will deliver his lecture on "Wanderings
in Sunny Lands" at the Opera House on New-
Year's I've. You will be well repaid If you
Hltend, as the lecture Is replete with Interest-
lug fads and fun "galore."
He was allllcled with a lame back and gen
cral debllltyi be was recommended Thomas'
Kclectric OH which cured him at once. This
famous specific is a positive remedy for bod
lly pain.
The best lecture of the season at the Op
era House on New Year's I've, upon which
occasion Col. J. P. Sanford will talk of
"Wandeilngs in Sunny Lands." It Is even
belter than the one he gave here last week
ami that was perfectly satisfactory to his
large audience.
A I.KVI' ism 1' FAVOIl.
It Is not always that the world acknowl
edges what is right and best; but Huidoek
Hlood Hitlers, by universal acquiescence,
have been awarded the premium for cleans
ing the blood, curing indigestion, constipa
tion, regulating the bowels ami toning up
weak nerves. Price J-LOO, trial size 10
Col. J. (5. Freeze t attending court in
Danville this week.
Slessrs II. V- While and J. C. Yociimare
In Philadelphia.
Prof. I). J. Waller of the llloomsbiiigNor.
mal School, delivered a lecture on "The
Vantage C! round of To-day," before the
Dauphin County teacher-' institute at Harris,
burg, on Slonday.
Sir. J. F. Slcglnuess, editor of the Will
lanisport (UwlleS: llullttin, has returned home
greatly benefitted by his sojourn at the '.Sani
tarium under the skillful treatment of l)i.
Turner and Iteber.
Hlcdsof all kinds at Ullninti'-- fr .iiiU'k ents
HeniMiihir that Lutz As Shun luvi a laia
assortment of goods tint will make jour
rrleiids good useful piesenls and be sine to lliem.
Vmi. Cai.vks Wan
inonev by taking yolii
A: Slepiiv nl Light SI
an outside quotation
Cai.vks Wanikii, - You will make
your Veal t'alvcs to l.llley
.street who will give you
quotation or goons,
Six salesmen and one dclivety mail ut 1.
W. Iliiiiiiiiin's. iiii call be walled on and
have jour goods ilellveicd lo any part of the
The Christmas iroods at Stover Hros'. are
mectlnirwlth a ready was to have been
expected. The goods arc tcally beautiful
ml I in assort me m is verv nunc. won i
make vour imichacs until you have called!
on Sloycr Hros.
tlllmoie keeps a larger assortment of can
dies than any other stoic lu town, (lo see
his stock before making your purchases,
I. W. Ilarlmaii's combination store has the
run for Christmas presents, go and see.
The greatest variety of fancy vases ever
brought lo town at W. II. (tllinore's.
'I'h tltiest line ot Heady-tnade Clothing In
The t'.'i.tilv can now he seen at
DnUd Lowcnbcru s Clothing Slore.
Cictillcmcn's t nllars, iitfts, shlits, Ac, at
F. I). Denller's, also u beautiful collection of
Did vou examine
Suits for 7.KI.
Oros' heavy
Among Ihe thousands of novelties recently
added to the stock of Sloycr Hros., are
brushes of all kinds and grades, choice toilet
articles, soapi, cosmetics, perfiimeiy and
countless ornamental lilies iidmliably adap
ted lor Chiljtmas presents. Nickel plated
student lamps are offered at very low rules,
as are also parlor lamps of every conceivable
The IllCYCLL SlIIItT can only be obtain
ed ut
David l.owenberg's.
I, nl. & Sloan havi
furs in Hloomsbui'g,
Ihe largest stock of
Host needles, oil, attachments, Ac, for all
sewing machines, at W. II. Yetter's ofllce,
corner Slain nml .Market streets, opposite I.
W. Ilartmaii's stoic. nov. 18-tf
.More new
week at I "
dolmans and
A: Sloan's.
Indies' coats this
Cheaper and better Clothing can now be
bought at
The old Popular Slore of David I.owenberg.
4,000 pounds of nice dried apples wanted
by Silas Young at Light Street, for which he
will pav the highest market price.
nov It il-m
Lilt. A: Sloan havejiist iccelveil more black
sllKs, i nt- greatest bargains ol lliu season.
No larger or heller slock of boots, shoes,
slippers, gentlemen's furnishing goods Ac,
Is to be found lu Hloonihlmrg than at F. D.
Lutz Sc Sloan will sell you a fulUio heavy
brocade silk handkerchief for lit) cents and
other styles very cheap,
4. (MM) noiimls of nice nllled Cherries, 4, (MM)
pounds of nice Dried Itaspberilcs wanted by
Silas Young at Light Slice!, for which hu
will pay Ihe highest market price.
juiy in o-iii.
A whole stock kip double sole ami top
boots with saddle seamed legs tor :! al Kes-ler's.
Tho largest stock ot Winter Clothliiajor
men and boys at Utoss' N. Y. Stoic, Uloom.
n in m s---1 ii i
LoU of ladies coats latest Myle and fnsh
Ions fiom -1.00, -l.fiO, 6.00, fi.GO, 0.00, 7.00,
H.0U 10.00, lo 1J.00 nt Silas Young's Light
Si reel. "ov- H
David Lowetiherg would Inform the public
llin! be has Just returned from
New Vork
with ii full line of Heady .Made Clothing
Cloths and Cnsslniercs of the best quality and
Illicit style.
Hats, Cnl is, also u full line of
Novelties for Fall and Winter
ami would Invite tin caily Inspection
of the siime.
I have Just received an immense stock of
Hats and Caps very cheap at L. Oross' N. Y.
Calico and nut-dln nt " cents a yard, ging
ham 8 cents, coltouaile 10 cents, and every
thing else to correspond, nt Llllev it Sleppv s,
I will guarantee my prices i' per cent,
cheaper than any other establishment in tlic
county. L. Gross, N. Y. Clothier.
A full line of ladles', inisM's and children's
Arctic overshoes, now on lisuil at F. 1).
Headquarters for Satchels, Trunks Ac.
at I). Lowenberg's.
1,000 good live calves wanted. Let them
come from the north, 9011th, cast and west
by wholesale and retail. You can bring your
good calves right along now any time on
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thurs
day of" each and every week slid get your
cash or goods for them at Silas Young's
Light Stieet. July 15 'fctl Il-m
Sloycr Hros. desire lo call special attention
lo their assortment or ladles' and gentlemen's
toilet dressing cases In celluloid, diatite and
hard rubber. These are really beautiful, and
very suitable for Christmas piesenls, The
same may be said of Sloycr Hros'. lock of
fancy cut glass bottles, shaving mugs, pull'
boscs, baby rattles Ac. I lie store was never
as well supplied ultli holiday goods - ami the
quality of the goods Is unusually tine.
Pretty suits for Children just arris ed
Neat Suits for Hovs i-i3
Stylish Suits for Youths
all of the Latest htyle ami Hest quallly, ,
at the lowest juices can now be bought
at the Popular Clothing Store of
David Lowetiherg.
"It stands at the heiid"-!he light running
Domosllc. "U'lter, otllco
corner Slain and Miukel streets, illoomsburg,
Pa. Also agent for the celebrated Ithaca or
guns, fully guaranteed by the munurac.tnrcrs
for 10 years. nov. 18-tf
It Is worth while to stop at Sloycr Hros'.
slore just to look at their collection of Christ
mas goods. They have certainly exercised
gieat taste lu selecting the articles and the
wonder is, that they can sell them nt such
low rates. Oct! !
The undersigned will .sell until the flirt of
January, on account of moving his store,
bis stock ot Watches, Clocks, Jew dry, Silver
waie Ac, Ac. at greatly reduced prices. All
goods warranted as represented. . Articles
engraved tree or charge. L. Hernhard.
A large stock of iiccoidt-ons at Ollnioie's
For Friday and Saturday ilrtO.) Christ mas
presents at t. W. Hartmnn'.s.
-- -
The llnest calf boots ever offered In this
market can bo found at lvessler's for .5.
Warranted never to rip.
Heaver Overcoats reduced from SI 1.00 to
8.00 nt Gross' N. Y. Store, Uloom.
The nobbiest stock of gentleman's neck
wear In town can be found al F. D. Denller's.
10,000 dozen good ficsh eggs and 1(1,000
pounds good fresh butter wanted by Silas
Young, ut Light Street, for which he will pay
the highest market price. nug SO-lm.
Moyer llros. have 11 splendid assortment or
Christinas goods and are determined to sell
them- at least we judge so from the low
prices they ask.
We have made another reduction In Win
ter Clothing. Come and see how cheap we
arc selling. L. Gross, N. Y. Store.
Cash paid for calves, chickens; turkeys,
geese, ducks, dried fruit, butter and eggs, by
Llllcy A Sleppv. Llgbtstrcet.
Hlg show In Bloom -window,
which Is tlllei
of Holiday slippers.
lu front of lvessler's
with a line selection
Did vou see that heavy, all wool overcoat
at GmsV N. V. Store for ijl.OO.
Call at Slover Hros. mid see Little Dick.
A large and well selected assortment of
slippers for ladles and gentlemen, just re
ceived al F. D. Dentler's.
Great reduction in prices at the store
Llllcy A Sleppv. at Llgbtstrcet.
may chance to he of service in many homes!
also serve us if it recalls the rules of OAK
. 1 1
wnicn are:
It will
These are the
We nm'er offer for sale any Clothing but what wij
believe will give thorough satisfaction lo those.
who wear it.
2Ci, e Ssllt-V maintain our custom to always
have the largest stock of men's and boya'
clothing to show our customers.
We do not allow our salesmen to
mislead customers as to fit
quality or kind of goods.
Thr l.i-4-tiire ('oiirao.
Diaries for li at (1. A. Clark'.
The tlrst of the sciics of lectures under the
management of (he illoomsburg Lecture Ly
ceum, was given at the Opera House, on
Thursday evening of last week. The attend
ance was most flattering, the audience being
large and composed of the best of our peo
pie. It proved that there wasa heaily Inter
est taken in the Lyceum's enterprise, and
that a good course of lectuics would meet
with success. We look to see 1111 equally well
tilled house at each ensuing lecture, ami per
haps one still more crowded when Daniel
Dougherty is here. The gentlemen having
the course in charge cannot but feel encour
aged at the size and character of Ihe audience
at the Initial entertainment. -Melville D.
Lanilon, better known as "I'll Perkins" Inau.
gurated the series. He was amusing If not
deep and was frequently greeted with ap
plause. Ills lecture does not deserve very
llatlerlng comment. It was very light and
consisted mainly of stoiies .none too new II
liislrallve of his distinctions between wit
and humor. UII cm baldly claim originali
ty tor liK clloit, nor any striking merit for
brilliancy. The latter portion of tho lecture
was decidedly Hut and might with propilety
be remodelled or eliminated.
The second lecture will be delivered by
Col. J. P. Sanford, on Iheevenlng of tho iilst
Inst. New Year's Kvo and is entitled
"Wanderings lit Sunny Lauds," He made a
favorable Impression when here last week
and Ids lecture at the Normal School met with
verv ncueriil approval. He ought to be greet.
ed by a full house.
A. SI. Hlke, an Ohio astronomer, claims
that the United States have passed Into the
torrid one "owing to a change. In the par
iilllsm of the axis of totatlon ot the earth,'
which took place lu 1877. He says that all
the mouth except three, show an Increase of
temperature 1 that next year will be hotter
yet nml that lu IWHI "we will have tho full
bU.o of an unclouded equatorial sun." Of
course when the hitter state of affairs exists
our farmers will engage in the production of
cotton, und It might be well for them to read
up 11 little on the subject. I here's au Im
uienso amount of wisdom Moating around
this year,
.Wlllltii Item-.
George Howmaii, Sr., a very ol.l lesi.lent
of this town, died on the 10th Inst. He had
been a very well known and bonoied gentle
nun ami for many years was one of the f.ue
most members of the M. K. church.
Philip Hetler is at present lying danger
ously III at his spn-iu-hiw's, .Mr. Stephen
Tiirnbach, at Pluck Creek.
SL-. William Shannon, 011 his way home
from Hazleton, was passing through the Ituek
Sfountain road, when a hunter shot at a
pheasant with a bullet, the ball missing the
bird passed Sir. Shannon Immediately be
hind his car, taking oil the hair. He fell to
the ground but soon recovered. The hunter
was very much frightened.
Sir. G. H. Swank is agent for the Slionin.
ger organs. His sales are proving satisfac
tory as they are a good organs and he sells
them at very reasonable rates.
llr. Harvey Keller who has been taking a
trip through the Western Slates, reliirnei
home last week.
Slany of our young ladles will speml.tlii
Holidays away from home.
Sllss Sllunle Swank is visiting friends In
Scranton, ut present.
Hev. It. SlcCutclieon, of Sluucy, Pa., has
been elected lo the Slllllln charge of Ihe
Lutheran charge, ami has acceptid the call
He will move early In January.
Protracted meeting was begun mi Sunday
evening last at the SI. K, church.
The great superiority of DR.
all other cough remedies is attested
by the immense popular demand
for that old established remedy.
1 1 A& m Li !
For the Cure of Coughs, Colds,
Hoarseness, Croup, Asthma, Bron
chitis, Whooping Cough, Incipient
Consumption and for the relief of I
consumptive persons m advanced
stages of the Disease. For Sale
by all Druggists. Price, 25 cents.
Nov. 4, '8! -6m
Rules kA
wax n . 1-
vi Atn.-
3A A i
, ..... XYAWv
we live by every day, us
any one can see.
Oak Hall is still
che Largest Clothing House
in America.
We stick to one price
alike to everybody,
rich and poor.
We give the guar
antee with each
sale we make.
Hoping to serve you this Fall and
Yours trulv,
Wnamaker & Brown,
Sixth and Market Sts., Philadelphia.
We rei'rn
the money
anybody whe
wish it, if they
choose if
bring b.?ck
the goods tn-injured.
Harper's Bazar.
llilspHiaUrJainuillattr re comWiiuttou of lf.
iialure, art, anil t.islilon. Itu torles, poems ancles.
8i)Sttreliytli8bebtrltiraot Europe anil Amer
ica! its engravings ioss-m tho highest artistic ex
cellence; anil lu all matters peruinlns to Mshlon it
u unlTi'iniitly acknowledged U bu tun leading an.
luorltyU tho, The now vultiinu nlll i-uutaln
UUh) U. llllaut nov 11108.
Harper's Periodicals,
HUtr-Hfl'S -M.UIA.INK 4 00
HAltl'KH'd WKEKLV 4 00
The THHKE about publication 10 ix)
Au TWO abovo mimed ; 00
II Mtl'UK'S YOU.Nd I'liOl'I.i: 150
Business Notices
You cannot llml 11 nicer lot of toys tlnin
Unit of tlllinorii'n. (in nml t-u tlicm.
Kniiklus 00 cents, DO cents, il.00, VIM.
l.fi0, ift.7'1, 13.00, i',B0, 3,75, :.(),
per tinen nt 1, Vt. iiiirtmiitfi),
When looking for 11 invM'iit for your wife
tlo not forget I ho llrouliu shawls nt I. ul. iV
Hocking horses nml wugnnti ut (illinore's.
15 Ladles' fancy lilnck coutB U.60 to 14.00.
must no sold
by January 1st nt I. W
Dolls lu gi cut numbers nt (lllinorc's.
llnet Mock In town.
IIAKI'.U'b YOl'NU J'K-Jin.K.f
HAItl'Kirs VKANKMN Mfl'AhK I.I till A HV,
vuv 1 ui .iuiiiwib;
I'Ohtare Ireo to
Mutes or Cansda,
all kubM-iiberi
In His United
The Volume ot the llaur tie-in wllh thu nut
Number tor lnuuary ut each year. When no time U
iin-iitloned, It will bo iiiideralood that tho subscri
ber wishes to eoinineneo wltiitlio Number ui t utler
lhr.elit ot order.
Tho last Trlm Anuuil 'olums ot Harper's lu.
zar, lu nealciotu binding, wilt bo sent by mail post
ago paid, or by eipresi (provldul I lie freliihtdooii
noi exceed ono dollar per lolume). (or r 00 eaeh
Until canes tor caclnoluino, tulmble (urUiKllui;.
willbokcnt by mall, poatimtd, on receipt ot ttoo
ea -ti.
Itc mtltauccB houlil be mado by Post-Oftlce Money
Drrter or Urott, lo avoid 1 hance cf Irss.
Newspapers aro not to copy this ttdveitlsemeut
wiuioui inu ci'ii-f oiui , ut nurpT & nroiners.
dec V It
New lioiW,