The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, December 16, 1881, Image 3

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The Columbian.
M.00MSMJ11U, FRIDAY )KU 1, 81.
New conntcrfll live dollar gold piece nre
In circulation.
H, C. Ncnl 1 mnkliig some change. nml
Improvements t Ills K'sltk'iier.
Alberlypc of beautiful designs ill Clink's
Hook Store.
)cnr Alexander litis 11 bruntl new liny nl
Ms liouc
Court adjourned on Wednesday tiftcruoon
iinlll Sutuiduy morning
There will lie mi adjourned rourl on the
iiOth nf till monlli, nt I) o'clock.
lly iigrfcincnt of llie town incrcliantN nil
Mores will lie clocil on Monday, Decem
ber 2nth.
Diaries for 1882 at 0. A, Clark's.
Owing to tlic lllnes1! of Hev, I.oul Z.thuer,
there was no service held In SI. Paul's church
lust Siindny.
Young lady, the proper jilaee In liny n
Christmas present for u young gentleman I
at the People's Drug and Hook Store.
Member of the Kiro Department should
remember the election of olHcers at theTowu
Council room next Monday night between
the hours of sl nnd eight o'clock,
Young men, If you wlh to make your sis.
ter or somebody clc's slter n Chrltinu
present, the proper place to go Is the l'co.
pie's Drug and Hook Store.
Diaries for 1833 at 0. A. Clark's.
Foil S.m.k. A three-horse power steam en
gine and boiler, In good condition. Suitable
for running a printing pre or other light
machinery. Inquire at this olllce. If
Another change of time on the L. & H, It.
It. went Into effect on Monday last. The
mall train down the road now arrive at li'J
Instead of -MO, and Ihe up evening train at
0:51 Instead 7:30.
Henry I). Walters of Atnlissa Iowa, and
Dora.daughter of Itleliard Stiles of this town
were married on Saturday last. The cere
mony took place at the residence of Mr.
Stiles, Hev. 1). J. Waller Jr. officiating.
The teachers Institute now In session at
the Normal School has hecn well attended
from the beginning and much interest has
lieen taken In the proceedings. Want of
space prevents the publication of a report
in detail.
Diaries for 1882 ut (1. A. Clark's.
Hev. Irvln II. Correll, missionary to Japan
for the last eight years, will preach In the
M, K. church Sunday morning and evening
lie will also lecture in the church on Monday,
Tuesday nnd Wednesday evenings. Don't
fall to hear him.
In January next Hi. Hev. M. A. DeWolfe
Bishop of tills Kpiscopul diocese, will allaln
the liftieth anniversary of his entrance
Into the ministry. It is proposed to cele
brate the even! ly appropriate services in
Christ church, Heading.
Alphabet blocks and building block'
0. A. Clark's.
Kvcrytlilng about Sauford's Kndlcal Cute
for Catarrh Invites conlldence. It is the
prescription of one of our ablest physicians,
and Is prepared by one of the largest ami
most reliable drug houses in die United
States. Jlo'lan lfrraUl.
C. 0. Murphy, treasurer of Conyngliam
and Centralia Poor District paid into court
the present term ijlilHtUil, lo apply on in
debtedness of said district. Theie has also
been paid In from dllVeienl souiccs to apply
lo debt of Conyngliam township 1 1 1 c sum
of .5t2S.2!l.
Diaries for 1882 at (!. A. Clark's.
A correspondent writing from Forks, states
that the deer caught by Klisha Hiiigrose,men
tloued in last issue, had been siiot twice by
W. K. Kveland of Jonestown, and chased
down the mountain by a dog. Wu are in
formed there Is some dispute about who is
entitled to the venison.
At the People's Drug and Hook Store can
be found a line of Holiday goods that would
Mirprise (lie most fastidious purchaser, while
the prices are so low that all who visit will
bu sure to purchase. The stock is new and
selected especially for the holiday trade.
The collln in which the body of T. .1. Van
derslice, Sr. was buried, was made by K. H.
Furinan. It was of chestnut, covered witli
heavy black cloth, with handsome silver
mountings. On top was a large .silver plate
bearing a suitable inscription and there were
handles at each end and along the sides. Mr.
Furmnu has every reason lo feel satisfied
with his workmanship.
For Holiday books for the young
Clark's Hook Store.
go to
At a meeting of Hie Town Council held
last week, a committee of three was appoint
ed to confer with the County Commissioners
relative to the purchase of the old jail prop,
erty for town purposes. A petition was re-
ceived from sundry citizens icsldlng on Sixth
street, praying for the erection of stieet
lamps at the corner of Catharine and nf Iron
Laid over until next meeting. A number of
bills aggregating 100,01 were passed.
There was a very pleasant parly til the rcs.
deuce of Mr. W. M. Monroe, Huperl, on Fri
day evening last. Some forty persons were
present, many of whom where from llloonis
burg. Among those from other points were,
Mrs. A. II. Church and Miss Llzie Church
'if Ashland, and Mr. W. I). Ilolloway and
Mr. AY. If, Hnmsay of Danville. A delicious
upper was served anil dancing was kept up
until u reasonably lute hour. No more pleas,
tint social event has taken place litis season.
Poetical and historical works of the best
and most popular authors al 0. A. Clark's.
Our water motor Is now in complete
working order. A tptarter of an inch stream
nf water runs our Campbell power press anil
(lordon job press at the same thu rate
of twenty a minute, Hy making some furth
er clinnges lit the feed pipe we expect that a
jet of three-sixteenths of tin Inch will give us
ample power, The Ilaekus motor, mttnufac.
lined at Newark, New undoubtedly
the best power for light machinery thai Is
made. Cull and see It work.
Kvcry established local newspaper receives
subscriptions from huge cities, which mv
thu publishers to account for, but which thu
New lork Tina throws some light on In
Ihe followlngi A wholesale grocer lu till
1'lly who has become rich at the biislncs
"ays Hint when hu sells a bill of good on
credit he Immediately subscribes for the lo.
etd paper of his debtor. So long us his cits.
tntner advertised liberally and vigorously he
rested, hut us toon as he began to contiacl
"is advertising space he took the fact as evi
dence that there was trouble abend, nnd In
variably went for Ids debtor. Said hei "The
innn who Is too poor to make his business
Miown Is too poor to tlo business." The
withdrawal of ait advertisement Is evidence
of weukness that business men are not slow
m act upon,"
Music rolls, music folios, mid iniislo blnd-
" t 0. A. Clark's.
Coal Oil or l'ctiolctim may be very nice for
Illuminating or lnlninilliw ,,,, ,.,.,. i,t
finely It Is not Ihe pioper thing lo cure u
:ntgh with. Dr. Hull's Cough Syrup Is
looked upon as Hie standard cough remedy.
I'he Winona bovs will h aVP tillntltnr it
Ihelr sociables on the evening of the 22,1.
Music from a distance Is expected.
For gold liens nnd pencils and irold tooth
picks, go to Claik's In Ktchaiure Imlhlliiif.
, new play entitled "Law In New Yurie"
"III be produced nt the Opera House on
Tuesday evening next, The company Is tin.
der the management of .Mr. Sam llemple the
excellent comedian, and that night to bo a
guranlce of the merit of the coi ipanv. On
the 27th Inst, the Minnie Wnlhce Comblna.
Hon will be here.
Sparln, (Wk) Ilerutd,
As nu exhibition of the Intrinsic worth of
St. Jacob's Oil, we think the case referred
lo, that of Mrs. (). W. Hubbard, of thMovvn.
cured of Sciatic Hlieuiualisni of long stand.
ing ny the Oil, tsceitalniy striking, and, be.
yond nil doubt, conclusive as lo Its clllcacy.
The remedy has our Indorsement.
Col. J. P. Sanfnid lectured at Normal
Hall on Wednesday evening lo n large and
appicciatlve audience. Ills subject was
Old Times ami New." It was full of Inter
esting Information, ami at the same time
very amusing, When Ihe Col. we
are Informed he will do. later In the season.
he will no doubt llll the Opera House.
Don't forget when preparing lor Christ.
mas (hat llillmeycr it (Vs. slock of queens
ware and glassware is the largest and most
select in llloonisburg. Many ami beautiful
articles can be seen there. Some verv urcttv
French China lea sets In tasteful decoration.
Diaries for 1882 at (5. A. Clark'-
Mr. W. H. Allen, who received tin inlna-
lion of the Friendship and Hcmmic lire com.
panics for the position of First Assistant Hu-
glneer, desires us to express his appreciation
of the compliment, but refuses to be a can
didate against the nominee of the Wiuonas,
whose turn It Is to llll that olllce. .Mr. Allen
was Second Assistant F.nginccr last ycar.and
made a very efficient officer. He was in
command of the department al every lire and
Diaiies for 1882 al (i. A. Clark's.
Hlllmcycr A Co. have made unusual prep"
illations for Ihe bolidav season. Their slock
of staple ami fancy grocciies is the best the
market affords. In coffee you can obtain
something that will persuade you to call
again. They are roasting now twice a week,
so that you can always have a fresh roast.
Their leas, sugars, syrups and spices, they
guaranlee pcifcctly pure, and always just
what you arc ill .search of.
Do not forget that the charming nctrcs,
Miss Julia A. Hunt will appear at the Opera
House on the evening of December ".Uth, in
Sydney Hosenfcld's new play, 'Florinel."
Both In Philadelphia and in the West, the
play has met with n favorable reception, and
Miss Hunt as (lie heroine has won laurels.
Judging by the press l.oticcs we have read,
there can be no doubt that "Florinel" will
please our Iheatie-goers, and Ills to lie hoped
that there will be a full house.
Large select cocoanuts 12 cents, choice
Florida oranges .111 cents pr doen, canned
fruit and vegetables, raisins, prunes, and
table luxuries ofeery description at Hlll
mcycr it Co's.
lu Hie last number of Ihe Washington, 1).
C. American Jleyitkr is un elaborate and able
article from the pen of our townsman, Col.
John 0. Freeze, treating on 'Some of the
causes for the decay in public morals and re
ligious belief." Although long, it amply pays
perusal. Col. Freeze is of opinion that the
dcrgy are. to a great extent, responsible for
the evils of the day, and proves tills by show
lug how clergvineu have lent their Influence
lo unworthy and debasing political movements-for
thirty years past. He reviews in
brief but scathing terms the coiiuptions and
rascalities of (Smut's administrations, and of
those when Hayes tilled the place belonging
to Samuel J. Tildeii. The article is the
ablest ami strongest we have ever seen of Col.
Frce.e's political writings.
In making your selections of Christmas
presents, remember that you can always lind
articles both useful and ornamental at the
People's Drug and Hook Store. Prices rea
sonable. Attractive and seasonable goods at Bill
nicyer it Co's. Hlrgant chamber sets in dec
orated ware for ijft.OO, fi.OO. ijfl.OO, ijO.fil) and
$1(5.00. Tea sets from s:i.:ift to 21.00, Din
ner sets l(i.0l) ij.20.00 ami upwards, mustard
cups, ladies' nml children's cups and saucers,
toilet sets, vases, children's toy teasels.
The trial of Frederick Smith, of Cntawissu,
for the illegal sale of liquor, came to an end
on Thursday evening of last week, ami tlte
jury retired to lind a verdict. After some
hours of deliberation they agreed and sealed
their verdict. On Friday morning the result
was announced in court, and It was learned
that thu jury laid acquitted Smith, but laid
the costs upon him. In view of tlte evidence
presented at tlte trial this verdict was unex
pected, as the opinion was general that he
would be convicted, lie does not escape
punishment, however, as the costs will
amount to between 200 ami !r!!00. The Jury
doubtless took this fact into consideration.
It may be assumed that hereafter Smith will
conduct his business in a different manner ami
not expose himself to the charge of violating
the liquor laws, by selling beer al Improper
hours and to improper persons, in this ie.
spect the people of Ciitnvvlsti have made u
Diaries for 1882 at (!. A. Clink's.
misplaced switch was the cause of a sin
gular iccldent at Hiipert, about ten o'clock
last Monday morning. An engine drawing
a train of oil cars on the Catawlssa It. It.
was approaching the river bridge when the
switch aforesaid caused It to leave Hie track
and Ihe pressure of the cats behind rendered
it impossible lo stop. At the place where the
itawlssa road crosses the L. it 11. truck the
engine was precipitated down Ihe embank
men! anil lodged diagonally across the
L. it H track, effectually stopping nil travel.
The trestle vvoik ctuglil lire and for a time It
was feared t li tit thu Humes would comiuuul.
ideate with thu oil cars. Prompt action
however, prevented this calamity. The men
In the powder keg manufactory where some-
what alarmed when the engine tell, fearing an
explosion. A force of men at once went to
work lo raise lite engine, nut It was not until
Tuesday morning twcnty.fnur hours after thu
accident, that lite engine was lifted upon the
track. It was then taken to the switch, traits.
fcrrcd to the Catawlssa road nnd then over
the bridge to the shops at Catawlssa. The
damage, done to thu engine was not great. All
through travel 'was stopped on the L, it'll
road and passenger weie transferred from
one train to another. 'Ihcre will piobnbly
be simiu costs lo pay foi this interruption of
business, The engineer and llreiucu saved
themselves by jumping anil not even thu ten.
der followed the engine down the b.tiik.
Decoralcd panels at (1. A. Claik's.
Lumps make beautiful unil useful Christ
mus gifts, and so docs nice table glasswitic
Should you wish anything of tlte kind Hill
mcyer it Co,, will be plinscd at all times to
sec you.
Al the People's Ding nml Hook Hlore,
K vans' block, can be found a line assortment
of mirrors, vases, toilet sets, perfumery eases
covered, haud-palnted nnd fancy perfumery
bottles, brushes, student lamps, etc., etc.,
suitable for Xmm presents, as were ever e.
hlblted In the place. No trouble to show
goods nml give prices,
Dark bronze and olive green arc very fash
ionable, clpcclally when relieved with n dash
of bright red, pale blue or vivid yellow,
Diaries for 1882 at (I, A. Clark's.
Ilf.ifmitr tliifMlurfl.
On Third street, below the Irondale Com.
pany's railroad, Is it diminutive store kept by
lignstus Habb, containing u miscellaneous
stock of goods, valued at hut a few dollars.
The proprietor lives with Joseph Huckle, In
mi adjoining house. At about half past three
o'clock Friday morning, Mr. Habb heard a
noise in Ids slore ami, becoming convinced
that thieves were at work, aroused Mr.
Huckle. The two men proceeded towards
the slore, Mr. Huckle being In advance. A
man was seen standing In front of Ihe store,
which had been forced open, ami another
man was Inside. The fellow outside pulled
out a revolver nnd lired at Mr. Huckle, the
ball whistling past his body. A second shot
was llicd, and this time Ihe bull entered .Mr.
Huckle's leg below (lie knee, Inflicting u
painful wound. The two burglars then took
lo their heels and escaped. There Is no clue
lo their identity. They were undoubtedly
strangers In thu town, as no one living here,
and knowing of the Inslgnlllcant character
of the goods kept in the store would havu nt
leinpted a robbery. It Is extremely doubtful
whether the scoundrels will ever bu captured
as thelrfeaturcs were not seen with sufficient
distinctness to ensure identification. In the
store weie found two well-worn heavy chls.
els, which had been used to force an en
trance The ball passed entirely through
Mr. Huckel's leg and was extracted above the
knee. He is suffering much p.dn. Tlte coun
try is cursed with gaugsof desperate ruffians
Intent upon robbery and regardless of human
life. The arrest and severe punishment of
a few of these scoundrels would be of great
beiiellt to the commiiiiitv.
Japanese trays, paper weights ami cut
glass inkstands at Clark's Hook Store.
.Serious Arrhlent.
At about six o'clock .Monday evening, Mr.
John 0. Kurns who lives up Haven Creek lu
Henton- township, started from Blooms,
burg driving a pair of horses attached to a
loaded wagon. It was quite dark and Mr.
ICarns was unable to sec the road. When
near the house of William Shocmakcr.a short
distance above town on the Light Street
road, the wagon ran oil the bank on the left
baud side of Ihe road and was precipitated
Into a gully some six feet deep. The wagon
body was thrown up against the fence, and
Mr. ICarns was hurled from his seat to the
ground. His cries brought assistance, when
it was found that his left leg was broken. He
was taken lo Mr. Shoemaker's house and
Dr. (ardner was sent for and set the broken
bone. At n late hour he was taken to his
home by a neighbor who had a team lu ad
vniicc. The place of the accident Is extremely
dangerous and shouhlhc fixed without delay.
Considering the depth of the hole in which
the wagon fell, it is a wonder that the aeel
dent was not more serious. There is a turn
lu the road at this gullv which adds to the
danger, and some provision should be made
at once to protect those who drive over the
road. Mr. ICarns will be laid up for some
weeks and will siilfer much pain from his
(ieiillcinen s dressing cases, ladies' work
baskets and Japanese handkerchief cases for
sale at Clark's Hook Store.
Hun. I. K. Krli'liltHiiiii.
At the end of this month, the term of
olllce of Associate Judge ICiickbaum expires.
For live years he has served the people lu
that capacity, and we are sure that we express
the public sentiment when wu say that he
has made an excellent officer. His duties
have been discharged conscientiously, with
out fear or favor, and no man can put a lin
ger on any official act of Ids and say that he
was Influenced bv Improper motives. The
right has been his guide, nnd if he has made
anv enemies while on thu bench, they will
be found among those who have been before
the Court for sentence.
At a meeting of tlte II. ir held on last Mon
day evening at the Law I.ibrarv, the follow
ing resolutions were adopted!
Wnr-itKAs, Thu Hon. I. K. ICiielibauin is
about to retire from the Bench by reason of
the expiration of Ids term of olllce,
llfsoltcd. That we, as members of Jhe Bar
of Columbia county, hereby tender him our
acknowledgments of his uniform kindness
and courtesy. That we recognize lu him a
gentleman of high character, who has per
formed Hie duties of Associate Jiidsre fairly.
faithfully, honestly, mid to the satisfaction
of tin- lSeucli, tlie liar, nml tliu people, ill
ultleil in manner, pleasant in speech, sound
in jiiiigtucut, ami conscientious in all thing.
he has won our respect and esteem, and we
follow him to his retirement with our best
wishes for bis future welfare.
Jlemltvtl, That a complimentary baimuct
be tendered Judge Krickliaiiin. to be given
on the evening of December UOtli, or such
other time as may best suit him.
HemJettl, That a committee of three be ap
pointed to make the necessary arrangements.
The chair appointed Col, ICnnrr, 0. W.
.Miller and It. It. Little on the committee.
Christinas cards ami
prize cards at 0. A.
(!. H. Myers ot the Catawlssa Jlcm served
on the jury this week.
W. T. Snyder of Herwlck was in town tills
wet K a a Juror.
Mr. Hcubcn Dowiiliur of Wilkes. Dane was
here last Monday.
Mr. S. J. Drlnkw titer of Wllllitnispnrt Is
attending the teachers' institute here.
A number of teacher from Philadelphia
ami elsewhere are lu allcndancc at lite sess.
Ions of the Institute.
.Mr. J. F. Meginness, editor of the Will
tnisport f?(iHffc((' titfdmis at tliiiSanllailuni
resting and eiidcnvorini: to regain his health.
-ins. .1. no warn l.lngle.ot vis
lllug her parents, Mr. and .Mrs. J. J, Hrowcr.
John P. I lanuon was lu town this week, on
Ptof. ,1, M. Coiigliliu, County Supciintcn-
cut ot Luzerne county, I attending our
teacher' Institute.
Autograph albums nt Clark's Book Slon
V IIVI'llsl' MlNlsllx's KXCKIilKXCi:.
I am a Baptist Minister, ami before I even
thought of being n clergyman, I graduated
in medicine, nut tett a lucrative practice tor
my prcseni proicssion, hi years ago, t was
for mativ years a sullcrcr from quinsy
rnmmis' l.otcclrie uu cured me. I was
troubled with hoarseness, am Thomas F.c
lectiic Oil always relieved me. Mv wife and
child had diphtheria, and I hernias P.clcctiic
Oil cured them, and If taken in lime It will
cure seven times out of ten, 1 am contldcul
It is a cure for the most obstinate cold or
coiiL'h, ami If anv one will take a stiial tea
spoon ami nail llll it witli the oil. and hen
place the cud of the spoon lu onu nostril and
draw the oil out of lite spoon into thu head
l,i iiltlliii. ,,-t I,mi-,I .,i il..., ,,,.iii ,i... no
st , .... ,11,,, ...II, I, llll, llll, llll
falls over Into the throat, nnd practice that
twice a week, I don't cure how olfcnslve
their head may be, It will clean it out ami
cure tneir caiiinii, ror deafness and ear
ache It has done winders lo mv certain
knowied!.'!'. It Is Ihe on v medicine ilitbln
patent medicine that I have ever felt like re
commending, unit am vcty niixloiu to see
it In every place, for I tell you that 1 would
uoi tic witiioui u in my House tor any con
fldcratloii, I urn now su lei in: with a nu
like riieiimatlsm lit my right limb, ami itoth
Ing relieves me like Thoinan' F.clcctilc Oil
Itrtillinl T..I Vninlei.llcr, Nr.
Tin' coinuiuiilly was slmllcd on Friday
moiulng last by the repot I Hint Thomas J.
Validcisllce, Sr., had died on the previous
veiling. The tumor proved only loo true.
.Mr. Yaiidersllce was In town on Monday nml
returned home in Ihe evening. He was tut-
able to leave Ihe house after that dale. On
Tuesday night he had a hemorrhage of Ihe
stomach mid sank steadily until Thursday
'.veiling nt six o'clock, when death ensued.
Many yenrs ngo, Mr. Vnndersllce win In-
Jttred lu u runaway nccldctit. mid since that
time had many nttneks of bleeding at the
stomach. Within the past two or three
weeks this had been especially noticeable
mid his uppetlle hud gradually fulled.
Mr. Vandersllco was aged ,il year.'.l) Inonths
nnd 20 days. He wns born In Montgomery
otinly and moved to this county when but
Ihirlccii years of age, llloonisburg at
time contained but three houses, and It was
necessary to go to Danville lo cross the river,
there being no ferry this side or that town.
Mr. Yaiidersllce lived In Mount Pleasant
township until about twenty-ulne years old.
lie then m irric I an l,u ve 1 lo Wo i.inbur g,
where he followed the business of tanning,
Ihe tannery being on Third street between
Iron ami Centre, lu IB) he moved lo
Hemlock township and cleared the farm on lived null! the day of Ids death.
No man In the county had a wider circle of
acquaintances mid there are scores of friends
to mourn Ills demise. .Mr. Yaiidersllce was
n man of positive views and took a warm In
terest in public affairs, He wns one of the
llrst Justices of the peace ever elected In the
countv and held the office for thirty years.
He was a County Commissioner for one
term. These were the only public positions
ho ever held. The. funeral took placo on
Sunday morning last, and the remains were
laid at rest In the ginve ymd on the farm.
As one of the oldest residents of the county
his loss will be keenly felt.
V tine assortment of photograph albums at
O. A. Clark's.
Clirlstiinis (IoOiIr.
That Christmas Is coming and is not far
distant, Is evidenced by the appearance of the
stores in town. Show windows, counters
and shelves aru filled with holiday goods ond
the jiiii chasers arc many. At no other tiluo
of year do buyers so icadlly spend their
money, and their beaming faces prove that
they deplete their purses with pleasure. From
present appearances this Christmas will be
as festive ami Joyous as any of lis predeccs.
sors. Our merchants, evidently think so,
judging by the large quantities of goods they
have provided for Ihe comfort and delight
of their customers.
In buying presents it is well to know where
to go in order lo secure bargains, rctl Iiiir
excellent articles for reasonable sums.
In the large establishment of I. W. Mc-
lCclvy can bu found almost anything you de
sire in thu way of dry goods, dress goods,
novelties of all kinds, and also groceries,
china and glassware and such useful and al
ways welcome goods.
I. W. Hartinan offer tin unusually attract-
ive display of Christinas goods, the mere
enumeration of which would require a col
umn. Call ami Inspect ills extensive stock.
J. has Weber mid llardm.iu pianos,
Hstcy organs, all kinds of small musical in
struments, and thu Davis sewing machines.
i on etui certainly lind something to suit you
at his store.
George A Clark has an admirable collec
tion of handsome books, aiid tin endless va
riety of stationery ami fancy goods, Christ
mas and New Year's cards, pictures, fancy
frames, gold pens and pencils ami diaries for
1882. A line stock, indeed.
At the People's Di tig mid Hook Store you
can Ilntl books of all kinds, stationery, fancy
boxes, card, cigar, handkerchief and gloiu
cases, vases, mirrors, ornamental bottles anil
a host of things just suitable for gifts.
Mover Hros. exhibit u beautiful line of
toilet articles, pel fumes, fancy soap.s,btudent
lamps and countless ornamental and useful
articles. Hy all means call and look at their
display, for It well deserves inspection.
For furs, shawls, dolmans, and the various
itilicles of feminine attire, go to Lilt, it
Sloan's. They have it tine stock of their
goods and also of jewelry, such as rings,
bracelets, chains, itc.
Clark it Son's big store is crammed with
goods, comprising bats and bonnets, dry
goods, dress goods, furs, sllks.handkerchief.s,
fancy baskets, and ltintimcrnblu novelties
suitable for the season.
No better Christinas gift can be made than
a handsome overcoat or suit of clothes. Da
vid Lowenherg has an Immense assoi Intent
of overcoats and ulsters, and his stock of
suits is so comprehensive that any taste can
be gratllled. He has also the latest patterns
of cloths and casslmcrcs to llll orders, and a
huge stock of hats uud caps. Call and see.
Louis Bcrnhard oilers jewelry, bllvirware
clocks, watches, ite., at greatly reduced
prices, If bought before the llrst of thu year,
This is a rare chance to get bargains and we
iidvlsu our readers lo take advantage of it.
0. 0. Marr has made provision for his cus
toutcrs and has an excellent assortment of
drv goods, groceries, itc. This is the place
to buy farm produce, butter, eggs, poultry,
itc:. and Christmas is tlte lime when vou
need dainties.
Hlllmcycr it Co., olfcrs 'as large a stock of
line groceries as can bu found in town. Hu
is sugar ami spice and all that's nice In
that line, and you cannot get along comfort
dilv at Christmas time without these Ittxti
At Hcmlcrshotl's Pharmacy can be found
legaiit toilet sets of celluloid corallne
and dcatlte, blushes of every description, stu
cut, stand and bracket lamp, limey snaps
osmetics, perfumery, ami a thousand thing
suitable for Christmas gifts,
Hoots, shoes, slippers plain and fancy, gen
tlenicu's furnishing goods, scaifs, itc, in
great variety are to ho had at F. D. Dcnllcr's,
He ha laid in lots of new good.
We have enumerated but a few of thu many
articles to be totitid in the various stores, us
simcc would not permit it full description
From the bints thus given our readers ought
to have no difficulty In tludlng what they
need. Willi Unit intention tlte article was
written. '
The great superiority of DR.
allother cough remedies is attested
by the immense popular demand
for that old established remedy.
is h m h v m
For the Cure of Coughs, Colds,
I loarseness, Croup, Asthma, Bron
chitis, Whooping Cough, Incipient
Consumption ami for the relief of
con-'tinptivo persons in advanced
ftages of the Disease. For Sale
by all Druggists. Price, 25 cents.
Nov, 4, 'mem
On 'I'll 1 1 1 Hni 'I'rlfit,
We will send Dr. Dye's Celebrated F.lcclio.
VolliiluJIclts and other Hlcelrlc Appliances
on trial for thirty days to young men nnd
older persons who nre nflllctcd with nervous
dcblltly.lost vitality,!-)!-, guaranteeing speedy
relief ami complete restoration of vigor and
manhood. Also for Hlieunuttlsiit, Neuralgia,
Paralysis, Liver ami Kidney difficulties,
Hupltires mid many other diseases, llinstra.
ted pamphlet sent free. Address Yoltalc
Belt Co., Marshall, Michigan.
Oct, 28, '
No more small pox In Orniigcvllle, but It
has left iiie with a large stock of Fall, Winter
mid Millinery Mood on hand, which I Intend
lo sell nt ten per cent less than they cm be
purchased for anywhere else In Ihe county, In
order not to carry them over. So bring In
your cash anil produce and secure the great
est bargains of your life.
Nov. C. W. Low.
A (loot! gt'.M!i: MKM.
Is too oflen followed by a dlsoidercd stom
ach, symptoms of dyspepsia, or Indigestion.
Kvcry miserable dyspeptic In the land should
know t lint he can be cured by a timely u-e of
Burdock Blood Bitter. Price jl.Oi). trlsl
le 10 cents.
SciittKiTKNllKisKi: Moon. Al the icsi.
deuce of thu bride's parents on December
1st, 1881. by the Hev. H. C. Clieslon, Mr. A.
. Schwcppenhciscr, of I ppcr Lime Hldge,
Miss I.enora, daughter of Alfred Mood,
sip, of F.spy.
Wiiitmiisf. -Man.. On Dei ember 1st.
1881. at the Reformed tiarsomiirc. Jackson
ville. Pa., by Hev. 0. P. Hartell, Mr. Hiram
M. Wltllinlre, of Berwick, Columbia county,
to Miss Julia M. Mann, of Citrlln township.
Centre county, t'a,
F.Mitt Sami-ki.s.--AI Bloomsbiirg, I'.t.,
ruesday, November 2!illi, 1881, by Hev. 1).
Waller, Jr., .Mr. uoiieri m. l.ver, oi r.yer's
drove, and Miss Sarah A. Samuels, of
Business Notices
More 'i and 10 cent goods now open.
Clark A Son.
You cannot lind a ulcer lot of toys than
that of (iilmorc's, (Jo nnd sec them.
Ladles' coats ami dolmans at Lilt. A
Sloan's, prices front ijj.fio to iJ'.'l.Of),
Don't Fowl It. We have Christina (ioods
suitable for grown people, boys undglrl,nlso
for little folk. Prices exceedingly low.
Ilendcrshott's Pharmacy.
Blankets make good and Useful presents,
do nice counterpanes. Well, we have
in, and at low prices. Clark A Son,
Llll. A Sloan have Ihelr usual stood va
riety of Christina good at the lowest prices.
Have you seen that napkin? a special thing
for Christmas presents at ClatkA Son's.
Fine celluloid, corallne, Florence, dialites
and rosewood toilet sets in the finest of plush
ami Icatlier case. All very clteap, .'yl.i.'i
up, at Ilendcrshott's Pharmacy.
It you are undecided what to buy your
ifu'for it Christina present, m) to Lttfz A
Sloan's and buy a Broche shawl.
A nice table doth or towels make a good
ami useful present ami wu have lots of them.
L iark iV Nin.
It certainly is a fact that vou can bttv
Christinas (ioods at astonishingly low llg
ures at Ilendcrshott's Phaimacy.
The poor as well us the rich can buy their
Christmas presents at Lutz A Sloan's as they
have them at nil prices, from a 5 cent hand
kerchief to n SjUOO.OO seal skin sacitue.
If vou want nnvthimr in the wav of lilctures
or oil painting, come ami see our stock and
prices. i tarli iV Nut.
Ha.ors, strops, lather brushes. Pear's shav-
ing soap and everything to 111 out gentle
men's toilet sets, ilendcrshott's I'll ii inacv.
Furs for ladies, furs for children and fur
loves for gentlemen nt Lutz A Sloan's.
What coats and shavrls we have vet. We
will dose out cheap. Now i thu time for
largains. Clark A Son.
German student lump, the J. Ftinck's stu
dent lamp, Mohiiug and Hrittaut burners.
side, stand and bracket lamps in new and
beautiful designs.
Ilendei'shott's Tea Store.
Go to Lulz A Sloan's and buy your Christ.
mas presents ami they will be sitro to plca-c
your lriciHls.
. . - i
llorsu hair whisps for cleaning velvet, the
most stylish bone-hauilled com wliisps, just
th.) tiling for haudsontu wall pocket and
brackets. Ilendcrshott's Pharmacy.
Those Christinas numbers of black cash-
mere appear to bo appreciated, as they are
very cheap they say. Clark A Son.
We have a large variety of French, Knglish
and American tooth, nail, hair anil cloth
brushes. Prices very low, fi cents up.
llcndcrsliott's Pharmacy.
If you want a nice and good black or col.
ored silk dress, go to Clark A Son'. They
have just received some bargains. Go anil
A large slock of accordcoin nt Gllmorc'
Ditl vou stop to think what a lame slock
of goods Clark A Son have for holiday tire.
cuts, consisting of comb and brush cases, la
dles' work boxes, toilet sets, vases, card te.
eclvers, shoppliii: basket, .lapancso aoods
kalo.metla ware, scrap baskets, taney tidies,
llifiue statuary, ive. All are invited to call
and see.
,V full line of gold and best plate jewelry,
consisting ot nidi chums, bracelets, tocKets,
lace pins, sets, ear drops, gout rings, cameo
rings, plain and kind lings, now open al
Clark A Son's. All goods warranted.
The greatest variety of fancy vine ever
nroiigiii lo lown at w. ii. uiimore s.
Why pay 50 cents for a silk hundken hief
when you can liny it tor -iu cciiis at i tan;
A Son's.
Itocking horse mid wagons nt Uilmore's
w e nave me urgest 1 tie oi mines', misse.
children's anil men' handkerchiefs in silk,
linen, and sillc anil linen to he found ut iiuv
place in town and al astonishingly low pri
ces. v ntriiiv miii.
Contlis, lirushes, pcifiimcry, toilet soups,
('., Ill !. llll'K iV Mill's.
The lilac for Christina good of all kiud
is at Clark A Son's. You can tlitil almost
anything you want and allow tirlce.. (lo
and see.
(llluiore keep n larger assortment of can-
tiles tiiaii any otner Htore in town, tin see
his stock liclore making- your purchases.
The Christmas good at Mover Hros'. arc
meeting with a ready sale, an was to have hecn
expected. llie goods tiro really licaulifiil
and the assortment 1 very large. Don'i
make your miivuascs until vim have called
on .noyer iiros.
We have lust received u full line of hit
Helms, hilis, ties, liarb. collars, cull's, ami
maiiy lancy goods, a new tiling lu spun
sin; ciius, mutiicrs, ive, i inn; iV miii.
- . - - -
Sled of all kinds at OilinotcV from lift rents
If you want to combine the useful with the
oruumeiiitii in your lioitaay guts, go to I.,
Sliarplesss who keeps wool and merino hu
siciy, nr. vvnrucrs corsets, gioves.niiticiis,
cotton nut silk iiiik licrc t cfs, susncnt ers,
Hum collars, cults, a hmuUomo line of
wear, caidlgait jackets, gingham and alpaca
itiuoiciias, a iresn invoice oi jewelry
opened, coinprWng car.ilngs, liieubt-nlns,
llngcr.rlugH, iieckliiccs, lockets, wutcli chains,
Ac. lleioie making vour pincliascs
i iiiisiiuas, guc nun u inn miii cMiiiiiuc ill
Dolls In great numlici's at (iiliuun's Th
Moil i Bios, ilcslic I II special attention !
their assortment nf billies' mid L'enllemeii's
to their assortment of ladies' and irciitlcliif it's
toilet dressing eases lu celluloid, dlallle and
bard rubber. These nre really beautiful, mid
very suitable for Christinas presents. 'I'he
same may be said of .Mover tiros', slock or
fancy cut glass bottles, shaving mugs, pulT
boxes, hubv rulllesitc. The slore was never
as well supplied witli holiday goods -mid the
quality of the good Is unusually line,
Pictly sulls for Children Just arrived
Neat Stills for Hoys
Slvilsh Suits for Voullis
all of the Latest Style mid Best quality,
at the lowest prices cult now be bought
tit the Popular Clothing Stoic of
naviu i.owcnnerg.
C. C. -Marr has the handsomest ami cheap
est Christum goods In town.
Headquarters for Satchels, Trunks Ac.
at I). Lowcnbcrg's.
0. (!. Marr ha the cheapest Christmas
presents lu Ihe town.
I'hosu miniature clocks at I. W. llartmairs
make a gootl present,
Best needles, oil, attachments, itc for nil
sewing machines, at W. II. Vetler's olllce,
corner .Main nml .Market slice!., opposite l.
W. Iluitinan's slore. nov. IH.If
Cheaper and belter Clothing can now be
bought at
Thu old Popular Slore of David Lowcnberg.
4,000 pounds of nlco dried apples wanted
by Slla Young at Light Street, for which he
will pay the highest market price.
nov II
No larger or belter stock of boots, shoes,
slippers, gentlemen's furnishing goods Ac.,
Is to be found In Hlooinsbtirg than at F. I).
Clocks lo nu liken curly, Will make it
good present for a sleepy boy, tit I. W. Hart
man's. 1 have just received an immense stock of
lints and Caps very cheap al L. Gros' N. Y.
Calico and muslin at fi cents a yard, ging
ham H cents, cottonadc 10 cents, and every
thing else to correspond, at Llllcy A Sleppy's,
I will guarantee my prices per cent,
cheaper than any other establishment in the
county. L. Gross, N. Y. Clothier.
II is a sight to sec the nice windows at ('.
('. Murr's.
Scu.iNO Oct ! !
Thu undersigned will sell until (lie llrst of
.January, on account of moving Id store,
Id stock of Watches, Clocks,.lew:clry, Silver
ware Ac, Ac. at greatly reduced prices. All
gootls warranted as represented. Articles
engraved free of charge. L. Ilernhnrd.
also serve us
which are:
These arc
we live by
one can see.
.the W
Oak Hall is still
the Largest Clothing House
in America.
Hoping to serve you this Fall and
Yours truly,
VV?.namaker & Brown,
Harper's Bazar.
1 tits popular Journal Is ur ito couiUuatlon ot lit
erature, irt, ami fasuton. Its stories, poems and es
says are by the best writers ot Europe ami Amer
ica; Its cusravlnpi pussess ttio higliou urtlstlo ex
cellence; ami lu alt matters in-rtaluliu; to faahlou It
1 universally acknowledge.! lo be tlio leading au
thority In tlio, Tlio uew volu'n- wlUooutatn
niauy brilliant novelths.
t Harpor's Periodicals,
rmt vu-vit.
HAHl'KIt' 11V..M1 H VII
TtlO TllUKi: uboo tuns 10 is)
Any TWO ubovo named J ml
ll.Mtl'Elt'S YOr.NU I'EOl'l.i: 150
HUtl'lilt'S MM1A.INK I
ll.Mtt'all'B VOl'.Nll I'lail'LH )
l'ustajo trio to
till subset Ibsii In the Tutted
Btntesor Canada,
Thu V-llUIIIOS Ut I III) ll.llr ImiMii will, tlin
Number ror -lanuiry uteaeli jeur. When no time u
mi'iit toned. It will bo uuilerttooil that tho subserl.
ber vv tshos to commence n It li tti Number next utter
tlio r I't'lpt ot order.
Thu lust Twelve a nun il Volumes o( llari'tirs 111
zur, to ueali'lotti tJlmllnjr, will be bent by mail post-
UKU i'.iiu, ui ii) riiiitaj (provimil 1119 iriU'Ill
inn iweeeii hud uuiiur tier v oiututo, ror 1 1 ti eocii
t'lotli coses Jor each volumo, mltublo fur binding.
ue'li '"l laall, fiosipam, ou receipt ot
in inlttuiieoH should t! nmde by I'ost-omco Money I
Order or Draft, to uvold chara'e i t loss.
Nevvsnaiieis uro not tin-nm thin narpitiBmmit
without t ho ejipiiks oidi r of iuttper A lirotheia.
All Hit- best dicsiuakcrs use llitllcrick it
CoV i.allenis. Sold bv C. ('. .Mm r.
Co's. patterns. Sold by C. ('. .Mm r.
Do jnu with to lit ntie nf the one thousand
who will ritil J. II' Jtarlman't double tlnre
for it prcttut
The lines! line of Hcaily-innde Clothing In
The County can now be seen nl
David Lowcnbcrg's Clothing Store.
Gentlemen's collars, culrs, shirts, Ac, lit
F, I). Dentler's, also a beautiful eollccHou (if
"What to buy for n Christina present" Is
., .l. ,. .... ... t M If..-.
iiiei ucsiiou nit ween, mi in i. ii. i mi i-
nian s ami It I answered.
Did vou examine
Sulls for 47.00.
Gross' heavy Winter
Did vou see that heavy, all wool overcoat
Gross' N. Y. Slore for 1.00.
Sec n woman picking a bunch of grapes in
another column, ut Specr's Vineyards, from
which Specr's Port Grape Wine I made, that
Is so highly esteemed by Ihe medical profes
sion for the ne of Invalids, weakly Persons
and llie aged. For sale hy ('. A. Klelin.
Jan 7 'HI 1-y
I. W. Hartinan's ChrlMiniis s.iic arc 'nl
icady far ahead of last year up Iodide, nml
sllll Ihe people come.
Among tlte thousands of nov cities recently
added to the stock of Moyer Hros,, are
brushes of nil kinds ami grades, choice toilet
articles, soaps, cosmetic, perfumery' nnd
countless ornamental rllles admirably ml up.
ted for Christmas presents. Nickel plated
student lumps tire offered at very low rule,
n arc also parlor lamps of every conceivable
cd at
HICYCLI-: SII1HT can only be obtain.
David Lowcnbcrg's.
1,000 pounds of nice pitted Cherries, 4,000
pounds of nice Dried Haspbcrric wanted by
Silas Young nt Light Street, for which ho
will pay the highest market price.
July 13 0-in.
Where shall I lind something new till
year for a friend's present'' Go to I. W.
'Hartinau's and you will see it.
A whole stock kip double sole
boots with saddle seamed legs for
mid top
:i at lvcs-
A full line of ladies', misses and children's
Alclic overshoes, now on hand at F. D.
- --
1.000 good live calves wanted. Let them
come from tlte north, south, cast ami west
by wholesale and retail. You can bring your
good calves rigid along now any lime on
.Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Tlittrs.
tiny of each and" every week 'and get your
cash or good for them nt Silas Young's
Light Street. July 15 '81 0-m
Fhis Oiic Foot Rule
chance to be of service in
J We nwer offer for
believe will give
who wear it.
cvuay, xxw x ATM-
vex i
and Market Sts.3 Philadelphia.
UOl - b I
. Thu liiigcsl slock of Winter Cltilhin;or
men and boys at Uross' N. 1 . Wore, JHOOII1.
men and boys
..I . -
Lois of Indies conts latest styles anil fnsb
Ions from 4.00, -1.60, G.CKI, fi.iO, 0.00, 7.00,
8.O0. 10.00, to l!2.00nt Sllns "i oung's Light
Street. nov' 11 8"m
David Lowcnberg would Inform Ihe public
that he lin Just relumed from
New York
with a full line of Heady Made Clothing
Cloths and Cusslincrcs of the best quality nnd
latest style.
Hats, Cap, n;o a full lino of
Novelties for Full nnd Winter
mid would Invite nil early Inspection
of the snme.
"It sluntls nt tlio Itcnd"- the light running
Domestic. For sale by W. II. Yettcr, olllce
corner Main nnd Majket streets, llloonisburg,
Pn. Also agent for the celebrated lthncn or
gan, fully guaranteed by the mnniifncturcrs
for 10 ycuts. nov. 18-tf
lti. worth wltlle to slop nt Moj-cr Hros'.
slore just to look tit their collection of Christ,
mus goods. They hnvc certainly exercised
grout tnste in selecting tlio nrtlclos nnd the
wonder 1, that they enn sell them at such
low rate.
Large chromos witli walnut frames at I.
W. Hartmaii's.
The finest calf boots ever olferedln this
market can bo found nt ICelcr's for $5.
Warranted never to rip.
Heaver Overcoats reduced from $11.00 to
$8.00 nt Gross' N. Y. Store, Hlooni.
The nobbiest stuck of gentleman's neck
wear in town can lie found at F. D. Dentler's.
10,000 dozen good fresh eggs and 10.000
pounds good fresh butter wanted by Silas
Young, ut Light Strcet.for which he will pay
thu highest market price. mig 20-lm.
Mover Hros. have a splendid assortment of
Christmas goods nnd nre determined to soil
them at least we Judge so from the low
prices they ask.
We have made another reduction in Win
ter Clothing. Come and seo how cheap we
are selling. L. Gross, N. Y. Store.
Cash paid for calve, chickens; turkeys,
geese, ducks, dried fruit, butler and eggs, by
Llllcy A Sleppy, Ligblslrcct.
Big show in Hlooni- -in front of Kesslor's
window, which Is tilled witli it line selection
of Holiday slippers.
Fancy slippers for gents, are a useful pros
cut, ut 'I. . Hartinan's.
Call uJ Moyer Hro. ami see Little Dick.
A large and well selected assortment of
slippers for ladies and gentlemen, jut re
ceived at F. I). Dentler's.
Great reduction in prices ut tlte store of
Llllcy A Sleppy. at Llghtstreet.
many homes !
1 1 will
rules of OAK
sale any Clothing but what
thorough satisfaction to thosv-
We stoutly maintain our custom to always
have the largest stock of men's and boys'
clothing to show our customers.
We do not allow our salesmen to
mislead customers as to fit or
quality or kind of goods.
We stick to one price
alike to everybody,
rich and poor.
We give the guar
antee with each
sale we make.
6th -We re's'.m
the money . i
anybody whi.
wish it, if they
choose: tf
bring hi c li
the goods
C. .0. G ALIGN AN,
Dr. I- r ( nine. Cony. Pa.
Hut'st slock In town
V If
ll-MII'Ht A llltOTlIKltS,
New YrK