TIIE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBIIIICt, COLUMBIA' COUNTY, PA. Ifiji ifitlmitfuim. 0. 2. ET.77F.LL, ivti.. J. . mTSUBEyDER,"11"'- hloomshurq, pa. " L'Hdny, Hoc. 10. 1881. Somo of the Illinois pujicis uro trying to get tip ii liooin foi' John Logan for President. A worse catulhlato might be fouiut lml the probability is most ri mote. J Ion. Frederick T. FeyHnghiiyseii of New .Icrsoy wax, on iMouilny. nominated and confirmed as Secretary of State. Tlio whito iilumed knight from Maino is now ojmn to nu engagement. It is said, that Grant will chooso one of the remaining cabinet officers. Surely this i to bo n Stalwart administration. John Cessna has concluded not to con test the election of Judge 15aer, but pro jicrtos to sue Judge Hall for libel. A live man is Cessna, always presenting some novellv for imblio consideration. His mission on earth docs not extend be yond "whooplni: un the Henublican ticket, if ho could only be convinced oi it. Wo call the attention of our readers to the article on the iirst page of this paper, entitled "Zach Chandler on Hayes." It is a scathing indictment of tne jrauutiient rroaiuent aau gives some illustrations of his meanness and duplic ity not before known. Coming from such undoubled authority ns the veteran oiaiwari senator tne exposures are worthy of note. Congress has not yet fairly settled down to work. The House is waiting for the Speaker to appoint the various committees, and this it is said will not be done until after the holidays. The senato was not in session from 'Thursday uuui iuoiuiay. an uie oenaie on rues day tho session was devoted to the din cit3sion ot Mr. l'eudleton s bill to remi late the civil service. In the House a large number of bills were introduced among them one to repeal the internal revenue tax on matches hank checks. cigars, sniilT and spirits distilled from a pies and other fruits. Before the cal of the States was half completed 7. bills had been referred to committees. Congressman Strait, of Minnesota, lias received a telegram signed by the post master, snonii, and two prominent citi zens or tot. J'cter, saying there was woman m that town who was a servant in tho family of Mr. Scoville, Guiteait's brother-in-law and counsel, last May, and that sho heard tho possible murder of General Garfield discussed by members of tho family at that time. Mr. Strait placed the telegram in the hands of tho district attorney and vouched for the responsibility of the persons who had signed tho message. It lias been pri vately reported here for some time that (jrititeau had communicated to the Sco villo family his intention to kill the Pres ident beforo tlio LM of July, when tho murderous shot was fired. TKUUIHLK TIlAUKtllKSS. Twoniii'.s iiy wttirii iirximr.ua or t.ivr.s whik i nsr snnekiNd mumvnwk: MINT. One of the most frightful disasters ever chronicled occurred in Vienna on Thursday evening of last week, when the King Theatre was destroyed by fire and any all those in tho building burned to death. The origin of the fire is not known but it wm probably from the fall of a lamp on tho wtago. No less than r30 bodies have been taken from the ulna and tho official list of the missing is I) 1 7. Tliuii were two or three hun dred ballet gills upon the stage clad in light dresses nnd all of these perished. I'lie scene is described as terrible- in the extreme. Tho frightened people fought madly to gain the doors and scores were trampled to death before tho flames reached them. The stairwavs wero iterally choked with bodies. In ono gallery it is estimated that there were dUU persons, ami none ot them escaped. I'hcro is fjrc.il indignation in the city as investigation lias reveaieii tne grossest blundering and mismanagement. 1 ho various doors wero locked and the koys in tho pockets ol tho cloak room attcu danls. A largo iron curtain could have been let down and the llames shut off from tho auditorium but the man in chargo was absent from his post. Tho hrcmen did not work lor iialt nn hour after the fire broke out, and tho police with blundering stupidity prevented res citers from entering the building by sta ting that all the audience hnd escaped. A more disgracclul exhibition ot culpa blc mismanagement was never seen, and it is evident that punishment should he meted out with unmitigated severity to both publioollicers and theatre employees, It is probable that tho list of the killed will reach 1000 and perhaps exceed that number. nother event equally distressing, ex ccpt that fewer lives were lost, occurred in this country about seven miles from l'lttsuurg on Saturday morning last, i rough board shanty hail been erected at a placo called "Bock Cut," forthe accom dation of a number of woikmen. Tho second floor was one largo room fitted with bunks and in this some forty work men wero sleeping. .Mrs. MoUutie, tho wife ot the man m charge of the shanty, arose at an early hour to get breakfast and by some means ovei turned a coal oil lamp. The whole building was almost instantly abla.o and the flames spread with such rapidity that tho men up stairs were unablo to dress themselves, but struggled to dash through the flames and smoke. Eleven men wero burned to death and throo others received injuries that aro considered fatal. There was but one means of egress from tho men's sleeping room and that was by a rougl stairway, but this was speedily rendered impassable. The wounded men were placed on n train and taken to Pittsburg where they were at once carried to tho West Pennsylvania Hospital. The sight at the railroad station is said to have been horrible beyond description. The dead wero buried on Sunday, the bodies being unrecognizable. DEATH OF COL FOK.NEV. Col. John W. Forney died at his home in Philadelphia on Friday morning last atter a unor illness, lie was born at Lancaster, September JJOth 1817. lie entered a printing office when a boy,and ior the remainder ol ins life was connec ted with nowspaper work. In 18.'i7 ho founded the Philadelphia Press and to that journal tho best of his editorial labors were given. Ho earnestly advo cated tho election of James Buchanan to the Presidency and contributed in no small degree to the success of the Demo cratic ticket. Subsequently he opposed Mr. Buchanan's administration and there after served with tho liepublicans. At the last election ho warmly espoused the cause of Gen. Hancock. At the time of his death he was editor aud proprietor of tho J'royrcss, a newspaper of more than ordinary merit. Col. Forney had filled so important a place in the journalistic and political world that his loss will be keenly felt. Ho possessed rare abilities both as editor and politician, and was a man of ripe culture in literature. The world is poorer for his death aud it will bo hard indeed to fill His place. The funeral took placo on Monday afternoon and the body was interred in Laurel Hill Cemetery. The pall bearers were uenerai w. s. Hancock, Jlou. Y. 1), K'elley, General D. K. Sickles. lion S J. Bandall, Hon. K. li. Hart.Hou. A. G. Cmtin, Colonel A. IC. McClure, George W. Childs, Daniel Dougherty and Lewis V. Cassulv. I'lie jury convicted them with ucomiui'itdu- tlon to nieiey of tlio Court. Tho scnlcntc was thirty days In tlio county Jail nnl cost of prosecution. CommonwniHIi vs. IVd. Pmttli. Violation if Honor lawn. tii lrli.il. 'I'liU Irlnl occu pied two ilny and iwcllrd considerable Inter- UloOll Poisonings, ScrofllloilH Ul- si, n mrjro nuinncr or people i rem tain- ,,pro n, Hn i iiir llinno If?. nan IIVIIIH 111 HIK'llllUIll'U, AIIIT W'llllI Ulll A ..ni.i,m mill IJ nniln I, , ., ....... i , .It, . f I 1 UaVODUD Vi.llllMI .-.V.tlill IIWIII?., IUUJIIIJ 11IMII till II .11111. I I'll IC? 11 not jriillly, hut pay coMs. Ilir bWOllUlgB, " in flrmul .1iim im.tn (In., f ..-I ... l . lil.ai. I Wl.iu.nnil. lowss TUB ASSASSIN'S TIlIAh. The evidence given in tho tiial of Gui tcnu tor tho past tew days has shown hi utter depravity in the strongest light He set ins lobe utterly dcctiiutc of all moral perceptions and his life has be one of tho most despicable character. H glows more intolent every day and not only inteiiupls witnesses and eounse but is outrageously abusive. His brother r . llf .. .. . ii loiiii . uuueau, uas nad moro or less lo say.and there have been several family quarrels, new ur. n. h. .noArihu pastor of tho Calvary Baptist Churcl New York, testified as to the disreputa ble character ot tho assassin, who had been guilty of every imaginable of fence against decency. Guiteau was very noisy and impudent. The trial was adjourned from Friday until Monday. Dr. Kdward CSpitzka testified on Mon day that Guiteau was iusai.o, but the t ress examination was so searching as to do away with the effect of tho testimony. Guiteau was exceedingly exasperated and paid no heed to the rebukes of tlio court. It is becoming quite apparent that the assai-sin is perfectly sane and is playing a part to influence the jury, cou pled with udeMioto keep himself ho fore tho public. In the court room on .Monday fcOiuo pertou called out "shoot him,'' Warden Crocker has received re cently a number of anonymous letters advibiug him to remove tho prisoners fiom tlio wing of tho jnil in which Gui teau is confined, so that in tlio event of a dynamite explosion no lives except that of Guiteau will bo endangered. On Tuesday Dr. Spify.ka was again on the staud, but his testimony was not im portant. Dr. Fordyco Barker of New York testified that ho believed Guiteau was sano. Samuel B. Phelps, a broker of New York, was tho next witness and was outrageously insulted by tho nssas hiii. Guiteuu's behavior grown worno daily, . -mar ti t r llf I un wediKHduy nov. .i. n uiirow D. I)., Charles A. Hrynn and Jlonry M. ( o'liiT wero witness! s. Their testimony wus damaging to the character of Ginteau ami he became furiously angry mid abiibivo The sickness of a juror brought tho case to u close for tho dav. (jiticnra ... .I..-.. ".'I-......... ....... f II ..Aitl.1n1 .,ir. niuiTk jyjukbuui it i.ci I'Uf i , ii, l'U"t"l with bad liumor on lmmls and neck, caused ty lead I'n tin, ifiiiwiiiililn liiilini tt ilin fiuiri polsonltiK'. (Up s ft palMttr.) At. times it would 10 nit iionoiiihic .inures or tne lotiri oi i k ? k onru andlhe b kin senanUn from Quarter Sessions of Columbia countyi The grand Inquest of the Commonwealth the nesti In lnrso pieces, suiTerlne grnt coutlnunl itching iuui nunging. rurcuasrn jni our remedies: used cmicura lli-solVent Internally, nn Cutlcurn of tViiiiilviiiiln Ininili-liicf fni- ilm imilv nt B'l oulleiira Soap exlcrnaliy, nnrt in lem than t'lroi oi i iuns.MMinia inquiring lor the nociy ot montineiffctca eomplew euro, and has not been the County of Columbia, lespectfully lcport troubwdsinec. corroborated br liuliard k Foster, that wo have, pursuant to our lequlred do- jrWBUls1KecM.M.HL ties calmly and deliberately Investigated nil (jju-JATKST ON UAHT1I, the hU of Indletmeiit presented for our eon. , . ,', , ,.,,,., , , ,, , , 1 , ., J. V. Adams, hewark, Ohio, Bars: ' (.ntlcura slileratlon and have pased uponthemne. uemedics aro tho ere&test mcdlclnci on earth. Ud I'linlliiif in iiu.tr i,w.i-lii. u' imvn ,i1an v. tlio worst case ot salt rheum in thU count r, Sly corning in llielr merlin. We Have nlsn rv mother had It twentT icars. and In fact dlod trom nmtucd the county buildings nnd find them U. t beiuno cntlcura wonld hae saved her lite. - n I lltfnrm. liiniinf nnrllmail worn pntAmfl Ir.r tnrnA Team, wmcii uoiuid rouuvuuur curt'u uuiu i uscn he Cntlcura Ilesolrent Internally, and Cutlcur.t nnd Cutlcura Soap oxlernallr. rsoniAsi?. 11. U. VIII fCIHI. T, r.3l IIL'UUUIDUIJ, 11, 1 ., Vllll-U Ul Psoriasis or Leprosy, of twenty jears' slnndlntr, by thn oiitlcnra Iti'Milrunt lnternalir and CuLlcurn and Cutlcura Soap externally. The most wonderful casa on record. (Jura certified to betnro a Justice of tho cut citizens, ah nnucica wuu uncases bhould send to us for rcaco nnd prominent cllliens. iicninc nni scaiy msec this U-stlmoulal In full. In good rondltlon, rxcept soino ncedcil re. pairs around the Court House, nnd that the water closets In court ynrd are In a filthy con. ditlon. Okisa HonKii, l'rcmnn. I'.xet'ptlons tiled to widow's appraisement n estalu of Kdward Halfey. Cyrus McIIcnry, I. K. Applemau anil Abrum Dlldlne appointed viewers of a road lu Pine and (Ireenwood. Sail! onli'rnl In pstntn f)f flcnri?i! I.i'lliV nnd bond npproted. lVtltltlou for citation tiled hi estate of Adam Oable. Commonwealth vs. It. 1 Howell. Forni cation and bastardy. Case tried. Verdict guilty. Usual sentence. Sherlll Knt acknowledged the following L'nMntrna deeds: rrlco of curict'KA, Bra ill boxej, 60c; larito boxes 'I'n T rnmuioM- n,1 At Willi.,, l.,.1 II.CUTICL'll KKSOI.VENT, Jl per boltle. cutlcura lo J. UomiitocK anil M. S. V llliiuns, land Uoapjo. cutlcura Shaving soap, loo. sold by all in urange ior ly.u. Stluer. A Dl.NMISTltATOlv S NDTK l;. F.ST1TK OP Kt.lXABKril IIM.K, DRCKASXI), Letters of Administration on tho eslato of K1I7A belli Oable, late otCatawlna township, Columbia roenty, I'cnnsyltnnla, deceased, liavo been RrnMled by tho KeRlsterof said county to Krnnklln (lable, of Catawlssa township, Administrator. All persons bavin? claims ngalnsl the cstnlo of snld iloco dent are requested lo prm out them for settlement, and thoso Indebted to tho cstnto to tnakn paytneiit to tho undersigned Admlnlstrntor,wlthoul delay. r'UANKUNOAHU:, Catawlssa, Dec 4-w AdmlnUtrator DMINIHTllATOHS NOTIC K. KSTATR OP WII.UAU UAKIIIA DICKISPII, Letters ot administration on tlio cstato of William Daniels, late of tho town of IHoomsburK, Columbia county, deceased, have been granted by tho llcgts tcr otBalil county to tho undersigned administrator. All persons having claims against the estate ot said decedent arc requested topresent them forsettlo mcnt nnd tlioso Indebted to inako payment to tho undersigned administrator without delay. ). W, McKKLVY, Administrator, Dec o Cw SALT imnuM. s'hnofl who have exntilunccd tho torments of Salt liiirum can annreclate tho airony 1 endured for jears. until cured by tho Cutlcura llesolvcnt Inter nally and Cutlcura nnd Cutlcura soap externally. Mas. W.M. PKLLINtirON, Sharon, Wis. CL'TICUIIA aud Cutlcura Soap externally and Cutlcura llosolv. win l?r,1,1 na r,-,ntlt, ,,f Inli,, I llrilLrfrtStfl. ..-...- ... uu .... vttci;)A:r'nTTRIl. llnstnn. Mass. DMINlSTItATOH'S NOTICK. , KSTlTr. or IIOIIKUTM. II A IITZKI., PKCKASCn, U'ttcrs of Administration on tlio estate of 1'oberl M. Ilartrtlilatc of Main townslilp.Colunibla county, l'cnna, deceased, hnvo been granted by tho ltegls terof Bald county lo Joseph A. Hartzcl, admin istrator. All persons haTlng claims against tho cstato of tho decedent aro requested to prcscu. them for settlement, and moso Indebted to tho es tate to mako pa) ment to tho undersigned adminis trators without delav. JUMKril A. 11SHIH.L, nov, ls-rnv AdmlnUtrator. I)M 1 KISTRATUU'M KOTI CK. Or 311 IJM AN. lkLKA5RI. Letters of administration on tho estate ot Martha Shuman, lato ot Main twp, Columbia county, occaseu, have oeon granted uy tho lltgisler of said county to tho uiiUers'gncdndmlnlsirutor.AI! persons Having claims naainsnno esinio oi muu uei cueiii are requested to prcbent thera for settlement nnd thoso Indebted to tho cstnto to make payment to tho undersigned administrator without delay, WM. K.SIir.MAN, Administrator. P. 0. address, Muln Hie, Col., Cj , l'a, jyjMX'l TOKH NOTICK, STATK OV CATIIAltlNR tlltlMK. ptCKASKn, Letters testamentary on tho cstato of calharlno llrlnk, lato of llenton township, Columbia counlt-. aeceasca, navo uecn granieu uy iuu iit-niaii ui w.i. oouniy to i. n, nrieKunuiu, viiiuuiti, uait-uiuh persons having claims against tho cstato of said de- !. . ..... .T. ........ ... .i.n.rt r..r fa.ttltn. requested to present them for Hett e- 1 lo III" rnuuo iu ins,!) without cedent am tnpnt. nnd Itieso Indebted pajmcnt to Iho undersigned executor, UU1y' 1,K.KII1CICI.AI'M. Biccutxjr, dec, O-Cw L'nmbra, l a, TXKCUTOll'S NOTICK. F.STATB Or AIIAM H0AT, nKCKASKn, Utters testamentary on tho cstato of Ad.un Uoat, lato ef tho township ol Madison, Columbia co. l'cnn'a., deceased, havo been granted by tho llegls tcr of said county to James Klsncr, executor, All persons having claims against Iho cstato of tho rteendent aro renueMed to nrcaent them for seltle ment nnd thoso Indontod to tho cstato to mako pay ment to Iho undersigned executor without dclny. HOLIDAY SHOPPERS iviiv at a (Hstnnco from Pliiliululnhiii. will viait tho city within to next few weeks to select their Christmas Presents It should he homo in mind by every one, that for montlm back 0. W.JIlLLKIt. Attorney, nov. Is o-w JAMES KtSNRIt. Bxccutor. UDITOU'S NOTICK. 0 com ay News Items. Tho fly lias made sad havoc in tho wheat fields of soutli-westeru Michigan. Fully ono half of the wheat in many fields has been destroyed within a few weeks. A magazine containing over 1200 Iiounds of uitro-glycerino exploded near Jradford in tho oil regions last week. A forest covering nearly threo acres was splintered. Tlio earth trembled as if shaken by an earthquake, the shock being felt in Bradford. At Kiimia houses wero shaken, windows broken and other damages done. A fire at Minneapolis, Minn., last wee!: destroyed four flour mills and a cotton mill, involving a loss of S,jGO,000. One of tho mills exploded killing four men and wounding several others. Tt is thought that the explosion was caused by flour dust. A farmer of Covington, Tioga county, made 400 barrels of cider this year. Pat Dolan, the Iirst of the Mollio Ma gnires tried for the murder of Maurice Henley at lTniontown,lias been convicted of murder in the second degree. (St. Louis Chronicle.) TIIUI. 11V .R'ltY. Sonic believe that even this form of trial is not perfectly free from prejudice. 1 tit, in our section," St. Jacob's Oil has been tiied by that great jury tlio pub lio and been judged the infallible euro for rheumatism. Governor St, John, of Kansas, has issued a proclamation offering lines for tho conviction of violators of the now Kansas Prohibition law in certain cities. Groff, licnnctt & Co's. rolling mill Pittsburg, was destroyed by firo on Sun day morning. Loss $300,000. 1,000 men are thrown out of employment. Alderman Tucker, lloston, says you may statu that I have paid for medicine anil treatment in 20 years $3,000, with out receiving permanent benefit. En tirely cured of his diseaso (salt rlieiim) by Cutiuura ltemedies. John Judge of Miner's Station near Wilkes-lJairo struck his wife wilh an axe cleaving her skull, Thnrsday of last week, The woman will die. Judge is in jail. Moio than $200,000 have been stolen from tlio Atelmon, Topeka and Santa i' o uauroaii nv carrying fictitious naiiui Clark Merrill tract, In Greenwood, to An gcllim Merrill for $7,000. Kdwnrd HiilTey lot, Centrallu, to Snrnh lluiiey, for 1100. William Wntts land hi Frnnklln, to Charles Helgle for $.00. Sale ordered In estnte of John Hicks, C. W. Miller appointed guardian of Itulph II. .Mil, a minor. Sale of real estate ordered hi estate of Pe ter Applemau and bond tiled. Sale of real estate ordered hi estate of Sam uel lllione. Commonwealth vs. Kreas (hihni. Itecog luzaiicc in ueieiul.nit anil Jolm (.iiilim lu 100 for good behavior of defendant for one year. Same In case of Samuel Jones, Jr. Moses Hower, J. Kostenbauder anil W Stoker appointed viewers of a road in Cata wlsn, near W. Keller's. 1'ollowing sales of real estate wero con- firmed llunlly: Kstates of 1'hlllp Miller, Col llns W. SutlllT, George Hollenhaek, Mao- Cleaver, W. White and William Yerry Writ of partition awarded In estates of George llrecee, John Kline and David De mon. Samuel Kisner appointed viewer of a road in Pine, near George Stackhouse's, in place of . It. Deinott, who is unable to act. Head lu IJeutou township, near T. U. Cole's, continued finally. lteeognlzance of Charles Ihown, Daniel Gelger and Stunley Kills entered lo keep the peace for one year. Auditor's report iu estate of Jonathan George, confirmed nisi. Auditor's report In estate of Alexander GnrrNon, confirmed nli. Sale of real estate ordered hi estate of W, IJllll. Itoad hi Franklin, near Tliomas Ash- worth's, confirmed linally. Itoad iu Sugarloaf, near Jesse Fritz's eon firmed finally. Honcl lu Itoaringcreek, near W. Drcta bach's, confirmed finally. Iteport of bridge inspectors, near Kimble's mill, confirmed finally. Iteport of bridge Inspectors near K. J, Mcllenry's, confirmed finally. Petition for widening road iu Kfpy at John lliiinmell's house presented. Ju. C, lirown, P. Illllmcyer and Jolm K. Glrton, appointed viewers. JiKiuest on body of John Connors, in Centrulla, approved. Commonwealth vs. Jus. MeGinnis. Charge, arson. I'lead guilty. Sentenced to pay a lino of $00, costs of prosecution, and under. go one year and three months' imprison. ment In the penitentiary. Sale ordered in estate of llenjamln Untune Auditor's report in estate of K. J. Thorn ton, continued nisi. John IlerneJ, Cera Hower, Wellington Yeager, Itolairlus Herbeh, Daniel Morris and John Krofec appointed inspectors of a bridge in Locust near Ksthcr furnace. John Lore, Henry Applegate, William Har bin, J. 15. Coriiellson, I. C. Pursell and K. A CATARRH Sanford's Radical C'Urc, Complete Treatment For $1 00. sinforil s Radical Cure. Catarrhal Solvent anil lltnprou'd Inunler, with bpecinc directions may now bo had or nil drueulsta. noatlv wrnnned In I one packaire, for one dollar, ask for Hanrord's Uadicnl euro. This economical and nevcr-falllnz treatment. Instantly cleanses tlio nasal passages of putrid mucous, subdues lniHmmatlon when extending to tho eye, car nnd throat, restores tin sensca of smell, tasto and hearing when allocted.lcarcs tho head deodorized, clear and open, tho breath sweet, mo urenuung easy, ana every sense in a grateful nnd soothed condition. Internally ad- ininibureu 11 cieHDseiuu uuuru iiiuuuusaaiviii through tho Mood which It purines ot the acid pouon always prescnL in unuirin. uccoin mended by all druggists. ucncrai Agents, witiiiis s roi ivsit, Boston. UVTS, AtlCli, Iloaclics, uir. iiuf;. uiiu jwu uu,i f niack Ants eat rarenous a iy I'rtinuiin i jwi.-iii- N ATOIl anil die. No fear of Dan smci s. narns, granaries and households often cleared In n smglo niaht. Tleot. nnil Fhpanrst vermin killer In tile world. No failure In 30 years. Every box warrant ed, sold by all grocers and druggists. Atk for PAIISONS'. Mailed for S-.C by WKlflCS TOITKU, I1081OU. ""i T 10 TAX COLI.KCTOliS. A Contralla M. B. V. "1 In tlio !nurt of Common Association, I'loas of Columbia county a. No. 151 Sept., Term, 1STS, Sarah HaOey ad. wherlrtssale. mlnlstratru. J Money In Court. Notice la hereby given that Iho auditor appointed In tho nbovo stated caso to distribute the fund In court to nnd among tho parlies thereto entitled will attend at his omce, nt Uloomsburg.Thursday, Janu ary nth, issi, at 10 ocloek a.m., for that pun one. when nnd where nil persons ha vlnu claims upon said fund aro requested to present them or bo forever de barred from coming In on said fund. JOHN Jl. I'LWth, dec 9 4w Auditor. TOTICK. butiohs to this uniqtio display. Goods appropriate for gifts will bo found at the ThostocUioKUrsof Ilia lirlatcrcek Fni mm' Mu tual Insurance Company, ot Llmo Illdge, win meet at tho onieo of Hamuel Neyhard, Esii., In Cctitro township. Columbia county, l'a., on Monday, tho nth day f Jamnry, isu, between inonoura oi wa. m. and 2 p. m. lor tho purposo of electing directors for the ensuing j ear, nnd for tram icllng bucIi other Business ns may pruptn tuuii; unuu vw... pany. Dec, , 'sS-Sv SAMI'KL NEYIIAIID, secretary. AN AtlTIVB CATHOLIC mav nr Rtn.iilv habits to travel In bcctlon In which ho .n Actot tlio I.eelslnturo. and approval Juno Snd, lssi,(seo 1'iimphlct Laws, page 451) rcnalics tax collectora to mako returnsof seated nnd unseated Unds to thn County Commissioners beforo the llrst or junuarv nexr.. iino noon which i o rroDeriv can bo found from which to make taxes from thoso i who tall to make returns by said day will bi held for such loss. Taxes bo returned bceomo a lien against the property so returned, Wo Ii o blank h on which these returns ire to be made, nnd will furnljh them upon uppllcallon of cutlectom. JOUN II. CASIIY, CommlKlonera' Clerk. Coiainlssloners' onlec, llloomsburg, Pec, 5. usi, dec. y-4w JOHN A. PUNSTON & Co. Keal Estate, Trusti Investmont and Collection Office BLOOMSBURG. PA. rou sai.k Or Kxclinnge. tjngo Frame Houso for two fuiulli, irooa staoie, riunuuu water, owned eyii. r.hharp iesa. HI Acres, Frame HoiHe.bmk barn, good fruit nnd water, In Madison lovnshlp, in. I'ccupled by Washington smith, 475 Acres. Hurlev farm. Mont ,tir toivnshln.fr.imu dwelling house, bank oarniuid oilier our-buildlng, guuu suu;auuu(, aerus iimuer; wen vaLereu; healthy location, good nnrketn, ir desired, will di vide In two or three tracts, reo drat's. Terms easy. Now owned by Win. Neal, Ks. A comfortiblo new hrlcl; dwelling on slh street, west of Market, lu rooms. A bargain. Four plcasint building lots on West street, cheap. Very desirablo for iulct homes. For particulars, apply to Oct. 1 1, M-lf JOHN A. FI NS TON. cr 1'Ari.E, wntr. WftNTfn rcBldcs. Fermnnent employment nnd good com pensation to nn energetic man. lteferencos. liKS'.IOEKliliOTIlEKS', an nroadwoy, New voik, 1,'CO. HW ? PER CENT. IT Hnl-clan Farm Morlyagc Loans and Muni cljiiil HoniU. Fur particulars uddrcn JOHN It. CI.AUK, CAsmsii, FIHST NATUNAL UANK, LINCOLN, NEIUtASKA. llee 9 4w r PIANOFORTES -MAtJNIKl. imre crami mano- 'corneis, rosjuood cases, tefeo unisons, ueauys inaitmcsaiiuu miuita, inni. hook, cover, uoxea. jj ,a 10 ji.ot caiuiu A 2EAT7 S PIAUOFOHTES f ,1'KNT holiday presents: scpiare 'jrus, fourvery handsomo round corii :ascs,ttTeo unisons, Ueatly's matchlcs .mni imnt pnv-pp. linvorl. it'll TS to tl iruo prices, $ m to tl out) satlsfacllon guarai teed or money refunded after ono years use; upright pianofortes, fuo to ins; cainioguo pruxa, isiio; standard plnafones ot U-o universe, as thous nnds testify: write for mammoth list ot testimonials; lie.-tts's cabinet organs, cathedral, chinch, chapel, parlor, 3ti upward ; visitors welcome ; free carriage meets trains; Illustrated catalogue (holiday edltloii) free. Address or call upon 1MNIKLF. UbATll, Sale on tlio pay roll. KH Iieen lodged iu jail. iliteen men have Cmitt I'rm'c rilluifk. Coniiiionweultli vs. Y. ItiicUle and J. Ius- i-eliiian, hiiperviors of Scott totrnslilii. Case tried. Verdict not gullty.county to pay Vests, Tills was an Imlletmeiit for not removing an old log hom e that rtnnds out In tlir roud In tlio lower end of Kpy. Comiiiouweallli vs. Tlionius Heilty. As sault and lmttcry. ItrcognlAuiee for ap peuranee at next term. Commonwealth v. Fred Smith. Viola tlon of lltpior law. True bill. Couunonwcalth vs. I'at. Jlurjiliy. Assault nnd battery. Iteeognl.anc untered for ap pearunce at net court. Coinuioiiweiillh vs. V. V. Jlvans, Asiault ntul battery, Case tried, verdlet not guilty. Samuel Swcpplicni'lser, pro-eeutor ami de, fendaiit each pay half tho eotH, Coinmonwealth vh, It. Koter. Xot a true bill, Oaul, prosecutor, to pay the cost. Coinmonwealth vs. l'reas (Juiiiii. Not a true bill, Attempt to obtain lltpior by mil representing his age. Commonwealth vs. KreaH flulnii, C'lmrle Ilrown, S. G. Kills, S. Jones, Jr., I). (lelger, Jr. MuUcIuiik mischief. A true bill. Commonwealth vs. Itlehard Henry and I'hlllp Btroup, HiipervUors of Hemlock town- hip, Charge, not repairing roudu, True bill. Commonwealth vh, Henry William and (icorgu Jlrewur. The defendants In tliN case are hoy about sixteen year old, nnd were arrested for stealing tickets toJIJlltz'H show, from the ticket otllee In the Opcnt House. Orphans' Court OF VAI.UAIILE Keal JEstatc ! Fursuant to att order ot tho Orphans' Court ot Columbia county, the undersigned; Administrator of Samue! llhone, lato of Bentou township, de ceased, will cxp jsc to sale on tin prjmlsss lu said township on Friday, January 13th, 1882, the following described real cstat e of said decedent, In Denton township, boundol and described as follows: On tho north by land of Alfred iiantz. on tho east by Th5ma3 Bender andw. W. 11038, on Iho south by W. W. Hess, C. W. Myers and A, A. Ober Uoltzer and on the west by Daniel Karns, containing Twentv-two Acres. more or lesss, whereon aro erected A SMALL HOUSE AND B ARX0T. TEltMS OF SALE. Ten per cent of one-fourth of tho purcbaso money shall be paid at tho striking down of tho property, H19 ono fourth less the ten per cent at tao confirmation absolute nnd the re maining threifourtba In one year after confirmation nisi with Interest from that date. aEO.W.IIIIlLBMAN, Administrator, Dec. 1G-5W llen'oD, l'a. MOLLER'Sw LIVER OIL Cheajicst Suirloi uy. Ilnrheat medical uthoriUoa tontlfy lalU delicacy of tto and smell. rornlobyDrwnfisU. W.H.grhltlftlln&Co(SSfttf&).' Dec 10 i-w Washington, New jersey, uec y t -w Die. la-iw OOLD MEDAL AWARDIB tao A ntlior. A n nnil nrU ilwl Icil W'ork,arr anted t lio buat and cnuiflKt,imiiiinabie to Trr jntn.pn titled "Uio ticitncol liia orf8lMrtomUon bound la ilnPit Vrtmch muJilin.pmboMed. full EUt.:iuupp.coniAinfl Deimutu tionn, prico only ftl.ariBnnt j mftili UlniitrfttinlMninla.fitpntji and uow.AddrvM rwUodMl imi inmituwor nr. v. it. i-aiu a rrmrrr mmrrtm Tt i LliU W 1UI wLliltKKH, Ho. 4 ItalfiDcL it. lloitoa. i SB mJ da-!. PENSIONS. ARE PAID evert- M Hfrrliintlp'l y trplJf nt r otherMliit. A U IttlMlt.f on y kind, oi c,f lliiictr. lotirr. itl l'llIUl' If tuUllxhti ilin;ii of I.iiii ir Wirlcowei Vein Hire a j"Mii. n, l tMrr new law tnouiiini are en. i iN-.l ii nn lncrae of pension. Wtdo, or ihitti tm J dtptinU'Bt fathsrs or mottier of rnMUra rttnivuilin. hendV itami'l Ior cci-y '-hiku un 1 ltuuntv Acts. AtMrtiii. aiiJ er,.'te,iitril lluuk, bvlli of ladia&dlifflu. IC-13W ea roil HOLIDAY GOODS AT- ISLARGEST ASSORTMENT ljegr LARGEST ASSORTMENT jCSLARGEST ASSONMENT- OHl'IIAXS' COURT SAI.K OF VALUABLE In pursvtanco of an order of the Orphans' Court cf Columbia county, tho undersigned administrator, cum te8tamcnto annexo, of Peter Appleman, late of Benton township, deceased, will expose to public sale, at tho Exchange Hotel, llenton, un Doty, uppoiiiteil Injectors of a bridge In SATUHDAY, DKCEMBKK Illht.lSSl, 1'iuu near Joseph Shoemaker's. ... .. . DQrtkln 0. tne foiiowlne described THACT I'otltlon tor tlic iiiiiioiiitiuciit ot n fonunls-1 op LAND, In Benton towmshlp, columbli county. slou to review the ground for an independ ent school district iu Cutawixsi township, lllcd. Alo petition for commission for ludcpcnd cut district in suine township, known as .Mc- Intyre district. J.J. llrowcr, .1. C. lirown and I.. 1). Itupert appointed. lying on tho west bldo of Flshlngcrcck, bounded as follows: On tho north by lands of It. I. r. colley, .1. 1'. Chapln and A. Wilkinson, on Uiu nest by lands of Ell Mclltsry, John E, Appleman and Peter Laubach, on the 60uth by lands of Wil liam llulme and Margaret Dlldlne, and on tlio east by lands of Iieuben II. Davis and Stott E. Colley, containing FIFTEEN ACItES, raoroorless, bottom O. W. Siipplee, A. K. Smith mid Conrad land, all cleared. Kramer appointed viewers for site of abridge over I.ittlo Kishingcrcek between I'lne and Greenwood. Allen .Mann, M. Sllrher and ,1. Iiks hi pointed viewers for road in (!atawlssa near miner mill. llcporl ol Auditor lu estute ot I). W. Hoh. bins, conllrined nisi. A. 1'. Watts vs. Columbia County Saving J-'unil. Verdict for plalntiir for !.. (SO. I'lioebu Wolf, et. al. vs. J. AVoods and wife. Verdict for plaintltr for 48S.20. Samuel liogart vs. 11. H. Karns. Verdict for defendant. John 31, Chirk, et. al. vs. County Commis sioners, Petition presented for change of venue. Henry Jloyer vs. O. I), h. Kostenbauder, Verdict for plaintiff for 1!),85. Sheriff acknowledged deed to Kvan Huck - alcw, land in Centre, township for $1650. To A. 11. Herrlug for one-half interest of lot in Orangeville for $'J!50. Sold as the property of Calvin Herring. To Oeo, Hasicrt for lot in illooinsburg, uold as property of S. Jncoby for $130.1. To W. Lord for lot Iu Orange for 100, property of J. 1'. Hlce. John Appleman, John Ilctz aud ( , II. DIetterlch, appointed viewers of a road In Jit, I'leasant, near Joseph Gilbert's, II, llucklugham, J'sij,, appointed auditor of public urrountB. CatawUsa school district rase contliiued until 17th Inst at 0 iu m. Also, all that traot of land bltuate In Benton town ship, bounded on the west by lauds of ltebecca Con ner, on tho north by lands of 'he heirs of ThUnas Davis, deceased, ai d J, V. Cl.apln, on Iho south by lands of Eiklcl Cole, containing EIUIITEEN ACItES, more or less, unimproved land. TUB MS OF SHE.- Ten per tent of one-fouith ot the purchase money blull bopildat tho striking down of tho propertj; theono fourth less the ten per cent, ul the confirmation ubsolute nnd ibere malulng three-fauithsln ono year after continua tion nisi, with lnterett from that dale. I. K. KltlCKIIAUM, AdmlnUtrator, .Co., dc' 3-ts C-i ntiri, a DMINISTBATOH S 0'(-K CSTA1K ur nuaM,Jni,i vvaow. TftiiM-n nf Administration on tho estnto of Moses t vi.n.it int. , i,r uraniro township. Columbia county. Penu'a., deceesed, havo been granted by tho ltegls terothald county lo the undersigned Adm'r.d.b.n All persons having claims against tho esta'e of tho deoodenl aro reiusU!U to prbeni mem lorseiue ment, aud those indebted to the estato to make pay ment to tho undersigned Administrator without delay. ,, 0. W. Mn.i.tH, Aduilnlutrator, d. b. n. Attorney r, O. Orangeville. UDITOH'S NOTICK. yil MATrKIS WHAT UA1TKNK. You may rest tirsured that you am safe lu being speedily cured by T homiu,' r.clectrlc Oil lu all ea'cs of rheiiinatisin, neuralgia, toolhiiehe, etc. One trial only Is necessary to prove Its elllcncy. KsTlTK Cll' JIC'OU UOUUOV, I'kCKiJkll. Tho undersigned auditor appointed by tho Oi ian' Court of Columbia county tomako dlstrlbu. rn nt thu balanco lu tho hands of Edward Ilartman, executor of the estate of Jacob llombuy, late ot hcott township, deceased found br oruer oi uouru uiaau vonuriniiig tin, rnnrt. of Auditor on exccntlons to thu account, to anu among iuu parlies euiuieu tnereuj.wiu un ai uis onicu iu uiuumsuurg ou naiur day, thu lull day of January, IPS, at ten o'clock lu tin, (Lrenoou. to nerform the. duties ot his appoint ment when and where all persons having claims against said cstato will appear and prove tho same or be forever debarred from receiving any part of luesamc. JOHN M. CLAllK, dec, 10 t't-Hf Auditor, NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ITS POPULARITY IS UMPAItALlELED 1 1 " 130,000 SOLD ! ! aro Wanted0rto Supply tho wonderful and Increasing demand for by far THE 11E-HT, most Popular and CUBAl'ISSt' LIFE OF GARFIELD Price Only $2.00 This work Is Profubely Illustrated, tells the entire thrilling Btory of his eventful life nnd traglu death : has been critically rortwil and approvedy onepf his most Intimate pertonil friends : has far outsold all other editions becausa tho best aot chetpest and our terms lo ugenta uro the most liberal of any, bnperb bteel Plate Portraits Free 1 1 Outfit U cents. For prool of exeu leneo, success of agents and terms addrcHsalQilce.lli'UllAltl) llltoH.Pubs.Plilla. Deo la l-w U AllEAOTIFl'I. OHOAN, the "JIO.AHT." Now Mylc.No w),tl slopsdo full sets Ouldeu Tongue Heeds, Solid Walnut Highly Polished Case, New nnd valuable Improvements Just added. Wool, hook, Music. Iloxed aud dellrerod uu board cars hcicprteo Only Mlxty Dollars.NetCash.HatUfactlon guarauteed In every particular or money refunded after ono ear's use. Ktery sold bells mother. It Is a stand ing advertisement. Ordir at once, Nothing navel by correspondence, My new f icwry Just eompletod capacity 'iwo Instruments every n days, very latest i-iitir.odvinr wnoil.worklnt? machinery. Vast caDl. tal enables uie to manufacture better good! for less money than over. Address, or call upon I) AN I HI, P. HEATH', U'ashlnglon.Nevf Jersey, d dee 18 w What Makes the Children Laugh? CAT CRADLE TUjUanasoiucht rue Art Juienllo UooU, wlUi t) uo lore u juusiruiiuuB. i vui. iuuivy, II. WOnTniNOTOM, 77 Dreadway, Mow Vsrk. FINEST GOODS FINEST GOODS FINEST GOODS FINEST GOODS TBZOTTS-A-ItTIDS OF hnvo been preparing on a pealu unprcccdunL u stock of urticlcs, ibiniuguso with beauty, ntul which will make nppropriuto holi 'gifts. Every dopnrtment of Dry Goods litis furnished contri- SILK COUNTKII, DRESS GOODS COL'KTlUtS. IIOI9KHY COUNTI'.ll, MP.N'S Knt'ISlILNd COt'NTKIt, CAIMMCIAX JAC'KK'l' COUNTKIi. (H.OVF. COl'X'I'IIIt, IlANI)ICKltCIIIi:r C'OUXTKII. itiiniox couxrint, CALICO COl!XTi:i!. SKI XT COUXTHIt. COUPCT COUXTKH, musi.ix UNi)i:itwi:Ait COUXTKH, SIIAWI, COUXTKH, (KWSAMUH WATKIU'HOOK COUXTKH, CLOTH COUXUKH, AHT Xr.KDLK V'OHK COUXTKH, ZKPIIYlt COUXTKH, CIIIMSTMAS CAHD COUXTKH, I1HICA-HHAC COUXTKH, LACK A XI) KMI1KOIDKHY COUXTKH, TOILKT SUPPLY COUXTKH, 11LACK GOODS COUXTKH, INTAXTSWKAH COUXTKH, ANI) IS THE DEl'tlilMKT Full .adics' Suits, Ludio. Oloth Coat and Uls cm , J.tuliert' Beul Skin and Fur Lined WrnpH. Missed' and Children's Suite nnd Coata, And Boys' Clothing. - oc r Our Ladies' Parlor is gcnerall heiukpuirteiy for out-of-town shoiipers. The system of checking parcels mm uie uureau oi in- formation is a womlertul convenience to ininaicm, jmnuno. STlAfHIKI Si CUTIIIl EIGHTH ANI) MAIIKIST 11-1 ILADELPHIA. CANDIES OF A LI, KINDS FIlFSIf AXl) fFltlC. LOWEST PRICE. Tree ami Table onmiueiits iu endless variety. Wo havo the Finest Jllied Candles iu tl county, put up in fancy boxes for ClirUtnm Tiers or by the pound. Fine .Tapane-e Cab inets, with silver Trimming, Glove lloxcs inlaid with ebonv, and other articles too mime ous lo ineiiiion. l ins line win lie sold at cost in close out siock, uovr .uio l m i iianc CREAjSI CHOCOLATES FROM 40 CIS. TO 80 CTS TAFFY, MOSIA, NOUGAT, prbskc, fbesh:, fresh, peesh, YOUR ATTKNTIOX IS CALLED TO OUR LINK OF TOBACCO, CIGARS, PIPES, &c, Wn have- lust received a laruo stock of .Merseehaum Pipes, Clyar and Cigarette Holders Fine Ciirar and Cigarette Cases, 'l'olincco I'liiiclies and lloxcs. Snuff lloxcs, and all other Bmoltei's Jfaterials. CIGARS, 25 IN BOX. CIGARS 25 IN BOX, CIGARS, 25 IN BOX CIGARS 25 IN BOX, JUST THE THING FOR CHRISTMAS PRESENTS Aloxandor t& Woodhousc, BROWER'S BLOCK, BLOOMSBURG, PA J. SALTZER, G-KIfESRAI AGENT, WEBER & HARDMAN PIANOS, KSTKY OROAJI8 ANI) SKW'ING JIACHIM5 SOLD ON MONTHLY INSTALLMENTS. T,IIM5ItAL DISCOCNT JIADi: 1'OR CASH. If you want a desirable Christmas Present buy tho MARVEL OUS ORGUINBTTE plays anything. Anybody can play it. STYLE Q. Prico $10 STYLE H. WITH ROLLER 14 0ABINETTA STYLE 30 MUSICAL CABINET WITH PEDALS 75.00 t Also for salo Iho MARVELOUS ORGANINA splentliiUc tion, sweet tone. MUSICAL 0A1UNET $20.00 MIQNETTE STYLE 10.00 Jt BAXjjT-'ZiEM, GlQiwml Agent, BJmmsbuxg,, Its Relief and Ouro ob certain as day follows day by Dp J. Sliorman's method With safety fromllio ilanirera of strangulation anil without tlio Injury trusses inillct. Tlioso wUliluir prool sboulrt send 10 cents lor Ills book.' out ilnUielUenerBosot bail easts before anil niter curo.alsovndcrsi'iucnts of profi'sblonal icenilemtin. MiuWers, Mereliants, Karmnri ft'il oili'rs who luvo been cured Trues and llupture sooner or later allect tlio nervous and mental system.brlnir on orifanlo diseases, Impotenev. do. stroy enoriry aud uncial deslres.uinUiij: tliuyouni; aud tlio old i-seless. Oiiices, 831 llroadnay, N, V , 31 Waluut St. riilla. Days for cousultallon.oafli wcolt-Now Yoik, Stondajs, Tuendays sua MatiudnyBil'lilla. Weduesdays, TliurJdays and I'rUlays, during Doo inber, after that every oilier Wutfc A BOOK OF 224 PAGES, THAT CAN BE HAD FREE By sending address on a postal card to JOHN WANAMAKl'K, PHILADELPHIA. JUST ISSUED, The New Descriptive Catalogue of the New Goods for Fall and Winter, 1 88 i and 882, Containing valuable information by which persons in all sections of the United States can avail themselves of city fashions and prices. Among the goods mentioned are Ladies' and Children's Shots. Men's and Hoys' Shoes. Rubber Goods, Trunks, etc. Silks, Satins and Velvets. Dress Goods. Mourning Goods. Ladies' and Children's Suits. Shawls and Cloaks. Ladies' Furnishing Goods. Hosiery and Gloves. White Goods and Laces. Notions, Zephyrs, etc. I'rinjcs and Embroideries. Ribbons, Ties, etc. Cloths and Cloakings. Kurs and Millinery. Underwear, Corsets, etc. Flannels and Muslins. Linens and Uiiholsteiy. House FurnishiiiR Goods. Men's and Hoys' Clothing. Gents' Furnishing Goods. Men's and Hoys' Hats. Hooks and Stationery. Toys and Games. Silverware. China and Glassware. Furnituie and Carpets. Orders by letter, whether large or small, receive the same exact attention as customers present in person. Money refunded for articles not as expected when received. No charge made for samples of Dry Goods, nor for postage on samples. Address, for samples or Catalogue, John Wanamaker, PHILADELPHIA. Our store, known as the Grand Depot, occupies the entire block on Market Street, from Thirteenth Street to City Hall Squire, and extends to Chestnut Street. The ground floor alone covers an area of about tin co acres. FINE WINES AMM MtyWWBB,. BLOOMSBURG, PA. WEBE?R--Hi.RDIVIA2Vr .iti PIAIsTOS, A FINK INLAID FBKNCII WALNUT CASK 0 IKAN, J) STOPS, $ A8H Unity ToriiiN, r'atlNiai.tloii tiuariintccu. BACOIST'S PIANO "WAEE BOOMS, WXLKHS-BAXtJIB, PA MUSIO HALL BLOCK, Junelu.'SUly 17STIIAY COW. CamotoUio nmiuleiuot Uio iiiulcrnlKiieil In Mir. nin township. NuveinOer litli, mil, a binall ilaric brlpUlo cow, ubout boven yemn oUl The owner win oall, pay ctiurires mid tttkahiir uwayor slio wlllba iltijiokwl ot uccorilliii lo law, Jlimta, Nov. Mill, UJi, Ul" AUiiV!J' Ary IV rv A YEAH una expenBti to ageni' V I I I Aiifiusta, MaUie, r nov. IM" SU11S0HI1I3 FOH TIIE COLUMBIAN.