The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, December 16, 1881, Image 1

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    i; .
Sdvcftislrig' fate
in in im eu it
ooMneh lion liw ism iw (so
Twolndires. inn i nn .no bod lino
Throo incbwi 4.x i " T.oo t n
rour Inches 9 on 1,1(0 tiu
ouartr.r column.... im h.iii lo.i iisim
Hair column law lion ir.uj mm
una column iw.oo avoii taiu um Iimivj
Yoorlr advertisement mv.iblo nuartorlr.
tent advertisements mutt bo iuM (or before Kivru-d
eicept where parties have aivimnw.
i Legal Advertisements two dollars per Inoh for thrre
Insertions, and at that rato for additional insertions
without reference to length.
Xjorntor's, Administrator's, and Auditor's no'.uvw
three dollars. Must bo paid for when Inserted.
Transient or Local notices, ten centa a line, rr-gulas
advertisement half rates.
Cards In the ''Bustnes.i Directory" column, on
. Tho.fobblntf department et thocotounnml tnr
complete, and our Job Printing will compare faiora. P EliWETjIi, 1 . .
blywlthlhatot tholartrccltlca. All work dono on J. K. BITTBM3EMDER f"lprieten.
demand, ncatlr and at moderat prloca. 1 ' " 1-"ti I r
Till! COIiUM II IAN, VOL. XV, NO. fin
Tle doltiiq'bi&q.
tipd Weekly, rtrry Prlilny tnnrnlni, nl
t f t 0 per year, M cents ihicount allowed
yhi iV.ud In advance. To subserltinrs out ot the
( omit tho terms aro M per your, strictly In advance.
rrN'ti paper discontinued except nt thn option of
. , .lulilljhcrs, until all arrearages nro paid, tut ioiu
'in lined erf tilts will not Imirlven. M
V papers; sent out of thostntoor to distant toxl .niustw paid for In advance, unions h renVin.
Pililr iH'raon In Columbia county nssumos to pay tho
sutiscrlpllon duo on demand,
jflb rtWTAflK Is no longer exacted from subscribers In
yUia cuonty.
W i JrOTaT' l-J l.T.Trrrr-KTra.
IcV IP I W 111 P I H II
p u, ukockwayI """
A T T 0 It N E Y-A T-L A W,
'' ColCmiuan Ilcit.biNo, Bioomsburg, Pa.
MembT 0( the United States Law Association,
Collections ro.nle in any part of America or Kuropo.
AUoi'noynt'ljaw., second floor from IM National Dank,
utooMSDuna ta.
omcj in Knt's Uuiluiku.
Bloombturs, Pa
offci on Main Street, first door below courtUouir
tiloomabvirtr, n.
ll.lct- over SeU'iylcr'3 Hardware Store.
ItloomsburBi Pa.
oniceln llrower'B bnlldlnc, second floor, room No.
1, Tiloomsburg, ra.
Attornoy-nt-3 jfxw.
omco corner of Ccntro and Main Streets. Clark's
Can bo consulted in Gorman.
May be found In KECOUllER'S OFFICE In the
Court House. i-ept.18, 'Sl,6-m.
' attorn ey-at-law,
New Columbian Hcildino, llloomsburg, Pa.
Member of tho United SUtcs Law Association.
Collections tnado In any rart ot America or Europe
8. KKOKIl.
Notary Public
A 1,1 ornoys-at-Law.
Ofllcoli llnrllnau's Illock, Corner Main and Slar
ket streets, llloonibburff, Pa.
8"'f'"it,v "'' bounties Collected.
' KT,
omcelnHrowcr's lf . one door below Urockway
; it-Law,,
omco In II. .J. flail. .iKniKiInt;, second floor,
Hofrman'B Hour and ft i-1 si nut
Oct. s, '80.
Oflleo In Mrs.
Enfa Building, tblrd dcor from Main
May no, 'Sl.
Attov noyat-LaWi
Jackson HuilditiR, Rooms -1 and C,
M. I.
colloetlons promptly made and romlttod. Offlco
opposite Catawl.iaa Deposit llauk m-3a
tst" ii. miAWN,
catawlssa, Pa.
OfUce, corner ot Tlilrd and Main Ptrcota.
L. FRIT., Law. Ofiice
, In llroekwaj'HllulWlntr, uno 'i, '81.
Curif, Pi
1IUCKINOIIAM, Atlorney.ftt.Lnw. Of
fice, llrockwni's DulldlnK let, floor, Illooms-
Pcnu'a. may 7, 'SO-t f
U. BARK LEY', Office
lo Urower's bulldlntr, 2nd story, ltooras 4 & 6
B. ROBISON, Attornoy-at-Law.
in nartmaii'a building, Main street.
U. WM. M. ItEHER, Surgeon and Physi
cian, omco Market atrect. Near depot.
R. EVANS, M. D Surgeon and Physi
clan, (omce and itesldencu on Third street
B. McKELVY, M. D., Burgeon and Phy
sician, north sldo Mala street, below Market.
omco, North Market Btrect,
Uloomsburg, Pa.
Oct. 1, T9.
R. I. L. R A IS IS,
Main Street, opposltu Episcopal Church, Dlooms'
Teeth oxtracted without rain,
Oct. 1, J87.
All styles of work dono In a superior manner, work
warranted as represented. Tkkto Kxtbact
kd without Paid by tho uso of Oas, and
freeot chargo vtlicn artlQclal teeth
are Inserted,
omco over Illoomsburg Banking Company,
Jo be open at all hours during the day,
Sowing Machines and Machinery of all kinds re-
OrxiiA Hocsii Building, Blooinsbarg, Pa.
TVVID LOWENBERQ, Merchant Tailor
Main St., abovo Central llotol.
B. KUIIN, dealer in Meat, Tallow, etc.,
centre streot, botween second and Third,
Tonsoviul Artist,
hu 013 stand under EXCHANGE 110
F '"I Ho respectfully bollclts tho patronage of
TTy 16 so-tf puouo generuuy,
orroniTU couitr house.
J;arB and eonvcnlont samplo rooms. Bath rooms
--" nuiir, uuu un inoueru oouvonieuMi
The Backus "Wafor Mo'or
ih Tin: most
Economical Power Known
It lakes but.llttlo room.
It never gets out ofjropalr.
It can not blow up.
It needs no fuel
It ncedi no englnoer.
There Isno delay; no tiring up; no ashes to clean
away; no extra iDWranco to pay; no repair
ing necessary; no cool bills to pay,
and It Is alwajs ready for use.
It Is Invaluable for blowing Church Organs, for
running rrtnt ng prcaws, Sewing Machines. Turn
ing I-atheB, Scroll Saws, Orlnd Stones Coffee Mills,
Sausage Machlui-s, I'ted Cutters, Corn Mills, Leva
tors, etc,
Pour horse power at to pounds pressure ot
Ills noiseless, neat, compact, steady, and above all
send for circular to the Dackus Water Motor Co.,
Newark, N, J stating name of paper you saw ad
vertisement In,
Price, $15 (of 3oo, Sept. so-tf
Cor. Centre and Kali Hoart Sts., near L. & 1). Depot.
Lowest Prices will not bo undorsold.
Manufacturer ot MINE CAH WHEELS, coal Ilrcak
cr and Bridge Castings, WaUr Pipes, Staves, Tin
ware, Plow?, IKON PENCE, and all kinds of Iron and
Draas C stings.
Tho 1 glnal Montrose, Iron beam, right hand
lelt hand, and side hlU Plows, the best In tho mark
et, and all kinds of plow repairs.
cook Stoves, Koom Stoves, and Stoves for heating
stoies, chool houses, churches, ic. Also the larg
est stock of repairs for city stoves, wholesale and
rcUill, such as Klru Urlck.Gratcs, Cross Pieces, Lldi
&c. tc, Stovo Pipe, Cook Boilers, Sktlltts, Cake
Plates, large Iron Kettles, ISO gallons to IX barrels)
farm Bells. Sl'd Soles, Wagon Boxes,
''Allentown Bone Manure"
Jan 9, 'so-ty
HU stock comprises Scarlet, White and ,Mlxtd
for Ladles, dents and Children, Cotton, Merino, ana
Woolen I10SIEKY, Ladles' Nubias, Hoodl and
Oloves, Laco and Embroidered Collars and
Tics, Plain and Fancy Neckwear,
and Bows, Ladles and Gents pics, Earrings,
and Chains, dents Castor, Buck and Kid, lined
and Unllned
Shoulder Braces and Suspenders L'nnlUaii Jackets,
BlueShlrts and Overalls, Alpaca, uitujlum and
Cotton Umbrellas, Writing Paper, Envelopes,
Flour Sacks, Grocer's Bags, and
To arrive, a variety of Corsets, Including Dr.
Warner's Flexlblo hip and
Making h's purchases as he does of manufacturers
and their agents he proposes;to mako prices that
wlilcomparo favorably with the best
Oct. SS Nl t-f
Tho uptown Clothier, has Just received a tine lino
ui pitsw uuuui, tiiiu is I'll pun U II1UKU UJI
For Men and Boys In the neatest manner and latest
I-TatSi Cnps. &o
Always on hand. Call find Examine. EVANS' BLOCK
Corner Main and Iron streets,
Has Durchascd IheSto- k and Business of I. Hacen-
buch, and Is now pirpared to do all kinds of work
in ins line, riumomg nna ucs inui g ukpcciuuy.
Tinware, Stoves,
In a great variety. All work dono by
Main Street corner of East,
iiLoo.Msmmr;, pa.
Announces to I hu public that he la pit-pared tot
all kinds of
Custom Tailoring,
promptly and at reasonable prices. Now Is the sea
son for a
And Tlngle ' thn place to get a proper fit,
Satisfaction Guaranteed.
Shop over Blllmeyor'a Oroccry, Corner ot Main and
iciuro suct-ia,
1; cv. Uoyer s new building, Main stroet, Blooms
uurg, ru.
A'.tnn insuranro Co , ot Hartford, Conn, iT.0T9.W4
itoyai of Liverpool,,,
Fire Association. Philadelphia 4.ias,tit
PlKontx, of London , ,
London LancntJilre, of Englaud,,. ,, l.lov.vm
llartforl of Hartford
Springfield Flrv utul Marine ,Ob,s
Ai tho ajeucles ate dlitct, rt-lhlr oie Miltu mfo
the Insured wihout any ft tj in tie (nee
uioomsuiirg, r, vf, l
Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago,
Backacho, Sorenoss of fho Chost, Gout,
Quins, Sore Throat, Swell'ngs and
Sprains, Burns and Scalds,
Gonoral Bodily Pains,
Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frosted Feet
and Ears, and all other Pains
and Aches.
No Preparation nn earth equals St. Jacob On. as
a i'r,ri',lm;ifnaml thrnp External Itemed-.
A trial ciiliilh but the comparatively trilling outlay
of no i'rniH, mid every olio MUUrlni; with pain
can have cheap anil ltlve proof of Its claluu.
Iilrecllinu lu l'.lcven Uinguage'.
Jlrtlflinnrr, Jftf., V. 8. A.
Pitting of SMALL
POX Prevented.
Ulcers punned and healed
Gangreno preveUed and
Ds senary cured,
wounds healed rapidly,
bcurvey cured In short
Contagion destroyed.
mck uooms pvinea ana
mado pleasunt.
Fevered and Mck pet sons'
iTetter dried up.
ii. is penccuy narmiess
For sore throat It Is u sure
reiieveci aim rerresncu
by bathing Willi I'rophy
lastlc Fluid ndded to the
Soft Unite Complexions
iwuureu vy us uso in
Impuro ulr made har.n-
le-s ana nurinen liv
sprinkling Darby's Fluid
To purify tho breath.
Cholera dissipated,
ship Fever prevented by
Cieanso the .Teeth, It1
can't bo surpassed.
Catarrh lelleved
us une.
In cases of death In the
Erysipelas cured
house, it should always
be us,eil about thecorpse
Scars prevented. . unpleasant smell.
UUIU1 iUUCteu lUllUlillir. U will nmi'iint nnv
iteinoves an unpleasant An Antiiinm (nr Animal
or egctable Poisons,
I stings, xc.
UtlUKvI uil.l Ulllllliui ui
sickrooms nud hoiplt
i als removed by Its
uso. ""
In fact It Is tho great
rni i-AiiKi) nv
J. H. ZEILIN & Co.,
C. 33. SAVAGE,
Silverware. Watches, Jewolry.Clocc .&c
kinds of WatchcB. clocks and Jewelry nea'
) repaired ana warraniea.
may u, io-ii
Ni'iiraluiii, Sprains,
I'iihi In tin- liar!
nml Hldo.
T.'ieie 1-t ii"ililtig iimw p- lnful than thes
disease.; but th i I n moved and
the dU-jso cured - . r'orry Dnvls'
Pain Killer.
Tht-i ri-nit-ily In inl : ilienp llontlna
or l'rtri)l4Mitn pntitucl Unit iiiui.t hu kept
anay fi-niu llro ir 1i(-iit tu uviilil ilnuger
tif cpliiMluii, lutr 1a It nn untried export
nifiit that may do inoir harm tliun gourt.
Pnln Klllor lna been In uso
for forty years, and Up u lv rsal testimony
from all parts ot th wuld Is, It novor
falls. It not only i-r.ectsa lK-imaneut cure,
but It rellevi s pain oliuost Instantaneously.
Being n purely table rcuudy, It Is sate
In the hands . f tho m st Inexperienced.
The record i.f tuna by tho Uso ot Pain would llll viluins. The following
extracts trnm l.-f -rs ri civet! show what
those who have Ul d K U.lnl.i
Edjar Cady, Ov.utcnna, Minn., says :
About II i - U'Xi lll lli Ik.-c.uiii) HUuJoct
to urn-re ik' fi-niu iheiimatli-in our
wort v-i t I " i'.vri Kili Lit, UU h njtolilr
rollaietl h.u
Charles Paw I v H:i! from the Sailors'
Home, London:
I had ly-t-ii allLU'Usl tliru- ymw with netirftlida
and viulunt-i'tumiHuf tin- Htninali 'Iht-ilnctora
at Wwtliitii-t' r UoiMttl -u,u up my rami lu
deapalr. 1 Irl 1 your 1'ain Kili iii.uimI 11 ma
nio Ualncill-tu llllfcf. I havi rrirntheil 111 V
tmigtri. au I uiu lion ftblo to f lluw my uaurd
a. II. Walworth. Eaco,Me,,W!ltes:
I eilt-riclu't'd llnlraillutu ll-litf trolil lain m
tha aide by ttiu 1 1 ) our Pais Ku.leh.
I.York Baya;
I h&euiti!i!)our 1'in K11 1 rit forrtieuumtlrni,
fc ami hate rf-micd Krt-ut Uuillt.
Barton Seaman says ;
Hate uM l'is Kil l Lit fnf tlilrtj- jian".
and liata found It a titKiyuiOf j itituly for
rheilinatlHiii ami Imueuead.
Mr. Burdlttwzltes:
It nt t r r'tiiu ttttrlt o n lit-f In raam rt rht'iiniLUi-lii.
Phil. QUbert, Somerset, Pa., writes :
Prom actual uw, know our Pain Kii i ni
la the beat meJItluu 1 tan Ktt.
All drugglsta keep Pain Kiit.tu. us puce
O so lotT that It Is wllhln tho reach of all.
ind It A 111 savo many times Its cotl lu doetni
WU 3Sc, SOc. and 81.00 a bottle. I
TERRY DAVIS & SON, Proprietors,
Provldonco, ft. I.
Kiratsikis THK ioiiwimi
I.ycoinlugof Miincy Piii.n'-ylianta.
North, American of 1'hlladuiphla, Pa,
rranlsllu ot " "
Pennsjlvanla ot " "
Farmein of York, Pa.
Hanover of New York,
Manhattan of Now Voii.
Ofllw on Market btr't, Vo 3, Mcvmsburg
oct, , t.iy
0 i:0ll(li: J:. MMO.V, AU'y at J.utr,
D.inH Ctri.tP'l nrillr.lli-1 fill l' I'v.lhli.iillnn
and Opinion us tuPutentabllltv.ftir wilch mninrge
Is made. If reported patentiiLIf) no 1 harpo f or nor-
vice3 Truss ntitttaaiui, ntuti lur pampiiii-i ot in
timet Ions.
TIIK Fllllll.KI'.
Somttlmes It jou listen listen
When the sunlight fades M gray,
You will hear a strange miisliian
At tho quiet close of day ;
Hear n strange ond quaint muilclan
on hMnlirllMolccd flddlo play,
tie bears a curious flddlo
On his coat ot shiny blank.
And draws tho bow acres tho string
In rrcWccs and In crock ;
Till tin sun cllmbsup the lnoiiutnl.t
And Hoods tho earth with light,
You will hear this slrango musician
I lu) lug-playing nil tho night 1
Sometimes underneath the hearth stone,
Sometimes uudcrneath tho floor,
He plays the tamo shtlll music,
Plays the same tune o'er and o'er ;
And sometimes In tho pasture,
Beneath a cold gray stone,
Hu tightens up tho sinews,
And llddlos all alone t
It may bo In the autumn,
I-'rom the corner of your room
You will hear tho shrill-voiced flddlo
sounding out upon tho gloom i
If jou wish to seo llio player,
Softly fellow up tne sound,
And jou'li 11 nd a daik backed cricket
Fiddling out a merry round 1
Henry IHiIcij Don in ) 'uiilh't Cbniianion.
Wakeful I lay, ntnlgnt, and hoird
Tho pulsing of tho restless sea.J
Tho inoaningsurges
founded Uko dirges
From far back eternity,
Whoso spirits from tho diep aro stlrr'd.
Awaking with the morning light,
Again I l.slened to tho Boa !
But villi its surges
Wo heard no dirges,
But only llfs's activity!
Morning d spilled the glo .m ot nlgit.
At noon 1 sauntered forth to view
'fho throbbing of Hut living sja ;
still It was surging,
But only urging
All men to be both strong nnd free
Strong In the soul, with conscience truo.
At closing dayonco more I stood,
(lazing ucross that mighty bcu j
Par ships were sailing j
The light was falling ;
Time, lost In Immortality.
It Is the mind, and nottln place.
Our moods, and not a var) lug vole J,
That tills n Ith sadness,
Or thrills with glidnos,
A soul with one great ruling choice
Ucllects In all things Its own face.
Select Story.
ni:w UKANcit or tup. i-oitai. sntvici:.
A short time since the London Tele
graph, which is always saying somn-
tlniig to get somebody into trouble, pub
lished' an article relative to the engross
ing partiality which the domestic cat
leels lor its home, its vehement yearning
return thither when circumstances
over which it 1ms no control have resul
ted in its transfer to unfamiliar localities,
mid all that sort of tiling, winding up by
giving an interesting account ot how cer-
ain eminent Dutch naturalisls had util
ized Grimalkin as a letter carrier made
sort of carrier-pigeon of tho cat in fact.
Of thirty-seven cats carried miles from
their native village and turned loose
with letters tied around their necks not
011c tailed to get back to the starting
point in time.
Well, young .Mr. 1 illmgliastt, out on
West Hill, read this article, and a ro
mantic conception occurred to him right
on the spot. While ho was burning a
limited ipiantily of old .fudge Dieflien
baugh's and just ruining Miss HieiT-
eiibatiglis bangs that evening, he told
Mil - DielTenbatigh all ab mt it. Happy
scheme! born 01 loves emergencies.
Mr. Tillinghast would carry Klfrida's
beloved maltese homo with him that
night. The next evening, when the
stars were shining, and the presence of
the old .Judge, returned from circuit,for-
bado (Jliirence about tho premises, the
maltose home returning would bear,bound
to its neck by a silken cord, a memo-
nudum of Clarence, his undying affec
tion, and one thing another
Clarence loved thu maltese for its mis
tress sake; but it 1 11st e.illed for all
the love he had in the warehouse before
ho got it home, Tho maltese was one of
the fiery, untamed Ukraine breed ; blue
is smoke, with a tail liken second growth
bologna sausage, and weighed about
twenty three pounds. Its name was
Uleopatra. It was really a Mark Antony
cat, but -Miss 1 'Hteubaugh called it Uleo
patru because it was such a pretty name.
ou can never tell whether a cat has
a right to vote or not by tho name a girl
gives it.
Air. I illiiighii-.l tucked the cat under
his coat a well as ho could, but the cat
stuck out fore and aft. Vainly ho strug
gled with it, bowsprit or spanker would
stand out 111 spite ot him. And when
lie was about halt way homo ho met a
group of friends, ladies and gentlemen,
returning from some festive and cxpon
hive ice cream saloon. They accosted
him, and ho had to let go with onu hand
to lilt his hat, and as ho did so Uleopatra
. i . 1 1 ... 1 1 , .
jjoi ins neiui 0111 aim yeueu lor iresn air
in a tone that blighted the lilacs and
threw one of the ladies into hysterics,
Appalled by tho fearful sound and its
terrible conseiiiieni'i', -Mr. Tillinghast
was burning on, when one of tho gen
tleinau collared him and told him that
in his opinion it was a verv biutakcow
ardly trick, and one that no gentleman
would bo guilty ol, and I10 believed Mr,
Tillinghast never would havo done it had
he not been intoxicated, and ho would
expect an explanation and apoloiiv from
I. .. ...1 , 1
mm wneii lie was souer.
(neatly depressed in spirit, Mr. Till
ini'iiast pursued ins homeward way,
Cleopntia occasionally clawing his ribs
in a maniier that indicated an early
grave. Often the eiratiu eccentricities of
Cleopatra compelled tho young man to
weep aloud, but thev reached homo at
hist. Cleopatra curled up on tho foot of
tho bed and purred Inmsell to sleep with
thu calm content of a cat that had made
a substantial lunch of thu human ribs.
and Mr. Tilliuglnst sat tip tho gieater
part 01 tho night writing a letter lull ot
poetry, and bathing his lacerated body.
Next evening ho mado ready to sen'd
1.! . 1 1 1 .... ... ...
111s iiit-HM-ugei miine. 111 inner 10 in
crease the cat s "vehement yearniiiL'"
return home, Mr. Tillinghast had fed it
nothing during tho day, and Cleopatra
in tho frenzy of hunger, Ind chased im
aginary rats about the room until there
wasut lutt in it aplee.'of fragile furiii
tuio big enough to break attain. Tho
only thing that wasn't scratched was tho
coiling, mid tho only thing that wau
broken was the hammer.
"If," said Mr. Tillinghast, holding his
lacerated hands in a bath of water and
sodn, after tying his letter caiefully
aioiind Cleopatra's neck with a blue lib-
bon, "if your 'yearning' to return home is
one half so vehement as initio is to have
you return thither, you will bo in the lap
of your angelic mistress beforo 1 can (hiii door ngain. Go, messenger ol
love that is deep as the sea md deathless
as eternitv. tro, tell the heart that holds
my own that pens Of fire could not write
the scrolls ot nihility one-halt my
Anil so he opened tho door. Clo jp.i
tru went out into the gloaming with tho
nir of a cat who was just going to say
something like that anyhow when he
suggestcdit. Mr. Tillinghast did not
appear to notice this peculiar expression
011 Cleopatra's countenance. lie was
looking nt the Bky.
"l he stars arc shining, lie saui, "she
looking for my message and she is
thinking of me."
And Miss lJiffenbaugh t
She was sitting in her lonely bower,
looking out into the star-lit nig!it,sayiiig,
His messenger, with leet ot silence, is
oven now on its way to tell me he loves
me yet. I ieel his presence near me.
in the meantime Cleopatra was car
rying out his contract after the approved
manner of a veteran Star routo contrao
tor. Ho got along very well for a ciuar
tor of amiie,aud was makingprettygood
tune, when, while streaking down a
loiiesomo alley, ho suddenly paused nnd
aid :
"I hope to die if I don't smell fish."
And while hu was exploring the ash
ile, hu was suddenly accosted by a
onesome cat on tho woodshed.
"Say, old indigo blue, shinny on vour
own sido I"
"Watchuci.iuus f growled Cleopatra,
just glancing up long enough from tho
old mackerel to tako the woodsiieddem
"I'll trouble you for that fish, if you
"All right, said Uleopatra, 1 11 leave
you tho bones when 1 m through wttn
The strange cat reached out to take
tho savory fish aud Cleopatra smote
him, In less time than it takes to tell it
he stood that cat in the corner of the
fence and whipped enough hair off him
to stuff a sofa cushion. And tho wailing
cat dragged its lacerated body down
the drain, Cleopatra resumed his fish, rc-
1 1. -l-Jl , -! 1.1 1.
marking, as uu tiuugeu a pa3iug uiauit-
uig brush, that he Loiieved, as long as
ho was out, he'd sit up a little while and
havo some fun with thu bovs.
And ho had it. He went down the
alleys and danced to everything he met.
He nearly tore the ear oil a smart kitten
that got up on a woodpilo and sassed
him and asked him "where ho picked up
that paper collar." Ho prowled through
back yards, and almost horrified the lite
out ot a most highly respectable elderly
tortoise-shelled tabby, sitting in the
kitchen window, by creeping up close
under the windoA', and then roaring out
to know if "she danced tho lancers.
He scalped a harmless Mexican dog all
the way down the bare back, in six red,
raw lines, nnd shouted after the anguish
stricken animal to "run "lotne and put
on his hair !" Ho was hit once with an
old kerosene torch that perfumed up like
political procession, and hu crawled
through an old drain back of the soap
!:s, and canio out smelling worse
than an Indian pio nic. At last hu heard
music over in "Stony Lonesome," and
went there and found tho boys were hav
ing a littlu dance, and thu first thing ho
did when he went he spat at the bar-
eper and shipped a one-eyed cat from
"Pile onto me by thousands!" hovelled.
I'vu got jiiit one nit re eye than I
want lo take home!
And they didn't wait for a second 111
vitation. They piled onto him then and
there, and tho babbling brook that prat
tles through the rocks of Stony Lone
some, when it heard the wild, unearthly
clamor, turned back and ran up hill, and
dumb terror watched tho circling
clouds of misty hair drifting about in tho
alluy below.
In Judge Diffenbaugh's hospitable
parlors his chosen friend lingercd.tliough
the hour was late. At the piano Miss
Dieffenbaucrh dreamily wandered through
the entrancing numbers of "Schubert's
Cradle Son''." There was a familiar
voice at the gate that made her heart
beat wildly. Tho voice caino across the
lawn. It was Cleopatra. And this was
what he was saying:
"Iloop-pec! 1 can lick thu hrst bloody
brindlo son of a rat-catcher that ever
climbed a fenco ! Whoop ! I'm the old
he Hashi Hazouk from Augular street, an'
don't you ferfurgizit ! !
IJance to me, somebody ! 1 only weigh
a pound I And then that apparition
that mockery of a respectable, home
bred catstrodo into ,)udgo iJillen
baugh's parlor, aud everybody climbed
on tho tables and chair. iHiss uineii-
baugh fainted. Tho old Judge swore,
Cleopatra laughed sardonically, and re
marked that ho "had been out all oight,
and ho was gettui to bo a big boy now.
His hair was mainly gone, and what hu
had left was not combed. His face
was scratched. One eyo was closed
His cars hung loose aud limp. lie I110
cuped in his speech, and tried to sing
"Uld uaken liucket. Around his neck
still clung the bluo ribbon and a letter,
crumpled, torn, stained, unsavory. Tho
Judge received tho letter with a
pair of tongs, and Cleopatra was banish
ed to the barn, which tlio shrieking rats
deserted forever when thoy saw him
ootuo in. Order was restored in the
parlor, and tho Judge road the letter to
Ho did not divulge its contents.
Tho terrified guests thought, and still
think.that it was a Mluiist warning,
I hu Judgo did not show tho letter to
Ins daughter.
lie simply told her that if over that
inflnito ass, young wlmt's-his name, came
around that liouso again he would pnl
verizo his brainless carcass with the
lawn mower.
Mr. Tillinghast still lives a blighted
despairing life. Ho has gone out of thu
mail service, and leaves all experiments
111 star routes to other parties. imruette.
Pain and weakness of lungs, liver
kidnoys and urinary orgam relieved bv
using Urowns iron Ulttors.
A publlo lecturer, in speaking of the
"modern degeneracy of women," ex
claimed! "Wo must now tako good
care 01 our grandmothers, lor wo shal
never get uny more."
Cadet "Whittaker now appears as
concert manager. Wo wero aware- that
ho had nil ear. but wo did knou- llint It
' wns musical.
Zacli Cliniitllrr on Hayes,
"Zach" Chandler was a profane man,
and in his own forceful phrase, "the
Hayes crowd was pizen" to him. It is
unnecessary to make uny further r.lltislon
to tins ipiestionablo habit, evenpt to
nay that when he is unfiled the leader
may lard the conversation at his pleas
ure. The listener to whom Air. Chand
ler made proclamation of his hopes and
intentions had brought a message to tho
Senator from Mr. Hayes. The message
was to the efFect that Air. Hayes desired
closer communion with tho Stalwarts,
lie had announced to a fiiend who hnd
given tho message to him, who now de
livered it to Mr. Chandler, that he saw
no reason for any difference between the
Stalwarts and himself! while lie recog
nized the fact that the satnu forces in the
Kepublican party which put them out
put him in, he had never used the power
of his administration ntrainst them.
Sincu hu had been elected President, Lo
gan and Carpenter and Chandler had all
comu back into public life without any
opposition from him or his adniinistra
tieii. He hoped they could bo friends.
Tlio messauc was delivered. Then the
old man broke forth. He was almost
whito witli rage, as he walked back and
forth in the littlu room. When hu found
his voice he shouted out; "Hayes is the
most wonderful liar I ever saw." He lies
all the time and on every subject."
Then, loosening his necktie, and L'alh-
eriug himself up for a disclosure that ho
intended should go down to poster it v.
he told tho story of how Hayes oneetried
to use him, on the pretence that lie
wanted to bo friends with thu Stalwarts.
somewhat as follows: "Don't tell mu
anything iuore that comes from tlmtliar.
I know him as no oneeKe knows him: I
know him through and through. Whv
I made him President of the lnited
States, and every man, woman and child
in the L nitcd btates.except Ilaves.knows
that. He is an ungrateful, cowardly
liar!" and the old man's wrath almost
choked him. He went on: "Why, when
his administration began I went to him
and told him that if hu would send
Cluistiancy down to Peru, nothing in
God's world could stop my joining flack
to the Semite, and I wanted to be on at
least equal terms with a Hepublican Pre
sident as a Confederate Senator would
be. 'Oh, my dear Air. Chandler.' said
Hayes, 'is that what you want?! How ex
cellent thing it is that you have comu
to me in this friendly may I say broth
erly? way. I love" the Stalwarts as I
do my own people; and nothing
would so fill my heait with gladness as
to have in ;the Senate some such Stal
wart as you are for a fiiend. Vou could
do so much toward making the factions
comu together into a more fraternal
union.' 'Is that all you want!' said I;
and tho old man roared bluflly after his
wont "Well, I'll fix that right oil'."
How can you fix it; said Mr. Haves.
'I'll fix it vou leave it to me.'
" 'Hut how can you' said he. 'Givo
i dinner party,' said I. 'Vou invite
twenty and I'll invito twenty and we'll
arrange it over a glass of wine. Oh, you
needn t be afraid. Ill pay all thu bills.
It won't cost you anything. Vou just
invite your twenty, and I'll givo you a
list of my twenty.'
"Well, I went away and Haves never
had that dinner party. I was elected Sen
ator, aud Confederate Senators had a
good deal more influence at thu White
House than I ever did. Once only 1
heard from that dinner. One night I
was sitting in my room and ISvarts came
in. I didn't exactly know what business
he could have with me and I waited to
hear. We talked about the weather
and passed thu timu of day, and the
chat got nther dull.when Kva'rts cleared
his throat once or twice and finally stam
mered out: 'We' those fellows always
saui we, as though they were afraid to
stand alone 'We have come to the con
elusion not to have that dinner as you
suggested, but I'll give one at my house.'
'Well, I don't care low itV given, all
I care for is to do it. Vou can give
the dinner or I will, I don't care o long
as it is given.'
"Kvarts went away.aud I never heard
of thu dinner again. Hayes thought he
could keep us along and make us'stand
by him by lying to us and pretending
that he wanted to bu fiicnds to us."
I he old man told other (dories on this
interesting occasion. Among other
things ho told how Hayes came to veto
the Army bill. Chandler had taken Air.
Chrintiaiicy's placu dining thu winter of
18(11, and was present at the extra ses
sion, during which what was known as
tho political legislation was under con
sideration, flu was the loud-mouthed
hanipion of thu retention of all extreme
ineasures that had been put on the stat
ute books during the war and during
tho period of reconstruction. Hu was
then, as always, thu incarnation of stal
wart licptiblicuni.stn. And then, as al-
:iys, Hayes was very weak, and very
untrustworthy, it was generally believed
up to the last moment that he would
sign the bill restricting, a it did, the
usu ot troops at thu polls. The Stalwarts
were in a tronzv. I hey looked upon
such a cour.-o as a biw surrender to the
Democrats. They regarded it as giving
ui) soinu ot the dear-bought fruits ol tin
war. The rumors that Air. Hayes would
sign the bill spread, until on the night of
thu L'Oth of Apiil, Chandler made up his
mind that he would compel the Presi
dent to veto u. Mr. Haves was still
keeping up the pretence that he desired
the friendship ot Air. Chandler and the
other Stalwarts, and so Mr. Chandler
took advantage of his friendly status am
novo around to tne Into lloiisoat
midnight. I here ho made speech after
speech to mo mild luaiiueied man tor
wnose projected dinner party nu was
to pay. They were Uko tho spceche
that hu bellowed out in the Semite, ad
milting that he believed in llio mvessi
ily of blood-letting when the war began
Ho proposed to sit up with llayo until
n veto message had been signed. "I was
going to stay by him," ho said, "and if
he'd havo gone to bed I'd huogot into
inu same bed. lite end was that 'lav
signed thu veto message, and the Army
1 Ml i" 1 I i
ii i ii iiuieii io ueeoiuen law.
Hour after hour wis consumed bv
the excited and angry Senator in laviiiL
bare Hayes' duplicity us ho called it. Ho
iieiiuiiueeii unit lor aiuioit every crime
on the calendar.and among other thiinis
ior his hypocrisy about spending money
mi campaign purposes.
"Of course ho spent money," he roared
"but ho used mine. I didn't believe lu
his cint about purity and nil that, for ho
neggeu ino ior money himself, and
gave him S:i7,0J0 to bo spent in his own
State. What do you think of thai?
Taking money from outside to In- usi-d
in his own State, Did vou ever hear of
meanness greater than that? Hut I mado
him send for the money over his own
signatuie, and I've got 'the letter now.
I made, the drafts, too, payable to his
order. He'd better not deny all this
history, for I vo got the drop on him.
He knows better than to mako an issuo
with me on that subject. I'll let day
light into the transaction of that cam
paign if ho does. Ho got my money
aim used it. i novor ret used money to
anybody who could do the Republican
party any good with it. and the cam
paign eostmuagood deal of hard money.
When I got through and figured up'l
was out $,'17,000. And then, what do
you think Soinu months afterward tho
treasurer of the committee came to mo
with bills for odds nnd ends. About
S 1.000 was due s and I told him to go
to Hayes. I had done enough for him,
and he might pay his own bills in the fu
ture. Well, thoy went lo Hayes." Hero
thu old m in stopped and laughed till his
faeo grew red and the tears streamed
down his cheeks. Several times hu
Blurted to go on, but tho laughter choked
him. "Why," he continued, "what do
yon suppose ho did then? Did he pay
lW Vou don't know Hayes. Xo, sir;
this civil service r,former,'this canting
author of order No. I, directed that an
order should be issued to the clerks of
thu departments, to the effect that they
must pay up their political assessments.
He did, actually, and the order was
printed; and wc had lo get in our work
pretty fast to htop it. Iliad to pay that
84,000 with the rest."
This is a sample of the way "Zach"
Chandler talked about the man he made
President of tho Tinted States. It is
rude and rough and may not strike pleas
antly upon thu cars ol the vountr ltetinb.
iieans of Massachusetts; but I got my
liilormaliou troiu one whom I havo al
ways found trustworthy, and tends to
bring to light the truth of history. Air.
Chandler ditl not hesitate to talk amonrr
the friends of Air. Haves in hist this
way. Perhaps this may exnlain whv
Air. Hayes refused to purchase a copy of
"The Life of Zachariah Chandler."
... . . i j
if miry L. Aehoii, in the Jhston Post.
Science In Everything.
now A mh nii si'ii:.vnsr cvcKiMUk-vTi'ii
Willi I.IVHKY llli AMI Sl ltl'IllSLIi A
I'.Mit nr i.ovmis.
Science is a big thing, but there may
sometimes bu too much of it. Thn
Rtrflrotul Advertiser relates a casein
point. A certain scientist learned that a
young man had engaged a buggy at the
livery stable and bribed the liveryman to
allow him to experiment on the 'buggy.
The following was the result;
'i'he young scientist put a small elec
tric lamp on the lower part of the dash
board, out of sight of the driver, and ran
small copper wires to the back of the
seat. It is well known to the student of
nature that when a brunette young man
and ablondu girl, who act as tho positive
and thu negative that is, ho is posi
live that he will put his arm around her,
and she negatives tho arrangement along
uUirst until, after dark, there is a cer
tain electric current established, small in
itself, but of great power it carefully
husbanded. Vou have all felt it. It is
like your arm getting asleep or hitting
your funny bone on the arm of a rocking
chair. Well, this wire was placed so that
the arms of the young peojilo would
touch it. Just as they wero passing
Fitzgerald's, there b the toll gate, they
began to snug up, and before they got
to Linderniaii's the little lamp began to
throw out light. It went under the horse's
feet and lit up tho road for several
rods, aud the young people were alinsst
a much astonished as the horse was.
They thought I here was somebody fol
lowing them with a lantern, and they
straightened up ami the light went out.
ivery little while they would get to
gether and kiss eaeli other slyly, and im
mediately the light would blaze up. The
girl was really frightened, and insisted
on tho young man sitting on his side of
the buggy, and ho was a littlu frightened
the first few times the light flared up ;
but as he came out to hug, he was going
to hug if it turned night Into dav : so he
went to lying to her about the horse be-
ing a phosphorus horse. He said thero
were somu horses so full of phosphorus
that when tlivv got wanned un a little
from diiving they shed light all around.
1 hen they got nearer and tne electricity
igain appeared, and for an hour they
ode along in thu evening by the bright
,'ht. Tho young scientist passed thuin
number of times in another bu?ffand
hu is so well pleased with tho'exneri-
itient that he will apply for a natent.
f he young lady was very much annoyed
it the tpieer light, and while she cannot
:iy she did not eniov the ride, she has
requested her escort to be careful next
time when they go out riding and not
get a phosphorus horse. Tho young man
when he got back lo the stable, told the
It . , ,. , .
liveryman mat tuai was tne lightest rig
he ever drove, and he wanted a calcium
light tho next time hu took his girl out.
I her will know what caused the light
when they read this. It is getting so
uieru is electricity in everything,
i mer is so common that few nersDiis
think of it as the most important factor
in the building up and civilization of tho
woild. lut water was also Gods builder
ot the world, as we see it. Thu rocks
were mud and sand made bv water and
laid down by it. onukiudun top of another,
f'.tnl i.l...,t. 1 1...
- i , miiMi ui ii,iiii5, ,n uuviTL'ii up uy
water, so umt tne rotten plants wero kept
there and changed to coal. Veins of lead.
copper, gold, silver, crystals, were cracks
:.. t l... nn.. i ...!. . .... .
in un- iuciv, HiitMi wmi water mat tiait
these precious things dissolved in it. And
water, as ice (glaciers), ground up rocks
into earin, in winch plants can groiv.
tiiin mill ctt'iioiiio li . .1 ,! ... i .-v .1., i I i.
Wntni-hiiil.u ,.in.c r.i .,..!. ,k, .'
..." I1:' ,lulv
is water. When you pav twenty cents
for a peek of potatoes'vn'u are reall v pay.
ing lilleen of the cenls for the water that
is in the potatoes. A boy who weighs
i .i ... .' i. r ,J .. ..."
v ---
..i.ri.iv i.Mi,,,, if ..O..C....1.. .i..:.. i ?...
v 1 '"IIMMni II I'll It LIV til It'll 111).
would weigh only twenty i.nm.dV Ami
i it,,,-., ,. m i... ;.. n.JJ.. . !.i....
water. It i.iu.t dissolve thing's to maku
them into new things; and carries them
where they aro wauled to build thn new
tilings, It softens the food, and then ns
a watery blood carries tho food to overv
iiait of tho body to mako now flesh and
bones, that wo may grow and havo
strength. It carries the food up into the
plant. Water carries lnau and goods
in boats, and, as steam, drivos his cars,
makes the wheels go in the factories,
... i,iu iitt-iuiit-a,
d wo could not
And it makes
io world.
it i.i .i sniii' mi'imt, -11111 wo could not
get u'ong without it.
much of the beauty in the world.
BaantmnaanavaavaaaiMaannk. wau.
Odd Items.
What is the dillercnco between chari
ty and n tailoi? The first covcra a inul
titude of sins; the second a multitude ol
For colio and grubs, for lung fever,
cough or hide-bound, I give Simmons
Liver 1'egulntor (liquid) in onu ounce
doses; or ono tcaspoonful of the powder
iu a mash twice a day. Vou can ro
commend it to any having stock as tho
best medicine known or the abovo coin
plaints. In using it with my chickens
for cholera and grapes, I mix it with the
dough and feed it to them onco a day.
lty this treatment I havo lost nono
where the Regulator was given prompt
ly and regularly. K. T. Taylor, Agent
for Grangers of Georgia.
The Flathead Indians arc praised be
cause they saw wood for their wives.
isut they did not get their names tor any
such reason.
Old umbrella and buggy tops are now
being utilized by ladies for theatre hats.
The demand tor lliem almost equals that
for Confederate bonds.
Tako AVer's Pills for all the purposes
of a purgative, for constipation, indi
gestion, headache and liver complaint.
15y universal accord they aro the best of
all purgatives for family use.
A new style of dress goods is called
"Alan in tho Aloon." Some other man
ufacturer is sure to eclipse it with a new
flic great scarcity of cabbages this
year. leads a contemporary to tietcci a
slight flavor ot tobacco in Connecticut
iivils io in: Avoinr.n.
Over-eating is in one sense as product
ive of evil as intemperance in tVinking.
Avoid both, and keep the blood purified
with IJttrdock Blood Bitters, and you
will be rewarded with robust health and
aniuvigorated.systcm. Price 1.00, trial
size 10 cents.
"The health of Washington!" ex
claimed old Airs. Pinaphor, reading tho
big headline in the newspaper. "Why
I thought Washington was dead."
is hot WATint.
Orpha AI. Hodge, Battle Creek Mich.,
writes: I upset a teakettle ol boiling
hot water on my hand. I at once
applied Thomas' Eclectrio Oil, and the
effect was to immediately allay tho pain.
1 was cured in three days.
A lady in reply to some guests who
praised the mutton on the table said:
"Uh, ves, my husband always uuvs the
best: he is a great ipecac."
The Boston "Transcript" has discov
ered a man who never laughs when he
tells a joke. But adds that nobody else
laughs either.
E. Asenith Hall, Bingharaton, X. V.,
writes: "I suffered for several months
with a dull pain through left lung and
shoulders. I lost my spirits, appetite
and color, nnd could witli difficulty keep
up all day. My mother procured some
Burdock Blood Bitters; I took them as
c irectcd and have felt no pain since first
week after tiling them, and am now
quite well. Price 11.00, trial size 10
The four candidates for Representa
tives at the recent election in Salisbury
wero all sons-in-law of one man. Ho
found out what four scoundrels hit
daughters had married.
Air. William R. Seymour, of Colum
bus, O., writes: "I attended a course of
lectures several winters ago at the Ohio
Aledical College of Cincinnati, O. There
I was taught 'Iron is a prominent ele
ment in tho physical organism of man
kind; without it life is an impossibility,
a vast percentage ot the diseases and
premature deaths to which the race is
subject, is caused, or at least mado pos
sible by a weakening ot the body in con
sequence of a lack of iron in tho" -blood.'
Having suffered from ill-health, poor
digestion and miliary troubles ever since
1 recovered from typhoid lever, compli
cated with malarial lever, 1 determined
to give iron a trial. From investigation
I learned that Brown's Iron Bitters were
the best, and that they did not blacken
the teeth, so I concluded to make usu of
them. They have acted like a charm.
I never felt so robust, hearty and strong."
Spurgeon says that when vou meet a
mad dog you should never argue with
him, unless yon are sure of your logic.
It is better to get outol his way; and it
anybody calls you a coward, vou need
not call him a fool everybody knows
What do you think of XV "Can
didly, I don't like him ho has hidden
vices. A-ah! What are theyt How
do I know, when thev are hidden vices?"
A Air. Hargrave calls tho attention of
the London Times to the following case
of the resurrection of a tree. A fow
years back a great elm was blown down,
with a great ball ot earth at Us roots, on
the property of Air. Smyth, the rector of
Little Houghton. Alen wero set to work
to remove it, but when they had tawn
off tho great limbs, to their astonishment
and almost terror, the trunk rose up of
its own accord, and went back to its
original place, nnd there it stands to
this day. It is throwing out a fresh
head, and is pointed out as a curious case
I r .....
oi resurrection
A. B. Robinson, of Gineganset Cor-
ners, Uhonango county, ., is the
owner of a mammoth cooler, in which
ho has now stored about oOOO barrels of
eggs. Theso eggs aro purchased during
tho summer at very low prices aud pack-
,7 Mod away, and at this season thev aro
' snipped to Nuw York city, where tlioy
aro sold for good nriees ns "fi-esh.lni;i
Mr. Robison estimates his profits
thii: r , I, J"",,w
f?r 1 'i 9 TV1 20,OWU- ",ohT
"l801,0'1 "n? "H-1;,?, lW, C'1r,r0a,,,
1 .,luck,?., (a,,oul f)' fr,"
Ohio. Theso urn kent until Alrtv ti-ltm
inr i i uDiBni a iviil ni vvi i i i I . ,-x
. . ' - - v im-?
uiho. i nose aro kept until .May. when
1.1 '
B? " .wmim ot hrst-class restau-
rants in isow ork. It is understood
!lM a.s.l0CK V'01"")' to tormed at
Norwich, who will trausuut, thu same
business on a larger scale.
Speer's P. J. Hrandy, Port Grape
Wiuo and Wino Bitters havo an extern
sivo and reliable demand, Physicians
recommend them In preference to any
other goods of the kind. Speer's vine
yards at Passaic, New Jersey, are twelve
miles from New York, and his nine was
nines uoill aCW l OIK, nlHI HIS MII1C Was
awarded the highest pi eiiiium at the t'en
tennial. For sale by t A Ivleiin, drug
1 gist, Bloomsburg, Pa.