THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA, COTJN'jJM. About Winter Layers. A lMiilmlclphia .'OTrtiiwoMiotiilcnt writes: "Which linlnlioKoifliwrfor inyw in wintcrl1 It is oflon asked. Our reply in iilw.iya Hint It Is tlio fowl with thi' wannest (punters and good food, nut ns this Is not what is desired to he known, tho (Mieslion iTiiiiiot ho evaded. Vn lim... il.!.. .1.1.... r . rrwitiiflitn la nniit m . nur , .... . . '.. - v,"" nun oariy niniinity. nut as vu aro not nhto to make our hens lay and set early, wo may not ho fortunate enough to get early hatched pullets for a succeeding season. Wo can get early maturity, hptfovr, ii tho breed, and if -we can Imvo fowls manned before whiter sets in, WO will have eggs in winter, that is if Wo have boon" liberal ill feeding them. I law can Vb get caily maturity in the Brahma or Cochili' says an inquirer. If tho object 'm.cgcs, and tlnj piirity of tho breed undesirable, crpss. them with a Leghdrh oo(k. Stich a ' cross is an ad mlrublo otic. Wo lifivi! known pullets of this cross to communce layinrf in Octo bcr and keep it up Mntil moulting time tlio succeeding yenr. Tho cross reduces tho Braluna mo, injuring them some what as market i-hiefis, but imparting a greater degree .of. vigor and stamina than is possessed by the iarents. flic Plymouth Hocks aro good, winter Livers, b.ut unless they aro bred carefully,) will disappoint those who try them. Being a "mudi" breed, if bred In-and-in, tlioy revert, mort or less to their origi nals, and each succeeding season finds, them less prolific and loss remunerative. Kviiry one 'who desires g6od results from Plymouth BockH should chango the cookb, annually, by procuring now ones from yards at a distance, thus preventing relationship. Among the several good crosses, ox, cepting the use of the Leghorn, which lavs at the age of live months, wo can rely on a cross of tho Dominick and tho Brahma, the Iloudau and tho Cochin, and tho Plymouth Hock with the common fowl. A cross will invigorate the stock in any yard, but in no caso use a mon grel for a sire. The hens mav be mon grels, if desired, ut the cock rshouldbo of the best aniKpurt'st Htraui. ' i ' To get eggs in winter a perfect system of cleanliness should bo practiced. Tho droppings should bo frequently re moved and preserved for future use, and while it is necessary to have tho quarters warm and the fowls protected against the ingress of cold draughts, caro must bo taken to have, ventilation. Acrauk in tlio boards, no matter how small, will give a whole flock tho roup, and filthy quarters and roosts will promote a suc cessful sweeping off by tho cholera.-, The food should bo varied. Softjibod in tho morning and whole grain at night is better than the usual irregularities practised. A cheap mess can be prepared for a morning meal by running hay through a fpdder.cutter, steeping it over night, and after giving it a warming in tho morning, thicken with meal, and feed on boards or any other clean place. It is wasteful to feed cracked corn, or even sceeniugs. Though seemingly cheaper than wholo grains, the difference will be apparent if n comparison is made. Avoid overfeeding or too much fat, A fat hen ono extremely so is as useless as one that has been insufficiently fed. A moderate, changeable diet, with good warm quarters, plenty of cracked oyster shells and somo meat scraps from time to time, will give eggs in abund ance in winter; but like all other stock on tho farm, poultry, in order to be prof itable, must receivo personal supervision and care. Kind Treatment or Horses. It has been observed by experienced horso trainers that naturally vicious horses are rare, and among thoso that aro properly trained and kindly treated when colts, they are the exceptions. It is superfluous to say that a gentle, and docile horse is always tho more val uable, other qualities being equal, and it is almost obvious that gentle treatment lends to develop this' admirable quality in the horso as well as in the human species, while harsh treatment has a contrary tendency. Horses have been trained so astolb" entirely governed by tho words ofhheir driver, and they will obey and perform their simple but important duties with as much alacrity as tho child obeys the di rections of tho parent. It is true that all horses are not equally intelligent and tractable, but-it isproba? bio that there is' less difference .among them in this regard than there is. among human masters, since there arc many in citements and ambitions among men that do not affect animals. X' Tho horse learns to know and to have confidence in a gentle driver, and soon discovers how to secure for himself that which he desires, and to understand his surroundings and his duties. The tone, volume and inflection of his'masters voice indicate much, perhaps more than the words that aro spoken. Soothing tones rather than words calm him if ex cited by fear or anger, and angry and excited tones tend to excite or 'anger him. In short, hadmasters make bad liorses. Winterdairyfiig is profitable business in many localities, but it needs a careful and thoughtful hand to tako charge of the work. 'Yyy much depends upon regularity ot milking, feeding, and all work about tho stables. Work horses need the best of care, and even thoso that nro idle during the winter will suffer from lack of attention. Thev should have a run in tho'' yard, but any violent exercise upon the froen and slippery ground may cause laBting injuries. Colts during their first winter need special at teutiou, as thoy are, or should be, grow ing rapidly, and the colt is father to tho horse. It it is pinched now, the stunted growth w'ill diminish its value during its wuuii! iiieiiinu. , Tho Poultry World says: To utilize tlio-fcathors of ducks, chickens and tur keys ueiierally thrown. asfdoias refuse, triin tl0'l"mn, fro'iutliestmiip, enclose them in'a-tlght hag, .rub tlioyviiQlu as if warning clothes, and ySuwill secure a Iieriecuy iiuuoiiu ami iiguiiowji, uxvy put for .quilting coverlets 'and notjajfew other purposes. Tho latest fish story U about a bass' insldi) of-Hwhich was found "what was aiy by 'ond to ba a young,by another a' young, tiger, and by a third a young Hog. iij) louut it was a young tiger, 'ijuch animals ate often found in bass. It was pnly two weeks ago that a fifteen pound young hippopotamus was found inside a two pound bass in tho Schuyl kill. TJiit, bass is a very voracious fitli, and has been known to chaso a sheep across a forty aero field. Norristotrn ITtrahl. Nervous pains ana weaKiiesses, ma larial disonsei, fever and aguo'ppiitively A-Uild'by iising Browii's Iron Whevs. ' Franco is going to have a pmilied wli- .1.... ...ltti.tii if 'nlii'a win k. It will bo tho finest lot of book covom ever gdt to-1 gother. iiig for winter lnycrsJ-aml Jaj. Mo$' as tho detectives say has becif fonn'dr v Tin? first fOMtllflltn la liniK tintnliinr. m.u nii-ii una Linmr in I'xiHiriiiiiHir. Helping the Party. , ,In tho, daysgone by n Detroit Sheriff who had made a eloso shavo of being elected had tho ill luck to lose a prisoner from tho jail. Tho fellow mado good his escaiio to the country, but the Sheriff overhauled him abouu'ighl miles out and drove htm under a barn. Tho pi if oner was capturciLand vet ho was not. If ho could notget-outftho Sheriff could not get In, and threats had no effect on linn. In this emergency tho officer called out i "Say, Jim." "Yes." "You know I had a mighty cWhu shavo getting this office." "You did that." 'Well, I'm laying my pii'ts fur a second term. If I lose you 1 might UA well hang up. Tho opposition will hold it up in letters four feet high fiul hundreds of men in my own party will slip my name. Do you her mo t'4 "1 do.'1 "Well. I ask von to coino Out. not ex act!' as a prisoner going back to jail,but more as a patriot iioumi to sumi by lus party. Come, Jim." "I'll be hanged if I don't 1" replied the prisoner, "llle indgo was agin me, my sentence, was unjust and I hate your jail, but if it's going to help the party nml crush tho hydra-headed opposition, out I come I Somo years ago there' were it number of army officers stopping at a hotel in Washington, Among them were a Cap tain Emerson and a Captain Jones Etn crs6rt and Jones used to have a good deal Of fail together at the dinner-tablo and elsewhere, Ono day at tho dinner tablo when thd diuingliall was well filled, Captain Jones finished his dinner first, got up, and walked almost to tho diniiig-hall door, when Emerson called to him in a loud voico : "Hallo, captain ! scp here. I want to speak to you a minute." The captain turned and walk ed back to the table and bent over him, when Emerson whispered: "I wanted to ask you how far you would have gone if I had not spoken to you." The captain never changed a muscle, but straighten ed up and ,put his finger into his vest pocket 'ami said.: ''Captain Emerson, I don't know of a man in the world 1 would rather lend $5 than to you, but the fact is I haven't a cent with mo to day," and he turned on his heel and walked away. Emerson was tho color of a dozen rainbows, but ho had to stand it Texas Shi flings. "Kot long ago in one of the Paris o lico courts, a workman accused of steal ing a pair of trousers was discharged af ter a long and patient investigation, on ,tho ground that there was not suflicient evidence to establish his guilt. lie ro maincd seated, liowevcr,on the prisoucr'n bench after his :iciiittal had been an nounced. Tho lawyer who had conduct ed his defense, observing that ho did not move, informed him that he was free to go about his business, if he had any. He shook his head slightly, but did not budge. By this time, no "other caso be ing on hand, the court was nearly empty. Again addressing him, his .defender in quired with somo irritation, "why the deuce lie did not get up and go V ''Step this way a moment please," replied the steadfast sitter, " and let mo whisper in your car. "I can't go until all the wit nesses for the prosecution have left the court." "And why, may I ask f "Be cause of tho stolen trousers don't you understand. What about tho trousers?" "Only this, I've got 'em on !" CAUTIOiV. GET THE BEST. ESTBY OG--A.nTS In the manufiicture of Organs is resulting in the proilnction and sale, of cheap goods, made from inferior materials. 1 refer particularly to bogus Organs that are continually springing into existence without any merit whatever, except to be offered cheap, and then when purchas ed found to bo dear at any price. Will you not then, reader, If you Contemplate Buying an Organ consider it your only safeguard to select an instrument bearing the names of first clas3, wholly responsible makers. A good assortment ot styJes.;of the celebrated Estoy Organs cau now be seen at the new rooms ot tho Only Autnonzua Agont foi tho E3tav Orcan3 in XI I T-: - I 1 A I,... ! I nJ .1 uuiuwuia wuuuiy, t. jor nve year? iroin ttie manu facturers accompanies every Estoy Organ. J. Juno af, '90- tf i urn, ii iiiiihwi . r& -rue tonic; PERFECT STRENGTHENER.A SURE REVIVER. ".Ma. -Jl mm"TT 1 1 ii n 'flit Wt IRON IHTTIMtS aio lilnlily recommcmleil for all diseases re quiring a certain and cfliclcnt toillo ; espcciall Jndiyulion, Vjtptjuii, InKf u'.U't Fevrri, Want of Appetite. .oj of Strength, Iuk of lincrqy, ttc. I'nrlthcj (tlie Llotd, etrengllicns tho uiuar '2?, nnd gives new llfo la the nerves. The ait slikoa charm on tho dlgestJv organs, removing nil dyspeptic tiymiitomj, uich as 'fluting tin Food, JUkhimj, Jlcat in the Stomach, Jleartlurn, etc. Tlio only IroitU'roimrutltm that will not Mackou tint tooth or Jienduolio. Sold by all druggists. Writo for the A 11 0 Hook, i)2 mi. of Useful andftmuslns reading tent fret. IHtOra CIIKJIIOAIi CO., Baltimore, Mil. BITTERS I'ortiiili) iiy.lloyor JUotlicr GREAT GERM DESTROYER. PROPHYLACTIC FLUID (Pitting of SMALL ! PoX Provontod. t'li'i r piiMleil uihIIic licit (mnim'iiu pruvcitoil anil ru .ui, Dysci.tery curort. SMALL TOX ERADICATED. CMMJua .wounds licikil rnpldly. i i AJiiru'j- curat in sliort Sick liooins imrlll 'il nncl Toiler drlod up. marto nleaiiut. lit Is pcrfcclly Imrmlrss lovctei nnd Mik l;orsoni.-ort.oro throat It lansuro relieved nnd rofri'dicil cure. liylMlhlnirwlllil'ronhv. l:tlc Fluid milled to the wiiter. Soft White Complexions DIPIHEIUA PREVENTED. Bcund by in, uso In niiming. Impure ulr m.ide liar n Ima find nurltli'd ni sprlnklln IMruy'nKluul: H iiiimf i To purlf iho I'roaKn'imlc-ft daunted. cImiiso the .Twin, ItUinp Fi-rcr iiimfnt.I by can I bo surnuwit. puse t'ntatrli rulWived undlfn c.Wa'tif d-nlli IH tho .5."JS."5 o ... a l I'Oiikc. it Miould mways I.rjMpelas cured. ticnwd about thefofpse llurm relived Inilnntly it wdl prevent nay Wins prevented, iinplMnnnt mnell. ' llcmoes nil unpleasntifAn Amidoto for isnlniM IWlOM. or Vostuiilo roiionp, i'l.Kiiiftiruar sscnaii Mines, Kc, 0.n?enius t'lllitvim of BlcfcTodais and Iioiplt nis romoved by us uin. ? SCARLET FBVR CURED, YhLI.OW KKVUIl llUADlV.NTUI). Inf.aot lttH tho tfriMt DISINFIiCTAXT AND PUKIFIKU rimrAiiUi nv J. H. ZBILIN & Co., manitjIcturikii Ohkmisik,: sOi.k vnoi'ntKTons. THE WHITE SEWING- MACHINE Wbereis, tho world renowned reputation ot tho White bowiiig Machine Induces many unscrupulous competitors to resort to nil klndi of mean trtck3 to Injure Its reputation, we bog to caution all lntendli)p; purcUaseisnot to buy a White Machine except from Its reguUr authoilicrt iiealfrs, who will bo sustained by tho followlni: warrauly. WE WA HUANT TIIK NATU11AI. WK It AND TEAK OF THE White Shuttle Mm Machine. PLATE NUMIIKIl tO.ia.m FOlt FAMILY l'Ultl'O SKS, AND 11EKKI1Y AOltKK TO KFE1 THE SAME IN itF.PAIK FOU THE TKUM OK KIVK VKAIIS VHOM THIS DATE. FUEE !F CIlAltllE. This warranty excepts the brouKago of needles bobbins and shuttles. This warranty will not bo sustained unless tho plato number abovo clven corresponds with tlw uumoer on mo sniuuu raioMiuy. uunuiu ui u'ltwuu or altered numbers WHITE httM 1N0 M AO'illNE CO The "VHITE" Shuttle Sewins Machino HaaiiRiATBE oapacitt tiianaiii' other family Sewing jucuine for coins every vau-ty or -orK. I, SA1TZM , neneral Aiont, 'liO'-TrsbnT., I p., ty,t 1 , . f. TITSAIPIIVR OUOANSKStop, IOsctareedionl.v Bflnl J. J in iuno8$iMUp Kara Holiday Wajhlngton, N.J. aid rniyo, 'bl-ly '1 T2IS3R, Agents Rlootusburg, P a Yei If nip, PUBLIC SALE OP VALWAtlLK RE ALT ESTATE I lly lrl 110 of an order of t ho orphans' Court f t Co lumbia eounly, tho uudernlitnedoxieiitorif l lilllp UtiatiKiit, l.ito of KNiliigcrcuk township, Columbia county, dacqaeed, will qjrposo to public slo oil tlio premises on . . Friday, DcMmber 23rd, 1881. at tell iHlocU In tho forenoon, tlio following do tcrlbul ttiitcttdio, to-wit) All that cirtaln pleco orpnrt'elofUnd. Mtuato In sn'IJ lowfihlpot I'lsli- nifcrcrk. bouolwl by I'Khlhgtrcck And lan.n of John Nejliatd. Jolin't'icary and A. Ilmitilnxor, conistnlrit n ACKiiS A'D 21 l'r.itctiw. Alio, a corn'n pl.t-e or p.ircal ot land sltuato In said 'ounshlj, bounded by lands of Kdwanl t'nangst, William Unaimst, A. Lonlinnd WUllnm V. Mll'er, contalnlni 1-lVIJ At'ItKH nnd live perch- 1 on which h a good FRAME DWELLING HOUSE, framo stablo and out-bulldlnga. Tlicro Is also an rxcollf nt lot vt t'KUIT TREKS on fill lot. TEIIMH OPSAt,E.-Tcn per cent, of ono-fotiith ot tho pui cliaio money to bo paid at tho striking down ot llio property tho ono-fourth leas tho ten per cent, at thd conilrmat!5n of sato, and tao remaining threo-foiiritis In ono year thereafter with Interest from connrmallon nisi. SAMUKL SIHVft, 1 rc. s. lMiV Executor. Dauohy 8t Oo'a. Advt's. I A .Ml Frmich chromo i'ird, Hand lloiiuots, Mot 4U tos Iilrds, etc., Name on loe. J. il. Husli'd Nassau. N, Y, , l dec. S-lw SOU 1 Hf lion t lOi'alo bcroro seeing our .lnnis Hlver Rfltlement. illus rated oualojiuo free. j. si. Man cuu, claieiiiont, aurry Co. Va, tl dcd. S-4w IMUSKS3 'ALES! EOYS V7AMT2D I Fun alive! flood commission! "I.ATIHT" L'hro mo cards, .i l'llrt.itlon, 5 Lady or (lent correpond cntB )c. silver. II. V,. tones, Jilferson ,V Y. Take agency. d dec. 2-lw T Athinllc ami Oulf Coaxt Ciiiuil nnd Okii n'hd- lieu Jinil Co. 50,000 SHARES $10 EACH At I'AU v ltli a UONl'd ot 4a Acros for each loshariB from Choice Lands of tho ' Ulsston I'urchasc." nwt'tci-j . JThlrd and Chestnut Ms., riillndelphl'i. of i k i.s . ' , j.rojjn-jj. Ni y.fooms 111 and 1U. Detailed Prospectus with desclptlve Maps malle FltKIi il dec. -4w GKOHGK i:. LEMOX, AWy at Law, "WAPIIINaTON. I). C. Pend sKetch or model for Preliminary Kxamlnntlon and Opinion as to I'alentabllUy, for wu iilch no chaoro Isinndo. If miorted patentable nocliarcofcrHer- vice" I'nltss Miccisbful, Send for pamphlet of In- i,tructlons. i;bTAi!Lisni:D in w.y dcc. 2-4W BOOK AGnNTS ''yuTSrll? Co.. riiliadelphla. d nov. ls-iw A OIIKAT M'WAl FOU HOLIDAYS! ! PIANOS and OltflANS at KXTKAOHDINAUY LOW l'ltlCKS for ca&U. lNSTAhMKNTS HECEIvKD. Hl'LKNUID OHOANS, U fWiOO up. .MAUNIl'I CKNT 7 1-3 octavo llOSRWOOl) PIANOS, stool and Cover only fito. Warranted o years Illustrated CatalOL-no mollul. AtlKNlM WANTED. 110H ACK WATi:ns A' CO.. Jlanufacturcrs and Dealers, sa; UrDttdway New York. d nov. 1S-4W GOLD M.DAI AWARD EB the Aatnor.A mmwid irrnfct iltnl icU AVork.wnrraDtMl th IkwI nd ohopit,ii.diinenbie to wrery jn&Ji,r,ntitJoU"tho Hclanecol Jife or.Helf rrcBorfition t bound in lineet trench inoihn, erubour, slevi eacraTinsB, 136 prescrip tions, unco onlT IftLSfiKfint hr mail; uiusLrKUxi bctiiiha, oci'ni ; entl now,Addre IV&bodMed lrinW TIIVQPIP .cullnititatuorDr.W.ll. I'AIt- tern lotiitaiunr it. . ii i' KI'.H, No. 4 UulOnchtt. Uotoa. Not, S-iV I L,VIUIUIt? vlios. r.tlitn, uwiliui ctiltJrro. ThtiUinnili ytntUlti. rtna.i'-tilrtuii lif.inrtiih "TPi lor ion m nn,fer,r,'J,'-,T ur ruiu-irQ.TiirivMi It niiyDUcuot. 'lti'Mifumli -f itlitnr: LlaifKilitlil ta ir.LlinASl' i.ll.l itul l'ATKM'rt iTcurcd,Ur J)ituln. lM1ll Un iv.arr.inti j'ri"ira,tiiif)i Hindi. .U. buM.rn nnd liclriai'l'i fr yinirrlihti ut mic. SiitdU itatnni fur1, ffii t'iliifn-rtuIJiir." and Pinim, and Jlfiiint 1uri tUtiki fend Itntrtactioi . v fin refir tii tlx tun -IB ill vt l n'Kliiri mui t'Ui tt. AJ.1n i N.W.FttXR'Srr.ldACo.i'KVUoyX: IMTt.ST AU'JI, 1.0CH. Itui se, nitiiBgton, I). U NOV 15-1 VT CIl m Garmore Artificial Drums. At liivcnlfil itiid u.n-ii by Mm peril hrffirlni (-.niiro , id il tur tuirtv -ir Ii t itv rvitfirlnc tin I furtiiirty -ir lienvtr vttntnr cYtfii wiuic -r d nu tjr ri not il'it ble, and r inrttii in i iti't itnUt U. i'ctl-in i iriuiar inc. Ill!'ll4tl )j not I'd Ji iwlvudli) l -kiu iar Jruini. Jliii ii the on lr mv ll(fnl ur ihuial ear Dnttit tunn ittactnred. Juhn tlurnufi-) W Ct. ith X lUi Ml,, I'liicinuftti, 0, MASON AND .EST in tho WORLD wliinutmif li'.licl ilU'Incllon nt evtry (Ire it Wi.rlil'. Knlr furluuilicny. UAftll 1M A Xrvr ll llmiiiTrli ClTiinoi r, ii pp. nnlTlLirj II". I rudylhh inotitli. mill Mill t .nil frm tu any nJJrin, umiouiirlni; flDn A MV Imi-OIII 1ST IlIl.(0I.MI.MII. mid HlhT UnUHllO Nrw StlLl.l (iirrlioln nil. I'ricoi, t2l. H. t.M, fi.o.ill In 'm Mui ui. t n'io fur mypiimu. M VSO.V .1 HAM MS 011(1 AX I'll., I.M ' M UOhTON ; 10 Ka.t lllh St., SV.K VOKI ; HJ Wnbuli Ai,. ,CIIU' Vli(. GARFIELD I O i:itKt't PUIIfRAITIiylilfr V kLult, X. V., Is the one sent bv Mrs. Carlictil to Queen tl Vlrlnrli. Sunt rlor to lil.e.t Steel Kne'vV. Si'u for I'ramlni iooi.SI by mail. AaonU Wanted. 15. II. TituT, 757 llruadway, N.Y. Tim New VnrU McelilyVVItiiri.Kliiimyi.ur noiiriilrnn.l .tu if It I' nmju.l Hi' hm.pni.rwi want. Ithni'V-'rythlir.' t 1 lw burnt tn'imf rum an rt, rciirttt.nt I'ultou stri'i'l l'riyi'r-.Mei11nr. tin- IliitiiH'iiil eut Ic ClmivU; ciiryililni; itinlliof lnlirul l w'o.i.1 pennloiiu irLeti, itnrli c, Miiiifltilni; tolntcri'rltlie Imllt'a iM a year, Snid l.y luirtal iiirit ami cila .pcciincii copv. JIMIM INILflAl.l, .V CO., HI Vande Matertitrei't, Jew Ynrk, Annnlcnf nnrn Orlnlnalltv. entltleCl Tli 'real lro!lm.lvi.l, Th. m-ltvldait eiretull eoa lid.rud fruui It! f9 olru.H,n.tlility u 10 rc tird u Education, Home, Soclpty. Etiquette, Amuiomenpi, Dross. Love. Wiirt one. pu. neBS.&O. . I'll Jlrtatl'H hiTI. Tti(. r lume aV inn-fa in itriklnf tl'iiu'nti.r&r. laronnitton rall-imiiclrdl'Uti'i Mb osl: A tll'M.. Acents VViintod Evoryvyhero. Siad f.r dt.nlo. Tiillil. irrli'lim, t. rnn. J. C. ilut'l'IIUV A CO., I'lllludclphlav. i'a. n.OOO Ascnfs' Vnntoil for I.iro or It ronlalns tlie full lil'lory pi Ms noMc and eventful lit. aiiililait-rdly Asiani-liiatliiii. Miri?tdu treatment, 1WU1, iuntralobstquii.,eto. 'Ih hi'stihance of yourllfe 10 liiaWenloney. H,'art'ef"fatiliiiiiiy,,linltalloiis. Hila litlioonly authentic and fatly IllnMrateil life oi uur mar tyred 1'rcsWcnt. Hnl Hriraln, Hatm Uruis to A )! Clrculara fruu. ,.,,, AiUrciiiosAul'i-cuuiii.a CV.rULdilj.Llara. nov ea Beware O F Fraud BENSON'S CAPGINE PLASTERS HAVE BEEN IMITATED, And tholr oxoollont roputation in jured by worthloss imitations. Tho Tublio aro cautioned against buy ing Plasters having similar sound ing namos, Sco that tho word CA-P-O-I-N-B is corrootly spollod. Benson's Capcine Porous Plasters Aro tho only improvomont ovor mado in Plastors. Ono is worth moro than a donon oi' any othor kind. Will positiyoly ouro yhoro othor i romodioa will not ovon roliovo. ) Prico 25 conts. Bowaro of cheap Plastors mado with lead poisons, SEADURY & JOHNSON. Manofacturlon Chi'mlaU, New York, A Mllti: ItH.IIl'.llV AT LAST. i'rlcoSSHj; MEAD'S MtdlcatsJ CORN mi DUNION PLASTER, IF LaOIFIi 0 5l i A Ear BLOOMSBUBG STATE NUBMAL SCHOOL SIXTH NOllMAL SCHOOL DISTRICT. Bloomsburg, Columbia County, Pennsylvania. Rov. D. J, WALLER, Jr., Ph. D., Principal. THIHSOIIOOI,, as at present constituted, oilors tho ery best facilities for l'rofesslonal and Classical learning. liuiitiuiKsspacioun, inviiinBauucoininuuious ,enuipieiciy ueaifu uy siuam, weiiTcniuaicu, iii'iueu oy gas, anrlnL wate. ijoiioii neauniui, anil canr oi access, moderate. Kiftvcentfl n week doductloi miycenifl a wcck uuuucuoii 10 an expecting to icacu, courts of study prescribed by mo staio I I. Model Hc'iool. II. Preparatory. III., Adjunct Courses i I. Academic. II. Commercial, III. Course In Music. IV. Course in Art. V. Cuurso in Physical Culture. Tho Klcmcntary. Sclontlflo and Classical Coursos aro I'ltOKIISSIONAf., and StudjnU (jraduatuif therein, iccclvo Htato Diplomas, conferrln luiiusiiuuuiiik; iil'lji ui-n , ,,iiiait;i ui iiiu r.iuiiiL'iiia .uniivi ui itiu . their attainments., slirned bv tlio Ofllcers of thn hoard of Tustce i uocoursoor stuuy orcscnueaoy mo siaioisnoerai,ann inoscicnuuc ana classical courses aro nor inrenor to inoso or our nest colleges. Thu HtatoreuiilresahlL'lier order ot cltl?cnstdn. Thutlmes denandlt. It Is ono of tlio nrlmrt obleets nf f lilt School to heln to afleuni Tr. bv BentandomclentTcachcraforhorHehools. TothlHcndlt solicits youny persons nf good abilities and good and their talents, as students. To all such It promises Catalogue. addrcR the l'rlnclnal. HON. Wll.l.IA.W i:i.U'i:i,l,, l'rrihlint llo.inl sept.s.'ir..- HOW? WHAT! One of tlio problems of Good and Comfortable IS THE MATTER OF CLOTHING. STYK ; EXAMINE WELUIADE YOUTHS HOYS and CIIILDUHNS CLOTHING simVrs, PEAHL WHITE, 15IUYCLE SIIIHTS, LATEST OUT. CLOTHING AT THE VERY LOWEST I'KIOES. UATSron" MEN, HOYS, YOUTHS, AND CUILDHEN. MERCHANT TAILORING DEPARTMENT. Perfect Fits, Latest Styles, Full Satisfaction. CALL AND EXAMINE THE LARGEST STOCK OF CLOTHING and CASSIMERES IN THE COUNTY A Full Line of Furnishing SSoods. Headquarters for TRUNKS, SATCHELS, VALISES THE DAVIS. $1,000 REWARD. ONE THOUSAND (1,000) DOLLARS I'REMIUM offered 10 ANY PERSON that will do an GREAT A RNGE OF WORK on ANY OTHER MACHINE. WHAT THE NEW DAYIS VERTICAL FEED Will do without basting, It will mako wide hem on sheets, ic., horn all manner ot bias woolen goods, as sott merino, crape, or poods dltllcult to nem on other machines. It mike! a moro elastic stltcn than any other machine. It will turn a hem and put In piping at same tltno, It will turnn hem. sew braid on the right bldo and stl tcli on trimming at ono operation. It will do felling Bias or straight, cither on rottou or woolen goods. It will fell across seams on any goods. I wilt bind a Dress or Skirt and sew on facing, either with or without showing stitches: bind Dress (loods with the same material, either scullops.polnts, squares or straight. Tho only machine that will bind Hats, Cloaks, or other articles with bias, satin or silk, frorn toslnchesln width, without basting. It will gather with or wltuout sewing on. It will gather between two pieces and sew on at tho same. time. It will make nrunie and stitch u pillow slip on to tho facing at tho same. 11 mo. It will shirr any kind of goodp. It will make plaited trimming cither with or with out sewln',' It on. It will make platted trimming either scallaped or straight, and sew a piping on at tho same tlmo. It win make knits plaiting. J. SALTZER, Gon'l Agont, Uloorasburgp Pa. out. I, '80-tf, HIDES. Tho Highest Mirkot Prico in Cash I'AIDI'Olt ALL KINDS OF HIDES IT A. SOLLSDER'S Leather and Shoo I'lniliug Store Main Siukct, Oi'i-osiTB Stosk Cmiuoii, BLOOMSBURG, PA. April 8, 'SO-ly 1W m BLOOD! ;:"iil, rltlt imki. Now Itlcli !Ul,.lllll ll. t .11 1) . illl.r.l tK. l,iK,l I' "(lro . I'lll ! l i' I ililll., .11'X11 m llt'it I nl 11 ,,ir! ' rrniiil IcilSvwiki . Im ii- K.i i. 1 1.. ml lll-tlll'l. K amlia llll I ui Mil". Miitli '1,1 I fur b Id'er atiiinii., . s. .intf v v .t- co jtuttu,,, .wu,,., J't I'lrr It Intuitu'. HSENTS WANTED LOTaV flif .Mavlltliv rpr lliVtut.l. Wm kmtapalruf Mw.uin. w.l ili:UI, auj TOU, 111 Mluaiiulct. it lil Hilt trial arttly ur jucy jt for .uwn lUerelaaltvavi a realr market Hi'ivl forcujuluraM Irnullu tho 'rvjnilily llnlltliitf llailalue l.' ttJ U'lulilaatonllt., lluatxi, aliut. may ,!. ly &M J.KGALi J1LANKS, ALWAYS ON HAND AT TIIIS OFFIOw Toachei Bexnerlenced. cfliclcnt. and altre to their work. lll..,lnltl.A Elementary. IV, Classical. UVIII) null (.11, V IV IllUt 1, VI Ik. 1.I.3UIL.I1UU, 111 ill UU. IV1III1. UU11U1 111 UUV1 .I1U1 VUU. Btudents admitted at any I lino, Itooms n'scrrcd when desired, atdln developing lUelr powers, ami abundant opportunities for well paid labor after lea log School. Kor or Truslcm. W lving ouu STOCK or HUS1NES3 AND DUt3 SIIIHl'S HANDSOME PATTERNS DE3IUABEH STYLES IS OUJl MOTTO AIrm7L LINE OK FALL STYLES JUST KECE1VED. SPEEll'S PORT GRAPE E Used In the pilnclpal churches for Communion mirposes. EXCELLENT FOR LADIES AND WEAKLY PERSONS AND THE AGED. Speer'n Fort Grape Wine FOUR YEARS OLD. a Hits Celebrated Native Wine Is made from the . Julco of tho Oporto drape raised In this Uouuti ) Its Invaluable Tonio and Strengthening Properties aro unsurpassed by any other NatHo Wine. Ilelng tno pure Julcoof tho drape, produced under Jlr. Hpeer"s own personal supmislon, Its purity and genulnenesi uro gurauteed. Tho youngest child may partake of Its generous qualltles.and the weak est Invalid Uau tt to advantngo. It U particularly bcninclal to tho aged and debilitated, and suited to tho various ntlnieuis mat u fleet the weaker sex. It is in every respect WINi: to cb KKLlKI) on. PPEER'S The P. J. snKUHV Is a Wine of Superior character and partakes ot thu golden quullttas of the grape, from which It Is mado. For l'urlty, Ulcunea-i, Flavor and Medical l'ropertles, It w 111 be found unexcelled, SPEER'S J. J', eraaacfly. This UK ANDY stands imrlraled In ihls Country, being far superior for medical purposes. IT IS A I'UHE distillation tho grapo and con. tains valuable medical properties It has u delicate tl ivor, similar to that of tho grapes from which It is dlstlllcd.and Is In great favor among first class families. Keo that the slgnaturo of ALKItr.t) SPEEIt.Pnssalo N J., Is over thu 001 r. of each Louie. SOLD BYO.A.KLEIM. dec !M 'so t- To Nervsas Safferors Tho Grfat Earopsan mi. j. b, BiursoN's erEcint' siKnicmr. Dr. .1. II. Simpson's Speclilo Medicine Is a posltlvo euro for overwoikof body or br.ln ori'xccss of any kind, such as weakness and all disease rasulllng from Nervous Debility, lirltabllUy.Mi'nial Anxiety, Languor, Lassitude, Depression 01 Spirits nnd func tional dji augments vt the iieivous si stein gen crully, fal'is in the 01 jiemory, rreni.i turuoldage timl dis eases luiii lean i( cousmpllon.lnsaiil ty & an early gravi or both. Nomittei how shattered tla system luaj b lion excesses of an) uu. u oitui . vuuiMj ui mui lut'Uiuiuv iii icsioru inw lost functions and procure heulih and liapplniBS where betoro was despondency and gloom, 'lliobpe cltle Mealclno 19 being used with woiidi'rfiil success. 1'ttmpiiiots bo lit (rue to all. Wrtto for tnem and get full rartrlcuiar. 1'rlce. Snecltlo n.ot' uiuia seui, irt'Q vu uu. nartrleuiar. Price, fipeciflo 11.00 per package, or six packages 11 ss for 5,iu, will bo bent by mall uu receipt of money. Address all orders, J. II. HlMI'S'iN'sMEDll'INISCO. Nos. loi and M Main street, lutf.xlo, N, V. lph. 11. 'rtt-if "Yr.U.NltKlHT & CO., WUQI.MA IF. GJIOCJJJIS, PlIILADKLl'HJA, ea'(ijn THAU, MVItfi'J, tJOFKUB, BIKIAll, MOLVSSKd, HU B, SI'ICKa, S1C1KU tOUl, AC,, 0. N, v.. corucr Second ana AreU sticof, l"0rders UII reoelYo prtmpt attention. HERS? anil iiirnisuoa wun a Douniuui supply oi iurr,uiii H .... .. I.tnrl l.nlf.iM A n .1 tl.A.nlll.H Kspenscj tho tollowtn certificates furnishing tntolll nnroro their time purposes, thoso who deslro to Improve their 1', 1'. Ult.I.M Villi, Secretary. Ayer's Hair Vigor, roil I1EST0RING GRAY HAIR TO ITS NATURAL VITALITY AND COLOR. It is .1 most .igrccablo dressing, which Is at once harmless nml effectual, for prc Mrlng tlio hair. It restores, with tho gloss ami freshness of youth, faded or gray, lljjht, and red hair, to .1 rich brown, or dcc b!,ic!;, aa may be desired. By its use thin hair is thickened, and baldness often though not always cured. It checks falling of thu hair Immediately, and causes a now grow th In all cases wlicre the glands aro not decayed; while to brashy, weak, or otherwise dl.-cascd hair, It Imparts vitality and strength, nnd renders It pliable. Tlio Vioor. cleanses tho stalp, cures and preeut3 the formation of djndruff; and, by Us cooling, stimulating, and, soothing propel lies, it heals most if not nil of tho humors ami diseases peculiar to the scalp, keeping it cool, clean, and soft, under nhii'h conditions diseases of tho scalp and hair mo impossible. As a Dressing for Ladies' Hair Tlio A'kioii is incomparable. It is color lew, contains neither oil nor dye, and will not s)ll wlille cambric. It imparts an allocable and lasting perfume, and as an article fr tho toilet it is economical ai, unsurpassed In Its excellence. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., l'l-ti I leal anil Aunlytlcnl ClicmUtK, Lowell, Mass. M1LU I.V ALL DKVGUISTS tTKHl'WUI'llI. BLOOMSBURG PLANING MILL. The undersigned havlns put his Planing Mill on ltallroad Mreet, In nrst-cmsi condition. Is prepared FRAMES, SASH, DOORS, I BLINDS, MOULDINGS, j FLOORING, Etc. 1 1 f iimlsiK a at re.ibonable pi ices. All lumber used la I well teasoned aud none but tktutd workmen aro I I'lIipiUJUU. ESTIMATES FOR BUILDINGS furnl3ied on application, riau and spec meat ion ItlooniMliiirpr.Pn. AND Paper Hanging. WM, F. BODINEi IKON .LT., I1ELOW bElOMJ, LLOOWtillUHO, l'A is prepared to do all kinds ot house rAiWTiwa I'laln and Ornamental PAPER HANGING, UOTU DECOHATIVE AND PLAIN. ill klixlK ol riiriilliu c lU'inilred. nml made n ffooil n new. NONE HUT FIltST-OLASS WOHKMEN EMPLOYED Estimates lYTndo on all Work, WM. F. IIOD1NF. J. W. RaEDER, PRACTICAL BOOK BINDER o 1 10 vi:it .laitKin' stiu:i:t, WILKES-BARRB, PA. HlmlN sill I ho ctii i ont publlca tlons In any ntjleyoii miiy tlc Kirr. SuilfuciIon j,-iiiran-Iccd. Correspondenco boliciteil P. 0. liox 150. V. S. Cnrcl'iil nttcntloii kIvcii to nil I..11V I'J'IILIC.ITIOXS. sept?, tt R C. SLOAN & BRO, " liLOMSiiuna, pa. M anufacturcis of Carrlaje:, BuEghs.Ph'iotoas Sleighs, Platform agoas, First-class noik always on hand. llM'AUUXG JMATLY DO.VJ:. I'rlen wducvdto tuit tfit time). piHE IN8UKAM0E CIIHIBTIAN r. UNAl'l', ULOOMSIlUItO, VA. llltlTiail AMEHIOA A8SUKANOE COVPANV HEHMAN Kill BIN HUHAN11E COMPANY NATIONAL KIKE IN8U1IANCE COMPANY. UNION INBUltANCK COMPANY. These old coxroRiTioKs are well seasoned bv aire and riB txsko nnd have neicr yet had a loss set. tied by an court of law. Tholr asstiti fan i alltnveltl od In not in SKcrKiTlusand aru liable to the hazard of niiKonly. Losses i-KOKiTtv ami iionisti.t adjusted andl paid ai soon ns detounlned by CukisiunV. KNiri. BFie- UL AOINTaKIl APJl'BIKIllLOOBSSfBO, 1 The peoplo of Columbia county should eatronlio tho ageucy where losses It any are settled and paid by one of their owncllliens, v u 3mm RAIL ROAD TIME TABLE nr in aREiil3Elkk1 FINNSYFA'ANIA KAU.UOAt). l'HIU. DKLI'IIH K mill It. II. DIVISION. WIN ri-JIt TIME fAllLE. On nml after Monday, Oct. M, WU llm train. ontliurnlindeiphlaf Krln tin Iroad Division w Hi run as follows 1 ... WKMT.VAIU), Erie Mall leaus l'lillndclplila Il r.fipm ss a tu 11 811 n i 8 4n n in 0 40nm It ns 11 m 8 60 p m 7 49 p m 8 00 n m mis pin 1 M p in n S3 p in 4 so p m B 45 p m lo (8 pin 1 to p m 4 ou p m 10 i m us p m to p m Ilnrrlsburc Huhtiury " William' port " lock Haven " licnovo " Katie arrive at Erin Niagara Express leaves I'lillndolphla iinmsuurg " " hunoury " " Wllilamsport ' " Lock llnvcn " " licnovo " " Kano fast Lino leaves I'hllndcliilila " llnrrlsburg ' nunbury " " Wllllamspott " arrlvo at Lock Haven EASTWARD. Lock llacn Express leaves Lock Haven 7 co n m unamsjiori v in 11 m nunutiry nitunin " nrrlvo at Harrlsburg " " 1'hlladelphla Fast Lino leavos Uauniiilnljua " " Wat kins " " Elmlrn " " Wllilamsport ' " Hunbury " arrives at Harrlsbtirg " " l'lilladclpnla Day Express leaves Kino " " licnovo " " Lock Haven 11 " Wllilamsport tmpm n lop 111 7o pm 8 40 p m p m 11 is a in 1 82 n in 3 in n m 7uotim 00 am 10 05 11 m it l5nm nispm a no p in 7 0.1 p m 11 33 a m 4 in p in ooopm 10 10 p m 113(1 pm 1 05 a m soon in 7 ou a in turnout iinmsuurg l'hlladclphln Krlo Knno Erie Mall leaves " " lienovo ' " iMk Iliuen " " Wllilamsport 11 " nuntmry " arrives nt Harrlsburg " " Philadelphia Erie Mall west nnd Lock Haven Express EnM mako close connections nt Northumberland with L. & u. it. it. trams fur wiikeabarro and Scran ton, Erie Mall West. Niagara Express West nnd I'ast Lino West mako closo connection nt Wllllnmsputt with N. 0. It. W. trains north. NlncrnrA Kxnress West nnd llav Express East make closo connection nt Loci: llnen wun P. E, v It. It. trains. Erlo Malt East and West connect nt Erlo with trains on L. H. (c M. S. H. It. ; nt Corry with 11. v.n v. it. it! at i;mnonum w in u. w. v.i '. it. it. and at Driftwood with A. v. 11. k. Parlor ears will run between I'litlnletiilila nmi Wlllnmsport on Niagara Express west, nnd Day Ex press East, bleeping curs on nil night I mini. iiuii&ui .i.ii.niir, Heneral Hupt, OHTIIKHN CUNTUAL KAIIAVAV COMPANY. On and after .lonunrv 17th. if 81. trains will inn Sunbury as follows : HUKTJIWAKU. Northern Express 0.3n a. m arrive Elmlrn pm " ltochester 4.40 " Nlncarn. s 4.1 Niagara Express l.ns p. m. arrlvo EUnlm . 03 p m m nu iiiiiiuuaigiia , " " ltochester a 4., " " Niagara l'.r.i)nin Fastllnuc.'u p m artlvo Elmlrn n.m p m nuikius 11.55 pm BOUTIIWAHD. scutl.crn Exprrus 1.32 a. m. nrrlvo Ilnnlsb' a m urnvu t'liiiaiieipiiia t,;ij " Now Y'ort " " llaltlmoru 7.111 " Wa&htni?ton o.n5 11 tn Pac'llc Express lO.mi a in arrive, Ilarrlsb'g Hr.if, p m nrrivo I'uuaaeinaia 3.1.1 p m " New Yoik o.3 " Ualtlmoro " WashlliL'ton Day Expregil.50 p tn arrive Harrlsbitrg 3.U p m rillliiueipuia li.lft " " New Y'ork .ao " " Ualtlmoro c.35 " Washington 7.5i Brie llall l.ui a. m. arrive llarrlilurg 8 n 0. rn ' I'lilladclphlft 7.33 " " ewYoll twi " " llaltlmore 7.40 " Washington 9.1,2 L. V. FAHMEII, (leneiiu I'msunirer Aga, t. FItANK THOMSON, Ouncral Managtr. pHILADELPIIA AND KKAUI.NU KUA1 ABKANGEMKNT OF PABr F.NU ! ) TRAINS. November 7tli, 1S81. TRAINS LUVI BUPSKT AS K0U.0WB(SDN6A Y KXCKM ell For New York, 1'hlladdrhla, Heading, PottsllIi, &c, 11,43 n. m For Catawlssa, 11,43 a. in. c,43 and 7,io p. m. For Wllilamsport, c,ls ,M a. m. and 4,1m p. m. TRAINS FOtl KUPKUT LKAYB A3 FOLLOWS, (0NOAT -X-CKPTKD.) Leave Now York, via. Tamanend S.41 a. m. and via. Hound Brook Itouto 7,45 n. in. Leave Philadelphia, 9,45 a. m. Leave Heading, 11, ks n. m., rotuvllli , p. a andTamaqua, 1,35 p. m. Leave Catawlssa, C,10 8,40 a. m. and 4,uu p, m. Leave Wllllamsport,9,45a.m,2,oop. m. nnd 4,30 p. n. Passengers to nnd from Now York, via. Turn a nend and to and from Philadelphia go througu without chango of cars. J. E. Wt'OTTEN, Oentral .Vuunger C. 0. HANCOCK, central Passenger and Ticket Agent, Jan.iu.issl-tf. "DELAWARE. LACKAWANNA AN I 1 WJtSTEKN JtAlLKOAI). BLOOMSBURQ DIVISION. Tlmo-Tablo No. , Takes efleet nl 4:30 A MONDAY, JUNE 10, 1378, NOHTIL Sl'ATlO.'iM. tOl'TIl. p.m. p.m. a.m. a.m. p.m. ivn 8 50 3 u 9 3.5 scranton Hcllcvue Taylorvllle.. . ..Ijickawanna... PlttBlon.... . West l'lttslcn... Wyoming Maltby Bennett. ... .Kingston Kingston .Plymouth Juno. ...Plymouth., . Avondalo ... 9 tu 2 15 0 13 2 21 C 19 2 23 (J 24 34 IS 32 I 42 Ii 40 9 44 t9 88 3 32 9 i" 9 42 9 to 9 67 '.9 31 3 21 9 20 :a 2:1 3 15 9 14 9 17 3 00 9 U3 9 12 3 04 9 01 10 07 111 l'2 2 47 I! 45 2 52 I! 3 2.C4 0 51 2 W 0 51 3 lU 7 112 3 I'J 7 II) OS 7 17 3 13 7 22 3 18 7 10 3 21 7 .17 9 10 9 00 8 51 8 42 8 85 8 21 8 03 8 01 7 55 2 31 2 45 2 87 2 30 2 23 2 1(1 2 03 1 41 118 1 18 a 51 8 34 1U Jo 10 Ih 8 4f 10 . 8 ...Nantlcoke 1(1 34 S 31 .llunlock's creek. 10 42 333 7 10 3 20 ...Bhickshlnny. 10 3 no 8 21 ,.. Hick's Fcny... 11 07 4 03 8 41 S 11 8 04 7 ti 7 BO .iseacn iiaven.. llerwlck ... ...Ilrlar Crctk.... ,. Willow drove... 11 IS 4 10 0 00 11 2- 4 18 tl 10 4 25 S 31 I 22 8 41 4 33 f 43 U SO 4 42 S 51 11 t.i 4 19 (I'O. 11 5 I 43 0 00 11 B 0 00 ! 12 IS B IS 0 31 9 IS 9 ! 1 65 7 49 12 5J 1 44 12 40 7 40 12 30 7 33 11 24 7 24 12 12 7 90 11 01 7 15 II M 0 57 12 10 Il IS (45 10 IU 6 SI U 4 ' p.m. a.m 7 ,...Llme ltldge 7 ?9 7 3 7 2S 7 24 7 Oi r-spy, ..Bloomsburg.., Hunort Catawlssa Bridge. I jmnvuio Chulasky Cameron 9 41 6 It .Northumberland, ' 12 45 B 45 0 55 a.m. p.m. p.m. .n ... W. 1'. JIALSTKAu, MUpt Superintendent's oaioe. Bermtoa, Juno 'is niCi u'as iJbaa !mi3 THE GREAT JiVItLmGTOX JIOVTE. . P""Noothor iino run Throo TurougU Pav jengcr Trains Dally butwoeti Chlcngo, Jlo, Moines, Council Illuffj, Oraaho, Lincoln, Bt, Joieph, AtcbUon, Topckn nml Kansas City, Direct connections for all points In Kanas, Nehraika, Colorado, Wyoming, Montana, Ne vada. Now Mexico, Arlzouu, Idaho, Orcgou and California. Tho Shortest, 3pcedlest and Most Comforts Ida Itouto via Hannibal to Fort Ecott, Dcnlson, J'allas, Uoubton, Austin. 6an Antonio, aulvts ton and nil points in Texas. -Tno unequaled Indueements otTered by this wno to 1 ravclers nml Tourlits, nro ns follow at Tho colcbrated Pullman (16-whcci) ruliico Dicciiin oars, run only on this;., 11. U.J'alaco Drawlng-tloom Cars. Willi tlorton 1 lice Inlng Chairs. No oxtrn chargo for f rati in iiecuning J'alaco Illnini cnairs. Tho famous C II. k O. gCars. floroeous BmnWIng Car liecnnt lllt.l,.llartn.l Itnttnn ItO fitted with El class pasicngort. juiiiiik BRirsior Ipo exciuiiye uso ni ur.if Ctoel Trocli; and Superior Eoulpment, ton tllnOd With tholr nrniitn'hrniii.1, r-ar ArrimL'l). Btoel Trac fnent, makes thli, nhnve all nthcra.t he favorite West? ' 1110 Bol4"), Boua'Wost, and th I'ar i-T.r' it'5n(J,r'0U wl" "'"I traveJlnif a luxury Instead of a discomfort, Through Tickets via this Colobrotod Mno for sale ut nil offices In tlio United Btatos and Canada. All Information nbout Itntes of Fare, Bleep Intr Car Acoomniodatliuis, Tlmo Tables, Ao., win uueueeriuiiy given ny appi)ing lo J. Q. A. 111SAN, (len'l Usstcru Ag"tit, 300 Washington HI.. II nt' u. M ,, nndUI7 Broadway, Now Vink. JAMES It. WOOD, (leu. Pass. Aitt.. t'bleoifo. T. J. 1'0'lTEll, Ucu. Manager, Chicago March 19, 0,m L.. J.