THE COLUMBIAN A.ND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBTJRG-, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. The Co Lumbian. , n'rilu 'li;rt,,lt,u;:;r ;f Y ?ornml Scl,ol nt 1,18 1 l,nlw'i "I. .1. Clark fc Sim's more, will pay . HL00M81HJIIM, TIUDAY DIM, 2, '81. Hefore this time hist year, Ice live Indies (luck was taken from the river, anil boys were throwing snow ball. ltev. .Mr. Slrunek or the Hcforiucd church preached mi excellent sermon In I he M. 1", Church on Thanksgiving tiny. Tlu" preparations for Christmas have 1. remly begun unil there nro whispered confer. cnecs nml mystcilouH movements In mires of households, suggestive of gifts to he made. Our hoy anil girl readers will he sorry to learn that the price of candles of nil kind have heen advanced. Such Is thu fact and Jut hefore the holidays, loo. The hollers at Locknrds' car shops are to he Inspected on Monday, In it thorough man. ner, to ascertain whether any repairs nrenec. essary. Thu lhlghcsvlllo EnterprUe was In error In staling that Moycr llrothers had purchased the pharmacy In that town. A gentleman named llrlttaln was the purchaser. No trouble to give prices and show goods at the People's Drug and Hook Store. The new dress of type on the Coi.i'.miius's local page Is a decided Improvement. The Coi.t'juiiAN Is one of our most welcome ex. changBS. lleneiek Independent. Just received, another Invoice of Christina and New Year presents from New York and Philadelphia, at the People's Drug and Hook Store. COIIpOIIS Oil lllltslillldlmr IimimIu t liflltiltm. 3i ... " -,...v........b iw, '". tt. .1. Pi l in.- dec. 2.2W Trnns. CKItimOAIK. "1 have used It unlock Wood Hitters with great bcnellt for Indigestion and constipation of the bowels. 0. L. Eai.tox. Price .ft., ri nl.u io ,.. "llamllton, Ont.' i.xecuturs' and administrators' account books, contalnliiK full Instructions how to settle an estate, receipts, &c, for sale at this olllce. These are the most convenient hooks of the kind ever printed, nnd they are In use all over the State. ff Shlckshlnny Is nllllcted with a gang of roughs, who on pay days, Indulge In riotous and disorderly behavior. On the last pay day there was much drunkenness and light ing and several arrests were made. The. Echo protests vigorously against the presence of these rowdies In the town. A party of hunters from lieiiton went to the woods last week and returned with three line deer nnd u fox. .Mr. lloyil .Mcllenry, one of the party, shot two of the deer. The regular monthly meeting of the Gos pel Temperance Union will be held In the Presbyterian church on Tuesday evening next. A meeting of thedlieetors and ollleers of the North ft West Hranch ltalhvav Co., was held in the otllee of L. K. 'Waller Ksip, last Monday. 1'oit Sam:. A threc-hoie power steam en gine and holler, In good condition. Suitable for running a printing press or other light T. Conner found that the store-runm he occupied on .Main Street above Iron, was too small for his largely Increased trade, and has removed his stock of goods to the room here tofore occupied by S. H. Miller As Son, In Kuhn's building, Main Street, lie will be pleased to greet Ids customers In the new ipiarters, where he will have greater space for the display of his goods. No more small pox In Orangevllle, but It has left me with a large stock of Kail, Winter and Millinery Goods on hand, which I Intend to sell at ten per cent less than they can he purchased for anywhere else In the count)-, In order not to carry them over. So bring In your cash and produce, and secure the great est bargains of your life. Nov. 2.)-tf (!. V. Low. Mrs. Henry Gable, died very suddenly of heart disease at her home In Locust town- ship on the 18th Inst. She had just returned from a visit to Philadelphia and was nppar- entry In good health. Her age was 08 years. llliam Yost, of the same township also met with a sudden death on the evening of the 18th lust. lie was found dead In bed and, It Is thought, was seized with a fit and was unable to call for aid. "Indian Depailment," Washington D. C. I am anxious to Introduce Dr. Hull's Cough Syrup among my Indians, linvlng used It my self for sevetnl months, and think It one of thn finest remedies I ever found. I assure you, It Is the only thing Hint ever relieved me of n protracted cough, brought on by ex posure while on the Sioux Commission last year. A. G. HooNR, Agent for Poncns and U. 8. Commissioner. I'rrsonul. J. 8. Hlue, of the Exchange Hotel, has re turned from his hunting trip In Maryland. Aglb Hlcketts, Ki., of Wllkes-Harrc, was In town on Wednesday. Messrs. Charles Parrlsh,U. M. Conyngham, Hcubcn Downing, Henry W. Palmer nnd C. S. Struthcrsof Wllkcs-llarre, and 'Minimis Heaver of Danville, were In town on Monday last. Mr. and Mrs. George K. Klwcll and Miss Maude Yrterv are spending u few days In Philadelphia. Mr. Alfred C. Drinker was In town this week, visiting his brothers. Mr. N. W. Harton of Weston, Ohio, Is In town. .1. 11. Maize Esq., was admitted to practice as an attorney In the Orphans' Court of Lu. zerne county, last week, on motion of lion. II. 11. Payne. Mr. and Mrs. M. 0. Sloan went to Slmcoe, Canada, last week, to attend the funeral of Mrs. Sloan's brother, a prominent and highly respected citizen of that place. They ic turned on Tuesday morning last. Mr. J. M. ltelford, who has been In the otllee of the Good Hope Mutual Itcucflt Asso ciation, has accepted a position in an Insu rance olllce lu Philadelphia and left town. He has made many friends and will he missed. P. M. Trough, formerly of this residing In Minneapolis, Kansas, is here vis iting friends. A CiHirm nf 1. return. machinery. Inquire at this olllce. tf A number of young men of this town have organized a debating club, and meeet every Thursday evening in the Y. M. ('. A. rooms, Haitinan's building. now now ! w II AT is II ? The great system renovator is lltirdock Hlood Hitters. Try It mid he convinced. Piice $1.00, trial size 10 cents. It Is reported that the hog disease Is spread ing in this part of the State, and our farmers would be wise to look carefully after the condition of their uninials. It is not very likely that any diseased meat will rind Its way to market, but possibly lard may. Pur chasers ought to satisfy themselves that the lard they buy Is in all respects pure, as thu ie of a tainted article might be attended with danger. The skating season Is at baud and alieady the lives of vcnlillesome boy have been sac rllleed by trusting to their Ice. Parents should keep n watch over their children ami prevent them from sknllng until the Ice Is of sulllclcnt thickness to obviate all chances of disaster. Kvery winter, scores of thought less ami reckless boys are drowned by ven turing the Ice loo 1 1 it it to benrthelr weight. The knowledge that the sport Is dangerous does not deter them from taking thu ihkx, andthoonly way to prevent thcinjfromi mining Into danger Is vigorous action on the pint of parents. Great reduction In prices nt the store of I.llley fc Slcppy, at Llghtstrcct. More ladles' Coats nnd Dolmans at I.utz fc Slonn's, We have made another reduction In Win- ter Clothing. Come and sec how cheap we are selling, h. Gross, N. Y. Store. Keep your family supplied with "Sellers Cough Syrup." Use It lu time you will avert bronchial and pulmonary alTcclloiis. Cli ents. dec, Some of the vard-hands at Lockanls' car works struck for higher wages last Friday, The firm declined to make an advance and some of the strikers returned to work at the old rale. Telephone- communication lias been estab lished between Williamsport and I'ittMon, a distance of 110 miles. Conversation Is car- ried on with little ililllcully, the words being heard with great distinctness. The London Lnncd urges upon the public the importance of breathing through the nose in damp, cold, or i'oiriry weather. It is nature's respirator ami protection to tiie del icate. Vennor, the weather prophet, Is beginning to feel more at ease. We have reached the season In which It is quite safe to predict cold weather, and lilt the truth neatly every time. Poems Tennyson, Longfellow, Shakes peare, Moore, Hood, ISyron, Hums, Camp- bell, Ingelows, Scotts, Popes and .Milton in cloth or niorrocco, at the People's Drug and Hunk Store. A very pleasant entertainment at the Normal School last Friday Declamations and compositions spersed witli musical selections was given afternoon, were Inter- In a most agreeable manner. There present and all expressed were manv visitors .'ratification. Prof. S. .1. I'ealcr and M. W. Ilrittitin, who were hunting on the North Mountain a few tlays ago, shot anil killed a white deer. Deer of this color arc rare and tills, it is said, Is the Hist ever killed on the mountain. Shickshinny Echo. Small pox is spreading rapidly all over the country and appears to be of an unusually virulent type. ISloomsburg is happily free from the dread disease, but every precaution should be taken to prevent Its obtaining any entrance again. 'Signs of a severn winter" are now belli brought out. The sportsmen who bag wild ducks say they have never known these birds, or partiidges, to be so thickly and heavily feathered. Ducks, cstieelallv, are loaded with a mass of down under the feathers. We do not wisli to blow our own lioru hut everybody acknowledges our Holiday Goods to he the finest anil largest line ever brought to llloomsliurg. Call and be convinced at tiie People's Drug and Hook Store. The order restraining bouts from running on thu Pennsylvania canal on Sunday has been revoked for the season, in order that the boats may be enabled to reach their destination befoiu the canal is frozen up. Quite a number were tunning Sunday last. People from the country will find It to their advantage to look at our stock before pur chasing elsewhere at thu People's Drug and Hook Store. Hy a recent act of Assembly, which will be found on page fit of the Pamphlet Laws for 1831, all borough and township as well as Statu and county taxes, are made a first Hen on real estate upon which they are levied. I he law provides for a lien docket to be kept in the Commissioners' olllce, and a new set of books will be required for that purpose. In case a judicial sale takes place, thu lien docket is to bo satisfied before anv money is paid to tiie creditors. Collectors of taxes should inform themrclves as to the require ments of the law, so as to guard against the penalties prescribed in the third section. Thu Ladies' Aid Society of the Methodist congregation in llloomsliurg are engaged in a laudable effort to raise a fund for refur. nishing their church. In thu furtherance, of their aim they propose during thu winter to furnish a number of public entertainments. l hey open thu season with the appearance at thu Opera House on Wednesday evening, December 7th, of llalph Uiugham, of Well. mond, Vu., the boy orator. The oratory of Master Bingham, who is only ten years old, is warmly praised by the leading dallies of New York and Philadelphia and our citizens can expect something instructive and enter. tabling. The Scranton Republican of Monday last, states that U. r. rowler has the small pox and Is now lu the pest house at that place It further Mates that "Fowler came here from Hlooinsbiirg, Columbia county, a few days ago, where lie took particular pains to visit friends who had had the small pox and was even reckless enough to visit the pest house." Stuff and nonsense. Nobody In Hloonislmrg has had the small pox for nearly two months, and there Is not now, nor has there ever been, a pest house here. Thu pub ncatlon or such statements tend to convey the impression that Hlooinsbiirg is not free from the disease, and, consequently, is not a safe place to visit. The contrary is the truth. All owners of real estate should remember that under the laws nf this Commonwealth all deeds and conveyances which are not re corded six months after they are made will be regarded as void and fraudulent against any subsequent purchaser, and hence it is of the highest importance that our tanner frien ds should examine their old deeds and see if the ltecordet's certificate is indorsed upon them, with the time of record, book and pagu given. If thu certificate is not in. dorsed the deed Is not recorded. Persons having unrecorded deeds lit their possession will have an excellent opportunity to bring or send them In at the next session of the countv court. Since the announcement In our last issuu that "llloomsliurg should support a lecture course" we have learned that a committee had already been organized for that very purpose. Wc are informed mat me inoonis- burg Lecture Lyceum" under the manage ment of C. C. Peacock, President ; John C. Yocum, Secretary; and H. V. White, Treas urer, have secured talent for n cottrsu of lectures, to be opened Thursday night December lfith, lu thu Opera Huusu by I'M Perkins, the greatest humorist of the age, In bis double lecture "The Philosophy of Fun" and "The Perkins Family." llu will be fol lowed on December 31st, (New Year's eve ning) by Col. J. P. Sanford in his popular lec ture "The Old Times and the New." Wallace Hruce, Hon. Daniel Dougherty, nnd Gov. Will Cumback of Indiana will follow In or der. We are glad to make the announce ment and trust the people of llloomsliurg may give such liberal encouragement to the plan as to ensure its success. If the course proves profitable as well as pleasurable this season, it can lie repeated next winter ami regularly thereafter, as bus been done in Her wick. The Lecture Committee deserve praise for their effort to furnish intellectual amusement for the community, and ought to meet with substantial aid. Am IniiMirtfiiit fmw DrrUtoii. An Important question has just been de cided by the Supreme Court of the United States in the case of the appeal of Mr. J. 11. Stalk from the decision of the District Couit at Williamsport. The suit It.volvcd n matter of some eighteen thousand dollars, the plaintiff being the Second National Hank of Wllkcs-llarre. -Mr. Stark had indorsed certain notes, and the drawee having failed, proceedings were Instituted against the en dorser, who In defense alleged usury on the part of the plaintiff. Thu judgment of the District Court was against Mr. Stnrk, on the ground that a charge of usury could not be maintained against National Hanks In Penn sylvania under the iiOth section of the National Hanking Act, as many of the State banks bad the right to issue currency under their charters and to charge discount rates ranging from six to ten per cent, and In some caes even more than this. The judgment of tiie District Court has now been ulllrmcd by the highest court of appeal. The question Is similar to that Involved In the case of Tiffany vs. the National Hank of Missouri, 18th Wallace -10!), and decided by Mr. Jus lieu Strong. It contains a principle of great importance to business men generally, and establishes the fact that he who contracts with a National Hank for a high rate of In terest can not escape the obligations by rais ing the question of usury. Scranton Republican. Cash nald for calves, chickens: turkeys, geese, ducks, dried fruit, butter and eggs, by I.llley cs hieppy, liiginsireei. A great chance going on at I, W. Hart. man's store this week to make room for his Christmas goods. Heaver Overcoats reduced from sMl.OOto 1 8.00 at Gross' N. Y. Store, Hloom. lO.O(K) dozen good fresh eggs and 10.000 pounds good fresh butter wanted by Silas Young, at Light Street, for which he will pay the highest market price. atlg 20-4m. Don't forget I, W. Harlmnn nlwavsbas the crowd for Christmas goodsj this year will excel In numbers. Our Fountain still running and the Ducks swim nicely nt In It Clark & Son's. "It stnnds nt the bend" the light ninnlng Domestic. For sale by W. H. Yctter. ofllce corner Main nnd Mnjket streets, Hloonislmrg, Pa. Also agent for the celebrated Ithaca or gans, fully guaranteed by the manufacturers for 10 years. now 18-tf The largest stock of Winter Clothlnufnr men and boys at Gross' N. Y. Store, Illnflm, Lots of ladles coats latest stvles and fash. Ions from 4.00, 4.fi0, (5.00, fi.fiO, 0,00. 7.00. 8.00. 10.00, to 12.00 nt Silas Young's Light Street. nov. 11 U.ui David Lowenbcrg would Inform the nubile that he has Just returned front JNcw lork 1 tli a full line of Heady Made Clothlm? Cloths and Cassimcres nf the best quality and latest stvle. Hats, Caps, also a full line of Novelties for Fall and Winter and would invite an early inspection oi tuu same. illy 4rrnlillne. Muscatine Journal. 'two hay's work. Two days' moderate application of the means in question, enabled Mr. Otto Elch hnrn, Ml!! N. Ninth street, St. l.ouKMo., to thus write us : I hud been a sufferer for the past six weeks with severe pains in the shoul der and spine so that I was unable to do any work. Advised by a friend I used St. Jacobs Oil. With the second application re lief was had and a cure effected In two days. 1,000 good live calves wanted. Let them come from the north, south, east and west by wholesale and retail. Yon can bring your good calves right along now any time on -Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thurs day of each and every week and get your asu or goons tor i tem at H as ioumr's i.igni oircci. jttiy io 81 ll-m Seal skin cloths or nbislies at gelTiun for ladies' coats and trimmings. Clark fc Son. The HICYCLK SHIRT can only be obtain. ed at David Lowcnberg's. 4.000 pounds of nice pitted Cherries. 4.000 pounds of nice Dried Itaspberrles wanted hy Silas Young nt Light Street, for which he ill pay the highest market price. jury io u-ni. Did you examine Suits for 7.00. There are two cacs of varioloid in. Orange vllle. It is thought there will not be any more cases, as nil care has been taken to prevent the spread of the disease. Dililcs, autograph and photograph alliums in plush, morocco and cloth, from 00 cents to jti.00, at the People's Drug and Hook Store. A nice shawl or a good coat at I. W. Hart-1 man's for a Christmas present. Did vou set! that heavy, all wool overcoat at Gross' N. Y. Store for $4.00. James Archie and Thomas Hawkins, both colored, got into a light on Fast Market Street Wednesday night. Archie bit Hawkins' cheek and Hawkins' chewed Archie's linger. No arrests. "Mv Cleraldlne" is not the best work of Hartley Campbell's pen, but It is a very in teresting play, nnd was effectively presented by Mr. Power's company last Tuesday even, big. There are many dramatic scenes re quiring skillful acting, and these are agreea bly relieved by light and humorous passu- gcs. The plot Is cleverly drawn and well malntuined through the live acts. Mr. J. F. Ward was as happy hi his rendition of the character of Teddy Qrcagan as in that of Jliy yint in "Dr. Clyde," although It does not af ford as much scope for ills peculiar abilities. Mr. Power did justice to the part of Phil Cur roll, as did also Mr. Caine as JTcShant and Mr. Wilson as Mr. Creayan. Miss Carey as r7cr- Mine and Miss Herndon as Mury Carroll are very acceptable emotional actresses and played their respective roles with taste and power. Miss Herndon is however somewhat stagy at times. The other parts were ren- tiered agreeably, The company is well bal anced and is above the average of traveling troupes. Their rendition of "My Geraldine" was the best dramatic effort of the season. Thu attdlencu on Tuesday night was not so large as the merits of thu company and play deserved. Should Mr. Power and his troupu pay us another visit it is probable that there would be few empty seats in the hall. So deserving a band of Thespians .should meet with substantial support. Everything about Sanford's Hadical Cure for Catarrh Invites confidence. It Is the prescription of one of our ablest physicians, and Is prepared by one of the largest anil most reliable drug houses in the United States. Boston Herald. llliUlKIIsl's 1KS11MONY. II. F. McCarthy, druggist, Ottawa, Out., states that he was afflicted with chronic bron chitis for some years, and was completely tired by Hie use of Thomas' Eclectric Oil. We would advise those of our farm ers who tiro holding potatoes lu expectation of a rise in price, to dispose of their stock at present rates. Already there has been a fall lu the price and the chances are that, before long, sixty nnd perhaps fifty cents per bushel will be all that can be obtained. Judge Wilson recently made a decision at Wellsboro, that If u pensioner gives his wife his money, and the latter deposits It in a bank to her credit, thu amount cannot be at' tached by the cieditors of her husband, This decision has been appealed from how ever, mid will comu hefore the supreme court. Thanksgiving day passed very quietly in Hlooiiisbtitg, There was n general suspeti slon of business and the churches were well attended. Thanksgiving is a family holiday and there were many social reunions and lunch consumption of turkey and concomlt ants, Nq disorderly proceedings occurred to mar the harmony of the day. All ladles who wish to save money in Mil, llnery Goods, will llnd a line stock of ladies' plush ami felt hats and bonnets, nnd feathers all colors, wlugs,'llowers,oriiaiuents, velvets, satins and ribbons, for whiter wear, all of which you can get at city cost at A, it H, .Mellenry's stoic, Heuton. Produce taken the same ns cash in cuchtingc for any of thu anove. !iovlB4w (In Tidily Kidi, Trial. We will send Dr. Dye's Celebiiilcd Electro Voltaic Hells and other Electilo Appliances on trial for thirty days to young men and older persons who are nllllcted with nervous ilebllliy.lost vitnllty.ete., guaranteeing speedy relief and complete restoration of vigor and manhood. Also for Itheunmtisin, Neiirulgla, mraiysls, Liver ami Kidney illlllciiltles. Hupttires and many other diseases, Illustra ltd pamphlet sent free. Address Voltaic Hell Co.. Marshall, Michigan. Oct. !i8, '81-Iy b Celluloid, Deatltc ami HulTalo sets In all colors, bottles for covering, wisp holders, at thu People's Drug and Hook Store. Thu Wilkes-Hurre Union Leader states that Col. John Jameson of Hlooinsbiirg, was lu that city recently and lu speaking of the North and West Hranch railroad, said the grade from Nanticoke to Catawlssa would be completed ny me nrst oi January, in a further conversation thu CoUncl made the remark, that Wilkes. Barre has now an op portunity to secure complete drainage at less expense than it ever can be done In the futurc--vl. t by means of a sewer that can be easily constructed of the North Hranch Canal, which Is to be tilled up or covered for the new track of the Pennsylvania llnllroad Company. Hy this plan the cost of excava- Hon would be saved to tho city. There Is wisdom in the words that the people of Wll- kes.Harre may well heed. "A lady had the llesh eaten olHier arm by scrofula, Could see the sinews working, 'Llndsey's Hlood Searcher' cured her." J. Halston, Elderton, Pa. dec. Tho Montour White Lead, Z.iue and Color Works, of Hupert,Pa.,liave recently increased their facilities and put their mills In llrst class working order and secured thu services of W. E. H. Davles, of Philadelphia, an ex. perlenced practical painter and manufacturer as Superintendent. They have no hesitancy, therefore, to guarantee all the goods equal, If not superior to any lu the market. Their IllOttO Is "Ql'AUTrTnBFlll.Sl'CONSIIlEliA'IION," They are now manufacturing pure ready. mixed ami Pure Tinted Paste Paints from Pure Linseed Oil, Whtto Lead, ZliieanilFine Colors. Car, Hrldge, Ship and Hoof Paints, Dry, lu puru linseed oil and rcady.inlxed. Pure White Lead, Zinc, Colors, Pure Linseed Oil, Putty, fee, Ac If you need paints of tiny kind, send for sample card ami price list, HENHY S. HEAY, Oct. 7 2m Huperl, Pa. Important lu Fruit Ounei'H. V e have heen handed the lollowiiig, says the Williamsport Sun und Jlanner, with the request to publish. The points here Involved have been the source of quarrels and litiga tion front time Immemorial : Two persons own hinds separated by a line fence, which is common property between the two parties. One has an apple tree on his side of the fence, whose limbs overhang the fence of the other. Apples fall on either side. The question often nsUcd is, Do the apples that fall on one's land belong to one or thu other, or to both? This subject lias been several times discussed, with some contradictory decisions and Judgments, but the rules are now pretty well established. If the stem or trunk of the tree grows so close to tho line that parts of its actual body extend hi each, neither owner can cut It down without the consent of the other, nnd the fruit Is to be equitably divided. If the Btem of the tree stands wholly within thu boundary line of the owner hu owns the whole tree with Its product, although tin roots and branches extend Into the property of thu other. There was tin old rule of law that the latter might claim front the yield of the tree as much as would bo an offset for thu nourishment it derived from his estate, which is obsolete. The law gives the owner on whose laud the tree stands the right to cut it down at Ids pleasure and to pluck all the fruit from It while it stands. In New Yorli State the courts liavu decided that trespass for assault and battery would lie hy the own er of thu tree against the owner of the land over which Its branches extended If he pre vented the owner of the tree, by personal vl olence, from reaching over and picking thu fruit growing upon these branches while standing on the fence dividing the lauds Tho owner of the land over which the branch' es extend may lop tho branches close to his line. He may so dig down and cut the roots square with his Hue, if hu so elects In plain terms, If no portion of thu trunk Is within his line he may refuse all trespass of the tree on his premises, cither above the ground or below It. Hut if he gives thu ttce license cither to extend Its roots under the soil or to hang Its branches over his ptcmiscs hu doc not thereby gain any right to its fruit. He cannot pick It for himself nor lulcrfcro with the picking by the owner so long as thu hit ter remains in the tree or on the feme which divides the property. This right to the fruit does not, however, penult the other to come upon the soil on the other side of the line to gather tho fruit, nnd all thu fruit which falls The great superiority of DR. BULL'S COUGH SYRUP over all other cough remedies is attested by the immense popular demand for that old established remedy. TininrMiwii 1? I .rv-s. i-rsj I' or the Cure of Coughs, Colds, ; I larseness, Croup, Asthma, Uron- c litis, Whoopinc Couch, Incipient Consumption and for the relief of I , -re t:t;iptive persons m advanced I -s oi the Disease. Vox Sale I - -!' I .pfi.-ts. Price, '2"i cents. Nov. i, 'st-cm Marriages. Eunwixk llniriox, At the parsonage In Centre on Nov. 10th, IHSl, by ltev. N. Spear, Mr. Charles S. Entwine to Miss Dora E. C ltritton, both of West Hemlock.. Haiit Ituo.Mis. At the residence of the bride's father on Nov. 22nd, 1881, by the ltev. G. It, Decliaut, Mr. Amos Dart, of Hingtown, Pa., to Miss llachcl Hhoads, of Hoaringcreek, Columbia county. Haiuo Hi:avi:i:. At the resldedce of O, W. Cherringtou, on Nov. 21th, 1881, by tho ltev. (J. 1). Dcchaut, Mr. Adam Unrig to Miss Huhlah Heaver, both of .Mill Grove, Colum liia ciiuiitv. Deaths. Gaiiki.. At Catawissa, Nov. 10th, 18S1 Clizabeth (label, aged 71 years, 8 mouths and U days. She was buried at Nuinldia Cemetery. Yosf, Near Slalitown on Nov. lUtlt, Wll liain.son of Iliirman and Elizabeth Yost, a, years, :i mounts and davs. lie was burled at Niinihlia Cemetery. Business Notices Our annex is crowded with dress goods.hi dies' coats, shawls, linens, blankets, skirls, large Hue of French and domestic cretous.uap. kius.sllkiiiidsilklluished velvets, table spreads straw goods, such as liasucts, ladles' worn stands, (Vc. ell, come ami see, for we can tell you all we keep lu It. 1 ho room Is feet deep, lighted by two large skylights and one large window and glass door, und at the rear end of It wc have bargain counter, that Is, bargains all for fi cents each, Ourold room Is DO teet long, tilled with too much to tell you. All are Invited to call.! Chuk it Son. HOLMES & SCHUYLER HOLMES & SCHUYLER. CUTLttRY. Everybody scoins surprised nt the extent of our stock of Cutlery. In no store in the county can such a variety of patterns be seen. In Scissors and Shears we have all sizes and at various prices accor ding to quality, the better grades being our specialty. Pocket knives any quality from 10 cents to 4.50 each. The largo quanti ties of fine Razors we sell is a strong recconimcndation as to their superiority. A lady's pride is her table and nothing adds more to its attraction than a hand some set of knives and forks, our line is large, new patterns and low prices lor reliable goods, We have just opened a hand some line of carving knives and forks, new designs with patent rests, prices from 50 cents to -1.50 per pair. Cull and see them. HOLMES & SCHUYLER STOVES. Cold weather is near at hand and already many arc looking around for stoves. The manufacturers have been over-crowded with orders, and it is almost impassible to get them. We have already re ceived several and arc daily adding to our stock. Owing to the universal satisfaction the Argand has given we still keep it as our leading base heating stove, and if you wish to see a perfect beauty call and look at this year's pattern; ft little high in price it's true, but in this age the people demand handsome stoves and the more handsome they arc the more they cost. We have a variety of otber very nice stoves at prices within the reach of all. The Gold Medal is the largest and handsomest base heating stove for the money brought to this town. In 1879 we introduced Sppar's new Silver Moon Heater for heating two or more rooms and owing to the great satisfaction they have given, our trade has steadily increased on them. We warrant every one to giro perfect satisfaction and have got to hear tho first word of complaint or take one back. For ease of management, economy of fuel, great draft and radiating powers, they stand without an equal. Our long experience together with that of Mr. Isaiah Hagenbuch, who lias charge of our Stove and Tinware Department, has enabled us to study the wants of the peo ple and make our selections accordingly. We cordially invito all in want of Stoves to give us a call before purchasing elsewhere, and ex amine our stock which wc shall consider no trouble to show you. Stove repairs of all kinds furnished to order, grates and lire brick for the common cook stoves constantly on hand. HOLMES & SCHUYLER. Gross' heavy Whiter See n woman nicking a bunch of grimes In another column, at Speer's Vineyards, from which Speer's l'ort Grape V hie is made, that is so highly esteemed hy the medical proles- slon for the use of invalids, wcaklv persons and the aged, i or sale hy (.;. A. Kleim. jan 7 '81 1-y The finest line of Iteady-niade Clothing in l lie countv can now tie seen at David Lowcnberg's Clothing Store. may chance to also serve us which are: service manv homes rules of OAK ltvvi'1 HALL Our Ladies, the Lowest. Coats and Dolmans. Price Clark fc Son. Pretty suits for Children just arrived Neat Suits for Boys Stvllsh Suits for Youths ill of the Latest Stvle and Best quality. at the lowest prices can now oe nought l it the I'opular Ulothing btorc oi lJuvm i.oweuiierg. December is here and I. W. llartman's store is full of Christmas presents, go, go, go, and see them. These J We newer offer for sale any Clothing but what v.' believe will mvo tliorcntvn satisfaction to those who wear it. Wc stoutly maintain our custom to always ha. u the Lr,v:st tUock of men's and boys' clothing to show our customers. 2d. Headquarters for Satchels, Trunks Ac. at D. Lowcnberg's. Ladies' and Gents' Gossamers. Something New and Handsome. Clark fc Sou. Best needles, oil, attachments, fee, for all sewing machines, at W. H. Yetter's office, corner Main and Jlnrket streets, opposite I. V. llartman's store. nov. la-tt Cheaper and nought at The old Popular Store of David better Clothing can now be Lowenberg. ed CONSUMPTION. IMl'OIlTANT TO T1IK l'tlllt.lO AS WELL AS 11IK 1IF.OICAI. I'KOrKSsIOS. llalVs Journal of Health, referring to con- sumption, makes the following important statement: "Consumntlou usually beeins with a sllnht dry cough In the morning, then, on going to licit getting more and more lrcuucnt, witu more and more phlegm, increasing debility, thinness oi lleslt, shortness ot urcatli, and quickness of pulse. In fatal cases its aver. ago is nuoui two years: nence the import mice of arresting the disease at as early a stage as possible, and the sooner rational means nro employed for this purpose the greater the chance of success. The disease is owing to an irritation commencing in the throat ami extending to the lungs, so that their action Is interfered with, and the blood does not receive sulllclcnt oxygen to purify it. Tho most marked sign of lung disease is emaciation; and the most positive indication ot returning health is increase in weight. So speaks Hall's Journal of Health, and we may add that in desncratc cases: and. In fact. in all cases of consumption, or troubles of me iiironi anil lungs, immediate rcuei may be obtained and a permanent cure effected by the uso of Dr. Win, Hall's Balsam for the lungs, a medicine Known tor moro than uiir. ty-tlvo yenrs as an unfailing remedy for coughs, colds, bronchitis and all pulmonary and pectoral diseases. That the worst cases of consumption have been cured by the use of Hall's Balsam has been attested to by the thousands who have used it, or who have been cognizant of its wonderful medical ef ficacy, nov. ll-Ow MA.KKETJREPORTS BLOOMSBURQ MARKET. Wheat per CusUel ,,. U0 I itjo i uu corn. " 75 Oats, ' " w Flour per barrel 8.00 cioverBeoa &.M nutter eo KggB .5 Tallow mi 1'otftUies 1.00 Dried Apples 03 llama , , u( Hldca a BUoulders to chickens os Turkeys 111 Lard per pound is Hay per ton 10 uo neeswax ,,, a X This Ofiw Foot Rule w w a are the NvvC 4th.- W r-4-U ... r ' YO Ov we live by every clay, as any one can see. We do not allow our salesmen to mislead customers as to fit or quality or kind of goods. We stick to one prict alike to everybody, rich and poor. Oak Hall is still the Largest Clothing House in America. TT T i-ioni no- serve Fall and Winter, Yours truly, e give the guar antee with each sale we make. the money i anybody wht. wish it, if they choose to bring bo el the goods injured. in- W'Hnttrmker & Brown, OAK HALL, Sixth and Market Sts., Philadelphia. Dauchy & Co's. Advt'a. I A .Ml French Chroino Cuds, Hand Iioimets, Mot. tu toes, niras, etc. Nassau, tf, X, Name uu lue, d J. 11. misted, dec. i-liv SOUTH Don't locate before seelnir our James Hlver settlement. Illus. truteucttaloguefree. J, M. Msu. cha, clareinont, Surry co. X&. d ded. 4v TOTICE, 4,000 pounds of nice dried iilinles wanted by Silas Voting at Light Street, for which he will pay the highest ninikct price. unv 11 Notice ts hereby clvonthat thu following a-eoutit has been tiled In the l'roitionotury's onleo of Colum bia county, and wll bo presinted 10 tho Court of Common Pleus ot said county on the first .Monday of December. A. D. 1SS1 and conilitned alter tho fourth day otnald term unless exceptions bo filed wltlilu that thno. 1. Account of John A, Kunstoo, Committee of Hal. i. Account of K.M. Tewktburv. Committee of lla. tnanus tnrausser, a lunatic. WM. KltlOKllAltM. a. M. liptct, l'roth'y. iiepuiy, NOV, 4tc New Kins and Tur Sloan's. Ti burnings nt Lilly, fz I have Just received uu immense stuck of Huts and Caps very cheap at L. tlross' N. V. Store. Calico and muslin at 1 cents a yard, glng haul 8 cents, ciittiiuade 10 cents, und every thing else to correspond, at I.llley fc SleppyN, i,iguiHtrcci, White and Colored Wool HhinUcts at Lilt. fc iSloaii s, 1 will uuaraiitee mv prices 2ft tier cent. cheaper than any other establishment In tho county. 1., unxs, , . iunnicr. without vIolencL ,0 the ground on,,, ilPZ may thuu become the properly of its owner, J Cheapest. Clark A- Sou, pXECUTOIl'S NOTICE. Ur AUAM KUAT, lUfCHASUD, Letters testamentary on the estate of Ail urn Itout, lato ef thu lownthlp of Madison, Columbia co. l'eun'a., deceased, liuvo been grumed by the lttfls. ter ot said county to James KUner, executor, All persons bavins claims at'atnst lue estate ot the uecuueiii uru reuuesieu 10 preeeut inera tor seme. ment and those Indebted to tho estate to muke pay ment to tbo undersigned executor without delay. C.W.MILMtK, JAMES KISNKH, Attorney. Kxecutor. nov, is a.w WIDOW'S Al'I'UAISKMKNTS. Widow's appraisement lu the estate ot EdwarJ llany, deceased. rersonalty, is.13 Healty, 3IW Widow's appratsemeut lu the estate of Joseph L, rersonaity, poo.cxj Will bo connrmed ulsl on the llrst Monday of De. comber, W, and unless exceptions bo nied within four days thereafter, the bamu wll! bo con-1 urmeu uusotuieiy. WM, UltlCKllAUll, Nov, mo clerk. IMMENSE SALES ! BOYS WANTED I Kun alive! Hood Commlssloul M "LATEST" t'hro. mo cards, t Flirtations, s Lady or (lent correpond. onts Mo. sliver, II. V, Jones, JelTeriou N. V, Take agency. d dec. sw FLORIDA ! Atlantic and Gulf Coast Canal and OUcecho. bee Laud Co, 50,000 SHARES $10 EACH At I'Alt with a HON I'S of 4fl Acres for each 10 shares irum wnuicv imuus ui 1110 imstou furcnase," .i.u,r...u . (Third and Chestnut St.s.. rhllaiiclnlil i. wrnvui I... urn,,,,,-.,, m ,,;,,,-.,,.. , ..V .., VUl .. J , ,1, , ,ttwui. .1, HUI1 (It, Detailed Prospectus with desoilptlvo Maps milled yilBK. d dec, imw PATENTS GEORGE E, LEMON, AWy at Lau; WASHINGTON. 1). ('. Heud Sketch or model for Trellinlnarv Kimnlnnilnn and Opinion us to Patentability, for which no charire io uitiup. ii irjiuiu-u j'uu'iiiHuie uu cuurge tor k r TlCeu irnlfHH Klieet'HMfUl. Kf-nri tor numnTili., rt In Oil uv, ivno. IsmBde. If reported patentable no charge for wr ESTA1ILISIIKI) In 1NU, dec. w LATEST STYLES OP 0wLJ-.I3SrC3- CARDS Mthe 'COLUMBIAN OFFICE.' O W MORNING LIGHT, DOUBLE HEATER. 0. .0. GALIGN AN, BLOOM SBVWi. CO w CO o CO