THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, ELOOMSBURGr, COLUM.BJjA (CO,TNTY, PA. i Valuable Experiments In l'le Fteillnc, , r- ' . -H Unu of our agricultural colleges mntlo somo vnlunlilo oxpcrinionts last fall in tlio matter of feeding pig, that farmers having hogs to fatten this year will do well to consider. The object of tho experiment was to deteinuno tho iiilhiencoof-proteotloii from, or exposure, to tlio Weht1irjjjiih6 cost of meat prodtiofion,lindlh"o respect ivo valuo of corn and bran as a food for fattening tho hogs. Tho experiment began November 1st, 1881, nntl continued eleven. weeks. Ten Berkshire pigs were taken, and each put In a pen by himself, the previous care and feed having both tho same. Five of tho pens were placed in tho basement of a warm slono barn, and livu on tho south side of n flvo foot board fetico with plenty of straw but no other protection. Tho result was as follows: In the pens in the barn wlifcro tho pigs wero fed corn nlonc, 100 pouuds increase of livu weight required pounds of com. In tho pens hi tho yard, fed corn alone, 100 f pounds incrcaso of dive weight required 510 pounds of corn. In tho protected pens where corn and bran wero fed together, 100 pounds ill croaso in live weight, required 181 pouuds of com, and 70 J pounds qf bran. In tho unprptcetcd pens whero corn and bran were fed together, 100 pounds of increase in live weight required f77 2-3 pounds of corn and 83 1-3 pounds of bran. A noticeable, feature in tho experiment was, tho pigs outside consumed much less food than those insido as well as gavo less increase for what they did con sume. As tho hog is valuable- in propor tion to lnsjability in converting grain nllo pork, this was, of course, an additional incidental loss connected with feeding in exposed pens. Two lessons are very clear as tho re sult of experiments. Bran is not a prof itable feed to use in fattening hogs, and it don't pay to have pigs exposed to the weather. Taking tho experiment in which tho pigs outside did tho best, and compariug it with the pigs inside, and the farmer who produced 10,000 pounds of pork would lose 01 bushels of corn in the operation. It was found that 8J pounds of corn were about equal to 75 pounds of bran. Of course no one sot of experiments can settle a matter of this kind, but this experiment points very clearly in one di rection, and this year, when corn and pork aro both high, and it is desirable to produco as many pounds of pork as possiblo from a bushel of corn, farmers will tlo well to note these tacts and con sider if it will not pay well to give the lattcning pigs the wannest and most pro lecteu quarters possible w. o. r. in JJ;e I'atron. Tlie Urrkshlre Hog. This breed seems to carry awav the "sweepstakes" as often as any other, and its ability to do so is due to the perlec tion to which it has been bred. It has certain peculiar marks, and a breed that unerringly conies to true spots in color is indeed worthy to be placed in the list of thoroughbred". .Nov, wo can well un derstand that a solid white hor, like tho Suffolk, Yorkshire or Chester White, will produce young that aro purely white, and that a solid black hoy liko tho Essex will show tho samo in a litter of pigs; but when it is expected that a nog must impress certain spots on its progeny, and tnoso spots to bo exactly on certain parts of the body, wo must admit that breeders have been very skill fill with Berkshire. The breeder has placed a white spot on tho lorehead ol tho Herlcslnro and white spot on each foot like a stoekin and thcro is, likewise, a white spot on tho tint ot the tail. With these excep tionstho body is black. Is it not wonder ful that every puro Berkshire has exactly these marks, with no deviation no more nor any less but a true, unerring set of badges or marks arc thus lixed, 'and which act as his types of purity? He is noted for the lino hams ho produces in preference to other breeds, and fiftv years have been spent in developing him to his present state of excellence. The Berkshire is a living monument to the patience, persovcranco and success of men who have devoted many years to his culture, who have spent wholo fortunes to make him what ho is, and who, many of them, went to their graves unknown. The development of this breed has added millions of dollars to tho wealth of this country and Great Britain, not that it is superior to all other breeds, but because tho perfection attained in his success has been tho causo of renewed interest and' pride in every other class of stock. ino J'oitui'i world regards it as more prolitablo to raise eggs than chick ens. 1 his is what it says; "Wo make no allusion to those largo, establishments where raisins chickens 'as chickens for a near city market is undoubtedly a pay ing business But we address tho com mon poultry raiser, living perhaps a con-i iu;tiiuiu mnuMlli; null! lllitl ftUl, W11U wishes to mako tho most and the best of his stock. And to such we say, raiso every pullet your premises will aecom mouaie. ireat them in such a manner that they will lay earnestly and constant ly through tho winter, and you will make more money than you can by raising chickens to sell for broilers.unlesi at tho fancy prices that such things In iug in cities. Most country breeders have no such market for what they chance to havo'to sell, and the small prices they obtain at tho country hotel or the hoiiac of the wealthy citizen, by no means pays for tho extia trouble and care that early chickens cost: Of course, if you havo a largo number of fowls thero would nee essarily bo cockerels and old hens to fat ten for Bale, but do not mako it your bu siness to sell dead stock instead of mak ing live hens that give you hundreds of eggs every year of your life. Mr. Michael McCann, a well-known and popular manufacturer, of Syacuse, N. ., writes; "I felt generally debili tated and mv health failinc me. Iliiiiireil nnd prayed for an iron constitution, that I might bo rid of many annoyances of ill-health. But dvspopsia audurjnary troubles, attended" by nervous prostra tion, had gotten hold of mo unitfF fel mv uiiiu iuui iuiiiu. inning fccemcu lo tvo mo any permanent relief, lunallv I happened to sec an advertiscmeul Brown's Iron Bitters. "Bless me,' Bays I, 'that's just the mcdiciuo for me pre cisely.' And so it was. By the powers ot old Ireland, it has cured mo ot all my troubles and given mo a constitution o iron." at tiii: Fiir.vrit t'oi nr. A pleasant incident at tho court of Ma no Antoinette is nuts related ny Alanine Campaii! "Franklin appeared at cout in the cos Initio of an American husbandman) Ins inir straight and without powder, his otind hat, and coat of brown cloth, formed " Plrpiig-oontiast with tho span ifyytL audLvirtbroldcred coats, tho pow lered and pomatumed head-dresses ot tho com tiers of Versailles. This novel charmed all tho lively itnaijinatioiis of the French ladies. They gavo elegant fetes to Doctor Pimiklin, who united tho fame of one of tho most skillful ihysblans lMndamo Campan was led nto this mistake bv Franklin!s titlo of doelor to the patriotic virtues which in duced him lo tnkil tho noble role of tipos tlo of liberty. I was present nt ouoi of these fetes, whom the iiwt beautiful (the Countess do Bolignao) among threo hundred ladies was chosen In go and place a crown of laurel oil tho wlnto hair of tho Aincrican philosopher, and kiss both checks of the old man," Advices front Capo Coast Clistlc dated Oct lQ-ltnto that information has been received thero that the king of Ashantco has killed two hundred vountr cirls fdr tho pitrposo of using their bl6od formix- Mir mortar to repair one- oi tno niaio building' Tho report of tho massacre was received irom a reiugeo who was to have' been one of the victims. It receives some cdliflrination also ill tho fact that such wholesale massacres rtrc known to bo a custom with tho king.. It seems in credible that such sliocking deeds can be committed in this ago of civilization. The king of Ashanleo has probably at tained tho eminence of being tho raot brutal monarch in existence.. in:i Mi's and r.osv ciiixks. Wiirxi.tNii, W. Va., May 30, 1881. I am an old physician and have lost many of my youthful prejudices. Learn ing of tho great fjood done by a certain remedy, in restoring to robust health a former patient of( initio who suffered se verely from several chroma ailments re sulting'.froni weak pultnonary,?digestivo and urinary organs, and whom l was un able to benefit with my most careful treatment, I determined to prescribe it. I havo dono so, and the results have been invariably most satisfactory, ln dcr its use tho blood becomes richer, the digestive, urinary and pulmonary organs aro mono strong and pcrtorm their natu ral functions readily and without pain; all (decay seems to be immediately checked and tho progress of the tlsieaso arrested; tho pulse becomes fttllor and stronger, tho lips led and tho cheeks rosy, tho temperature increased andtnoro uniform, tuo action ol the heart regular, and the muscular strength greatly invig orated. In justice to tho inventors, I will say this remedy is Browns Iron Bitters; it is a preparation of iron and vegetable tonics; contains no alcohol,and is tho only preparation of iron in a per fectly assimilable form and that does not blacken the teeth. I have never known it to fail to givo -permanent strength to every part of tho body, or to injure tho most delicate constitution. I havo known it to assist in curing many chronic dis eases when all other remedies had failed. M. I). tiii: HY.1IPTO.1l-l III' Tho Qrcat Unfailing SPECIFIC Liver Complaint, I'O.Ul'I.AINT nro uneasiness nhdpnln tn the nldif, sometimes pain In tlio sbbtdder, turn Is mwaken fof riicnmntiain ; Um Mtoinacn Is olTcctoil with loss of nppctllo nnil sickness bowels, In Kcnernl, costive, sometimes alternating Willi lax ttio lie.d Is troubled with pain, and dull, heavy negation I lonslilerablo loss of memory, with painful sensation of luring left unilono something lilch ought to linvo been dono i often complaining of wraknon, debility and low spirits, sotnetlm a many of tho above sjmptoms attend tlio disease, and nt other tliii" very few ot tliemi out the. Liver Is (federally th. organ most Involved. UKOt'LATE TI1K LIVKtl, AND l'HKVKNT lyprpln CnuitlimlloM, .Iimiiillri', Illlloii" Al tilt l.a. Chill iuui l i'inr, Iliiiiliiilir, Colic, lli liri il" Hilrl(. Sour Mtonl mil, lltnrllimii, I'lli'K, )'ic. Tonic, Altcrnttvo ami Cathartic! Simmons Liver Regulator, purely vegetable. Is tho medicine generally used in the south to nrouso t lie- torpid Liter to uoalthy atllon, It iicln Mlth i vlriinrillmiry lijivii r mill rllleney mi Um liver unit lililnrj". The action oflho Ittifutnl oris nto from nanseaor elne. , It li most effective In stortlnif tho secre sot tho Liter, causing tho blld to net as tv cnth arttc. When thero IS on excess of bllo In tho stom ach, I ho HcKUlator Is an nemo purgo ; utter tho re moval of tho bllo It will regiilato tho bowels and Impart vlpor and hculUi to tno whole sjntem. 1'rep.irod ouly by J. II. ZclltnCo. Sold by all Untwists. JitneJl.'JMy THE WHITE SRWIHB MACHINE OIIPHANS' COUHT OK VALUA1ILK BALK REAL ESTATE I llyvlrttio of an order of tho Orphans' Court of Co lumbia county, tho undersigned executor of tho es Uto of Jacob Evans. lat ot tho Town of lilooms. burtr In said county, deceased, will oiposo to public s.ilo on tho premises on Friday, November 25th, 1081, at two o'clock In tho afternoon ot said d.iy, tho fol lowing dcscilbed property, lo-wlt! All that certain lot or plcco of land, situate In Kcott Town, West llloomsburif, and bounded and described as follows! On tho eaH by lot of (leoro W. Correll, on tho south by I'lno Alley, on tho west by lot of Wl llam Ituport, and on tho south by Second street of said town.con talnlntr eight thousand six hundred and eighteen square feet, on which aro erected a 1'KAMK mVKbblNO IIOUSK, stiblo nud out-bulldlngs. TKII.MS Ol' SALK.-Tcn per cent, of ono-fourth of tho purchase money shall bo paid at tho striking down ot tho property! thoouo-tourlli less tho ten per cent, at Iho confirmation absolute, and thcro malntng thrco-fsurths In ono year after confirma tion ntsl, with Interest from that date. A. J. EVANS, A. L. KBIT!!, Executor. Attorney. Nor, 4-ts II. Harris, Auctioneer. I " 7 - , i "-h RAIL ROAD TIME TABLE DKNNSYIA'ANIA V.AlLUOAt). 1'IIILA. X DELl'lIli it KltlfC It, 11. DIVISION. the t JrOTI(!K IN I'Alt'l'ri'lDX, RSTATK OV Kt.tZiURTlt HKSSKII, OICKiSBD. To.Iulla Kchltgor, Intermarried with Jacob Schla ger. of susiiich.inna county, I'm II. V. (larrett, of Eii't Nnuticoke, I.uerno cotinty.l'a s Mahlon U. lltcks.of llalttmora. Md.! ttenrv Shirfer. of Centre township, Columbia county; Simnna Crawford, In termarried with Stephen Crawford, ot Mt. Pleasant lownsuip, uonunoia eouniy; Angelina iiarreii. in termarried with l.ovl turret, of llrlarcroek town, ship, County of Columbia; Susan A. wolf, Inter- W1LII AIIUTU 1UII,U1 iUUCK UrUCK. 1.UZLTUU BL00MSBUHG STATE SCHOOL SIXTH NOIUIAL SCHOOL DISTRICT. Bloomsburg, Columbia County, Pennsylvania. Hov. D. J. WALLER, Jr., Ph. D., Principal. TIIIH SCHOOL, as at present, constituted, otters tho very host facilities for l'rofcsslonal and Classical learning. , . liunuings spacious, inviting nnu coramomous ; completely neaiea uy steam, wen vcntiiatcu, uguicu oy gas, ami lurnisnca witu a oouniniu supply ui imre.aui . spring wato. Location healthful, an easy of access. Toftchei Moxpcrlonced, eMelont, and nllvo to their work. rmycenui n wecKueuuui.iuii iu uucxpeeiing iu leaen Utsclnllnc. nrm but kind, uniform and thorougn. students admitted nl any time, llooms reserved when desired. IV, Cliwlcal. . Course In .Music. IV. Course In Art. V. Course In Pliyclcal Culture. When a member of C'ongress wanted his liicturo in a heroic attitude, tho artist tiainted him in tlie act of refusing a drink. Whereas, tho world renowned reputation ot tho White kewiiig Machine Induces many unscrupulous competitors to resort to an Kinus oi mean iticks 10 liijuru us repuuuiuu, d beg to caution all Intending purchasers not to buy a .White Machine except from Its regular authorized dealers, who will be sustained by tho following warranty. WEWAHltAftTTIlE NATCIiAL WEAK AND TEAR OP THE While Shuttle Sewii Machine, PLATE NVTMUKU lonaatl FOlt FAMILY rtJUPO SES, AND IIE11EBY AllKEE TO KBEI THE HAME IN itEI'AlU KOH TnE TEHM OF 1'IVl? Y15AHH FltO.M THIS DATE, VliEE OV CllAliUE. 'This wanunty excepW tho breuKago ot needles bobbins and shuttles. . . . , This warranty will not ve susiameu uuiusut tuo Plato number above tlven corresponds with the number on tho shuttlo race slide. Uoware ot defaced or altered numbers. WHITE SEWING MACHINE CO. Tho "WHITE" Shuttb Sowing Machine TTas fljutiTKB cirAciTT than any othsrfamUy Sewing Machlno for doing every variety of worlr. i, SALTZKlt, noncral Agent, KiocinstinTg, Pa. o f ii iiiitiriL l ilii jiiiuru uii. county, and Stephen rolie, guardian ad litem, of ino minor cm aren oi Kinuy hicks, aeceascu, viz: Elizabeth lucks. Mary Hicks, Kvn illcks, Clarence I J. Jltcks, all of Columbia ounty, and John Illcks and Maud M. illcks, ot I.uzerno county, and Jutl.i Illcks, of Susqu.'hanna county, (iltnifl'INd; You aro hereby notliled that lo accordance with a writ of partition. Uvied out of tho Orphans' Court ot Co lumbia countv. .Statu of 1'ennsMvanla. nn lnuuest Iwllibo hohlbytho undersigned, on tno following described premises, to-wlt: AH that certain messu age and tract ot land, slluato In tho township ot centre, county aiorcsaia. uounaea on tno noriu uy a punuc reaa, on tno case oy a puouc roan, on tno south bv lands of Wilson Miller, and on tho west by lands ot II. Schwcppenhclser, containing two acres moro or less with .tho aDDurtcnanccs. to ascertain whether tho samo can be divided without Injury lo or spoiling tho same, and If not to valuo and nu- pralso tlio samo In accordance with tho Act of As sembly. Tho slid inquisition will bo held as aforesaid on tho said premises on KMDAY, XOVKMDEll 2Wi, 1881, nt 2 o'clock p. m when and where you may attend ii youiuiiiK pr)cr. PAUL E. WliiT, Atfy. U. II. ENT, Shcrirt ot Columbia county, Sheriff's Ofllcc, llloomsburg, Expense modcrnto. Fifty cents a week deduction to t couroboot stuuy prcscnocu Dy mo aiaio i I. Model School. II. Preparatory. III. Elementary. iViljtinct Courses t I. Academic,, III. The Elementary. Scicntlllc and Classical Courses nro I'UOFESSIONAL, and Students graduatng therein, iccelvo Stnto Diplomas, conferring tho foltowin irresnondincDeirrees ! Master of tho Kleinonts! Master of tho Sciences : Mutor of tho Classics. lrnilimtci In tho other Courses receivo Normal Corttncates thelrattalnmcnts,, signed by thoonlcersof tho Hoard of Tustei. Thocoursoor stuay nrcscriDea Dymosiaio is uocrni, ana tuu s:ioniinc anu classical courses aro not inferior to moso or our dcsc uoueges. Tho state reqnlresn higher order o! clttzenhli. Tlio times denandtt. It is ono ot the prlmu objects of this School to help to secure It, by furnishing lntclll- ontnndcniclentTeachersforherSehools. Tothtscndtt solicits young ner.sonsot good nlillltlfs und good nurnoses. thoso who desire to Improve their time and their talents, as students. To all such It promises aldlu developing their powers, audabundanl opportunities for well paid labor after leaving School, tor lncipnt. vi;i,i I'ri'ldi'iit llonrd of Trti.tccK. F.I'. lllt.LMYEll, Secretary. WINl'EU Tt.MK TAllfii On and after Oct. :i t'. on thol'hrndelphlHiV Erlo Ka'Irond DIMMon will as iouowh i WBtlWAHl). Erlo Malt knes I'hllailcllihl i nariiMiiirir " Hunbtiry " Mllllnm poll " Iek llaun ' llenovo " Kan. arrive at Hrlo Niagara Express leavcsl'hlladclpliln JllllllSUUIg Siinoury Wllllamsport Lock llaven Itoiovo Kam, Fast Lino leaves I'hllaOeliihta narrmuurg " Hunbtiry " Wllllamsport arrlvo at Lock Haven EAST WA III). Lock llaieu Expaso leaves Lock lluvcu 7 61 n n, "iiiiamspori u o.i n in " Klinlillrv in i ii i.. uimu ui. uarrisourir " I'hlhKl,. hihil Fast Lino lenves canaiiilalgua Watktns " Elmlra Wllllamsport " Hunbury arrives nt ll.irrlsDurg " I'hlladcipnla Day Express leuvcs Kano iienovo Lock Haven nilamsport Erie Mall leaves arrive at iiurrisburg Hept.S.'TH.- HOW? W hat mm WHY One of the problems of Good and Comfortable Living -12 THE MATTER OF CLOTHING. STYES WKLIjMADE CLOTHING AT THE piRE INSURANCE. CUltlSTlAN F. KNAPF, HLOOMBDDItO, FA. UIlITISn AMEHICA ASSUiANCE COMPANY. (1EHMAN FIHEINSUUANCE COMPANY. NATIONAL F1HE INSUltANCE COMPANY. UMOr INSUHANOiJCOJirAKY. 'iheso old coiiroiUTiONS aro well seasoned by ago and mrk TssTKii and have never yet had a loss set tled by any court ot law. Their assets are all tnvest od In siccBirnsand aro liable to tho hazard ot vihk only. Losses tkomitlt and iionkstlt adjusted and paid as soon as determined by CnmSTUN F. KHxrr, srio- AUUNT AMI AliJrHTKKULUOUSBUKU, ri, Tho dcolIo ot Columbia countv should imtrontzo the agency whero losses If any aro setuod and paid oy ono oi meir owncuizonB, FKOM1TNJCS3, BqiHTV fWK OBAL1NG Mot, n, M, VERY LOWEST 1'liICES. HATS von MEN, HOYS, YOUTHS, AND CHILDREN. EXAMINE ouuSTOCK or YOUTHS HOYS ami CHILDUKNS GJLiOTHXIff- .SI II I ITS, PKAUL WHITE, 15ICYCLH SHIHT.S, LATEST OUT. I!USINE?,S AND DR1W5 SHIRTS HANDSOME l'ATrEHNS' DE3IR.VIIEE STYJ.IW A FULL LINE OK KALL STYLES JUST Ii'ECElYED. MERCHANT TAILORING DEPARTMENT. Perfect Fits, Latest Styles, Full Satisfaction. CALL AND EXAMINE THE LARGEST STOCK OF BLOOWSBURG PLANING- MILL. nrOTRTNn and nASsiTMiRSTM tt-tf. nnnxrTv uuuiiiuivi U11UIJ11I1JJ1VLJU Jit X J.L1J JJ U111J. Don't locnto beforo seeing our James mver seiuemeui. inus 'tratcd CHtalogue free. J. M. Man- cho, Llaicmont, biirry co. Va. d now 4iw WANTED ON SALAUY. .Men to sell Trees, Shrubs, Ornpo Vines, ltoics.etc KoprOMOUS experience necessary . i J, Y. LeClaie, lioehester, N. Y. d HxDenses natd. HOV. 4IT CAUTION. GET THE BEST. ESTET OZR,GkA.ILNrS, Tho undersigned having put his 1'lanlngMlllon Railroad street, In tlrst-ciasi condition, Is prepared to ao au Kinas or wont in nis uno. FRAMES, SASH, DOORS, BLINDS MOULDINGS. FLOORING, Etc. furnished at reasonable prices. All lumber ubed Is well Beasoned and none but skilled workmen are employed. ESTIMATES FOR BUILDINGS furnished on application. Plans and specifications I prcparea uy an experienced araugnumaa. CIIARLES KRIIG, ItlooniMburg-, l'a. Datichy & Co'a. Advt's. A Full Line of Furmshmfx Goods, Headquavters for TRUNKS, SATCHELS, VALISES "Til X i.Tlei'o.IiaBBt IT ail ob (KeBasls' THE DAVIS. XT' PATENTS GKORCIE :. LEMON, Alt'y at Lair, WASHINGTON. I). U. Send sketch or model for Preliminary Examination and opinion as to PntenWoIlltv, for which no charge Hrnane. ir rporien paieniauie no cnargo ror ht r- vlces Unless Successful. structlons. KSTAUL1S11KU in 1SC3. Send for pamphlet of ln- d liov.ll-iw Agents Wanted for the betl "Authentic IJft. ami J ubtic Mrrteeao PRESIDENT GARFIELD. fnliv Illustrated wltli akiul cnffravlnca. Tho mot tiiriinnL-. oventiiu ana an neroio me Deioro tho world. Truly a friend ot humanity. Ills last davs all fully and ably toldbyoneof ihobestnu- I uors. in outsell nu oii'ers. uiso no iimo 10 tecure territory. Extra Terms, outnl only 60 cents. Ad dress at once. D. h. HUUKSSKY, 1'ud., oi L'cjrnniu, nosion, uass, Nov. l'.-lw d , 1 U I &RT DAinHrrrm l.lit- r .limiVlt'd hr fire LI nt urol(arMiu, A lVtlll.Mlif aiii kind, Ion tif Oiil'it. tM-or rjrr, Itl'l'l Iti; ff tmtlUgliti iit.iav4 nl I.iiiim f r rl if Y cliia nha a lniiiii, I'mitr nen ItM tliousi"l arti en Ort hut fat ir nr uutleis of ItiT rt h lit-ni.n. Fiil '4 iiiii fur coi j I. ...Ir... .....I It. .. iltd A. 1.1 !-(. P. II. riTZt'prald A. CO., riiim.Afenli, I nil, "in, I I.'MkI- ft) I lid. I .U Ilk In k lo. tiii4l r.i't(mrl uuh,ioiuoi luaunruu. i riiiill, I !J I lul li II II I hnlli niul STRONG- COMFJE T B TION n the manufacture of Orcrans is resulting in the production and sale of cheap goods, made trom interior materials. I refer particularly to bogu3 urgans mat are continually springing into existence, wiuioui any merit whatever, except to he offered cheap, and then when purchaa- eel tounu to uo near at any price, win you not men, reauor, If you Contemplate Buying an Organ consider it your only safeguard to select an instrument hearing the names ot hrst class, wholly responsible makers. A good assortment ol styleaf the celehrated Estey Organs can now ho seen at the now rooms of tlio Ouly .ntuorizaa .agent ten tlie JUstey Organs in Uoiumoia wounty. a. guiuaiueo ior nvo years irom tue .nianu- acturers accompanies every li-stey Urgan, J. SiMt rSER. ilgent, Jnne w' Bloomsburg, P a IJuiTAi- Tiii;atjii:.m' or Jliiii.aii.'1. A caso of Jieartless cruelty to burglars occurred in iNailison tlio otlicr niglit. .Mr i.'. J.nurcnoo t'liiercu ins unco on auiulay morning anil found his safu door stnntl iug open, with seven holes drilled in tlio door, L non examination tnu content were found to bo intact, not ono of the eleven cents having been taken. .Mr Laurence then remembered that ho Inn left the door of tlio safe unlocked the night before, and after tho burglars had drilled the seven holes they also no ticed that it was is n sad foinmeiitary. jWltrauAye Timm. liiimi tiiititci! for f lie 1.1ft1 nml WorU of &A&TJELD Tin only rmni't' ti ktory f f n'-tlo lifo atij tragic UC.Illl. I ri'llll I Hill lltll I l IIJUIC. I.ll H Hl.l J I'l IH.1M nut! ;i'rmnii K-autUulljf illuntrdUHi; titu imiim-ly ifiutM, i. n-i tttllm Uot erer 'Ub lmlinl. lw Juhit 4'. Itlttimlli, rt a 'rrirTr-KT l.i not hur caiciitnnT. to LfxlU XXUlli Hinptd i-HiilPHSn ttnika with uki). 1 1 1 a fMitifr t ik.i.l.l. Thtv fitu utterlr wmihlvkHi an dututst.' ui-oh thu memory of tlie ere a a 1, him! a l u.o finiol on the public. This tKok I flit iit'ly immv. The only work worthy the theme, MMMl af. in iiiiiii itiiMffnii""""; , juMl.i uuuim;i:s & Cu.,l,utluTn.ri,l,bilaigliliia, Oct. 2-iW Benson s $1,000 REWARD. OXE THOUSAND (1,000) DOLLARS PREMIUM oirercd lo ANY I'BKSflN that will do ai GREAT A RANGE OF WORK on ANY OTHER MACHINE. WHAT THE BW DAVIS VERTICAL FEED Will do without basting. It will mako wlilo hem on BbcctB. Ac hem all manner of bias woolen tfoods, oa soft merino, crape, or Roods dinicult to liem on other machines. It makes a moro elastic stitch than any otner machine. It will turn a hem and put in piping at samo tlmo It will turn a hem, new braid on tho rlsht side and stllch on trimming at ono operation. It will do felllnc bias or Btratcht. cither on cotton or woolen goods. It will fell across (earns on any goods. I will bind a Dress or bklrt and sew on faclne. either with or without showing stitches; bind Dress Goods with thesamematerlal, either scallops.polnts, squares or straight. The only machlno that w 111 bind Hats, Cloaks, or other articles with bias, satin or Bilk, from a to 3 Inches tn width, without basting. It will gather with or without tewing on. It will gather between two r ltces and bew on at ino same lime. It will makearumo and stitch a nlllow slln on to luu mciug m ino k&uuHiiug. It will shirr any kind of goods. It will mako nlalted trlmmlnir either with or with' out sewing It on. it will mako Dlalted trlmmlnir either seallaned or Biraigut, ana Bew apipirg on at inosamu lime, ii win maKO lauiu piauing, J. SALTZER. Gen'l Agent, iiloumsburg, Pa. out. 1, '80-tf. AWARDED 'V A TRUE TONIC A PERFECT STRENGTHENED A SURE REVIVER, IKON 1MTTI3KS aro Jilglily recommendeil fur nil diseases re quiring a certain and etliclctit tQiilil ; epccially Jiuligeilion, J)yjpejuiu, Jitter mitlet Fetors, H'unl of Appetite. Lomo Strength, Ixick of linerjy, etc. Enriches (he hlooil, etrcnglhcnj tho musr'v, ami gives new Ufa to tho nerves. They art Ilko a charm on the dlcesti organ, rcmovinK all dyiitcptlotyiiiiitoins, tuili as 2Ufm7 the Foul, Jldditnj, J feat in the Stomach, Jfeartlurn, etc, Thu only Iron L'ri'tmrntlon that will not lilurkoii 11m tcotli or jjlvo Ju'iulliolio. Sold by all dru;?glsts. Write for thu A 11 0 Jiool;, jiji. cf useful and amusing reading tiU free, IJUOWN CIIUJirOAri CO., nnltliiiore, pia. ' ' .r A 6 Pom cine -MEDALS.- HIDES. The Highest Market Prico in Cash PAIUl'OU ALL KINDS OV HIDES AT A. SOLLEDER'S I.oiitlior nnil Siioo rinilliiir ftloru SIain Strci:t, Orrosixr. Stokh Church, BLOOMSBURG, PA. April 8, 'so-ly SPEEB'S PORT QRflPE WIN I'scd In the principal Churches for Communion wirposes. EXOELLEMT FOP. LADIES AND WEAKLY PEB30HS AND THE A3ED. fern vfrtofc " CHERRY (3pser'o Port GS-rape Wine FOUR YEARS OLD. mills I'elebrnted Native AMno Is mado from the j juicu oi mo uporio urape laiseu in uusuouairy its Invaluablo Tonio and Strengthening Properties aro unsurpassed by any other Native Wine. Uelng tno puro Julcoof thoOrape. produced under Mr. Bpeer's own personal supervision, Its purity and genuineness aro guranteed. The youngest child may partako of Its generous qualltlcs,nnd the weak est iuallduso It lo advantage It Is particularly benltlctal to the aged and debilitated, and suited to tho various ailments that arfect tlioweaker sex. it Is la every respect a WINK TO BE ItELlUl) ON. PEER'S Tho I'. J. SIIKItltV Is a Wine of Superior character and partakes of tho golden qualities of tho grape, Horn which It Is made, l'or I'urlty, ltIchnees,Flaor and Medial I'ropeitles, It will be found unoico'.led. SPEER'S TUIs IlItANDV stands unrivaled In this Country, being far superior for medical purposes. IT IS A 1'UIIE distillation fi om tho graro and con. tains valuable medical properties It lias n delicate flavor, similar to that of tho grapes from which It Is dlstllled.and Is tn groat uvor among ursi cmss itumuca. Beo that tho signature of AI.FH1!!) SPEEH.l'assalc K j., is over iuo corr.or eacu uottie, THE BEST RESVIEDY roii Diseases of the Throat and Lungs. It.inn'n III diseases ot tllO Hill- ul.ill.Kv inonnr.v oicatH !i snfo nml vcllnblo remedy is Invaluable. Aveii'1 Cnrmiv 1'rcTOiiAl, Is such ii remedy, nml no , otliersoemilienuyiner. ; Its Iho cotilldcnco ot ' tho public, It U a scl- ctitlllo combination oi tlio medicinal princi ples nml curative, vir tues of tlio lluestdruci. , rlipmlcnllv united, of Jji sncii power ns to Insitro It I tin I'riMltest liossllllo IJW.f rllU'li'iievauil uniform- rrr,TrvTnf Uy of results. Itstrlkci k'luj I UKHli. nt the foundation of nil pulmonary diseases, nllordlnp; prompt relief and rapid cures, and Is adapted to patients of any age or cither sex. lleing very palatable, the youngest children tnisu n reauuy. iu ordinary CoiirI'''. Colds, Soro Tltroiit, IlroiK'l'iltl, liifluciizn, Clcrsyniim's Sore, Astlinm, Croup, unci Cii tnrrh, tho effects of Avcu's Cueimv l'r.c ToiiAt, aro magical, nml nuiltltitdes nro au nually preserved from serious Illness bv lt.1 timelv and faithful use.. It should ba kept at bund in every household for tho pro tection It ntTovds In sudden attacks. Iu Whooping-cough unci Consumption thero Is no other remedy so etlienclous, soothing, nnd helpful. Low miees nro Inducements to try somo of tho many mixtures, or syrups, mado of cheap nnd iuelfeetivo Ingredients, now offered, which, us they contain no curative qualities, can afford only temporary relief, nnd aro suro to deceive and disappoint tlie patient. Diseases of tho throat and lunci demand activoand effective treatment: and It U dan- uerous experimenting with unknown and cheap medicines, from the great liability that ineso uiM'aies may, wnuo so union wiwi, beconiu deeply seated or incurable. Uho Avmt's Ciimmv I'ectorai., and you may conlldently expect tho best results. It Is a standard medical preparation, of known and acknowledged cuiativo power, and is as cheap as its careful preparation and film ingredients will ullow. Kmlnent phyMcians, knowing its composition, presciibu It in their practice, Tho test of half a century has inovcn Its nbsoluto certainty to cine nil pul monary complaints not aluady beyond tho reach ol iimuaii nui. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer 8t Co. l'rattlcnl and Analytical ClirmM. Lowell, Mass. SOLD BY it.L DltV(ll,t.lT!J L LUVWUtltE. A GKNTS WANTKD. A ruru chanoo lo XX mako money rapidly selling our New Hook: New York by SiinlisM and MiM. Miowlni up tho New York of to-nay, with; Its pal aces, its crowded thoroughfares, Its rashtng elevat- eu trains, lis countless mums, us romance, lis mys tery, Its d uk crimes and terrible tragedies, Its char ities, and In fact every phase of llfo In the great city. Don'i wast) tlmo selling blow books, but send for circulars glUng full table of contents, terms to agents, Ac. i-rospeotui now ready nnd territory In great aeniauu. Auuress uuuuljib liiiua., TiM Chestnut street, Philadelphia, Pa. nov, it-i v r PLAYS ! PLAYS ! PLAYS ! PLAYS 1 t'or Readlnc Clubs. for Amateur Theatricals. Tem perance l'la8. Drawing Koom Plays, Fairy I'luis, Kthloplan flays, (luldu Hooks, I'antomlmes, Tab leaux, Lights, Magnesium Lights, Colored Fire, llurnt Cork, Theatrical Face Preparations, Jarloy's Wax Works: wigs, ueards. Moustaches, costumes. charades and Paper Scenery. Now catalogues sont free containing full description and prices. HA.M UKL Fltl'.NCII i SON, 3j Kasl Uth street,Now York. LOV, 14-4W r .MilK I'WAlN'S "THE PRIXCK AND THK PAUPEU." Tho best and funniest of all. Elegantly bound: with 'Ml 11 nu Illustrations. Just thu thing tor the holidays. uircss i . v. m.'ni & eo ncwarK, n, u , nov. ii 4v r II f pin 4 S3 nin C so a lit 5 40 a in !' 40 li 111 Ilt'Snti a Hi p in I la p in 1"l u I in 19 p , I M til U SI p In 4 i. p l n 4.i p in in io p m in in p n, 4 01 p In IMDp lit K "I l ill 0 tU p III la 05 p m ii ij in Tni p m 8 40 p m Op m lis in a in l U2n in 3 is a m I no a iu dm in 10 oi a in 11 I'm ii 12 IA p in i a i p ui 1 os p tn I I ;ir u m 4 lo p m mo pm to io p tn ll no p III 1 iu a ,1 III) H III I uo a in I'hlladelpfila 1-1 IU Knno " llenovo " Lock Ilaien " Wllllamspoit , " . hunbury arrives nt llarrisburg l'hll.ulelphia j;no .Ma i west and i.nck invim r.vnw.oj p... m'iko close connections at Noriliutu'ieriuinl with L. A- U. II. It. trains fur WllMcbuiie and Scranton, Krlo Mail West. Nlainr.i l!xn W,,l nn.i r... LlnoWestmake close connection nt V.'llilaiiinoi t with N, 0. It. W. trnlns north. Niagara Express West and 1nv i:xnir j ..... makocldsoconneclluti ut Loci, llinea villi r.u.v II. It. trains. Erlo .Mall Last and West cnnnet nt rn ...,,i. tralnsoiiL. S. It JI. S. it. K. ; nt Corry wit'i i: I'.,v W. It. It,; nt IHnporlum with li. N. Y,,tp, it u ' and at Driftwood with A, V, it. It, Parlor cars wilt run lii'iwnmi iM, ,tMn Wlllauisport on Niagara Hxniess wst. .urn n,.vV.: press Kast. Sleeping cars on all night, Indus. IWIIKKI' NKILSKN, (leneial sunt INC CENTHAL JtAILWAV lilh, 1681, tiuli.s wm unv 'pin rOHTUKKN COMI'ANi. On nnd after .tanuarv SunburyasfollOHSil KOIITJIWAHD. Northern Expiess n. in., nrrlvc Klmlra v : rtrrivo ui t'linanualgii 1 .i a p. uucucfiier 4.111 l Mlilt.ill-n u , ,. Niagara Expiess l.Oj p. in. arrive K'uilni'ii. 115 p , arrive u.inandaigiu -.3 " itochester 11 1 . " " Nt.lL.'ini t' mi 1, tn Fast line o.lo p m arrive Llmlra 1 1,05 ,, m wntkins 11.6.1 pm SOUTlIWAltl). Srulhern Express ,a a, in. arrive IIaril!b'i. urnvo I'liunilelplila ' " New 101!; in , " " Baltimore l.4n 1' Wnmifnt.tnn ,1 ,1 ... lc lie Express a m arrlvo llairtsb'g in.ifTp m ainvo I'uuaaui mia 3.13 p m " New Yoilc 6M ' " Ualttmoro " Wiislilulnn 7 r.'i Day Express!. 50 p tn uirlvu Ilnrrlsburg p m " I'll i.meinnu is.45 " " New 1011; " llaltlmuro " Wo!ililr.f?ii,n 11.110 muii i.uo u. m. arrne numsijiirg " l'hlladclphl.i " ewYolk " lnitlmnro " Washington 1,. lull til t'.cn 11.., i Xm . 7.33 ' 0.31 " 7.411 !l.l 4 . I'. I'AIt.MEIt. lleneral l'lun-nger .u I KliANIJ THOMSON, M ina. r. piIILADELPIIA AND JEA1H.N(I 1Ua I ARRANGEMENT OF PAS NX C. hi. TRAINS. November ith, issi. TRAINS I.H1VK KUPEIIT A8 F0l.t.0wavSDNDA Y KXCEI'Tlll' For Now York, Philadelphia, Heading, I'ottavllli, kc, 11,45 a. m For Catawlssa, 11,45 a. m, c,ii and 7,10 p. m. For Wllllamsport, C,15 s,su a. tn. nnd 4, Of. p. m. TKAIK3 F3lt ItL'I'XKT LKAVi AS TOLLOXi, (ft iD it - CBl'TKD.) Loavo New York, vli. Tamanend s.tta. m. and via. Uound llrook Homo 7,43 a. m. Loavo Philadelphia, t,45 ti, m. Leave Heading, ll.tsa. m., I'o,t-villi, .s,3ii p. n. andTamaqua, 1,35 p. ra. Lcavo Catawlssa, c,lo 8,10 a. in. mid 4,(10 p. in. Leave Wllllamsport,9.45a.m,':,iiop,m, nnd4,3i p. n, Passengers to and from New York, via. 1 am u uend and to and from Philadelphia g, turoug.i without change of cars. j. it. IIUU'I ii (lenural .ilauutxr C, O. HANCOCK, General Passenger and Ticket Agent. Jan. 10. list tf. DELAWARE. LACKAWANNA WESTEI1N HAlLKOAl). AM BLOOJISBURU U1VIMON Tlme-Tnble No. ! , Takes iffcct at 4 an A. MONDAY, JUNE 10, 1S7P. NOltTJI, p.m. p.m. n.m.l 9 44 1 38 9 31 9 S3 tt.17 9 U STATION.- 3 40 3 31 3 SI 3 IS 3 13 9 9 ill 9 H 9 II J 9 Ut $77 7 SOIjD by o. a. doe si 'w t- KL.EIM. aster, new rich b wU vtf J'iihuih' J'..ii11lio i'fl l'oiiUc UyMoyw UroHiopH Feb ijr -"OlcLBjist Known Romedyfor tJnckncho or Lamo Dnok. Rhoumatiom or L&mo Joints. Crnmps or Sprains. Nouralcla or Kidney Dluoauos. Lumbuao, Sovoro Aohosor Pnlno Fomalo wouknoos. Ai eKiipcrliir lo nil mher Plmli r.. Aro Suprrlor Iu I'uiln. AreHupcrlor to Muloiinti, An Hiipci lor to Oliitniriiin or Sail r. AremiiivrlortoElrrlrli'Ily oraulvaultm Tliry Art Iiilincilluti ly, Tlirjr Htrcimllioii, ThcyHuollic. They Itillevc Tnln nt Ouee. Tliey l'liilllvcly Chit. Ilenf on' Cunclne Toroni Tlu. 11 n imve uenn inmaica, uo J'tll'DOllrf' l'tLUlUltrt, l'lll4 1:11,1.1, VttU'lllpll IIIihuI, and will cniipii'ti'lj' i'Ii,iii.;i) iho il.u,U u I'm frillrn vbtciil III th in niiili.. Aiivihtmhi v ..1 will tiiku 1 pill "lu ll nlirlit ri'iim 1 tu l'.Nwi Li iiiivImi ii..iiii"lt 1 a it nd lieallli. If (iiclin thing Ihl pU.llllll'. Sl'lll I'l' 1111 1 f"r K ll'l'l'l' hllllll'M. . A. ,f)M'.-(l Y .1' VO,, Jlaituil, Jil. (onm-rtf JUimtnr, .IV, AGENTS VAHTF.D tliiK .lliu lilnr err liivcutni. iviii kiiltaiMlrur lockiuai, witu lli:i:i, und TOi: coniplito, In 20 uiUiutui. II wm a:.j nut 0 nnil vuruiy c r luiar wurltror uhkli Ihere Is a'wa'. a ready uijrket N'tid for circular term lo tin Ttromlily llnltltliK aiat hluu Uu,,4ixl WValiliiilunat., (Vuatuu, Alaw majru, -81 dy aid LUQAL ULANKS, PAIITinH 1 WMU I I U II inot ollow our druepiit to palm ait eumu uthcr jOaHtr jiatlog t eimllgr MiuQUJUv iiauic. now uui iuq uru la fleiieu ALWAYS ON HAND To Kervois Sufferert The Great European Ult. J, E. eiMl'SON'S.SrECIt'IC MED1C1KK, Dr. J. II. Simpson's Soecltla llr-dlclno Is a nosltlvo cure for ovum ork of Iiody or brain or oxchss ot any kind, sucli ns weakness and nil diseases rasultlng from Nervous Debility, Irrltablllty.Mcntnl Anxiety, Languor, Lassitude, Depression 01 bplrlts and func tional uoraugemenis 01 mu uervuus bybtem gen erally, 1'alns In tho liacK or Bine, .usji or .iiemory, rrema turo old ago and dis eases that lead u consinpiloii,lns.ud ty au early grin t or both. No mattei how shattered tht system may be f ron excesses of a 11 1 kind, a short coursu 01 una uieuieino will 11-0.01 oini lost functions and procure heulih and happlrcss wiiero ueiuru was uespuuui-iiov uuj gloom, 'inonpo clllo .Medlclno Is being used with wonderful su"erB9 Pamphlets sent freo to all, Wrlto for them and get full partrlcuiar. Price, fcpeclilo it.oo per package, or six packages iur3,iir. 11111 uu mill ur iiiuii uu recujui, 01 mniiii Address all orders, .1, 11. bIMP.shn's MKDICINKCi Nos. 1111 una u Mum street, liunmo, k, y, leb.U.'tiHt 8E ABURY & .IC laiiufwturliifc1 Clin OH llllhl oik. AMIIItn lti:.l:iV AT I.AHT. Price 5c. MEAD'S Medicated CORN and BUNIUN PLASTER. nov. i, 'Ji-iy a AT THIS OFFIOK, VAINHUUIT fs CO., wjfoixsAui a 11001:11s, rillLADKLPHIA, Dealers In TU IB, nyiU'1'3, CU7KUK, bUll Mt, MOL VSHIW, HICK, mCKI, UtCAKII H01H, Ae., Ac. N, I!, corner b'econd and Arcli btrccts, I wt'idcrs will rccelio prompt ntteuiljn, A YEAH ana expensea to agents, outnt Free. AddrebS P. O. V1CKEHY Augusta, .name. r nov. II-4W 9 10 9 lu 8 si 8 49 S 35 8 St 8 03 8 01 7 bS AND Paper Hanging. WM. F. BODINEi IUON ST., HELOW HEt ONI), llLCOMfc-llflvtl, Pa Is prepared to do all kinds of house rAXNexraa Plain and Ornamental PAPER HANGING, BOTH DECORATIVE AND PLAIN. All UIiiiIn ol'Furiilturo Ilcimlrfd. nun mailc nu good un iiciv. 3 00 1 55 1 ti 2 no i 30 i SO i 05 1 45 1V5 1 15 1 00 T IS 12 45 T 44 12 3.1 7 40 12 !5 7 31 12 12 7 26 12 00 7 20 11 to 7 lr. 11 31) C 01 10 50 6 45 t 3) 3 .11 8 51 8 46 8 SS 8 31 8 20, 8 11 8 04 7 6S 7 GO 7 46 7 9 7 Hi 7 23 7 2-1 7 03 P.m. .0 00 n.m .. .Scranton. licltutuo Taylorvllle.. . .Lackawanna I'lttstou . West Plttston Wyoming Jlaltby... . lienuett ....Kingston Kingston Plymouth June.. ...Plymouth , Avoudalo .. . , Nautlcoko llunloek'a creek ....Shlckshlnny ....Hick's Kerry... .ueacn iiaen... lierwlck .... ..lirtar creek ...Willow Drove. ... ,.,.Ltmo mage Espy ..llloomsburg Hunert CatuwlSiii Hrldgc. ....uanviuo ...,1'hulasky Cameron Nortliuinbt'ibwd. la. in. t 9 t i t' I II. V 12 9 1 ' 9 6T '0 111 '11' Hi 10 IS 10 ! 0 .0 III 3. II 42 10 tf ill 01 111 10 11 2 11 3J 11 4.1 II 5 11 6( 12 13 Ui. 4 ID 1 21 I '.'0 . 1 - 42 ' IT . t2 1 I I fJ 3 I'J 3 111 3 l", 3 13 i S 3 21 3 .13 3 SO 4 03 4 10 4 18 1 .5 4 II 4 33 4 12 4 49 4 49 5 Of 5 '. 9 IS b SO 0 IS p. tr. W. P.ui p in Hals . u. n. Sap-irlntendont'e Odlo.i, Snnaton Jiuo'n NONEllUTriltST-CLASS WORKMEN EMPLOYED Estimator; zvZado on all Work, WM. F. LOD1NE. J. W, RaEDER, PRACTICAL BOOK BINDER No 1 10 VUiT .HAltUltT STIIl!i:T, WILKES-BARRE, PA. ItlmlN all tlio current publica tions 111 any Ntj lo j ou 111113- 'o- aiii-c, biuiNluctlou guurnii-tccil. Correipomleiicf solicited P, 0. Box 150. I. S. Cure till nttontloii Klvcn to itll i..vvr I'UIII.ICATIO. Sipt'i, tf Hm aitUiM HarfteM bEltll ffl. C. SLOAN & BRO., m.ooMsnuito, pa. Manufacturers of Carriages, Buggles.Phaetoni, Sleight, Platform wagons, l'list-class work always on hand. ItEPAIMNG XFATLY J)0Nli. fYkes reduced to suit the times, LATEST STYLES OF ay.XJA.I3STGr OABDS At tho 'OOLUMBUN OFFIOE.' THE GREAT Jl UJtLTXGTOX JtO VTE. tSTNo other lino runs Threo Through Pas senger Trains Dally between Chicago, lies Molues, Council IlluHs, Omaha, Llnculu, Ht. Joseph, Atchison, Topekn and Kansas City. Direct connection? for nil polnls In Kati'aii, Nebraska, Colorado, Wyoming, Montana. vadn, Now Mexico, Arizona, Idaho, Oregon and California. Tho Shortest, Speediest nnd MostComfortn bloltouto vlallannihiil to Port Kcott, Denlson, Dallas, Houston, Aintln. S.m Antonio, Unlves ton and all points In Texas. Tho unciiualcd Inducements offered uythH l.lno to Travelers und Tourltts, nro m follows) Tho eolobrnted Pullman (lfi-wln'cl) l'.ilic Bleeping Cars, run only on this l.lne.C. II. Q. l'alaco Druwlng-ltoom Ciii", with llort 11 s ltccllnlngChnlrs. No rxtrn Imigo tor f .m In ltccliiilng Chairs. Tlio famniM C, II. A 0, l'alaco Dining Cars, norfi'iis Kumklni: 1 us fitted with Hlcgant Illali-ll.iiUed KatHin It vplvlng Chairs for tho ex. Iujivo uso 4 tlr t Class paascugcia, . Htccl Track and Superior J'rpilpmcnt, com lilncd with tholrflrentThruiit'li Car Airunt'o mcnt, makes t his, nhovo all nt hers, Iho f n i riio ltouto to IhoHouth, tJaiith-Wcsl,iind thu lur Wct. , Try It, nnd you will find traveling a luxury Instead of n discomfort, Through Tickets vU this Celebrated Lino for ealo at nil unices In Iho I'liltcd trtan b ami Canada. All Information nboiit Itntri of Par.-, Rlri IntT Car Accnmiuodiitlnni, 'I'lmo I i, . will bo cheerfully given by npplymn tu J.Q. A. IIHAN.dcii'l r,nstern Af . t SOO SI , 11. -1 i' " . .... nnd 1117 llrii.idw ij, N V u JAME3II. WOOll.tlon. Pass.At t .t n T.J, I'OVf KU.Uoii. M liua 1, t hi' 4go. Harch IS, W, tot