The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, November 25, 1881, Image 3

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The Columbian.
- - -
1W.0U31SUUHU, l'Kl I) AY NOV, 25, '81.
TIip Wit 1 it CotnMiiy linn put down it lour.
Inch plpf on l'ourlli street below Murlicl,
No trouble to show gomh itnil give prices
nt the People's Drlltf anil llook Store,
ScIiu'iiIiiji'm Uwv Jlluiiks itro now kept lu
stock nt tills (illlce.
The K'ltle til the corner of Mnlu mul
Market streets nro ultimt to be removed to the
opposite corner, near I, W. Melvclvy'x store,
The Tlftli street sellout 1ms been eloeil for
si'vernl (Inyo past on neeoiint of it break In
the steam heating apparatus,
The ladles of St. i'aul's Kptscopal chinch
orRanlzed n Guild, on Tuesday afternoon, the
object of which Is to assist the. needy during
the winter.
l'm S.m.i:. A power steam en
gine and boiler, lit good condition. Suitable
for running a ptlntlug press or oilier light
machinery. Inquire at this olllce. tf
When you get hold of a live-dollar gold
piece bo careful not to mistake It for n new
bronze cent In making change. This blun.
tier has been made clsowhcru In tho hurry of
We have just received an elegant assort,
inent of beautiful New Year cards, of novel
designs and e.U'cllcnt material, to which we
Invito attention. They are the neatest and
prettiest we baVe seen this season.
The latest neck gear are the large ker
chiefs such as our grandmothers were pleased
to wear nearly n hundred years ago. They
nearly cover the shoulders, and then cross
over the chest with the ends tucked lu the
belt, or knotted just above, thin giving it de
mure elTcct.
Celluloid sets and hanging lumps at the
People's Drug and Hook Store.
Among our millinery novelties Is a felt hat,
with a deep brim and sipiare crown. This
consists of a four-cornered piece, sillily lined
and resting upon the folds of a velvet pi tub,
which give the accordion effect.
With tho completion of Hie Xortb and West
llranch rail road bridge across Catawlssa
creek, at Culawlssa, there will be seven
bridges spanning the stream within the dis.
lance of a mile from Its mouth live of them
being within an eighth of a mile.
John J. McIIcnry has recently rtcelved an
Immense stock of Tall and Winter Goods at
his store lu Heiilon, and Is selling them at
reasonable prices. People in that vicinity
will do well to visit his establishment and sc.
cure bargains.
At the meeting of the Slate Hevenue Com
mission held In Philadelphia, last week,
Mr. Ihiekalew was placed on the following
committees: Huslness, chairman, Capital
Stock of Corporations and "Shall Hevenue
Hill be reported."
Pel Turnery, brushes, student lamps, dlalile
sets at very low prices at the People's Drug
and Hook Store.
A meeting of Caldwell Consistorv was held
here last week and was attended bv many
Masons "of high degree" from various towns
in the ncighhoihood. There was considera
ble business transacted anil the session con
tinned through Thursday and l'r'ulny eve
Florence, daughter ol Mrs. Harriet Kraier,
died til her home on Third street on the 10th
inst. Her disease was dropsy and her agi
fifteen years. The funeral services were held
at the Pre.sbylciiau church on Sunday after
noon, the Kith, anil the body was Interred in
liosemonl cemetery.
A number of young ladies and gentlemen
had a dance In Winona Hall, last Friday eve-
nlng. ami enjoyed themselves thoroughly
Some llfteeu couples partook of a delicious
supper at the i:cliange Hotel, ami were
warm in their praises of the tuitine of that
hostelry. Arterthe viands had been discussed,
dancing was resinned, and continued until a
reasonably lute hour.
Xo more small po lu Oningevllle, but it
has left me with u large stock of Kali, Winter
and Millinery Goods on hand, which I intend
to sell at ten per cent less than thev can be
purchased for anywhere else in the county, In
order not to carry them over. So bring in
your cash and produce and secure the great
est bargains of your life.
Nov. M-tf ' ('. W. ,ov.
People will llnd three times as much more
slock than last Christmas nt the People's
I'rug ami Hook Store.
The case of Franklin Monroe vs. The IV
aware, Lackawanna & Western It. It. Co.,
was tried before Judge Hlwcli, in Wilkes
Harre, last week. Monroe was ejected from a
'ram on the I,. & II. II. It., although he
claimed that he had a ticket, was caught in
a storm and his health nermaiienllv all'ected.
The jury gave him y-1,000 damages. An ap-
pueaiion for u new trial was made by the
Tho meanest rascal we have heard of for
some time, lives lu Seranton. The corner
stone of St. David's HpKcopal church was
wm jiisiiop Howe on Fihlay evening, a
heavy rain Morm prevailing. After the cer
emony some sacrilegious wretch stoln the
coins deposited In the corner .stone, the storm
having prevented tho safe covering of the
oo. containing them. A contemptible theft
It Is miiuo years since a course of lectures
mis been attempted In Hlooinsbunr. Form
erly Mich ventures were failures for want of
patronage, but there Is no reason now why
success should not attend them. Herwick
has had numbers of the leading lecturers and
speakers, and given them large audiences,
aim surely Illoomsbui'' should do as much
The Winona Fire company contains the ma-
icnal for an active committee, and we hope
to sco a move In the matter.
Mirrors, vases, toilet sets, perfumery cases,
hand.paiutcd covered bottles, for Christinas,
at the People's Drug and Hook Store.
When you wish to know what the weather
Is to be, says nil exchange, go out and select
the smallest cloud you see. Keep vour eve
upon It, ami )f n decreases and dlkaiinears it
shows a slate of the air which Is sure to be
followed by dry weather i hut if It Increases
hi sl.e, take your great with you if you
are going fm- fmm home, for falling weather
"oi lar off. The reason Is Ibis t when the
air Is becoming charged with electricity, you
will see every cloud attracting all lesser ones
'owanl It, until It gathers Into u showeij ami
on the contrary, when the lluid Is im(,lng on
or diffusing Itself, then a large cloud will bo
seen breaking Into pieces and dissolving.
On TIiIiii llins Trial.
Wu will send Dr. Dye's Celebrated Kleclro
xmaie ileus and oilier lilcctllo Appllaili
Oil ) 1 1 ill forlblilv davs to vomiL' men a
older persons who are nlllicted with neivous
uelilllly.lost vllallty.ctc., giiaraulcciiigcpe
relief ami complete restoration of vliror i
ni'iiihood. Also for Itlii'iiiiiulUiw, Neuudgla
lai.iljsls, l.lver and Kidney dlllleullU
1 1 1 1 1 t n r - and in.ii v "ther dl - mm llhiMi
'd pamphht Mill inc. Address Yoltnli
Hell Co., Mardmll, Mlrlili.ui.
Gel , 'mi x
If you can't "Hear" a cough. "Hull" It with
Dr. Hull's Cough Syrup,
Snow fell on Wednesday In considerable
The roads nro In very bad condition, nnd
heavy teaming Is hard on tho horses.
Tax collectors' Hecelpt hooks for sale at
this office.
Tho llrst sleigh of the season was seen on
Thanksgiving morning.
Tho main street of niooiiiRburg Is In nny-
thing but good order, being muddy and
There N nt present a fancy In nolo paper
to have the given name or tho Initials of the
full name, In gold or colored bronc placed
diagonally across the upper left corner.
The latest and best stock of Christmas nnd
Now Year's cards at the People's Drug and
Hook Store.
Tlio school at Willow Grove Is almost de
ertcd, on nccount of scarlet fever prevailing
the neighborhood.
The Friendship Fire Company will give a
ball nt Drawer's Hall, on Monday evening,
December 2flth.
unci: o. itoi'E kvi:ii.
No matter what the ailment may be, rheuma
tism, neuralgia, lameness, asthma, bronchi.
If other treatments have failed hone mil
Go at once for Thomas' Kclectrle Oil. It will
secure you Immediate relief.
t a meeting of the board of Patdous, held
In llarrlsbiirg on Tuesday last, the case of
George Graul, convicted In the Court of Col-
umbia county of assault and battery with
intent to commit rape, was continued until
the next meeting of the Hoard.
The Hubert O'Gradv "Kvlcthm" rnimi.-itiv
- , j
played ton wretchedly small audience at the
Opera House on Wednesday evening. Their
acting gave salislactlon and deserved a bet
ler house.
J Auditor' and administrators' account
books, containing full Instructions bow to
settle an estate, receipts, &c, for sale ut this
olllce. These are the most convenient books
of the kind ever printed, and they are in use
all over the State. t-f
Mrs. Wellington Hartman died on Friday
morning last, aged Hi) years, 2 months and 0
days. She had not been considered In dan
ger until about a week before her death.
Mrs. Hartman was n consistent Christian, a
warm friend, a loving wife and a good neigh
bor and will be sincerely missed by a large
circle of friends.
Scrap books, gents' shaving cases, easels,
American and Knglisb poems, games of all
kinds at the People's Drug mid Hook Store.
At the last meeting of the State Firemen's
Association In Heading, It was resolved to
organize a Volunteer Firemen's Insurance
Company. The various lire companies were
to decide upon the amount of stock they
would subscribe, and then report. The cap
ital stock set down is 9200,000, divided Into
4,000 shares at iJ.V) each. Will our "tin
laddies" subscribe for this company?
All ladies who wisli to save money in Mil
linery Goods, will Ibid a line stock of ladles'
plush and felt bats and bonuets.aud feathers
all colors, wings,' tlowers.ornaments, velvets,
satins and ribbons, for winter wear, all of
which vou can get at city cost at A. it H.
McHenry's store, Kenton. Produce taken
the same as cash in exchange for any of the
above. nnvlSlw
Considerable of the cob, which is now In
circulation is not what It appears to be.
Sharpers are buying up bllver dollars, halves
and quarters that have holes in thein, pro
curing the dollars at seventy cents, and the
others at about oiicbalf their original value.
They till up the boles with prepared wire, so
Ingeniously that no one but an export can
defect it, and then pass them at full value.
The Hughesvllle Pharmacy has passed into
the bands of MoycrKrothers, of Hloomsbiirg,
and Mr. Elmer Mover, a practical druggist,
will hereafter be in charge. In the hands of
these enterprising and practical men, we are
warranted In saying that before many days
no better drug store will be found in the
county than the Hughesville Pharmacy. Suc
cess to the new proprietors, lljl,emlle l-'n-terprite.
We are informed on reliable authority Hint
the men who went from this town toOrange.
ville, and there buried the victims of small
pox, changed their clothing after the burial
and that the cast.oll' garments were subse
quently buried. The men washed them,
selves thoroughly with warm water and soap,
ami the clothes they wore home were fumi
gated with bromine. We make the correc.
Hon with the greatest pleasure, as we are
heartily glad to know that our people have
not been exposed to the contagion.
It lias long been known that the bite of a
spider is extremely poisonous to pome peo.
pie, though not dangerous in this latitude.
A recent case Is reported however in which
a fatal result ensued from a spider bite. A
man named Kibble, of Greensburg, West
moreland county, while in tho woods was
bitten by a largu spider and died from the
effects on the following day in great agony.
The poison was as virulent as that of a
f.ook after the cabbage patches In your
gardens. It is stated upon excellent author,
ity that decaying cabbage is a fruitful source
of diphtheria. It will be well also to watch
the cellars closely during the coming winter
md remove at once all decaying vegetables.
,V little attention to the sanitary regulation
of bouse anil premises lu season will repay
our readers In the enjoyment of better health
and a reduction of the doctor's bills.
Pocket books, card and cigar cases, gold
pens and pencils, family and pocket Hlblcs
at the People's Drug and Hook Store.
The Jsghlulirf Record still finds its way Into
printing ofllccs and Is promptly consigned to
the wasle basket. There is no telling when
It will come to an end, as there Is an elabo
rate Index to print yet. The legislature ad-
joiirued neai ly six mouths ago, but this
wretched fraud is still carried on at the ex.
pense of the tax. payers. It is time that this
swindle should be stopped, and ft can be If
candidates for legislative honors are coin
pelled to promise that they will vote to stop
the publication of tho Ricmd. It costs nearly
!f,'i0,0rt(l a year to print this ildlciilous Jour
nal and it Is never read by anybody,
The Montour While Lead, Zinc and Color
Works, of llupert.Pa.Jiave recently Increased
their facilities and put their mills in llrst
class working order and secured the services
of W. K. 11. Davles, or Philadelphia, an e
perlenced practical painter nnd manufacturer
as .Superintendent. They havu no hesitancy,
therefore, to guarantee all the goods equal,
If not superior to any In the market. Their
motto Is "(Ji'.M.rrv nit; Fills ion."
They are now liianiiraeluilng pure ready
mixed and Pure Tinted Paste Paluls from
Pure Linseed Oil, While Lead, .liiuuud Fine
Colors, Car, Hrldge, Ship and Hoof Paints,
Dry, in pure linseed oil ami reiidy-mlxed.
Pure While Lead, 'Mm', Colors, Pure Lln.eed
Oil, Putty, A., Are.
IV I .. .... , , , . ..
o)"'i m en iMinis oi any Kiini, semi l"l
sample card and price II, t.
HKN'ltV S. 1 1 MAY,
Oct, 7 2ut Unpen. Pa.
A fashion iianer snvs that women like the
electric light since they have learned ttint It
makes the eves simrkle, ns If the V were dia
monds. There Is a much moro weighty ren-
son why they should nbiior it, its tney no an
empty powder box or an unfilled Jewelry
case. Tim cold cleain from tho electric
globe makes tho complexion ghastly a thing
of white Ice and sick-room pallor. A cnrclui
wnmnn would ns noon exneel to llnd n not of
gold at the end of a rainbow ns true beauty
under a carbon name.
Galveston News.
The Madison (Wis.) Democrat, In endeavor
lug to treat the wounds received by the can
didates for the presidency, wisely prescribes
St. Jacob's Oil; Of course wo could not ex
pect our worthy contemporary to do other
wise than recommend that famous Old Ger
man Heinedy, which "heals all wounds but
those of love" and soothes all pains, save
those of political disappointment.
A man, whose name Is supposed to be J.
C. Smith from papers found on his person,
was struck nnd killed by tho down freight
train of the Ij. & H. It. H. on Saturday after
noon In Hrlarereek township. Ills skull was
fractured. A small sum of money and a bottle
partly tilled with liquor were found In Ids
pockets. The man lived for four hours after
the accident and died at Herwick where he
was taken In the evening.
That purely vegetable compound, Hurdock
Wood Hltterrs, may be justly teemed the
Kllxlr of Life. A pleasant and effective med
icine! It Imparts strength and vitality to the
entire system, Price $1.00, trial size 10
Henry O. Sllkman Is said to have purchas
ed the Interest of the late Colonel Jackson's
estate In a charcoal Iron furnace, located at
Laureltou, Pa., that Is making a superior
quality of charcoal pig iron, which Is in great
demand and is especially adapted to the
manufacture of car wheels. He will reside
at Herwick. There Is little doubt that he will
have the same success that he has formerly
had lu the manufacture of stoves and other
business enterprises in this city, Seranton
My (Icruhlliir.
Next Tuesday evening, Hartley Campbell's
new play, "My Geraldlne," xvlll be present
ed nt the Opera House by Power's Company.
This company, It'will be remembered, played
"Dr. Clyde" In "an excellent manner, last
year, and were heartily applauded. Mr.
Campbell's new play has been very success
fid in New York nnd other largo cities, and
has been praised by press nnd people. It
was produced in Heading recently, to the
satisfaction of a lnrgo audience. The Timet,
of that city, said of the performance i
"Powers' company produced at the Acade
my of Music, Hartley Campbell's Irish drama,
"My Geraldlne," to a larce audience In a sat
isfactory manner, as was frequently demon
stratedby enthusiastic applause. TJio play
has many strong dramatic features and also
some line scenic effects, notably, the 'Grey
Nun Abbey,' which was very creditably pre
sented. The company is a very good one.
Mr. W. H. Powers, Miss Agnes Herndon,
Miss Corey, Mr. Cain and Mr. Ward were
natural and effective in their renditions.
Mr. Mlshler Is endeavoring on account of
ineir iinanciai anil artistic success, to have
them return within a fortnight and reproduce
the same play."
"The doctors said my wife had consump
tion. Tried 'Llndsey's Wood Searcher,' and
she has better health than ever." G. II.
Hubbard, Hampden, Ohio. nov.
nucUlioru Items.
A little boy, "Milt," of William Faust, Is
dangerously ill. In the absence of Dr. Lenkcr
at Wilkes-Harre, Dr. Mcltcynolds was
Jvdward Thomas has gone to England, this
being the llfth time he has crossed the At
The Valley church is being painted.
A shed is being built across the lot back of
the M. E. church at this place, for the protec
tion of horses and carriages during service.
A series of meetings began In this church on
Su nday evening.
William P. Leldy and James A. Harris are
at present catching turtles nnd shipping the
same by the barrel. They are making this a
prolitable business.
Edward Hennett, of Nantlcoke, a nephew
of Kalph Ivey, has been making a visit here,
but has now returned.
G. W. Hartman has moved to Nantlcoke,
and is a partner with Ids brother "North" in
the book store, under the llrm name of N. M.
Hartmaiufc Hro. John G. Hartman accom-
panied them, and will be a typo In the Chron
icle olllce. Hy this removal the musical circle
suffers, as well as the churches, for while the
gentlemen were both prominent members of
the band, Mrs. H. officiated generally as or
ganist in both churches. They cany with
them the best wishes of the community.
Hon. Win. Taylor, Hoston, Is well again.
Completely cured of a scrofulous humor
which poisoned his blood, covering his face
and head with sores, by Cutlcura Hesolvent
internally and Cutlcura and Cutieiira Soap
Mr. H. H. Clark is in New York buying
Col. Levi h. Tate, of Wllllammort. was In
town on Saturday.
Col. A. J. Frick and Mr. John Grove, of
Danville, called nt the Coi.umiiian olllce on
Saturday last.
W. T. Manning, of Jackson township,
agent for J. F. LcClarc. the Hochester N.
Y. nurseryman, was In town on Wednesday.
-Mr, M, H. Crary, lteclster of Deeds of Lu.
zerne county, John Schuyler, Jr., proprietor
of the I'lillon House. Lock Haven. I). H.
I'.lse, proprietor of the Crawford House, Wil-
liamsport, registered at the Exehanire Hotel
on Thursday evening of last week.
Miss Sarah Sloan went to Washington 1).
O. on Wednesday to visit friends.
MIS9 Maine Sloan is vlsltlnc friends In Phil.
-Mr. and Mrs. Hrlght are the guests of Mrs.
Dr. McKelvy.
-Miss Carrie Morris, of Susquehana county,
U visiting Miss Ella McKIimcy.
Miss Maine Frick, of Danville, spent Sun
day with her cousin, -Miss Martha Clark.
11. V. White has charce of G. A. Clink's
book store, during .the absence of the latter
lit the city.
Mrs. J, W. Chembeiiin, of Plymouth. spent
a few days with her sister, .Mrs. O. P. Sloan,
tins week.
Jas. O. Hrown has so far recovered as to
bo ablo to return to town, He came down on
Monday for the first time,
Mrs. I). 0. John, wife of Itev. I), C. John,
formerly pastor or the M. E. Church, of
Hloomsbiirg, Is visiting Mrs, Freas Hrown
at the Exchange Hotel. She resides In St.
Paul, Minn,, where her husband I- Picsldeiit
of Hamlluii University.
Michael Tracy leu res'iiii 'l his position at
Neal ti Sous' furnace.
.Mr. William Mclvweii, representing Wain
right & Co., or Phil idelphl i, was In town
this week. He bus u large trade lu this
Wo take pleasure in anii'iniielug to our
friends and patrons that we have been to
Plilladi'lp'il i and New York anil selected a
still of Chllsimu- Goods siull as to suit
both lu quality and pi lees, You will be sur-
pilsed to see Hie full stock and low plhvs,
People's Drug and llook Store,
Jd-oTTlio liit ol' Now York, Tliiliulcl-
pliiri, Uoslon, t. litcngo, ht. Lotus mul
onn l'YnncWeo.
Isitcblfttid UrciileslH'iisillon,
under tho mnnntrumcnt or Mr. W. It. l'OWKIt with
nil tlio original scenic effects The grut Inslalita-
aeuus cuangu nuenu, me
Ruins of Gray Nun Abbey,
brought by tho company.
Superb Costumes,
J.xqlllsite .Music,
EInborate Appointments.
PHICKS an, us & do.
Ilcservcd seats for sale at Denllei's.
"What every one says must be true," thai
"Dr. Sellers' Cough Syrup" has no eipial for
coughs and colds, Try It. Price "'ic. nov.
The lloral horseshoe as a wedding decora
tion has almost had Its day. Its place will
be taken by another token of good luck the
four leafed clover. It docs not take as many
(lowers as the horseshoe, and therefore docs
not cost as much,
A full assortment of justlce..' and consta
bles' blanks can now be found at the
MAN olllce.
Tlio KiiIkIiI of t!relu.
The Wllkes.Harre I'nion-f.milrr prints u
weird tale about n meeting of a mysterious
order known us "The Knights of Hrcbus,"
to be held near Wilkes-Il.irre at midnight
next Fihlay. Delegates from different towns In
the Valley are announced to be present,
lllooinsburg and Herwick among others.
Little is known of Ibis order or its meetings.
One man has been foujid who claims to
have witnessed a meeting of the 'Knights,"
some three years ago In a gorge of the Moo.
sic mountains. Ills attention was dlleclcd to
a camp tire around which were moving forms.
He says that the men about the lire, which
grew larger as the moments advanced, num
bered fully two hundred. That all were
robed in long (lowing gowns, some of plain
black, some of red and black in stripes, some
of pure red dotted with curious crosses in
yellow, while others were white with huge
black maltcse crosses covcing the trout.
Knch man's head was covered with a black
mask. At a given signal all joined bauds
and elided seven times about the lire, at the
same time Intoning a wienl chaiil. When
this was lini-died the members stood stock
still in a circle, while one. who appeared to
be the high chief, whixe robes were cmn-po-ed
of bright crimson, garnished with
crosses, stars and hieroglyphics, pncd
round and whispered something In each
member's ear. After that another wild chant
was snug, when the members then sat down,
like Turks, about the tire, and listened to
one who drew from under his long gown a
bundle of papers which be read. The wit
ness above could hear nothing that trans
pired save the chanting, so he was unable
to understand what the repot t. if such it
was, consisted of.
Now, who are the delegates from lllooms.
burg? That is what wc would like to know.
There is something very misty and improba
ble about the story, and ipiite likely some of
our readers will not believe that anv such
order exists. Does It?
MAK1NO a ham:.
John Hays, Ciedit, P. ).,say.s that for nine
months lie could not raise his hand to his
head through lameness In the shoulder, but
by the use of Thomas' Eelectrlc Oil he was
entirely cured.
The great superiority of DR.
allother cough remedies is attested
a by the immense popular demand
U for that old established remedy.
i For tho Cure of Coughs, Colds,
1 Hoarseness, Croup, Asthma. Bron
I chitis, Whooping Cough, Incipient
I ' ,1,. nt 1 r. txn -.-.!, ..f I
"Msmnntive per ins in advanced i
la, cs of the l)iscae. For Sale
, ynl I',ni!Jr'i-ts, Price, 25 cents.
Nov. 4, 'Si-Cm
Business Notices
4,000 pounds of nlco dried apples wanted
by Silas Voung at Light Street, tor which he
w:IU pay the highest market price.
nov 11 ;i-ni
II. H. Clark, of the llrm of Clink & Son Is
in I lu city buying Holiday Goods, J.ook out
for Novelties,"
I have just received an immense stock of
Hats and Caps very cheap at L. Gross' N. Y
Calico and muslin at fi tents a yard, ging
ham 8 cents, cottonade 10 cents, and every
thing else to correspond, at Lilley it Slcppy ftf,
I will uuaraiitee my prices 2.1 per cent.
cheaper Hum any other establishment in tho
coillilv. I.. Gros-i, .. , l lolliier,
Great reduction in price at the store of
Lilley Ncppy, at l.lglitstreet.
r.. i,, ,.,,1 ,.,n.,,.. ,...,i, ,..,.,,. t m-i
(,,,,,,, t,Miii !.,,, I,,,,, iii ,, in
ter Clothing. Come and see bow cheap we
are selling, i.. uross, .. .riorc.
Cash paid for calves, chickens! turkeys,
geese, ducks, dried fruit, butter and eggs, by
l.iliey iVMfppy, i.igutsireei.
Over llflv Ladles' Coats and Dolmans lust
received at ji ','", thcgicatcst bargains oi the
season. i lai n i; Mm.
liny your vilfo a nice linen tablecloth and
napkins to mulch, put up inn neat box, at 1.
W. llarlmaii's, for a Christmas present.
Heaver Overcoats reduced from $11.00 to
fS.OOnt Gross' ,. Y. Store, llloont.
The people are talking already about 1, W.
lliiiluian' Christinas goods, aiul he is sine
It ulll not end lu talk,
10,000 iloen jj'ioil fresh enn anil 10.000
ixuituls jjooil lresh bet, it wanleil liv Silas
Ymiiij;, at Light Streel.for which he will pav
the hlKhcM maiKet pilcc nils,' !iMm.
"It slaiuls at Hie lieail" Hie Uhi iiiiuilu);
Domeslle. For sale bv YY , II. 'W'lhr. olllce
corner Main anil Mnihlt streets, l!loiins1iii;,
I'.i. Also nixent tor Hie i t-It liriilci) Mini ,1 or
jmiik, lulh ifiiariuilcia) I, 1 ht- 1 n 1 1 1 1 1 1 Ti 1 ( inieis
tor 10 yen. nov. Ix-tf
Ylie lai'ijisi muck ol Wl, lei t'h iliiiMr for
lllrii an ! I.ns at Uiv - ' 'ir. . II1 1 u.
I.'IW Hi 1 1 t . . ( I I
Ions ft "in I oi). to
H.O0, 10.0' I. In 1 1 t
Strei 1
1 11 II uii , 00.
1 am; I
I. W. llartinan'g Christmas books and
curds will tin nnn of Ibn ffrenl nllriinllmm nt
Ids store this month nnd next.
It'tvlil t.nU'f.Mltnnr ti'ntiM tnfnr,,, tl,, ,,,,1,11.,
that bo has just returned from
New York
with n full lino of Heady Made Clothing
Cloths and Casslmtres of the best ipmllty and
latest si vie.
Hats, t aps, also a full line of
V.....1(l..u fA.. 1.--.. 1 1 1 MM.......
IIUIIUIS IUI X (111 HUM llliei
and would Invite an early inspection
oi uic same.
1.000 irnod livi, f!ltvi li'itntnif T.i,t lltnm
come from tho north, south, enst nnd west
by wholesale nnd ictnll. You can bring your
good calves right ulong now nny time on
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday nnd Thurs.
day of each and every week nnd get your
cash or goods for them nt Sllns Young's
i.igiu Bircci. juiy ir, -hi ti-ni
The HICVCr.H HIMUT ran r,1e 1, nl.lnln.
cd nt
David Lowcnberg's.
4,000 pounds of nice pitted Cbeirles, 4.000
pounds of nice Dried Hnpberrles wanted by
Silas Young at Light Street, for which he
will pay the highest market price.
july 15 0-in.
Did you examine Gross' heavy Winter
Suits for
The run for (lermantowti Wool, Sa.xony,
Zepliyrs,iVc., iVc.,at I. W. Ilartman's Is great,
and yet room for more.
Did you see that heavy, all wool overcoat
at Gross' N. Y. Store for .4.00.
Sec a woman picking a bunch of grapes lu
another column, at Specr's Vineyards, from
which Specr's I'ort Orape Wine Is made, that
Is so highly esteemed by the medical profes
sion for the use of Invalids, weakly persons
nnd the aged,
f or sale uy u. A. Klelm.
jnn 7 '81 1-y
The finest line of Heady.made Clothing In
The County enn now be seen at
David Lowcnbcrg's Clothing Store.
Pielly suits for Children just arrived
Neat Suits for Hoys
Stylish Suits for Youths
all of the Latest Style nnd Hest quality,
at the lowest prices can now be' bought
at the Popular Clothing Store of
David Lowenberg.
Headquarters for Satchels, Trunks Ac.
nt D. Lowcnbcrg's.
Hest needles, oil, attachments, &u., for all
sewing machines, nt W. II. Yctter's olllce,
comer Main and Market streets, opposite 1.
W. Ilartman's store. nov. 18-tf
Cheaper and better Clothing can now be
bought at
The Old Popular Store of David Lowenberg.
lMeolll'AXT K THE ITIIUO AS WKt.l. AS Tltn
Hull' Jam-not of Health, referring to con
sumption, makes the following Important
"Consumption usually begins whim slight
dry cough lu the morning, then, on going to
bed getting more nnd more frequent, with
more and more phlegm, Increasing debility,
thinness of llesh, shortness of breath, aim
quickness of pulse. In fatal cases its aver
age is about two yearss hence the import
ance of arresting the disease nt ns early a
stage as possihlc, and the sooner rational
means are employed for this purpose the
greater the chance of success. Tho disease
Is owing to an irritation commencing in the
throat and extending to the lungs,n that
their action is interfered with, and the blood
does not receive sulllcient o.xygeu to purify
It. The most marked sign of lung disease Is
emaciation; and the most positive indication
of returning health is increase in weight.
So speaks JlaWn Journal of Health, ami we
may add that in desperate cases; and, in fact,
in all cases of consumption, or tioublcs of
the throat and lungs, immediate relief may
be obtained and a permanent cure clTected
by the use of Dr. Win. Hall's Ualsam for the
lungs, a medicine known for more than thirty-live
years as an unfailing lcmedy for
coughs, colds, bronchitis and all pulmonary
and pectoral diseases. That the worst cases
of consumption have been cured by the use
of Hall's Halsam has been attested to by the
thousands who have used it, or who have
been cognlant of its wonderful medical cf
llcacy. nov. 11-Ow
Km:ciit- Gn.K. At the residence of Peter
Kdlngcr, in Main township on November
10th, 1881, by J. D. Hodiue, Esq., Mr. ,Iobn
F. Knecht, of Mnlnvillc, to Miss Sarah C.
Gule, of Millliu.
Yin i:s Wi:i.mvki!. lu INpy, November
10th, ISSt, by Hev. S. V.. Davis, Mr. C. U.
Vctes to Miss .V. S. Welliver, both of lllooms.
Wliea' per bushel 1.40
Kyc " 1 no
Com, " 75
oats, " " cu
no'ir .'tT ourrci x.ue
im rsfea
Hatter Ii'
E'-'CTH i'l
Tallow oi)
Potatoes l.oo
Dried Apples 05
Hams H;
Hides A Shoulders to
Chickens 10
Turkeys 13
Lard per pound 16
liaypcriou iouu
I.pttirs ti'stiimontnrv on tho cstato of Sarah
l'ei;if, Into of-.Madlson township, Columbia county,
deceased, have been granted by tho lleirlster o( said
county to Abraham Uartllne oi Jcrseytowo.nx'r. All
persons nawus cmims ogainsi mo esiaio oi saiu.ui'.
cedent uru reouested to nresent them for settle'
ment. and those Indebted to tho cstato to mako
payment to tho undersigned executor, without
Ain.tii..n ii.-wi i link,
Ktccutor, Jersey town, I'o
Iii.oojisnDKii State Nobmu. Scoooi,,
lllootuburl, Nov, 1st, lssl,
Special notice. Is hereby Rlvon that tho Interest
IVaiTJUIl UUl, I'ltUI lu uiiu iiiiiuuiiiK lab)
131 J, ITIUK ttUliUULO ..U.S.I, , O, , , ,, ,, 3 I11IU ,
respectively, on bonds Issuud by tho llloomsb ire
Literary lustltuto and State Normal School seetired
by mortirairesbt heptciabtr 1st, isiis wtllbo piul by
ihn Treasurer nt the Corporation at his ofllco In
Ulnomsburt,' at any tlmo on or be tore tho soth ot No-
VCIMier, ., u , ltsi, upuu ueinery oi ino wiu rauis
Treasurer llloomsburif 8. N. School.
Ofllce Clark & sen's store. nov a 4w
Garmoro's Artificial Ear Drums.
A lurtntf.l ami nrn 1r Mm prrfeitlr Mitf rlnc tin
tisnniitf. I.utirly K-tf lr tiii )in Imltctr; with Una,
yet whlii-vn tliitnmtt Art nut ohvr ubir, nJ r
main in pniuu vrnliuui U 1 Jcriiti CircuUr irtt,
ULnOM li.i n or I'M J divest ty bKui r (Jmm, Mini
ii ttt uiiljr $iu'cfdl ur tA 'il rar Wruui iiuuufaciurea,
Juli it (Jurntorf, h W fur iih jc IUt SU, t'iucinoati, O
MASON 1 EST in 1110 WORLD !
1 ,.,)! iineru li ln-it ilUUticllon l every
AND iin.ji urM'lir lor fourteen yearn.
IM A N,W llllHtHATMl 0TAt.OGl, MPP.
nAIYlLIN II". I IhU month, and will be
' ' ' ". . . Ireu t any mlilrm, onnnunclnif
nDliAKIO Imihuitast lummrr st. ami ilisv
UnUHNo Siw Snitai over Win all. , ,
1'rlcoi, til, t30. ill, Ml, M to tarn and upi alio or
a.i-VaK"i'. M .SON'a KAMI IN OlinAK CO.. IM
IrenwntM., llOsl'ONi 40 lln.Ulth lUMvj
ll'J U nb.Mli Avo.,1 llll'.MIO.
n i nnn r t n JiicKan poktrait tVnler-
I 1 D L I L I 1 1 V '. N. Y U the one .crd
I ll II r I M 1 1 . ''v Mra. Garfield to Queen
UHI1I ILLU U Victoria. Superior totineit
Steel EntjVtr, Site for fuming 6J, $1 by mall.
Aaenta Wanted. K. 11. 'I'iiuat. 757 l'roadway, N.i .
,lihhnr an,! lea If It li not
1 fewgpane!
hi from an 1
want. ltliMeverythlnif 1 lkeUleeiiieafrouit,n parte,
reporUot ruiton Mreel rrayer-jjeiiiiik, me iiuuiwim.
eut Catliollo Church 1 everything that Ii of InterfU In
Foodnonptutuiarki'U, ttorlee, ouielliint.'lolnterttlne
IaJlti-l.W a year. Send by roMal card and ,tfta
eperlmen copy. JOHN UOIQAU. 4 CO., SI Valale-
MaterStreit, New VorV,
ABook ofjjnra Olynllty, entitled
I Tb srt 1 rotWwuUtd, Hi todivUuil cartful) eotu
AmutemeniiiiJroqif yovo. mmi ui
ea.&0 )U TirUkuttTtur$ tit I JlruJ:Hirnr.
ti fwluin ftboun'U in itriklnp thouiliti, rtr (nfonnftticn
I i.i.nia nAmiiiim.Kni. Kill 1 attft Bolote A Til A La h
11 VP a ill'.VI. Afmrita VViti-itMfi PunrvwrifirA.
j sb A UKM. ABonts Wanted Everywh
Utai fcrc rclir, nil! dcicniuuu, trrmi, a,o. tadrtu.
D.000 Asonta Vrmitcil for nro or
It rontalna the lallliUtory cl hlinoble andeTenltul lltd
iuw ralobiequWa.etc, Tho koaUnenre ot your lit to
inakeiuoney. lluwareot"catcliieiiny"lmltallciii. 'Hit
ll theonlyautlieutloaailf ally lllu.trateilllleotour mar
tyn.l 1'ruiWf nt, Klueiteel .KJIUalU, Uitrk Uiuil t
innla, Clrrulara Irve. ,,,..
iWriiiKiilvl'ii.lHUUlM C4,.Ula!ir,t)llf
H0V l 1 Ut IM
rola Vi. V IP VI (i,vuiiviiii; u w win tut it in 1 v v
duontlon, Homo, Society, Etiquette
! rrrT TVTTiCl a. antTTTVT t!D
O.UilIVJ.iO OUtXU X KttitX
Everybody seeing surprised nt
the extent of our stock of Cutlery.
n no store in tho county can such
variety ot patterns be seen. In
Scissors und Shears we have all
size3 and at various prices accor-
ing to quality, the better grades
being our specialty. roclcct
Icnives any quality from 10 cents
to '1.50 each. The larye quanti
ties of lino Razors we sell is a
strong reccotnmendation as to
their superiority. A lady's pride
is her table and nothing adds
more to its attraction than a hand
some set of knives and forks, onl
ine is large, new patterns and
ow prices lor reliable goods.
We have just opened u hand
some line of curvinsc knives and
forks, new designs with patent
rests, irices from 60 cents to 4.50
er pair. Call and see them.
These are the
we live by every day,
any one can see.
Oak Hall is
6 A ISt
the Largest Clothing House
in America.
Hoping to serve you this Fall and
Yours truly,
Wsn&maker & Brown,
- . ni..'irr. , A
PFN&MNQ rop souDinns,
eblldrea. Tboaimdi ..UDtltliJ. FtailoiiiilTiii
It' ""'J.', nr.tej.eja er ruptnra.tiirlooM run,
ee T ll.ea. Thomtndl or r.nilob.r. .1,4
Idijr. .rilil.a (a LM UKAhK and 11UITNT V.
procure lor jnT.oiori. holditri f
WT,""" ;",""J.''.nhtandiold. Soldl.M l
od hiiriii.rlr for Tour Nihil at tact. S,nd I
Umrall'jl, u1.,WmCibIoii,.0.
Nov 15-1 w
, Dllleeot lioll.lay ptesents j Hquaru (ranU pi-nMoturn-8.
f tirvcry nandaomu ruitml corners, maf.
w ion c,iss, tbrep unlHons, lluaiti'a raatcliliiHs Iron
fianii's, blnol. hook, coyir. bond HM.TUu f.'ai.M:
ciitulok'uo piloea, H o to kmm; satur.u'tlon iruanui
t.;olor iiioiiov retumtsit after nua yuar'a mi; tin.
rlijht plunuf irtcs cs ti w,;o,itaingue prlwavn
to MKt; Htitmlard planofort-s nt tlio universe, at
t lOusanUi tehtifij urtto ror a nummott list ot ten
llminlala, liuatty's cablnotori;aaB,citliw1rjl,clmrcli
clia'iel, pirlor. f30 upward; Millors wolcouiu: froo
i' irrlau'f moi;M psseiitfor.i: lllustratHd catalogue
VL?," ?'r.?,'l.,i2S.,.'ri'u Aailre! ur cill upon UaN
1KI. K. 1IKA1TV, WasUlu.ton, N.J. U nov,IS.4w
(' I'lilladelpDIa.
Send your address It will
pav yuu, A. (10IUON A
d nov, ls-itv
' I'UICKS fur caslt. 1 N STA I.M l NTS HKCKIvKl"
M'l.KNIIII) OlltlANM. 115, 'if,10 up, .MAHXIKI.
I'KNT 1 13 octavo ltOHKW KID PIANOS, stool and
."ucr in ly fivu, Watiaiitfd u jcais Iliubtrated
IMIaUifnu tnuliil AllKNIS WANTED. HOlt.
At'K W Ti:iiH ,v 1 1)., MkduIi cturns and Dealers.
Uroidvay Ni oik d nov. isiiv
n n l n etrnii
llWork .n.n,ul n.l.i....
cbfaiMMt.iiili.iHo.abieta .unr
iumi.iiiIiUihI "On tk-lenceof HI.
oriiri'reMirTation t" boondtn
miHil htHnch utului.eiiiUiaapd.
lull fUt.:i)pp.ootlnaUauUlu
KltH.N'ii 4 HulfimUil, liuitin.
Nov, I8.4W
i , t'."- I'laubk ll.tup. Karo Holiday
, ItiUweiiu'titii Heady. Wilto or call on liBm'v
WasUlnstou, N.J, aid may e, 8I.1J- '
Cold weather is near at hand and already many nro looking
around for stoves, Tho manufacturers have heen over-crowded with
orders, and it is almost impossible to get them. We have already re
ceived several and aro daily adding to our stock. Owing to the
universal satisfaction the Argnnd has given wc still keep it as our
leading hasc heating stove, and if you wish to see a perfect beauty
call and look at this year's pattern; a little high in price it's true, hut
in this age the peoplo demand handsome stoves and tho more
handsome they arc the more they cost. Wc have a variety of other
very nice stoves at prices within the reach of all. Tho Gold Medal
is the largest and handsomest base heating ftovo for the money
brought to this town. In 1879 wc introduced Spear's new Silver
Moon Heater for heating two or more rooms and owing to the great
satisfaction they have given, our trade has steadily increased on
them. We warrant every one to give perfect satisfaction and have
got to hear the first word of complaint or take one back. For case
of management, economy of fuel, great draft and radiating powers,
they stand withcut an equal. Our long experience together with
that of Mr. Isaiah Hagcubuch, who has charge of our Stove and
Tinware Department, has enabled us to study tho wants of tho peo
ple and make our selections accordingly. We cordially invite all in
want of Stoves to give us a call before purchasing elsewhere, and ex
amine our stock which wo shall consider no trouble to show you.
Stove repairs of all kinds furnished to order, grates and lire brick
for the common cook stoves constantly on hand.
This One Foot Rule
may chance to be of service in 'many homes! It will
also serve us if it recalls the
which are:
, We never offer for
believe: will give
who wear it.
We do
and Market Sts., Philadelphia.
rules of OAK HALL,
sale any Clothing- but what wo
thorough satisfaction to those-,
We stoutly maintain our custom to always
have the largest stock of men's and boys'
clothing to show our customers.
not allow our salesmen to
mislead customers as to fit or
quality or kind of goods.
We stick to one price
alike to everybody,
rich and poor.
t Lilt, e S've tnc guar-
antce with each
sale we make.
6th.We ret rn
the money t "
anybody who
wish it, if they
choose to
bring bnck
the goods un
injured. 1
C. .0. GALIGN A.N,