THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBUltG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. liiii C0LUMB1 N. l, ..dHUl'MI. rlilliH MM'HIi I ll IH, l-Nl, tj,,i your TlmtiU.Rlvtiij Iiukny yet? Wlllliim WcrUlii-Uer inn put n new ficiglit ilellvrry wiijrim im tlic mail. The Hi'"' I'iiiii wlilMli' lit XciilV fnrn ncti ii iwil Hoiioroim lour. Tin' I'lillolDgliin Hootuly will hold n iimiii Inn cm Tlmieiliiy Nov. Mr, Wllllntii Aclirnlmrli allot n large wild Uno-i1, In l'Wilngi'ii'i'U Imvinlilp, lnt week. Tin.' rcott 'I'owu lilll li i" 'ii'fii very nmoli Impi'i'Vi'H by llii' work done on ll this sin. on, SAt Tliiivdiiy I' TIisuiUkkIvIiiu day mid tlie tuiml festive fertMiiiiiili' will lie strictly oiin rvrcl. Union KiTvlccs will 1m lii'lil In tliu Mcllin. dlt iliiiicli on Tlinnlfglvliisi ilny. llcv. Mr, ttruncU will I'lcnuli. l'otso. -A log chain on .Main street. Tlic owner can have IHiy iimvlnj,' iirojiuily mid paying for tld nollcc. David f.cnu'.Niiniiu. A poiteli tree In tliu gulilen nf Col. J. (I. l'lcize, Tlilnliinil Centre street, U In litonin, nnd tlic Colonel Is looking Tor fruit liefine Christmas. billies' (.olid gold watcliesa low nssKleen dollar.. Also gent' solid gold Aini'iiian ttiitciies limiting or open faee, forty-two do!, larsn' Ii. Ili rnliard's Jewelry store. lints destroyed six pretty canary lilrd In Selinylii'iV Holmes' stole lift Sunday nljriit. There were ten songsters In Hie cage and (inly four escaped tlie innrdcioils rodents. Tlie Domestic Sewing .Machine for which W. II. Vclter Is agent, was nwaided the di ploma at the lllngtown fair, alo at Danville nml other places. The Towamla ,oiuim! ha hcen enlarged and donned a new dies, presenting a most attractive appearance. Tld looks like pro, pcrity and we tender our congratulations. l'liii S.M.K. A Il.iltiniore heater of late pat tern. Csed only it portion of two winters. Will he sold cheap for cash, Inquire at till ollkc tf Col. Levi L. Tate desire to sell the Ly coming Chroni'lc, of which he H the editor and proprietor. lie ha been In the editorial harnefs for more than llfly years and need tot. A number of Indies of the Lutheran congre gation gave a donation party to Mr. II. Ilioadl, of this place, on Friday eveuliig last. Au abundance of piovllon was brought nml highly appreciated by Mrs. Ilroadt. .Messrs. Chaile llotteustelii and V. 11. Throne have purchased a half interest in the Milton Argui. The new linn will liansact business under the name of The Argil 4 I'uli lishlng Company. The ll!oomburg Com has donned a new dres, and it looks as bright a a new silver dollar. The Com miihn' 1 a good newspaper, and wc are glad to note thl evl ilenee of prosperity.-- Wyoming Democrat. Iteports show that wild pigeons arc more abundant this fall than they have been for many years, and dock containing more than three hundred have been noticed in some lo calities. We have heard of none in this ciiunlv. however. Hon. Win. Taj lor, l!olon. is well again. Completely cured of u r-ciofiilou humor Which poisoned hi blood, eoveilug hi face and head Willi sore, by Ciitieura licolvcnt internally and Ciilleur i a ! Culiciira iimp extoruallv. The Supreme Court of l'euiiylvaiiia, in a list case from I'iltsburg, has jut decided that corporations are liable for eon-cipientlal damage for injuiy done to private property, ns well as for propeity actually taken in the exercise of the right of eminent domain. The licit annual selon of the Columbia County Teachers' Institute, will be held in the Normal Hall, at Uliinm-lnii'ir,' commenc ing Monday, Dec. ISIIi and closing Friday, Dec. Kith. Able instructors have been en t'.ued. M good-looking gum-robed girl passed down Main street last Saturday afternoon through the pouring rain, matching In single tile, and lescmlillng a procession of nous. They were supposed to be from tlic Normal School. Gum again, girls! Tlie lllooimluirg Columbia has a new dress mid a new otl'.ce and puts on a many air n a girl over her Hist beau. Well it ha earned I he right to, and we are glad to congratulate ii upon Its deserved prosperity. Munch Chunk Dnnocml. Theie will be appropriate services lit St. himes church, Orangevllle, on Thanksgiving diy at half past ten o'clock In the morning. V tpccUl collection will be taken up for the bi'iicllt of the .Michigan sulTerers. He v. A, IIniilz, pastor, i:coxomv. A lortiine may be spent in ulng lnelTect ual medicines, when by applying Thomas' Lelectric Oil a speedy and permanent cure may lie cirectcd, In case of rheumatism, lame hack, bodily ailment, or pains of ev cry description, It illTords iiislant relief. The Supiemu Court of Pennsylvania liai '"stained tlie wholesome principle that a Juror to he competent need not of necessity be mi Ignorant man who does not read the newspapers and forms no opinion of what ho read, it Is only necessary for the Juror to hi able to decide according to the c!dencc. On Monday morning last, constable Harris arrested Chester Williams, a colored man in the employ of O. A. .Jacohy, charged by Samuel Stills with threatening to take Ids .Still's.) life, and with carrying it icvolvcr Willi that Intent. .I. II, Male, i:-i., held William In ij20!l for a healing on Monday next. There I A set of loafers who habitually nr. range themselves at the head of the stair In uie opera House at the close ol every en tertainment, and vitiate the air with the smoke of vile cigars, through which ladles are compelled to pas. If the entrance weie kept clear of these fellows bath before and after the performances, It would be much more agreeable to those who attend. The post office authoiltle ought to put t an mail agent on the L. & II. It There Is altogether loo much matter It. for "lie liuiii to handle. Scarcely a day passes In which letter and papers for Illooiusbuij. are not ran led to Srranlon or Noi thumber hind and ictiirned on the follow lug day Such service us that I not what Ihe peoph iKlic, nor what the department should hi satlsllcd villi. v., Manic attaches to tin mall agent now cm the road -he Is simply overworked. No intent however null attentive can liaudhu) ton of mall mallcr.and that wc are Informed I the weight pa4n over the road each ipiy, "I'oi u as on.." L, I', Kolletl, Muihm, O., slates thai hi has used Thoinas' Uclictrlc Oil fur hurus.and him found mulling lo cipinl Ii In soothing I'"' pain an I 'jiving lellef. When a lecturer has worked thu ladles of his audience so near to thu wcenln? unlnt lhat they have gotten out their Immlkerchlef. and then suddenly changes his lone, and "peaks of ihe met It of Dr. Hull's Cough Syrup, he U bound lo louse a feeling nf In. tigmiiinii, V determined warfare! has been begun against the mutilation of silver coins, and defaced pieces will not long be taken In pay. luent of debts or purchase of goods. We advise our readers lo refuse such coins as have been mutilated, for they are not of full value nnd may be troublesome to dispose of hereafter. ,VII ladles who wish to save mnnev In .Mil linery Good, will llnd n line stock of ladles' plush and felt hats nml bonnet,nnd feathers all colors, wIngs,illowcrs,ornamciils,vclvcts, sallns and tlbbons, for winter wear, nil of which you can get ntcllvcost at A.. felt. Mcllcnry's slore, llentoii. Produce taken tin; same as cash In exchange for any nf the above. novlH'w Sr.vMoru&NniAiicix Pi-ami. The- Oliver I'wlsl company that played at the Opera House last Friday night had a very small audience, but It was quite as large as they deserved. The acting was of the lowest grade, and the eixluine.s looked like the cast, olf garment of a HoWcry slum, As the troupe does not pay lU hill we Warn print. rs again! them. Capl. William Silver, formerly a resident of llloomsburtf, died at Weston. Old o. on Filday, November I lis. He was a soldier lit the lale war and his life Was shortened bv Un wound received ami exposure undergone during hi term of service. HI body was taken lo Si. Mary's, Ohio, and buried beside that of hi wife, who died about two vcar '-! tn that town. The Captain was well nown here, and there are m.inv who will egret to learn of his death. The Danville IntcHUjcnccr records the fol- lowing fatal accident i "George, son of the late l'ctcr Shultz. in Anthonv Townshin. met accident on Tuesday last. It appear. that the young man lode a spirited mare In driving some cows to pasture, and was thrown from thu animal and fractured hi skull. The siiimosition Is tliat the male in away and thicw the young mini against a tree. He was insensible when found and remained so until his death, which occurred on Wednesday evening lnt at 7 o'cloc k. On Tlilrlj Trial. Wc will send Dr. Dye's Celebrated Klectro- Voltaic Hells and other Lleetric Appliances on tliat for thirty davs to voung men and older persons who are ntllictcd with nervous lcbility.lost vitalily.ctc, guaranteeing specdv relief ami complete restoration of vigor and manhood. Also for Rheumatism, Neuralgia, 'aralysi, Lh'er and Kidney dlllleillties, iiiptures and many other disea-cs. Illuiji- ted pamphlet sent free. Address Voltaic lelt Co., Marshall, .Michigan. Oct. 'J3, ' Mr. I). K. Sloan and Annie Ifciswiek died of small m in Orangevllle, cm Tuesday last mil were hurled at night. There are no ad. litional cases In the town, and everv t.recau- lion ha been taken to protect the commu nity should the disease again appear. Two men from llloouisburg were sent for to bury the dead, and one of these men on his return wandered about town wearing the clothes lie had on when olllclating as grave-digger. If thl sort of thing i. permitted wc will be apt to have small pox in lllooinsburg again mil with more disastrous results than be fore. If Orangevllle cannot Unit person to hurv the viclinii of a dangerous disease, it ought to cpiaranline for a season those who are sent trom liealthv places to do the work. Tlie Demon at lc county of Montour appears o lie going over to the cneinv. At the ie- cut election, Republicans were chosen to lill thcofllccH of prothouotary and district attorney. Mr. Gearhart, Republican, had a larger majority for prothouotary than Mr. duller, Democrat, had for associate in due. mil the other Democratic candidates had but meagre majorities. It would seem as if a liange of leaders were necessary, if Mon tour is lo be kept in Democratic ranks. At the present rate of progress, the county will lie giving Republican majorities all around, before many year. There are too many In dependent voters now-a day lo warrant the ontinuaiice In power of unpopular and inef ficient political hacks. It may not lie generally known by farmers, tiuek pitch owners, jpirdencis and otheis, but It i ueveilheless a fact, that where there arc vines still full of itnripened tomatoes re- m. lining in the garden in the fall of Ihe year when the frosts conic, that if the vines are arefully pulled up by the roots and placed in the cellar or hi the garret the green fruit on them will continue to lipen until It ha all matured, and thus instead of a gieat many tomatoes remaining hi the garden and going to waste, for they will not ripen in the nat ural manner afler Ihe season for frost ha oiue, you may continue to have tomatoes until lale in the whiter season. The vines hould be raised before the fruit Is frost bit- ten. I he dryer the place Hie mine favorable to the ilpening process. 1'hat liicious fruit, the peach, I likely to be as scarce next season as It was this year, Many trees that were badly frozen last winter were cut oil' with the expectation that new tops would grow upon them. They rapidly recovered during the early slimmer, but their growth was checked by the drought so that very few fruit bud formed on the new lops. The yield from sncli'trccs will fall oil lily per cent, I ices that survived tlie se verity of last winter budded lale, and their growth was feeble. The iccent hot, dry weather has so drained Ihe life from them that many will never recmer. The bud which usually appear before frost are sbriv- lled. It Is thought that Ihe drought has af fected all sorts of fruit trees so seriously that the prospects for thu season of Hi'i are ills, ooiirnglng. The extraordinary dryness of the air ha prevented the formation of fruit hud. Horticulturists will do what they can to alter thee conditions by mulching and manuring. The llmitl A' says, as a rcmiinera. Ile crop, chestnuts have not received their share of attention, ami we presume It will bi lling ere the raising of chestnut trees Is made a part ol our nual ludiistiie. Hut may there not be money In It t In some foreign coun tries the chestnut crop Is equivalent to the wheat crop In Aincilca, both as respects lis money value ami the use to which it I put Chestnut bread, a thing of which '.Americans are wholly Ignorant, constitutes the principal food of thousands hi hut ope and Asia, The fruit is ground Into meal, and puddliigs.cakcs and bread trv made from ll. Ohio statisiics show that her chestnut crop Is valued at (!(, 000, and It could soon ho made to reac h ten lime that amount. The tree Is of quilu rapid growth, attaining the height of llflecn to twenty-live feet In live year, from Ihe seed ll Is, as we know, valuable a timber i can it not be made liioio valuable here for Its fruit 't Milwaukee Sentinel. That woudettiil remedy lor iheiunallMii, Si. Jacob's Oil has been used by a large num ber of people In this city, and with effect truly marvelous. Frequent reports are nude where sulVetcr have been afforded rcltcf.uml the sale I growing largely, The fact that ll I au external remedy cominemW il lo main who would not otherwise- think of going out ol the beaten tr u k to Hud a remedy, It Is rumored that certain parties In the fower end of the county nro In training for a prle light. The olllculH should keep an eye, on them. "The doctors said my wife hail consump tion, Tried 'Llndsey's Illood Henrchrr,' and she has heller health than ever." G. II. Hubbard, Hampden, Ohio, nov. Poll Sale. -A power stcnin en gine and boiler, In good condition. Suitable for running n pilntlng press or other light machinery. Inquire at this ofllce, tf Xcals' furnace was blown In on Saturday lnt nnd Is now working well, The linn have had so much double of late with their fur nace that It Is to be hoped they will have no more. A handsome new show case has been placed on our counter, and all assortment of line cards and papers placed therein. The attention of the ladles Is especially Invited to this department, It ha been suggested that It would be a good thing to organize an anti-pun society In town, one of the qualifications being an en. tire lack of the propensity to make puns. Thus far only one person has been discovered who is eligible, and he Is deaf and dumb. IV r.mml. .Michael Meylcit was In town one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. W. 11. Tnbbs of the F.x. change Hotel, are In Philadelphia. .Judge F.lwcll went to Wllkcs-llarre on Monday, tn hold court. Jacob S. Kvans has moved from Itohrs burg to Illoom. Mrs, P. II. Smith started for Wisconsin cm Monday. Mr. and Mrs. X. L. Punk returned from their tour on Saturdny last. They will te slde nt Judge l'.lwell's until spilng. Hon. C. R, Iluckalew Is absent from home much of the time, looking after the interests of the Noith A- West llranch Railway Com pany. Agihlllckett. P.c., of Wilke-Harrc, wa In town on Thursday of last week. He Went to Orangevllle and brought h ick his mother, with whom he returned to Wllkcs.Rarrc In the evening. Hon. Charles R. Iluckalew ha been In Philadelphia tld week attending a meeting of the State Revenue Commission, of which he is a member. John Tippet has removed from lliickhorn lo Iloutzdale, Clearfield conn t v. Geo. A. Clark has gone to New York and Philadelphia to purchase Holiday goods. ilham Hogart has removed from Rhor.s- burg to 1'spy, and has taken a situation in Mrs.Aul's store at the depot. Prank Rogers has made Hloomsbnrg his home again. Tlir Stars T Novi'tuber's Sl(j. November is rich in material for planetary tudy. Mercury leads the list with an Infer ior conjunction, a transit, nnd a western elongation. Neptune follows Saturn In reaching opposition. Jupiter follows Nep tune in arriving at tliu goal, donning his must superb array for the occasion. The great luminary himself contributes his share to the festive activity of hi family, in an an nular eclipse. Tliu moon pays her respects lo every planet in turn. The grand line of planets clustering beyond and on the same side of the sun remains unbroken, three of the outer planets Saturn. Nentune and Jupiter, arriving at opposition within three days of each other. The moonless nights of mid-November will be glorious with star-lit beauty. Saturn, Jupiter and Mars will reign is lords of the ascendant, nnd around them will be grouped some; of the brightest stars mil constellations that grace the firmament, those twinkling mysteries that till thu soul with emotions of wonder and awe, while it tries to grasp tlie boundlessness of space and the all pervading power that holds In bar ninny the shining suns that people the blue vault of heaven. Our Ni v C,'oinil Clllli crs. There is every reason to believe that the gentlemen who were chosen to till the sev eral county offices, at the recent election, will perform their duties with satisfaction to the public and with credit to themselves, They were elected by handsome majorities and will assume their respective positions with tlie conlldence of the entire community. That they will so conduct themselves as lo retain this conlldence we have all faith, in tld county, where the Democrats are so hugely in the majority, an unworthy olllcc. holder rellects discredit upon thu party as such, because, a nomination being equiva lent tn an election ordinarily, noinipioper candidates ought to bu chosen. If an emu is made, the Democratic voters art) rcspousi. hie, in a measure and would feel both sorry and Indignant. Some of tliu county olllcers have been re-elected, and this new lease of power is an i vidence lhat they have faith fully and honestly done their work and maintained their place in the respect and cs. teem of their tellow men. We believe that those who are soon lo undertake olllclal la. hors for the time, will be equally suc cessful in winning enviable reputation. lllruuttty itf TriuiNlVr l'u!lcleri. Very many of the Mutual Insurance Coin- panics are doing a transfer business. That this Is illegal will be apparent by cousiiltlu; the law which took effect July 12th. lHiil lly Ihe provisions of this law the application anil a copy ot tlie liy-laws torm a part ot the contract. The application and liy-laws of another company cannot be accepted as be ing the contract of the company isiiiug. Policies issued without a regular application are not worth, in law, the paper on which Ibev are written. l'ailles holding pnlicic innot be compelled to pay assessments and forfeitures cannot be made legal. In casu of contest as to payment of claim, in absence ot irauiliilcui application, net lull could he brought against companies for obtainlu money under falsu pretenses.tbe penitentiary staring the olllcers in the face. Speculative policy holdeis prefer traiisfering at a nominal rale, miner tliau pay assessments. I bis sys tent I minim to Mutual Insurance Coiupan ies. Those companies who do this kind of business will shortly regret that they ever adopted it. .Mutual insurance business must lie purlllci! ami when companies take bold of nil. mailer in earnest, it will grow anil he- eome far more popular Ihau any other svs- lem of insurance yet introduced. Wc con ileum "gravc-vard Insurance." lirst. l ist nnd all the time. Legitimate Mutual Insurance Is ihe best system and properly conducted will supercede all oilier systems, Let com panic protect themselves, and the people will give them their conlldence. Jl,tn nburi The above fully expresses our views on Ibis subject and Is In harmony with our uniform practice with regard lo transfers. We havu persistently refused lo accept transfers, de siring in iniiiii up a suiisiumial iiiisiucss on applications regularly made out lo the com pany. W e have not been slow lo recoguli the ruinous tendency of lids system. It 1 not nor can it he a part of the policy of our company. e loo.ln common with all right thinking pcoplc.aie desirous of a piiillicallon of this business, he most pronounced cue mlcsof .Mutual Insurance companies confess that an honest, legitimate business may In dime, ."such Is our aim ami we will always be found ready to second any such measures as will lend to secure a thoroughly honest business. There are species of Imposition against which It Is pnicllcidly Impossible for companies to guard notably- fiauduleiit up plication, lint when fraud is disclosed by Investigation, lids company stands ready id ways In alii in enforcing Mich legal measure a i will lead to the apprehension and punish mcnl ot all guilty parlies, ClooDiiol'K M. II An-OCi.VllllN', llloouisburg Pa,. Nov, 8 'Hi., g.w. Kxcculois' and administrators' account books, containing full Instructions how to pctlle mi estate, receipts, A.C., for sale at this olllcc. These are the most convenient hooks of the kind ever printed, nnd they are 111 use nil over the Slate. 1-f The first .Monday of December Is the next day for couslnblcs logo Into ccmit and rcliirn under oath that the guide hoards nic all up, and that there are no violations of the liquor laws. This has come lo bo the stereotyped form of return and there Is only au occasion, al depattitre from It. Hut every body knows that the guides arc not all up, nnd that hab itual drunkards and minors obtain liquor whenever they want It, Just the same. nm coi'Niiiv. Who that has ever lived any time In the country but must have beard of the virtues of Uni'dock as a blood puilllcr. Iliirdock Wood Hitlers cine dyspepsia, biliousness and all disorders arising finni Impure blood or deranged liver or kidneys. Price bottles 10 cents. In a county conlaliilng over four thousand Democrats wc ought to have several hundred more subscribers to the Coi.umiiun, than are now taking It. if our readers will assist us In running up the llt we promise lhat when it reaches 1800 we will refuse all patent medicine and other foreign advertisements, and devote the space to reading matter. This can lie accomplished if only a few of our friends will each send us one or two new subscribers. We do not olTc r a ehroino, but will give you the benellt of au Increased 111. "What eery one says must be true," lhat "Dr. Sellers' Cough Syiup" has no equal for cough and cold. Try it. Pi lee 23e. nov. Tlie Montour White Lead, XI nc and Color Woik, of Rupert, Pa., have recently increased their facilities and put their mills in llrst das working older and secured the service of W. K. 11. Davics, of Philadelphia, an ex pcrlenccd practical painter and manufacturer as .Superintendent. They have no hesitancy, therefore, to guarantee all thu goods equal, if not superior to any In thcinaikct. Their motto is "(Ji'.u.riv iiiKpii:vrCox.siii:i!Aiiox." They arc now manufacturing pure ready mixed and Put o Tinted l'aste Paints from l'ure Linseed Oil, While Lead, Zinc and Pine Colors. Car, Hildge, Ship and Roof Paints, Dry, In pure linseed oil and ready-mixed. 1'iiru White Lead, Zinc, Color, Pure Linseed Oil, Putty, &c, &e. If you need paints of any kind, scud Tor sample card and price llt. IIKNRY S. It HAY, Oct. '-'2m Rupert. Pa. XViiIimv Union. The largest and best audience of thu sea son tilled the Opera House last Tuesday evening to witness the lcudition of the play of "Widow liedotl" by Nell llurgess and bis company. There i little to be said in favor of tlie piece. It is not comedy but very broad farce.has the merest apology for a plot, is coarse and at times iinpardonably vulgar. Theru is urgent need of extensive pruning to make the perfoimance worthy of a place on the stage. It is, with all its fault, lrreitl. lily funny and was received with shouts of laughter. Those who were most earnest in their denunciation of its giosness, found it utterly Impossible to keep a straight faee at the Widow1 garrulity, mendacity and impu dence. Mr. llurgess' impersonation of the JPiWuc is a clever bit of acting. Ills make-up, voice, facial play and gestures are all in keeping with Ihe requirement of the role and a such deserve commendation. The HVitW is the only character possessing tlie slightest merit and it is a pity tliat it should be maried by very unnecessary vulgarity. We are informed tliat, quite recently, the play was remodeled and "much of the vul garity cut out." If tills bu true, the original must have been a masterpiece of coarseness. Mr. Purges has sulllcient ability as a come dian to warrant the belief that in a better play he would show to advantage. The great superiority of DR. H BULL'S COUGH SYRUP over t allother cough remedies is attested u by the immense popular demand for that old established remedy. Tor the Cure of Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, Croup, Asthma, Bron- rliit's.Whnnnintr Cnnuli. Inclnicnt , i 1 O O ' "H . Consumption and for the relief of I 1 cunsumpuve persons in advanced .luces of the Disease. Tor Sale 1 : y all Prugghts. Price, 25 cents :'SIra'tJEX2KSS3rKH250 Nov. 4, 'Sl-cra Business Notice.! I. W. liarliiian is opening upline good everv day. Call in. Corsets for everybody at Clink it Son's. Call and see our double side coisel. 1,000 pounds of nice dried apples wanted by Silas Young at Light Street, for which he will pay Ihe highest market price. uov 1 1 :i-m New dress goods at C. C. Man's. Have voii seen that new slyleof liimmings at I. W. Ilaitman's. I have lust received an immense stock of Hals and Caps veiy cheap at L. dross' N. Y Store. I. W. Hartman has lots of cold weather goods, Illankcts. Comforts, Shawl, Coals, ic. do and take a look. A full line of dlnip, Oniaiuenls, c., at Clark it Son's. Fringes, Colloil Man's nml all wool limine! nt C. ('. Dr. J. Schuyler makes thu treatment of Dys pepsin, Headache and all other diseases con nected wllh the stomach ami liver a special ty. A large number treated successfully within the last few years nov. !l-2w Our slock of now complete. Hosiery nml Clark it Son. I'nilciwear U Tlic latest style of l.aiilcs', Misses' anil Chllilicn's Wool Ciijh nt 1. S'. llaitinnnV. C. C. Mail' Inn coals lor winter. splemllii clolli for ladles' I will Kunranlcci my iiilcesM per cent, clicapcr tlniit any oilier csialillslnnent In tliu county. L. (Irons X. V. Clothier. Ladle els at I. i Misses' anil Children's Wool .lack. V. Iliiilinan's. (lo toC. underwear, C. .Man's tor Indies' nnd u'enls' "It stands at Hie head" Hie i;ht innnlnj; Domestic. I'or side liy V . II. Ycllcr, nlllce corner Main and,ci sheets, l! j', I'll. Also iijjeni for Hie celi lirali'd lilnica or. jrnns fully Kiiaiantced Ihe iimiiiifaciiircrs for 10 years. nov. New Kyle of Muliiasiil I. llariinai 's Silks, Satins nnd Velvets at Clark k HonV. Wc have Hindu another reduction In Win. ler Clothing. Come and sec how cheap wc nru selling. L. dross, N. Y, Slore. Lnl. iV Sloan have Flannels. a large assortment nf Ladles' cloth Chuk ,t Son's. for Coats ami Dolmans at Heaver Ovcrconts reduced from $11,00 to 8.00 at dross' N. Y. Slore, Illoom. 10,000 doen good fresh eggs mid 10.000 pounds good fresh butter wanted by Silas Young, nt Light Street, for which bu will pay tho highest market price, nug 20.4 m. C. C. Marr pays Hie highest price for corn. oats, potatoes, butler, eggs, lard, chickens, turkeys, lined fruit, c r cd corn, and se s goods chenp. The largest slock ot Winter Clothing for men and boys at dross' X, Y. Store, Illoom. if you want lo buy a Shawl, Coat or Dol man, go to Clark & Son's. Lots of ladles coals latest styles and fash. Ions from -1.00. l.fiO. fi.00. fi.iO. (1.00. 7.00. S.0II. 10.00, to 13.00 at Silas Young's Light Street. nov. 11 D-in David I.owcnbcrg would Inform the public) that he has Just ictiirned from New York with a full line; of Itcadv Made Clothlm? Cloths nnd Cassiinercs of lliebest quality mm iiuesi si vie. lints'. Caps, also a full line of Xovelllcs for Fall and Wlnler and would invite an early Inspection ol tlie same. A full llui! of illankcts and . very low prices nt Clark ic Sou's. 'lannels at 1,000 good live calves wanted. Let them conic from the north, south, east nnd west by wholesale and iclall. You can brim? your good calves light along now any time on -Monilav. 'lucsc av. Wednesday nnd Tlinrs. day of each and every week mid get your cash or good for them at Silas Young's Light Sheet. July 15 '81 Cm The 111CYCLK SII1HT can only be obtain- cd nt Dsvld Lowciiberg's. 4,000 pounds of nice pitted Cherries. 4.000 pounds of nice Dried Itaspberrles wauled by Silas Young at Light Street, for which he will pay the highest market price. jury 10 U-m. Wu oiler bargains in all kinds of Dress (lood to close. Clark it Sou. Did you examine dross' heavy Winter Suits for A7.00. Wow Cloths for ladles' I'lstcrs and Jackets ut I.ut. it Sloan's. Did you sec that heavy, all wool ovricoat duns' X. Y. Store for 4.00. at See a woman nicking a bunch of grapes In another column, at Speer's Vineyards, from which Speer's Fort drapu Wine is made, that i so highly esteemed by the medical profes sion for the ue of Invalids, weakly persons nnd the aged, l or sale by C. A. ivleim. jan 7 'dl 1-y l'lie llncst line of Keaily-inade Clothing In The County can now be seen at David Lowciiberg's Clothing Stoic. Ladies' Trimmed Honncls nt Clark it Son's nt about half former price to close the season. A new stock of Table Linens ami Xapkins at I.ut. it Sloan's. Pretty suits for Children just arrived Xeat Suits for Hoys Stylish Suits for Youths ill of the Latest Style and liest quality, at the lowest prices can now be bought it the Popular Clothing Store of David Lowenberg. For widtu or grey Wool Illankcts go to Lutz it Sloan's. Headquarters for Satchels, Trunks Ac. nt D. Lowciiberg's. You can llnd all thu leading shades in suit, ing tlanuels at Clark it Son's. Hest needles, oil, attachments,!.., for all sewing machine., at W. II. Yettcr's olllce, corner Main and Market streets, opposite I. W. Hartmau's store. nov. 18-tf Cheaper and better Clothing can now be- nouglil at Tliu old Popular Store of David Low enberg. CONSUMPTION. imcoi: .sr io iuk lTiiuc As wr.i.i. a nn: MCDIUAI. I'I'.OKK.ssIOX, ii'.i Journal of Jieatth, referring to con- sumption, makes the following important statement: "Consumption usually begins vrithu slight dry cough in the morning, then, on going to bed getting more and more fieqiient, with more and more phlegm, iucieaiug debility thinness of lleh, shortness of breath, alii quickness of pulse. lu fatal cases its aver age is about two years; hence the import ante of nirpsfnig the disease at as early a stage as tiosslble, and the sooner rational means are employed lor this purpose, the renter the chance of success. I he disease owing to an irritation commencing in Ihe throat and extending to the lungs, so that their action is interfered with, and the blood ili,ei mi! i, k'n sllttlrlent. nvvirim to lllll'lfv it. The most niaikcd sign of lung disease is emaciation! and tlic most positive indication of returning health Is Increase In weight. So soeaks Jlalt't Journal of Jleallh, and we may add that in desperate cases; and, in fact, in "all cases of consumption, or troubles of tho throat and lung, immediate relief may bo obtained and a permanent cure clTccted by the use of Dr. win. Hall's Halsam for the mugs, a medicine Known iormoru man tuir-ty-lhe years as an unfailing remedy for coughs,' colds, bronchitis and all pulmonary ami pectoral diseases. '1 Hat tlie worst fuses of consumption have been cured by the use ot Hall's llalsam lias Keen attested to uy tne thousands who have used it. or who have been cognizant of its wonderful medical ef. Ilcacv. uov. U-Ow JyTOltMAL SCHOOL JSOXDS. muuMsnunii atAlc ,!unn!i.iuuu llloomsburi', Nov, 1st, lssl, Snpelfil nnilco Is hciebv elven that, tho Intercut warrants clue, prior to and liieludHin March 1st, lsU. belnir warrants Nos. 1. i. 3. 4. 5. . 7. 8 and . respectively, on bond Issued by tho llloouisburg j.uerary insuiinu aim niaiu nunuui niuuui, bucuiuu uy mortgages of September 1st, ism wlllbopntdby tho Treasurer or tno corporation at hla oillcu In liiooiasuurg ui mi) ii'iiu on ur uciuiu iuu uiu ui veiaber, A, O., ltsl, upon delivery ot the warrants, 11. J.CI.AHK, Treasurer llloomsbunr S. N. School, onlco Clnrk Bon's store. nov WW GarniortTs Artificial Ear Drums. A. Iiiii-iiliil on.l Hum bjf Mm iK'iTvilljr riitfrinf Hi. I, arm. UiiiiiHi ,h il lur ti.ii ty yir Im; ltlitlrm, ,v.n wii.ii.iT. Jiwu'il Are ul uli.tryMuH, ' mil,, ni. .! U..II lilniit ml lliifrlplio eiri-ulur fr... I W'l lHNi ll .ii.,tu il.i'u!,, l...ui .troruini. Jinn l,lti ,n nit!!,. -lul tr itwul r liruui msii uui'turi.,1. Juliu Ourmuri', s W Cwr nth A lUdSti Ciuilunill. O MASON AND uEST in tho WORLD 1 uliai' ru huliol ill.ilnctluu t titry 1, i ii Wnrl.l'ii 1 u r Iiirlourli'iiiyfur- HAMLIN A llllilltltm l ilillHllI, jo ii. la,, U nd) tin. im. nili. ninl will Im ...,. fr.,u I., hiiv ft.l.lrelH. utilioulli 111!! HDflA WO ll!ilTll.T iMI'lilllluISH. Mill JllSt UnUftftO NiwSmn. in.rl'niiiinll. , I'rk'm, w. ill. f'.ti. in in J" mi i "I J"r 'I St . It l(i 31 S1I, 1 I i.i v i.J. IN ( 1H Ku.l lllll SI., bl! luun i IllCUiO. 111 Wilbull e U Q II I I L LU U victoria. bu'p'tMor tolmcn Mod Hng'vV. Mm fur frAiiilng ifun,$t t.y null, agentlWanttd U. II. Tki: T,JJ7 llniHilway. N.. BORROW Wvky Wlliim Irmu 'nr It ll nutjuil the hm.lininr Siiu want Itleili'lerj'llilliK , The latent Hewn Irnlii nil purtij, Willi! 1! H, nil,, . , c . .,.,. ,,r I'n i. ,ii str...t erHvrrtMfi tlnkr. tbe luili-lHliil' nt L'jili.illcl'Uurclii eu-rylliliiK ll,l hut iiilen.t.iu uiHll people I mamen, klune. MiluriiuiiK luinirirp! mv raill '-lW n year. , semi by i"tl nml and Kit a eml ly ln..tnl t urn uuu get a JKIt ti.VLl. A CO., VuJ, Mf'lliull copy Jim.-, nuler street, New WW . r,Mif.f nnu nlrrlnnll,w-.ritlttArt PRACTICAL i 1FE lU.itJ tium tU vl r .I'ouiiUU). up to ui.lurllj.lo r.. Ji.r4 w Education, Homo, Ooolety, etlnuette. Amusements, Proaa, Lovo. Mnfr age. llusl. Vli V j'uuit l. miiJl lu itrUiur tl!!,iilit,rir.tifonsilloa in.l Interne !UUK'U-Iu... l'ull..M colored pltUi--fcca ui: a ilCM. Agents Wiinted Everywhere. StaJ fur clrciiUr. Tull ,Ucri.ti .u. t.rmi. Ac. iHmi. J. V. Mvt'l'UU V A I'll., I'lilluiltliilile,l'a-m n.OOO Au-cnta Wnntrit for I.tTo or ll i mileUm the tull lilnlory ollili nolile and vcntlul UN ,. iii.i ir.llv a aiHiuat Hi. Kuriru allieltuient.ilalli. uiuial"libeiiulu,iti' 'lliO lie.lilianco ot yourllle tu v,'.L.,,..ti. v. l..uKi-Biif'tatililtinv Imltatloni, intliemily autlitullr and tally inu.tratcillllentouriiiar . . in i r. il 1'rihlilrnt. nnvKi'tl uuriraii.. iUtra terut U A,Ur-...NiwA' I'vtutaisa (.'v., I'UUilillililaVa. HOLMES & SOHUYLER CUTLERY. Everybody scorns surprised at tlto extent ot our stock ot Uutlery. In no storo in the county can such a variety of patterns be seen. In Scissors and Shears we have all sizes and at various prices accor ding to quality, the uettcr grades being our specialty. Pocket knives any quality from 10 cents to '1.6U each. 1 lie large quanti ties of fine Razors we sell is a strong recconimendation as to their superiority. A lady's pride is her table and nothing adds more to its attraction than a hand some set of knives and forks, our line is large, new patterns and low prices for reliable goods. We have just opened a hand some line of carving knives and lorks, new designs with patent rests, prices from 50 cents to 4.50 per pair. Call and see them. HOLMES & SOHUYLER may also These we live by every day, any one can see. w are the V Oak Hall is still the Largest Clothing House in America. Hoping to serve Winter, Yours trulv, Wanamaker & Brown, 1 Sixth rcnoiuno wiiiwi,itiitri,uiithiii r tblldrea. l'tailon,,!..!! fwr lo.l.f Bos cr,to...,t ur rut'titrt.viricoM v.ini cf anj I)ltra.i. Ttiou.,i!d. of p.u.lun.r. ml oldi.,. .Milled to IMlltASUiudllolT.STV, I'ATKNTH iirocui.J f.r 1 0 it our 1. Suldi.ri lu4 wirriaU trwur,,!. Uutlit and fold. Soldl.ri and k.lrlfc!7 foryourrlihtiatcno.. K.ndU timi.i for ' Tin I' in. Soldi, r'i mi l'a,loo Md Iloaalr lawi.t aaia.aad laiiractloai, W caaltruto th,,ii..naiof Co.lcn.ri ,j C,.L. Nov imcw ea B, HKATTY'S 1'IANOFOllTES-MAG. Dincent lioltdnv mosents: Rntmm irrnnil nl. Riiotortos, f .ur very hamluome rouud cornorii, rose wood cases, three unisons, lieatty's matchless Iron friimes, Btool, txiok, cov-r, lioxeil. IMH.Tito frt7.l: catalogue prices, fi'utojioon; satlstacilon Buaran- iccu ur iiiuuuy rciiiuui'ij arior ono year s usj; up rlifht planofirtes $'M to 2A5,cataioi;uo prlceaj.vm to jsiwj standard pianofortes ot tliu Uhlverso. as thousands tcstlfi'i nrltotora mainmotU list ot lea tlinoula s. lldattv's calilnf!lnrL'iin .citlinilral.cliiimh cliapul, iitrlor, 130 upward; visitors welcome; Ireo earr .lire meecs pmsenirers; Illustrated cataloitue (Holiday edition) tree, Address or cill upon dan. V. IlKATlY, Washington. N.J. il nov.ts.iw BOOK AGENTS SS.i&Wi1 I'll.. I'tlllilllAllhlil il nnit 10 Hi..itlliuiiil V UUI iotn A (iltKAT OlTKlt VOU HOLIDAYS ! ! l'UNOH and OlIOANH at BXTItAOHlllNAHV I.oV I'HK'Ktt tor cash. INHl'ALMKNTa HKCKlvKl). tSI'I.KNDIl) OUCJANS, fl5, 000 up. MAOSIFI- CENT 1 1.3 octavo ItOSKWOOI) 1'IANOS, stool and Cover only $tvo. Warranted years Illustrated laiaioL-ne niareii auk.njh wamtki). null. AUK W ATKUH k CO.. Miiiiutacluri'is and Dealers, ili Uro.idway Now York. tl nov. is-dw RRFDiL AWAOtiro IcjU Wo k.wwruted tho Ut an4 cbetwt. ioJiixmin41j1Io mrj WAn.nDtiUetl Ui bciinccof Ufa or.bvlf.ItvMrrftUon " Iwurul in Anii VrMtirh mnalin anitviuAj DLhllV. A IMBUI na.l fttabT. fail cUt JU) in.ooDUinj bautif ul tMi Dfr?in( lii prMcnp- iiriM odIv i KNOW THYSELF.jnWiL'Stt Nov, iww a BE ATTY'S !ItH A,N,8 "'OP9. 1 0 oi reeds only ntl HUW.AltdrMal l'B.tamtar - . 1 ip.!iua tixd up imrti iionaay HOLMES & STOVES. Cold weather is ncur tit lituid around for stoves, The manufacturers have been over-crowded with orders, and it is almost impossible to get them. AVe have already re ceived several and are doily adding to our stock. Owing to the universal satisfaction tho Argand has given we still keep it as our lendinc base heating stove, and it call and look at this year's pattern; a little high in price it's true, but in this age the people demand handsome stoves and the more handsome they are the more they cost. Wc have a variety of other very nice stoves at prices within tho reach of all. The Gold Medal is the largest and handsomest base heating stove for the money brought to this town. In 1879 we introduced Spear's new Silver Moon Heater for heating two or more rooms and owing to the great eatisfaction they have given, our them. Wo warrant every one to got to hear the first word of complaint or take one back. For case of management, economy of fuel, great draft and radiatiug powers, they stand without an equal. Our long experience together with that of Mr. Isaiah Ilagcnbuch, who has charge of our Stove and Tinware Department, has enabled ple and make our selections accordingly. Wc cordially invite all in want of Stoves to give us a call before purchasing elsewhere, and ex amine our stock which we shall Stove repairs of all kinds furnished forthe common cook stoves constantly on hand. HOLMES & This One Foot Rule chance to be of service in serve us if it recalls the which are: J Wc never offer for sale any Clothing' but what we believe will give thorough satisfaction to those who wear it. (J We stoutly maintain our custom to always have the largest stock of men's and boys' clothing to We do as you Fall and -Vi 1 4th. vw ... OAK HALL, and Market Sts., Philadelphia. C. .0. G ALIGN AN, BLOOISISBUKGI-. SOHUYLER 7-S LjSfilfctfg-- and already many nro looking you wish to see a pericct beauty trade has steadily increased on gire perfect satisfaction and have us to study tho wants of the peo consider no trouble to show vou. to order, grates and fire brick SCHUYLER. many homes! rules of OAK It will HALL, show our customers. not allow our salesmen to mislead customers as to fit or quality or kind of goods. We stick to one price alike to everybody, rich and poor. We give the guar antee with each sale wc make. 5th.-We rcl-.rn the money 1 1 anybody whe wish it, if they choose to bring back the goods un MORNING LIGHT, DOUBLE HEATER. nov is l m liideceiiients Iteady, ll'd.l.lnl..nn I, 1 iii or can on iiKAn v, aw may , 'si-ly IIUUIHlUU) l.U,