THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBUltG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. Tlic Clover Crop. A .irrauyinfiii writes to tin1 ('ouitlri (ieullomtn: ''Tim wiso farmer U con stiinlly on tlio lookout for iiiiytliinij that will retain tlio fertility of his soil. lie wishes tlio best of crops, Imt nt tlic same time dreads the idea of exhausting the land. What will it profit lilm if ho raises large crop?, but loses tlio fertility of the soil' The clover plant Is now" largely looked to as the means by 'which the sod can bo kept in "good heart," and the looking is in the right direction. Clover does not have, as long experience teach es, n way of building tip what other crops have torn down of restoring what others have taken nivay in fact, of making good in some manner, tho loss sustained by growing wheat, barley, etc. Let us lindsome reason for this recuper ative power of the clover plant. In the llrst place it exposes a largo amount of leaf surfaeo to tho air and sunlight, and is able to transpire u largo quantity of moisture. It lias been carefully esti mated that an average acre of clover sends oil from its foliage over sixteen thousand pounds, or eight tons,of water in twenty-four hours, whilo an aero of wheat under the same circumstances will transpire only nbout two tons, or one fourth as much. Tho clover plant is, therefore, n mush tnoro active pump for raising woter from tlio soil to the air, 15ut every pound of water has more or less salts dissolved in it, and these are left behind after the evaporation in tlic leaves. Tlio clover plant is able to exist on a weaker solution than tlio wheat plant, because it uses so much of it, and this is an important factor in the success of the clover crop. To illustrate this point it may be said that ono man may profitably manufacture salt from sea water and another would starve at tho in dustry owing to tho inferior facilities for workinguplho weak solution. The clo ver plant is also a deep feeder, and is able to bring up lood elements irom bo low tho reach of surface-growing plants. In this way it concentrates food, or in other words, gathers it from far and near. Hie clover plant is a "close teed er," as is termed, and also a deep feeder. Now, how does it enrich the soil and prepare it for large crops to follow? The clover plant grows tlio whole season through. Barley, for example, ripens its gram in midsummer, and its growth is finished in not far from four months, while the clover goes right on with its work, taking up tlio food elements as they are liberated in the soil and fixing them into its own structure. The success of clover as a recuperative crop is large ly duo to its long season of growth. Tho question of tlio source of the supply of nitrogen to crops is a duucult one and is not by any means tully answered. l)r, Lawcs, whose experiments at l'otham stead are classic, is of the opinion that clover docs not get its nitrogen Irom the free nitrogen of tin- air, but gathers it from tho nitrates and other nitrogenous compounds that are constantly forming in the soil. The clover, being a, close and deep ieedor, and growing through a long season, is much better able to seize upon the element and apporiate it to its own use. This seems reasonable, and has weighty proofs on its side of the long and accurately conducted experiments' at Bothamstead. Tho clover has thus pumped up from below, through a long season, a large amount of food material, which ithas,stored up in its large roots near the surface of the ground; food that succeeding crops profit by, because they are not such close and deep feeders, and their period of life is too short to gather their own food, when widely scattered, so successfullv as the clover. A Paradise of Pish Stories Tf iitiv iimi u'fittfd vn nlilili'ii. VIMISOIIII ble llsh stories, he should go to Minne-i sola. Folks have no fancy for the In ' credible up there i the facts are so plen 4.. ll.r.1 to,1,1 fnlll. A l lll.ll UAiljjUl'l UUUII IB HIIII'IV iuiij . ti'iili nf ntiiTlni'd u-nrn simtml nrnlllltt ill fl Minnesota depot, with a line string of 11. 1. t 1..! !.!.... f.. i ..!.. mil, u lew wi.jniiyu, witiiuiL; mi u inuui and killed time by lelatlng their exper iences. Several pretty stout yarns were narrated, when a long nrnicd iMiiineso- i . . , I ... . r nan, who appeared 10 no a lesuieni oi tin town, ami bail ntiiiarentlv taken a great interest in tho stories, Interrupted .1 .!.. - I ! .1.... I . mo luccuNg oy Hiiyiug mm u jius sessed of facts that would discount any that had been cited. What ho was about to tell was truc,becauso it had been his own experience. Alluding to some rematks that had been made about the rmiiil frw-iii'fli nf It all in Mititiiwnt'l ll'fllpi-4. "T f,.r....w. ..... ......... ..... , ho said that four years ago he caught u inreo pound uass. jh uu uiu um wniii, small lish ho threw the body back into tho water-but befoio doing so tied alittlo Iav 4 S ii M'litetln ir ifa Intl. TIll'iWl vn.H'S later ho caught the saino llsh, which u'n.frluwi Inn tinniula. nnil t.lin till U'llUtli' had grown to be an enormous fog horn. Tho statement was not disputed. Chi- etiro Jntc-Ocatn. Tho Gront Unfailing SPECIFIC ion N OTKll IN PAUTITION. KHTATK Of KMUIIKTII ViRNNMl, PU'KASKIl. T.i.tiillA Srlil.iffer. Intermarried Willi Jacob Hdihl- per, of Munuclinnim comity rat It. v, Garrett, of isan nninu'oKP, i.ii7rrmi cuuiiiy.i u i .1111111111 11. Hicks, of llallltnori'. Md.s Henry NtiHTer. of Centra rjl im l j.i .W t ',. p,nS township, Columbia count?) Misantin Cruwford, In ti'lQig ,1 VriP .HUH AMI tetmnrtlcil with Htfj'licti cruwfonl, of Mt. Pleasant 'IM JJlIll UUllipiUlUl. township, ColumMi county: Anmllna Garrett In- I ttrlfh l.nrl Mrfrof nf II rlit PP liolr tmvn Philadelphia, Jlnrch 1, 18S2. Messrs. Kly Bros., Druggists, Owego, N. Y. Gents: About Oct. 1, 1880,1 gave your Cream lialin a trial with thu most satis factory results. I was troubled with Chronic Catarrh and gathering in my head, was very deaf at times and had discharges from my ears, besides being unable to breathe through my nose; be fore tho second bottlo of your remedy was exhausted I was cured and to-day enjoy sound health for which pleaso ac cept my sincere thanks. C. .1. Corlin, OSiJ Chestnut street. Field Manager, Philadelphia Pub. House. Messrs. White it P.urdick, druggists, Ithaca, X. Y. My daughter and my self, great suirereis from Catarrh, have been cured by Ely's Cream Balm. My sense of smell restored and greatly im proved. CM. Stanley, dealer in boots and shoes, Ithaca, N. Y. Pi ice r0 cents. Tilt; NV.tll'TIUM 01' I.IMMt CO.HIM.MNT Rio unenslnem nnil twin In tho Mile, sometimes pat ti In the shouldir, and Is 111H11U11 for rheumatism ) tho Ntoinacti I affected with liss of nppetlto and sickness) bowels. In general, costive, sometimes alternating with lax) tho In net Is troubled with p.iln, mid dull, heavy snnnl Ion t considerable loss ofmemort, with painful sensation of haUnt left iindono aotncthlhi: hlch ought to hno been uono , often complaining of wenknes, debility nnd low spirits, sometim s innny of tho nbovo sjmptoias ultctiil tlio disease, nnd nl other times very fow of them ) but tho I.Iut Is generally tho iirum most Involved. KBlll'LATlS TUB MVBH, AND 1'UKVKNT Hy.pePNtM. ('iiii.titilliiii, .liniiiillre, tlllloiiM At. Iiieln. Chills nnil IVtcr, llrmliirlir, Ciille, Driii-i. .Inn nl' splrliH. Mmir istoin iii'h, Hi nrlliiirii, I'llen, rle. Tonic, Ufri-ativt mid Cutliiu II:1 Simmons I.lver ltoculator, purely e(;etahle, Is tlio medicine Kctieraliy used In the South to arouso tho torpid Liter to hcalthr actlou. It nrlit llli pxirnimllniirr imurr uml rnirnry nil llieiner nnil iiiunrjM. The notion of tho lie kiiIaI or Is free from nausea or griping. 111s mosicirecme in hiarung mo secre tlonsot tlio Mvr, causing tho bllo to act as a cath nrtlc. When tlwro Is an exccs of bllo In tho stom ach, tho Itegulmor Is an nctlvo purge s after tho re moval of the bllo It will rcgulaui tho bowels and Impjit vigor nnd health to tho wholo system. 1'rcp.ired only by J. 11. Zellln Co. Sold by all Druggists. June 4, sl-ly THE WHITE SEWING MACHINE termarried with l.ovl (larrcf, of Drlarcreek town ship, county ot Columbia! susan a. woir, inter- innrripii wii 1 An ira m 011. ui 1 kick lti'I'k. 1.11eriiu conuly, and Stephen rono. giinruiaii mi mem, 01 ino minor ciinureu 11 jiuiiy iiuks, ui cciiiuu, ,i: Klliiboth lllcks. Mury llleks. Kv.k llleks.Clnr-neo J Illcks, alt ot Columbl.i cuint', nnd .lohn lllika nnd Maud M, lllcks, nt t.u.urno eimnty, atidJulla nieifn. or usnu"iiania eouniv. 0111 imi: ion aro hereby notlnnl Unit In ai cordnnee with a writ of partition, Issued uui of 1 lie orphnns' Court ot Co lumbia coiintr, statu ot Pennsylvania, n Innuest win bo held by tho uiiderulgiied, 011 Hi" rollnwlng described premises, to-wlti All tliatrerlatn messu ago and tr.ctot Hnd, sltiuto In tho township of centre, county aforesaid bounded on tho north by 0. public ro id, on thocna by a public road, on tho south bv lands ot Wilson Miller, and on tho west by lands of 11. scnweppennciser, continuing two itvx whether tho samu can bo divided wlliioul Injury to or spoiling mo H.ime, nr.u 11 noi lov uue nounp r.rflUn thn samn In nccor.lauco with tho Act of As sembly. Tho Slid lmi'ilsltlou will bo lio'd as nrorcsam on uio huui preuuea uu rimuY, Novi:.Miii:it 20th, isst. nt 9 oVlock p. m., when and whero you may attend 11 you luinK proper. l'AUb IS. WIKT, Att'y. U. II. KNT, Hhurirr of Columbia county Sheriff's Ofllcc, llloomsburg, ueu ., 1 vi-ow John A. Punsions Koal Eatato, Trustj Iuvestraont and Collection Office BLOOMSBURG, PA. RAIL ROAD TIME TABLE F:nn.syi.vania uailuoad. phii DKM'IIIA . Kill IS II. It. DIVISION. SUMMHK TIME TABLE Tho politest man in lioston has been discovered, lie was hurrying along the street tho other night when another man, also in violent haste, rushed out of an alley way and the two collided with great force. The second man looked mad, while tlic polite man, taking off his hat, said : "My dear sir, I don't know which of us is to blame for this violent encoun ter, but I am in too great a hurry to in vestigate. If I ran into you, I beg your pardon j if you ran into me don't men tion it," and lie tore away at redoubled speed. Mr. Chas. P., Wayman, Uric, Pa., writes: "My physicians had given me up to die. They told me my lungs and liver were all decayed and gone. I was very weak, palo and emaciated. Jy chance I saw Prown's Iron Hitters ad vertised. I immediately realized that without iron in the blood, life could not exist. With trembling anxiety I sent a servant who procured for 1110 a bottle. I mut have taken it with great faith.for almost immediately T felt its beneficial effect. Soon all dyspeptic symptoms ills appeared, my lungs grew strong, pains in tho region of tlio heart vauished, iny urine becamo free of sediment, and in a word I have regained perfect health. Now I feel able to thrash the doctor that attended me and really believe I ought to do it." FOIl 8 I.K Or tixchuuere. l.nrire Krotno lloiiso far two families. pood stnble, fruit and water. Owned by U. 1' Sharp- iusi. Vll Acres. Vrm,k barn, good fruit nnd vioter. In Madlf-oo toMi&hlp, ) u. occupied by vHisiuogiou cmuii. ISO Acres, near Kalnnoiiu Hrtlnirs. limber nnd railroad ties to ni ke Duichaso money nttic.ooncr ncre umuixov, uui, For particulars, apply to Oct. 14, '61-tf JOHN A. 1TNST0N. BLOOMSBURG STATE NORMAL SCHOOL SIXTH N011MAL SCHOOL DISTEIOT. Bloomsburg, Columbia County, Pennsylvania. Rov. D. J. WALLBR, Jr7Pli. D., Principal. TfltS SCIIDOI,, astir present constituted, oilers tho very best facilities for Professional and Classical learning. ,. , llulldlngssnaclous, im Itlug and commodious ; completely heated by steam, well ventilated, lighted by gas, and furnished with ft bountiful supply of pitro.soft Spring Wale, ..... . . , .... nniAlAh. ah.i .ll..n,nllir.1.iArl l,l.t,.1ln.i firm lint frlml Hnlfi-inn Anil tlmrnni'll. lvrnten Locution neaiiuiui, anu easy ui ucccs,, luuuiit-i 8e.oi:i u-huvju, i-moium, uu ..u.u iw v... ..v..jji.i.- , ... u. ..... ........ , . moderate. Fifty cents a week deduction to all expecting to teach, students admitted at any tttno. Itooms 1 eserved when desired. coursbo ot Biuay prcscrioeu uy mo isuiio s I. Mo Jel School. II. Preparatory. Ill", Elementary. I , Classical. Aditmct Courses : I. Academic. II. Commercial. III. Course In Minlc. IV. Cotir?o in Art. V. Course In Physical Culture. Tho Kicmcntary. Scientific and Classical Courses aro I'ltOl'ITSSIONAl, nnd stiliieiiis gr.idu.ttng mcrcin, leccivo Ninio uipiomas, conrcrrinc uio lonowin corresponding Degrees ; Master of tho i;iements: Master or tlio sciences) Master 01 mo i;i.i5ios. urnauaics iu uiuomer ouursua lucenu-xoinmi iuiiiui.iiieo me rnuainmen s,, sigueav iny w.i ra-wuu a urn. , .,, ,,. , , h ,,nii. 1 nceourso 01 niuu y nrescriuuu oy uiu wiato is uuurui, umi mu c jiuuiiuu uu.i umhuu i.wm -.t mu iw n...... . w ,..uo vv ..,v.,. im,.uj.,l,m..lM.i,lLl..i.n,1.r,.lnlll,nnililn 'I'l.ntlmna tint lunil 1 1. II. U nun nf till! nr inn oil I'CtS lit l.llU SC100 to IClll tO SCCUri! It. bV film Slllltf ntCl I- gentnndcmclentTeachersforherSchools. 'I'otlitscndit solicits young persons of good abilities and good purposes.-inosowHoiiesireioimprovpiiieir iimo and their talents, ns students. To all such It promises nldln del doping their powers, andabuudant opportunltloi for well p.ild labor after leulng School, ior catalogue, aaurcss inn principal. ... ihihivto IIO. I I1I1I.V.11 Jil.vv i.i.Ij, 1'rc.iueiii iionru 01 'iruniern. i. sept. 8, ';a.- Whereas, tho world renowned reputation ot tho "White dewing Machine Induces many unscrupulous competitors to resort to all kinds of mean tricks to Injure Its reputation, ne beg to caution all Intending purchasers not to buys White Machine except from Its regular authorized dealers, who will oe susiainea Dy uiu iuuum ihk win rum y. WE WAItllANT THE NATUHAL WEAK AND TEAR OF THE While SKnttle Seii Machine, PLATE NUMI1KH tO.t.ian FOR FAMILY PUIIPO SES, ANO IIEHKI1V AOHKK TO KEEP THE HAME IN ilEI'AIll FOIt THE TEHM OF FIVE YKAH8 FROM THIS DATE, TKEE OF CIIaRUE. This warranty excepts the brniKago ot needles bobbins and shuttles. This warranty wtll not be sustained unless tho plato number above given corresponds with the number on tho Bhuttlo raco Bllfle. IScwaro of dofaccd or altered numbers. WHITE SEW INC1 MACHINE CO. Tho "WHITE" Shuttle Sowing Machine Has obkatkb ciriciTT than any other family Sowing Machine ror doing every vaneij- 01 . j, saltzkh, Gonoral Agent, Bloomsburg, P. fit t. ''0-f GARFIELD: Accnts wantod for Llto ot riesiueni iiaruciu a com. Dlcte.tiUthtul history from crudlo to the grave, by tho eminent btograpner, 1.01 Lone, oovernor ot Massachusetts. Hooks all ready At. Alntrnnllv llhifitrnted vollimo. Kn- .inrLMi A.nttnn. i.ihnrni tprms. AL'pnts tako orders for from 20 to 50 copies dally. Outsells nnv other book ten to ono Agents never mado money so last. The tbooK sells useir. Experience uui, ueuuswaij. Falluro unknown. All make Immense prollts. Pri vate terms freo. (IE0I10E STINSON CO.. Port land, Maine. r uu w, oi-iui L. T. SHARPLESS, WIIOI.KM.E AND 1IKTA1L DKAI.KIt IN STAPLE AND FANCY NOTIONS' IHI Ills stock comprises scarlet, White and Mixed UNDER-WB A. 3R, for Lailltv, Cents and Children, Cotton, Merino, and Woolen IIOSIIIUY, Ladles' Nubias, II001U nnd moves Laco and Embroidered Collars and Tics, Plain and Fancy Neckwear, SCARFS, TIES, and Hows Ladle3 and Ocnts plus, Earrings, COLLAR AND GUFF BUTTONS. and Chains, dents Castor, lluck and Kid, lined and I'nllncd GLOVES and MITTENS, I.AUNDHIED AND UNLAUNDItlED SIIIKTS, COLLARS AND CUFFS, Shoulder Ilraccs and Suspenders, Cardlgau Jackets, muobhlrtsand Overalls, Alpaca, tlingham and Cotton Umbrellas, Writing Paper, Envelopes, PENCILS and C RAYONS, Flour Sacks, (iroccrVj P.ags, and WRAPPING PAPER. To arrive, a variety ot Corsets, Including Dr. w arner n Flexible hip and HEALTH COKSETS- Making U's purchases as ho doesot manufacturer and their agents he proposesjto make prices Hi it will compare favorably with the best CITY HOUSES. Xj. T. SHARPLESS, BLOOMSBURG, PA. OCt. !13 SI t-f HOW? WIT I W Collecting Fall Waste. .Many persons feel tlio want of ma nure, and indeed there are few who have morn tlian they cau use. Where it is scarce, the first thought is to buy, and often this is the best plan; but in many cases one might make considerably by a little care for articles which usually go to waste. AVc know that there many things re commended that are of little account! things which involve hard labor, and yet realize but little in tho end. Such are often found in tho various schemes for making manure out of tan bark, saw dust, swamp muck, and so forth, which once 111 .1 while ana under peculiar cir punibtances may pay for themselves, but aro as a general thing littlo more than time thrown away. lint it is always a good thing to keep all parts of ono's place in a neat and nice condition, and tho material gathered to gether iu this way into tho compost heap will geneally pay for itself. How ever careful may be a farmer or gardener to keep things clean, there will often be odd corners that will be left by the pres suro of work to grow up to coarse vege tation. If this be cut when leisure time comes it will generally pay 111 tho com port heap. At this yeason of tho year, (.specially, thero is often u great ipiantity of vegetable refuse of one sort or anoth er lying about. It will pay to collect il, and especially is this trim of leaves when they are iu any great ipiantity and not far away. Wo have known persons with pri'tty good judgment to hesitato about taking a .second crop from a pieco of grass land in not very good condition be cause they thought it would be running the ground too hard to do so. They sa it is best to leave the vegetation 011 the ground to rot. This is all very well if it did rot; but littlo of it does, 'it most ly dries up and the best matter is lost. It would pav much better to mow anil put into tho barnyard or compost heap, and then return il iu thu shape of top dressing afterwards. The extra labor iu a caso like this pays very well. Abovo all it is a good thing for thoso who have no horso or cow no barn yard to save tho little waste material for a compost heap. Kvory garden might have ono in some by place, not u.xposed to view. It is an inducement to liavo a clean place, and then there's profit in it. (lermantairn Telcyraph. UiTus. Less is known about tho dis eases of ducks than of fowls. They are, in our exporience, best hatched by hens, and kejit iu a dry pen forsovcral weeks. (Vivo plenty of grass freqently renewed, keen water ahvavs beforo them in glial low vessels mid feed often, A pen of boards a foot lii'di, covered with laths nailed across tho top, with 0110 corner or one end covered to exclude the rain, is all that is required. This pen should bo frequently "shifted upon dry, grassy . i 1 1 - it 1 1 ground. 11 one n uoiiueu iiuquiig, swelled itn or out of sorts iu any way, giro soaked broad and milk red with cayenne pepper. The best are Honens, Aylesburys, l'ekius and Ulack C'ayugas. J'oints of oxcellenco tor common purpos os aro tho ni.o and number of eggs, GET THE BEST. SOUTH Don't locate before spiMny nnr ouiufn IUHT hUlllt'IllCIU, Jiuiy- iraieu c uaiocuc free. j. .M. .Man. uia, vmi cmoni, turry co. va. u nov. -i-tw 1$ OciS-im llilr.l to an imrt' of ivniion. WIJdhi, or lilmii niil it'ii n lont filth!- nr motlicn of'r-rtrl II hrli.lmi. Nvtl'lU .tllllll'i gf 10) 1 I . Ilium itlnl lli.unir ACII. Ad llr.s, l P. M. Fitzgerald & Co., culm A-cnti lli.Hnil1p.ill. Ilxl. Ki ur In llid. lUtikinn Co uui 1'r.s't I'mlral Ilauk. twllivf luluu.ivlii. spi:i:u's pout'i: wini:. Physicians employ only Sjieer's Port drape Wine 111 their practice in all cases where a puro wluo is called for, and do nil iu their nowor to fostor and oncour- aro its production, for the reason that niire Port Wlno is adillloult thiiiL' to get and tliey nro loth to proscribe a doubtful or inferior article, Hundreds of Now ork doctors havo visitud Spour'u vine jiirdn, but twelve miles from New York, and examined nnd tested the wines, Kor nalc by V. A. .Kh'im, druggist, Ulooms )iurr. Pa. STKONCA COMPETITION In the manufacture of Organs is resulting in the production and Hale of cheap goods, made from inferior materials. I refer particularly to bogus Urgans tnat are continually Fpnuging into existence, wunoui anv merit whatever, except to be oiierctt cneap, aim men wnen purchas ed found to be dear at any price. Will yuu not then, reader, If you Contemplate Buying an Organ consider it your only safeguard to select an instrument bearing the names of first class, wholly responsible makers. A good assortment ot styles of the celebrated Estey Organs can now be seen at tho new rooms 01 UIU UUiy aUbUUll!i3U UjSUIi IUI bUO JUIIiV VlgUUll Columbia Uounty. A guarantee tor nvo years irom me manu facturers accompanies every Jstey Organ. J. SiKLTER, Agent, ,aB0,5Wf Bloomsburg, F a Acrn( imulcil fur Uio Lire nnil Work or GARFIELD Tbft enly complete itory of his noble life and trftgle dsatb. Frtuh, brilliant, reliable. Llecuntlf prlnttil in E naif li nnil eriunni touttfuUy ilfuitratcli bnulHomvlf bound talent sellms book ever iub lnhM. IW John V, lllilimlli, M.l). PATTTTHW 1)0 not kuy the catchpenny, ro VXiUllviit v am ltd camrfiign book with which tho country it flooded. They tare utterly worthlesx; an outrage upon the memory of the dvad.aod a bue fraud on the public. ThU book it entirely new. The only work worthy the tho me, Menu Our. In MfamiHt for Afft'ut!! Outilt. rfU.NJ tiiyiUtli X CU., 1'ubluuoif i l'UU4vl-lya, Oct. sff-ivr Ache m A TRUE TONIC A PERFECT STRENGTHENER.A SURE REVIVER. lHON IJITTHIIS ro hlnlily rccommendwl for all dlsumca re. quiring a wrtalii uml illiclent tonio ; miwially Indication, Dytjirptta, Inter J'atri, Want vf Appciitt. Im of Strcnyth ,Iick oj hmryij, (Ic. hiirlilics the WikJ. utrcngtliciu tlio unw', ami glvw new llfu to Ilia nerves. 1 1117 act llk a charm 011 tlie illKH-lr jrttana, removing nil dyspeptic syniptomg, tudi ,a 1ilinj the i'W, Illicit 1,J, JlftU intUtKtomnch,llcarlburn,tc. UlO only Jnm l'l-oniwutiou tlmt wlil nut lilackcn tlio teeth or irlvo Jli'luhuJie. Bolil ly all dniKsists. 'Writo for tho A 11 0 Hook, J2 jiji. of useful ami nmusiiit; reading tmt frit. UHOAra ClIHMICATi CO,, IJiUtlmarc, aitl. POSITIVELY CURED BY Benson's Capcine Porous Plasters. Ueasouft Vty lUf vv Vvi'fmvil In All OlluT I'uiuu Vlaslrr uv Uv became llioy i-ocm-mi ult llm merit at stmitjthfiiliijfi'oriMU iluUi, nnd runtutn in sU (litloii tliert'tu tho nw Iv tllhiui'r((t iowrful and uiUu ret tabltt couihlitHtitin WikU H''ti wltli hi creasiil rtihofnt U-ntt i-titiiulutliit', fnUtlvo uud luuuicr irriumi tucHf, IliTauBOtlifynreun-nulne jtnriiit.riitlcal prep 'Ihlril. Ilfou.n Ihpjr .ri tlm only jilifti'ti tlist relieve .1 UIU.'. I'uiirlli. llittUM llii'jr Mill iullhi'y iiiieill.ctiet tLIck uiiitr rrmvuie. win uui oeii rtnovu. rinii. Ilocnuio ovir coon ,lii lvlon mil dnigglit.liivo voluulurlljr ttillncil tlmt lli.y am aiiwrlur to all bluer iiairr or uieuiciurH iur exierLui uir, Mxlli, ikctuie the tniiiiituituri'r. ham roctheil tin euljf iQuitu evrr tnrn fur puroua piHt, Benson's Capcine Porous Plaster! SEABURY 4 JOHNSON, juauuiuciiiniii; iittfimiia, new xoric. One of tlio problems of Good ami Comfortable Living IS THE MATTER OF CLOTHING. STYK3 WHLLMADK CLOTHING AT Till': VERY LOWEST IMilCES. HATS ron MEN, liOYS, YOUTHS, AND CHILDREN. EX A JUNE ouuSTOUIC or YOUTHS HOYS and CIIILDUKXS GLOTHIHG SIIIKTS, l'KAUL WIIITK, 15TCYCLK SIIIKTS, LATEST OUT. IiUSlNESS AND DRESS SHIRTS, HANDSOME PATTERNS DE3IRAI5EE STYLES IS OURMOTTO. A EIJLL LINE" OF l-'ALL STYLES JUST KECEIVEI). MERCHANT TAILORING DEPARTMENT. Perfect Fits, Latest Styles, Full Satisfaction. I CALL AND EXAMINE THE LARGEST STOCK OF CLOTHING and GASSIMERES IN THE COUNTY A Full Ixixie of IFurxiishmg C-oods. Ileadciiiartcrs for TRUNKS, SATCHELS, VALTSES un anu 11111:1 nuuuu;, uiiiiu i,i9ni, 1110 Trains on tho l'lillmlolplila Krln Uniirona Division v? Hi run ns follows t VJVS 1WAHII, Krlo Mall loaves Nillnilclplil 1 1ts n m ' llnrrlslmrc 4 83 am " " Wllllainsport 8 40 am " " .lorsoy Slioro 03 a is " " lock Haven (mohm " " Itcnovo t inn urn nrrlvn at Krlo linnm Nlacara Kxpross lcavosl'lilladclplila 0 oil a in ' " Iturrlaburc IsiSpm arr. ai niiamporo siopm " " Loomiavcn 4 20 pm " " Itcnovo 6 do n in " " Kano lOWpm Fast Lino leaves Philadelphia 12 10 n m ' " llarrlsburt; 4 no p in " arrlvo at Wllllamsport T 6S p in " " Lock Haven 0 10 pin KASTWAH1). Pacltlc Kxpro93 loaves Lock Haven 7 05 a m uuBoyl0o 1 si n III 11 " Wllllamsport 8 so am " nirtvo at Harrlsbtire 1405 pm " " riilladelphla aiiopm " " Kane 000 am Day Express leaves itcnovo 10 03 am " " Ick Haven It S3 am " " wmiamsport issnpru " arrlvo at Ilarrlsburif 3 40 p m ' " I'lilladclpfila 0 4.ipm " " Erlo 11 as am Krlo Mall leaves Itcnovo umpm ' " Lock Haven 1010 pm " Wllllamsport 11 no p m " arrives at ll.irrlsburct 3 00 am " " l'hlladclpliui 7 33am Fast Lino leaves Wllllamsport la 15 a m ' arrives at Harrlsmirir sisnu " " rhliadclpSia 7 05 am Krlo Mall and Fait Lino west and Pacific Kxmvsm Cast make close connections nt Northiiinbcrland with L. fc 11. It, it, trains for wuuesbarro and Scrnnton, Krlo Mall West. Nlairara Kxnrcss West and Fast Lino West mako closo connection nt Wllllomsnort with N. U. It. W. trains north. Ntnenra Exnress West nnd Day lixnress Hunt inako closo connectluii fit Lock Haicu with U.K. V. It. It. tr.iln-). Krlo JIalt cast and West connect at Erlo with trains on L. H. M. a. It. It. ; at Uorry with o. C. 11. I'.St W. It. It.; nt Emporium with II. N. V.l', It. It. and at Driftwood with A. V. II. It. Parlor cars will run between l'lillalelohla and III iuuiii-i,iui b uu uuiil r,A.ll.!1 1IUSI, llliu ljuy bx press Kiust, Ulccplnt; cars on nil night trains. .H. A, MI.JIVJ.1, acncral Supt. THE DAVIS. 17KEAS UROWN'S IXSUIIAXCE At! EX- JO CV. Mojer's now bulldlnu, Main street, lilooms- uurir, 1 a. Asvts. .Etna Insurance Co . 01 Hartford. Conn. t7.07fl.g24 Hoyal ot Liverpool m.sruono I uinutiHuiru 10.0' ii.ui u 1 l ire Association, ruuaneipuia 4.1i!.'i.7l7 ruuiiiix, ui i.onuon it.vm am I London Lancashire, of England i,;os,t;fi llartfort of II irtford 3,S73.ihhi I sprmgneia nro ana Marino s.iiS'.'.m As tho nrenclos are direct, nsllclos nrp wrlltrn In idh msureu wnuoui. any ueiuy in ine unco Bloomsburfc'. Oct. ss, ' OV J 1 I I 1 Vj I Should nl send for bainplo copy of that wonderful parcr.TMK Woui.n ami Soi.riRK publMiTl nt Washington, l It con- ta ns Mor es or hid war. famn i.ifi. seenn from tho Ilattlelleld. and a thousand thlnescf Intr rest to ourcountry'H defenders. It contains nil thu laws ami instrucuons rcinung to rensions ami uounty for Soldiers and their heirs. Klirht wges. fortv col. omul. wecKiy. a year, sample free .vudress norm anil soiuier, oox ass, wasnington, 1). u. "I'JV. I'll VA'ANTKh nv Mit.MIV. ln,i tnu.ll L.M....K.. t...... NO tjl'Dl lOIIS nKnfrlpllponi.ppsQ.nT nl.l' J. 1'. Leciarc. Itochebter. N. v. il ' nov. uw PENSIONS I ARE PAID tverr ir.l.iirdlsalli l.y npci.leiit -rutlttrrwutf. A (VOt'Mt of uu y kfiid, ii of DiiKtr, to.-of i jr, lil'IM VMU f hiilHllylit, i1in404 nf J.uiifi ur ur1i'ui t-t mt (fire a $1,000 REWARD, OXK TIIOUSAXD ll.OOOl DOLLARS I'liEJIIU.U ollereil to AM IMiKSnK that will do as CiHKAT A KAXQK OF 'WOIUv on AXY OTHER MACHINE. WHATTHK HEW DAVIS VERTICAL FEED Will do without basting. It will mnko wldo hem on sheets. &c, hem all manner of bias woolen goods, as (.oft merino, crape, or goods dllllcult to hem on other machines. It makes a more clastic suicu man any otnermacuinc. It will turn a hem and put In piping at snmo time It will turn a hem. sew braid on the rlcht sldo and stitch on trimming nt ono opiratlon. It will do felling bias or straight, clthor on cotton or woolen goods. It will fell acvofcs teams on any goods. I will bind a Dress or Skirt nnd sew on facial. cither with or without fchowlng Mltchcs; bind Dress (loods with tho &nuo material, eltlivrbcnllops.polnts, squares or straight. Tho only machine that will bind Hati, Cloaks, or other articles with Lias, satin or silk, from j to 3 lnchesln width, without hasting. It will gather with or without sewing on. It wlllirather betwten two nieces and sew on at tho same time. It will mako arulllo and Mitch n clllow silo on to the facing at the same time. It will bhlrr any kind of good3. It will mako plaited trimming either with or with out sowing it on. It will make clalted trimming either senlhincd or stialght. and wtv aplplrgon at thoMnne time. It will inuko knife plaiting. J. SALTZEll, Gen'l Agent, liloouisburg, Pn. oct. 1, 'SO-lf. hides! Tho Highest Market Price in Cash l'AIDFOIt ALL KINDS OF HIDES AT A. SOLiLEDER'S I.eullier ami Shoe I'lntllnar Store Main Street, Opposite Stone Ciiuiich, BLOOMSBURG, PA. April 8, 'fo-ly NEW IC! t'uvioii1 I'urauHt'H J'lttj muLu ?Ci'v Itlt'll BIkmI, ntnl will complfU'ly cIimiku iho blnotl m PmrntliuM "tern In tliuu ii.inihs, Anv iciom w Iki w UI tuli-1 (illl "'H-lmifrtit fi'tim 1 (1) i'iwvi I , u:i Ihi 1 tor 1 1 -innt Im-uMIi, it Mtrh h IIhiik iiotuj-i-illili, (t.' h . in I f r k litiir fcliunm. y. .v. joir s.v a- o,t jtohtunf Ma,, AGENTS WAHTED !iSOTri?yi,f..Wi lllllT .llai-lilno rvr uili-lilP'l Wi kiiitnpdirot Huumm. Willi lli:i;i, m.a Till! loiiiiilftf, In lumlnulrt. It Mill nlo kult a firml miuly uf fmicy wurkfor iviilch ll-troliulwan n reflv market, hail liirilrruUriui'l tirinltothnTtruilllily ItlllltlllH Machine Co., !J WmJiIusiou fcl., Iiiituu. .Uui mayo, 'Sl-ly aid 7T! ATTV'H organs 18 useful stops, t sets reods paAi 1X0 jM I'lanoBtlSJup. iwillus. uataiog. rieo. auuichi iivuiij, iiusuiuuiuii, .i.u innv il. ' aid LKOATjjBIjANKS, ATiWAYS ON HAND PORT GRAPE WINE Used In the principal Churches for Communion purposes. EXCELLENT FOR LADIES AND WEAKLY PERSONS AND THE AGED. llu fini-lf llf,i nml n . ,.t,1( J , lilt n nl fitt nnd nr'mlnlrli .Haf. . .t . . ' his lierolo stniKKle for life; woiiUorrul medlcul treat- ....v , ..luuu.junuuiij , UIIIUUU IU f.lUl'lUll , UL'lllU ic. rroiu&eiy uiustraicd. hplfnUia portrait of WUIIHIH, IIIJ IM1UH1III jiiuimi i PLtllU HI W1U IS II 001" intr ; tlio falck-ctmintiur ; (iultcau in hla cell; tho siiriTinne nm thn rihinnf n i.n Ari nn.n..iAi. ...... A il it i i im ,i i V iuiiiiiiu lui uKUiim nrbl. Ai ilifdd II l l l Illl ill?, . r.i't i.i.non...'u, i i ll ' "mi" OCl. 14, (IV, r Spcor'o Port Grapo Wine FOUR YEARS OLD. rnhls Celebrated Natlvo Wlno Is mado from tho J. Julcu of the Oporto (irnpo ittlscd lu this Country Its Invaluable Tonic aiid Strengthening Proporties aro unsurpassed bv any other Native Wine. Uelng tho puro Julcoof thotlrape, produced under Mr. bpeer's own personal supervision, Its purity and genuineness nro guranteed. i ho youngest child may partake of Its generous qualltles.and tho weak est Invalid uso It to advantage. It Is parllculaily benltlcLil to tho aged and debilitated, nnd suited to tho various ailments that nffect I hit weaker sex, It li in every respect a wine to nu helied on, SPEER'S Tho 1'. 3. MIKHKY Is a Wlno of Kuncrlor character and partakes of tho golden qualities of tho grape, from which it Is mado, Eor I'urlty, Itlchnek'S.r lavor and Medical l'ropcrtles, It will bu found unexcelled, SPEEE'S This 11HANDV stands unrivaled In this L'ountrv. being far superior for medical purposes, IT IS A l'UHE distillation from tho rratin and con. tains valuable medical properties. It has n del lea to llavor. similar to that of the irrani'S frulil which It Is dlstllled.aiid Is In LTuat imnr among llrst class families. Ssio that Iho signature of ALl'IlED tiPEElt.l'assalo N. J.i Is over tho corKof each bottle, A. KLI3IM. SOLD BY O. doom 'sot- To Nervous Sufferer: The Great European pit. j. B, siMi'Son'siei tcino UKniciKu. Dr. J. 11. Simpson's Kpecltlc Mcdlcluo isapoMtlvo cuio for overwork of bodv or brain or exerts orunr klnd, such as weakness and all diseases rasultlng irom Nervous Debility, Inltablllty.Mental Anxiety, I.UIIUUUI , (.usaibiiiiu, jJt'iliasiuil UI rjui llH mill lunc- iionui uarnngemenis oi ino nervons by ble in ueD' crally, l'alusln tho nacK or Mue, ofjiemory, riema I tiro old ago anddn eases that lend u coubinpllun.lnsaul ty & an early gravi or both. No inattei how shattered tin system may burrow! excesses of am kind, a bhoit coursoTi llns im dltliio will reSrofutlm lust functions and procuro health and happlnesi wheio beforo was despondency and gloom, Tho Spc clilo Medlcluo la being used with wonderful success. pamphlets sent freo to all. Wrlto for them and get full parlrlcular. liico, hpecuio ii.oa per package, or tlx packages for 15,10, Will bo sent by mall on receipt of money. Auuress luioruers, J. li. mjiu'mun'B M tuiulNlSLU, Nos. 104 nnd 11 Malu btivct, lluffalo, N, V, I06.11,m-jf rurNiilo ly 31 oyer Krotliersi HDItl'. Itl!.lli:i VAT LAST. l'rlroH5i.U, Nov, t, "eMj- a AT THIS OFFIOK. 7-AINHICillT & co., WHOLESALE ailOCEM, Philadelphia, Healers In TISAH, HVIH'IM, UOl'l'KB, SL'tl.UI, JIOI.VSSUS, KICK, H ICKS, IK'ilin 11A,1C, iC. N. E. corner St'oond and Arch Mrecti, jiroiders will rocclvo prompt attention, Ayer's Hair Vigor 9 FOR RESTORING GRAY HAIR TO ITS NATURAL VITALITY AND COLOR. I r Is .1 most agreeable dressing, which Is at once harmless ami effectual, for pre- serving tlio hnlr. It restores, with tho gloss anil fiesliiicss of youth, failed or gray, light, and led hair, to a rich brown, or deep black, no may bo desired. By its use thin hair is thickened, and baldness often though not always cured. It checks falling of the hair immediately, and causes a new growth in nil cases wlicro tlio glands arc lint decayed; while to brasliy, weak, or oihorniM! ili'-cascd hair, it imparts vitality and stionglh, nnd rendcis It pliable. Tho Vkiok cleanses tho stalp, cures and prewnts the formation of djndriiff; and, by lis cooling, stimulating, nd soothing properties, it heals most If not all of tho hiiiiinrs and diseases peculiar to the scalp, keeping; it cool, clean, and soft, under which cimditions diseases of tho scalp and hair aro impossible. As a Dressing for Ladies' Hair Tho Vkioi: is incomparable. It Is color. less, ci iil.iins neither oil nor dye, and will nut soil whilo cambric. It imparts an n:;iviiluV and lasting perfume, and as an article fur the toilet IL Is aiV unsurpassed In its excellence. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer 86 Co., li-ni tli-nl and Analytical Chemists, Lowell, Mass. iou nr am. iiii:uhts Evuttwiiir.n. NOItTHEKN CENTRAL RAILWAY COM PAN . On and after Janunrv llth. 1SS1. trains will ii-nvn Sunbury as follows : KUltrilWAlW. Northern Express c.soa. m nrrlvo Elmlra ls.30pm Arrive at Canandalgua 3.23 p. m " Hochoslcr 4.40 " " Niagara. 8 45 Niagara Express 1.05 p. in. arrlvo E'mlra 0,03 p m arrlvo Canandalgua S.S5 " ' itochoster 43 " " Niagara a m Past lino p m arrlvo Elinlra 11.05 p in " Vatklns 11,63 p m 80UTHWA11D. Soulhorn Express l.3se a.m. arrlvo Harrlsb'g 3.16 a in arrlo I'hlladolphla 7.35 " " Now York 10.35 " " Kaltlmoro J.40 " Washington 9,oa a in l'aclilc Express lo.oo a m arrlvo Harrlsb'g ls.oo p m anUo Philadelphia 3.46 p m " Now York ess " " llaltlmoro c.20 ' Washington 7.C2 Hay Exprcssl.KO p in arilvo Ilarrlsburg s.ifl p ru " Philadelphia c.46 " " NowYoik 0.30 " " llaltlmoro fi.35 " Washington 7.62 Krlo Mall 1.05 a. in. arrlvo llarrlsburg 3.06 a. m Philadelphia 7.35 " " New York "0.35 " " llaltlmoro 7.40 " Washington 9.02 TouG.ToncIi.WorlduaiisIiip&Dnrafcility. mriM.iH uvAiti: a, ro. v,mt "'"tlmoru Ktrit,ltluiM. X". tt-2 Klfih Avcuue, New York. oil 4vv r 3.00D AGENTS WANTED TO SELL THE L. 1'. FAKMEIt, General Passenger Agent. FHANK THOMSON, Gonoral Managir. IIILADEL1'HA AND READING ROAD ARRANGEMENT OP PASSENGER TRAINS. Juno , ism. TKlIhS LEAVE KCl'KKT AS 10I.I.0W8(flUNIlA V KXCITTKD For Now Y'ork, Philadelphia, Heading, l'ottsvllle Tnmaqua, ic, 11,45 a. m For Catawlssa, 11,45 a. m. T,50 and (1,45 p. m. For Wllllamsport, 0,15 3,50 n. m. and 4,06 p. m. TRAINS roil lini'XUT LEAVE A3 fOLLOWS, (SUNDAT X CEPTKD.l Loavo Now York, via. Tanmncnd 8,00 a.m. and via. Hound Drool; ltouto 7,45 a. in. Loavo Philadelphia, 9,45 a. m. Loavo Heading, 11,55 a. ra., l'ottsvllle, p. tu p. m. Loavo Catawlssa, c,lo 6,40 a, m. and 4,00 p. m. Leave Wllllamsport ,9,45 a.rn,?,uv p. m. and 4,30 p, m rassengcrs to and from Now Y ork, via. Tama nend and to and from Philadelphia go Uirougn without change of cars. J. E. WOOTTEN, General Momurer C. G, HANCOCK, General rnssenger and Ticket Agent. Jan. to, 15S1 tf. D ELAWARE, LACKAWANNA WESTERN ItAlLHOAD. ANh BLOOMSBURG DIVISION. Tlmc-Tablo No. 3', Takes effect at 4:30 A. MONDAY', JUNK 10, 1S7S. NOUTH, p.m. p.m. n.m. 9 VJ (rt AliuSALARV permoiilU. All EXPENSES HH mlTAuml. Al.r.S proniiitlr iiald. SLOAN iQal a cu.nou oiiiiui' nt. ( Hk Iiuiuii. o. oct. H.41V. r 9 50 9 41 9 SS 9 31 9 i3 9 17 li 3 40 3 81 3 21 3 18 3 13 9 35; 9 ST 9 20 9 14 9 09 9 04 iVV (V ty A IEak nnn exrenrts to agents fD .omllt.1''1i.l Addutsl'.O.VIClCEUY 1" Augusta, Maine. r oct 14, 4w. 1 1 iw , t.,,, i.--iw.o.-i.uiu'.ii nun's iur uuicrusing .1 in l.oiin good newspapers bent free. Address GEO. I'. ltoWtLI, .V. CO., lul-pruceSt., N. Y. AND Paper Hanging. WM. F. 330DINE, IEON .ST., 11EL0W SECOND, HLOOMf 111 HO, l'A is rrepared to do all k!nd3 of HOUSE rAIEJTIWO Plain and Ornamental PAPER HANGING, HOTH DECOltATlVE AND PLAIN. ill IilnilN orriiriiKuro Itcimlrcd, aiiti nitlilc as kg tl um new, 9 (0 9 00 8 51 B 43 S 35 8 91 8 OS U 01 7 65 7 43 12 45 7 44 VI 3.1 7 40 12 35 7 S2 19 12 7 26 12 00 7 20 11 60 7 15 11 Si) fi 57 10 6U 8 45 6 31 10 00 3 UO 9 65 '.' 47 t 40 1 30 I 10 2 05 1 45 125 1 15 1 (10 8 St 8 54 8 46 8 83 8 31 8 80 8 11 S 04 7 63 7 60 7 46 7 89 7 33 7 23 7 21 7 03! H 45' STATIONS. Kcranton llellevuo Tajiorvlllc.. . ...Lackawanna.,,., littaton .. West lituton... Wyoming Maltby Bennett Kingston Kingston ..Plymouth June. .-..riymouui Avondalu Nantlcoke .Uunlock's Creek. ....Bhlckshlnny.... ....hick's icrry.... ...iicacu iiavcu... Uerwlck .... ...Ilrlar Creek .Willow Grovo..., ....Llrno Hldgo Espy ..llloomsburg Itunert Catawlssa Urldeo. Lmuviuu .....cnuiasky, Cameron , Northumberland. south. a.m. p.m. p. m '4 10 1 21 2 20 ' 34 2 42 2 47 9 62 2.64 2 69 3 03 3 03 3 0-1 10 2lS 3 13 3 18 3 24 3 33 3 60 i 03 4 ie 4 18 4 25 4 29 4 33 4 42 4 49 4 49 6 1)1) 5 18 9 IS b 30 6 45 9 30 9 42 9 CO 9 67 10 07 10 02 10 13 10 18 10 34 10 42 10 68 11 07 11 13 11 2.1 11 39 11 45 11 6' 11 67 12 18 13 43 p.m. n.m a.m. p.m. p.m. a.ra W. F. nALBTKAD, Sunt. Superintendent's Ofllco, Bcranton, Juno 10, isis. Triors mi NONE HUT F11IST-0LASS WOItKMEN EMPLOYED Estimates JWCado on all Work, WM. V, BOD1NE. J. W, RAEDER, PRACTICAL BOOK BINDER! Nil 1 10 WEST .UA1IKUT STItEl'.T, W1LKES-JBARRE, PA. ItlnilN all tlio current publica tions in mi' nijio you limy ile slrr, StiliNluclloii (,rimi:iu-(ccil. Correspondence solicited P, O. llox 150. 1. S.C11 refill uttciilitm Riven to nil i,,!! run MUATlONM. sept2, if M. C. SLOAN I BIT IiLOOMSnURG, PA. Manufacturers of Carriages, Eues!e!,?haetens Sleigh?, Platform wajoa:, c. l'lrst-clasa work always on hand. IlEPAUliyO XEAT.Y DONE. Vir reduced to suit the timet, LATEST STYLES OP aLLXISrGr. CARDS fit the 'COLUMBIAN OFFICE.' THE GREAT JiUJiLIlTGTOX ItOUTE. t3r"No other lino runs Threo Throuuli I'a. soiiBcr Trains Ually botweon Chlcaeo, Doj Molucs, Council Hindu, Omaha, Lincoln, Bt. Joseph, Atchison, Topckn and Kansas City. Direct connections for nil points In Kansas, Nobrnska, Colorado. Wyoralnir, Montana, Ne vada, Now Mexico, Arizona, Idaho, Oregon uml California. Tho Shortest, Spccdloit nnd Mot Comforta. lilo ltouto vlnllttuulbal to Fort Scott, Denlson, Dallas, Uouttnn, Austin, San Antonio, Galves ton nnd nil points In Texas. Tho uncounted Inducements offered by thll Line to Travelers nnd Tourists, aru as follows! Tho celebrated l'ullman (IB-wheel) l'ulacd Bleoplnsr Cars, run only on this Line, 0 II, ft Q. l'ulaeo Drawlng-Hoom Car, with Ilorton's HocllulneClinlni, No extra charjio for Seats In Hccllntnir Clinlri, Tho famous C, 11. tc Q. 1'alaos DlnlnirCars. Gorsoous Hmnklnv Car fittod Willi Elegant llltlh-llacked Italian Ho volvlne Chairs for tho exclusivo uso of flrvt. class paisonircrs. Stool Traclt and Superior Equipment, com. blood with their Great Through Cur Arrange, ment, makes this, nbovo all others, tho favorlto ltouto to tho South, South-Wojt, and tho Far West. , Try It, nnd you will find traveling n luxury Initcod of a discomfort, Through Tickets via this Colcbratod Lino for snla at all olSces In tho United fctatos ami Canada. All Information about Ratos ot Faro, Sleep Injr Car Aceommodations, Tims Tablet, Ac., vr ill bo cboorfully given by applying to J.Q. A. IIKAN, (len'l Kastorn Aflront, iXxl Wunhlnutnu St., Huston, Mass. and HIT llruadway, Now York. JA1IE9 R. W 001), Gen. I'ass. Aut.' Chicago. T. J. l'O'ITEU, Gun. Uauugor, Chicago. March 11, -w, m