The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, November 11, 1881, Image 3

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lllOUMIDUnil. ntlllAt .lOVMllIKU II, l-W.
Tlio new lienlcrs for the Kplsooiml Hiiirt-li
Imve heen put In operation,
Dr. W. M. Hclicr U miiklnjr, exti-tislvi'
pulrfl t Ills residence- on Mnrkct street.
Latest styles I" hnUcH flue iicrkclmliiH uml
lockets lit h. Ilcrnlirtnrs Jewelry store.
James ltfllly Inn imt up iiiiollu-r new
Ilnnl table In his rooms under the i:chiinjro
The Hev. Dr. Whllelieiid.of llctlilcliein.wlll
lie consecrated Hishop or riltslmi-; on tlie
SVli ot next tnnunry.
The lrondiile Company have u new mid
nrettv pair of driving horses. Thev eaine
from Snyder county.
Foil -A llalllinorc heater of late pat
tern. Used only a portion of (wo winter.
Will he sold rhenp for cash. Inquire nt this
(ifllre. If
The grading and paving of Catharine street
about completed, and It has greatly tin.
proved the residences along that thorough.
fare. m
The shooting match ndverlNed to lake
place at KH Robliliis', has heen given ii) on
account of the small pox prevailing at
Illlt.'s Dime Show was nt lUeOpein lloli-a-on
Wcdnesdny and Thursday evenings. The
entertainment, which Is or the variety kind,
was good and was quite well attended.
Foil Sai.k. A thrce-horse power steam en
gine and boiler, In good condition. Suitable
for running a printing preys or oilier light
machinery. Inquire at this otllee. (f
Ladles' solid gold Watches as low as sixteen
. i . . H . ... u.i . i. .
dollars, aimi jjiiiis huhu gum American
watches hunting or open face, forly-two dol-
l.iru nt T. ttfirnlmril's li-u-i'lrv tlnn.
Itefuso all ten dollar bills on the First
National Hank of Detroit. It Is reported that
forty thousand dollars of a new Issue were
lately stolen before being signed.
"The doctors said my wife had cnusunip.
tint). Tried 'I.lndsey's Wood Searcher,' and
she has better health than ever." (i. II.
Hubbard, Hampden, Ohio. nov.
If there Is a Wolfe Republican vole in the
comity we have not heard of it. Ilepubtlcau.
And yet there were several of them, as the re
turns show. Probably they did not leglster
at the post olllee.
The latest Improvements at the Central
Hotel, arc the enlargement of the parlor, and
a new henter in the cellar. Mr. lirowu will
not stop until he has Ids Iioiim- lilted up in
tlrst class style throughout.
The citizens of I.ewl.-,burghave raised ijll),.
000 for the University at that place. This se
cures the institution mi additional endow
ment of 100,000, of which William Heck
well, of Philadelphia, contributes .(,().
A collection will be taken up at St. Paul's
Episcopal church on Sunday morning next,
for the benefit of the (larlleld Memorial Hos
pltal, mi institution to lie established at
Washington, I). C.
Hev. W. E. Detwller of I.ewMmrg, will
hold Ids fourth Quarterly Meeting forlJIoonis
burg Mission, on next Sunday the tiitii lint.
Preaching nt 10 o'clock a. in. A cordial In
vitation is extended to nil.
A grand opportunityis now olTeied to have
your old Clothes Wringer repaired by a first
class workman, at A. M. Hnpert's tin spire.
The best white rubber rolls used, mid all
work warranted to suit or no pay. Send along
your wringers.
.Mr. l- P. Drinker received on Saturday,
from a friend in Snyder county, two line
wild turkeys, the tlrst keen in tiii's town for a
long time. The birds were in excellent con
dition and were young anil lender.
The hell for the Orangeville church arrived
hist week, Thursday. It is quite large.of ex
cellent lone, and lias the following inscrip
tion upon it, "In memory of K. (i. IcicketK"
It was made by the McShanc factory, Haiti
more. .Mr. V. S. Kinports is agent in Hloomsliurg
for the very excellent gold pens made by
I.eroy W. Falrcliihl of Xew Yolk. These
pens have no superior in the maiket and can
be depended upon to write well and to stand
any amount of use.
J. M. 0. Hanek Kq.f will enter into apart
nei'shlp for the practice of law at Seranlon
with Klhanan Smith F.sq., of Townndn.
Holh these gentlemen are lawyers of long ex
perience and line ability and will undoubt
edly have a large practice.
Hon. Wm. Taylor, Hoston, is well again.
Completely cured of a scrofulous humor
which poisoned his blood, covering ids face
Mid head with sores, by Cutlcura Hesolvent
Internally and Cutlcura and Cutlciira Soap
Judge Ctimmlii, of Williamspoi I, in sen
tencing n man for carrying concealed weap
ons, said : "There are only two classes that
curry concealed weapons ; one class Is com
posed ot cowards and the other villains ; si
months imprisonment, 10 line, anil cost of
A signal Fcrvlce station is to be established
at Williamsport. This is in compliance with
"e suggestion of Judge D. I.. Khouc of Wilkes
UnrrcjWho hasmadeastudyof the subject anil
become convinced that tills section of coun
try needs ii station to arrive at anything like
satisfactory predictions.
The tlrst snow of lliu season fell on Friday
last. For hnlf an hour or so the air was III J -ed
with flukes which melted when they
reached the earth. In Krie six inches of
snow full and in Munch Chunk about mi inch
W'ith the mercury at twelve degrees above
7ero. At Scrantou and throughout the inter
ior of Nesv York there were falls of snow.
Sheriff Deegan of Sullivan county Is quite
anxious to learn the present abiding place of
one Edward Hemsnydcr who recently escap
ed from Jail, wherein he was confined for
robbery. The escaped prisoner Is six feet in
height, good looking, compactly built ami
wore dark clothes. The Sheriff offers a re
ward for tliu capture of the missing one.
Samuel Xeyhard, administrator of thu cs.
tale of Thomas Crevellng Jr., late of Scot1
township, deceased, will offer for salu vid
liable real estate, situate In said township, on
tlie 10th and 17th of November. Thu sale
will be on the premises. On Wednesday the
Iflth, at two o'clock In thu alternoon, lie
will offer at the Kspy hotel,persoiial properly
of the said deceased, Including fidl shares of
Espy Lime and Cement (Vs. stock.
Diphtheria i raging lit various parts of (he
State mid appeals to bo spreading rapidly
No cases have been reported In this neigh
borhood, so fur us our knowledge extends,
but parentH cannot bo too watchful of their
children, should the dieuded disease make its
appearance. Teacher In publlo mid pilvalo
m-IiqoIj ought to pay strict attention to the
subject, mid scud home any child found to
be suffering from diphtheria, The disease is
dangerously contagious mid in u crowded
school room will spi cad like wlld-llie. The
only safe plan Is In icfuse to admit scholars
who have any symptoms of diphtheria.
I he poor sulTerer that has been dosing
himself wllh so-called Troches mid thereby
up.'ct Ids stomach without curing the trouble
wine cough, should take our advice and use
Dr. Hull's CoughSyrup and get well.
There Was considerable nolso and qiiar
Hiig on Main Sheet, Wednesday night. Two
r three men essayed the part of peacemaker
ninl were promptly knocked down. One of
these days the Town Council may think It
worth while to pay mi olllcer to keep order
nt late hours of the night,
X Mcllea, Wyebrldge, Ontario, wrltesi
"1 have sold large quantities or Dr. Thomas
Eclectrlc Oil; It Is ued Tor colds, sore throat,
croup, etc, nuil In fact for any nirccllon of
the throat It works like magic. It Is a sure
cure for bums, wounds mid bruises.
II Is proposed mve a horse fair in Sun.
bury, next June. There will be a three days'
nieellng and purses aggregating $1200 will
be offered. If properly managed there Is
hardly a ,1,1111,1 thul the undertaking will
prove successful, hull, as regards pleasure
and money. The purses are sulllclently
large to draw good horses and It has been
proved times without number that fast trot
Hug will altrael crowds of spectators.
Ast 1011, nners are on tin1 lookout for the
star of Ilelhlehem, last seen lu 1572, when
it Rhone so blight as to lie visible nt noon
day, then fading away.assumed vailous hues
until It disappeared. This wonderful star Is
believed to have been seen lu I lift I and Mr,,
and its apparent period extended backward
would Indicate that It appeared about the
time of the birth of Christ. Hence Its name
Its place is near the constellation Cassiopeia.
"What every one says must be true." that
"Dr. Sellers' Cough Syrup" has no equal for
coughs and colds, Try It. Price !.-. nov. '
A fellow is travelling through the State
selling what purpoit to be line mackerel at
very low rales. Farmers should be on their
guard against Ibis man, as he Is a swindler.
The half barrels of Hie fish that he sells are
filled with rubbish, with a thin layer of mack
erel on top. It Is always the best policy to
purchase goods of established dealers who
have reputations to maintain and who can
be found when complaints are necessary.
It may not, perhaps, be known that a man
wearing dark clothes is more liable to Infee
Hon fiom contagious disease than he who
wears light colored garments, because pani
cles which eniauale from diseased or decay,
lug bodies urc much more readily absoibed
by dark than by light fabrics. This is easy
of proof. Expose a light and a daik coat to
the fumes of tobacco for live minutes, and it
will be found that the dark one smells strong
er than the other of tobacco smoke and It
will retain the odor longer.
Stale Superintendent Higbee has issued a
ciicular calling a convention of nil the Super
intendents of public schools of the Western
counties of the State to meet in Pitlslnirg on
the tenth of January next, to continue in
session for three days. A convention or the
lemainiug counties is called lo meet In Head
ing on the 17th day of January. It is the de
sign of the State, Superintendent to gather
such lufoi malion from papers read before the
convention as to enable the making of the
ciMlilication of the school laws of the State.
On Thirl) lln)s Trial.
We will semi Dr. Dye's Celebrated Electro.
Voltaic Hells and other Elecllic Appliances
on trial for thirty days to young men and
older persons who are afflicted with nervous
,lebilily,Iost vitality, etc., guaranteeing speedy
relief and complete lestoration of vigor and
manhood. Also for Iilicuiuiiti-in, Neuralgia,
Paralysis, Elver and Kidney ilillleulties,
Huptuies and many other diseases. Illustra
ted pamphlet sent free. Address Voltaic
licit Co., Marshall, .Michigan.
Oct. 28, 'St-ly
We would caution our readers against
making purchases of watches, jewelry, &-.,
of itinerant merchants. The buyer never re-
ceives the woilh of Ids nionev and is sure lo
egret lil action. The only sate way is to
btiv of reliable merchants, who are known
mil respected, and who can be lulled upon to
sell goods of the quality represented. It may
be accepted as an invariable fact, that wan-
tiering peddlers can never fairly compete
wilh established dealers, who have reputa
tions for houestv and fair dealing lo maintain.
Owing partly to the inclement weather and
partly to the fact that there is always a great
ileal of sameness in their enteitainmenls,
lloworlh's lliliernica and Mirror of Ireland
Appeared to quite a slim audience last Thurs
iluy evening. There were several new faces
noticeable among them Mr. James
llearne, who aeteil the pail of Dublin Dan
with a great deal of spirit. He Is a line
singer and dancer and is decidedly the best
we have seen In that role. He kept the au
dience in good humor throughout Ihe per
formance. The balance of the company Is
of about Ihe average.
now V Tin: nun?
"How's the baby'?" "Iliscioup Is better
this morning, thank you. We gave him some
of Thomas' Eeleclric Oil as vou advised, doc
tor, and shall give him some more lu tin hour
or so," ru'xt tiav tlie doctor pronounced itic
voungster cured.
On Sunday ccning November 0th, at the
Lutheran chinch, after the usual evening scr-
vlee.Mr. Edward ltinglerand Miss Mary Ellen
Fornwald weie united in matrimony l Hev.
F. P. Manharl. It was Ihe purpose to have
Ihe affair kept as quiet as possible, but never
thclcss Ihe chinch was tilled lo overflowing.
Mr. O. C. Evans and Miss Emma Ilrooksweru
groomsman and bridesmaid. The ceremony
was performed without the least jarring. The
couple were lu wailing in the basement of
the church and maiched to the altar imme
diately upon the close of the sermon by the
pastor. The newly married couple left for
East Toledo, Ohio, on the noon train nti Mon
day, where Mr. Hlngler Is engaged as lele-
graph operator In the employ of tlie Penn
sylvania Itallroad Company.
Illlti-r Tn lt.
One of Ihe best, If not the best, of Charles
Dickens' wundciful creations, is the story of
Oliver I wist, Any person who has read this
book can never foiget the Ihillllng Interest
Unit Is attached lo the character of Nancy :
her fidelity mid loving confidence, which
could not be shaken by crime, misfortune or
even brutality. And at last her Iraglc end
makes her one of the few characters which
will never be forgotten. The storv has been
dramatlcd and played in every theatre
through the country and never loses Its In.
teresl. The Seymour & Stratlon Standard
Ihealre Company will present II at Ihe Opera
House, tills Friday, evenlng.Novcinber lllh,
It cm lies lis own apparatus for new and
startling scenic elfecls necr before Intro,
iliiccdoutsldcof the largo theatre. Every one
should take the opportunity of witnessing a
llrst class play,
Carlo, (111.) ltadical ltepubllcan.
I'What do you know about St. Jacob's
Oil'' 'said one of our oldest subscribers. This
was 11 fair question, and wo answer thnl we
are rcliaqly Informed, thai a gentleman of
lids city who has sulTcrcd untold agony, mid
I spent a mint of money 10 get relief from Hheu
. mallsin, In desperation bought some mu
tried II, and declares Unit it is the best icm
' cdy for rheumatism he ever heard of.
ltmitiit AI1011I ltourlrmerrch.
Huek wheat sells nt hereabouts at from ij 1,2ft"
to iJl.fiO per bushel.
Apples are scarce and as n matter of course
the price Is advancing.
We bespeak for the Coi.cmman In Its new
sanctum abundance of success, with scores
upon scores of new subscribers.
Parties mid plays are numerous of late
one at the Widow Call's, at Washington
Adams', David ltclwlg's and ltudolph Yen
ger'a within tlie last few days,
Among those who have dcpaited this life
are Mrs. Daniel Houp (leorge Oscar llower,
aged 11 little over two mid n half years. The
latter was a grand-son of the former; and
died about thirty-six hours after ids grand
mother. Although himself not knowing of
her ilentli he said a. few moments befon
expiring 1 "I am going to grandmother."
SihhII I'oir.
Tlie dreaded disease lias made Its nppenr.
mice In Orangeville, and one death, that of
Mrs. Cyrus II. White, has already occurred
The wife of D. 1C. Sloan, who attended .Mrs.
While, was attacked, as was also a little girl
named Hlsewlck who lives In -Mr. Sloan's
family. It Is not known how the disease
was brought to tlie town, so far as we have
learned. A suggestion is made that the
clothing of a son of .Mr. Sloan who has been lu
Philadelphia became contaminated there, but
this hardly seems ciedlblc. Every clfort
will be made to confine the disease lo the
place where It now exists and with this end
in view Mr. Sloan has uutlioii.ed us lo
publish the following notices
Orangeville Nov. 7th,
Ennoii Com miiian s
Please Insert the following 1
We are sorry to Inform our patrons and
the public that our family is alllictcd with
the small pov, mid to prevent If possible the
further spread of thu contagion, we have
closed our store for the present until fmllicr
1). 1C. Si.on fc Son.
Cum lliilhui Allrinl M-liunt (
Several Indian boys and girls have been llv
lug at and near Mlllvllle during the .summer,
as lias been mentioned in the Coi.i'.miu.vk. It
was deemed advlsableto have them attend tlie
public schools of the dlslilet,butthu question
arose whether they were entitled to the priv
ilege. We are informed that a letter was
sent to Dr. Higbee, State Superintendent,
asking Ids opinion and that a reply was lc
ceived from him stating that the children
were entitled lo school privileges.
The Cliecnwood school board did not deem
this conclusive, and when some of the In
dians applied for admission lo one of the
schools in the district, they were refused.
This action will probably lead to the depart
uie of the Indians, and lu fact some of them
did go away on tlie noon train over the E. As
11. It. H. 011 .Monday of last week. Dr. Dig
bee Is presumably versed in all mailers per
taining to the public schools of the State and
It may be Interred has legal backing for his
opinion. How thu matter is to be settled re
mains to be seen. There may be further cor
respondence between the parties that may
lead to an amicable settlement of the ques
tion, which is one of interest to all tax
payers. Since the above was wiltlenthe School
Hoard have reformed their decision and
agreed lo admit Hie children.
Mr. and -Mrs. Fletcher Harris of Columbus,
Ohio, who have been vi-iting at William
Hnpert's, started for home on Tuesday.
Mrs. M. II. Mclvinney has moved into her
new home on Market street. The house has
been rebuilt and fitted with all modern con
veniences, and is now a very pleasant res
idence. F. E. llrockway of lleach Haven was in
town last Saturday.
A number of guests were elegantly enter
tained by Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Heay at lfuperl,
on Saturday last, on Ihe occasion of Ihe fif
teenth anniversary of their marriage. Some
handsome presents in glass, silver and china
were received by the "bride."
Jerome Woodring has returned from Johns
town, ud Is now clerking at W. ii. Allen'
Miss .McArthur, the new tea( her of draw
ing and penmanship at tlie Normal School
arrived on Tuesday, and lias entered upon
her duties,
Augustus Everhart of Jackson called on us
on Monday, lie was in town on otlicial
business connected with the election.
Mr. and -Mrs. E. W. Elwell returned lo
Towaudn on Wednesday morning last.
Mr. E. 11. Eeinmon, formerly of tills county,
and now of Coustantine -Mich., is visiting
friends in the county.
Mr. Charles Parrish, Attorney Ocncral Pal
mer and Col. Charles M. Conynghani, of
Wilkes-ilarre, registered at the Exchange
Hotel 011 Tuesday last.
Fled. ISurgcss, business manager of the
Neil Hurgess Widow lledott Company, came
to town on Tuesday lo make arrangements
for the appearance of tlie troupe next Tues
day evening.
Ill, K illt) i.l'Tnui-rVr I'.ilU'U.
Vrrv matte of tbt Mutual InsiM-iinr-ii Cimi-
panles are doing 11 transfer business. That
this is illegal will be appaient liv consulting
the law which took ellecl July 12th, 1SS1.
lly Ihe provisions of lids law the application
anil a copy of the Hy-laws form a uart of the
oniraei. 1 ne application mm liy-laws ol
tuoiuer company canuoi lie accen etl as be
ing the contract of the coninanv Issuing.
Policies issued without a legular mtiilit atlou
are not w ortli, in law, tlie iianer on which
nicy are wrmcn, mines Holding policies
canuoi ne compelled 10 pay assessments mill
101 tenures cannot ne made legal, incase
of contest as to payment of claim, lu absence
of fraudulent application, action could he
brought against companies for obtaining
money under false prctcnses,the penitentiary
staring ine omcers in ine nice. Miccu atlvc
policy holders prefer Iransfering at a nominal
rale, miner man pay assessments, This sys.
tern is ruinous to Mutual Insurance t'oiiinan
irs. 1 nifsr riiiiimii,i's )) nu till lilts Kllttl Ol
1 .... mm.... t i. .1.. .1.1 . 1.1.. .1
nusiness win shortly regret Unit thev ever
adopted It. -Mutual insurance business must
ne puriucii nun when companies take hold of
tills mailer in earnest, it will crow and be
come far more popular than any oilier sys.
icm 01 insurance yci lnirotiuceti. e eon.
dc mu "graveyard Insurance," first, last and
nil the time. Legitimate Mutual Insurance
Is the best system nnd uronerlv conducted
will supercede all other systems. Let com
panics protect themselves, and the people
win give llieni their commence. Jlatri-sburtj
I'A'tiy Miumau iMtltt.
T he above fully expresses our views on this
subject mid Is lu harmony with our uniform
practice with regard to transfers. Wo have
persistently icfiised to accept transfers, dc-
siring to build up u substantia! business on
applications regularly made out to the com
puny. We have not been slow to recognize
the ruinous tendency of this system, Il
not nor can il be a part of the policy of our
company. We loo, in common with nil right
thinking pcople.are desirous of a piirillcallon
of tills business, '1 he most pronounced em
mles of Mutual Insurance companies confess
that an honest, legitimate business may be
none, nttcii is our alio mid we will always
lie found ready to second any such measures
as will lend to secuiu a thoroughly honest
business, I here are species of imposition
against which It Is practically Impossible for
companies to guard -nolably fraudulent ap
plications. Hut when fraud I disclosed by
Investigation, lid company stands ready id
ways to aid in enforcing such legal measure
as will lead lo Ihe apprehension and punish
incut of all guilty parties,
(loon lion: M. II, Assoi iAiiox.
Hloomsliurg Pit.. Nov, H 'HI, 2 w
Widow Beit Coiily Company ! !
Neii!l Bioirgess
Sl'ITdltTKll 1IT
anoRcin ir. sroDDMiTy--
In lil.i own rtrur-iallntlon ot
ASI) A CA'ini't' I.Y
(1. W. Stoiui.Mir
111:1). Hi'itniiss,
Popular Price,
....Ill'sisis Manmici:
, !!. and ft') cents.
Itnm unit IHiiiIhk.
On Sunday hist, Information was lodgtd
with H, P. Forlner, 11 Justice of the pence lu
Calawlssa, charging Frcas Otilnn, Samuel
Jones Jr., Stanley (I. Ellis, Chillies Hrown
and Daniel Uetger Jr. with mal.'clous mis.
chief. The prisoners, all of whom are mitt
ors, were lnloxlcaled on the previous night
and damaged the propel ly of sunilty persons.
Warrants weie issued and the young men
were arrested. The Justice held them in ?100
ball, each, lo appear at the next term of
On Monday Mr. John (itiliiu. f.ilhcr of one
of the boys, obtained 11 will rant for Ihe arrest
of Fretl Smith who sold the boys liquor, lie
was beld in iiOO ball, hut Ids bondsmen
subsequently surrendered, him, when he
was re-arrcstcd, brought In this town anil
turned over to SlterllV Ent. He was after
wards taken before Judge Elwell who admit
ted him lo ball lu the sum of ?2(K).
Frcas (liiinn, one of the boys arrested, was
bound over lo answer the charge of repre
senting himself to be of age, Smith's barkeep
er being the prosecutor.
These at rests will doubtless be productive
of good result, In that they w 111 make the
saloon keepers caution about selling liquor
to improper persons, and will lend to stop
disorderly ami drunken behavior on the
street's of Catawissa.
lilmv llcilntl.
The people of l!Ioonibttrg are fortunate
this j ear In having entertainment of excep
tional merit presented for their delectation
at the Opera Douse Another rich tieat is
in store for them. On Tuesday evening next
Mr. Niel Hurgess, Hie talented voting come.
Ilan, will nppenr in his Inimitable lentlllion
of W'idov lttilult in the utnuslug t oniedv of
that name Mr. Hurgc is one of Ihe
brightest stilts In the dramatic galaxy, and
deserves the heartiest of welcomes by our
people The play Is irresistibly funny and
thoe wlio do not witness it next Tuesday
will have cause for regret. It is to an tinex
pected chain of circumstances that we are
Indebted for Mr. Hurgess' vi-it, but if he i
greeted by it large mid appreciative audience
he may be induced lo come again. It is not
likely that we shall have anything as good of
its kind a Widow lledott. this winter, and
the opportunity for enjoyment should not be
missed. The prices have not been inei eased,
is is usual for the better class of peiforiu-
uttces,antl that should Milllcc to fill the house
To those wlio have necrsecn the itltiv we
would say that it is one of the funniest on the
tage and Mr. Hurgess' impersonation of the
JI'i'ioiD is wondeifully clever. His make-up,
voice, gestures and facial expulsions tire so
Admirable that it is tlilllcuU lo conceive that
it is a man and not a woman, who is playing
tlie part. Mr. Hurgess will be supported by
an excellent company anil the play will In
put upon the stage in the best manner. We
onscientlously advise all our leaders to at
tend tills performance, as they will have tin
veiling of unalloyed pleasure. The Hoston
Jfmtld says : "The Widow liedotl, as per
sonated in Neil Hurgess, is as exact a con
ception of tin- character as il must have ex
isted in the mind of the otiginal wilier of the
"lledott Papeis" a can be Imagined, al
though the actor's personation of this eccen
tric individual is much more full and coin-
plete than the original a rounding out and
lllling up, in fact, of what the original only
gives a hint. In every detail ami particular,
.Mr. Hurgess Is faithful to the Ideal lie hits
tnrnifd.iind Ihe thousands wlio laughed until
the leais llowetl, over the "lledott Papers"
when they llrst appeared, would find llielr
niirlhfitliie-s a thousand limes increased by
the stage representation, besides accepting the
lear definition of what the piiucipal charac
ter must have been.
Tin- lii'siill In tin- CiiiiiiI.,
Tlie entire Democratic ticket vas elected
111 the cotinlv bv an average majority ot
tbotil lliOO. As all the returns have not been
received we defer the publication of a table
or voles until next week, when the tnll olll-
ial figures will be given. The regular ticket
was voted as a rule, except for the olllee of
Register and Recorder, for which W. H. J a-
coby ran as mi Independent. (!. W. Sterner,
Ihe regular nominee, was successful, beating
lacoby by over HUD voles. The vote lu the
county was very light being "onethird less
than that eat for Piesldcnt last car. In
llloonisburg Ihelt-was n falling oil' of one-
fourth. The following Is the vote of the town
complete. In ISsO then- wetc Silt voles east;
thi year only l!:!0.
.Imacson . S
1 iTJhs . . . -7T 7T T sli
v Adams 12U
gHltks I
111 uiuimj sr. 1 ;
MeL'loakcyTl S
setttrman. I S!!3
I -.
a'ltlniiler .
bo E
E 2
(Sterner ) VV.
rjjux'revujhi-j-1 s
5 (l.t'ievoitnS!
iiilckimiun. jit
Fotj ,..., 1 "T"
t! ftltwIes.Tl
n ltiiiitz....V". 5?J
o I "
5 lllltflUH ,, j
jj sunn
woiro ...7
I 28
lly Ihe unlhinklug, llitnloek has been
considered a weed, and Us luxuriant growth,
unpleasant smell, ele, has rendered It, lo
lluwe "not knowing lu virtues," 11 nuisance,
and yet tin-root lias long been acknowledged
by savunis as 11101 invaluable ns a diuretic
apeilent and blood imilllcr. Hurdncli lllood
Hitters embody all It good iualitb . PHcc
J if I, trial s-e 10 cent.
A hornet's nest Is said to lie Ihe best pol
isher In the world for glas lencs, Hut you
vfitnl to do your polishing when the hornet Is
not mound to help you, For what shall il
profit a man if lie polishes 11 thousand glass
lenses In one day ami one hornet catcli lilm
at It.
The great superiority of DR.
allothcrcouglt remedies i3 attested
by the immense popular demand
for that old established remedy.
i r'or the Cure of Coughs, Colds,
. loarscness. (. roup, Abthma. Hron-
'utts. Whooping Cough, Incipient
ois'tmption and for the relief of I
unii live persons 111 advanced
s of the DUct-mi. .For Sale
.1 1 nti'glsti. Price, '2"i cents.
Nov, i, 'si cm
Business Notices
1,0(10 pound of nice dtietl apples wanted
by Silas Voting nl Light Street, tor which lie
will pay the highest inalKct price.
nov il :i-m
1 have just icceived tin Immense, stock of
Hals and dips verv cheap at L. Gross' N, V.
Dr. J. Schuyler maUes tlie treatment of Dys
pepsin, Headache and all oilier disease!) con
nected with flic stomach nnd liver a special
ty. A large number treated succcsfullv
within the last. few veals nov. !I-'Jw "
More new coals inul dolmans for ladle
till week at l.titz ,t Sloan's.
I will guarantee mv lirices W iter cent.
cheaper than any other establishment in iho
county. I., (iross, A. V Clothier.
Lilley it Sleimv. at Light Street. have made
n great reduction in their good. They are
selling calico nt cents, muslins at 'i, cents,
gingham at 8 cents, coltonatle at 10 cents,
and everything kept in a general store like-
wise t. all and secure a bargain. Thev will
pay the highest cash prices for all the good
veal calcs, chickens, turkeys, geese, tucks
you can bring ihcni. They also pay cash lor
lined mill, butler anil eggs, (live us a trial.
We have made another
reduction in Win
see how cheap we
Y. Store.
ter Clothing. Come mid
:ire selling. L. tiro, -N.
Ladle'. and children's wool hoods and lack-
els at Lut. Jc Sloan'..
Heaver Overcoats reduced from
S.00 at Gross' X. Y. Store, Hloom.
11.00 to
10,000 doen good fresh egg and 10.000
pounds gootl fresh bullet wanted by Silas
loung, at Light htreel, for which he will nay
Ihe highest market price. nttg 2U-4m.
Lut it Sloan will have llielr new Mock of
furs tills week.
Thu largest stock of Winter Clothing for
men and boys nt Gross' N. Y. Store, Hloom.
Lots of ladies coals latest styles anil fash
ions iroin -UN), fi.oo. ri.iio. ti.oo. 7.00.
S.00. 10.00, o 12.00 at Silas Young's Li-hl
Street. nov. II IJ-ni
-More Silk black nut! colored to be in Ibis
w cck at Clai k it Son's.
David Lowettbeig would inform tlie tiublic
that he has returned front
Mew Yoik
with a full line of licadv Made Clothing
Cloth and Casiuicres of tlie best duality null
lies! st vie.
lints, Caps, also a full line of
Novelties for Pall and Winter
and would invite an early Inspection
of the same.
1,000 good live calves wanted. Let them
come trom tin-north, south, cast and west
by wholesale and retail. You can brin-' vour
good calves right along now any li'tn'e on
.Monthly. I iicmI.iv. Wednesday and Thurs.
day of each and'every week and get your
cash or goods for them at Silas Voting's
Light Street. jnly V 'SI (i-ni
Ladles' suitings, llanne!, anew lot Hit
Week, with a large line of other Ihinm-ls.
('anion Ac., with n new lot of ladies, cloths
to make up. ( latk it Son.
HICYCLi: SHIRT can only be obtain.
David Lowenherg'n.
ed at
-More new dr
it Sou'.
roods Ibis week at Clark
1,000 pounds of nice pitted Clreriie, -1,000
pound of nice Dried Raspberries wauled by
Silas Young at Light Stieel, for which ho
will pay the highest market price.
July 1.1 (i-iu.
Did you
Suits for 7
Gross' heavy Winter
Did you Sfe that heavy, till wool overcoat
tit Gross' X. Y. Store for ! 1.00.
W'e are selling trimmed bonnels crv cheap
Clark it Son's.
See a woman (licking a bunch of grapes In
another column, at S peer's Vineyard, from
which Speer's Port Grape Wine Is made, that
is so Highly esteemed by the medical limit
sion for Iho iwo of invalids, weakly perums
and the aged, l'or salo by O. A. Ivlcim.
Jan 7 'SI 1-y
Tlie llitest line of Ready-made Clothing in
Thu County can now be seen at
Daid Lovu-nbcrg'K Clothing Store.
A new slock of jewelry at Lttlz it Sloan's,
Pietly suits for Children Just arrived
Neat Suits for Hoys
Stylish Suits for Youth.
all of the Latest Stjle and Rest nihility,
at the lowest prices can now be bought
at the Popular Clothing Store of
D.nitl Lowenberg.
Ilcadiuarlcr3 for Satchels, Trunks itc.
at 1). Lowenbcrg's.
We Introduce Ibis week a new style of cor
set to which we Invite the ladles to call nnd
examine we warrant them not lo break on
the hip. Clark it Son.
Cheaper and heller Clothing can now be
bought al
Tlie old Popular Stole of David Lowenberg.
- -
imi-oiii vvr hi nit; ri m ic a vii:i.i, a tiii:
Mimto.M. riaii KSsiox.
J lull' a Journal of Health, refenlng lo eon.
sumption, makes the following important
'-C onsiunplioti usually begins with a sll-'ht
dry cough in Hie lnotnlng, then, 011 going lo
lied getting mote and more freipieut, with
inoroanil more phlegm, luci casing debility,
thinness of llesh, shoitness of breath, mid
iiuiciiitcss 01 pulse, in laiai cases lis aver
age is anoiii two years; hence thu liupoii
nucu 01 iiiTcsiiug me disease in as early
stage as possible, and Ihe sooner rational
means are employed tor this purpose the
greater the chance of sin cess. Tim disease
is owing to mi in nation commencing lu tin
throat unit extruding to the lungs, so thai
Iheh action I lutcrfcied wllh, and the blood
docs not iccc vu su He lent oxv-'im lo ninlfi-
It. I he most inaikcd sign ot lung disease (s
emaciaiiou; mm 1110 mosi positive Indication
01 rriuruing ncaiiii is incieaso In weight.
So speaks Jhll's Journal vf Jleallh, and we
may aim inai in iiesncraio cases; anil, In fuel
lu all cases of consumption, or trotiblrs of
11111 inroai ami lungs, immediate re cf inav
be obtained anil a permanent cure effected
ny tue iuo 01 nr. in, Hall's for the
nings, a nieiiiciuo known lor more than tliir
ty-iivc yeui's as mi unfailing icnudy for
ruugiia, 1 inns, muni inns an pulmonary
nnd ptcloral iUschm's. That Ihe worst i :is,.y
of consliilllitloil have been cured by il in iisi-
of Hall's ll.ilsaiu has been nltcsb d to b lite
inousiimis wno have used it, or who have
nreii coguimii 01 its wniulciful medical ef
ncac ,n-. u.(w
jts ; - .'rjpssMp-ss-.
y '0
Everybody scums surprised nt
tlie extent ol our stock ot Cutlery.
In no store in the county ciui such
ti variety of patterns be seen, In
Scissors and fSbetirs we liuvo nil
sizes und tit various prices- accor
ding to quulity, the better grades
being our specialty. Pocket
knives any quality from 10 cents
to 'J.oU each. Ihe large quanti
ties ot line JXazors we sell is a
stronir reccommendatioii as to
their superiority. A lady's pride
is her table and nothing adds
more to its attraction than a hand
some set of knives and folks, our
ine is large, new patterns and
ov prices for reliable goods
Wo have .just opened a hand
some line of carving knives and
bi'ks, new designs with patent,
rests, prices from 60 cents to 4.50
)er pair. Call and see them.
Plicae are the
we live by every clay,
any one can see.
Oak Hall is
o -A 1ST
the Largest Clothing House
in America.
Hoping to serve
VVs-namaker & Brown.
lly VlrtUO Of n Wrll nf H Von t. nn.l In . ,11.
fOCted. Will lift nvnnapri In rnl.lM u.iinn.i.a
Ises In the boiout'li of C'c-ntralla.ColuraUa
' o'clock p. tn on
All tUat certain lot of erounii. sIiiibi.. in ti,.,
(High of C'i'titralla, Columbia county, I'enusylv aula
awl bounded on tlio north by lot of llowor, on
tho i-nst by Locust Avenue, on the south by south
blioct and on the west by an alley.contalnlni; twen-ly-tlvo
feet In front and oto hundred and forty feet
deep, whereon aro erected a two-itory frawo Uwcll-
uifc uuusi, inuiu ciuiuu una outer out-uuiiultiK-i.
buizcu, luwen in execution at the suit ot The Cen.
IrMU MUtunl KHVltlL' l'linil nt.rl Intm lLu..lotlnn
ucaliiat Sarah Itaffey, admln'ttratrlx of Edward
uuuey, usueaseu, au-i 10 Da Bold as the property ot
i-aruh Huffey, administratrix ot Edward HaHey. Ue-
iiiKKiKr, .ut'y.
Al. X'end. Ex.
I'. Jl. ENT.
lly Vlrluo of an ontemV tiin nt-m,.
- - wfiMM. VUU
Columbia County, tho uudeiblaned Administrator
of iho etlateof a. II. Wells, lato ot tho borough ot
1' ioiiL, iu i.uiu tuwii) m'ceaieu, wniexiosoto
puulio sale, on the premises on 1 1
. . . I ' XW, iUUli
at one o clock : In tho afternoon of said day. the fol.
lowing denrlbed property, to.w it: "
lit .l.ot ... . . .
.... i mui.u (iirrW ur purcci or land or
irruuud situate In llerulr-lr iitnrn..i.i i.
deheilbed as follows, to-wlti On the eaitbj Market
m.rii, iu-i uy no uiicy, north by lot of William
V'aust and soulU by lot ot W. J, Knorr, uumtter sev
en oil Maiket tlrcot, on which are erected a
sublo and ouibulldlncsT "UUBUI
1 EHMs or 8.M.E.-Ti-n per cent, of onMourtl
of Urn puK-haso mouej to ba paid nt the strlklnt
down of llio rroput s the one fourth loss the
tin per cent, at the continuation of sale, and the
remalnlni: three-fourths In one j ear thereafter .llh
Intertstfrom confirmation nui.
O. H.JiCKsow, Administrator.
Attorney. hvv, i,-,, Mu,rj
Cold weather is near at hand and already many are looking
around for stoves. The manufacturers have been over-crowded with
orders, and it is almost impossible
ceived several ami are daily adding to our stock. Uwing to the
universal satisfaction the Argand has given we still keep it as our
leading base heating stove, ami if you wish lo see a perfect beauty
call and look at this year's pattern; a little high in price it's true, but
in this age the people demand handsome stoves and the more
handsome they are the more they cost. We have a variety of other
very nice stoves at prices within the reach of nil. The Gold Medal
is the largest and handsomest base heating stove l'or the money
brought to this town. In 1879 we introduced Spear's new Silver
Moon Heater for heating two or more rooms and owing to the great
satisfaction they have given, our trade has steadily increased on
them. We warrant ovcry one to giro perfect satisfaction and have
got to hear the llrst word of complaint or take one back. For ease
of management, economy of fuel,
they stand without an equal.
that of Mr. Isaiah Ilagcnbuch.
Tinware Department, has enabled
ple and make our selections accordingly. We cordially invite all in
want of Stoves to give us a call before purchasing elsewhere, and ex
amine our stock which we shall consider no trouble to show you.
Stove repairs of all kinds furnished to order, grates and fire brick
iorsthe common cook stoves constantly on hand.
This One Foot Rule
may chance to be of service in many homes! Itwi :
serve us if it recalls the
which are:
f We never offer for
believe will mve
who wear it.
you this Fall and
7 ft.-
v .
Yours truly,
and Market Sts., Philadelphia.
to get them. We have already re
great draft and radiating powers,
Uur long experience together with
who has charge of our Stove and
us to study the wants of the peo
rules of OAK HALL,
sale any Clothing but what v :
thorough satisfaction to those!
e stoutly maintain our custom to always
have the largest stock of men's and boyn'
clothing to show our customers.
do not allow our salesmen to
mislead customers as to fit or
quality or kind of goods.
Cil e st'ck to one price
alike to everybody,
rich and poor.
Lllo e give the guar
antee with each
sale we make.
6th.-We re.-rn
the money .
anybody win.
wish it, if they
choose in
bring bock
the goods "in
injured. O
H W-'xx -
Wx xA