The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, November 04, 1881, Image 3

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Kit 4, USI
3 "jnd jaISlJsiU'" Mof"y
I lie
wcatlln seaAoii In not yet concliiilcil,
60,006 feiivulrtiif Jll.M rceclveil at tin'
t.BUBUX OfllcC. I fit''' , .
' - ,11
Sliickslilmiy liiis ii gninlilliti; licit In
opsrntlon nntl thi! AWo vlgorouoly prolcM
against the outrage,
Beware of lingtn tickets. Nee Unit tlie tiaine
of every regular nominee It on your ijiillot
before you yole. .,,
"What every one snya must lie true," Hint
"Dr. Hellers' Cough Syrup" lias no eiiiil for
cough ami cohln. Try It. l'rlcc 2.1c. ilov,
Stephen Collins I ilrawii n n Jtirn for
December court, the first colored mah to
serve In that c'Apacjty In llis county ,
The county (Illlcc9 nre mire to lie well lllleil
the next tcun. All the Democratic nom
are certain to lie elected, and they arj
good men.
Poll Sale. A llaltliuorc heater of lat
tern. Used only a portion of twn withers.
Will be sold cheap
for cash. Inquire at
The annual meeting of the. State Clringe,
Patron of HiHliandry of Pennsylvania will
bo held In the city of Wllllamsport oi the.
IStti Of December. 1 '
It U reported that coal of good (iua1ll and
la paying quantities ha been fou'lid t Hum-
mil btatlon on tne Uituwiasii Hailruail, ilbout
eight miles from liingtown.
Two boxes of clolhlng and twenty
dollars In money have been sent td the May,
or of Detroit by Hie committee of ladle!' f'r
the benefit of the Michigan sulTererS, ' .,
... tf
Poll R.U.K. A three-horse power steam en
gine and boiler, in good condition. Sultnlijj!'
for running a pruning press or other light
machinery. Inquire at this olllce. ' 1 tfj'1 '
IlHrman & Ilassert are kept busy constant
ly at their foundry and machine ,ahop. Tliolr,
excellent workmnnshlp has bull! up n largi;
bil'lncs for them. J'
ltev. II. II. llensliey, of JsortlimlicrlnnUit
will preach In the Haptlst church, Illojini"."
burg, on Sunday next, and on every illoii
ante Sunday until further notice. jj"
Huckwheat cakes now come to the froit.
Et. Ves, and people with limited bank net'
counts promptly step to the rear in tlij'.
county at least. -o;
i '
A water main burst on Fourth street, be
tween Iron and Catharine streets, last Sjitur!i
day afternoon. The repairs were not llnlslu'i!
.....11 .... 1.. I.-..- .... O 1 I M
unui mi ruiiy iimu mi milium iiiiiril lllg. '
Hev. Father Fields, of Centralla, has iieihi
granted leave of absence for one yoijr llj
Bishop Shannahaii. He Is an invalid jniul
needs rest. ''
There was a meeting of the director ojf,
the North &, West Hraucb Hallway CuAipto
ny, In the olllce of I.. K. Waller, Ks(. on
Tuesday, to ratify certain business transac
tlom made In building the road.
Well executed 20 bills have been c rcu
lated in New York city, and some of them
will doubtless llnd their way into
country ere long. He on the watch
lie were in error insi ween in siiutu nun
Dr. Heberhad severed, hla conuuctioii i.'ith'
the Sanitarium. In consequence of thtv ver
crowding of the institution, he is cotltpi lied
to remove hi family to his own hotlftp.
Thu sink hole dug to receive tlip ,Waler
from our motor proved insulllclent forlthat
purpose. It tilled up and caved in, and we
are now compelled to lay a pipe to theFourllL,
street run betore using water power.
Hon. Wm. Taylor, Hoston, Is well njjuln.
Completely cured of n scrofiiloti littmon
which poisoned Ills blood, covering his face
and head with sores, by Cuticurn Hcsolyent
internally and Cuticurn and Cuticurn Hjoap
If there is any good reason
why u sin alifi
ciiniiKintc 01 lite Deniocracv ot t ils iu
ought not to be elected, it ha not lieijnmihj,,
Known. J-.very man was fairly and liouustiy
nominated, 111 ul is entitled to an election.' i ''
Physicians say that scrofula ealinbt 'be
eradicated; we deny it "in tolo." If yon go
through a course of Hurdock lllood Hitters,
your blood will get a pure as you can yl'ii
Price 1, trial size 10 cents.
People will take care now as to how llfey
detach their postage stamps, for the post of.
flee department lias just ruled that postage
tamp9 with nny fraction of them misslngjwlll
no longer bo accepted as prepayment of pos
tage on the matter to whieb they
Iliclll'll '
Thu only olllce over which there is much
Of a contest is that of Hegister and Hecord
tr. There are four candidates, Sterner, reg
ular Democrat; Hiugler, Hcpuhilcnn; )Icks,
Prohibition, Ac., and Jacoby, Indejiejnjent.
Sterner will be elected. If you want o be
on the winning side, vote for lilin.
In another column will be found ad
vertisement of lr. I.. T. Sbarpless, who
oilers it large and carefully selected stock of
goods at reasonable rales. He has Jut ie
ceived 11 large assortment of seasonably ar
ticles to which he Invites the attention of the
people of the town and county Cullj mill
te him before purchaslng fls'wliere.
There will bo nshootlnirnuitch itftio limse
of Ell llobbln. near Jonejl gthJ mi) in Fish
Iniri-r.mlr i.i' -vf..'j:.-'..A?',W..,,,.,'i, I...- iunuruili lll Jl SMiyWfJi iyiiniiin
wnriis 111
' be sUot
I'Cil upon
Do not pay liiiy attention toctrltlarsiseyt
ui oil; iue.tye. or. tne tiflctioiij'.nianing,aii
sorta of charges of cofrtiplion mul jncapacl
ty against any cnnilidajteJijiurrOf Jjet. SiJdj
documents are frerjowiOy Vnrafo' t'nni-
laign, but it ,can goiicrrally be takcti for
granted that charges made too late, to be iU'
men iicrore the polls open, are intended to
deceive and mislead. Support thu tickef.
rDanvllle.'iIU.'iNewa.T' 'l
John Btcln, Ksq, City 'nruwi'r.lrrrlng to
Its valuable qualities said to lOiVfJ retire
8enta,tivC! "J Jiave il.Bt. Jacob's Oil fn
my family and recouunciid It to inj'iifqiialnt
ances. It lias always given thu bust (satlsfuc
Una and Is truly a wonderful remedy.
1 ., 1 .,... in
The town of Plttston I?, mUte(i, Willi the
plague of small pox. No less, tlm'ii'Ot cases
am reported 111 aim near uie uiwii .anil Hie
dlaease appears to be pu thu. Increase,
meeting of tho citizens wa.s Jield.on Tuesday
to express indiiruatloii at tdu rcckloss care.
ltuni-M of tho autliorltles.who-liavn'falleil to
Uke measures for the public safely, There
are several new cases In , Wllkea-Harrc. one
Mng'u teacher' liiatmbtlo sci'iooi. who hud
VUsed all the children under br eluinni Insi"!
befoer her iillllctlon was diieoveriid. Illoonw.
Wg U fortunately frvu ftoni small pox, but
ur town authorities should bo on thu wnt cli
urn udopt tho jnost vigorous measures to
"amp u out should It uppear.
jooi. jtieruwiii OBjlWCTyfjn
liees and the Woodw.o'rk'.iit'fiToiS
put up and shot nirfo-UijM'ljl
for with shot orb'aWsaPkri
ly the BiwrtsmenV
Anybody can catch jLcolil now. Tho
Ironble I to let go, like tjti mnn who caught
Jhc bear. We advise orcadcr to keep ft
"""""I IT. Ult ra I'OllffBNvrillllinnilv.
guietid aJenlreoelVed flu. i iW
TlmivllKrVll '..t i l . V IN., !'
""'-i"mi.Hiiu iiisouie premium m iitp,
ashlrllohPc'falr, lat immili, for ft&dtl
sewKr "uu'hlrtu exhibited. ii6v4-2'vy
ThiijAlly'rlfiidsfilr Hev. Dr. Codrtlniid
liltehcnd.o; South-Ilethlcbem, will rcjolco
to ktijw Uiatlio bus been clioi.lnk.liy the
clergy ,m laltyW the PHUimfg Alm of
the Jiij scotial cltUrcb, to succeed tlifc'.late
nishop Kcrfoot; Dr. Yliltcliea.i Mi many1.
.....I.... i i . ....''.
Hi-Mi iiiuiiirers in nil counlv.
? ' uLiirfV -t
An elcg-ant IssoVthien't'of linger rlrigsf crin.
lsllng of Cameos, t.apl lazuli', (Topaz,
I earl, Onyx. Amethyst, Unmet, plain and
chafed lmddr,nl WolW.A Weeding rings.
Also, a full si,,, f coin silver thimbles
Articles engraved free
of diarize. All eood
warranted at I..
licrnuanrs .lewelrv Store.
i ne newspaper publishers of Towanda
liave signed an agreement not to fiimlslHlelr
respective journal to subscriber!! for less than
lyi.mi per year anil have dcly annoimeed Hie
iaet. i itcy j(ave learned from sad exper.
Ivncc lliat, there is no money lit the business
at 1 per annum. The papers are all trood
and certainly worth to their tenders the. ex-
Ira hair dollar asked.
"The1 doctors siild my w ife had consiuim
Hon. Tried 'I.lndsey's lllood Searcher,' and
sue- nnv iiettcr health thair cver." n.rt
A tramp answering to the name of .Iiflin
r,.i ( "V,n Y1 11 r.r,,"i "i''1' '"fkuivSatitiday
eel lt setting lire to the building, and thu out-
""(- pr,v.y iiauiy Diupuu Ucrorc It was
dictvertMl and put ouj'Monday morning
Uvas.'rigjltjliefore .Iit Ayalker and jail fnrBteallttK svj&m articles about
'..-.Li.-l. ..i.l.l V.n
' J lii'' " I j 'niv'l'S "re to tne locKiip.
liJtaiu,,iiHf i.iltcraif Carrying on his petty
llileViiig:operatIoii4Hlpomsburgatiil other
ml'i, l;i.J H U time fi'Wipi ww put to hi
lltjireilhtion. Willlajns itrjft'nnted at Her.
between Kingston and
iV!lke8;Hartuare adrulrablyinijapted to the
auuiif.iiihil..ii Ji... V,VI V.J 1
Jtiili ' """.'."Km iuiu year an. unitu
.,Tjfi- iiifuiiKu in mutimi
ants wcrusct out.
'IliitV Thlleil triliind, qwing tli Ibrt'loiig and
wn'r,dwigI(itiViarpJuow;sultereit to rot in
IhWIIehW. A U wbiiH Ibii nliMM'inlHiined bv
Inc.. 8o Inlolcrnblc liiis tills uuis.inoe grown
;liHt nUiif.tlie t'ltUfcuslOf, WllktH-Harre havi
,raiscil a pUNO.ta.prosecute.tlie uall'l'mee trrow".
;Tfi'iS?i'i',M','w?, "liiL.nft'1'L,'-it',i11. ml
prietors.ln the city, If, the offe.nduig) vegeta.
blcs are not at once removed end 'Ihe air al
li)wwl,ip liei;d'ine 'piiie. Thvru,Js ,ierlinly
need of prompt 'and decisive action as all will
lygrcc Will) have thiversc'd liekKlits'toii!lla(s
itJiiiMlie. piiHt'fuw day. ot "11111
'lb uu. 1 1.1:11 1 .'i, it 1 ,i(l
h Uii'VWilnlbA; asTiled1 'hi' SChlillfM 'recently
.by president Judge Ilandley,wuch establish.
es n nuVel precedent1 in the elniMrnetion of
ennsyjvanla llo:p;i vf.VWll'al.l'l')-. Ajease
was arbitrated thure lat'.lilil(viii'whicb Mrs.
Wl))to"n, w'lfe"i)f ij jiroiulnt,'lit'.lawye'r, ileted
as onu ot the arbitrators, and on, that sorc
Warren J. Woodward, son of th'e 'late Mus.
lieu-Woodward, took exception to. thr award,
Iclaimingtlm't ifnder thi1 sdt of 183GW wihnan
could not act In sudiji.vMlliWiity. ,. The excep-
wunm ic wim'ovcrnired." Ho'clfefl nlnmiroits
Engllsli 'iirecfdenls !dinHn,' that under ihe
act of illlahl ni' ft-lim which the law, of
1880 is 'taken, women frequontly served on
?ll(lll''llfthWlsinnt"iTtcr"t)lher positions
MicTT iinivnr..UKhttti8fAHtn as Tboniii Ec-
iitlln lilia MtrlAfillWnW.imincViirVfi Imdlv
rUI.l 1UU 1 UtUllUMUIU IV II VUUUO I -." u-3 I -
iilceridv(btljfiyirtvdiJn.iauUfned crout) la
inv eliUdnul tt'rtt'fPl'.faiWd'W'rtJR'yc'::'
il lit I will jiluft. . utn . .1 s
Jirs. (ieorire (llrtoit. v1id lived near the
plt?ltig pjill,, died last if3rday'iLfTe a brief
illnessj of (vjiluiid fever. Tin r fifn'enil took
place on Jlonday,
i' Jlrs., 'Annie Turner, wife Of Dr. Turner.
dleifaUl'iuSanil ariuin last Saturday.eveulng,
gcd 43 years, 1J months and 7 days. She
bad long been a great sufferer fromcancers
and for the past two yearn had been confined
tolierljcd. Death to Iter was a welcome
isitor, ending a life of pain and sorrow and
.giving that relief frutu jilivslunl, and mental
.Offering denied lr;Ui.u.nV!a'l-t'li The re-
rHaJnf.Wrc follQWcu,to.,rt(e';g(!vT4.Pli Monday
by many sorrowing friends.
On Friday last the, intcrcstliiir UUle dauL'h
ter of Jlrs. Jane Scott, fell a victim to fyoup.
The funeral took place the following day,
and after the services the mother was. coin:
pletely1 prostrated by; grief. The child who
wa but two years of age, was the only
daughter and greatly beloved. .Mrs. Scott
lias the'slncere sympathy, of. all . who know
John lleanle, the well known miller, died
at Mordansvllle on Friday last and was buried
wv1"Mw'in 1 1 r
('Mi'tiena llmue lliime In Itiiimt
Is'itlemiicnitli' for a mil if claiiulug lo be a
DemoCrntt when he does not get his' chole
of candidates nominated, lo turn mound and
lefeattllcHlfRcUl-IWclthink Hot. In other
words, it is the duty of every Democrat to
help elect his ticket at all times. llloomsburg
eorript)iutiHl)M AM Htm, Any S, I88U.
wsed to be W. If.
The light may be In isk
eltiil we w'lint nil V'ood, sblid'inen', irres-
pectiVii"df phYtyl to tak'i' olT thelr coats ami
see If we can't slide the regular nominee in
between the two sevens with that heavy, qlii.
fashioned majority. It can be done If We all
Vprirnfl,wci,s)ioild...lrAt.U,vvt'ilitry It, and
e,efjtlic B(ulUng can't be knocked out of
soino who art always so full of conceit as to
fliljilC lliey-cnnjirtltind strjkV nut ii Indt"
pendenl candidates ami win. m-douf w ant
such men.. T.herefore, lpy thvtn qu Jtjie Hielf
for'anfttln'r' purpose, If yriu can lliidiiuy,
Mhviuliunj corrttiiontlait of tin A'run Item, Oct
30, 187).. tyf'?'(to fa .IV. Jh JiUjj. '
.A man 1 n poor Democrat wlio wllLoiinosc
I nouiiiiailon sjuijiy lSVt' ''V did noli sue.
ymVlUigeHtngi on tlmjlckct. There areii line
such men hanging around the Detuocpiljo,:
I'tuij, iii "ic piuiii-i nicy urn iinveu oiu uifi
better It will be for the nartv. The Demoiirhtlc
organ should. foin down mi tiem like tijo,
Miwrd and thus end bolting mid scratohinif
of tickets. 1 hese dlsnrgiiul.eis assiiun that
it Is all rigid to defeat a ticket', so long its the
Democratic press acquiesces In (lie miserable
work, (lo'on, If there Is no end to the Marly
Ilhomslwj corrtipondent of the AVwi (?, ilfuy
87, 18
Supposed fa be II , II. Jacoby,
ItAI.M IN flll.KAII,
llierii Is i balm urueail o Jieul eachlgap
ing wniiudi
In Thoiuas' Ec'lcctrlo Oil Is fiiiiud.
For internal rind for'dutward "u(, you freely
t , '.""7 Ylr' ' 'I' T l
Tor'all pain null Itillaininulloif you'should tint
...n., I.
fail to try it.
it duly costs it trlllo, 'tli w'ortli lis welJht In
And by every dealer in tho, laud tbs relnedy
U sold,
Vow Itf llilf r mmt LtrtariUr. )
J.. . . . .1
At the solicitation of
pccllvc of party, tlirou
knowing full well of
means employed by..
I'lleirUtcr and ItL-oonler. t
cb ofllecll trust I havhbcrfori
id to tbc enttrc satisfaction of tlto jVeojticot1
llte'ijounty, Hoping to receive n hearty sup:
port lit the polls on Tuesday the 8tU cl
Ndvembcr 1881, I remain, , '
Most Ilcspcctfully yours,
' Williamson II. Jacoiit,
Oelober2(l. lfifll. ' 3.'w
l'lislrUu, Iti'glnlrrrd.
The follolvliiu nanieS' of iibyslclans have
been' entered upon the register in the Pro
thonotary's olllce, since those last fiubllsbeilt
W. I. ance, borfi lit'Mt. Pleiisitnt tiVwii-
ship j graduated fronulhc lni'ver'slly of
Maryland, Haltlmore, Marcli 4 1881! resides
In ilofirslAtrg. J Ui ' 1 i i J : J
N. J, Ilendershott, born In Hlootusbiirg ;
stililbsl.tnedlclne litaorKetowi'IOdl(Jijl U)d-
lege, Mitshlnglon D, C, and ttbaudoned
studies oil nccoiint'uf ill IKiiltb is n drug
gist uiid resides In llloomsburg.
Thonuis C. McHeltry, born1 in Urccnwdod
township; graduated from (lie University of
Michigan, March :i()th 1870 1 resides hi
Denton. 1
Halph M. Imshelle, born In Ciitawlssar ha
no diploma, but ha taken two courses ot
lectures In Jefferson Medical College, Phila
delphia, and will probably graduate 'tills
month) has practiced for eleven years ; re.
sides in Centralla.
- David II. Montgomery born Itr Liberty
township, .Montour cotnty r gradjitd from
tliij.i'hlladelDhlaiCollecu of SlediclnJl March
lOt5il862$ resides In MillWvllNj.
See that your ticket Is utmight before
voting. '
.tu iiaiuw i:vn.
Last .Monday evening the boys of Hlootus
biirg amused tluunjelyes'' wlh the) frolics
which custom bus sanctioned on Ilalhiw
E'en. Showers of corn were dashed against
windows and doors, startling quiet people
sitting within, gates were lifted from- their
hinges and carried away and the.alr resound,
ed with shrill whistles and cattails', the 'sig
nals for meetings of troupes of hoys. So;long
as these sports do not result in "in'Jiir"y'',(o
property, no one will llnd fault with them,
but the boys should be careful not to do any
damage. In one case at least an' offence'
was committed which should never be re
peated. One of the iron gnte,s i(t Col. FreezeV
residence was unhinged and then dropped
upon the pavement with such force a to
break it. iFun is all -very! .Well, but wlitft It!
'results In? peiunliiry loss td.'tiwnefs oflprbtV.'1
city jt is imt well. The law makes no allow
imce'fnrUaijiligi done' in 'inerryninklngVtfnd
offenders are liable to punishment. Have as
much fiiti.n's y.6,u "wish, htiyVbut IeY'U'be
kept within such bounds that innocent per
sons ha)l notiulftjerjlu pefson or "ijrojitirJyJ
At tbe'Nonnal School the scholars' played
many jof the, oht-tim. games, stich.asj.bobf
blhjr'fbr'lloaiingapples'lu u'tuliof waferfanil'
lloating apple
sttl'tlt 11 trilll- ..i-i.ntiiip 'ri... , It... I
...... "J J .i.....,. 1 1
i-'iiii juiij i-vi-111
ymJnJstirs are not
and everybody Is tli
tlie better pleased that' such
is the fact.
All argument court was held 011 October
31st. Ills Honor Willlam.Elwell ;uidAsu-
'clntes o'li'tho'bpiich. ; ' '
Petition for partition in estate in estate of
Elizabeth Wenner tiled.
Oliver Hliullz appointed guardian of minor
children of J'. II. Shultz deceased.
Sale of real estate ordered in estate of John
H. Divis deceased. '
Assigned estate of I. John & Son ; audi,
tor's report continued.
Bill of review granted in estate of Peter
(iciirhart, deceased, and opinion Hied. T
Petition for review of auditor's report In
estate of Andrew Lolirman filed.
ieqfgif Brelsch appointed guarilliiii of
'minor child of Mary Uearhart.
Kliznbeth Manning vs.. Abraham Maniiing;
siibppciui in divorci), awarded.'
Sale of real estate ordered In estate of
Jacob Evans deceased.
Another argument court was held on the
.'list of October,
Report of auditor in estate of Leonard
Adam, confirmed.
Heport of auditor In estate of, Anna
Hughes, modllled mid continued.
Heport of Auditor in estate of -John Bos',
ton, referred buck to auditor.
Auditor report, cpnllrmckl ,$in .istnte of
Henry Lehr. r .
Petition for road ln'Atiiwts'S--1ownship
near William Martin's ; CourV. refuse to ap
point viewers, for retains fllol V
V t . JVeJiUjJI. , ,f ,
On Thursday afternoon attlye o'clock the
marriUo'of Miss'Jfary L. Elwell, daughter
of, Hon. William Klwell.imd.Mr. N. ,UFmik
was;ioleinnlzed atSt. Paul's Episcopal church,
Hev. Louis Zahner ofllclatlng. The altar was
d.epked wiU lloiyers and a lloral yokejhung
from the corona in the chancel. The brides.
mi!dswtrii Mis'M.IIaftley of 'Bedford, (lss
Maude Freer.C of llloomsburg and Miss I.iz.iu
Buckingham of llarrisburg. .Messrs, W.,MclC.
iress of llloomsburg, Louis Dcwart of Sun
bury and 1. Purdeu'of Hazletnn acted as uh.
ers. Mr. Leonl .Mellick of Philadelphia was
the briilegrooiliM best mall and entered the
cliaucel with him from the robing room. The
brujalf party inarched -up Mho main aWlt; in
the following order i .Mr. Hess and Miss
H'arlluy, Mr. Uuwart and Miss tV'czv, Mr.
Pardee mid Miss Buckingham. Then came
the bride leaning upon the arm of her fath
er. The cereiiioiiy was performed at the
c,,au.StlrJr1Jf.a1-W'' NHM ol!.'thL' Nurinid
ficlnlbl 'firesmerl nXHhe" Srgarf, hfrequest of
thu organist ol'iSt; Paul'si iu
The bride was attired In tin exquisite dress
t white satin and brocade, en traine, willi
Duchesne lace and wore orange blossoms
and carnations. In her hand she carried a
uouquct or choice Dowers, . T he brides
maids were robed in white' mull, elaborate
1)1 'trlinmcd with lace and natural (lowers,
and carried balls of carnations.
The weather wu Inclement, hut this did
not deter the many friends of the bride and
groom from attending the church, and be
stowing their best wishes upon the happy
A reception was held at the residence of
the bride', part-ids on Third Hlreet,
from half past five Until half past seven. The
house wai beautifully .decorated with llowers
Ojjulhu f'"0,(W criiwded.wltli friends, all
unVim's'tM'Menili'&irtgratulatloiis upon tho
lapny event whlcu .flail brought two lives in
to.thc dearest, .and niost sacred relations
klipwp upoii.CBrlb&
1 he bridal gifts were many and valuable,
embracing, articles for use and ornament, and
evidenced strongly the love, and esteem of
the givers. If heaity and sincere good wish
i uvU to maku life happy, then have .Mr,
and1. Mrs, Funk u golden future before them
e arc sure that no young couple ever cm
barked upon the sen of matrimony iliuler
more favorable auspices, and it is the.hopo of
their many trleuds that no storm may ever
disturb the serenity of their voyage,
A number of guesls from a distance were
present, among them being Mrs, Scmttpr 1
II. Smith, of Wisconsin, sister of the bride
Mr, and .Mrs. E. W. Elwell, of Tiiwanda
Mrs. McK, Long, of Troy; .Mr. and Mrs
P. A, York, of Danvlllej T. Jt. Jordan, of
Towanda; Mr. and Mrs, Georgu Sanderson
jr., of Seranton,
jmmy iricnusHc. 1
dMQthe counMBd I
fma'iinl and luulust I
parties Aim lug I
if. t.tli .. A&fZ2 i 1. ...... I
rndluW;o rclcftjofl
jiruiiifi mill ivcuiiucri uwir
Aliurr liriii.
Preaclilng next
Hev. T. (). Clees.
Sabbath at Asbtiry,
Esquiro Amnierniaii I just recovering f Join
a spell of Illness.
Mr. J. II. Stoker Is King scl wllb typli ild
I (Yv.1, ,,,,t ., t vi,,.,.i ., r..
"Jf1MHI',,JI,l"1 .urf-"M, " ii ........... -.
ttwMhmusmi',it,i visiiitiL'
many frltubvih til)i scyuoii 01 film cnun
-nr.i voicmau , : vn Asutiry nooiii lyur y
iigotnpxii rentnary, and went 10 xseiirie
Uutlcr county. " He l dolus welh has 1
ciniBcd one hundred and sixty acres of livid
AmLwill havc.gral'i this year to Ihe aiuolinl
of $l,O0O or more, Our boys who went Hum
.his place are al doing well.
Iliirklinrn llVul
Mi". Warren IClstlerlefl on Wednesday for
Koeriin uouege ;nio,win'rp ne inictms testii
i.A....l....l.l.... 1
Mi- (1 W lt,,i-lll,.l l,,i..,,,la ,,,.. I.,, J 1,.
vj.,.1 -ci.e a- .i .i .. . . . . . 1 . .
... ............. ...
iiiiuucoKe eui;iii;e 10 111 tne 110111; niisini'ss.
Mrs. Dr.
C. fii'tikerls visiting nt Wllkes-
Mr,s. Myra Seers of Vermont is liuini
n visit. "
Mr. Cbailes Smith and Miss Kali- Shot.
maker am doing go'od'fiervlee a Icucliei s p
our schools.
Mr. Charles Moore is teaching at Aflo
Mr. Wesley Gulliver is Heri(isly III,,
Mr. H. S. Shoeniakef Is Iinprovlng,' ,
Mr. AVilllilin Tilly who has been tii ,( all-
fornla for about three years has 'li-titrneil
. . i i 4-4 i
home. Alter nu.atjsenco ot about seven yj-ars
.Mr. Edward Thomas has again returned?
Holli L'eutlenten look well. The band left
dcrViljUie)i acnadefin n,'ttitiii'vpS'vei iug
and w'ireffiticly.cntt'i'talliedi 1 f 1
! ' jxi 1 I
"OirThlrO l)itj Tilni:v
Wu will send Dr. Dye's Celebrated Elciflro
VoltaloiHelta and, other EWclrlc Appliances
on trial for thirty days to young men lind
older persons who are afflicted with nervous
deblllty,lost vitallty,etc, guaranteeing. spi
relief ilnd coifiplele cstirn'tioii of vigor
iiiaubood. Also for Ithcumatlsiii, Neural
Paralysis, Liver and Kidney illlllcilliie.s,
Hupturc and many other diseases. Illu-jtra.
ted pamphlet sent free. Address . Volialc
licit Co.,
fc '' 2S, '81-ly 1 , , ,- , .
9 a Jl t ' ; .
IiuLor.nnI lo Srliu! nirceliiri.
In' the matter of nppllcatlo'if by rCsiilf ills
qf Hemlock township si'lidol'district, lo c
pel the sclmol directors to make an nrrangu-
iiieut for instructing the pupils of the jctl
turners in tiie rnird'Htreet sctuioioi tne i i w it
of llloomsburg, Judge Elwcll delivered' an
oi)in)oai0u Monday,' rofusliig to h-sltis a n an
ly.ids.jboldlif; jathlWlii'c(infc!.l ujion
the school directors discretionary power
up91ijtlie subject, iin( tlinttlu'ylm.Vitig dellb
erateil upon the question and' decided against
the,-application,tbeCourt'hasno powertoci
pel tliein to reform their decision. When
iniiillc' olilcers. arc 1
j Mi 1)111
which necessitated Juilgiheiit ihd discretion,
' . . 1 11.'. .is iii iii
the Courts eannpt diijIaLo.J U'em w
jVdgtii"cnt?ha11be.'' - Ji-
lint Ihc'tr
. 1,1
llititly lliirnetl. i
I ,!
For several days past men have been bard
at work at Neid's furnace removing the rin
derKd iIe -i,vttu'Jr(ltthe stack. On
ffftturuay cuitMiiooivuiionniJiqgic, me ipre-
maii of the works, was at the bottom of the
tack,. .endeavoring ,JoailjQei. itrjflu lion
'bar'tric robf-lilcc 'formation' Known as scaf
folding, and formed of iron, limestone, &c.
Suddenly the mass gave way, and a shower
of red-hot ashes, fell upon Jaglej burning bis
face, breast, bands, arms, and one of his legs
In a terribbMiianner. Medical assistance was
sumirignd?-uy remedies at once
applied? Tlje wpuu'd 8 are severe, but is1 be.
lievedVill not rcsuil'Jil' pennanent ilMlgurc.
ment'orinjtiry. 'TJrr'JUcICelvy' w'aithe lirsl
iQ"at)lXngle!;but:tlio-'cnwia, In the
harQ&i,)r. Oafdner, who (s, Jiijliglhe ic
quipHyWentlon. It is fortuiidteUjlat Xigle
U1ifjqJ)osc his life in the flcry'sfiower that
fell'5iportfhliii. The work( Of'cleipii'ng out
a stack both onerous and, dangerous and
needs tllip done with great fare. Jonathan
Cromis litadjbiie of bis hantlty'sevcrcly burned
while itVk hutlmtiCckflS Monday.
Jlrs."!.. ahHer K visiting
; IrVrralber in
';'Mr.flnd-lfrS.,ili.,?E. Waaler ?eturuedliiinie
on Monday.uYcning.
Mr. Thomas Metherell has taken
residence in llloomsburg.
Vlfred Mcllcury OflHeiitou has gone to tho
city again to purchnJi' new good
tin .Mijliifkj of Sjiiloh III;,, foiity t'j.of thi
ty, 'Is vMllnjfricnd.s iu llpi vfclnlty.
tr. and JIis. II. S. Heay of ltupeit will
celebrate their crystal wedding, tiet yattir-
Iwlge Klwcll wlll preside nt the tenii of
the l.u.erne County toilrts, lieiilnilliyi Ihe
14th inst.
i S, Klnpprts vas in Xew Ynrk.lact week.
purchasing now gooils,.fyr,,thei lfcnpleN Dm
ami Bookstore; ';,'" : , , I
Eli' .Hobblil Juryf lj'qiijniis'slonctV Was in
town on Monday, to assist in ilrawln-i jtlrors
for Decnnbcr court. '
David Walsh, of C'eiitralia, has returned
from Ireland, where he spent the. 'hummer
He was In town on Monday .last.
Miss ' (.'lemcntiii'c' ('miner., ';in stslyr. of
Oransje.yille, thvil ,bist week for Kll.ihclb
City N. ('.; wliere tliey expect to yhsif, their
)Uice, binllh lvivliu',fir;iutrl.v of this county
W. ' Ij. White, of Centre township, left
ltupert Tuesday niornliig'ln'st for Aliilia
Iowa, where he will teach, school during Ihe
winter and .return ip the sprln
.Mr. James C. Hrinvn was taken to his home,
in lilllinville pi) l''iiday.lal, havliij! ncipiirbU
enoiijlr strength to' Wiirr'a'nf the "drive. He
has regained hi iippi)titO"nnd lt is believed
wilf reciinerat, riipiijb'. tioui'h it wijl he
'onic. tiniuKlJcfuwS.luf hi5filiic toAttcitd to
business ,,ijc,.J I
Messrs. Charles I'arrinh, W. .1. Harvey. Ir-
Ylni? A. Stearns, 8.0. Strulhers, OolJ'C'. M.
Cimynliapi aui Atlorneyieneral l'almer,
all of Wllkt'J.lIilrre, find Thoiuas llcnviif, of
Danville, were In town on Tiienlay, lo at
tend tv meellti),' of the North c Wot HraMi
Hailwtiy Cumpaiiy. , ,tp
Dr. A. h. Cressler, an e.iiiemlier of the
Legislature from Luzerne cmlilty, was in
town on Tuesday. He now lives lu $hlp.
pensliurg, Is devoting his time to the settle
ment of his father's estate, and has ali.imli, li
ed his practice as a physician, Thlily ycari
ago he practiced medicine In llloomshiirg
The Montour White Lead, XI no and (,'nliir
Worku, of ltupert, l'n., have recently increased
their faeilUlen and put thulr mills in first
class working order and secureil lite services
of W. K. 11. Davles, of Plillailclphla, an ev,
perienced practical painter anil piaiVufCl'turer
as Superintendent. They have, no lieiitancy,
therefore, to guarantee all the' good equal,
If not superior to any in the market. Thvir
motto is "Qi'.MiiviiiKFii:s-CoN.iiKi(Vins,"
They are now manufacturing putt; ready
mixed and Pure Tiitlcil 1'ilstc1 I'IiIhih from
Pure Linseed Oil, While Lead, Zinc and Flint
Colors, Car, llrldge, Ship and Hoof Paints,
Dry, in pure Hnyewl,- oil nipl ready .mleil.
Pure White Lead, Zinc, Colors, Pure Linseed
Oil, Putty, Ac, Ac,
If you need paints of any kind, send for
aample card and price lUt
Oct 7 Sin ltupert Pa
Mvcits l'nicK. On the Ulth nil
1(ev(l It r)illi:Jllilt t'n1awttl.iM)
, by flic
Mlnr ifl
S Avr'rj f "ilMh.iyliii'lllVofinil:!
k J
Ii) .Mls Aniile
lllllllllll 1 OlltllV,
( Piicc of Ciiiirallii. (To.
17th 11(1,,,
Ii lllllllllis
" i?im1t ;t eifiotlt Aittf rtin-fer I ( 1 l u ul 1
The great superiority of DR.
allotlicrcough rcmcillcs is attested
y the immense popular dcmanil
for that old established remedy.
u the Cure of Coughs, Colds,
' ,fkrjSpte.i, rdup, AsUinla.r'oh-
!, Wfioapfnti- (r tali . Inclpfent
-i, ' ntvl fr the relief of
'toiiiive jicr ims in advanced
of the l)i 1. r e. For Sale
:ts. Price. t'i cents.
1 v 1 "! rt.'jt-r'.'jjAsjZKSBraaBS
Nov. 4, 'si urn
Business Notices
I Dr. J. Schuyler makc-Mlic treatment of Dv-
pcr.ia, ircAilllchc and till otlier'dl-ie'n aim
nictcd with Ihe stonnicli anil liver a Mic4
I v.
A Iiirge number treated siicccssfl
wllhlit the last few vent's
Put'' Ladles', (lent 'ill' Clillflrtn' 111
wear go to Lutz A; Sloan's.
The (Ileal Sale of Dry (Soods at .lile'
Block, fi31 .Main .street, 'Blootnsbtirg, pa.,
will close on the loth Inst. There nre -till
bargains to lie had in lire Hoods, Shawls,
Ladies' ('oats and lioltuaiis, celt Mints
liiilerl'ai'.' ,Cjhidr'n'-. rijdcrvei(r Jfim
cents upward. Call and "ce that we nn
feting L'ooils ai les I ban former prices
the goods tnul be sold.
Ladies' Shoes in nil w iiltbs at Dcntlci's
lilllev iV Meppv. at Light .street. have mi
u grqiM'cdnc,apn ItulliKirg'UJil'W They
helling talioo.Jt.'oiciJit-fi inn-HnVat'i ce
ll,..i ilM..Mi' y,v .,3 If' JT' ' ii.'K
;iu2buinftl .Ciuii'jtbtiH'liitiUf 10 cents,
.1.:...- i i :.. i . nn..
unit cvcrvlboiK- kcttl in n trflicrnl store
wle. Call and secure a liargalu. They isjll
pay the highest cash prices tor all Hie gjiod
veal calves, clilcken
, lurums, gcoc, ilnl'M
von can tiring them.
They iil-o pay ca-li't'or
dried fiuil, butler and egg's, tiive us a ICi.1.
LU K 4 ft
Dress ConlK Of
nil Kih.!, itirstyles,
Qualities, all Width, nil Colors,
Clark it Son's large Mock.
nil J'i
A new stock of Xapklns uiid table Linens
at Lilt it Sloan's.
Arrived and now ready for in-.peiiion,lhi
largest slock of Hoots and Shoes in It he
counlv. Cull at Dentlcr's and be convinced
... ...... t i e.... i. 1 in mm
III, UOll lio.eil l ug- anil h',im;ii
pounds good frch butter wanlcd by Silas
Vinitig, at Light MiceLtot' which ne win pay
the highest inaikct price. nug Sli.lili.
D.ivhl Lowenberg would Inform the pulilic
..i i... i..... i.,.i ,,,,,,, ,i r,..,,,, i
,11 iir nn- jiri iiinniiii i,i .
New ri'hild f it
with ii lull lino of Kc.fdv M.lflc 't'lotliing
Cloth and Cas-iincies of thebel quality and
.itet lvle.
Hats, dips, al-n a lull line id
Novelties for Fall and Wilder j
and would invite an cnily in-pccllon
Ot till' MI1IIC.
I .11 . A- QIa'Hi1 Ii . . v.-.. 11 .liini-.. tioi
f.ailies' (Moths a'uil ihcss laiitiel-. '
1,000 good live calves wanted. Let tiein
come limn tlie north, south, cn-l anil wel
by wholesale and retail. You can bring otir
iood calves rigid along now any nine on
Monday, Tue-dav, Wednesday and ThHif.-
day of each ami every week and get your
wish or gmnb tor'tliem at ilas loimg's
Light Street. July 1.1 '! (i-iu
Mlnr Fall stodk ulf Tiimiucd llonnetMind
Hats ate here, the Styles conect and the
prices uv htwtftt at Clink is bon V.
The IHCVCLi: SlUHT can only be obtain.
ed id ' '
David Lowciiber'-'V.
More' new CcTats' and DollmWs Sirt.ul. it
Sloan's for the hulio. . .
4.01)0 noiinils of nice tiilled Cherries
tmunds of nice Drjcjl llasplicn li s. wanted by
Silas Young at Light Street, for whlcll
will uav tlie hlghe-t market luiiii
See a woihanipioklng u bunch' of rnpijs in
aiiotlier column, at Speer ft ineyiiril-, iroiii
whicli Spcer'.sror.l Urapv 'iixi; ittipadn. jlliat
is so highly csteeiued ny the meuicai indies
slon for the Use of nvaliils. weakly liertons
imo.jiii'jascii. roi31;ic ,,SJxi .u ;t'v--
... i i ! . ... . i... i . r i !
akcts laud
, Wv tue-.qlVeiing- barg.thie j,J'lai(l
Flannel at Claik'it Son's."
liubber Shoes 6f ntl'kluds at Denllcr's.)
The llnesl line of lleaily-m.ule Clotliiug in
TitC Countvcan now ne jeenuii
David LowenbcrgV Clothing Store.
Kill, Dolniaji
If you want to bny a
liaWjl gU V V.ll"; '1
Prctlv suits for Children just ariive i
" ' Neat Suits for Hoys i'
Stylish Suits for Youths 1 '
all of the Latent Style and Uet quality, j
at the lowest prices can now be boitgbt
at the Popular Clothing Store of I
i a..'li I. . ; ij; :
liavjd iiowenocr;
aiffllerwiiiffr'fotton aiul-Wdai, if.jf I.Jdles
ISiiPC'Mrkonls. tr
Headquarters for Satchels, Trunks Aie;
ni 1). r.ou-cnhi'i-iVs.
at D. Lowcnbcrg's.
llaiiuaii and UeddNIi FineShoc
sold only at Denllcr's.
for gi'iitt,
'IliapeV tai5 if tUr' Cl'oUilijg'c)u no
The old Popular Store of D.ivid Lowenberg.
UnriiANs: coiTuT sau?
by Mrtuo ctaa order ot tlio orplians' coilrt ul
Columbia County, thu uudeib!ncil Admlnlatrator
I ottlto ebtatoot O. II. Wills, lute ti the borough of
i.iriiiwk. ui ruiu Luuuijr ui-ciuteu, i in ex, uto lo
publlo Bale, on Uie )irenilea on
at, Ww o'tiocK In tiw t(eraioa of aitif dav$ tlie (o.
Iiiwide dtscrtWd prof erty; to-wlti
All that certain pltce cr paicel of land or lot cf
grouud Mtuate In Ilerwlck afoicbald, bounded ana
deucrlbed as roUowb, to-w Us On the eabt by Xtirket
street, ncbt by an alley, lorlh by lot of William
roust and boatu by lot ot v. . Knorr, number sc
en on MnrVet btreel, on w bteh are erected a
SUble uad outbuildings. " '
TKltMS OY SM.K. Ten per cent, ot one-fourtl
ot tba purchase mono ti bo. paid at tbn BtriWlnt
UUIIII Ul 1UU luuiiciij . lllU
rftualrloirtbroe(iiiinu In oneynr tueicutwr vutb
ten ier ceni.uiiuu eeuiiriii
mieii-bi iieiu I'uuinuiuiidu i.ibi.
fvM.ilKiisaw, ,
X If:
8ep. lo, St ts
1,WA4 DltOWN'S ,tNhlJHA.NCl-; AJJ.KN
I? 0V. m oyer's now bulllhn,', Afalq fitreer, liloomB
.Ulna insurance. Co or lltu uonl. Conn
lloyal ot Liverpool
I ancaslilri)
VtV AK3UtllUl. I'UlldUVIl'llU . ,, ,. ,
PliuhTlX.OC Lclidoa , ... ..... ...
1iDdtm Ijineiislilio, oi UiiitiiriU
llarllor.loniarttonl.. .
SprlDL'tletd rro ami .Murine
A Bints.
111,0. lll.lKkl
As Uio aaisrii o dliect, policies uro wrltien fo
tlio Insured without any dciy in tin onlco
.ii. ,"li.i"J !
an inn
: i" .
i ,
en ii i i
Every l9ly 1 Ht'ijnis - RirpriHuil lit
10 extent' of our s'toeltof Cutlery 1
In nostortiin tlip.tjoujity eiujut'h'
a variety ot mttoi,ns. lie seen. In
Scirfsors add Shears we have till
sizc and at. various, prices accor
ding to quality, the bettor grades
being,! our specialty Poc'.tet
knives any quality from 10 tents
to 4.50 each. The large quanti
ties of fine Hu.orS wo, sell is a
strong lfeeonimcndutioti as ,td,
their superiority. A lady's pride
hoi; tfiblp. unci liQt iiig att s
ove foiits'aitiactioiuiidn a ihiiki-
soni&jsjit of knives and forks, our
lino S51aige, new patterns and
low ifi'iees for reliable goods.
-O 'V i limn inc-f AtKitinl i litltwl
igomo line of c.irving knives and
dorks, new designs- with patent
rests, prices troin 60 cents to 4.o0
per pair. Call and see them. ;
live dv ever
1 i
I - ' . J I r T
l nis ne v oot tm:
VX . V ' .... ... ...f ,..M.f ul
" r: Is ) : -sroil -
il ls MTm
;r ..... r,,4t
Oak Hall is:
the Largest Clothing HoKse
in America.
Hopirig to,
'-.iY6iirs truly,
Wanamaker & Brown?
It' virtue of a writ of AI. Vend. K.. aud lo mo dl
rectfd, win bk expoa to public saloon tbo Brem-
lses lu bo hfiroi;U ft (jegtrii(lQoiurobVi ij)iuiyat
5 o'clock p.m.. on"' "' ci
MONDAY,' NO VEXUltilt 14. lS's'l,'1 '
All that certain lot of ground, blluale In tlie uoi.
oujU ot Centralla, Columblu.-ooimty, jvunsylMuila
and bJtfldiiayin tOie north by'lotor Id ,licnir,on
.tliocabj'ocust vcjjuion. flie ioutli by South
strcotnd on the west by an'alley.coutalulng twen-ty-ttvo
fect In front anil or.e hundred and lorty tcct
deep, nucreon aro crctd a luo-Mory franiadwoll-
iBtr jiouse, rramo btablo ami other out-li)(ldlnfri.
BeUed, taken In executions tho siiit'ol fhtftfejf
tralU Mutual Suvlni;' tun4 and ,l!in;Uk6cliWBt
atalnbt Sarp;'natrej',.1B4Bln,btrtrlxot Kdwrfl
llutrey, deceased; ;att'l, tqpacold as-tU6iirorK.'iof
Sarah llarrer.'fcdialnliitrfttrli or Kdwtrd lUffoy.-de'.
ceased. i i .
John A. Funstons
RealHatate, TriiBti'jIuvostruQUt and
Oolloctlou Offico.
r'Olt S I.K
Or EulmL'tre. I arire V'raine Ho'ilbS tor two fahiU'cs,
f;uuu Mnmr, nun iiiiu ituiit. uwiii-u iy n. r Minrti
I'bS. I ' .
Vfi Acirh, Ubiue Urn, Jood fruit and
uaiir. In .MsdHou lovutblp, l a, tecuiled by
Waslilneluu bmllh. f
no Acres, bear Valfnfouur 8rfliii?. 'tlmhr' Wttf
rallibud lit lu mbkc puabaac .niuwy jit tu.wipcr
UtlC Ullllllf iuiu.
Kor psrticuUts. ppuly to TVl Fl?
lit.t, -SMt JOHN A, Fl'MpTON,
,'; i.l 1
1 1 'i -1 1 '
I'. I-;,!
1 ' 1 up ji
Li '1 i'ii. 1 ii 1 1
1 in
1 1 ii i ti)i 'i
ii 1: I ';- '
f. . 1. ..
' -1 .'Y,( (I'irfolorf
C-oltl1 Weather is near at hand aiu'l ulrcndy ' ninny jirp."!)()ojyif;
arblind foi' stoyes. Tho nitUiufacturei's, Jiave been ovorciwd(Jd-iwith
01'ders, and it is almost impossible to get them. Woliiivtf ttlrehriyi'rc
ceived peveral and are daily adding to our Stock.. ' piviii; 'tho
universal satisfaction tho Argand has given we, llJp.Wur
leading bitse heating stoye,,alid if you wish toi see a perfeot iiieaiity
call and look at this year's pattorn; n little high in1 price' it'fr4nio,.lbut
in this age the people demand handsome stoves 'a ild 8Hlpre
hitiidsomo thoy nrC tlie inore" they cost. We liaye a variety of tjoier
very nice stoves at prices within, the reaqli of all. Tlie, .Gold iMetlal
is the lttrgcst and handsomest base heating st6ve foe thtv money
brought to this, town. In; 187 we introduced $JfcftVy fi6ifU'or
Moon Heater for heating 'tw.oioj- more rooms; and qwi'ng 'j,q,,t)'jy'J;at
satisfaction hcyf' have givdn, pur trade lias steauily. "incroi?ied ,Hon
thetu. Wo .Warrant every Olie to give, perfect satiM'aetionrthdi lhave
got to hear tlie first word of complyint or take out bafik. '"' jd'r.'-feasc
of management, economy of ftipl. great draft and r(idiiitifip(rs,
thev stand Without an eciuitl. Our lonir exnerience .tonotliori.witli
that of Mr. Isaiah lt'aenbuch, who has charge of our'Stovuand
Tinware Department, has enabled us to study the wrfit'ts of lhe"jjeo
iil uiid imilro our R(1irtiniw iwonv ditudv. We crtrditilW ftlVit't? 'ill in
Die anil make our selections accorcliti'rlv. We cordially invito. .all 111
want of Stoves to give us a call befprc purchasing elsewhere, uhd .ex
amine our stock which we .shall consider no trouble to show you.
Stove repairs of all kinds furnished to order, grates 'thid'iTrc' Mick
foi'tthe common cook stoves constantly on hand. ' "'''' '
1 it.
1- ' I O
,l l,IW.' 1 .li'.i
. 1'itiiHii 1 ti. 'i; licit '
'(Jl lh I Hlif 1 to vi'
chance' to" be of service in
serve us if it recalls the'
' - ' ' 1. . .1 1. 1. . .11;
whi,ch, are : ; ; '
TSt. We never offer for
1 1 t'-AitU';:,. ...:tt
uencve will liivc
who wear it.
.i. J ' i
JJ We stoutly maintain our custom' to. always
' ' ' have' the largest stock of men'sJancL' ociy's"' ''
,j . ' ' l'"' '1 .!""
- ciotning 10
Qfl.-We do not allow
ZZ. i . . WTr r.-r
'as vc i r -
x i
and Market Sts., Philadelphia.
LyT" i irii
1 it i n tt-'b Mrt-. "? - , . ii. !l i:im-
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many homes!
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..! -M- -Ililffjil
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fin HlfarTfi
snow our customers. . , , , unit
i ' ! i; I .-till
our salesmen to
misleail customers
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quality or kind of goods.
loii eli
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We stick to one price'";f
.. . - .ii , ii-v," tno
alike to everybothyr, ,
rich and po6r,
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tl' IflOll
Mill-""! & SHHr i
antee with'
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',' iifyi.i
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the money. ''ti-? '
wish it, if they' :
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