EE THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBUllG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. -a as - . ... Arse: 4 - . i jtoBl bo lit 11 Aai. pfc-'rtgrf. Wv4. 1881. h.VST WOKDS I I 'Lut'iii v , t ..,,tll I. lilt IK., J n i! ;', i.ii iioiore tiro next iss io ol t loUoi.u.Viniav UUOl the battlo for Di'inddrrilic supremacy .will have bueiMjilbuuht iiii !Wiitikylvlatia. Whether Oriuge NbbloUilll bdlsl oifcn . State Treasurer, on Tui'Mity llb.Vtl . de pends upon the DcinrJcrnlic ' v0ttfs of L"S Pqlmft'WMaUli. .J,f tliuj? do thuir "fl Ifl1'" Wi A1 M ff WW y certain that. the niaclnjie.eandidatd will i lie nanus oi an iiQti.vst, ami .eapaum qm cial. The candidacy of1 Woit froih the uogmhingi wiiM Jsl'fUMIsly det.r, HJailyf nmMhb fttdftdy irt'cre'rfsb ill iijm ucruiiiiu iuiiuwurn ui utu siuray juuu Independent has1 tatlricdtl'ld !i tiiitiinium lhily's cjiajicua, .of .election. lAijUjr thesp circumstances it is more tjmn nyer lniporiailt that, l)9' lieiuocratlc vote fpat ?Toule, and surely Diuperatt, are ."-"'ISIsJ MJryso'by dplault, A few' eainol men inv.aph Wv.i,ish! qui get dvery voter ,l' 'tjtbp'ujls" ue.xf "u,cp ilifv. 'Thorn ill-it in i'Vi'rv nnnlniii nil.v. well Meaning nieii w.lio urp,negkc(fji of tuuucui iu;uiert, utiu who tqi( iry iiini y 'rqfrain 'froin, yotlpg, exceptiug pei;- 'hajis in l'r.esiilcu'tial years, unless i omo zt'al6us neighbor' lii'gds tliclri to' de onU 'their ballots. Visit ' all 'shell, ittiiu ami' persuade them to accompany you tt the polls. Should thore ho in your nt igh borhood any discqntentqd liepublius,, iridubef! tlicm if possible . to. Vp'te with. you... Up not postpone aepositinij your; "ballot until m TiY Wo tfay.:' Tolif.aW and theii devbto its. liiuch of Vour, time ch. of yoijir, as ybtf can, siiaro to seeing ta( vow heichbdi's vitb 1 , 1 , , i Mr. IJoblb' wai fairly nominated and is entitled la all the Democratic, y.otf in, the. State. Let lis do ,'our diityni lumbia count-v. m least, and roll .un a , roulri' majoiity"b'(jtli fir tlio Stateand , couniy uckc. success nexij liieBuay Success .next, the iiartv .and i win Hirciujuien ino iiuny ,umi initNP MTi .tiii'o i'tdt.bfljis:jndro!ceiVainV; The delpci ate' Strligcli' noV iii.iVisiWss'n Hfel flo ...Hi. 'TJfllW .S'fflJK' J !!..! 1 .l.i .. puuiiciiu raiiKS .iiiicuiuiih iu uiviuu party jJcrtAabTO.' '"A D'cinocrali umph'dwllUtlU "further itepibr W6'4Vwid3U'y'h'pp'e:lj. t6 the TJIeiujiJra,, their votes. oi me couniy ig cast Tuesday for ail'tlib, nominees or party; C6 to thb polls, unless sicktiess, prevents pur ijiiiiness is hol so press infr'that von cdmiot exercise vour richts VniiVriMitd ;t as a citizeh Hull 'Ive hour io, heip syOur)aVty: , , " . " , 11 Void' 'for MiWtVWty' tii&eriind 'fetCoiil'mbV cWnW'i ( Q06 fte'mo'cfati'c nijoVity. i,i , bee, ;that 'youricket lis stffti(It(, Jjtjfor? voting. . ,ri , (Jt. -i l I (J f. I fuJ Tlfdre haaiiebli tiilit'e aWtoiiua of lite .jtiJ..a..V.iAh1.j ilJ 'i:'iiAlV ".V.l.L therefor was noc',iitMutst,iiW(Iel;sfo6'd1. IIt is tioto an d thaf iS17.OOU.000 lii tfold was; plao'edan. English) banksi Ibyi thenitpoiw federate ..authorities duringu thei swar and still remains qu denosit. Efforts have been made bv' the Treasury .de l partraent to ' obtrtili ipb'sjftsi'oil'oiMhis. money1, hilt the1 'HUglishl'bHnkeriS 'have hold that it could only b'c paid to'hbld-i crs of the bonds. - It'is ond bf the fjueer fenfurcs of Mioanee 'th'at' thds'c ''b'bndsj which' have'Ubng bbeti'Bullilig'nt'nbout tvc-"6eiits on'tlid dollar, shbuld'com'e! "to' bd'6f v.iliib.b'nci' 'mbr'J 'Sti'iltigeiyot-jsr. the fact;1 that 'tiiW'trinHig' redemption! fntid'of Noilly yovofitcen1 ni'illionsb'f dol lars should have been overlooked all these' years; ',Tlios6,'"pyo'plel'wh'6 bought' bonds' (jliriply as' "relies1 bf thl" 'waf,1 decidedly lh'ltieib r ' mi r 'tm, I it in ti.jiii.i i ii . .tMi'U (m EvoristnceiOraocre .Noble was ndrfil- .nated for.State.Tn'XiSurer, the Erio ITifJ is close' at baud. Thu JferaUl has cdhr1 taihc'di any tmvnlm o((1'eiuejjts( Myciic a monnnnlmt beoaiiso lie is Dresulent lent bf a .,,I1-- . "IT-.-j . 7 r;- 'fill. O V r! T.l bankbut, does.npt .mention, that ,i o is eriant. cornoratiions .::i:: A" it.:, -i-.x .'i..i:r...- :'.; ji.iji Slate. ';It is 'not' at all likejy iW irernhl will materially lessen the vot 3 of Mr.'Nolile,' ii njulte ' 'likrfj' 'that tho' abtisd showered upon'lhitn'',iiriinci4as'd the numbevof hi frjenrts1; ' ''"' 1,11 iX (I ' 3 1" I'm 'I ,,! 1 1 nil Oircu"ses"liavoi'ha'd a1 litird' time his seas'oii ih'tlie coal''regbn!V,rhauy of-lneirj perfdrrnance8l,hlavih'e', Uedi)' tolloweu by) ')iotolislprocdiil'4l'in,' wlildlrlilen vjerei beaten nhd .llcortsibilldly killed The shows are iftrllfg bti iMXir ln'tncrxiatn, :l ;.. i... r... . II antl a Btinpl' of, 'breech' arnong'theii ties' cannot' iJarapliernalia.if'theanthprt-i j'lUiiyi, VIII III A find preM train has .iiiat! ,b Un JUaqeH i") SQr.Vcjj,lp,,viinjtvcen,.wew York .apd .Olwagp mf.. p.ndjiI.ItVVifhtpg,niak)ug;helltrinitiJMv jti, ,ty-(iyo hquri?,, The .train ,w,jli d,(jgrn poaed cntirply.pfulljriai) par,lordinitiy' room and leeiinc, opachoi iind will make faster time tliau has ever bJ elf le. made b6tVe'6n' thc t'wb citic's. ' The luatld frji'rhcft;.'i,sed'sfi'('6d;iirid Uonise'dt! oo,.Ji,J P'lliUl, .tlt,ji 1, ,!,;,(,;, ('.."ivli it Mt that thb' 'ra'ilrtWd '''6Many ii"hl e'ti .V. compelled, to undurtokn thimnew vent 'iihat-Ui Willi provp .Buwseasiftl liiirdly. jnitrl'pflit doiilit., it nr. ii Ld- i i. , , . i i,i TliaJifchiupudi Va.-newipapeiaha ge, that-UteiNiilth, .MinUaohiliUtUt rfujun tPt, UuritiiA thIr, ..reoont, visit to:uyorktbk vero jtruilty. .of, vioU'iiti iti uud dlteraoefiil. dcM, at4anJUn.wPutwi,.dosilvoying prop-. ertr, ito. .. A staff and line pihee; i i lie piucer uavu lieeVisi? i Jtlch'moud lo mvetiiigfitu tho.A '.arges. Tl; Bdslon iTi'-ht t ' ..II" J. 1 L "... . . .1 i- T io "culeliaweii neonie, oi to pl'otect flio honor of the r Alty. ji id $Uto V)' .iiHlftuiL' mo tlioViiuialinieiiUf th(? qfyMtyi Sjftito Vy jiUtiu'L' 'm on l "Wplfo's t-ahdldiiUy' LAn hi'otlght to Ilfellt'a t-aJ'Micity Ulr flin" on 'the piirtj oj ICepill)llcf)n,,orL'aii3,' lor wnicii eyen ii eVa'ttnchX'ftt' ailnilrfri htid neVeV u eir on 'tllyililtiWHt.' 'Ono ..of'.tHiWliiferft'Hod tee i t'o'iiivtilhj'.v't'QWe iJOer-ofiatorff Nolilb'ilnil '6rJdlt tlieln td Defnb t'rd 'l'his is lngenloliiiiid itoes tliuDtmoiijat- ie ctllilitiite no iiiirin. See tjiyoU t'jelcf j'fi fiJtl.hh voting. , . v 1 ,t.i un iyp9 juuuusi;i ((."..jiivOjiiii pvjya ui it nasn t ioue so vet. ana election (l:iv i we l nay liuiue II o I ii recei t uxiieriiuipu in Qeorgui. In a Jight after 'the perfoVnt ancd 'br761,ti,eKi o kiTleiVafifl1 ptl era, badK- bi5al(.iiha twti;6f ''ITi'd'clrfcufiherli were Bh'ot. ' 'Ci rcnis ' 'Jirdlll ieVofs'in'ay find' it rir&cs'sarF to" fn'fcludb,i;.V GatliHK' i ii.i.T,l:li i. lu.uiiim nnuai MAIIUNK WISSA 'llUCKi Tlii' Sctmto hint Saturday, adjourned tine die and in thu closing hours a hut lehttke wns ndminiitvrod to Senator Ma lionu. 'l'lio postmaster at Lynchburg, Vn , Is a Itepubiicati named Wilson, who had served in the unity and is u capable oUtcinl. Mahouu di'sireii h'w removal, ..3"liluuimta alleged Democrat of the Mnlioitu stripe. 'I his laiipqintultnit )-av vigorously op Wdsed'and'Ui rtiHtttrMvirt laid aside by Liuiiiuftiiimouvot"I)orrioorHtiHenft- tois were not in favor of llie ehangb and s were, not in favor qi the ehangb ai ne-'of 'hL IdMbifl!Shs were disdisU some' of ItiU KOpubliUans were tlistjiistoii. As was predicted, jliflVcpuljlienns iuUlm TPWmm IWiV,-Mr?li. 'Iidiift is an expensive, luxjurv, not worth i uli.i': L'iV 'i.! li. !..'i.lf...,i. iiix inu in iuu iiiiiu un (inn. 'W""VlVif? HI" fflmluW iU-puiUalor ' Waslhfghly '11. ceilsHd itt.thu'.failiiri') nt his iplhlis. biil'liis tiuappolntlncnt was brieii, Xlio I'itsi dMit'cailic to li sWiel'.as'tiW ni lo'a lfoiiriied ieinove'd Wilsoil 'nhd' hHi)dliilfirSt: ,Tlil4 . sul'tUs! Ai- thur's position' aii legaj'ds xlhe Ke'ijiidLv tionists of Srirginja,' 'tie' uv'iden'tly 'in, tetttls fo'l'dnillifd -lioVef o'flf.is7 ad.fiiiiis tVilyon '"I'd )Ial)qne and his allies and coihiiiR' tile. Republican paity., Wi6 .suWhI ttf'lhe repudialimi ifcheme. This 'will hi! a bitter, iill' for liiany good JJe 'iublldalis't'd' sVAlldw. And' ilwilt'.iik bov ftnViU'tev'df'sliVpri.l.o if they positively, re1 tiisq to take the rioe. i AvNDTIIKH CIIANK. To the nuniUer of ".cranes" ititliejlamf there Reems to be no uud. 'The on ii lust reputed is l),r,,.Iphii, Npflipg, fori jiqrly. a, Vfi?l(I,r't(t 9tfllnnuurg, J,uiQu..couniy, wJ6 Jfias lpng bc?p nllljcted by.atacftq of. insanity, lie, is a, fiiio looking, power fully huilt, man, and drpsss lfdatly. )rh,ile, airesidept.qf MiiHinburg, liq liiado scverai (attqmpls to, tko, tjie jifv, o'f liis wite, ajut sue. obtained a divorce, on tliosegrounds. Qu,feveral,pcqasioisjhe mail largo demands!! the, Mjlllinuurg baiilis, claiming that he had )arge,depos itft li them, writ jug. out, his. clieqks iA tjie natim of "Alniiffliiv God." the "Ilolv ,S)ii;i't,' 1ctc7.,liowilng) pongjusi vely jthat, lie lau.oreu uiuier meiiuii iiiiicuiauons at certain periods,, He, had his lucijl'in t9ryals,, howqver, ,,v.hen he. rcmaiiie'4 quiet and inoffensive,,. ,lle, ,is,said to havju led ,a (Sober and life, and was .well .msposea wnen iruo, iron; tne; peripuicai aiiacKrejerreuo., , i , On Monday night hqendpaypredito,, force his way intoitlio Whitoi House, de manding! to nee the "accounts of tlio Jresdent., TJidporkccper .ecjucli him and a .(lqspqratp, struggle, pnsieu, qniHug jii',etqvenipwpmgpr,the,liinatio i ,lle. was" armed with a larKu.isized .wyen hamberedreyqlvcr,, ,witl- icvery bbrrel Johu. Waling., staling that, Dr. Jouu and signed ".Amughty, God. f .. AYith, such.danger.oiisinaiiiaqsainiiig through the country. tho.6Hieb bf president! will sooji come to 'hi . considered a perilous ppisiiqiu jo oue,Kiiuyi t'ow njiy tics tliere' were iii the. land , until fijld,s,afHsassijiatiio)iC; b'rpijgl tliyn' to lie i I Ij: I il i,.' NiWJCAlllSEri1(F'W(lEltSi , . Oni Thursday.iof .jasti weeky t Until fol. tne ilmiFiiif tinitiinotmtia ltrl'O an tit t fl tljcs Senate.i.nd,'urotuntlv,.confirm'ed? .Gliirlei J. ljpjgfii;, as Secreiary.of thq Trvairy,, Thomas L. postmaster yreu-, oral, and, h rank. Jlatton, ,editoi of the ,ui;lingtpn ITfiiflkeue, as. First Assistant Postiiiaster,.(ieperal,'to8uccee,d J. Ty- aeiv resigned.,,., ,Jliv .Jipeqyas 4e-i(oin. ,iusjtvd , tQaSvpid ppssfblq Jipgal qucjtli.ns as,,to hiscbitiuuancpi n oiliqe under his first cpuiivrnatipu., jTliis will be'a scyre blow' to the S'tar .rpute.thWvest, as, it in dicates,. un intention '9U mart ol , the rresident to prpsecuto ijo Hints, aganisi f 1 1 n . , . , vuwu.. , , 1 ,. 1 , i t Judge Eolgqr, the uew, becremy pf the, TreasuriV was ,born, in (Nantucket, ,lass Apfil lUtu, i.tnflnanu remoy.eci iq JSqwik )vuen,.oniy. twelve, years pi aire. ' He early adopted the profession ,pf,;tejlaw and,attained,a high position. ,it tljo ago of a'fidift was appainted a coun ty judge, in ,ifoi,nq was.eiecii jo iijj;, same otlice. He" was.S'tate (.Sqi)ft't.cjrjf6j. tiyp suppefiye terips. 111 apone apppintqq,iS(iisvaut Jed States ip fhty; .jpJYC was elected, j(&oqate,junie(f9,t tfja.ponri af Anneals, the iliiL'bt,nudiciatbody m thc-'ftiey and wfla de,cted,pmef . justipQj'qf that cqurt. Mr. ,1 o!gei;(,whs ft Democrat .until 18,"i0. since twhich time' he has acted with !ho,,(l!epublic'ans'' htii! of late has been classed with the Stalwart factiojvjijlo is, iiqn;(ii,,iis p4th year and it is thought will be conservative in .his management nof ,t hu-i fi'masnryi i' Joul"1 meut.! His, ability, as a lawyer-;si un- qiiestiouedbiitliisiieputatipn.aSia'lliiqn-i cieris,vet .to bo.made. Ho . is honest', of ,unbleinisUed:ciaracie!r,(miiiiPs, H0UP 1 ledinu'iitalforqe and yigor. rlr , in! .,' I I, .'l,,;. 'I ' 'bemoc'riits AfJtise'l ' , . 'in i .bf uir i i. it i if. iU I on ltiipSW of' TiYi:',!)Eioi!ii;rit .VC?ojtiiiTrm:. ' ' . 1 ' ' n'i ikj ), I , iiii.ii . km,i, .o'is'iliWi? PA,'"Nbi-'. "1SS.I To riiK, orniis oi' Coi.u.Mitu Couvrtf: .1 It I '.! I'r I LI Ab'll )y,V,nW"1 "IJf.y.Yt'jOt ))! I'.npWl election, and ys'.JiW.pijlhf, iljpidi) ercise the nahts.aud lirivileues of Ail uilt eJ, !,AWl priv lqaii tfeeinen,,, '1 le, tiri.e, for which we .of ftur party, tjniro is nq doul of tho tri'.' uthpimiit.eletjtion of grange. ( Nolilf, tho neiiioyvatio. . jiQiititU'C.j ,JIr, 'Wolfp, ho1 ii"tUn!eiiittiif Itcptiblican. candidate is nia,king Iiavoc (tijliw ranks of then- pa'rty 'find wo only npei ,poll a full Disinocratio Void to'innrQ success, Tl''re 'U. ail, Ear nest, . desire, ampng the people of this (Joiii'iiinn wealth to throw off the CaineN 'oil 'y6ke,viiud breatlic the, pure air P.f o lit1c'ftl'freedomi aud'jii prdevt'6 accpinj plis)'i i't,' tli6us'a,nds pf, liepiiViicans have coucitliteu vu (YI'IV, viiiier ur iuuiui ur AV6lfe.' cr iice the Ilephljlif-aii 'parly ciilnp 'lntp noVcr liave'we had sudli an ppporliiiijtv ' ,to deal tlieni a .fatal 'lilgw. Willi iU .I-Jenfyeratijt piajority at 'tli.s election' ' jft Wo'-tlwusaiid, aiuV tl.ji. d'efe '1 cat oi ,w.iiiv, iiv) JT;i!,il11 jt1'' 1,1 ncennu tho election pi ,rQWv, purpii ity vill bo lii splptiilid coipifitm to eqt'( 'Denioebtip ,C!oyoiiyr in lSfj'Z w;hidh' win p.vo ,t)iij wjiy. iy viiry niupiy ui llie neju t";resuieniiai piecyoii. , uupne tiling is necessary, f o ( Huc,'ces, at tjiat W, wl'otii'the. i'Mff. , , , ''Qui'' locil'tieM is a jgpod pntvand With' lliexcep'tion tif 'Begister and Ben 'corfltV, 'llip'rp is no' oppositiout and that yii'dlild noi'u'6. cotiiitenauped by the De-i 'liioiraoy of to)uniba county, ;Mr.(Ja cpbyj'lh'o 'Inde'peiidfcnt pandplniJ ia.s, no yi-aWi to complain.' The. party has.bctin bxjSdedlnglj ,ktnd ,to, him, fUf twenty s thb iVomocra'cy lias suitpprted live years ino ut lilifi eUlifci' rfsa'publhikr of a deniorat- io 'tian'er. a' member of .the .Leuis attut, or Hegtster and Becorder, Tho einolu.; menta . pf Jus. ollia'H alone were not It'us than thiitv, thoumd dbllam.1 Of hint it .can .truthfully be aid,ha han Juld -a! gpodly htiitgii.i We tioimiv wish ip ip iiujual, but duty to otir position and jus., (ice .o our organization demaipln that we sneak nlainlv.. Wheii'JIr, Jttcoby .announced. his name as capdidata under jur, ruU-H, lie pluugeu wia.nonor s nian to abide, by1 in result auu. among " T ttUK eikhdidajjSi hijistho only, man to bhfttioreltVTviitlatinflrlS1 nlediro which nt'loWiliit rft'll!. 'man keep uViolti. TlirOjkiH ncfxnie.nion about II .,,.....', ..... it V.!., J.. . ... iiiV L . -a till'. iVPtlniiat w8 ueinir ' 1 :u i' one, ur, Stoiii?rsVii imilnaied on thb first bnl tiif, receiving a majority of the whole voii, in other words, the peole nominated him tieinstli'ea. The ooiiut!iiUou.ihad"iioMmig to do but count tho vote and declare thu result. 1 he vote stood thirly-teom fof u('dcr ulid ttcenti for Jacoliy. Thfeo years 'ago whetrtlrey-Twrtr Uflitr enn tl m.itrjs, .Tacfthy rqqived y,i ,0P9)igi, votem to .noiniiialu li'iq o.vcti;ij3U';-iipr, ypt lie ,gnvo Mr. ,.ltv fi9ln; foimty support. , I tMcloluf WfPP'liW'tf'W.APr ,;9iung is, that ,iuis giv,ei satisfae,ti(!)ii, apd tliat Mr'ti5ri)(qf' is not jilt,, fqy ,tlo otlice.. Col. Freeze,, hiaimtn'cflialy f predqewsor, gave entire Jsatisfiiutioii...and ..yet,, he nover dr,e(imed of)iaving,a,, life, entire, tiiit 1111 jiV.p 'fSit ,Jnco,l)y,7,ip. fl,'lt it his, ,ddty U coinuuute, upeiiiiy ip me success ui uic party. 'As tcr' tljq iitnqsqf .Stqrudr, .nil ve iayp to ay ,isi)iatby ..p.ijiwvchiiice ttiidti.vppn,ofiiy,,h5 )ms Hiivqw'ded ,ii ob tiuniiiL' a Hood ediicatiotii ho is sober atd industrious, and is, not ashamed to riioWn'u , 6nes.livipg by liiatmnl labor. Vov five years,1ip,fueoessioiiJ)he,taughl not necessary to say anything 111 I'cfcr encu to his standing further than at the )alq dcieaWekctippJi) tiistown, whbro they', are b,otn kiiown. aiul. reside, Mr. Dterner oarjicu tup voY.ii nnu nir .1. coby's own , ;avd by joyepvliclining 111a- ' T'ellow, Beniociat'Hka'llp1v,,Mr.Jac9by Jto sucqecd ,m hifl ellmh, ends, and all lurther usp, pt tne organization will nave cinniR to nn end. Li't if lm iniili'rstooil that tlio mane uaiauce againsnno orgamzaiiopoi tho Dpmocratiotpart'y iptthis county Ii) conclusion, let ' us urge upon you, the importance of going to tho polls early. Sep to it that your neighbor gets to tho' election, and, that all vote for No ble and the Achote county , ticket. If we work, sljoijUW,' tp( shoiilili- suppers; will ,cr6wn our, offpijiB. , , , 1 , '?, A- IIr.i!iiiris,i C.' A. Ki.Kisi, 't ' '(Jliairman. Secre'tar V. ' A RU1NEP HANK. gg(,'St,and,niost .complete, iinan., eiaj, .disaster, ,qt. ,ttm ,year pcquned on Monday last. ThCjMechaiiics' Rational U'a'nlc, of Newark, the largest jn Kew Jqrsey() closed its doors 011 that day in cbnsenuenee of the statements made bv :ial, ,disas .pVli. Jaldwiu, tio cashier, to the effect lii.u,,ino iiuuiiuies weic sp gient 111:11 Jt would. bo useless to continue in bui npss. , Tlio directprs .ind tle comintiuity were astoiiishcfl by'tip'nevf, as the bank had always, been cpnsidered perfectly sound.. Ijaldwin l'anked high ns a finan cier, nud managed all the 'affairs of tint bank, the president, Joseph A, Halsey, having' long been confined,to the hbuse by,th'e infirmities of' age, The capital of the taiilc 'wa S5b0.000. and its stir puts StCC.OOO. Baldwin informed llIC dirictors that all the resouices pf the uanK were gout', e,cepi, inu 011110111 valued at! $5Q,Oo6, , It is, beliqyqd thr 'tho ".aelital iiiss. will .' reach S2.0C)0.b6t i.l-,- . ,i. 1 . ' n . . Baldwin. states that about 18(3 he began loaning the "bank s money to Cj!. Xugent it Co7 niorocco . manufacturers of New York; and continued' to do so, until the loans'aggregated 'S2,'OO0,O0Q;, Nugent 'bays' the amount discounted by the batik Wilis' 'firm is, only rl pp.OOo', Baldwin has speculated in wall street for seVcral years 'and it is believed that the money lias been ios't In thai way. Both Baldwin and Xiigent have been arrested and plticed uttder'jS'Jo.bbd bail each. Among tho'Sl'epositors1 jviiVe, the, State Banking ICpmpaiiy 7.V,O0p,l'the Acijueduct Bpard SS27.000, the Water JSoard i:((i,uuu,,tlie 'clt'yjahd county S:lO,0'l)0. Benefit Life Insurance G The Jlttttial atice tJoinpany was a linve depositor. A.inoro utter smah it WOUld1 "hd'''dj'fflcu1l to iiiiagine, and it serVeso Show hqw culpalily careless, are tlio directors of banks in permitting one ninii to hianaire all the biisiuers without c6ntdnt sup'er'vjsiou', 7T i-r t -J 1 vi iriV :;ws,,tems. ,i i li (.ti t in iii. 1 't IIJ'H Jllll 'il.'ll Ah thp treasureri of Beaver county Wis. ppcniug his safe last Friday nioru Mlgiho wvfs j knocked idown by two uti- knqivn men, aim sBi,MUU ot county liinds alii'tractqd from the safe. The robbers escaped iwilh their booty without leaving any cluo to their identity. 1 CWr licWifyull voice, easy breathing s'weet "breVith, perfiet smdll, taslc and heaipg', i(6' ebitgh, no .distress.' These are- the condfiiqnii'bro'ught' ahout in (Ja ta rrn ov me .use. pt1 naiuoms naincai 1 irj mv c. 'Oottplet Cure. e 't'reatment'fbr Si. A Toitibbto'ne,! Arizona, dispatch nays: Ike! and Bill Clniidonnand .Frank and Tarn WioLlnvroy had been' parading the towtU Bcvernl' 'days 'drinking hard and' making themsel'vt'SiObnoxIous,' when tho city inatshaflirfested Ike Clandon. Soon' nfter1 his reletmcv the four mot the marshal nifd his brtitheitij The marshal ordered' .thein to give up.' their! weapons when a itignt comnu'ticeil anil liuotit thirty Sliots wereTftpliIly lired. lioth the iMoliOwroy boytt wefe killed, Bill Clandbn was mor tally wounded, tlyint? ioon after. Ikei Clandon -was slightly wounded in the shoulder. ' . Wyattiono of tho marshal's1 brotheri', U-as slightly wounded. Tho others were unhurt. Henry Ward lleecher lias sold his intei'-j est in, and resigned the editorship of tho Ohristtittf 'Hi iitii."-1. yin'an Abbott will,' "WDjJ'Ii 1 . .-CViilliValla"VtUchniaii.l I, V j, (I !' I ' (' I., , II M rw'(s.i: "'iV'dl?1:' VYlMi'.Nll Avn'NKss. .,, . At the closb ofiti iuass meeting, accord iug to the rduort bf thii Banie liublished in a Ilal G'rango Aapur,, reference win- made.'.to tlielphenoiiit'iial eiheacy of St). .Tacobs Oiliin.the manylihinfiil diseatiefy itq wluuh mankinil ts'snbieot.i Ave rdfef to the above as showing how 'trohg ti' hohMhojOld (leriiian' Bumedy for Bheu luatisiiiinhai.lbhthe'Uxiwrieii'ce and gpoil' twiHheij of tlio grent'publto. t 'fhb pt'ea'innv .Tentile: (fjlolujst start o frohrlJbck 'lBlauflJlJs, ,o)i,tlm p'ight of October 27th caimiig twunty-tlireo nn. senders and .fifteen of aierewi A lioi'tlou. of 'ithoniachiii,ery broko nud the boat wafj dasiied against tlie iniiige spaiiuin the, Mississippi between Io,ck Island iiijl, navuiindj-t, fljva. ( Suvepteeii lives were' .lbst.'l.hp accidentia entirely, attriutitahlp 't6' (ho diunke;inesr) of tho, crow. Thcrij Was a lartro tiuantity of whiskey in the cargo and'l'liiB was liberally tapped. Tlio,, uoit was not Itceieatp.carvyipassvngers, i Kdwtud 8nttoni agiJll, forty years, died fliiilileuiyoii Fruliiyiast, wltllo uuv 4ng'i truuk' 'o'n'i Broadway, New York' cityii. 'iio 'rcmaineti Biiiuuiug nun ti chtly fiiildihi?ltllol ll6rJd"tintll It p man Ht6ped tho''ttnlmal,f "wllch 'BtitloW wa fouiltl to htf dead', Import ajut to Tavei.eiw Special in- tlucanents arepfrerdyonbyjlie Iur.lli)Ktor 1 Jtfjiile. 1 It will pay you to rad their fiuver- Uaetiidfl't to fpuhd eUftfbere Iti Ihls'lssur;,' inp, 8imi sfijijipi 111 tins, town, giving en tiro Batis'factupii, and only reliiiuW)ied it on "being noiuiiiatpd ifor, Kegister. It is 0 iticnr ycroJtilotiH Itfliitig mid Scaly Hu mors of tho Skin, Sculp and lilooti ('tired. .M l'ltKC Hit A'9 t ifi ii. ' y 7 'lSlllli3rsa(o tli it I liHittin hilruculom cliroit ono.ol tlia worst e.sasut rktn Hlcuse known Tlio pmicnt m 11 man rutty ju irs oiitj 11.1.1 sintered imesn yeti. llhiy,.,, sw) uml 110.11 t I1I1 ivhoio body proiientoit ii fittfntfut iip),-,ir,iticj. ind tlio nt tcnllnii ol t..'lva in . ilif.l )U H, flin pro scnu. il the twit rolnvdldi kikiwn to thci ntotcs Ion, Mich .H loitl l' riiuiiMHin ;lr'iiiu CiitmIio subll ni.iiu' ni. i ,).u I in, i't ,ut p.iut.',;i) tor mcdlrnl leal tri'iitrncnt with but little lilt.'f I pruvntled upon I 1 11 1 to 11 si' tlio cittlcum llojulicnt. lutenmlly, nnd thu L'lillur.i 11ml ciitlcurn sunn uxli i n.illv. lie did so nhd wan Cdniiitetijlr Cured 'I'ho nkln on his hciul, two, mid tiinny other parts of l.H tioili, which prusi'iitcd 11 most Icimisomo nppinrnntVi H now ndtioft undmuo'h ujau lDt.iht'a. with no sc.irnr traco ot thi! illscaso left behind llo lias now been oared twelve months, Deported by r. 11. niiow.v, Ian., ltarnweii.s. o. SfltOFLUiA V50UI!. Thotlov Pr. .In detuliliiB hl3PMperleuce with IheCutlcura Itemedleu, said ihat tluouirli Dhlno J'rjvldenco one of his paihdiloncrd was cimclufii ftcroruious sore, which os slonly drrtlnlui; uway his lire, by thu Cutlcura Hcsolvcut Internally, and cu'leurn mid cutlcuta soap externally. Tho jiolson that hlid fed the UWeaBJ m compittely nrtSin oat. k(;zi:ma. Sixteen tabLths tlncc, an criipllon biokoouton mv tea and both reer.whtch turned out to b) lto.ema 'ami caused mocreat p.itn and ninioyance. lined virions reiiieuu'3 wun no juu tuauil, uiilu i uat-u llie Cutlcuta Resolvent IntcrnaUy nnd cuttcimi and uutlcurt HjapoKternally. whlen entirety cured me, solhuhiy skin Is as smooth and natur il us ever. f.KX. M. KKAtLKV, CI Sout'j 8t , Halttiuoie. C'UTiriMtA. Tho rutlcura tieatmcut Mr thocutu ot Skln.scalp, and Uiood Dlspases, consists In tho t Menial use of Cuilcum He wl vent, tha new ltlood I'urltler, and tho lixternal U'o ot Cutlcur.i and C'uttcura Soap, the tlreat Skin f 'ures I'rtco of t'ri'KTUA.Mii.ll boxes, 6uo.: larife boxes II.LTTIut'U, 1 per bottle, cutlcura Soap, 53c. Uutl lira Shavlnff soap, 15c. bepot, WEEKS & I'OT l'KIt, lloston, Mass. CATARRH Sauforil's Rndical ''lire, Complete Treatment For $100. .rds Uadlcal cure, Catarrhal Solvent and Improved Intriler, wraDped In ono packai?e,wltu lull directions, ind 8 )ld oy all urmrlsts for one dollar. Ask for Sanf ord'j lladleal Cure. From aslmplo cold or tnttuenza to the rotting, floutfbtnj; and dvath of tho senso of suiel1, taste and ho rinK this gre it remedy 13 supreme. Poi sonous mucous accumulations nro re inured, tho enure membrano cleatn-d, dlsinfectol, soothed and h -alod, had and voice cleared, smell, tostB and hearlog restored and constitutional rnv.i ogeschecked. Thus, extern illy and Internally, does this great economical remedy woik, lit stautly relieving and permanently e Ting the most aggravated and dangerous font s of L'.i- fieutr.U Agents, WEEKS JC I'OITEn, r.oa'ou, 11 VTS. M CE, itoaches, Water lluga nn I ltcd and black Ants eatrmenous. .,..,,V.L. I.V l'.rtll I- rf ly I .VIlC.V.3 ttAIUI,.."- t,.n.iill n,1 ..I,, Vn fool , m ui. nuu u,w , . of Da I sinsi s ii iruy, granaries and households if,.n Al.trort In tl MnLrl" nlghl. Ilest. and cheapest vermin killer in ine wot Id. No failure In so j ears. t:vcry box warrant ed. Sold by oil crocers aud '!r,Kf1sts. rtj for l'.MISO.SS'. Mailed for arc. by WEI.KS .t.I'oriKlt, nostan. "ov- Deniod'atic Slate Ticket. 10K STATE TOKAiUltKli, HON. OBANC5E NOBLli, OP KRIIJ. Democratic Couuty Ticket, ' ASSCCIAVE JftlOK. FKANKLIN li.SHUMAN, of Ctiluwitstt. JAMES LAKE, , nf Scott. rilOTHONOTAKV. VILLIAM KUICKBAUM. of Bloom, 11M11STEU AND KEC0KI1KK. 1 (1. W. STEIINElt, of Bloom. t'OVNIV TUEAsmillH. A. M. JOIl.NbON, of Locust. " "'' 't'Ol'lV COMMISildNKKF. ti ' iMIAttMSIUElUnAHhi of Main. " 1 , j,('i"', U. F. EDO A It. ,,,,6 I'Wtingpfel;,,-.. Al'UT0U8. , , , O, W. II ESS, L. J. ADAMS. STAJiDlKll C0MMI1TKK. I .-.f l.i : l M teaer Jekho ltlttoiilioiibn, , ' Itenton llohr .Mollenry;' lierwickTrC 11. Jackson. , , Ilr!arcret'V:-eharlei lleed. . Iilooin D. ,oA. Ueritng:. lliooin W.-Uj A. Klelm. C'.ttVvIisfi-i.W.' T. ctoasy; ,t'pulsiilln-Tralrlck,jlciiitarty. Centre CharlHS Maish i.Coiiyi.KhamiN.-ThomasOhaiimiin. , tMnvpHhaniKta10!"1 Jtf'wroe. lhsmnKbrfekii-Tames Dewttr, Franklin M. Unwer. tlrrenwood-rTlifodore I.eiiion, , llnnl3Ck"-"i'tli HiioetnaKf r. ' .iMkiionM. F. Hi'", . itadl4oh-.Iolin,M. bmltli. Main Divld S. llrown. MlflMn-C. . Hess. , Montour l'..AEyaiis. . j, Sit. I'leaiant Ellas Howell Orniiffe o Hon log. I'lfin I'. W.soru'S., . t ' ''RoaMngerecV-MifttUl I"U'. ' . Oll 1 T. lV.,IIUIllllilll. ' .'scMtM.- fieorw ticiciurt. IJA. JltUtlilNU. Ohuliinnnj,v: 1) KOISTKK'.S XOTIC'KS. . ' ' IX .Notliiolsheiebyiflu'iilo alt legatees, crUI tiTri, atfti ollltf pcrslihsinrtiv'SuM in rtib estates of the, reiipoctlvddCiVMt'lrts aud mutant, that thq fol loMw:udmliilslr;itoi8'(oi'iutois'iinU jjuurdlanii' ac counts have been tiled in the ufllce of tho llcel&ter of liol Co, and Mllbe eri'Miuled for continuation mid alloivnnco in tho' oiiilians' Court to bo held in llluoinblnivi;, 11 Mut)U)'.M,i fi lrsl O'clock fc. Ml. on said day i l.'TOi tirHatidll-iaf hecbrtnt o'f Joie'iMnV! Eve?, Iidinlulitra'Ji- of t'.irv In bVesij ho w,H. i no lid mlnWra or of .Io-,uph rilltlngtpn, Utoof (lrifn '''ooil n'wn-itdp, deceased. i. .tcfiountfcf lohu A. t'luihWn. miirdian ot Einlna Mills, minor child of Martin .M -M 'lis, lato ot 'Madison township, dfc-jlt-ted, a I'lrtii mid tin vt acoount ofMosw A. I.ofb, adinln , , Utrat'tr ,1, l',iulnrt,UiijU, .ip, or, tl(e Uorouih of llenvltk, dl'COised i Ff'r.'Anntl tluafoccou-ilot OiMrirefhllbnli;htiftnd - lAtnosfiielier.'n.liuliilsti'iMnot.MaivnreilJijU r, lata offfcmiock tbivnthlp; ilecease.l, 6. Tlio second and ttiul aecount of lunlei Mll'.er anliNauwi vnilpr, qtti3cu",)rs 'if tipflrijj Miller, ,uio oi : Al'.lilta to. iii'iln, docoised. It! I KaVisW'rs bmoe, i W, II JACOUV1. l UioJana iri Nov. t, si i ' Holster Wil'u) , A 1',1'K A hW 1J N TS "T1 "llio.ftSllunlui; nppralseinenta of real and n tlwinaiinriiprxyHtii iipari ui muoi uiunnruis ue been .llli-d li llio oflii'u' ot .llie.liet'hiKT flf Col. 11 M lunebuwiitiiv dflii'u' ot illie.liet'hitei' flf Col 6ilrU'rtt(mty;MiMl'r'tho miU'Sotfotiit.'nild'iMllbo irou-n esetili mil to ' bit ilockii) inner tni loluto.c In liluoi ni fselili .1,11 ii's;iiiiiJ)ii,j: jibtoluM.couilniiallon totUe Orphans' Com l to bu held In liluoinsbuiuMn and (ortad t4' oi ii MMliUy.'tho 6111 day Of DfC .'Is'it, at 'two ui vu neiti in mm lui euiuit'iiu. q clockip. in;, of bald day iiniiss. exceptions to eucu contirmatloii nio picvlously tiled, of which nirpcr sons Interested In said estates w 111 tako notice tj l u wiilowxif AuifuHui W. Weaver Utooflnjhliiir creeK.townsjiip, qcewseq. . Widow ot Nathan creasy, lato of Catawlssa loivastiin.Htoceasud.-. 1 1 i p. WWowlofj ti'oo.ill, WUI3, lato of tholiorouiot ltcrwjck.docouj.ed , 4,-'wld6w bt Jinlbi'Wu'f,,litJ of tlu Town of I ltuwniiburE, decojfsud. Ai. Thu aivouht titwilllaui Kiossler, almlulitrfttor " i'"' '''fV94 'F'f:t''' If'" 'iiCul1 towuthlp, do- tnrst'lind lltAl'B'cotinl of ,1'ieob F. Hhoeinaker, i aduUnlttrulun M( iJtnitli fliaplu, late of Orango 1 '(toHti8hlp, decoasOd. !rnio iieeout of I.ftfayelto .iVifrmtn, ndintnlilra. Uir of CNi'uH Fe,erman, lato of Locust town. ship, deceased. ' Mi 'riilld afill'llnai 'ai'iiount If! i). 1,,'cii tplu. ono ot tho ndmlnttiltutor ot Jolih llaslon, lato of 1'lih- lusfcrecfc tqwtifbln. ilecaseit , 'io. tM and tmalucu)tintiot iflljips, adiul'iiUtra. ' !o'of rrorvo Vonner, Into of Benton own. ship, deecasoj, .' IWIitor'oince.i I..., W II. J 1Y. fy"!!,, tYti '1V '("ter I rt'.llOJ I't ioraj'.Lfiii:n'(Jat tho following, ft count .4,h4t Wtn'iluullin.liri ProiUnnotarj'iiomeoiJlCiimin. i,l,li,wuuio,,HVU ir uj I'i'uni iiuiu u inu wun or Cothiinn'lT'.iVof siuoviatvoa tiw llrstMindiy of 'iiieeuierl A. 1) B-tl nut tona.tued after ia fourth diy of said term hiiIcm exception bo tiled n. Account otJol jle I'm, a lunatic, q yum n!lll!U'lii.ib ifiiiu. John A. Fuiikton, comtultteo of Sal W'AI, KltlUKllAI'M, J'rothV. Deputy. Nov, 4-li mmwmm N ADVERTISE MENTS, OUPIIANS' Im'ut saiTk OP VALUAIIt.K REAJ-i ESTATE ! Ur Miluoof nn outer of tho Orplians' Court of Co lumbia county, thn undersigned executor of tho es tate ot Jacob Evans, lato ot tho Town of Iilooms. burg In nald rottMyf detTOsertfwI'l'MjwwrttMlff salo on t ho premises on Fr.davMcrVerntoVEBthJraBIf' 7 at ttvo rfclSck m1h(i1ift6rtooii ot sSld da, the fof. lowlnjr descrlbml rtroprrtrrwwtftt tWrtrrfrttttn-j lot or pleco of land, sltuaUJ In Scott Town, West, uioomsuurfj, anil uoupaca anuiicscrioeu as luiiuwrj On thb eaH Cy lot oroc6r,;oW. Correll, on tlio soutl by l'lno Alloy, on tho west by lot ot William Jlupert. nud'4 fcouth by Settifid Htropt of said town.cop- tatnlng eight thousand six hundrod and cightcoB siptaro feet, on which aro erected a ' FJlAMl'i 110USK, stibto and out-bulldlngs. ft' TEltMM OP RALE Ten per cent of onofouit& of tho purehnso money slim be paid at tho striking tffanfa township, nt the public house of Joseph down of the propettyt thoono-rourtlt less tho tenjjj, smimnn. rercent. nt. the connrmattoft absolute and Itnorevrjf, maliitni! tkrce-tDUrths In bni! J-enr 'after cotltlrtna' tton nisi, with Interei t li'otn'th'at d tie, A. J. EVANS A. I.. Finn, Executor. Attorney., N'oi4.ta It. llatrls, Auctioneer. . ij. N OltMAI. SCHOOL npNnft. IIUI.IMHIIITUU HfilH. N'OHMAI , Scooll., v, nt.ii' lllooinsuury .ov, nt,iisii Mnolnl l.ntl,,,. la I'll t'll tint Illt.t.l'iHt warrants duo. prior lo and Including March lstr 1ST3. neliiir uuimtiu Mis, i, v, u. a, g, ii. i, snna u,i respectlteiy, on bjiids Isslliu br itiii llloomsb irgt I tterary Institute and state Normal School Nreured by mortgog-H of Supl ember 1st, io will be pild by1 tho Treasuiir of thu Corporation, at hM oillcn In Illoomsburg at unv t'mo on nr berru tne itn or o vemberj A( t) , 1'Si, upo I delivery tif thi warrants: 11 .1. L.'l..Mll, Tie.iiurer UlooinsbUM.' S. N. f-clioul. ofllcc t l,nk'&' sen's itnto, nov J , A. , OWS At'l'ItAISKJtllNT.S. Widow's nnnralserncbt. (n1 tin' estate of Iil uiiuy, uiiesseu. .... i ir onally, 1 llenlty. jam ; Wldow'sopfnilfdiitiillu the estate of Joiepli t,.'- 1'resU'ti, ileceiisi di l'ersoualty, jsih.oii t Will be confirmed n si on tho tlrst Mondiy tif He ccmber, 181 . and nnless exceptions be Bleii within four days thereafter, tho samo.'wlll lie eon'-, Ilrmed absolutely. , . . wm, kkickhaimi i Nov. 4-tC ejetk. L. T. SHARPIES S, WHOLESALE AND ltETA'lL UBALEIt l,S , , , STAPLE AND FANCY NOTIONS' -Mr-' 'ia; His slock eompilses Scarlet, White anil Mixed UNDER W ."B , tor Ladles, tlents and Children, Cotton, Merlrio, tlnu, Woolen H0MEllYL.dl63' NpbUs, lloodl liml , flioves Lace and Embroidered. Collars aiid . Ties, I'laln and Fancy Neckwear ' SCARFS, Tlfc&r and H ,ws Ladles and Dents pits,' liarrlnus; COLLAR, AND CUFF BUTTON and Chains, Cents Castor, Ituck uud KM, ltijod nnd I'nllneil ' I GLOVES' 1111(1 MITTEis, LnNDltrED AND ilNtAUNtmiED Mjil'iri'S, COLLARS AND CUFFc?, I Shoulder Unices und Suspenders, Cardigan Jabkets, lllueslilrtsiVbd' 0vemll, A'lpaca,- tllngh.un'and Cotton llmbi'pilas' Writing r'opcr, Knviloiles, PBNCII,S,and qSAYOITS, Flour Sacks, lirocer'd llaijs, and WRAPPINiG PAPER. To nnlve, a variety of Corsets, includlne Dr! M'urnet 's Flexible lilp"and HEALTLL' GOES Making h's purchases as ho' 'd'oes'o'f''inariuracturerB aud their agents he propdses'.tq hi iM prices th it will compare favorably with ttlid bwc , . CUT IIOUSES. , ,! I BLOOMSBUiftjiPA. Oct. ii 'SI t-t I 1. ). i ! and their tlelrs Should' u'l send EX-SO DIERS for sample copy of that wonderful for sample copy of that wonderful paper.Tug Wom.n AN II M1I.DIK11 pUUllMlt-U 111, 11 USIlinglO.l, 11. U It COU- talnsStoileH of the War, Camp l.lfe, Scenes fiom tho ltattlqileld anda luousiud Ihlngt ot Interest to our oiuntry's defenders. It coiitiltii nil tho' laws anil instructions' ritlatlng to-PCnsloni n Bounty forSoldlcr ilnd tlielr.helrs, Et.'lit.pigH, f n ty col nmns weatly. I' 'ft 'vearj't'simple'tnio' Addresi World and Scildlur,,b0,t,MS,,YVaM;igIon,. DU, " Nov. 4 l',v ' '6a ' ' ' . SOUTH Tl'ofa't locate beford 'si'eini our JUU I I tratcd catalogue freo. . I. M.tMun cha, Claiemoiit, turryco. Va. d nov. Aiw' j. lies iiii;r biiiueinpiiT.ij una- -M WANTEfl rfir.ATIV Men to sell Trco3, Shrubs, nrnpo vinjs( itiles etc. no prouous experience necessary. Expenses pald. J. I', Lcciare, ltoch"ster, N. Vi ' d hovj 4.4w 1 , : ' I ARE PAID cverv n.Un-rilUii.1 A 1. t.l-.,t oruU.ermaw. A U IM r iiyki,,J, 4M ( r lltiirrr. liiouri'iP. Itl'l-l TU l" if , . nui,i littiiij vi I. un t vr Vurkr Vetna plw ft t"iiii'ri, L iitlt-r dvh law tliuinttiidi tri tn titlej i tin iv'rt)4e uf iivndoiK Widftwior l-hfiiit hii1 Ot'l-tfi'ltut fiittivrs or mother of poMitrs $t h p lui "ii. Semi it it.invl totpoi y it iixuit nmi IK tun i y At; it, tiar. j ,Pr It. Fitzgerald A Coi.V'1?'m.A'nt' lllill IllUtioh. Iiul. Ifott ! Iii I ml ltunVlna 4., anl i'rJi'tCdQtul U&uUibbllief ludluiaiuU Oc'. im AccnU u iintcU tar tUe Life nnd Wrk or GARFIELD Tho culf oomptrte itor j-of liU iolU lf t J (rkcio atb. Fresh, brilliant, relfftble. EleantlT printed lu UnKllAtt and iJernuutrtefcutlfully Uliutrited; hanliouiely bound, t'a-tefit Belting took erer pub llibed. Iir Joliu V. Il(tlpnllt, 11.. I. n a YTfnTrtv lip fot buy tba cfttcbpjenriy with which lhA r,inntrv ij flunHe.!. Tha ,Tbey are uUeilr worthiest j an outrnge upou the memory of the gre dead, and a bMo (raud on the public. ThU book Jn ffvUirplr'new. The only wort worthy the theme. Item! OvMn rNamM for Acrent's Outfit. , i JKOiaUliS & Co., rubluTcrs, riuJuJbJphJa. Oct. 85-IW POSITIVELY CURED BY' Benson Gapcine sters. Iteasous V erred ta .l Oilier Vo Tir lixterual Itocnma they po:wss ho mrlt of tl BtreugtheiilnK porous plaster, uud emit. In In j ditlou thereto tho newly dlscoveled powerful and active veeitthlo combination which acts with In I anil IVei'L-tthlu COllllillllltltltl Ulilrh ui-t.vlll, In. rrea..'it rnli,.rHrlpnt. Bllmiilnll.m u...lnlla ....I counter irrituut Ctfectn. ' - ' Socuml. Ih'cauie they are n ecnulue pliarintceutlcal net i arntlou, and to recognized hy thu prolusion. ' T.-ilnl. 1 llocanea they arq tho only plaiten tliut relievo piluatoncc, I'u u rtii. , Ilrcauio they Mill positively cure dlteaiei wliick otler reuUles will uot (veil relieve. Ill tli. , Ilccauto over MOO physlclaui tnd UrMeulsts litre voluntarily testified that tliey are 6Us.rlor to all other plabtcri or uedlcltica for exttrnal uir, llecauio tho inanufartilrcrs haro reciiveil the only medals ever g cu for lwrom plasters. Benson's Capciilfi Ports' Plaster! SEABURV & JOHNSON, Mannfacturing Cliemltli, titvi Turk. HIJKK HILIIUUV AT I.AST. l'rlcoHScti. A MEAD'S Medicated CORN and BVMQffPUSTJ.Hi Nov, 4, q ' ' I ttUlv III-ANKH tK ALL KIHDH J COLUMBHN OJrfMUl jniKf I Back Ache mrous Pia p IJjnsiAb HbKCTION 1 ) , t, W..U ' tt. KNT, High , Sheriff of Co umbla county, Contmonwealtlt of rcnnsylianla, do ,i.rni,v mnidi,tir,n ami nmriiilm tn thn nualtfled electors of Columbia county that a scneral election Milt 09 neia tm Tuesday, Novombor 8tb, 1881, (belniftho Tuesday next followlnif tho nrst Monday of jiald month) for the purposo oi clccltnir tho sev eral persons hereinafter named, to-wltt . ono person for State Treasurer of Pennsylvania. Jqndpetson'forlTothonotary of Columbia county, ' ... rr rnlnmhU 'County. WUU J'L'lOUU lUI VUUIIIJ llbMUIUI V. V.1 u.uv... Ono person for lleglstcr and Itccordcr of Columbia .oounty., "' Mflirro persons ItcH Couniy Commissioners of Co Ijirflijla county, . 5, gireo,persons tor County Auditors of Columbia i-'Two persons for Asscclato .Judges of Columbia toavnty. ' 'klklio horohtnako known and glvo notice that tho .places 01 noiuing'uie aroresaiu eicciion in inu sour m fards, boroughs, districts and townships: within tfaiottnty ot Columbia are as follows, viz: ronton township, at tho public nouie ot lllram wiess,iuinauiwnor ucnioii. i East liloom. nt tho Court House. In Iiloonnburg, West lllooui, nt the Court House, In Illoomsburg. lloroughof Itorwlck, at the onico of W, J. Knorr, tn tho borough of licnvlck, 'i-H6t6tlgh Ot Oehttalla, "at the public houso of Wll uauir.eiiiT. rifJiliiiflarqiceK townsnip, ai ino puunc scuooi uuusu T.nenr iistuib. rAtawlssa towristilo. at the nubile house of II. L. Kostenbaudcr fi Co., In the town of Catiiwlssii. Centre township, nt tho school houso near Lafay ep t'teusj's. ttixftrtli.Conyiighain Dlstilct, at tho khool house rienr,ithoi;olll?ry of John Anderson A: Co. , j; doi'ttii'Cony'nglianl Dlstrlcti nt tlio house of Mrs. Thoma't Monroe. Frslilngercck township, at the school house near C. II. Wlille s. s Fjratiklln townshlis at the Ijiwrcnco school house. A i'lrlj.,;.'.l ' t,,,.,t,tn ut linliuA', f. f.. 1). yll'Atton; t 1 11 111 IUV I.', .IV ll.v uuim uu v. w. .." Ulcttctlcb, in the town of, Duck. Horn. J vlacksbn township, nt tiio house of Eicklcl Cole. J jiLocU'st tottnHhlp, at the public home ot Daniel at tho public kouse of Aaron lless,,ln tile town ot Jlimintl tllle. ' ..... A. .1.1.. .1... ,u,l,.l., u.l.,...l I...MM In ..limnUII ,tU,t!itEMllU, IIV lliV 1,WV..V. i-MW. i,u.wv . Jerscjtown. Mt. Measant tewnshlp, at the house' of II. W. Melllck. Montour townshlii. at the nubile hoase of lteuben ltaucli, at ltupert. iMiiln township, at the public house of Jeremiah E Umgenbeiger. PoarliiL'creck towtiahin. nt llie houso of Sumutl Sinter. ' Orange township, at the public house ot E. I'nangst, In OrangcMlle. line township, nt tho Ceutte School House, lately tlxed by a ole of tilt citizens of said township. .Sugarloaf township, ut the house of Norman Cole. 1 WviU ftcott at-lhe public house of John Eikrotn In I,lght Street. hast ncott township, at the puwie nouse oi jacou M tiler,. In I-spy. .nllirVleittWWliueiiller held rmiter the laws of thl-t i iiiinonweslth. the election pons snail be open ed nt seven o'cloik In the foienoon, und shall con ttmin' itimn wltlinut liilnrrnntlnn or ndloummcnt tuiuil-k'vi'ii u'clock lu the eenlng when the polls win u; cioseu. N'OXIfJl': IS nUKKUY GIVKN, That every person excepting Justices of the I'caeo and Aldeiiuen, Notaries Public and Persons In the tiilTltla service of thu state, who shall hold or shall within two months have held any rrtii'c or appoint ment of protlt or trust under tho cried States.or of this Statu, and city or eorporatcd district, whether a Commissioned ofllcer or otuerwtse, a subordinate oflleer or agent who Is or shall be emplojed under the Legislature, ExccuUve or Judiciary Department of this State, or of any city or ot any Incorporated district, and ulso, that eery member of Congress and ot the State Legislature, and of the select or common council of any city, or commissioners ot any Incorporated dlftrlct,aie by law Incapable of holding or exercising ut the same lime the ofllcc or appoint ment ot Judge, inspector or Clerk of any elecilonot tills commonwealth, an I that no Insjiector, Judgo or other oflleer of such election shall be eligible to be then voted for. 'llie Insnectora nnd Judge of tho elections shall iru-i'i. at tiie ri'Mii ctne olaces nnnolnted lor holdlnir thu election In the district to which they respectively rnin a. an each of said Inspectoi-s shall appoint ono clerk, who shall be a iiualllied uter of such district. The qualllled ters of tho several districts In this county at all general, township bor oush unit special elections, are uerehy hereafter authored and reipilreo to ole by tickets printed or vt i llteu, or partly printed nnd partly written, sever oUy clussllled us follo s : One ticket shall embrace thu names ot all Judees of Courts vated for, and l.ihellnil. outside. "Jiullclarv." one ticket shall em brace the names of all the Mate officers voted for and to be labelled "Stute;"one ticket bhall embrace tho names of all county officers voted for, Including Hhi) onice of Senator, and Members ot Ab semblv, If ted for, and members of Congress, If voted for, and bo labelled "County ;" ouo ticket shall embrace the names of u 11 township oftlcei's vou dfor, nnd bo labelled "Township;" ouo ticket shall cm Drace the names ot all boiough officers otedfor, and oe laoeneu "iioiougii.- And each class shall be deposited In separate bal. lot boxes. L'ZAL 11 KNT, Sheiin'sOftlce, llloomsburif, fcherltr. September 10, 'Sl-tf Ex..; CUTOrt'S NOTICE. KSTATK OK SAaAU rEUO, DKcEASXP. I.etteis testamentary on tho estate of harah l'egg, lato of'.Madlson township, Columbia county, deceased, have been granted by tho Hcglster ot said county to Abraham liartllnu of Jerscj lown.ex'r. All persons having claims against the estate of said do- cedent are requested to present them for settle ment, und those indebted to tho estate to make payment to the undersigned executor, without uuiuy. AllltAIIAir 1IAHTI.INE, E' ccutor, Oct. 'il-uw Jeiseytown, Pa, jDMINISTHATOR'S NOTIl K ESTATK Of JOHN IliVI OII, PKCKASKU. letters or Administration on I he estate or John liaylor, lato of Montour township, Columbia county, reuua, ueceuseu, uavo oeeii gruuicu uy me itegis terot said county to l'eter S. Knrshnar admin Istratoiv Alt persona -haMnit claims nealnst tbo estato of tho decedent aro requested to present mem lor seiiieuieaiH .unu wose inueuieu io ino es tate to. janko payment to tho undersigned admtnls trators wltttout.ilelay, ' -PKTEU S. KAHS1INEK, Catawlasa, Administrators. Sept. S3 o-w UDITOll'S NOTICE. KSTATB Of DAVID 6UAHVK, PKCEASKD. Tho undersigned auditor appointed by the Or phans' Court of Columbia couuty to maku distribu tion ot tho fund to and among the parties entitled uiereiu, win bu ai nis omce in uerwicK on rrKny, thn ICfl, Hav nf 'r.r.ll.,.r 1L.1 nt O ,.Vl, . to perform tho duties ot his nnDOlntment. wlien'.d" where all persons having claims against the es ate will appear and prove the same.or bo debarred fiom receiving any share ot said fund V H J CKSOV, Kept. 30-ta Auditor. UMTOV.'S NOTICE. KSTATE or J01W KNT, bECKAtKll. 'I l.u undeisletird utid.tor oipolntid t.) the or phans' couit ot Columbia (omit), to make dlsiilbu tlouot the 1'iilanio ot the fund in tho Imi.u. it the ndmlnlstrutor of tlicistateof said diiedi i.t loand mini iii; pin tit setitllleu ttieieto, Mill .11 i,i lilsoniee In llli i nisi nig, iWtiIi Ou ol Novtmi ter, lssi.nt n o'clock m ine tt.lenxti, to urmr iho dutits of his rp olntinetil when aim when: ah par lies inleicMed in sahl fund must attend or bo for evt'i it I uiiul li(to,apy,i-lii,i' uf said fund, ; . .'. U t'lllTZ, i Auditor, -ept a i. i.w. 1'IH'iOU S NOIICK, 1H1 tr JAWS C'tlH til, PICKASKII. The in ii r't1gt:i it Audtkr appolntrd ty the Orrhuns' court oltoitmlln (out,ty to rotke dlstiibution of the balance In thehanos tf the nclrn'r. toat.damong th pnrrk' I'nillj iMItled to rmlw the Bame Hill iieiL'the nines ii.urctuil tn mid islate at his ntliceln tloTiwntf lilccuubuig in faldcoun. ty, on SotmUoy thettli day of ocmUr, 1S8I, at ttn o'clock a. m , ofbnldday, when and hire all parties Interested In fald estate tnist attend orbe forever df tail id from i.ii) sharu of said tutid It ,1, II. KltANK ZAItlt, Sept. 30, w ( Auditor jVTO TKESI'A'SHI.NCi All ptrsqqs aro llerey cautioned ag Inst trespass, lug on tha farm now owned by John WolfaDdnlso tho farm now owned by sitphen l'olie, both in Cen tre township. All liutitltg is forbidden on said promises and trespassers wl'l be dealt ti lth accord lug to law,,. , , , , 'tlKS" ' JOIIK WATTKltS. Sept. SfljJWli Llmo ItliJge. JOTIoJjIN I'AUTITION k mm orX(tLiAuBTn w knnui, pkckasip. To Julia 6cli!ager. Intermarried wiUi iiioo'b Schla ger, of busquidunna ixiunty I'aj IU1.VJ tiajrett, ot East Naiiil.'oko, i.vonie county I'aV Mahlon U. llleks.ot'lialtltnor ,'Md.r llinri- Minrer. of Centro township, Culiimbuicouijiy; Hiuauuu Crawford, In. tf rtnaiilfd with Stophen Crawford, of Mt. Pleasant township. Columbia county; Angelina tiarrett in. Ui mart-fed with Levi (lanof.'of Brlarcreek town. snip, uv11"1' uir vuiuuiiiMf vusnu a. oir. inter, married with Andru wolf, of lllack Creek, LUierne wuiinij, iiuu r.iri,un iuud. tiumuiau pu mem, or thu nilnor chlhlruii of' Emily Ulckii deoaased, Elliabvtli ,IHvk. Mary nicks, Kya (Ueka,Clarence J, nkks, all nt Culuinola oiunty, und, John nicks and Maud M. ti cks, pf Luzurno county, aud Julia llleks, 'or RUMiufhanna county,' (lltEETINtij vou aro hereby notitled Unit, to accordance Hit h a writ of partition, Issued out of the Orplians' Conn or Co iinnJila county, Kioto of Pennsylvania, an Inquest umbo held by tbo undersigned, on tho. following described premises, to-wlt: All thatceruln messu. ago ant) ,trot,(v, land, altuuto In .the, township of e. couniy utoiesaid. bounded on thu north bv a publlo road, on thu eat by u public road, on the south tiv lands of Wilson Miller, and on the west by lauds of II. bchweppenhelser, containing two acrca tnoioor h'ss w ith ;tho appurteuunces, to ascertain whetli. r tho same can bo divided without Injury to o- spoiling tho same, ar.d It not to valuo and an- i t rat.oi tin saino iii acuor,tancu wun tne Act of As. M'lu'iy. 'lliu silil imiuisliluu w ill bo held an aforesaid on tho said premises on I KMIUY, N0VKM1IKH 80th, 1t)8l, ni i o' lock p, in , wheu aud where you may attend If yun think pioper, 1 1'Al'l. K Wikt, Atl'y, U. II. EHT, 'i. J , Bhitrirt of Columbia oounty, Hheiltt'a Onlce, Uloomsburif, ' Oct, M, ISsl -W HONEST AND HANDSOME DRESS COODS AT AN AVBRAOB OT ABOUT FIFTY CENTS ON THE DOIttiAH. Last season thoro wcro Imported nliont twico an many of nouie styles of DttM Goods as wero sold , conscqtieutly maily lots lind t 1)' Mimi-il over in bond. Thin season tho importers, in order to reallzo on tlu ni, placed tlieni upon tlic nintket at prices boarlng littlo relation to real valitt'H. In tlieir Closing Sale of last January, STRiWflMGE & CL0TKIE1 Sold almost to the bare Hhelves, and secure nearly all of the bargain lots offered below : 44-INOH POWDER OLOTHS at.. m cents TlPure all-wool, In g.rneta, navy bluet, greem. plums, peacock blues, und browns. Sold this time last year for '. 44-INOH OASHMERINES at - II.M. Made of Ht.est cishm to wojI snd pur.- orgahzlno silt. They urn lu solid colors; garnet brown, bronie, blue, paon, etc., making a beautllul trim ming or polonals) to combine with cashmere. Act ually cost $1 In gol I to land last season. 44-INOH GRANITE OLOTHS at t,V ceuts. ure wool and In gaiutt. brown, blue, green, plum, bronze, and gendarme i lira last year forlt. 44-INOH ARMURKS at M cents In solid Colors. Ilelng double-width, brings (his excellent wearing, beautllul French dres goods at the rate of S5 cents per yurd. single width. I hey wero imported to n till at tt per ya'd. Frenob. SILK-MIXKD NOVELTIES 'ti tnche wide) nt ..ju cents. 1 hese are very scarce and lu groat demand for Trimmings and J.ckeis. We htdevo wo me the only house showing so varied un a sor-ment These goods were sold list year for il. To tlnne who cannot visit ns in person to inspect these genuine bargains in honest wenr-ie.islitig and really beautiful fabrics, our Mail Order Department will send samples. Stravteiige & Itltef EIGHTH AND MARKET STREETS, PHILADELPHIA. Mil ai r Carpets, through the air, and are also worth seeing. There is a J.itnch-Iioom in the building. Valisei, baskets and packages can be left in charge of attendant in Ladies' Waiting Uoom. Mr. ana.nala r is desirous that visitors should feel at home When thity cmiie, nnd be free to purchase or not, as they please. None Our large Catalogue, with prices and full directions fu. .'.hoping 'by mail from any part of the United States, will bo luuled gratuitously upon request, address John Wanamaulk, Dki'ot, 1'iiii..ii.i imua. FINE WJUtmAND MQ WMM BLOOMSBURG, PA. WEBER - - PIANOS, .All) FHKNCH VI Aim CASE 0 1 CAN, U h'l FINK IM Kany Tei iiiH. BACON'S PIAHO oct It, w. NOTICE. H.T1TK pr nnni. niifnn, incdBtn, Iho utdtiHgnid auditor aiuolntea L the Or. uhana' eout t il t'oluinhla coun y, at the renuest of couuBtl for tho estate and tho heirs, to mita rtiS.r a'!!.el!?vton"'Ml''ri: huttoupr funds in the hands of u; .SnT anov u ny I he tint and partial aeoouul mil utat'hii onlea In 11 oi im.r,iitir i,n tn,. J'A . V.-"1 as isbi , at teu o'clock in the lorenoon to iltinS to fi dutlea ft his annolntraent. All peraona havtnff claims asuln.titald estatv will aprar and iiho satiie.orhe dtUrred from rtutvlnif anv shnrfiT,? aald f uud. OKJ, E. KLWLl. Audttor, Bepl. 80, ta. eon8ttnenily havo boon in condition to (V fuw specimen loU are mentioned FINE FRENCH NOVELTIES at II None of thu above ever sold for losa than HJ60, and many at tl. ENGLISH SILK-MIXLD N0VILT1IS at 'J5 cents. li Inches wide, brilliant with silk, on Bold Ian j ear nt w cents. 44-INOH FRENCH PLAIDS at S7' cents. Fine and all ool, choice combinations, and fttbj last year nt tl '". I llejlda Uie.e, wu would llko every one to sea tha I1EST BC-ISUII I'ltENCII C0L0HED CASHMEItK AT W UKNTH ever shown. Extra heavy, and as fine as any selling at cents. Also, tho 11K.HT4 INCH FIIKNClt C0L0UE1) CAHIIMEKE AT M CENTS, ever nho wii. Equal to any sold at Si cents. We also sow FANCY SILK-MIXED BRITISH PLAIDS nt as cents. In French combinations, and selling everywhere at , i cents. ALL-WOOL MOMIE CLOTHS at 20 cunts. il In, lies wide and In all colo'ra. ltegularly sold at 3' cents. ELEGANT FANCY PLAIDS at 'J5 cents. In nno hundred different combinations. F On visiting Philadelphia you will find. among other places of interest, the Grand Depot well worthy of a visit. Its floor and rrallerv spaces now cover over three acrcs.and are filled with Dry Goods. China, Furniture, etc. The last addition is a large and beautiful I'ii tin-e Gallery, to which admittance is free. The Pneumatic Tales carrying the monev the Meetrt'c-Liaht Machintrv. HARDMAW 'lOI'H. SDOIABU Satltilhcllnii fiiiii.iiiiiu,i WABU -Dnc UDlTOIt'S NOTICE. IkTilliOl'K, J, T1I0SNT0N, PICIIIID. Olio uidet Ht tied Auditor upptlbftd tiy1 tha Or phai b' l ouit ot t'oliitutla county, to uiake dUitlhur lion of Iho tiilmice In thelumds tit ihoi uu liinrato to ai d uiiiolc tha nuiiltu entitled thereto, will wee all parth a inlen-.Ud therein at his cnice In lilottn a hurcl'a.on Saturday the tihuay (f Nivnnbri. iHi at ten o'clock a. in., when ana heir all pu- oui.o uaiwc soy r aiins upon tarn lunu win appen- and i prove thu tame or to dcharnd rrota rtceltlaif any , I Ml hare thereof C. W, WILlMt, Auditor, Oct.Ii,tn.4w