The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, October 28, 1881, Image 2
THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. J.' I: BITlf NBNDEB, me"' BLOOMSBURG, FA. JL''t'tday, Octot6r Q8. 18j9l Tlio Mtuiay f,wntiutri says: "ft In a remarkable fact that iio one lias ven tured to oven iniestlon tlio honest v and integrity of (icnoral Uailoy." It is nbovo reproach. So? Thou where does tho "remarkable fact" conio in ? General Apathy appears to have entiro control of tho Democracy, both state and local. WilhaiiiS)iorl Gazette D Ihtlle- Un. General Consternation commands the Republicans, and isn't making much headway against either Noble or Wolfe, All tho state and government ollicials in tho Commonwealth have been assessed by Chairman Cooper and aio expected to contributo their quota of lucre at tho earliest possible moment. Tlio machine isn't running on roform to any great extent and thoso who aro too good to pay must preparo to step out. The Huntingdon county Republicans liavo declaied in favor of Way no Mac Veagh for Governor. Don't bo in a hur ry, gentlemen. If Baily is elected Stato Treasurer next month, neither Mao Vcagh nor any Other man of his kind will havo tlio ghost ot a chance tor a nomination. Cameron will name the man and ho will not be 0110 of tho Mac Vcagh stripe, Tho French and German guests of tho nation have been treated with the great est courtesy during their stay. A bnl nam reception was tendered them in Washington on Monday ovening. Tlio Secretary of Stato and Mrs. Blaino re ceived the distinguished guests, and there were present mosSt of the Senatori and other public ollicials. Chairman Cooper has issued a red-hot stump speech in the shape of a circular and calls vigorously upon Republicans to toe the murk and ,savo Jsauy. Only a short time ago liaily was to have walk-over at the election, but now ther ia a change. Cooper and tho rest of them say that it isn't Wolfe. Why this sudden and despairing wail ? It must be JNoule. Some of the organs aro pretty badly scared and arc now howling that the Democrats are more zealous for Wolfo than for Noble. They don't believe any such thing and aro trying to Jet them selves down easy. Wolfo will poll votes enough to beat Baily without going out side of the Kepublicaii party. There ar any number of Independents this year tho organs to the contrary notwithstand ing. " A man has on exhibition in Boston, what purports to bo tho ilag of tlio rebel cruiser Alabama, and values it at $10, 000, An officer of the ship explodes this story by calling attention to the fact that real flag went down with tho vessel aud now lies at the bottom of tho English Channel. It is probable that there arc hundreds of just such frauds masquera ding as "relics of tho war," in all parts of the country. There wasn't any light over the Secre taryship of tho Senate after all. Demo crats and Republicans peacefully agreed that tho Chief Clerk should act as Sec retary during tho session. Mr. Ed munds aud his fellow Senators were evi dently averso to the election of George C. Gorham and Jio is the only man that boss Mahouo would hear of. It is not be yond the limits of possibility that Mahouo aud Davis may yet prove to be expensive investments for the Republicans. Professor King, the icronaut, and his companion, who made a balloon ascen sion from Chicago, and who it was feared were lost, have arrived safely at Chippe wa Falls, Wis. The balloon descended in tho woods, sixty-live miles from that place and tho unfortunate men were lost m tho woods for livo days, suffering greatly from exposure and hunger. There is altogether too much risk in sailing in air ships to render tho attempts alluring. Tho coming down. is even more dangerous than tho going up, and tho chances of starving to death in the woods would seem to be greater than of being dashed to pieces by accident to tho bal loon. I Ins is not only distressing nut inglorious. Grant is a daily visitor of the Presi dent and the result of his many inter views will doubtless be seen in the con struction of tho now cabinet. If Mr. Arthur intends to have his administra tion even respectable, ho will have as little of the "third teun" about it as pos sible. The country has had all of Grant and his cronies it wants. They are ex pensive luxuries, lor which the people have already paid many times more than thoy aro worth. Graut'will not bu Presi dent again neither in 1881 nor at auy other time, but an administration that favors him and tho horde of leeches that laucncd on puuiiu plunder during lus rrcsidency, will surely receive tlio exo crations of tho people and bo overthrown at tho next election. On Monday last, ex-Governor Edwin I). Morgan, of Now York, was nomina' ted and confirmed as Secretary of the Treasury, to succeed William Wiudom. Mr. Morgan has been Governor of New York and United States Senator from that State, and lias twice declined cabi net positions, lie has for years been prominent in politics and been chairman of the Republican National Committee. Mr. Morgan posscssc s gi eat wealth, es timated as high as 12,000,000. Ho lias always been an advocate of honest money, aud it is believed will, administer tho affairs of thq Treasury in such a manner as to inspire coiilidouco in flio business community. Since tho above was written Mr, Morgan has declined on tho ground of advanced ago and ill health. Joseph Harvoy, the owner of tho Ran dolph mill in shihidelphi:i, which was recently destroyed by (jro nnd nino live lost, bus been found criminally respousi bio by tho coroner's jury. It appears that Mr. Harvey had 'failed to provide flip escapes for tho building as rtquirod by law, though ho had been notified so. to do. Ho gave bail in tho sum of 10,. 000 for his appearance at eouit to an ewer tho cliargu of manslaughter. Suits for damages have alto been instituted against him by those who were injured at tlio fire and by tliq legal representa tives of thosu who wero killed. Tho amount of thesn claims is very large, and Mr. Harvey will .undoubtedly pay round ly fox his neglect to comply with tlio Jaw. Thcro aio hundieds of mills in Philadelphia, iiiiplojing thousands of hnndK, unprovided with lire escapes, and it is hoped that Mr. Harvey's experi enco may lead to an instant coinplianco witli the law. While tho East is anxiously waiting for v.ain to motaten tho parched earth and lill the streams, the West is having altogether loo much of it. The Missis- ipl liver has been swollen oy wccKs oi tin. and farms Ivlnir nenr the river havo been flooded, causing imnienso damage. t Dubuque, Iowa, the river iront is un- lnr wntur nnd mills nnd factories aro Hooded, throwing 1000 employees out of work. The running ot trains on me Keokuk & St. Louis railroad has been suspended, tho track being under water. Unless tho storm soon ceases the losses will bo etiormous. TltK TIlHASUKKliSUiP. There is overV reason to believe that Hon. Ornngo Noblo can bo elected Treas urer of the Stato next month, if tlio full party voto is polled, and it will bo a shamo nnd a dlscraco if this is not done. Tho Independent Republican, Charles S. VYolte, is gaining strength daily, ami ms voto will bo largo enough to ensuro tlio dofeat of Cameron's candidate. There are thousands of Republicans in tho State who have long waited for an op- portuunlty to strike n blow at tho ma chine loaders, and who aro earnestly supporting Wolfo in his canvass. Tho defections from the ranks of the Cam eron forces will bo very large, nnd if Democrats rally to tho aid of Mr. Noblo ho can surely bo elected. I nder tneso circumstances it is more than ever im Dortant that no Demooratio voters shall remain at homo on tho 8th of November next. It is to bo hoped that Columbia county will give tlio Democratic) candi date a rousing majority. TUG Y0RKT0WN CRLK.UUATI0N. The military and naval parade and re view bv tho President, at Yorktown, on Thursday of last week, was grand and elicited applauso from the thousands from all parts of tho country who wero present. The military, numbering about 0500 men, were under command ot icn oral Hancock. Tho States represented were Ocorcia, New Jersey, l'cnnsylva nia, Massachusetts, Maryland, South Carolina, Now Hampshire, Virginia, Now York, North Carolina, Rhodo Is land, Vermont, Kcntucky,Michigan and Connecticut, Tho troops under command of Gon oral Hancock wero reviewed by Presi dent Arthur, the Cabinet and foreign guests and other dignitaries from all over tho country. Tho affair was most creditable to all concerned, and did much to repay tho visitors for the many inconveniences and aunovances they were called upon to en dure. It is impossible to properly ac commodato thousands ot peopio m hamlet like lorktown, where there aro neither hotels nor largo buildings of any kind tor the reception ot strangers. How ever, national centennial celebrations of the kind do not occur every day, and thoso who braved discomfort will havo tho satisfaction of relating their experi ences to their families and friends in tho years to come, when time lias kindly covered tho disagreeable aud left only the glory of tho day. THE PANAMA CANAL. The President on Monday, sent to the Senate, a copy of the instructions sent to jUinister .Lowell and other American ministers in Europe, in relation to steps to be taken to protect the rights ot tin United States in the Panama canal. Sec retary Blaine calls attention to tho treaty of 1810 between tho United States and New Grenada, now the United States of Columbia, the thirty-fifth section of which "positively and efficaciously" guar autees the perfect neutrality of the isth mus, and in accordance with which the United States has raoro than once been called upon to vindicate the neu trality thus guaranteed. The letter con tinues: If the foreshadowed action of European powers should assume tangible shape, it would be well for you to bring to tho notice ot J,oru Uranville, the pro visions of the treaty of 181G, and espeo lally ot its thirty-htth article, and to m tiiuatc to him that any movement in the sense ol supplementing the guarantee con tained therein, would necessarily bo re garded bv this government as an uncalled tor interpretation into a field where the local and several interests of the United States of America must bo considered before those of any other power save thoso of the United States of Colombia alone, which has already derived and will continue to derive such craineut ad vantages from the guarantee of the gov erriment. The letter then elucidates the views of the United States government in detail, that no uuccitainty shall sub sist as to the integrity of our motives or tho distinctness ot our arms. 1 he im portance of this document is obvious, and will beyond doubt, create a flutter in diplomatic circles. The rights of th United States aro paramount to all oth ers and will bo maintained with firm ness. A boat race on tho Schuylkill last Fri day, between Frank Hondcrson nnd E. a. Uhaco ot Wilkis Harro was won by the former. La Fayetto Dally Journal. anxious to msK. There's plenty of room up stairs, ns Daniel Webster said to tho young lawcr anxious to rise, but despondent of his chance to do so; but no one need injure himself either in climbing tho stairs of fame or thoso of his own houso of bus incss place. The following is to tho point: Mr. John A. Hutchinson, Stipt, Downer's Kerosene Oil Works, Boston, Mass., writes: Mr. Patton, ono of our foremen, in walking up stairs last week sprained his leg badly. I gave him n bottle of St. Jacobs Oil to try. Ho used it and an al most instantaneous euro was cltcctcd. News Items. The smallpox epidemic is spreading in rittsburg. Guiteau's counsel wish his trial post poned until .November lilst. First Assistant Postmaster General N. Tyner has resigned. Guiteaus trial has boon postponed from November itn to the nth. Twelve persons wero pardoned by tho Hoard ot ! 'anions on Wednesday last. Wiudom was elected United States Senator by the Minnesota legislature on Wednesday. Tho Hoods in Iowa and Illinois still continue, and great damago has been done. Hon. Orange Noblu spent Monday in Wilkes isarro and went thence to bcran ton. During his stay in the former city l. -.,...! I... It. . 1 1 T no was caneii upon uy mu icuuing uem ocrats. Last Saturday night, in Northuinbei' land burglars entered A. Starrick's hard warostoio by prying open tho door, and made awav with revolvers, spoons,tork cartridges, etc., to tho amount of about ono hundred dollars. Numorous meetings havo been held both in this country and abroad, to ex press indignation at the arrest of Parnell At ono in tihicago Jast week 1,000 pc sous wero present. Last Sunday night, burglars entered the house ot J. Moat I'nssett in JUmira. aud stolo silverware Hnd other goods to the value ot $2,000 A largo reward is offered; sS70 for conviction of thioves aud return of goods, or $500 for the goods. Henry Rumberger was convicted for tho second time of murder in tho first degree, in Dauphin county Court on Wednesday of last week, for killing Daniel Troutman in November last. On Thursday he was used as a witness against Frank Rumberger indicted for the samo enmo. lie test Hied that ho and Frank went to Troutmaii's to rob him and that Frank fired the shot that ended tho old man's life, Frank was convicted on Friday and both wero sentenced to bo hanged, on Wednesday last. British proporty valued at twenty mil lions of dollars, was lost by wrecks at sea, during tho period from tho begin ning of tho year to tlio hrst ot uctober. Important to Tiuvklers Special In ducements aro offered you by the Burlington Route. It will nay vou to rcsil tlielr adver tisement to be found elsowhete lu this i'tie March 18 40-w Judge Cox tins rendered a decision al lowing fees nnd expenses for Guiteau's witnesses. Leigh Robinson a young member of the bar has been assigned as counsel for tho prisoner and will serve. It is said that tho Schuylkill river is lower than at any time since 170,'!. Ah consequence tho peopio living nlong tho banks aro suffering terribly from malarial fevers, which at places havo irostratcd wholo families. Emanuel Ettingcr.ono of tho Kintzler murderers sentenced to be hanged Do cembcr 12th died in the Snyder county jail last week. A fow days before, ho made a lull conlcssion 111 which ho ac- compliccs,Moyer and Erb, wero fully im plicated. The highest hopes nnd interest of the race rest on tho purity, health and strength of womanhood. Wo tako pleas- uro 111 retorring our readers to the re markable efficacy of Lydia E. Pinkhnm's Vegetable Compound in all that class of diseases from which women suffer so much. A daring attempt was made to rob the Chicago express near Bucyrus, Ohio, on Monday night, by three men. A shot was fired by ono of them at tho con ductor, and passed through one leg of Ins trousers. Tho men unally lumped from the train and escaped, (JATAitim. Uuoking, putrid mucous accumulations aro dislodged, tho nasal passages cleansed, disinfected and healed, breath sweetened, smell, taste, and near ing restored, and constitutional tendency checked by banford s Itadical Uure. Tho Presbyterian Synod, of Philadel phia, was in session during tho past week at Wilkes-Barre. Several hundred min isters were present and Rev. J. Y. Mitch ell, of Lancaster, was chosen Modera tor. It was the most important religious meeting ever held in wilkes-lJarre. Un- Monday a voto was taken upon tho dis solution of the synods and it was carried. On January 1 next their union into one 1 1 Ml . . .....1 Ml I. 11.l oouy win iiiko eneci uuu win uu cunuu the Synod of Pennsylvania. General Francis A. Walker, Superin tendent of the Census, has tendered his resignation, and it lias been accepted by the President. It has been understood that Colonel Seatou, his chief clerk will, be appointed to succeed him. Gen. James Weir, of St. Clairsville, Ohio, was killed by his son James Weir on baturday night. Another son, George W. Weir, is in iail lor the murder ot Sterling Riggs, last Christmas. An immense cannon wnscast at Read ing on Monday. It is 25 feet long, has a six inch boro and weighs 57,000 lbs. A charge of powder will weigh 130 lbs., and the ball 150 lbs. and it is claimed that tho ball will penetrate two feet of wrought solid iron. The Lord Lioutenaut of Ireland has proclaimed the Land League as an illegal organization .and ordering the dispersion of its meetings bv armed force. Tho League will probably transfer its head quarters to IJonlogne. several JiCaguo olhcers have been arrested, anioug them Mr. Dorris. who succeeded Mr. Saxton M. P. , as secretary of the Executive Committee By a fall of top coal in the Mahanoy City Colliery, last Friday, Thomas Ward was instantly killed, John Ward, his brother, fatally injured, and Timothy White and Miles Kceler seriously injur ed. Life ash WoitK of Embracing an Account of Ills struggles lu Childhood; Ills Career as a Soldier; His Success tis Statesman; His Elevation to the Presiden cy; His Dastardly Assassination. By John Clark Ridputli, LL. D. Published by Jones Brothers & Co., Cincinnati, Chicago, Philadelphia, Knnsas City. It Is Indeed fortunate for the community that an author so well endowed with every qualification for the work has engaged in the preparation of this book. Ills name Is KUiirantce of faithful performance. Ills Gar- Held is that which occupies the inmost stmct uary of tlio American heart and appeals to Its tenderest sympathies; that teaches the bravest lessons to our youth nnd the noblest to our manhood; that irradiates from our na tional glory a brighter halo than ever illu mines the memories of kings and potentates, or mokes illustrious the conquerors of States, His narrative is the electric chain which transmits the wondrous story of endurance, triumph over obstacles, and ilnal achieve ment, that will live hi the annals of the world us long as virtue is revered and true nobility honored. This Is the book that people of judgment will buy in preference to the hastily prepared campaign "biographies" of Uartield with which the country Is Hooded; which uro crude, unauthoritative, and, in many points, Incoirect; without system or regard for ques tions of fact: mostly anonymous, and alto gcther worthless to the searcher after truth In u work like this, the American peopio want, and they are entitled to have, the best From all the Information wo are able to ol tain, we are convinced that this "Life and Work of aurlleld" will meet their jiiBt cxpec tatlous. Cutienra Or Blood Pokoning, which Results In ADsc:cro8, uicore, soros, uaroun- cloa, Bolls, It'.hlng Humors, Cured. FEVER SOKE A'tmt t toll you la tho truth, told for no other pur- posobutto testify to tho merits ot tho Outtcira llcinodles. Mr, Frederick Ycaton, ot this town, has been troubled for years with n Vev'or Soro on ono of his logs. Last fall nnd all winter ho could hardly walk u step, t Induced htm to take your Remedies. He has taken about four bottles Cutlcura llesolvcnt, and used the Cutlcura and Cutlcura Soap external ly, Ills leg to-day Is almost well, and ho walks with case. It was a eight to behold black, and swollen very badly. 1 wish you could see his leg to-day. Tlio chango would astonish you. OIIAB. U. TntPl, Alfred, Me. SALT HHKUM Will McDonald. 23-11 Dearborn Street. Clitcatro. gratefully acknowledges a euro ot -Salt Ithetim on head, neck, race, arms and legs, for seventeen yearn; not able to walk oxespt o 1 lmucH and kuees for ono car: not able to ueltj himself for eiirtin earn! tried Hundreds of remedies: doctors tironouQCed his enso hopeless; permanently cured by tho Cutlcura nemo- ultra. CHEAT BLOOD MEDICINES. The half has not been told as to tha arent curatlYo powers of the Cutlcura Kcmedles. I have paid bun- uiuua ui uuimm tur uieuiuiiu't, iu lure uiseanet, ui inu moon ana sum, ana never found anything yet to equal the Cutlcura Remedies. CIIA8. A. WILLIAMS, POVldeneo, II. I, ORPHANS' COURT SALE, OF VALUABLK REAL ESTATE Uy virtue of an order cf the Orphans' 'Court of Columbia County, the undersigned Administrator of the eMuH-ct 0. 1), Wells, late of the borough ot Uirwlck, In raid county drained, wlllenosoto publlo sale, on the premises on SATURDAY. NOVEMBER 19. 188 at one o'tlock In the afternoon ot said day, the fol lowing dt scribed property, to-wltt All that certain piece or parcel ot land or lot of ground situate in nervtlck aforesaid, bounded and described as follows, to-wlti On the cast by Market street, west by an alley, north by lot of William Faust and south by lot of W. J, Knorr, number ser en on Market ttrett, on which are erected ft FRAME DWELLING HOUSE, Htaoie ana omouiiuwgn. TVWUH r)K H ALU. Ten ner cent, of one-fourtl of thu mirchuo money to be cold at tho striking down at ibo property; the one fourth less the ten er cent, at thu confirmation of sale, and the remaining three-fourths In one year thereafter with interest iroin connrmaium nuu. OAUItICK MALLV1IY, o. 11. Jicibok. Administrator, Attorney. sep. 10, 'si ts L. T. WHOLES -STAPLE AND FANCY t WHOLESALE AND ItRTAIL IlKALKtl t r Ills stock comprises i-'carlct, Whltoar.d Mixed XT 1ST D B IR, "W-E A-jR.wt for Ladles, (lenta and Children, c,)tt,inMeloo,Him . Woolen HOSIERY, Ltdlov tubUV; now .any l uiorcs ami Kraoroiuoreu i;oiurn nun Ttes;lAth'ndPncyetkwertr', SCARFS TIES, Iff and Boas Ladles and i)cnU piss, t rln9, i COLLAR AND 0UFF BUTTONdfH and Chains, scnls Castor, Ituck nnd Kld-llned ; nnd L'nllned ffr GLOVES and MlTTEtW LAtNDIlIED ANbl)XLAU.SOntKHIIIIllS,' COLLARS AND CUFFd, Shoulder Ilr.lccs and Suspenders, Curdlgnu Jackets? Illuo Shirts and Overalls, Alpaca. (llniiUam nuan. Cotton Umbrella?, Writing I'aper, Envelopes,'- TREATMENT. and lllood Diseases, consists In tho Internal uso of cuncurft lte.wivent, tuo now mood runner, and t no external uso ot Cutlcura and Cutlcura Hemp, the Price of cUTICUIlA.smltl boxes. 5CM larco boxes JI.CUTIOUIM 1IESOLVUNT, 11 per bottle cutlcura Hoan.ssc. Cutlcura Rhavlntr soanD. tsc. Mold bv all urutfgisu. Depot, WEEKS &FOTTKH, Boston, Mass. uro, CATARRH Sanford's Radical Complete Treatment For $100. Clear bead and voice, eaiy breathing, sweet breath, perfect smell, taste and hearing, no cough, no choking, no distress. These happy conditions aro brought about In tho severest ca ses of Catarrh by that most agrceablo, ccono. mlcal, speed', Bafo nnd never filling specific, t-anford's Itadical euro. Complelo and Infallible treatment, consisting of ono bottle ot tne Itadi cal Cure, ono box of Catarrhal Solvent nnd one Improved Inhaler, nil wrapped In one package, with trcaiise an-t directions, and sold by all druggists for 11. Ask for Hanrord'a Itadical cure. General Agents, WEEKS & POlTKIt, Boston, Moss. 11 lUTS.MOE. Iioacbes. Water Hugs and ItecLand maCK Ania eairuvenous Iv l'AUSON'S EXTBltMI- NATOH and die. No fear of bau smers. narns, granaries and households night. Best nnd cheaptst vermin killer In tho world. NoMlurelnsoyears. Every box warrant ed, sold by all grocers aid druggists, fk for I'AItsoNS'. MallcdTtor 2!C. by wkkkh s roiTKit, Boston, Mass. Democratic State Ticket, FOU STATE TltEASUHEll, HON. ORANGE NOBLE, OK ERIE. Democratic Oouuty Ticket ASSOCIATE JCDOE. FHANKL1N L.SI1UMAN, of Catawina. JAMES LAKE, of Scott. rKOTHONOTARY. WILLIAM KlilCKUAUM. of Bloom. REGISTER AND KECORDEH. O. W. STERNEIt, of Jitoom. C0CNTY TKXASEKEK. A. M. JOHNSON, of Locust. COCNTY C0UUIS51ONKKS. CIIAHLPS IllElCIIAIlD, of Main. B. P. KUOAI1, of Fishingcreek. ACntTORS. C. W. HESS, L. J. ADAMS. STANDING COMMITTJtE. Heaver Jesse Tilttenhou'-o llenton llohr Mcllenry. Berwick C B. Jackson. Briarcreek Charles lteod. Bloom E. o, A. Herring. Bioom W.-C. a.Klelin. catftwlsta W. T. Creasy, centralla ratrlck Mcllrtnrty, Centre Charles Marsh.i Conyi'gham N. Thomas Chapman. ConynKham S. John Monroe. Flsbtngbrcek James Dewltt. Frankfin-M. Ilower. Oreenwood Theodore Lemon. Hemlock Seth Hhoemaker. Jackson J. F. Derr Locust-M. Ycnsror. Madison John M. Smith. Main DivldH. Brown. Miniln-C. . Hess. Montour P. A. Evans. Mt. I'leasnnt Bllas Howell Orango O. Herring. Floe P. w. nones. Roarlngcreek David Long, scott e T. W. Ilartman. Scott W.- Ocorge liclchart. migorioar uyrus Larisu 1. A. Klkih, Secretary. O. A.HEItUINO, Chairman, NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. N OTICE IN PAKTITION. ESTATE OP ELIZABETH V.XNNEK, DECEASED. To Julia Schlager, lnturmarrled with Jacob sclila ner. of husnuehanna county, l'a.: II. V. (larrett. o Bust Nantlcoko. Luiarno county.I'a: Mahlon II. lllcks.ot Baltimore, Md.; Hcnrv ShifTer. of Centre township, Columbia county; Susanna Crawford, In termarrltd with Stephen Crawford, ot Mt. l'leasant lownsnip, loiumuu couuiy; ADgenua uarreit in termarried with l.uvl ttarrcr. ot Brlarcreek town ship, county of Columbia; Susan A. olf, Inter. married with Andre Wolf, of Black Creek. Luzerno county, and Stephen l'oho, guardian ud litem, of the minor chlldreu ot Emily lllcks, deceased, viz: Elizabeth lllcks, Mary lllcks Eva lllcks, Clarence J. lllcks, nil of Columbia ciunly, and John lllcks and Maud M. lllcks, ot Luzorno county, and Julia Hicks, of Busmiebanna county. IIItEETlNO: You are hereby notified that In accordance with a writ of partition, isviea out or inu urpuanv uourt oi Co lumbia county. .State ot 1'ennBylvaula, an louuest will bo held by tho undersigned, on the ft How leg described premises, to-wlt: All that certain messu age and trct ot land, blluuto In tho township of Centre, county aforesaid bounded on the north by a publlo road, on the ea-t by a publlo road, on tho south by lands of Wilson Miller, and on the west by lanas oi u. Bcnweppenneiser, containing two acres moro or less with :tho aDDUitenances. to avert aln whether tho same can be divided without Injury to ur. Bpomug me same, anu u not to vuu una ap pntusu mo Httmo in auouruunco nuu iuo aet vi av seinciy. ine sum inquisition win ue ueiq aforesaid on the Bald premtbcs on KHIDAV, NOVEMHEH Stitli, 1881, nt 2 o'clock p: m , when and where you may attend ii you-iuinK proper, PAUL E. Wikt, Atfy. U. II, KNT. S'ierltt of Columbia county Sheriff's Ofllce, llloomsburg, Oct. , m-w PENSIONS. ?E PAID err i(Jdlriilnble4l,y ftceldtnt tTierttlM. A U'OI'Nhof aurMml.loisor JUTT 00 flnger, toeorryr. ItCI'i l'iiK, If bulillglitl r bw , rhftni &4 (Uptntlvot uttim or mathira of tianalbtt. ITlllUr DA W llW tllttUllRlii IT B IttM tu nucrttMcf pciUn. Widow i. 'or 1 UI1UD 'u Intfiioipolli, . outrAlii. Aildrfia, u4 l'f u-l Cmlrl Iluk, bota f lallulii. ii-lm eu Annua wuntnl for tliv 1. 1 re nuil Work uf GARFIELD Tbo ti It comtlU btory of Mi noble life and trfi!c dctth. Krli, J.ilUimt, rllbU. EIcmqUt jvloUd iu ! rirrniniu tcftutifullv IlfuitrftttJ I bkbduolT louod, tt(-il ulllnK took evitr put liaUd. II f Johu V, ltl(lptli. I,UI. jj no i buy iu cau,npBnyt r vfttnuvd caupftlgu took wllli liaUd. 11 Joliu CAUTION. whljh thm fAiintrv li QiUMfad. Th ar Utttfrlt irorlhleM a uuluje upon (ho my raory of th sti da4, And A lua (rud ou Ilia public. Tlil;lKk ll ullrlr nw Aitfi.l &OA. im i iVUlLi JlllUlUtUdi Oct.SS-lw PENCILS aud CHAYONS, Flour Hacks, (irocoi M Bags, and WBAPPJWG PAPER, t. To nrrlvc, a variety of Corsets, Iholtidlni' Br.' Wurner's lloxl'jle hip and HEALTH CO-RSttTS-1 Making h's purcna3es ai he docs of mamif.icttiiurs and their agents he mke prloes th ttf wllloompare favor.tbly wlih tho best a " CITY HOUsJES. Xj T- shaepless, BLOOMSBURG, 'PA oct.ns t-f John A, "SPvinsitotmls Real Estate, 1'rust, Investment and Oollection Office. BLOOMSBURG, PA. roil sale Or Exchange large I-'iome House for two Minllcs, eooa siacie, iruitur.a water, ownea nyu. if tuarp- iess, 1ST Acies, fnonc licuic.btLk batn. eooili tilt and water. In ModKcu tovi.tblp, 1 a. (iccupltd by Washington smith, no Acres, rear Fnlnnoun' PriltigJ, timber and railroad tics to u i kr nurthube money at tMM rer aero until .ov. Kth. ulirely nenr. TliaODlfwotk vrotthy lha llttiia. end our. im aukiapa itirAitui-auuiiii. Wo liavo removed to our NKV MUTLDINO, and have now one of the Neatest, Com yjleU'st , and most Convenient Prin 1,11)1? Oflices in the State, A cordial invitation is "extended to the public to call nnd inspect our tOcktWiiaiytsjlf'95' ft -OI? ALL, SIZKS,- LETTER HEADS, OS HONEST AND HANDSOME RESS COO AT AW AVBKAOB OV ABOtTU FIFTY CEIUTTS ON THE DQI.X.AR, Last Benson tlicio wero imported nlioul twioo m ninny of Home bIj-Im of l),(Sj GoodM ns wero Bold , aoiweqitontly many lots Ind to bu omrii'd over In bond, Thi, scroll tho inipoi tciH, in order to realize on tliem, l'laci-d them upon Hie market prices benring little relation to real values. In tlicir Closing1 Sale of Inst January, Snl.1 nlmnsl. lo the b.iro hIil-Ivcs. and consequently Imyu been in condition to secure nearly all of the bargain lotn offered. A few specimen lots are inentioiml below : For raitlculaie, apply to Oct. H, '61-tf Jon.V A. lTXbTON. UDITOR'S KOTICK. EhliTK CV iNTDONT iNYDKIt, DECKASE1I. biLL 'iho undiitlgi (d ai.cllter iiipclnltd bylhPOr ilmnR Court or Co:umbin rouiin. to tnoko dktrlbu. Ion of the bnloiico tf Hie lurid In tlio hands of tho ndmlnlstratorof enld nnd ntnong luu ruiuiH n u inrrrip. mil 1,11 ni 11? til l-l1 In tho town of lilccinHuri.'.rn "11111111115. Ihetwen- ijr niuui uny ci uci.-a, iirfi, tu leu ociocuin inu loreucen. to irtcini lie duties 01 his appoint ment. whin nnd whero ntd win re nil tnrtltslntcr- eMid in tald fund must attend orlo .delnric-dfrom recening ony suiiro inrreof. tept. su-iw iiraiiVEY r. sMirn, Auditor UDllOH'S MtTlCK. EtTilK OF JCbll ll W. II1CIIS, llhCKifED. The tindprjlgi cd Auditor arpolnted by ihoOr bans' couit of Columtiin county to maKeiltstilbu- tlon of tun fund In the hands of the e-netutor ot Jo- i-crh W. lllbbs. dtceased. to nnd amors: thenar- ties entitled thereto, will sit at Iho olllcu otK. It. llteler, Esq., In tho Town of llloonifcburg on Friday, the 2-ith day of 1 clober, A. D., 1631, an ten o'clock In the forenoon to rerform tho duties of I1I3 appoint ment, when and where all ptrtons liming nny claims upon said fund will appearand riootli3 samo or to dctnrn-d from n celt leg cny llare therof. - - -- , ,' , O. C. IEACOCK, sept.-so-iw ' j ' .' ) r" Audiur. .UMTOlff; NOTICE,. . . ISTATK OF 1). W. 1 ClUKS. ntCFASKD. 'Ihc unCeiHer.ed AtidltCr aniolnted bv thi Or plians' Court of Columbia ecunly, to nuke dlstrlbu- liun 01 nip muiifj- m uiu uunusui l. 11. na iu 11 administrator ot thu ibtate of I). V. Itobblns. dj- coased, to and among tho panics entitled thereto, will sit at tho onicoof II. it, lkeler, Esii..ln the ' own of Moomsburir. on ratnrday. ocluler vliih. 1-1, at ten oeiot-K a. w. 10 it ric-im uiciimna oimsap rolntment, when nnd where all pcn-ons Imvlng uny claim 011 said fund wlllapicarand prf.vo ihe sam) or uo ueorirrca irum uct-ivint any fci-uru iiiuu-ui. C. C. PEACOCK, Sept. 81) 4 Audi' or, xecu roit's NoncE. ISTATE OF SAKA1I 1 lllll, PEtKASKD. Letters testamentary on Ihe estate cf sr.ili Peire. lato of '.Madison tow nuhl . olumbu county deceased, haye been granted by Ihe lieH-vr of said county toAbrahim liartllnuof JerBettown.nx'r. All persons lutiog claims ugauii tue eiute or sain uc codenlaro rt-nuested to tiesent tl.c m tor utik-- ment, uiui tiioae ltiuutjtpii to me i-st-ite to mitke naymeut to the undersigned i-.MCtitor, wlihoul aoiay. AllltAHnM ll.UIII.IJt, K-ecutor, ocLll-ew' Jersiytovwi, lu A DM IN 1ST RATOH'S NOTICE, E8TATK OF JOHN 1 VI OH, DEORA3E1I. Lottors of Admlnlitratlon on tho estate 6f John liaylor, late of Montour townbhlp, t'oiumuu county, renna, uet-eascu, mtve ut-rn truiiieii i iuu 'lis ter of snld county 10 l'tttcrS. Knislm.'.r uUmin- lstrntor. All persons Imvlng claims ngulnst, i no estate of tho oecenent ere reqiiebien to piosen. tuem tor Heuiomoui una iiiu umuuicu iu iiu l-m tato to make payment to I ha undersigned adminis trators without delay. I'El'KIt B. K M.HIINKK, Catu'tUsi. Admlntstratoi, Sept. w o-w A UDITOK'3 NOTICE. KSTATR OF BAVIO SnAl Fril, BECF.A81D. The undersigned ar.dltor appointed by tlio Or nlmna' court of l olumbla county to liMku ill-Stl Ibtl lion of the fund to and ninong the pnrtien entltkd tnereto, wi I bu niu'H oiuce huioiwick oin-ricuy. lllV 17111 UHJ jl iMitt'lIIL'CJ , fOI, lib V UWia iV, to perfoim the duties of h's appointment, when nnd .where all pt-rbons having claims asalnsnho es-ate will appearund proo thu sauie.rrledibaned from receiving uny biiuiui-i bum iuiki V, 11. -1 CKSON. Bept. a l.ta Auditor. A UDITOU'd NOTICE. K3TATB OF JOUN BAU1', PECEASEP. Tho undersigned auditor uprotntc-d by tho Or nlmns' court cf Columbia county to make distribu tion of tho fund tu tha haras ot Ihe nilmliilstratois to and among tho parties leyally entitled toi'tccrte jheBamo will ineot I tin luiths tnluoted lusald estntonthls omce In the tonn tf niouniilurg, In said county, on Salurdu .thovuih day of ,ietober, at 10 o'clock a. ni. ot said day, wien and vlieroall parlies lntere-ted In (aid estate must attend orbn forevtr debarred from uny mare ot sum iuuu. OUV JACOI1V, octT,4w. Auditor. A UDl'IOV'S NOTICE. ESTATK OF J0I1H KNT, DECEA HEIl. Tho undersigned auditor appoint! d by I ho Or nhnns' court of Columbia to male dlsirlbu flonof the balanto ot tho lurid in the linnd.i of tho administrator of Iho (statu cf said ik-iedent to nud aniongpurtlesei.tlileii t ereto, will bit at hlsonico In HlKinbburg, Hie "Hi day of Mivimtber, lt81,nt 10 o'clock In Ibo ioiulooii. to I trior thu duties of his rppolnlinent. when nun wheie nil par ties mterestea in sain runu musiauenu ur uu iur- oer debarred irom any bhare of udd fund. A. I-. FHITZ, Auditor, sept 'ii, -w. UDITOU'S NOI'ICE. IbTlTE OF JACOB Cl-hW l.l I , PECEISED. 11ft ui rtrrhtiriiffri Auditor nnrfilntl d bv llin OrnlisriS' Court of Columbia couMy to make distribution of thu balance lu ihohnucs of iho adin'r. toandainong tho partus lcgnll cntllltd to rcciho t lie same win meet I lie parties imt-rduu in suia csiaiu nt uis ciuco in lie jwnoi jiioimtuuipiu iiiiuroiiu if , uu nuiuiut., me uui iiuj u, iu, unutri , ,301. at ten o'clock 11. in . ot sold Cm. when nnd wheio till paitles Interested In batd iMutc inusr. nitcrdort-e forever debarred fiom snj Hiaie ot nant runu. II l'ltNKKA!tIt, Sept. su-iw Auditor VTO TRESPASS' NO a ll nerknnn ftrft heru v o.iulloaeil air Inst trli.iussi Ing 00 the farm now owned by John Wolf nnd nho 111,1 rami now owned 1-v tili-Mli-ll 1'oliu. both In Con tra township All l.uiitlTd is tcrtlJdcn oi. snld premises ami trespass! rs w 11 ou aoui.wii,aiiu'orii- iufl vw aw. Bept. Sii-Civ JOIIM'WATTKIW. IJiiio )iidge. Mbs 44-INOH P0WDEE OLO I'HS nt Pi) teuts l'ure ull-woo', In g.rneU, navy blue, greens. pUnis, pcacoek blues, nnd browns. Hold this time last year for 44-INOH 0ASHMERINES at ti., .Made of llieal easlimeio wool and pUM orgaiizlno silk. They uru In solid coursi garnet brown, bronn', blue, puon, etc., making u beautltul trlm or nolonatsa to combine with cashmere. Aet- allj cost tl.TS lu gold to land last season. 44-INOH GRANITE OLOTHS at 8l,V coats. Pure wod and In garnet, brown, blu--, green, plum bronre, and gendarme ; sold at this lime last jtMr for 11 M-INOH ARMUEKS at 50 cents In solid colors. Uelng double-width, brings this excellent weal Ing, beautltul French dross goods at Ihor.iter.rii cents per yard, tlnglo width. Thoy wero Imported to retail at $1 per yard. French BILK-M1XBD NOVELTIES (24 inchoa wide) nt 30 cents. hose ar, very seareo and In great demar.d for and Jackets. We belloo wo mo tho only house Fhort log so varied nn a'sor ment Ihcso gooJs were sold list year fur $l STATEBKEN WEB BBS Iff i AND 1.H BALL 1H7IPATI0N hU Visiting .Cards, Curt Litw- C'on gnges ds ol all colois niitl size--. yers' Blanks, Justices' and stable's Blanks, Deeds, Mort Notes and Kccoipts, InAW BGGKETS, String ' Tugs, and in fact even tliing,tli I. ongliL to be found in first class ofllce. Orders received for invitations and cards. All Ktudtj of Blank Books Printed and Ruled to Order. TI7 1. 1 , v u navo lnii'onngeu new presses and a largo quantity of new type and.witli our new wuler nioloi prepared to do all kinds ol' -at CIJY PRICES' work-' is an inspection o TH-XS S'f BAWBBIDGE Si CLOTHIER FINE FRENCH NOVELTIES nt tl None of tlio above ever sold for less t'iuii $i aj many at t-'. ENGLISH SILK-MIXlD NOV. LTiES at K cents. 24 Inches wide, brilliant with silk, anil said tat year at BO cents. 44-INOH FRENCH PLAIDS nt 3V cents. Fine and all wool, clistce combinations, nnd sou last year nt $1 23, lleslds tho e, wo would like eery one lo sei the llESTSG-INUH FIIKHOII COl.OllKI) C SIIMMtliAT 60 URN1H over shown. Extra heavy, and as line as uny selling nt GVn cents. Also, tho HESTU ISUII FItBNCHCOI.OItEI)C'AHIIMI-H3Al' 60 C It NTS. everthowii. Kipial lo any told nt fi, cents. We also slow FANCY SILK-MIXED BRITISH PLAIDS at 3., Cditts. In French combinations, and s lllng everjulicro ut I cents. ALL-WOOL MOMiE OL.THS ut 20 cents. 24 In-lies wide nnd In all colors, llegulaily sold at 3 cents. ELEGANT FANCY PLAIDS nt 25 cents. In nne hundred different combinations. 'i'.. ii, ...... .i.n .... :.. , : ,1, lit IIH'fl. VtlllllUl, V im ill NUinUll IU llinilAjl, llllW LIUIIlllllU llillUill loiitst wi'iu-H'histing and ronlly beautiful fiunios, our .Mail Order I i'p:irt tnciit will send siiinnii'H. EIGHTH AND MARKET STREETS, PHILADELPHIA. T tlm u'h yB' arc also ', On visiting Philadelphia you will find, among other places of interest, the Grand Depot well worthy of a visit. Jts floor and pallerv spaces now cover over three acres, and arc filled with Drv Goods. ZX Carpets, China, Furniture, etc. The lust addition is a large and beautiful I'li t tire Gallery, to which admittance is free. The Pneumatic Tubes carrying the money the air, and the Electric-Light Machinery, ortli seeing. There is a JAtnch-Itoom in the building. Valises, baskets and packages can be left in charge of attendant in Ladies' Waiting Uooin. Mr. Wana' al. home when th-y o they please. Noil-: r ,.- directions f. . .,y States, will i j i . "John Wanam.u.: .. r is desirous that visitors should feel at me, and be free to purchase or not, as age Catalogue, with prices and full i.;: by mail from any pait of tho United ! J gratuitously unon r un n Klress C:...! Dr.i'or, 1 , n i-i i v FME WXNM&ANTM MMQj fflB& BLOOMSBURG, PA. WEBER KilRBMAKT . Tl .11 aft mm PI A1TOS, A FINK M.M) FIIKKCIMVAIKIT CASK 01 CJK, ) HOris, $ AS i.hmj' niniN. SatlNmctluii Giiarunloftl. BCOISI'S WARE BOOMS, V.. L0K, WX1KBS-BARRB, PA4 uny de- LEGAL BLANKB OP ALL KINDS ' OXOAND AT triJf, COLVMB1AM OFyiCB ; oy. Moyer's now bulldluif, Main Mffet: lilomns-.j lioiisoliolc , Assi-ts tna insurance Co , of Hartford, Cpnn. ' ti.ois,2ii itoynl uf Liverpool,, i i m.souno Uincastilro , lu.O'o.uoa vire Association, t'blla'telplila 4.1113,7 it I'Uuinlx.of Ijjudon, .,,..,,,,, . WiW.m London tc Lancaoblre, ot Kngland ,Ttu,t)rii llartforl of Hartford ,.,.1... l),!Iu,iio Uprluifiield I'lru and Marino,.,,,,,,,,,,., v.os-j.sw As tlio luencle nro direct, nollclo are wrltton f j tho Insured wltliout uuy delay In Ilia pmoo Hioomsburif, Oo' S8, 'Jl-tf J Oil PRINTING NHlt ! cieaply uxH-ntf-it Oca-DMki(r OW I ., Iub tho liir;i"-'t cirtMilulioij of paper in tho county, but it is siiublo tiint it should leach ovorv At tlio oxti'oinoly low prico of $1,50 n year ovojybody can aH'ortl it. Sond ip ' yom names ELWKLL & BITTENBENDEB, PROPRIETORS, Hi kiililr nii.l ullkul a tni TA S;Si'i,Ti, iti'lV w .icr nobiu ii.u.i.ACENTS WANTED ur'tlM'Aiiil por cent, discount to AoentsirATsNvriTOYi8 Oct U 4w. our iurtvrvl I'rtitdtnt, A uiuit 1' Hlil.I.lMU JllMMV 4lUSI t'Uclliniilt.U, UDITOR'S KOTICE. ISTA1K OF fiKVIL (UlmP, BECFiHU. Ibo uiidcrliinnl auditor appointed by tbo Or. plians' court of Columbia county, at tbe rei ust of couiiBil for tbo estato and tbu heirs, to mako distri bution of lu lids in tbe liaudj cf the shown by ibo first nr-d partial iccount will tit otlils onico In Dlounsburt' on 1-rldav, November lltii issi, at ton o'clock Hi tbu forenonri to itteio td the duties of bis aipolntmont Ad persons bavliiB clalmi egaln-t f aid estate will appear and prove tlio wine, or be dilantd from leceUinc any fcbnre of Kept. 80, tn QUO, B. ELWBIX, Auditor A UDlTOR'B NOTICE. IbTiTE Of K, J, T1IOI-KT0N, Pf CKieiO. Ilio underalL'iird Amlllr.r nnnrjlnti-d liv Ibo ' bai b' Court 01 Columbia county, toiuaki dlsulol lieu ctllie balaiico In Iho bauds of llieodu lullral iu uiu uinoiis 1110 parlies entitled tlwitio, un an iu rut a 'iiic-rcniu llieriin ut ins t.inco iu tiiuuii burif l'a . 011 tiatuiituv llin loiliunv uf Koveraw bu, at len o'ekek a. in, Mhen ana v.licioallpi tunii navinc any claims upon said fund win anp andprovoiho samo or be debaintl fromrecelvld any tnato Iherecf, 1 0. Yv.MHXKli, (ct.n.tww Auditoa